MedTimes Vol3. Iss.1

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‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم‬

Y O U R S E L F !

C O M M E N T ,

R A T E ,



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“People are drawn in pencil but their actions are written in ink" Adel Helmi "Medicine is all about Reading, Linking and Practicing" Ahmad Shamia “Some objectives for each week are not well-defined and are not being properly delivered” Mohammad Mathbout “It’s exciting to experience a new method of dealing with issues in our batch” Yousef Alkurdi “At Alfaisal, time flies but boredom dies!” Yahya Firoze

“We need better food, change Al-Ajami!” Mohammad Hejazi "I would love to write a quote but I'm too busy studying for Microbiology" Mohammed R. AlSadoon “Alfaisal University could be one of the best universities in the near future" Nassir Ali Alghamdi "You can’t find more enjoyable biochemistry lectures than Dr.Bern ones" Mahmoud B. Sakkalaik “Clinical sessions are great because they make us feel like doctors!” Ahmad Warraich “The best part of the clinical sessions was being treated as equals by the doctors and being referred to as doctors by the nurses and patients!” Ahmed Al-Shihri “Seeing a patient motivates me to learn as much as I can so I can help the people that seek it.” Amer Soued

In This Issue: Med Times Returns! A New Press and Voice! (p1)

Alfaisal Leadership: Dr. Wesam Kurdi (p4)

Obesity Awareness: University Weighs Less! (p1)

Reflection Corner: Water (p4)

The President’s Voice: Abdulaziz Alkattan (p2)

Constructive Criticism: “wastage of valuable lecture time” (p5)

SDC Welcome! A Plethora of Activities! “Nothing is Impossible!” (p2)

Research Experience: A Discovery and Publication Combo! (p5)

Mohammed Arafah’s Voice! (the first year’s President) (p3)

“SPIRIT”: Research, International Excellence, & Summer Awesomeness!

When a Joke Becomes a Revolution! (p3)

Summer Research Experience: “Hands-on” in the Lab (p6)

■ Guess what?! Med Times is back! That’s right! The student-run, student-centered, and practically any positive “student” aspect

that exists is within this newsletter! We have a lot of new updates, ideas, content, and most of all, better ways to amplify the students’ voice! Send us your content, articles and feedback on ■ Mohammed Khusheim ■ The Press C O L L E G E O F ( + 9 6 6 ) 1 4 4 0 2 0 0 0 . P . O . B O X 5 0 9 2 7

M E D I C I N E A L F A I S A L U N I V E R S I T Y R I Y A D H 1 1 5 3 3 . S A U D I A R A B I A . I N F O @ A L F A I S A L . E D U

Med Times Returns! A New Press and Voice! The new Med Times committee, the Press, was formed on March 9, 2011 and is made up of 13 students from all medical batches. Our goal is to amplify the students’ voice and incorporate their character into this newsletter! We hope to include news, student achievements and articles, but most importantly, constructive criticism. A couple of pictures here and there won’t hurt too! Remember, feedback is key! So Voice Yourself!

The Press (2009-2010)

The Press (2010-2011)

Mohammed Khusheim (Newsletter Director): “I’m really glad to be back for the second go on Med Times. Since it was founded in 2009, we put a lot of time and effort to make it grow. However, none of this would have been possible if it weren’t for the hard work and positive feedback I received from the Press and the student body as a whole. We have the best committee!” Ali Rahmatullah (Editor): "As Editor-in-Chief of this year's Med Times, it will be my pleasure to make sure your voices are heard and your concerns addressed. Med Times is a project of the medical students and I will thrive to make sure we all benefit!” Bara Almakadma (Photographer): “I am glad it’s just like old times, and I am glad Khusheim is back!” Mohammad Chaballout (Photographer): I usually post photos on Facebook, for a limited amount of people, who are usually my friends. But now, Med Times gave me the opportunity to expand my hobby to unlimited horizons.” Mohammed AlSibae (Designer): “I will be voicing the students’ voice with the best and most delightful and colorful designs” Mohammad Adeeb AlSibae: (Reporter): "It is my honor to deliver my friends’ voices and to make an actual difference." Mohammed Mathbout (Reporter): "As a reporter, my mission goes beyond delivering news, as it involves voicing my fellow students and myself, providing proper commentary on issues that affects our daily lives, education and future careers.” Aman Inayah (Reporter): “I am really excited about reviving the Med Times, and ready to have fun again voicing the students!” Mohammed Al Hamed (Reporter): “It is my great pleasure to be part of the Med Times Press. As part of the freshmen, the Press has given me the opportunity to voice my colleagues’ suggestions and proposals that will help improve our batch! Azhar Farooqui (Reporter): “As a reporter of Med Times I urge the students to voice themselves!” Malik Nassan (Arabic Section Editor): “I decided to come back to the Press simply because I realized that the real happiness is when I see Med Times in the students' hands. Check out the Arabic Section in the back!"

