2021 ALIPH Annual Report

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Annual Report 2021 Protecting Heritage to Build Peace

Annual Report 2021

Table of Contents Introduction — 7 Forewords — 8

Dr. Thomas S. Kaplan, Chair of the Foundation Board—9 Ms. Bariza Khiari, Vice-Chair of the Foundation Board—12 HE Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak, Vice-Chair of the Foundation Board—15 HH Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al Saud, Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Foundation Board—16 Mr. Jean-Luc Martinez, Chair of the Scientific Committee—19 Mr. Valéry Freland, Executive Director—20

The ALIPH way — 22

Responding to crises — 39

Milestones — 25 Five years of ALIPH — 26 ALIPH in the world — 30 ALIPH in numbers — 34

New horizons — 47 Indonesia — 50 Pakistan — 51

Mozambique — 52

ALIPH in the media — 55 Introduction — 56 An encounter with the new monuments women and men — 58 Toll of virus on world’s threatened heritage sites — 62 Agadez, Pearl of the Sahel, preserves its heritage — 68 Iraq: Spotlight on Taq Kasra — 74

Testimonials on key projects — 81 Yemen — 84

Georgia — 86 Sudan — 88

The people behind ALIPH — 91 Foundation Board — 92

Words from some of our donors — 94 Mr. Wen Dayan, China — 94 Mr. Mehdi Qotbi, Morocco — 95

Scientific Committee — 96

Finance and Development Committee — 97 Words from Dr. Richard Kurin — 97

Audit Committee — 99

Words from Mr. Jeffrey D. Plunkett, J.D. — 99

Ethics, Governance, and Remuneration Committee — 100 Words from Mr. Jean Claude Gandur — 100

Our ethics — 101

Secretariat — 102

How to support ALIPH — 104


Forewords Dr. Thomas S. Kaplan, Chair of the Foundation Board — 9 Ms. Bariza Khiari, Vice-Chair of the Foundation Board — 12 HE Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak, Vice-Chair of the Foundation Board — 15 HH Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al Saud, Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Foundation Board — 16 Mr. Jean-Luc Martinez, Chair of the Scientific Committee — 19 Mr. Valéry Freland, Executive Director — 20

The ALIPH way — 22





Dr. Thomas S. Kaplan Chair of the Foundation Board

In March of 2021, the international community commemorated 20 years since the abject destruction of the Salsal and Shahmama Buddhas—majestic monuments that had presided over Afghanistan’s Bamiyan valley since the 6th century. A watershed event, it also marked the beginning of two decades of cultural heritage devastation in the broader Middle East, the Sahel, and beyond. And just as that darkest of anniversaries compelled us to reflect on the past, revived and entirely new conflicts emerged to underscore the pivotal role that multilateral organizations like ALIPH ought to play. Indeed, 2021 reminded us that ALIPH’s business sector remains, very sadly, a “growth industry.” Known for its trademark agility and responsiveness, the Foundation was put to the test as several emergency action plans were devised in mere days—if not hours— following threats posed to cultural heritage in regions such as NagornoKarabakh, Ethiopia’s Tigray, or Afghanistan. With sites and artifacts being caught in the crossfire of armed conflicts and increasingly earmarked for ruin, ALIPH further expanded its skill set and expertise in crisis management and emergency response. This evolution, in turn, led to the expansion of our operational capabilities and our network of partners across multiple jurisdictions in ever-closer contact with the field. The past 12 months also evidenced that climate change continues to take its own, singular toll on humanity’s shared inheritance, as flooding, desertification, and neglect due to human displacement imperil both our tangible and intangible heritage. In fact, as highlighted in an excellent if truly alarming report produced by the International Committee of the Red Cross, of the 20 countries most vulnerable to extreme weather events, a dozen are located in conflict areas. As a result, the combined impact of armed conflicts and the climate and environmental crisis on people’s lives constitutes another major new frontier in cultural heritage protection—one that ALIPH is tackling head-on by supporting projects that capitalize on traditional techniques and local materials to restore and maintain critical sites and to build community resilience.



Ever since its inception five years ago, the Foundation has been taking rigorous stock of this evolving landscape and has adapted accordingly. The year 2021 set us on course to further consolidate our “business model” in providing a robust, reliable, and rapid response to these new contexts and emerging challenges. With ALIPH’s future in mind, the Secretariat and the Board dedicated considerable time and resources to prepare for the organization’s Second Donors’ Conference, which was held on 31 January 2022 at the Louvre. This highly successful endeavor, the results of which shall be covered in great detail on another occasion, extended well beyond the scope and objectives of a fundraising round: it proved to be an exceptional opportunity to raise awareness about endangered cultural heritage, further educate the international community about the Foundation’s activities, and broaden our circle of partners, allies, and members. A real tour de force. The end of the year marked another significant milestone as we celebrated the fifth anniversary of the 2016 international conference on Safeguarding Endangered Cultural Heritage. Held in Abu Dhabi at a most consequential moment in time, this summit would ultimately be looked back on as the rightful birthplace of ALIPH—the magnificent product of Franco-Emirati friendship and partnership, exquisitely personified as it is by my dear colleagues and vice-chairs, Bariza Khiari of France and HE Mohamed Al Mubarak of the UAE. What began then and there as an idea, a vision, is now a full-fledged and dynamic institution—in other words, a powerful reality. One that has also benefited immensely, in both clout and potential, from the unique leverage offered by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s unprecedented engagement, under the leadership of HH Prince Badr bin Abdullah AlSaud. With over 150 projects financed in some 30 countries on four continents, the “startup” has become a unicorn. And yet, in so doing, ALIPH has made more than just a name: it has made a difference. A difference in the lives of those who everyday face the trauma of war, terrorism, and the injustice of sacrificed memories. A difference for individuals to whom cultural heritage represents not only an important source of meaning but also a key component of their livelihood. A difference in the hearts and minds of people everywhere who look to their past to better understand the present, and build an even brighter, more peaceful, more hopeful, future. And a difference, at last, in what the comity of nations and determined individuals can achieve—tangibly, effectively—when mobilized towards a higher common cause. At a time of grave crisis and in the face of constant change, may ALIPH continue to grow, to evolve, and to play its part.

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Ms. Bariza Khiari Representative of France and Vice-Chair of the Foundation Board

A few months after the international conference on Safeguarding Cultural Heritage in Conflict Areas in December 2016, where the idea for this alliance was officially launched, I traveled to the United Arab Emirates to discuss the spirit in which we would work with HE Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak, the country’s representative and co-founder of ALIPH, hand in hand with France. He looked me in the eye and asked, “Do you truly have faith in this initiative?” Without any flicker of doubt, I answered, “Yes, I have faith! In the name of a perverted form of Islam, heathens have destroyed treasures of humanity. Together, we can contribute to their rehabilitation.” He replied to me, “As co-founders then, let’s work hand in hand in a relationship of mutual trust, but I have one request: that we sidestep bureaucracy, the downfall of organizations!” ALIPH’s mindset took shape with his words, and we applied this in operational terms, with a start-up style of working, a quick selection process overseen by the Scientific Committee, and the possibility of responding to emergencies within an extremely short timeframe, thanks to a proactive and efficient governance. The foundations were laid in the form of a vision, a philosophy, and a method. The results of this overarching approach, supported by all members of our Foundation Board and Scientific Committee, to whom I pay tribute, speak for themselves: after scarcely four years of effective existence, ALIPH has already provided support for 150 projects in 30

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countries—proving its worth in terms of proactiveness, the rigorous choice of projects, and the ability to bring them to completion. In the days that followed the August 2020 explosions in the Port of Beirut, French President Emmanuel Macron traveled to Lebanon, inviting me to accompany him as the representative of ALIPH. We saw the extent of the city’s devastation and met with Lebanese citizens extremely concerned for their heritage. The President announced that France would provide humanitarian aid and requested that ALIPH focus on the Saint George Greek Orthodox Cathedral, and also provide assistance for various buildings in the city. ALIPH got to work immediately, adopting a USD 5 million emergency relief plan to stabilize and restore the precious cultural heritage of Beirut. Just a few days after this visit, Valéry Freland, Executive Director of ALIPH, traveled to Beirut to officialize our partnership with the Director General of Antiquities of Lebanon, who provided ongoing support and assistance for the city’s heritage, and to define new projects with figures from civil society and sign initial support agreements. The magnificent stained-glass windows of the Saint George Maronite Cathedral were restored, and a number of other projects were entirely completed. These include the rehabilitation of the Greek Orthodox École des Trois Docteurs, the Zahrat El Ihsan School, the Oriental Library of Saint Joseph University, the Lebanese National Library, and

the Beirut National Museum in partnership with the Louvre, as well as the stabilization of nearly 40 historical houses, villas, and palaces. Other projects are in the process of being completed.

Al-Farabi’s The Virtuous City, presenting the quest for happiness and health as a human undertaking achievable on earth, rather than in heaven. These controversies were more than disruptive at the time.

In August 2021, during his visit to Iraq, President Macron paid tribute to ALIPH for its contribution to the rehabilitation of numerous Iraqi cultural and religious monuments, including the Arch of Ctesiphon in Taq Kasra, Yezidi built heritage, and several mosques and churches, such as the Mar Behnam Monastery and the Mosul Museum, a mirror of multiple civilizations.

The commitment of the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage deserves our greatest respect, as does that of all of the artists, artisans, and professionals working in partnership with ALIPH for the protection and reinvention of this cultural heritage, to which the world owes so much. Their enthusiasm in conceiving of Iraq’s forthcoming cultural renaissance is infectious.

