Al Hakam - 22 December 2023

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Hold fast unto the Rope of Allah

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Heavens laid bare: Height of astronomical discoveries and fulfilment of a Quranic prophecy

Prophecies of the Holy Quran: Roman defeat followed by victory

Some of Jamaat-eAhmadiyya’s salient activities in the Holy Land

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THE WEEKLY AL HAKAM | Friday 22 December 2023 | Issue CCCI Ahmadiyya Archive & Research Centre (ARC), 22 Deer Park Road, London, SW19 3TL, UK | ISSN 2754-7388

Amila of Majlis Ansarullah USA meets Huzoor at Islamabad On 17 December 2023, the national amila of Ansarullah USA was blessed with the opportunity to meet Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, in a mulaqat – in Islamabad, UK. At the outset of the mulaqat, Huzooraa conveyed his salaam and led the amila in a silent prayer. In the beginning, a video: “Cycling to Ansar Ijtema 2023: The Journey Guided by Khilafat” was presented. In the video presentation, it was mentioned that this plan was initiated following guidance from Huzooraa in a meeting held in 2022, during which Huzooraa instructed the amila to undertake long-distance cycling. Following the presentation, Huzooraa enquired from Naib Sadr Saf-e-daum about the total number of Saf-e-daum ansarullah. He reported a total of 2361 and added that this accounted for approximately 55% of the total majlis. Upon hearing this, Huzooraa remarked, “I see. And only eight or nine of them took part in cycling.” Naib Sadr Saf-e-daum further mentioned that their numbers were gradually increasing and highlighted that since Huzoor’saa visit, in 2022, there had been a significant surge of interest in cycling.

Blessings of daily salat

ّٰ َ ُ َ َ َ ُ َّ َ َ َ ْ َ ُ َ ‫َﻋ ْﻦ‬ ���‫ أﻧﻪ � ِ�ﻊ رﺳﻮل ا‬،‫أ�ِ� ﻫﺮﻳﺮة‬ َ َ ُ ُ َ َّ َ َ َ َ ُ ّ ٰ َّ َ ْ‫ﻮل أ َرأﻳْ�ُ ْ� ﻟَﻮ‬ ‫ﺻﻠﻰ ا��� �ﻠ ْﻴ ِﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ ﻳﻘ‬ ُ َ َْ ْ ُ َ​َ َ َّ َ َ َ ً ‫ ﻳﻐ� ِﺴﻞ ِﻓﻴ ِﻪ‬،‫ﺎب أﺣ ِﺪﻛﻢ‬ ِ ‫أن ﻧ�ﺮا ﺑِﺒ‬ َّ ُ َ َ ُ َُ َ ��ِ ‫ َﻣﺎ ﺗﻘﻮل ذﻟِﻚ ﻳ ُ ْﺒ‬،‫�ﻞ ﻳ َ ْﻮ ٍم ﺧ ْﻤ ًﺴﺎ‬ َ ُ َ ‫ ﻗﺎﻟﻮا �� ُﻳ ْﺒ ِ�� ِﻣ ْﻦ َد َر ِﻧ ِﻪ‬.‫ِﻣ ْﻦ َد َرﻧِ ِﻪ‬ َ َّ ُ ْ َ َ َ َ َ ً ْ َ ‫ ﻓﺬﻟِﻚ ِﻣﺜﻞ‬:‫ ﻗﺎل‬.‫ﺷﻴﺌﺎ‬ ‫ات‬ ِ �َ �‫اﻟﺼ‬ ْ َ َْ ّٰ ْ َ��‫ا‬ .‫ﻳ َ ْﻤ ُﺤﻮا���ﺑِ َﻬﺎا��ﻄﺎﻳَﺎ‬،‫ﺲ‬ ‫ﻤ‬ ِ It is narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairahra that he heard Allah’s Messengersa say, “If there was a river at the door of anyone of you and he took a bath in it five times a day would you notice any dirt on him?’” They said, “Not a trace of dirt would be left.” The Prophetsa added, “That is the example of the five prayers with which Allah blots out [i.e., annuls] evil deeds.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab mawaqiti s-salat, Bab as-salatu l-khamsu kaffarah, Hadith 528)

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, In His Own Words

Foster brotherhood “Foster brotherhood and love amongst yourselves; forsake barbarity and mutual dissension. Withdraw completely from all forms of jest and mockery, for Image: Library

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Hadith-e-Rasul – Sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

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Friday 22 December 2023 | AL HAKAM


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mockery moves the heart far away from the truth. Treat one another with respect. Each and every one of you ought to give preference to the comfort of your brother over themselves. Reconcile sincerely with Allah the Exalted and become subservient to Him once again. [...] Rid yourself of all mutual conflict, aggression and enmity. Now is the time for you to set aside trivial matters and engage yourself in important and magnificent work.” (Malfuzat [English], Vol. 1, pp. 267-268) Members of Ansarullah USA in front of Mubarak Mosque, Islamabad, UK | Image: Ansarullah USA

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Suhail Kausar Sahib, Naib Sadr Awwal, reported that he had been serving in this position for almost nine years. Huzooraa asked him if he would continue in the same position in the next year’s amila. To this, Suhail Kausar Sahib replied in the affirmative. Huzooraa smiled and said, “They can’t find any young person to take this position?” Huzooraa then enquired about his age, to which he replied he would be 75 in January. “Masha-Allah,” and Huzooraa added, “then quite young.” Mahfooz Sheikh Sahib, Qaid Umumi, reported that there were 57 majalis across the country, with the highest concentration of Ansarullah being, primarily, in the Baitur Rehman, Virginia, and Maryland Region, followed by the New York and New Jersey Region. These were the regions with the most ansar, he reported. He added that they were receiving monthly reports from each majalis and added that the comments were also given. Syed Tanvir Ahmad, Qaid Sehat-eJismani, was the next to report. Inquiring about his health, Huzooraa asked if he engaged in any exercise. He replied in the affirmative and added that approximately 33% of the members were regular in exercise. Rizwan Aleem Sahib, Muawin Sadr, reported that Sadr Sahib would assign him the task of preparing various presentations based on different events and special occasions. He added that there is a “Family Day” for which he prepares the programme and presentations. Upon this, Huzooraa enquired as to what the “Family Day” entailed. Rizwan Aleem Sahib explained that it was a recommendation from Majlise-Shura, encouraging families to gather at their respective centres where food and refreshments are prepared. Huzooraa asked about the attendance, and Rizwan Aleem Sahib replied that many people attended, though he did not have the exact number. Hearing this, Huzooraa reminded him, “You have been Sadr Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya. You should be very much particular and specific on the numbers and everything. That is how you used to do when you were Sadr Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya.” Yasir Khan Sahib, Muawin Sadr, reported that Sadr Sahib assigned him to focus on Wassiyat. Huzooraa then asked how many ansar had joined the system of Wasiyyat. Yasir Khan

Sahib reported that 1400 ansar ansar have done so. Belal Khalid Sahib, Qaid Talim, reported that they selected the book Pleasant Stories & Anecdotes – the English translation of Hikayat-e-Shirin & Waqi‘at-e-Shirin. Huzooraa enquired about the number of ansar who could read Urdu. Belal Khalid Sahib reported that when they gave the test to the ansar, the majority answered in English, with only a few answering in Urdu. He added that a total of 1420 ansar participated in the test – which was the highest they had, he reported. Speaking with Iftikhar Ahmed Sahib, Qaid Ishaat, Huzooraa enquired about the existence of any magazine or publication under Ansarullah. Iftikhar Ahmed Sahib confirmed this and mentioned the publication of Al-Nahl Magazine, which he reported was produced annually with over 100 pages each issue. Additionally, he mentioned that electronic newsletters containing articles submitted by local majlis members were regularly sent to the entire majlis. Following this, Kamran Mirza Sahib, Naib Qaid Publications, and Mujeeb Chaudhry Sahib, Qaid Umumi, also had the opportunity to introduce themselves. Rizwan Ahmad Sahib, serving as the Auditor, was next to report. Huzooraa asked him if he was satisfied with the implemented audit system, to which he replied affirmatively. He added that if Huzooraa had any guidance, they would certainly implement it. Huzooraa responded, “Guidance is that it is already written in your constitution and rules and regulations book – so you should follow that.” Huzooraa asked who would be serving as the Auditor the following year, to which he was informed that Javed Khan Sahib would be in that role. Additionally, Huzooraa it was reported that Rizwan Ahmad Sahib would be serving as Qaid Tajnid. In response, Huzooraa told him, “Update your tajnid, now [...] new immigrants and refugees have come, so include them.” Speaking with Ismail Cudjoe Anani Sahib, originally from Ghana, Huzooraa asked how long he had been in the USA. Ismail Cudjoe Anani Sahib replied that he had been living in America for 23 years. Huzooraa smiled and said, “Now you are almost an Amercian.” Ismail Cudjoe Anani Sahib reported that he would be serving as Naib Qaid Tarbiyat nau muba’i‘in. Huzooraa, hearing this, told him, “Make the list of nau muba’i‘in –

those who did bai‘at in the last three years. And then, make a proper plan for them: how to train them, and what should be the books for them to read – there should be some prescribed books or literature, or some other material so that they know what Ahmadiyyat is and why they became Ahmadi.” Huzooraa added, Try to bring them into the mainstream of the Jamaat so that they are well-trained.” Mahmood Hanif Sahib, Qaid Mal, was next to report. Huzooraa enquired about his profession, to which he replied that he was an IT manager and added that he works in a bank. He then reported and answered various questions asked by Huzooraa about budget matters etc. Mahmood Qureshi Sahib reported he was serving as Zaeem Detroit Majlis and further stated that he would be serving as Nazim-e-A’la Great Lakes Region. He reported that 220 ansar currently reside in that region. Saad Mia Sahib, Zaeem Majlis Oshkosh, reported that there were 25 ansar in his region. Hearing the total number, Huzooraa smiled and said, “Very easy job.” Huzooraa further said, “Your majlis should be the ideal majlis.” Ghayyur Manan Sahib, Nazim-e-A’la Southeast Region, reported that the region has five majalis and the tajnid is 270. Next, Muhammad Laqiduddin Ahmad, Naib Qaid Mal, had the opportunity to introduce himself. Mirza Anas Ahmad, Nazim-e-A’la Central East Region, reported that there were 416 ansar in this region. Fahim Ahmad Sahib reported that he shall be serving as Nazim Southwest Region. He reported that 355 ansar resided in the area. “You are very much precise about the number of ansar – in each area. It means you are working.” Next, Aftab Jameel Sahib reported that he shall start serving as Nazime-A’la for the Central West Region. Then, Ammar bin Talha Sahib reported he would start serving Nazim-e-A’la for Gulf States Region. Haroon Shakoor Sahib reported that he would be serving as Nazim-e-A’la for the Virginia Region starting in 2024. He reported that 571 ansar are currently residing there. Fawad Jawad Khan Sahib, Zaeem Ansarullah Los Angeles, reported that, currently, 285 ansar resided there. Then, Fatihuddin Sahib reported he was serving Baltimore jamaat as the Zaeem. Syed Mudasir Ahmad Sahib said he will be serving as Nazim-e-A’la of the Southeast

Region. He reported that 270 ansar resided in the region. Zeeshan Virk Sahib reported that he shall be serving as Nazim-e-A’la for the Midwest Region. Syed Uzair Sahib, serving as Zaeem Seattle, was next to report. Speaking with him, Huzooraa asked if he was related to Dr Tanveer Sahib. Syed Uzair Sahib replied in the affirmative and said he was the youngest brother. Atif Zeeshan Sahib reported that he will be serving as Nazim-e-A’la for Headquarters Region. And Muzaffar Ahmad Chaudhry Sahib reported he was serving as Zaeem Boston majlis. Muhammad Daud Muneer Sahib, currently serving as Naib Sadr, was next to report. Huzooraa asked if he was given any post in the new amila, to which he replied that he was now retiring. Upon this, Huzooraa smiled and jokingly said, “At this age, you should get retirement.” Zahid Mia Sahib, Naib Sadr, reported that he was serving as Naib Sadr in the current amila and in the next too. Muhammad Ahmad Sahib, currently serving as Qaid Tabligh, reported that in the new amila, he shall be serving as Naib Sadr Saf-e-Doum. Huzooraa told him, “Now you should include more people in your cycling.” Huzooraa further said, “There were almost 50-60 people, ansar, who went from here to Spain on bicycle – Ansaullah UK. So you should work hard. You are quite young.” Mohammad Antwi Sahib, Qaid Tahrike-Jadid, reported that he shall be serving in this post in the next anila too. He reported that this year they had exceeded their target and added that 3015 ansar participated. Hearing this, Huzooraa said that the target should be all ansar. “Each and every nasir should participate in Tahirk-e-Jadid – even if they pay 1, 2 or 3 dollars, it doesn’t matter. They should know the importance of sacrifice. Make them realise the importance of sacrifice, and new converts as well. Include all the Nau Muba’i‘in into this scheme.” Muhammad Sahid Mahmood Sahib, Qaid Tajnid, reported that in the next amila, he shall serve as Qaid Talim-ul-Quran ad Waqf-e-Arzi. Huzooraa said, “Try to include each and every amila member, and Nazime-A’la, and their local amila members into the scheme of Waqf-e-Arzi. Everyone should do Waqf-e-Arzi for at least two weeks – including yourself.” Tahir Ahmad Sufi Sahib, currently qadi Tarbiyat Nau Muba’i‘in, reported that in the new amila he would be serving as Qaid Isaar. Huzooraa asked him if he had made any plan to which he replied in the affirmative and said that he would be continuing the outreach programme which includes checking up on the well-being of ansar brothers. He added that the second goal was to feed one million Americans through the Humanity First chapters and via food banks. After hearing this, Huzooraa alluded to the “Model Village Project”, to which Tahir Ahmad Sufi Sahib said that they would continue that project. Muzaffar Ahmad Sadique, currently serving as Qaid Taribiyat, reported that next year he will be retiring. Then, Qamar Zafar Sahib, currently serving as Qaid Isaar, had the opportunity to speak with Huzooraa. Abu Bakar Bin Saeed Sahib, Nazim-eA’la Midwest Region, was next to report. Speaking with, Huzooraa asked, “In the

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AL HAKAM | Friday 22 December 2023



Echoes of trauma in the digital age Navigating vicarious suffering

Fazal Masood Malik and Farhan Khokhar Canada

In today’s world, where information is as ubiquitous as the air we breathe, we find ourselves continuously confronted by global tragedies, ranging from conflicts in regions such as Palestine to widespread famines and environmental disasters. This relentless influx of news, predominantly disseminated through social media channels, often bypasses mainstream media’s traditional filters, exposing us to graphic and harrowing content. Social media platforms, engineered to customise content based on user preferences, play an active role in intensifying this exposure. This deliberate strategy leads to what is known as vicarious trauma. Far from being an unintentional consequence, this is a calculated aspect of social media design. Under the pretence of fostering user engagement, these platforms’ algorithms are strategically programmed to emphasise and propagate extreme viewpoints and images across our timelines and newsfeeds. Vicarious trauma refers to the emotional and psychological distress experienced by individuals who are indirectly exposed to traumatic events. This exposure can occur through various means, including hearing firsthand accounts, viewing graphic images or videos, or working with survivors of trauma. While the term itself is contemporary, the phenomenon of vicarious trauma is not. Historical writings, such as the Iliad and the Odyssey, and historical accounts of survivors, such as those of the genocide in recent history, offer insights into how humans have grappled with the emotional impact of witnessing suffering throughout << Continued from previous page

Midwest Region, most of the population of ansar is of non-Pakistani origin?” Abu Bakar Bin Saeed Sahib replied that it was before; however, now it’s around 50/50. Huzooraa smiled and asked, “Can you control Pakistanis? It’s very much difficult.” This was much enjoyed by everyone in the meeting. Abu Bakar Bin Saeed Sahib reported that the next amila he shall be serving as Qaid Waqf-e-Jadid. “Try to include each and every member, every nasir, in the scheme of waqf-e-jadid,” Huzooraa said. Bashir-ud-Din Shams Sahib, currently serving as Nazim-e-A’la Headquaters, reported that this consisted of Maryland, York, Pittsburgh and Baltimore. He added that the tajnid was 525. Shahid

Image: Library

time. These experiences demonstrate how vicarious trauma can be transmitted across generations, impacting families and communities for decades. In modern society, we witness a distinct phenomenon characterised by the widespread presence of unregulated news feeds. In contrast to the past, where mainstream print and broadcast media served as controlled conduits—akin to water taps, carefully regulating both the content and its dissemination—today’s landscape is markedly different. The advent of social media and the rise of citizen journalism have transformed the flow of information. Now, distressing news and images are disseminated rapidly and indiscriminately, much like water gushing from uncontrolled fire hydrants, without significant oversight. Research shows that such relentless exposure creates a profound sense of despair, leading individuals to grapple with existential questions like “Why does God not stop this?” and, in some cases, may even precipitate a loss of faith.

