The Sustainable Energy Resource Handbook Volume 3

Page 81

chapter 9: EnErgy OptimisatiOn – Using LEss tOgEthEr

sweat heater controls. Along with these, load reduction initiatives such as night blinds and plant room ventilations will be implemented. Commencing with 130 stores, the average consumption savings per site is ~30% which equates to roughly 55GWh and in the first year a R45 to R53 million saving. This has a ~8% impact on the full portfolio. Beyond the core energy optimisation returns, the retailer also qualifies for Eskom funding. Although many have experienced a three to six month wait for approval of SOP funding through Eskom, the Energy optimisation company was successful in gaining approval for 15 sites in merely two weeks. With a total of 35 sites approved to date, this equates to a R49 million saving with a further 95 sites still ahead. Implementation has already commenced on eight sites moving from the old refrigeration systems to an optimal energy refrigeration solution.

Image 9.1: Energy optimised refrigeration Compressor rack

Once the refrigeration project is complete, implementation of the lighting project will commence, this will see a further 55% saving, contributing 5% reduction to the portfolio. An estimated R45.8 million is projected for the full technical project journey, which includes voltage optimisation and air conditioning. This rand value is significant in that it equates to a 42.4 to 51.4 GWh reduction in energy consumption. As one of South Africa’s largest retailers, the commitment to being a more responsible business is contributing to the energy environment of their staff, customers as well as the broader landscape of South Africa. Having been awarded numerous awards for their efforts towards a more sustainable business, the results they have achieved on their energy optimisation drive have added to this recognition. They received the ETA award for Energy Efficiency Awareness and the Africa Energy award for Energy Efficiency Project of the year. It has been an exciting journey which proves that with full commitment from businesses to embark on a responsible energy journey, powerful results and great rewards will be achieved.

the SuStainable energy reSource handbook (energy efficiency)


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