African Science Stars Issue 3

Page 22

Nicolas Erasmus i


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The ‘first light’ image taken with ATLAS on Monday, 13 December 2021.



The Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) is the

The Sutherland location was not chosen only due to its very

newest edition on the Sutherland plateau and the telescope saw

dark skies and ideal weather, it was also perfect because the

first light on 13 December 2021. The NASA-funded ATLAS project

Hawaiian and the Sutherland Observatory have a convenient

consists of four telescopes, two in the Northern Hemisphere, in

12-hour time difference. Both the Sutherland and El Sauce

Hawaii, and two in the Southern Hemisphere, in Chile and

Observatory are in the southern Hemisphere which means that

South Africa.

together with the two existing northern Hemisphere Hawaiian telescopes the entire sky (north and south) can be observed

Astronomer and Instrument Scientist Dr Nicolas Erasmus is at the

24-hours a day.

helm of it and led the construction in South Africa. In October 2021 all the components arrived, but due to Covid-19

Koorts explained that the telescope has a 110 megapixel CCD

restrictions the US team was not able to be onsite. With the help

camera and is capable of detecting a match flame in New York

of Willie Koorts, also from SAAO, the two tightened almost every

city, viewed from San Francisco (+- 4500km). The telescope

screw and bolt on the dome structure and the telescope that

captures four images, each about 15–20 minutes apart and

led to its successful installation. A testament to local skills and

then compares those images to images taken on a different

expertise at the SAAO.

night. Any source in the four images that has moved relative


African Science Stars Issue 3 |

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