Aging Times Magazine April 2021

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APRIL 2021

FACIAL PROTECTION MONTH Avoid Maskne During Quarantine and COVID page 8

Easy Tips for UTI Prevention in Older Adults page 16


CONTENTS COVER STORY 8 Facial Protection Month

Avoid Maskne During Quarantine and COVID

MONTHLY FEATURES 6 Veterans Benefits

What is the VA Caregiver Program?

7 Legal Matters

On Medicaid for Long-Term Care? Keep Your Stimulus Payment!


11 DME Spotlight

Trilogy with AVAPS-AE Decreases CO2 and Improves Treatment Effectiveness


13 Staycation Spotlight

20 COVID-19 Vaccine Information

15 Social Security

24 Classifieds

St. Augustine

Faster Processing of Disability Claims for People with Alzheimer’s Disease

16 Healthy Living for the Soul

COVID-19 Vaccine Locations in Volusia County Items for Sale, Industry Jobs, Services, Etc.

25 Senior Resource Rolodex

Resource Directory of Trusted Providers

Ingredients for Living a Long and Healthy Life

17 Community Spotlight

19 We Mustache You A Question ??

How To Advertise To advertise in Aging Times Magazine, please call 386-717-6267 or email

21 Favorite Family Recipes

Recipe & Classifieds Submissions Email to

22 Relax & Play Brain Games

Follow Us on Facebook

Florida Wildflower & Garden Festival and DeLand Outdoor Art Festival Easy Tips for UTI Prevention in Older Adults Sicilian Pane Di Pasqua (Italian Easter Bread) Sudoku and Crossword Puzzle

Aging Times Magazine | April 2021


FOUNDERS/OWNERS Priscilla & Bruce Kincaid CO-FOUNDER Janet Dixon MANAGING EDITOR Priscilla Kincaid, RN, BSN, MBA

Happy Spring to you, we hope that you have stayed healthy and are exploring the outdoors (safely of course) during these first few days of spring. Whether going out to see the manatees, or lunch with the family, daycations are a must in Central Florida with so many things to do! April has quickly sprung upon us and it is always a busy one for our family. Between birthdays: by the way, Happy Birthday to my partner, husband, and our co-founder, Bruce, as well as our son Bruce-Anthony who turns 13 this month; and of course, Easter it seems we are always on the go. This month we wanted to take the opportunity to share a bit of our family tradition with you! In this edition, we are sharing our family recipe heirloom dating back over 150 years in age as well as our family story. Coming over from Italy our family is the unique combination of northern Italy Naples on my great grandmother’s side as well as Southern Italy with my great grandfather’s parents coming to America from Sicily. Both sides uniquely coming together bringing recipes near and far that we still honor every day in our traditional family dinners. One thing we know is that as we are out and about more, we are all working to overcome the daily use of our masks. With mask requirements as a part of our daily routine and April is National Facial Protection Month it is important that we were able to showcase some of the ways to battle our “maskne” and irritations from our daily mask use. We hope that you find it resourceful and educational as we all pitch in to follow our 3 W’s daily: Wear your mask, Wash your hands, and as always Watch your distance. Speaking of being out and about, March brought us the wonderful opportunity to explore both the Wildflower Festival and the local Art Festival both of which occurred right in DeLand. What a wonderful experience to enjoy our backyard and support our local growers and artists of all kinds. In April we also want to take a moment to recognize some of the many holidays that occur during the month including Easter, Passover, National Autism Awareness Day, Administrative Professional’s Day, and Patriots Day just to name a few! We hope that no matter the holiday you are celebrating with your family and friends that you enjoy your time. We hope you have a wonderful April! From our family to yours,

Priscilla & Bruce Kincaid, Founders/Owners


Aging Times Magazine | April 2021

DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING Janet Dixon CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Raymond Allen Jr., Scott A. Selis, Dr. Hafeez, Ray “Chip” Haverty III , Amanda Vallone, Cheryl Floyd, Harry Martinez, Adrienne Freeland ART DIRECTOR/GRAPHIC DESIGNER Casey Marshall, Putterman Graphics

CONTACT US Aging Times Magazine 815 S. Volusia Ave., Suite 5 Orange City, FL 32763 Office: 386-626-AGING (2446) Email: For advertising inquiries, please contact Janet Dixon at or 386-717-6267 ©2021 by Aging Tree, LLC. Aging Times Magazine is the official publication of Aging Tree, LLC. All rights reserved. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced without the permission from Aging Tree, LLC. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding appropriate use of any treatment.

Contact Janet Dixon Director of Advertising


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10,000 Americans retire everyday. 38% of Volusia County residents are 65 or older. Volusia County has one of the highest concentrations of retirees in the state.


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Aging Times Magazine | April 2021 Grow with us! Be a part of our Aging Times Magazine!

Contact Janet Dixon | Phone: (386) 717-6267 | Email:




The Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) is open to veterans who were injured or experienced an aggravated injury in the line of duty after September 11, 2001 OR on or before May 7, 1975. Veterans who were injured or experienced illness as a result of military service may require the help of a caregiver for activities of daily living. This is also true for veterans experiencing mental disorders like PTSD. Caregivers of veterans are often family members who assist with home care, transportation to health care appointments, and other daily tasks. They often take on the role of a home health aide but lack the financial support. To help support these family caregivers, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers. This program provides VA health care benefits, monthly stipends, coverage of travel expenses, and other types of financial support to the caregivers of eligible veterans. Those who are eligible for this program can receive a number of caregiver benefits. Here’s what disabled veterans and their family members should know about this caregiver support program.

