Alexander Youth Network - 2017 Community Report

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Together Community Report 2017

From Our Leadership Team

Dillon Bowles

Chuck Price

Chair of the Board of Directors, Alexander Youth Network

Chair of the Board of Trustees, Alexander Children’s Foundation

N. Craig Bass

Lynn Crutchfield

President and CEO, Alexander Youth Network

President and CEO, Alexander Children’s Foundation

Dear Friends, We believe that every child in North Carolina who needs mental health treatment should receive high quality services without stigma or barriers to care. Your support is the greatest endorsement in this belief. Thanks to you, Alexander Youth Network helped move ​8,250 children from surviving towards thriving in 2017. The majority of the children in our care have experienced trauma. They exhibit disruptive behaviors, aggression and a multitude of other problems as a result. They may lack meaningful relationships and struggle to relate to peers and authority figures in order to shield themselves from further suffering. ​They are often called ‘bad’ kids,​sent home from school, suspended, expelled or generally cast aside as hopeless cases.

Our Mission Alexander Youth Network provides quality professional treatment to children with serious emotional and behavioral problems. We deliver an effective and efficient array of services, enabling children and their families to exercise self-determination, achieve their potential, and become positive contributors to society.


But you are their voice. ​In this report, you will read about three of our children who are either currently enrolled in or have completed successful treatment. One gift means so much, and because of your generosity we have so many stories to share. Stories of doors opened, friendships made and lives changed. Thank you for believing in the children and families of Alexander. With gratitude,

By The Numbers

Audited Financial Report

Number Served in Fiscal Year 2016 – 2017

Fiscal Year 2016 – 2017 Revenue, Gains, Losses and Other Support

2016 – 2017

Net Revenue from Care of Children



Government Grants


Private Contributions


Investment Income (Loss)


Change in Value of Beneficial Interest in Perpetual Trusts


Other Income

107,120 27,787,847



Day Treatment


Therapeutic Homes

General and Administrative


In-Home Services (Intensive In-Home, Multi-Systemic Therapy, Wraparound)



21,789,056 2,423,549 984,199 25,196,804

Outpatient Services


Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility


On Ramp/Journey Place


Program Services

The Relatives

Net Revenue Net Revenue


Operating Income



Public: Medicaid


Public: NC HealthChoice


Public: Local Mental Health


Public: Local Social Services


State/Federal/Local Grants







Outpatient Services

kids were served in 2016 –  2017.


Day Treatment


Intensive In-Home


Therapeutic Foster Care


Multi-Systemic Therapy


Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility




The Relatives


Administrative and General




By Source

volunteers mentor/tutor our kids, support our staff, and improve our facilities.

Operating Expenses

84% of children discharged from our Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) and Therapeutic Foster Care are able to maintain in a more traditional home setting after leaving our care.

Program/ Department


Meet the Kids You Are Helping When Benjamin first arrived at Alexander he would hug everyone he saw and tell them he loved them. A nine-year-old boy with a huge smile and bright eyes, he artfully maintained his façade of happiness each day. But underneath was a very troubled child with a dark and traumatic past. What the therapists and counselors in Alexander’s Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) soon came to learn was that Benjamin’s older brother had been abusing him sexually since he was four. Benjamin’s mother did not believe him when he finally confided in her about the abuse. It wasn’t until the abuse escalated and required serious medical attention that the truth was exposed.


As a result of his early childhood trauma, Benjamin required ongoing care and supervision by a team of trained professionals at Alexander. He soon learned to better express and articulate his feelings of fear, anxiety and helplessness. He made friends, created strong bonds and learned how to trust again. After six months in residential treatment, Benjamin was able to take a step down into Alexander’s Day Treatment program and soon returned to school. His foster mom reports that his favorite thing to do is read, and that his smile still lights up a room. Alexander served more than 108 children through our Psychiatric Residential Treatment program in 2017.​ Your contributions help bridge the gap between in services not covered by Medicaid and private insurance.

Finley was eight years old when her parents began noticing the changes in her behavior. She stopped playing with friends and siblings. She wasn’t interested in her favorite activities. She would go hours in school without looking up or making eye contact with her teachers and peers. She wanted to be invisible.