It is important to recall that these sites have played a major role in the transmission of civilizations, particularly Greek and Roman, and the dissemination of knowledge. We have not forgotten that, while this region has seen great upheaval, Mesopotamia experienced favorable times. Iraq was one of the cradles of Islamic spirituality, where believers and non-believers once coexisted peacefully in a context conducive to intellectual flourishing. Iraq was home to vibrant multidisciplinary exchanges, with the House of Wisdom (Bayt al-Hikmah), established in Baghdad in the early 9th century, hosting philosophers, scientists, artists, and scholars from far-flung places.

The rehabilitation of heritage is also an opportunity to remind young people of this region that they are the inheritors of an age-old chain of civilizations and do not have to be shuttered into a single identity rooted solely in religion. Their facets are many! The layers of heritage allow each and every one to discover the richness of this ancient and diverse legacy. By knowing one’s one culture, and then being able to transcend it, it is possible to connect with others and build peace. Heritage is a key vector in this process.

At the crossroads of these diverse influences, debate could freely encompass any number of subjects, including

For France, which I represent within ALIPH, the question of heritage is now more vital than ever. Defending works of the human mind around the world means defending what is universal in each of us.



I am grateful to ALIPH members, partners, and teams for continuing our mission. I look forward to seeing what more we can achieve in the future.

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HE Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak Chairman, Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi Representative of the United Arab Emirates and Vice-Chair of the Foundation Board

For the past five years, ALIPH has forged ahead in its mission to protect the world’s heritage, preserve endangered cultural property, and restore sites of cultural significance. Its teams and members have worked tirelessly, intervening in locations such as Syria, Iraq, Mali, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and many other areas in conflict. ALIPH has invested in resources to support preventive and emergency protection programs for cultural property in danger and has built capacity by offering support for professionals working in the field. Most importantly, ALIPH has been able to instill hope, contributing significantly to rebuilding peace and healing the scars of conflict by bringing communities together in restoring their heritage. The last five years have shown that ALIPH’s mission is absolutely essential and required to continue to safeguard priceless history. Since 2018, the Foundation’s intervention has grown to cover around 150 projects throughout the world. Crucially, ALIPH has expanded its area of action from the Middle East and Africa to include South America and Asia, highlighting opportunities for post-conflict interventions spanning the globe and further emphasizing its mandate. Despite the unprecedented disruption of the global COVID-19 pandemic, which was an unexpected addition to the usual challenges in conflict areas, ALIPH worked on an impressive array of projects in 2021. Given ALIPH’s success in persevering in the face of such extraordinary circumstances, there is no question that ALIPH is well equipped to forge ahead with its ambitious plans, no matter what the future brings. I am grateful to ALIPH members, partners, and teams for continuing our mission. I look forward to seeing what more we can achieve in the future.



HH Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al Saud Minister of Culture, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Foundation Board

ALIPH has helped many communities thrive in the face of adversity in the past five years by actively contributing to the preservation of world heritage.

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Cultural heritage has transcended borders throughout human history as a means of connecting different civilizations. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is home to antiquities that highlight the development of modern Middle Eastern cultures and has long emphasized the importance of preserving world heritage. The Kingdom and ALIPH are committed to the preservation of cultural heritage in conflict areas. ALIPH has helped many communities thrive in the face of adversity in the past five years by actively contributing to the preservation of world heritage. The projects completed in 2021 alone attest to ALIPH’s invaluable role in preserving cultural heritage, physical artifacts, and intangible cultural assets that can deepen our understanding of the past and define the future. ALIPH’s success is a testament to the significance of culture; and through the cooperation between nations and non-government organizations, we are collectively able to achieve the Foundation’s goals. ALIPH’s role as the enabler is integral to the work of cultural preservation, as it takes place in an ever-changing, cross-sectoral landscape. We extend our deepest gratitude to all the contributors of another successful year, including the on-the-ground experts for their heroic work. Finally, as a country, we would like to thank all of those who participated in making 2021 yet another successful year, as this is just the beginning!

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Mr. Jean-Luc Martinez French Ambassador for International Cooperation on Cultural Heritage and Chair of the Scientific Committee

The year 2021 was a turning point for ALIPH’s Scientific Committee, which I have the privilege of chairing. Since the creation of ALIPH, the Committee’s ten members have been involved in the Foundation’s development, contributing their invaluable skills in terms of in-depth knowledge of the field and of human, scientific, archaeological, anthropological, and historical matters; knowledge of actors on the field; and experience in the realm of heritage protection in conflict areas. The Foundation Board provided its vote of confidence by renewing the terms of the Committee’s founding members, and new members have been added, including specialists in Middle Eastern archaeology, experts in the rehabilitation of historical monuments, and figures well-versed in the museum landscape of the areas where ALIPH takes action. I extend my sincere thanks to each one of them for their contributions to our efforts. The quality of ALIPH’s human and professional network is among its greatest strengths. The Scientific Committee’s primary mission is to elucidate the Foundation Board’s decisions in order to optimally reconcile the scientific dimension with the overarching strategic approaches of ALIPH, which undertakes action before, during, and after crisis situations. Broadening ALIPH’s field of intervention to areas impacted by climate change will no doubt allow for better anticipation of future crisis situations. The Scientific Committee is intent on diversifying heritage protection efforts through bold and ambitious partnerships, such as those established with the Palestinian Museum to develop a textile conservation department; in Colombia, for the Chiribiquete World

Heritage Site; and in the Sahel region, to support the creation of inventories and restoration efforts in traditional districts. Another one of ALIPH’s greatest strengths is its universally hailed proactiveness and agility. The Scientific Committee works alongside the management team to allow for emergency actions in support of heritage professionals during large-scale crisis situations, helping release special funding, as has been the case in Ukraine since March 2022. The mobilization of a remarkable network also allowed for strong support of Afghan professionals during the fall of Kabul in August 2021. The method of intervention to protect the Arch of Ctesiphon in Iraq, an emergency measure that evolved into a structural conservation project, is emblematic of ALIPH’s philosophy of action. The Scientific Committee will continue to accompany the development of ALIPH, made possible through the success of the second Donors’ Conference, held in January 2022. Beyond the continuation of current projects, the aim is to develop new fields of action, renew partnerships and synergies with major international actors such as UNESCO, ICOM, and ICOMOS, and promote the emergence of new local actors in regions where heritage practice is less developed. The Scientific Committee will also strive to strengthen ALIPH’s very foundations by contributing to the evaluation of completed projects and those in the completion phase and helping to enhance reflection on funding channels to guarantee optimal use of the funds made available by ALIPH’s generous donors.




Mr. Valéry Freland Executive Director

The year 2021 illustrated that heritage protection in conflict areas is an issue that is far from behind us. Beyond the massive destruction of heritage due to terrorism these past few years in the Sahel and the Middle East, a series of recent conflicts have demonstrated how cultural heritage can be taken hostage, as either a collateral victim or a direct target, and even used as a weapon of war. This is doubtless a result of the fact that, in a globalized world, cultural heritage remains one of the most tangible expressions of our fragile identities. Harming cultural heritage afflicts the soul of a people. And with half of the 20 countries most vulnerable to climate change currently at war, tangible and intangible heritage too often falls victim to this intersection of environmental upheaval and conflict, suffering because of damage, abandonment, and loss of know-how. At the same time, there is growing awareness among international and regional authorities of the importance of heritage. This awareness is due in part to how heritage and its protection and rehabilitation are viewed increasingly as vectors for stabilization, a subject that is worthy of further scientific research. Through job creation, heritage can contribute to economic, social, and sustainable development for example, through the importance of traditional materials and expertise. It can also enhance intercultural and interreligious dialogue and thus be instrumental to peacebuilding. The creation of ALIPH was sparked by these observations, and through its encounters, its interactions and the scope of its action, the Foundation is now helping to raise awareness of the need to incorporate consideration of heritage more systematically into foreign policy, development aid, and even humanitarian action. The Beirut explosion of August 2020, for example, damaged historical heritage that was also a vital habitat. Heritage is more than mere stones; it is intertwined with the material and spiritual existence of the people behind it. In this context, what does ALIPH specifically bring to the table to help confront these challenges?

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Since its Secretariat was installed in Geneva in 2018, ALIPH has demonstrated its capacity to undertake concrete action, supporting over 150 heritage protection and rehabilitation projects in the field in 30 countries. It has also proven its ability to respond quickly to crises threatening heritage: this was illustrated in Beirut in 2020, when USD 5 million was allocated for an action plan to protect and rehabilitate the city’s damaged heritage just after the explosion; and in early 2022 in Ukraine, when dozens of museums, libraries, and archives quickly received funding or supplies of protective materials. ALIPH owes this agility to its proactive governance and the availability of its funds. ALIPH also offers scientific and technical expertise of heritage protection within conflict areas, as well as a vast network of partners encompassing international and local experts and professionals (NGOs, cultural institutions, and more). As part of its COVID-19 Action Plan in 2020–2021, the Foundation provided support for dozens of local actors in some 40 counties, consistent with ALIPH’s objective of ensuring proximity with local populations and communities. The sustainable preservation of heritage relies on the initiative and direct involvement of these local people in projects. Lastly, ALIPH provides a forum for ongoing dialogue and concrete cooperation among public and private partners, and actors from different geographical areas—an essential attribute in a rapidly changing environment.



The ALIPH way

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The International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas (ALIPH) is the principal global fund dedicated exclusively to the protection and rehabilitation of cultural heritage in conflict zones and post-conflict situations. It was created in response to the massive destruction of cultural heritage that began to escalate 20 years ago as a result of terrorism and war in the Middle East and the Sahel, as well as the development of regional conflicts. ALIPH was founded in 2017 in Geneva, as a private Swiss Foundation but also with all the privileges and immunities of an international organization. A public-private partnership, it has14 donors, with seven member States (China, France, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Moroco, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates), 5 foundations, Monaco, and Switzerland as the host country. By the end of 2021, ALIPH had committed more than USD 45 million to support 150 projects in 30 countries on four continents. Wherever possible, ALIPH strives to finance projects that are carried out on the ground. In all cases, ALIPH’s objective is to work hand in hand with local partners, authorities, and communities. The guiding spirit of ALIPH is to be action oriented and to be agile in the field, and the organization is run with the mindset of a startup; however, quality and rigor are never compromised. All projects are thoroughly reviewed—in the framework of annual calls or throughout the year for emergency measures—by the Secretariat, the Scientific Committee, and an international network of 200 experts before being approved by the Foundation Board.




