The Mountain Times February 2024

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“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.”


—Charles Dickens

Local Drinks and Dining Guide Page 18



“The Most Read Paper on the Mountain”

INDEX Mountain Profile............................... 2 Fire Focus............................................ 6 Opinion............................................8–9 Museum Chatter........................... 14 The Woodsman.............................. 15 Health....................................... 20—21 Crossword/Sudoku....................... 24 The Viewfinder .............................. 25 Classified Ads.................................. 28 Transitions........................................ 29

Happy Valentine’s Day! Vol. XXXII, No. 2 n A Free, Independent Newspaper n

February 2024


Welches, Brightwood, Wemme, Wildwood, Zigzag, Rhododendron, Government Camp, Sandy and Boring


Photo credit Rachel Ferris

By Amber Ford

The Mountain Times

After an unusually dry and warm December, winter finally showed up in full force, pounding the Mt. Hood Villages and the Mt. Hood National Forest. Beginning Saturday, January 13th and lasting throughout much of the following week, residents experienced firsthand how powerful winter can be. As wind and snow pelted much of the community, downed trees and power outages made it nearly impossible for residents to leave their homes. Arctic temperatures and lack of power forced residents to find alternative heat sources as Portland General Electric worked around the clock to restore power from Sandy to Government Camp. Mt. Hood Meadows, Timberline Lodge and Mt. Hood Skibowl all had to suspend operations due to strong storm winds and power

Photo credit Joan Knowlton

Photo credit Burt Darnielle

Photo credit Dave Eichenlaub

outages. While power was restored to a number of Mt. Hood Village residents by Sunday evening, a number of neighborhoods between Timberline Rim, off Barlow Trail, and many off Welches Road, did not see power restored fully for several days after the storm. Residents relied heavily on generators to keep their homes above freezing for heat and to protect water lines. According to Mt. Hood Village resident Nicole Guyer, her generator made all the difference when it came to waiting out the storm. “My generator was a lifesaver in this savage storm,” Guyer said. “The silver lining was being able to have friends affected by the outage come to my home and have a warm meal, bed and shower,” Guyer said. “I feel much closer to my community after getting through this storm with them,” Guyer added. As if the snow and arctic tempera-

tures were not enough, days after the community finally saw a majority of its power restored, two ice storms rolled through, with rising temperatures during the day and a plunge into freezing at night, causing busted water lines for residential and commercial properties. Many businesses from Welches to Government Camp experienced flooding from broken pipes and another round of forced closures due to lack of water. School districts from Portland to the Mt. Hood Villages were canceled for the week as crews worked to make repairs to damaged water lines and other issues caused from the week of winter weather. While severe winter weather is nothing new to the communities surrounding Mt. Hood, the below normal temperatures compounded with high winds had a devastating impact for many.

“During the last bit of ice we had I was driving home to add more wood to my stove so the pipes wouldn’t freeze and I heard this loud noise behind me: an entire tree came down inches from my car,” resident Brenna Levesque said. “It wasn’t until I got back to work and saw on several local media sites that the tree that almost hit me took out power to neighborhoods as well,” Levesque added. Although it is unclear how long certain local businesses will remain closed due to water damage, flooding and this most recent bout of ice, it is evident that the Mt. Hood Villages community members pulled together in times of need. Mt. Hood Lions Club offered a resource center with bottled water, heat and a charging station for residents still without power. and residents have been encouraging one another to support local businesses once it is safe to do so.

Additional Winter Storm Coverage Coordinated Effort Aids Community During Winter Storm

Local Volunteers Aid Winter Storm Relief Effort

Drastic Weather Impacting Local Economy

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The Mountain Times — February 2024

