Issue 92.1

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ISSUE 92.1 On Dit


Simranjeet Singh Dahia

Urvi Patel

Sarthak Khadotra


Urvi Patel

Simranjeet Singh Dahia


Aiden Luther

Aruvi Kaniamuthan

Dia Al Rahman

Dileepa Pitawela

Fionne C.P. Ngam

Francesca Marafiote

Michael Chan

Mohammad Faizan Khan

Nauman Yawar Butt

Shreya Nidumolu

William Goh

STEMDit AwayfromHome TheGardenofEden Gratitude V'sQuziventure GamerQuest ABeaconofLight EmpoweringVoicesof Peace EchoesofRedemption Sudoku Vox?Pop! Editorial YouXPresident'sReport SRCPresidentsSpot MeettheTeam Editor'sPick FirstYearTips LeftRightCentre Noust’écoutons Haiku Econ-Dit TheDyslexicDiaries GettingOverYou 7 8 10 12 14 16 17 19 23 24 26 29 32 34 36 38 40 41 43 45 48 51 52

We want to acknowledge that the University of Adelaide’s On Dit is written and created upon Kaurna land. The Kaurna People are the traditional custodians of the Greater Adelaide Plains and their culture, knowledge, and spiritual connections continue to run deeply within this Country. We acknowledge that the University of Adelaide is a place of learning attended by First Nations People from around the continent and, like Kaurna, their land and sovereignty was never ceded. We pay our deepest respects to the Elders of the past, present, and emerging.

Hello fabulous people, welcome to the grand opening of our first issue in 2024, brought to by team SUS (plus a couple of other unsuspecting accomplices) that somehow found themselves aboard our wonky but magnificent ship. I become one of the editors for this amazing magazine by following a very suspicious trail of glitter that I found, I don't know how the other two got here but they are now trapped in this job with me that pays in gratitude and loads of caffeine. But hey, united we rise right?

On Dit has been a rollercoaster of beauty, politics, impact, all mixed in with a dash of insanity. You can very well think of it like a colourful circus, but with more ink and fewer elephants. Team SUS is here to keep that wonderful legacy alive, with a splash of glamour - because who can despise sparkles? Every issue of the past has become our source of inspiration, and we are determined to make sure that this year's edition can become a part of your guilty pleasure.

We confess that this journey has been new for all of us, and it has required a lot learning on our part, but we have been super pumped to take you guys on this journey with us. We all blame it on the stars and cosmic forces for pushing us to be a part of On Dit. In the end, all of us have immense gratitude that we get be a part of an ongoing legacy. We want you to enjoy reading the magazine as much as we have enjoyed creating it for you.

So, dive in, get yourself tangled in those pages, and feel free to join our suspicious crew to create a spectacular circus of creativity. A huge shoutout to all the incredible individuals who made this madness possible - you all the real MVPs. Here's to another year of laughter, inspiration, and a touch of editorial magic. It's going to be a wild ride - so buckle up!

Editorial V,TeamSUS



歡迎來到阿德萊德⼤學! Hello everyone,

To all the new students, on behalf of YouX, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to you to the University of Adelaide! For continuing students, welcome back!

I am the 2024 YouX President and I am currently perusing my Honours year in Bachelor of Science specialising in Agricultural and Plant Sciences at our attractive Waite Campus!

My role is to lead the YouX Board to make decisions that will best fit students’ interests, to ensure the services offered by us have high qualities and organise fun events to improve your university experiences! I am also serving as the director of YouX, Student Care, Campus Retail Services, Campus Services Holdings as well as a Council Member at the University of Adelaide.

For all the first-year students, coming to the university is a big turning point of your life. Some of you come here straight after high school and some of you may took a break to experience the world. To better adapt the transition from high school to the university, making friends is super important. We have more than 160 studentran clubs for you to join and it is also a great opportunity for you to meet new friends and expand your network! Volunteering for YouX and clubs’ events as your extra-curricular activities are helpful for you to build up leadership skills that will make yourself more competitive on the market!

When I first arrived the University in July 2021 from Auckland, I knew no one and O’Week was even cancelled due to COVID-19. Later I got the chance to join the Adelaide University Chinese Students Association in September and then become its President at the end of the semester.

This experience has significantly impacted my campus life as I got the opportunity to meet more like-minded people. Through organising and planning events and I developed lots of valuable leadership skills which built a solid foundation for me to get elected as YouX Board Director and its President in this year. So, use this O’Week as the best chance for you to start your adventure at the Uni and I am pretty confident that you will thank me in the future!


Coming to the university needs a lot of commitment and YouX is working collaboratively with the university to support your journey at the University of Adelaide. YouX runs various services such as academic advocacy; welfare services and grants; student events; clubs; employment services; volunteering and the Student Representative Council to stand up and represent your voices! Joining YouX Membership will unlock lots of freebies and numerous discounts on or off campus from coffee to merchandised products!

As your YouX Board we have delivered significant progresses for you last year!

We have provided additional funding for Breakfast Club and introduced Monday Mojo Program as the supplementary option for the lack of Breakfast Club on Mondays.

100k has been saved and redirected in the budget back into your services!

We have fixed infrastructure in Waite and Roseworthy. We have advocated for Assessment extension or replacement for students in need. We Keep the Roseworthy YouX shop open, with increased bus frequency and lecture room upgrades.

And more to continue…..

At the end, I would acknowledge all the hard work that the On Dit Team has made to make this edition possible and please continue support the third oldest student magazine in Australia in 2024!

If you have any concerns or further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me and my team, we are always here to help! 願

Merlin (Meilin) Wang

YouX President

FB/Instagram: Merlin Wang

WeChat ID: Wml20020328




ItiswithgenuineenthusiasmandpridethatIextendawarmwelcometo eachofyouasyoucommencethistransformativeandenrichingchapterat theUniversityofAdelaide Asthe

ActingPresidentoftheStudentRepresentativeCouncil,Iamthrilledto accompanyyouattheonsetofanunforgettableyearwiththefirsteditionof ourOnditmagazine.

Youarejoiningauniversitycelebratedforitsacademicexcellence,dynamic studentlife,andunwaveringdedicationtonurturingtheleadersof tomorrow.Ourcampusthrivesasa

meltingpotofideas,cultures,andaspirations,fosteringanenvironmentripe fordiscovery,innovation,andpersonalgrowth.

Thisyearmarksamomentousperiodinourhistory,withthediscussions aroundtheuniversitymergerpeaks.TheSRCstandsfirminitsresolveto ensureyourvoiceisinfluentialandresonantinthenarrativeofthischange. Wearealsocommittedtonsuringthatstudentwelfare,educationalquality, andfairrepresentationremainattheforefrontofthistransition.Wearehere toamplifyyourvoiceineveryroomwheredecisionsaremade.

Themagazineyouholdismorethanacollectionofresourcesoropinions it embodiestheveryessenceofourstudentexperience.Itprovidesaroadmap tothemyriadopportunitiesawaitingyou,fromengagingwithstudent supportservicestochampioningsustainabilityeffortsandadvocatingfor inclusivityandsomuchmore.