The Holy Quran emphasises the importance of compassion and empathy for those who suffer. However, it also acknowledges the potential for witnessing suffering to negatively impact emotional well-being, encouraging individuals to seek solace in prayer and remembrance of God (Surah al-Baqarah, Ch.2: V.154). Seeking patience, or sabr, through prayers is a central doctrine in Islam. One must take but a glance at the life of the Holy Prophetsa to learn how he practised this teaching in real life and the remarkable results received. The exposure to images depicting the plight of children and other innocent individuals embroiled in conflict situations is profoundly unsettling. Such visuals often evoke a sense of helplessness among viewers, which is understandably distressing. It is not uncommon for individuals to experience feelings of trauma as a result of this exposure. As emphasised in the Holy Quran (Surah ar-Ra‘d, Ch.13: V.29), comfort and peace of mind are often attained through the remembrance of Allah [zikr].

Malik Sahib, currently serving as Nazim Virginia, reported that he was given various assignments regarding new immigrants. Huzooraa said to implement a special scheme, to “absorb the new immigrants, and to help them, and to settle them.” Nasir Bukhari Sahib, Nazim Great Lakes, reported that the region consisted of Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky. He added that he would serve as Qaid Talim in the new amila. Then, Huzooraa said, “Those who are well educated, or can understand, ask them to read the book: The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam.” In light of the Ansarullah website, Huzooraa said that there should be allocated space “where you give some quotes from the books of the Promised Messiahas, some small excerpts, and quotes of the Khulafa,

and quotes on contemporary issues and everything with regards to the teaching of Islam and Ahmadiyyat.” Khuram Shah Sahib, Nazim-e-A’la Central West Region, reported that he will be serving as Qaid Tabligh in the new amila. Huzooraa said, “You should make some ambitious programme for tabligh to reach at least 25% of the American population. It is quite ambitious, quite challenging.” Mahmood Butta Sahib, serving as Nazim-e-A’la New York Region, reported they had three majalis: New York, Longisland, and Brooklyn. Khalid Aziz Ahmad, serving as Nazim-e-A’la Chicago Region, reported that the region consisted of four majalis. Atta Karim Chaudhry Sahib reported that he was serving as Nazim-e-A’la Northwest Region. Masood Ashraf Sahib

By the grace of Allah, we are blessed with divinely guided Khilafat. At the onset of the hostilities between Israel & Palestinians, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa guided us to pray. “I wish to remind you all to pray in light of the current situation of the world. [...] Ahmadis should especially focus on praying. They should not become relaxed. At least one prostration in every prayer, or at least one prostration in any one of the prayers should be spent in supplication for this [situation].” (Friday Sermon, 27 October 2023, “Muhammad (sa): The Great Exemplar”, As a humble community, we may lack the worldly power to directly halt the actions of aggressors, still, it remains within our capacity to be the voice for the oppressed. Merely expressing outrage on social media may not bring about tangible change in any conflict. However, taking definitive steps such as engaging in dialogue with influential figures, fostering awareness within the community, and penning thoughtful correspondences to intellectuals can steer the course of history towards improvement. This journey, however, must commence with prayers, be sustained through prayers, and culminate in prayers. Through this spiritual journey, the trajectory of conflicts can be transformed. The role of a believer in implementing absolute justice is pivotal in this context, for believers possess the power of belief, a quality often missing in the aggressor. (Surah ash-Shura, Ch.42: V.41) If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or losing hope or faith, consider reaching for a newspaper instead of your phone. Offer a prayer for those in distress and empower yourself by taking pen to paper to make a meaningful difference. Zaeem reported that he shall be serving as Nazim-e-A’la Northeast Region. And, Tahir Ahmad Khokhar Sahib reported he was the Zaeem Rochester, New York. Following this, Masroor Ahmad Sajid Sahib reported he was the Zaeem Central Jersey. Sheikh Iftikhar Ahmad Sahib reported he was the Nazim-e-A’la of Gulf States. Zafar Abdul Basit Sahid reported he was the Nazim-e-A’la of Southwest Region. In the end, Huzooraa said, “As far as guidance is concerned, I have already given some guidance to some departments and others know already their job – read the constitution.” Then, the Zaeem Sahib of Detroit received the Alm-e-Inami. Following this, members had the opportunity to have group photos.

Friday 22 December 2023 | AL HAKAM


Hold fast unto the Rope of Allah

22 - 28 December

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’s advice to the Muslim World Ata-ul-Haye Nasir Al Hakam

We witness that contemporary Muslims are divided, facing various difficulties and regressing in all fields, just because they have drifted away from the true teachings of Islam. This was all prophesied by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa 1400 years ago, and thus, he instructed the Muslims to join the Jamaat of the Promised Messiahas in the Latter Days for the rejuvenation of their faith. During his Friday Sermon on 30 November 1917, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud, Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra spoke about the helpless situation of the Muslims and said that the Holy Prophetsa had prophesied that there would be a time when the Muslims would divert from the true teachings of Islam and “they were to get stranded in such a ‘swamp’ [of ignorance] that none of the worldly efforts could save them. Therefore, the Holy Prophetsa said, at that time the Messiah would come to save those who would be about to drown [spiritually]. In such a situation, the only effective remedy is the help from God, as He sends down a ‘rope’ from Heaven. Since prophets are hablullah [rope of Allah], God sent the Promised Messiahas at that time to save the world. But alas, when God sent down this hablullah, the people attempted to terminate that ‘rope’, instead of holding fast to it. “The situation which is faced by the Muslims, nowadays, is worsening with each passing day. However, it is so unfortunate that instead of holding fast by this ‘rope’ which was sent to save them, they desired to terminate it. What would be its result? Obviously, they would be ruined. They were engrossed by ailment, God sent a [spiritual] healer for them. However, they neglected the fact that they were ailing and close to drowning [spiritually], and attempted to harm and destroy that ‘healer’ and to terminate that ‘rope’. “Who will be pleased to see it terminate? Will it be [the religion of] Islam? Not at all. In fact, it will please the opponents of Islam. However, could someone terminate this hablullah? Not at all. Those who desire to terminate it, would be destroyed. The result of their efforts would be similar to the fate of those who attempt to oppose the Truth. Since its Guardian is not an ordinary being, but rather, it is God Almighty Who has sent it for the salvation of His creation. “Therefore, they are afflicting their own selves by opposing this hablullah, and ‘harming’ the cause of Islam. If they had acted with wisdom, they would have known as to which Jamaat is serving to save Islam. Are they the clerics who consider abusing and attacking the Promised Messiahas as the biggest purpose of their lives? Not at all. They do not care no matter what happens

22 December 22 December 1893: On this day, the Promised Messiahas replied to a letter he received from Hazrat Munshi Rustam Alira. In his letter, this noble companion stated that he desired to have a coat prepared for the Promised Messiahas. The Promised Messiahas replied that it would be better that he prepare quilts for guests of Qadian instead. to Islam. They do not strive for the cause of Islam. But rather, whenever there is a need to protect and defend Islam, it is often said that ‘call a Mirzai’. However, how strange it is that at such junctures, they call the khuddam [followers] of Hazrat Mirza Sahibas — whom they declare dajjal, God forbid. They are required to ponder that if Mirza Sahibas was a ‘dajjal’ [God forbid], would he have prepared such people who are ever ready to confront every opponent in defence of Islam? If this is a trait of dajjal, then I say that may God create many such ‘dajjals’ so that Islam may be guarded. “It is a point to ponder that whenever there is any need to protect Islam, the people’s attention is inclined towards the Ahmadiyya [Muslim] Jamaat, instead of these clerics who only spread the edicts of kufr [disbelief]. […] The number of Muslims is said to be around 400 million, and in comparison, Ahmadis are very small in number, as in very insignificant, because they are thousands of times more than us. However, one should compare and see as to what is the proportion of our [Ahmadis] efforts for the propagation of the Faith and protection of Islam, in comparison to the rest of the [non-Ahmadi] Muslims. What efforts are they making for the sake of Faith despite being in such exceeding numbers, and what services are we [Ahmadis] rendering despite being in the minority? “If one ponders over the wealthy people and traders among them [non-Ahmadi Muslims], one finds that though they might have spent a lot in various works, they would rarely spend any money for the propagation and protection of Islam. However, in comparison, even if one ponders over the poorest Ahmadi, one finds that they spend a part of their hard-earned income on the propagation and protection of Islam. “Our claim is that ‘We represent Islam’, and their claim is also the same, however, the point to ponder is that whenever Islam is faced with any turmoil, whose heart feels the pain and upon feeling such anguish, who is ready to sacrifice even their life for this cause? This very criterion could decide

between us, and one could find as to who has a [true] connection with Islam. […] One should see whenever the world attempts to efface Islam, who is at the forefront to offer sacrifices and says ‘separate my head from the body, and then you may attack Islam’? And who is the one who remains aloof? […] “If those who claim to be Muslim had any connection with Islam, why would they not have any passion upon witnessing such a situation of Islam? However, the fact is that their situation is like the person who is aware of the presence of water and that it is filled with a tiriyaq [cure], but still does not drink it. […] They have turned away from God. God has deprived them of the opportunity to serve Islam. God does not care for those who do not pay attention towards His beloved and ma’mur [appointee]. Thus, they are unable to serve Islam. This is a point to ponder, there is great proof for the truthfulness of our Community. “These people [opponents of Ahmadiyyat] desire to efface us, however, we sympathise with them and only pray for them. The Promised Messiahas has also said: ‫��ا�ں�ہدار‬ ِ ��‫اےدل‬

‫��م‬ ِّ ‫ٓ����د�ٰ ئ‬ “[O heart, be considerate towards them; For they claim to love my Prophetsa. (Izalae-Auham, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 3, p. 182)] “After all, they are claimants of the love for the Quran, Islam, and the Holy Prophetsa. For this reason, we pray for them that ‘O our God, open their eyes so that they may see and benefit from that [spiritual] sun, which You have raised for their benefit, and may they hold fast to the habl [rope] which has been sent by You to save those who are about to drown.’” (Khutbat-e-Mahmud, Vol. 5, pp. 600-604) May Allah the Almighty enable the Muslim World to pay heed to the ‘Rope of Allah’, and unite under the banner of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya which is continuing the Promised Messiah’sas mission — i.e., uniting the world at the hands of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. Amin.

Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira says that this letter had no date mentioned, but the stamp was dated 22 December 1893. Moreover, he added that this letter exhibited Huzoor’sas hospitality to guests. Hazrat Munshi Rustam Alira wrote to Huzooras expressing his desire to provide him ease, but setting aside his own comfort, Hazrat Ahmadas instructed Munshi Sahibra to prepare quilts for his guests. This shows how Huzooras undertook the moral training of his Companionsra. (Maktubat-e-Ahmad [2019], Vol. 2, p. 598)

22 December 1956: A telephone exchange was set up in Rabwah and started operating the following year. On page 4 of the 30 December 1956 edition of Al Fazl, the Nazir-e-A‘la, Hazrat Mirza Aziz Ahmadra (grandson of the Promised Messiahas) informed residents of Rabwah that telephones had been installed at the Jamaat’s offices and some residential houses. Thus, the connection between the Markaz and the whole world became easier. (Tarikh-eAhmadiyyat, Vol. 18, p. 374) 22 December 2013: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa condemned the attack on Islam by Geert Wilders, a Dutch politician. In a highly disturbing and provocative act, the leader of the PVV Party in Holland escalated his campaign against Islam by placing a crude and grotesque sticker on the door of his parliamentary office. (“Global Muslim Leader

AL HAKAM | Friday 22 December 2023


This Week in History A glimpse into the rich history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Condemns Latest Attack on Islam By Dutch Politician Geert Wilders”, www.pressahmadiyya. com)

23 - 24 December 23 December 1926: Swami Shraddhanand was assassinated on this day. He was an Arya Samaj missionary who propagated the teachings of Dayananda Saraswati and played a key role in the Sangathan and Shuddhi movements in the 1920s. Ahmadi viewpoint on this killing can be read in Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra Jalsa Salana speech delivered on 27 December 1926. Hindu newspapers used to call Shraddhanand the second Lekhram. (Tarikh-eAhmadiyyat, Vol. 4, p. 567) 24 December 1902: On this day, Al Hakam reported, “On the night between 21 and 22 December, which was the first night of the last ten nights of Ramadan, the Promised Messiahas received the revelation:

َ ْ َ َ َ َ ْ ��ٰ ْ‫َّيَﺄِت ِ ْي َﻋَل ْۡيﻚ َز َ​َم ٌۡن َك َِمﺜ ِ​ِل َز َ​َم ِۡن َُمۡو‬

“[A time is coming for you which will be like the time of Moses.] The Promised Messiahas said, ‘I have not received this revelation before during this period of 24 or 25 years, even though I have been given the name Musa [Moses] several times in divine revelations.” (Tadhkirah [English], p. 605)

Jalsa Salana Qadian, 1991

Ahmadi women. (Tarikh-eAhmadiyyat, Vol. 4, p. 303)

25 December 1930: Hazrat Mirza Sultan Ahmad, the eldest son of the Promised Messiahas, took bai‘at at the hand of Hazrat Musleh-eMaudra. Though he did not perform bai‘at during the life of the Promised Messiahas, he would passionately defend the Promised Messiahas event during that period. (Tarikh-eAhmadiyyat, Vol. 5, p. 237) 25 December 1947: Quaid-eAzam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Governor General of Pakistan, appointed Hazrat Chaudhry Sir Zafrulla Khanra as the first foreign minister of the country. (Tehdis-e-Nemaat [2009], pp. 645-646)

25 December

26 December

25 December 1922: Following a proposal from his second wife, Amatul Haye Sahibara, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra established Lajna Imaillah on this day and appointed her as its first secretary. Since its inception, it has remained a worldwide academic, religious and community organisation for