Scared and confused, Finley’s parents brought her to a counselor who diagnosed her with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). When continued trips to the counselor appeared to make no difference in Finley’s mood and behavior, she recommended that her parents seek the help of Alexander. Finley was in Alexander’s Day Treatment program for three months. During that time, she learned how to cope with her diagnosis and how to self-soothe and self-regulate. She was able to stay in her home during treatment and return to school the next fall where she is back to running and playing with her friends and classmates. This year, Alexander Day Treatment served more than 374 children.​Contributions like yours enable us to serve children in desperate need of mental health care. With your help, ​more than 65% of the children who received care in 2017 were able to move down to a less restrictive living environment.

At twelve years old, Jared left his 24th foster care placement and arrived at Alexander Youth Network’s Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF). Not a lot was known about Jared’s trauma history, though therapists were informed by the Department of Social Services (DSS) that Jared’s mother died of a drug overdose when he was an infant and that his father was incarcerated. His other potential guardians (aunts, uncle and grandmother) declined to take him in.


Upon his arrival, Jared immediately demonstrated extreme aggression toward peers and authority figures. This included hitting, biting and vulgar language. He was diagnosed with PostTraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and depression. During his time in residential treatment, Jared learned skills to help him manage his big emotions. He was able to move to Alexander’s Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) program, which provides homes for children and adolescents who need treatment for mental health problems, trauma-based behaviors, or severe emotional disturbances. Our Therapeutic Foster Care coaches continue to work with Jared and his foster family on a regular basis, providing access to continued care without Jared having to leave the relationships and trust he built with our professionals. When asked what he likes best about TFC, Jared will tell you that he loves “having a family and homemade cookies whenever I want one”. Many of the children we serve at Alexander Youth Network have never had enough. Not enough food, shelter, love and safety. In 2017, you helped to place more than 275 children in Therapeutic Foster Care so that they could heal and learn how to trust again.


*Names and photos have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals.

Together We Change Lives!

Alan Lochridge, Linda Lochridge, Linda Lynch (Cocktails and Conversation)

Volunteers from Duke Energy

Mary Baldauf and Lynn Crutchfield (Celebrating Our Kids 2017)

Bike build with TIAA

Wesley from Cease Fire Productions and Katy Ryan

Anne Schleusner and Craig Bass (Cocktails and Conversation)

Donation drive hosted by Alexander volunteer Karen Little

Bill Crowder and Greg Hill (Cocktails and Conversation)

Denise and Jim Ratchford (Cocktails and Conversation)