How to Get Approved for the VA Caregiver Program

Veterans who were injured or experienced illness as a result of military service may require the help of a caregiver for activities of daily living. This is also true for veterans experiencing mental disorders like PTSD. Caregivers of veterans are often family members who assist with home care, transportation to health care appointments, and other daily tasks. They often take on the role of a home health aide but lack the financial support.

How Does The VA Determine Eligibility?

The VA MISSION Act expanded benefits for veterans and their caregivers by opening access to PCAFC. This expansion began on October 1, 2020 with the first of two phases. The VA is rolling out the phases as follows: • Phase 1: Family caregivers of veterans who were seriously injured in the line of duty on or before May 7, 1975 will be eligible for the program. • Phase 2: After two years, family caregivers of Veterans who were seriously injured in the line of duty between May 7, 1975, and September 10, 2001 will be eligible for the program.

Eligibility for Caregivers

The following are the VA’s requirements for PCAFC eligibility as they apply to caregivers. Family caregivers must be: • 18 years of age or older, AND • A spouse, son, daughter, parent, step family member, or extended family member of the veteran, OR • Someone who lives full-time with the veteran or is willing to do so if designated as a family caregiver. Effective October 1, 2022, these eligibility requirements will expand to include veterans who were seriously injured in the line of duty after May 7, 1975 and before September 11, 2001. You can learn more about eligibility requirements from your local Veterans Service Office. Raymond Allen Jr. U.S. Army SFC (RET.) Volusia County Veterans Services 123 West Indiana Avenue DeLand, Florida 32720 Phone: 386-740-5102 Fax: 386-740-5101 EYE EXAMS CATARACT SURGERY


1592 South SR-15-A | DeLand, FL 32720


Other Offices in: Lake Mary, Orange City, Orlando, New Smyrna Beach, and Ormond Beach


Aging Times Magazine | April 2021


ON MEDICAID FOR LONG-TERM CARE? KEEP YOUR STIMULUS PAYMENT! As the latest round of stimulus checks go out, it is important to know that nursing home residents are not required to turn their checks over to their nursing home. Medicaid recipients need to spend the cash within a year if it puts them over Medicaid’s resource limit. In December 2020, Congress approved $600 stimulus checks for individuals making less than $75,000 a year. And Congress recently approved another round of $1,400 stimulus checks. Those checks should be sent to everyone eligible, including individuals on Medicaid and in a nursing home or assisted living facility. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is reminding nursing home and assisted living residents that their stimulus checks are for them, not their facility. With the first round of stimulus checks, there were reports that facilities were taking the checks without residents’ permission. The FTC says that if nursing homes ask for a resident’s check, the resident should contact the state attorney general and the FTC. Medicaid recipients who receive a stimulus check that puts them above Medicaid’s resource limit will need to spend down the money within a year or risk losing benefits. The Social Security Administration has said

that it will not consider stimulus payments as income, and that the payments will be excluded from a Medicaid recipient’s resources for 12 months. The following are examples of what a Medicaid recipient may be able to spend the money on without affecting their eligibility: • Make a payment toward paying off debt. • Make small house repairs. • Update personal effects. Buy household goods or personal comfort objects. Buy a new wardrobe, electronics or furniture. • Buy needed medical equipment, see a dentist or get eyes checked if those items aren't covered by insurance. If you have questions about how you or a family member in a nursing home or assisted living can spend money, contact your local elder law attorney. Scott Selis, Elder Law Attorney, estate planning, probate, long-term care, government benefits, (Medicaid, Veteran’s benefits). Scott was Assistant Chair of Florida Bar’s Elder Law section, and Elder Law Attorney of the Year 2016.

Aging Times Magazine | April 2021


Facial Protection Month Avoid Maskne During Quarantine & COVID by Dr. Hafeez

Do you want to look younger? If yes, then take care of your facial health. Your face tells a lot about your health. It reflects your diet and hydration level. Healthy skin gives you more confidence; you look beautiful, no matter what your age is. While in these pandemic days, a mask is an important part of your life. But the regular use of the mask can increase the risk of maskne. So, it is mandatory to take care of your face to prevent these skin problems. 8

Aging Times Magazine | April 2021

Here are some simple and easy ways to maintain your facial health and other skin problem: 1. Take Your Makeup Off Before Going to Bed Remember to remove makeup before going to bed. Otherwise, your skin pores become clogged, and your face looks puffy and dull when you wake up. One study has revealed that removing day’s pollution and makeup before sleeping can decrease the risk of irritation that can age your skin. 2. Wash Your Face Correctly Avoid washing your face with generic soap that can make your skin dry. Use a soft facial foaming cleanser to clean your face. Several studies have depicted that your facial skin is very delicate, and soaps are not made for face cleaning. Soap can disturb your pH balance, which causes dryness. There are several ways to clean your face such as with sonic brushes or oil cleansers. 3. Moisturize Your Face Daily With growing age, your skin becomes dry. To prevent dryness, moisturize your face daily according to your skin type. Prefer creamy, oil-based, and thick moisturizer on your face. Be sure to apply moisturizer after every bath. It can make your skin soft and fresh. 4. Use Vitamin C Serums Vitamin C is the best brightening, antioxidant, and hydrating agent for your skin. One study has concluded that products containing a combination of vitamin E, C, and ferulic acids are the best for your facial health. According to health experts, you must avoid going out in the sun as much as you can. But if you have to go out, apply vitamin C serum on your face to prevent the effects of sun damage. 5. Drink Water, Avoid Soda Beverages high in fructose sugar and calories are not good for your skin and waistline. Water is best for your skin and body. Health professionals recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water to maintain your skin health. If you are over 50, you have to maintain your hydration level to keep your skin fresh and glowing. According to the research, one gallon of water daily plumps up your skin and makes you energetic. Another study finds that drinking enough water can clean your body from toxins, prevent constipation and dehydration to maintain your glow, and more. 6. Your Face Care Routine Should Not Be Expensive Don’t run for expensive skin and face care products. Prefer to take care of your face and skin by using organic, plant-based, and natural products. You can

