Endangered animals by viviana salvatore székely

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3 Endangered animals in Colombia 10 Endangered animals in the world 20 Causes of extinction of animals 21 Animal abuse in the world

29 Love for pets 32 Ten reasons to love your pet 34 References


ENDANGERED ANIMALS IN COLOMBIA Giant Armadillo (Priodontes Maximus) is a kind of mammal from the family Dasypodidae his original habitat is in the rain forest.

The Big Armadillo or TatĂş Carreta measures 75 y cm and his tail 50 cm.

Before, this animal was threatened because people ate his meat, but now the first threat is the deforestation and the expansion of agriculture so this great animal has to go to other places where he does not know how to live.


This is a very sociable and entertaining bird because they can learn to imitate many words but unfortunately the Macaw is hunted for dealing. This beautiful animal is also attractive for its amazing feathers which are stolen. Manatee is a victim of hunting for its skin, meat and fat and in addition its reproduction is very slow because these animals can take 13 months to gestate just one baby.


GOLD FROG In spite of its size it is as beautiful as poisonous, so according to this it is able to kill 10.000 mice and 10 adults with its poison. Illegal mining and illicit felling of trees affect its natural habitat.

Long time ago natives used to use this poison on the spearheads.


Pink dolphin has others names like: Inia Geoffrensis, Amazon Dolphin, Boto, Tonina etc. This special animal measures 3 meters and weighs 125 Kg.

It is a very romantic animal and as the humans male dolphins court with female dolphins taking them gifts (pieces of wood, mud etc.) this for the purpose of impressing them.


The most common color is black, although some of them are brown and a few reddish.

This animal has been hunted by man because he is considered a danger or as a sport 7

The Condor is considered the world's largest bird and also is a national symbol and strength.

The main reason why this species is endangered is the intervention and destruction by man of their natural habitat, the tropical rainforest. The second cause of extinction is the capture and sale and smuggling.

The Condor has been threatened by hunting, deforestation, air pollution, water and food. Also a severe reduction of their food source.


(Sanguinus oedipus) This species lives on trees, in small family groups of 2-7 individuals and sometimes more. Their habitat is in the tropical dry forest, which is considered one of the most threatened ecosystems. Most of the areas formerly covered by this forest have been deforested to dedicate the land for agriculture and livestock.


Another major concern for the polar bear endangered is the amount of pollution, they also consume the fat of seals that have a lot of toxins besides the presence of excess heavy metals is really bad for them. All this can cause miscarriages during pregnancy, puppies with low birth weight and a weakened immune system. Finally The greatest threat to the life of the polar bear is the global warming.



The low birth rate, high infant mortality rate and the destruction of their habitat, are some of the most important factors leading to the giant panda this endangered.

Chinese law is very rigid in their hunting, which has reduced this problem a little. It is estimated the number of wild pandas in China is 1600, and there are approximately 250 in captivity. More than a hundred of them are located in specialized centers of China and 20 other specimens are distributed by zoos worldwide.


The melt of ice is the cause of extinction of penguins. Sea ice is essential to the life of the emperor penguin, in protecting their babies, it is the source of their food and the place where they moult.

The increase of temperature and drought on lack of rain are the consequences of climate change that will face this country. Kangaroos are in a great risk of extinction, high temperatures create forest fires that destroy most of the wild species. 13

This animal lives in the mountains of the Himalaya from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China and Nepal. Their diet is small mammals and livestock but they have less hunting so they seek food in cattle which provides that farmers become their executioners.

Also they are hunted for the sale of their skin and bones and this is used in Chinese medicine, on the black market makes this endangered.


While climate change and deforestation are guilty of the species on this list, the main enemy remains his elephant ivory. In two inhabited islands of Indonesia this ape, climate change causes increased rainfall during the rainy season and the fires in the drought. Orangutans are hunted as trophies, and the humans are destroying their habitat. They could become extinct within the next 40 years.

This is an item prized by people who sell the ivory on the black market, so that the extinction of the species may be closer than you think.


Commercial fishing and destruction by man nesting areas on beaches threaten to wipe out a species that takes 150 million years to inhabit the Earth.

The current decline in the number of sea turtles in the Pacific is an example of the greatest extinction of a population of animals seen for many years. Their disappearance is almost as fast as the extinction of bison in North America in the nineteenth century. 16

There are other elements that threaten the life of the seals appear to be susceptible to a variety of diseases, including parasites. The pollution that humans continue to put in the air and in the water also affects its natural life. When the seals are in the same waters as fishermen, networks can injure or kill them, many seals are also affected because of getting too close to the ships that are in the waters


Owls are nocturnal birds of prey to spot their prey have large eyes.

Deforestation are affecting these owls. 18

Catching cockatoos for illegal international trade is particularly serious, something that is reflected in the high price of these birds.

Deforestation and the destruction of mangroves have been extensive in their range of occupation and has significantly contributed to its decline. Also they are persecuted and hunted for consumption as feed. Releasing captive birds can introduce disease into wild populations.


