World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

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WORLD KNOWLEDGE DIALOGUE 2011 Interdisciplinarity in Action: A Practical Experience in Interdisciplinary Research

Interdisciplinarity in Action: A Practical Experience in Interdisciplinary Research

World Knowledge Dialogue 2011 Villars-sur-Ollon, 25-28 October

World Knowledge Dialogue 2011 Interdisciplinarity in Action: A Practical Experience in Interdisciplinary Research Cover & Editorial Design Adrien Moreillon Printing & Binding Wolfau-Druck AG Weinfelden Font Neuzeit Grotesk Paper Lettura 72 print, 80g Lausanne 2011

Welcome to the 2011 edition of the World Knowledge Dialog. This year the meeting will bring together major partners involved in the questions of Sustainable Development in Global Supply Chains, with the goal of discussing social, environmental, economic and industrial equilibrium at a worldwide scale. In recent years, corporations have been under increasing pressure to deal with the social and environmental problems connected to their production processes. Growing availability of social and environmental data about products leads to an unprecedented consumer and investor awareness and to expectations for a new level of accountability and transparency. Products now have a biography of “harm-doing�. Global environmental challenges and limited natural resources like water, oil and minerals, motivate businesses and governments alike to take action. However, the challenge of reducing or alleviating social and environmental harms in production raises numerous questions requiring solid scientific research: How can child labour be abolished? What is a fair wage and how can it be implemented across supply chains? How can the energy efficiency of a supply chain be improved? How can corporations calculate and reduce their social, and environmental footprint along their supply chains? These questions illustrate the range of inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary questions behind the ambitious idea of sustainable production and consumption. The goal of the symposium is to work on the future by identifying new needs for teaching and research in these issues. It will provide a special 2.5 days opportunity for freethinking and free-exchanges between participants. Your special interest and knowledge in these problems will be invaluable for these new developments. We are honoured that you accepted the invitation and would like to thank you for your commitment to the success of the meeting. Have a pleasant and fruitful stay in Villars-sur-Ollon!

Guillemette Bolens

Philippe Moreillon

Guido Palazzo

Scope An unprecedented 3-days interactive program aimed at questioning and proposing new perspectives on Sustainable Development in Global Supply Chains. Participants (doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, professors and experts from various international organizations) will be given the opportunity to work on a systemic comprehension of Global Supply Chains, including all its advantages and perversities for a global society. The meeting should enlighten the dynamic interactions between various actors and aspects of Global Supply Chains, from the economic, technical, environmental, sociologic and psychological points of views. This is by no mean simple. The dynamics of interactions between these various domains must be constantly re-analyzed or reinvented to reach the holly grail of equilibrium. The goal of WKD-2011 is to provide a special space-time frame to tackle these issues via freethinking, curiosity and novelty. The output of the meeting should be useful for the participants and for future education, research and partnerships. Deliverables will be propositions for new comprehensive multi-institutional teaching and research programs at the levels of fundamental, translational and applied sciences.

Organized under the auspices of the Universities of: The Universities of the Azur Triangle: - University of Geneva - University of Lausanne (Anthropos scientific committee) - University of Neuch창tel The Swiss Institute of Technology (EPFL, Lausanne) The Kurt Bosch University Institute (IUKB) The World Knowledge Dialologue (WKD) Foundation Program and Organizing Committees: Auret van Heerden, President of the Fair Labor Organization Prof. Yves Flueckiger, University of Geneva Prof. Ellen Hertz, University of Neuch창tel Prof. Guido Palazzo, University of Lausanne Prof. Guillemette Bolens, University of Geneva Prof. Philippe Moreillon, University of Lausanne

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:00 Registration Welcome coffee 12:00

Plenary session 1 The rules of the game Prof. Guillemette Bolens, University of Geneva Prof. Philippe Moreillon, University of Lausanne


Objectives and desired results Prof. Guido Palazzo, University of Lausanne Auret van Heerden, President of the Fair Labor Organization (FLA)




Plenary session 2 Globalizing the economy – chances and challenges Speaker: Claude Béglé, President of SymbioSwiss Moderator: Prof. Guido Palazzo, University of Lausanne

15:00 Short presentation of teams 15:15

Coffee break

15:45 Team work 1 What are the sociological and environmental key challenges for the next 10 years? 18:00

Plenary session 3 The impact of the fair labor association Speaker: Auret van Heerden, President of FLA Moderator: Prof. Philippe Moreillon, University of Lausanne

19:00 Aperitif 19:30



World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 07:30 Breakfast 09:00

Plenary session 4 The industrial metabolism Speaker: Prof. Suren Erkman, University of Lausanne Moderator: Prof. Yves Flueckiger, University of Geneva

10:00 Coffee Discussion 10:30 Team work 2 Key challenges (Tuesday session continuation) 12:30


14:00 Team work 3 What’s missing in education or research? 15:30 Coffee

16:00 Team work 4 Sketch new needs in education or research 17:30


18:30 Aperitif Elaborating a pole of excellence idea and its link to academic and other partners 19:30



World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011 07:30 Breakfast 09:00

Plenary session 5 The industrious anthropology Speaker: Prof. Ellen Hertz, University of Neuch창tel Moderator: Prof. Guillemette Bolens, University of Geneva

10:00 Coffee Discussion 10:30 Team work 5 Developing ideas and partnerships in teaching or research on sustainability 12:30


14:00 Plenary session 6 Wrap-it-up on new ideas for teaching or research 15:30 Break 16:15

Hiking Session Transfer to outside resort

19:00 Dinner Outdoor


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011 07:30 Breakfast 09:00 Plenary session 7 Special working group with university experts of the institution 10:00 Coffee 10:30 Team work 6 Summarize new research and education program 11:30 Plenary session 8 Proposal and perspectives 12:30

Farewell Lunch


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Invited participants: Baccaro Lucio Béglé Claude Besson Théodore Bolons Guillemette Cengiz Zeynep Chappuis Christine Charvet Agathe Chevalier Céline Cohen Solal Isabelle Comas-Martí Joana Cuénoud Laurent Demont Floriane Deng Suo Erkman Suren Ferro-Luzzi Giovanni Flueckiger Ives Friot Damien Grewal Aman Hedjazi Alexandre Hertz Ellen Hillenkamp Isabelle Hurst André Huang Wei


