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Cupid’’s Arrows

A mini-romance. Written by Allan Jon Kretzmar, JD



PARIS, FRANCE Mahmoud was a first year medical student at the Paris Descartes University - more commonly known as the Sorbonne - in France. He was proud of the fact that he had been able to leave Ankara, Turkey to study abroad. He was the only one of his siblings who had sought a higher education. His father, a humble but reputable tailor, had never wanted Mahmoud to follow his example, and had encouraged him to seek the higher education that he’d been denied. “My son,” he had told him, “university will be your key. With it, you will open doors you never thought would open for you. Your study of medicine will allow you to travel as far as you wish.” He’d gone on to say, “but when you graduate, you must come back home and help out in the village, for you are much needed here.” As vividly as if yesterday, Mahmoud recalled the day his father had walked with him to the freighter - the ship that would carry him over the seas to Europe. He could still feel the moistness of his mother’s tears as she cried upon his shoulder, and the hugs given him by his brothers and sisters as he bade them farewell. In those tender moments he knew that, although it would break their hearts, he would not be returning to Ankara. Once he set sail for France, his village would become but a distant memory. He also knew that, although dirt poor, he would use his medical license to unlock the opportunity of a lifetime, and would indeed set up a medical practice somewhere in France. Once, at an Internet Café, he’d seen pictures of neighborhoods in France where the Turks lived, and he was sure that he 4

could open up a clinic in one of those neighborhoods and be able to build up a clientele in no time at all. Mahmoud had a beard (or rather, the beginnings of one), gleaming white teeth, black hair, and tiny spectacles that highlighted the intensity of his brown eyes. Despite his handsome looks, Mahmoud wanted to use his fine mind to make it in life, find success, perhaps even love. Genevieve-Marie was born in Paris, and her family boasted roots that reached back to Napoleon III. She had two sisters, one younger and one older, and her father and mother were still living. Her father, the head of this close-knit family, was a television personality of some notoriety and hosted a weekly talk show where he discussed books, new and old alike. He had a head of mostly graying hair and an angular, though not large, nose upon which was always perched a tiny pair of spectacles. He was well read and worldly, and wanted only the best for his family, and he was able to provide a most comfortable life for all of them from the money he made on the show, and from some ancillary writing that he did. Genevieve-Marie was tall, and had always been a girl’s girl. She loved to wear dresses, with stockings and leather boots, and brightly colored cotton scarves that her mother had knitted for her. Her eyes were blue, and her hair was a reddish-brown hue that shimmered when it caught the light. She always wore sunglasses and hats, which completed her “trendy-Parisian� look. She knew all of the local nightclubs and hot spots around town and she and her girlfriends relished the attention they received when they went out together. Invariably, she caught the attention of the boys, which was exciting. She could 5

flirt liberally and have fun. After all, she thought, she was only 26, and there was plenty of time to get “serious” with a boy. Genevieve-Marie’s two sisters were both a little quicker than she in finding mates. Her elder sister, Annette-Sophie, was already married and had a child with her husband, Jean-Pierre, who was an international lawyer at a prominent Paris law firm. Her younger sister, Yvette-Claire, married ClaudeFrancoise who owned a local pastry shop along a cobblestone road. On Friday nights, when the entire family would convene, her father would ply them with wine and regale them in conversation on this or that topic, inspiring lighthearted, yet informative discussions. Jean-Louie Le Grand was a very knowledgeable man. There was scarcely a subject about which he was unfamiliar or lacked an opinion. This was so much the case that GenevieveMarie would often use a few minutes of her university computer class time to verify her father’s statements. Invariably, and quite often to her surprise, she would find that her father was right after all. The subject might be nuclear fusion one week, or the plastics that fish were eating in the ocean the next, but he was rarely incorrect about his positions. This made him a formidable presence both on the show in front of his guests and viewers and at home over the customary Friday night fish dinner, which was their custom to share. The meals were always served with red wine and Claude-Francoise’s freshly baked baguettes, which were used to sop up the butter-wine sauce. Genevieve-Marie’s mother, Marguerite, was a plump and kindly woman with thinning hair. With bags beneath her eyes and hair grayed at the root, she appeared older than her husband, Jean-Louis. She too wore tiny spectacles on the tip of her pudgy nose, giving her an overly plump and 6

matronly appearance. Her love and adoration for her husband and daughters was implicit. Jean-Louis was so enamored with his accomplishments and sense of importance that he actually thought Marguerite to be ignorant regarding his five-year affair with Marianne-Julie, the butcher’s wife. Marguerite was acutely aware, however, that her husband was no longer attracted to her, and they had not slept together for years. That pleasure was now a faded memory of closeness and comfort. Mahmoud had carried onto the ship two well-worn, brown leather suitcases that belonged to his parents. The canvas wrap around them was now threadbare in several areas, worn down by continual use. The suitcases had no wheels. That would have been too modern an invention. In one suitcase, he had packed some books that he would need for medical school, including a dilapidated French dictionary, from a list that the university had sent him. He was able to secure a few of the books on sale at the campus bookstore, and he felt lucky to find any books at all. Over the top of the case, he had carefully placed his grandfather’s prayer rug, now a gift to him from his father. The prayer rug was rectangular and about two by three feet in size. The wool was now threadbare in the areas where one had placed their knees and head, exposing the very foundation. Because of the many, many hours spent by his father and grandfather upon this little prayer rug, Mahmoud was


