The Alea Journal - November 2023

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The alea journal FOREWORD BY MOHAMMAD AL DUAIJ CEO OF ALEA GLOBAL GROUP Hello and welcome to the latest edition of The Alea Journal. The Middle East Family Office Investment Summit 2023 marks ten years since the first edition of the very first Family Office Investment Summit from Alea Global Group. This accidental line of business for Alea came about because I was invited to speak at a number of conferences from 2011 onwards, and noticed something was missing from these events. As a family office member myself, I didn’t feel that many of the events I attended were able to serve the needs of family offices in the most effective way possible. I was unable to find the programs, the level and mixture of delegates, or the atmosphere I felt was required to make these events of maximum interest and use to all who attended. Rather than simply be critical of other conferences, I decided to organize my own singular event to see whether my observations and ideas were correct. I chose Dubai for this initial summit because I am from the region and I know a great deal of family offices there. The ratio between family offices and service providers was set at 70:30, to make the networking as effective as possible. I also sought out family office members themselves to attend, rather than sending their representatives, to ensure that there were decision-makers in the room.


This was only ever meant to be an experiment, and never something I took seriously as a potential ongoing line of business for Alea, but it was an experiment that was to change everything. Over two days people traded information and built relationships, and delegates enjoyed the conference so much that we decided to repeat it again the following year. Having succeeded in the Middle East, we went on to host similar events in the APAC region, then Africa, LATAM, the United States, and Europe. We now hold regular summits all over the world where we are able to bring together not only service providers and family offices within single regions, but also family offices from different regions. This has become an expanded global network of people and organization who understand each other in a way no other kind of business could, and whose positive values align in ways that transcend borders. As ever, you can contact me at

Family Office Investment Trends in 2024 by Region Family offices have been instrumental in managing the wealth and investments of ultra-high-net-worth individuals and families for decades. As we move into 2024, various regions around the world are experiencing shifts in investment trends, influenced by economic conditions, geopolitical factors, and evolving market dynamics. This is an overview of just some of the investment trends that family offices are likely to encounter in 2024 in different regions.

Europe In Europe, family offices are likely to grapple with increased regulation and taxation, prompting a shift towards more tax-efficient investment structures. Despite these challenges, family offices are expected to maintain a diversified portfolio, with a focus on real estate, particularly in prime urban locations. Green and renewable energy investments will continue to grow as the continent moves toward sustainability goals.

North America North America continues to be a hub for family offices, and in 2024, the investment landscape remains robust. Family offices in the United States and Canada are expected to focus on a blend of traditional and alternative investments.

Additionally, impact investing in sectors such as healthcare and education will gain traction. Asia

Real estate, private equity, and venture capital will remain popular choices, with an emphasis on technology and healthcare startups.

Asia's economic growth and increasing wealth have positioned the region as a key player in family office investment trends.

Sustainable investing, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) considerations, and impact investing will also play a significant role as families seek to align their investments with their values.

Chinese family offices, in particular, will continue to expand their presence globally and invest in sectors such as technology, biotechnology, and clean energy.


Southeast Asian family offices will show a growing interest in real estate and infrastructure investments. Sustainable and socially responsible investing will also be a priority in Asia as environmental concerns become more pressing. Middle East and North Africa (MENA) In the MENA region, family offices have traditionally had a strong focus on real estate and traditional investments, and this trend is expected to continue in 2024. Dubai, in particular, remains an attractive destination for real estate investments. However, there is a growing interest in diversifying portfolios, with a focus on technology and innovation. Additionally, impact investing and philanthropy are gaining traction as families look to address social and environmental challenges in the region. Latin America In Latin America, family offices are experiencing a urge in interest in agribusiness, renewable energy, and fintech. Brazil and Mexico, with their growing startup ecosystems, are becoming hotspots for venture capital investments. Family offices are also focusing on preserving wealth through diversified assets, including real estate, precious metals, and international investments.


