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Cipher May 2015

imitation vs inspiration


1. a thing intended to simulate or copy something else. "an imitation diamond" synonyms: copy, simulation, reproduction, replica 2. the action of using someone or something as a model. "a child learns to speak by imitation" synonyms: emulation, copying, echoing, parroting "learning by imitation" 3. an act of imitating a person's speech or mannerisms, especially for comic effect. "he attempted an atrocious imitation of my English accent" synonyms: impersonation, impression, parody,


1. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. "Helen had one of her flashes of inspiration" synonyms: creativity, inventiveness, innovation, ingenuity, genius, imagination, originality 2. the quality of being inspired, especially when evident in something. "a rare moment of inspiration in an otherwise dull display" 3. the drawing in of breath; inhalation.

The line that separates inspiration from imitation is a thin one. Our project explores that line. Is imitation truly an exact copy? Must they have the exact same hair, eyes, and skin or is it the essence of the photo that is imitated? Can the essence be imitated? How much change must occur from the original to the new to distinguish between imitation and inspiration. That is what our project questions.

In our photo shoot we tried to imitate the essence of many photographs. We wanted to try to get as close as we could get to an imitation of the original photo and see what was created out of our failures. We defined which photos were exactly: Inspire, Imitate, Inspired essence. There are artist that have made influential artwork based off the ideas of others. Artist such as Cindy Sherman a photographer who started off her career solely talking self portraits and manipulating the background setting similar to a previous photo by another artist. Some of her work are based off of neoclassical artwork and simply reedited and manipulated features to provide a different look but the essence of the photo is the same. Simple things that artist create can be seen as original but is it truly completely original or inspired. For example, the famous Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe print. A photo of her face reprinted on a plain background. The technically of creating the piece may be Warhol’s skill, but is the piece his creation? Being that Warhol did not take the original photo that is used in the print? Is that original work, or is that imitation?

abstr act art is the What goes on in

proclaiming of aesthetic principles... It is in our own time that we have become of pure aesthetic considerations. Art never can be imitation.



If art is to NOURISH the roots of our culture, society must set the artist FREE to follow his vision wherever it takes him.

Inspired Essence

Inspired essence

Inspired Essence

If you must look



, do so forgivingly. If you must look

, do so prayerfully. However, the wisest thing

you can do is be


in the present...gratefully

Inspired Essence

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