make your face care product easily at home. Take lavender essential oil and unrefined coconut oil, mix them and apply on your face every night before going to bed. These natural, inexpensive, and organic ingredients give you a long-term glow. Studies have revealed that the combination of coconut oil with lavender oil effectively reduces several skin problems such as inflammation and rashes. Before applying anything on your face, don’t forget to do a patch test. 7. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Add more fruits and raw vegetables to your diet. These natural and organic foods are rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that slow the aging process and prevent several skin issues. On the other hand, prevent the use of processed, smoked, and refined products rich in salt, unhealthy fats, and sugar. Studies have revealed that processed foods high in sugars can lead to wrinkles on your face and sagging of the skin. 8. Monitor Your Bodyweight Your skin has elasticity, while extra body weight can cause your skin to stretch. Your facial skin suffers from

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repeated weight loss and weight gain. Skin loses its elasticity, and you look older. So, try to maintain your healthy body weight by eating healthy food and physical activity.

What is Maskne and How Can You Prevent It?


Wash Fabric Mask After Every Use


Use Antibiotic Cream


Toss Disposable Mask

3. Folliculitis It is the infection of hair follicles, makes bumps that look like acne. This condition results in blisters formation, irritation, and red rashes on your face.


Remove Your Mask Every 4 Hours

4. Rosacea If you suffer from rosacea, wearing a mask can lead to flare-ups. Rosacea can also cause redness and pimples on your face.


Apply Moisturizer Before Wearing a Mask


Select the Right Mask


Wash Face After Removing Your Mask

These days it is mandatory to wear a face mask in public to protect yourself from coronavirus. But it is also important to prevent skin issues caused by wearing a face mask. Maskne is a common term that includes several skin conditions caused by covering your face or wearing a face mask for longer period of time. These conditions are: 1. Acne It occurs when your skin pores become clogged with oil, dirt, and dead skin cells. Moreover, it leads to blackheads, pimples, and whiteheads. 2. Contact Dermatitis This occurs when your skin is sensitive or allergic to mask material, which can cause redness and pimples.


Dermatologists claim that clogged pores cause maskne. Your skin already has bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells. So, when you wear a mask, these substances accumulate and block your skin pores, leading to acne development. Another possible cause of maskne is friction. When the material of the mask rubs with your skin, this can lead to irritation and chafing (soreness) on your face.

In the Bottom Line

Your face is the mirror of your internal body health condition. So, eat a healthy diet, stay hydrated, and follow all hygienic practices to maintain your facial health to look fresh and younger.


Aging Times Magazine | April 2021

Avoid reusing fabric face masks without washing them. Wash your fabric face mask with unscented hypoallergenic detergent.

According to dermatologists, bacteria can build up under your face mask that can cause acne. To avoid this problem you should apply antibacterial gel or cream on your face then wear a mask.

Don’t reuse disposable face masks. Throw it away after each use. Keep several disposable masks with you in case you need a fresh one.

This practice gives a break to your facial skin and prevents acne and other problems.

Moisturizer acts as a barrier between your mask and skin. Dermatologists recommend using noncomedogenic moisturizers that can hydrate your facial skin.

To prevent skin issues caused by wearing a mask, choose the right mask for yourself. Try to choose one that has more than one layer of fabric, is made of soft and natural fabric (cotton), and fits snugly on your face.

Wash your face with a cleanser after removing a mask and then apply a moisturizer on your face for skin protection. Studies have depicted that it is important to wash your face after sweating while wearing a mask to prevent bacteria that lead to acne.



Trilogy is designed with easy-to-read and navigate screens, multiple prescription settings and on-screen waveforms to help optimize treatment. Trilogy’s pressure and volume-control features allow you to provide more types of therapy with one device. The ability to use multiple modes for patients who require varying levels of ventilation, allows for greater flexibility in care. AVAPS AE, an auto-titration mode of non-invasive ventilation with multiple algorithms that work simultaneously, meets your changing needs. AVAPS AE automatically adjusts to your breathing, while Auto EPAP proactively adjusts to the lowest effective pressure for peak comfort. Auto Backup delays a machine breath until the patient has exhaled to reduce air trapping. This adaptive algorithm automatically adjusts the triggering and cycling of the ventilator, while compensating for leaks. Digital AutoTrak’s capability contributes to the patient’s synchrony and comfort, without requiring manual adjustments.

