Future will

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Will, Going to or Present Continuous? Click to Play

Which tenses or verb forms are used in these sentences? Start Timer 15 Seconds

10 Point s

There will be many new events in the next century. Job! WillGreat / Won´t Again PresentTryContinuous Try Again Going To + Infinitive



Will, Going to or Present Continuous? Which tenses or verb forms are used in these sentences? Start Timer 15 Seconds I´m meeting Tom at the park.


Try/Again Will Won´t Great Job! Present Continuous Try Again Going To + Infinitive


Will, Going to or Present Continuous? Which tenses or verb forms are used in these sentences? Start Timer 15 Seconds We´re going to spend the summer studying Try/Again Will Won´t

Going Great To +Job! Infinitive TryContinuous Again Present

30 Point s



Will, Going to or Present Continuous? Which tenses or verb forms are used in these sentences? Start Timer 15 Seconds I think this book is going to be a success

WillTry/ Again Won´t TryContinuous Again Present

Going Great To +Job! Infinitive

40 Point s



Will, Going to or Present Continuous? Which tenses or verb forms are used in these sentences? Start Timer 15 Seconds We´ll give you all the explanations you need. Job! WillGreat / Won´t Again PresentTryContinuous Try Again Going To + Infinitive

50 Point s



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Will, Going to or Present Continuous? Click to Play

Choose the correct option: Start Timer 15 Seconds

Great Job! Are you going

to work after dinner? Try Again Are you working after dinner? Again after dinner? Will youTrywork

20 Point s



Will, Going to or Present Continuous? Choose the correct option: Start Timer 15 Seconds

Try Again I´ll read a book. Try Again I am reading a book. Great Job! I´m going to read a book.

40 Point s



Will, Going to or Present Continuous?

Choose the correct option:

Start Timer 15 Seconds

60 Don´t worry. I won´t lend you one. Points Don´t worry. I am going to lend you


Try Again

Try Again

one lend you one.

Great Job! Don´t worry, I´ll


Will, Going to or Present Continuous?

Choose the correct option:

Start Timer 15 Seconds

Great Job!going this Where are you afternoon? Try Again Where will you go this afternoon? Try Again Where are you going to go this afternoon?

80 Points



Will, Going to or Present Continuous?

Choose the correct option:

Start Timer 15 Seconds

Great I´m going toJob! the cinema. Again I´ll go toTrythe cinema.

100 Points


Try Again I´m going to go to the cinema. 0

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