Winter Silent Sale | Michałów State Stud

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Winter Silent Sale Złoty Medal Polish National Senior Male Champion 2023


Pustynia Kahila (Kahil Al Shaqab - Pustynna Malwa/Ekstern) with filly Perlita (by Erantis) presented by Maria Szyper photo by Karolina Misztal

Winter Silent Sale

PROGRAMM /PROGRAM 16.12.2023 saturday/sobota

10:00 - 15: 00

open stables /otwarte stajnie 12:0 0

preview of horses offered for sale /pokaz koni oferowanych do sprzedaży 10:00-15: 00

submission of bids /składanie ofert 15:0 0

announcement of auction results /ogłoszenie wyników aukcji

List of horses /Lista koni MARES / KLACZE DOROSŁE 1. El Marina.................................................................................................... 16 2. Emblema.................................................................................................. 20 3. Entita........................................................................................................... 24 4. Kopra........................................................................................................... 28 5. Golteria......................................................................................................


6. Palisandra................................................................................................ 36 7. Piękna Dama.......................................................................................... 40 8. Pustynia Ognia....................................................................................... 44

YOUNG MARES / MŁODE KLACZKI 9. Elgracja...................................................................................................... 50 10. Elkajra......................................................................................................... 52 11. Estralita...................................................................................................... 58 12. Golda........................................................................................................... 64 13. Lacerna...................................................................................................... 66 14. Candela...................................................................................................... 70 15. Cynthia....................................................................................................... 74 16. Elyria............................................................................................................. 78 17. Feeria.......................................................................................................... 80 18. Fokreja........................................................................................................ 84 19. Karelia......................................................................................................... 86 20. Złota Palma............................................................................................. 90 3

Lot 7 Piękna Dama

photo by Glenn Jacobs



Terms and Conditions of Winter Silent Sale 2023 /Warunki Winter Silent Sale 2023 Organizatorem aukcji „Winter Silent Sale 2023” odbywającej się w dniu 16 grudnia 2023 roku na terenie Stadniny Koni w Michałowie jest Stadnina Koni Michałów sp. z o. o. z siedzibą w Michałowie – dalej jako „Organizator” lub „SKM”.

The Organizer of the “Winter Arabian Horse Auction 2023” held on the December 16th, 2023 at the Horse Stud in Michałów is Stadnina Koni Michałów sp. z o. o. (Michałów Stud limited liability company) with its seat in Michałów – hereinafter referred to as the „Organizer” or „SKM”.

Niniejsze Warunki Aukcji (Warunki Sprzedaży) odnoszą się wyłącznie do aukcji „Winter Silent Sale 2023”, dalej jako „Aukcja” lub „Licytacja”.

These Auction Terms (Sale Conditions) apply exclusively to the “Winter Silent Sale 2023”, – hereinafter referred to jointly as the „Auction” or “Bidding”.

Udział w Aukcji (Licytacji)

Participation in the Auction (Bidding)

1. W Aukcji mogą uczestniczyć na równych prawach osoby fizyczne, osoby prawne i inne jednostki organizacyjne posiadające zdolność prawną.

1. Both individual persons and legal (corporate buyers) as well as other organizational units with legal capacity may participate on equal terms.

2. ”Winter Silent Sale 2023” prowadzona będzie w systemie hybrydowym – licytacja online i stacjonarna.

2. „Winter Silent Sale 2023” will be conducted in a hybrid system - online and in-store bidding.

3. Aby wziąć udział w Aukcji należy spełnić łącznie następujące warunki:

3. In order to participate in the Auction, the following conditions must be fulfilled together:

1) w przypadku uczestnictwa w Aukcji online telefonicznego wpłacić wadium w wysokości 500,00 EUR (słownie: pięćset euro) na rachunek:

1) in the case of participation in the Auction online and by telephone, pay a deposit of EUR 500.00 (in words: five hundred euros) to the account:

Nr konta (IBAN): PL 20 1050 1416 1000 0023 3025 9546

Account No. (IBAN): PL 20 1050 1416 1000 0023 3025 9546



najpóźniej do dnia 15 grudnia 2023 roku, przed rozpoczęciem Aukcji.

no later than on the December 15th 2023, before the start of the Auction.

W przypadku uczestnictwa osobistego wpłata wadium może nastąpić w wyznaczonym biurze Aukcji w dniu jej przeprowadzania.

In the case of participation in person, payment of the deposit may be made at the designated Auction office on the day of the Auction.

Organizator musi fizycznie dysponować wadium na swoim rachunku bankowym lub w kasie;

The organiser must physically dispose of the deposit in its bank account or cash office; Terms and Conditions


2) w przypadku uczestnictwa w Aukcji online podać dokładne dane kontaktowe oraz adres email, na który zostanie przesłany link do Aukcji oraz instrukcja uczestnictwa w Aukcji.

2) in the case of participation in the Auction online provide contact details and email address, for which link to the Auction shall be sent and technical instruction of participating in Auction;

4. Wpłata wadium umożliwia wzięcie udziału w licytacji każdego konia. Wpłacając wadium, uczestnik licytacji akceptuje niniejsze Warunki Aukcji i zobowiązuje się do ich przestrzegania.

4. The bid bond payment allows one to participate in the bidding of each horse. By paying the bid bond, the Bidder accepts Auction Terms and Conditions and makes a commitment to comply with them.

5. Wpłacone wadium w razie braku przesłanek do jego zatrzymania zostanie zaliczone na poczet ceny nabycia jednego konia.

5. The bid bond, in the absence of prerequisites for its retention, is treated as an integral part of the sale price for one horse only.

6. Wadium zostanie zwrócone niezwłocznie (w terminie nie dłuższym niż 7 dni) po zakończeniu Aukcji, jeśli zakup nie zostanie zrealizowany i nie istnieją przesłanki do jego zatrzymania. Zwrot wadium dokonany zostanie zgodnie ze sposobem jego wpłaty (przelew bankowy). Koszty operacji są pokrywane przez uczestnika Aukcji.

6. The bid bond will be returned immediately (within 7 days) after the Auction ends, if the purchase is not effective and there are no reason to detain it. The return of the bid bond shall be made in accordance with the method of its payment (via bank transfer). The costs of the operation are covered by the Bidder.

7. Organizatorowi Aukcji przysługuje prawo niedopuszczenia do Aukcji uczestnika, który na przestrzeni ostatnich 5 lat dopuścił się niezapłacenia i nieodebrania konia lub innego obiektu wystawionego na jakąkolwiek aukcję prowadzoną na terenie Rzeczpospolitej.

7. The Organizer of the Auction has the right to exclude from the Auction a participant who, over the last 5 years, has failed to pay and collect a horse or an object put up for any auction held in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

8. W uzasadnionych przypadkach Organizator zachowuje sobie prawo niedopuszczenia danego podmiotu do uczestnictwa w aukcji bez podania przyczyny.

8. In justified cases, the Organizer reserves the right not to allow a given person to participate in the auction without giving a reason.

9. Oferty zakupu konia / koni podczas aukcji (przetargu) można składać :

9. Offers for the purchase of a horse / horses at an auction (tender) may be submitted:

1) osobiście

1) Personal participation

a) Każdemu Uczestnikowi przed aukcją (przetargiem) zostanie przypisany indywidualny numer identyfikacyjny, który uczestnik będzie zobowiązany umieszczać na swojej ofercie, w celu wykorzystania go do ogłaszania bieżących wyników aukcji (przetargu) .

a) Each Participant will be assigned an individual identification number prior to the auction (tender), which the Participant will be obliged to place on his/her bid, in order to use it to announce the current results of the auction (tender).

b) Uczestnik będzie miał do dyspozycji dokument, na którym na bieżąco będzie mógł podawać swoją ofertę na danego konia. Po otrzymaniu oferty, w przypadku gdy będzie ona wyższa niż widoczna na aktualnej tablicy wyników przetargu, prowadzący aukcję (przetarg) będzie

b) A document will be available to the participant on which he/she will be able to indicate his/her bid for a particular horse on an ongoing basis. Once a bid has been received, in the event that it is higher than that shown on the current auction (tender) results board, the auctioneer (tenderer)


Terms and Conditions

ją wprowadzał na tablicę wyników.

will enter it on the results board.

2) telefonicznie

2) Telephone bidding

a) Uczestnicy aukcji mają możliwość wzięcia udziału w aukcji przez telefon (licytacja telefoniczna).

a) Auction participants may participate in the auction by telephone (telephone bidding).

b) Uczestnik licytacji telefonicznej powinien nie później niż na 12 godzin przed terminem aukcji skontaktować się ze Spółką, celem zarezerwowania linii telefonicznej. Uczestnikowi zostanie przypisany indywidualny numer identyfikacyjny, który pracownik Spółki będzie zobowiązany umieszczać na otrzymanej ofercie, w celu wykorzystania go do ogłoszenia bieżących wyników aukcji (przetargu).

b) A participant in a telephone auction should contact the Company no later than 12 hours before the date of the auction in order to book a telephone line. The participant will be assigned an individual identification number, which an employee of the Company will be required to place on the bid received, for use in announcing the current results of the auction (tender).

c) Organizator nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za brak możliwości wzięcia udziału w licytacji telefonicznej z powodu trudności z połączeniem z numerem podanym przez Uczestnika.

c) The organiser is not responsible for the inability to participate in the telephone bidding due to difficulties in connecting to the number provided by the Participant.

d) Licytacja telefoniczna może być nagrywana, a złożenie zlecenia jest równoznaczne z wyrażeniem zgody na nagrywanie rozmowy telefonicznej. Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do archiwizowania rozmów.

d) The telephone bidding may be recorded, and by placing an order you consent to the recording of the telephone call. The organiser reserves the right to archive the calls.

e) Spółka zapewnia możliwość uczestnictwa w licytacji telefonicznej w języku angielskim.

e) The Company provides the opportunity to participate in the telephone auction in English.

g) Pracownik Spółki będzie w imieniu licytującego telefonicznie składał ofertę prowadzącemu aukcję, celem umieszczenia jej na tablicy wyników.

g) An employee of the Company will, on behalf of the bidder, telephone the auctioneer to place the bid on the scoreboard

3) drogą e-mailową

3) by e-mail

a) Uczestnicy aukcji mają możliwość wzięcia udziału w aukcji drogą e-mailową.

a) Participants in the auction shall have the option of taking part in the auction by e-mail.

b) Uczestnik, który chce skorzystać z tej możliwości powinien nie później niż na 12 godzin przed terminem aukcji poinformować Spółkę o wybranym sposobie licytacji. Uczestnikowi zostanie przypisany indywidualny numer identyfikacyjny, który uczestnik licytacji będzie zobowiązany umieszczać na wysłanej ofercie, w celu wykorzystania go do ogłaszania bieżących wyników aukcji (przetargu).

b) A participant wishing to take advantage of this option should inform the Company of the chosen bidding method no later than 12 hours before the auction date. The participant will be assigned an individual identification number, which the bidder will be required to include on the bid sent, for use in announcing the current auction results (tender).

4) online w czasie rzeczywistym za pomocą platformy

4) online in real time via the platform Terms and Conditions


a) Organizator udostępnia możliwość licytacji w czasie rzeczywistym przez Internet razem z Uczestnikami zgromadzonymi w hali aukcyjnej.

a) The Organizer provides the possibility of bidding in real time via the Internet together with the Participants gathered in the Auction Hall.

b) Warunkiem uczestnictwa w aukcji w sposób opisany w ust. 4 powyżej jest zarejestrowanie się przez Uczestnika na stronie internetowej

b) The condition for participating in the auction in the manner described in section 4 above is that the Participant registers on the website.

c) Organizator Aukcji nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za wszelkie problemy, utrudnienia, a w szczególności brak możliwości licytacji spowodowany trudnościami lub awarią techniczną po stronie Uczestnika lub operatora łącza internetowego, z którego korzysta Uczestnik.

c) The Auction Organizer is not responsible for any problems, difficulties, and in particular the inability to bid due to difficulties or technical failure on the part of the Participant or the operator of the Internet connection used by the Participant.

Aukcja będzie trwała (możliwość składania ofert) od godziny 10.00 do 15.00 w dniu 16 grudnia 2023 roku. Rozstrzygniecie Aukcji zaplanowane jest na godz. 15.00. Organizator zastrzega możliwość zmiany godziny rozpoczęcia Aukcji i poinformowania o tym uczestników Aukcji.

The Auction will run (opportunity to bid) from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. on 16 December 2023. The Auction is scheduled to be resolved at 3.00 p.m. The Organiser reserves the right to change the starting time of the Auction and inform the Auction participants accordingly.

10. Licytacja będzie prowadzona w sposób wskazany w niniejszych Warunkach Aukcji, systemem zwyczajowo przyjętym na aukcjach sprzedaży koni. Aukcja będzie się odbywać w systemie SILENT SALE. Licytacja będzie prowadzona w walucie euro. Minimalna kwota postąpienia wynosi: 500,00 EUR (słownie: pięćset euro), jednak pozostawia się Organizatorowi prawo zmiany kwoty postąpienia w trakcie Aukcji poprzez ogłoszenie tego przez stronę internetową , a także przez Prowadzącego Aukcję na terenie Spółki dla klientów stacjonarnych, wówczas wiążąca dla uczestników Aukcji jest kwota postąpienia ogłoszona w trakcie Aukcji i nie może być ona obniżona bez kolejnego ogłoszenia.

10. The auction will be conducted in the manner indicated in these Auction Conditions, by the system customary at horse sale auctions. The auction will take place in the SILENT SALE system. The auction will be conducted in Euro. The minimum increment amount is: EUR 500.00 (in words: five hundred euros euro), however, the Organiser shall be entitled to change the amount of the bid during the Auction by announcing this on the website and also by the Auctioneer on the Company’s premises for stationary customers, in which case the amount of the bid announced during the Auction shall be binding on the participants in the Auction and may not be reduced without a further announcement.

11. Każdy koń może zostać sprzedany nabywcy za najwyższą cenę wylicytowaną, o ile wyrażona będzie zgoda właściciela na zaoferowaną cenę. Osiągnięcie ceny, na którą właściciel wyrazi zgodę ogłaszana będzie przez stronę internetową oraz przez Prowadzącego Aukcję na terenie Spółki.

11. Any horse may be sold to a buyer for the highest bid price, provided the owner’s consent to the price offered is given. The price agreed to by the owner will be announced via the website and by the Auctioneer on the Company’s premises.

12. Cena nabycia, będąca najwyższą ofertą ogłoszoną przez prowadzącego Aukcję, jest ostateczną ceną netto, nie podlega negocjacjom

12. The purchase price, which is the highest bid announced by the Auctioneer, is the final net price, non-negotiable and will be increased by


Terms and Conditions

i zostanie powiększona o podatek VAT w obowiązującej wysokości (8 procent). Kwota podatku VAT zostanie zwrócona nabywcom, którzy:

VAT at the applicable rate (8 percent). VAT will be refunded to buyers who:

1) posiadają numer rejestracyjny VAT w Unii Europejskiej i potwierdzą wewnątrzwspólnotową dostawę odbieranych koni,

1) have a VAT registration number in the European Union and confirm the intra-Community delivery of the collected horses,



2) przedstawią dokumenty wywozowe, potwierdzające wywóz zakupionych koni poza terytorium Unii Europejskiej, konieczne dla potraktowania sprzedaży jako eksportu, pod warunkiem, że procedura celna wywozu będzie miała początek na terenie Polski i zamknięta zostanie w ciągu 2 (dwóch) miesięcy od dnia dokonania pełnej płatności za zakupione konie.

2) present export documents confirming the export of purchased horses outside the territory of the European Union, necessary for the sale to be treated as export, provided that the export customs procedure will begin in Poland and be closed within 2 (two) months from the date of full payment for purchased horses.

13. Z chwilą przyjęcia najwyższej oferty dochodzi do zawarcia umowy sprzedaży. Zawarcie umowy sprzedaży potwierdzone zostanie pisemnie.

13. Upon acceptance of the highest offer, a sales contract is concluded. The conclusion of the sales contract will be confirmed in writing.

14. Oferta złożona w toku Aukcji przestaje wiązać, gdy inny uczestnik aukcji (przetargu) złożył ofertę korzystniejszą.

14. An offer submitted during the Auction ceases to be binding when another participant in the auction (bidder) has submitted a more favorable offer.