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Humborg Christian Klemmer Britta Kohlmorgen Julia Lawrence Roderick Moreillon Philippe Neyts Patrick Palazzo Guido Paulsen Theres Peña Jasqueline Pham Minh Nhien Rochat Monnier Doris Rosenberg David Settlemier Sharla Sims Emily Smith Kelly Stephen Sarah Tucker Amanda Umlas Elizabeth van Heerden Auret Vilaça Olivier Voldrich Simone Waldvogel Francis

Baccaro Lucio Lucio Baccaro is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Geneva. His research focuses on the socio-economics of labour markets and industrial relations, which he examines using a combination of quantitative analysis of cross-sectional time-series data and indepth case studies. Prior to joining the University of Geneva he taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, and at Case Western Reserve University, Whetherhead School of Management. He was also a senior research officer at the ILO for several years. His research on the socio-economics of labour markets and industrial relations deals with both advanced and developing countries and has been published in numerous international journals of industrial relations, socio-economics, sociology and political science such as the British Journal of Industrial Relations, Comparative Political Studies, European Journal of Industrial Relations, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Industrial Relations, International Organization, Politics & Society, Research in the Sociology of Work, Socio-Economic Review, and World Politics. He holds a PhD from MIT, which he obtained in 1999.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Béglé Claude Claude Béglé est Director General de la société SymbioSwiss, plateforme créée au début 2010. Le premier mandat dont s’est occupé SymbioSwiss a été l’élaboration pour le compte du Conseil d’Etat de Genève, d’une stratégie pour l’élaboration d’un centre de compétence Cleantech à Genève et en Suisse occidentale. Cela a débouché sur un mandat de l’Université de Genève dans le domaine du Développement Durable, l’arrimage de l’Université au R20 (voir ci-dessous) et une réflexion quant à la mise sur pied d’un observatoire international de politiques publiques dans le domaine environnemental, ceci en coopération avec un réseau de plusieurs universités. SymbioSwiss est également engagée en faveur du R20, la fondation récemment établie à Versoix par l’ancien gouverneur Arnold Schwarzenegger, en faveur d’une politique climatique responsable et du développement d’une économie verte en s’appuyant sur des approches régionales. A ce titre, plusieurs missions ont été effectuées en Californie, ainsi qu’en Afrique du Nord et au Mexique (conférence donnée lors du 7e Congrès Mondial des Chambres de Commerce). Claude Béglé préside les Conseils d’administration de Peter Lang AG (Berne), Global Minoil SA (Lausanne), SwissNewater SA (Pully), EEEC SA (Genève) ; et il est membre des Conseils d’administration de Clean World Capital (Londres), Puratos (Bruxelles), Cotecna (Genève), City Wind Mills Genève), Acquarossa (Lugano) et Cleantech Switzerland (Schaffhausen).


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Besson Théodore Théodore was trained as a biologist (Master of Science in Biology) at the University of Lausanne, before making a Master of Advanced Studies in Science, Engineering and Environmental Management at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. At the research level, Théodore started a PhD in 2007 under the supervision of Prof. Suren Erkman on the relevance, potential and limits of scientific ecology and biology in the perspective of industrial ecology. He joined the industrial ecology group of the Geosciences and enviornment Faculty in 2008, as a research fellow and is assistant since 2010. He is working on the design of a terrestrial research agenda and technology transfer opportunities of manned mission to Mars, in the project “Challenges of Research and Development Life Support,” connected with the program of the European Space Agency (ESA) “Oïkosmos - synergy of research space and ground”. In terms of business activity, he founded in 2007, his consulting company, stem - solutions and techniques in eco-management. Since 2008, he is member of the technical board of OKpilot, an innovative web solution to pilot compliance, performance and sustainability. Théodore developed several check-lists (such as ISO 26000:2010 and ISO 50001:2011) for optimal assessment, management and control of company activities. Since 2011, Théodore is a consultant in the fields of industrial ecology, cleantech and innovation for Innobridge SA (spin-off CSEM), where he helps public and private organisations to develop and implement sustainable strategies for their continuous improvement and the optimisation of their environmental performance. Academic specialties: Industrial ecology, Industrial ecosystem, Life support system, Closed ecosystems, Technology trajectories. Business specialties: Corporate social responsibility, Environmental performance management & Audit, Innovation, Cleantech, Biotech & Medtech, Sustainable technology management, Sustainable mobility.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Cengiz Zeynep Zeynep Cengiz is a PhD student at the Chair of Management at the University of Neuch창tel. Her PhD research focuses is on the organizational learning process in Corporate Social Responsibility development and, more precisely, she is interested in studying CSR implementation and development among large Swiss companies. She is working as a teaching assistant at the Enterprise Institute of the University of Neuch창tel (IENE) for courses at the Bachelor level (Management and Business Plan) and Master level (Global Strategy). Zeynep earned her Master degree in Management at the HEC Lausanne in 2008 and her Bachelor degree in Management at the University of Fribourg. Email:


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Chappuis Christine Christine Chappuis is a professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva, Switzerland, where she teaches contract and tort law. Her research focuses on those fields as well as on international contracts and international harmonization of contract law. She is currently working with a group of colleagues on a restatement of the Swiss law of obligations funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. She takes part in the Working Group for the preparation of the third edition of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and is a member of the Groupe de Travail Contrats Internationaux, an international group of corporate lawyers, professors and members of the bar working on the basis of clauses taken from the members’ professional experience. Admitted to the Bar, she was active as counsel to Geneva law firms before joining the University in 1999. Former president of the Geneva Law Society, she was also president of the General Assembly of Professors of the University of Geneva, of the Private Law Section of the Law Faculty and is currently President of the Foundation for the Faculty of Theology. She is author and editor of several important books and papers focusing on international harmonization of contract law and contract practice. She obtained her PhD grade in 1989 and was awarded the Walther Hug prize among other honours.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Charvet Agathe After obtaining an M.Sc. in communication and marketing at EDHEC (France), Agathe Charvet went to Montreal where she worked as a consultant for the pharmaceutical industry while obtaining a B.Sc. in psychology (Concordia) and an M.Sc. in neuroscience (McGill). Returning to France, she was responsible for the communication and fundraising of a start-up in genetic sequencing. With a passion for explaining medical science to the lay public, Agathe then moved to Geneva where she spent several years doing and publishing epidemiological research on patient information. She defined the institutional guidelines for Geneva University Hospitals in that domain and published a scale for establishing patient information documents that is now used in several institutions worldwide. She then headed the communication of the Geneva breast cancer screening foundation for three years, meanwhile developing the Swiss national website for breast cancer screening. Since October 2009, she is responsible for strengthening the relations between the Swiss French-speaking universities (Genève, Lausanne, Neuchâtel) and the Radio Télévision Suisse. Specifically, her role is to facilitate and encourage the presence of university experts on tv and the radio, so that hard and soft sciences may be more readily available to the lay public. With more than 200 experts on tv in the past two years, she initiated a webtv that presents all the videos and interventions of local researchers:


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Cohen Solal Isabelle Isabelle Cohen Solal (1970), is heading the Fund distribution for Swisscanto in Romandie. She cares for Banks and Financial Institutions, out of the shareholding banks. After Business Studies in the UK and an MSC Finance in France, Mrs. Cohen Solal has been a fund manager for International Equities Funds and Asset Allocation funds in Paris (France). Then in 2000, she settlled in Geneva and joined a Private Bank, as Relationship Manager. In 2006, she gains the position of Head of Traditional and Hedge - Fund Selection for Discretionnary Mandates in a foreign Bank. After, she joined Swisscanto to look after Fund Distribution and Institutional Clients activity. At Swisscanto since: 2009 Experience: 16 years


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Comas-Martí Joana M. Joana M. Comas-Martí is currently a fourth-year PhD candidate at the chair of Technology and Operations Management at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). She obtained a Master in Industrial Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona-Spain, in 2005, having completed her fourth academic year at the University of Victoria, Canada, and her Master’s thesis in the Automatic Control Laboratory at the EPFL. She then worked for more than a year in Nestlé-Nespresso’s Operations Excellence department. Her various responabilities included the integration of new tools, such as production planning software and a stock location management system, as well as the production planning itself. After this experience in industry, she worked as research assistant at the EPFL’s Production Management and Processes Laboratory, where she was responsible for a European project with industrial partners developing a forecasting software tool to be integrated into an enterprise resource planning system (ERP). In 2008, she joined the chair of Technology and Operations Management (TOM) to pursue a PhD. Her core work includes two research lines. The first covers the assessment and definition of comprehensive corporate environmental strategies and communications, embracing different life cycle and supply chain stages. The second studies the effect of environmental policies on supply chain network design, accounting for traditional operations trade-offs such as supply chain responsiveness. More broadly, she is interested in the interrelation of corporate environmental management and supply chain operations. Email:


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Cuénoud Laurent With over 15 years of professional experience of which 10 years experience in the development of an international IT consulting group (up to 120 employees), Laurent is an energetic and enthusiastic business contributor. Developing business with large companies, he has strengthened a valuable range of skills. As of 2008, he decided to move towards the sustainable development domain for ethical reasons. He started coaching greentech enterprises on their strategy and organization, developing at the same time business opportunities for clean tech products and services. After 6 months dedicated in reinforcing SOFIES’ strategy, Laurent Cuénoud joined the company in 2010 as Chief Executive Officer. Leader in the domain of industrial ecology, SOFIES is a fast growing consulting agency providing services to governments and large size accounts. The main goal of Laurent Cuénoud is to scale up the company, reinforcing the development at an international level and the positioning as a worldwide leader in industrial ecology.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Demont Floriane Floriane Demont is currently a senior researcher of the NCCR ‘LIVES‘ project “overcoming vulnerability in life course perspectives”. She is a scientific collaborator at the Institute of Demographic and life course studies (I-DEMO), University of Geneva, where she teaches socio-economics and demography. Her main research focus is the impact of development and economic crises on daily life courses of vulnerable rural people in Southeast Asia. Her PhD dissertation in demography from the University of Geneva (2011) is entitled “Taking up the challenge of development: life courses and demographic dynamics in rural Cambodia (1998-2008)”. Since 2007, she conducted several field studies in Cambodia. She worked as a research associate at the Royal University of Phnom Penh where she analyzed specifically the socio-demographic impact of growing economic opportunities (i.e garment factories) on rural silk weavers. She was jointly responsible (2007-2010) for a demographic surveillance system launched in Cambodia by the Population Research Center at the University of Chicago where she was research fellow. Her teaching interests include socio-economic development, population of least developed countries, vulnerability from a life course perspective as well as applied statistics and quantitative research methods.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Deng Suo Suo Deng is an assistant professor at Department of Sociology at Peking University (PKU) in Beijing, China. He earned his MSW from University of Georgia and Ph.D. in sociology from Peking University. His research focuses on organization studies, social development, and social welfare policies. He has been involved in projects on asset-based social policies in China, child health and nutrition studies, family development of low-income immigrant workers, and social work development in China. Prior to joining PKU, Mr. Deng worked as a post-doctoral research associate at Center for Social Development at George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington Universities in St. Louis. He can be contacted by email:


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Erkman Suren Suren Erkman is Professor of Industrial ecology at the Faculty of geosciences and environment at the University of Lausanne (UNIL, Switzerland) and lecturer at the Swiss Institute of Technology of the Lausanne (EPFL). He completed a Master degree in philosophy and history of sciences from the University of Geneva (Switzerland), and obtained a PhD in environmental sciences at the University of Troyes (France). In the 90s he created the Institute for communication and analyses of sciences and technologies (ICAST) in Geneva, and was co-founder and member of the managing board of the Journal of Industrial Ecology of Yale University (USA). More recently he has been cofounder of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (2001), co-founder (with Ramesh Ramaswamy) and Chairman of the Resource Optimization Initiative in Bangalore (2004, India,, co-founder and executive director of the Chair in Industrial Ecology at the University of Troyes (since 2007), and co-founder and president of SOFIES (an industrial ecology consulting company, 2008). Since 2009 he is Director of the Institute of Land Use Policies and Human Environment at UNIL. Professor Erkman is the author of numerous books and scientific articles on the topic of Industrial ecology.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Ferro-Luzzi Giovanni Giovanni Ferro-Luzzi holds a PhD in Economics and is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics of the University of Geneva. His area of expertise is in applied labour market research, mainly on wage formation and distribution, inequality, as well as wage discrimination. He is also the current Head of the University Employment Observatory, which offer private and public entities with expertise on various questions related to wages and employment. He is also Project Coordinator of the newly created “Centre d’Analyse Territoriale des Inégalités de Genève” (CATI-GE), which gathers various institutions at the Canton of Geneva level to provide public authorities with statistical tools to gauge territorial inequalities in the Canton. He is also a member of the “Observatoire Genevois du Marché du Travail” (OGMT), where the local conditions of workers are examined in various sectors and occupations to check for any unfair wage competition. He is also a consultant for the ILO and the OECD.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Flueckiger Yves Professor Yves Flueckiger has studied sociology and economics at the University of Geneva, where he received his Ph.D. He is Full Professor at the Department of Economics since 1992. He is also member of the Board of the Applied Economics Centre (LEA) and Director of the Employment Centre. He has been also Vice-President of the Swiss Competition Commission between 2003 and 2007. Since July 2007 he is Vice-Rector of the University of Geneva. His scientific interests include employment policies and working conditions in diverse labour markets. He has taught an International internship Course on Labour and Social Policies to Promote Decent Work organized by the International institute for Labour Studies. He also teaches Labour Economics, Industrial Organization and Public Finance. Yves Flueckiger has been Research Associate at the Universities of Harvard (USA) and Oxford (UK) and Invited Professor at the Universities of Lausanne, Fribourg (Switzerland) and Deakin (Australia). He has written numerous books and articles published in international reviews (among others, The International Trade Journal, Economics Letters, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Income Distribution, The Oxford Bulletin of Economic and Statistics, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, Economie AppliquĂŠe). During last years, he received research grants from the Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research for different projects concerning migrations, gender wage differentials, gender segregation and new forms of employment.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Friot Damien Damien Friot is head of product development and innovation at Quantis (formerly ecointesys), the second largest global consultancy firm in Life Cycle Assessment that he co-founded in 2006. Damien obtained his Ph.D. from MINES ParisTech in 2009 with a thesis on the modeling of carbon and human health impacts along global value chains. With a background in international relations, economics (University of Geneva) and environmental science and management (EPFL), he has been working on environmental accounting and globalization from 2006 to 2010, building world economic-environmentimpacts models based on Input-Output Analysis and interindustry-macro econometric models. His main interests were a) the study of the environmental impacts in India & China due to the consumption of OECD economies, b) carbon tariffs, and c) the evaluation of the adequacy of current environmental accounting methodologies, e.g. Life Cycle Assessment, Material Flow Analysis, Ecological Footprints, Land Use and Water footprints, to consider adequately global supply chains in the assessment of the environmental performance of products, companies and countries. Damien has continued to work on global supply chains at Quantis, conducting several environmental footprints of multinationals companies and as a member of the technical working groups of the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard (GHG protocol scope 3) from WBSCD and WRI.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Grewal Aman Aman joined the Web Foundation in September 2010. Prior to joining the Foundation, Aman worked as a senior consultant in the India field office of Vital Wave Consulting Inc. Aman has over ten years of work experience in designing and implementing IT projects in India, with a special focus on e-Governance. In his capacity as the Joint Ceo of the IT agency of Chhattisgarh in India, Aman worked closely with Indian government officials, NGO officers, private sector representatives and entrepreneurs with a focus on using ICT’s for development. Prior to joining the government, Aman was part of the founding team at Drishtee, engaged in designing services for telecenters. He was a project manager with One World and was part of the technology team that designed voice based helpline services for farmers across rural India. Aman has consulted for several international organizations including IDRC and JBIC. Aman holds a bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering and was a Reuters Fellow with CSLI at Stanford University. He received his MSc degree in Information Systems from the London School of Economics.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Hedjazi Alexandre Alexandre Hedjazi has received a doctoral degree in Urban Planning from University of Grenoble in France and a Ph.D from School of Public Affairs – University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Teaching at University of Geneva, Dr. Hedjazi started his research career on the financing of urban infrastructures and Public-Private Governance which contributed to the final document of OECD’s Conference for Partnership in the XXI Century. In 1997, Dr. Hedjazi joined UCLA to conduct research on regional development and security. He has since taught courses and organized multiple seminar series on Regionalization, Urban development and Security and brought scholars and practitioner to explore and discuss the nexus of development and security. The geographic focus of his doctoral and postdoctoral research has been the Caucasus and Central Asia. In 2004 he participated in a multinational and comparative study of transportation systems’ operation and design in face of new security concerns. The year long study was conducted simultaneously in New York, Washington D.C., London, Paris, Madrid, and Tokyo through UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies, the Mineta Institute and the UCLA International Institute. Bridging his academic research and his previous research on Central Asia and the Caucasus, his latest work at the UCLA Center for Globalization and Policy Research focused on the impact of emerging economic and political insecurities on international cooperation and development in the Caspian Sea region. Alexandre Hedjazi lectured on the topic of “Regionalization and World Order “ and “Geopolitics of Resource Scarcity” at UCLA Global Studies program. Since 2007, Dr. Hedjazi has joined University of Geneva, where first at the department of political science he taught “Comparative Politics, “Globalization” and “Politics and societies in the Middle East”. He currently teaches at the Institute of Environmental Sciences of University of Geneva a series of courses on Metropolization and Global Cities, Urban Policies and Environmental Policies. Alexandre Hedjazi is also in charge for University of Geneva of a UCLA-UNIGE Summer program on International Environmental Governance . Finally at UNIGE, Dr. Hedjazi also acts as the deputy director of GEPP (Global Environmental Policy Program), as continuing education program developed with the United-Nations Program for the Environment (UNEP).