Obesity Awareness: University Weighs Less! On the 21st to the 23rd of February, 2011, the university obesity campaign was conducted as a continuation of an initiative presented to the first batch at the end of the semester in January, by Bara AlMakadma and the obesity campaign team which is composed of 13 people. The original work was composed of an entirely new look at obesity, answering the question “Are we obese?”, and published in available brochures that address obesity. Through MSA, Bara and team were informed about the efforts of students in King Saud University. As such, the “Who Weighs You?” campaign was launched. Obesity campaign team members

"This campaign brought me the faith that even obese individual can function in the awareness of the various dangers of the obesity" Mohamed Ray-Zack (first year) Alfaisal University, unlike other universities, went on with its own unique idea with appreciative support from the regional team, leadership in KSU, and association with Sheik Ali Bin Sulaiman AlShehri Obesity Chair in KSU. In uniforms displaying the campaign’s logo on the chest and Alfaisal’s logo on the back, the campaign started by running down every hall in the university for one hour in each of the first two days. On the last day, a booth was set and awareness materials were given out, weight and height (body mass index) measurement and interpretation of the results were given to each subject. The goal of the 1 campaign was to spread awareness on obesity ■ Bara AlMakadma (Campaign Organizer)

The President’s Voice: Abdulaziz Alkattan “Be active, study hard, and have fun!” “First of all, I would like to acknowledge the great effort and hard work that was put into this edition of Med Times by our amazing Press! I especially would like to emphasize that they did so independently, without resorting to me or other MSA representatives. Such initiative is what I am looking for in MSA representatives. We have also seen such independence in the Growth and Development Committee, where they have done an excellent job in organizing SPIRIT. The MSA has many things planned for this semester, but none of it

Abdulaziz Alkattan (MSA President)

can be accomplished without the help of you, my fellow students! For this reason, any student that has an idea for a project, activity, club, or even event, no matter how small or big, Voice Yourself! We want to hear it! This is your university, and you should get the best out of your time here. The MSA can also help in your education! If you are having trouble with an aspect of your studies, make it known, and the appropriate people will do the best they can to help you!”

Last year’s MSA members (2009-2010)

SDC Welcome! A Plethora of Activities! “Nothing is Impossible!”

Ammar Awaad, Adel Rajab, and Adel Helmi (SDC coordinators)

"The SDC is all about providing Alfaisal students with the opportunity to have an all-round college experience; whether it is through multicultural programs or simple social events!” Sultan Bahatheq (second year)

Students at various SDC events

“How many times have you told yourself that Alfaisal University is uninspiring; that there is nothing to fancy your imagination? The direct consequence is that the students do not have a strong attachment to their colleges and to the university as a whole. Enter the Social & Development Committee (SDC). From what was originally a concept by a handful of students that wanted to play basketball to becoming the largest and most active organization on campus. The SDC is a student led organization in Alfaisal University that strives to bring social activities and athletic excellence to the student body and the community. We recently held some noteworthy events such as the Summer Sports Festival, Bowling Tournament, and the PSU basketball and soccer tournaments. We are working hard on building a strong sports department that includes an official basketball and football team. We are also in the process of revealing the official Alfaisal mascot, which will be the face of the university’s athletic teams! We are also branching out to include more activities and students. Recently, we conducted a survey to hear what you wanted to see on campus, and a lot of great ideas came to mind. One of those results is the upcoming Kashta day and before the year ends hopefully you will have participated in a talent show, a film festival, TED x AU, paintball, and of course cheered on our basketball team in the upcoming tournament. Now with the SDC established, students have no excuse to not partake in activities. So now it’s your turn—what do you have to offer?” ■ Ammar Awaad and Adel Helmi (SDC Coordinators)


Mohammed Arafah’s voice! (the first year’s President) Please voice yourself! “First I would like to thank my MSA team for their hard work throughout this year, and I hope that they keep up their good work because without them, I won’t be able to stand alone. I would like to address the students in my batch—Guys, this is a student centered university, it is you who makes this college shine, so please let us all put our hands together to make Alfaisal surpass everyone’s expectations. Wish you all the best and good luck with your upcoming exams!” What was the driving force behind you wanting to be a doctor? “People set their goals that they want to achieve. My dream has always been to spread happiness throughout the world and to make my family and country proud of having me as their son. I believe that studying medicine grants me both dreams because a smile from a person in pain after curing him is the highest level of happiness and I believe it is worth everything on earth.

Mohammed Arafah

Who’s your favorite instructor at Alfaisal and why? “Hahaha, well all are really cooperative I can list lots about each professor like Dr.Ganguly's hyper mode, Dr.Khraibi's ability to go from cold to really funny in an instant, Dr.Moni's way of teaching and the way he treats us like colleagues, Dr. Ahmad's ability to evoke imagination from the students in a subject that requires it like Embryology, and finally Dr. Faisal Ikram because I just love the way he makes everything about medicine fun!” What's your greatest memory of first year medicine at Alfaisal? “The moment I had to wear scrubs and see the cadavers for the first time! It felt like being in a real surgery. I would love to become a surgeon when I graduate Insha'Allah!”

When a Joke Becomes a Revolution!

The Founding MSA members

“Making a precise observation is the first step in any advancement" Eyad Marashli “They always say that university is your second home, but Alfaisal is our first!” Asem Daghistany

Ayman Awad

“In 2008, MSA made history when it became the first independent student association to be established in the history of our beloved Kingdom. Driven by the energy and creativity of youth, MSA’s founding team lead Alfaisal’s medical students from one success to another. Establishing a number of projects in the fields of academics, student development, research, sports, media and community services. However, as time went by and challenges evolved, MSA’s brightness gradually faded. Unfortunately, we didn’t realize the size of the problem until it almost became too big to handle. One day I was talking to some friends about a new MSA project and one of them asked jokingly, "Does MSA exist?!” Yes, it was a joke, but it was also a shocking wakeup call as there is always little truth behind every joke. At that point I had to admit that we had a problem on our hands—because admitting the problem is the first step towards its resolution. It was obvious then that it was time we stopped and looked back to evaluate where we stand and where we were going. Soon after that day, MSA’s planning committee was born, marking a new era that MSA was entering; an era in which the MSA initiated a professional and strategic plan that represented the dreams of all medical students and ensured their achievement. The planning committee’s main goal will ensure that together we will support and make certain the development of our growing college, making it the student centered university we all wish for it to be. Stay tuned as we reveal more through the Med Times as this will be our preferred mode of communication in the future” ■ Ayman Awad (MSA’s Strategic and Fi3 nancial Planning Consultant)

Alfaisal Leadership: Dr. Wesam Kurdi “I just want to say that you are all great!”