Five years of ALIPH — 26 ALIPH in the world — 30 ALIPH in numbers — 34



Five years of ALIPH




Massive destruction of cultural heritage due to conflict and terrorism is seen in several countries in the Sahel and the Middle East

2-3 December

8 March

2015 November

Fifty French proposals to protect the heritage of humanity, a report by Jean-Luc Martinez, PresidentDirector of the Musée du Louvre (2013–2021), is published

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The Declaration on heritage at risk in the context of armed conflicts is adopted at the international conference on Safeguarding Cultural Heritage in Conflict Areas, held in Abu Dhabi

The International alliance for the protection of cultural heritage in conflict areas (ALIPH) is created in Geneva

20 March

The first International Donors’ Conference is held at the Musée du Louvre, Paris

24 March

The UN Security Council adopts Resolution 2347 on the protection of heritage

11 October

ALIPH headquarter agreement is signed with the Swiss Federal Council



18 June

15 January

11 October


17 December

The first five heritage protection projects in conflict zones are adopted by the Foundation Board, including the rehabilitation of the Mosul Museum, the Mar Behnam Monastery (Iraq), and the Tomb of Askia in Gao (Mali)


The ALIPH Secretariat is established in Geneva


The first mission to Baghdad, Iraq is conducted by the ALIPH Secretariat

The first Call for Projects is announced and the ALIPH website is launched

The first mission to Mosul, Iraq is conducted by the ALIPH Secretariat

24 June

Fourteen new projects are adopted by the Foundation Board under the First Call for Projects, including the rehabilitation of Tutunji House and several religious sites in Mosul (known collectively as the “Mosul Mosaic”), the protection of the Minaret of Jam (UNESCO) in Afghanistan, and the restoration of the Raqqa Museum in North-East Syria

UNESCO and ALIPH sign a Memorandum of Understanding to develop their cooperation

Twenty new projects are adopted by the Foundation Board under the Second Call for Projects, including the preservation of the written heritage of the Khalidi Library in Jerusalem, the rehabilitation of the Dhamar Museum in Yemen, and the protection of several iconic archaeological sites in Sudan



2020 February




An emergency measure financed by ALIPH to secure the sculptures of Hatra, an ancient city in Iraq, is completed

The first mission to Mali is undertaken by the ALIPH Secretariat to launch the rehabilitation of the Tomb of Askia in Gao alongside Malian authorities and the local community


The COVID-19 Emergency Plan is announced, allocating an initial USD 1 million to protect cultural heritage workers, which is then increased to USD 2 million

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Several days after the Beirut Blast, USD 5 million is allocated to stabilize and rehabilitate the cultural heritage damaged in the Lebanese capital

A mission to Beirut is undertaken by the ALIPH Secretariat alongside teams from ICOM and ICOMOS


An emergency project financed by ALIPH to protect the collection of the Museum of Civilization of Côte d’Ivoire in Abidjan is completed

22 October

Twenty-nine new projects are adopted by the Foundation Board under the Third Call for Projects, including the protection of collections of several museums in Yemen, the combat against illicit trafficking of cultural goods in North-East Syria, and the rehabilitation of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo

10 December

The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and ALIPH sign a Memorandum of Understanding to develop their cooperation


2021 January

An emergency project to stabilize the Arch of Ctesiphon, south of Baghdad, is adopted by the Foundation Board at the request of the Iraqi Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities


The first mission to Afghanistan is undertaken by the ALIPH Secretariat, and a project financed by ALIPH to rehabilitate Kabul’s Bala Hissar Citadel is launched

23 April

The Scientific Committee is expanded from six to ten members, all experts in the cultural heritage sector

31 January

The second ALIPH Donors’ Conference is held at the Musée du Louvre, Paris

14 December

Twenty projects are adopted by the Foundation Board under the Fourth Call for Projects, including the fight against illicit trafficking and the reinforcement of several museums’ security in the Sahel region, support for emergency interventions in Yemen, and the development of the Palestinian Museum’s collections



ALIPH in the world International projects 6 amount $ 996K

Bosnia & Herzegovina projects 1 amount $ 599K

Lebanon projects 19 amount $ 2.6 M

Libya projects 6 amount $ 1.7 M

Mauritania projects 1 amount $ 47 K

Mali projects 5 amount $ 1.8 M

Colombia projects 1 amount $ 136 K

Côte d’Ivoire projects 1 amount $ 90 K


Burkina Faso

projects 1 amount $ 266 K

projects 1 amount $ 125 K



projects 1 amount $ 70 K

projects 2 amount $ 221 K

Legend Number of projects

Amount committed

On Syrian heritage and North-East Syria projects 10 amount $ 2 M




projects 1 amount $ 400 K

projects 2 amount $ 362 K

projects 18 amount $ 10.7 M

Armenia projects 1 amount $ 74 K

Azerbaijan projects 2 amount $ 287 K

Iraq projects 35 amount $ 13.4 M



projects 5 amount $ 2.3 M

projects 1 amount $ 432 K

Yemen projects 14 amount $ 3.8 M

Eritrea projects 1 amount $166 K

Bangladesh projects 1 amount $ 229 K

Cambodia projects 1 amount $255 K

Ethiopia projects 4 amount $ 541K

Somalia projects 1 amount $ 130 K


Indonesia projects 1 amount $130 K

projects 1 amount $ 139 K

Sudan projects 4 amount $ 2.7M

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) projects 1 amount $113 K



As of 2018, ALIPH has supported nearly 150 projects in 30 countries. Spanning four continents, these projects were selected under ALIPH’s annual calls for projects or are emergency measures in response to a crisis.



ALIPH in numbers Overview of all projects: 2018-2021 Legend Number of projects Amount committed

Regular calls for projects

92 projects


Emergency projects

37 projects


Beirut Action Plan

19 projects



148 projects

* These figures do not include the COVID -19 Action Plan

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$ 40,336,593

$ 3,225,594

$ 2,330,000

$ 43,862,059

Breakdown of projects

Calls for projects: APPLICATIONS 2018 1st call (2019) 2nd call (2019) 3rd call (2020) 4th call (2021) TOTAL

Proposals submitted

5 projects 50

13 projects

76 projects 102 projects 90 projects

20 projects 33 projects 21 projects

318 projects

92 projects

Calls for projects: REQUESTED VS. GRANTED FUNDS 2018 1st call (2019) 2nd call (2019) 3rd call (2020) 4th call (2021) TOTAL

Projects supported

Funding requested

Funding granted

$ 1,310,300 $ 34,838,149 $ 34,437,635 $ 51,295,886 $ 46,239,219 $ 166,810,889

$ 6,306,714 $ 9,435,940 $ 13,276,584 $ 10,007,055 $40,336,593



Emergency relief measures

Projects supported

Funds committed


$ 3,225,594



$ 55,000


$ 321,197


$ 923,347


$ 1,926,050 2018 2019 2020


Beirut Action Plan

Projects supported

Funds committed


$ 2,330,000






Projects supported


Number of countries


Number of heritage operators


Number of regranting partnerships




Responding to crises

Responding to crises


Over the past two years, the world has witnessed major crises of diverse and complex nature, leading ALIPH to adapt its activity and develop its capacity to respond to these upheavals. In the process, ALIPH has further defined its purpose as a foundation with the assets to quickly provide expertise and financial support in the field. This has been possible thanks to available funds, efficient governance, an ever-growing network, and an actiongeared mindset.

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In the earliest weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, ALIPH launched a support program of USD 2 million, helping nearly 100 heritage operators in some 40 vulnerable countries overcome the health crisis... ... the Beirut explosion led ALIPH to urgently earmark USD 5 million to stabilize dozens of historic houses and contribute to the rehabilitation of the city’s main cultural institutions.

Nevertheless, each crisis calls for a calibrated and tailored response that takes into account the specific needs of the situation. In the earliest weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, ALIPH launched a support program of USD 2 million, helping nearly 100 heritage operators in some 40 vulnerable countries overcome the health crisis—as, without their ongoing efforts, the sustainable protection of the world’s heritage could not be ensured. In the summer of that same year, the Beirut explosion led ALIPH to urgently earmark USD 5 million to stabilize dozens of historic houses and contribute to the rehabilitation of the city’s main cultural institutions, including the National Museum of Beirut and the Sursock Museum. ALIPH did not encounter any major challenges—political, securityrelated, or other—in either initiative.

Intervening directly in the field in the midst of armed conflicts, even brief ones such as those seen in recent years in Tigray, Nagorno-Karabakh, Afghanistan, and Ukraine, is more difficult. In responding to these intra- and inter-state conflicts that potentially entail the overthrow of a regime by force, ALIPH is bound to respect the principle of the sovereignty of states, one of the founding principles of international relations and its statutes. What form of intervention is possible when a country’s very government, or opponents to a legitimate regime, cause damage to their own heritage? How can we protect, stabilize, and rehabilitate heritage on the ground when war is being waged, given the vital need to ensure the security of our teams?

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These crises have demonstrated the extreme difficulty, as well as the extreme utility, of a quick and flexible response that can reconcile legal frameworks with the reality in the field. In the context of each of the conflicts in recent years, ALIPH has endeavored to develop suitable measures for documentation or emergency protection, to concretely preserve what could be preserved, and to prepare for rehabilitation efforts. Lessons learned from these recent crises include the need to constantly improve preparedness and to develop, before the fact, programs in documentation, digitization, and preventive protection in regions of tension. This training will enhance our ability to sustainably protect our shared heritage.