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Hertz Ellen Ellen Hertz is Professor of Anthropology at the Anthropology Institute of the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, where she has served as department head and dean. Before coming to work in Switzerland, she studied Chinese, law and anthropology in the United States. Her research focuses on the interplay on economic, legal and cultural regimes of thought and action, and she has done fieldwork on the creation of the Shanghai stock market, on indigenous people’s rights in the U.N. system, and on local courts and the social welfare regime in Switzerland. She is currently directing a large research project on complex supply chains, state law and corporate social responsibility in the electronics industry in China and Taiwan. SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES RELEVANT TO GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT – Research Grants and Awards (2010-12): Swiss Network for International Studies. “Corporate Social Responsibility in the Electronics Manufacturing Industry: the Implications of Soft Governance for Labor Standards?”. Project director: Ellen Hertz; principal researcher: Dr. Marylène Lieber, MAPS (UniNE) and Centre d’études françaises sur la Chine contemporaine (Taipei, Taiwan).; research partners: Prof. Wang Hongzen, National Sun Yat-sen University (Kaohsiung, Taiwan); Dr. Anne Postuma, ILO; Prof. Cornelia Pillard, Georgetown University Law Center; Prof. Dr. Keebet von Benda-Beckman, Max Planck Institut for Social Anthropology (Halle, Germany). – Mandates and Community Service (4/2007): Swiss delegate for the Federal Bureau of Equality. I represented the Swiss Federal Bureau of Equality at the International Labour Organisation’s Tripartite Meeting on the production of electronic components for the IT industries (Geneva). – Publications (2010): “Excessively Up at the International Labour Organisation: Notes on ‘Note on the proceedings TMITI/2007/10’”, MAPS Working Paper Series n° 9, University of Neuchâtel; on-line at maps/page28639.html – Conferences (2009): “Getting to soft, or six ways not to use law to regulate working conditions in the Chinese computer manufacturing industry”, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle. ·“The Making of Ethical Computers and the ‘Decent Work Agenda’ in East Asia: preliminary findings”, Centre d’études français sur la Chine contemporaine and Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taibei.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Hillenkamp Isabelle Isabelle Hillenkamp is a scientific collaborator at the Institute of Socioeconomics, University of Geneva. She received her PhD in Development Studies from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID, Geneva) in 2009. Her broader research and teaching interests include socio-economic development, poverty and inequality. Her main research focus is on the interactions between economy and society through social and solidarity economy. From a theoretical point of view, her work relies on an interdisciplinary approach between institutional economics, economic sociology, and economic anthropology. Empirically, she conducted several field studies in Mexico and Bolivia, where she has been an associate researcher at the Postgraduate Program in Development Sciences at the University “Mayor de San Andrés” (La Paz) in 2010-2011. Furthermore she is interested in social and solidarity economy in Switzerland and she maintains continuing relations with the grassroots movement in Geneva since 2005. She has experience in working in multidisciplinary teams, for example as a member of the GIAN-project “Efficiency, financial performance and the role of public policy – a survey of the conditions for financial self-sufficiency of microfinance institutions” in 2004, as a research assistant of the NCCR North-South project “Governance, Human Development and Environment” in 2005, as a postdoctoral researcher of the project “Gender, rural development and alimentation” at the Centre “Gender and Development” of IHEID in 20092010, and as a member of the working group on Solidarity Economy of the Latin-American Social Sciences Council (CLACSO) (since 2010).


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Huang Wei Wei Huang is Assistant Professor in Labour and Employment Relations at the Renmin University of China’s School of Labour and Human Resources. He studied at the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, where he received his PhD. He is an academic fellow of Centre for International Human Resource Management (CIHRM) at the University of Cambridge. He has conducted research for the United Nations Development Programme, the ILO, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security as well as All China’s Federation of Trade Unions, People’s Republic of China. His research interests are in the areas of International Labour Standards, MNCs and Global Value Chains, Corporate Social Responsibility, Employee Participation and Consultation, Social Dialogue, Collective Bargaining, Minimum Wage, and Payment Systems.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Humborg Christian Christian Humborg became managing director of Transparency International Deutschland e.V. in 2007. He studied public policy and management at the University of Konstanz and the University of Leiden. In 1995/1996 heinterned for eight months for the School of Public Management consultancy ofthe Stellenbosch University in South Africa. From 1998 to 2000 he worked in the Corporate Development department¹s transport policy team at Deutsche Bahn AG in Berlin. Subsequently he worked as a public affairs consultant at Plato Kommunikation, part of the Scholz & Friends Group. In 2004 he obtained a PhD from the public management department of the University of Potsdam on the subject of highway infrastructure management in Germany. Starting in 2003 he worked for international law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer as press manager for Germany in the Frankfurt office, then as Business Development Manager for Central and Eastern Europe and Middle East in the London office since 2006. Since 2008, Christian Humborg is on the advisory board of the “Zeitschrift für Politikberatung”, a journal specialized on policy advice, and on the advisory board of the association “Model G8 Germany”. He is member of the blog, which won the prestigious Grimme Online Award in 2008. Christian Humborg is the author of several publications on corruption as well as on lobbying. Most recently his article “Responsible lobbying ­urging companies to behave better” was published in the book “Bursting the Brussels Bubble ­the battle to expose corporate lobbying at the heart of the EU” by the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation in the EU.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Klemmer Britta Britta holds a Masters Degree in Management and International Politics and a Postgraduate Degree in Development Studies. She started her career in 1996 as a Technical Advisor for the International Labour Organization. She then moved on to the private sector and, since 2000, has worked as a freelance consultant for a range of clients in Asia, Africa and Europe, including consulting companies and non-profit organizations. Britta has extensive work experience in developing countries, emerging economies and economies in transformation. In July 2011, she assumed the position of Director of the newly founded Global Forum For Sustainable Supply Chains under the organizational umbrella of the Fair Labor Association. Core expertise: • Design, implementation and evaluation of technical support programmes, with particular emphasis on labour and social rights in cooperation with non-governmental organisations, trade unions, public sector institutions and private companies • Management and implementation of technical interventions in support of private sector development, including strategic business management, business planning, marketing, human resources management, and responsible business behaviour. • Training and workshop facilitation: Design and implementation of training interventions and trainings of trainers, including training needs assessment, adaptation of training material, facilitation of seminars, follow-up services and monitoring, evaluation and reporting. International working experience: • Nine years in Southern Africa, based in Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa • Four years in South Asia, based in Sri Lanka • Two years in East Asia, based in P.R. China • Short-term assignments in the USA, UK, Africa, South-East Asia and Eastern Europe.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Kohlmorgen Julia Julia Kohlmorgen joined the Fair Labor Association in March 2010 after already being engaged with NGO work since several years. To start with she first has been working with the President of the FLA on a consultant basis but then undertook a full-time role this summer. Her main field of tasks since then involves an in depth support of the President and CEO in regards to his daily routine, planning and coordination. Julia has additionally been starting her Master of Science in Management this September being now enrolled at the University of Lausanne. Her choice of courses thereby implies a focus on strategy and ethical decision-making following her overall NGO work interest. Prior to joining the FLA Julia has been a permanent member of staff working with PUMA International in London an their international CSR campaign PUMAVision. As the Project Coordinator of Brand Communication her workload included project valuation, the structuring of needed external communication and the CSR labeled product development. Furthermore she has been supporting the CEO and Chairman of the company with managing his schedule and acting as his key person of contact within the UK. Julia has been studying in the United States and Chile and collaborated with various NGOs on a global scale such as Amnesty International. Moreover she is the spokesperson for a charity-based project helping lesseducated families in Mexico City on how to manage their life.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Lawrence Roderick Roderick Lawrence is Professor at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and he is head of the Human Ecology Group at the Institute of Environmental Sciences. He has a Bachelor’s Degree (First Class Honours) from the University of Adelaide, a Master of Letters from the University of Cambridge and a Doctorate of Science from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. His research interests include interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary contributions to deal with complex environmental questions, human ecology, sustainable development, participatory approaches for land-use planning, and health and quality of life in cities. He is Director of the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Sustainable Development as well as the Global Environmental Policy Programme (GEPP) at the University of Geneva. Roderick has been a consultant to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the World Health Organization (WHO). Since 1997, he has been an Associate Member of the New York Academy of Sciences. His biography is included in Marquis Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in Science and Engineering.

