Alaska Marine Conservation Council - 2019 Annual Report

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2019 Annual Report


Alaska Marine Conservation Council works to protect and promote the integrity of Alaska’s marine ecosystems and the health of oceandependent communities by supporting sustainable fishing practices, habitat protection and local stewardship. AMCC’s membership is comprised of diverse peoples dependent upon healthy ocean ecosystems and coastal communities. They are individuals and families who have a direct relationship with marine environments, including fishermen, subsistence harvesters, scientists, business owners, conservationists and other coastal residents.

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We’ve made it easier than ever to learn more about AMCC’s programs! While reading this report, be on the lookout for the compass rose icon. By clicking the icon, you will be taken to a webpage with additional relevant information.

3 For 25 years, Alaska Marine Conservation Council has been shaped by hundreds of Alaskans who give voice to the ocean. Those stewards invest their lives in what sustains them: their communities, both human and marine. I am honored to work alongside people who recognize that we are inextricable from the ecosystems that sustain us. We commit to holistic health by protecting biodiversity and “remembering forward�—honoring our past as we work to enrich future generations. While some of our conservation goals have been ongoing, such as our work to reduce trawl bycatch, we have also been approaching them with new methods that honor our legacy of longterm relationship building. Our first cohorts of Fishing Fellows continue to influence smallscale fisheries, from the Yukon River to the halls in Washington DC. As you will read, 2019 emphasized the importance of providing community-based fishermen with tools and access to affect policy, the value of educating seafood consumers about the impacts of their choices and the enduring journey of striving for the betterment of all. In a time when people around the world have felt supported and reassured by the work of localized, small-scale operations, we find that our mission to support our ocean neighborhood is as relevant as ever. I hope you, too, are excited by the opportunities ahead of us as you read this report. We thank you, the change-makers and visionaries who reach to the earth for richness, for your solidarity in this time of unprecedented change. We are grateful to have your support. Marissa Wilson Executive Director

2019 Board of Directors Brian Delay, Chair, Juneau

Dave Theriault, Vice Chair & Treasurer, Anchorage

Melanie Brown, Juneau

Patty Hamre, Secretary, Anchorage

Darius Kasprzak, Kodiak

Josh Wisniewski, Seldovia

Brian lives in Southeast Alaska where he runs a small construction contracting business and operates a family owned drift gillnet operation. Brian has worked in the salmon industry in Bristol Bay since 2003 and now fishes in Southeast Alaska.

Melanie was born into a Bristol Bay fishing family that has been sustained by the bountiful Naknek River for countless generations. Her children are now part of her family’s set-net operation and she migrates with them to Bristol Bay from their winter home in Juneau.

Darius began commercial fishing at age 14, and has since engaged in most gear types associated with the Gulf of Alaska. He now specializes in the jig fisheries and is owner/operator of the F/V Marona, a classic 1940’s era working vessel.

Click here to learn more about our current Board of Directors.

Dave has a background in conservation advocacy and politics working on statewide campaigns to protect Alaska’s natural resources. In recent years, he has participated in the Bristol Bay fishery. He holds a J.D. from Lewis and Clark Law School with a specialization in environmental and natural resource law.

Patty is a lifelong Alaskan who teaches 1st/2nd grade at Campbell STEM Elementary School in Anchorage. Patty and her husband Dave own and operate a small shrimping business called POKI Prawns in Prince William Sound, selling locally.

Josh has participated in small boat commercial and subsistence fisheries from Kachemak Bay to Southeast Alaska. Through fishing he developed an appreciation for local knowledge ways that led him to seek a degree in anthropology, culminating in a Ph.D. from UAF, based on fieldwork with Inupiaq hunters in Northwest Alaska exploring hunters’ ways of knowing.



Fisheries Conservation Alaska Marine Conservation Council approaches fisheries conservation as a collaboration with Alaskans, and partners across the U.S., who have direct relationships with the health of our oceans, fisheries and coastal communities. The integrity of these critical systems depends on their resiliency, which we define as the adaptive and foundational capacity to sustain social, cultural, ecological and economic well-being amid both localized and widespread change. In 2019, AMCC and Alaskan fishermen met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill multiple times to provide insight on climate change and measures to support rising fishermen. They also advocated to maintain strong, science-based fisheries management in the reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act (MSA)–the primary law governing marine resources in the United States. In the spring , AMCC staff and a group of young fishermen traveled to Capitol Hill in support of the passage of the Young Fishermen’s Development Act (YFDA). The proposed bill provides financial support for rising fishermen’s training and education in sustainable fishing methods, stewardship and sound business practices. The bill also focuses on the development of advocacy skills, including the ability to share their message effectively. After 22 meetings, the House Natural Resources Committee approved the YFDA legislation on January 28, 2020.

