Vitamin A & Immune Resilience: Insights from Non-Ruminant Immunology - PARTNERS' RESEARCH

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Vitamin A and Immune Resilience: Insights from Non-Ruminant Immunology

BASF SE, BU Animal Nutrition, 67063 Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany

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Vitamin A, also known as retinol, plays a crucial role in the immune systems of non-ruminant animals such as swine and poultry. It consists of three distinct compounds: retinol, retinal, and retinoic acid. In the diets of monogastric animals, vitamin A primarily appears in the form of retinyl esters. These esters undergo conversion to retinol for absorption in the intestine and subsequent distribution throughout the body’s tissues. The active forms of vitamin A are essential for the proper functioning of immune cells, including T and B lymphocytes and dendritic cells. A deficiency in vitamin A can weaken the immune system, leading to reduced antibody production and an increased risk of infections. This deficiency can also have a negative impact on gut health in both mammals and birds. Supplementation with vitamin A has been shown to enhance immune responses, making it a potential tool for improving overall health. However, determining the precise dosage and timing of supplementation requires careful consideration of the specific species, highlighting the need for further research in the field of non-ruminant nutritional immunology.

Metabolism and retinol’s multifaceted roles

The process of digesting and absorbing dietary vitamin A is a well-established scientific phenomenon occurring predominantly in the small intestine of both birds and mammals. This complex process begins with the enzymatic action of pancreatic esterases, facilitating the hydrolysis of vitamin A esters, resulting in the liberation of retinol into the intestinal lumen (Reboul, 2013). Retinol then forms mixed micelles with bile salts and lipids, aiding absorption. Once absorbed, retinol is re-esterified in enterocytes and integrated into chylomicrons, transporting vitamin A to the liver (O’Byrne and Blaner, 2013; Figure 1). In the liver, retinyl esters are stored in specialized cells (Haaker et al., 2020). When needed, they are hydrolyzed to release retinol, transported via plasma retinol-binding protein complexed with transthyretin (Raghu and Sivakumar, 2004; Steinhoff et al., 2022). Cellular uptake is mediated by the membrane protein STRA6 (Kelly and von Lintig, 2015). Inside cells, retinol is converted into retinoic acid through oxidation reactions (Bchini et al., 2013).

Retinoic acid, the active form, binds to nuclear receptors (RARs and RXRs) (McKenna, 2012; Al Tanoury et al., 2013), regulating target gene transcription (le Maire et al., 2019). For instance, retinoic acid supports cellular differentiation, especially in epithelial tissues (Timoneda et al., 2018). Additionally, it plays a role in bone growth by promoting osteoblast activity and regulating bone resorption (Chiba et al., 1996; Yee et al., 2021). In reproductive health, retinoic acid is essential for the development and maintenance of reproductive organs (Lindemann et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2015). It influences germ cell differentiation and the production of sex hormones (Endo et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2018). Moreover, vitamin A is vital for vision, as it is part of the visual pigment rhodopsin (Park, 2014). Rhodopsin’s components are opsin and 11-cis-retinal, derived from retinol (Ortega and Jastrzebska, 2019). Consequently, hypovitaminosis A can lead to night blindness and even to complete blindness (Debelo et al., 2017). Thus, vitamin A is vital for diverse physiological functions, and its deficiency can lead to health problems, emphasizing the need for adequate intake.

Figure 1. Absorption and metabolism of vitamin A (Khan et al., 2023)

Vitamin A deficiency and its consequences for immune function

Retinoids are pivotal compounds with a profound impact on the immune system of nonruminant animals (Dalloul et al., 2002; Chattha et al., 2013; Hu et al., 2020; Amimo et al., 2022; Wan et al., 2022). They exert a regulatory influence on immune cell differentiation, proliferation, and functionality, spanning T cells, B cells, natural killer cells, and dendritic cells (Oliveira et al., 2018). This regulation extends to the gene expression involved in immune function, encompassing inflammation and cytokine production (Pino-Lagos et al., 2010).