Responding to crises


It is also important for ALIPH to ensure that its mission of protecting heritage to build peace prevails over political or partisan considerations by precisely defining acceptable conditions for undertaking its action with pragmatism and respect for our values. In keeping with this, in December 2021 the Foundation decided to continue its support of projects headed by trusted operators in Afghanistan in accordance with well-defined principles and methods. Beyond this, the international community must continue to remain attentive to the situation of heritage in countries at war, denouncing the damage inflicted on it whenever necessary. Our common future depends on it.

Responding to crises


New horizons

Indonesia — 50 Pakistan — 51 Mozambique — 52

New horizons


In 2021, even as the world was slowing down in the face of the COVID-19 Omicron variant, ALIPH continued to grow. In under five years, ALIPH has expanded its reach worldwide, establishing itself in 30 countries spanning four continents and supporting nearly 150 projects. We broadened our horizons to safeguard cultural heritage in seven new countries, including Indonesia, Mozambique, and Pakistan. From emergency conservation to on-thejob training, these new projects are bolstering sustainable and economic development and nurturing intercultural and interreligious dialogue in fragile contexts around the world.

New horizons


Indonesia Wapauwe Mosque of Maluku: Preserving the oldest Islamic structures on the Spice Route

Operator: Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient

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The Maluku Archipelago wooden mosques are among the oldest surviving Islamic structures in South-East Asia and are an example of traditional Muslim architecture that has almost disappeared from the region. Also known as the Spice Islands, Maluku is located in an area that contains ethnic and religious tensions. As a result, the fragile 15th-century Wapauwe mosque on Ambon Island is at risk of vandalism directed at religious structures. In addition to undertaking conservation of the mosque, the project creates on-the-job training for young locals provided by senior experts, allowing for the transmission of relevant technical knowledge and ensuring care for the site going forward.

Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Saving the archaeological site of Bazira

Operator: ISMEO — The International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies

The archaeological site of Bazira at Barikot in Pakistan’s Swat Valley was inhabited from the 7th century BCE to the 14th century CE. It contains Persian Achaemenid and Kushan monuments, the remains of a Shahi Brahmanical temple, a Buddhist sanctuary, and Islamic structures. In addition to being damaged when used as a military station during the conflict with the Taliban, the acropolis of Bazira was also the victim of illegal excavations. Currently, the site is threatened by large-scale infrastructure projects including the Swat Motorway which was planned to cross through the archaeological site. The project aims to carry out conservation, excavation, and landscaping of the site, creating an archaeological park. All work will involve local people, authorities and university students.

New horizons



52   Annual Report 2021

Ibo Island: Rescuing architectural heritage from the impact of terrorism Operator: Archi.Media Trust Onlus

The historic area of Vila do Ibo includes many monuments that combine Swahili, Portuguese, Indian, and Arab architectural influences. In addition to facing environmental threats, Vila do Ibo has been a victim of terrorist attacks since 2017. The project focuses on carrying out emergency conservation measures for the most damaged historic buildings and documenting the area through drone inspections and field-based surveys. This will allow for the preparation of a comprehensive rehabilitation and conservation plan for the historic area. All activities will include on-the-job training for local professionals.

New horizons


ALIPH in the media

Introduction — 56 An encounter with the new monuments women and men — 58 Toll of virus on world’s threatened heritage sites — 62 Agadez, Pearl of the Sahel, Preserves its Heritage — 68 Iraq: Spotlight on Taq Kasra — 74

ALIPH in the media


Dr. Sandra Bialystok, Communications and Partnerships Officer

In March 2021, we marked a dark anniversary: 20 years since Afghanistan’s Buddhas of Bamiyan were targeted and reduced to rubble. This date was a stark reminder of the importance of ALIPH’s mission; but at the same time, it made us stronger in our resolve to celebrate what we, along with our partners, have achieved in protecting cultural heritage. And the international press took notice. Over the year, our steady stream of press releases was picked up by international media. About 800 print and digital articles in over 50 countries spread the news of ALIPH’s new partnerships, emergency projects (such as the stabilization of the Arch of Ctesiphon), and progress on flagship projects (such as the rehabilitation of the Mosul Museum). Broadcast media also relayed the ALIPH cause. The documentary Au nom du patrimoine (In the Name of Heritage) by journalist and filmmaker Thomas Raguet and Au Tableau Productions premiered on the French national television station Public Sénat in March 2021 and has since been broadcast on LN24 (Belgium), RTVE (Spain), RTS (Switzerland), Al Asharq (United Arab Emirates), and OR media (an international channel in Farsi). This hour-long film traces how the destruction of the Buddhas 20 years ago began a wave of targeted attacks on cultural heritage, primarily in the Middle East and the Sahel region. Also in France, an in-depth interview with ALIPH Executive Director Valéry Freland was aired on the hour-long television show “Internationales” on TV5 Monde. Freland talked to journalists Dominique Laresche (TV5 Monde) and Hélène Sallon (Le Monde) about how cultural heritage has become weaponized and why protecting it can be a vector for

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peace. This message was repeated in another interview with Freland on Swiss public television (SRF) when he appeared on the television show “Stenstunde Kunst”. In March, ALIPH Vice-President Bariza Khiari joined a televised panel on Public Sénat to talk about ALIPH’s work and the ongoing need to protect cultural heritage in new and ongoing conflicts. Closer to home, we released new videos in the Foundation’s series “Protecting Heritage to Build Peace,” which features ALIPH-supported projects and some of the people who are leading them. Viewers can learn about the restoration of Tutunji House (an Ottoman era house in Mosul) or the rehabilitation of the Raqqa Museum in North-East Syria; or they can hear from Dr. Maria Luisa Russo—an ALIPH partner who led a project to protect manuscripts in Timbuktu, Mali. Also included in the series is a video about the fight against the illegal traffic of cultural goods, which was part of an exhibit on the same topic at the Musée du Louvre in Paris from May 2021 to February 2022. This significant reach could not have been achieved without the support of media teams at our partner organizations, including the Musée du Louvre, the Smithsonian Institution and the World Monuments Fund; the participation of our collaborators in the Ministries of Culture in Iraq and Lebanon. It also depended on the tenacity of those reporters determined to keep the issue of cultural heritage protection in the hearts and minds of their readers and viewers.

ALIPH in the media


First printed 4 November 2021 — Violaine de Montclos © Le Point

An encounter with the new monuments women and men *Translated from French. Original title « On a rencontré les nouveaux Monuments Men »

Quietly and with remarkable efficiency, ALIPH is working on restoration projects to protect heritage at risk in conflict areas.

By Violaine de Montclos

Of the 4,500 pieces attesting to the region’s complex cultural history, only 1,300 remain, some of which are so badly damaged that they will likely never again be fit for exhibition.

An elegant Ottoman building in the heart of Raqqa, once a seraglio, came to house the city’s archaeology museum, with its unique collection of mosaics, ceramics, and bas reliefs. Under the jihadist occupation, Daesh used this as its headquarters, posting snipers on the roof, tagging and destroying sculptures and mosaics with hammer blows, and looting the collections, much of which were undoubtedly sold and dispersed well beyond Syria’s borders. Of the 4,500 pieces attesting to the region’s complex cultural history, only 1,300 remain, some of which are so badly damaged that they will likely never again be fit for exhibition. A witness to the martyring of this city, 80% of which was destroyed by bombings, this devastated building, pockmarked with bullet holes, has now been fully restored, three years after Raqqa’s liberation. Led by the local NGO Roya, this speedy reconstruction cost USD 85,000 and was funded, down to the last cent, by a highly proactive, little-known micro-foundation: ALIPH, the International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas.

ALIPH in the media


... this speedy reconstruction cost USD 85,000 and was funded by a highly proactive, little-known micro-foundation: ALIPH, the International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas.

60   Annual Report 2021

Created in 2017 by France, at the proposal of former Louvre director Jean-Luc Martinez, and spearheaded by Jack Lang, ALIPH has no equivalent in the world of heritage rescue. Based in Geneva and run by the diplomat Valéry Freland, this sort of miniature UNESCO functions as a startup, with only 11 employees—polyglots able to travel to volatile areas and above all, nearly at the blink of an eye, fund urgent demands to save and rehabilitate destroyed sites, protect monuments and museum collections prior to a conflict, and more. This objective somewhat recalls that of the Monuments Men, the group tasked by Roosevelt with protecting European heritage at risk during the Second World War.

Since its 2018 creation, 110 projects in countries like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Georgia have received funding totaling USD 45 million. All of the projects have been validated by ALIPH’s Foundation Board, which meets twice a year, but in cases of emergency, Freland’s team can also bypass its green light to take action, capped at USD 5 million. “This is what we did in Lebanon, for example, allotting USD 2.5 million immediately after the port explosion, notably used to provide stabilization

and water damage protection for 40 historical homes and several museums, libraries, and religious buildings at risk,” Freland states. “The idea is to move quickly. The preservation of human lives is, of course, of utmost importance, but it is our firm belief that a people beleaguered by war, terrorism, or political instability must also be helped without delay to preserve its past and its cultural heritage, to take pride in this and above all, to place hope in the future.”

ALIPH in the media


Toll of virus on world’s threatened heritage sites

First printed 8 January 2021 — Nancy Kenney © The Art Newspaper No. 330

62   Annual Report 2021

Sites of major importance—many in regions already ravaged by conflict —are contending with security problems and funding shortfalls.