Contact: Roderick J. Lawrence Bureau 257, Bâtiment D, Site Battelle, Instittue of Environmental Sciences (ISE) Université de Genève 7, route de Drize, CH-1227 Carouge (GE) Suisse Tel : +41-22-3790872 Fax : +41-22-3790860 Email :


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Neyts Patrick Patrick Neyts is a senior advisor and Partner/Managing Director of VECTRA International. Patrick has held senior management positions within Environment, Health and Safety and Social Responsibility at a major textile company who was the first multinational to implement a code of conduct. He has been involved in the set up of the code, the subsequent implementation and following revisions keeping the firm as a leader in the Code of Conduct field. Patrick’s experience also includes working with a Fortune 1,000 firm’s CEO on Labor and Human Rights through its various corporate social responsibility programs. His practical management experience provides a strong background in social responsibility strategy and implementation within the private and corporate sector. He has effected significant pragmatic change within the value chains and its stakeholders on labor and human rights as well environment, health and safety conditions within factories and communities in more than 35 countries. He has conducted audits in more than 20 countries and trained local auditing staff. Patrick worked with leading social scientists to introduce participatory approaches putting the worker and stakeholders at the center of due diligence processes. Patrick’s experiences is supply chain focused in the pharmaceutical, apparel and footwear, toy, electronics industry and agriculture/food processing industry as well as human and labour rights in project financing. Patrick is currently the lead trainer for the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI’s) “Managing supply chain issues” course. He is also an active member of several civil society organizations, has co chaired many multi stakeholder round tables and has served on many boards of Foundations, NGOs and multi stakeholder organizations such ETI. Patrick has co-chaired a Global Reporting Initiative working group on the application of the G3 guidelines to an industrial sector. Patrick believes that “enabling positive impact in supply chains is not a job but a passion”