convinced that it was magical and that it would give flight to his prayers to God. Mahmoud believed that the good prayers instilled into the rug by his grandfather and then his own father would continue to perpetuate blessings as he himself continued in the tradition of prayer. Secretly, be believed that the rug was, in fact, imbued with magical powers, and if it covered his books in the suitcase, it would surely provide a path for him to succeed and excel in medical school. With determination and sheer willpower, Mahmoud had earned a grade point average that was sufficient to gain entrance to the examinations at the Sorbonne, as well as to secure for himself a paid scholarship. He remembered with fondness his family’s eruptions of praise and prayer when the letter arrived announcing his acceptance to study medicine in Paris. His prayers answered, his path was now set. Paris had seemed so far off. His father had given him his three-piece, gray pinstriped suit that was far too small for him, but Mahmoud wore it with pride. He also wore pointed boots with a silver buckle that, along with the stovepipe suit pants, seemed a throwback to the days when British rock bands dominated the world stage-and that had been a while ago now. THE PALACE OF VERSAILLES Once he settled in, Mahmoud found that he enjoyed taking his medical books along with him when he headed out of Paris on the Metro to spend time studying in the magnificent gardens at the Palace de Versailles. The palace was huge beyond imagination and Mahmoud was in perpetual awe of 8

the majesty of the royal residence. He imagined the peasants during the time of the French Revolution who, driven to despair, stormed the palace, abducting the luckless royals who were so far out of touch regarding the misery of their reign. Genevieve-Marie often found herself in the selfsame Palace of Versailles gardens – finding in it a place for solitude and reflection. She loved the gardens with their lush, green manicured lawns and shrubbery, and the spouting water fountains, which to her were like paradise on earth. She would pack her picnic basket, always placing into it the same “French-comfort food-” half of a baguette, some milk cheese, a portion of sausage, and a small “celebratory” bottle of red Bordeaux wine. She was careful not to drink more than half a glass of wine, as she easily became light-headed and giddy. She found herself daydreaming about what it must have been like to be a member of the court, and have one’s hand promised in marriage to an eligible prince. On this particular afternoon, Genevieve-Marie was enjoying the pleasantly hot day as she settled in with her picnic basket. She had chosen a serene spot in the gardens, poured the red wine to the halfway mark in her goblet, and begun to fantasize that today was the day the prince from the court of Versailles would find her. She made herself a sandwich, placing slices of cheese and sausage between hunks of bread that she had broken from the loaf. This time, as always, the wine went to her head as she contentedly sat enjoying her lunch. On this very same hot afternoon, Mahmoud placed his books upon a blanket in a shady area of the gardens, poured some cheap, French beer into 9

a paper cup, and unwrapped some unleavened pita bread. He had some thinly sliced goat cheese and celery that he brought along for his lunch. He placed these inside of the pita pocket, flipped open his textbooks, and began to munch and read. Mahmoud and Genevieve-Marie were approximately 20 yards from one another, yet neither noticed a woman who sat down on a concrete bench, positioned just between them. She had an umbrella to shelter herself from the heat, as well as to shield her movements and actions. She had long, straight, black hair and remarkably mesmerizing yellow-brown eyes, which shone with mischievousness on this afternoon. Some people might have described her look as almost devilish, but this woman would have regarded such a description as not only completely inappropriate, but also as politically incorrect. For this was no ordinary woman, but an Angel, sent from heaven above to guide and help people in their daily lives. Today Zara Jane had a special task to accomplish. She was on a special mission, about to effect spiritual work that would impact and change lives. Two lives. From today onward, the lives of Mahmoud and Genevieve-Marie would never be the same. As they each sat ten yards from Zara Jane, Genevieve-Marie to the north of her and Mahmoud to the south, neither of them noticed two tiny dwarf-like creatures that suddenly appeared at Zara Jane’s side, hidden from view by her umbrella.


Actually, they were not dwarfs, but cherubs, who would typically be naked except for their loincloths. Today, however, they were in public and could not bare all. Gently, and in a clandestine tone Zara Jane gave the cherubs their instructions, then reached into her large, leather satchel and gave each of them a small bow and arrow. Then she removed a small container, lifted the lid, and dipped the tip of each arrow into a liquid very carefully, handing one to each cherub. She replaced the lid on the container and placed it back into her satchel. The cherubs took their bows and arrows, along with their conspiratorial attitudes and stalked off into the bushes. They were ready to execute their given task and they just loved this opportunity. For one thing, it gave them a chance to play outside in the sunshine. For another, it gave them the opportunity to test their skills with the bow and arrow. A shy smile on Zara Jane’s face revealed that she definitely relished the sport too on this sunny afternoon. She waved at the two cherubs as they poised themselves to become airborne. With a hurried wave back at her, they sprouted wings, flew off, and within an instant had disappeared from view. Each fluttered to their pre-appointed destinations, identifying their respective targets from the photographs Zara Jane had shown them. They would each “hunt” down their targets with single-mindedness of purpose. As programmed graduates of Cupid’s Love Factory, they had to be both effective and expedient. Cupid, who had become crotchety and moody with his advancing age, was a stickler all right, and would have it no other way.


