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And this is what ready-to-use solutions look like

System with target/actual comparison

Installation with selection by means of

for variable capacity

and automatic system disconnection

set points for fine-tuning of the power

In a lockable Rittal cabinet, four or

This construction is designed for in-

The active and reactive power is spec-

eleven single commands (from 5 kVA

stallation in meter panels on a Pertinax

ified by means of analogue set points

system rated power) are used to spec-

board for electrical isolation. Two sep-

with corresponding check-back signal

ify the power stages. Check-back takes

arate 230 V power supply units provide

by means of analogue measurands.

place by means of the corresponding

the supply and signalling voltage. The

Potential-free contacts allow the

number of single-point signals. Even

active power is set as 0/30/60/100%

cos ϕ and Q(U) characteristic curves to

the system disconnection command

with a corresponding check-back

be used for a reactive power procedure

"emergency off" and its check-back

via digital inputs and outputs with

according to Section 2.5.4 of the Tech-

signal are realised digitally. The actual

an external coupling relay. System

nical Guidelines for Generating Plants

infeed of P, Q and U is measured by

disconnection can result both from

Connected to the Medium-Voltage

means of three separate measurands.

a command from the control centre

System of the DSO.

The reactive power is classified with

and from calculations. To do this, the

Furthermore, a double command is

three single commands as underexcit-

actual active power is calculated from

provided to prevent the plant from

ed, neutral or overexcited and acknowl-

the S0 pulse of the meter at 15 minute

automatically recoupling to the power

edged by single-point information.

intervals and compared with the

system. The installations are already

contractually specified connected load.

loaded with the customer-specific

A special feature of this configuration

If this value is exceeded, the system is

configuration before delivery. After

is the standardised wiring on Harting

disconnected by means of a bistable

installation, the IP and ASDU address-

connectors. This allows extremely sim-

relay. The system disconnection com-

es can be entered specifically for the

ple and fast connection of the telecon-

mand generated in this manner can

device using the web browser.

trol station.

only be reset on site.

© SAE IT-systems GmbH & Co. KG Subject to technical modification. Product images may contain special features. Status: January 2015

System with clever connection option

Renewable energy feed-in management Telecontrol in the SMART Grid

SAE IT-systems GmbH & Co. KG The typical starter solution

Im Gewerbegebiet Pesch 14

In the simplest case, the power stages are set as 0/30/60/100% and the check-back of this takes place via three digital

50767 Köln (Cologne, Germany)

outputs/inputs (if no output is set, this corresponds to 100% feed-in power). A system disconnection command can

Phone: +49(0)221/59808-0

optionally be set with a fourth output. The current active power is transmitted by means of an analogue measurand or

Fax: +49(0)221/59808-60

is applied as a metered value via a digital input.

Renewable energy feed-in management

Renewable energy feed-in management

By 2050, 80% of energy required should come from re-

Software components

• EEG plants > 100 kW (general)

newable energy sources, according to Germany's ambitious

Plants with an installed power of more than 100 kilowatts

climate target. It is clear that this can only be achieved with a

must have technical equipment with which the power sys-

Parameterisation software

considerable change in existing infrastructure. But the pace

tem operator can reduce the infeed remotely at any time

An area of a power system often includes several EEG plants

of change has already gained momentum!

in the event of imminent system overload and retrieve the

of the same type which require identical parameterisation.

Command output for power stages 0%, 30%, 60% and

respective actual infeed.

With the innovative parameterisation tool setIT, you can

100% is activated by the central power system control

select the necessary settings quickly, simply and intuitively.

centre as a single command or pulse command which is

Process points, individual stations or entire communication

converted into a permanent command by codeIT.

