2 minute read

Improve Your Immunity

Tired of taking vitamin after vitamin and not seeing beneficial results?

The solution may be easier than you think. Here are some great tips for keeping germs at bay and you at your best.

Want to get those hands even cleaner?

SCRUB, SCRUB, SCRUB. You tell your kids relentlessly to wash their hands, but how often are you? Seems like a no-brainer, but it’s easy to forget when you’re on the move. We constantly touch objects around us and then touch our faces, giving germs easy access to the rest of our bodies. Stop that! Regularly wash your hands to protect yourself from viruses and lower your risk of getting sick. Plus, dirty hands are just gross.

Follow our tips on page 9

CATCH SOME ZZZ s . While sleeping, our immune system creates cytokines and antibodies that ward off infections. These crimefighting cells protect our body from foreign invaders, such as bacteria and viruses. According to a sleep study done by the Mayo Clinic, lack of sleep not only lowers the production of these cells, it may actually contribute to how long it takes for your body to recover from illnesses. The average adult requires seven to nine hours of sleep, so put down the iPad and get into bed.

SAY SO LONG TO STRESS. Whoever coined the phrase “laughter is the best medicine” knew what they were talking about. Several health studies suggest that increased levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, weaken your body’s ability to fight off infections, such as influenza or even the common cold. If pressure from work or home is getting the best of you, make sure to take time to focus on reducing stress. Spending just 30 minutes a day on yourself can make a difference. Go for a walk, call a friend or even read your favorite issue of Healthy Living. The choice is yours!

DON’T BE DEFICIENT. Did you know that soaking up some sun can increase your overall health? Vitamin D deficiency prevents cells in your body from fighting off foreign invaders, aka germs. Fortunately, spending time in the Florida sunlight may keep you both happy and healthy! Experts suggest getting 10-30 minutes of direct sun exposure each day, depending on your skin pigment. If you’re planning to be out longer than that, don’t forget the sunscreen! For those of us with hectic schedules and little to no free time, try adding fatty fish or dairy products to your diet, which are packed with vitamin D.

GO FOR SOME GARLIC. Aside from its reputation for warding off vampires (#bonus), this common household ingredient is an incredible immunity booster and has been known to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In order to receive the most benefits from garlic, trying sprinkling it over your food raw rather than cooking it, as heat deactivates its core benefits to your body.

GINGER, PLEASE. This root contains dozens of beneficial antivirals, including a chemical called sesquiterpenes, which is responsible for fighting the common cold. Just boil a ginger root in some water, add some lemon and honey for extra antioxidants (and a flavor boost) and voilà! Or, if you choose, ginger comes in capsule form, as well.

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