Forest Hill Urban Serve

Volunteers from Wells Fargo

King & Spalding donation drive 4

2017 Donors Garsed Legacy Society Members • The Garsed Legacy Society recognizes individuals who have included Alexander Youth Network in their estate plans. Estate of Gladys L. Melton • Mr. and Mrs. Sadler H. Barnhardt • Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bass • Estate of Richard B. Alexander III • Estate of Lemma M. Apple • Estate of Collin C. Rose, Jr. • Estate of Jackson G. Henderson • Estate of H. F. Darsey • Estate of Beulah Y. McGinn • Estate of Marvin E. Pence • Ms. Roxanne E. Barron for Estate of Mr .William P. Hayes • Estate of Isabell Arrowood • Estate of Katherine C. Atkins • Estate of Nannie M. Auten • Estate of Margaret M. Barnhardt • Estate of Nell V. Barnhardt • Mr. and Mrs. William M. Barnhardt • Estate of Catherine V. Baxter • Estate of Addie R. Bennett • Estate of Frankie L. Berryhill • Estate of Faye W. Blanton • Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Bridgeman • Estate of Fred A. Brumley • Estate of Eva H. Burch • Estate of Clarence W. Cain Jr. • Estate of James A. Caldwell • Estate of William Caldwell • Estate of Nella D. Cannon • Estate of Virginia S. Carpenter • Estate of Nora D. Chappell • Estate of Evelyn B. Choate • Ms. Lori T. Collins • Estate of Rosalie V. Colton • Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Cook, Jr. • Estate of Katherine B. Couch • Mr. Meredith L. Craig • Estate of Peggy R. Crowder • Estate of James C. Crowell Jr. • Estate of W. R. Cunningham • Estate of Margaret W. Drumheller • Estate of Cecil W. Gilchrist • Estate of Horace L. Guiney • Estate of Lucy C. Haddow • Ms. Winnefred I. Harding • Estate of Kathleen F. Harkey • Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Heintze II • Estate of Sarah S. Helms • Estate of Mary Henderson • Estate of Willis I. Henderson Sr. • Mr. David L. Hood and Ms. Beth Davis • Estate of Mary B. A. Howell • Francis Hutchinson • Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Jamieson, Sr. • Estate of Belle W. Johnston • Mr. Michael Kahn • Estate of Doris B. Lane • Estate of Ella M. Long • Mr. Billy D. Maddalon and Mr. Walter B. Shelley • Estate of Cornelia S. McAlister • Mr. Tim McFall • Estate of Margie M. McGowan • Estate of Betty P. McKinney • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Moore, Jr. • Estate of Virginia E. Moore • Estate of Harvey Morris • Estate of Roy R. Patton • Estate of Ann J. Reed • Estate of William H. Reed III • Ms. Carolyn S. Robinson • Estate of Clifton R. Robinson • Mrs. Gladys Robinson • Estate of Virginia W. Robinson • Estate of William A. Robinson • Estate of Ellen L. Ross • Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. W. Saussy Jr. • Estate of Harry Schaffer • Estate of Eleanor Seegers • Estate of Pearl M. D. Smith • Estate of Hazel M. Solomon • Estate of Esther C. Stribling • Estate of James W. Suber • Mrs. Patricia Sweeney • Estate of Ann E. Tate • Estate of Elizabeth T. Tate • Mr. and Mrs. George A. Terrell • Estate of Ottie H. Todd • Estate of Elizabeth A. Tolbert • Estate of Harry L. Van Gorder • Mr. and Mrs. Ben T. Vernon, Jr. • Estate of Rosalie T. Wade • Estate of Effie M. Wallace • Estate of Oda B. Waters • Estate of Carleton N. Wilden • Mr. Roger A. Dahnert and Ms. Nancy L. Williams • Mr. and Mrs. William H. Williamson III • Estate of Kate S. Winchester • Mr. and Mrs. William Allen Winget • Estate of Page C. Witherspoon • Estate of Anna B. Wood • Estate of Betty B. Wood • Estate of Franklin Woodruff Jr. • Estate of Madeline H. Wyman • Estate of Emma K. Greene • Ms. Betty W. Beamguard • Estate of Marjori W. Green • Betty and Glen Robinson Endowment • Estate of Helen H. Martin • Estate of Ross A. Alexander • Estate of Edna S. Plyler • Estate of Edward T. Garsed • Robert H. & Margaret • M. Gabriel Charitable Remainder Trust • Estate of Sara B. Boyd • Mr. Stanley P. Greenspon and Ms. Maureen J. O'Keefe • Estate of Jimmie W. Patton Multi-Year Giving Society • The Alexander Youth Network Multi-Year Giving Society continued to grow last year. Multi-year donors provide a stable future for the agency by pledging a five-year commitment at a leadership level. Circle of Trust ($25,000+ per year for 5 years): Mr. and Mrs. William T. Crowder, Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Crutchfield Jr. Circle of Life ($10,000 – $24,999 per year for 5 years): Mr. Edward I. Weisger, Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. Craig Baldauf • Mr. Thomas W. Korona • Mr. and Mrs. Bryant H. Owens • Mr. and Mrs. Walker C. Simmons • Ann and Wellford Tabor Circle of Dreams ($5,000 – $9,999 per year for 5 years): Carolina Green Corp. • Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bass • Mr. Rick Beckman • Mr. J. Dillon Bowles and Dr. Claire S. Bowles • Mr. and Mrs. Bob Calton • Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chesson • Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Eubank II • Mr. and Mrs. L. Watts Hamrick III • Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Heintze II • Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Lochridge • Mr. Stanley P. Greenspon and Ms. Maureen J. O'Keefe • Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Roche • Mr. and Mrs. William Allen Winget Circle of Champions ($2,000 – $4,999 per year for 5 years): Bragg Financial Advisors • Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo A. Brea • Mr. Brian Ellis • Mr. and Mrs. John F. FitzHugh • Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Floyd • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fuller • Mr. and Mrs. Todd Golbus • Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Jacobs • Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jones • Friends and Family of Karen Little • Mr. and Mrs. Steve Monroe • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Moore, Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. Steven Norris • Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schubert • Mr. and Mrs. Thad M. Sharrett • Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. R. Smith • Mr. Palmer Steel • Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Storey • Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy T. Swinson • Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Young • Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hobson Circle of Hope ($1000 – $1,999 per year for 5 years): Barnhardt Manufacturing Co. • Barnhill Family Foundation • Cron Family Foundation Proudtree Empowered Learning Inc. • Rinehart Wealth and Investment Advisory • Showalter Construction Company • Trotter Company • Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Abraham • Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Abrams • Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Achey Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Adams • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Adelman • Mr. Joseph B. Alala III • Mr. and Mrs. Will Alston • Ms. Beth Arbuckle • Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bange, III • Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Barry • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Batten • Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Benton • Mr. and Ms. Todd Bleakney • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Brown • Mr. Rhett Brown • Dr. William P. Burgess and Mrs. Joan W. Martin • Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Burns • Ms. Joan K. Byrne • Mrs. Sarah Carpenter • Mr. and Mrs. Rob Carter • Mr. John Cervantes • Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Christhilf IV • Ms. Ann Church • Ms. Ashley V. Conrad • Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Cook, Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Copeland • Ms. Catherine Cordle • Mr. and Mrs. Otis A. Crowder • Mr. Bruce A. Buckley and Ms. Sarah A. Crowder • Mr. Cameron M. Dayne • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. DeBoer • Mr. and Mrs. Parshant Dhiman • Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dickens • Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dillman III • Mr.