Insufficient vitamin A intake in swine and poultry, leads to compromised immune cell function and gene expression alterations, resulting in reduced immune responses and heightened susceptibility to infections (Ahmad et al., 2009; Pino-Lagos et al., 2010; Vlasova et al., 2013; Chepngeno et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2023). The significance of vitamin A in immune modulation was first identified by Green and Mellanby in 1928, leading to its recognition as the “anti-infective vitamin.” Currently, retinol is among the most extensively studied micronutrients concerning immune function (Villamor and Fawzi, 2005; Gürbüz and Aktac, 2022).

Vitamin A plays a vital role in bolstering the epithelial barrier, serving as the primary defense against various infections (Huang et al., 2018). Research by Cortes et al. (2006) have revealed that vitamin A deficiency induces clinical signs of squamous metaplasia and hyperkeratinization of glandular epithelium in multiple mucosal surfaces, such as the esophagus, bursa of Fabricius, proventriculus, and nasal glands in birds. Comparable symptoms manifest in different mammalian tissues experiencing hypovitaminosis A (Baldwin et al., 2012). However, retinol’s immunoregulatory effects extend beyond epithelial and mucus layer preservation.

Hypovitaminosis A significantly impacts the antibody response, with animals exhibiting diminished IgM and IgG synthesis, reduced specific IgM antibody production, and decreased salivary IgA antibody levels during infections (Stephensen, 2001; Hu et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2021). For instance, Harmon et al. (1963) reported that pigs with vitamin A deficiency produced less than 10% of the antibody quantity compared to control pigs receiving vitamin A supplementation.

Various endogenous retinoic acid metabolites, including 14-hydroxy-4,14-retro-retinol (14HRR) and 3,14-di-OH-retinol, have been shown to impact T and B cell proliferation (Schuchardt, 2007). In particular, 14-HRR is essential for B lymphocyte growth and T lymphocyte activation (Carazo et al., 2021). The ability of nearly all cells in the body to convert all-trans retinol to 14-HRR suggests the widespread conservation of this biochemical pathway in both insects and mammals (Blomhoff and Blomhoff, 2006). In birds and other animals, 14HRR has been shown to enhance lymphocyte proliferation in response to mitogens and increase cytokine production by lymphocytes, such as interferon‐gamma, interleukin-2, or tumor necrosis factor (Mao et al., 2000).

Multiple studies have demonstrated that subclinical vitamin A deficiency in animals can lead to immune dysfunction, affecting both innate and adaptive immune responses. To illustrate, Chattha et al. (2013) found that hypovitaminosis A in pigs impairs mucosal and systemic adaptive B and T lymphocyte responses and disrupts innate and adaptive cell distribution (Figure 2). Similarly, vitamin A-deficient chickens also exhibited altered T-cell ratios, indicating dysfunction of the immune system (Lessard et al., 1997).


Figure 2. Following a human rotavirus (RV) challenge, the groups that were both vaccinated and had sufficient levels of vitamin A exhibited higher levels of intestinal and systemic T regulatory cells (Chattha et al., 2013). The graph compares frequencies of T helper cells (CD3+CD4+; A), cytotoxic T cells (CD3+CD8+; B) and regulatory T cells (CD4+CD25+Foxp3+; C,D) in vitamin A deficient and sufficient pigs; MNCs=mononuclear cells. Pigs were vaccinated with attenuated human RV (AttHRV) vaccine or given a placebo, with or without vitamin A supplementation. Data was collected from blood, spleen, ileum, and duodenum postRV challenge. Bars show mean values and standard error of the mean, with capped lines indicating significant differences (p ≤ 0.05). Labels: Vac=AttHRV vaccinated, Vac+VitA=AttHRV vaccinated + vitamin A, Ctrl=non-vaccinated/non-vit A pigs, Ctrl+VitA=vitamin A only.