When the cherubs got close enough to Mahmoud and GenevieveMarie, they crouched down low to the ground. They had to. There was a payload to deliver and each cherub knew that their tiny golden arrows had to land in the right target area, just behind their subjects’ right ears. That was their mission, and they needed to position themselves such that their arrows landed simultaneously at the right moment, each having only one clear opportunity. Because they were cherubs, they would be conspicuous if noticed. Any rustling of leaves or wing-sounds would announce their presence prematurely. This was a strategic “target shooting” mission and their payload was special. It was not venom they carried, but a love potion so powerful that even a miniscule amount shot into the victims’ bloodstreams, could and would change their lives. They had been briefed on their mission, and knew they had to do what they must. They did not ask questions. Centuries ago, Cupid had gained acclaim for his deftness with the bow and arrow. This became a tradition, the skills handed down from one cherub generation to the next. These days there were bow and arrow teaching seminars, something that did not even exist in the past. Technology in love potions had also changed over the years, and a devastatingly effective elixer, Love Potion Number #5, had been specially developed utilizing the latest advances in all-natural, additive-free biological and natural compounds. Of course, all love potions were now made of organic ingredients without any colorants, preservatives, or artificial ingredients. This meant that they had a limited “shelf life,” and as such, their effectiveness would wane in a few short minutes once exposed to air. The cherubs knew that their unique arrows could be re-tipped, allowing them to deliver multiple target sorties in their cherubic lifetimes. The better trained 12

and more experienced they were, the quicker they could deliver their payloads and return home, in this case back to Zara Jane, who was sitting and patiently awaiting their return. Later, when they returned to base, she would counsel the cherubs, give them an evaluation, and provide them with their final performance test scores. They would then return to their abode, a gargoyle statue on the Notre Dame Cathedral, which overlooked the gray rooftops of Paris. A slight tweak on the nose of the gargoyle gave the cherubs entry to their place of repose. Cupid’s Love Factory was located deep inside one of the cavernous downstairs basements of the Cathedral. Made up of various departments, there was a special section where all love potions were made by hand and another section where any broken arrow tips were mended and re-tipped. It happened sometimes - a “miss” – when the delicate arrow had hit a wall or a parked car, instead of its intended target. No arrow could be left behind lest it be discovered by humans, so any damaged arrows had to be brought back to the factory by the cherubs for repair. In addition, the cherub that missed his or her target would have an extra hour of practice with the bow and arrow in addition to their chores in order to make up for their mishap. Now shielded behind the bushes, each cherub tested the tension on their bows, and placed their arrows carefully, their delicate wings appearing translucent in the afternoon sun. They started up their wings, a light buzz emanating from them. With their wings ready, they twirled around in unison and began to hover, their bows and arrows poised and ready. Their mission was dependent upon the element of surprise, so they had to fly accurately and quickly. One, two, three – and off they sped!


Genevieve-Marie actually heard the cherub before she saw it launch its arrow, then she felt a sharp sting just below her right ear. She touched her neck, but the arrow had already fallen to the ground, its work done. She squinted into the sun, but could not see the cherub beat its wings in hasty retreat, having already scooped up the spent arrow. Mahmoud was oblivious to the cherub until the very moment he felt the arrow land on the right side of his neck and embed itself in his flesh. He swatted at the cherub, but missed. The cherub’s arrow also fell to the ground, undetected. Mahmoud tried to see what had flown at him. Perhaps it was a big bird or a looming shadow, but Mahmoud was now too distracted by the pain just under his ear to pursue the culprit, and the cherub, with the discharged arrow in hand, was already back in hiding, Genevieve-Marie suddenly felt an unusual sensation, and jumped up in alarm. The arrow’s point had landed just beneath her ear lobe, where the love potion entered her bloodstream and was now coursing through her veins. When Mahmoud felt a similar sensation, he stood up to shake himself free, but could not, as the love potion was coursing through his body similarly. The “bombing” run had clearly been effective. Genevieve-Marie and Mahmoud, each in their own state of bemusement, were now standing, their hands up to their necks, and facing one another.


In the midst of the commotion, the cherubs flew immediately back to the bench where Zara Jane was sitting. If Genevieve-Marie and Mahmoud had been watching, they would have been surprised at how quickly their respective, fat cherubs could actually fly. Zara Jane, sitting beneath her umbrella, was overjoyed to witness their timely return. Both cherubs settled down next to her as she commended them on their successful activities. “Mission accomplished!” she told them, as she patted each one on the head affectionately. The cherubs eagerly smiled back at her. “Does that mean that we get an extra ration of sweet honey and almonds with our cereal?” “Could be,” she said. “Just as soon as I complete your reports I will put in a request for each of you to receive double rations. How about that?” The cherubs smiled appreciatively. “When do we get to go out again?” they asked in unison. “Well, that all depends,” Zara Jane said. “I am waiting for a few more astrological charts from Cupid that I must review. You never know when that could be. The last time I saw Cupid’s clipboard, it was chock full of people’s names from all over the world. You know how disorganized he is. Sometimes he turns the clipboard upside down and all of the names on it become jumbled. People may fall off the list altogether and then must wait to be put back on it again. Can you imagine just how busy Cupid is? So many


