7 minute read

Celebrating Mothers

How to Give Choose: The Ideal Mother's Day Gift

There are many paths to motherhood, yet it is a universal phenomenon. Some of us grow babies in our bodies and birth them into the world. But that's just the tip of the motherhood iceberg. Hundreds of thousands of women in the United States and worldwide become mothers through adoption. Others enter motherhood through fostering or by helping to raise the children of friends and relatives. While the paths to motherhood are varied, the result is nearly always a woman, changed for the better.


This month as we celebrate Mothers Day, many partners and children will scratch their heads, wondering what to give to or do for the moms in their lives. You can never go wrong with the traditional Mothers Day gifts like breakfast in bed, chocolates, and floral arrangements. But this year, I'd like to propose something a little different. As you rack your brains for the perfect Mother's Day gift, why not ask her what she'd like?

"What do you want for Mother's Day?" isn't the most thoughtful way to phrase the question. But how about something like, "this Mother's Day, would you like to be alone, be romanced, or be with your family?" Who knows, maybe she'll say yes to all three. Parents make a lot of sacrifices of time, energy, and resources for their families. So what would be better than the choice to spend Mother's Day precisely as you please?

Don't worry. I won't leave you hanging here. Once you've asked the big question, you still have to figure out what to do for mom, so I've come up with a couple of suggestions for each category.

For the Mom Who Wants to Be Alone

If the mother in your life responds that she'd like to be alone, promise me you won't take it personally. Whether she's the mom of young children or has already watched her children fly to the nest, motherhood is a path that occupies our minds and hearts for a lifetime. Sometimes mom just needs a little bit of alone time. Here are some excellent ways to treat her to some time to herself

A Visit to the Spa

Does mom need a little relaxation? Send her to the spa for the day. Many spas allow a client to stay and relax for hours with the purchase of a single service. So, whether you have the budget for a complete relaxation package or just a couple of small services, she'll still benefit from a day away by herself. Want to make the day even more special? Order her a special bottle of champagne or the drink of her choice. This will be a day she won't soon forget.

A Visit to the Spa

A Visit to the Spa

An Overnight Hotel Stay

Does mom need even more time away from home? Reserve her a hotel room or Airbnb for the night or the weekend. Bonus points for renting a space with a beautiful view. Whether she spends her time playing on the beach, visiting a new town, or lying in bed is up to her! The point of this gift is to give her the freedom to choose for herself.

Tickets To Something

She'd Enjoy Do you love a mom who is also a movie fanatic, theatergoer, or concert queen? How about buying her tickets to experience a live event? If you're leaning toward this idea but aren't sure what to get, ask her. There might be a museum opening or cooking class she's had her eye on lately. Combine the tickets with a gift certificate to her favorite bar or restaurant for a full, fun day.

For the Mom Who Would Love Some Romance

If the mom in your life has requested some romance this Mother's Day, you can easily and romantically turn any of the suggestions above into a date for two. The most important factor when creating a romantic moment for your partner is the intention behind it. A night on the couch can be just as romantic as an evening out if you let it. Here are some simple ideas for an amorous Mother's Day gift for the lady in your life.

Get Dressed Up For a Fancy Night Out

Depending on your phase of life, a fancy night out might be commonplace or a rare and exciting occurrence. If you spend most of your energy and resources wrangling a gaggle of children, a night out on the town may feel like you from the lottery. Remember that a romantic evening out doesn't require reservations at the hottest five-star restaurant. Any restaurant with a great atmosphere and delicious food and drinks can be the perfect environment to light a spark for your love.

A Day Near The Water

Is there anything more romantic than a day by the water with someone you love? Perhaps you and the mom you love are avid outdoors people. If so, pack a yummy picnic and your drink of choice and head out for a trip exploring the great outdoors and kayak or canoe. Or take your picnic, a large umbrella, and a comfy chair and relax at the beach for the day. If you're not outdoors people, charter a sailboat and watch the sunset over the water. That's about as romantic as it gets.

A Day Near The Water

A Day Near The Water

A Romantic Evening In

Finally, if you are empty-nesters (or if you can find a way to be empty-nesters for at least one night), keep your romantic evening in where things can get as steamy as you want! Buy all the ingredients for a fun dinner, prepare it together, and then snuggle in for a cozy evening with your favorite record or movie you've wanted to watch. Sometimes there's nothing more romantic than being pampered within the walls of your own home.

When Mom Wants to Celebrate With Family

Mother's Day is all about celebrating the mothers you love in the way that feels best to them. For many moms, especially those whose kids are grown, quality time with them is the best gift she could receive.

Mothers Day Lunch

You cannot go wrong with a family meal that mom doesn't have to cook! Gather all of your family, take her out to lunch, or treat her to a home-cooked meal. If you want to stay home but you're not skilled in the kitchen, consider getting take-out from her favorite restaurant. The thing mom wants most of all is to feel loved and spend time with her family.

A Family Beach Day

Living in Florida, you're never very far from the beach. If your mom loves relaxing in the sunshine, pack up a big tent, plenty of comfortable seating, and a delicious picnic to enjoy right there in the sand. Mom can relax in the shade, enjoy a cold beverage, and watch her loved ones enjoy the day.

Take a Family Day Trip

Does the mom you love enjoy poking around some of our charming, local small towns? Perhaps she's an avid antiquer. Load your family into a vehicle, set off for one of the many charming cities or towns in your surrounding area, and see where the day takes you. Maybe mom wants to stop at every roadside attraction or visit every flower garden she sees. Enjoying those things with the people she loves most will fill her heart. Top the day off with a nice meal at a local establishment, and she'll be in heaven.

For moms and dads of all ages and stages, parenthood is a journey filled with challenges, life lessons, and deep satisfaction. Soon enough, it will be Father's Day, and we'll celebrate the many ways that dads bring joy to their loved ones. But today and this month, I hope these ideas help you think of the perfect way to celebrate the moms who mean so much to you. And remember, sometimes the best way to find out what mom wants is to ask her!

Adrienne Freeland is a freelance writer who specializes in helping business owners communicate more clearly. Using skills developed in her former career as a professional fundraiser, Adrienne collaborates with her clients to craft engaging, targeted content.