By Nancy Kenney

Lockdowns, stranded workers, a collapse in tourism revenue, the threat of looting: the stewards of cultural heritage sites across the globe have faced harrowing difficulties over the past year in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. All are still struggling to meet the challenges as the new year begins. Some international organisations have drafted action plans to help managers of heritage sites cope with the repercussions of COVID-19. The International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas (ALIPH), for example, has allocated $2m in emergency grants for more than 100 struggling operators in 34 countries. Among the recipients were stewards such as the Cultural Mission in Djenné, Mali, which needed emergency aid to prevent erosion from imminent heavy rains at the Djenné Djeno archaeological site. When the pandemic hit last spring, all work had ceased at the site, which bears witness to a complex pre-Islamic society dating from 250 BC. An $11,114 grant went towards salaries and new COVID-19 sanitary protection for workers enlisted to reinforce stone barriers and build new dams. In Sana, Yemen, ALIPH directed a $14,950 grant to protective gear and other support so that 65 employees at the Yemeni Manuscripts House could go back to work on preserving centuries-old documents. Many other ALIPH grants went towards digital upgrades, like $15,000 for the Department of Antiquities in Libya to allow for remote working and online training amid the pandemic, and $10,000 for the Palestinian Museum in Birzeit on the West Bank to upgrade its website and develop an e-commerce portal to create better links with artisanal offerings by local craftspeople. In concert with the Musée du Louvre and the Smithsonian Institution, ALIPH also helped arrange digital training for workers involved in the rehabilitation of the repeatedly besieged Mosul Museum in Iraq, which reopened in late November. Meanwhile, the World Monuments Fund (WMF) set up a $160,000 relief fund to help cover the salaries of people who were thrown out of work by the pandemic at various sites, according to Bénédicte de Montlaur, president and chief executive of the WMF. Among them were 41 displaced Kurds at the Erbil Citadel in Iraq, where work was suspended from 11 March to 2 May in response to the pandemic.

ALIPH in the media


Stranded technicians Similarly, money flowed to 62 technicians at the crumbling Osmania Women’s College in Hyderabad, India—carpenters from Kerala, masons from Bihar, painters from Uttar Pradesh—who were stranded onsite from March until June because of pandemicrelated travel restrictions between the country’s states, the WMF says. Work at the early-19th-century building, originally built as an official British residence, has now resumed. The WMF’s restoration work in the elaborate Qianlong Garden complex in Beijing’s Forbidden City was halted last January and did not resume until May. The organisation shifted its workers where possible to online activities: “As much as we could, we did desk work, drawings of the site, study of the materials” during the hiatus, De Montlaur says. “Whenever possible, we also transferred from in-person training to digital.” The pandemic also stymied some efforts to jump-start rehabilitation and preservation efforts in Beirut after the port explosion that savaged neighbourhoods there last August, she adds. “Sometimes cultural heritage is an emergency,” she says, “but after COVID it was hard to organise.” Strikingly different responses to the pandemic in various countries have required organisations to fine-tune their approaches, notes Luis Monreal, the general manager of the Swiss-based Aga Khan Trust for Culture. “It’s been very uneven,” he notes. “In some countries, like Pakistan, there were no government confinement measures. But we had a delay of six months in Kabul” in Afghanistan, where the trust has been rehabilitating historic buildings and public open spaces since 2003. Conservation work, meanwhile, continued in Aleppo, Syria, where the trust managed to complete a rehabilitation of the old city’s medieval central souk, damaged in the Syrian conflict. The trust is now preparing to start work on the renovation of a sagging 15th-century minaret in the Musallah complex in the Afghan city of Herat. The impact of the pandemic on UNESCO’s 1,121 World Heritage sites has been profound. Mechtild Rössler, the director of the organisation’s World Heritage Committee, estimates that as of early April, 71% had been closed and 18% were only partially open. By late November, that figure had improved to just 26% closed and 30% partially open, she adds.

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Evaporation of tourism The lockdowns led to the suspension of several projects, such as the effort to develop a management plan for the Chongoni Rock Art Area in Malawi and conservation work at the Scottish former mill town of New Lanark. The shutdowns and the evaporation of tourism have been ruinous for local economies and for the sites’ maintenance budgets, Rössler also notes. “Many sites are constantly suffering from [insufficient] funding, but now even more due to the lack of income from national sources, projects and tourism activities including entry fees and broader visitor services,” she says. The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), a network of experts on heritage conservation, reports that the steep decline in income from visitors has made it impossible to finance maintenance and management at the Ingapirca Archaeological Complex in Ecuador, for example, a World Heritage site and the country’s largest known site of Incan ruins. In Nigeria, the pandemic resulted in the suspension of maintenance and security at the ancient earthen Kano City Walls and Gates, and a far faster rate of wear and tear, ICOMOS adds. Susan Macdonald, head of buildings and sites for the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), reports setbacks in the Malaysian city of Penang, where the collapse of international tourism has inhibited urban conservation efforts. Maja Kominko, ALIPH’s scientific and programmes director, says that the anticipated decline in cultural funding from governments and philanthropists is also deeply worrying. “The analysis shows a move toward funding health care and the environment,” she says. “That makes the demands on the funding that now exists even bigger.” ALIPH’s emergency grants “showed us that $10,000 can make all the difference in the world, but we have to listen carefully. All organisations were thinly stretched, but now it’s even more complicated.” At the same time, the threat of looting at poorly staffed cultural sites remains omnipresent. Macdonald of the GCI points to concerns about its conservation site at Bagan, Myanmar, where project partners have to monitor more than 3,600 Buddhist temples to ensure that the site remains secure. “At Bagan, looting of temples involves excavating into the brick structure to look for precious offerings made during past repairs and original construction,” she says. “As income for people disappears, the looters take advantage of these times of crisis.” Some see a potential solution in UNESCO’s recent use of drones to monitor nature-based sites like the Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary in Senegal Park after training rangers to monitor the ecological data they collect.

ALIPH in the media


Spike in illicit trade The Antiquities Trafficking and Heritage Anthropology Research Project, or ATHAR, led by anthropologists and heritage experts tracking illegal trafficking in stolen artefacts, reports that the online illicit trade in looted objects spiked after the pandemic hit, markedly in March and April. The project’s co-director Katie Paul suggests that the authorities who police heritage sites were diverted by the need to enforce restrictive pandemic measures and also saw their ranks depleted by job losses related to an economic downturn amid massive closures and the halt of tourism. In Egypt, Paul says, looters were posting videos of their progress. “This activity is incredibly dangerous, and collapses [of sites] can happen easily as we saw from a [Facebook] video posted by a user in Jordan back in March at the start of the pandemic,” she reports. Yet in some narrow cases the pandemic has had a silver lining. Rössler notes that the steep decline in tourism allowed technicians in Angkor Wat in Cambodia to step up their conservation work in the absence of crowds, for instance. With no sign that international tourism will soon resume, many organisations are rethinking their models for protecting heritage sites in the future. They now acknowledge that “overtourism” was causing severe overcrowding at many sites and threatening the long-term stability of their cultural treasures. They see wisdom in reducing travel by their own employees and relying more on local partners to get things done. And they take heart from the online Zoom training sessions and conferences that have cemented relationships between conservation technicians around the world that will doubtless continue. To help ensure that tourism becomes less damaging once it returns, UNESCO has created a task force on culture, tourism and COVID-19 in collaboration with ICOMOS, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property. Rössler points to the example of Machu Picchu in Peru, which reopened in November after eight months of closure due to the pandemic (it closed again briefly from 14 to 19 December following security concerns amid local protests). In a boon to the ancient Incan site, just 675 tourists are allowed in each day, 30% of what was permitted before COVID-19 forced the site to close. The Peruvian authorities organised a traditional Incan ritual in November to thank the gods. “I am carefully optimistic,” Rössler says, that officials can “embrace new models.”

66   Annual Report 2021

ALIPH in the media


First printed 8 March 2022 — Bernadette Arnaud © Sciences et Avenir

Agadez, Pearl of the Sahel, preserves its heritage

“As a child, when my uncle, a Tuareg shepherd, took me to see cave paintings and dinosaur prints while watching over his flocks, he would tell me about the beauty of the old city of Agadez. Now, I can fly over it with the help of a drone to preserve it in 3D!” Mohamed Alhassane

A conservation project for the Old City of Agadez, Niger, has been ongoing since 2020, under the auspices of the company Iconem and the ALIPH Foundation.

By Bernadette Arnaud

Listed as UNESCO World Heritage in 2013, this city of 300,000 inhabitants, built along the caravan roads linking North and sub-Saharan Africa, was long a major center for trans-Saharan cultural exchange.

In Paris recently, Mohamed Alhassane met with Sciences et Avenir to discuss the large-scale project developed with the help of French startup Iconem, known for its contributions to the preservation of endangered world heritage sites through the creation of digital 3D reproductions. The program was launched at Alhassane’s initiative, following his visual shock at the spectacular immersive exhibition produced by the young Paris-based company, “AgeOld Cities: A Virtual Journey from Palmyra to Mosul,” held at the Institut du Monde Arabe (IMA) in 2018–2019. “After seeing these images of sites ravaged by destruction, caught by drone and recreated in 3D, and how people were stirred by this, I knew what had to be done to save Agadez, in Niger,” he recounts. Listed as UNESCO World Heritage in 2013, this city of 300,000 inhabitants, built along the caravan roads linking North and sub-Saharan Africa, was long a major center for transSaharan cultural exchange.

ALIPH in the media


Heritage fragilized by climate change … the complete surveying of the Sahel city’s center could begin in 2020 with financial support from the ALIPH Foundation …

Through Imane Atarikh, the organization he created—“Life and Heritage” in the Tuareg language of Tamashek—the complete surveying of the Sahel city’s center could begin in 2020 with financial support from the ALIPH Foundation, which works to protect cultural heritage in conflict and post-conflict areas. The heritage of Niger encompasses numerous historical sites and architectural treasures but is now threatened by the situation facing the Sahel, from increased flooding due to climate change to an unstable regional security situation, leading this fragile heritage to deteriorate.