The legally defined incentive systems (remuneration models) are taking effect and resulting in the desired continuous

• Solar plants between 30 and 100 kW

How is a new command issued?

increase in generation and feed-in from localised energy

Plants with an installed power of more than 30 kilowatts

lines can be duplicated with copy and paste. The intelligent

When the power system control centre selects a new power

sources such as PV, wind, CHP and biogas.

and no more than 100 kilowatts must have equipment

duplication assistant propagates the settings of the original

stage, the existing power stage is reset in the telecontrol

with which the power system operator can reduce the

station but amends them in such a manner that directly

installation. The PLC program removes the existing value

However, as these energy sources are typically subject to

feed-in power remotely at any time in the event of immi-

loadable parameter sets are produced in a clear structure.

and issues a new command within one second.

natural fluctuations, new challenges in power system man-

nent system overload.

agement are presenting themselves:

Predefined or already realised stations from other projects Our solutions, our recommendations

Secure communication according to German Association of

can also be incorporated. You can't get any faster.

How does the plant behave in the event of a voltage failure and a system restart?

We create bespoke and ready-to-use solutions according

Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) white paper

To adapt the station addresses to your control system, ad-

• More difficult forecastability/schedule management

In the case of plants with an installed power of no more

to your specifications in terms of capacity, communication

In the field of EEG plants, emphasis is placed on GPRS trans-

dress data and defaults such as ASDU, IP address or con-

• More difficult securing of power system stability

than 30 kilowatts, the plant operator has the right to

channel, dimensions or housing type.

mission. We have built up a great deal of expertise over the

stants can even be set via the web browser.

• Solar plants < 30 kW

(in particular voltage stability)

choose whether to provide the plant with equipment to remotely reduce the feed-in power in the event of imminent

Legal framework conditions

system overload or whether to limit the maximum active

For this reason, it was provided not only for the above-men-

power feed-in of the plant to 70% of the installed power at

tioned incentive systems for the plant operators to be en-

the power system connection point.

We would be glad to advise you during the concept phase.

If the voltage supply fails, all existing commands are reset.

years in this field.

When the system restarts, the command output for 100% is

We are glad to assist you, from deciding between a private

selected as the initial value. If no communication is estab-

APN and fixed IP addresses (with and without VPN en-

lished after a system restart or if no power stage command

cryption), to choosing the right communication provider

is triggered when communication has been established,

Hardware components

and modem manufacturer, right up to the full setup of the

power stage 100% (or the last valid value) is activated

shrined in law, but also for the power system operators to be

Our solutions are based on high-power telecontrol units


(where necessary cosine ϕ is specified).

given guidelines to allow them to regulate the infeed from

from the series5(+) family of products. Thanks to its com-

plants which comply with the German Renewable Energies

pact basic system with possibilities for expansion, the net-

Generally, if TCP/IP-based communication channels are

Even more flexibility with PLC programs

How does the plant behave in the event of a communication

Act (EEG) if necessary. Different technical requirements

line FW-5 is ideal for use in EEG plants. It complies fully with

used, the security aspects of the BDEW white paper should

With optional PLC programming using codeIT, the series5


for monitoring and controlling EEG plants were specified

requirements in terms of available space, usable commu-

be noted. We have been working hard on this issue and

telecontrol units allow any type of regulation to be imple-

depending on the plant power.

nication channels and protocols, functionality and capacity.

have already implemented many recommendations in our

mented. Analogue set points from the control centre can

If communication to the central components fails for more

The net-line FW-5 can be delivered in different expansion

products, for example:

thus be converted into commands for the power stages in

than 300 seconds , the command output for power stage

variants according to the feed-in power.

• VPN Tunnel frim RTU (End-End encryption)

the PLC program of the FW-5. Conversely, single and double

100% is set (where necessary cosine ϕ is specified). The sys-

• Replacement of the FTP driver by FTPS

commands from the control centre can be converted into

tem signal "communication fault", which is generated when

• Replacement of the HTTP drivers by HTTPS

an analogue set point corresponding to the options at the

the connection to the centre is interrupted, is used as the

• User management according to the BDEW role profile

power system connection point of the EEG plant.

start signal for time monitoring. This signal is delayed by the

From the device to the solution SAE IT-systems has set itself the target not only to sell systems but also to work together with our customers to find


exactly the right solutions. Over the years we have assisted many customers from concept phase to project implementation.