Africa Africa's economic potential and demographic dividend are capturing the attention of family offices. Investment opportunities in sectors such as telecommunications, renewable energy, and agriculture are gaining momentum. While risks and challenges exist, the long-term growth prospects make Africa an attractive destination for family office investments. In 2024, family offices worldwide will adapt to the evolving investment landscape, driven by regional economic conditions and global trends. North America will continue to focus on technology and sustainability, while Europe grapples with regulatory changes. Asia will maintain its growth trajectory, and the MENA region will diversify its investments. Latin America will look to innovation, and Africa will become a focal point for long-term growth. Family offices, in their pursuit of wealth preservation and growth, will need to remain agile and adapt to changing market dynamics. The common thread among all regions is the increasing importance of sustainable, impactdriven, and socially responsible investments. As family offices navigate these regional investment trends, their success will be shaped by their ability to strike a balance between risk and reward while staying true to their unique investment objectives.

A Tale of Two Trade Routes: Silk Road vs. G20 Economic Corridor

Trade routes have been at the heart

The Silk Road: A Historical Marvel

of global commerce for centuries, facilitating the exchange of goods, culture, and ideas. Two significant trade initiatives, the ancient Silk Road in China and the modern-day G20 Economic Corridor, demonstrate the timeless importance of connectivity and economic integration. While the Silk Road has a rich historical legacy, the G20 Economic Corridor represents a contemporary effort to foster economic cooperation across India, the Middle East, and Europe. Here we compare these two trade routes, highlighting their historical

The Silk Road, dating back to the Han Dynasty of China (206 BC – 220 AD), was an extensive network of interconnected trade routes that extended from the East to the West. It facilitated the exchange of silk, spices, precious metals, and knowledge between China and Europe. The Silk Road was not just a conduit for commerce; it also played a pivotal role in cultural exchange and the dissemination of ideas, including religion, philosophy, and technology.

The G20 Economic Corridor: A Modern Vision In contrast to the historical Silk Road, the G20 Economic Corridor is a contemporary initiative driven by the Group of Twenty (G20) nations to enhance economic connectivity between India, the Middle East, and Europe. The corridor envisions improved infrastructure, increased trade, and investment in the participating

and economic significance.


countries. The primary objective is to boost economic growth and create new avenues for cooperation, reducing trade barriers and fostering economic integration across regions.

Historical Significance: The Silk Road The Silk Road is celebrated for its historical significance. It facilitated the spread of Buddhism from India to East Asia, the introduction of papermaking and printing from China to the West, and the exchange of art, literature, and cultural ideas. It became a symbol of globalization and the interconnectedness of the ancient world. Today, the Silk Road is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, reflecting its cultural and historical importance.

Economic Significance: The G20 Economic Corridor The G20 Economic Corridor is a contemporary endeavor that aims to boost economic growth and cooperation among the G20 nations, which include some of the world's largest economies. This initiative holds the potential to increase trade, foster investment, and promote regional economic integration.

However, it also offers opportunities for job creation, technological advancement, and the promotion of regional stability.

Enhanced infrastructure, streamlined trade processes, and cooperation in various sectors, including energy and technology, are key drivers for its success.

The Silk Road and the G20 Economic Corridor represent two distinct trade routes separated by centuries of history and economic evolution.

Challenges and Opportunities

While the Silk Road is celebrated for its rich historical significance and cultural exchange, the G20 Economic Corridor represents a contemporary vision for economic growth, trade integration, and cooperation among nations.

Both the Silk Road and the G20 Economic Corridor face unique challenges and opportunities. The Silk Road eventually declined due to factors such as the Mongol invasions, political instability, and shifts in trade routes. In contrast, the G20 Economic Corridor faces challenges related to political and geopolitical tensions, varying levels of economic development among participating nations, and financing infrastructure projects.


Both routes reflect the enduring importance of connectivity and the vital role trade routes play in shaping our world. The Silk Road is a testament to the past, while the G20 Economic Corridor strives to shape the economic landscape of the future.

The Value of Time in the Age of Mobile Devices

Time is a finite and invaluable resource, the great equalizer that every human being shares. Yet, in today's fast-paced world, it often seems that time is slipping through our fingers like grains of sand. Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, have revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate.