Dr. Wesam Kurdi (Consultant of Perinatology at KFSH)

Aman Inayah, the Press Reporter, interviewing the Dr

Why obstetrics? “I actually started off by wanting paediatrics. I’m still in the field because I take care of babies, real small ones before they come to the paediatric age.” What does it take to be an obstetrician? “You need to be devoted as you should have a lot of passion in your work because it is a very demanding job” Dr. Kurdi describes obstetricians as medical doctors, surgeons and “radiologists as well!” In addition that obstetrics has all sorts of counselling, genetics, psychotherapy, and psychology; with keeping in mind that they are keeping a very delicate balance with two lives, the mother and the child.” Many students are always concerned of the fact that KFSH&RC is a tertiary center, what can you tell us about that? “We have always faced that with our residents. It is not about the quantity of patients you have, but it is about the quality of patients that is important, where you will be learning about three to four conditions with one patient; and people at KFSH are more devoted for our training than a general hospital. Still, some minor things should be learnt at a general hospital.” What’s your impression on us medical students? “We were taught the things that you know now when we were like 4th, or at least 3rd year. However, you always have to have a good balance, because again to be a good clinician you need to have good solid basic science; don’t get too excited.” Please voice yourself! “I just want to say that you are all great, honestly. Everybody enjoyed having you around, our nurses, and residents were very excited, it gives a different flavour having medical students, whom you are devoting extra time for, and when you see in return they appreciate it, you really feel happy; it was really great working with you. We are looking forward for the clinical years!” “Her relaxed teaching style helps students not to be overwhelmed by her extensive knowledge" Mustafa Obiedat (third year)

Reflection Corner: Water Water is one of the most essential components for all life forms. According to the Quran, “Allah created every *living+ creature from water…(An-Nur 24:45).” Is it not interesting how the Quran mentions the role of water in the formation of life forms? This is something that was scientifically confirmed only recently. “See you the water which you drink? Do you bring it down from the clouds or do We? If We wish, We can make it salty. You should be thankful (Al-Waq’iah 56: 68-70).” The water cycle is vital in the removal of salt from seawater. If this were not the case, then all rainwater, snow, etc. would have a significant salt content. Furthermore, water’s high specific heat capacity enables our body to maintain a stable, functional temperature. In addition, the water within the blood of our systemic capillaries is responsible for heat exchange during hot and cold temperatures. This is critical in preventing denaturation of body proteins and in preventing irregular body temperature fluctuations. We should be thankful of the many bounties our Lord has bestowed upon us. Surely, the more we remember Allah (God) and appreciate His favors, the closer we get to spiritual success. “Say: Have ye thought: If (all) your water were to disappear into the earth, who then could bring you gushing water (67:30)?” “And if ye would count the favor of Allah ye cannot reckon it. Lo! Allah is indeed Forgiving, Merciful (16:18).” ■ Yahya Firoze Ahmed (second year)


Constructive Criticism: “wastage of valuable lecture time” “The set-up of this room is much better than the previous one; with its U-shaped seating arrangement providing the lecturer with the option of giving students a more discussion based lecture and the freedom to walk around and be more hands-on” Bilal Alturkmani (second year)

“This looks a lot more like a lecture hall and is definitely an improvement!” Ahmed Warraich

“Students of the second medical batch have expressed their concerns as their assigned classroom, B3.058, continues to face several technical difficulties. It has been reported that several times before the first lecture of the day was delivered, the projector or the class computer did not function properly or experienced electrical problems. Not simply technical difficulties but actual lack of electricity in the room; all in all, leading to wastage of valuable lecture time. In the picture above, the professor of pathology was obliged to use the white board as the computer was non-functional. The university has shown great initiative in providing the latest technologies to its students, though for this to be productive, maintenance is necessary. Another concern was the fact that the much talked about SMART Board placed in most major lecture halls over campus was inexplicably removed from the room soon after the semester began. Another difficulty reported by the students is the interference of light from the glass wall with the projection screen, greatly reducing the clarity of the projected image. The problem arises especially with histology slides and the respected doctors from KFSH&RC often tell students to install blinds to improve the clarity. Especially since this phase constantly requires histopathological slides. A solution to this could be the installation of blinds seen in the older classrooms—if not simple curtains will do the trick too. The class representative, Adel Helmi, has informed the required authorities regarding this issue but his attempts remain futile as there is yet to be a resolution, though a couple of unexpected visits have been made by the construction staff—in the midst of a lecture. Students do understand that Alfaisal is in its infancy and appreciate the university’s progress and expect changes to come more smoothly in the future.” ■ Azhar Farooqui and Ali Rahmatullah (second years)