The plant can grow with demands on the quantity of infor-

We have dealt with a wide range of control strategies and implemented them with countless technical configurations.

mation. The system can be expanded with additional input/

We are proud of the comprehensive know-how that we have accumulated in this market sector.

output modules (see net-line FW-5, FW-5-GATE datasheet). The RES-1 (renewable energy sources) module, which was

ruption on the GPRS channel, the command for power stage 100% is set after 120 seconds , unless another specification

web browser applications and backdoor prevention • Hardening of the Linux kernel & disabling “open” ports

metered values as S0 pulses, additional measurands and

• The earliest possible defence against DoS attacks

additional command outputs.

• Integration of a firewall in the series5+ family of products

In principle, the specifications made can be met in two ways:

Typical instrumentation

Communication modules

plementation of telecontrol installations for reducing power.

• By using digital commands and signals

• Terminal strip


These additions of the distribution system operator (DSO)

• or by control with the aid of analogue set points and

• Power supply units/UPS


• Bistable relay for system disconnection, coupling relay etc.


• Switchgear cabinets, housing and mounting plates


Control strategies

is made by the control centre during this time. For typical use in EEG plants we provide a PLC program

The information in blue italics is variable and can be adapted

which covers all requirements. In addition to management

as desired in codeIT.

of the plant during normal operation, plant behaviour during failures can also be securely defined in this manner.

Germany, various strategies are pursued in the technical im-

to the "Technical Guidelines for Generating Plants Connect-

When the connection to the centre is restored after an inter-

Bluetooth, USB, web browser • Updating of the PHP version of the web server for secure

developed specifically for this field, offers collection of

Beyond the legal requirements of EEG §6 (§9 EEG2014) in

parameters which have been defined in the protocol setting.

• Possibility of switching off means of access such as


ed to the Medium-Voltage System of the BDEW" must be published and contain exact specifications for the control

The latter offers free scalability and represents a reasonable

concept of the respective DSO.

alternative for users who find the commonly used control

In addition to the installed power of the plant, the voltage

classes too imprecise for their own applications.

The questions addressed include the following:

• Wiring and connectors

level of the power system connection point (low voltage/ medium voltage) also plays an essential role.

Renewable energy feed-in management

Intelligence for secondary distribution networks

© SAE IT-systems GmbH & Co. KG

By 2050, 80% of energy required should come from re-

Software components

• EEG plants > 100 kW (general)

newable energy sources, according to Germany's ambitious

Plants with an installed power of more than 100 kilowatts

climate target. It is clear that this can only be achieved with a

must have technical equipment with which the power sys-

Parameterisation software

considerable change in existing infrastructure. But the pace

tem operator can reduce the infeed remotely at any time

An area of a power system often includes several EEG plants

of change has already gained momentum!

in the event of imminent system overload and retrieve the

of the same type which require identical parameterisation.

Command output for power stages 0%, 30%, 60% and

respective actual infeed.

With the innovative parameterisation tool setIT, you can

100% is activated by the central power system control

select the necessary settings quickly, simply and intuitively.

centre as a single command or pulse command which is

Process points, individual stations or entire communication

converted into a permanent command by codeIT.

The legally defined incentive systems (remuneration models) are taking effect and resulting in the desired continuous

• Solar plants between 30 and 100 kW

How is a new command issued?

increase in generation and feed-in from localised energy

Plants with an installed power of more than 30 kilowatts

lines can be duplicated with copy and paste. The intelligent

When the power system control centre selects a new power

sources such as PV, wind, CHP and biogas.

and no more than 100 kilowatts must have equipment

duplication assistant propagates the settings of the original

stage, the existing power stage is reset in the telecontrol

with which the power system operator can reduce the

station but amends them in such a manner that directly

installation. The PLC program removes the existing value

However, as these energy sources are typically subject to

feed-in power remotely at any time in the event of immi-

loadable parameter sets are produced in a clear structure.

and issues a new command within one second.

natural fluctuations, new challenges in power system man-

nent system overload.

agement are presenting themselves:

Predefined or already realised stations from other projects Our solutions, our recommendations

Secure communication according to German Association of

can also be incorporated. You can't get any faster.