Entertainment: Mobile devices provide ondemand access to entertainment, including games, videos, and music. While this can be a great way to unwind, it's easy to get lost in the digital world and lose track of time. Balancing the Scales

While they offer convenience and connectivity, they have also had a profound impact on the way we spend our time. The Intrinsic Value of Time Time is the one resource that cannot be bought or replenished. It is finite, and once it's gone, it's gone forever. Understanding the intrinsic value of time is crucial for making meaningful choices in our lives. We have the power to decide how we use our time, whether we invest it in personal growth, relationships, work, or leisure. In this context, mobile devices can either enhance or hinder our ability to manage our time effectively. Mobile Devices and the Digital Age The advent of mobile devices has transformed the way we interact with the world. These pocket-sized computers have granted us unprecedented access to information, entertainment, and communication. The smartphone in your pocket is not just a tool for making calls; it's a gateway to the vast realm of the internet, a hub for social connections, a source of entertainment, and a work device. How Mobile Devices Impact Our Time Multitasking: Mobile devices have made it easier for us to multitask, whether it's checking emails while watching TV or scrolling through social media during a meeting. While multitasking can be efficient in some cases, it often leads to fragmented attention and reduced productivity. Social Media: Social media apps on mobile devices have changed the way we socialize and consume content. The constant stream of notifications and the addictive nature of these platforms can lead to excessive time spent scrolling, affecting real-world interactions and personal relationships. Productivity: Mobile devices offer a plethora of productivity apps that can boost efficiency. However, they can also become a double-edged sword when they lead to overwork and a blurring of the lines between work and personal life.


The key to managing our time in the digital age is finding balance. Mobile devices are not inherently good or bad; it's how we use them that matters. Here are some tips for regaining control over your time in the age of mobile devices: Set Boundaries: Establish specific times for using your mobile device and stick to them. This includes designating "devicefree" zones like the dining table or bedroom. Prioritize Tasks: Use productivity apps to help manage your time effectively. Set clear goals for your day and avoid unnecessary distractions. Digital Detox: Periodically disconnect from your mobile device to recharge and engage with the physical world. Spend time outdoors, read a book, or engage in a hobby. Quality Over Quantity: Focus on the quality of your interactions, both online and offline. Instead of endlessly scrolling through social media, make meaningful connections with friends and family. Reflect: Regularly assess how you're spending your time. Are your mobile device habits aligning with your goals and values? Adjust your usage accordingly. Time is a finite and precious resource, and the way we spend it can significantly impact our quality of life. Mobile devices have reshaped the landscape of time management, offering both opportunities and challenges. By recognizing the value of time and implementing strategies to balance our digital and real-world activities, we can reclaim control over our lives and make the most of our precious moments in this everevolving digital age.

The Consumer Trends of 2024

Digital Transformation

Consumer trends are ever-evolving, influenced by a myriad of factors,

The rapid acceleration of digital transformation that began in the early 2020s has not slowed down. In 2024, consumers will continue to embrace digital solutions for various aspects of their lives, including online shopping, remote work, telemedicine, and digital entertainment. Companies that invest in improving their online presence and digital customer experiences will be poised for success.

including technological advancements, social shifts, economic fluctuations, and environmental concerns. Keeping a finger on the pulse of these trends is essential for businesses and industries aiming to stay relevant and meet the evolving demands of their customers. Sustainable Consumption

Health and Wellness One trend that continues to gain momentum is the commitment to sustainability. Consumers are increasingly making choices that prioritize the environment, from the products they purchase to the companies they support. In 2024, we can expect an even stronger emphasis on sustainable and eco-friendly products, a decrease in single-use plastics, and more businesses adopting circular economy practices.

The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened consumer awareness of health and wellness. This trend is expected to persist in 2024, with consumers seeking products and services that support their physical and mental well-being. Businesses in the health, fitness, and organic food sectors are likely to thrive as consumers place a premium on self-care and healthy living.


