AIIR Training: 2014

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Consultative group coaching for busy leaders. Relevant and targeted content leveraging face-to-face, telepresence, and blended learning mediums to achieve tangible outcomes without time wasting. Career coaching involves the 1-1 development of an individual either seeking a career change, looking for greater satisfaction at work, and/or undergoing a career transition. The objectives of career coaching are to foster insight around personal brand, identify unconscious personality derailers, build a career vision, create a strategy that leverages personal brand to achieve desired outcomes, and to implement a Strategic Action Plan through the guidance and support of a coach.

Š 2014 AIIR Consulting, LLC

Catalyzing High Performance through Emotional Intelligence

This session is designed to kick start a leadership focus on Emotional Intelligence (EI). You will be introduced to the topic of Emotional Intelligence and using your actual Emotional Intelligence profile, you will explore the implications for you personally, for your teams and for the business as a whole. This workshop covers the topic and application of emotional intelligence - an essential ingredient in sustainable high performance and a proven differentiator in leading companies. Leading organizations are recognizing the power and provability of emotional intelligence for building ‘customer intimate’ relationships, developing trust with customers and team members, and achieving high performance.


‣ Define what emotional intelligence is, and how it serves to increase both individual and team performance. ‣ Provide examples of emotional intelligence in action, including emotional intelligence profiles from leaders in global companies and how emotional intelligence is applied to achieve desired business outcomes. ‣ Encourage reflection on your own Emotional Intelligence with your actual profile in front of you. ‣ Assist you to identify next steps based on your understanding.


‣ 1 day workshop

Intended Audience

‣ Appropriate for all levels


‣ Face to Face or Telepresence


‣ Define what emotional intelligence is, and how it serves to increase both individual and team performance.


‣ Geetu Bharwaney

© 2014 AIIR Consulting


Management Fundamentals Stepping up to management is an exciting and intense career step! Our goal is to help launch you into a successful transition by clarifying the expectations for your role, avoiding preventable mistakes, and developing a roadmap for success moving forward as a new manager



Intended Audience Format

Participants will: ‣ Understand the phase of their transition process ‣ Clarify and negotiate their expectations with their own manager and key stakeholders ‣ Identify key skills, competencies and stakeholders for success ‣ Identify immediate, short-term and mid-term priorities ‣ Develop a roadmap for development and achievements moving forward Total is less than 4 hours structured for minimal intrusion and maximum impact: ‣ Two 30-minute prework (online video) ‣ Two 60-minute facilitated telepresence training session ‣ Two 20-minute post-session interactive online discussion ‣ Any professional staff who will be promoted to line manager within 3 months. ‣ Any newly promoted line manager within 6 months of their promotion. ‣ Face to Face or Telepresence


‣ Read the chapters Promote Yourself and Negotiate Success from the book The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins ‣ Watch: CRM Learning video ‣ Read: What You Must Learn to Become a Manager, an interview with Linda Hill by Loren Gray


‣ Manuelle Charbonneau, Ph.D. © 2014 AIIR Consulting


Management Fundamentals This assessment-based workshop will give you insights into your strengths and areas for development as a leader. We use an in-depth and highly respected leadership assessment developed at the Center for Creative Leadership called the CPI 260. You will complete this assessment and receive your confidential report prior to our workshop. Our facilitated group coaching will help you recognize and capitalize on your strengths and consider one or two key areas for development that will give you the most returns moving forward.



Intended Audience Format

Participants will learn and be able to: ‣ Identify key competencies for leadership at all levels ‣ Identify significant strengths for their position and role ‣ Identify areas for development the provide the most impact for their role ‣ Gain insights into themselves and others as leaders Total is less than 3.5 hours, structured for minimal intrusion and maximum impact: ‣ 80-minute prework (40 minutes online assessment, 30 minutes reading of report prior to workshop) ‣ 90-minute facilitated telepresence training session ‣ 30-minute post-session online discussion and development plan ‣ Frontline, mid-manager and executive leaders who want to maximize their impact by increasing their awareness of their leadership traits. ‣ Face to Face or Telepresence


‣ Complete online CPI260 assessment


‣ Manuelle Charbonneau, Ph.D.