Mountain Profile Toshiko Wilson Werner

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Place of Birth? Yonago, Japan How long on the Mountain? 44 years If you were not brought here as a child, what brought you to the Mountain? My husband and I moved here for the skiing on Mt. Hood. Profession? International Marketing Consultant Other professions? Airline Stewardess for Japan Airlines Favorite movie/and or musical? San Francisco Nutcracker Favorite TV show? Monk Favorite book? All Japanese novels Favorite type of music? All Favorite hobbies? Reading and Horticulture If offered a dream vacation, where would you go, and why? Tibet, to visit the temples. Best lesson learned as a child? My parents taught me to be honest. Defining moment in your life or your greatest accomplishment? Published four books on travel, business and my life. A memorable dinner? Every night, with my husband, Eric. A funny moment from your life that you can share? My husband tricked me by putting store bought eggplants in my garden when I returned from two weeks in Japan. If you could invite anyone (past or present) to dinner, who would it be, and why? My parents, because I miss them so much. Describe yourself in one word? Content. When you’re not reading The Mountain Times, what book/author/magazine/other do you read? The magazine “Country Living” If your life were made into a play or movie, what would the title be? “My Little Memorandum” Pet peeve? Always doing laundry. Bad habit you’d like to break? Being disorganized. Famous person(s) you have met, and the circumstances: I met Margaret Thatcher in the VIP room at PDX Favorite quote? Be ambitious. Favorite part of The Mountain Times? Finding estate sales and community garage sales. The staff at The Mountain Times offers Toshiko our sincerest apologies and we are most appreciative that she was willing to give this another try.

February 2024 — The Mountain Times

Local News

Meet the Athlete: Ski Sensation Nia Hamalainen

By Ty Tilden

The Mountain Times

A senior at Sandy High School with an impressive 16.5 years of skiing under her belt, Nia Hamalainen is not just a participant but a force to be reckoned with in the world of high school alpine racing. Born into a family of avid skiers, Nia’s journey began when she was 18 months old, when her parents decided to pass on their passion for the slopes. However, her alpine racing endeavors had a rocky start. Introduced to competitive skiing in first grade, she initially found the sport to be an acquired taste. “I think I did that [raced competitively] through third grade and then I quit because I didn’t like the competitive environment and the fact that you need to be really rich to ski. My family is not really rich,” she said. All these years later,

Hamalainen plans to stick with the sport. “It’s what I know. So I have no reason not to like it. I [keep skiing] because I’m better at it than most people, I’m going to be honest,” she said. Yet, her enthusiasm goes beyond her technical prowess; it’s also derived from the perpetual challenge that skiing poses. “The best people in the world of skiing are not perfect. There’s always another thing you can do to make yourself better at it,” Hamalainen said, explaining the technical aspects and perpetual pursuit of near-perfection in the sport. “It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been skiing. It’s all about the fundamentals of the sport and there’s so much technical stuff that goes into everything when it comes to [things] like body positioning and all of the aspects that go into it, especially racing. That’s really cool.” Hamalainen’s favorite event is giant slalom (GS), where she excels the most. Her love for the discipline stems largely from the mental challenges it poses. “It’s such a mental sport because you get two runs. You have to go really fast and you have to beat everyone else. But then you also have to beat yourself - you’re mostly just competing against yourself.” she said. The path to success in ski

racing, however, isn’t without hurdles. Hamalainen has ranked consistently among the top of her peers in the Mt. Hood Conference, though that coveted spot can slip away in an instant. “It’s all about consistency. Like you could be the best [ranked] in the league but if you’re not consistent enough and you don’t show up at races, you’re not going to win; you’re not the best,” she said. As she gears up for the current season, Hamalainen hopes for top placements in all events, striving to eventually place at the state championships. Reflecting on her past attempts at State, Hamalainen admits to mixed success. While she missed the event her freshman year due to a ski vacation, subsequent years saw strong performances, but not without setbacks. Disqualifications in slalom events posed challenges, and Hamalainen is determined to overcome these hurdles in the upcoming competitions. Though her athletic career certainly hasn’t been perfect, Hamalainen has persevered through thick and thin. Her confidence and passion for the sport her childhood self once hated is evident as she continues to strive for bigger and better things both competitively and personally.