15. Prowadzący Aukcję (przetarg) ma prawo do odmowy przyjęcia dowolnej oferty lub unieważnienia dowolnej licytacji bez podania przyczyny.

15. The provider of Auction (tender) has the right to refuse any bid or to cancel any auction without giving any reason.

16. W razie powstania jakiegokolwiek sporu pomiędzy dwoma lub więcej oferentami, przeprowadzana jest licytacja dodatkowa tj.: licytacja realizowana począwszy od najwyższego poziomu oferty osiągniętego przed zaistnieniem sporu, lub spór taki zostanie rozstrzygnięty w inny sposób przez prowadzącego Aukcję (przetarg).

16. In the event of any dispute between two or more bidders, an additional bidding is carried out, i.e. the bidding is carried out starting from the highest bid level reached before the dispute occurred, or such a dispute will be settled in a different way by the Auctioneer.

17. Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do wycofania jednego lub więcej koni z Aukcji przed jej rozpoczęciem lub w czasie jej trwania bez podania przyczyny, a także dopuszcza możliwość powtórnej licytacji konia, na którego nie została zawarta umowa sprzedaży podczas pierwszej licytacji.

17. The Organizer reserves the right to withdraw one or more horses from the Auction before its commencement or during its duration without giving any reason, and also allows the possibility of re-bidding a horse for which the contract of sale was not concluded during the first auction (e.g. minimum/reserve price).

Opis i kwestie zdrowotne dotyczące koni

Description and equine health issues

18. Każdy koń wystawiony do sprzedaży zostaje

18. Any horse put up for sale is sold as it is. Terms and Conditions


sprzedany w stanie, w jakim jest. 19. Każdy koń wystawiony na Aukcji ma potwierdzony rodowód, posiada paszport i jest zarejestrowany w Polskiej Księdze Stadnej Koni Arabskich Czystej Krwi. Każdy koń oferowany na Aukcji posiada aktualne szczepienia przeciwko grypie.

19. Each horse offered for sale has a confirmed pedigree, has a passport and is registered in the Polish Stud Book of Purebred Arabian Horses. Each horse offered at the Auction has current flu vaccinations.

20. Każdy koń oferowany na Aukcji został poddany weterynaryjnemu badaniu ogólnego stanu zdrowia – na życzenie nabywcy lekarz weterynarii przedłoży stosowne zaświadczenie.

20. Each horse offered at the Auction has been subjected to a veterinary examination of general health - at the buyer’s request, a veterinarian will submit a relevant certificate.

21. Każda klacz opisana jako „źrebna” posiada certyfikat hodowlany oraz oświadczenie lekarza weterynarii w formie pisemnej potwierdzające ciążę z datą badania, nie późniejszą niż 1 grudnia 2023 r.

21. Each mare described as „foaled” has a breeding certificate and a veterinarian’s written statement confirming pregnancy with an examination date no later than December 1st, 2023.

22. Każdy koń płci męskiej opisany niezgodnie ze stanem faktycznym, tzn. jako „ogier” w przypadku wnętra jedno lub obustronnego, podlega zwrotowi, chyba że zostało to zaznaczone w opisie.

22. Each male horse described inconsistently with the facts, i.e. as a „stallion” in the case of a one-sided or two-sided interior, is subject to return, unless it has been indicated in the description.

23. Każdy koń, u którego wyniki testów krwi wykluczają możliwość wysyłki eksportowej, podlega zwrotowi.

23. Any horse whose blood test results exclude the possibility of export shipment shall be returned.

Obowiązki nabywcy

Buyer’s duties

24. Nabywca każdego konia zobowiązany jest do:

24. The buyer of each horse is obligated to:

1) podania dokładnych danych osobowych kupującego;

1) provide accurate personal data of the purchaser;

2) podpisania umowy przesłanej przez Organizatora via-email po wygraniu licytacji on line lub telefonicznej, a w przypadku klienta biorącego osobisty udział w Aukcji do podpisania umowy bezpośrednio po wygranej licytacji;

2) signing the contract sent by the Organizer via e-mail after winning the auction (after winning), in the case of a customer participating in the Auction in person, to sign the contract immediately after winning the auction;

3) wpłacenia całkowitej ceny brutto za zakup danego konia pomniejszonej o wpłacone wadium przelewem na rachunek bankowy Sprzedającego (Wystawcy) podany w umowie sprzedaży (dzierżawy), niezwłocznie po wygraniu licytacji: (i) w ciągu 7 (siedmiu ) dni licząc od daty sprzedaży (tylko nabywcy krajowi); (ii) w ciągu 7 (siedmiu) dni licząc od dnia uzyskania wyników badań weterynaryjnych umożliwiających wysyłkę konia za granicę (tylko nabywcy zagraniczni).

3) pay the total contract value, deducting the bid bond amount, by unconditional money order to seller’s bank account indicated in Sale contract (or Lease contract), shortly after winning the bid: (i) within 7 (seven) days counting from the date of the sale (only domestic buyers); (ii) within 7 (seven) days from the date of obtaining the results of veterinary tests enabling the horse to be sent abroad (only foreign buyers). The extension of the payment deadline could be


Terms and Conditions

Przedłużenie terminu płatności może mieć miejsce wyłącznie na podstawie nieodwołalnej, bezwarunkowej gwarancji bankowej płatnej na pierwsze żądanie Sprzedającego (Wystawcy), przedłożonej przez nabywcę, na całą należną kwotę;

done exclusively on the basis of the irrevocable, unconditional bank guarantee payable at the first request of the Seller (the Exhibitor), presented by the Buyer;

4) zobowiązania się do pokrycia wszystkich wydatków związanych z utrzymaniem koni po Aukcji z uwzględnieniem kosztów przebywania w stajni, jak również kosztów transportu wywozowego wraz z kosztami wysyłki próbek krwi lub surowicy do laboratoriów wykonujących testy, innych wymaganych kosztów weterynaryjnych, kosztów związanych z odprawą celną, itp.;

4) undertake to cover all the expenses connected with maintenance of the horses purchased after the Auction, including stabling costs as well as the export shipment including costs of veterinary tests, forwarding expenses, custom clearance, costs of shipping the blood or serum samples to the laboratories performing the test etc.;

5) odebrania każdego konia nabytego podczas Aukcji na własny koszt, w dniu i w miejscu określonym ze Sprzedającym;

5) pick up each horse purchased during the Auction at his own expense, on the day and at the place specified by the Seller.

6) Niedopuszczalne są zachowania Nabywcy polegające w szczególności na podszywaniu się pod jakąkolwiek osobę lub podmiot bądź fałszywym podawaniu lub przeinaczaniu w inny sposób swoich powiazań z osobą lub podmiotem, zakłócaniu lub powstrzymywaniu innego Uczestnika do udziału w Aukcji;

6) It is unacceptable for the Buyer to behave in particular by impersonating any person or entity or falsely stating or otherwise distorting its connections with a person or entity, disrupting or stopping another Participant from participating in the Auction;

25. Jeżeli Nabywca nie spełni któregokolwiek z warunków określonych w ust. 23:

25. If the Buyer would fail to fulfill any of the conditions specified in item 23

1) traci wadium bez możliwości jego zwrotu ani negocjacji;

1) he loses the bid bond without the feasibility of its return or any negotiation;

2) traci prawo do konia, tak jak w przypadku rezygnacji z zakupu;

2) he loses the right to the horse as though he would resign from the purchase;

26. Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do upublicznienia danych Nabywcy, o którym mowa w ust. 24, na co Nabywca wyraża zgodę.

26. The organiser reserves the right to make the data of the Purchaser referred to in section 24 public, to which the Purchaser agrees.

27. Każdy koń i jego potomstwo urodzone po Aukcji z klaczy opisanej jako „źrebna” może być sprzedawane po raz kolejny.

27. Any horse and its progeny born after the Auction from a mare described as „foaled” may be sold once again.

W każdym przypadku sprzedaż może nastąpić od razu lub później podczas aukcji publicznej lub w sprzedaży bezpośredniej;

In any case, the sale may take place immediately or later at a public auction or direct sale.

28. Prawny tytuł własności dotyczący zarówno konia nabywanego, jak i jego potomstwa urodzonego po Aukcji z klaczy opisanych jako „źrebne” nie zostanie przeniesiony na nabywcę

28. Legal title in respect of both the horse to be purchased and its progeny born after the Auction from mares described as „in foal” will not be transferred to the purchaser until the full amount Terms and Conditions


do momentu opłacenia całej należnej kwoty wraz z wszystkimi pozostałymi wydatkami brutto, związanymi z obecnie obowiązującymi Warunkami Aukcji lub innych opłat należnych Sprzedającemu (Wystawcy) i/lub Organizatorowi.

due has been paid, together with all other gross expenses, relating to the currently applicable Auction Conditions or any other fees due to the Seller (Exhibitor) and/or the Organiser.

29. Ryzyko związane z nabywanymi końmi i potomstwem urodzonym po Aukcji przenoszone jest na Nabywcę z chwilą ogłoszenia nabycia przez Prowadzącego Aukcję podczas licytacji.

29. The risk in respect of the purchased horses and offspring born after the Auction is transferred to the Purchaser as soon as the Auctioneer announces the purchase during the auction.

30. Jeśli Nabywca odmówi zapłacenia należności dotyczących któregokolwiek konia w terminie podanym w niniejszych Warunkach Aukcji, Organizator ma prawo niezależnie od innych uprawnień domagać się zapłaty od Nabywcy, a także wykorzystać wszelkie możliwości prawne w celu uzyskania takiej zapłaty. Ponadto Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do upublicznienia danych takiego Nabywcy, na co Nabywca (uczestnik Aukcji) wyraża zgodę.

30. If the Purchaser refuses to pay the amounts due in respect of any horse within the period specified in these Auction Conditions, the Organiser shall have the right, irrespective of any other rights, to demand payment from the Purchaser and to use all legal avenues to obtain such payment. Furthermore, the Organiser reserves the right to make public the details of such Purchaser, to which the Purchaser (Auction Participant) agrees.

31. Odbiór zakupionego konia z miejsca Aukcji jest możliwy jedynie w przypadku uiszczenia całkowitej ceny zakupu konia w formie potwierdzonego przelewu pieniężnego na rachunek Sprzedającego.

31. Collection of the purchased horse from the Auction site is only possible if the total purchase price of the horse is paid in the form of a confirmed money transfer to the Seller’s account.

32. Bezpośrednio po zakończeniu Aukcji wszystkie sprzedane konie przebywać będą w stajniach Sprzedającego na ryzyko Nabywcy w okresie do 14 dni po sprzedaży. Dalsze przebywanie konia w stajniach Sprzedającego jest możliwe przy dodatkowym koszcie nabywcy w kwocie 12 EUR brutto za każdy dodatkowy dzień pobytu konia.

32. Immediately after the end of the Auction, all horses sold will remain in the Seller’s stables at the Purchaser’s risk for up to 14 days after the sale. The continued stay of the horse in the Seller’s stables is possible at an additional cost to the Purchaser of EUR 12 gross for each additional day of stay of the horse.

33. Inne rozwiązania dotyczące transportu lub utrzymania koni po czasie określonym w ust. 31 mogą zostać uzgodnione bezpośrednio pomiędzy Nabywcą a Sprzedającym konia na podstawie odrębnych umów lub porozumień (w szczególności dotyczy to klaczy, których termin wyźrebienia wyklucza odbiór w wymaganym terminie).

33. Other arrangements for the transport or maintenance of the horses after the time specified in paragraph 31 may be agreed directly between the Purchaser and the Seller of the horse on the basis of separate contracts or agreements (in particular this applies to mares whose foaling date precludes collection within the required period).

Uwagi dla Nabywców

Notice for the Buyers

34. Wszystkie konie sprzedawane są na Warunkach Aukcji określonych przez Organizatora w niniejszych postanowieniach. Wszelkie oświadczenia i korekty dotyczące danych w katalogu ogłoszone podczas Aukcji

34. All horses and other objects are sold on the terms of the Auction specified by the Organizer in these provisions. All statements and corrections regarding data in the catalog announced during the Auction remain in force and therefore all


Terms and Conditions

pozostają w mocy i w związku z tym wszyscy Nabywcy są zobowiązani do obecności osobistej, przez przedstawiciela lub obecności internetowej na początku licytacji danego konia w celu poznania wszystkich komunikatów dotyczących tego konia.

buyers are required to be present in person, through a representative or online presence at the beginning of the bidding of a given horse or other object in order to know all messages regarding this horse or object.

Odpowiedzialność Organizatora

Responsibility for the horses

35. Wszystkie osoby przebywające na terenach aukcyjnych podczas trwania Aukcji i imprez z nią związanych czynią to na własne ryzyko. Organizator Aukcji nie będzie ponosić odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek straty lub szkody na zdrowiu czy mieniu poniesione przez te osoby podczas trwania Aukcji lub imprez z nią związanych.

35. All persons are present at the ground of the event throughout the entire time at their own risk. The Organizes of the Auction shall not be held responsible or liable for any loss or damage, which could happen to any persons during the whole event.

Postanowienia końcowe

Final provisions

36. Niniejsze Warunki Aukcji są regulowane wyłącznie przez prawo polskie. Wyłączną jurysdykcję posiadają polskie sądy powszechne. Sądem miejscowo właściwym do rozstrzygania wszelkich sporów związanych z Aukcją jest sąd właściwy dla siedziby Organizatora.

36. These Terms and Conditions of Auction shall be governed exclusively by Polish law. The Polish common courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction. The local court competent to resolve any disputes related to the Auction shall be the court having jurisdiction over the seat of the Organiser.

37. Organizator zastrzega możliwość wprowadzenia uzupełnień lub zmian postanowień Warunków Aukcji nie później jednak niż na 3 (trzy) dni przed planowanym terminem Aukcji.

37. The Organiser reserves the right to make additions or changes to the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of the Auction no later than 3 (three) days before the scheduled date of the Auction.

38. Administratorem danych Nabywców jest Organizator.


38. The Organiser is the administrator of the Purchasers’ personal data.

39. Uczestnik przystępując do Aukcji wyraża zgodę na przetwarzanie swoich danych osobowych na jej potrzeby.

39. By entering the Auction, the Participant agrees to the processing of his/her personal data for the purposes of the Auction.

Terms and Conditions


Mares Klacze dorosłe

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVII-1

bay mare, foaled on 20th of January, 2012 measurements: 154 - 173 - 17,8 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Haifi d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta


El Marina

photo by Sylwia Iłenda

GANGES bay, 1994 Michałów Stud 2/16 (3-3-6-1) 1

MONOGRAMM chestnut, 1985 Patterson Arabians USA GARONNA bay, 1985 Michałów Stud 2/18 (4-2-7-1) O

Negatraz Monogramma Fanatyk Gizela


Anaza El Farid

Al Shaqab Stud Qatar


EL MEDINA bay, 2004 Michałów Stud 1/7

EL DORADA grey, 1998 Michałów Stud 1/5 (0-0-0-0-1)

Racing record: 2015 – 8 starts: 1xI, 1xII, 1xIII, 1xIV

Breeding record: 2017 colt EL MARINERO (Ascot DD) chestnut 2018 colt EL MARINI (El Omari) bay 2019 filly EL MIRA (Shams Sharav AA) grey 2020 filly EL MARIELLA (Morion) bay, 1/1 (1-00-0), Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion, Inter Cup Yearling Bronze Champion, European Cup Yearling Silver Champion, Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion, Inter Cup Junior Bronze Champion, European Cup Junior Silver Champion, Polish National Junior Silver Champion 2021 filly EL MARINERA (Wares) chestnut 2022 colt ELROD (Forman) bay 2023 filly EL MASILA (Erantis)

Breeding status: Barren Suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Currently stable condition, with no exacerbations of disease symptoms.