people requesting love! It takes awhile to fill all of the orders, you know. Oh my goodness! The backlog can be daunting!” “Why is Cupid so disorganized?” they asked, looking up at her with expressions of concern. “Well,” said Zara Jane softly, “I guess he is more than a little senile by now. After all, Cupid has been doing this job for more than awhile now, you know. Sometimes he simply forgets. He has even matched up the wrong people at times. I know, I know,” she said, watching a flicker of alarm cross their faces. “It has nothing to do with you, my little angels, but yes, that list of names on Cupid’s clipboard is a total mess. All of those names on it - some of them scratched out, others handwritten in. He does not have a computer system. He prefers to do it all by memory. Can you believe that? The list is a disaster, but it is the only one we have and Cupid is the only one running things. I guess when he retires, a computerized system might be put into place, but right now we just have to deal with the situation as it is.” “We know,” the cherubs responded, “but we so like to go out with you. In fact, we especially like going out with you, since you treat us nicely. Plus, we get to play outside and you put in extra honey requests for us.” “You mean other Angels are mean to you when you go out with them?” “Yes,” they said, “especially if we miss. We hear all about it later and they give a negative report to Cupid. He gets madder than hell.”


“Well,” laughed Zara Jane, “I can understand that. That is precisely why I chose you two, for you both have the best target-shooting closing ratios in the entire Love Factory. You realize that, don’t you?” “That we know, but no one besides you rewards us with extra honey portions,” they giggled. “They just think accuracy is a given-an automatic part of our job. Is Cupid’s list really that disorganized? We never get to see it. You know… classified and all.” “Well,” Zara Jane nodded, “it is, but let’s just keep that a secret between us. Cupid would never want it known how frantic and muddled things are. It is on account of such a long waiting list. And to tell you the truth,” she whispered, “when the list gets messed up and names fall off, they do return to the very end of the waiting list again. Can you imagine the opportunities for love just lost in the shuffle? The ‘Love Found’ list is where the names go after successful missions like ours. Those names can be crossed off and new names then move up the list again. You get the picture?” “We do.” “Well, that does not mean that you shouldn’t get rewarded for a job well done, now, does it?” “When are things gonna change?” they asked, “The list sounds just dreadful.”


“That, my dears, is where I come in. Given all the disorganization and confusion, I really want to make sure that the job we do is done correctly, so that the people who want love can get it. I am not just talking about any kind of love, but the real, true, ‘love of their lives’ kind of love!” “Wow! You mean some people don’t get love even if they make it to the top of the list?” “Sure,” she wagged a finger at them, “Love is divine. It is God’s gift, and cannot be regarded frivolously. We are not talking about physical lovethe kind that people often confuse with real love-but about spiritual love. If people misuse the love they are given, it gets taken away.” “We did not know that,” they cried, “that is terrible!” “Well, that is the divine order of things. Who are we to question it, right? Another department handles that and it is very somber over there. They are so serious about the work they do, and they really have drab surroundings. There is no light or love there. They are in ‘Love Collections,’ so what do you expect?” “What do they do with the love when they take it back?” the cherubs asked incredulously. “Well, collected love may be given to another person, and that, my dear friends, may lead people into the ‘Love Re-Education Program.’


Luckily, Cupid does not run that one, or it would be just as disorganized as his original ‘Love Program.’ The ‘Love Re-Education Program’ is different.” “How so?” “Some people get a chance to sometimes learn from their mistakes and act differently. They are able to treasure love again. Would you believe that, once in awhile, the ‘Love Re-Education Program’ helps two people who have lost the original love between themselves to get paired up again?” “No,” the cherubs cooed, “that can’t be! We have to do our work all over again?” “Yes, but don’t worry,” Zara Jane reassured them, “it is treated like an original love case, and it does not in any way affect your efficiency scoring closing ratios. Yes, when people learn the lessons they need to, they may be able to rediscover love again- even with the same person! That is very rare indeed and this has only worked out in a few instances that I know of.” “Why?” “Because usually people have not learned the lessons of love. Some people resist true love when it comes their way. Perhaps they feel that they are not ready. Or maybe they have other things they want to do first. Before they know it, love is taken away from them. Once they learn the lesson that love is a gift from Cupid that must be treasured and respected when it comes to them, they may get another chance to find it. And if they should be so 19

lucky, they will embrace it more confidently, but also more humbly because they had to suffer pain, the loss of love.” “Pain?” “Yes, they suffer pain, often referred to as Great Teacher. In fact, pain is as much a teacher in people’s lives as love can be. Did you not know any of this?” “No,” the cherubs shook their heads in disbelief. “Goodness gracious,” she said, “what have they been teaching you in Cherub School these days anyways?” The two cherubs looked at each other, and shrugged their shoulders. “We didn’t know,” they said. We don’t even get lesson plans anymore. This love thing is far more complicated than we envisioned. We just thought we went out there and shot arrows.” “Well,” said Zara Jane, “here is lesson number one. Many people cannot manage love, even when it comes their way. This is because the feelings of love are so intense and many people are simply too scared to handle the intensity of their feelings. They don’t want to feel, but feeling is part of reality, and love is one of the most powerful feelings that people can experience. They are perhaps scared of losing themselves in the other person. Sometimes it takes the loss of love and the pain that I mentioned for people to understand. People must appreciate the gift we give them. Got it?” 20

“We think we got it!” the cherubs nodded eagerly, “but how can people get love if they are afraid to feel it?” “Wow, great question! People have to first love themselves before they can share love with someone else. No one really talks about this,” she whispered, “but pain is often what wakes people up to what they really need and want… and that is love. People must first embrace love within themselves in order to appreciate what a special gift it is. Even then, they may still wait for years, hoping that their name makes it to the top of Cupid’s list. The beauty of the original ‘Love Program’ is that love, once begun, continues if we have done our job correctly. You remember the old adage, ‘once in a lifetime,’ right? Hey, don’t doze off. You guys still following all this?” “Yes, now we do,” said the cherubs, rubbing their eyes. “Thanks for telling us. We went out there thinking that love is great and will cure everyone’s problems. We didn’t realize that love sometimes hurts and that painful feelings can be disturbing for people.” “Love gives people amazing strength in life, but it’s all about how they use it. Remember,” she pointed at the cherubs, “we simply deliver true love. How people handle it is up to them. All I can tell you for certain is that true love may only happen once or twice in a human’s lifetime, if at all. And that is why our work is so important.”