Personalization and Data Privacy Consumers are becoming more discerning about their data privacy. While they value personalized experiences, they are also concerned about how their data is collected and used. Companies that can strike a balance between personalization and privacy protection will gain trust and loyalty from their customers. Ethical and Inclusive Brands Ethical and inclusive practices are no longer just buzzwords but key drivers of consumer choices. In 2024, consumers will continue to support brands that champion diversity and inclusion, as well as those that prioritize fair labor practices and ethical sourcing. Brands that authentically embrace these values will resonate with their audience. Remote Work and Flexibility The way we work has been forever changed by the pandemic. Remote work and flexible work arrangements are expected to become a long-term feature of the labor market. Businesses that offer remote work options and flexible schedules will attract and retain top talent. Aging Population As the global population continues to age, there is a growing market for products and services that cater to the elderly. In 2024, we can expect to see innovations in healthcare technology, senior housing, and products designed to improve the quality of life for older individuals. Localism Support for local businesses has grown in significance, with consumers recognizing the importance of bolstering their local economies. In 2024, we anticipate consumers continuing to favor local and independent businesses over large corporations. Consumer trends for 2024 are shaped by a confluence of factors, including environmental concerns, the digital revolution, health and wellness priorities, ethical values, and demographic shifts. Businesses that remain adaptable, embrace sustainability, and prioritize customer well-being and data privacy are poised for success in this dynamic landscape. As we look ahead to 2024, it's clear that understanding and responding to these consumer trends is essential for staying competitive and relevant in a rapidly changing world.


Celebrities and Their Favorite Brands: A Glimpse into the Stars' Style and Lifestyle

Celebrities and public figures often live glamorous lives that include access to some of the finest brands and products the world has to offer. From electronics and cars to phones and clothing, these famous individuals are known to have their favorite brands. Let's take a closer look at some of these preferences and the brands that have won the hearts of the stars. Electronics


Apple: Apple is the go-to brand for many celebrities when it comes to electronics. With its sleek design and user-friendly interface, Apple products have a strong following among the rich and famous. Stars like Beyoncé, Oprah Winfrey, and Drake are known to be avid fans of the iPhone and other Apple devices.

Tesla: When it comes to electric cars, Tesla has become a symbol of luxury and sustainability. Famous Tesla owners include Hollywood actors Leonardo DiCaprio and Ben Affleck, who are passionate about the environment and appreciate the cutting-edge technology incorporated into these vehicles.

Samsung: Samsung has also secured a spot in the hearts of many celebrities, particularly in the realm of smartphones. Stars like LeBron James have been spotted using Samsung phones, praising their innovative features and top-notch performance.

Rolls-Royce: Rolls-Royce is synonymous with luxury, and it's no surprise that many celebrities opt for this iconic brand. Stars like Kim Kardashian, Justin Bieber, and Post Malone have been spotted cruising in their Rolls-Royce cars, which are known for their opulent design and exquisite craftsmanship.


Lamborghini: For those who seek speed and style, Lamborghini is a top choice. Celebrities like Kylie Jenner and Chris Brown have shown off their love for Lamborghinis, with their powerful engines and distinctive designs. Porsche: Porsche is a brand that combines performance with class. The likes of Jerry Seinfeld and Ellen DeGeneres own Porsche cars, appreciating the brand's rich history and unparalleled driving experience. Phones iPhone: As mentioned earlier, the iPhone has a massive following among celebrities. From Kim Kardashian's obsession with selfie-taking to Taylor Swift's social media presence, the iPhone's seamless integration into the lives of the stars is undeniable. Google Pixel: Some celebrities, like Emma Roberts and Laverne Cox, prefer the Google Pixel for its superior camera capabilities and Android operating system. The Pixel has won fans among those who value quality photography on their phones. OnePlus: Known for its value-for-money smartphones, OnePlus has found its way into the hands of tech-savvy celebrities like Robert Downey Jr. and Henry Cavill. They appreciate the brand's commitment to cutting-edge technology at a reasonable price point. Clothing Gucci: Gucci is a name synonymous with high fashion, and it's a favorite among celebrities like Rihanna, Jared Leto, and Harry Styles. Known for its bold designs and quality craftsmanship, Gucci's pieces have graced many red carpets and magazine covers. Chanel: Chanel, with its timeless elegance and Parisian chic, is a must-have for celebrities who want to make a statement. Stars like Kristen Stewart, Keira Knightley, and Lily-Rose Depp are often seen wearing Chanel's iconic pieces. Nike: For athleisure and sportswear, Nike is a go-to brand for many celebrities, including LeBron James, Serena Williams, and Michael Jordan. The brand's combination of style and performance makes it a favorite for athletes and fashionconscious stars alike. Celebrities and public figures have diverse tastes and preferences when it comes to brands. From electronics to cars, phones, and clothing, the choices they make often reflect their unique personalities and lifestyles. These brands become more than just products; they are symbols of luxury, style, and individuality, capturing the essence of modern celeb culture.