Asyoutakeyourfirststepsoncampusandduringthemonthsthatfollow, embracethevibrancyanddiversitythatdefinetheUniversityofAdelaide.I encourageyoutoimmerseyourselfinthewealthofclubs,societies;tolean intothesupportprovidedbyourdedicatedfacultyandstate-of-the-art facilities;andtopartakeinthemanyinitiativesaimedatenhancingyour universityjourney.

Rememberthatyourexperiencesherewillbeasrichanddiverseasyou choosetomakethem!Iencourageyoutoreachout,becurious,andmost importantly,takeownershipofyourjourney.TheSRCexecutivesandOffice Bearerswillbeherewithyoueverystepoftheway.

Together,letusfacethechallengesofthisyearwithresilienceandoptimism, transformingthemintosteppingstonesforindividualandcollectivegrowth.I ameagertoengagewithyou,tolearnfromyourexperiences,andtowitness theprofoundimpactyouwillundoubtedlyhaveonouruniversity,especially atourinstitutions’150thanniversary.



Wang nt, eCouncil,

Meet the Team

Hello lovelies, I’ m V! I’ m a second year Media student, specializing in Strategic communication. I have always loved writing as long as I can remember, it all started with me attempting to write horribly cringeworthy fanfictions, but it mellowed out into being mediocre at the end. All of this ended with me working as a content creator which I enjoyed, and it all culminated into me following in love with creating a world out of my imagination. On Dit has brought for me an incredible opportunity that has increased my passion tenfold and has made me excited to share all my creations with you guys.

In my free time, I love crying over how cute my dog is or sit and read all the creepy manga ’ s that I can get my grubby hands on. I want On Dit to continue being a place that can become a voice for the students, where they can talk about their opinions, however small or big they may be. So please feel free to email us or scream at us!



Hey there, pals! I'm Sarrie, but you can call me Sarthak Khadotra when you're feeling fancy. Yep, that's me, the guy who somehow ended up as the editor of Ondit Magazine while diving into the fascinating world of Neuroscience for my Bachelors. How'd I land here? Beats me, but I guess life's full of surprises, right?

Now, let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm not one to brag, but I've got more talents than a cat has lives. Singing, writing, you name it— I'm your guy. Oh, and football? It's football, not soccer. Let's get that straight from the get-go.

But wait, there's more! I've got a soft spot for our feline friends. Yep, cats. Those little fluffballs have a special place in my heart.

So buckle up, folks! With me at the helm, Ondit Magazine is about to get a whole lot more entertaining (listen! I'll try my best) . Get ready for some laughs, some tunes, and maybe even a few purrs along the way. Let's make this magazine paw-some together!


Hello fabulous readers! I'm Simran, your tech-savvy editor, Currently cruising through the final stretch of my Computer Science program. In the world of AI research, I dance with algorithms and wield code like a pro – they're my trusted companions in this digital adventure. But hold up, it's not all about bits and bytes for me. Dance and theatre have been my partners in crime for years, providing an outlet for expression that lines of code just can 't match. Whether on stage or the dance floor, every move and gesture spins a unique tale.

I'm also a certified bookworm, exploring vast literary landscapes that transport me to different worlds. In the quiet corners of my life, you'll catch me lost in the beauty of words and crafting my own poetic stories.

Juggling the scientific and the spiritual, I find magic in algorithms and equations, while drawing inspiration from a deeper, more soulful journey. Let's explore the captivating crossroads of technology, arts, and literature right here at On Dit. I'm pumped to infuse our magazine with a mix of science and creativity. Drop me a line –whether it's about AI musings or your favorite novel – let's turn On Dit into a lively and diverse community!


Our Vision

This year, our vision for On Dit is all about amplifying student voices and making a significant impact on campus. Through our collective experiences, we've observed that

On Dit hasn't been the forefront of student expression, and we're determined to change that.

Our mission is to transform On Dit into a vibrant hub that resonates with students from all faculties. We aim to delve into the heart of student issues, fostering engagement and inclusivity. This isn't just a magazine; it's a platform for students to share their stories, concerns, and triumphs.

On Dit is poised to be the go-to space for all things student-related, where every voice matters, and every perspective is valued. Let's make this year a celebration of unity, diversity, and meaningful dialogue within our student community.


Tocelebratetheoldestlivinganimator HayaoMiyazaki,herearetheeditor’stop picksforstudioghiblifilms!


Sarrie’s Pick - Grave of the Fireflies

"Grave of the Fireflies" doth stand as a poignant masterpiece, transgressing the bounds of mere animation. Set in the era of World War II in Japan, it doth chronicle the heart-rending odyssey of two siblings, Seita and Setsuko, amidst the ravages of war. Directed by Isao Takahata, this sorrowful tale doth encapsulate the loss of innocence and the resilience of the human spirit amidst unfathomable tragedy. The film's hand-drawn animation doth bewitch with its melancholic beauty, portraying the stark realities of war and its toll on the guiltless. Through its compelling narrative and evocative visuals, "Grave of the Fireflies" doth compel viewers to confront the harsh verities of conflict, whilst also honouring the bonds of kinship and the enduring strength of love.


V’s Pick - Spirited away

I have always liked watching animated movies, but Hayao Miyazaki's studio Ghibli made me fall in LOVE with them. Nothing has captivated me more than spirited away, it’s a mesmerizing masterpiece that is packed with fantastical creatures that brings the setting to life. If you love exploring movies that deep dive into folklore and traditional tales that this movie, is it for you. It has been two decades since the release of spirited away and ten years since I first watched it but to this day, the movie has me on a chokehold. It’s such a cinematic masterpiece that I feel bad if I don’t watch it at least once a month. So, if you like a little magic in your life, then let yourself be captivated by the magic of Hayao Miyazaki's spirited away.

Simran’s Pick - Howl’s Moving Castle

It’s a bit cliché to pick this movie but the cinematography of Howl’s moving castle stands out for me for various reasons – I appreciate how the movie talks about love, but it simultaneously also talks about the consequences of the war. I also really appreciate the scene of Howl cooking, that was the moment that forced me to pause the movie and make my own breakfast, although when I threw the eggshells, Calcifer wasn’t there to eat it and I had to painstakingly clean it on my own. All jokes aside, the movie explores seemingly nightmarish scenes perfectly well alongside exploring the haunting beauty of a nation going through war. In Hayao Miyazaki’s own words –‘I wanted to convey the message that life is worth living, and I don't think that's changed,’ stands true for this masterpiece.


First Year Tips

Even if your lectures are recorded or live-streamed, try your best to attend in person. You can ask questions and form connections with your lecturers/peers, and spending time on the campus is the easiest way to adjust to Uni life. Don’t overlook the importance of weekly quizzes or attendance and participation! They provide relatively easy marks that can lift your grade and reduce the stakes and stress of your final exams.

- If you find yourself struggling, the Maths Learning Drop-In Centre (MLC) on Level 3 East of the Hub Central is available to all students from 10am - 4pm during term weekdays

Many of the courses also have student-led study groups called PASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions) available. Do check them out!