26 December 1933: Jalsa Salana coincided with the holy month of Ramadan. Around 400 people took bai‘at during Jalsa. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered addresses on all three days despite fasting, without loudspeakers. (Tarikhe-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 5, p. 130) 26 December 1982: On

this day, the inaugural Jalsa Salana of the blessed era of the Fourth Khilafat commenced in Rabwah. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh graced the event with his spiritually uplifting speeches throughout the three days. Despite heavy rain on the concluding day, the Jalsa proceedings continued uninterrupted, with a remarkable attendance of approximately 220,000, including representatives from 27 countries who journeyed to Rabwah, Pakistan. During this historic Jalsa, Huzoorrh delivered the heartening news that the Jamaat had established missions in 28 countries, where 391 missionaries were diligently serving. With the Markaz’s invaluable support, 24 new mosques had been constructed across nine countries, and additional mission houses had been established in 8 different countries. Additionally, 25 magazines and newspapers were being meticulously prepared and printed worldwide by Jamaat. Huzoorrh expressed his desire for the circulation of Al Fazl and The Review of Religions to reach a minimum of 10,000. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol 4, p. 861)

27 - 28 December 27 December 1960: The chief justice of India was given Ahmadiyya literature when he visited Tarapur in Palghar district in the Indian state of Maharashtra. Maulvi Abdur Rahman Fani Sahib, a local missionary of the Jamaat, presented an address on behalf of the Jamaat. (Tarikh-eAhmadiyyat, Vol. 21, p. 9) 28 December 1928: Jamaate-Ahmadiyya Australia convened its Jalsa Salana, which was the firstever Jamaat gathering in that part of the world outside India. Hazrat Sufi Muhammad Hassan Musa Khanra, the pioneering Ahmadi of Australia, narrated the claims of the Promised Messiahas. By the grace of Allah, this proved to have a very great impact on all those present. (Tarikh-eAhmadiyyat, Vol. 5, p. 100) 28 December 1991: On this day, the historic Jalsa Salana Qadian concluded, which commenced on 26 December. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh gracefully inaugurated the event at 10 am on 26 December. During his Friday Sermon on the second day of the Jalsa, Huzoorrh heralded the commencement of the new Waqfe-Jadid year, and later that day, he delivered a profound address to the Lajna at the ladies’ Jalsa Gah. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol 4, p. 868)

Friday 22 December 2023 | AL HAKAM


Pioneer Some early milestones of the Ahmadiyya Missionaries Part XVI

Muslim Community in the Holy Land

A series looking at pioneer missionaries and devotees of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat who gave precedence to faith over the world. Awwab Saad Hayat Al Hakam

The early missionaries of the Ahmadiyya Community gained unprecedented success in the field of polemics and proved the truthfulness of Islam and the Holy Quran against Christian missionaries and Muslim scholars too. However, their arguments and proofs were met with the same response that enemies of truth typically resort to. In December 1927, Hazrat Maulana Jalaluddin Shamsra, a missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Damascus, was viciously attacked with a dagger by an opponent, causing severe injuries. After a long recovery and having fully healed, on 9 March 1928, the French Mandate in Syria ordered him to leave the country, a move instigated by Muslim scholars at the time. He reported back to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra in Qadian about the brewing situation via telegram. Huzoorra thus instructed him to move to the port of Haifa in Palestine. Sayyid Munir al-Hussni Sahib was appointed as his acting amir in Damascus while Jalaluddin Shams Sahib reached Haifa on 17 March 1928. Thus, the foundation of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s Palestine mission was laid. From the fourth volume of Tarikh-eAhmadiyyat onwards, a brief overview of the Jamaat’s activities in the first 25 years of the Holy Land emerges as follows: Initially, there was strong opposition to the missionary origination here, but with the help of Allah, Hazrat Maulana Jalaluddin Shamsra was successful in establishing a community in Haifa. In Haifa, while discussions and debates with Muslims, Baha’is and Christians continued, the opposition and hostility of opposing scholars and religious elders also intensified. However, this proved to be a catalyst in the growth of the local Ahmadiyya community. Ahmadis were also subjected to oppression and violence. During this period, civil unrest erupted between Jews and the local Muslim population in Haifa, at times resulting in bloodshed. When it became known that rioters wanted to attack the Ahmadiyya missionary’s house, Maulana Jalaluddin Shamsra was forced to move to another house.

Mahmood Mosque in Kababir, Haifa On 3 April 1931, Maulana Jalaluddin Shamsra laid the foundation of the Mahmood Mosque in Kababir, which is the

first Ahmadiyya mosque in the Arab world. The roof of the mosque was yet to be built when Jalaluddin Shamsra was given his new posting. All the Ahmadi men, women and children of Kababir participated in the construction of this mosque. Maulana Jalaluddin Shamsra remained in Palestine until 29 September 1931. During his stay, two permanent local jamaats were established in Haifa and Tiberias, and the message of Ahmadiyyat reached important places in the Arab world – such as Baghdad, Mosul, Beirut, Homs, Hama, Latakia, and Amman – through this missionary’s letters and efforts.

Maulana Abul Ata Sahib While Maulana Jalal-ud-din Shamsra was still in Haifa, Maulana Abul Atara, at the behest of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra, left Qadian on 13 August 1931 and reached Haifa on 4 September 1931. Maulana Shamsra handed over the charge of the Palestine mission to him and returned to Qadian on 20 December 1931. Maulana Abul Atara stayed there from September 1931 to the end of January 1936. During this time, this Ahmadiyya mission

gained a firmer foothold than before. The Mahmood Mosque in Kababir saw its construction reach completion. In 1930, Maulana Shamsra started a small school in which the Holy Quran was taught to boys and girls. It was formally inaugurated in the form of an Ahmadiyya school by Maulana Abul Atara on 1 January 1934. He, himself, was the first headmaster of this school. In addition, he started the first Ahmadiyya printing press in Kababir under the name Al-Matba‘ah al-Ahmadiyyah, which was inaugurated on 6 March 1935, and the first Arabic translation of the Promised Messiah’sas Da‘wat-ul-Haq was published in it.

During his time in Palestine, there was also a series of written and oral debates with Muslim scholars and Christian preachers, in which Allah gave victory to Islam Ahmadiyyat, and the message of truth reached many people. During this time, Maulana Abul Atara also visited Cairo, Ras El-Bar, Damietta, and Alexandria in Egypt. In addition to Christians, he also invited Jews to Islam and published a tract in Hebrew for them. This was the first time the Jewish people had received a message from Muslims in the Hebrew language, and they were surprised that they were being called to Islam in Hebrew. One of the special features of his stay was that instead of publishing a tract or magazine occasionally, he set the practice of a regular magazine that was published at a scheduled time. It was published as a quarterly magazine called Al-Bushra alIslamiyah al-Ahmadiyyah – which was later changed to Al-Bushra in January 1935 – and proved to be the most effective means of spreading the message of Islam and Ahmadiyyat in the length and breadth of the Arab world.

In addition to the regular quarterly or monthly magazine, he was also able to publish some other valuable literature. During his stay, new local jamaats were established in Umm al-Fahm and Mawqif Aarah, and the number of Ahmadis increased in Kababir, Haifa and Barja areas.

Maulana Muhammad Salim Sahib Maulana Abul Atara handed over the charge to Maulana Muhammad Salim Sahib, and went back to Qadian on 24 February 1936 via Syria and Iraq. To reach Palestine, Maulana Muhammad Salim Sahib left Qadian on 4 January 1936, and reached Haifa on 27 January 1936. Just a few weeks after he took charge, a general strike broke out in Palestine due to the mutual conflict between Arabs and Jews. This strike continued for six months. It soon took the form of a riot. However, he regularly kept the series of teaching and educating locals in Dar-ulTabligh, Kababir. He handled the tiresome work of editing Al-Bushrah in a beautiful style and manner. He took an interest in the Continued on next page >>

An old and rare picture of Palestinian Arabs with Hazrat Maulvi Jalal-ud-Din Shams Sahibra

Members of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kababir with Hazrat Maulana Jalal-ud-Din Shams Sahibra, Haifa

AL HAKAM | Friday 22 December 2023 << Continued from previous page

development and well-being of Kababir’s local Ahmadiyya School and also held debates with scholars of the prestigious AlAzhar University of Egypt, living or visiting Palestine. He also had some debates with some Christian priests. In his time, many blessed souls also entered the fold of Jamaat. He was also able to translate or re-publish some famous books.

Chaudhary Muhammad Sharif Sahib Maulana Muhammad Salim Sahib returned after fulfilling his assigned duties of tabligh for about two years on 10 March 1938. Then, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra sent Chaudhary Muhammad Sharif Sahib to Palestine. He left Qadian on 7 September 1938, and reached Haifa on 24 September 1938. He remained engaged in tabligh in the Arab world for roughly 18 years, and then returned to Rabwah, the then-new headquarters of the Community, on 15 December 1955. His period of stay in the Holy Land passed in very trying circumstances. The conflict between Arabs and Jews took a more delicate form than before. During this time, a plan was also made to kill him, which failed. When the civil war between Arabs and Jews in Palestine reached its climax, the United Nations announced the decision to divide Palestine in November 1947, and later on, in 1948, the Israeli government was established and the series of killing each other and looting was on the rise everywhere. Where thousands of innocent Arabs were killed and millions were displaced. Haifa and Kababir were cut off from the rest of the country and several local jamaats were forced to migrate.

Sheikh Noor Ahmad Manir Sahib and Maulana Rashid Ahmad Chughtai Sahib The final decision of the division of Palestine had just been taken when, by the order of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra, Maulana Sheikh Noor Ahmad Manir and Maulana Rashid Ahmad Chughtai left for Palestine respectively on 13 October 1945, and 23 October 1946, for tabligh in the Arab world. Sheikh Noor Ahmad Manir, after fulfilling the duty of tabligh in Palestine for a few months, reached Syria on 17 September 1946. Apart from re-establishing the Ahmadiyya Community in Syria. During his stay, Palestinian Ahmadis came to Damascus as refugees in extremely poor conditions, and he also arranged their settlement. In this regard, Damascus’s local jamaat showed a great example of sincerity and sympathy and provided every possible assistance to the Palestinian Ahmadi refugees in particular and other refugees in general. He returned to Rabwah on 17 December 1949. After one year of Maulana Rashid Ahmad Chughtai’s arrival in Palestine, the situation in Palestine had become very delicate. Therefore, Chaudhry Muhammad Sharif sent him to establish a new mission in East Jordan on 3 March 1948.

Praise for the missionary’s wise decision


Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra praised this timely action of Chaudhry Muhammad Sharif Sahib, the missionary in charge, and said that just as East Punjab had suffered greatly, a similar fate befell Palestine due to the onslaught by the Jews; and our Jamaat found itself amid this perilous situation. Some members of Haifa’s jamaat had relocated to Damascus ahead of the riots, while details about the others remained elusive. Realising the urgency of the circumstances, Chaudhry Muhammad Sharif Sahib, the missionary in charge, portrayed astuteness and promptly dispatched one of the preachers to East Jordan. Given the uncertainty encircling our circumstances, he instructed the preacher to establish a new centre in the region. This strategic action mirrored the approach adopted when departing from Qadian. (Al Fazl, 5 December 1948, p. 3)

Some of the services of Chaudhry Muhammad Sharif Sahib The Ahmadiyya Printing Press (Kababir) was abandoned and locked up. He got it fixed in November 1938 and started publishing the magazine (Al-Bushrah) from it. It continued to be published regularly under his editorship till his stay. The Ahmadiyya Printing Press and Ahmadiyya Library were built temporarily, which he rebuilt on solid grounds from scratch. He elevated the standards of the Ahmadiyya Kababir School, published many new books, and translated some. Among some of the other important services that Chaudhry Muhammad Sharif Sahib performed during his time in Palestine, he also challenged the Haifa Islamic Law Court’s decision regarding the Islamic faith of Ahmadis. He took the matter to the Supreme Islamic Council (Jerusalem), which issued a directive to all courts that the Ahmadiyya community is a Muslim sect. In January 1947, he challenged the Patriarch of Antioch in particular, and the patriarchs and bishops of Palestine and Syria in general, to a public and written debate on the controversial issues between Islam and Christianity. This challenge was published in newspapers in Iraq, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon, but they did not dare to come forward. He also had debates with the leader of the Baha’is, Shoghi Effendi Rabbani. He also toured Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq. Through his efforts, not only did the early local jamaats of the Arab world grow, but new local jamaats were also established in Sudan, Ethiopia, Aden,

Kuwait, Bahrain, and North Africa. After his return, Maulana Jalaluddin Sahib Qamar was appointed as the in-charge missionary in the Palestine Mission. He continued to perform the duty of preaching till December 1964. This is the briefest overview of some of the efforts of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community during the first quarter-century of its history in the Holy Land. May Allah grant the Jamaat to continue its journey of service and goodness to the Muslim ummah and humankind in general. Amin.

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Jamaica holds its 9th Jalsa Salana Misbah Anmol Tariq Jamaica Correspondent

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Jamaica organised its 9th Jalsa Salana on 25 and 26 November 2023. Preparations for Jalsa Salana commenced several weeks in advance with some who travelled from distant towns to assist with the setup of the Jalsa gah. This year, six Khuddam from Canada, under the blessed scheme of Waqf-e-Aarzi, joined us. The chief guest for this year’s Jalsa Salana was Arsalan Warraich Sahib, President and Missionaryin-charge of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Belize. On Friday, Arsalan Warraich Sahib led the Jumuah prayer and during his sermon, he emphasised the importance of Jalsa Salana and the associated blessings. This was followed by lunch. On Saturday, a special session of Jalsa Salana took place after Zuhr and Asr prayers. President and Missionary-inCharge of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Jamaica, Tariq Azeem Sahib, presented the opening remarks and extended a warm welcome to the guests. Subsequently, Arsalan Warraich Sahib spoke on “Our Muslim Identity in the Caribbean.” He encouraged members to actively practice their faith and shared activities of Belize Jamaat, providing ideas for serving the community in Jamaica. This was followed by a short questionand-answer session, after which lunch was served to the guests. On Sunday, the main session of Jalsa Salana began in the morning, presided over by Arsalan Warraich Sahib, started with the recitation from the Holy Quran, followed

by an Arabic qaseedah in praise of the Holy Prophetsa. Tariq Azeem Sahib delivered the welcome speech, emphasising the theme of “Nations cannot be reformed without the reformation of the youth.” Stories from the life of the Holy Prophetsa as well as some earlier prophets were shared to illustrate how prophets brought lasting transformations by setting an excellent example for future generations. A mu‘allim, Ghulam Ahmad Sahib then delivered a speech on the “Role of Parents in Raising Excellent Youth,” and Ahmad Ibrahim Forson Sahib spoke on the “Islamic Approach to Ensuring Peace”. Tariq Azeem Sahib then read out the special message from Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa for the participants of Jalsa Salana, drawing attention to various important points. Dignitaries, including Mayor Norman Scott, Dr Kurt Waul, Mr Lynton Weir, Mrs Lorraine Spencer Jarret, Andrew Hancel, and Ms Teneish Grant, were invited to share a few words. Arsalan Warraich Sahib delivered the closing speech on “Nations cannot be reformed without the reformation of the youth,” motivating youth to recognise their role as future leaders of humanity. The awards ceremony recognised 22 individuals for their academic, athletic, and community service achievements. The session concluded with a silent prayer led by Arsalan Waraich Sahib, followed by lunch for the guests of the Promised Messiahas.