Sanadik El Shaklan Emigrantka

Bask Negotka Knippel Monopolia Aloes Fatima Palas Gilza Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora El Shaklan Mohena Eukaliptus Emigracja

Sire: GANGES (Monogramm) bay, 2/16 (3-3-6-1) 1, Koheilan I St. winner. Twice Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, Blommeröd International Senior Champion & Best in Show, Polish National Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Reserve Champion, US Columbus Champion, US National Top Ten, US National Reserve Champion

1st dam: EL MEDINA (Gazal Al Shaqab) bay, 1/7, class top five at the Junior Spring Show, Polish National Show, Austrian International Show, Falborek Arabian Horse Show, dam of: 2009 – colt EL BEDAVY (Enzo) bay 2010 – colt ELLENZO (Enzo) bay 2011 – filly EL MEDIA (Ganges) dark bay, 2/16 (0-2-1-3) 2012 – filly EL MARINA 2013 – filly EXPRESSJA TV (El Omari) bay,1/7 (0-0-1-2-3) 2014 – filly EL MEDONIA (Shanghai EA) grey, 1/6 (0-0-0-0-1), dam of: 2019 – filly EL MADERA (Morion) grey, Junior Spring Show Yearling Top Five, Polish National Yearling Silver Mares


Champion, European Junior Gold Champion 2020 – colt EL MAESTRO (Morion) bay, 1/5 (0-1-1-1-1), Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion, Polish National Yearling Bronze Champion 2021 – colt EL MEDAR (Morion) bay, Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion, Polish National Yearling Gold Champion, European Yearling Bronze Champion, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, Polish National Junior Silver Champion, European Junior Silver Champion 2015 – colt EL MEDIO (Shanghai EA) grey 2016 – colt ELBOR (Vitorio TO) grey 2017 – colt EL NINIO (Empire) grey 2018 – colt EL MEDON (Empire) bay 2019 – colt EMIRADO (Ganges) bay

2nd dam: EL DORADA (Sanadik El Shaklan) grey, 1/5 (0-0-0-0-1), Junior Spring Show Champion, Blommeröd International Junior Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, European Junior Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, Poznań Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Champion, twice European Senior Reserve Champion, thrice World Senior Top Ten, European Senior Champion, World Senior Reserve Champion, Scottsdale Senior Reserve Champion, US preliminary Region III, Region III & VII Senior Champion, US National Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion, World Senior Bronze Champion, Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz International Arabian Horse Festival Senior Silver Champion, Mediterranean & Arab Countries Arabian Horse Championships Best Dam of the Show, dam of: 2003 – colt EL-AJUN (Ekstern) grey 2004 – filly EL MEDINA 2006 – colt EL PALACIO VO (US) (Al Lahab) grey, Egyptian International Junior Champion, Abu Dhabi Gold Champion, Dubai International Junior Champion, Qatar International Junior Champion, Sharjah Silver Champion, UK International Silver Champion, World Bronze Champion, Arabian Horse Weekend Gold Champion, International Arabian Horse Days Gold Champion, Jadida Show Silver Champion, West Coast Championship Gold Champion, Berlin Cup International Gold Champion, Intercup Gold Champion, SIRE 2008 – colt EL DORETT (Enzo) grey 2009 – colt EL DOR (Enzo) grey 2010 – filly EL DORRA (QR Marc) chestnut, 1/5 (0-1-0-0) 2011 – filly EL DORELLA (Eden C) chestnut, 1/6 (0-0-1-0-1), dam of: 2019 – filly EL ELWA OF SINUS (SE) (Wadee Al Shaqab) – Strohen Junior Bronze Champion 2022 – filly EL EMERALDA OF SINUS (SE) (Emerald J) – European Cup Yearling Bronze Champion 2014 – colt WAJEEH ATHBAH (SA) (EKS Alihandro) grey, Inter Cup Junior Gold Champion

3rd dam: EMIGRANTKA (Eukaliptus) grey, 1/1. Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, European Junior Reserve Champion, European Senior Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, dam of: 1990 – filly EMANCYPACJA (Falsyfikat) grey, 2/14 (2-2-1-1-3), Linkoping Senior Reserve Champion, dam of: 2001 – colt EURYTHMICS (SE) (Wadim) Umea Junior Reserve Champion, Pitea Senior


El Marina

EL MARINA photo by Sylwia Iłenda

Reserve Champion, Umea Senior Reserve Champion 2006 – colt ELYSION (SE) (Premier) Turbo Star International Junior Reserve Champion, Turbo Star International Senior Gold Champion, Sverige Pokalen Bollerup Senior Gold Champion, twice Swedish National Senior Bronze Champion 1991 – colt EMIGRANT (Ararat) grey, 2/22 (1-3-5-3), twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Reserve Champion, European Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, Bełżyce Senior Reserve Champion, Falborek Senior Reserve Champion, SIRE 1992 – colt EDEON (Eldon) grey, 1/1, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, Malvern Senior Reserve Champion, East Budleigh Senior Champion, Poznań International Senior Reserve Champion, Royal Bath & West Show Champion, twice Devon County Show Senior Champion, Devon County Show Champion 1993 – colt EWERTON (Wojsław) grey, 2/18 (2-4-1-3-3) 1994 – colt EL MUNDO (Monogramm) grey, 1/7 (1-0-0-1-1) 1995 – filly EMARILLA (Monogramm) chestnut, 2/12 (2-1-3-3-2) 1996 – colt EMISARIUSZ (Ecaho) grey, 2/28 (0-2-7-5-5) 1997 – colt ERALD (Monogramm) chestnut, 1/9 (1-1-1-0-1), North Staffs Group Senior Champion, Midlands Arabian Festival Senior Champion 1998 – filly EL DORADA 1999 – filly ENDORRA (Pesal) grey, 1/2 2001 – filly EL HAZA (Ararat) grey, 1/4 Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk 2002 – colt EUROPOS (Ekstern) grey Mares


Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVII-3

dark bay mare, foaled on 28th of April, 2014 measurements: 154 - 176 - 18,0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta



photo by Glenn Jacobs

CHIMERYK brown, 2008 Michałów Stud 1/4 (2-0-1-1)

EMMBLA chestnut, 2007 Michałów Stud 1/6

ERYKS d.bay, 2003 Michałów Stud 1/6 (0-0-1-1) CHIMERA bay, 1998 Michałów Stud 1/2 (0-0-0-0-1)

Gazal Al Shaqab Emmona Emigrant Czereda

AL MARAAM bay, 1998

Imperial Imdal

Ariela Arabians Israel

The Vision HG

EMBRA grey, 1995 Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-1-1-2)

Racing record: Unraced

Breeding record: 2019 filly ENDEMIA (Forman) dark bay 2020 filly EMIREMIA (Morion) bay, Junior Spring Show Yearling Bronze Champion 2021 colt EMANON (Morion) dark bay 2022 colt EBENUM (Paris) grey 2023 colt ELANDIEL (Morion) bay

Breeding status: Not bred

Sire: CHIMERYK (Eryks) brown, 1/4 (2-0-1-1), Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five, Junior Spring Show Top Five, Autumn Show Junior Top Five, Russian Silver Senior Champion

Monogramm Emilda

Anaza El Farid Kajora Monogramm Emilda Ararat Emigrantka Probat Cięciwa Ansata Imperial Dalia Thee Desperado Belle Staar Negatraz Monogramma Pamir Emanacja

1st dam: EMMBLA (Al Maraam) chestnut, 1/6, Wrocław Summer Show Senior Champion, dam of: 2012 – filly EMMBELARDA (QR Marc) chestnut 2013 – filly ELLISSIMA (Albedo) dark bay 2014 – filly EMBLEMA 2018 – colt ERGO (RFI Farid) bay

2nd dam: EMBRA (Monogramm) grey, 1/8 (1-1-1-2), All Nations Cup Senior Top Five, European Senior Top Five, World Senior Top Ten, Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Reserve Champion, dam of: 2000 – filly EMIRA (Laheeb) grey, 1/4 (0-0-0-1), Polish National Junior Champion & Best in Show, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Poznań Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Champion, Bełżyce Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, European Senior Reserve Champion, Danish National



Senior Champion, Tulip Cup Senior Champion & Best in Show, Qatar International Arabian Horse Show Senior Reserve Champion, International Bruges Senior Champion & Best in Show, Breeders’ European Championship Senior Champion, European Bronze Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Senior Bronze Champion, World Senior Bronze Champion, European Senior Top Five, dam of: 2007 – filly EL SAGHIRA (Galba) grey, Polish National Junior Top Five, Belgian Arabian Prestige International Junior Reserve Champion, UK International Junior Reserve Champion, Ströhen International Senior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, World Senior Top Ten, Sharjah International Arabian Horse Festival Senior Silver Champion 2009 – colt EMPIRE (Enzo) grey, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, European Junior Bronze Champion, World Junior Top Ten, Wels International Junior Champion, SIRE 2001 – colt EARL (Werbum) grey, 1/6 (1-1-1-1) 2002 – colt EUSNER (Werbum) chestnut 2003 – colt ELEKTRUM (Grafik) grey 2004 – filly EMBORIA (Grafik) grey 2005 – colt EMIRION (Grafik) grey 2007 – filly EMMBLA 2008 – colt EL OMARI (Enzo) chestnut, 1/8 (1-0-2-3), twice Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, SIRE 2013 – filly EMBIRA (Jaipur El Perseus) grey

3rd dam: EMILDA (Pamir) grey, Polish National Junior Champion, twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Champion, UK National Senior Champion, dam of: 1995 – filly EMBRA 1997 – filly ERYKA (Eukaliptus) grey, 2/10 (0-1-2-0-3), dam of: 2003 – filly ERIGONE (Ekstern) grey, dam of: 2007 – colt JOSEPH’S ERAGON (FR) (WH Justice) grey, French National Junior Gold Champion 2018 – filly EFORA KL (QR Marc) grey, European Junior Gold Champion 2021 – colt ELON KL (QR Marc) grey, Polish National Yearling Silver Champion 1998 – filly EMMONA (Monogramm) grey, 1/8 (0-0-0-1-4), Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, World Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Top Five, four time World Senior Top Ten, Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Reserve Champion, Austrian National Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Top Five, European Senior Top Five, Polish National Senior Champion & Best in Show, Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival Senior Bronze Champion, dam of: 2003 – colt ERYKS (Gazal Al Shaqab) brown, 1/6 (0-0-1-1), Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Champion & Best in Show, Polish National Senior Top Five, Polish National Senior Bronze Champion, SIRE



EMBLEMA photo by Glenn Jacobs

2006 – filly EMIRIONA (Grafik) grey, Inter Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Cup Senior Bronze Champion, International Days for Arabian Horses Senior Silver Champion, dam of: 2012 – filly EMPERA (Kabsztad) grey, 1/4 (1-0-0-0) Bruges Arabian Horse Event Senior Bronze Champion, Arabian Horse Weekend Senior Bronze Champion Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk



Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-3

chestnut mare, foaled on 8th of February, 2019 measurements: 156 - 187 - 18,5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta



photo by Sylwia Iłenda

SHAMS SHARAV AA grey, 2012 Ariela Arabians Israel

SIMEON SHARAV grey, 1999 Simeon Stud Australia SANIYYAH RCA grey, 2005 Rock Creek Arabians USA

EMFIRIA grey, 2014 Michałów Stud 1/7 (0-0-1-2-2)

Asfour Simeon Shuala Mishaal HP My Shooting Star



grey, 2009 Michałów Stud


EMFONIA grey, 2007 Michałów Stud

Galba Ernera

Malik Hanan Simeon Shai Ramses Tinah Ansata Sinan Mesoudah M Thee Desperado Faliha Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Laheeb Embra Plakat Gza Gza Monogramm Ernestyna

Racing record: Unraced

Breeding status: Not bred

Sire: SHAMS SHARAV AA (IL) (Simeon Sharav) grey, Israeli National Silver Champion Colt Foal, International Palestinian Gold Champion Colt and High Scoring Horse, Galilee Gold Champion Yearling, Israeli Egyptian Event Silver Champion Yearling, Israeli National Silver Champion Yearling, Israeli Egyptian Event Silver Champion Colt, Israeli Egyptian Event Bronze Champion Colt, Bruges Egyptian Show Silver Champion, Ströhen International Bronze Champion, West Cost Egyptian Event Cup Gold Champion, Israeli Egyptian Event Silver Champion & High Scoring Horse, Israeli National Bronze Champion, Israeli Egyptian Event Gold Champion

1st dam: EMFIRIA (Empire) grey, 1/7 (0-0-1-2-2), dam of: 2019 – filly ENTITA 2020 – colt EMPIREUM (Muranas Jassehr) chestnut 2021 – colt ERAST (Złoty Medal) grey 2022 – colt EFORUS (AJ Azzam) grey



2nd dam: EMFONIA (Galba) grey, dam of: 2013 – filly EL MEDISA (Shanghai EA) grey, dam of: 2017 – colt EMAR AVI (Empire) grey, European Cup Junior Gold Champion, International Days for Arabian Horses Silver Junior Champion, Arabi a Bergamo Gold Junior Champion, Arabian Dream Junior Silver Champion, Cracow Arabian Horse Show Yearling Gold Champion 2018 – filly ELMONA (Medalion) grey, Junior Spring Show Top Five 2020 – colt EL DRACO RA (Morion) grey, Montefalco Yearling Bronze Champion, European Yearling Silver Champion, Intercup Yearling Bronze Champion, European Cup Yearling Silver Champion, twice European Cup Junior Gold Champion, Montefalco in Tour Silver Junior Champion, Polish National Junior Gold Champion, European Junior Gold Champion 2014 – filly EMFIRIA 2015 – colt EMPORIO (Empire) grey 2016 – colt EMENOR AGMAL (Equator) chestnut 2019 – filly SA ESITA (SE) (Pedagog) grey, Swedish National Silver Senior Champion

3rd dam: ERNERA (Monogramm) grey, 1/8 (0-0-0-0-5) class top five at the Polish National Show, FULL SISTER TO EKSTERN, dam of: 2000 – filly ERNESTA (Emigrant) grey 2001 – colt ERDŻIAS (Eldon) grey, 1/4 (0-1-1-2) 2002 – filly EMEERIA (Angor) chestnut 1/5 (0-0-0-1) 2003 – filly ERINNA (Grafik) grey, 1/5 2004 – filly ERIBOJA (Grafik) grey, 1/6 (0-0-0-3) 2006 – filly ERSEFONA (Galba) grey 2007 – filly EMFONIA 2008 – filly ERNESSA (Piruet) grey 2009 – colt EN BLOC (Laheeb) grey 2010 – filly ERGINIA (Gaspar) grey 2011 – colt ERNERUS (Pegasus) grey 2012 – filly ERSOLA (Alert) chestnut 2013 – colt ERNERYK (Eryks) bay Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk


Dianora Vitorio TO - Diara/Eryks presented by Rafał Szyper photo by Karolina Misztal

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVII-4

bay mare, foaled on 11th of April, 2015 measurements: 151 - 170 - 17,0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce



photo by Sylwia Iłenda

EQUATOR bay, 2010 Michałów Stud

KASJOPEJA grey, 2001 Michałów Stud 1/3

QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle USA EKLIPTYKA chestnut, 2003 Michałów Stud 1/5 (1-0-1-2)

Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Ekstern Ekspozycja

ELDON grey, 1985


Michałów Stud 2/10 (3-4-1-1) 1


KWESTURA chestnut, 1995 Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-1-4-1-1)

Monogramm Kwesta

Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Monogramm Ernestyna Eukaliptus Esperanca Partner Penza Eufrat Eroica Negatraz Monogramma Pesennik Kabała

Racing record: 2018 – 3 starts

Breeding record: 2021 colt KORIN (Morion) bay 2022 colt KENDAL (AJ Azzam) bay 2023 colt KADLIN (AJ Azzam) bay

Breeding status: Bred to KA NABRAS (last date of service April 5th, 2023)

Sire: EQUATOR (QR Marc) bay, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Gold Champion, World Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Gold Champion, twice Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Gold Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, thrice European Senior Gold Champion, World Senior Bronze Champion, All Nations Cup

Senior Silver Champion, twice World Senior Silver Champion, International Arabian Breeders Classic Senior Gold Champion, Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Gold Champion, US National Senior Reserve Champion, Sharjah International Senior Gold Champion, Dubai Senior Silver Champion, World Senior Gold Champion, KAAHC Senior Silver Champion, PSAIAHF Senior Silver Champion, Platinum World Champion