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Palazzo Guido Guido Palazzo is Professor of Business Ethics at HEC, University of Lausanne and a visiting fellow at the Universities of Oxford and Nottingham. He has also taught in Master and EMBA programmes at the Universities of Fribourg, Lugano and Geneva as well as the Bejing Institute of Technology. His research is about the (changing) responsibility of corporations in the context of globalization. His work is published in world-leading management journals. He is associate editor of the Business Ethics Quarterly and the European Management Review and sits on the editorial board of the Academy of Management Review and Business and Society. He was shortlisted for the prestigious Carol Dexter Best International Paper Award 2005 at the Academy of Management conference in Honolulu. In 2008 he won the Max-Weber Award for Business Ethics of the German Industry Association for his work on globalization. Guido Palazzo has been working as a consultant and trainer in CSR and business ethics with companies such as Siemens, Volkswagen, HP, MAN, and Daimler and works with NGOs such as Amnesty International and SOS Child Village. He has worked with various UN organizations and the WHO on CSR related topics.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Paulsen Theres Dipl. Umwelt-Natw. ETHZ Affiliation: td-net for Transdisciplinary Research, Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences and Institut Universitaire Kurt Bรถsch, Sion Email: Co-director of the transdisciplinarity-net (td-net,, a project of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Siences and scientific officer at the Institut Universitaire Kurt Bรถsch (IUKB, Sion). Master in Environmental Sciences (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich) with essential foundation in interdisciplinary environmental sciences by addressing the importance of social perceptions towards the concept of sustainability. In-depth subjects are Human-Environment Systems and human health. In transdisciplinary research, learning from experience requires special efforts because of the heterogeneity of the involved fields and the participants. There is a lack of strong institutional structures for transdisciplinary research necessary for establishing scientific communities in which a stateof-the-art methods and instruments can be developed. As a consequence of professional mobility and lack of systematisation, the lessons learned on the job are seldom passed on to others for capacity building. In view of this situation, the td-net was initiated by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences as a forum for transdisciplinary research in order to facilitate capacity building and advancement in transdisciplinary research. The long-term ambition of the td-net is to support transdisciplinary research in becoming a form of research with its own standards in problem fields such as migration, emerging technologies, public health or global change. td-net is a project partner in the VISION RD4SD (VISION Research and Development for Sustainable Development) a Coordinated Action (20112013) financially supported by the European Commission 7th Framework Program, coordinated by the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Formas). Within the project Theres Paulsen is one of the nine authors presenting the case study on the state of the art of RD4SD in Switzerland.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Peña Jasqueline Jasquelin Peña joined the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment at the University of Lausanne in 2011 as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Environmental Geochemistry. Her position is supported by a prize from the Sandoz Family Foundation dedicated to the encouragement of “up-and-coming academics”. Her research is focused on advancing the fundamental understanding of metal and mineral transformation reactions that influence soil and water quality in ecosystems degraded by anthropogenic inputs and non-sustainable practices. From 2009-2011, she worked in the Earth Sciences Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, California. There she completed postdoctoral research on the surface reactivity of biogenic layer-type minerals. In 2009, Jasquelin obtained a PhD from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley. Her doctoral research, under the supervision of Garrison Sposito, examined the mechanisms by which toxic metals are immobilized during the bacterial production of manganese oxide nanoparticles. Given their remarkable capacity to sequester metal cations, biogenic manganese oxides can play an important role in the attenuation of aqueous metal concentrations in environments impacted by mining, industrial pollution, and other anthropogenic activities. Prior to attending Berkeley, Jasquelin worked as a Research Associate at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, where she contributed to research on uranium transport and bioremediation. She holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Yale University and a M.Sc. in Civil and Environmental Engineering with a focus on Water Quality from UC Berkeley. She is a 2006 Swizter Fellow. Jasquelin grew up in Haverstraw, a suburban community 55 km north of New York City, and Canca la Piedra, an agricultural town in El Cibao, the Dominican Republic.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Pham Minh Nhien Minh Nhien PHAM is a Ph.D candidate of CSR and Business Ethics at University of Lausanne. Grew up in Ho Chi Minh city and has finished her studies in economic studies in Viet Nam, her current research is about how to end sweatshops in global supply chains including discussions of social accountability, the investigation of factory monitoring and auditing as well as its effectiveness in improving working conditions. She also looks at power imbalance issues, the conflict of interest within multinational firms and the information problem that those firms have with their suppliers and that contribute to the persistence of sweatshop.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Rochat Monnier Doris Graduate of HEC Lausanne, Doris started her career as a macroeconomic analyst at Paribas in 1994. Then she joined the bank Ferrier Lullin & Cie S.A., formerly member of the UBS Group, to create and lead the Marketing & Communication department that she managed until she went working for the HSBC Group. After being in charge of the Swiss institutional investors at IAM (Independent Asset Management), she rejoined de Pury, Pictet, Turrettini & Cie S.A. in 2009 to promote sustainable finance. Doris manages today the strategy of the Guilé Funds, which are built on the belief that each company, in which a shareholder invests, has capacity for improving its environmental, social and governance (ESG) challenges. The investors are an important and can be an impactful stakeholder for any multinational company. It is Guilé’s belief and mission to engage with the companies on the basis of the United Nations Global Compact’s 10 principles, and to urge them to make progress in the issues of human rights, labor rights, environment and fight against corruption, across the company but also across the whole supply chain.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Settlemier Sharla Sharla began her career as a teacher and Communications advisor in Yokohama, Japan, where she worked as a speech-writer, school director and taught English and business education to students ranging in age from 5 years to 87 years. While living in Japan she fell in love with the experience of deeply engaging in and learning about another culture. This led her to pursue a position with Nike, Inc. which would allow her to travel and live abroad, while gaining experience and insight into the complexity of global supply chains and the impact global business can have in emerging economies. During her 22 years of working for Nike in various positions in the USA, Taiwan and Korea, and more recently as the General Manager for Nike Manufacturing in China, Sharla was often on the front lines of both the challenges and the opportunities to engage with local governments, stakeholders and critics. These experiences served to reinforce her belief that companies not only can, but must be leaders in driving a global dialogue and advocating on policies for a Sustainable future. In her current position with Nike Inc. as their Senior Director of Sustainable Manufacturing and Sourcing, she works with a global team across the various brands that Nike owns, to improve processes and policies as well as monitoring practices to drive tangible improvement for workers and the environmental impact of manufacturing in over 1,000 factories in 50 countries. She has been challenged by and enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate with competitors and with other leading companies, as well as with NGO’s, government agencies, academics and even with critics, to find common ground on how to advance the goals of social and environmental sustainability. It is the chance to work with competitors and critics where she finds the most compelling possibilities in seeking solutions to common sustainability challenges. Outside of work Sharla spends her time with family and friends - hiking, skiing, running and watching movies. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband Frank and their very, very old cats Zydeco and Indigo.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Sims Emily Emily Sims is a Senior Specialist in the ILO Programme on Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy and manager of the ILO Helpdesk. The ILO Helpdesk provides guidance to company managers and workers about how to apply the principles of international labour standards in company operations, including supply chains. Emily is trained at the graduate level in both law and economics (Juris Doctor, Yale Law School; MSc in economics, London School of Economics). She began her career in the ILO in 1994 in the Standards Department, where she was responsible for evaluating governments’ compliance with ratified conventions concerning employment creation and human resources development; and for research on the link between international labour standards and economic growth in developing countries. In 2002, Emily moved to the Enterprise Department to do research on the link between international labour standards and productivity and competitiveness, collaborating with the Asian Productivity Organization network of business school researchers. Her research now focuses on the potential synergies between public regulation of the workplace and company and industry social responsibility initiatives; and on how financial markets are using international labour standards in their investment decisions. She is the author of numerous articles and two books: Corporate Success through People and Labour-Management Cooperation in SMEs: Forms and Factors.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Smith Kelly Kelly Smith is the Founder and Chair of the Board for the Center for Living Peace, Orange County ( The concept driving the development of the Center can be summed up in one simple phrase: “Good Happens”. The Center for Living Peace provides a beautiful and inviting place for people to experience classes and programs that encourage children and adults to “Be the Change they wish to see in the world”. Classes and events are dedicated to each of our four program pillars: Inner work and development, Peace making and effective communication, Safeguarding the environment, Arts and culture. This holistic approach to living peace acknowledges that peace can be lived and experienced in all aspects of our daily lives. The work of uncovering peace is not just through conflict resolution and mediation – it is in the way we care for our environment, appreciate arts and culture, and in every word we speak and every action we take. Our Living Peace Series is another important facet of the work of the Center. In partnership with the University of California, Irvine, the Center for Living Peace sponsors Living Peace, a series of conversations with international leaders committed to making the world a healthy, sustainable, and compassionate place. The Living Peace Series encourages their guests to take action. Our working groups initiative is a forum for interested parties to talk about how they might effectively contribute to the field of work or organization that is being presented. Local philanthropists, representatives from children’s service and peace organizations, students, academics and researchers in the field being discussed are invited to take part in discussions that encourage action based on collaboration. Past speakers for the Living Peace Series have included Charlize Theron, Sir Richard Branson and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Ms. Smith is also an active philanthropist in Orange County and beyond, most notably as a member of the Orange County Community Foundation Board of Directors. She is also on the Western Regional Advisory Board of Jumpstart and has played an active role in their well-known Read for the Record event. Kelly is also on the Foundation Board of the Orange County High School of the Arts.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Stephen Sarah Sarah Stephen is a doctoral student in Strategy, Globalisation, and Society at the University of Lausanne. She is particularly interested in corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, environmental health, and effective mitigation of environmental problems. Her first steps in research started, whilst a college student, by assessing anthropogenic water pollution, environmental carcinogenesis, biodiversity, deforestation, and forest degradation. Her comprehensive interdisciplinary educational and research backgrounds encompass biological, geographical, environmental, and management sciences, whilst her research background additionally includes theology and psychology (currently also researches at the Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne). In her spare time, she maintains a Nature journal listed blog, treks in the forests of the Western Ghats, pens literary miscellany, and enjoys discussions and debates on a wide range of topics.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Tucker Amanda Director of Sustainable Manufacturing Performance, Nike, Inc. Amanda Tucker has been with Nike, Inc. for 12 years. In her current role as Director of Sustainable Manufacturing Performance, Amanda manages the Nike brand’s global field teams who work with the company’s factory partners around the world on sustainability performance (lean, green, equitable and empowered). Amanda is on the Board of the Fair Labor Association, and her teams are involved in a number of global stakeholder intiatives including Play Fair and the Sustainable Apparel Coalition. Amanda has held a number of roles at Nike, including that of General Manager of Footwear in Vietnam from 2004-2007 and Director of Corporate Responsibility Compliance from 1999 – 2004. Prior to Nike, Amanda worked as Senior Program officer for the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor (IPEC). Amanda has a BA degree from Stanford Univeristy in Political Sciences and Public Policy, and Masters degrees from: the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium; l’Institut des Sciences Politiques in Paris; and the Stanford University Graduate School of Business. In her spare time, Amanda Tucker enjoys using Nike product to run, bike, swim, and ski.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Umlas Elizabeth Professional experience: Elizabeth Umlas is an independent researcher and consultant specializing in the area of business and human rights. Her recent projects have involved research and analysis of issues ranging from corporate human rights reporting to labor rights violations in the retail industry to multinational corporations’ use of private security, on which she has written a book chapter. She has also recently conducted research for UNHCR on urban refugees’ right to work. Dr. Umlas is a co-founder of Sustainable Finance Geneva and a member of Amnesty-Switzerland’s Business Group. From 2001 until 2007, she was senior research analyst for human rights at KLD Research & Analytics, Inc., a social investment research firm, where she oversaw KLD’s human rights research. Prior to KLD, she was manager of policy research at Oxfam America and before that served as associate program officer at UNHCR. Education: Dr. Umlas holds a PhD from Yale University and a Bachelor’s degree from Harvard. Recent written works include: “Protected but Exposed: Multinational Corporations’ Use of Private Security” in Small Arms Survey 2011: States of Security (Cambridge University Press, 2011); “Cash in Hand: Urban Refugees, the Right to Work and UNHCR’s Advocacy Activities”, UNHCR Evaluation Paper (May 2011); “Corporate Human Rights Reporting: An Analysis of Current Trends”, commissioned by the Global Reporting Initiative, Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization Initiative, and the UN Global Compact (November 2009); and “Investing in the Workforce: Social Investors and International Labor Standards”, ILO Working Paper (2009).


