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something similar to a trampoline. She demonstrated on the Visit how she, with movement of her weight and feet, eased pain and taught her clients relaxation. She told how she was employed by Swiss Airline and one day decided to travel the world. She hiked Asia by herself. Worked with psychic surgeons and had a vast knowledge of her reality. She explained how she had a knowing that as a woman her career was to experience life to the fullest. With her was an Afro American man, Barbaruse, he was a healer. He offered to help me and I agreed. He put his hands on me and gave me a hug. I will never know what happened except that I found myself without pain for weeks. Not having any expectations it took me a little while to realize what happened, of course the show was over and Barbaruse long gone. I never saw him again. Peter Moon, author of the Montauk books series introduced me to a Lady, Tantra Bensko. She is a very famous artist, displaying her works on the Internet at: tandrasgarden. It is unusual and breathtaking. Tandra was active with THE BUZZ so in a way we became colleagues for a minute. Her family was entwined in some chemical companies, which afforded her the financial freedom to travel and share her creations in art galleries all over the world. We discussed Masks as a metaphor, vampirism, astral plane …. The in-between place we have access to….. and other related subjects. I was very taken with her work and her as a person actually. I offered to allow me to use some of her work for the cover for this book. I was very grateful. By the time I actually got around to writing the times had changed and the one that was used described the times we live in a more appropriate fashion. I was honored and flattered by the offer from the great Tantra Bensko to display her work in conjunction with mine. I went on the road, when I returned there was a new staff member at TCTV. Lynn Hammon. We made an instant connection as we were sitting at the bench and table outside of the main door of the facilities. She was working; I was in-between shoots so the time we were able to talk was limited. Our meeting like that almost turned into a ritual every two weeks, as time went on I mentioned that I would be delighted to feature Lynn on the show. She seemed surprised and agreed. After many challenges with the time frame we finally pulled it off. What a delight and surprise unfolded when it turned out that this somewhat strange friendship we developed had a deeper meaning. Lynn had written a superb book. “The back side of the moon.” During our visit a story unraveled about the book, it had a historical backdrop, a reincarnation setting in which it followed two lovers thru several lifetimes. It turned out to be one of my favorite shows of all times. It is not known to me if she ever published the book, it would be sad not to have this work made public, a magnificent piece of work. As the economy dwindled more each year it became necessary to advertise holidays earlier and earlier each year. In September of 2004 Santas were displayed at the shopping centers, only to make way for Halloween, long enough to make a few dollars for the stores, mothers to explain to the kids what Halloween used to feel like, a quick trip to a pumpkin patch and a walk thru the corn mazes that had sprung up all over the country.


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