Women in Fisheries – Washington D.C. Advocacy Trip In the Fall, AMCC and the Ocean Conservancy organized a climate change advocacy trip to Washington D.C. The group was composed of seven Alaskan women involved in commercial and subsistence fisheries. Using stories about their first-hand experiences, the women conveyed the deep connection between climate change and coastal communities. The group informed policymakers of the need to maintain the science-based foundation of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, and to strengthen provisions for sustained participation for fishingdependent communities.

“It is more important than ever that our federal leaders support fishery and oceanographic research, community infrastructure that bolsters resiliency efforts and policy processes that integrate considerations for climate change impacts. We need management processes agile enough to adapt and thrive with those impacts, and rigorous enough in its standards to conserve at-risk stocks, habitat and food webs. It is an honor to be a storyteller for our northern ecosystems, helping to connect what we’re seeing on the grounds to these long term policy needs for our regions and nation.” Click here to learn more about our Fisheries Conservation efforts.


- Hannah Heimbuch, Former AMCC Staff and Founding Member of Alaska Fishermen’s Network


Informed, engaged, oceandependent people are crucial to the long-term success of AMCC’s core mission. Through the Young Fishing Fellows Program, the Alaska Fishermen’s Network (AKFN), and the Alaska Young Fishermen’s Almanac, the Working Waterfronts program offers tangible opportunities for the development and education of Alaska’s next generation of fishermen. The Young Fishing Fellows Program provides young fishermen with valuable

Working Waterfronts learning, leadership and career-building opportunities at host organizations engaged in work ranging from fishery management and policy to fishing community sustainability. Each fellowship is structured to provide opportunity, experience and support to young fishing leaders through mentorship, professional development and hands-on learning. Eleven fellows have graduated from the program since its inception in 2017. Fellows in the 2019 cohort worked remotely in Sitka, Nikiski and Naknek. In 2019, AMCC offered a variety of events, workshops and other opportunities to AKFN members. These included hosting a speed hiring event during the Bristol Bay Expo and “Sea Stories Above the Harbor,” AMCC’s annual storytelling event during Kodiak Comfish which featured stories from the Alaska Young Fishermen’s Almanac.

In January 2019, AMCC sponsored AKFN member Georgie Heaverley’s attendance at the 8th annual Young Fishermen’s Summit in Juneau. There, she learned advocacy skills while strenghtening her knowledge of fisheries policy. A second generation Cook Inlet drift fisherman, Heaverley continues to put her skills to good use as she actively advocates for her fellow drifters.

Ric Ruttum, Georgie Heaverly, Erin Willihan - Cook Inlet fishermen at the 8th Annual Young Fishermen’s Summit.

“I am grateful to AMCC and AKFN for sponsoring my attendance at the Summit. Looking back I realize that that experience truly validated my decision to continue commercial fishing in Alaska. It served as the catalyst to my involvement in not only Cook Inlet fisheries management and policy, but to my future as an activist for salmon conservation issues.” - Georgie Heaverley Click here to learn more about Working Waterfronts.

The Young Fishermen’s Almanac Volume 2 features 50 voices through stories, advice and other emotional and empirical observations of life at sea. It serves as a cultural touchstone and community building and organizing tool for young and rising fishermen. Sales will be utilized to support Volume 3.

Featured artwork (L - R) “Flora the Fisher” by Rebecque Asher |”Homeward” by Kristin Vantrease | “Untitled” by Matthew Maxwell


“Purchase Catch 49 seafo


• Fishing Vessels and Crews • Processors • Customers

Key Fisheries

Kodiak jig fleet (5 vessels & crew) Kodiak tanner crab fleet Copper River gillnetters (4 vessels & crew) Prince William Sound shrimpers (10 vessels & crew) Bristol Bay set netters (2 sites & crew) Gulf of Alaska longliners (1 vessel & crew) Southeast Alaska shrimp & crab fleet (5 vessels & crew)

Catch 49 provides Alaskans with high-quality wild seafood sustainably harvested by Alaska’s small boat fishermen and delivered to communities stretching from Homer to Fairbanks. The catch is processed and handled by independent processors in Alaska’s coastal communities. Profits are then invested in AMCC’s efforts to ensure our vibrant fisheries remain healthy for today and future generations.

ood, do a world of good!” In 2019, Catch 49 opened our first brick and mortar distribution center at 636 E. 15th Avenue, a busy area near downtown Anchorage. The addition of a large walk-in freezer in the space enabled us to significantly increase our capacity to hold inventory and shift to year-round seafood sales from approximately four distributions each year. Customers can now place their orders any time of the year at and pick up their seafood twice weekly. We also held pop-up events featuring like-minded small businesses. For example, the owner of Casa Pepe’s prepared fresh paella featuring Catch 49 seafood for customers picking up their orders.