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The Mountain Times — February 2024

Local News

Whispering Woods – A Perfect Winter Getaway By Ty Walker

The Mountain Times

The woods are calling for you. Hear them whispering? They want you to take a break from it all and share more time with family and friends on the mountain. Cast in the shadow of the majestic Mount Hood is a luxury vacation resort perfect for winter getaways – Whispering Woods. Visitors from far and wide come to play year-round on the tallest mountain in Oregon then relax by the fireplace in a fully equipped condo by the national forest. Whispering Woods resort in Welches offers 74 timeshare condominiums, 10 traditional whole ownership condos and some nightly guest units. But most are for timeshare part-owners. The popular destination stays busy all four seasons, but in the winter, it’s all about skiing and snowboarding. Mount Hood is just a short 17-mile drive east on Highway 26. “We’ve got thousands of clients, a wide spectrum of folks,” Whispering Woods General Manager Pat Easterbrooks said. “Summer is our busiest time. Weekends

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are quite busy. It’s a seasonal business.” Easterbrooks has worked at Whispering Woods for 34 years, starting on the maintenance crew under his parents, who managed the resort from the 1980s through mid-‘90s. After his mother and father retired, he took over as general manager. Whispering Woods, which began development in 1981, has had the good fortune of having a stable local management team over the years. Director of Resort Operations Robin Barrett, who lives in Sandy, has been on the staff for 30 years. Reservations Manager Cyndy Werner of Brightwood has worked there 27 years. “We have a nice atmosphere with strong working relationships and we all have a lot of respect for each other,” Werner said. “So that makes it a good place to come to work.” As GM, Easterbrooks said he oversees a staff of about 25, which includes housekeepers, front desk assistants and maintenance crew. He maintains and manages “74 condos, day-to-day finances, planning for future renovation and repairs, and making

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Local Drinks and Dining Guide Page 19

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INDEX Mountain Profile................................... 2 Fire Focus ................................................ 6 Opinion ................................................ 8–9 Wildcat Tracks .....................................13 Museum Chatter.................................14 The Woodsman ...................................15 Health..............................................20–22 The Viewfinder ...................................23 Crossword/Sudoku ............................26 Classified Ads .......................................28 Transitions .............................................29

Vol. XXXI, No. 10 n A Free, Independent Newspaper n

October 2023


Welches, Brightwood, Wemme, Wildwood, Zigzag, Rhododendron, Government Camp, Sandy and Boring

Revised STR Pilot Program Passes at Public Hearing

Hoodland Fire District Seeks Support for Levy Renewal

By Michelle M. Winner For The Mountain Times

see STR page 10

Photo credit Gary Randall

By Dennis McNabb The Mountain Times

According to their website, “Hoodland Fire District #74 provides fire suppression, prevention, rescue and paramedic emergency response services. The district serves residents, visitors and businesses along the Highway 26 corridor from Cherryville to Government Camp in

Clackamas County.” A levy was approved in 2019 which asked for $0.25 per $1000 of assessed value on real property located within the district. For the past 5 years, that levy has provided roughly 10% of the district’s operating revenue and allowed them to employ 7 full-time firefighters/ paramedics for aroundthe-clock service. While that is a manageable number, they still have to rely heavily on their robust volunteer program to fill in the many gaps. Voting YES on Measure #3-603 this November means renewing this local option tax at the same rate for another 5 years. It will NOT increase the total assessment tax rates currently imposed

on property in the district, and the revenue earned will continue to be used to simply maintain current levels of service. Failure of the levy would require a noticeable reduction in the services the district has grown to expect. Chief Jim Price stated that he would do everything in his power to avoid personnel changes, but a 10% reduction would have a significant impact nonetheless. In the areas of public education, firefighter training and drills and equipment upkeep/replacement, consequential shortages would require attention. Hoodland Fire District #74 is the primary provider of fire suppression, rescue and emergency medical first response to the Hoodland community. In 2022 alone, they responded to 1,128 emergency calls. Exercise your right to vote! November 7th is just around the corner, so mark your calendars.