Research Experience: A Discovery and Publication Combo! During October of 2010, a group of 2nd year medical students: Karam Hamweyah, Abdulaziz Alkattan, Diya Sabbagh, Bakr Swaid, Ahmed Alshibi and Osama Abou Saleh, had the chance to attend the 52nd Annual Congress of the International College of Angiology (ICA) held in Lexington, Kentucky. The students participated in the young investigators award competition by presenting their research entitled Persistent Sciatic Arteries: A Rare Finding at Alfaisal University. Students that participated in the 52nd annual congress of the ICA in Kentucky, USA

The students said that they were proud to represent the Alfaisal “It was a great opportunity to spend our time with a College of Medicine in such a prestigious conference. The research group of worldwide renowned cardio and endovascular had previously won the first prize in last year’s Research Poster Comsurgeons as well as a real honor to be the youngest medipetition Day conducted at Alfaisal. In addition, the research has cal students among those who presented their work at the conference” Karam Hamweyah been accepted by the International Journal of Angiology and will be “I am looking forward to participating in future medical conferences” Abdulaziz Alkattan

published during the upcoming year!


“SPIRIT”: Research, International Excellence, & Summer Awesomeness!

Students at St. Boniface research center auditorium in Canada

Students at a SPIRIT meeting to plan their summer

Abdulhadi AlAmoudi (Growth and Development Representative)

Believing in the importance of training and research experience, the Medical Student Association (MSA) has designed several programs locally and internationally. The Summer Program for International Research Internship and Training (SPIRIT) was started on 2009 where around 20 students were assigned to several hospitals in Riyadh, and exposed to different aspects of medicine, such as Internal Medicine, ER, Surgery, Radiology and labs. In 2010, SPRIT had expanded overseas when around 14 students were sent to well-respected medical research centers in the USA and Canada with outstanding leading researchers in the field of interest to the students. Topics covered in research were of great importance to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, such as Chronic Kidney Failure, Diabetes, Obesity and Alzheimer’s disease. Students produced manuscripts and presented abstracts in conferences locally and globally; others received a diploma in research and clinical training. Therefore, the aim for this year is to target 40 students for international programs in the USA (Harvard, Mississippi, Vanderbilt and Yale Medical Centers) and Canada (Alberta, Manitoba, Montréal, Saskatchewan and Sherbrook Medical Centers) as well as Australia (Griffith Medical Center) and finally as many students as possible for local programs. Special thanks goes to the PR department at Alfaisal, represented by the PR Director, Ms. Jehan Heddawi, as they greatly supported this program. The PR was the back-bone in attracting sponsors for this program which was one of the main reasons for its great success! Such programs are extremely important as they’re needed to supplement students’ Résumé when they’re applying for internship programs internationally. ■ Ahmad Abuzaid and Abdulhadi AlAmoudi (SPIRIT organizers) "It's a great opportunity to be in Alfaisal summer training programs because they provide valuable clinical and research experiences that will remain with the students for a lifetime." Tawfik Abou Assale

Summer Research Experience: “Hands-on” in the Lab “Last summer, five of my colleagues and I joined an intensive Research and training program at St.Boniface Hospital and Research Center in Winnipeg, Canada. The arrangement with the St.Bonfiace Research Center was all done through Dr.Paul Ganguly ; a faculty member at the College of Medicine. The opportunity to join such program added a lot to my knowledge as well as my academic and life experience. This program has changed my thoughts about research and working in a lab. The program was divided into two parts: The first month was all

Ahmad Talal Chamsi during his summer training in St. Boniface Hospital in Canada

about lab training with hands-on-experience and the second month was about the various aspects needed to be aware of when conducting any project such as the ethical and financial aspects. I met some physicians in St.Boniface Hospital who have clinical duties as well research duties. They appreciate the value of working in both fields for any physician. I liked the idea and I really want to do that in the future. I want to work in the clinic besides having my own lab and research projects. After this program I feel more confident to learn more about research and have a true experience in that field. I consider it as my first step to be able to participate at any research program. One of the great things I have done during that training program was designing a clinical trial. It was a difficult task but my colleagues and I managed to do a great job and to, actually, come up with interesting ideas for clinical trials. St.Boniface Research program gave me the chance to do my first nephrectomy on mice, a great experience that I will never forget. It was a great experience from all aspects. We learned a lot, we met new people, made new friends and had a lot of fun.” ■ Ahmad Talal Chamsi (third year)


“A good photo is never the work of a photographer alone; it’s the students who make a good picture” Bilal Alturkmani

Got Feedback?

Special Thanks and Exclusive Stuff! ■ Thank you Dr. Khaled Al-Kattan (College Dean) who supported the Press

throughout all its requests as he always kept the idea of a “student-centered” university alive! ■ Thank you new Press! All your efforts combined have carried Med Times to a

whole new level! It’s only up-hill from here Insha’Allah! Keep it up!

Want to submit an article, share your thoughts, or participate in Med Times? Send your feedback and content to

■ Thank you faculty and students! For supporting us and giving us your feedback

and ideas! We’re back by popular demand! And hey, you got to give the fans what they want! Feedback is key!

■ Thank you Al-Nashr printing office! For, well, printing awesome quality stuff! ■ Dear readers, keep sending us feedback! Send us your ideas and quotes! Voice

Yourselves! Send us what you have to say on

■ We will hold a “best student-written article” contest next issue as there will be

an awesome prize! More details soon!

■ Find us on facebook! We will have a new fan page packed with your pictures

and a place to feedback and give us your requests! Search for “Med Times”

Useful Links College of Medicine Moodle Learning Management System Alfaisal Continuing Medical Education Partners Harvard Medical International

■ We will have a new and genuine mini-interview segment called “Got Voice?”


where the Press goes around asking students about specific aspects in the college which will be placed in a short film!