How does the plant behave in the event of a voltage failure and a system restart?

We create bespoke and ready-to-use solutions according

Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) white paper

To adapt the station addresses to your control system, ad-

• More difficult forecastability/schedule management

In the case of plants with an installed power of no more

to your specifications in terms of capacity, communication

In the field of EEG plants, emphasis is placed on GPRS trans-

dress data and defaults such as ASDU, IP address or con-

• More difficult securing of power system stability

than 30 kilowatts, the plant operator has the right to

channel, dimensions or housing type.

mission. We have built up a great deal of expertise over the

stants can even be set via the web browser.

• Solar plants < 30 kW

(in particular voltage stability)

choose whether to provide the plant with equipment to remotely reduce the feed-in power in the event of imminent

Legal framework conditions

system overload or whether to limit the maximum active

For this reason, it was provided not only for the above-men-

power feed-in of the plant to 70% of the installed power at

tioned incentive systems for the plant operators to be en-

the power system connection point.

We would be glad to advise you during the concept phase.

If the voltage supply fails, all existing commands are reset.

years in this field.

When the system restarts, the command output for 100% is

We are glad to assist you, from deciding between a private

selected as the initial value. If no communication is estab-

APN and fixed IP addresses (with and without VPN en-

lished after a system restart or if no power stage command

cryption), to choosing the right communication provider

is triggered when communication has been established,

Hardware components

and modem manufacturer, right up to the full setup of the

power stage 100% (or the last valid value) is activated

shrined in law, but also for the power system operators to be

Our solutions are based on high-power telecontrol units


(where necessary cosine ϕ is specified).

given guidelines to allow them to regulate the infeed from

from the series5(+) family of products. Thanks to its com-

plants which comply with the German Renewable Energies

pact basic system with possibilities for expansion, the net-

Generally, if TCP/IP-based communication channels are

Even more flexibility with PLC programs

How does the plant behave in the event of a communication

Act (EEG) if necessary. Different technical requirements

line FW-5 is ideal for use in EEG plants. It complies fully with

used, the security aspects of the BDEW white paper should

With optional PLC programming using codeIT, the series5


for monitoring and controlling EEG plants were specified

requirements in terms of available space, usable commu-

be noted. We have been working hard on this issue and

telecontrol units allow any type of regulation to be imple-

depending on the plant power.

nication channels and protocols, functionality and capacity.

have already implemented many recommendations in our

mented. Analogue set points from the control centre can

If communication to the central components fails for more

The net-line FW-5 can be delivered in different expansion

products, for example:

thus be converted into commands for the power stages in

than 300 seconds , the command output for power stage

variants according to the feed-in power.

• VPN Tunnel frim RTU (End-End encryption)

the PLC program of the FW-5. Conversely, single and double

100% is set (where necessary cosine ϕ is specified). The sys-

• Replacement of the FTP driver by FTPS

commands from the control centre can be converted into

tem signal "communication fault", which is generated when

• Replacement of the HTTP drivers by HTTPS

an analogue set point corresponding to the options at the

the connection to the centre is interrupted, is used as the

• User management according to the BDEW role profile

power system connection point of the EEG plant.

start signal for time monitoring. This signal is delayed by the

From the device to the solution SAE IT-systems has set itself the target not only to sell systems but also to work together with our customers to find


exactly the right solutions. Over the years we have assisted many customers from concept phase to project implementation.