* Economics students see Page 53





“The University does not have enough spaces to provided annual/semester for all students. However, the After Hours and Short Term options do not appear to be helpful for the students because most students come to the University during class time and city parking is free after 6 PM anyway. I would suggest the University to make parking free for after-hours, so the students can at least save the 1.5 hours parking fees from thecitycouncil.

To address this situation, the University should also work more collaboratively with commercial parking companies to provide more subsidies for the students who are commuting by driving. It is extremely disappointing to see the Jane LomaxSmith led Labor Adelaide City Council has increased the parking fee to $5.1 and made parking more unaffordable for low-income students. Not everyone can afford expensive city accommodations, not everyone have convenient public transport access and I strongly believe students do have to rights to drive and their rightsalsoneedtobeconsidered.“

"Thecurrentstudentparking permitoptionsincludeAfter Hours,Motorcycle(Afterhours only),andShortTerm(Medical grounds). Consideringthecityparkingis freeafter6PM,we'recurious aboutyourperspectiveon providingfreeordiscounted annual/semesterparking permitsspecificallyforclass hours."**



“Thisquestionfailstounderstandthecoreofthe issueathand–rightnow,theUniversitydoesnot haveenoughcar-parkingtosupportstaff,much lessthealmost30,000studentswhoattendthe University.AhigherproportionoftheUniversity’ s parkingshouldbeallocatedtothosewitha disability,whichshouldbeofferedfreely. Everyhumanontheplanetowningacaris unrealisticandhighlydamagingtotheplanetat large.Sustainedinvestmentinpublictransportby ourstateandfederalgovernmentswouldalleviate thisissue,loweroverallinfrastructureexpenditure bytakingcarsofftheroad,andallowmorepeople tohavequickandconvenientaccesstotheir placesofworkandstudy.International,rural,and low-incomestudentsaresomeofthosewho wouldbenefitmostbypublictransportspending, bymakingitsaferandmoreaccessible,andas suchcanhaveacriticalroleinpushingforits improvement.”



“Withcostoflivingaffectingstudents'livesinmanyways,offeringfreecarparking orofferingannual/semestersubsidisedcarparkingduringclasshoursallows studentstofocusonsomethingmuchmoreimportant:theirstudies.

Ultimately,ourpublictransportnetworkshouldworkinawaythatallowsasmany peopleaspossiblytoaccessstudyviabus,trainortram,howeverthisissometimes notpractical;particularlyforstudentsfromregionalareas.

Financially,thiswouldbenefitstudentswhoapply,anditmayallowlong-distance studentstoattendon-campuseventswithoutthestressandcostoflocatinga parkingspot.Theuniversitymakeshugedollars,theycanabsolutelyforfeitadime toimprovestudentaccesstocampus”


TheGreensclubwouldlovetoseecostoflivingreliefforstudents,andexpanding accesstofreeordiscountedparkinginthecitycouldbeagoodstep.However,the Greensclubstronglybelievesthatinvestmentinpublicandactivetransportwould beabetteralternativetosupportstudents.Improvingpublictransportoptionsby addingmoreroutes,makingbusesandtrainsmorefrequent,reliableandsafeand makingpublictransportfreeforstudentswouldprovidemorevaluethan expandingcarparkoptions Currentlyourconcessionsystemforpublictransport excludespart-timeandonlinestudents,somethingtheGreenshavebeencallingon thegovernmenttofix.Makingourroadssaferforcyclistscouldalsohelpstudents livingininnerAdelaide.“


“AULCsupportscreatingsemesterandyearlongdiscountedparkingpermitsto allowforeasycampusaccessforallstudents.

TheUniversityofAdelaideistheonlyUniversityinSouthAustraliathatdoesnot providestudentparkingoptionsforallstudents.Thereisastrongneedfor semesterparkingpermitsespeciallyforruralandoutersuburbanstudents,who travelforoneortwodaysaweekforcompulsoryinpersonclasses,whocannot accesspublictransportandareforcedtopayexcessivedailyparkingpermits ParkingontheTorrensisnotfullyutilisedatalltimes,soallowingsemesterwide parkingpermitswouldbothprovideaccesstothecampusfortravelingstudents andallowforconsistentsemesterwideincomeatadiscountedrateforthelocal council.“


Bornfromourmissiontoconnectstudents andpoliticalgroups,we'veposedacommon questiontobothpoliticalandnon-politicalstudents. Politicalinsightsfindahomeinthe ‘LRC, ’ whileauthentic studentresponsestakecenterstagein 'Nousécoutons, ' fosteringtransparencyandunderstanding betweendiverseperspectives. Welcometoournewfeature!

Introducing 'Noust ’écoutons'!



“Astheparkingspaceislimited,thestaffshouldgetfirst preferencefollowedbythestudents.Ithinkpriorityshouldbe giventothedisabledandspecialneedsstudentsandthe parkingforthatshouldbefreeforthem.Idobelievethat studentsshouldbeatleastgivendiscountsontheparking spaceIf,ifnotfreeparking,. ”


“Inmyopinion,parkingshouldbefreeoratleastdiscounted forallthestudentswhotravelalotfortheUniversity. Withoutit,forstudentswithavehicle,parkingistoo iexpensive.Ibelievethateverystudentwouldprefertodrive ftheparkingbecomesfreeasitwouldcutbackalotoftime theyspendfortravellingtotheuni

AnnMaria M.Cybersecurity

“Ithinkitisveryimportanttohavefreeparkinginthe universityasmoststudentstraveltoandfrofromsuburb theydobringtheirvehicleswiththem,thentheyhavetof parkingspotwhichisusuallyfarfromtheuniversity personallybelievethatthepublictransportationinAde notasefficientascomparedtotheothercountriesth beento. ”

Shefali ProjectManagement



“Personally,Iusepublictransportasitismore efficientforme.Ipreferpublictransportationas tbuyingacaristooexpensiveformeandIalso ihinkthatunderstandingthetrafficrulesasan nternationalstudentistoodifficultforme.“


drivearoundthec y ombringingtheir carsorbikestotheuniversitybecause epaidparking.On average,mostofmyfriendsstay10–15kmawayfromthe universityanditusuallytakesaround40minutestoreachusing publictransportation.So,inmypersonalopinion,freeparking wouldbereallyhelpfulforstudentswhowanttosavetheirtime andmoneywhiletravellingtotheuniversity.

“Ithinkthatstudentsgettingfreeparkingwoulddefinitely behelpful.Itshectictomovearoundthecitywiththe hparkingbeingpaid.Eventhoughthepublictransportationis elpful,thereisstillalotofwalkingaroundinvolvedonthe waytotheuniversity.Themainissueisthatnoteverysuburb isconnectedbypublictransportationandthatcausesalot ofdifficultywhentravellingtotheuniversity.“

Satvik International Management

Haikuby Sarrie


Pink whispers on breeze, Flamingo dreams take mirrored flight, Salt kissed shores blush soft.


Red earth winds through trees, Waterfalls sing secrets old, Sun paints shadows bright.


Golden sand, sun-kissed, Hugs the edge of rocky shore, Waves crash, laughter rings.


Yorke's windswept embrace, Sand whispers by dunes' soft rise, Cottage window view.