Picture and Quote of the Month!

Contacts and Credits “The Press” Newsletter Director Mohammed Khusheim

Editor Ali Rahmatullah

Arabic Section Producer Hani Al-Turkmani

Arabic Section Editor Malik Nassan

Photographers Bilal AlTurkmani Bara AlMakadma Mohammad chaballout

Designer Mohammad AlSibae

College Dean Prof. Khaled Al-Kattan

“Alfaisal University; where life is, where time stops.” Asim Mahmood

Join our

Reporters Mohammad Mathbout Aman Inayah Azhar Farooqui Adeeb AlSibae Mohammed AlHamed

fan page!


Riddle me this; Sudoku!


How to play? ■ Every row of 9 numbers must include all

digits 1 through 9 in any order ■ Every column of 9 numbers must in-

clude all digits 1 through 9 in any order ■ Every 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9

square must include all digits 1 through 9


M E D T I M E S R I G H T S R E S E R V E D 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1

‫يجهح دوريح يهحمح تـ ‪ MED TIMES‬تصدر عٍ طالب كهيح انطة في جايعح انفيصم‬ ‫انعدد األول‬

‫انًىسى انثانث ‪3122‬‬

‫تقرؤون فً هذا العدد‬ ‫‪ %66‬من عملٌات التغٌ​ٌر‬ ‫الجماعً ( شركات ومؤسسات)‬ ‫المخطط لها تفشل !‬

‫الصفحة األولى ‪:‬‬ ‫التغٌ​ٌر ‪ ...‬لٌس مستحٌال !‬ ‫الصفحة الثانٌة ‪:‬‬

‫‪ %2‬فقط من األفراد الذٌن‬ ‫ٌحاولون أن ٌغٌروا أنفسهم‬ ‫ٌنجحون!‬

‫مسابقة كتابة المقالة العربٌة (‪:)1‬‬ ‫المركز األول ‪ :‬محمد مثبوت‬

‫صنع اآلخر‪ ,‬شخص‬ ‫أي‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ٌّ‬ ‫االنسان أم قناعه؟‬

‫‪% 89‬من األفراد الذٌن‬ ‫ٌحاولون آن ٌغٌروا أنفسهم‬ ‫ٌكتفون بالشكوى!!!‬

‫المركز الثانً ‪ :‬أحمد عدي‬

‫اللغة العربٌة والعقنقل‬ ‫القدموس‬ ‫يصدر انصىرج ‪ :‬يدوَح حياتك غير ‪ ،‬ريى حسٍ‬

‫قواوٍه انتغٍ​ٍس ألٌىشتاٌه ‪:‬‬ ‫قانون تغٌ​ٌر العقلٌات ‪ :‬لن نستطٌع ان نعدل المشاكل المزمنة التً‬ ‫تواجهنا ‪ ،‬بنفس العقلٌة التً اوجدت تلك المشاكل‪.‬‬

‫المركز الثالث‪ :‬أحمد طالل شمسً‬

‫العمل تاج على رؤوس‬ ‫العاملٌن ال ٌراه إال المتعاطلون‬ ‫الصفحة الثالثة‪:‬‬ ‫صاحبة الظل الطوٌل‬

‫قانون السذاجة ‪ :‬السذاجة ان نعمل نفس األمور بنفس الطرٌقة‬ ‫ونتوقع نتائج مختلفة !‬

‫نماذا ٌعازض انىاس انتغٍ​ٍس ؟‬ ‫‪ )1‬توقع النتٌجة السلبٌة‬ ‫وتخٌل أن الحال بعد التغٌ​ٌر‬ ‫ستكون أسوأ من الحال‬ ‫قبله‪.‬‬ ‫‪ )2‬الخوف من زٌادة العمل‬ ‫وبذل جهد اكبر‬ ‫‪ )3‬صعوبة تغٌ​ٌر العادات‬ ‫فالناس ال ٌرغبون فً‬ ‫تغٌ​ٌر ما تعودوا علٌه ولو كان خطأ‬ ‫‪ )4‬ضعف االتصال بٌن من ٌقود التغٌ​ٌر ومن‬ ‫ٌتبعه‬ ‫‪)5‬اإلخفاق فً انسجام بٌن مكونات التغٌ​ٌر‪،‬‬ ‫كتغٌ​ٌر المدرسٌن بدون تغٌ​ٌر اإلدارٌ​ٌن فً‬ ‫مدرسة ما‬

‫قصة األعمى واإلعالن!‬ ‫جلس رجل أعمى على إحدى عتتتبتات عتمتار‬ ‫واضعا ً قبعته بٌن قدمٌه وبجانبه لوحة مكتوب‬ ‫علٌها‪ ' :‬أنا أعمى أرجوكم ساعدونً“ ‪.‬‬ ‫مر رجل إعالنات باألعمتى ووقتل لتٌترى أن‬ ‫قبعته ال تحوي سوى قروش قلٌلة‪.‬‬ ‫ودون أن ٌستأذن األعمى أختذ لتوحتتته وكتتتب‬ ‫علٌها عبار أخرى وأعادها مكانها ومضى فً‬ ‫طرٌقه ‪.‬‬ ‫الحظ األعمى أن قبعته قد امتتتت بتالتقتروش‬ ‫واألوراق النقدٌة‪ ،‬فتعترل أن شتٌتئتا ً قتد تتغتٌتر‬ ‫وأدرك أن ما تغٌر كان بسبب متا كتتتبته ذلتك‬ ‫الرجل‪ ،‬فسأل أحتد التمتار عتمتا هتو متكتتتوب‬ ‫علٌها فأخبره أنها تحمل عبار ‪:‬‬ ‫' نحن فً فصل الربٌع و لكننً ال أستطٌع‬ ‫رؤٌة جماله' !‪.‬‬ ‫انًرجع‪ :‬ترَايج عهًتُي انحياج نهدكتىر طارق انسىيداٌ‬