1st dam: KASJOPEJA (Eldon) grey, 1/3 (0-0-0-0), class top five at Junior Spring Show (1 yo fillies), Polish National Show (1 yo fillies), Poznań International Show (1 yo fillies), dam of: 2007 – filly KLIWIA (Gaspar) grey, 1/1 2009 – filly KRAŚNICA (QR Marc), chestnut, 1/5 (0-0-0-1), Denmark Open Senior Silver Champion Mare, Nordic Open Show Liberty Champion, Swedish National Senior Bronze Champion, dam of: 2014 – colt KRESZ (SE) (Empire) grey, Scandinavian Open Mares


Championships Silver Yearling Champion, Swedish National Silver Junior Champion, SIRE 2017 – filly KADIRA OF SINUS (SE) (Fadi Al Shaqab) chestnut, Cracow Arabian Horse Show Junior Champion, dam of: 2022 – filly KATARINA AO (Raoud Al Bidayer) grey, Polish National Yearling Top Five 2010 – filly KARAMEA (Pegasus) grey 2011 – colt KANKAN (Pegasus) grey, 3/23 (3-4-1-4-6) 1 2014 – colt KWARC (Equator) grey, 1/5 (1-0-0-0), Junior Spring Show Yearling Bronze Champion 2015 – filly KOPRA 2016 – colt KASJAN (Medalion) bay

2nd dam: KWESTURA (Monogramm) chestnut, 1/8 (1-1-4-1-1), Polish National Junior Champion Mare (PL), Białka Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion Mare (PL), All Nations Cup Senior Champion Mare (DE), twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion Mare (PL), European Senior Champion Mare (DK), US Columbus Champion Mare (US), US National Champion Mare (US), World Senior Top Ten Mare (FR), twice World Senior Champion Mare (FR), Menton Senior Champion Mare (FR), Elran Cup Senior Champion Mare (BE), European Senior Champion Mare (IT), Dubai International Senior Champion Mare (AE), All Nations Cup Senior Champion Mare (DE), World Platinum Champion Mare (FR), Pride of Poland Sale high-seller at 1.125 million Euro, dam of: 2000 – colt KAROL (Laheeb) KOPRA photo by Sylwia Iłenda grey, 2/10 (3-1-2-0-1) 2001 – filly KASJOPEJA 2005 – colt KWESTOR (Jullyen El Jamaal) chestnut, 1/7 (0-0-1-1) 2006 – colt KABSZTAD (Poganin) grey, Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, European Junior Reserve Champion, twice World Top Ten Junior, Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival Junior Silver Champion, Dubai Junior Bronze Champion, Sharjah International Junior Champion, Menton Junior Silver Champion, European Junior Top


Kopra Five, Polish National Senior Silver Champion, Polish National Senior Gold Champion, European Senior Top Five Stallion, thrice World Senior Top Ten, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Bronze Champion, All-Polish Senior Silver Champion, European Senior Silver Champion, Arabian Horse Event Senior Silver Champion, SIRE 2007 – colt KIRCHOLM (Al Maraam) bay 2009 – filly AJ KAHAYLA (DE) (QR Marc) bay, dam of: 2015 – colt AJ KAFU (AE) (Shanghai EA) grey, Dubai International Silver Yearling Champion, twice Dubai International Gold Junior Champion, Menton Gold Junior Champion, World Silver Junior Champion, twice Dubai International Silver Senior Champion, SIRE 2010 – filly AJ NOOR KWESTURA (AE) (Aja Justified) grey, International Days for Arabian Horses Junior Gold Champion, dam of: 2014 – colt AJ NOFAN (AE) (AJ Mardan) grey, German National Silver Champion Foal 2018 – colt AJ NATIL (AE) (Gallardo J) grey, Asharqia Arabian Horse Classic Junior Bronze Champion

3rd dam: KWESTA (Pesennik) grey, 1/5, Polish National Junior Champion Mare, dam of: 1993 – filly KRYNOLINA (Egon) chestnut, 1/3 (0-0-0-0-1), dam of: 2002 – filly KAREEMAH (JO) (Ansata Safeer) grey, Jordanian Junior Champion, Jordanian Senior Champion 1995 – filly KWESTURA 1999 – colt KURANT (Fernando) grey, 2/14 (1-1-0-1-1) 2000 – filly KAROLINA (Laheeb) grey, 1/5, Russian National Silver Senior Champion, dam of: 2005 – filly KARBALA (Emigrant) grey, 1/6, dam of: 2010 – filly KARBONA (Ekstern) grey, Arabhäst i Väst Junior Champion, Stadl Paura Junior Bronze Champion, dam of: 2016 – filly KALIFORNIA (Kahil Al Shaqab) grey, Al Khalediah European Arabian Hose Festival Silver Yearling Champion, dam of: 2020 – colt KSIĄŻĘ (RFI Farid) bay, All-Polish Junior Bronze Champion 2018 – colt KOLORADO PRINCE (RFI Farid) bay, Cracow Arabian Horse Show Yearling Gold Champion 2019 – colt KAPITANO AF (RFI Farid) grey, Polish National Yearling Silver Champion 2012 – colt KORAB (Pegasus) grey, 1/8 (2-1-1-1), Sopot Arabian Horse Show Silver Champion Gelding, Polish National Silver Senior Champion Gelding, All-Polish Gold Champion Gelding, sport horse 2001 – colt KINDŻAŁ (Ganges) grey Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk



Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XV-5

grey mare, foaled on 14th of January, 2006 measurements: 153 - 179 - 18 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce



photo by Patrycja Makowska


grey, 1994 Gerd Janssen Germany 1/5 (1-1-0-1)

GOTLANDIA grey, 1999 Michałów Stud 2/11 (1-3-0-3)


grey, 1970 Tersk Stud USSR




bay, 1984 J.F. Ward USA

Gay Zaza



grey, 1991 Białka Stud 2/14 (2-3-2-3)




grey, 1988 Michałów Stud 2/15 (3-3-2-3)

Racing record: 2009 - 6 starts: 1xIII, 1xIV

Show record: 2007 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL) 2007 Class Top Five (Yearling Fillies) at the Polish National Show - Janów Podlaski (PL)

Nazeer Yosreia Knippel Panel Bask Negotka Gaypolka Muza Eleuzis Parma Ernal Pentoza Bandos Eunice


Palas Gilza

Breeding record: 2011 colt GOLTER (Alert) 2012 filly GOLTRA (Alert) 1/5 2013 filly GERDA (Shanghai EA) 1/3 (0-0-0-0-1) 2014 colt GOLTEMOR (Shanghai EA) 1/2, class top five (2 yo colts) at the Junior Spring Show 2015 colt GIRION (Lawrence El Gazal) 2016 filly GLORY (Dostatok)

2008 Class Winner (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Junior Spring Show - Białka (PL)

2017 filly GOLTERIANA (Medalion)

2008 Class Winner (Two Year Old Fillies) at the Polish National Show - Janów Podlaski (PL)

2019 filly GALLETA (Muranas Jassehr) grey

Breeding status:

2018 filly GOLTEMMA (Sahm El Arab) grey 2020 colt GONDOLERO (Empire) grey 2021 colt GADOLIN (Chimeryk) bay 2023 colt GALEAS (Atticus ENB) chest.

Not bred

After a history of ulcerative lymphadenitis of the left hind leg. The thickening of the leg is due to hypertrophy of the connective tissue. Mares


Sire: GALBA (DE) (Plakat) grey, Towerlands International Champion, Kauber Platte Reserve Champion, European Champion Stallion, World Champion Stallion, Middle East Champion Stallion, Arabian Horse at Home Champion Stallion, Egyptian International Champion Stallion, World Top Ten Senior Stallion

1st dam: GOTLANDIA (Pesal) grey, 2/11 (1-3-0-3), dam of: 2005 – filly GARDEJA (Esculap) grey, 2/16 (1-3-3-4-3) 2006 – filly GOLTERIA (Galba) grey, 1/6 (0-0-1-1) 2007 – filly GARUDA (Galba) grey, 1/8 (0-0-2-2), Scandinavian Open Championship Liberty Winner 2008 – colt GOT (Piruet) grey, 1/7 (0-0-0-1-2)

2nd dam: GRENLANDIA (Eukaliptus) grey, 2/15 (3-3-2-3), Bábolna International Senior Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, UK International Champion, Arabian Masters Senior Reserve Champion, dam of: 1994 – colt GRYL (Grandorr) grey 1995 – filly GELERTA (Endel) grey 1996 – filly GRANADA (Monogramm) chestnut, 2/14 (1-2-2-1-1), dam of: 2004 – filly GANGA (Emigrant) grey, dam of: 2011 – colt GAJA RE (Psyche Ares) grey, Polska Arabia Festival Junior Silver Champion 2012 – filly GAJA LILIT (Echo Adonis) grey, dam of: 2019 – filly JAMEELAT AL BADR (AE) (FA El Rasheem) Doha International Junior Gold Champion 2005 – filly GAJA SELENE (Emigrant) grey, dam of: 2010 – filly GAJA HERA (Psytadel) grey, Breeders’ & International Championships Europe Junior Bronze Champion, Polska Arabia Festival Junior Silver Champion 2007 – filly GAJA IRIS (Poganin) chestnut, Berlin Cup Senior Bronze Champion, Arabia-Polska Warsaw Championship Senior Bronze Champion 1997 – colt GRENADIER (Borek) bay, 1/7 (1-0-0-0) 1999 – filly GOTLANDIA 2000 – colt GRYF (Eldon) grey, 1/7 (1-0-1-1) 2001 – colt GRAFFITI (Ararat) grey, 1/6 2002 – filly GRENADYNE (GB) (Ekstern) twice Arabian Masters Senior Silver Champion, Normandie Arabian Festival Senior Silver Champion, dam of: 2008 – colt GRENADIER (GB) (El Nabila B) Normandie Arabian Festival Junior Gold Champion 2012 – filly GEZAANA (GB) (Vivegas) Wessex Junior Bronze Champion 2015 – filly DEEMA ALBIDAYER (AE) (Kanz Albidayer) dam of: 2020 – filly SH DANA CRISTAL (FR) (SH Cristal) Championnat de France Gold Filly Foal 2019 – colt SAFI ALBIDAYER (AE) (Santorini) Championnat de France Yearling Silver Champion 2003 – filly GARDENJA (GB) (Premier) South West Arab Horse Show Senior Silver Champion


Golteria 2006 – filly WW GAZELLA (GB) (Psytadel) Lowland Arabian Cup Junior Bronze Champion, Swedish National Senior Silver Champion, dam of: 2014 – filly WW GAWINA (SE) (Emerald J) dam of: 2020 – colt WF GAWIN (SE) (Magic Magnifique) Menton Yearling Bronze Champion, European Yearling Gold Champion

3rd dam: GETYNGA (Palas) chestnut, 2/13 (4-2-2-4-1), dam of: 1987 – filly GRECJA (Probat) chestnut 1988 – filly GRENLANDIA Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk



Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVII-3

bay mare, foaled on 3rd of April, 2014 measurements: 151 - 173 - 17,0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Selma d.b. Abbas Pasha I



photo by Sylwia Iłenda


KAHIL AL SHAQAB bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar

Al Shaqab Stud Qatar

OFW MISHAAHL bay, 2002 Harold & Dolly Orr USA ENZO

PASJENZA bay, 2008 Michałów Stud

chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone USA

PASJA bay, 1995 Michałów Stud

Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Wojsław Passa

Anaza El Farid Kajora Fame VF Katahza JK Spartan Mistral Bey RSD Dark Victory Balaquina Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Tallin Wilejka Eukaliptus Pascha

Racing record: 2017 – 7 starts: 2xIV, 1xV

Breeding record: 2019 colt PANGANI (Eternal) chest. 2020 colt PALIKIR (Ganges) bay 2021 filly PONDEROSA (Chimeryk) bay 2022 filly PERANA (Equator) chest. 2023 filly PRAKSEDA (Forman) bay

Breeding status: Bred to PTOLEMEUSZ (last date of service – June 5 th , 2023)

Sire: KAHIL AL SHAQAB (US) (Marwan Al Shaqab) bay, Austrian International Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Bronze Champion, twiceQatari International Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Silver Champion, Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival Junior Champion, Menton Junior Gold Champion, World Junior Gold Champion, World Senior Gold Champion, World Platinum Champion



1st dam: PASJENZA (Enzo) bay, dam of: 2013 – colt PASJENZ (Ekstern) bay 2014 – filly PALISANDRA 2015 – filly PARSENA (Equator) bay, Vesuvio Trophy Senior Bronze Champion

2nd dam: PASJA (Wojsław) bay, 1/6 (1-2-1-0-1), dam of: 2001 – colt PING PONG (Ganges) bay 2002 – filly POLONIA (Ekstern) grey, dam of: 2012 – filly PENELOPE K.A. (BE) (QR Marc) grey, European Junior Gold Champion, World Junior Top Ten, All Nations Cup Junior Silver Champion, Belgian National Junior Gold Champion, Tulip Cup Junior Silver Champion 2003 – filly PIĘKNA PANI (Ekstern) grey, 1/5 (0-1-0-1), dam of: 2008 – filly PERKILLA (Al Maraam) grey, 1/5 (1-0-2-1), dam of: 2018 – colt PASSAR (Atius O) grey, Junior Spring Show Yearling Top Five, Cracow Arabian Horse Show Yearling Silver Champion 2014 – filly PARADNA (Equator) dark bay, dam of: 2019 – filly PUSTYNNA KALAHARI (Wadee Al Shaqab) bay, Junior Spring Show Top Five 2004 – colt PAS (Gazal Al Shaqab) bay 2005 – colt PENDŻAB (Wachlarz) bay 2006 – filly PASJONATA (Ganges) bay 2007 – colt PASJONAT (Al Maraam) bay 2008 – filly PASJENZA

3rd dam: PASSA (Eukaliptus) bay, 1/5 (3-0-0-0) 1, World Junior Reserve Champion, dam of: 1986 – filly PROMESA (Alcazar) bay 1988 – colt PRATER (Probat) bay 1989 – colt PASSUS (Europejczyk) bay, 1/1 (0-0-0-1) 1991 – colt POSEJDON (Falsyfikat) grey, 3/28 (3-2-3-3-2) 1992 – filly POŚWIATA (Fawor) bay, 1/6 (1-3-1-0-1) 1994 – filly PASTORAŁKA (Wojsław) chestnut, 1/7 (2-1-0-2-2) 1995 – filly PASJA 1996 – colt PASSAIC (Bardysz) grey 1997 – filly PASTELLA (Wachlarz) bay, 2/7 (1-1-0-0-2) 1998 – colt PARIL (Wachlarz) bay 1999 – colt PAWIMENT (Wachlarz) bay 2000 – filly PASYWA (Wachlarz) bay, dam of: 2005 – filly PASYMA (Piaff) bay, dam of: 2009 – filly PAEMA (Ekstern) grey, Autumn Show Junior Gold Champion, Breeders’ & International Championships Europe Junior Reserve Champion, dam of: 2017 – filly PAWITA (WH Justice) grey, Inter Cup Junior Gold Champion



PALISANDRA photo by Sylwia Iłenda

2012 – filly PAEKSA (Ekstern) bay, dam of: 2017 – filly PAPROTNIA (Elgast) grey, Junior Spring Show Yearling Bronze Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Bronze Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, twice European Junior Silver Champion, International Days for Arabian Horses Senior Silver Champion 2017 – filly PASOTA (Ekstern) grey, Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion 2007 – filly PASTERNA (Ekstern) bay, Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Junior Champion Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk



Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVI-5

grey mare, foaled on 8th of January, 2011 measurements: 152 - 171 - 18,0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Selma d.b. 1865 Abbas Pasha I


Piękna Dama

photo by Glenn Jacobs

PEGASUS grey, 2003 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/5 (1-0-1-2)

GAZAL AL SHAQAB bay, 1995 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar PEPESZA grey, 1993 Janów Podlaski Stud 2/18 (2-4-1-4-1)

PIĘKNA PANI grey, 2003 Michałów Stud 1/5 (0-1-0-1)

Anaza El Farid Kajora Eukaliptus Pestka

EKSTERN grey, 1994


Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)


PASJA bay, 1995 Michałów Stud

Wojsław Passa

Ruminaja Ali Bint Deenaa Kaborr Edjora Bandos Eunice Probat Pentoda Negatraz Monogramma Piechur Erwina Tallin Wilejka Eukaliptus Pascha