Ellie to Celebrate One Year With New Heart By Ty Walker The Mountain Times


The Board of County Commissioners held the second public hearing on Short-Term Rental (STR) Registration and regulations for Clackamas County during their weekly business meeting on September 7. The stated purpose of Chapter 8.10 of the Clackamas County Code is to regulate STRs to ”enhance public safety and livability” within the unincorporated areas of Clackamas County. The meeting was available to the public in person or by live feed with the opportunity to testify into the record. Most of those in the hearing room were Mount Hood Livability Coalition members. Ordinance No. 04-2023, adding Chapter 8.10, Short Term Rentals to the County Code, addresses only those STRs within unincorporated Clackamas County. The Mt. Hood communities, which have the highest concentration of STRs, are the most affected. The STR regulations do not apply to hotels, motels, bed and breakfast facilities, hostels, campgrounds, lodging and resort accommodations in commercial zones, recreational vehicle camping facilities, or organizational camps. Revisions to the draft read at the first public hearing on August 10, 2023 were included in this version. Commissioners Smith, Savas, Shull, West and Schrader voted unanimously to adopt the ordinance as presented. They commented that the program may need adjustments at the end of the two-year pilot project. The effective date is December 6, 2023 and STR registration forms will be online. Find

Ellie McCloskey

Ellie McCloskey is getting to live the life of a kid like she’s never done before. She’s got the heart for it, something you couldn’t say a year ago when she was fighting for her life. Ellie will be celebrating more than her 12th birthday this November. She’ll also be remembering Nov. 15, the one-year anniversary of receiving her heart transplant. A donor’s heart has given her a new life. She’s making the most of being a kid for the first time. Ellie has received a scholarship at da Vinci Arts Middle School in Portland,

where she can develop her passion for the arts and dance. The sixth-grader from Wemme was one of 150 students accepted to attend the school this year. She has already been cast in an upcoming school play, Shakespeare’s “Romeo And Juliet.” Ellie likes to stay active and has many interests. She rides 4-wheelers (quads) on the Winchester Bay sand dunes, enjoys hiking and riding her bike on Mount Hood trails, and loves animals. She collects and breeds rolypollies she finds in the woods. When she grows up, she wants to be a pediatric cardiologist. The possibilities are limitless. For See NEW HEART Page 11


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sure everything is in top shape.” The Mt. Hood area offers some of the best recreational opportunities in Oregon and Whispering Woods is located at the heart of it all. In addition to skiing at nearby Ski Bowl, Mt. Hood Meadows and Timberline Lodge, activities include hiking, fishing, golf and swimming. Guest rooms at the luxury resort feature one and two bedrooms, or two-bedrooms with loft; fully equipped kitchens in every unit; dining/ living rooms; fireplace or wood stove; one or two bathrooms; washers and dryers; cable TV with DVD player; and free WiFi. Since 1996, Vacation Resorts International (VRI) has provided management services to Whispering Woods. The nation’s largest independent timeshare management company in the industry, VRI manages more than 140 resort associations in 26 states, Mexico and Canada. Whispering Woods is located at 67800 E. Nicklaus Way in Welches, OR 97067. For more information, phone 503-622-3171 or go online to



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February 2024 — The Mountain Times

Local News

Sandy Actors Theatre Presents “The Alibis” By Sandy Actors Theatre For The Mountain Times

On Friday, February 16, Jonathan Dorf’s comedy “The Alibis” will open at Sandy Actors Theatre, with performances continuing every Friday and Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday afternoons at 2:00 p.m., through March 10. Preview Night will be Thursday the 15th. When eccentric billionaire J. Leslie Arlington is murdered, a clueless detective finds the suspects are all reluctant to admit their alibis – because they were all committing other ridiculous crimes at the time. You never know what’s coming next when the suspects include disgruntled chefs, teen detectives, and vengeful divas but one thing’s for certain: Every alibi is absolutely absurd. At 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 8th, the Wy’East Artisans Guild (affiliated with SAT) will present their Gallery Opening “It’s A Mystery.” At 7:30 p.m., immediately following the opening, guests are invited to a reception and a full preview presentation of the play. Donations to the theater and guild are most appreciated. Tickets for adults are $20.00; senior citizens and

veterans $18.00; and children $15.00. Tickets can be purchased online at or at the door. Concessions are $2.00. Sandy Actors Theatre (SAT) is located behind Ace Hardware in Heritage Plaza, 17433 Meinig Avenue. For additional information, please visit http:// or find us on Facebook. Additional parking is available across Meinig Avenue from the theater in the Sandy River Center. Please join us. Hanna Lily Russell has been passionate about acting, performing, and the theater as long as she can remember. In the eighth grade she portrayed Mrs. Cratchit in “A Christmas Carol,” then went on to letter in drama in high school. She plays three roles in “The Alibis.” She is Quinn, a mother; Carlotta, a teenage detective/thespian; and Sue, a sous-chef. Hanna played a pivotal role, Stacy, in SAT’s last production, “A Nice Family Christmas.” She counts the theater as one of her life’s works. Chris Canné has delighted audiences at SAT with his long gray beard and studied Walter- Brennan-like delivery. Harkening back to