AMSA at Imperial College London holds ‘Existence of God’ tabligh event Malik Takreem Ahmed President AMSA, UK

On 27 November 2023, AMSA (Ahmadiyya Muslim Student’s Association) UK held a tabligh talk, titled Seeking Certainty: Empirical Evidence for the Existence of God at the Imperial College London. This event was held in collaboration with Rational Religion and AMWSA (Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Student Association). A brief summary of the event is as follows. A marketing campaign was launched prior to the event, which included messages through social media and physical posters put up at the Imperial College London. The event began at 6:45 pm with the recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by a brief introduction to Ahmadiyyat by Bilal Dar Sahib, the AMSA Tabligh Lead. After this, Dr Umar Nasser Sahib from the Rational Religion team delivered a talk on the existence of God based on the Quranic evidence. We then held an open question-and-answer session, an interactive discussion, and a vote of thanks by my humble self. The event culminated with

open discussions in the foyer outside the lecture hall. The event was video recorded by the Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK’s Ishaat team. The event was attended by 64 people, including some external guests as well. Some of the feedback from guests is listed below: “ I enjoyed the question-and-answer sessions as it was an opportunity for people with both like-minded and opposing views to have a healthy discussion on any topic.” “The talk was very good and informative.” “It was an amazing and well-planned event with a very engaging speaker. Very coherent presentation and understandable content.” We also had one guest who saw the event online and decided to join. She was very overwhelmed by the event and said she had been going away from religion and God recently, but this event made her realise the truth of the existence of God and the relevance of this in today’s secular world. She wanted to stay in contact and was interested in the teachings of Islam Ahmadiyyat.

Friday 22 December 2023 | AL HAKAM


Prophecies of the Holy Quran Roman defeat followed by victory Jalees Ahmad Al Hakam

Surah ar-Rum, the chapter undoubtedly revealed in Mecca, unveils a magnificent prophecy that clearly shows how the Holy Quran was revealed from the Divine. The most reliable sources place Surah ar-Rum to be revealed in the 6th or 7th year of the Prophet Muhammad’ssa mission. (Five Volume Commentary, Volume 4, p. 2494) This coincided with the peak of the Persian conquest. In the aforementioned Surah, we read: “The Romans have been defeated, In the land nearby, and they, after their defeat, will be victorious. In a few years — Allah’s is the command before and after [that] — and on that day the believers will rejoice, With the help of Allah. He helps whom He pleases; and He is the Mighty, the Merciful. Allah has made this promise. Allah breaks not His promise, but most men know not.” (Surah ar-Rum, Ch.30: V.3-7) These verses of the Holy Quran begin by alluding to a historic occurrence that took place in the time of the Holy Prophetsa. “The Romans have been defeated, In the land nearby,” is interpreted, widely, as the Persians’ victory over the Byzantine (Roman) Empire during the early 7th century. The words “the land nearby” refer to the countries in close proximity to Arabia, that is Palestine, Jordan and Syria. (Haqaiq-ulFurqan, Vol.3, p. 348) It is well-established that the Persian and Roman Empires bordered the Arabian Peninsula. The defeat of the Romans carried immense significance during that era, stirring unease among the Muslims. This feeling of unease stemmed from the fact that the Romans were regarded as “People of the Book,” meaning they were Christians, and their defeat was seen as a potential “loss” to the monotheistic religions. The disbelievers of Mecca were content – or jubilant as some sources indicate – that the Persians defeated the Romans because they themselves practised idolatry. In contrast, the Muslims desired for the Romans to overcome the Persians because the Romans were considered “People of the Book.” (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab tafsiri l-Qquran ‘an rasulillahsa, Hadith 3193) The Romans, being followers of the Book, suffered defeat at the hands of the fire-worshipping Persians. (Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas, Ch.30: V.2) The Meccan disbelievers rejoiced at the Byzantine defeat and taunted the Muslims, saying that they would defeat the Muslims, just as the Persians defeated the Byzantines. (Ibid.; Tafsir al-Jalalayn, Ch.30: V.2) In fact, it is said that they expressed that since Muslims held a revealed scripture and the People of

the Book also adhere to a book, they – the disbelievers of Mecca – in contrast, do not submit to a revealed scripture. Moreover, they pointed to the Persians’ victory over the Byzantines as evidence and argued that if they, the disbelievers of Mecca, were ever to engage in conflict with the Muslims, they too would emerge victorious. (Asbab AlNuzul by Al-Wahidi, Ch.30: V.2) The Holy Quran then goes on to say that after their defeat, they, that is the Romans, will be victorious. It further states that their victory shall come “In a few years” and also states that “on that day the believers will rejoice.” For context, let us consider the circumstances of that time. This prophecy was made prior to the Prophet’ssa migration to Medina; 6th-7th year following his being commissioned. Persecution against Muslims had reached its peak. Despite the Holy Prophetsa demonstrating various miracles such as the miracle of Shaqq-ul-Qamar, the disbelievers of Mecca, bent in their ways, not wanting to put his message behind them and move on, continued their persecution and even resorted to a boycott. The deaths of Hazrat Khadijahra and Hazrat Abu Talib had occurred. Abu Talib was the uncle of Prophet Muhammadsa who held a high station amongst the chiefs of Mecca. One can only imagine the reaction of the Meccan leaders who believed, with the demise of Abu Talib, there were no restraints left, and they could now intensify their persecution, even targeting the Holy Prophetsa himself. We must remember that the disbelievers of Mecca would openly declare that the Holy Quran was – God forbid – authored by Muhammadsa and not revealed by God. With such an objection, it goes against logic for a person to make a statement or prophecy of an incident which seemed very unlikely to materialise. For if the prophecy did not come true, the mission of such a one would be questioned. However, as the Holy Quran was revealed by Allah, and the Holy Prophetsa was a true prophet, such a claim was made with no fear.

The prophecy, wager, and divine timing Hazrat Abu Bakrra mentioned the prophecy of Surah ar-Rum to the disbelievers of Mecca, who then challenged him to set a timeframe for its fulfilment. They laughed and mocked the revelation and said, “Make a wager between us and you; if we win, we shall get this and that, and if you win, you shall get this or that.” (Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Kitab tafsiri l-quran ‘an rasulillahsa, Hadith 3193) In other words, they made a wager and established a timeframe. The terms were negotiated between Hazrat Abu Bakrra and the Quraish leaders,

involving a few camels and a specified period of six years. We also read that Abu Bakr alSiddiqra placed a wager of ten camels against Ubayy Ibn Khalaf al-Jumahi. (Tanwir alMiqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas, Ch.30: V.2) When the Holy Prophetsa learned of this arrangement, he said, “Setting a six-year period is not appropriate. Allah the Exalted has employed the phrase ‘three to nine years’ when referring to a designated time, in accordance with the customary Arabic idiom. (Seal of the Prophets - Volume I, p. 292) It must be remembered – keeping in mind Arabic grammar and lexicon – that the word or the term ‫ بضع‬alludes to numbers between 3 and 9. Thus, when we say ‫بضع رجال‬, though it means a few men, it literally means from three to nine men. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, in light of this incident, writes: “The Meccans took the victory of the Persians as a good omen indicating their own ultimate triumph over Muslims. On this occasion the Holy Prophetsa received the revelation that the Romans had been vanquished in a neighbouring land but within nine years of their defeat they would again be victorious (30:3-5); the word occurring in the verse, viz. ‫ بضع‬expresses a number from three to nine. When this revelation was announced among the Meccans they laughed and jeered at the Muslims.” (Introduction to the Study of the Holy Quran, p. 274; Five Volume Commentary, Vol. 1, p. ccxcix)

Background and the Prophetic fulfilment: Heraclius, Chosroes II, and the reversal of empires Prior to the advent of Islam, the Arabian Peninsula was bordered by two major empires, namely: the Persian Empire and the Roman Empire. Both these empires were engaged in a long-standing war, with the Persians gaining the upper hand initially. The Persian conquest began in 602 AD by Chosroes II as a response to the death of his ally, Maurice. Over two decades, Persian armies invaded and plundered Roman territories such as Syria and Asia Minor. Then, in 614 AD, the Persians captured Jerusalem, an event that shook the Christian world as they took, it is said, the cross of Christ. Subsequently, the Persian conquest continued into Egypt and Asia Minor, threatening Constantinople. The Roman Empire struggled due to internal conflicts. Heraclius, the Roman Emperor, was humiliated, and the Persian King Chosroes II, who initiated the war against Rome, demanded that they convert to sun worship, further diminishing the standing of Christianity. (Five Volume Commentary,

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Vol.4, p. 2498) Naturally, Muslims were troubled by this situation because they had religious ties with the Romans, who were people of the book, believing in monotheism. Then, around 616 AD, Prophet Muhammadsa received a revelation that predicted a reversal of fortunes within a relatively short period (‫)بضع‬, where the defeated Romans would achieve victory over the victorious Persians. Through the divine revelation and word of God, within nine years, exactly as foretold, the Roman Emperor Heraclius managed to defeat the Persians, leading to the collapse of the once-mighty Persian Empire, avenging the loss of Jerusalem and restoring the Roman Empire’s strength. “After licking his wounds for several years, Heraclius was at last able to take the field against the Persians in 622, the year of the Holy Prophet’ssa Migration to Medina. In 624, he advanced into northern Media, where he destroyed the great fire temple of Gandzak (Gazaca) and thus avenged the destruction of Jerusalem. This happened exactly within nine years, the period foretold in the verse, and to add to its importance and significance it happened in the year when the power of the Quraish also suffered a very serious reverse in the Battle of Badr.” (Ibid.) Chosroes fled Dastgerd, his beloved home near Baghdad, and eventually met an inglorious end, murdered by his own son, Siroes, on February 19, 628 AD. This marked the Persian Empire’s decline from its previous greatness to utter chaos. (Ibid.) Muslims found great joy when news reached them about the fulfilment of the prophecy, which they learned on the same Continued on next page >>

AL HAKAM | Friday 22 December 2023


The Saga of Joseph – Part 1 A Comparative study of Prophet Joseph’s story in Genesis (Ch. 37-50) and the Holy Quran Dr A. R. Bhutta Germany

Genesis, the first book of the Bible, narrates the stories of many prophets; however, the story of Prophet Josephas is unique in many ways. It makes a very moving and inspiring read and is highly educative morally and spiritually. The story of Propeht Josephas – known as Yusufas in the Holy Quran – is also mentioned in the Holy Quran, and apparently, it looks very similar to the one in the Bible. However, a careful look at the two versions makes it clear that there are important differences between the two. The Quranic version is more elaborate, coherent and logical than the Biblical version. And some important incidents are missing, altogether, in the Biblical story. Before we point out the differences between the Biblical and Quranic versions of Prophet Joseph’sas story, it seems necessary to know the family background of Prophet Josephas, which makes the basis of his story.

The family background of Josephas We learn from the Bible that Jacobas, the father of Josephas, was living in Haran with his maternal uncle Laban. In Haran, Jacobas worked very hard as a cattle farmer and became quite a rich man. During his stay in Haran, he had four wives. Three of his wives produced ten sons for him, but one of them, Rachel, did not produce any child for him for a very long time. Eventually, God heard the prayers of Rachel too and she was blessed with a son who was named Josephas. By that time, all the ten elder stepbrothers of Josephas were already grown-up youths, helping their father in the fields. Some years after the birth of Josephas, Jacobas felt that his uncle Laban, and his children, did not regard him as before and they seemed to be jealous of his riches. So he decided, under divine command, to leave Haran and go back to his home << Continued from previous page

day as the Battle of Badr when Gabrielas revealed this information. This joy was in addition to their celebration of victory over the idolaters on that very day. (Tafsir al-Jalalayn, Ch.30: V.5) Thus, the words “and on that day the believers will rejoice,” contain a hint to the fact that the Muslims will also find victory. Thus, no man, unless divinely inspired, can make such a claim. How is it that a man in Arabia foretold the victory of an empire that, at the time, their chance of surviving seemed impossible? This can only mean that the Holy Prophetsa was a true prophet of God who received revelations from the divine.

town in Canaan. He consulted his wives and children, and, one day, he took all his family members, slaves, servants and flocks of animals, and left for Canaan. On his way back to Canaan, Rachel gave birth to another son for Jacobas who was named Benjamin. Sadly enough, however, Rachel had gone through a very hard labour and could not survive the birth of her second baby. Thus, Josephas lost his mother but he got a real brother, Benjamin. And these two brothers happened to be the youngest of all the twelve sons of Jacob which he had from his four wives. (Gen.30:1-24; 35:17-26)

Stepbrothers make a wicked plan Out of his 12 sons, Jacobas loved Josephas most, and that made all the ten step-brothers of Josephas extremely jealous of him. So they began to hate him. When still a small boy, Josephas saw a dream which he mentioned to his brothers. The brothers felt insulted by the dream, and they rebuked him for that dream. Then Josephas had another dream in which he saw that the sun, moon and 11 stars had bowed down before him. Again he mentioned this vision to his father and brothers, and again they rebuked him for his vision. (Gen. 37:1 - 22) Now, after this second dream all the stepbrothers of Josephas, who already hated him, begin to feel even more angry and jealous of him and they decide to get rid of him. So they make a very wicked plan against Josephas. And thus begins the ‘story of Josephas’ which we find mentioned in the Bible as well as in the Holy Quran. And which we are now going to consider and compare in the next pages. (Gen. 39 - 45, & Surah Yousuf. Ch.12)

Differences between Biblical and Quranic versions As already mentioned, the story of Josephas that appears in the Holy Quran may seem similar to the story mentioned in the Bible; however, a closer examination of the two makes it clear that the Quranic version is much more elaborate and realistic than the Biblical version. The Biblical story is short, ambiguous and lacks many important incidents. It even goes on to tarnish the innocent image of Josephas in the incident involving Potipher’s wife. Let us now see the main differences between the Quranic and Biblical versions.

Joseph did not tell his dream to his brothers According to the Biblical story, when Josephas narrated his first dream to his brothers, they rebuked him saying: “And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his

words. “And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.” (Gen.37:8,9) Now, we know from the Bible that on hearing the first dream, the brothers of Josephas were very angry and they rebuked and condemned him for that dream. In this context, therefore, it is evident that Josephas couldn’t have told his second dream to his brothers which was even more insulting and annoying to them than the first one. According to the Holy Quran, Josephas did not tell his second dream to his brothers. He had mentioned it only to his father who had advised him: “He said, ‘O my darling son, relate not thy dream to thy brothers, lest they contrive a plot against thee; for Satan is to man an open enemy.” (Surah Yusuf, Ch.12: V.6)

Father didn’t rebuke Josephas for his dreams Again, the Biblical story states that on hearing the second dream: “[...] his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? “And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying.” (Gen.37:10,11) Here, again, we have something illogical in the Biblical story. It is not in one’s power to see dreams at their own will, and Joseph’sas father knew this fact very well. How then, could he rebuke his son for seeing such a dream? As already quoted from the Holy Quran (Surah Yusuf, Ch.12: V.6), the father understood the message underlying the dream and had advised Josephas not to tell that dream to his brothers. Even the Genesis story says that “his father observed the saying.” (Gen.37:11) This shows that the father fully understood the importance of Joseph’sas vision, and he remembered it all his life because that dream foretold how his family affairs were going to develop in the future.