Voted the ‘2023 Word of the Year’ by Macquarie Dictionary, ‘cozzie livs’ playfully refers to the term ‘cost of living’ but is most often used synonymously with the cost-of-living crisis that many Australians are facing.

The cost of living is measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is a basket of goods and services that represent household purchases. As the price of the goods and services in the basket increase, so does the CPI. This change in price is what we all know as inflation.

The current iteration of cozzie livs began around June of 2021, as the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) reported inflation to be at 3.8% - well above the ongoing standard of 2-3%.

It is important to note the considerations around which items may be included in the basket. The items must have prices that are specific and identifiable, such as a 1kg bag of rice or a concession bus ticket. Additionally, no items can be excluded based on any social or moral perceptions. So, despite alcohol or cigarettes being judged as socially undesirable, they are also included due to their significance in general household expenditure.

However, the most significant drawback of using the CPI to measure cozzie livs is what is excluded from the basket. Since 1998, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has not included home mortgage or other interest payments in its calculations, as it stated that this would make the index worse at measuring living costs. This information is listed on its website, to ensure that consumers are aware that the CPI is not an ideal measure to assess changes in the purchasing power of households’ disposable income.

When mortgage rates are stable, the CPI can function accurately at reflecting living costs, but increasing interest rates and steep growth in the mortgage market restrict this purpose. The CPI increased to 5.4% in the year up to September 2023, but the living cost index (which includes mortgage and interest payments) increased to a whopping 9% in the same time period!


One of the most effective ways to relieve pressure on Australian consumers is to increase real wages in relation to inflationary stress. Real wage growth is when the wage index is growing faster than the CPI. This month, Treasurer Jim Chalmers stated that real wages grew for the first time in several years, but his comparison was made to the CPI and not the living cost index. This means that on top of facing severe financial stress, Australians may not be clear about the true state of the economy.

Though inflation has come down from 5.4% in the September quarter to 4.1% in the December quarter, cozzie livs are still causing stress. Since December 2020, wages have risen 10%, but prices of goods and services have gone up 16.1%, and this is a gap that will take a long time to recover from. This becomes worse still when understood that in the last 12 months, prices of essential (or demand- inelastic) goods rose 4.8%. Yes, goods such as utility bills, food, rent, and insurance have increased almost 5%!

As inflation continues to decline, the economic health of households becomes a more pressing issue. Comparing retail spending in December 2022 and 2023 as peak shopping periods, it decreased 7.9%. Consumers simply cannot afford to shop or save like they could pre-pandemic or continue the same momentum from even just one year ago. There are other factors that also cause consumers to feel as though they cannot afford the cost of living anymore, such as shrinkflation. This is a practice where goods and services cost the same, yet the product is quantifiably smaller. Think of the chip packets with more air or a theme park ticket with less rides available Companies discretely decrease the amount of product so as not to alert consumers. These changes may be implemented over a number of years.

Then, there’s skimpflation, shrinkflation’s stingier cousin. This is when you pay the same for a good or service, but its quality is cheaper. When you notice more self-checkouts in the supermarket or less egg-yolk in your mayonnaise (replaced with cheaper chemicals), you are experiencing skimpflation. Consumers are deceived time and time again, but companies and governments who do not provide full transparency to already vulnerable Australians.

So, if you feel like you haven’t been getting enough bang for your buck, it’s because you probably haven’t. However, in these times of economic uncertainty, empowering individuals with financial literacy is vital. By fostering a culture of informed decision-making and resourcefulness, we can collectively navigate the challenges created by cozzie livs and take proactive steps to mitigate its impacts.


Explore the unique journey of a severely dyslexic author, a UofA PhD in STEM student, and occasional disability advocate, as they share a collection of short stories structured like diary entries. These narratives blend humor, heartfelt moments, and reflections on the dyslexic life, offering a distinctive perspective enriched with peer-reviewed research.

Laugh off life's challenges and gain insight into cultural truths through the lens of dyslexia, finding liberation in a world centered around reading and writing.

Join me on this journey, read (or listen via text-to-speech), learn, and share a laugh as I navigate the dyslexic world!!

The Dyslexic Diaries The Dyslexic Diaries


Watch, Learn, And Better Still Get A

Hug: Correlation Is Not Causation

This cartoon I saw on social media is spot-on for me, with a twist.

The reason why I got so far through school, right up to almost completing it, is partially because of free-to-air TV. Sometimes reading and writing take a back seat when you are dyslexic and learning.

TV was in a large part my best teacher, and my folks were the teachers' aids...


MyfolksonlyletuswatchadultTVshows,witha limitedamountof‘kids’TVduringearlymornings So,afteralongdayat primaryschool,Iusedtositsnuggleduptomumandwatchalltheiradult non-fiction.TheyhatedTVsoapoperasliketheAustralian‘Neighbours’and ‘HomeandAway’...

SorrytoyouoldAussiesoapiestars:KylieMinogue,ChrisHemsworth, MargotRobbie,etc!Dadwasapsychiatrist,sowatchedanythingnon-fiction medical,mumwasintoallthesciencedocumentaries,andbothlovednews andcurrentaffairs.

Iwasdyslexicyetendedupbeingaprecociouschildwhowasquite educatedintheaboveareasairedonTV.IthinkthiswasonereasonwhyI wasquitegoodathumanitiesandsciencesubjects,andwhyIalmost finishedschool Ievenrankedinthetop1%inthecountryinaprestigious nationalsciencecompetitiononce



But,Ididn’tfinishschool.Onewaytolookatitismydyslexiatookitstolland Ididn’tgetfarinschool Instead,IlookatitasIgotasfarasIdiddespite poorreadingandwriting

WhenIwasbecomingateen,myfolksgottwoTVs.Suddenly,theteenage rabbleoftengotanopportunitytowatchtrendingfictionshows.Butmyolder siblingsmonopolizedthis,pushingthelittleoneaside.Nevertheless,I sometimeswatchedwhattheywantedtowatch,likepopmusicshows. Atthissametime,myhumanities,sciences,andmathsgradeswere plummeting.ButgettingasecondTVwasn’ttoblame,itwasn’tthecause. Regardlessofthefunstuffkidsandsiblingswerewatching,Iwouldgo mostlytothefolks'TVandsitwiththem.Itwasoneofthefewregular chancesIgottofeellikeavaluedfamilymember.Iwasn’tpickedonbythe others,Iaskedlotsofquestionsaboutthingsmyparentswereinterestedin, andtheywouldanswermeengagingly Ilearnedalot

Itwasmydyslexiaandaninadequateeducationalsystemthatcausedmy failingschooling.Thesedays,theincreasedsupportfordyslexicsin education,andmyloveofsciencenurturedfromaveryyoungageusingthe TV,hasultimatelyledtomyPhDlevelstudiesinscience.


Whenitcomestoelectronicmedia,therelationshipbetweenitsimpactson educationisnotsotwo-dimensional Researchshowstherearepotentially positiveandnegativeimpactsonachild'sattention,cognition,andschool achievement(Schmidt&Vandewater2008).Inchildrenwithlearning disabilities,electronicmediacanbeagodsend.