As a result of increased capacity, Catch 49 was able to work with more fishermen and processors in 2019 to offer several new products and species. These included kelp salsas and hot sauce from Barnacle Foods in Juneau; tinned salmon, octopus and herring from Wildfish Cannery in Klawock; spot prawns from J&M Seafoods in Ketchikan; jig-caught rockfish from the Carpenter Family/Emerald Isle Seafoods in Kodiak and sockeye salmon from several fishermen in Cordova.

Click here to learn more about Catch 49 and subscribe to our newsletter.

In 2019, Catch 49 expanded our reach with outreach events offered in partnership with the Anchorage Museum. For example, we hosted a recipe exchange within the Alaskans and Salmon exhibit giving Catch 49 staff an opportunity to interact with several hundred visitors. We also partnered with Chef Natalie Janicka to host an Urban Harvest class at the museum on salmon preservation in Alaskan and Nordic traditions. Both events increased Catch 49’s visibility and allowed us to educate more community members about AMCC’s mission and how, by purchasing Catch 49 seafood, they can support marine conservation.


Increased demand for Catch 49 seafood in community’s outside of Anchorage in 2019 helped us solidify important partnerships throughout the state. We worked with Northern Alaska Environmental Center to host monthly seafood distributions in Fairbanks and also built new relationships with the Matanuska Experiment Farm in Palmer, the Kenai Local Food Hub and Arctic Harvest Deliveries to expand our reach. We also further integrated seafood into conversations within Alaska’s local food movement.

Meet Our Team


Marissa Wilson Executive Director

Theresa Peterson

Katy Rexford

Fisheries Conservation Director

Jamie O’Connor

Working Waterfronts Director

Click here to learn more about our current staff.

Catch 49 Director

O’Hara Shipe

Communications & Development Manager

In addition to our staff, AMCC works with a dedicated team of contractor employees who help ensure the organization’s success. Koteff Accounting Group | Squibb & Co. | Danielle S. Williams Consulting | Coast Strategies

Community Engagement




Financial Highlights The majority of AMCC’s revenues are realized in the fourth quarter of the calendar year. As such, in order to have budget-to-actual reports that better inform our operations and decision-making throughout the year, we have shifted our fiscal year (FY) to begin October 1. AMCC’s 990 for FY 2019, which spans from January 1 to September 30, can be viewed here. Because FY 2019 is a transitional, partial year, the following breakdown of revenues and expenses best captures our operations.

Other- 1.32% General Operating Grants - 30.16%

Catch 49 Sales - 25.79%

What is not fully captured in this 990, however, is the support of our individual and business donors who give at the end of the calendar year. We’re elevating this integral group in the pages to follow. The unrestricted funding you help generate as a member of AMCC keeps our organization flexible and nimble to emergent needs. Our base of grassroots support keeps us thriving, and we need your help now as much as ever.

Please consider starting or renewing your membership. Click here to make your tax-deuctible gift today!

Program-Specific Grants & Contracts - 39.75%

Individual Donations - 2.98%

TOTAL EXPENSES BY TYPE General & Administrative Support Services- 12.34% Donor Development & Fundraising - 11.38% Direct Program Services - 76.28%

Photograph Courtesy of Alaska Seafood

Support the Businesses that Support AMCC! We wish to thank all of the generous businesses, nonprofit partners and artists that supported our mission in 2019. We extend extra special thanks to those who have supported us for multiple years:

New Business Donors: 60 Degrees North Seafoods LLC | Alaska Railroad | Alaska Salt Company |Barnacle Foods | Bean’s Cafe | Bear Trail Lodge LLC | Blue Market AK Casa Pepe | Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies | Central Suites of Seldovia | Copper River Prince William Sound Marketing Association | Cycle Logical | Dark Horse Coffee Duke Russell | From the C | Fromagio’s Artisan Cheese | Goldbelt, Inc. | Haines Packing Company | Jessi Thornton | Kate Alexander | Koteff Accounting Group, LLC Kustatan, Inc.| Latitude 59 / Little Mermaid | Lazy Otter Charter, Inc.| Lux Cuf | Patagonia Soho | Redington | Romney Designs | Seldovia Bay Adventures Seldovia Boardwalk Hotel, Pub & Grill | Side Street Espresso | Sweet Caribou | The Crabby Fisherman | The Unknowns | Trickster Trips LLC | True North Kayak Company Trustees for Alaska | Van’s Dive Bar | Victorinox Swiss Army | Wild Honey Bistro | Wondervisions + Wonder U



Thank You, 2019 Supporters!