In neonatal piglets, Kandasamy et al. (2014) investigated the impact of vitamin A deficiency on the immune response to the rotavirus (RV) vaccine and subsequent infection. The results indicated compromised immune responses, increased virus shedding, and reduced protective efficacy against infection in vitamin A-deficient piglets. These piglets also exhibited persistently elevated pro-inflammatory mediator IL-8 and lower anti-inflammatory cytokine IL10 responses, implying more severe inflammatory reactions. The study concluded that vitamin A deficiency impairs the immune response to the rotavirus vaccine and reduces vaccine efficacy against infection.

Dalloul et al. (2002) conducted a study on broiler chickens infected with Eimeria acervulina to investigate the impact of vitamin A deficiency on the intestinal immune response and disease susceptibility to coccidiosis. The research revealed that birds on a vitamin A-deficient diet had fewer intraepithelial lymphocytes expressing surface markers CD3, CD4, CD8, αβTCR, and γβTCR, regardless of Eimeria challenge. Additionally, vitamin A-deficient birds shed more Eimeria oocysts and produced lower interferon-γ levels than those on a vitamin


A-supplemented diet, indicating that vitamin A deficiency compromises local immune defenses and raises disease susceptibility in broiler chickens.

Romagnani (1999) noted that Type 1 T helper (Th1) cells generate interferon-gamma, interleukin-2, and tumor necrosis factor-beta, activating macrophages and supporting cellmediated immunity and phagocyte-dependent protective responses. In contrast, type 2 Th (Th2) cells produce IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and IL-13, promoting robust antibody production, eosinophil activation, and the inhibition of various macrophage functions, thereby providing phagocyte-independent protective responses. Th1 cells typically prevail after infections caused by intracellular bacteria and some viruses, while Th2 cells are more prevalent in response to infestations caused by gastrointestinal nematodes.

Cantorna et al. (1994) reported that vitamin A has at least three vital functions for balancing Th1 and Th2 activities. These functions involve directly suppressing interferon‐gamma secretion by Th1 cells, diminishing activated antigen presenting cell function, and fostering the growth and/or differentiation of Th2 cells. Antigen-presenting cells play a central role in vitamin A’s immune system functions (Duriancik et al., 2010). This imbalance between regulatory Th1 and Th2 cells is believed to contribute to poor antibody-mediated immunity in cases of hypovitaminosis A.

Thus, retinol and its metabolites are pivotal components for immune function, with studies demonstrating that vitamin A deficiency significantly affects the immune system’s antibody response and hampers the proliferation and function of immune cells.

Vitamin A supplementation and its impact on immune regulation Research in swine

Rotavirus (RV) is a primary cause of severe diarrhea and dehydration in young animals (Chang et al., 2012). Chepngeno et al. (2022) found that vaccinating pregnant sows with RV and providing vitamin A supplementation during gestation and lactation can enhance immune responses, passive protection for piglets, and reduce diarrhea caused by RV (Table 1). This discovery may have significant implications for improving swine RV vaccination programs. Furthermore, Langel et al. (2019) conducted a study involving pregnant swine during the third trimester, demonstrating that vitamin A supplementation can improve gut health, increase anti-porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) IgA immunity, and boost survival rates in PEDVchallenged litters.

Piglet Groups No. of Piglets Average peak RV RNA Titer (Log 10 GE/mL) % of pigs with **diarrhea (Score = ≥2) Mean No. of Days to Onset of Diarrhea ***Mean Cumulative Fecal Score VAD + RV 52 7.1ab 5.1 2 1.6b VAD-Mock 26 15.0a 36.8 2 4.8a VAD + VA + RV 52 4.1b 7 2 1.4b VAD + VA-Mock 27 9.6ab 18.5 2 2.8c VAS + RV 20 4.1b 0 2 1.1b VAS-Mock 17 7.5ab 23 2 2.5c
Table 1. Piglet diarrhea and RV* RNA peak shedding data (Chepngeno et al., 2022)

*RV=Rotavirus; VA=Vitamin A; VAD=Vitamin A deficient diet; VAS=Vitamin A sufficient diet; **Diarrhea is defined as fecal score ≥2. Fecal diarrhea was scored as follows: 0, normal; 1, pasty; 2, semiliquid; 3, liquid.