The Sensitive Auto-Trak setting provides an enhanced triggering response for patients with minimal respiratory effort. The Trilogy in conjunction with routine follow ups with your physician and Sweetwater Medical’s care team, all equates to keeping you out of the hospital. Please call Sweetwater Medical if you would like to learn more about Respironics Trilogy NIV.

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1611 S, State Hwy 15A Ste 3, DeLand, FL 32720 | Phone: (386) 822-9223 Aging Times Magazine | April 2021


The best selling auto-loading scooter in Europe is now available in the US!

Finally... A scooter that loads itself in and out of your car. Introducing Quingo® – the powerful, take-anywhere and go-anywhere mobility scooter that you never have to lift. It’s a sad fact. Many people who have mobility issues and could benefit from a scooter aren’t able to use them away from home. Struggling to get it into a car or loading it onto a bumper-mounted lift just isn’t worth the effort. Even travel scooters can be hard to pick up and load into a car... and many are prone to tipping over. Now, there’s a better scooter, Quingo. It’s easy to use, even for one person, and requires no more effort than opening a car’s tailgate and pressing a remote. Now anyone with a SUV, cross-over or mini van can go anywhere they want any time they want.

Only one scooter is this powerful and portable • Patented 5-Wheel Anti-tip Stability lets you take it almost anywhere.

• No dismantling or lifting of heavy scooter parts. • Fits most SUV’s, mini-vans and crossovers • Large motor + up to 350 pound capacity. • Extra long range with BIG scooter performance. • Won’t bounce around in your car– locks in place.

“For the first time in years I’ve been able to go with my granddaughters to the mall. A crowd gathers every time I unload my scooter from my car!” – Judi K, Exeter, CA This scooter provides 5-Wheel Anti-Tip Technology for stability, agility and comfort with its unique wheel configuration. The patented 5-wheel design by Quingo enables it to ride safely over a wide variety of surfaces. It uses 4 ultra slim powerful batteries providing a range of up to 23 miles on a single charge. The best selling auto-loading scooter in Europe is now available in the US! Don’t wait to take advantage of this exciting new technology, call today to regain you independence.

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Quingo can load and unload itself in less than 60 seconds using the simple remote. The innovative “easy-in-and-out” ramping system can be installed in minutes, and then either remain in your car or be easily uninstalled when more room is needed.

This mobility product cannot be returned, but if it arrives damaged or is defective, at our option we will repair it or replace it. Medicare and Medicaid no longer subsidize scooter sales. © 2021 firstSTREET for Boomers and Beyond, Inc.


Founded in 1565, St. Augustine is our nation’s oldest city, also known as the “Ancient City,” and also the “Most Charming” city in the U.S. From historic tours to haunted ghost walks, with plenty in between, you can certainly find many reasons to visit St. Augustine.


by Amanda Vallone

From our beautiful home of DeLand, FL, St. Augustine is only a mere hour and a half drive—and worth every moment. I’d highly recommend staying a few nights in a hotel or one of the quaint B&B’s right in the heart of the city, but even if you’ll just be heading there for a day trip, you can enjoy a truly fantastic experience. The Visitor’s Information Center is an important first stop for your maps (which we also have at Roseborough Travel if you pop in before your trip), restrooms, and the beginning of your history lessons. The exhibits within the center change, but you’ll always find The Face Fountain from Aviles, Spain, and the Old Spanish Trail Zero Milestone which marks one end of a trail that runs from St. Augustine to San Diego. A short walk away is the Old Spanish Fort, Castillo de San Marco. Built in 1647 to protect and defend Spain’s claim to the New World, the oldest masonry fort in the continental U.S. was never captured in battle. Take time to roam through the interiors and

Your Dream Vacation is Our Priority. 140 East Indiana Avenue, DeLand, FL 32724 386-734-7245 • • Aging Times Magazine | April 2021


imagine being a Spanish soldier for a day, and don’t miss their regularly scheduled cannon firing. From there you can walk through the Gates of the City and take a stroll down St. George Street for some great shopping, food, and people watching. Take a step back in time with the historical architecture and smell the aromas of fried dough, fresh-made ice cream and waffle cones, and a world of amazing cuisines.


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Aging Times Magazine | April 2021

Right down the road from there is the Lightner Museum. Otto Lightner, “America’s King of Hobbies,” advocated (even through the Great Depression) that everyone should have a collection or a hobby. In 1947, he purchased Henry Flagler’s abandoned hotel, the Alcazar, for pennies on the dollar. After restoring it, he started exhibiting his sizable collections there. It has since been dubbed the “Smithsonian of the South.” There’s also the St. Augustine Lighthouse, the Fountain of Youth, the Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum… the list goes on and on! If you follow this article’s itinerary, you’ve got more than enough to keep you busy for at least a day trip to St. Augustine. But I know firsthand that one or more of these sights might not be for everyone. I always recommend the hop-on hop-off trolley (especially for those with mobility issues), but is that right for your getaway? Is a horse drawn carriage better? Talking with a travel agent is important to get the most out of your trip, whether it be a local day trip or an adventure across the globe. Don’t want to make the drive yourself or go on your own? Sign up to be on the list to go on our next Group Day Trip to St. Augustine. All the details will be taken care of for you!