Natural Causes :Aging, Disease, Parasitism, Competition with other species.

Catastrophes Caused by humans : Environmental destruction, Fire, Over exploitation of resources, Agricultural exploitation, Forest exploitation.

Catastrophic : Fire, Droughts, Floods, Volcanoes, Glaciers, Hurricanes.

Other causes caused by man : Traffic of wildlife, Pest hunting, Poaching, Sport hunting, Hunting business.

Without doubt, the most responsible for the extinction of animals is the MAN.


The most common victims are dogs in terms of violence with 64.5%, 18% cats and 25% other animals such as horses, cows, pigs, etc. Each year, approximately one million pets suffer abuse, and this figure is only in Mexico.

The total of those responsible are humans and 80% of the "worst torturers" belongs to high socioeconomic class, and who usually try to help these injured animals are predominantly poor people.


A lack of education, lack of culture, lack of respect or moral are factors for an animal be tortured.

Sometimes people have been unwittingly witness of torture and mistreatment of an animal but they end up being complicit in silence, the authorities can not do anything if no one talks about it.


• Abandonment . • Keep them in improper installation from the point of health and hygiene or inadequate for the practice of care and attention that according to their ethnic needs as race and species view. • Not feed them for their normal development. • Donate them as prize, reward or gift compensation for other acquisitions. • Sell them to laboratories or clinics without complying with the guarantees provided in the legislation. • Give them foods that contain substances that may cause unnecessary suffering or injury. • Hit them brutally to cause any damage. 23

Each year, millions of animals are mutilated, were poisoned, electrocuted and burned in experiments. It is often argued that these sacrifices are in the name of science, but the truth is that most occur in war, cosmetic industry, in colleges and universities.

A clear example of animal abuse are bullfights have been promoted in different media such as TV , the Radio , the cinema , and internet , as in the case of You Tube. Is it true that while documentaries are broadcast on defense animals, these media also promote their consent to abuse.


A laboratory animal is healthy but they get diseases because of the experiments so they are not useless anymore and they have to die or be sacrificed.

Some of the animals that are used for these purposes are primates, rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, rats, pigs, hamsters, birds, dogs and cats.


Sport hunting is named as pleasure or "sport" is now a recreational activity that has nothing to do with the old need for survival. It has become a huge business, which legally allows hurt millions of animals each year.

For example in dogs, when hunting season ends the dogs who are considered as instruments of hunting are abandoned or killed.


In the circus elephants, lions, tigers, rhinos, zebras, chimpanzees, crocodiles, pythons, ostriches, camels, bears, etc.. A long list of animals tested and turned into marionettes for human entertainment.

Cockfighting: added steel spurs them and often thousands of roosters die.

Bullfight: a person riding a horse fits into the back of the bull a pole, then tries to kill him with a rapier (sword) in the spine. 27


A pet is an animal retained for the purpose of providing companionship or enjoyment of the keeper, these animals are selected for their performance and adaptability, and their interaction with humans.

The pet also is known for being friendly: one can say that most of these animals become pets if the person they live teaches them good manners in daily life, also they can adapt to the environment of a human being regardless of their nature joins a group, family or society.

Owning a pet can bring positive consequences to the health and daily care that makes people forget many other concerns, prevents depression and makes us feel useful. The animals that are the most popular pet dog and cat.


Who develops love for pets, has discovered one of the purest feelings associated with emotions.

it is a connection without language and intuitive. They are eternal affection that we profess unconditional and it is absolute.

From the human perspective, they are children who never grow up and from the perspective of pets, perhaps, we are the eternal friends to join and play.


They do not know about past or future, just live and enjoy the present with people who provide them protection.

Present, where the main excitement is waiting for us, play with us, find our look and attention. The wait can be hours or decades, but they always wait.

Caring for living things is to take care of our environment and our world. Pamper your pet , give them love and enjoy the emotional benefits.

One of the best experiences in life is having the opportunity to be loved by an animal. Remember that a pet is to love and protect, it is a living thing that requires respect and a home. 31



Director, Editor, Producer: Viviana Cรกrdenas. Web pages: http://www.animalesextincion.es/animales-en-extincion.php http://www.lareserva.com/home/principales_especies_extincion http://www.publimetro.co/vida-con-estilo/5-animales-en-peligro-de-extincion-encolombia/lmkmcv!wnYi7L39URNg/ http://www.anundis.com/profiles/blogs/animales-en-extincion-en-colombia http://maltratodeanimalesenelmundo.blogspot.com/ http://www.buzzle.com/articles/information-on-animal-cruelty.html http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crueldad_hacia_los_animales http://www.monografias.com/trabajos89/maltrato-animales/maltrato-animales.shtml http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_de_compa%C3%B1%C3%ADa http://lenincardozo.blogspot.com/2011/02/el-amor-por-las-mascotas.html http://bienestar.salud180.com/salud-dia-dia/10-razones-para-amar-tu-mascota


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