Issue 90.3

Page 46

Words by Annabel Fedcesin

follow-up to

‘Nice Guys Aren’t Nice’ in Elle Dit 2021 Here I am, writing this piece again. I can’t fucking believe I have to do this. But we’re in this place. We’re talking about this. These past 6 months as I’ve been navigating the ins and outs of work, uni, friendships, my relationship, an internship and trying desperately to find a place to live outside of home for a reasonable price, I have been bombarded with people getting too comfortable and familiar with me. I don’t know what it is about me feeling confident in my body and my skin that suddenly pulls all the arsehats out of the cracks.

Now let’s look at the most recent event. A nice guy asks to sit with me in class. Who am I to turn down the offer of a study partner? He sits, we chat. Now all of a sudden, he’s asking what I’m doing after class? What I’m doing on the weekend? Maybe he just wants a friend, he did say that already when he mentioned to me that he has no friends at uni. No harm, right? ‘I’m bussing up to the Hills to have dinner with my partner’s parents.’ I glow, self-absorbed and feeling the love for my boyfriend and his family. ‘Oh,’ his face falls, ‘you’re engaged?’

I struggle with autism and my biggest issue is trying to understand people’s intentions towards me. In essence, I assume you either want to be my friend or hate me. There’s no inkling of ‘maybe they want to date you’. It’s just not something that occurs to me. So, when I meet new people and go ‘hell yeah, a new friend’ in my head, it doesn’t trigger anything else but a friendship expectation. 46

‘Oh god no! That’s just my self-preserving way of maintaining my bisexuality in my relationship with a straight man!’ I chimed, assuming it was a funny joke that everyone would understand, while also being somewhat truthful. His face lights up again. So I continue the conversation. ‘How about you?’ ‘Oh no I’m single. No one to hang out

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Articles inside

The Federal Election: How Will it Play Out in SA?

pages 54-55


page 50

Chelsea Watago - No Room at the Inn & Another Day in the Colony

pages 57-60

First Impressions of Radelaide

page 56

Beyond the Clouds

pages 51-53

Why Should We Care About the Ukraine-Russia War?

pages 48-49

‘Nice Guys Aren’t Nice’ - Follow-up

pages 46-47

Film Review - The Lost Daughter

pages 44-45

Gig Review - Everyday Apathy

pages 36-38

Gender and Name Changes Need to be Accessible

pages 42-43

Learning About the Far-Right With Help From the Far-Left

pages 39-41

In Defence of Medea

pages 32-33

Sonnet of Eve & Untold

pages 34-35

CONNECT - Rapid HIV Testing Program

pages 28-31

Over in a Flash: the SA State Election at a Glance

pages 26-27

Club Spotlight

pages 24-25

Vox? Pop

pages 12-13


pages 20-21


pages 18-19


page 7

SRC President’s Report

pages 10-11

Left Right Centre

pages 16-17

Systematic Review

pages 22-23

State of the Union

pages 8-9
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