‫المقالة الفائزة!‬

‫كٍف تىجح فً انتغٍ​ٍس ؟‬ ‫خطوات التغٌ​ٌر الفردي ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ )1‬حدد أٌن وصلت وافهم‬ ‫وضعك بعمق‬ ‫‪)2‬حدد هدفك بوضوح‬ ‫‪)3‬حدد الطرٌق‬ ‫والخطوات التً ستتبعها‬ ‫بدقة‬ ‫‪)4‬غٌر البٌئة التً المحٌطة بك إلى بٌئة تشجعك‬ ‫على التغٌ​ٌر‬ ‫لمعرفة خطوات التغٌ​ٌر الجماعً ‪،‬‬ ‫أو لمعرفة المزٌد عن هذا الموضوع‬ ‫قم بزٌار صفحتنا الرسمٌة على‬ ‫فٌسبوك‪...‬‬

‫‪)1‬‬ ‫(‬ ‫قامت ”حتى ٌغٌروا ما بأنفسهم“ العام الماضً ‪ ،‬بإجراء أول مسابقة على مستوى جحامحعحة‬ ‫الفٌصل للمقالة العربٌة ‪ ،‬وذلك لتحفٌز شباب الفٌصل على الكتابة بالعربٌة و أمحال بحاكحتحشحاف‬ ‫مواهب فذة ألصحاب أقالم مغمورة ‪ .‬و بعد استقبال ما ٌقحارب ثحالثحٌحن محقحالحة محتحمحٌحزة محن‬ ‫مختلف الكلٌات و السنوات الدراسٌة ‪ ،‬قامت لجنة التحكٌم باختٌار الفائزٌن‪ ،‬وهم ‪:‬‬

‫ٌمكىكم اإلطالع علهلى انلىلصلو‬ ‫انكامهة نهملالا ا انلزلاوللت وانلتلً‬ ‫ستجدوولالا كلاملهلة علهلى علزل لتلىلا علهلى‬ ‫انزٍس بوك ‪.‬‬


‫كما ٌمكىكم تاٍ​ٍماا وانتعهٍق عهلٍلالا علهلى‬ ‫وزس انصز ة‪.‬‬

‫صنع اآلخر‪ ,‬شخص اإلنسان أم قناعه؟‬ ‫أي‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ٌّ‬

‫بقلم ‪ :‬محمد مثبوت‬

‫اجلائزة األوىل‬ ‫‪iPad 16Gb‬‬

‫” ما لبث نقاش ٌدور حول المسرح مع أحد أصدقائً أن ٌبدأ حتى تحححول إلحى جحدل بحٌحزنحطحً‪-‬‬ ‫على‬

‫عادة بنً ٌعرب‪ -‬علت فٌه أصواتنا وأصبح كل منا ٌدافع مستبسال عن رأٌه‪ ,‬كأن تخلٌه عحنحه ٌحعحنحً‬

‫فقدانه جوهر كٌانه والجزء األعظم منه‪ .‬كانت نقطة الحتحححول فحً الحححوار هحً نحقحاشحنحا لحمحوضحو األقحنحعحة‬ ‫المسرحٌة‪ ,‬التً اشتهر باستخدامها قدماء اإلغرٌق فً مسرحٌاتهم‪ .‬كحان الحهحدف محن هحذه األقحنحعحة إخحفحاء‬ ‫الشخصٌة الحقٌقة للممثل‪ ,‬ومنع تعابٌر وجهه من كشف ما ٌدور فً كٌحانحه‪ ,‬فحال ٌحظحهحر محنحه محن عحواطحف‬ ‫وانفعاالت إال ما ٌبدٌه القنا من غضب و شر‪ ,‬أو سعادة و طٌبة‪ .‬ولهذا‪ ,‬فإن انطبا الجمهور وتجاوبه محع‬ ‫شخصٌة من شخصٌات المسرحٌة‪ -‬من محبة و تعاطف أو بغض و احتقار‪ -‬كان أكثر ارتباطا بالقنحا نحفحسحه‬ ‫من الممثل أو الدور الذي ٌؤدٌه‪ .‬ومن هنا كحان السحؤال الحذي أشحعحل فحتحٌحل الحنحقحاش‪ :‬أي هحو ولحٌحد اآلخحر‬ ‫وصنٌعته فً مجتمعنا‪ ,‬شخص اإلنسان أم القنا الذي ٌلبسه؟ “‬