Jacobas did not send Josephas to the fields The Biblical story says that it was Jacobas himself who had sent his son, Josephas, into the fields to go and look for his stepbrothers saying: “And he said to him, Go, I pray thee, see

Image: Library

whether it be well with thy brethren, and well with the flocks; and bring me word again.” (Gen.37:14) Here, again, we see something very strange. We are told that Jacobas was worried about the welfare of his ten grown-up sons who were pasturing the flocks in the fields; and that he had told his young son of tender age to go out in the fields and look around for his elder brothers and bring back the news about them. Now, we have already read in the Biblical story that Joseph’sas ten elder brothers “hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto him” (Gen.37:4) because they could see that their father “loved Joseph more than all his children” (Gen.37:3,4). In this context, therefore, it was not likely that the father would have sent Josephas to go and meet his elder brothers in the fields when he knew that all of his step-brothers hated him and were inimically disposed towards him. The Holy Quran, on the other hand, tells us that it was the brothers of Josephas who had persuaded their father to let Josephas go out with them, saying: “‘Send him with us tomorrow that he may enjoy himself and play, and we shall surely keep guard over him.’” (Surah Yusuf, Ch.12: V.13) Their father, however, was reluctant to part with Josephas and had replied to them: “‘It grieves me that you should take him away, and I fear lest the wolf should devour him while you are heedless of him.’” (Ibid., V.14) But the sons had insisted on taking Josephas out with them, and the father had agreed to let Josephas go with them only after they had reassured him: “‘Surely, if the wolf devour him while we are a strong party, then we shall indeed be [great] losers.’” (Ibid., V.15) So we can see that the Biblical version is not consistent in logic. The father could not have sent his small boy out in the fields to look for his step-brothers when he knew quite well that they were not friendly to him and could harm him. The Holy Quran, on the other hand, tells us that it was the brothers who had insisted on taking Joseph along, and the father had agreed reluctantly when all of them had assured him about the boy’s safety.

Friday 22 December 2023 | AL HAKAM


Abrogation of the Bible: An Islamic point of view Munawer Ghumman Student Jamia Ahmadiyya UK

and are punished for doing so?

Recently, I was discussing this with a Christian friend who challenged me to prove, from the Holy Quran and other Islamic sources, that the Bible has been abrogated. Below, I shall provide a brief background on how and why the Bible has been corrupted and then after that, I shall cite evidence from three main Islamic sources: (1) the Holy Quran, (2) Sahih alBukhari, and (3) writings of the Promised Messiahas. Since the beginning of time, God Almighty has sent a countless number of prophets throughout the world to every nation and people. God has sent these prophets and messengers according to the spiritual needs and requirements of those respective people. Alongside this, we have also observed throughout history, that every time a prophet comes, the followers of that prophet are elevated spiritually and physically. However, after that prophet passes away, it has been shown clearly that the respective prophet’s followers, when they forget the teaching they were bestowed with, fall into a heavy state of decay and become lost in a sort of darkness. Their falling into this darkness and state of decay is due to multiple reasons. One of them is human nature, to some extent. The second, and more critical reason, is that all of their prophets have only had a limited teaching and scope of mission. This is also why God would constantly send prophets to bring the people back towards their true Creator and not move away from the true teachings of their respective prophets. Thus, when the world had reached a point where they were ready, physically and mentally, to have a prophet whose message was not limited and confined to the people he was sent to, God Almighty then sent the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa to the world. He was the first and only prophet to bring a spiritual law to the entire world as a whole. After the Holy Prophetsa passed away, after some time, as prophesied by the Holy Prophetsa himself, Muslims began to fall into a state of decay and began to move away from the true teachings of Islam.

With a study of Surah al-Ma’idah, Ch.5: V.73-76 and 79, we learn that the Holy Quran paints a clear picture showing that everything the Christians preach now is opposed to what Jesusas used to teach the Bani Isre’il. Furthermore, God has also put forth multiple arguments in verse 76 refuting the godship of Jesusas. (i) It points out that Jesusas was no better than other Messengers of God in any way. (ii) He enjoyed no higher status. (iii) He showed no miracles the like of which were not shown by other Prophets. In fact, the greatest miracle ascribed to him by his followers is that of the alleged raising of the dead. But the Bible ascribes similar miracles to other Prophets also (see 2 Kings 4:16-35; 13:21). (iv) Another argument mentioned by the verse against his alleged divinity is that he was born of a woman. Being born of a human being, he could not be divine. Moreover, a child is known to inherit some of the prominent traits of the physical and moral make-up of its parent. Jesusas, being born of a woman must have inherited her nature and her qualities and so he could not be God or the son of God. Being human, he was, like other human beings, subject to the natural laws of hunger and of satisfying it by taking food and he was subject also to the natural phenomena that ensue.

Proofs from the Holy Quran Although the Holy Quran has remained perfectly preserved and will always remain preserved, the same cannot be said for the Bible and other religious texts. I will provide material proving that the Christian doctrine and the Bible are corrupt from Islamic sources specifically. God Almighty has referred to this corruption in upwards of seven verses of the Holy Quran. Here, I shall share four verses:

Verse 1

Verse 3

Image: Yoshi Canopus via Wiki Commons

“O People of the Book, exceed not the limits in your religion, and say not of Allah anything but the truth. Verily, the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a Messenger of Allah and [a fulfilment of] His word which He sent down to Mary, and a mercy from Him. So believe in Allah and His Messengers, and say not [‘They are three.’] Desist, [it will be] better for you. Verily, Allah is the only One God. Far is it from His Holiness that He should have a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And sufficient is Allah as a Guardian.” (Surah an-Nisa’, Ch.4: V.172) Christians claim that the concept of the divinity of Christ and the trinity is what Jesusas preached; however, this concept is refuted by the Holy Quran. This verse refers specifically to the Christians and commands them not to exceed the limits of their own religion and continues to warn that they should not speak anything of God except the truth. Then, furthermore, it states that Jesusas is just a prophet of God.

Verse 2 “The Jews and the Christians say, ‘We are sons of Allah and His loved ones.’ Say, ‘Why then does He punish you for your sins? Nay, you are only human beings among those He has created.’ He forgives whom He pleases and punishes whom He pleases. And to Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and to Him shall be the return.” (Surah alMa’idah, Ch.5: V.19) Here, God Almighty is alluding to the fact that there is no such thing as sonship of God Almighty and that the Christians and Jews who falsely assert so are doing so wrongly. Then, God also gives an argument in support of this and states that if this had been the case and they were the sons of God Almighty, then why do they commit sins

specifically the Bible and other religious scriptures have been corrupted. Hazrat Ibn Abbasra explained this in-depth and substantiated the claim that the Bible has been corrupted by Christians themselves.

Proof from the writings of the Promised Messiah The next piece of evidence I would like to put here is the excerpt from the book of the Promised Messiahas, Testimony of the Holy Quran: “It was written that the Antichrist would claim both Prophethood and Godhead, and so it came to pass through this people. Brazen and unwarranted interpolation into the books of the Prophets on the part of the Christian clerics is, in other words, tantamount to claiming Prophethood. They have so boldly interpolated into them as if they themselves were the Prophets. They have twisted the words of the revealed books and written their commentaries to suit their purpose. Moreover, they have audaciously fabricated lies at every occasion, hiding what is present and displaying what is not present. They have so authoritatively altered the meaning of their religious books as if they received revelation and were Prophets themselves.” (Testimony of the Holy Quran, p. 30) After reading the above-researched material, room for doubt shall no longer linger in anyone’s mind.

Verse 4

Concluding comments

Further, in verses 117-118 of the aforementioned Surah, we read a conversation between Allah and Jesusas that shall take place on the Day of Judgement. We read, in this verse, that God Almighty asked Jesusas in regards to his teaching and whether or not he told his followers to take himself and his mother as someone to worship. Jesusas, in reply, categorically denied doing so and added that God is free from such slander.

As for those of you who quote Surah Yunus, Ch.10: V.95, whilst making false claims that the Holy Quran orders Muslims to take guidance from the Bible and the Torah and that therefore they must be true, I shall now move on to briefly disprove this notion and explain how it is completely and utterly baseless. Firstly, the above-mentioned references are enough to dispel this notion. Secondly, nowhere in this verse does it say that we should go and turn to the Bible for guidance: “And if thou art in doubt concerning that which We have sent down to thee, ask those who have been reading the Book before thee. Indeed the truth has come to thee from thy Lord; be not, therefore, of those who doubt.” (Surah Yunus, Ch.10: V.95) The verse means that as for those who object, they are told that if, as they assert, this Book (i.e., the Quran) gives rise to doubts, they should enquire from those who have benefited by reading and acting upon it. They will then find how it has illuminated their hearts and raised them to the highest pinnacles of spiritual glory. The next point to dispel this notion is that Jesusas was never given a law-bearing

Proofs from the Hadith In a hadith, Hazrat Ibn Abbasra advised Muslims not to seek guidance from people who follow other religious books, like the Jews and Christians, as they, Muslims, have been bestowed with the Quran, which is the most recent and unchanged revelation from Allah. He further added that followers of other scriptures, at one point in time, altered their books and falsely claimed it was from Allah to suit their desires. He asked, “Isn’t the knowledge revealed to you sufficient to prevent you from asking them?” (Sahih alBukhari, Kitab al-Shahadat, Hadith 2685) Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-i‘tisami bi l-kitabi wa s-sunah, Hadith 7363, narrates a very similar hadith to this. These ahadith demonstrate, explain and make it clear that there Muslism agreed that

Continued on next page >>

AL HAKAM | Friday 22 December 2023


Heavens laid bare: Height of astronomical discoveries and fulfilment of a Quranic prophecy Exploring the Beyond

Al-Fawaz Ajimoti Student Jamia Ahmadiyya International Ghana

Recently, humanity bore witness to yet another remarkable feat. After years of anticipation and hard work by NASA’s OSIRIS-Rex (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification and Security – Regolith Explorer) team, a capsule of rocks and dust collected from asteroid Bennu is finally back on Earth. (“NASA’s First Asteroid Sample Has Landed, Now Secure in Clean Room”, For NASA, this is merely another milestone in a long line of achievements to explore space. Speaking on why they seek the space beyond, NASA once stated: “No doubt, humanity’s interest in the heavens has been universal and enduring. Humans are driven to explore the unknown, discover new worlds, push the boundaries of our scientific and technical limits, and then push further. The intangible desire to explore and challenge the boundaries of what we know and where we have been has provided benefits to our society for centuries.” (“Why Go to Space?”, www.nasa. gov) Reading this, it is no wonder that the US has so far spent upward of 650 billion dollars on NASA since its inception. Since the sky and beyond have long been sources of wonder and curiosity for humans, it is not difficult to understand why we would try so hard to fathom the mysteries of the cosmos and why we are driven to explore the unknown, despite our many problems back home. Humanity has since embarked on a quest which piloted the evolvement of astronomy into a multifaceted field, giving rise to specialised subfields such as Astrophysics,

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book from God, nor was the Bible written by him or even in his time. The Holy Quran also affirms this in Surah al-Ma’idah Ch.5: V.49, wherein it states: “We caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow in their footsteps” Under this verse, the Five Volume Commentary states that this verse shows that, “like the Prophets who preceded him, Jesusas also was a follower of the Law of Moses, the Gospels being only an exposition of selected teachings of the Torah suited to those times.” (Five Volume Commentary, Surah al-Ma’idah Ch.5: V.49) “The word ‫ انجیل‬occurring in the verse does not refer to the present four Gospels which were written by the followers of Jesusas long after his so-called crucifixion and which give merely an account of his life

Astrobiology, and Archeoastronomy among others. (“Astronomy in the Crossroads of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Sciences”,

Islam and space exploration It might surprise some, but the Holy Quran also entreats man to look and ponder over the creation of the heavens. It states:

َ َ َ َ� َ ۤ�‫َ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ ُ ُ ۤۡو‬ �ٰ َ َ ٰ َ ‫الَّس َ​َمٓا ِ​ِء َفۡوَۡق ُ​ُه ۡ​ۡم َك ۡ​ۡي َ​َف َبَ​َن ۡ​ۡيٰن َ​َها َ​َوَز �َّيـّٰن َ​َها َ​َو َ​َما َل َ َ​َها‬ ‫َاَفَلۡم َيۡنُظُر ا ِ​ِاَلى‬ ۡ‫ِ​ِم ۡ​ۡن ُف ُ ُ​ُرۡو ٍ​ٍج‬

“Have they not looked at the sky above them, how We have made it and adorned it, and there are no flaws in it.” (Surah al-Qaf, Ch.50: V.7) We also read at another place:

and teachings. The word refers to the actual revelation received by Jesus from God. The present Gospels do indeed contain a part of that revelation, but Divine words have become so mixed up with the sayings of Jesusas himself that in many cases it is difficult to distinguish between the two. The Gospels contain a good deal of matter which is admittedly not of Divine origin. The saying of the Holy Prophetsa, ‫ اناجیلھم صدورھم‬i.e. “the breasts of my Companions are like Gospels” (Lisan), sheds some light on the significance and position of the Gospels. This saying of the Prophet means that the breasts of his Companions were repositories of his life history and teachings which are indeed a great gospel. It may be inferred from this that the position of the present Gospels is analogous to that of the collections of Hadith, such as Bukhari, Muslim, etc.” (Ibid., Surah Aal-e-‘Imran, Ch.3: V.4)

After millions of years of gazing at the sky from the relative safety of Earth, people finally stepped off our home planet and onto the surface of another world. It is now quite obvious through the latest developments that the various moon landing missions were but stepping stones for mankind’s voyage into the unknown. As if by making the moon a starting point, mankind has successfully disproved the age-old rather pessimistic adage — “The sky is the limit.” NASA currently is planning to resume human missions to the moon as a prelude to astronauts eventually travelling to Mars. We have also seen the rise of private space entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk, who has been preparing to reach Mars and build a Jackson Hendry | Unsplash permanent human settlement there. And other countries are looking to reach َ� َ� َْ َ ْ َ� َ َ� ْ َ‫اِت َ​َوالَأ‬ َ ‫الَّس َ​َم‬ ‫ْر‬ ‫اَو‬ ‫ِق‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫َخ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ِف‬ ‫َّن‬ ‫ِإ‬ Mars as well. China, for example, aims to ِ ِ‫ِض َ​َواْخ ِ​ِتلَا ِ​ِف الَّل ْ​ْي ِ​ِل َ​َوالَّنَهاِر‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ ْ ُْ� َ َ send its astronauts to the Red Planet by ‫اِب‬ ٍ ‫لآَي‬ ِ ‫اٍت ِّلُِأْوِلِي الأْلَب‬ 2033. (“10 Reasons Why Space Exploration “In the creation of the heavens and the Matters to You” earth and in the alternation of the night The future holds endless possibilities for and the day there are indeed Signs for men mankind and it is exciting to imagine what of understanding” (Surah Aal-e-‘Imran, humanity will achieve in the coming years. Ch.3:V.191) But so far, for what it’s worth, for a species The fact that NASA’s statement aligns once hunter-gatherers, heavens have indeed almost directly to these verses is a testament been laid bare. to the claim that Islam is a religion which is tailormade for the sound nature of man. Space exploration and the Latter In recent years, scientific advancements Days have given us a glimpse into the wonders of the cosmos that were previously One might ask – why make such a prophecy? unimaginable. This has fulfilled the What does it signify? The answer to this is that this verse is among the many verses prophecy of the Holy Quran: of the Holy Quran which contain various ُ َ ُ َ َ� َ َ ‫ٓاُء ُك ِ​ِشَط ۡ​ۡت‬ ‫َو ِ​ِاَذا الَّسَم‬ signs regarding the advent of the Promised as “And when the heaven is laid bare.” Messiah which is to take place in the Latter Days. These signs include progress in global (Surah at-Takwir, Ch.81: V.12) The word ‫ کشط‬means “He removed or communication, the vast circulation of stripped off a thing from a thing which it knowledge etc. As fascinating as it is that the Holy ُ ‫ َ​َك َ​َش‬means “I skinned the َ ‫طُت‬ covered.” ‫الَبِعِير‬ ُ َ َ َ َ Quran, in such short words, contains such ۡ ُ � َ camel”. ‫ َو ِ​ِاَذا الَّسَمٓاُء ُك ِ​ِشَطۡت‬therefore means “When prophecies which clearly describe when the sky shall be laid bare and shall have its and how the Latter Days would take place, covering removed.” (Dictionary of the Holy it is more fascinating that the time of the Quran, Malik Ghulam Farid, p. 720) revelation of these prophecies was when In Five Volume Commentary, it is written such events were completely unimaginable. “The reference in the verse may be to the The Promised Messiahas, while talking vast strides that the science of astronomy has made in the latter days. The advance about the fulfilment of one such prophecy in this branch of science during the past stated that when one sees such prophecies decade has startled the world.” (Five Volume being fulfilled, “oneas should believe that the Promised Messiah is also present at this Commentary, Vol. 5, p. 3323) time. ” (Malfuzat [English], Vol. 10 p. 230) Therefore, by stripping off the coverings Hence, it can be confidently asserted of heaven, humanity has been able to witness that this verse and many others like it are the wonders that have since years awaited simply telling us that ‘when you witness us in the night sky. This has advanced the fulfilment of these prophecies – which our understanding of the universe while in this case is the laying bare of the heaven, simultaneously fulfilling this great prophecy be thou aware that the awaited Messiah is of the Holy Quran. already amongst you.’