The cherubs looked up at Zara Jane with a look of surprised dismay spreading across their chubby cheeks. “The odds are that low? But we thought we had a great shooting record!” “Sorry little ones, I did not mean to burst your bubble. Your work is amazingly precise and accurate. Just understand and believe in that. We are doing Cupid’s work. What people do with the gift is, well, up to them. Do you agree? No? I see you shaking your heads.” “Can we go now? We are tired.” “Yes, little cherubs, we can go now. We have done our work for today.” Zara Jane stood up. The cherubs’ wings pushed through the openings in their shirts and they were now ready to fly back to Cupid’s Love Factory. On wings as fast as hummingbirds, they began to buzz upwards. With a smile and a wave, they took to the air and were gone in an instant. Zara Jane had witnessed such love matches many times before with detached interest and a shy smile and this time was no different. It always happened something like this. These were no ordinary cherubs - they were after all her special Love Cherubs … the finest graduates from Cupid’s Love Factory. Zara Jane smiled as she folded her umbrella, glancing briefly at Mahmoud and Genevieve-Marie with a knowing smile. Their own special drama unfolding, Mahmoud looked at GenevieveMarie and vice-versa. As each would later tell the other, in that instant 22

something happened! Their eyes locked, and a strange look came over both of their faces. Mahmoud’s face exploded into a wide grin, but he was not sure what he was grinning about. Genevieve-Marie looked down, her cheeks filling her face with a full blush, but she was not sure why she was blushing. “Are you all right? I think I was stung by a huge bee!” he said. “I think I was too,” she nodded. “I am a medical student,” he said walking up to her, “I can take a look if you’d like.” “Ouch,” she said, “it really hurts.” Mahmoud watched as she pulled her hair back, and there, just underneath the lobe of her right ear, was a red welt from the arrow’s tip. “I felt something too,” he said, and gently tried to brush her hair away to see if he could get a better look at the reddening welt. “I have a tube of ointment,” he said. “I promise this will help. Let me get it.” He turned and ran back to his satchel, opened up a canvas bag tied with a twine, selected a little tube, and hurried back to her side. “Here,” he said, “let me help you.”


Gently he rubbed the ointment on her neck where the arrow’s tip had struck, but this was no ordinary welt. The secret potion had long since been released into her blood stream. “Can you see the bite on my neck too?” “Yes, but of course,” she said. “There it is!” She rubbed off some of the ointment from her own neck and gently placed it on his neck, where a red welt had also formed. The secret potion was racing through his blood stream as well by now. Mahmoud and Genevieve-Marie were caught off-guard at their first meeting. They introduced themselves to each other. It was a quick introduction, for they found themselves unable to speak coherently. They were looking into each other’s eyes, and the world, their worlds, seemed to collide, time slowing down to a seeming crawl. Both would later say of this experience it seemed they had been caught in a tunnel, like a train that was hurtling through time and space only to slow down to a sudden crawl once they saw one another. It seemed that when each spoke, it was as if in an echo chamber, with everything else in the world blotted from their minds. In that instant when they had turned and stood facing one another, they simply stared at one another, searching in each other’s eyes to find answers to questions they could not articulate. The Love Potion had, of course, been coursing through their veins all the while, but they had been unaware of this fact.


How could they have known what “hit” them? Zara Jane could have told them the truth if had she wanted to, but truth is often stranger than fiction and neither would have believed her anyways. Zara Jane walked away, knowing that love was unfurling itself just as surely as the warm breeze was running through her black hair. She relished the fact that she had just participated in one of the most enjoyable tasks that an Angel could fulfill. People often spoke of “soul mates” and “past life” recognition, but Zara Jane knew that this was highly improbable. Cupid’s chart work, coupled with his inimitable Love Potion caused love to ignite, and she knew that the real answers to the questions of love all lay with Cupid himself. People also tried in vain to find an explanation for the neurological and biological changes that love causes in human beings - why their pupils dilate, their breath becomes shallower, or their hearts flutter with excitement. Zara Jane also knew that love was not really found in the heart (although the heart is the romantic expression of love), but rather in the mind. When the potion that coursed through Mahmoud’s and Genevieve-Marie’s blood reached their brains, a chemical reaction occurred that caused neurons to snap with amazing force and intensity. This literal reordering and recoding of their DNA patterns in a matter of a millionth of a millisecond forever changed both their biology and physiology. The fact that such changes were occurring simultaneously in two virtual strangers was an amazing feat, testimony to the magical power of the combined compounds in the “signature-designer” Cupid’s Love Potion #5.