Alea Global Group is proud to join forces with acclaimed film producer and entrepreneur Gaston Pavlovich on a new project to revolutionize the entertainment sector. Fabrica Global Media will build on the success of Gaston’s company Fabrica de Cine – the first Latin American production company to produce work in four continents and in five different languages. With more than 10 years’ experience and 12 Academy Awards nominations, Fabrica de Cine is a perfect example of what is possible – but not necessarily easy – for international creators. Our initial aim is to seek out and elevate the work of other creators around the world, to ensure the best international work has the opportunity to be enjoyed by audiences everywhere, and to forge links between audiences and creators in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.


With partners around the world in the sectors of film, television, music and sports, we aim to leverage existing innovation to create new crossover opportunities between these worlds, and to enhance those opportunities with the use of new production and exhibition technology. Our long term purpose is to create a unique entertainment experience that seamlessly blends the worlds of film and television production and exhibition. By leveraging our expertise in each of these fields, we are able to create a crossover strategy that appeals to a wide range of audiences. Through this approach, we aim to break down the traditional barriers between these industries and between regions, and create a new era of entertainment that is both innovative and exciting.

The Diverse Tapestry of Hair: Cultural and Religious Hairstyles Around the World Human hair is a remarkable and versatile aspect of our identity, allowing individuals to express themselves in countless ways. While hairstyles can serve a practical purpose, such as protection from the elements, they also play a significant role in cultural and religious traditions worldwide. The ways people wear their hair can convey cultural heritage, religious beliefs, and even social status. Let’s briefly explore the diverse and fascinating world of cultural and religious hairstyles. African Hairstyles The African continent boasts a rich tapestry of cultural and ethnic diversity, which is reflected in its unique hairstyles. Traditional African hairstyles are often a source of pride and a way to communicate one's cultural identity. Some of the most famous African hairstyles include: Cornrows: This style involves braiding the hair very close to the scalp, creating intricate and often symmetrical patterns. Cornrows are not only aesthetically pleasing but also practical, as they keep the hair neat and manageable. Bantu Knots: Bantu knots are small, coiled buns that can be worn all over the head. They are a common style among African women and hold cultural and spiritual significance. Fulani Braids: Characterized by raised braids and beads, Fulani braids are popular among the Fulani people in West Africa. They are often adorned with jewelry and cowrie shells, symbolizing beauty and cultural identity.


Asian Hairstyles Asia is home to an array of diverse cultures and religious traditions, each with its unique hairstyles. Hair has deep symbolic meaning in many Asian societies, and it often plays a vital role in religious rituals and ceremonies. Some notable Asian hairstyles include: Geisha Hairstyles: In Japan, geisha are known for their iconic hairstyles. Elaborate wigs and hair ornaments are used to create the signature geisha look, which represents both tradition and artistry. Hanbok Hairstyles: South Korea's traditional clothing, the hanbok, is often accompanied by specific hairstyles. The Sangtu, a braided bun, and the Eonjeong, a topknot, are commonly worn to complement this attire. Religious Hairstyles Religion often influences how individuals wear their hair, and certain hairstyles are closely associated with specific faiths. Here are a few examples: Rastafarian Dreadlocks: Rastafarians wear dreadlocks as a symbol of their commitment to natural living and their spiritual connection to God, as well as a nod to the biblical story of Samson, who had seven locks. Muslim Head Coverings: Muslim women are often seen wearing a hijab as part of their modesty and religious practice. These hair coverings are not only a display of faith but also a way to maintain personal privacy and humility because hair is considered a key factor of beauty. Sikh Turbans: Among Sikh men, the turban serves both as a religious symbol and a practical head covering. It is worn to protect the hair, which is considered a gift from God, and also to express their faith and identity. Buddhist Shaved Heads: Among Buddhist monks and nuns, shaving the head is a common practice. This represents renunciation of ego, gives an appearance of unity and uniformity, encourages simplicity and minimalism, and is a mark of respect to their faith.