Today, more than five million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease. Since the onset of Alzheimer’s can occur in people before they retire, it may strike during an individual’s working years; preventing gainful employment as the disease progresses. As a result, people must come to grips with a devastating diagnosis while losing their salary and benefits. People with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers must figure out how they’ll pay for care. Our benefits and services are vital to people with early-onset Alzheimer’s who are unable to work and have no other source of income. For over a decade, Social Security has included Alzheimer’s disease in our Compassionate Allowances



program. This program identifies debilitating diseases and medical conditions so severe they obviously meet our disability standards. Compassionate Allowances allow for faster processing of disability claims for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, mixed-dementia, and Primary Progressive Aphasia. You can read more about our Compassionate Allowances program at: To learn more about how Social Security disability insurance works, visit our disability page at Please share these resources with friends and family.


BROKER ASSOCIATE, GRI, ABR | 386.848.8904 Aging Times Magazine | April 2021





by Adrienne Freeland


Have you ever felt the uncomfortable burning sensation and constant urge to urinate that come along with a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)? If not, consider yourself fortunate, because many Americans will get a UTI in their lifetime. When you’re young, a UTI seems like nothing more than an irritation, but as you age the symptoms and severity of an infection increase.

Let’s begin with a better understanding of the anatomy that is affected by a UTI. The Urinary Tract is a term that refers to all of the organs that participate in expelling urine from your body. Specifically, the kidneys, ureter, bladder, and urethra. When foreign bacteria is introduced infection can easily begin and spread within the system and can lead to serious issues. Untreated UTIs often become bladder or kidney infections which pose a much higher. risk to patients. Because the urinary tract in women is shorter and more open to foreign bacteria, it is easy to see how women are more likely to develop UTIs than men. The most common UTI symptoms are the urge to urinate, burning sensation during urination, frequent urination, cloudy, red, or strongsmelling urine, and pelvic pain (in women). Unfortunately, seniors may be susceptible to all of these symptoms as well as more severe reactions. Older patients with UTIs can display a variety of other symptoms, some of the most alarming include restlessness, hallucination, social withdrawal, agitation, and confusion. To prevent UTIs in seniors you must first understand why they occur. They may occur for all the same reasons young people experience them. But the more frequent culprit among patients of this demographic is the inability to fully empty their bladders. When urine sits in the bladder for too long it can develop bacteria that then spreads through the urinary tract, causing an infection.


Aging Times Magazine | April 2021

Now that we’ve sufficiently warned you about the risks of UTIs in seniors, it’s time for a little bit of good news. There are simple things you can do at home to promote urinary tract health and prevent UTIs.

Drink Plenty of Water

Because seniors often have trouble fully emptying their bladders, it’s critically important that you drink plenty of water and use the bathroom frequently. The more you drink, the more you go to the bathroom, the less likely urine is to sit in your bladder and develop dangerous bacteria. Plus, there are significant health benefits to consuming enough water each day.

Increase Your Movement

Research shows that patients who exercise regularly are less likely to need prescription drugs to treat a UTI. Depending on the individual, some older men and women may not be able to exercise like they used to. The good news is, you don’t have to endure strenuous experience to gain the benefits. Increasing your movement just a little can curb your risk of infection.

Beware Which Direction You Wipe

Women learn at an early age to wipe from front to back after using the bathroom. But some may not realize that this prevents harmful bacteria from being introduced to their urinary tract. As our minds become less clear and our bodies become less flexible we may forget the importance of this habit. For some older patients, a bidet is an ideal tool to help keep them clean without the risk of causing a potentially dangerous health situation.

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Keep Your Briefs Fresh

It’s not uncommon for older adults to experience incontinence and need the support of incontinence briefs. Disposable underwear provides a great sense of freedom to patients who would otherwise be concerned about having an accident in public. If you wear incontinence briefs, make sure you’re checking and changing them regularly. Wearing soiled briefs for too long may introduce unhealthy bacteria into your urinary tract. So much of maintaining healthy bodies depends on the small habits we have each day. Try implementing some of these habits to help prevent UTIs in yourself or your aging loved ones. Most importantly, if you or someone you know suffers from frequent Urinary Tract Infections, speak to your doctor. The medical professionals in your life can give you personalized medical advice to help you decrease your risk and live a more active and comfortable life.

Akin Law P.A. 386-738-5599 | Here to assist with your Elder Law needs! Aging Times Magazine | April 2021


COVID-19 VACCINATION Information & Resources


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For the latest information regarding COVID-19 in Volusia County, visit At this time the Volusia County is only vaccinating individuals 65 years of age and older and health care personnel with direct patient contact. Upon arrival, individuals must provide proof of Florida residency, a state-issued ID and, for health care personnel, a medical license or work ID including title or role.

Volusia County Vaccine Locations

Daytona Beach • Daytona Beach VA Multispecialty Community Based Outpatient Clinic, 515 National Health Care Dr. • The Shoppes at Beville Road, 1500 Beville Rd. • Bellair Plaza, 2595 N. Atlantic Ave. • Latitude Landings, 2630 LPGA Blvd. • Daytona Beach Shores, 3044 S. Atlantic Ave. • Sunshine Park Shopping Center, 2400 S Ridgewood Ave. DeLand • Volusia County Fairgrounds, 3150 E New York Ave. • Northgate Shopping Center, 299 E. International Speedway Blvd. • Country Club Corners, 2431 S. Woodland Blvd. Deltona • Publix at Deltona Landings, 915 Doyle Rd. • Deltona Commons, 605 Courtland Blvd. • Dupont Lakes Center, 2783 Elkcam Blvd. • Publix at Saxon Crossings, 2100 Saxon Blvd.