Sometimes, the arrows administered by less well-trained cherubs would miss, failing to find the soft ear-lobe target. At other times, only one person was stuck properly, necessitating a second bow-and-arrow run by that cherub. This was never desirable as the best effects were the ones that occurred in the blink of an eye with reciprocal, simultaneous effects on both parties. On this particular hot afternoon in the Versailles Palace gardens, the cherubs had worked their magic with precision and had flown off with smiles upon their chubby faces. They were content in the knowledge that today’s successful “hit” would cause their efficiency scores to skyrocket! Meanwhile, Mahmoud dropped giddily to his knees upon GenevieveMarie’s blanket. He felt lightheaded. She offered him some of her red wine, which he drank eagerly. She poured herself a glass too, but for both of them, mixing Love Potion with alcohol was not advisable – it only intensified their respective wooziness and giddiness. Zara Jane was also pleased with her handiwork, and with that of her darling little cherubs. She had been considering Mahmoud and Genevieve-Marie for some weeks now, pouring over their individual astrological charts that Cupid had handed to her as part of her preliminary research. Working from their individual charts, she reasoned that, when combined, they had excellent compatibility factors given their various planetary intersections at their respective birth times. They were, although it was corny to say, “a match made in heaven.”


This “matching” was a task that required significant time and excruciating patience, but Zara Jane could not rush her love-task. For only after a detailed analysis of the individual charts, were the charts combined and test-run. Perfect timing of charts meant the best chance for a true love – one that would stand the test of time. The joined chart was then handed back to Cupid, who date-stamped it. Charts were combined so as to ensure that the timing of the administration of the potion would occur in a “perfect” manner. Once Cupid gave final approved for the match, the cherubs, who always worked in pairs, were chosen for the task, and a supervising Angel was selected for “bombing” day. Throughout the ages, neither soothsayers nor philosophers have really been able to provide the key that can unlock life’s greatest mystery - why humans fall in love in the first place. Imperfect marriages and failed romances are not simply the result of human error, but of an Angel who may have goofed, become a bit sloppy, overlooked a detail, or dispatched arrows for one or the other recipient at an inopportune time. In these cases, the dispatched potion complicated, rather than facilitated, love’s joy and wonder. This is why Zara Jane took special care, gave such careful attention to detail when she ran the combined chart. She held the piece of parchment against the sun, making sure that the lines that she drew for each lover-to-be overlapped precisely. They had to click and overlap with exactitude, before she handed it to Cupid to sign-off on the match. It was an extra-step, but always worth the extra effort.


Zara Jane would not have it any other way. After all, the potion was precious and the mission divine. No price tag, whether in dollars, pounds, or Euros, could ever equate in value to even the smallest droplet of Love Potion. It was also imperative that the Love Potion never fall into the wrong human’s hands. It was, and always would be, mysteriously powerful, yet elusive. In the wrong hands, it might be misused, commercialized, or cheapened by greed for financial gain. For these reasons, Zara Jane carried the potion in her purse in a hermetically sealed jar and she took care to tip the arrows carried by the cherubs with just the right amount of Love Potion, not wasting a single droplet in the process. Tipping the arrows was specialized work. The administration of the Love Potion was the final act. It followed the exacting work of aligning the charts of the respective parties and assumed perfect timing of the match. The timing was not according to people’s individual desires, but rather to a divine plan. That divine plan lay within the combined chart that took into account the planetary motion of all the 12 planets for each individual. This charting work had to be precise, for if it was not, Zara Jane knew that even the most compatible of partners would find their relationships splintering under the strain of life’s inevitable influences, confluences, and interferences. Yes, even Angels could be sloppy. As with humans, there was a full spectrum of Angel personalities; some who gave more or less attention to professionalism, attention to detail, or accuracy. Zara Jane was exceedingly accurate and prided herself upon this aspect of her personality. Her chart work was hand-drawn, meticulous, and exact. She was equally as precise 28

when it came to timing the release of the love potions in the hands of Cupid’s Cherubs. Cupid appreciated the work of Zara Jane and she had a letter of commendation with his signature upon it commending her work. Zara Jane had looked at her watch. When she released the cherubs to their chore, it was 3:31 PM on the nose. When the potions were administered it was 3:33 PM on the dot. She rested in the fact that she had done her chart work well, the cherubs had done theirs just as well, and especially in the knowledge that the Love Potion was working perfectly… as it always did. Zara Jane had no reason to look again at her parchment chart that she had drawn for Mahmoud and Genevieve-Marie. She smiled as she rolled up the delicate document and slipped it into her bag. It was a shy, half-smile, a knowing smile. A single afternoon of work was seamless and perfect. Since her chart work was excellent, this meant her success ratio for this union would be exemplary as well. That assurance made her feel good. She took pride in her work. Yes, Mahmoud and Genevieve-Marie had come from very different backgrounds, but today their life experiences would be joined by a shared true love. Mahmoud and Genevieve-Marie would now have a lifetime of rapture, which was not bad for one chance meeting! Love was supposed to be Cupid’s singular talent, for he was bringing the world closer together. However, Cupid’s work could be sloppy sometimes. He could and sometimes did connect people who were never 29

meant to be together with disastrous results for all concerned. Fortunately for Cupid, however, the watchful Angels took into account his notorious error rate as they attempted to be his worthy messengers. True, Cupid’s paperwork was not the best, which allowed far too much leeway for error, especially when coupled with his failing ability to keep track of the mountainous information required to bring love into the world - one match at a time. Zara Jane saw her greatest task as an Angel as helping to ensure that Cupid’s work was fulfilled correctly, rectifying any errors she spotted (without telling Cupid, of course) along the way. She knew that it was easy for people to connect randomly and casually, but that it took the skillful work of Cupid to join lovers who would reflect the purest intention of love. Zara Jane also knew, as well as any Angel of her stature, that this feat could not be accomplished through simple rhetoric, accident, circumstance, or even mishap, but rather with hearts alive and beating, minds awakened and expectant, a tinge of Cupid’s Love Potion #5, two cherubs, one Angel, and Cupid’s arrows.