© 2014 AIIR Consulting


Management Fundamentals It is easy to blame others when misunderstandings and miscommunications occur; “they just don’t get it”. Yet communicating effectively always starts with knowing yourself and analyzing the needs, motivations and characteristics of the other party. This workshop provides a pragmatic and effective framework for recognizing and adapting to various personality styles at work. Whether you are trying to delegate more effectively, negotiate, build your team, or influence your boss, you will spend less time and energy wondering “what went wrong” and you will maximize the impact of your communications at all levels.



Intended Audience Format

Participants will learn and be able to: ‣ Recognize their own personality style ‣ Identify how they are likely to be seen by others ‣ Identify the personality styles and motivations of key stakeholders, including their manager and team members ‣ Flex their style and target their communication for maximum impact Telepresence instruction is less than 2 hours, structured for minimal intrusion and maximum impact: ‣ 30-minute online assessment ‣ 60-minute facilitated telepresence training session ‣ 20-minute post-session online discussion and example of how participants adapted their own style to reach another party who is a different style from theirs. Classroom live instruction: ‣ 3 hour training session ‣ All levels. Participants must be grouped in all employees or all managers to ensure comfort level and privacy in discussions. ‣ Telepresence or Classroom live instruction


‣ 30 minutes for completion of a brief style assessment.


‣ Manuelle Charbonneau, Ph.D. © 2014 AIIR Consulting


Management Fundamentals Leadership does not just belong in the manager and executive ranks. With matrix organizations and knowledge workers operating in high complexity and changing environments, leadership can no longer afford to be a “place” in the organization. Instead, leadership is becoming a way of thinking and behaving at all levels and where everyone benefits. Based on the award-winning research and books by authors Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, this workshop is designed to liberate the leader in everyone by providing a common sense set of principles that can be implemented by everyone who see how things could be better.



Intended Audience Format

Participants will learn and be able to: ‣ Understand and describe how leadership is a practice and not a place in an organization ‣ Discuss the 5 principles of everyday leadership ‣ Identify 2 behaviors they can implement right away at work to practice and demonstrate everyday leadership Telepresence instruction is less than 2 hours, structured for minimal intrusion and maximum impact: ‣ 30-minute online assessment ‣ 60-minute facilitated telepresence training session ‣ 20-minute post-session online discussion and examples of how participants implemented two specific techniques at work Classroom live instruction ‣ 3 hour structured session ‣ Employees who wish to increase their level of leadership in everyday work activities ‣ Managers at all levels who want to increase their own leadership and empower their direct reports to show more leadership in daily work. ‣ Telepresence or Classroom live instruction


‣ Watch preselected video


‣ Manuelle Charbonneau, Ph.D.

© 2014 AIIR Consulting


Management Fundamentals One in every five managers in the United States will land in litigation at some time during his or her career, whether they are being sued directly or brought into the litigation arena as witnesses. This training shows managers how to keep from becoming one of them. By using compelling dramatization Avoiding Litigation Landmines illustrates the ways managers can avoid litigation that can cost them and their organization millions of dollars.





Participants will learn about nine litigation landmines: ‣ Failure to Document ‣ Failure to Train ‣ Failure to Keep Evidence ‣ Inflating Evaluations ‣ Failure to Consult Human Resources ‣ Inappropriate Electronic Messages ‣ Inconsistent Treatment ‣ Inappropriate Handling of Employee Departures ‣ Uncontrolled Employment References Total is less than 4 hours, structured for minimal intrusion and maximum application: ‣ Two 30-minute prework reading ‣ Two 60-minute facilitated telepresence training session ‣ Two 20-minute post-session online discussion Recommended follow up: ‣ We recommend that this a representative of your organization’s legal counsel be invited to participate in the telepresence or live discussion on the issues most relevant to your organization. ‣ Telepresence or Classroom live instruction


‣ Watch: Selected video on avoiding litigation landmines for managers


‣ Manuelle Charbonneau, Ph.D. © 2014 AIIR Consulting


Management Fundamentals Teams are more than the sum of the individuals composing them. When properly set up and reinforced, teams have a soul, identity and energy of their own that allows them to achieve more than each member could achieve on their own. Yet teams need to be launched, managed and refueled to keep growing and delivering results.