Chinook $1000+

Anonymous (2) 444S Foundation The Alaska Community Foundation Virginia Baim Robert Bundy and Bonnie Lembo Edgerton Foundation Ginny and Terry Gormley Chung Ha Patricia and Dave Hamre The Harder Foundation Matt and Lindsay Huckabee The Leighty Foundation George H. and Jane A. Mifflin Memorial Fund Nell Newman Foundation Oak Foundation Ocean Conservancy Patagonia Pete Peters Jim Stratton True North Foundation Marcus Waehler

Halibut $500-$999

Anonymous (1) Vicki Clark Dorothy and Bob Childers Susan Huckabee Dan Hull and Nancy Pease Sara Jackinsky Tracie Krauthoefer and Peter Briggs

Joellen Lottsfeldt Jessica Quinn Danielle and Steve Williams

Tanner Crab $250-$499 Curtis Bohlen Ryan Burt Joel and Greta Cladouhos Lori Davey Dustan and Evie Dickerson Emily Groves Katya Koteff Claire Holland Leclair Peter Kilbridge Karla Kolash and Harold Curran Kathy Kuletz Tracy Lohman Valorie Miller Martinus Nickerson Patricia Olsen Frederick and Laurel Stutzer Christie Tabisola David Theriault John Wise Paul Zimmer and Tia Leber Jon and Stephanie Zuck

Sockeye $100-$249 Peter Allan and Mary Hickey Kelly Bender Ronald and Barbara Berg

Betty and Fred Bonin Julia Bevins Keegan Birchfield Gretchen Bishop Joyanne Bloom Loma Bording Nevette Bowen Judith Brakel Stephane Brault and Paige Petr Tom and Catie Bursch Dominic Canale Brad Casar Mary Cordry Karl Croft Lee Cummins Heather Durtschi Thomas Ely Christopher Fejes Ruth Fitzpatrick Christopher Ford Denice Frost Les Gara Deborah Gonzales Jennifer Gordon Shocky Greenberg and Leonard Steinberg Kelly Harrell Sarah Hayes Mimi Hogan and PJ Hill Brooke Itter Meghan Johnson SJ Klein

Kim Kovol Branislav Adam Lalich Linda and Thomas Lance Athenia Large Michelle Leibold Elizabeth Lopez Elizabeth Manning Maggie Massey Kaitlin Mattos Hope McGratty and Tyler Jones David and Linda Messerli Stephen Montsaroff Thomas Munger Ramzi Nassar Helen and Gayle Nienhueser Amanda Piatt and Nick Hamming Daniel Quinn Todd Radenbaugh Susan Reilly Tina and Paul Seaton Anthony Sisto Walter Sonen Irene Tresser Michelle Turner Brad Underwood Catherine and Joseph Vanbuskirk Rhonda Wayner Jane and Bill Wiebe Steve Williams Shawna Wilson James Wolfe

Rockfish $50-$99

Anonymous (2) Katie Adams Nicole Arevalo Ed Berg Melanie Brown Bethany Buchanan Michael Byerly Lawrence Casey Pete Cummiskey and Heather Preece Chip Derrick Jody Dillon Angela Drobnica Carole Guffey Martha Henderson James Herbert Elayne Hunter Ellen Jaimes Cassie Keefer Debra Lathrop Mike and Lora Laukitis Roxane Lee William and Renee Lindow Mary Liston Christine Maack Amanda Mack Ben May Eileen Mullen Mark Munro Elizabeth O’Connell Luella Odmark Mary Lisa Paesani Irene Persson-Gamble

Andy Petroni Emma Poorman George Rooney Michael Saia Amy Schaub David Schuckman Glenn Seaman Mary Simondsen Rita Joy Stancel Skye Steritz Jordan Stover John Trainor Will Tremaine Thomas Turner Liana Wayman Mark Wiggin Thomas Wood

Pacific Cod $49 and Below Anonymous (2) Suzanne Abraham Heather Atkinson Robert Atkinson Naomi Bargmann Patricia Barnes David Daryl Block Ashley Boyd Colin Brayton Raymond Cammisa Michael Campbell Emily Cohn Randy Cole Breck Craig Donna Donohoe

Switgard Duesterloh Samantha Emery Asha Falcon Jeanine Firmin Victor Frunza Amanda Goss Mary Griffith Richard Gustafson Christie Haupert Merritt Helfferich Kenneth Hoisington Philippe Janicka Rob Klaswick Phyllis Koppel Alan Large Helen LeKanoff Richard Mazza Emmet Meyer Stanton Moll Molly Mylius Teresa Olekszgk Jacob Panzer John Pearce Brita Rice Michael Sallee Lisa Sauder Sydney West Wendy Wiltforg Ken Zafren


Alaska Marine Conservation Council PO Box 101145 Anchorage, AK 99510

Front Cover Photograph Courtesy of David Little, Back Cover Photograph Courtesy of Alaska Seafood

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