and Mrs. Jonathan Dixon • Ms. Katrina Dixon • Mr. and Mrs. David H. DuBose • Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. East III • Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Edwards • Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fertitta, Jr. • Ms. Elizabeth B. Fitzpatrick • Rev. and Mrs. Joseph B. Flippin Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. Jeff M. Foley • Mr. and Mrs. Scott Frail • Mr. Scott B. Freeman • Mr. and Mrs. William F. Goodwyn • Ms. Shannon I. Grant • Ms. Jennifer L. Greene • Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Greer • Ms. Spencer H. Guthery • Mr. Jonathan Halkyard • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Hamilton • Mr. Rockell N. Hankin • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Helweg III • Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Henderson • Mr. Andre Hester • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobson • Mr. Jacob A. Hoistman • Rev. Dorothy Collin Horne • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hunter IV • Mr. and Mrs. William Hyder • Mr. and Mrs. William W. Ingram • Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Jamieson, Sr. • Mr. and Mrs. Christian Kenefick • Ms. Kelly A. Koeninger Mr. and Mrs. Sean Ladley • Mrs. Mary Ann B. Largen • Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Latta • Mr. and Mrs. James Linnett • Mr. John B. Lipe • Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lucas • Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lynch • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mansson • Rev. and Mrs. Luke H. Maybry • Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCready • Jim and Kelly McPhilliamy • Mr. Douglas W. Miller • Ms. Margaret Montague • Mr. and Mrs. Moby Moore • Mr. and Mrs. Brad Muller • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy • Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Newton • Ms. Heather O'Brien • Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. O'Keefe • Mr. and Mrs. Brian O'Leary • Mr. and Mrs. Craig Parkin • Mr. and Mrs. Trey Pearce • Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pence • Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Perper • Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pink • Mr. and Mrs. Randy Plym • Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Poole • Dr. Sharon G. Portwood and Dr. Glen Portwood • Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Price • Mr. and Mrs. Chad Price • Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Quartapella • Mr. Daniel F. Quigley • Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Rabon • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rasile • Dr. and Mrs. Brad H. Reddick • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Redwood • Mr. Kevin M. Rich • Mr. and Mrs. Randall E. Riggins • Mr. William M. Rigsbee • Katy and Steven Ryan • Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schmidly • Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Schmitt • Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schugel • Mr. Michael R. Sharon • Mr. Leonard Shinhoster • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shrimplin • Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson P. Shuford • Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sistrunk III • Mr. Scott Sladek • Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Snipes • Mr. and Mrs. Matt Snow • Ms. Angela N. Sosebee • Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stevens • Mr. Theodore C. Swimmer • Mr. James C. Tennille • Mr. and Mrs. Chris Tilley • Mr. John C. Tomsyck and Dr. Rebecca R. Tomsyck • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Buren • Dr. and Mrs. John M. Wattenbarger • Mr. and Mrs. Rick Wilcox • Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wood III • Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wooster • Mr. and Mrs. James Yuhas Annual Giving: Individuals • Our donors make a difference in the lives of children served by Alexander Youth Network across North Carolina. We are thankful for their generosity and recognize them for their gifts made from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. Alexander Society ($25,000+ ): Mr. and Mrs. William B. Allen • Mr. and Mrs. William T. Crowder, Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Crutchfield Jr. • Mr. Patrick J. O'Leary 1888 Society ($10,000 – $24,999): Ms. Brenda Golbus • Mr. Thomas W. Korona • Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Lochridge • Mr. and Mrs. Bryant H. Owens • Ann and Wellford Tabor Leadership Circle ($5,000 – $9,999): Mr. and Mrs. Darren W. Ash • Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bass • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Berry • Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bilas • Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chesson • Mr. and Mrs. Oscar W. Cranz III • Mr. and Mrs. Campbell R. Dyer • Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Edwards Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Eubank II • Mr. and Mrs. Todd Golbus • Mr. Stanley P. Greenspon and Ms. Maureen J. O'Keefe • Mr. and Mrs. L. Watts Hamrick III • Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph A. Heintze II • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hunter IV • Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Kane • Ms. Elizabeth G. O'Neill • Mr. and Mrs. Craig Parkin • Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ryan • Mr. and Mrs. James L. Sigman • Mr. and Mrs. Walker C. Simmons • Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy T. Swinson • Mr. and Mrs. William Allen Winget • Mr. and Mrs. Marcus E. Yandle, Sr. Healing Circle ($2,500 – $4,999): Barnhardt Family Foundation • Mr. J. Dillon Bowles and Dr. Claire S. Bowles • Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dawson • Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Douglass • Mr. Brian Ellis • Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Saunders Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. Jeff M. Foley • Mr. and Mrs. William K. Frenzel • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fuller • Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Jacobs • Friends and Family of Karen Little • Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lynch • Mr. Jeffrey R. McGrath • Mr. and Mrs. Steve Monroe • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Moore, Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ratchford • Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schubert • Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sifford Sr. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Storey • Mrs. Nancy B. Thomas • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams IV Caring Circle ($1,000  – $2,499): Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Abraham • Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Abrams • Mr. and Mrs. Jordan J. Abshire • Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Achey Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Adams • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Adelman • Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Almond • Mr. and Mrs. Will Alston • Mr. James Amos USMC (Retired) • Mrs. Mary Baldauf • Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bange, III • Mr. and Mrs. William M. Barnhardt • Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Barry • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Batten • Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Benton • Mr. Alan Kronovet and Ms. Cary Bernstein • Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Biltz • Mr. and Ms. Todd Bleakney • Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo A. Brea • Mrs. Margot M. Brinley • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Brown • Mr. Rhett Brown • Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Buchanan • Mr. Bruce A. Buckley and Ms. Sarah A. Crowder • Dr. William P. Burgess and Mrs. Joan W. Martin • Mr. and Mrs. Scott Carlberg • Mr. and Mrs. Rob Carter • Ms. Andrea Chen • Mr. Gregory M. Paige and Ms. Ann Church • Eddie and Frances Clark • Mr. John E. Clay and Ms. Catherine P. Bessant • Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Copeland • Ms. Catherine Cordle • Mr. Kirk Crawford • Mr. and Mrs. Otis A. Crowder • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cvetkovski • Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Deaton • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. DeBoer • Mr. and Mrs. Alexander P. Dickey • Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Dixon • Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. East III • Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Edwards • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ellison II • Mr. Scott Evans • Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fandel • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Faris • Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Farley • Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fertitta, Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. John F. FitzHugh • Ms. Elizabeth B. Fitzpatrick • Rev. and Mrs. Joseph B. Flippin Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Floyd Mrs. Sarah Belk Gambrell • Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gass • Mr. and Mrs. William F. Goodwyn • Mr. Reginald Grant • Ms. Shannon I. Grant • Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Greer • Mr. and Ms. Torsten Greife • Ms. Spencer H. Guthery • Mr. Jonathan Halkyard • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Hamilton • Mr. Rockell N. Hankin • Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery A. Hansen • Mr. and Mrs. James • E. Harris Jr. • Mr. Jeffrey Hay • Mr. Jacob A. Hoistman • Mr. and • Mrs. R. B. Jamieson, Sr.

• Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jones • Mr. and • Mrs. Jeffrey M. Jones • Mr. and Mrs. Dan Keenan • Mr. and Mrs. Christian Kenefick • Mr. and Mrs. Todd Kuhar • Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ladley • Mr. and Mrs. Sean Ladley • Mr. John Lamb • Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Latta • Mr. Scott C. Lea • Mr. and Mrs. James Linnett • Mr. John B. Lipe • Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Livingston • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mansson • Ms. Julianne Marley • Ms. Darden Matthews • Rev. and Mrs. Luke H. Maybry • Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCready • Ms. Debbie Medves • Mr. Douglas W. Miller • Mr. Michael Mills • Mr. and Mrs. Moby Moore • Mr. and Mrs. Brad Muller • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy • Ms. Heather O'Brien • Mr. and Mrs. Brian O'Leary • Mr. and Mrs. George Pappas • Mr. and Mrs. Trey Pearce • Mr. and Mrs. Ty Peebles • Mr. and Mrs. Keith Glen Pehl • Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pence • Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pink • Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Poole • Mr. and Mrs. Chuck R. Price • Ms. C. Suzanne Quinn • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Redwood • Mr. Kevin M. Rich • Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ryan • Mr. and Mrs. David B. Sanders • Mr. and Mrs. Shamba K. Sandy • Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schmidly • Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Schmitt • Mr. and Mrs. William G. Seymour • Mr. Michael R. Sharon • Mr. and Mrs. Thad M. Sharrett • Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson P. Shuford • Mr. and Mrs. Carter H. Siegel • Mr. and Mrs. George W. Sistrunk III • Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Snipes • Mr. and Mrs. Matt Snow • Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Springer • Mr. Palmer Steel • Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stevens • Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stovall • Mr. James C. Tennille • Mr. John C. Tomsyck and Dr. Rebecca R. Tomsyck • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Buren • Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wood III • Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Young • Mr. Richard Zell • Mr. and Mrs. David J. Zimmerman Annual Giving: Organizations • In 2017, generous charitable contributions from the following institutions made a difference in the lives of children and their families served by Alexander. Albemarle Road Presbyterian Church • Allstate Giving Campaign • Alston & Bird, LLP • Altra Industrial Motion • Alwinell Foundation of Charlotte, NC, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee • AmazonSmile Foundation • Baird Foundation, Inc. • Ball Corporation • Bank of America Charitable Foundation • Bank of America Corp. • Barings • Barnhardt Manufacturing Co. • Bill and Sharon Allen Family Foundation • BlackArch Partners LP • BlueCross BlueShield of NC Foundation • Bourne Partners • Bragg Financial Advisors Brevorka Law Firm, P.C. • Capitala Investment Advisors, LLC • Carefree Carpets • Carolina CAT • Carolina Land Consultants, LLC • Carrie E. and Lena V. Glenn Foundation • Cedarwood