***Mean cumulative fecal score [sum of fecal consistency score days post inoculation (Post Challenge Day 012)/N], where N is the number of pigs receiving the inoculation. a, b, c represents significant differences among the groups within the column (p ≤ 0.05). ab represents no significant differences to any group within the column.

Furthermore, Vlasova and colleagues (2013) noted that subclinical vitamin A deficiency can impair immune responses in piglets infected with RV, resulting in prolonged viral shedding and severe diarrhea. Their research also demonstrated that vitamin A supplementation enhances the immune response in RV-infected animals. These findings emphasize the critical need to address potential vitamin A deficiency in piglet populations.

In their 2009 study, Dawson et al. discovered that supplementing vitamin A at doses exceeding 100 µg of retinoic acid per kg of body weight effectively boosts the immune response in swine infected with parasitic nematodes, particularly with respect to lung eosinophilia. This research underscores the potential of vitamin A in the management of parasitic infections in swine. Additionally, recent investigations conducted by Hu et al. in 2020 and Zhou et al. in 2021 have revealed that providing vitamin A supplementation to weaned piglets, at levels of 12,000 or 13,500 IU/kg feed, results in a significant increase in immunoglobulin levels and lysozyme concentration in blood serum. These findings underscore the positive impact of vitamin A supplementation on the immune system of piglets.

Research in poultry

Swine and domestic fowl share similarities in their response to supplemental vitamin A, which has been shown to influence their immune systems. Lin et al. (2002) discovered that while laying hens exposed to heat stress and vaccinated against NDV had ample liver-stored vitamin A, additional dietary retinol (12,000 IU per kg of feed) positively impacted Tlymphocyte counts in peripheral blood. Riabroy and Tanumihardjo (2014) emphasized the need for a consistent dietary intake of vitamin A, as it is quickly absorbed by tissues and tends to return to baseline levels, except in the liver, where it is stored long-term.

A recent study by Zhang et al. (2023) demonstrated that oral vitamin A supplementation (8,000 IU per kg diet) improved the immune response of White Leghorn chickens infected with infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). The study administered vitamin A daily until the chickens reached 21 days of age and then infected them with a pathogenic IBV strain. The results showed reduced viral replication, increased serum IgG levels, and decreased inflammation. Although disease progression and growth were unaffected, these findings underscored vitamin A’s critical role in regulating chicken-IBV interactions and innate immunity. Similar positive effects of vitamin A on immunity were observed in other studies. Supplementing vitamin A in broilers improved the immune response to Newcastle-Disease-Virus vaccination, as indicated by increased haemagglutination inhibition titres (Sanda and Oyewole, 2015).

Guo et al. (2019) investigated dietary vitamin A levels in broiler growth performance and immune parameters. The study ranged from 3,000 to 45,000 IU/kg and revealed significant influences on both growth and serum immune factors. Notably, 6,000 and 15,000 IU/kg levels improved weight gain and immune response, while 30,000 and 45,000 IU/kg levels had adverse effects.


Sepehri Moghaddam and Emadi (2014) assessed vitamin A’s impact on broiler immune systems and suggested that the NASEM’s (1994) recommended 1,500 IU/kg might be insufficient for high-performing broiler strains. Similarly, Faluyi and Agbede (2017) found that higher vitamin A supplementation led to the highest antibody titres.

Li et al. (2022) explored vitamin A’s effects on aged laying hens and found that adequate or excess vitamin A levels enhanced immune parameters, including immunoglobulin content and cytokine expression. Finally, research in geese (Wan et al., 2022) indicated that increasing vitamin A levels improved intestinal morphology and immune responses, highlighting its impact on various domestic fowl species.