Allan Jon Kretzmar Š2011. All rights reserved. All characters in this mini-book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons living or dead, is coincidental. No part of this mini-book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper, magazine or journal. First printing.

Image by Kane! Editing and tweaking by Nancy Koenig. Follow further adventures at Check out other Mini-books in this series.


Forbidden/unexpected Angel The Series: Luck, Love . . . and a Twist of Fate! Other book titles

1. unexpected Angel The novella. A modern-urban love story with a supernatural twist. Angels show up in our lives when we least expect them. Jake Morrison is a bright, young and ambitious attorney hell-bent on achieving his vision of success. But his vision is about to become a nightmare. Zara Jane is a real-live Angel, sent from Heaven above to guide Jake through these pivotal changes in Jake’s life. She ends up working at Jake’s firm and dating him, so that she can watch over him. They fall in love. But Jake rejects the message and her love and his life spirals out of control. As an Angel Zara Jane imparts wisdom and insight for his life and world, and expresses her insight on the road that lies ahead, not only for Jake, but also for humankind as a whole. When Jake takes her words to heart his life goes through a metamorphosis, and he finds himself living his life in a manner that he could not have dreamed of before. KINDLE: unexpected ANGEL. Luck, love . . . and a Twist of Fate! (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

2. CUPID’S ARROWS A mini-romance mythological fable, where Zara Jane, Angel, creates a love connection between Mahmoud and Genevieve-Marie at the Palace of Versailles. This is part of her job as an Angel, and one of the more satisfying of her tasks. She takes special care and attention in the pursuit of these activities, and explains in a hilarious interchange with the Love Cherubs the state of affairs connected with helping humans find True Love. This caper involves a tinge of Cupid’s Love Potion #5, 2 cherubs, one Angel, and 2 Cupid’s arrows. KINDLE: Cupid's Arrows (Forbiddem/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:


3. WILD HORSE TALE$ A mini-paranormal-action adventure set in Santa Barbara, California. Zara Jane, Angel, and Jake Morrison, erstwhile-lawyer, form Paradise Paranormal Investigations, Inc. This is the first case for their fledgling company, and they are called in to solve the mystery of racehorses that are dying, almost daily. What they uncover are some unexpected twists and turns. KINDLE: WILD HORSE TALE$ (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

4. WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD A mini-paranormal-action adventure, that takes Zara Jane, Angel, and Jake Morrison, erstwhile-lawyer, on their second caper under their company, Paradise Paranormal Investigations, Inc., on a worldwide dash to stop the Holy Grail and the Golden Calf falling into the wrong hands, in this case, Gustavo, who is not your ordinary villain. He is a fallen Angel himself, with superpowers too. The CIA and the US government call in the two sleuths to provide investigative help. KINDLE: Where Angels Fear To Tread (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

5. set the world on fire! (CONTINUATION OF “WHERE ANGEL’S FEAR TO TREAD!”) A mini-paranormal-action adventure, that takes Zara Jane, Angel, and Jake Morrison, erstwhile-lawyer, continue on their second caper under their company, Paradise Paranormal Investigations, Inc., on a worldwide dash to stop Gustavo in his tracks. Subject matter includes the Holy Grail, the Golden Calf, and the Knights Templar. KINDLE: Set The World On Fire! (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | 6. ying-yang love


A mini-romance. Vickie Ying lives in New York, Christian Yang lives in Hong Kong. They are worlds apart, yes each night respectively in their dreams they connect on a deep soul level that is turning their lives upside down. Their dreams are becoming an obsession, and when they dream they begin to see the other with increasing clarity. The chemistry and tension builds as they wonder if they will ever meet in person. Enter an Angel (Zara Jane) who tries to guide them both, but her message is not immediately recognized or followed. Ying-Yang Love (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

7. ONLY LOVE MATTERS: INTERCEPTION A sweet mini-romance. Katherine Potter lives in London, for years entombed waiting for her husband to return after his military mission failed. She is invited by her nephew Drew to Hawaii. Enter an Angel that intercedes on behalf of Frederick, her husband to save her life, and allow her the chance to find love again. KINDLE: Only Love Matters (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

8. what yA gonna do when the angel comes? A mini-travel-adventure-romance. Jake Morrison, erstwhile lawyer, is convinced by his friend Dr. Robert Powell to try regression analysis to isolate when and where he and Zara Jane, Angel, really met to better explain their attraction. As the regression continues, Jake discovers that the answers come not only from this lifetime, but to ones that took place well hidden in the past. Jake unlocks the doors to open up new vistas of adventure, and understanding. KINDLE: WHAT YA GONNA DO WHEN THE ANGEL COMES? (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:


9. WHEN ANGELS COME HOME TO ROOST (Continuation of “What ya gonna do when the angel comes?” A mini-travel-adventure-romance. A continuation of the regression analysis that Jake is undergoing with his friend, Dr. Robert Powell. Jake finds himself married in this past life to Zara Jane, when a violent storm blows their spice ship off course. Will they survive, and what secrets will be revealed? Stranded on an as-yet-uncharted island they meet Hoppy, a genie, who promises them a way out, with a surprising twist.