The plant can grow with demands on the quantity of infor-

We have dealt with a wide range of control strategies and implemented them with countless technical configurations.

mation. The system can be expanded with additional input/

We are proud of the comprehensive know-how that we have accumulated in this market sector.

output modules (see net-line FW-5, FW-5-GATE datasheet). The RES-1 (renewable energy sources) module, which was

ruption on the GPRS channel, the command for power stage 100% is set after 120 seconds , unless another specification

web browser applications and backdoor prevention • Hardening of the Linux kernel & disabling “open” ports

metered values as S0 pulses, additional measurands and

• The earliest possible defence against DoS attacks

additional command outputs.

• Integration of a firewall in the series5+ family of products

In principle, the specifications made can be met in two ways:

Typical instrumentation

Communication modules

plementation of telecontrol installations for reducing power.

• By using digital commands and signals

• Terminal strip


These additions of the distribution system operator (DSO)

• or by control with the aid of analogue set points and

• Power supply units/UPS


• Bistable relay for system disconnection, coupling relay etc.


• Switchgear cabinets, housing and mounting plates


Control strategies

is made by the control centre during this time. For typical use in EEG plants we provide a PLC program

The information in blue italics is variable and can be adapted

which covers all requirements. In addition to management

as desired in codeIT.

of the plant during normal operation, plant behaviour during failures can also be securely defined in this manner.

Germany, various strategies are pursued in the technical im-

to the "Technical Guidelines for Generating Plants Connect-

When the connection to the centre is restored after an inter-

Bluetooth, USB, web browser • Updating of the PHP version of the web server for secure

developed specifically for this field, offers collection of

Beyond the legal requirements of EEG §6 (§9 EEG2014) in

parameters which have been defined in the protocol setting.

• Possibility of switching off means of access such as


ed to the Medium-Voltage System of the BDEW" must be published and contain exact specifications for the control

The latter offers free scalability and represents a reasonable

concept of the respective DSO.

alternative for users who find the commonly used control

In addition to the installed power of the plant, the voltage

classes too imprecise for their own applications.

The questions addressed include the following:

• Wiring and connectors

level of the power system connection point (low voltage/ medium voltage) also plays an essential role.

Renewable energy feed-in management

Intelligence for secondary distribution networks

© SAE IT-systems GmbH & Co. KG

By 2050, 80% of energy required should come from re-

Software components

• EEG plants > 100 kW (general)

newable energy sources, according to Germany's ambitious

Plants with an installed power of more than 100 kilowatts

climate target. It is clear that this can only be achieved with a

must have technical equipment with which the power sys-

Parameterisation software

considerable change in existing infrastructure. But the pace

tem operator can reduce the infeed remotely at any time

An area of a power system often includes several EEG plants

of change has already gained momentum!

in the event of imminent system overload and retrieve the

of the same type which require identical parameterisation.

Command output for power stages 0%, 30%, 60% and

respective actual infeed.

With the innovative parameterisation tool setIT, you can

100% is activated by the central power system control

select the necessary settings quickly, simply and intuitively.

centre as a single command or pulse command which is

Process points, individual stations or entire communication

converted into a permanent command by codeIT.

The legally defined incentive systems (remuneration models) are taking effect and resulting in the desired continuous

• Solar plants between 30 and 100 kW

How is a new command issued?

increase in generation and feed-in from localised energy

Plants with an installed power of more than 30 kilowatts

lines can be duplicated with copy and paste. The intelligent

When the power system control centre selects a new power

sources such as PV, wind, CHP and biogas.

and no more than 100 kilowatts must have equipment

duplication assistant propagates the settings of the original

stage, the existing power stage is reset in the telecontrol

with which the power system operator can reduce the

station but amends them in such a manner that directly

installation. The PLC program removes the existing value

However, as these energy sources are typically subject to

feed-in power remotely at any time in the event of immi-

loadable parameter sets are produced in a clear structure.

and issues a new command within one second.

natural fluctuations, new challenges in power system man-

nent system overload.

agement are presenting themselves:

Predefined or already realised stations from other projects Our solutions, our recommendations

Secure communication according to German Association of

can also be incorporated. You can't get any faster.