“The old city of Agadez is particularly vulnerable to these threats, and with this project, we are at the intersection of two issues of great import to us: a city affected by climate change located in an area not immune to conflicts,” explains Valéry Freland, Executive Director of the ALIPH Foundation. “The fact that this project is in the hands of local civil society actors was also a priority for us to provide support,” he adds. The historical center of Agadez today counts some 20,000 residents, whose revenues have substantially diminished with the vanishing of once-numerous tourists. The historical center of Agadez today counts some 20,000 residents, whose revenues have substantially diminished with the vanishing of once-numerous tourists.

ALIPH in the media


Digitizing an old caravan city “Two photogrammetric surveying campaigns have already allowed for the tridimensional recording of several prestigious buildings in the old caravan city,” says Yves Ubelmann, Iconem’s founder. In the historical center, dating to the 15th century, the celebrated Great Mosque and its twenty-seven-meter-high adobe minaret— the tallest mudbrick construction in West Africa—has now been digitized, alongside fifteen listed buildings and houses. These include the homes of blacksmiths, goldsmiths, bakers, and cobblers. Constructed in banko, a traditional sub-Saharan African building material made of clay and chopped straw, all of these highly distinctive buildings attest to a remarkable architectural tradition. In the field, with one eye on the drone and its airborne cameras, Marjorie Coulon, an engineer at Iconem, has recorded all of these buildings—amidst children’s shouts and families intrigued by the scene—in order to be able to recreate them virtually. “In November 2021, I traveled to Agadez from Niamey to start the second surveying campaign on the city,” she recounts. “The aim of this project is to produce architectural documentation of the monuments of the old city of Agadez, to then undertake the restoration of their structures.”

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This program has also helped spark job creation and initiated the first restoration efforts targeting traditional houses. “In terms of the preservation of cultural heritage, what is occurring in Agadez is also unique in terms of the preservation of expertise, such as plastering and more,” Alhassane adds. Occupied by Hausa as well as Tuareg families, the restoration of these buildings has been fully funded by the Swiss-based ALIPH Foundation, at a cost of USD 220,000. An exhibition of the digitized city may also be planned soon in Agadez and Niamey, the capital of this multiethnic nation of twenty million inhabitants—a dream that Alhassane would like to offer his country, before perhaps also setting out to save the impressive ruins of Djado, a difficult-to-access fortified city in northeastern Niger. Once thriving, it has now been deserted, eaten up by the relentlessly advancing desert. In France, an immersive installation in the Saline d’Arc-et-Senans architecture park opened on March 26, 2022, presenting the Agadez project and some of the most impressive UNESCO World Heritage sites in a 3D journey across five countries and several millennia of history. Visitors are transported to the heart of sites under threat, or destroyed by armed conflict, with the help of digital reconstructions—a sector sadly not facing any slowdown…

ALIPH in the media


Iraq: Spotlight on Taq Kasra 74   Annual Report 2021

Iraq promises: “We will save the arch of Ctesiphon.” Restorations start on the biggest brick vault in the world First printed 25 November 2021 — Arturo Cocchi © La Repubblica

By Arturo Cocchi

“Created in 540 CE in the ancient capital of the Sasanian empire, as if to rival the contemporary St. Sophia in Constantinople, with whom they were at war, the structure has been at risk of collapse for two decades. Following a first unsuccessful, possibly harmful, restoration, the rescue is now entrusted to an international team, with funds of the International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas (ALIPH).”

* Translated from Italian. Original title: “Iraq promette: ‘Salveremo l’arco di Ctesifonte’. Via ai restauri per la volta in mattoni più grande del mondo.”

ALIPH in the media


Arch of Ctesiphon: Clock is ticking to preserve 1,700-year-old ancient arch in Iraq First printed 14 February 2021 — Melissa Gronlund © The National

76   Annual Report 2021

By Melissa Gronlund

Bit by bit, the Arch of Ctesiphon, or Taq Kasra, is falling down... But thankfully for the beleaguered arch, plans were already in the works to keep it from collapsing. One evening in October, Swiss agency ALIPH, which provides emergency funding for threatened heritage sites, received a call from Iraq’s Ministry of Culture about the state of the arch. The next day, it had convened a group to address it, and has now announced $700,000 towards stabilisation measures. “Right now, we’re in emergency room triage,” says Michael Danti, project manager for the restoration team, a collaboration between two programmes at the University of Pennsylvania and Iraq’s State Board of Antiquities and Heritage. “We want to understand what’s happening, and get the scaffolding in place for the safety access and support, so that we can prevent any catastrophic collapse.” The university’s Consultancy for Conservation and Development sent two architects to the grounds of Ctesiphon. An expert from Iconem, the Paris agency that documents threatened heritage sites, also mapped the structure. The data collected will become 3D visualisations that researchers can work on from their labs. Danti, who leads Penn’s Iraq Heritage Stabilisation Programme, explains that the first task is to design scaffolding flexible enough to adjust to the movement of the walls, as they shift in size owing to temperature fluctuations. After the scaffolding has gone up, the long-term assessment will start, much of which has to do with understanding how the arch is responding to a new climate. ... Initiatives such as ALIPH, which was launched in Abu Dhabi in 2016, allow immediate response to threats to heritage sites. With resources at hand, it does not need to fundraise to answer calls for help such as that by Iraq. “People in cultural heritage want to talk about ‘nimble response’,” says Danti. “This is nimble.”

ALIPH in the media


The Arch of Ctesiphon will be saved First printed 11 February 2021 — © L’Orient-Le Jour

78   Annual Report 2021

“The exceptional heritage of Iraq, impacted by conflicts and terrorism, is a priority for ALIPH,” declared Valéry Freland, Executive Director of the International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas, a Swiss-based Foundation. Part of a Sasanian palace complex, it stands at thirty-seven meters high and twenty-six meters wide, “making it an exceptional monument of great historical and cultural significance,” ALIPH emphasized, explaining that due to its exceptional nature, Taq Kasra poses a significant conservation challenge. A series of partial collapses of the brick vault in 2019 and 2020 showed the urgency for stabilization measures. “Our objective is to protect this heritage of global importance with the help of friends of Iraq. We are grateful to ALIPH for its quick response,” declared Dr. Laith Hussein, Director of the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH). ... This is ALIPH’s twenty-eighth project in Iraq since 2018, bringing the Foundation’s total support in the country to over USD 9.2 million.

*Translated from French. Original title « L’arche de Ctésiphon en Irak sera sauvée. »

Testimonials on key projects

Yemen — 84 Georgia — 86 Sudan — 88

Testimonials on key projects


82   Annual Report 2021

It is paramount for the ALIPH team to stay in frequent contact with our partners. Working in countries in conflict or post-conflict areas comes with a specific set of challenges, and it is critical that the Geneva staff not just follow the development of a project but also have a strong understanding of what is happening on the ground so that we can react quickly if required. In the most extreme cases, these ongoing discussions might lead to pausing work or revising a project timeline. But it could also mean just being there to listen to our partners and reassuring them that we can, together, solutions to overcoming any hurdles we might face.

Testimonials on key projects


Yemen Emergency restoration of damaged buildings in the Old Walled City of Shibam

Operator: Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage

84   Annual Report 2021

The 16th-century walled city of Shibam is one of the most notable examples of vertical urban planning and mud architecture. As a result of ongoing armed conflict, neglect, and intense weathering, several historic buildings require urgent rehabilitation and restoration. The project is rehabilitating over 20 historic buildings while employing local craftspeople. It will preserve the historical fabric of the city and allow families to return to their homes. The historical buildings are also being mapped in a digital database of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

“It has been a real pleasure collaborating with the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage on the implementation of this important project in Shibam. Thanks to the center’s professionalism, their intimate knowledge of this unique context, in coordination with local authorities and skilled artisans, the project has made timely progress, smoothly overcoming the challenges of the day. A very fruitful partnership!” Dr. Andrea Balbo Project Manager, ALIPH

“This fruitful project partnership with ALIPH not only contributed to the safeguarding of these 18 historic buildings through job creation for local craftspeople, but also allowed for the povertystruck local families to return to their homes.” Ms. Selma Kassem Program Specialist, Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage

Georgia Community rehabilitation of the missile-struck Tsiskarauli Tower

86   Annual Report 2021

Operator: International National Trusts Organisation in collaboration with the National Trust of Georgia, Rempart International, and the National Trust of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland

“In the summer of 2021, we were holding our breath to see if we could organize the restoration camp with the ever-changing COVID-19 restrictions. But the project team navigated them successfully, and we are very pleased to see local and international mobilization to preserve this typical example of regional defensive architecture from the 16th / 17th century.”

The Tsiskarauli Tower, also known as Kharat-Tsikhe, is a 16–-17thcentury defensive tower and Georgian national monument. Damaged by a missile in the 2001 Chechen war, the tower was in danger of collapse and in need of urgent stabilization and restoration. The project focuses on working with members of the local community to convert the monument into an eco-tourism site and a place to discuss the history of conflict and peace in the region. Georgian and international volunteers are participating in the restoration work under the guidance of qualified experts from Georgia, France, and the United Kingdom.

“As volunteers from across Europe travel to Georgia to restore the missile-damaged Tsiskarauli tower, ALIPH funding is demonstrating the power of heritage to build bridges between communities. Their support has been instrumental in sensitizing local communities in Georgia to the value of their heritage as a tool for peace and prosperity.”