Friday 22 December 2023 | AL HAKAM


100 Tabligh to Maharaja Sir Jagatjit Singh and Years Prince Samad Khan in Paris, France


Al Fazl, 20-23 November 1923

Singh Sahib Bahadur] of Kapurthala in Paris. He exhibited great morals and showed immense respect. I presented the magazine, Moslem Sunrise to him and briefly mentioned my work in America. He was really happy and said, “Your works are highly commendable.” Maharaja Sahib added, “I am planning to build a magnificent mosque in the state [of Kapurthala]. Its layout is being prepared in Paris.” He enquired about the difference between Ahmadis and nonAhmadis. I explained the difference in detail. He said, “It was a pleasure meeting you. I extend an invitation for us to convene again in India when you reach there.”

Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra (1872-1957)

Divine providence My brother Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib BA, missionary of Islam, writes from Chicago: “God’s providence seems to be at work in the delay of your return. You had to go [to Qadian] by way of Japan. If you had left here [America] for Japan on 1 July [1923], you would probably have reached there in August and stayed there for September. [This was the exact time when] the wrath of Allah the Almighty descended there [in the form of an earthquake]. All praise belongs to God Almighty that He prevented you from going there [i.e., Japan].” The aforementioned statement of Maulvi [Muhammad Din] Sahib is absolutely true. Certainly, I intended to return to India passing through Japan. After staying with Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib for 3 months, on 1 July [1923], I handed over the charge [of American mission] to him and got ready for my return journey. However, the travel costs were not received. So instead of going to Japan, I started visiting different cities in America. If I had gone to Japan, I would have certainly been there on the day of the earthquake, but God Almighty knew. […] I was thus not able to go to Japan. After the earthquake, considering it was not appropriate to go there, I left for India by way of France.

The present state of France and tabligh As I have mentioned in the previous report, I left America and arrived in France. I had to stay here for a few weeks waiting for the ship. All ships for October, November, and December were already booked, as usually many people buy tickets weeks in advance and reserve their seats. By a stroke of good fortune, I have found an empty seat on the ship named Majula scheduled for 9 November [1923]. I am trying my level best to secure this seat. At the same time, I am probing the situation in France to see what kind of efforts can be made here for the propagation of Islam. The French people are mostly Catholic and very unyielding. However, they respect foreigners a lot, especially if they know that there is a scholar [in their midst] from another country. When I went to see the wonderful library here, the secretary personally came out to meet me. After showing me around the library, he accompanied me to the front door, took off his hat, and bowed to say goodbye. Once, I requested a policeman for directions, he

Prince Samad Khan

Image: Library

also took off his hat, greeted me, and then told me the way. As compared to America, there is relatively less religious freedom here. I happened to meet a French new convert here. He was of the opinion that the person best suited for preaching here should be someone who does not look like a missionary, yet carries out the work [of tabligh] without raising suspicion. If he does not do so, he will not be able to do anything due to strong opposition. The people of France are very fond of art. The whole city is full of paintings and statues. Many great museums are just filled with paintings and carved and moulded statues. Most of the paintings and statues here hold historical significance. The trade of India’s fancy goods can thrive here. A few Indian traders are also present [in France]. If Globe Trading Agency opens a branch here, it can probably earn more profit here than in England.

Lectures and an article Thus far, I have delivered two lectures here [in Paris, France]. After I finished speaking, both of my lectures were translated into French by a friend who also knows English. Moreover, I wrote an article in English and specifically mentioned the characteristics of Ahmadiyya Jamaat in it. A French new convert translated this article into French and presented it in a [literary] society. The message of Islam Ahmadiyyat was also conveyed to a few Egyptian students as well as some Muslims from Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco were also preached to.

Maharaja of Kapurthala I met His Highness Maharaja [Sir Jagatjit

One day, Prince Samad Khan, Ambassador of Iran [to France] met me by chance in the street. I was standing in a square observing the daily quests of the French world when a distinguished person in French dress approached me, took off his hat, and said, “Assalamu Alaikum.” I thought that he might be an elder from Arabia, so I asked in Arabic, “What is your name?” He replied, “I am not acquainted with Arabic. I am from Iran, and I speak French and Persian.” Consequently, we had a good conversation in the Persian language, and he was very happy to know that I could speak Persian. He invited me to his house and showed me the magnificent room with the throne of the Shah of Iran in Paris. He enquired in detail about our American mission and

the accounts of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. At the end, he said, “I am at your disposal, and please consider this house as your own. Moreover, kindly encourage the friends of your blessed mission travelling through this route to visit here and delight me with their company.”

Need for tabligh in Spain A friend who has travelled to Spain met me and mentioned that there are scores of families in Spain who were Muslims, but after the Christian conquests in this country, they were subjected to such atrocities that they found it difficult to express their Islam. Consequently, they abandoned the values of Islam due to the fear of the government. Gradually, living side by side with the Christians, they assimilated with the Christian faith. However, their [Islamic] family values and traditions are still found in them. Deep down within their hearts, they adore the faith of Islam. Thus, a lot of people can revert to Islam if there is someone to inspire them and put a new spirit in them. A few individuals are under tabligh [being preached to] in Paris. May Allah bless them with Islam. Muhammad Sadiq, Paris, France, 19 October 1923. (Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 20-23 November 1923 issue of Al Fazl)

Rochester University Class visits Mahmood Mosque, Detroit Muhammad Ahmad Secretary Tabligh, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Detroit, USA

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Detroit, USA, hosted a Rochester University class on 30 November 2023, from 6 to 8 pm. Professor Dr Keith Huey along with his class of 10 students visited the Mahmood Mosque. The students were given a tour of the mosque, the community centre and the library. The class sat down with the missionary Faran Rabbani Sahib to have an informal session focused on questions and answers. The programme started with an introduction of each student, Prof Keith Huey, and members of the Jamaat in attendance. Right after the brief introductions, the forum was opened for questions and answers. There were many questions and healthy discussions during the two-hour-long

session. One of the students asked about the difference between Sunni and Ahmadi Muslims, to which Faran Sahib elaborated on the differences and the key similarities in the beliefs that both held. The Islamic viewpoint and teaching on war were discussed in the context of the Palestine-Israel conflict and how the Holy Prophetsa forbade the killing of children, women, elderly, clergy, crops, and animals during the war. Questions on the Islamic teachings on women’s education, women’s rights and the wisdom behind gender segregation were discussed. The difference between culture and religion came up during the discussions. Many students along with their professor stayed to observe how the Muslim prayers are offered in congregation.

AL HAKAM | Friday 22 December 2023


Friday Sermon Mubarak Mosque, Islamabad, Tilford, UK

24 November 2023 The need for the Imam: The Promised Messiah and Mahdias After reciting the tashahhud, ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:

In his writings and teachings, the Promised Messiahas has stated the need for his advent and the need for a reformer to appear in this era on countless occasions. He has proved that his being sent by Allah the Almighty was exactly in accordance with the need of the time and in accordance with the tradition of Allah the Almighty and the prophecies of the Holy Prophetsa. As such, the Promised Messiahas states: “I wish to state as a completion of the argument that God Almighty – having found this age full of darkness, and sunk deep in heedlessness, denial and paganism, and having observed the waning of faith, truthfulness, sincerity and righteousness – has sent me so that He may once again re-establish in the world the intellectual, physical, moral and spiritual verities, and to safeguard Islam against the onslaughts of those who design to harm this divine garden in the guise of philosophy, naturalism, innovation, polytheism and atheism. O seekers of truth, contemplate and observe! Is this not the very time, which called for aid for Islam from the heavens? Has it still not become manifest to you, all the atrocities that befell Islam in the previous century, the 13th century, and the intolerable injuries we had to sustain due to the spread of misguidance? Have you still not come to know of all the calamities that have encircled Islam? Have you not yet been told of how many people have left Islam and joined the Christians, become atheists and naturalists, to what extent polytheism and innovations have replaced the unity of God and His traditions and to what extent books have been penned against Islam and published across the world? Hence, contemplate and say, was it not necessary now for someone to be sent by God Almighty in this century, who would defend against these external onslaughts? If there was a need, then do not reject a divine favour knowingly and do not turn away from the person, whose advent took place at

the head of this century in accordance with its need and which had been foretold by the Holy Prophetsa from the very outset.” (A’inae-Kamalat-e-Islam, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 5, pp. 251-253) Then, in relation to the merits of testing the truthfulness of a claimant who has appeared, the Promised Messiahas states: “If it was indeed essential to produce specific prophecies from Divine scriptures, it would be impossible to prove the Prophethood of any Prophet. “The true criteria for judging the claim of a Prophet is to see whether he has come at the time of need, whether he has made his appearance at the time foretold by the Prophets, whether he has been accompanied by Divine help, and whether he has satisfactorily answered the objections raised against him by his opponents. Only he who meets all these criteria can be considered truthful in his claim. “As far as the need of the time is concerned, this age is practically crying out for a heavenly reformer who will save Islam from inner dissension and external challenges, re-establish the longlost spirituality, strengthen the faith by granting certainty, save people from sin and transgression, and draw hearts towards piety and virtue. This shows that I have come at the time of need, and only the most prejudiced will deny this. “The second condition, that the claimant should appear at the time foretold by the Prophets, has also been fulfilled with my coming. The Prophets had prophesied that the Promised Messiah would appear at the end of the sixth millennium after Adam. The sixth millennium, if we go by the lunar calendar, has already passed; and if we go by the solar one, it is almost coming to its end. (That has now come to an end as well.) Moreover, there is the saying of the Holy Prophetsa that there would appear a Reformer—Mujaddid—at the turn of

every century in order to revive the faith. We are in the 22nd year of the fourteenth century (at the time when the Promised Messiahas stated this), and is it not a sign that the Reformer has come?” (Lecture Lahore [English], pp. 58-59)Irrespective of whether others accept this or our opponents accept the truthfulness of the Promised Messiahas, they are themselves crying out at every place and saying that Islam needs a Mahdi and reformer who will steer the ship of Islam aright. The one promised to come has already arrived in accordance with the prophecies and the need of the time, yet they are not prepared to accept him. Likewise, the Promised Messiahas did not merely make his claim, rather, he also presented countless signs to support his truthfulness. It is not possible to mention them all here, but in one instance, he stated: “One magnificent sign is that 23 years ago today, the revelation was written in Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, that ‘People will attempt to destroy this movement, and they will try to implement all kinds of plots and schemes. However, I shall cause this movement to grow and perfect it and it shall become an army. Its supremacy shall last till the Day of Judgment, and I shall make your name renowned in all corners of the earth, people shall come in droves from every direction, and financial support shall come from everywhere. Expand your abodes, for this preparation is being made in heaven.’” The Promised Messiahas states, “Observe as to what era this prophecy was made in, and how it has been fulfilled today. These are the signs of God which are being witnessed by those who possess sight, but according to those who are blind, no signs have been manifested up till now.” (Nuzul-ul-Masih, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 18, pp. 384-385) Even today, the progress of the Jamaat, hundreds of thousands of people entering the Community, and for them to increase in their levels of sacrifice, are all signs of

the truthfulness of the Promised Messiahas. There isn’t a single country in the world today where his [the Promised Messiah’sas] message hasn’t reached, or where piousnatured souls have not been drawn towards Islam and accepted it through his message. In fact, there are such incidents in certain places where Allah the Almighty has Himself guided the people, and they have entered the fold of the Community. In spite of the opposition of our enemies, Allah the Almighty has strengthened the faith of the members of the Community, and continues to do so. Thus, the support of Allah the Almighty that we witness even today is the means of strengthening the faith of the Ahmadis. I now wish to present some of these incidents. Boboev Islombek is a Russian from Kyrgyzstan. He says, “I am from KashgarKyshtak, Kyrgyzstan, and the reason for writing this letter is that I am joining the true Islam, i.e. the Community, after pledging allegiance to the Imam Mahdias. The reason why I am entering the fold of Ahmadiyyat is that the Imam Mahdias has presented the excellences of Islam in a most wonderful manner. I became convinced that it is only the Imam Mahdi who can present the beauties of Islam in such a manner.” He then writes, “Pray that Allah Almighty makes me a righteous person and enables me to act upon the ten conditions of bai‘at [oath allegiance].” This was the account of a person sitting in a far-off place. This is not just in one place; rather, it is the case in every country. In the Maniema province of Congo, there is a place called Rodika. A Christian named Feroz Majik received a pamphlet of the Community in which the advent of the Promised Messiahas and the blessing of the system of Khilafat were mentioned. Having read this, he had a complete transformation. He began saying, “This is the Islam I was in search of.” After pledging his allegiance, he