How does the plant behave in the event of a voltage failure and a system restart?

We create bespoke and ready-to-use solutions according

Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) white paper

To adapt the station addresses to your control system, ad-

• More difficult forecastability/schedule management

In the case of plants with an installed power of no more

to your specifications in terms of capacity, communication

In the field of EEG plants, emphasis is placed on GPRS trans-

dress data and defaults such as ASDU, IP address or con-

• More difficult securing of power system stability

than 30 kilowatts, the plant operator has the right to

channel, dimensions or housing type.

mission. We have built up a great deal of expertise over the

stants can even be set via the web browser.

• Solar plants < 30 kW

(in particular voltage stability)

choose whether to provide the plant with equipment to remotely reduce the feed-in power in the event of imminent

Legal framework conditions

system overload or whether to limit the maximum active

For this reason, it was provided not only for the above-men-

power feed-in of the plant to 70% of the installed power at

tioned incentive systems for the plant operators to be en-

the power system connection point.

We would be glad to advise you during the concept phase.

If the voltage supply fails, all existing commands are reset.

years in this field.

When the system restarts, the command output for 100% is

We are glad to assist you, from deciding between a private

selected as the initial value. If no communication is estab-

APN and fixed IP addresses (with and without VPN en-

lished after a system restart or if no power stage command

cryption), to choosing the right communication provider

is triggered when communication has been established,

Hardware components

and modem manufacturer, right up to the full setup of the

power stage 100% (or the last valid value) is activated

shrined in law, but also for the power system operators to be

Our solutions are based on high-power telecontrol units


(where necessary cosine ϕ is specified).

given guidelines to allow them to regulate the infeed from

from the series5(+) family of products. Thanks to its com-

plants which comply with the German Renewable Energies

pact basic system with possibilities for expansion, the net-

Generally, if TCP/IP-based communication channels are

Even more flexibility with PLC programs

How does the plant behave in the event of a communication

Act (EEG) if necessary. Different technical requirements

line FW-5 is ideal for use in EEG plants. It complies fully with

used, the security aspects of the BDEW white paper should

With optional PLC programming using codeIT, the series5


for monitoring and controlling EEG plants were specified

requirements in terms of available space, usable commu-

be noted. We have been working hard on this issue and

telecontrol units allow any type of regulation to be imple-

depending on the plant power.

nication channels and protocols, functionality and capacity.

have already implemented many recommendations in our

mented. Analogue set points from the control centre can

If communication to the central components fails for more

The net-line FW-5 can be delivered in different expansion

products, for example:

thus be converted into commands for the power stages in

than 300 seconds , the command output for power stage

variants according to the feed-in power.

• VPN Tunnel frim RTU (End-End encryption)

the PLC program of the FW-5. Conversely, single and double

100% is set (where necessary cosine ϕ is specified). The sys-

• Replacement of the FTP driver by FTPS

commands from the control centre can be converted into

tem signal "communication fault", which is generated when

• Replacement of the HTTP drivers by HTTPS

an analogue set point corresponding to the options at the

the connection to the centre is interrupted, is used as the

• User management according to the BDEW role profile

power system connection point of the EEG plant.

start signal for time monitoring. This signal is delayed by the

From the device to the solution SAE IT-systems has set itself the target not only to sell systems but also to work together with our customers to find


exactly the right solutions. Over the years we have assisted many customers from concept phase to project implementation.