Vitamin A: The Immuno-Micronutrient for Optimal Health and Disease Prevention

Vitamin A shows promise as an immune-boosting micronutrient in pig and poultry farming, with studies indicating its ability to enhance immune responses and reduce infectious disease occurrences in non-ruminant animals (Alagawany et al., 2020; Lauridsen et al., 2021). However, further research is required to ascertain the optimal vitamin A dosage and its potential interactions with other nutrients for optimizing its benefits in non-ruminant production.

Methods for administering vitamin A to pigs and domestic fowl include:

1) Feed supplementation: Retinol (typically as retinyl acetate) can be incorporated into the diet using premixes or mineral feeds. Direct supplementation is impractical due to precision limitations in standard feed mixers compared to premix mixers.

2) Injection: Retinol (usually as retinyl propionate or occasionally as retinyl palmitate) can be administered via intramuscular or subcutaneous injections to individual animals.

3) Oral application: Individual animals can receive retinol (usually as retinyl palmitate) orally.

4) Water supplementation: Special water-dispersible formulations or vitamin mixes containing retinol (usually as retinyl acetate or retinyl palmitate) can be added to drinking water.

Compliance with local regulatory requirements is crucial when using retinyl esters, such as adhering to specific local guidelines. In the EU, for instance, vitamin A concentration in water, when combined with dietary vitamin A levels, must not exceed recommended intake levels for specific species/categories (EFSA, 2013). These levels are determined based on authorized vitamin A content in feed.

Determining vitamin A requirements for pigs and poultry necessitates considering administration type, age, and production stage. Young animals have higher vitamin A needs for growth and development (McDowell, 2000). Additionally, vitamin A requirements may vary based on the purpose, with higher amounts needed for immune health compared to performance or reproduction (McDowell, 2006). A comprehensive approach, considering factors like age, sex, physiological status, and dietary factors, is essential for precise vitamin A requirement determination.

Maintaining a robust immune system is vital in swine and poultry production to prevent infectious diseases, which can impact productivity and economic outcomes (Lauridsen, 2019; Raja Kumari Kallam and Sejian, 2021). A strong immune system also aids animals in coping with environmental stressors. Vitamin A, known as “the anti-infective vitamin,” plays a pivotal


role in immune modulation. Ensuring adequate vitamin A intake, along with proper nutrition, vaccination, and management, is crucial for non-ruminant production. Neglecting immune system health in non-ruminant farming can have severe consequences for animal welfare and public health due to potential zoonotic transmission. Thus, farmers and integrators must prioritize immune system health to safeguard both animal well-being and public safety.

Key Conclusions

1) Vitamin A is crucial for physiological functions like vision, growth, and immunity. It is acquired through diet and converted into active retinoic acid, regulating gene expression and immune responses.

2) Vitamin A deficiency impairs immunity in non-ruminants, increasing susceptibility to infections, reducing vaccine effectiveness, and harming gut health. It also compromises mucosal barriers, causing inflammation and oxidative stress.

3) Retinol plays a vital role in regulating both innate and adaptive immune responses. It boosts the activity of immune cells (T cells, B cells, NK cells), promotes cytokine, antibody, and immunoglobulin production, and maintains gut barrier integrity.

4) Supplementing vitamin A has demonstrated improved growth, immune function, and disease resistance in swine and poultry. It enhances vaccine responses, reduces parasitic, respiratory, and enteric diseases, and enhances meat and egg quality.


✓ Formulate non-ruminant diets to meet vitamin A requirements for optimal immune function and disease resistance. Recommendations for optimal vitamin A supply by respective breeding companies can be considered as a reference.

✓ Consider higher vitamin A supplementation during periods of stress or disease risk.

✓ Encourage further research to optimize vitamin A’s role as an immuno-micronutrient for enhancing animal health and welfare.


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