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Holly Hill • Publix at Holly Hill, 1850 Ridgewood Ave.


New Smyrna Beach • Indian River Village Shopping Center, 709 East Third Ave. • New Smyrna Beach Regional Shopping Center, 1930 State Road 44 • Crown Centre, 2556 Enterprise Rd.


Ormond Beach • Ormond Towne Square, 1478 W. Granada Blvd. • Halifax Plantation Village, 3750 Roscommon Dr. • Ormond Beach Mall, 1258 Ocean Shore Blvd. • The Trails Shopping Center, 220 N. Nova Road

Call Today for Inaugural Savings!

Contact Janet Dixon Director of Advertising

386-717-6267 18

Edgewater • Edgewater Commons, 2970 S. Ridgewood Ave.

Aging Times Magazine | April 2021

Port Orange • Dunlawton Square, 3821 S. Nova Rd. • Westport Square, 1660 Taylor Rd.


Wouldn’t we all love a magic formula for living with zest for the rest of our lives? I was fortunate to befriend a woman who had that magic formula and used it wisely. She shared these four ingredients for living a long and healthy life: nutrition, hobbies, education and mentors. Jayme Green celebrated her 103rd birthday on December 6, 2015; the following day she wowed an audience as she told stories, played her ukulele, and led a sing-a-long. Two months later she fell; as the EMT’s rolled her out she called back to the Activities Director, “With this broken leg, I won’t be able to perform on March 15th.” She kept her calendar full of planned events that acted as carrots dangling to motivate and keep her mind engaged. Jamye acknowledged her mother’s emphasis on fresh foods and cleansing that sparked her interest in healthy living. She recalled sitting in a homemade Turkish bath and drinking lemon water in the early 1900’s. Her father introduced her to performing magic. She said, “If every child had a hobby there would be fewer problems in adulthood. Hobbies encourage curiosity and continuing education.” She believed if the mind is actively learning it remains healthy and engaged. Also, having a mentor is important, especially one who speaks the truth that resonates with your soul. Then later in life we become the mentor, sharing with a younger generation.

I asked Jamye once,

“If you can visit me after life, how will you appear?” She giggled,

“As a Monarch butterfly.”

hobby. Research indicates many benefits to gardening: having our hands in the soil boosts the immune system, bare feet on the earth aides in being grounded, breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide connects us to the elemental function of our planet and improves our lung capacity, spending time in the garden connects us to the life cycle of plants and the insects that pollinate our earth. Most importantly gardening for fun relieves stress and anxiety which could lead to a longer, healthier life. I welcome you to put your heart into gardening and your hands in the soil. It’s good for the soul. Do you have a hobby? If gardening is not your thing, become an appreciator, an observer of nature. Focus on green when taking a walk. Remove your shoes and feel the dirt or sand. Allow yourself to connect while engaging your senses. Rediscover a forgotten interest: photography, a musical instrument, a game, a craft. Allow yourself to play for the fun of it. A positive outlook serves us well in our pursuit of living for the soul and having hobbies enhances our joy. Find your magic formula for healthy living and claim each moment. Experience joy in the little things; the magic is in the moment. Cheryl Floyd, Speaker/Storyteller and Heal your Life® Coach. Cheryl Floyd is a graduate of East Tennessee State University’s Master Storytelling program. Her career includes over thirty years in education, publishing, life coaching, public speaking, and storytelling.

At that time, I knew nothing about growing larval and nectar plants for butterflies. Today my garden is a Monarch Sanctuary and gardening has become my Aging Times Magazine | April 2021





After a year of quarantine, limited social interaction, and social distancing as a community we are finally able to enjoy some of our traditional events. One of the much anticipated and favorite events includes the ability to go out and smell the flowers! What exactly am I referring to? The first festivals in DeLand since the pandemic, the Florida Wildflower & Garden Festival and the DeLand Outdoor Art Festival of course!

Florida Wildflower & Garden Festival

DeLand Outdoor Art Festival

Did you know that MainStreet DeLand Association was not the original organizer of the Wildflower Festival? Naomi Nichols with MainStreet DeLand shared some of the history which made us fall more in love with these beautiful spring blooms!

The weather during March is unpredictable and there’s no telling what the temperature or rainfall may be. But, for the last 56 years, there’s been one sure sign of Spring—the DeLand Outdoor Art Festival.

Originally called the Florida Wildflower Festival, the Florida Wildflower & Garden Festival originated in 2006 and was held at the Volusia County Ag Center. It was started by David Griffis and Renee Tallevest and were inspired by the Crested Butte Wildflower Festival in Colorado. In 2008 the festival made its debut when MainStreet DeLand joined as an organizer.

Founded in 1965 by Joe Elliott and Virginia Clausen on the sidewalks of downtown DeLand, the DeLand Outdoor Art Festival is the oldest family-run art festival in DeLand’s history. In 2000 Virginia’s son Tom Clausen was elected President and his wife Patty was elected Vise President. They remain coordinators of the festival along with Martie Cox and Jeannie Harvey.

This event provides a platform to promote environmentally-friendly and sustainable gardening practices featuring an array of vendors and presentations by wildflower and gardening experts. In addition to plant and gardening related vendors, the Florida Wildflower & Garden Festival has a great lineup of free presentations by gardening experts.