10. DEVIL’S ADVOCATE (Continuation of “WHEN ANGELS COME HOME TO ROOST”) A mini-travel-adventure-romance. A continuation of the regression analysis that Jake is undergoing with his friend, Dr. Robert Powell. Jake finds himself married in this past life to Zara Jane, still stranded on an as-yet-uncharted island with Hoppy, the genie who has promised them a way off the island. But is this really what Jake wants? Find out the surprising twist as Jake’s mind plays the devil’s advocate. KINDLE: NOOK:

11. ROBBER BARON (PART ONE) Jake is encouraged by his friend Baron to take up the practice of law again and head up the Loss Mitigation Department at the mighty Trust Bank, headquartered in San Francisco. Jake feels that his name and reputation are about to be misused to further some dark motive that he as yet is unaware of, and he has his misgivings. John Wiley is an attorney representing sympathetic clients as the battle-lines start to get drawn in this modern-day “David and Goliath” zero-sum contest. Jake trusts that whatever the motive behind Baron’s offer, it will somehow be revealed in time to him before damage can be done. Jake realizes this is all a puzzle -- this interplay between light and dark forces -- and that he would need almost a clairvoyant’s skill to separate them in time. KINDLE: NOOK:




LovEntwined The Series: Finders, Keepers, Losers, Weepers Other book titles 13. THE KINGMAKER An undocumented historical mini-romance fable set in 15th Century Great Britain. The throne of King Henry is about to be passed on to one of his three sons, but war with France looms. Enter Princess Isabella, an armor-clad messenger, who meets Prince Richard, and guides him in the greatest adventure of his life. THE KINGMAKER (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | 14. GOING IN FOR THE KILL (CONTINUATION OF “THE KINGMAKER” PART ONE) A 15th Century mini-action-romance adventure fable, where Leopold, the French naval commander, seeks revenge and kidnaps Princess Isabella. Now King, Richard faces dark days as he struggles with the loss of his Queen, and decides to extract revenge of his own with unanticipated consequences. KINDLE: GOING IN FOR THE KILL! Part Deux of THE KINGMAKER (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:

15. THE WORLD’S YOUR OYSTER A mini-romance set in Italy. Francesca is a filmmaker and the daughter of a famed director who decides to enter her short film at the Venice Biennial. Enter an Angel who encourages Justin to enter his paintings in the Biennial Art Festival. The bait has been set, and they are destined to meet. KINDLE: THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:


16. MOMMY’S GONE! A bitter mini-romance. Brad and Mara have been married for fifteen years and have two children, Jamie and Mark. A poignant tale that explores keeping love alive in a marriage that goes through dramatic changes. Mara serves in the Navy, and completes a tour of duty in Iraq. Then Afghanistan follows. . . A story as current as our headlines. KINDLE: MOMMY'S GONE! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:

17. FOLLOW THE FIRE! (alternative ending to mommy’s gone!) A bitter-sweet mini-romance. Brad and Mara have been married for fifteen years and have two children, Jamie and Mark. A poignant tale that explores keeping love alive in a marriage that goes through dramatic changes. Mara serves in the Navy, and completes a tour of duty in Iraq. Then Afghanistan follows. . . A story as current as our headlines. This story is the alternative ending to “Mommy’s Gone!) KINDLE: Follow The Fire! (Alternative ending to "Mommy's Gone!) (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:

18. (LOVE) ON THE WINGS OF ANGELS A mini-romance. Mary and Pete are destined to find each other, but their ability to meet gets stalled. Enter an eagle that brings about their chance meeting, that in that instant changes both of their lives from that point forward forever. Luck, love, and a twist of fate. KINDLE: (LOVE) ON THE WINGS OF EAGLES! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:


19. WHEN LIGHTENING STRIKES TWICE! A mini-romance set in Mumbai, India. Ramish is a lawyer who is travelling on a train and is struck by lightening. In that instant the most beautiful woman in the world, his world, gets revealed to him. Ghita Raj is a Bollywood film star, wondering if she will ever find true love. She seeks answers from her astrologer and palmist, Mister Choksy, who tells her that a chance meeting with a man may be soon. Very soon. KINDLE: WHEN LIGHTENING STRIKES TWICE! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:

20. COWgirl KATE A mini-romance. Kate is a student in Texas who receives an unexplained and untraceable email and text message on her cellphone to make sure she goes to her grandmother’s funeral. She is told that she needs to make sure she attends, for there is a fated meeting that has to take place there. Kate is given control of the family cattle ranch after her grandmother’s passage, but the email and text message concern affairs of the heart. KINDLE: COWGIRL KATE! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:

21. HOLY LAND: BLOOD BROTHERS A mini-romance set in the Holy Land. A metaphorical bridge is being built between Rami, an Israeli soldier, and Ghita, a beautiful young Palestinian girl. They begin to steal moments together, knowing that on both sides such encounters are forbidden. The story moves with dynamic intensity to its conclusion as Rami and Ghita struggle to find freedom to live and love. As topical as today’s headlines. KINDLE: HOLY LAND: BLOOD BROTHERS! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:


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