Diversité oléicole au niveau de la wilaya de tlemcen mohammed sidhoum, semir souheil gaouar eue 20

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5pVXPp 'DQV FH PRGHVWH WUDYDLO QRXV DYRQV SDUOp GH OœROLYLHU OœDUEUH PLOOpQDLUH GX bassin MÊditerranÊen, et qui existe GHSXLV OœDQWLTXLWp HW MXVTX j DXMRXUGœKXL. Ainsi ; nous avons constatÊ que PDOJUp OœHQFRXUDJHPHQW de cette culture dans notre pays (AlgÊrie) RQ QœD pas obtenu les rÊsultats souhaitÊs à cause des conditions climatiques, les techniques culturales et les itinÊraire techniques qui nœont pas ÊtÊ respectÊs par les agriculteurs, OœLQDGDSWDWLRQ GHV YDULpWpV DX[ FRQGLWLRQV pGDSKLTXHV culWXUDOHV HW GH OœHQYLURQQHPHQW Aussi ; nous avons effectuÊ une Êtude pÊdologique et gÊnÊtique dans la wilaya de Tlemcen, sur les variÊtÊs GH OœROLYLHU (6LJRLVH &KHPODO 2OpDVWUH) durant la compagne 2009-2010. 'œXQ DXWUH FRWp ; et a partir des analyses dH TXHOTXHV FDUDFWqUHV SKpQRW\SLTXHV GœLQWpUrW DJURQRPLTXH R on a conclu que la variÊtÊ 6LJRLVH VHPEOH rWUH XQH VRXUFH JpQpWLTXH DGDSWp DX[ FRQGLWLRQV GH QRWUH ]RQH GœpWXGH vu leur bon rendement qui est un caractère conditionnÊ par le potentiel gÊnÊtique de la variÊtÊ aussi on remarque TXœHOOH SUpVHQWH OHV YDOHXUV OHV SOXV LQWpUHVVDQWHV SRXU OHV FDUDFWqUHV GH SURGXFWLRQ SDU FRQWUH SRXU OHV FDUDFWqUHV GœDGDSWDWLRQ FœHVW HQ JpQpUDOH OD YDULpWp &KHPODO qui prÊsente les mesures les plus intÊressantes. 0RWV FOp gÊnÊtique, pÊdologie, Tlemcen, Olivier, Sigoise, Chemlal, OlÊastre. 6XPPDU\ In this modest work we spoke about the olive-tree, the thousand-year-old tree of the Mediterranean basin, and which exists since antiquity and until today. Thus; we noted that in spite of the encouragement of this culture in our country (Algeria) one did not get the results not wished because of climatic conditions, the cultivation techniques and the route techniques which were not respected by the farmers, the maladjustment of the varieties in the edaphic, farming conditions and of the environment. Too; we carried out a pedological and genetic study in the wilaya of Tlemcen, on the varieties of the olive-tree (6LJRLVH &KHPODO 2OpDVWUH) during the partner 2009-2010. Of another with dimensions; and from the analyses of some phenotypical natures of agronomic interest where it was concluded that the 6LJRLVH variety seems to be a genetic source adapted to the conditions of our zone of study, considering their good output which is a character conditioned by the genetic potential of the variety as one notices as it presents the values most interesting for the characters of production, on the other hand for the characters of adaptation it is in general the &KHPODO variety which presents the most interesting measurements. .H\ZRUGV genetics, pedology, Tlemcen, Olive, Sigoise, Chemlal, OlÊastre.

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