The diversity of cultural and religious hairstyles around the world is a testament to the richness of human traditions and beliefs. These hairstyles are not merely aesthetic choices but serve as a window into the values, histories, and identities of individuals and communities. Whether it's African cornrows, Sikh turbans, or Rastafarian dreadlocks, these hairstyles demonstrate that the human experience is as varied and vibrant as the world itself.

Social and Symbolic Significance Hair is more than just a fashion statement; it's a reflection of an individual's cultural and religious identity. The way people choose to wear their hair often carries profound meaning and can be a form of nonverbal communication. It can signify one's place within a society, convey devotion to a particular faith, or celebrate cultural heritage.


The most common social media scams to GUARD AGAINST Social media scams are constantly evolving, and new ones continue to emerge. Here are some common social media scams that people should be aware of in 2024: Phishing Scams: Phishing attacks may involve fake login pages that look like legitimate websites, tricking users into revealing their login credentials. Impersonation Scams: Scammers create fake profiles impersonating celebrities, influencers, or friends to gain followers or extract money from unsuspecting victims. Romance Scams: Scammers build online relationships with individuals and then ask for money or personal information under false pretenses. Investment and Crypto Scams: Scammers promise high returns on investments or offer fraudulent cryptocurrency opportunities, leading victims to lose money. Sweepstakes and Giveaway Scams: Fake contests or giveaways claim you've won a prize but require personal or financial information to claim it. Tech Support Scams: Scammers impersonate tech support personnel, claiming your device is infected or compromised, and ask for remote access or payment to fix the issue. Social Engineering Scams: Scammers manipulate users into revealing sensitive information, like passwords or personal details, through persuasive or coercive tactics.


Malicious Links and Downloads: Users are lured into clicking on links or downloading files that contain malware, which can compromise their devices and data. Fake Charities: Scammers create fake charitable organizations, leveraging social media to solicit donations for fraudulent causes. Job and Work-from-Home Scams: Scammers offer remote job opportunities that turn out to be scams, requiring upfront fees or personal information for fake job applications. Online Shopping Scams: Fraudulent online stores advertise products at low prices but fail to deliver the goods after receiving payment. Advance Fee Fraud: Scammers ask for a small fee upfront in exchange for a much larger payout in the future, but the promised payout never materializes. Fake News and Misinformation: Misleading or false information can be shared widely on social media, leading to misunderstandings, panic, and scams based on misinformation. To protect yourself from these scams, be cautious when interacting with unknown profiles, avoid sharing personal and financial information online, verify the authenticity of giveaways and contests, and stay updated on the latest scam trends. Always report suspicious activity to the platform administrators and local authorities if necessary.



In the springtime

As the chilly grip of winter loosens its hold on the northern hemisphere, spring breathes new life into cities across the world. Montreal, Canada, is no exception. Known for its vibrant culture, rich history, and diverse population, Montreal becomes an even more appealing destination during the spring season. With its melting snow, blossoming parks, and a plethora of cultural events, Montreal transforms into a city that should be on every traveler's radar. Here are just 10 reasons to visit the city in spring.