Intended Audience Format

Participants will learn and be able to: ‣ Recognize the difference between a committee and a team ‣ Facilitate discussion with team members on the team’s mission, values and goals ‣ Help team members establish ground rules for engaging each other ‣ Recognize the drivers and motivations of each individual on the team ‣ Practice simple techniques to keep reinforcing team goals and team spirit Total is less than 4 hours, structured for minimal intrusion and maximum application: ‣ Two 30-minute prework reading ‣ Two 60-minute facilitated telepresence training session ‣ Two 20-minute post-session online discussion ‣ Frontline managers and team leaders ‣ Project managers and program managers without direct reports ‣ Telepresence


‣ Assigned reading on teams and teamwork


‣ Manuelle Charbonneau, Ph.D.

© 2014 AIIR Consulting


Management Fundamentals Resolving disagreements and conflicts in the workplace can consume enormous amount of energy and frustrate all involved. “Will my pushing for my own agenda alienate others and generate resentment? How much should I accommodate the other party? Is compromising and bargaining the only way out or how can we get to true collaboration?” This workshop shows you five ways of thinking about conflict and helps you identify your preferences as well as alternative options. The workshop is based on the established and respected assessment called the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, and includes a confidential report to help you gain insights into your own style and the style of others.



Intended Audience Format

Participants will learn and be able to: ‣ Describe 5 ways of resolving conflicts and disagreements ‣ Understand their own natural preferences in resolving disagreements ‣ Describe the benefits of each conflict resolution option ‣ Increase their sense of choice in how they address conflict ‣ Apply their new insights and skills to a current disagreement or conflict Telepresence instruction is less than 2 hours, structured for minimal intrusion and maximum impact: ‣ 30-minute online assessment ‣ 60-minute facilitated telepresence training session ‣ 20-minute post-session online discussion and example of how participants adapted their own style to reach another party who is a different style from theirs. Classroom live instruction: ‣ 3 hours ‣ Leaders at all levels ‣ High Potential professionals ‣ Telepresence or Classroom live instruction


‣ Complete the TKI online assessment prior to class


‣ Manuelle Charbonneau, Ph.D.

© 2014 AIIR Consulting


Management Fundamentals Poorly run meetings demoralize coworker and reflect poorly on a leader. Yet running effective meetings is a demanding skill that requires practice and preparation. Avoid common mistakes and time wasters by learning and applying key meeting leadership techniques that produce results.



Intended Audience Format

Participants will learn and be able to: ‣ Eliminate redundant meetings and reduce the time they and others spend in meetings ‣ Set up effective agendas that deliver results (not bullet points list of topics) ‣ Rotate roles in meetings so that everyone is engaged and responsible ‣ Keep meetings on track and reduce side conversations and time wasting ‣ Assign decisions and deliverables to specific individuals for tracking from one meeting to the next Total is less than 2 hours, structured for minimal intrusion and maximum impact: ‣ 30-minute prework ‣ 60-minute facilitated telepresence training session ‣ 20-minute post-session online discussion ‣ Managers at all levels ‣ Project and program managers with no direct reports ‣ Telepresence


‣ Watch preselected video


‣ Manuelle Charbonneau, Ph.D.

© 2014 AIIR Consulting


Management Fundamentals Behaviorally based interviewing involves asking job-related questions about past work events to help a job candidate give examples of times when he or she used their skills. Research shows that the behavior-based approach is effective and defensible. It also helps the interviewer get valuable information about the candidate's job skills - not just promotional comments based on what the candidate thinks the interviewer wants to hear or what the interviewee “would” do in some hypothetical situation. This workshop is based on Dr. Paul Green’s books and training programs and includes hands-on practice in designing effective behaviorally based interview questions that will help you hire the best candidates for your team and your organization.