Friday 22 December 2023 | AL HAKAM


entered the fold of Ahmadiyyat. Similarly, there is another person named Husain Sahib who read a pamphlet of the Community and entered the fold of Ahmadiyyat. In fact, he even went on to preach, and up until the time this report was received, five people had entered the fold of Ahmadiyyat as a result of his preaching. Hence, this is how people are not only themselves joining, but are also preaching. This is a moment to reflect for those who are already Ahmadis, that they should also pay attention to outreach. In the Shinyanga region of Tanzania, we have a local chapter of the Jamaat in Muwangalanga. After the establishment of the Community there, the Ahmadis used to pray under the shade of trees. During this time, a person named Muhammad Fungagunga began to vehemently oppose the Community, and along with some people, began to announce, “These Ahmadis are not Muslims, and we Muslims will quickly construct a mosque in this area.” This person even got a guarantee from a prominent woman saying that she would provide the funds for the mosque. On the other hand, there was a sincere Ahmadi Ramadan Sahib, who donated his land for the construction of the mosque. That person therefore made every effort for that plot of land to go to a non-Ahmadi, yet this Ahmadi remained steadfast from the beginning of the construction of the mosque of the Community until it was completed. During this time, the preaching of the Community reached that opponent’s household. While he was causing opposition, the message of Ahmadiyyat had reached his home, and Allah the Almighty enabled his wife and children to accept Ahmadiyyat, leaving him alone in his opposition. If this person – and there are many people like him – possessed any understanding, he would have seen that this was sufficient as a sign that despite his opposition, Allah the Almighty imbued his wife’s and children’s hearts with the fervour for the true Islam, and that he could assert no influence over them. No human has the power to bring about this faith and transformation. Never! This can only happen due to the special grace of Allah the Almighty. Then, there is another example of the strengthening of faith and the support of Allah the Almighty. Argentina, a far off country in the Americas – some incidents are from Africa, some from a [former] Soviet [state], and now in America. A woman there named Mariela Sahiba accepted Islam, but she was becoming distant from Islam due to the conduct of certain Muslims. She was not an Ahmadi, but had accepted Islam. When she was introduced to the Ahmadiyya Community, she came to the mission house and joined the Arabic and Islam classes. After a few months, she pledged her allegiance and entered the fold of the Community. She states, “I felt at peace after taking the bai‘at because I saw a consistency between the teachings of the Jamaat and its actions, and I felt a true atmosphere of camaraderie. Everyone is given an opportunity to serve, even if they are new, and there is no kind of discrimination or division.” Her daughter, who is a non-Muslim, studies in a Sunni Islamic centre, which functions as a high school. The Arabs spend money on this, and she was studying there. When the school’s

administration found out that her mother had joined the Community, they started pressuring her and spreading propaganda against the Community. When the school found out that her daughter, as part of a school project, prepared special decoration pieces for the mission house out of her own free will, the administration of the school was very disappointed and told her that if she supported the Community, she would face hardships at school. She and her mother should separate themseleves from the Community. When her mother found out, she immediately and without any hesitation transferred her daughter from the Islamic school herself, and she said, “Now my daughter and I are both at peace that no one will bother us on the basis of our religion. I accepted the Community because I found it to be the truth, so I will happily and proudly declare this in front of others, even if they do not like it.” This is the faith that is taking root within these people. There is a pious Ahmadi in the Bukhara region of Former Russia [state], named Sunat Sultanu. He is from the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan, and he works in Russia. He said, “I am the only Ahmadi [in my family] and I consistently introduce the teachings of Islam Ahmadiyyat to my wife and kids. I am eager for my wife and kids to become Ahmadis. I profusely pray that Allah the Almighty may enlighten them with the light of Islam Ahmadiyyat.” He says, “I saw in a dream that the Promised Messiahas visited me, and placing his head upon my heart, he continuously recited Surah al-Ikhlas [Chapter 112 of the Holy Quran], due to which my heart received a lot of comfort. In the same manner, I saw in a dream that I am with my wife and son in heaven, and there I saw Prophet Mosesas and Prophet Jesusas. The comfort I received from this dream is that heaven refers to Islam Ahmadiyyat whose teachings are heavenly, and Allah the Almighty will also bring my wife and son into this heaven with His grace. Only a few days had passed since the dream, that Allah the Almighty opened the heart of my 19-year-old son Dyaar Baig Sunat towards Islam Ahmadiyyat, and he took the oath of allegiance. It was a day of immense happiness for me. It is impossible for me to put into words. May Allah the Almighty open the heart of my wife in the same way and bring her into the fold of Islam Ahmadiyyat.” This is the passion and zeal of these people. There is a new convert in the UK, she says, “I have a Muslim background, I was from a staunch Sunni family.” She says, “We were told that only Sunni Islam is the real Islam.” She says, “One day I heard the azan (call to prayer) in the Nasir Mosque near my university in Gillingham. When I came home, I very happily told my father that there was a beautiful mosque near our university. Upon hearing this, my father looked into it and found out that this is the mosque of Ahmadis. He strictly prohibited me [from going], saying, ‘This is the mosque of the Qadianis and they do not believe in the finality of prophethood.’ (These are false allegations.) “They have created their own prophet, etc. etc. So, stay away from this mosque.” She says, “I initially adhered to what he said, but my heart did not accept it. I felt that I should do more research about Ahmadis, but on the other hand, there

was a fear that my family would find out and they would be displeased with me. I also met some Ahmadis at the university. I kept having in-depth conversations with them about Islam Ahmadiyyat. At first, I was just trying to prove to them that Sunni Islam is the real Islam, but because of this kind of conversation, my desire to research about Ahmadiyyat kept increasing. Then I found out about the website of the Community; there I found many videos to watch and much content to read. I had some questions about Islam for which I could not find satisfying answers, but when I did my research of the Community’s literature, I began finding answers to the questions I was asking.” Now Ahmadi youth should also observe that if they try to seek knowledge in the correct manner, rather than being influenced by others, they will find their answers. Some youth do become influenced. She says, “then I started praying that Allah the Almighty shows me a sign.” This is a very grand method to receive guidance and find the right path. Even if they are old Ahmadis or new, we should pray to Allah the Almighty that our faith becomes firm, and that He shows us a sign and keeps bestowing guidance. Nevertheless, she says, “During this time, I saw a lot of dreams. In one dream I saw that I am on the bank of a river, and on the other bank, the Fourth Caliphrh is entering a hall. I want to cross the river and get to the other bank, but the flow of the river is fast. Upon this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh stated ‘Allah does not leave His servant alone.’ Right when he said this, the river disappeared, and I reached the other side.” In the same way, she also saw me in a dream, and saw me in such a state, that she was very impacted. She says, “I saw my paternal grandmother in another dream. She said, ‘When you go to Islamabad, then remember me as well.’” She says, “All of these dreams were a clear sign for me, thus I took the bai‘at.” Now, in this manner, if taking hold of someone’s hand and bringing them towards Ahmadiyyat whilst establishing conviction of faith in their heart is not a sign of Allah the Almighty’s help, then what is? Now observe how Allah the Almighty granted a man in an African village conviction in his faith after enabling him to accept Ahmadiyyat. In the Dori Region of Burkina Faso, an Ahmadi youth named Jabir Sahib of the Taka local chapter was working in the fields. Some terrorists apprehended him and said, “Just as we have killed Ahmadis in Mahdiabad yesterday, we will also kill you.” Then they took his mobile phone, checked it, and found speeches by the missionaries of the Community. After listening to these speeches, they said, “We are in search of all of these men because they preach Ahmadiyyat on the radio.” Furthermore, they inquired from the Ahmadi youth about his father, and said, “Tomorrow we will come to your village.” So, when he found out, he came home, took his father and family members, and went to Muhammadabad, where the local chapter of Dori is quite large, leaving behind his house and all of his belongings. The next day, the terrorists arrived at the village, and after forcing a villager to point it out, they went to the house. They searched the whole house, and threw all of their things outside the house, and kept saying, “Whoever is

Ahmadi here we will kill them.” Nonetheless, the family had already left from there, and at this time, they are living in Muhammadabad under [the care of] the administration of the Jamaat. By sacrificing their lives, the martyrs of Burkina Faso did not weaken the faith of the Ahmadis there. In fact, they are increasing in their faith by the day. Those poor people have left the little means and provisions they had, they have left their homes or even their means of livelihood which they depended on, but they have not let go of their faith. It has only been a few years since they accepted Ahmadiyyat, yet they are ascending in their faith. There is no being besides Allah the Almighty Who is strengthening their faith in this manner. On the one hand, we see that despite opposition to Ahmadiyyat, the people’s faith is strengthening, and on the other, we see many instances of how God Almighty is inspiring people’s hearts to accept the Promised Messiahas. The Promised Messiahas said that this is the time to seek out [the truth], then Allah the Almighty also sends His help. There is a place in Central Africa called Yaloke. The mu’allim there writes, “We went there to preach, and 150 men and women gathered to hear our message. I delivered a speech on the signs of the advent of the Promised Messiahas, and people asked questions afterward. The Central Imam there, Samasa Omer, sought permission to speak and began by reciting the verse

ً َ َ َ َ َ ۡ َ� ؕ �‫َ َ ۡ َ �ُ َ َ َ َ ۡ َ ُؕل‬ ‫اَن َز ُ​ُہۡوًۡقا‬ ‫ِاَّن اۡلَبا ِ​ِطَل َک‬ ِ ‫َجٓاَء اۡلَحُّق َوَزَہَق اۡلَبا ِ​ِط‬

[‘Truth has come and falsehood has vanished away. Falsehood does indeed vanish away fast’] (The Holy Quran, 17:82) He then said, ‘We have never heard, nor researched into the message you have brought. Alhamdulillah [All praise belongs to Allah], for the truth has come to our village today. The Holy Prophetsa said that we must accept the Imam Mahdi immediately upon his arrival. Thus, today, I along with my 40 companions enter the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.’ He then said, ‘May Allah the Almighty enable us to remain steadfast upon this truth.’” This is the manner in which people are entering [the Jamaat]. Allah the Almighty is also drawing opponents towards entering the fold of the Jamaat. There are many accounts of this. There is a place by the name of Nema, located in the Koulikoro region of Mali. It was reported this year that, prior to holding the regional Jalsa, the Jamaat in Koulikoro had announcements made on the radio. Due to this village being in a remote area, sometimes you can hear the radio there while at other times you cannot. However, in those days, the radio could be heard. As a result, a non-Ahmadi by the name of Siddique Jarah decided to attend the Jalsa. He brought a friend along with him who would discourage him from listening to the teachings of Ahmadiyyat. He would say, “Do not listen to the [message] of Ahmadiyyat because these people are disbelievers.” Nonetheless, after his friend insisted, they both came to attend the Jalsa after travelling for 80 kilometres in great difficulty. There are no roads there. After asking around for directions, they arrived at the venue for Jalsa two days prior to its

AL HAKAM | Friday 22 December 2023 start. The local president and members of the Community hosted them. They were introduced to Ahmadiyyat even before the Jalsa commenced. During the days of Jalsa, they listened to the speeches, offered Tahajjud [pre-dawn voluntary prayer] in congregation, and witnessed the mutual love and sincerity of the Jamaat members. They were deeply impacted by this. On the last day of Jalsa, when they were called to share their experiences as guests, they expressed their sentiments and also announced their acceptance of Ahmadiyyat. Immediately after, his friend also wished to share his thoughts. He said, “In truth, I accompanied my friend to give him a negative impression, however, on the contrary, I myself have accepted Ahmadiyyat.” Thus, he also entered the fold of Ahmadiyyat. Congo-Brazzaville is also an African country. There is a young man by the name of Siril, who completed his FA in higher secondary school. He started to learn about Christianity under the village’s Catholic missionary. After acquiring missionary training, he was to go to university through the church. During this time, he came into contact with our local missionary there, who says, “We started to preach to him. He came to the realisation that neither he, nor his missionary teacher could refute the arguments of the Ahmadiyya Community. As a result, instead of becoming a Christian missionary, he pledged allegiance and entered the fold of the Ahmadiyya Community. Now, he is propagating Islam Ahmadiyyat as a preacher.” A missionary made plans to preach in the Tambacounda region of Senegal. He says, “A few years ago, a man along with his wife and children accepted Ahmadiyyat, however, the people of his village were opposing them. This year, after repeatedly meeting the village’s chief and Imam, a program to propagate Ahmadiyyat was planned. The chiefs, Imams and people of surrounding villages were also invited. The mu‘allimeen delivered speeches on the current state [of the world] and the need for the Promised Messiah in this age and the advent of the Promised Messiahas and the Ahmadiyya Jamaat’s role in the progress of Islam. Afterward, there was time for questions and answers. The people who came from nearby villages said that they had heard the name of Ahmadiyyat in their neighbouring country of The Gambia, however, they were not acquainted with our beliefs. Today, during this gathering, after having heard clarifications about the Community’s beliefs, they have proclaimed to enter the fold of Ahmadiyyat without any questions. Following this, the village’s Imam stood up and announced the truthfulness of Ahmadiyyat. Along with this, the village chief also announced that he and his family were entering the fold of Ahmadiyyat and said that if any attendees had any doubts, they should speak, otherwise there would be no excuses afterwards. Thereupon, all attendees and their families announced that they were entering into the fold of Ahmadiyyat.” In this way, Allah the Almighty draws people in. Uzbekistan is a country from among the [former] Russian states. There is a new convert there by the name of Muslim Auo Mansoor. He says, “I used to subscribe to the beliefs of Imam Abu Hanifah. One day, my friend took me along with him to


an Ahmadi teacher to learn Arabic. Whilst learning Arabic, I also continued to ask my teacher about Islam. I got such excellent answers that I was satisfied.” If you are seeking true answers, such that permeate the heart, are logical and truthful, then you cannot find these answers anywhere besides the Ahmadiyya Community; the Promised Messiahas has given us these answers and has elucidated on them. He further says, “When I would ask our teacher the true source of these answers, he introduced us to the Ahmadiyya Community.” He goes on to say, “My heart was already satisfied, and so I pledged allegiance and joined the Community. Pray for me that Allah the Almighty enables me to remain steadfast on this path.” Allah the Almighty not only establishes the truthfulness of the Promised Messiahas to people, He also manifests His help for the institution of the Ahmadiyya Khilafat and solidifies people [in their belief] through dreams. The mu‘allim of the Tambacounda region in Senegal went on a tour to preach. He says, “The mu’allimeen began to propagate the message and introduced the Community. One person, Muhammad Diallo, asked, ‘Are you from the Ahmadiyya Community?’ The mu‘allim replied in the affirmative. Diallo Sahib responded, ‘Just a few days ago, a man came to me in my dream and said, “Out of all the sects in Islam, the Ahmadiyya sect is the right and truthful representative of Islam. You should enter it.” Now, the very next day, you people have come, so there must be some truth to this.’” The mu‘allim showed him pictures of the Khulafa on a cell phone, including my picture as well. Upon seeing my picture, he said that this was the person who came to him in his dream, and this person also said that he is the Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Community. Whilst relaying this incident, his eyes became teary and, right there and then, he very emotionally announced that he and his family had entered the fold of Ahmadiyyat. He is now also preaching. Then, there is another incident of accepting Ahmadiyyat through dreams. Congo-Kinshasa is a different country, hundreds of miles away. The president of one of the areas there, Basem Munir, who converted to Ahmadiyyat from Christianity, says, “When the Community’s missionaries came here to spread the message, I considered Islam to be a terrorist religion. (This is the propaganda which non-Muslims spread about Islam.) However, the Islam presented by the Ahmadi missionaries was astounding to me, and I had already grown weary of Christianity. Upon seeing all of this, I grew very worried, and so I started praying. During this time, one night, I saw in a dream that a wise man came to me and said, ‘Leave them and come here’. The explanation which I understood from Allah the Almighty was that I should leave Christianity and come to Ahmadiyyat. Hence, I pledged allegiance and joined the fold of Ahmadiyyat.” Chad is another African country where another incident took place. Abdullah Muhammad Musa, is from an Arab tribe; the Missionary In-Charge there writes, “A few months ago, our local mu‘allim went to meet him [Abdullah Muhammad Musa] as he was in his area for some work related to Humanity First. When the mu’allim went

to his area a second time, he gave him the Arabic translation of Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam to read. A few weeks later, Abdullah Sahib came to the capital in Chad and contacted the Mu’allim to ask questions about the death of Jesusas. He said, ‘I have posed many questions to scholars about Jesusas being alive, however, none of them could provide satisfactory answers.’ He spent the night at the Mu’allim’s home. He spent the entire night asking questions about Ahmadiyyat and the Promised Messiahas and said, ‘I will pray to Allah the Almighty to guide me.’ The next morning, after the Fajr prayer, he slept for a little while and then woke up all of a sudden and said to the mu’allim, ‘When I was sleeping, I heard a voice in a dream saying:

َۡ َۤ ۡ ‫َا ۡ​ۡح َ​َم ُ​ُد‬ ‫اۡس ُ​ُم �ۤٗہ‬ ‫َبَ ۡ​ۡع ِ​ِدی‬ ‫ِم ۢ​ۢۡن‬ ِ ‫�َّیۡاِت ِ ۡ​ۡی‬