Racing record: Unraced

Breeding record: 2016 filly PIĘKNA PANNA (Empire) chestnut 2017 colt PIĘKNODUCH (El Omari) grey 2018 filly PIĘKNA MUZA (Ekwist) grey 2019 filly PIĘKNA HELENA (Muranas Jassehr) grey 2020 colt POLEMISTA (Muranas Jassehr) grey 2021 colt PIĘKNY DZIEŃ (Al Ayal AA) chestnut 2022 colt PIĘKNY GEST (AJ Azzam) bay 2023 filly PIĘKNOTKA (El Omari) bay

Breeding status: Not bred

Sire: PEGASUS (Gazal Al Shaqab) grey, 1/5 (1-0-1-2), Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Reserve Champion, Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Champion, World Senior Top Ten, Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion



1st dam: PIĘKNA PANI (Ekstern) grey, 1/5 (0-1-0-1), class top five at Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival (mares 7 yo and up), dam of: 2008 – filly PERKILLA (Al. Maraam) grey, 1/5 (1-0-2-1), dam of: 2018 – colt PASSAR (Atius O) grey, Junior Spring Show Yearling Top Five, Cracow Arabian Horse Show Yearling Silver Champion 2009 – colt PALLAD (Enzo) bay 2011 – filly PIĘKNA DAMA 2012 – colt PICADILLO (Pegasus) grey 2013 – colt PILASTRINO (Vitorio TO) grey 2014 – filly PARADNA (Equator) dark bay, dam of: 2019 – filly PUSTYNNA KALAHARI (Wadee Al Shaqab) bay, Junior Spring Show Top Five 2016 – filly PIĘKNA MYŚL (Equator) grey

2nd dam: PASJA (Wojsław) bay, 1/6 (1-2-1-0-1), dam of: 2001 – colt PING PONG (Ganges) bay 2002 – filly POLONIA (Ekstern) grey, dam of: 2012 – filly PENELOPE K.A. (BE) (QR Marc) grey, European Junior Gold Champion, World Junior Top Ten, All Nations Cup Junior Silver Champion, Belgian National Junior Gold Champion, Tulip Cup Junior Silver Champion 2003 – filly PIĘKNA PANI 2004 – colt PAS (Gazal Al Shaqab) bay 2005 – colt PENDŻAB (Wachlarz) bay 2006 – filly PASJONATA (Ganges) bay 2007 – colt PASJONAT (Al Maraam) bay 2008 – filly PASJENZA (Enzo) bay, dam of: 2015 – filly PARSENA (Equator) bay, Vesuvio Trophy Senior Bronze Champion

3rd dam: PASSA (Eukaliptus) bay, 1/5 (3-0-0-0) 1, World Junior Reserve Champion, dam of: 1986 – filly PROMESA (Alcazar) bay 1988 – colt PRATER (Probat) bay 1989 – colt PASSUS (Europejczyk) bay, 1/1 (0-0-0-1) 1991 – colt POSEJDON (Falsyfikat) grey, 3/28 (3-2-3-3-2) 1992 – filly POŚWIATA (Fawor) bay, 1/6 (1-3-1-0-1) 1994 – filly PASTORAŁKA (Wojsław) chestnut, 1/7 (2-1-0-2-2) 1995 – filly PASJA 1996 – colt PASSAIC (Bardysz) grey 1997 – filly PASTELLA (Wachlarz) bay, 2/7 (1-1-0-0-2) 1998 – colt PARIL (Wachlarz) bay 1999 – colt PAWIMENT (Wachlarz) bay 2000 – filly PASYWA (Wachlarz) bay, dam of:


Piękna Dama

PIĘKNA DAMA photo by Glenn Jacobs

2005 – filly PASYMA (Piaff) bay, dam of: 2009 – filly PAEMA (Ekstern) grey, Autumn Show Junior Gold Champion, Breeders’ & International Championships Europe Junior Reserve Champion, dam of: 2017 – filly PAWITA (WH Justice) grey, Inter Cup Junior Gold Champion 2012 – filly PAEKSA (Ekstern) bay, dam of: 2017 – filly PAPROTNIA (Elgast) grey, Junior Spring Show Yearling Bronze Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Bronze Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, twice European Junior Silver Champion, International Days for Arabian Horses Senior Silver Champion 2017 – filly PASOTA (Ekstern) grey, Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion 2007 – filly PASTERNA (Ekstern) bay, Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Junior Champion Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk Mares


Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-4

grey mare, foaled on 4th of May, 2020 measurements: 154 - 183 - 18,0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Rodania d.b. imp. 1881 to Crabbet Park


Pustynia Ognia

photo by Sylwia Iłenda


chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone USA

EMPIRE grey, 2009 Michałów Stud

PUSTYNIA KAHILA dark bay, 2013 Michałów Stud

Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane

EMIRA grey, 2000 Michałów Stud 1/4 (0-0-0-1) KAHIL AL SHAQAB bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar PUSTYNNA MALWA grey, 2008 Michałów Stud

Laheeb Embra Marwan Al Shaqab OFW Mishaahl Ekstern Pustynna Róża

Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Imperial Imdal AK Latifa Monogramm Emilda Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Monogramm Ernestyna Emigrant Pustynna Tarcza

Racing record: Unraced

Breeding status: Not bred

Sire: EMPIRE (Enzo) grey, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, European Junior Bronze Champion, World Top Ten Junior, International Junior Gold Champion, Polish National Senior Bronze Champion, All-Polish Senior Gold Champion

1st dam: PUSTYNIA KAHILA (Kahil Al Shaqab) dark bay, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Gold Champion, All Nations Cup Yearling Bronze Champion, European Yearling Silver Champion, World Yearling Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Gold Champion, European Junior Top Five, World Junior Top Ten, Junior Spring Show Champion & Best in Show, Polska-Arabia Senior Gold Champion, European Junior Top Five, Polish National Senior Gold Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Gold Champion, European Senior Silver Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Silver Champion, European Senior Silver Champion, dam of: 2019 – colt PUSTYNNY SEN (BE) (RFI Farid) bay 2020 – filly PUSTYNIA OGNIA 2021 – filly PUSTYNIA SERC (Al Ayal AA) grey 2022 – filly PUSTYNIA WIKTORII (Dominic M) bay 2023 – filly PERLITA (Erantis) bay Mares


2nd dam: PUSTYNNA MALWA (Ekstern) grey, class winner at the Polish National Show (3 you fillies), class top five at Junior Spring Show, Polish National Show, Summer Arabian Horse Performance (1 yo fillies, 2 yo fillies, 3 yo fillies), Polish National Show (7-10 yo), dam of: 2013 – filly PUSTYNIA KAHILA 2014 – colt PUSTYNNY PIASEK (Kahil Al Shaqab) grey 2016 – colt PUSTYNNY MIRAŻ (Kahil Al Shaqab) bay 2017 – colt PUSTYNNY GROM (Kabsztad) grey 2018 – colt PURYTANIN (Kabsztad) grey 2019 – colt PUSTYNNY RAJ (Morion) bay, 1/7 (0-0-0-1-2) 2020 – colt PUSTYNNY WŁADCA (Morion) bay 2021 – filly PUSTYNNA ARIA (El Omari) grey

3rd dam: PUSTYNNA RÓŻA (Emigrant) grey, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, dam of: 2003 – filly PUSTYNNA ROSA (Ekstern) grey, 1/2 2004 – colt PUSTYNNY KWIAT (Kulig) grey 2005 – colt PUSTYNNY PYŁ (Kulig) grey 2006 – filly PUSTYNNA GALA (Galba) grey 2008 – filly PUSTYNNA MALWA 2009 – filly PUSTYNNA FIESTA (Ekstern) grey, 1/3 2011 – colt PUSTYNNY CZAR (Eldon) grey, 1/6 (0-0-0-1) 2012 – colt PITER (WH Kaneko MS) grey 2013 – filly PUSTYNNA KALIA (Esparto) grey, 1/1, dam of: 2019 – filly PUSTYNNA LILIA (Złoty Medal) bay, 1/8 (1-2-0-2), Junior Spring Show Yearling Bronze Champion, Junior Spring Show Top Five 2015 – colt PUSTYNNY TAKYR (Ekstern) grey 2017 – filly PUSTYNNA SAGA (Ekstern) grey 2021 – filly PUSTYNNA KALIMA (Folder) grey Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk


Pustynia Ognia

PUSTYNIA OGNIA photo by Sylwia Iłenda Mares



Young Mares Młode klaczki

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-5

grey filly, foaled on 27th of February, 2021 measurements: 152 - 169 - 18,0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta



photo by Sylwia Iłenda


EL OMARI chestnut, 2008 Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-0-2-3)

EL GAZONA grey, 2014 Michałów Stud 1/6 (1-0-1-1)

chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone USA

EMBRA grey, 1995 Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-1-1-2) KAHIL AL SHAQAB bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar ELGAZONDA grey, 2008 Michałów Stud 2/15 (2-5-4-1)

Sire: EL OMARI (Enzo) chestnut, 1/8 (1-0-2-3), twice Autumn Show Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Gold Champion

1st dam: EL GAZONA (Kahil Al Shaqab) grey, 1/6 (1-0-11) dam of: 2019 – filly EL GERA (Shams Sharav AA) grey 2020 – filly EL GANIKA (Alert) bay 2021 – filly ELGRACJA 2022 – colt EL SERRAT (AJ Azzam) grey 2023 – filly ELEFANTYNA (Atticus ENB) chest.

Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Monogramm Emilda Marwan Al Shaqab OFW Mishaahl Al Maraam Elgara

Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Negatraz Monogramma Pamir Emanacja Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Imperial Imdal The Vision HG Eldon Elganda

2nd dam: ELGAZONDA (Al Maraam) grey, 2/15 (2-5-4-1) Bruges Arabian Horse Event Senior Gold Champion, Arabian Horse Weekend Senior Silver Champion, dam of: 2014 – filly EL GAZONA 2015 – colt EL GAZONN (Kahil Al Shaqab) dark bay, 1/6 (0-0-0-2-1) 2017 – colt ELGAZONDI (Ascot DD) chestnut

3rd dam: ELGARA (Eldon) grey, 2/6 (1-3-0-0), dam of: 2006 – filly ELTESJA (Emigrant) grey 2007 – colt ELLINGTON (Al Maraam) grey 2008 – filly ELGAZONDA 2009 – filly ELGARIA (Laheeb) grey 2010 – colt ELBERTON (Poganin) grey 2011 – colt ELGARO (Poganin) grey, 1/9 (0-00-2-2) Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk

Young mares


Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-5

grey filly, foaled on 30th of March, 2021 measurements: 151 - 168 - 18,0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta

LOT 10


photo by Sylwia Iłenda

AL AYAL AA grey, 2008 Ariela Arabians Israel

EL MEDIARA grey, 2010 Michałów Stud

AL AYAD grey, 1999 Jack Moritz Germany THE VISION HG black, 1994 Hamilton Gates Arabians USA

ERYKS d.bay, 2003 Michałów Stud 1/6 (0-0-1-1) EL EMEERA grey, 2002 Michałów Stud

Sire: AL AYAL (IL) (Al Ayad) grey, Israeli National Colt Foal Champion, Israeli Egyptian Event Colt Foal Champion, Orientalica Reserve Junior Champion, Egyptian Europe Cup Reserve Junior Champion, Lowland Arabian Cup Reserve Champion, Strohen Bronze Medal Champion, Arabesque Egyptian Cup Junior Champion, Kauber-Platte Reserve Junior Champion, Egyptian Event of Sharjah Junior Champion, Sharjah International Gold Champion, Dubai International Gold Champion, Egyptian Event Europe Gold Champion, Israeli Egyptian Event Silver Champion, Israeli National Silver Champion, International Egyptian Breeders Classic Scottsdale Gold Champion Stallion, World Bronze Champion

1st dam: EL MEDIARA (Eryks) grey, class top five at the Junior Spring Show (1 yo), Junior Spring Show and Polish National Show (2 yo), Polish National Show (3 yo, mares 4-6 yo, 7-10 yo), dam of: 2015 – filly EL MEDONA (Vitorio TO) bay 2016 – colt EL TEMUR (Vitorio TO) grey

Moheeb Al Mamunah Thee Desperado Belle Staar Gazal Al Shaqab Emmona Ekstern Emanacja

El Shahwan Mahameh Maysoun Aminah Bint Aqaba The Minstril AK Amiri Asmarr The Minstril Alia-Aenor Anaza El Farid Kajora Monogramm Emilda Monogramm Ernestyna Eukaliptus Emigracja

2017 – filly EL GOTTA (Ascot DD) bay, All-Polish Yearling Gold Champion 2018 – filly EHANTRA (Ascot DD) bay 2019 – colt EL MERIDIAN (Sahm El Arab) grey 2020 – colt ELDARION (Złoty Medal) grey 2021 – filly ELKAJRA 2022 – colt EL MONTE (AJ Azzam) grey

2nd dam: EL EMEERA (Ekstern) grey, dam of: 2009 – colt EL CAPITAIN (Eryks) grey 2010 – filly EL MEDIARA 2011 – colt EL-EM (Kabsztad) grey 2012 – filly ELBERA (QR Marc) grey, 1/4 (0-11-1) 2013 – filly EL MEDARA (Shanghai EA) grey, dam of: 2019 – filly EL MEDIDA (Morion) grey, Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion, Junior Spring Show Gold Champion & Best in Show, Euopean Junior Bronze Champion, Polish National Junior Gold Champion Young mares


2014 – filly EL LARINERA (Empire) bay, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Yearling Silver Champion, European Yearling Top Five, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, Polska Arabia Junior Bronze Champion, dam of: 2020 – colt EL BRILLO (Morion) Junior Spring Show Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Silver Champion 2015 – filly EMEROSA (Empire) grey 2016 – colt EL MOR (Poganin) grey

3rd dam: EMANACJA (Eukaliptus) grey, Polish National Junior Champion, European Junior Champion, World Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, dam of:

ELKAJRA photo by Sylwia Iłenda

1990 – filly EMILDA (Pamir) grey, 1/5 (1-0-0-0), Polish National Junior Champion, twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Champion, UK National Senior Champion, dam of: 1995 - filly EMBRA (Monogramm) grey, 1/8 (1-1-1-2), All Nations Cup Senior Top Five, European Senior Top Five, World Senior Top Ten, Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Reserve Champion, dam of: 2000 – filly EMIRA (Laheeb) grey, 1/4 (0-0-0-1), Polish National Junior Champion & Best in Show, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Poznań Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Champion, Bełżyce Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, European Senior Reserve Champion, Danish National Senior Champion, Tulip Cup Senior Champion & Best in Show, Qatar International Arabian Horse Show Senior Reserve Champion, International Bruges Senior Champion & Best in Show, Breeders’ European Championship Senior Champion, European Bronze Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Senior Bronze Champion, World Senior Bronze Champion, European Senior Top Five, dam of: 2007 – filly EL SAGHIRA (Galba) grey, Polish National Junior Top Five, Belgian Arabian Prestige International Junior Reserve Champion, UK International Junior Reserve Champion, Ströhen International Senior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, World Senior Top Ten, Sharjah International Arabian Horse Festival Senior Silver Champion 2009 – colt EMPIRE (Enzo) grey, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, European Junior Bronze Champion, World Junior Top Ten, Wels International Junior Champion, SIRE 2008 – colt EL OMARI (Enzo) chestnut, 1/8 (1-0-2-3), twice Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, SIRE