Participants will learn and be able to: ‣ Identify key competencies and predictors related to a position ‣ Use job information to compose effective and defensible interview questions ‣ Ask for disconfirming evidence and reverse interview questions when needed ‣ Respect and manage silence ‣ Avoid the "like-me" syndrome ‣ Get relevant information on personal qualities like character, honesty and integrity ‣ Practice writing and receive feedback on behaviorally-based interview questions for upcoming interviews ‣ Design and use simple scoring sheets that track evidence of a skill, not impressions


Telepresence instruction is 6 hours, structured for minimal intrusion and maximum impact: ‣ Three 30-minute prework ‣ Three 60-minute facilitated telepresence training session ‣ Three 30-minute post-session online discussion and examples of behaviorally-based interview questions Classroom live instruction: ‣ 6 hours of face-to-face contact (one full day of instruction or two half-days)

Intended Audience Format

‣ Managers and executives at all levels ‣ Classroom live instruction or Telepresence


‣ Watch preselected video


‣ Manuelle Charbonneau, Ph.D.


Management Fundamentals Negotiating and influencing are part of everyday leadership work at all levels. This workshop presents a few key principles that can be implemented immediately by leaders for better negotiation outcomes.



Intended Audience Format Pre-Work Instructor

Participants will learn and be able to: ‣ Recognize how negotiations are dynamic and not static processes ‣ Understand the important of shaping the context around negotiations ‣ Create alliances to influence negotiation outcomes ‣ Describe the concept of BATNA and its application in daily activities ‣ Recognize the difference between interests and position in negotiations ‣ Manage the power dynamics in and around negotiations Total is 4 hours, structured for minimal intrusion and maximum impact: ‣ Two 30-minute prework ‣ Two 60-minute facilitated telepresence training session ‣ Two 30-minute post-session online discussion

‣ Frontline and midlevel managers ‣ Telepresence N/A ‣ Manuelle Charbonneau, Ph.D.

© 2014 AIIR Consulting


Management Fundamentals While performance management seems easy on the surface, it actually requires a concerted effort, skills and time to be done well and deliver value to individuals and organizations. Learn how to set goals, delegate for results, provide continuous feedback and reward positive behavior and outcomes.



Intended Audience Format

Participants will learn and be able to: ‣ Establish goals in collaboration with their direct reports ‣ Delegate in ways that empower others to act ‣ Provide ongoing feedback that is motivating and allows for ongoing improvements ‣ Write performance reviews that are engaging and influence behavior toward positive outcomes ‣ Provide rewards and recognition Total is less than 2 hours, structured for minimal intrusion and maximum impact: ‣ 30-minute prework ‣ 60-minute facilitated telepresence training session ‣ 20-minute post-session online discussion ‣ Managers at all levels ‣ Telepresence


‣ Selected reading assigned


‣ Manuelle Charbonneau, Ph.D.

© 2014 AIIR Consulting

Change Management Journey

Managing change is critical for any individual, group or organization seeking to grow within an environment that continuously evolves, and in evolving, presents both unanticipated challenge and opportunity. Despite the necessity of change, we often perceive it as a threat and experience it as painful. In Change Management Journey, participants will explore how our psychology and neurobiological underpinnings influence how we respond to change. Participants will learn a model for understanding change as a sequence of phases, that when navigated effectively, progresses an individual from experiencing challenge to the realization of opportunity.


‣ Learn about the psychology and neurobiological underpinnings of change ‣ Learn a 4 stage change process and a change curve model ‣ Understand the key leadership competencies and derailers associated with each phase of change ‣ Understand the importance of emotion in a change process, and how to leverage your own emotional self awareness to support execution. ‣ Create an action plan that identifies concrete objectives and strategies to assist you in ongoing and future change processes


‣ 1 day workshop

Intended Audience

‣ Appropriate for all levels


‣ Face to Face or Telepresence


‣ Stakeholder interviews are required when this workshop is associated with a live or pending change process


‣ Geetu Bharwaney and/or Jonathan Kirschner

© 2014 AIIR Consulting

Leading the new era in business psychology

AIIR Consulting, LLC is a business psychology consulting firm dedicated to increasing the effectiveness and performance of leaders and their organizations. AIIR Consulting’s services include executive coaching, talent assessment, change management and leadership development solutions. By combining in-person consulting with telepresence-based meetings, AIIR redefines the limits of traditional consulting by making development available anytime and anywhere.

UNITED STATES 500 Office Center Drive Suite 400 Fort Washington, PA 19304 +1 (484) 224-9069

UNITED KINGDOM 4 Doolittle Mill Ampthill, Bedfordshire MK45 2ND +44 (0)152-588-8109

Š 2014 AIIR Consulting, LLC

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