Sofree-to-airTVwasoneofmybestteachers.But,thisstoryisfromapast erabeforesocialmediaandsmartphones Contentconsumedonsocial mediaisnotsoeasilycontrolledbyparentsandstatebodies It’snotlikeTV asitopensuptheworldinamorepersonallydrivenway,soakedin algorithmsdesignedtofocusourviewingonthingsthatemotionallytrigger us.

However,whatiseasytocontroliswhenandhowmuchyougiveyourkids attentionandaffection Makingsureyougivethemtheseduringeducational activitiesispossiblyagoodideainmy‘books’.


IloveyouTV.I’llalwaysrememberyou! 28


‘You know how much I hated winter,’ S sipped a large mug of peppermint ginger tea, the huge black font ‘Go away’ engraved across the cup shone under the library fluorescents. It’s the winter break; only the two of us dominatedtheBarrSmithLevel2chamber.

‘Youhavesaidthatforthetenthtimetoday,’Imumbledbackwhilereading thenextsemester’sMathematicalEconomicsI.

‘You have dragged me here to experience the morbid beauty of the chamber,’ S emptied her fourth cup of tea of the hour. ‘Tell me, which topic haveyouactuallyabsorbedintoyourhalf-frozenbrain?’


‘I am still on the same chapter. I think I need YouTube to understand the newformulas.I’llbefine,’

Patting my left hand, C placed a large neon-yellow mug with steam billowing beside it. ‘Sip something before your palms freeze,’ I smiled in gratitudeandcuppedthemugwithmycoldfingers.

‘Well, I’m onto the first chap of International law, and the jurisprudence is going in all front. I’m probably rewriting the whole chap in my notes… Ughhh,’ her notebook was aesthetic with the brush calligraphy as titles. I understood her frustration well as I had been there so many times that I wouldescapeandimbuemyselfintheworldofmathsinstead.


‘It’s 6.30pm now. I am hungry and I know you are too. We have been sitting ourarsesheresince12pm.Comeon!Let’sgo!’

‘Just one more page, S!’ I started a new page. Green highlighters for the title,Inotedtheforeignformulasofinverseofamatrix.

Keeping her book and stationeries, her phone vibrated as a guy’s face flashed on the screen. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I saw his face inmyperipheral.Hehardlycalledupduringtheweekdays.Focus!Iquickly removed my marker from my page and internally groaned as the ink penetratedthroughafewpages.

‘We are getting dinner together,’ his low voice echoed throughout the chamber as his loafers clicked against the wooden floor. Ignoring the strong temptation to look up, I continued noting although I am hardly summarising anything. My ears turned warmer as I could sense his closeness.

With the last word down, I let out a sigh of relief. ‘Great! Leggo!’ S took the markers and lined them up in my pencil case the way I always do and placedawarmpadinmyleftpalm.


‘You'recookingtonight?Arewegoingtobehelpersagain?’Ssmirkedand circled her arm around mine. Grabbing my arm back as I tried to untangle her grip, S tsked, ’Nope, you are getting a large meal tonight. We’re not buying a meal and we are paying our time to get that dinner. Economic costsallaccounted,Mathy,’

It’s not just that. The bittersweet discomfort from sitting across him would ruinmymeals.


Twirling the carbonara in my plate, the cream glistened under the chandelier above the dining room. They are splendid, but the distraction aheadmadeeachswallowdifficult.

‘Was the textbook for next semester manageable?’ I look up and accidentally gaze into his eyes. While I was able to control my blushing, I stillfailedtogetoutofthedepthofhissilveririses.

‘Why didn’t I have that gene?’ S complained while entering the room after dealing with her usual aftermath with spicy food. Channelling my focus elsewhere, I give a specific reply, and look at the tapestry behind him ‘I needtodofurtherresearchwiththePenroseinverse,’

Placing down my cutlery that felt icy in my fingers, I decided that my appetite had disappeared like usual. ‘I’ll get you the book that helped me lasttime.’Hestoodandleft.

With a look at my discomfort and abandoned plate, S sighed and whispered,‘Let’sgetyouhome.’

B Y F I O N N E C . P . N G A M 31


Introducing 'STEM-Dit,' our exciting new feature spotlighting the brilliant minds behind STEM research at our university.

In each edition, we'll delve into the fascinating work of our student researchers, unraveling the stories and innovations emerging from our academic community.

Join us as we celebrate the cutting-edge contributions of our STEM students, bringing you closer to the forefront of groundbreaking research in every edition of On Dit!



Embarking on the vast seas of research, I perceive it as an endless journey into uncharted blue oceans of knowledge, driven by an innate curiosity. Within this boundless exploration, "science" represents but a mere handful of water drawn from this expansive ocean.

The recent strides in AI have propelled it into realms once exclusively human, excelling even in tasks we once deemed uniquely ours. However, AI often falters in areas of contextual understanding, common-sense reasoning, and intricate problem-solving heuristics natural to human cognition.

In my research, I aspire to bridge this gap through a personalized collaborative approach to decision-making. Recognizing the pitfalls of current AI applications, my focus extends to the domain of medical imaging, specifically targeting oesophageal cancer detection, classification, and segmentation.

Addressing the prevalent issue of high false positive rates in computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD), my endeavor is to integrate human-AI collaboration into CAD frameworks, tailoring the assistance provided by AI to the individual, thereby fostering a harmonious synergy between human expertise and artificial intelligence in the realm of medical diagnosis.

*Dileepaisa aSoftwareEngineer wndaPhDStudent iththeSchoolof ComputerScience, Universityof Adelaide 33

AWAY from Home

Welcome to "Away from Home," a captivating feature that delves into the rich tapestry of experiences woven by university students who have embarked on the transformative journey of living away from their homes.

Whether it's crossing international borders, traversing state lines, or simply finding a new abode within the same city, this series aims to share the diverse narratives of students navigating the challenges and joys of independence.

"Away from Home" is your passport to the untold tales of university life beyond the familiar comforts of home!


Being an international student is a life changing and exciting experience. But as the initial changes of joy and excitement of exploring new places dwindles down – then comes all the anxiety and self-doubt of surviving in a new country. To all the new students who have recently started their journey, don’t worry because there will always be silver linings.

When I moved to Adelaide, it obviously was very different from the life that I lived back home in Mumbai. The food was different and so were the norms. All of these adjustments led to homesickness as I battled with the increasingly demanding societal expectations.

Then came the task of finding and making friends. ‘CLIQUE’ was a new term that I experienced here – having only ever heard this word in movies before. Not wanting to feel isolated, I overcome my inner introvert and forced myself to have conversations with people and go out more.

But now that I have settled down here for a year. I am here to tell you; it isn’t as daunting as before. I stopped forcing myself to go out, I started staying in more. Through trials and errors (many many errors) I found friends who stayed with me through thick and thin. I’m finally myself again. To all the new students who will no doubt have those similar feelings, it gets better. So, think of this initial journey as your character development arc and go give life your best shot!

Craftedwithaffection andflairbytheillustrious V!


