Airyanna Eason Undergraduate Work Sample

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Collected Works

2021 to 202

Airyanna Eason

Growing Into a Space

Studio Project ARCH 371 Professor David Ellis Champaign, IL

Downtown Champaign appeals mostly to adults, with the many bars, adult geared spaces. This building is made to be a space where a person, at any stage of their life, can enjoy. It’s shape derived from the idea of steps, meant to represent growing into different stages of life.

Rearrange Masses

Extrude Masses

Final Massing

Life Stage Steps Push together Rotate 90°
N 0’ 1’ 4’ 36’ First Floor Second Floor Third Floor 12’ 0’ 1’ 4’ 36’ 12’ 0’ 1’ 4’ 36’ 12’

East-West Elevation

North-South Elevation


Studio Project ARCH 274

Professor Yun Kyu Yi Chicago, IL

Many elements effect this space; natural ones: sunlight, wind, and green space; social ones: street life, the need for privacy and public space. Controlling the exposure that this building gets to each element will make for a very functional building.

South Elevation


1’ 3’ 6’
Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3 Floor 4 N 1’ 3’ 6’ 1’ 3’ 6’ 1’ 3’ 6’ 1’ 3’ 6’ Daylight Factor Average: 1.7% Daylight Factor Average: 1.4% Daylight Factor Average: 2.1% Daylight Factor Average: 5.1% 1.3 1.5 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.3 .57 .69 .80 .91 1.0 1.1 .32 .40 .47 .55 .63 .71 .79 .38 .47 .56 .66 .75 .84 .94

Jackson St Theater

Studio Project ARCH 371 Professor David Ellis Champaign, IL

Circulation Path of Theater Goers

Circulation Path of Administration and Performers

Plan Obliques Fl 1 Fl 2 Fl 6 Fl 5 Fl 4 Fl 3 0’
9’ 12’ 24’ N

Massing Diagram

North Elevation

UpCycle Center

Partner Studio Project ARCH 371 Professor Andres Lemus Spont

Partner: Anmar Quafisheh

The experience of a user in this building would be reminiscent of the flow of a series of ribbons. The circulation of this buildings is that of one continuous ribbon leading users through a series of program spaces representing different types of artistic expression, from painting studios to a textile shop. The “ribbons” become ramps and stairways leading users from outside to inside and up and through the building.

At the exterior of the building, the roof shape would follow the flowing nature of ribbons, creating interesting moments for light to pierce through the building.

As a way to create green space and programming outside of the building we have framed the exterior ramp with a garden, intended to provide natural materials for the artwork being produced inside.

FemTech Center

Studio Project ARCH


Atlanta, Georgia is a major hub for entrepreneurship in all sectors, and especially so for the black community. Today, Atlanta is considered an emerging tech hub for the United States and with black woman experiencing continued health disparities: higher maternal mortality rates, disproportionate chronic illness, and even shorter life expectancies, increased research is needed to solve and mitigate these issues.

The American Planners Association releases an Annual Trend Report to provide planners with the foresight necessary to consider in planning for the future. Among the most urgent of these trends was the emergence of FemTech: “ health technologies geared towards women” (from 2023 APA Trends Report). As issues relevant to women’s healthcare make their way to the biggest stages in our country, it is important to promote education on women’s health and provide support for research into the female anatomy and technology to help support the unique health challenges that women face.

- Strength

- Fertility

- Beauty

- Resilience

- Layers

- Complexity

Femininity Learning

- Circular nature of product creation

- Education as a cycle

Precedents + Sketches

Structure Diagram- Exploded

DN UP UP--Level 3 Level 2 Main Level
Los Manantiales- Felix Candela, 1958

Personal Artwork

Spring 2021

Temple of Heaven in Beijing, China

Frauenkirche Cathedral in Munich, Germany

Spring 2021

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