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

van Heerden Auret Auret van Heerden brings more than 30 years experience in international human and labor rights to the FLA. He began campaigning for workers’ rights as a young student in apartheid South Africa and co-authored a book in 1976 that called for trade union rights for black workers. He served two terms as president of the National Union of South African Students. After graduating in industrial sociology from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, he founded an institute that provided research and training services to trade unions and civil society groups. He was forced into exile in May 1987 after long periods of solitary confinement and torture. In 1988, Auret joined the International Labor Organization (ILO) and worked on its Program of Action against Apartheid in Geneva until 1994 when the new democratic South African government appointed him Labor AttachÊ in the South African Permanent Mission to the UN in Geneva. He returned to the ILO in 1996, where he worked on labor relations issues in 25 zoneoperating countries and established a Swiss-funded project to improve labor relations in Special Economic Zones in China.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Vilaรงa Olivier Olivier Vilaรงa is managing the Sustainable Consumption and Value Chain program at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, a global coalition of about 200 companies dedicated to sustainable development. Two projects are currently being finalized: developing a vision for sustainable consumption in 2050; a guide to help companies improving the sustainability of their value chain. Prior to joining the WBCSD, Olivier was managing the Operational Public Private Partnership program at the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, one of the largest funding organization for these three pandemics. Before that he was HIV/AIDS Project Manager at Lafarge, one of the leading companies in building materials. He also worked for an NGO and a research network. Olivier holds a PhD in geography from the EPFL. In his thesis he showed how by tackling a global issue, a global company has contributed to create a society at a global scale


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

Voldrich Simone Simone Voldrich is currently Doctoral Assistant of Logistics, Economy and Management at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). Biologist by training, her management experience in Process Development for a pharma supplier provides her with a pragmatic understanding of supply chain management with an enhanced awareness for the increasing importance of sustainable development issues in industrial environments. Simone earned her Bachelor degree of Science in Biology at the Charles University in Prague (2006) and graduated two years later at the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Lausanne. During her subsequent practical experience as Project Engineer and Project Manager for SCHOTT Pharmaceutical Systems Simone was responsible for development and implementation of novel technologies, where she set new standards for Track & Trace solutions on pharmaceutical glass to enhance the safety of pharma supply chains. Her field of interest includes value chain performance and increasing concern for integration of sustainability principles in industrial environments.


World Knowledge Dialogue 2011

World Knowledge Dialogue 2011 Interdisciplinarity in Action: A Practical Experience in Interdisciplinary Research Lausanne 2011

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