The DeLand Outdoor Art Festival is a venue for fine artists, traditional crafters, and so much more. Fine artists from throughout the Southeast will be competing for thousands of dollars in cash prizes and awards. There is live entertainment throughout the day, from country to blues and a variety of other musical performances. And we can’t forget about the delicious food. Food vendors offering Greek salads to popcorn, Wisconsin Cheese Curds, BarB-Q, Kettle Korn to Home Made Ice Cream, and much, much more to tempt and satisfy your pallet.

Whether you’re looking to build your first vegetable or herb garden to creating a butterfly garden this is the best resource in learning all of the know-how from local professionals. 20

Aging Times Magazine | April 2021



Vitale Family Heirloom This month I wanted to take a moment and share a bit of tradition from my kitchen to yours. The Italian Easter Bread recipe known to our family as Pane Di Pasqua has been in our family for over 150 years, in fact the recipe originated from Sicily with my great, great, great grandmother. I have always had a passion to bake. In our family you know if you’re coming for Sunday dinner my mom does all the cooking but, I hold the apron for dessert! This recipe, however, was directly passed to me from my great-great aunt who is near and dear to me and my kids, she is known to us as “Tootsie.” Tootsie has been the keeper of the recipes for the last 30+ years and no one has been able to recreate and make these recipes to date in our family. Essentially it has skipped three generations since the last relative brought them to life. Tootsie has inspired me and my baking to bring the heart of our family to life and bring us all to the table to celebrate generations past with generations present and future. Pane Di Pasqua symbolizes the start of lent and is incorporated into our weekend meals leading up to Easter. I hope you take time to bring our tradition into your home and enjoy it as much as we do! From our family to yours, Easter Blessings. Bon Appetit!

Bread Ingredients 1 ¼ 1/3 2 ¼ 1/8 ½ 2 4

cup milk cup unsalted butter (cubed at room temperature) teaspoons rapid rise instant yeast (1 package) teaspoon of salt cup sugar large eggs beaten cups of flour

Egg Wash

1 large egg 1 tablespoon of water

Optional: 3 dyed eggs for decoration multi-color sprinkles

Directions 1. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. 2. Combine flour, salt, sugar, and yeast with a stand mixer or mixer and use the bread hook to combine together. Once combined begin adding in butter one cube at a time until all is incorporated. 3. In a medium bowl, whisk eggs and milk together. 4. Once dry ingredients are incorporated begin to slowly add in the egg and milk combination. 5. Bread dough will begin to form, continue to mix on slow speed until dough is formed. 6. Place dough in a bowl with a towel over the bowl, let dough sit and rise for at least 2 hours, if leaving longer place in refrigerator. 7. Once dough had risen, divide it into 3 equal sizes, roll into long bread shape and braid 3 sections together, you can shape your bread into a round wreath or leave long like a loaf. 8. Take shaped dough and place on a flat non-stick cookie sheet, brush egg wash on top of bread and add sprinkles if desired. 9. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until golden brown on top. Decorate your Easter Bread by placing the dyed eggs around the circle. Does your family have a "go-to" family recipe and a story to share? Aging Times is looking to share a family heirloom within our magazine each month and we need your families story to make it perfect! If you have a recipe to share and a story please submit via email to We want to share your story and recipe with our readers! Aging Times Magazine | April 2021





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The goal of Sudoku is to fill in a 9x9 grid with digits so that each column, row, and 3x3 section contain the numbers between 1 to 9. At the beginning of the game, the 9x9 grid will have some of the squares filled in. Your job is to use logic to fill in the missing digits and complete the grid. Don’t forget, a move is incorrect if: • Any row contains more than one of the same number from 1 to 9 • Any column contains more than one of the same number from 1 to 9 • Any 3x3 grid contains more than one of the same number from 1 to 9

Sudoku Tips

Sudoku is a fun puzzle game once you get the hang of it. At the same time, learning to play Sudoku can be a bit intimidating for beginners. So, if you are a complete beginner, here are a few Sudoku tips that you can use to improve your Sudoku skills.




2 5

How to Play Sudoku


Tip 1: Look for rows, columns of 3x3 sections that contain 5 or more numbers. Work through the remaining empty cells, trying the numbers that have not been used. In many cases, you will find numbers that can only be placed in one position considering the other numbers that are already in its row, column, and 3×3 grid. Tip 2: Break the grid up visually into 3 columns and 3 rows. Each large column will have 3, 3x3 grids and each row will have 3, 3x3 grids. Now, look for columns or grids that have 2 of the same number. Logically, there must be a 3rd copy of the same number in the only remaining 9-cell section. Look at each of the remaining 9 positions and see if you can find the location of the missing number.