Ms. Alexandra Fiebig

Mr. Alexander Lamont Bishop

Project Manager, ALIPH

Deputy Secretary-General, International National Trusts Organisation

Testimonials on key projects


Sudan Transformation of Sudan’s community museums

Operator: British Institute in Eastern Africa in collaboration with the National Corporation of Antiquities and Museums

88   Annual Report 2021

The Darfur Museum in Nyala, the Sheikan Museum in El Obeid, and the Khalifa House in Omdurman are three museums in Sudan that hold important collections of artifacts related to living heritage, and archaeological objects. This project is improving site security and conservation of the three community museums. In addition, the project installed traditional shade shelters for daytime rest and for outdoor displays of living heritage. The team also developed training sessions for over 70 local staff to expand their skills in conservation techniques. In total, 273 people were employed across all three museums.

“These three community museums are places of display for important Sudanese cultural heritage but also living places of gathering and education for the local communities. Accompanying the great progress of this meaningful project was rewarding for ALIPH because we witnessed how useful our contribution is to support local professionals in creating peaceful places of exchange and knowledge.” Ms. Rosalie Gonzalez Project Manager, ALIPH

“ALIPH are amazing, they support you from the beginning and hold your hand until the end. Their standard of care is matched by their expectations. They have enabled the project to become a model for post-conflict reconstruction in Sudan through cultural reconstruction.” Dr. Helen Mallinson Project Manager, Western Sudan Community Museums

“Since the inception of museums in Sudan, they have not witnessed such development and movement at the official and societal levels. The funding for the Western Sudan Community Museums Project has transformed the museums, turning them into institutions capable of preserving and presenting their heritage. This great work is reflected in the satisfaction of the local community. It makes them feel the importance of their heritage, encouraging them to adhere to their heritage by using their museums to practice their community activities on a daily basis. This is happening for the first time in Sudan. Now the museum is a radiating center for community activities.” Dr. Amani Bashir Director, Sheikan Community Museum, El Obeid, North Kordofan

Testimonials on key projects


The people behind ALIPH Foundation Board — 92 Words from Mr. Wen Dayan, China — 94 Words from Mr. Medhi Qotbi, Morocco — 95

Scientific Committee — 96 Finance and Development Committee — 97 Words from Dr. Richard Kurin — 97

Audit Committee — 99 Words from Mr. Jeffrey D. Plunkett, J.D.,— 99

Ethics, Governance, and Remuneration Committee — 100 Words from Mr. Jean Claude Gandur — 100

Our ethics — 101 Secretariat — 102 How to support ALIPH — 104

The people behind ALIPH


Foundation Board Voting Members

Chair: Dr. Thomas S. Kaplan

Vice-Chair: Ms. Bariza Khiari

(Private Donor)


Vice-Chair: HE Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak

HH Prince Badr Bin Abdullah Bin Farhan Al Saud

(United Arab Emirates)

(Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

Mr. Wen Dayan

Mr. Mehdi Qotbi

Mr. Jean Claude Gandur

Dr. Mariët Westermann



(Private Donor)

(Qualified Personality)

92   Annual Report 2021

Non-Voting Members

HE Amb. Martine Schommer

Prof. Marc-André Renold

Mr. Ernesto Ottone Ramírez




Dr. Richard Kurin

Prof. Dr. Markus Hilgert

Mr. Jean-Luc Martinez

Mr. Valéry Freland

(Qualified Personality)

(Qualified Personality)

(Chair of the Scientific Committee)

(Executive Director)

HE Sheika Hussa Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah (2017-2021) (Kuwait)

The people behind ALIPH


Words from some of our donors Mr. Wen Dayan, China The year 2021 witnessed ALIPH’s undaunted commitment to safeguarding heritage in conflicts areas. Under the unique guiding spirit of “Action, Action, Action,” the young organization has supported nearly 150 projects in some 30 countries since its birth. These projects showcase heritage from different regions in the world and focus on various themes—including, heritage rehabilitation and stabilization, museum development, and the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural property. Most importantly, they care for the well-being, cultural memories, and future of the people living in and around such heritage. As one of its Foundation Board members, I am glad and proud to help fulfill ALIPH’s vision through my vote. My expertise in both cultural and diplomatic areas would enrich the credibility of my vote in picking up the most urgent applications in technical and symbolic perspectives. Each carefully chosen project is a manifesto to the international community that cultural heritage protection can relieve damage in war and conflicts, heal human souls, and call for peacebuilding. From the very beginning, China has witnessed and participated in ALIPH’s growth from an initiative into a guardian that concerts global efforts to protect heritage in need. The richness of China’s long history has bestowed upon its people a way of perceiving the world and their philosophy to live in harmony with the world. Protecting heritage in conflict areas is a way of achieving global harmony, and this is where the “ALIPH way” meets the Chinese approach. As a representative of China, I look forward to seeing the Chinese philosophy and methodology for cultural heritage conservation integrated into ALIPH’s vision and activities, contributing to better protecting the treasures of human history and forging a shared future.

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Mr. Mehdi Qotbi, Morocco The preservation of the heritage of humanity is a call that must be heeded in order to keep the world’s cultural memory intact. Through the foresight of His Majesty the King, the Kingdom of Morocco has taken full measure of this reality. Morocco has demonstrated its commitment by becoming a member of the ALIPH Foundation Board alongside founding its members, France and the United Arab Emirates. His Majesty King Mohammed VI places great importance on culture. His efforts in this field have helped turn the cultural sector into a leading vector for social and economic development. His Majesty’s personal contribution to the construction of the Islamic art wing of the Musée du Louvre is also of note. Since 2017, more than 150 projects for the protection of heritage risk — in over 30 countries in conflict across four continents — have received support. Protecting these threatened sites allows for the reconstruction of damaged social fabric. Every rescued monument bears a unifying story and is a source of wealth for humanity as a whole. Reconstruction goes hand-in-hand with reconciliation and bridge-building between different cultures, of which there are so many. Over its first five years of existence, ALIPH has demonstrated its rapidity and effectiveness, particularly in conflict areas. This has been illustrated by the emergency funding for the recovery of the Beirut National Museum, a concrete and masterful example of its capacity for action.

The people behind ALIPH


Scientific Committee


Chair: Mr. Jean-Luc Martinez

Ambassador-at-large for international cooperation on cultural heritage (France) 6

Dr. Mounir Bouchenaki

Special Advisor to the Director General of UNESCO and ICCROM (Algeria) 6

Ms. Amel Chabbi

Conservation Section Manager, Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) 6

Dr. Wang Chunfa

Director, National Museum of China (China) 6

Dr. Laith Hussein

Director, State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (Iraq) 6

Dr. Patrick Michel

Lecturer and Researcher, Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity Sciences, University of Lausanne (Switzerland) 6

Prof. Claudio Parisi Presicce

Director, Archaeological and Historical-Artistic Museums (Italy) 6

Prof. Eleanor Robson

Professor of Ancient Middle Eastern History, University College London (United Kingdom) 6

Dr. Samuel Sidibe

Director General, National Park of Mali (Mali) 6

Dr. Bahija Simou

Director, Royal Archives of Morocco (Morocco)

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Finance and Development Committee 6

Chair: Dr. Richard Kurin

Distinguished Scholar and Ambassador at Large Smithsonian Institution (United States) 6

Words from Dr. Richard Kurin

HE Saood Al Hosani

Undersecretary, Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) 6

Ms. Irene Braam

Executive Director, Bertelsmann Foundation (North America), Inc. (United States) 6

Ms. Deborah Stolk

Director, Helicon Conservation Support B.V. (Netherlands) 6

Mr. Valéry Freland Executive Director

ALIPH has played a key role in responding to today’s cultural crises, filling a gap in national and international programs by providing the funding needed to overcome severe, heritage-threatening challenges. Notably, ALIPH provides crucial support quickly and efficiently, with strong focus and professional oversight, working closely with local organizations and expert partners. ALIPH was invented by extraordinary, generous leaders attuned to the importance of cultural heritage for understanding the history of humankind, and to the extraordinary diversity that characterizes creative and meaningful life on the planet. They realized that in these times, conflict could result in major, large-scale irrevocable loss, and stepped forward to do something about it. Now, just five years later, ALIPH support has enabled well more than a hundred projects in more than two dozen countries, leveraged and encouraged numerous partnerships, and provided a model for significant efforts to save and safeguard conflict-endangered cultural heritage around the globe.

The people behind ALIPH


Audit Committee


Chair: Mr. Jeffrey D. Plunkett, J.D. (United States)


Mr. Abderrazak Zouari

University Professor and Former Minister of Regional Development (Tunisia)

Words from Mr. Jeffrey D. Plunkett, J.D.

The principal function of the Audit Committee is to supervise ALIPH’s compliance with appropriate standards (policies, codes, and other requirements) and financial reporting and related audit work in conjunction with the independent auditors. The overall goal of any audit committee is to help ensure that the organization has the culture, resources, policies, procedures, and controls to produce and communicate accurate information about its financial position and risks. When I was asked to join ALIPH’s first Audit Committee, I was not only honored to contribute in a small way to its important mission, but also challenged to find a way to use my experience in the heavily -regulated investment management industry to help ALIPH’s Foundation Board oversee what was essentially a start-up organization— without unnecessarily inhibiting its action-oriented drive. The challenge is real—not only because ALIPH typically acts in geographical regions impacted by physical conflicts,

but also because the Foundation’stheir relatively small team works quickly and efficiently. I soon realized, however, that the culture of transparency and responsiveness set out by the Foundation Board and ALIPH’s Secretariat laid a framework for installing a system that was appropriate and flexible, able to grow with the size, nature, and scope of activities pursued by ALIPH. Together with my colleague Abderrazak Zouari, we put in place a standardized agenda of topics for our review and began building our review and oversight system. As ALIPH has grown, we have increased the scope of the external audit, reviewed standard grant arrangements and internal controls, improved the presentation of financial information, and added oversight of ALIPH’s investment policy. As ALIPH continues its mission, we will continue to work with its financial and administrative team and independent auditors to help identify risks and implement solutions to ensure that the Foundation Board and donors have reliable information on which they may base their decisions.