Country Club • Charlotte Hornets Foundation • Charlotte Southern Lions Club • Checkers Charitable Foundation • Christ Church Charlotte • Concrete Supply Co., Inc. • Consultec, LLC • Covenant Presbyterian Church • Cron Family Foundation • Crowder Construction Company • Edifice, Inc. • Eleanor & James Barnhardt Foundation • Electrolux North America • Elliott Davis Decosimo, PLLC • Extended Stay America, Inc. • Foundation For The Carolinas • Global Endowment Management • GreerWalker Corporate Finance, LLP • Harris Teeter Together in Education • Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral & Foundation • Hood Hargett & Associates, Inc. • Jimmie Johnson Foundation • Keeneland Capital, LLC • Kendra Scott Design, Inc. • King & Spalding LLP • Kingfisher Capital, LLC • Lowe's Companies, Inc. • Mallard Creek Presbyterian Church • Marsh USA Inc. • Marvin Ridge High School • MCPC Women's Council • Minor Foundation, Inc. • Moore & Van Allen PLLC • Myers Park Presbyterian Church • Optima Engineering, PA • Philadelphia Presbyterian Church • Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Church • Proudtree Empowered Learning Inc. • Rhino Market & Deli • Rhino Market & Deli Too • Rinehart Wealth and Investment Advisory • Robert C. & Sadie G. Anderson Foundation • Rodgers Builders, Inc. • Selwyn Avenue Presbyterian Church • SHARE Charlotte • Sharon Presbyterian Church • Sharon Presbyterian Church Women • Showalter Construction Company • Sisters of Mercy of North Carolina Foundation, Inc. • Speedway Children's Charities • St. Gabriel Catholic Church • St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church • SunTrust Banks, Inc.- Atlanta • The Cannon Foundation, Inc. • The Dickson Foundation • The Jonathan Foundation • The Leon Levine Foundation • The Merancas Foundation • The Trexler Foundation • Thomas S. Rogers & Associates, LLC • TIAA • Travelers Community Connections • Trinity Capital Advisors • U.S. Trust • United Way of Forsyth County • Vanguard Matching Gift Program • Waterford Townehomes Association, Inc. • Williamson Family Foundation • Wilson Family Foundation • Winton Products Company, Inc. • Xi Beta Epsilon Alexander greatly appreciates the support of its donors. If we have inadvertently omitted your name from these lists or spelled your name incorrectly, we apologize for the error. Please contact Lynn Crutchfield at 704.227.9171 so we can update our records. For a full list of donors and contributors, please visit our website at