LOT 10

Elkajra 1997 – filly ERYKA (Eukaliptus) grey, 2/10 (0-1-2-0-3), dam of: 2003 – filly ERIGONE (Ekstern) grey, dam of: 2007 – colt JOSEPH’S ERAGON (FR) (WH Justice) grey, French National Junior Gold Champion 2018 – filly EFORA KL (QR Marc) grey, European Junior Gold Champion 2021 – colt ELON KL (QR Marc) grey, Polish National Yearling Silver Champion 1998 – filly EMMONA (Monogramm) grey, 1/8 (0-0-0-1-4), Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, World Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Top Five, four time World Senior Top Ten, Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Reserve Champion, Austrian National Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Top Five, European Senior Top Five, Polish National Senior Champion & Best in Show, Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival Senior Bronze Champion, dam of: 2003 – colt ERYKS (Gazal Al Shaqab) brown, 1/6 (0-0-1-1), Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Champion & Best in Show, Polish National Senior Top Five, Polish National Senior Bronze Champion, SIRE 2006 – filly EMIRIONA (Grafik) grey, Inter Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Cup Senior Bronze Champion, Interational Days for Arabian Horses Senior Silver Champion, dam of: 2012 – filly EMPERA (Kabsztad) grey, 1/4 (1-0-0-0) Bruges Arabian Horse Event Senior Bronze Champion, Arabian Horse Weekend Senior Bronze Champion 1991 – filly EMANTA (Pamir) grey, 1/7 (1-0-1-1-1), dam of: 1996 – filly EMANTKA (Eukaliptus) grey, dam of: 2004 – colt EMBERK (Gazal Al Shaqab) bay, 1/9 (0-3-3-0-2) Balaton Cup Senior Champion & Best in Show, Blommeröd Senior Bronze Champion, SIRE 2005 – filly EKSTERNA (Ekstern) European Junior Top Five Champion, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Silver Senior Champion, Barcelona Arabian Horse Cup Senior Bronze Champion, dam of: 2009 – colt EMARC (QR Marc) grey, Polska-Arabia Festival Junior Silver Champion, Junior Spring Show To Five, Polish National Junior Silver Champion, Polska-Arabia Festival Senior Silver Champion, SIRE 2012 – colt ETERNIS (Bint Matis) grey, Berlin Cup Junior Bronze Champion, Junior Spring Show Top Five, Austrian International Junior Bronze Champion, SIRE 2015 – colt EMPOWER (WH Justice) grey, Junior Spring Show Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five, Polish National Senior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Gold Champion, SIRE 2008 – filly EMLAHABA (Al Lahab) grey, Arabes & Co Senior Silver Champion 2010 – filly ESIMA (Altis) grey, Polish National Junior Top Five 1993 – colt EMANOR (Wojsław) grey, 2/20 (3-2-4-3), Polish National Senior Champion & Best in Show, Canadian National Reserve Champion, US National Champion, Scottsdale Young mares


Champion, SIRE 1995 – filly EMBELLA (Monogramm) grey, 1/7 (0-0-1-2), dam of: 2003 -filly ENERGIDA (Werbum) grey, dam of: 2011 – filly ENERINA (Ekstern) grey, Petersburg International Cup Senior Bronze Champion 2007 – colt EMBELLON (Poganin) chestnut, 1/6 (0-1-1-1-2) Junior Spring Show Top Five 1996 – filly EMANDA (Ecaho) grey, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Bábolna International Junior Champion, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Reserve Champion, World Senior Champion, twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, World Senior Top Ten, Wels Senior Top Five, European Senior Top Five, dam of: 2004 – filly EMANDORIA (Gazal Al Shaqab) grey, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Top Five, European Junior Reserve Champion, World Junior Champion, Junior Spring Show Champion & Best in Show, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Top Five European Junior Champion, Region III Champion, US National Champion, Arabian Breeders World Cup Gold Champion, Polish National Senior Gold Champion & Best in Show, All Nations Cup Senior Silver Champion, European Senior Bronze Champion, World Senior Bronze Champion, International Senior Gold Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Gold Champion, European Senior Gold Champion, World Senior Silver Champion, World Senior Top Ten, PSAIAHF Senior Bronze Champion, International Senior Gold Champion, DIAHC Senior Gold Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Gold Champion, European Senior Gold Champion, World Senior Gold Champion, DIAHC Senior Gold Champion, WAHO Trophy winner, Sharjah International Senior Gold Champion, Dubai International Senior Gold Champion, World Platinum Champion, dam of: 2012 – filly EMANDORELLA (Eden C) grey, dam of: 2018 – filly EMARELLA (Sahm El Arab) grey, Qatar National Junior Gold Champion 2013 – filly ESMERALDIA (DE) (QR Marc) bay, dam of: 2018 – filly EL ESMERA (Sahm El Arab) grey, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five, Eurocup Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Gold Champion, Polish National Senior Gold Champion & Best in Show, World Senior Top Ten 2015 – filly EMANOLLA (Vitorio TO) grey, Junior Spring Show Yearling Top Five, Polish National Junior Top Five, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, All-Polish Junior Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Silver Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Silver Champion, European Junior Top Five, Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion, Polish National Junior Gold Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Top Five, World Junior Top Ten 2012 – filly EMANDORISSA (Abha Qatar) grey, Polish National Senior Top Five, Polish National Senior Silver Champion, European Senior Silver Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Silver Champion 1997 – filly ESPADRILLA (Monogramm) grey, Falborek Senior Champion, Bełżyce Senior Champion, twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Top Five, dam of: 2004 – filly ESPA (Kulig) grey, dam of:

LOT 10

Elkajra 2011 – filly ESPANERA (Kabsztad) grey, dam of: 2016 – filly ESPAJA (Aja Justified) grey, Polish National Junior Top Five, 2021 filly - ESPAJLITA M (AJ Elaf) grey, Sopot Arabian Horse Show Junior Bronze Champion 2018 – filly ESKAHILA (Kahil Al Shaqab) grey, Junior Spring Show Top Five, Sopot Arabian Horse Show Junior Bronze 2020 – filly ESELAJA M (AJ Elaf) grey, Sopot Arabian Horse Show Yearling Silver Champion 2007 – filly ESPINILLA (Al Maraam) chestnut, dam of: 2014 – colt ZAHER AL MUAWD (SA) (Equator) bay, Kuwaiti International Junior Gold Champion, Al Ahsa Saudi National Yearling Gold Champion, KAAHC Junior Bronze Champion, 2016 – filly AJ TARIM (AE) (Emerald J) bay, Sharjah International Silver Champion, Abu Dhabi International Senior Gold Champion, Sharjah International Senior Gold Champion, Dubai Arabian Horse Shoe Senior Silver Champion, Dubai International Senior Bronze Champion, Fujairah Senior Gold Champion 2010 – filly EMANDILLA (Om El Shahmaan) bay, Summer Arabian Horse Performance Yearling Silver Champion, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Top Five, World Junior Top Ten, twice Polish National Senior Top Five, European Senior Top Five, dam of: 2016 – colt EMANDENOR (Emerald J) bay, Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five 2012 – colt EQUIBORN K.A. (BE) (QR Marc) grey, West Coast Cup Yearling Silver Champion, Emerald Trophy Junior Gold Champion, Elran Cup Senior Gold Champion, European Senior Top Five, World Senior Bronze Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Senior Gold Champion, World Yearling Silver Champion, twice Menton Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Bronze Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Bronze 2013 – filly ESTOKADA K.A. (BE) (QR Marc) grey, Belgian National Senior Gold Champion, Arabian Horse Weekend Senior Silver Champion, Deauville Arabian Horse Weekend Senior Bronze Champion, Belgian Yearling Gold Champion, dam of: 2018 – filly ESTARA K.A. (BE) (Psytadel) grey, Belgian National Junior Silver Champion 2013 – filly EPICA K.A. (BE) (QR Marc) chestnut, Tulip Cup Senior Silver Champion, Belgian National Senior Gold Champion 1998 – filly EMPIRYKA (Monogramm) grey, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion 1999 – filly EL MINIA (Pesal) grey 2001 – colt EMIN PASZA (Eldon) grey, 1/7 (2-2-0-2) 2002 – filly EL EMEERA 2003 – colt EMANSON (Wojsław) grey, 1/3 Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk Young mares


Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-5

grey filly, foaled on 18th of April, 2021 measurements: 153 - 172 - 17,5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta

LOT 11


photo by Sylwia Iłenda

AL AYAL AA grey, 2008 Ariela Arabians Israel

EMANDORISSA grey, 2012 Michałów Stud

AL AYAD grey, 1999 Jack Moritz Germany THE VISION HG black, 1994 Hamilton Gates Arabians USA

Moheeb Al Mamunah Thee Desperado Belle Staar

ABHA QATAR chest., 2007

Marwan Al Shaqab

Yeguada Ses Planes Spain

ZT Ludjkalba

EMANDA grey, 1996 Michałów Stud

Sire: AL AYAL (IL) (Al Ayad) grey, Israeli National Colt Foal Champion, Israeli Egyptian Event Colt Foal Champion, Orientalica Reserve Junior Champion, Egyptian Europe Cup Reserve Junior Champion, Lowland Arabian Cup Reserve Champion, Strohen Bronze Medal Champion, Arabesque Egyptian Cup Junior Champion, Kauber-Platte Reserve Junior Champion, Egyptian Event of Sharjah Junior Champion, Sharjah International Gold Champion, Dubai International Gold Champion, Egyptian Event Europe Gold Champion, Israeli Egyptian Event Silver Champion, Israeli National Silver Champion, International Egyptian Breeders Classic Scottsdale Gold Champion Stallion, World Bronze Champion

1st dam: EMANDORISSA (Abha Qatar) grey, Polish National Senior Top Five, Polish National Senior Silver Champion, European Senior Silver Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Silver Champion, dam of: 2017 – filly EMANDONNA (Ascot DD) grey, 1/4 (0-0-0-0-1)

Ecaho Emanacja

El Shahwan Mahameh Maysoun Aminah Bint Aqaba The Minstril AK Amiri Asmarr The Minstril Alia-Aenor Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Ludjin El Jamaal ZT Shakalba Pepton Etruria Eukaliptus Emigracja

2019 – filly ELETTA (Shams Sharav AA) bay 2021 – filly ESTRALITA

2nd dam: EMANDA (Ecaho) grey, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Bábolna International Junior Champion, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Reserve Champion, World Senior Champion, twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, World Senior Top Ten, Wels Senior Top Five, European Senior Top Five, dam of: 2001 – colt EMAKS (Eldon) grey, 2/17 (5-2-5-1) 2002 – colt EPIDAUR (Ekstern) grey, 1/8 (1-22-0) 2003 – colt ELMANI (Ekstern) grey 2004 – filly EMANDORIA (Gazal Al Shaqab) grey, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Top Five, European Junior Reserve Champion, World Junior Champion, Junior Spring Show Champion & Best in Show, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, Young mares


All Nations Cup Junior Top Five, European Junior Champion, Region III Champion, US National Champion, Arabian Breeders World Cup Gold Champion, Polish National Senior Gold Champion & Best in Show, All Nations Cup Senior Silver Champion, European Senior Bronze Champion, World Senior Bronze Champion, International Senior Gold Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Gold Champion, European Senior Gold Champion, World Senior Silver Champion, World Senior Top Ten, PSAIAHF Senior Bronze Champion, International Senior Gold Champion, DIAHC Senior Gold Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Gold Champion, European Senior Gold Champion, World Senior Gold Champion, DIAHC Senior Gold Champion, WAHO Trophy winner, Sharjah International Senior Gold Champion, Dubai International Senior Gold Champion, World Platinum Champion, dam of: 2012 – filly EMANDORELLA (Eden C) grey, dam of: 2018 – filly EMARELLA (Sahm El Arab) grey, Qatar National Junior Gold Champion 2013 – filly ESMERALDIA (DE) (QR Marc) bay, dam of: 2018 – filly EL ESMERA (Sahm El Arab) grey, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five, Eurocup Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Gold Champion, Polish National Senior Gold Champion & Best in Show, World Senior Top Ten 2015 – filly EMANOLLA (Vitorio TO) grey, Junior Spring Show Yearling Top Five, Polish National Junior Top Five, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, All-Polish Junior Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Silver Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Silver Champion, European Junior Top Five, Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion, Polish National Junior Gold Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Top Five, World Junior Top Ten 2007 – filly EL ARBA (Al Maraam) grey 2009 – colt EL EMANDO (QR Marc) grey 2011 – colt EMANDEUSZ (Alert) grey 2012 – filly EMANDORISSA 2013 – colt EDUSCHO (Esparto) grey 2016 – colt EMANDOR (Kahil Al Shaqab) grey 2018 – colt EL ZICO (Złoty Medal) grey 2019 – colt EL CLASSICO (Shams Sharav AA) grey 2021 – filly EUDOKSJA (Al Ayal AA) grey

3rd dam: EMANACJA (Eukaliptus) grey, Polish National Junior Champion, European Junior Champion, World Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, dam of: 1990 – filly EMILDA (Pamir) grey, 1/5 (1-0-0-0), Polish National Junior Champion, twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Champion, UK National Senior Champion, dam of: 1995 - filly EMBRA (Monogramm) grey, 1/8 (1-1-1-2), All Nations Cup Senior Top Five, European Senior Top Five, World Senior Top Ten, Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Reserve Champion, dam of: 2000 – filly EMIRA (Laheeb) grey, 1/4 (0-0-0-1), Polish National Junior Champion & Best

LOT 11

Estralita in Show, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Poznań Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Champion, Bełżyce Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, European Senior Reserve Champion, Danish National Senior Champion, Tulip Cup Senior Champion & Best in Show, Qatar International Arabian Horse Show Senior Reserve Champion, International Bruges Senior Champion & Best in Show, Breeders’ European Championship Senior Champion, European Bronze Senior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Senior Bronze Champion, World Senior Bronze Champion, European Senior Top Five, dam of: 2007 – filly EL SAGHIRA (Galba) grey, Polish National Junior Top Five, Belgian Arabian Prestige International Junior Reserve Champion, UK International Junior Reserve Champion, Ströhen International Senior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, World Senior Top Ten, Sharjah International Arabian Horse Festival Senior Silver Champion 2009 – colt EMPIRE (Enzo) grey, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, European Junior Bronze Champion, World Junior Top Ten, Wels International Junior Champion, SIRE 2008 – colt EL OMARI (Enzo) chestnut, 1/8 (1-0-2-3), twice Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Champion, SIRE 1997 – filly ERYKA (Eukaliptus) grey, 2/10 (0-1-2-0-3), dam of: 2003 – filly ERIGONE (Ekstern) grey, dam of: 2007 – colt JOSEPH’S ERAGON (FR) (WH Justice) grey, French National Junior Gold Champion 2018 – filly EFORA KL (QR Marc) grey, European Junior Gold Champion 2021 – colt ELON KL (QR Marc) grey, Polish National Yearling Silver Champion 1998 – filly EMMONA (Monogramm) grey, 1/8 (0-0-0-1-4), Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, World Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Top Five, four time World Senior Top Ten, Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Reserve Champion, Austrian National Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, European Senior Top Five, European Senior Top Five, Polish National Senior Champion & Best in Show, Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival Senior Bronze Champion, dam of: 2003 – colt ERYKS (Gazal Al Shaqab) brown, 1/6 (0-0-1-1), Janów Podlaski Autumn Show Senior Champion & Best in Show, Polish National Senior Top Five, Polish National Senior Bronze Champion, SIRE 2006 – filly EMIRIONA (Grafik) grey, Inter Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Cup Senior Bronze Champion, Interational Days for Arabian Horses Senior Silver Champion, dam of: 2012 – filly EMPERA (Kabsztad) grey, 1/4 (1-0-0-0) Bruges Arabian Horse Event Young mares


