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Psychology A Level


Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour. It has links to careers in industry, healthcare, education and social services. Throughout your study of Psychology you will look at a wide variety of issues and behaviours; Why do we obey people in authority? What are the implications for society of our obedience? How do we learn? Why can we remember lyrics to songs but forget our homework? During your study you will find the answer to some of these questions, and open the door to many more. Lessons are a unique combination of essay writing, similar to humanities subjects and scientific theories, with some statistics thrown in for good measure. Whilst Psychology is no easy option, it is enjoyed by the overwhelming majority of students who take it and many of our students go on to study Psychology at a higher level.

5 GCSEs at grade 5, including English Language Maths and Science, preferably Biology

Entry Requirements

Psychology 27