The plant can grow with demands on the quantity of infor-

We have dealt with a wide range of control strategies and implemented them with countless technical configurations.

mation. The system can be expanded with additional input/

We are proud of the comprehensive know-how that we have accumulated in this market sector.

output modules (see net-line FW-5, FW-5-GATE datasheet). The RES-1 (renewable energy sources) module, which was

ruption on the GPRS channel, the command for power stage 100% is set after 120 seconds , unless another specification

web browser applications and backdoor prevention • Hardening of the Linux kernel & disabling “open” ports

metered values as S0 pulses, additional measurands and

• The earliest possible defence against DoS attacks

additional command outputs.

• Integration of a firewall in the series5+ family of products

In principle, the specifications made can be met in two ways:

Typical instrumentation

Communication modules

plementation of telecontrol installations for reducing power.

• By using digital commands and signals

• Terminal strip


These additions of the distribution system operator (DSO)

• or by control with the aid of analogue set points and

• Power supply units/UPS


• Bistable relay for system disconnection, coupling relay etc.


• Switchgear cabinets, housing and mounting plates


Control strategies

is made by the control centre during this time. For typical use in EEG plants we provide a PLC program

The information in blue italics is variable and can be adapted

which covers all requirements. In addition to management

as desired in codeIT.

of the plant during normal operation, plant behaviour during failures can also be securely defined in this manner.

Germany, various strategies are pursued in the technical im-

to the "Technical Guidelines for Generating Plants Connect-

When the connection to the centre is restored after an inter-

Bluetooth, USB, web browser • Updating of the PHP version of the web server for secure

developed specifically for this field, offers collection of

Beyond the legal requirements of EEG §6 (§9 EEG2014) in

parameters which have been defined in the protocol setting.

• Possibility of switching off means of access such as


ed to the Medium-Voltage System of the BDEW" must be published and contain exact specifications for the control

The latter offers free scalability and represents a reasonable

concept of the respective DSO.

alternative for users who find the commonly used control

In addition to the installed power of the plant, the voltage

classes too imprecise for their own applications.

The questions addressed include the following:

• Wiring and connectors

level of the power system connection point (low voltage/ medium voltage) also plays an essential role.

Renewable energy feed-in management

Intelligence for secondary distribution networks

© SAE IT-systems GmbH & Co. KG

And this is what ready-to-use solutions look like

System with target/actual comparison

Installation with selection by means of

for variable capacity

and automatic system disconnection

set points for fine-tuning of the power

In a lockable Rittal cabinet, four or

This construction is designed for in-

The active and reactive power is spec-

eleven single commands (from 5 kVA

stallation in meter panels on a Pertinax

ified by means of analogue set points

system rated power) are used to spec-

board for electrical isolation. Two sep-

with corresponding check-back signal

ify the power stages. Check-back takes

arate 230 V power supply units provide

by means of analogue measurands.

place by means of the corresponding

the supply and signalling voltage. The

Potential-free contacts allow the

number of single-point signals. Even

active power is set as 0/30/60/100%

cos ϕ and Q(U) characteristic curves to

the system disconnection command

with a corresponding check-back

be used for a reactive power procedure

"emergency off" and its check-back

via digital inputs and outputs with

according to Section 2.5.4 of the Tech-

signal are realised digitally. The actual

an external coupling relay. System

nical Guidelines for Generating Plants

infeed of P, Q and U is measured by

disconnection can result both from

Connected to the Medium-Voltage

means of three separate measurands.

a command from the control centre

System of the DSO.

The reactive power is classified with

and from calculations. To do this, the

Furthermore, a double command is

three single commands as underexcit-

actual active power is calculated from

provided to prevent the plant from

ed, neutral or overexcited and acknowl-

the S0 pulse of the meter at 15 minute

automatically recoupling to the power

edged by single-point information.

intervals and compared with the

system. The installations are already

contractually specified connected load.

loaded with the customer-specific

A special feature of this configuration

If this value is exceeded, the system is

configuration before delivery. After

is the standardised wiring on Harting

disconnected by means of a bistable

installation, the IP and ASDU address-

connectors. This allows extremely sim-

relay. The system disconnection com-

es can be entered specifically for the

ple and fast connection of the telecon-

mand generated in this manner can

device using the web browser.

trol station.

only be reset on site.

