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Having not much relation to the inital idea of play with light and shadow, the second prototype composes of three membranes placed overlaying each other in order to illustrate the changes as a driver drives through at high speed. The membranes show different effects as the driver drive through depending on the driving speed, viewing angle and positions in relation to the structure itself. This prototype shows an alternative for attempting the desired goal by manipulating the perforated membrane in a specific arrangement rather than relying solely on sunlight position. As one move along the prototype, some perforation could be seen and some could not due to the blocking by the overlapping sheet. The prototype is interesting and was put in consideration to be further developed to create a sense of water flowing related to the main theme of Getaway project-fluidity therefore when driver drive through they will see the consistent change of water flowing. To achieve this, perforation arrangement should have a sense of fluidity.

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