Senior Bronze Champion, Arabian Horse Weekend Senior Bronze Champion 1991 – filly EMANTA (Pamir) grey, 1/7 (1-0-1-1-1), dam of: 1996 – filly EMANTKA (Eukaliptus) grey, dam of: 2004 – colt EMBERK (Gazal Al Shaqab) bay, 1/9 (0-3-3-0-2) Balaton Cup Senior Champion & Best in Show, Blommeröd Senior Bronze Champion, SIRE 2005 – filly EKSTERNA (Ekstern) European Junior Top Five Champion, Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Silver Senior Champion, Barcelona Arabian Horse Cup Senior Bronze Champion, dam of: 2009 – colt EMARC (QR Marc) grey, Polska-Arabia Festival Junior Silver Champion, Junior Spring Show To Five, Polish National Junior Silver Champion, PolskaArabia Festival Senior Silver Champion, SIRE 2012 – colt ETERNIS (Bint Matis) grey, Berlin Cup Junior Bronze Champion, Junior Spring Show Top Five, Austrian International Junior Bronze Champion, SIRE 2015 – colt EMPOWER (WH Justice) grey, Junior Spring Show Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five, Polish National Senior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Gold Champion, SIRE 2008 – filly EMLAHABA (Al Lahab) grey, Arabes & Co Senior Silver Champion 2010 – filly ESIMA (Altis) grey, Polish National Junior Top Five 1993 – colt EMANOR (Wojsław) grey, 2/20 (3-2-4-3), Polish National Senior Champion & Best in Show, Canadian National Reserve Champion, US National Champion, Scottsdale Champion, SIRE 1995 – filly EMBELLA (Monogramm) grey, 1/7 (0-0-1-2), dam of: 2003 -filly ENERGIDA (Werbum) grey, dam of: 2011 – filly ENERINA (Ekstern) grey, Petersburg International Cup Senior Bronze Champion 2007 – colt EMBELLON (Poganin) chestnut, 1/6 (0-1-1-1-2) Junior Spring Show Top Five 1996 – filly EMANDA 1997 – filly ESPADRILLA (Monogramm) grey, Falborek Senior Champion, Bełżyce Senior Champion, twice Polish National Senior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Top Five, dam of: 2004 – filly ESPA (Kulig) grey, dam of: 2011 – filly ESPANERA (Kabsztad) grey, dam of: 2016 – filly ESPAJA (Aja Justified) grey, Polish National Junior Top Five, 2021 – filly - ESPAJLITA M (AJ Elaf) grey, Sopot Arabian Horse Show Junior Bronze Champion 2018 – filly ESKAHILA (Kahil Al Shaqab) grey, Junior Spring Show Top Five, Sopot Arabian Horse Show Junior Bronze 2020 – filly ESELAJA M (AJ Elaf) grey, Sopot Arabian Horse Show Yearling Silver Champion 2007 – filly ESPINILLA (Al Maraam) chestnut, dam of: 2014 – colt ZAHER AL MUAWD (SA) (Equator) bay, Kuwaiti International Junior Gold Champion, Al Ahsa Saudi National Yearling Gold Champion, KAAHC Junior Bronze Champion, 2016 – filly AJ TARIM (AE) (Emerald J) bay, Sharjah International Silver Champion,

LOT 11

Estralita Abu Dhabi International Senior Gold Champion, Sharjah International Senior Gold Champion, Dubai Arabian Horse Shoe Senior Silver Champion, Dubai International Senior Bronze Champion, Fujairah Senior Gold Champion 2010 – filly EMANDILLA (Om El Shahmaan) bay, Summer Arabian Horse Performance Yearling Silver Champion, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Top Five, World Junior Top Ten, twice Polish National Senior Top Five, European Senior Top Five, dam of: 2016 – colt EMANDENOR (Emerald J) bay, Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five 2012 – colt EQUIBORN K.A. (BE) (QR Marc) grey, West Coast Cup Yearling Silver Champion, Emerald Trophy Junior Gold Champion, Elran Cup Senior Gold Champion, European Senior Top Five, World Senior Bronze Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Senior Gold Champion, World Yearling Silver Champion, twice Menton Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Bronze Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Bronze 2013 – filly ESTOKADA K.A. (BE) (QR Marc) grey, Belgian National Senior Gold Champion, Arabian Horse Weekend Senior Silver Champion, Deauville Arabian Horse Weekend Senior Bronze Champion, Belgian Yearling Gold Champion, dam of: 2018 – filly ESTARA K.A. (BE) (Psytadel) grey, Belgian National Junior Silver Champion 2013 – filly EPICA K.A. (BE) (QR Marc) chestnut, Tulip Cup Senior Silver Champion, Belgian National Senior Gold Champion 1998 – filly EMPIRYKA (Monogramm) grey, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion 1999 – filly EL MINIA (Pesal) grey 2001 – colt EMIN PASZA (Eldon) grey, 1/7 (2-2-0-2) 2002 – filly EL EMEERA (Ekstern) grey, dam of: 2010 – filly EL MEDIARA 2017 – filly EL GOTTA (Ascot DD) bay, All-Polish Yearling Gold Champion 2013 – filly EL MEDARA (Shanghai EA) grey, dam of: 2019 – filly EL MEDIDA (Morion) grey, Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion, Junior Spring Show Gold Champion & Best in Show, Euopean Junior Bronze Champion, Polish National Junior Gold Champion 2014 – filly EL LARINERA (Empire) bay, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Yearling Silver Champion, European Yearling Top Five, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, Polska Arabia Junior Bronze Champion, dam of: 2020 – colt EL BRILLO (Morion) Junior Spring Show Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Silver Champion 2003 – colt EMANSON (Wojsław) grey, 1/3 Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk

Young mares


Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-5

grey mare, foaled on 15th of March, 2021 measurements: 151 - 172 - 17,5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce

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photo by Sylwia Iłenda

CHIMERYK brown, 2008 Michałów Stud 1/4 (2-0-1-1)

GOLTRA grey, 2012 Michałów Stud 1/5

ERYKS d.bay, 2003 Michałów Stud 1/6 (0-0-1-1) CHIMERA bay, 1998 Michałów Stud 1/2 (0-0-0-0-1)

Gazal Al Shaqab Emmona Emigrant Czereda

ALERT grey, 2005


Janów Podlaski Stud 2/10 (0-0-1-2-4)


GOLTERIA grey, 2006 Michałów Stud 1/6 (0-0-1-1)

Sire: CHIMERYK (Eryks) brown, 1/4 (2-0-1-1), Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five, Junior Spring Show Top Five, Autumn Show Junior Top Five, Russian Silver Senior Champion

1st dam: GOLTRA (Alert) grey, 1/5, dam of: 2017 – filly GOLSTERA (Empire) grey 1/2 (0-1-0-0) 2018 – filly GRENETTA (Empire) grey 2020 – colt GRAN TORINO (Kabsztad) chestnut 2021 – filly GOLDA 2022 – filly GRAN CANARIA (Equator) bay 2023 – filly GANA PRECIOSA (Morion) bay

2nd dam: GOLTERIA (Galba) grey, 1/6 (0-0-1-1), class top five at the Junior Spring Show and Polish National Show (1 yo fillies), class winner at the Junior Spring Show and Polish National Show (2 yo fillies), dam of: 2011 – colt GOLTER (Alert) grey

Galba Gotlandia

Anaza El Farid Kajora Monogramm Emilda Ararat Emigrantka Probat Cięciwa Eldon Pipi Sanadik El Shaklan Antwerpia Plakat Gza Gza Pesal Grenlandia

2012 – filly GOLTRA 2013 – filly GERDA (Shanghae EA) grey, 1/3 (00-0-0-1) 2014 – colt GOLTEMOR (Shanghai EA) grey, 1/2 2015 – colt GIRION (Lawrence El Gazal) grey 2016 – filly GLORY (Dostatok) grey 2017 – filly GOLTERIANA (Medalion) grey, 1/3 (0-0-0-2) 2018 – filly GOLTEMMA (Sahm El Arab) grey 2019 – filly GALLETA (Muranas Jassehr) grey 2020 – colt GONDOLERO (Empire) grey 2021 – colt GADOLIN (Chimeryk) bay 2023 – colt GALEANS (Atticus ENB) chest.

3rd dam: GOTLANDIA (Pesal) grey, 2/11 (1-3-0-3), dam of: 2005 – filly GARDEJA (Esculap) grey, 2/16 (13-3-4-3) 2006 – filly GOLTERIA 2007 – filly GARUDA (Galba) grey, 1/8 (0-0-22), Scandinavian Open Championship Liberty Winner 2008 – colt GOT (Piruet) grey, 1/7 (0-0-0-1-2) Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk Young mares


Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XVIII-5

bay filly, foaled on 4th of March, 2021 measurements: 151 - 170 - 17,0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Wołoszka 1810 Sławuta

LOT 13


photo by Sylwia Iłenda

MORION bay, 2013 Michałów Stud

LIGURIA chestnut, 2013 Michałów Stud 1/7 (0-0-2-1)

KAHIL AL SHAQAB bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar MESALINA bay, 2008 Michałów Stud

Marwan Al Shaqab OFW Mishaahl Ekstern Mata Hari

EL OMARI chestnut, 2008


Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-0-2-3)


LARANDA grey, 2003 Michałów Stud 1/5 (1-0-1-2)

Ekstern Larissa

Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Monogramm Ernestyna Werbum Martynika Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Monogramm Emilda Monogramm Ernestyna Eukaliptus Linda

Sire: MORION (Kahil Al Shaqab) bay, Junior Spring Show Yearling Champion & Best in Show, Polish National Junior Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Champion & Best in Show, All Nations Cup Yearling Silver Champion, European Yearling Silver Champion, World Yearling Silver Champion, Junior Spring Show Champion Stallion & Best in Show, All Nations Cup Junior Champion, World Junior Champion, Qatar International Arabian Horse Championship Junior Champion, AHO World Cup Senior Silver Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion & Polish National Senior Gold Champion

1st dam: LIGURIA (El Omari) chestnut, 1/7 (0-0-2-1), dam of: 2018 – filly LA PRIMA DONNA (Eryks) bay 2019 – filly LATAKIA (Shams Sharav AA) chestnut 2020 – colt LUNAR (Equator) bay 2021 – filly LACERNA 2022 – filly LIVORNA (AJ Azzam) grey, All-Polish Yearling Gold Champion, Polish National Yearling Top Five

2nd dam: LARANDA (Ekstern) grey, 1/5 (1-0-1-2), AHS National Show Senior Silver Champion, dam of: 2008 – filly LATONA (El Nabila B) grey, 1/5 (0-1-0-0), Kauber Platte Senior Silver Champion, Kuwaiti International Senior Champion 2009 – colt LABIRYNT (Laheeb) grey 2011 – filly LOGGIA (Alert) chestnut, sport horse Young mares


2012 – colt LARANDO (QR Marc) grey, 1/6 (0-0-1-4-1), twice Polish National Junior Bronze Champion 2013 – filly LIGURIA 2014 – colt LIGUSTR (Shanghai EA) grey 2015 – filly LUSAKA (Emerald J) grey 2017 – filly LANGUSTA (Empire) grey 1/3 2018 – filly LINDA AL BAYDAA (Sahm El Arab) grey

3rd dam: LARISSA (Eukaliptus) grey, 2/16 (3-6-2-2-1), Polish National Senior Champion, Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Reserve Junior Champion, dam of: 1998 – filly LUDMIŁA (Pesal) grey, 1/9 (0-1-2-1-5), dam of: 2004 – filly LENKA (Piaff) grey, 1/6 (1-0-0-1-3) Arabhäst i Väst Senior Silver Champion 2000 – filly LOZANNA (Laheeb) grey 2003 – filly LARANDA 2004 – colt LISSAR (Gazal Al Shaqab) grey, 1/5 (1-0-1-0), Scandinavian Open Senior Silver Champion, Danish Senior Champion, Normandie Arabian Festival Senior Reserve Champion 2005 – filly LARA (Kulig) grey 2012 - colt PA LUCIANO (US) (Marwan Al Shaqab) Palestinian National Senior Silver Champion Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk

LOT 13

Emandoria Gazal Al Shaqab - Emanda/Ecaho Platinum World Champion presented by Mariusz Liśkiewicz photo by Sylwia Iłenda

Young mares


Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XIX-1

dark bay filly, foaled on 3rd of March, 2022 measurements: 148 - 165 - 17,0 cm Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta

LOT 14


photo by Sylwia Iłenda

HAASH OSB bay, 2017 Olivia Strauch Uruguay

CHIMLA d.bay, 2014 Michałów Stud 1/4

DOMINIC M Anthony C. Marino bay, 2011 USA PARTYSSIMA OS bay, 2007 Olivia Strauch Uruguay

DA Vinci FM Rosa La Valentina Sir Fames HBV Party El Jamaal HAB


QR Marc

bay, 2010 Michałów Stud


CHIMERA bay, 1998 Michałów Stud 1/2 (0-0-0-0-1)

Emigrant Czereda

Versace Full Moon Star DA Valentino Van El Rose Ffamess Cajun Lady HCF CG Balih El Jamaal Fiesta Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Ekstern Ekspozycja Ararat Emigrantka Probat Cięciwa

Sire: HAASH OSB (UY) (Dominic M) bay, Inter Cup Junior Bronze Champion

1st dam: CHIMLA (Equator) dark bay, 1/4, dam of: 2020 – filly CALEDONIA (Forman) dark bay 2021 – filly CORONITA (Woronin) bay 2022 – filly CANDELA 2023 – colt (EL OMARI) bay

2nd dam: CHIMERA (Emigrant) bay, 1/2 (0-0-0-0-1), dam of: 2003 – colt CHANAT (Werbum) chestnut 2004 – filly CHARUNA (Gazal Al Shaqab) bay, French National Junior Reserve Champion, French National Senior Champion Mare, dam of: 2009 – filly CHADINA DE NAUTIAC (FR) (Edin) French National Junior Silver Champion 2005 – colt CHARTUM (Wachlarz) bay 2006 – filly CHOJNA (Galba) grey, 2/21 (2-6-3-4-1) 2007 – colt CHABER (Al Maraam) bay 2008 – colt CHIMERYK (Eryks) brown, 1/4 (2-0-1-1), Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five, Junior Spring Show Top Five, Autumn Show Junior Top Five, Russian Silver Senior Champion, SIRE 2009 – colt CHERUBIN (QR Marc) bay Young mares


2010 – filly CHERONEA (QR Marc) bay, 1/5 (0-1-0-0-3), Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare, Barcelona International Senior Bronze Champion Mare & Best Mover, dam of: 2020 – colt EUREKA EA (ES) (Empire) bay, French Junior Bronze Champion 2021 – colt OLYMPIC EA (ES) (Shanghai EA) grey, Arabian Horse Weekend Yearling Bronze Champion 2013 – colt CHACO (Kahil Al Shaqab) bay, 2/20 (2-3-3-2-4) 2014 – filly CHIMLA 2015 – colt CHIRON (Vitorio TO) chestnut 2016 – filly CZARNA PERŁA (Vitorio TO) brown, 1/5 (0-2-1-0)

3rd dam: CZEREDA (Probat) grey, 2/15 (2-2-3-1), dam of: 1993 – colt CZORTKÓW (Wojsław) grey, 1/10 (0-2-2-4) 1994 – colt CUGANT (Monogramm) grey, 1/6 (0-2-0-0-3) 1996 – colt CZYŻYK (Sinus) brown, 1/2 (0-0-0-0-1) 1998 – filly CHIMERA Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk

LOT 14


CANDELA photo by Sylwia Iłenda

Young mares


Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XIX-1

grey filly, foaled on 29th of March, 2022 measurements: 143 - 163 - 17,5 cm Sire line: Mirage d.b. 1919 Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta

LOT 15


photo by Sylwia Iłenda

AJ AZZAM grey, 2014 Ajman Stud Germany

CHADECJA bay, 2017 Michałów Stud 1/6 (0-0-0-1-3)

AJ MARDAN chestnut, 2011 Ajman Stud USA YSADORA grey, 2006 USA

Vervaldee Felicia RLC Marwan Al Shaqab Ysabela

GANGES bay, 1994


Michałów Stud 2/16 (3-3-6-1) 1


CHERONEA Bay, 2010 Michałów Stud 1/5 (0-1-0-0-3)

QR Marc Chimera

Versace Giavanna Shael Dream Desert Camelia K Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Parys El Jamaal EA Moongypsy Echo Negatraz Monogramma Fanatyk Gizela Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Emigrant Czereda

Sire: AJ AZZAM (AE) grey, Wels Int. Arabian Horse Show Yearling Gold Champion, Tulip Cup Yearling Silver Champion, Bruges Int. Arabian Horse Event Gold Champion, Elran Cup Gold Champion, Al Khalediah Horse Festival Yearling Gold Champion, EUROPEAN TRIPLE CROWN WINNER: All Nations Cup Yearling Gold Champion, European Yearling Gold Champion, World Yearling Gold Champion, Dubai Int. Arabian Horse Junior Gold Champion

1st dam: CHADECJA (Ganges) bay, 1/6 (0-0-0-1-3), dam of: 2022 – filly CYNTHIA 2023 – colt CORDIAL (Forman) d.bay

2nd dam: CHERONEA (QR Marc) bay, 1/5 (0-1-0-0-3), Junior Spring Show Top Five Mare, Barcelona International Senior Bronze Champion Mare & Best Mover, dam of: 2015 – colt CHRIS (Vitorio TO) chestnut 2016 – filly CHEROJA (Ganges) bay, 1/6 (0-1-2-0) 2017 – filly CHADECJA 2018 – filly CHERONA (Ganges) bay 2019 – colt CLAVADO (Kurier) bay 2020 – colt EUREKA EA (ES) (Empire) bay, French Junior Bronze Champion 2021 – colt OLYMPIC EA (ES) (Shanghai EA) grey, Arabian Horse Weekend Yearling Bronze Champion