Themidnightwindstrokesyourhead,makingyourhairdancearoundand toppleontopofeachother.Itwhisperssoothinglyinyourearsrevealingthe clandestineofmothernature.Youshrivel,partlyduetotheinstillingcoldand, partlybecauseyouareticklish.Thewindcarriesthescentofpetrichormixed withthecloyingsweetnessoftheredrose.Sodensethatindeedyoucanseea trailofpinkfloatingamongtheseaofsilverymoonbeams.

Buttherosesaren’ttheonlyflowerstwinklingbeneaththemoonlight, iridescenttulips,whitechocolatedaisies,tinyhoneysucklesandlilaclilacs. You’llloseyourselfinthespiralofthecarnationinthelonelinessofthevast night.Theflowersofthegardenstretchacrossboththehorizons,justlikethe nightskycontainingit.

Walkingacrosstheaisleofflowersandneatlycroppedbushes,rubbing yourfeetalongthefeatherygreengrass,youcan’thelpbutthinkofthe paradiseyou’veheardsomuchaboutasachild.Yourealisehowperplexing yourviewsmaybecomeasyougrowupandlearnmore,leavingyourchildhood innocencebehind.Whenbeingagoodpersonmeantthatyoucouldleada happylife.

Thinkingofchildhood,yourlefthandimpulsivelybeginstocaressalong thegreenhedgeasifwaitingformothernaturetoholdontoitandguideit throughthemanyhurdlesofamaplessjourneythatislife.Lightdrizzlebegins totrickle.

Mistengulfsyou.Thetenbrosityofthisnightstartstofadeawayasthe pinksunpeeksthroughtheperipheryofyourview,thisisthemostnostalgic time.Thetimejustbeforedawnbreaks.Youwonderhowtimedriftedaway beforeyoutookafewsteps. Thenyourealiseyouappearedattheendofthe


path,timetotakeaturnyousaytoyourself,asyoureyesdriftoffintothesky yetagain.

Nowit’saharmoniousblendofpinkandorangeandpurple,notyet fullyblueliketherefreshingdaytime,althoughyoufeelthatthenightalbeita bitbalmyismorecalmandtranquil.Thenightislonggone,youbegintomiss it.Thenight,itfeltlikeadropofwatercollectingatthebrinkofthetipofa leafuntilitbentjustenoughtoconnectwiththepondbelowit.Lettinggoof thedropintheabyss,theleafflingsupwardsandoscillatesuntilanotherdrop hugsit.

Wonderingatadistance,youseeaflockofpigeonsflyingthroughthe sky,chirpingandcallingontotheirgod.Yourealiseit’sarareflock,allthe membersareaswhiteassnow.Theylooklikewhiteflyingacrossthenow-vast bluenessofthesky.Mostmayhaveevenmistakenthemfordoves.Thewind picksupitspace,causingthegrassbelowmetoswayandrustle.Thesweet melodyofgrassrustling,pigeonschirping,yourfootstepslandingandthe beesbuzzingaroundthebusheslightenyourmoodlikethesundoesthe world.

Nowyouarerunning,falteratthefirstfewstepsbecausetheweatheris sosoporific.Theriotofflowersdoleouteverylastbitofscenttheyhadleft andcloseupapedalatatimetoprotectthemselvesfromthevicioussun. Indeed,thesunisviscoustothesefragilechildren.

Finally,youfindthewayoutfromthismazeofagarden,notthatyou didn’tlikethetrip.Infact,thenightyou’vespentherewasanentirelynew experienceyetithadastrongsenseofdejavu.Thenightwasinvitingand amiable,itmadeyoufeelasifyouwerefriendswithherforyourwholelife. You’lldefinitelycomehereagaintoseethemystifyingbeautiesunderthereign ofthesparklingmoonlight.



Is expressing gratitude about grand gestures? Does gratitude mean having to do something larger than life? Absolutely not. Gratitude is appreciation in action, it could be as simple as a “thank you ” , a small prayer in your mind or a bouquet of flowers for that person who showed you kindness and guidance at a time when you needed it the most. There should be no season or reason to express your gratitude towards a person, your family or even just nature itself

. Traditions Around the World:

Have you ever been curious about how gratitude is celebrated around the world? Gratitude and giving thanks have been a part of our ancient and modern culture of nearly every country worldwide. Here are some beautiful and heartwarming examples of diverse festivals celebrated in different parts of the world:

Chuseok Harvest Festival - South Korea

It is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month; it emphasizes respect and commemoration of elders and ancestral roots. Aside from traditional dinner with friends and family, families return to their ancestor’s hometowns and hold memorials at relative’s grave sites.

Erntedankfest - Germany

It falls on the first Sunday in October. Erntedankfest is centered on giving thanks for the year ’ s harvest and grain. Giant woven baskets filled with fruits, grains, and vegetables are carried to churches, blessed, and then distributed to the poor. Celebrations also include laternenumzüge (lantern parades), hosted in the evenings!

Labour Thanksgiving Day - Japan.

This is a national holiday for citizens to express gratitude to one another for the work done throughout the year and for the fruits of those labors. Celebrated on November 23, it consists of conversations around peace and human rights, and handmade gifts and cards from local school children to their local police stations. People celebrate one another, their hard work, and their gratitude for workers’ rights.


Pongal - India

This is a Harvest festival consisting of a four-day long celebration held in midJanuary in Southern India. The first day is the time for paying homage to the God of rain. People celebrate His generosity in providing water for their crops and bringing prosperity to all. The second day where rice is boiled in milk and offered to the Sun God. The final day is when women of the house wash a turmeric leaf, lay it on the ground, and place Pongal rice around it, praying for prosperity and abundance!

What is a Gratitude note?

It is a note on a small piece of paper where you express something for which you are thankful. It can be a moment in the sun, a good laugh with a friend, a beautiful flower on the road, the shape of a cloud, your favorite dessert, or a smooth pebble in your pocket. Take the time to appreciate it, to smile and to say, “Thank you ” . You can draw, write a poem, or scribble a few words on your paper. Soon your family will be curious. What are you doing? Speak to them about gratitude and wonder. Tell them that a lot of research has been done to show that being grateful increases your wellbeing. And invite them to drop their own gratitude notes in your jar whenever they wish.

Then observe! Look at their eyes when they drop the paper in the jar.

When do I read the notes in the jar?

Choose a special time to open the jar and read the notes. Wonderful memories will come. You can open it when someone is feeling a little low; invite this person to sit with you to read a few notes. It will bring a smile to their face. Decorate your jar by sticking paper on it or directly painting on it. Give it a special name. Simple natural decorations often have a great effect. Let your creativity guide you. Place a pile of colourful papers, a box of colourful pens, sketch-pens, and stickers right next to the jar. It will inspire you to write without having to look for material. You can also use wrapping paper that you cut into small square notes ready to be used. 10cm x 10cm is a good size.


V’s V’s Quiz venture Quiz venture

1. What does HTML stand for?

When did Taylor Swift release her album ‘1989’?

2. In the movie ‘the matrix’, what pill does Neo take?

3. What is the best selling album of all time?

4. In what year was the first iphone released?


5. What is the University of Adelaide’s motto?


What is a group of owls called?

What is the currency of Brazil?