‫اجلائزة الثانية‬ ‫‪iPod touch 8Gb‬‬

‫■‬ ‫اللغة العربٌة و العقنقل القدموس‬ ‫بقلم ‪ :‬أحمد عدي‬ ‫” إن استخدام األلفاظ الجافٌة والغرٌبة فً العربٌة الٌومٌة ٌؤدي إلى النفور منها‪ .‬قد نحتحسحاءل‪:‬‬ ‫أٌن هً األلفاظ الجافٌة فً حٌاتنا الٌومٌة؟ األمثلة المعاصرة تأتً من التعرٌب الرديء‪ٌ .‬جب أن أنوه أنحنحً‬ ‫لست من مناهضً التعرٌب‪ ،‬فهو خدمة عظٌمة للمحتحححدثحٌحن بحالحعحربحٌحة‪ ،‬ولحكحنحنحً أرٌحد أن أعحرض بحعحض‬ ‫األخطاء‪ .‬تخٌل أنك فً مطعم وسمعت أحدهم ٌقول‪" :‬أعطنً شاطرأ ومشطوراً وكامخا ً بحٌحنحهحمحا" (وهحو محا‬ ‫ٌكافئ الشطٌرة أو "الساندوٌتش")‪” .‬‬

‫■‬ ‫العمل تاج على رؤوس العاملٌن ال ٌراه إال المتعاطلون‬ ‫بقلم ‪ :‬أحمد طالل شمسً‬ ‫” لو عدنا بالزمن أربعة عقود فقط ‪ ،‬لوجدنا أن معظم البٌوت فً مجتمعنا‪ ،‬لم تعحرف الحخحادمحة‬ ‫الوافدة ‪ ،‬وال السائق الوافد‪ ،‬و كان أفراد المجتمع‪ ،‬بشتى األعمار‪ٌ ،‬حترف األعحمحال الحمحهحنحٌحة محن نحجحارة‬ ‫و بناء و حدادة و سباكة و غٌرها‪ ،‬بكل كرامة‪ .‬والٌوم تغ ٌّرت األمور‪ ،‬و أصبح ٌُنظر إلى كل محن ٌحححتحرف‬ ‫فحتحشحرف" بحنحفحسحه‬ ‫عمال ًمهنٌا ً على أنه دون المجتمع‪ ،‬نظرة سلبٌة‪ ،‬أوجدت لدى جٌل الٌحوم ردة فحعحل‪" ،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫و جلس فً المنزل عاطال ً عن العمل و عالة على مجتمعه‪“.‬‬


‫‪C O L L E G E‬‬ ‫‪O F‬‬ ‫‪M E D I C I N E‬‬ ‫‪A L F A I S A L‬‬ ‫‪U N I V E R S I T Y‬‬

‫اجلائزة الثالثة‬ ‫‪Sony Walkman E series 4Gb‬‬



‫صاحبة الظل الطوٌل ‪...‬‬

‫خاطست فً د ا ” حتى ٌغٍسوا ما بأوزسام ”‬

‫بقلم ‪ :‬عبد هللا الشمري‬

‫أبعادها خلل النظر ‪...‬‬ ‫ظل بأعٌننا ‪...‬‬ ‫ٌخطط للعطاء وللبشر ‪...‬‬ ‫أبعادها خلل النظر ‪...‬‬ ‫هً بسمة براقة ‪...‬‬ ‫أبدا تجددنا ‪ ...‬وٌعزفها الوتر ‪...‬‬ ‫أبعادها خلل النظر ‪...‬‬ ‫عطر ٌعانقنا ‪...‬‬ ‫بأنسام تالمس فً خفر ‪...‬‬ ‫أبعادها خلل النظر ‪...‬‬ ‫ٌا ورد الجوري ٌا من ‪...‬‬ ‫عطرتنا بالعبر ‪...‬‬ ‫أبعادها خلل النظر ‪...‬‬ ‫مرآ خاطر ‪...‬‬ ‫إلٌها دائما ٌحلو السمر ‪...‬‬ ‫أبعادها خلل النظر ‪...‬‬ ‫سِ ْفر من الخٌر التلٌد ‪....‬‬ ‫وعنفوان مبتكر ‪...‬‬ ‫أبعادها خلل النظر ‪...‬‬ ‫لكأنها الٌاقوت والمرجان ‪...‬‬ ‫بل أغلى الدرر ‪...‬‬ ‫أبعادها خلل النظر ‪...‬‬ ‫قٌثار غنت ‪...‬‬ ‫لترسم بسمة فوق األثر ‪...‬‬ ‫أبعادها خلل النظر ‪...‬‬ ‫تروي لكل الراكعٌن أمامها ‪...‬‬ ‫مر "قٌس" من هنا ‪...‬‬ ‫بل "عنتر " سكب العبر‬ ‫ما انزاح عنً برقعً ‪...‬‬ ‫لكن عطري ‪ ..‬انتشر‬

‫تاسؤون فً عز تىا عهى فٍسبوك ‪:‬‬ ‫أ ُ َؤ ِّمن أَ َّنك َت ْس َتطِ ٌْع‬ ‫س ُع ْود ا ْل َع ْسـ َكر‬ ‫ِب َقلَم ‪َ :‬ع ْب ِد ا ْل َع ِز ٌْز ْبن ُ‬ ‫رجل قعٌد حرك أمة فما بال صحٌح البدن قعٌد الهمة؟!‬ ‫بقلم ‪ :‬أحمد شامبة‬ ‫حتى ٌغٌروا ما بأنفسهم‬ ‫بقلم ‪ :‬عبد العزٌز أحمد األنصاري‬ ‫نظرة إلى التغٌ​ٌر‬ ‫بقلم ‪ :‬محمد دانً‬ ‫‪E D I C I N E‬‬