Young mares


CYNTHIA photo by Sylwia Iłenda

LOT 15

Cynthia 3rd dam: CHIMERA (Emigrant) bay, 1/2 (0-0-0-0-1), dam of: 2003 – colt CHANAT (Werbum) chestnut 2004 – filly CHARUNA (Gazal Al Shaqab) bay, French National Junior Reserve Champion, French National Senior Champion Mare, dam of: 2009 – filly CHADINA DE NAUTIAC (FR) (Edin) French National Junior Silver Champion 2005 – colt CHARTUM (Wachlarz) bay 2006 – filly CHOJNA (Galba) grey, 2/21 (2-6-3-4-1) 2007 – colt CHABER (Al Maraam) bay 2008 – colt CHIMERYK (Eryks) brown, 1/4 (2-0-1-1), Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Junior Top Five, Junior Spring Show Top Five, Autumn Show Junior Top Five, Russian Silver Senior Champion, SIRE 2009 – colt CHERUBIN (QR Marc) bay 2010 – filly CHERONEA 2013 – colt CHACO (Kahil Al Shaqab) bay, 2/20 (2-3-3-2-4) 2014 – filly CHIMLA (Equator) dark bay, 1/4 2015 – colt CHIRON (Vitorio TO) chestnut 2016 – filly CZARNA PERŁA (Vitorio TO) brown, 1/5 (0-2-1-0) Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk

Young mares


Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XIX-1

grey filly, foaled on 24th of January, 2022 measurements: 146 - 164 - 17,0 cm Sire line: Kuhailan Afas d.b. imp. 1931 to Gumniska Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta

LOT 16


photo by Sylwia Iłenda

WARES grey, 2002 Scuderia Groane SRL Italy

ELZANI grey, 2017 Michałów Stud 1/3 (1-0-0-0)

PIRUET grey, 1983 Janów Podlaski Stud 3/24 (5-7-5-1) WERNERA grey, 1987 Michałów Stud 1/7 (0-0-0-1)

Pieczęć Tallin Wendeta

ZŁOTY MEDAL grey, 2012

QR Marc

Michałów Stud 1/8 (0-2-0-3-2)

Złota Orda

EMPERA grey, 2012 Michałów Stud 1/4 (1-0-0-0-1)

Sire: WARES (IT) (Piruet) grey, L’Arte Del Cavallo Senior Silver Champion, Roma Cavalli Senior Silver Champion, Arabian Horse Event Senior Gold Champion, Garda Arabian Horse Championship Senior Silver Champion, Gran Premio dell’Adriatico Senior Bronze Champion, Italian National Senior Bronze Champion, Italian National Senior Top Five, Cavalgrigna Senior Silver Champion, Swedish National Senior Silver Champion & High Point

1st dam: ELZANI (Złoty Medal) grey, 1/3 (1-0-0-0), dam of: 2022 – filly ELYRIA

2nd dam: EMPERA (Kabsztad) grey, 1/4 (1-0-0-0-1), Bruges Arabian Horse Event Senior Bronze Champion, Arabian Horse Weekend Senior Bronze Champion, dam of: 2017 – filly ELZANI

Probat (SE)

Kabsztad Emiriona

Pohaniec Borexia (SE) Palas (SU) Pierzga Nabeg Talantlivaia Palas Weneda Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Pesal Zagrobla Poganin Kwestura Grafik Emmona

3rd dam: EMIRIONA (Grafik) grey, Inter Cup Senior Bronze Champion, European Cup Senior Bronze Champion, Interational Days for Arabian Horses Senior Silver Champion, dam of: 2010 – colt ERMELO (Poganin) grey, 1/8 (0-00-1-1) 2011 – colt EMERT (Poganin) grey 2012 – filly EMPERA 2014 – filly EMILIARA (Kahil Al Shaqab) grey 2015 – filly EMMEA (Kahil Al Shaqab) grey, 1/7 (2-0-0-1-1) 2016 – filly EMINEA (Equator) grey 2017 – colt ESTILIO (Equator) grey 2018 – colt EMIRIAD (Kabsztad) grey 2021 – colt EMISARIUSZ SW (Lothar El Nyhl) grey 2022 – filly EMISSARIA SW (Barjass Al Zobair) grey 2023 – filly EMMONIA SW (Raoud Al Bidayer) grey Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk

Young mares


Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XIX-1

bay filly, foaled on 16th of April, 2022 measurements: 148 - 170 - 17,0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Ukrainka 1815 Sławuta

LOT 17


photo by Sylwia Iłenda

MORION bay, 2013 Michałów Stud

FOGGARA dark bay, 2012 Michałów Stud 1/5 (1-0-0-0-1)

KAHIL AL SHAQAB bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar

Marwan Al Shaqab OFW Mishaahl Ekstern

MESALINA bay, 2008 Michałów Stud

Mata Hari

GANGES bay, 1994


Michałów Stud 2/16 (3-3-6-1) 1


FOGGIA dark bay, 2004 Michałów Stud

Gazal Al Shaqab Fortissima

Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Monogramm Ernestyna Werbum Martynika Negatraz Monogramma Fanatyk Gizela Anaza El Farid Kajora Fawor Fanaberia

Sire: MORION (Kahil Al Shaqab) bay, Junior Spring Show Yearling Champion & Best in Show, Polish National Junior Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Junior Champion & Best in Show, All Nations Cup Yearling Silver Champion, European Yearling Silver Champion, World Yearling Silver Champion, Junior Spring Show Champion Stallion & Best in Show, All Nations Cup Junior Champion, World Junior Champion, Qatar International Arabian Horse Championship Junior Champion, AHO World Cup Senior Silver Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion & Polish National Senior Gold Champion

1st dam: FOGGARA (Ganges) dark bay, 1/5 (1-0-0-0-1) dam of: 2017 – filly FROGARA (Pogrom) bay 2018 – colt FRENCZ (RFI Farid) bay 2019 – colt FOKOS (RFI Farid) bay 2020 – colt FORTIS (Equator) dark bay 2022 – filly FEERIA

2nd dam: FOGGIA (Gazal Al Shaqab) dark bay, class top five at the Polish National Show (mares 11 yo and up), dam of: 2009 – filly FOGGIRA (Gaspar) bay 2010 – filly FOGGORIA (Gaspar) bay, 1/6 (1-1-1-0) 2011 – colt FORRINO (Gaspar) grey 2012 – filly FOGGARA 2013 – filly FORGISSIMA (Vitorio TO) dark bay, 1/6, dam of: Young mares


2018 – filly FLORISSIMA (Sahm El Arab) grey, Polish National Junior Gold Champion, Junior Spring Show Bronze Champion 2014 – filly FOGGITA (El Omari) bay, 1/4 (0-0-1-1), Junior Spring Show Yearling Top Five, Polish National Junior Top Five 2015 – colt FOGGIO (El Omari) dark bay, 1/4 2016 – filly FRAZZA (Vitorio TO) brown

3rd dam: FORTISSIMA (Fawor) brown, Polish National Junior Champion, dam of: 1997 – colt FESTYN (Wachlarz) brown, 2/16 (1-0-5-1-2) 1998 – colt FERRYT (Wachlarz) black, 2/11 (0-0-4-2), Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, Wels Senior Top Five, Festival De Iverno Senior Reserve Champion, Brazilian National Senior Top Ten, Braganca Paulista InterNucleos Senior Champion, Sao Joao da Boa Vista Senior Top Ten 2000 – colt FRYDERYK (Ganges) bay, 1/9 (1-1-1-2) 2001 – colt FILEMON (Ganges) bay 2003 – colt FARHAN (Ekstern) grey 2004 – filly FOGGIA 2007 – filly FROTTOLA (Al Maraam) bay, 1/2 (0-0-0-1)

Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk

LOT 17

Grenetta Empire - Goltra/Alert photo by Sylwia Iłenda

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XIX-1

bay filly, foaled on 24th of April, 2022 measurements: 146 - 162 - 17,0 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Ukrainka 1815 Sławuta

LOT 18


photo by Sylwia Iłenda

EQUATOR bay, 2010 Michałów Stud

FORTECJA dark bay, 2014 Michałów Stud 1/7 (0-0-0-0-2)

QR MARC bay, 2005 V.L. & L.F. Doyle USA EKLIPTYKA chestnut, 2003 Michałów Stud 1/5 (1-0-1-2)"

Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Ekstern Ekspozycja

EL OMARI chestnut, 2008


Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-0-2-3)


FORMIA brown, 2004 Michałów Stud

Sire: EQUATOR (QR Marc) bay, Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, Junior Spring Show Champion, Polish National Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Bronze Champion, European Junior Gold Champion, World Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Senior Gold Champion, twice Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Senior Gold Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Bronze Champion, thrice European Senior Gold Champion, World Senior Bronze Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Silver Champion, twice World Senior Silver Champion, International Arabian Breeders Classic Senior Gold Champion, Arabian Breeders World Cup Senior Gold Champion, US National Senior Reserve Champion, Sharjah International Senior Gold Champion, Dubai Senior Silver Champion, World Senior Gold Champion, KAAHC Senior Silver Champion, PSAIAHF Senior Silver Champion, Platinum World Champion

1st dam: FORTECJA (El Omari) dark bay, 1/7 (0-0-0-0-2) 2019 – filly FAVOLETTA (Eternal) chestnut

Gazal Al Shaqab Fortuna

Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic Dream Kouream De Ment Monogramm Ernestyna Eukaliptus Esperanca Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane Monogramm Emilda Anaza El Farid Kajora Monogramm Furora

2020 – colt FESTON (Ganges) bay 2021 – colt FORKIET (Morion) bay 2022 – filly FOKREJA 2023 – filly FOKAJA (Edmund) bay

2nd dam: FORMIA (Gazal Al Shaqab) brown, dam of: 2009 – filly FORLANDA (Eden C) brown, 1/5 2011 – colt FORMAN (Wachlarz) brown, 2/15 (1-4-2-1), SIRE 2012 – colt FIDALGO (Albedo) brown 2013 – filly FORMISS (Esparto) grey, 1/6 (0-0-1-3) 2014 – filly FORTECJA 2015 – filly FORLA (El Omari) bay, 2/13 (0-21-1-2) 2016 – colt FILISTER (Vitorio TO) bay

3rd dam: FORTUNA (Monogramm) dark bay, dam of: 2000 – filly FURINA (Druid) bay, 1/5 (0-0-1-1) 2002 – filly FORMICA (Wiliam) chestnut, 1/2 (1-0-0-1) 2003 – filly FORMOSA (Wojsław) chestnut 2004 – filly FORMIA Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk Young mares


Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XIX-1

grey filly, foaled on 28th of March, 2022 measurements: 149 - 176 - 17,5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Gazella d.b. imp. 1845 to Jarczowce

LOT 19


photo by Sylwia Iłenda

PARIS grey, 2014 Janów Podlaski

KASANDRA grey, 2016 Michałów Stud

KAHIL AL SHAQAB bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar PALMETA grey, 2001 Janów Podlaski Stud 1/1

Marwan Al Shaqab OFW Mishaahl Ecaho Pilica

EKSTERN grey, 1994


Michałów Stud 1/10 (0-0-1-1-3)


KAROLA grey, 2010 Michałów Stud 1/1

QR Marc Karolina

Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Pepton Etruria Fawor Pipi Negatraz Monogramma Piechur Erwina Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Laheeb Kwesta

Sire: PARIS (Kahil Al Shaqab) grey, Junior Spring Show Yearling Gold Champion, Polish National Junior Gold Champion, Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival Yearling Bronze Champion, European Yearling Bronze Champion, Junior Spring Show Silver Champion, Polish National Senior Silver Champion, Scandinavian Open Senior Gold Champion, Danish National Senior Gold Champion, Polish National Senior Gold Champion, Eurocup Senior Gold Champion

1st dam: KASANDRA (Ekstern) grey, dam of: 2021 – filly KAMPALA (Al Ayal AA) grey 2022 – filly KARELIA 2023 – filly KANTATA (Paris) grey

2nd dam: KAROLA (QR Marc) grey, 1/1, dam of: 2015 – filly KARWA (Vitorio TO) chestnut 2016 – filly KASANDRA 2017 – filly KALDERA (Ekstern) grey, 1/2 2018 – filly KLEMENTYNA (Ekstern) grey 2019 – filly KATALONIA (Eternal) bay

Young mares


3rd dam: KAROLINA (Laheeb) grey, 1/5, Russian National Silver Senior Champion, dam of: 2005 – filly KARBALA (Emigrant) grey, 1/6, dam of: 2010 – filly KARBONA (Ekstern) grey, Arabhäst i Väst Junior Champion, Stadl Paura Junior Bronze Champion, dam of: 2016 – filly KALIFORNIA (Kahil Al Shaqab) grey, Al Khalediah European Arabian Hose Festival Silver Yearling Champion, dam of: 2020 – colt KSIĄŻĘ (RFI Farid) bay, All-Polish Junior Bronze Champion 2018 – colt KOLORADO PRINCE (RFI Farid) bay, Cracow Arabian Horse Show Yearling Gold Champion 2019 – colt KAPITANO AF (RFI Farid) grey, Polish National Yearling Silver Champion 2012 – colt KORAB (Pegasus) grey, 1/8 (2-1-1-1), Sopot Arabian Horse Show Silver Champion Gelding, Polish National Silver Senior Champion Gelding, All-Polish Gold Champion Gelding, sport horse 2006 – filly KARLA (Galba) grey 2007 – filly KSANTYPA (Galba) grey, 1/4 2008 – colt KARDAMON (Ekstern) grey, 1/5 (0-0-1-0) 2010 – filly KAROLA 2011 – filly KAGERA (Pegasus) grey Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk

LOT 19

Turnia Birkut - Telimena/Dywizjon presented by Grzegorz Pajączkowski photo by Sylwia Iłenda

Young mares


Bred and owned by Michałów Stud PASB Vol. XIX-1

bay filly, foaled on 23rd of January, 2022 measurements: 151 - 170 - 17,5 cm Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala Dam line: Selma d.b. 1865 Abbas Pasha I

LOT 20

Zlota Palma

photo by Sylwia Iłenda


EL OMARI chestnut, 2008 Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-0-2-3)

ZŁOTA OLZA bay, 2015 Michałów Stud 1/2 (0-0-0-1)

chestnut, 1999 Philip Del Pozzo & Brent Stone USA

Padrons Psyche RD Bey Shahmpane

EMBRA grey, 1995 Michałów Stud 1/8 (1-1-1-2) KAHIL AL SHAQAB bay, 2008 Al Shaqab Stud Qatar

Monogramm Emilda Marwan Al Shaqab

ZŁOTA ORCHA grey, 2009 Michałów Stud 1/10 (1-1-3-1)

OFW Mishaahl Ekstern Złota Orchidea

Padron Kilika Bey Shah Bey Shahdar Negatraz Monogramma Pamir Emanacja Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Mishaah OFW Balarina Monogramm Ernestyna Emigrant Złota Orda

Sire: EL OMARI (Enzo) chestnut, 1/8 (1-0-2-3), twice Autumn Show Junior Reserve Champion, Polish National Junior Bronze Champion, Polish National Senior Champion

1st dam: ZŁOTA OLZA (Kahil Al Shaqab) bay, 1/2 (0-0-0-1), dam of: 2020 – colt ZŁOTY OWOC (Forman) dark bay, 1/6 (1-3-0-0), Junior Spring Show Yearling Top Five 2021 – colt ZŁOTY GRAAL (El Omari) bay 2022 – filly ZŁOTA PALMA 2023 – colt ZŁOTY SMOK (Forman) d.bay

2nd dam: ZŁOTA ORCHA (Ekstern) grey, 1/10 (1-1-3-1), dam of: 2014 – filly ZŁOTA BROSZA (Kahil Al Shaqab) grey 2015 – filly ZŁOTA OLZA 2016 – colt ZŁOTAN (Poganin) grey 2017 – filly ZŁOTA RÓŻA (Poganin) chestnut

3rd dam: ZŁOTA ORCHIDEA (Emigrant) grey, 1/9 (0-0-3-0), dam of: 2009 – filly ZŁOTA ORCHA Horse profile by Joanna Krawczyk

Young mares


organizer: Stadnina Koni Michałów office: +48 41 356 54 05

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