François Leclerc du Tremblay, the right-hand man of Cardinal Richelieu, Canné is known to some as “The Grey Eminence” of Sandy Actors Theatre. He has performed as Marley’s Ghost and the Ghost of Christmas Present in “A Christmas Carol,” as well as several roles in “It’s a Wonderful Life.” His latest success was the role of Piney in “A Bad Year for Tomatoes” last September. If Chris Canné is the Eminence Grise, Anita Sorel is the Grande Dame of Sandy Actors Theatre. Before she came to SAT and joined the Board of Directors some 12 years ago, she had acted in numerous productions far and wide, including at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C., the Al Ringling Theatre in Baraboo, Wisconsin, and in “Search for Tomorrow,” the television soap opera. Sorel sometimes returns to New York to teach aspiring actors. She plays four characters in “The Alibis,” showing up as the deceased billionaire, his housekeeper, a senile grandma and a thief with a Brooklyn accent. She says if you really want to act, don’t give up — and don’t do it for the money.

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The Mountain Times — February 2024

Fire Focus

Volunteer Firefighter Thrives On The Mountain By Ty Walker

The Mountain Times

It’s a family thing. Ever since he was a little kid in Gladstone, Aaron Beers remembers wanting to be a firefighter when he grew up. With a father who was a firefighter and a mother who was a paramedic, Beers seemed destined to follow in his parents footsteps. It all may have started when he turned four years old and he got the surprise of a lifetime: a fire engine came to his birthday party. “The youngest I can remember wanting to become a firefighter, I was four years old,” Beers said. “I had an Old Gladstone fire engine at my birthday party, which was cool. There was an old out- of-service engine in storage, more of a parade unit. So my dad asked if he could use it. They said yes and it pulled up on my birthday.” Fast forward to Beers today and you’ll see that the 18-yearold is on track to seeing his boyhood dreams come true. This past fall, he joined the Hoodland Fire District as a part of its volunteer fire crew.

“I love it,” Beers said. “It brings me lots of joy helping people out. My eventual goal is to become a career firefighter at some department in Oregon. I don’t know if it will be in Hoodland or not but I plan on staying in Hoodland for a long time.” Beers, who now lives in Brightwood, said he volunteers about 12 hours a week working side by side on regular calls with full time staff firefighters. He also is training for his Emergency Medical Technician certification at Mt. Hood Community College. After just a few months on the job at the Welches fire station, he has responded to a couple of house fires and multiple car wrecks. One of his first calls was to help crews recover the body after a semi ran into a tree, killing the driver and shutting down Highway 26 for a couple of hours. When he’s not volunteering at the fire district, he works full time on the parking lot crew at Timberline Lodge ski resort on Mount Hood. He also finds time for a little skiing and snowboarding. Beers has nothing but good

Aaron Beers

things to say about his experience with the Hoodland volunteer program so far and encourages others interested in volunteering to apply. “I like helping out the public,” Beers said. “I like the brother and sisterhood at Hoodland between the volunteer and paid staff. We’re all one big family.” For more information about volunteering at Hoodland Fire District, phone 503-622-3256 or check out this link online: www.

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February 2024 — The Mountain Times


Local News

Coordinated Effort Aids Community During Winter Storm By Division Chief Scott C. Kline Hoodland Fire District

Starting Friday January 12, the National Weather Service warned of heavy snow in the Cascades with winds gusting to 50 mph, mixed with freezing rain and ice that could make travel “very difficult to impossible.” The residents and visitors to Mount Hood felt the full force of the powerful winter storm: high winds, snow and freezing rain, turning U.S. Highway 26 into a skating rink.