Life Plan  Independent Living  Assisted Living  Rehab Care  Skilled Nursing

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Aging Times Magazine | April 2021




by Evelyn Johnson (

1 Third month of the year 6 Replace a striker 10 Abdominal muscles (abbr.) 13 Musical productions 15 Canal 16 Vase 17 Politeness 18 Part of a semester 19 Thirst quencher 20 Baby bed 22 Conditions of the sky and air 24 So we see 26 Due 28 Slime 29 Mined metals 30 Absent without leave 31 Hooked up 32 Evergreen tree 33 Blintz 34 Ml 35 Renounce 37 Carnal 41 Attempt 42 Crimp 43 Nervous system 44 Peaks 47 Skein of cloth 48 Sleigh 49 Oxford 50 Jellystone’s bear 51 Unfreeze 52 Top quality steak 54 Challenge 56 Wing 57 Stacked mattresses 59 Went boating 63 Peaked 64 Tub spread 65 Probably 66 Caustic substance 67 Swirl 68 Subject


1 Modern 2 Copy 3 Reverend (abbr.) 4 Herb with spring flowers 5 Head growth 6 Adjust 7 Embroidery yarn 8 Uttered 9 Torah table 10 Penman 11 Move rapidly 12 Trapped 14 __ Lanka 21 Kind of knife 23 Grinds

24 Triad 25 Frau’s husband 27 Aced 29 Disconnected 30 Alcoholic 31 Natural movement of air outdoors 33 Rods 34 Liquefy 36 Brace oneself 37 Compact 38 Ca. University 39 Afresh 40 Drug 42 Driving hazard

44 Attack violently 45 Frigid 46 Team spirit 47 Bound 48 Ruler 50 Output 51 Attribute 53 Double-reed instrument 55 American sign language 58 Legume 60 Downwind 61 Tree 62 Change color

Aging Times Magazine | April 2021



Distributed to more than 450 locations throughout Volusia County. $25 per month up to 35 words, bold heading included. To submit ad email

For Sale Profitable Gutter Business Two gutter machines, box truck, all reels, tools, and ladders. Owner wants to retire. Take the name and phone number and 35 years in business with all contacts.


Magazine Distributer Needed Seeking a dedicated magazine distributor to support our distribution needs as we grow! Sanford, Lake Mary, & Orlando areas.


Do you have unwanted medical equipment or senior related items within your home that you need to sell? You have come to the right publication! List your unwanted items with us and your listing will reach everyone throughout Volusia County. $25 per month up to 35 words. To submit ad email

Employers and referral partners do you need staff? Why not reach out to prospect candidates for the senior care industry through the go-to senior magazine? Post your positions today! $25 per month up to 35 words. To submit ad email

Homemaker Companions Needed Come join our family, with immediate care-giving opportunities available, we have been in the industry over 10 years and are growing rapidly. Established and well known private duty company in Volusia County is growing and looking for the most compassionate responsible caregivers possible to service clients immediately in Volusia County. Your job will be as a subcontracted caregiver to help seniors retain their independence in their home.

If you would like to make a difference by helping seniors and providing companionship you might be a good fit. Call 386-414-9787 for further information and schedule a time to come in and meet with our team! license # 234127


Aging Times Magazine | April 2021

Responsibilities may include: • Light Housekeeping • Supervision • Laundry • Transportation • Medication Reminders • Of Course Companionship Requirements: • Valid Drivers License with Clean Driving Record • REFERENCES we can contact • Supply a clean Level 2 criminal background (will be checked) • Professional appearance • Experience with the Elderly or in the Medical Field • Home Health Aide Certification or CNA a plus but not mandatory

Our business partners have committed to providing premium products and excellent service. When contacting a trusted provider be sure to ask for Aging Tree premium services.


ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITIES Alliance Community 386-734-3481 CERTUS Premier Memory Care Living ALF License #13245 386-473-1513 Freedom Oaks Assisted Living ALF License #134581 Phone 386-767-5556 Summerhaven Assisted Living ALF License #11967538 386-668-3674 INDEPENDENT SENIOR LIVING 55+ Villa Grande on Saxon 386-774-1234 ASSISTED LIVING PLACEMENT AND CARE MANAGEMENT Aging Tree 386-626-2446 COMPANION SERVICES No Place Like Home - Maker Companion Services, LLC License #234127 386-414-9787

TRAVEL AGENCY Roseborough Travel Agency 386-734-7245 HOME HEALTH QwestCare Home Health License #299995122 386-327-1447

ELDER LAW ATTORNEY Akin Law 386-738-5599 Meeks & Ceely, PL Coren J. Meeks 386-734-0199 Selis Elder Law of Florida Scott A. Selis 866-735-3377 SENIOR REAL ESTATE SPECIALISTS Charles Ruienberg Reality Terry Baily 386-801-9300 Charles Ruienberg Reality Linda Hannon 386-848-8904 INSURANCE CMD Insurance Agency Carmen Duffy 386-315-4846 Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company Todd M. Myers 407-805-0441 ext. 243 State Farm Amanda Agnew 386-960-7878 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Elder Source 904-391-6699 Main Street DeLand Association West Volusia Tourism 386-734-0162

PRIMARY CARE PARTNERS Absolute Health Professionals 386-767-5556 HEARING HEALTHCARE Hearing Healthcare Centers LLC 386-837-4849 HOME & MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Allen’s Appliance Service 386-668-5441 Install Don’t Fall 407-496-6066 Sweetwater Medical 386-822-9223 PHYSICIAN PARTNERS


Central Florida Eye Specialists 386-734-2931 ORTHOPAEDIC PARTNERS Florida Orthopaedic Associates 386-774-2500 ARTHTITIS CENTER Florida Arthritis Center 386-668-1410 CLINICAL RESEARCH Omega Research Group 386-668-4202

Aging Times Magazine | April 2021


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Introducing a New Way to Navigate The Golden Years As we enter our Golden Years we are provided new chapters, journeys, obstacles, and many lifestyle changes. Aging Tree is here to provide guidance and support through all of your needs. Let Aging Tree help navigate you with your needs for all things senior!

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