The people behind ALIPH


Ethics, Governance, and Remuneration Committee 6

Chair: Mr. Jean Claude Gandur


Prof. Dr. Markus Hilgert


Prof. Marc-André Renold

Words from Mr. Jean Claude Gandur

I had the honor of being appointed as Chair of the Ethics and Governance Committee upon ALIPH’s creation in 2017. My involvement in the then-newly created foundation came about naturally, in step with my experience as a collector, patron, lover of ancient history, and founding chair of an art foundation. Given my experience as a business executive, the responsibility of the Ethics and Governance Committee was particularly dear to my heart. Quickly, Swiss legal requirements concerning foundation law led us to combine this body with the Remuneration Committee. This unusual dual role allowed for the efficient implementation of the resources vital to ALIPH’s operations. The committee’s first mission was to recruit an Executive Director, selected via a complex process. The committee subsequently amended and approved the salary scale

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that he proposed, prior to its adoption by the Foundation Board. Staff recruitment could then begin, also subject to validation by the committee. The drawing up of the Code of Ethics constituted a major project undertaken with the Executive Director. Under the committee’s supervision, this code frames the discussions conducted by the Foundation Board, governs employee behavior and ensures their wellbeing, and oversees the fair distribution of aid, to be used exclusively for heritage protection. Participating in the creation of ALIPH’s legal framework, proper functioning, and development from the foundation’s very beginnings proved an exciting challenge.

Our ethics

ALIPH’s work is guided by the following fundamental values:

Ethics and financing

* * * * * * * *

ALIPH takes its responsibility to fund concrete and sustainable projects seriously and is committed to integrity and transparency in all financial matters. For these reasons, all potential grantees, prior to receiving a contract, are subject to a financial due diligence process carried out by the Foundation. During the implementation of the project, grantees are required to submit regular financial and activity reports.

protection of heritage cultural and religious diversity education and capacity building gender equality social cohesion and peaceful coexistence sustainable local development peace and reconciliation international solidarity

The people behind ALIPH




Mr. Valéry Freland Executive Director


Dr. Maja Kominko Scientific and Programs Director


Dr. Andrea Balbo Project Manager


Dr. Sandra Bialystok Communications and Partnerships Officer


Mr. Othman Boucetta Special Assistant to the Executive Director


Ms. Olivia de Dreuzy Special Assistant to the Executive Director


Ms. Alexandra Fiebig Project Manager


Ms. Rosalie Gonzalez Project Manager


Ms. Najet Makhloufa Finance Officer


Mr. Laurent Oster

Head of Finance and Administration 6

Mr. David Sassine Project Manager


Ms. Elsa Urtizverea Project Manager

102   Annual Report 2021

The people behind ALIPH


How to support ALIPH

104   Annual Report 2021

ALIPH is funded by the contributions of its members — states or private donors — and by partner countries, foundations, and philanthropists. In general, these contributions are not allocated for specific priorities or projects. However, ALIPH can propose a series of projects to potential donors corresponding to their needs and missions. For more information or to plan a meeting to discuss how you or your organization can support ALIPH, contact us: contact@aliph-foundation.org. If you are an individual wishing to make a direct contribution to ALIPH, scan the code below to fill out the online donation form. If you are a tax resident of one of the following countries, you may be eligible for a tax deduction: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States. TO DONATE online and for all other information, either scan the QR code or go to: www.aliph-foundation.org Chemin de Balexert 7-9 1219 – Chatelaine – CH +41 22 795 18 00

The people behind ALIPH


Colophon Editors: Sandra Bialystok, Olivia de Dreuzy, Valéry Freland Graphic design: EyeTalk Communication – www.eyetalkcomms.com Translations: Sara Heft (FR-EN), Mélissa Médart (EN-FR) Proofreaders: Colette Stoeber (English); Céline Genevrey (French) Photos: ALIPH would like to thank all its partners for providing photos of their projects. None of these photos may be reused, copied, or distributed without the express permission of the copyright owner. The following photos have been reprinted with the permission of these independent photographers and ALIPH grantees:

Cover page (Clockwise, from top left) © ALIPH – Azhar Al-Rubaie © ACHCO © Consultancy for Conservation and Development © French archaeological mission of Saint-Symeon © Fight for Humanity © UNESCO © ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok © CC 3.0 © ALIPH © Shutterstock © ALIPH © ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok

Inside cover

© Lebanese Directorate of Antiquities and Heritage

Table of contents – part 1

Top row (left to right) © ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig © ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok © ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig Middle row (left to right) © ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig © ALIPH – Rosalie Gonzalez © Fondation Tapa © ISMEO © UNESCO Bottom row (left to right) © CRAterre, Thierry Joffroy © ALIPH – Rosalie Gonzalez © ISMEO © ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig © WMF © ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig

Table of contents – part 2 Top row (left to right) © ALIPH – Thomas Raguet © ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok

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© ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig © ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig Middle row (left to right) © ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig © ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok © ISMEO Bottom row (left to right) © ACHCO © ALIPH – Rosalie Gonzalez © ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok © Imane-Atarikh © National Museum of Mali

Pages 6-7

(left to right) © ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig © CRAterre, Thierry Joffroy © ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig © ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok

Page 8

© Shutterstock

Page 11

© Consultancy for Conservation and Development

Pages 12-13

(left to right) © IFPO © Première Urgence Internationale © WMF

Pages 14-15

(left to right) © ALIPH – Thomas Raguet © WMF © ISMEO

Page 17

(clockwise from top left) © ISMEO

Page 18

© Centre Latinoamericano del Vitral Page 21 (left to right) © ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok © ALIPH – Rosalie Gonzalez © ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig

© ALIPH – Thomas Raguet © Sanid Organization for Cultural Heritage © Lebanese Directorate of Antiquities and Heritage © ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok © Archive, National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Damir Sagolj © Consultancy for Conservation and Development © ALIPH – Thomas Raguet © ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok © Palestinian Museum © ALIPH – Antoine Tardy © ALIPH – Antoine Tardy

Pages 22-23

Page 33

Pages 24-25

Page 36-37

© WMF © ALIPH – Thomas Raguet © ISMEO © ISMEO © ALIPH – Azhar Al-Rubaie

© ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok (left to right) © Aga Khan Cultural Services 2020 © ALIPH – Thomas Raguet © ALIPH – Thomas Rauget © Lebanese Directorate of Antiquities and Heritage

Pages 26-27

(left to right) © Shutterstock © Musée du Louvre © Shutterstock © ALIPH – Thomas Raguet © Shutterstock © ALIPH – Rosalie Gonzalez © ALIPH – Thomas Raguet © Dr. Hafed Walda © UNESCO © ALIPH © UNESCO

Pages 28-29 (left to right) © ISMEO

© ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig © Lebanese Directorate of Antiquities and Heritage © The Palestinian Museum

Pages 38-39

(left to right) © ALIPH – Thomas Raguet © Fondation Tapa © ISMEO © UNESCO

Pages 40-41

© ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok © ALIPH – Thomas Raguet

Pages 42-43

(left to right) All images © Shutterstock

Pages 44-45 © ACHCO

Pages 46-47

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The people behind ALIPH


Pages 48-49 © Shutterstock

Pages 50-51

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Pages 52-53

© BIEA Khalifa Museum © International National Trusts Organization (INTO) © INTO © Shutterstock

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(clockwise from top left) All images © Shutterstock

Pages 84-85

Pages 54-55

Pages 86-87

(left to right) © Shutterstock © Shutterstock © La Guilde Européenne du Raid © Shutterstock © Authority of Tourism and Protection of Antiquities – Al Jazira Canton (ATPA)

Pages 56-57

© ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok

Pages 58-59

© ATPA © La Guilde Européenne du Raid

Pages 60-61

All images © ATPA

Pages 62-63

© The Palestinian Museum

Pages 64-65

Left column © Mission Culturelle Djenné © Vidrio Museum © The Palestinian Museum Right column © G. Tomljenovic © Sanid Organization for Cultural Heritage © Karamoja Museum

Pages 66-67

© Shutterstock

Pages 68-69

All images © Shutterstock All images © INTO

Pages 88-89

© BIEA Darfur Museum Top to bottom © BIEA Khalifa Museum © BIEA Darfur Museum © BIEA Darfur Museum

Pages 90-91

Left to right © ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig © EFEO [GrezProdCunin] © UNESCO © ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok

Pages 94-95

Left column © Shutterstock © Shutterstock © ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig © Valery Sharifulin/TASS – Getty Images © ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok Right column © ISMEO © ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig © Shutterstock © La Guilde Européene du Raid © Direction National du Patrimoine Culturel (DNCP)

Pages 96-97

Top to bottom © Mission archéologique de Douki Gel © ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig

© Imane-Atarikh © Shutterstock

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Pages 70-71

Pages 100-101

Pages 72-73

Pages 102-103

Pages 74-75

Pages 104-105

All images © Shutterstock All images © Shutterstock All images © ALIPH – Azhar al-Rubaie

Pages 76-77

© ALIPH – Azhar al-Rubaie

Pages 78-79

All images © ALIPH – Azhar al-Rubaie

Pages 80-81 (left to right)

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© Imane-Atarikh © ALIPH – Thomas Raguet Left to right © Shutterstock © Sudan Memory Team © ALIPH – Alexandra Fiebig © Consultancy for Conservation and Development © Shutterstock

Back cover

© ALIPH – Sandra Bialystok

JUNE 2022

ALIPH Chemin de Balexert 7-9

1219 – Chatelaine – CH +41 22 795 18 00

www.aliph-foundation.org contact@aliph-foundation.org Follow us on:

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