Temperatures dropped to single digits in the Welches area and negative temperatures in Government Camp. As the winds increased, trees fell into power lines, causing widespread power outages across the Hoodland area. Some residents had power restored in about 30 hours while others were out for days. In addition, the freezing temperatures caused frozen pipes to burst in businesses and homes. Several water systems went into boil alert notice as water levels were rapidly depleted.

As the storm was subsiding, residents and businesses started asking for assistance with food and water. Clackamas County Disaster Management and Hoodland Fire District responded by opening a Community Resource Center from January 19 through January 22 at the Mount Hood Lion’s Clubhouse. Drinking water, food boxes and a warm place to stay during the day were made available. Information on disaster assistance programs was distributed. Roughly estimating, 17 pallets of bottled

water, 300-plus food boxes and cases of MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) were picked up or delivered to members of our mountain community. Hoodland Fire District is grateful for all the community members and businesses that stepped up to assist. Roughly fifty people donated over 390 hours, making the resource center a huge success. We want to thank the Mount Hood Lion’s Club for giving us a place to staff the resource center, and also give a shout out to Hoodland Thriftway and Dollar General

for donated supplies. People were also grateful to Hoodland 76 gas station for staying open to resupply citizens’ portable generators and cars. Here is a list of individuals who signed in to staff the resource center. We know there were others that showed up to assist without leaving their names. Please forgive any misspellings or omissions and know that we are sincerely grateful to everyone who contributed to our community efforts.

A Huge Thank You to the Following People: Allison Bradley Chris Gambell Carol Norgard Amy Brewster Clifton Brown Darlene Thao Oren Ashley Popham Craig Calvart David Anderson

By Amber Ford The Mountain Times

Brooke Amcole Cris Jonsen David Buoy Candice Kell Dan Breckel David Khoury Cari Gesch Dan Thompson Derek Brown

Carianne Stearns Dan Wolf Dylan Brown Emi Lyon Lily A Nolberto Perez Evan Torres Lynn Miskowicz Patti Buoy

Gerald Murphy Marlyne Casley Peggy Soriano Isaiah Brown Megan Schutz Sally Chester James Caswell Melanie Brown Sarah Caswell

Jamie Garcia Melinda McCrossen Sarah O’Dowd Jason Brown Michell Cassel Sue Allen Jason Kelly Mike Casley Terry Soriano

Jim Espenel Mike Miskowicz Trisha Huff JJ Brown Milt Fox Wendy Fisher Julie Cook Molly Espenel Xavier Rosoury

Kim Breckel Nancy Wolf Lilith Milam Nigel Sunez

Drastic Weather Impacting Local Economy

While Christmas break is normally one of the busiest times on the mountain, Christmas 2023 proved otherwise. With abnormally warm and dry temperatures, local businesses saw a shift in sales as many vacationers canceled trips due to lack of snow on Mt. Hood. According to Ivory Hobbs of Hobbs Housekeeping, the lack of snow in December had a serious negative impact on her business. “We lost over $2,500 due to December cancelations,” Hobbs said. Relying mostly on the heavy tourism seasons, Hobbs’ cleaning company, mostly relying on that of vacation homes, took a significant hit over Christmas break. “While we do have clients whose houses are regularly booked which gives us a consistent income, the loss we took over Christmas break will have a huge impact on our small business,” Hobbs said. While local restaurants, resorts and bars have been trying to rebuild from Covid and power outages associated

with wildfire season, the lack of snow during Christmas break added more stress to sales during, what should be, a heavily trafficked month. Many local servers and bartenders saw a decrease in tips and wages as hours were cut and customers were few. Not only was the lack of snow and tourism detrimental to local businesses and revenue to the area, it can also have a huge impact once temperatures rise and fire season approaches. According to Mt. Hood National Forest Public Affairs officer, Heather Ibsen, lack of snowfall can have more of an impact on the summer season than many realize. “Currently, the U.S. Drought Monitor network considers our area to be in a drought. If total snowfall and the build-up of the seasonal snowpack is below average then drought conditions could be expected to persist,” Ibsen said. “Naturally, the potential for wildfire and heightened fire behavior is greater during drought conditions. Also, when that snowpack melts off can impact fire season, as