Stunning Spring Blooms Montreal's gardens and parks burst into life during the spring. One of the most iconic spots to witness this transformation is the Montreal Botanical Garden, featuring a staggering array of flowers and plants. The Japanese Garden, in particular, is a highlight with its cherry blossoms in full bloom. Parc Jean-Drapeau is another great destination, offering wide-open spaces with vibrant tulip displays that will leave you mesmerized. Mild and Comfortable Weather Montreal's spring weather is often described as ‘just right’. With temperatures ranging from 50°F (10°C) to 70°F (20°C) in April and May, it's an ideal time for sightseeing, strolling through the city's neighborhoods, and enjoying outdoor activities without the extreme cold or heat that the city experiences in other seasons. Outdoor Activities Springtime in Montreal is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. You can explore the city's extensive network of biking paths and take leisurely rides along the Lachine Canal or around Mount Royal. The city's parks come alive with picnickers, frisbee players, and sunbathers. You can even try your hand at kayaking or paddleboarding on the Saint Lawrence River. Festivals Galore Montreal is often called the ‘City of Festivals’, and spring is just the beginning of a short but packed annual programme that makes the most of the good weather. The Montreal Museums Day in May offers free admission to over 30 museums, allowing you to explore the city's rich cultural heritage. Additionally, the city hosts several music festivals, including the International Jazz Festival and MUTEK, which showcases cutting-edge electronic music and digital art. There’s a festival for almost everything, even omelets! Delicious Cuisine Montreal's culinary scene is renowned for its diversity, and spring brings fresh, local ingredients to the forefront. As one chef told us, people venture to this food city in droves for its experimental and creative cuisine, because ‘if you want something freaky, you come to Montreal!’. Spring also marks the start of the food truck season, offering an array of international cuisines at street corners. Don't forget to try a classic Montreal bagel or poutine, a Canadian comfort food.


Reduced Crowds Compared to the bustling summer months, Montreal is relatively less crowded in the spring. This means you can explore popular attractions, dine at top restaurants, and enjoy cultural events without the long lines and congestion, making your visit a more relaxed and enjoyable experience. Vibrant Neighborhoods Montreal's neighborhoods each have their unique charm, and spring is an excellent time to explore them on foot. Wander through Old Montreal's historic cobblestone streets, shop in the trendy boutiques of the Plateau-MontRoyal, or enjoy the cultural diversity of neighborhoods like Mile End and Little Italy. Sugar Shacks Venturing out into the rural towns and villages around Montreal is a must during spring, not least because this is the perfect time of year to go to a sugar shack. These woodland dining experiences take the sap straight from the maple tree and infuse it with a variety of delicious dishes. Sugar shacks are usually only open for a few weeks in spring, when the sap is flowing. Immersive Experiences Montreal's art and cultural scene thrives in the spring, and it's no secret that this is the place for circus performance – it is the birthplace of Cirque du Soleil after all! But it’s in the field of immersive art experience that Montreal really shines. World famous creative companies like Moment Factory are based here and you can see their beautiful work ‘AURA’ lighting up the inside of the Notre Dame Basilica. You can also visit the Société des Arts Technologiques to go inside their immersive dome screen for a 360 degree film or live performance. There’s also OASIS, where you can see projection mapped walls showing their latest exhibitions in the largest venue of its kind in Canada. Art is part of life With so many creative companies based in the city, Montreal is a place where art and play are a part of daily life. Performing arts center the Place des Arts is the largest cultural and artistic complex in Canada, and there are art installations all over the public realm spaces in the city. Each year, C2MTL brings 5,000 attendees to a threeday immersive playground that’s part conference, part festival and part participatory experience, so if you work in a creative field it’s a must.


Upcoming Events 28-29 February 2024 Africa Family Office Investment Summit Cape Town, South Africa 17-18 April 2024 Latam Family Office Investment Summit Mexico City, Mexico 14 May 2024 The Alea Sessions - USA Edition Miami, USA 26-27 September 2024 Europe Family Office Investment Summit Austria 16 October 2024 The Alea Sessions - Canada Edition Montreal, Canada October 2024 APAC Family Office Investment Summit Hong Kong 9-10 December 2024 Middle East Family Office Investment Summit Duba, UAEi

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