8. What was the first commercially successful video game?


9. Kiss, Marry, Kill - Dolores Umbridge, Joffrey Baratheon, Skylar White?

(Please tag us on Instagram @onDITmag with your answers for this!)


GGamerquest Gamerquest amerquest

Discover Your Gaming Adventure!

What's your ideal gaming scenario?

A) Exploring vast, magical worlds.

C) Immersing in captivating storylines

B) Planning epic strategies and battles

D) Engaging in fast-paced action and competition.

Pick your preferred game setting:

A) Fantasy realms with dragons and wizards

B) Historical eras with epic battles.

C) Modern cities with intrigue and mystery.

D) Futuristic worlds with advanced tech

How do you approach challenges in games?

A) With curiosity and exploration.

B) With careful planning and tactics.

C) By immersing in the story and choices

D) With quick reflexes and skill

Which gaming aspect excites you the most?

A) Immersive world-building

B) Strategic thinking and planning

C) Deep storytelling and character development.

D) Intense competition and action.

Pick a game genre you'd love to dive into:

A) Adventure/Puzzle

B) Strategy/Role-Playing

C) Narrative/Role-Playing

D) Action/Sports


scoring : scoring : scoring :

For every A: +1 point

For every B: +2 points

For every C: +3 points

For every D: +4 points

tally your points :

tally your points :

tally your points :

5-7 points: You're an Adventurer! Try games like "The Legend of Zelda" or "Genshin impact."

8-10 points: You're a Strategist! Dive into "Civilization" or "Total War" for epic battles.

11-13 points: You're a Storyteller! Explore rich narratives in games like "The Witcher" series or "Life is Strange" or “The Uncharted” series.

14-16 points: You're a Competitor! Get your adrenaline pumping with games like "Fortnite" or “FIFA.”


A Beacon of Light

Intheheartofanancientforest,wherethetreeswhisperedsecretstothe windandthestarspaintedpatternsinthenightsky,therestoodacabinveiled inmystery.Hiddenfromthepryingeyesoftheworld,itsexistenceremaineda whisperedrumoramongtheshadows.

Withinitsrusticembrace,ayoungboynamedMustafafoundhimselfensnared inawakingdream.Eachdayunfoldedineerierepetition—asolitarywindow wouldcreakopen,revealingmeagersustenance,whiletheoutsideworld remainedshroudedinenigma.Silencereignedsupremewithinthecabin'swalls, brokenonlybythesoftmurmurofMustafa'sownthoughts.

DesperationgnawedatMustafa'ssoulashepoundedfutilelyagainstthedoor, hiscriesforhelpswallowedbytheoppressivestillnessofhisprison.Withevery passingmoment,hefelthimselfslippingfurtherintotheabyssofisolation.

Amidstthesuffocatingdarkness,avoicewhisperedtohim,afaintechofrom thedepthsofhissubconscious.

"Staystrong,mydearMustafa,"thevoicewouldurge."Iamherewithyou, always."

Mustafastrainedtograsptheelusivememoryofthevoice'sowner,butit remainedjustbeyondhisreach aflickeringflameinthedarkness. Nightafternight,Mustafaheardhismother'svoiceinhisdreams,her comfortingwordsalifelineinthedarkness."I'mhere,myson,"shewould whisper."Holdonalittlelonger."

Andso,Mustafaclungtoherwords,drawingstrengthfromthememoryofher love.Witheachpassingday,hefoughtagainstthechainsofhisconfinement, drivenbythehopeofonedayescapingtheprisonofhisownmind.

Then,onefatefulmorning,Mustafaawoketofindhimselfbathedintheharsh lightofahospitalroom.Confusioncloudedhismindashestruggledtomake senseofhissurroundings.



Anurseappearedathisbedside,hereyesfilledwithcompassion."You're awake,Mustafa,"shesaidsoftly."Yourmotherwouldbesoproud." Mustafa'sheartclenchedatthementionofhismother."Whereisshe?"he asked,hisvoicebarelyaboveawhisper.

Thenurse'sexpressionsoftenedwithsympathy."I'msorry,Mustafa,"shesaid gently."Yourmotherpassedawaysevenyearsago.Sheneverleftyourside." TearsstungMustafa'seyesasheprocessedthenews.Hismother,hisguiding light,hadbeenwithhimallalong,evenindeath.Andnow,ashelayonthe precipicebetweendreamsandreality,herealizedthedepthofherloveand sacrifice.

Withtremblinghands,Mustafareachedoutforhismother'spresence,but foundonlyemptiness.Andinthatmomentofcrushingloss,hefeltastirring deepwithinhissoul—anewfoundresolvetolive,tohonorhismother'smemory witheverybreathhetook.

AsthedayspassedandMustafa'sstrengthreturned,hefoundsolaceinthe knowledgethathismother'slovehadsustainedhimthroughthedarkest depthsofhisdespair.

Andthoughshewasnolongerbyhisside,herspiritlivedonintheechoof hervoice,guidinghimthroughthetrialsthatlayahead.Andashesteppedout intotheworldoncemore,Mustafacarriedwithhimthelegacyofhismother's love abeaconofhopeinthedarkness,lightingthepathtoabrighter tomorrow.

Inthequietmomentsofhisrecovery,Mustafafoundsolaceinthememoriesof histimeinthecabin.Thoughthelocationofhisprisonremainedamystery, thelessonshelearnedwithinitswallswouldstaywithhimforever.

Hehadfacedthedepthsofdespairandemergedstrongerforit,guidedby theunwaveringloveofhismother.Witheachstepforward,Mustafafelthis mother'spresencebesidehim,asilentguardianwatchingoverhimfromabove. Andthoughtheroadaheadwasuncertain,heknewthataslongashecarried hermemoryinhisheart,hewouldnevertrulybealone.

Asthesundippedbelowthehorizon,castinglongshadowsacrossthehospital room,Mustafaclosedhiseyesandwhisperedasilentprayerofgratitude. Forthoughhisjourneyhadbeenfraughtwithdarkness,ithadalsobeen illuminatedbytheboundlessloveofamotherwhowouldneverlethimgo.


Empowering Empowering Empowering voicesforpeace voicesforpeace voicesforpeace

In a world often overshadowed by conflict, it is vital we remember to contribute to something so simple yet so complicated to achieve peace.

Reflecting on the transformative experience at the Global Peace Summit at the United Nations hosted by Humanitarian Affairs Asia in Bangkok, Thailand, I was proud to represent Australia and, one of five, torepresenttheUniversityofAdelaideandtobeapartofacollective commitment of 350 delegates from 47 countries. From activists to ambassadors, from survivors to storytellers, the diversity of voices andnarrativesechoedaresoundingcalltoaction.

The summit's overarching message is clear: “we all have the power to actforpeace.”

During this impactful event, a line-up of inspiring speakers left an indeliblemarkandunderscoredthecomplexityofthetaskbeforeus.

