HKU and HKU Facul ty of Medicine were ranked as 30th and 20th in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and Subject Rankings (Clinical and Heal th) 2022 respectively.
Taught by facul ty with board experience in clinical practice, nursing education and research.
Areas of expertise include community and primary care, mental heal th, behavioural change, heal th promotion and disease prevention, heal thy aging, big data management, complementary and al ternative medicine, oncology and palliative care, symptoms management, and management of heal th-related transitions in all phases of life and simulation education.
A f riendly and joyful studying environment with caring supervisors who are dedicated to student success through individualised mentorship and guidance.
Provide opportunities to learn f rom international scholars and establish international network.
Foster students’ project management skills and data analytics to address the needs and make improvements in patient, students, and heal thcare systems outcomes.
The only local tertiary institute providing education track for nursing educators to further advance their pedagogy and evidence based education. We encourage our students to disseminate new knowledge that contributes to teaching scholarship.
Our graduates have been leading in putting innovative ideas into practice and providing new and different ways for specialised advanced nursing care in clinical settings and academic settings.
Full time (3 years) / Part time (4 years)
Educational Leadership Track Clinical Leadership Track •
Dr Serena Yang Scholarship for DNurs Programme Scholarship for Doctor of Nursing (Full time) International Conference Participation Sponsorship
1st round 12:00 noon (GMT +8), February 2 , 2023 2nd round , 12:00 noon (GMT +8), April 14 2023