[“He will come after me; his name being Ahmad”]’ (The Holy Quran, 61:7) When the mu’allim told him about this verse, and that it is a proof for the truthfulness of the Founder of our Jamaat, Abdullah Sahib said, ‘God Almighty has guided me.’” He had studied Arabic, and this is one of the meanings of the verse. And so, he became an Ahmadi. Marshall Islands is an island in the Americas. The missionary there writes that Hermon Lajar taught at a college. The missionary contacted him with regard to translating a verse of the Holy Quran into the Marshallese language. When the missionary went to him to have the translation done, and he learned that this was a verse of the Holy Quran, he became worried, because Islam was completely new to him. He said, “I am afraid to translate any religious text, especially because there are great differences between the Bible and the Quran.” In any case, he did the translation. [The missionary] says, “A few months later, I started learning the Marshallese language from him. He would come to the mosque to teach me the language. During this time, we would often talk about Islam. I would introduce him to the teachings of the Holy Prophetsa, as a result of which he became very well acquainted with the teachings of Islam.” Not long ago, I sent a message to the missionary in Marshall Islands to translate the Promised Messiah’sas book, Our Teaching into Marshallese, because new Ahmadis require a great deal of moral training. He says, “I spoke to Mr Lajar about this, and he expressed his willingness to help.” He says, “Now, his perception of Islam has completely changed. This time, he mentioned that he was worried about his job, upon which I advised him to pray, but not in the name of Jesusas, rather he should pray to Allah the Almighty. Hence, he continued to pray, and a few weeks later, the Ministry of Culture opened a new department and gave him a job right away in the field where he had applied. He said, ‘Now when I pray, I stop myself from invoking the name of Jesusas, and instead I pray to God Almighty.’ Sometime later, he received approval for his work. Upon seeing this sign of the acceptance of his prayers and upon reading the words of the Promised Messiahas, Mr Lajar pledged allegiance and the translation of the Promised Messiah’sas book, Our Teaching has also been completed.” This is how Allah the Almighty is drawing people’s hearts towards Islam and the Promised Messiahas. Christianity used to

make claims of raising its flag in the world, yet now, Christians are coming under the flag of the Holy Prophetsa. Despite seeing this, the eyes of the so-called custodians of faith do not open, and so their matter rests with God Almighty. The work which Allah the Almighty is having done to spread the message of Islam to the corners of the world through the Promised Messiahas and the Ahmadiyya Community will continue to prosper and flourish, God-willing. There is no one who can stop God’s work. However, every Ahmadi must understand that it is not enough to merely accept the claim of the Promised Messiahas, rather we must establish those virtuous changes within ourselves which are truly reflective of the true teachings of Allah the Almighty; such that are a practical reflection of the Holy Prophet’ssa practice. It is only when this happens that we will become the recipients of Allah the Almighty’s blessings. May Allah the Almighty enable us to do so. Please continue praying for the Palestinians, that may Allah grant them salvation from the oppression and injustice being perpetrated against them. It is said that a pause in the war of a few days will take effect to allow necessary humanitarian aid to be delivered. However, what will happen after? After delivering the aid, will they then start attacking them again? The intent of the Israeli government appears dangerous. Just recently, one of its key ministers threatened to quit should fighting not immediately resume after this temporary pause. So, this is their mindset. Whilst major powers make outward assertions of extending sympathy, they do not act justly. They are not serious towards this matter. They obliviously believe that the situation will remain confined to that region, whereas the sensible among them have started to contend that the war will not remain confined to only that area, rather it will extend in its scope and eventually spread to their countries as well. Some Muslim governments have begun to speak up. For example, I have heard that the Saudi King said that Muslims should act with one voice. So, to achieve this unity, strong efforts will also be necessary. If he has truly realised this, then may Allah enable for this realisation to become a practical reality. Nonetheless, give great emphasis to prayers. After the [Friday] prayer, I will lead a few funeral prayers in absentia. The first mention is of Abdul Salam Arif, who was a missionary. He recently passed away at the age of 54.

ۤ َ� �ٰ َ� ‫ٰر ِ​ِج ُ​ُعۡوۡ َ​َن‬ ٰ ‫ِاَل َ ۡ​ۡی ِ​ِہ‬ ِ ‫ِ​ِاَّنا ِلِّٰل ِ​ِہ َ​َو ِ​ِاَّنۤا‬

[Surely to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.] He was a musi by the grace of Allah. Ahmadiyyat was established in his family through his great maternal grandfather, respected Haji Hassan Khan, who accepted Ahmadiyyat in 1937 during the time of the second Caliphate. His wife has also [previously] passed away. Allah the Almighty granted them two sons, both of whom committed the Quran to memory. One of them is a missionary, while I believe the other is a life-devotee. His son Hafiz Abdul Munim, who is a missionary, says, “He was very loving, and he raised us in a loving manner. Not only

Friday 22 December 2023 | AL HAKAM


did he treat his children with love, but he also maintained good ties with his family members and had a loving relationship with them. He had a loving relationship with people in general. It is for this very reason that upon his demise, many people visited and spoke about their relationship with him.” He says, “He firmly established love and honour for Allah, His Messengersa, the Promised Messiahas and Khilafat in our hearts so much that this can never leave our hearts. In fact, he even told us that we should enjoin the same to our children as well.” Yes, both brothers are life-devotees; the other brother is also a life-devotee. He says, “When our mother passed away, he advised us to remain very patient, and he himself remained very patient as well.” One of his friends who is a missionary, Raja Mubarak says, “I was his class fellow and spent much of my time in Jamia and in the field with him; he was an angelic personality. He was remarkable in his standard of worship and in his piety. I learned a great deal from him. He would speak in an extremely courteous manner and would always speak with strong arguments and would never fight with anyone. People would quarrel with him or treat him unjustly, but he would always meet them warmly and never tried to humiliate or disgrace them. He would take great care of others.” This indeed is the quality a true missionary should have. He further says: “Wherever he went, he instilled the love of Khilafat in the hearts of hundreds of people. He trained them so well that upon his demise, people came from various places where he had served and they cried profusely upon mentioning Murabbi Sahib and said that it was as if their Communities had become orphaned. He would at times travel on foot for many miles. He would travel 5 to 10 kilometres by foot and when people would tell him that the Community provided travel costs and so he could get a rickshaw, he would say, ‘Why does it affect you if I am saving the Community money?’ He would travel on foot many miles and visit the different Communities.” May Allah the Almighty elevate his status and always continue to grant such loyal and hardworking missionaries to the Community. May He also enable his children to continue his good deeds. The second mention is of Muhammad Qasim Khan, who had been residing in Canada and was the former Naib Nazir Bait-ul-Maal Kharch and had retired from his service. He passed away at the age of 83.

ۤ َ� �ٰ َ� ‫ٰر ِ​ِج ُ​ُعۡوۡ َ​َن‬ ٰ ‫ِاَل َ ۡ​ۡی ِ​ِہ‬ ِ ‫ِ​ِاَّنا ِلِّٰل ِ​ِہ َ​َو ِ​ِاَّنۤا‬

[Surely to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.] He was the son of Nazar Ahmad Khan and the son-in-law of Qazi Muhammad Nazir Lailpuri. The deceased’s son, Muhammad Khalid Khan says: “He had the opportunity to witness four eras of the Khilafat. During the entire era of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh, he served in the Private Secretary’s office. He also had the opportunity to serve the country and his Jamaat by serving as a Captain for the Furqan Force. (The Furqan Force was established during the days of the war and he was also a part of it.) He paid great attention

towards offering his five daily prayers and reciting the Holy Quran and he would draw the attention of his children towards this as well. He was an extraordinary example of simplicity and trustworthiness. He would also teach his children to establish a bond with Khilafat. He was like an unsheathed sword for Khilafat.” May Allah the Almighty grant him His forgiveness and mercy and enable his children to continue his virtuous deeds. Another mention is of a very famous poet of our Jamaat, Abdul Karim Qudsi, who passed away recently.

ۤ َ� �ٰ َ� ‫ٰر ِ​ِج ُ​ُعۡوۡ َ​َن‬ ٰ ‫ِاَل َ ۡ​ۡی ِ​ِہ‬ ِ ‫ِ​ِاَّنا ِلِّٰل ِ​ِہ َ​َو ِ​ِاَّنۤا‬

[Surely to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.] Ahmadiyyat entered the family of the deceased through his father, Allah Ditta Sahib, who did bai‘at at the hands of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra in 1934. After entering the fold of Ahmadiyyat, he led his life like a life-devotee. He would always be engaged in preaching and helped many families convert to Ahmadiyyat. He continued to serve the Community all his life with a spirit of dedication. His wife is Bushra Karim and their Nikah [Islamic marriage announcement] was led by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh. They have four children; one of their sons, Abdul Kabir Qamar is a missionary and currently serving as a teacher in Jamia Ahmadiyya Rabwah. Qudsi Sahib also served the Jamaat and for 30 years served as the Finance Secretary for the Jamaat in Rachna Town, Lahore. He also served in various other roles as well. He was a very good poet and composed many collections which have been published; however, one of his notable services was the Urdu and Punjabi translation of the Qaseedah “Ya Aina Faizillah wa Al-Irfani”. Apart from this, he also translated 313 verses of Durr-e-Samin [collection of poetry by the Promised Messiahas] into Punjabi. It is said that there was a particular time in his life when he became lax in his attachment to the Community. He himself has written, “In 1968, I left my village, Kurtopanduri and travelled to Lahore for the purpose of employment. When I arrived there, it was an opportunity for my secular thoughts to develop.” He would sometimes go to the mosque to offer his prayers and sometimes he wouldn’t as the mosque was located at a distance. Similarly, he would at times offer the Friday prayer and sometimes miss it. He says that once he was invited to a meal at his friend’s house on a Friday and there was a non-Ahmadi mosque close by and so they went to offer their Friday prayer there. The condition he described of the cleric still resonates today. The cleric spent half of his sermon speaking against Shezan. Shezan is a juice company owned by Ahmadis and is produced in factories owned by Ahmadis. In any case, he states that among other things the cleric also mentioned that the Ahmadis put sand from Rabwah into the Shezan juice, therefore they should never drink this. He says that he heard the sermon but left from there without offering the prayers behind him. His friend enquired as to what happened upon which he asked him, “Did you not hear the nonsense being uttered by the cleric?” His friend told

him not to worry as they always said such things. In any case, he ate the food and after eating when he came out, he saw the cleric standing outside a shop drinking Shezan juice. He says he couldn’t help but approach the cleric and ask him why he had spoken so much against the Shezan juice earlier, while now he was drinking it himself. The cleric replied that the doctor had advised him not to drink anything with saccharin [artificial sweetener] but to instead drink Shezan juice as it was a pure juice drink and so he drank it as a medication. He then asked him about the sand of Rabwah being mixed into the drink upon which the cleric began to laugh and said if they did not say such things then how would they run their business? They raise the allegation against us that we are running a business and yet they are the ones who are actually guilty of this. In any case, he has many accounts like this. He had a great bond with the Caliphate. He also strove to instil this in his children and progeny. As I mentioned, he was a very well-known poet of the Community and he considered this a great honour and he would often recite his poetry in gatherings of the Community for reciting poetry. He had the opportunity to write many poems regarding the Community. May Allah the Almighty grant him His forgiveness and mercy. The next mention is of Mian Rafiq Ahmad Gondal. He passed away recently at the age of 81:

ۤ َ� �ٰ َ� ‫ٰر ِ​ِج ُ​ُعۡوۡ َ​َن‬ ٰ ‫ِاَل َ ۡ​ۡی ِ​ِہ‬ ِ ‫ِ​ِاَّنا ِلِّٰل ِ​ِہ َ​َو ِ​ِاَّنۤا‬

[Surely to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.] By the grace of Allah the Almighty he was a musi. Ahmadiyyat entered his family through his grandfather, Hazrat Mian Khuda Bakhsh Gondalra of Kot Momin. He was the only Ahmadi in his family at the time. During the time of the Promised Messiahas, when the plague was widespread, he also developed boils caused by the plague. Various signs were being mentioned earlier and this particular incident is also another sign. He would go to Behra in order to get treatment for this and it was there that he read an extract of the Promised Messiahas which mentioned that whoever entered his four walls would be saved from this. And so he returned home and told everyone that he was leaving for Qadian. When he arrived in Qadian, the Promised Messiahas was sitting in the Mubarak Mosque and was writing something at the time. He wanted to say something but since the Promised Messiahas was engaged in something, he did not say anything. When the Promised Messiahas finished the work he was occupied in, he introduced himself to the Promised Messiahas and informed him that he had come to meet him after reading his writing wherein he had stated that whoever entered his four walls would be protected from the plague. It was there, after some discussions, that he did the bai‘at [oath of allegiance], and after this, the boils [caused by the plague] were also cured. He considered this to be a sign of the Promised Messiah’sas truthfulness and would always mention this. Mian Rafiq Gondal and his son were once taken hold of and beaten by some students in Lahore. While the students were beating his son, he came out of his house to protect

him and he also got injured as well and they broke his arm. Thus, they endured physical persecution for the sake of the Community as well. He was the son-in-law of Malik Umar Ali Khokhar. Malik Umar Sahib’s first wife was the daughter of Hazrat Mir Ishaqra. He had one son and two daughters. His son and daughter reside in the USA, and his other daughter, Rifat Sultana is married to Dr Mashood Ahmad, who is serving in the Fazl-e-Umar Hospital in Rabwah. His wife writes: “He was regular in offering prayers and the Tahajjud prayers. He would look after the poor.” May Allah the Almighty bestow His forgiveness and mercy upon him, and may Allah enable his progeny to carry on his virtuous deeds. The last mention is of respected Nasima Laiq of the USA. She was the wife of respected Sayyid Laiq Ahmad, who was martyred in Model Town, Lahore. She also passed away recently.

ۤ َ� �ٰ َ� ‫ٰر ِ​ِج ُ​ُعۡوۡ َ​َن‬ ٰ ‫ِاَل َ ۡ​ۡی ِ​ِہ‬ ِ ‫ِ​ِاَّنا ِلِّٰل ِ​ِہ َ​َو ِ​ِاَّنۤا‬

[Surely to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.] She was born in Bhagalpur, India. Her father, Abul Hasan was not an Ahmadi, her mother, Amatul Wara pledged allegiance herself, and the deceased also joined the Community. At the very least, in those days there were some decent people who would not press their wives as to why they accepted Ahmadiyyat. Nonetheless, her mother accepted Ahmadiyyat and owing to her firm faith and a strong bond with the Caliphate, all her daughters were married into Ahmadi households. All of the deceased’s sisters were Ahmadis. Her daughter, Humairah, lives in the USA, she says: “She was completely devoted to the Community and the institution of the Caliphate. She had dedicated her life for the service of her faith; she was an embodiment of true love for the Community and humanity. Her heart was filled with compassion, especially for the poor and needy. She exerted all her efforts in order to have a positive impact on all those around her.” Nuzhat Sahiba, one of her daughters living here in Walsall, UK, says: “She was an incredibly sincere person, she was loyal to the Caliphate and always showed obedience to the system of the Community. She was an incredibly brave woman who would always say what was right and would never back down from that. She disliked every illcustom and innovation and would always advise her children about this, saying that every Ahmadi Muslim ought to abstain from every kind of vain pursuit.” By the grace of Allah the Almighty she was a musiah. She leaves behind four sons and four daughters. One of her sons lives in the USA, and he remains with us on tour and works very diligently. May Allah the Almighty bestow His forgiveness and mercy upon the deceased, and may He enable her children to carry on her virtuous deeds. (Official Urdu transcript published in the Daily Al Fazl International, 15 December 2023, pp. 2-7. Translated by The Review of Religions.)

Editor-in-chief: Qaasid Muin Ahmad | Executive editors: Ataul Fatir Tahir, Aqeel Ahmed Kang | Research coordinator: Awwab Saad Hayat | Associate editors: Jalees Ahmad, Ata-ul-Haye Nasir Translations: M Adam Ahmad | Design: Tahmeed Ahmad | © Al Hakam 2023

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