Ambassador Walid Abu Ali of the State of Palestine delivered a powerful keynote, emphasizing the practical application of peace in our daily lives saying, "if you believe in peace, you have to practice it." Loung Ung, a survivor of the Cambodian Genocide, shared a moving narrative of resilience and transformation. Jennifer Nadel FRSA, provided insights on trauma, compassion, and the essential role of social connection in peacebuilding. Hassan Akkad, a Syrian refugee turned filmmaker and activist, challenged delegates to engage with diverse perspectives for effective bridge-building. Antoinette Mutabasi,asurvivoroftheRwandanGenocidesharedherstoryand


emphasisedtheurgentneedtoaddressdiscriminationatitsrootsand overcomingprejudice.

Amidst these experiences, I had the privilege to hear a personal letter fromsixyoungchildrenlivinginGaza,aheartbreakingreminderofthe human cost of conflict. They shared their wish for the war to end, as they long to play in playgrounds and open their notebooks to study and be free from the fear of having to hide from bombs. Their voices echo the collective longing for a brighter future, free from the horrors of war and filled with hope for a life filled with opportunity andpeace.

These stories served as a poignant reminder that peace is not merely an abstract concept but a tangible necessity for millions around the globe.

Throughout the summit, there was a recurring theme of the role of the United Nations in promoting peace and resolving conflicts. While the UN serves as a beacon of hope for many, its efficacy in promoting peace has been called into question. Many speakers expressed concerns about the limitations of existing strategies and the need for reform, particularly regarding the veto powers within the Security Council. The recent situation involving the Palestine-Israel ceasefire, where over 160 countries supported the initiative only to face a US veto, underscores the need for reconsideration. As I reflected on these discussions, I couldn't help but wonder: What is the future of the UN? And what alternative models exist for achieving global peace and foramoreeffective“unitednation”?

The power of storytelling and the media shapes our perceptions of conflict. In a world where truth is often the first casualty of war, we must be vigilant in critically assessing the information we consume. Social media, while a powerful tool for raising awareness, can also be aweapontoperpetuatemisinformationanddivision.Itisimportantto extract from the cycles of constant news stories that we have grown, over time, accustomed and desensitised by, and instead, focus on reinforcing the human elements underlying these narratives. Being awareofyouronlineconsumptioninvolvesexercisingcautionaswell


as actively listening to both sides of a debate not only to argue your side, but to understand all perspectives. We must listen to each other with compassion to build a world of peace together. As we navigate this digital landscape, we must strive to amplify voices of truth and compassion,ratherthansuccumbingtofearandhatred.

In Australia, it is important to recognise our privilege. In 2023 the Social Development Committee of Parliament, opened an Inquiry into the Potential for South Australian Human Rights Act, addressing a critical gap in our legislative framework. As the only democracy in the world without a Federal Human Rights Act or Constitutional entrenchment,Australiaisanoutlierontheinternationalstage.

Australia has clear international obligations in human rights treaties that have not been implemented despite facing consistent recommendations from United Nations bodies to enact binding measures to uphold human rights. The UN Human Rights Committee's called out Australia for its “chronic non-compliance”, particularly regarding issues such as mandatory detention of children and the deepening disadvantage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. A stark reminder of Australia’s failure to adhere to international standards showed when the United Nations SubCommittee on Prevention of Torture's trip to Australia in February 2023 was cancelled due to non-compliance with inspection requirements by Australian authorities. Human rights and peace cannotbetakenforgranted.

Amidst the complexities and challenges, the summit left me with a sense of renewed purpose and determination. As Loung Ung powerfully stated, "with emerging peace activists like us, the world is greaterandthefuturemorehopeful."

Know that our actions, no matter how small, can create ripple effects of positive change. We are not the future. We are now. I can do so much.Butwecandosomuchmore...


Echoes Of Redemption


In days of yore, a lad did dwell, With a heart burdened, a tale to tell, Yearning for friendship, he longed to find, But deemed all others as foes unkind.

He treaded a path, lined with thorns and strife, Hurting himself, seeking a wretched life, His words, like arrows, did pierce the air, Defaming others, inflicting despair.

Oh, the boy's heart was a well of sorrow,

Each day, a bleak and desolate tomorrow, His soul grew weary, heavy with regret, For friendship's embrace, he could not get.

Yet fate's capricious hand began to sway, A chance encounter altered his dismay, He learned life's ways, its gentle decree, That enemies few, and friendships set free.

With eyes now open, he beheld the truth, To seek revenge, a futile pursuit.

For in vengeance, darkness does reside, And shadows of bitterness shall never subside. He yearned no more for conflicts or strife,

For his heart desired a gentler life, A change of heart, a soul's redemption, To heal the wounds, mend each relation.


Yet he persevered, with love as his guide, In hopes that forgiveness might yet reside.

The years rolled by, like a river's flow, And wounds once deep began to bestow, The power of healing, the balm of time, Forgiveness, like a bell, began to chime.

Now older, wiser, his heart held no scorn, He knew true friendships, forever reborn,

For in his trials, he had come to see, The beauty of unity, from strife set free.

And so the boy, once lost in his despair, Found solace and peace, a love to share, He stood tall, a symbol of lessons learned, A testament to the grace he had earned.

Let his tale be a lesson, a song to impart, That in our hearts, we must nurture the art, To forgive, to embrace, and let go of the pain, For only then, can true friendships remain.

SUDOKU Answersonpage54 51

We asked three UofA students the most burning questions. If you want to be featured in the next issue email us!

Francesca Marafiote Bachelors of Psychology


Learn how to karate and carry a cute shoulder bag with all my favourite snacks

2 I can touch my nose with my tongue

3 Consistently go to uni!

Nauman Yawar Butt

Master of Cyber Security

Try to unpack WHY zombies

1 want brains. Is it the fact that they weren’t intellectually simulated as children?

2 I am great at zoning out

3. Try to hang out and make friends with people you normally wouldn’t think of hanging out with!


1. apocalypse?

Tips for zombie

2. Useless ability you possess?

3. Advice for new students?

Michael Chan

Bachelors of Medicine

Grab your copy of Talley O’Connor cause that’s gonna be your bible to all injuries. Find the neatest yacht and hijack it cause zombies can’t swim and who can say no to a yacht party?

I can crack my ankles on demand. It doesn’t even count as a party trick


2. Befriend your seniors cause they would give you very useful notes. And just chill in general cause uni is supposed to be fun.

Adelaide University Economics Students’ Society (AUESS) MeetGreetand Firstyears’ When:Wednesday28February2024,4-5pm Where:SantosLectureTheatre(Marjoribanks1.26), thenUNIBAR! Learn about the requirements of your study plan and strategies for completing your degree while meeting the AUESS team and other students studying, or interested in, Economics. Club Contact President: Aidan Luther 53


27 October 2014

1. Hypertext Markup language

2. Red Pill

3. Michael Jackson’s thriller

4. 2007

5. Sub Cruce Lumen

6. Parliament

7. The Brazilian Real


8. Pong9. This doesn’t have a correct answer

Sudoku answers
4 SUBMIT YOUR WORK @onditmag @onditmagazine @onditmagazine Ready to dazzle the literary world? Ondit Mag wants your brilliance! Submit your work to Whether it's haikus or thrillers, we want it all. Multiple submissions welcome. Let your creativity shine! Submissions !!!
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