‫‪C O L L E G E‬‬ ‫‪O F‬‬ ‫‪M‬‬ ‫‪A L F A I S A L‬‬ ‫‪U N I V E R S I T Y‬‬

‫باهم انزاول ‪ :‬طالل شمسً‬





‫المجتمعات اإلنسانٌة ٌسعون للتغٌ​ٌر أو كما‬ ‫ٌقال " تحسٌن الحال"‪ .‬كلمة تغٌ​ٌر فً‬ ‫اللغة العربٌة قد تأتً بمعانً عد منها‬

‫لسيًح شراء تميًح ‪ SR055‬يٍ يكتثح جرير‬

‫التهذٌب‪ ،‬التبدٌل أو االنتقال‪ ،‬فلكل معنى‬ ‫اختصاصاته و مواضع استخدامه‪ ،‬و لكن‬ ‫دعونا من تخصٌص العموم و استخدام الكلمة بمعناها المطلق العام‪ .‬كما نعلم جمٌعا ً أن‬ ‫التغٌ​ٌر قد ٌأخذ أحد اتجاهٌن‪ ،‬إما لتفضل أو لتسوأ ‪ ،‬و النتائج ألي فعل " تغٌ​ٌري" هً‬ ‫التً تحدد لنا إن كان هذا تغٌ​ٌراً سلٌما ً أو ال‪ .‬فاإلنسان ٌسعى للتغٌ​ٌر لتحسن و لكن لماذا‬ ‫نفشل أحٌانا ً بمنتصل الطرٌق؟ فسبب ذلك ٌعود إما لضعل االعتقاد بأهمٌة هذا التغٌ​ٌر‪ ،‬أو‬ ‫لعدم اتباع منهج صحٌح صرٌح كامل ٌهدي متبعٌه للحق‪ .‬و هنا وقع اإلشكال عند البشرٌة و‬ ‫هنا صار الزلل‪ .‬فمنهم من اتبع آراء البشر و اعتبرها بأنها هً المنهج القوٌم المتبع للتغٌ​ٌر‬ ‫و منهم من لم ٌتبع رأٌا ً على اإلطالق بل ترك الهوى ٌقوده كما ٌشاء‪ ،‬هذا ما جعلنا نرى أن‬ ‫التغٌ​ٌر قد ٌكون شبه مستحٌل فً معظم حاالته‪ .‬األمثلة كثٌر و الموضوع شٌق ولكن‬ ‫لضٌق المكان أقول أن ما ٌمنع أمتنا اإلسالمٌة ‪،‬وأخص بالذكر شبابها‪ ،‬من التغٌ​ٌر هو عدم‬ ‫االتباع الحقٌقً لهدي الكتاب و السنة النبوٌة المطهر ‪ .‬أضلنا هذا االتباع الصوري الذي‬ ‫ٌوهم صاحبه أنه على المنهج الهادي للتغٌ​ٌر اإلٌجابً و لكن من دون نتٌجة بل ٌقوده إلى‬ ‫الوراء فٌتوهم متوهم أن الخطأ فً المنهج‪ ،‬و إنما و هللا الخطأ هو‬ ‫فً كٌفٌة اتباع المنهج‪ .‬فصحابة رسول هللا ‪ -‬صلى هللا علٌه و سلم‪-‬‬ ‫أكبر مثال على هذه النقطة و كٌل تحولوا بوقت قصٌر نسبٌا ً من‬ ‫عبد أوثان إلى أئمة هدى و إٌمان باتباعهم الحقٌقً للمنهج القوٌم‬


‫وأنصح الجمٌع بقراء كتاب بعنوان " هدي السٌر النبوٌة فً‬ ‫التغٌ​ٌر االجتماعً" للدكتور حنان اللحام فهو كتاب قٌم ذو فائد‬ ‫جمة بإذن هللا‪.‬‬

‫جدٌدنا ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ )1‬بدأ من العدد القادم ‪-‬إن شاء هللا ‪ -‬سٌقوم قراء المجلة باختٌار موضوع العدد بأنفستهتم‬ ‫وذلك عن طرٌق التصوٌت على المواضٌع المطروحة فً صفحتنا على فٌسبوك‪.‬‬ ‫‪ )2‬أفضل مشاركة ( مقالة ‪ ،‬سٌر ‪ ،‬شعر ‪ )...‬ستحصل على الجائز الشهرٌة ‪ ،‬المقدمة‬ ‫من مكتب شؤون الطالب فً جامعة الفٌصل‪ ،‬و قٌمتها ‪ 555‬لاير سعودي‪.‬‬ ‫‪ )3‬المشاركات غٌر الفائز سٌتم نشرها فً صفحتنا على فٌسبوك‪.‬‬ ‫■ إذا كاوت ندٌك مشازكة أو تعهٍق أو استزساز ٌتعهق بأي موضوع تم طسحه فً هرا‬ ‫انعدد‪,‬أو كاوت ندٌك فكست مه أجم تطوٌس األعداد اناادمة ‪ٌ ،‬مكىك أن تتواعم مع إدازت‬ ‫انت سٌس عهى انبسٌد ا نكتسووً نهمجهة ‪ :‬‬ ‫كما ٌسعدوا اوضمامك إنى عز تىا عهى فٍسبوك‬ ‫إدازت انت سٌس ‪ :‬مانك وعسان ‪ ،‬هاوً انتسكماوً‬ ‫جًيع انحمىق يحفىظح نًجهح ”حتى يغيروا يا تأَفسهى ”‬ ‫انًهحك انعرتي في يجهح ‪MED TIMES‬‬ ‫جايعح انفيصم ‪ 3122‬و‬

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