© SAE IT-systems GmbH & Co. KG Subject to technical modification. Product images may contain special features. Status: January 2015

System with clever connection option

Renewable energy feed-in management Telecontrol in the SMART Grid

SAE IT-systems GmbH & Co. KG The typical starter solution

Im Gewerbegebiet Pesch 14

In the simplest case, the power stages are set as 0/30/60/100% and the check-back of this takes place via three digital

50767 Köln (Cologne, Germany)

outputs/inputs (if no output is set, this corresponds to 100% feed-in power). A system disconnection command can

Phone: +49(0)221/59808-0

optionally be set with a fourth output. The current active power is transmitted by means of an analogue measurand or

Fax: +49(0)221/59808-60

is applied as a metered value via a digital input.

Renewable energy feed-in management

Renewable energy feed-in management

And this is what ready-to-use solutions look like

System with target/actual comparison

Installation with selection by means of

for variable capacity

and automatic system disconnection

set points for fine-tuning of the power

In a lockable Rittal cabinet, four or

This construction is designed for in-

The active and reactive power is spec-

eleven single commands (from 5 kVA

stallation in meter panels on a Pertinax

ified by means of analogue set points

system rated power) are used to spec-

board for electrical isolation. Two sep-

with corresponding check-back signal

ify the power stages. Check-back takes

arate 230 V power supply units provide

by means of analogue measurands.

place by means of the corresponding

the supply and signalling voltage. The

Potential-free contacts allow the

number of single-point signals. Even

active power is set as 0/30/60/100%

cos ϕ and Q(U) characteristic curves to

the system disconnection command

with a corresponding check-back

be used for a reactive power procedure

"emergency off" and its check-back

via digital inputs and outputs with

according to Section 2.5.4 of the Tech-

signal are realised digitally. The actual

an external coupling relay. System

nical Guidelines for Generating Plants

infeed of P, Q and U is measured by

disconnection can result both from

Connected to the Medium-Voltage

means of three separate measurands.

a command from the control centre

System of the DSO.

The reactive power is classified with

and from calculations. To do this, the

Furthermore, a double command is

three single commands as underexcit-

actual active power is calculated from

provided to prevent the plant from

ed, neutral or overexcited and acknowl-

the S0 pulse of the meter at 15 minute

automatically recoupling to the power

edged by single-point information.

intervals and compared with the

system. The installations are already

contractually specified connected load.

loaded with the customer-specific

A special feature of this configuration

If this value is exceeded, the system is

configuration before delivery. After

is the standardised wiring on Harting

disconnected by means of a bistable

installation, the IP and ASDU address-

connectors. This allows extremely sim-

relay. The system disconnection com-

es can be entered specifically for the

ple and fast connection of the telecon-

mand generated in this manner can

device using the web browser.

trol station.

only be reset on site.

The typical starter solution In the simplest case, the power stages are set as 0/30/60/100% and the check-back of this takes place via three digital outputs/inputs (if no output is set, this corresponds to 100% feed-in power). A system disconnection command can optionally be set with a fourth output. The current active power is transmitted by means of an analogue measurand or is applied as a metered value via a digital input.

Renewable energy feed-in management

© SAE IT-systems GmbH & Co. KG Subject to technical modification. Product images may contain special features. Status: January 2015

System with clever connection option

Renewable energy feed-in management Telecontrol in the SMART Grid

ADVANIO TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.11F International College No. 1, Sec. 1, Xuecheng Rd.,Dashu Dist, Kaohsiung 840, Taiwan Phone: +886-7-656-7126 Fax: +886-7-656 7128

SAE IT-systems GmbH & Co. KG Im Gewerbegebiet Pesch 14 50767 Köln (Cologne, Germany) Phone: +49(0)221/59808-0 Fax: +49(0)221/59808-60

Renewable energy feed-in management

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