Board of Directors Alexander Youth Network Board of Directors

Alexander Children’s Foundation Board of Trustees

Dillon Bowles, Chair RBS Citizens N. Craig Bass, President & CEO Alexander Youth Network William T. Crowder, Jr. Crowder Construction Co. Jane Hunter Mythic Agency Thomas Korona Keeneland Capital Chris Latta Claridge Capital LLC Leah Maybry Maybry McShane Shelli Merritt Charlotte Lab School Scott Poole Ridgemont Equity Partners Chuck Price Bank of America Anne Schleusner Community Volunteer Evangeline Sifford Bank of America

Chuck Price, Board Chair Bank of America Susan Calton, Treasurer CPA Deborah Hullinger, Secretary Community Volunteer Mark Arizmendi Northwestern Capital Partners Will Barr Bank of America N. Craig Bass Alexander Youth Network Rick Beckman Bank of America Wendy Bilas Community Volunteer Gary Chesson Trinity Capital Advisors William T. Crowder, Jr. Crowder Construction Co. Lynn Crutchfield, President & CEO Alexander Children’s Foundation Gaither Deaton Community Volunteer Jen Dyer Community Volunteer Bill Fuller King & Spalding Shannon Grant Wells Fargo Corporation Rudy Heintze Private Investor Al Lindeman FCA Partners, LLC Alan Lochridge NTT Data Services

Linda Lynch Community Volunteer Darden Matthews Wells Fargo Corporation Bryant Owens Wells Fargo Securities Sarah Pearce Community Volunteer Meg M. Peebles Global Endowment Mgmt. Jim Ratchford Wells Fargo Advisors Allan Schmitt Wells Fargo Securities Jeremy Swinson Wells Fargo Securities Robert L. Storey Wells Fargo Corporation Charles Watson William Blair Andy Young Morgan Stanley

"We give because we believe in contributing to a cause about which we feel passionate. We’re glad to know that the bikes provided by TIAA will put smiles on so many faces." - Jarian Kerekes, Director of Corporate and Social Responsibility at TIAA 6





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