fire danger begins to increase as snow melts, summer heats up, and vegetation dries out,” Ibsen added. Increased precipitation throughout the remainder of winter and into spring is not only detrimental for those whom rely on the mountain and its business for tourism and work, but also for the overall health and wellness of the Mt. Hood National Forest. “In our neck of the woods snowfall is an important component of total precipitation. It’s a primary factor in the hydrologic and climatic regime we live in,” Ibsen said. Average precipitation for the Mt. Hood Villages can vary, depending on elevation. Soil and Water Program Manager for the Mt. Hood National Forest, Todd Reinwald, explains that total snowfall for the villages should average 16 inches. “It’s not uncommon for a snow cover of several feet deep to develop that can last 2 to 3 weeks,” Reinwald said. “When that happens, it could be considered by some to be a “decent” snowfall,” Reinwald added. As winter storms hit the

Mt. Hood Villages and Mt. Hood National Forest with high winds, ice and increased perception in a brief week which was followed by two intense ice storms, businesses continued to battle power outages, flooding and damaged equipment, which did nothing

but add to increased financial stresses. Although recent storms have helped push precipitation levels up, it remains to be seen if this storm and the upcoming winter months will positively push precipitation levels to a normal or above average number.

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The Mountain Times — February 2024

VIEW FROM THE MOUNTAIN From the publisher’s desk

LETTERS POLICY Letters to the Editor & Commentaries must be typed and include the sender’s name, town and phone number for verification purposes. Commentaries must not exceed 600 words. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, clarity and length. We have the right to refuse content we deem inappropriate for any reason, without consent. SEND SUBMISSIONS TO The Mountain Times PO Box 1031 Welches, Oregon 97067 OR EMAIL TO

Photo by Stephanie Bixel

HELLO, MOUNTAIN TIMERS, As we begin to pick up the pieces and put our communities back together after the devastating weather we experienced in the middle of January, we have been inundated with story after story of the community rallying together to help each other get through the challenging times. In addition to the official press release from the Hoodland Fire District, we have included two stories by our local reporters documenting the human element demonstrated by the community coming together to help others in this time of great need. It warms my heart to see so many people banding together and truly defines for me the meaning of “Mountain Strong.” We will continue our storm coverage in the next issue as we document the continuing aftermath this storm has upon our communities, and we pledge to help to deliver information as new ideas

are brought forward by our county agencies and local fire district on ways the local community can be more prepared in the future. Until then, stay strong. Sincerely,

Matthew Nelson Publisher, The Mountain Times. If you have an idea for a story, have a classified, transition or an event you would like to have published, or if you own a business and would like to advertise with us, please give us a call at 503-622-3289.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR DEAR MOUNTAIN TIMES, Too many innocent people are dying in this genocide, as many around the world are calling it, in Gaza by Israel after Hamas killed 1,200 in their attaché on Israel in early October. When I look at my 5-yearold grandson I am horrified that one-third out of 100,000 killed or missing in rubble since Oct 7 are children! Compare this to the long 22-month Ukraine/ Russia war where 10,000 died. Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor documented only 1 out of 3 people killed were Hamas fighters in Gaza, so two-thirds are innocent civilians. Again, I think of my 5-year-old grandson after reading the Jan. 7 UNICEF report saying “every day 10 children lose one or both legs and 24,000 have lost both parents." I am horrified and ashamed my government supports this genocide! From Human Rights Watch Dec 18, 2023 headlines: "Israel: Starvation Used as a Weapon of War in Gaza.” They say in a statement, "Evidence indicates civilians deliberately denied access to food and water." Now the leading cause of death in Gaza is starvation. A new poll from Al Jazeera (news outlet in the Middle East) says "60% of US voters want a ceasefire in Gaza while only 11% of US lawmakers support an end to Israel's war." I am disgusted and ashamed that my President and representatives have an undying loyalty to this Zionist government

and my tax dollars are spent on indiscriminately killing innocent people. I've had enough! If you feel the same, and writing letters like I do everyday to my Senators, Congressman and President get ignored, then please join us — every Wednesday at 4 p.m. off Hwy 26 in Sandy by the Grocery Out — to bring awareness and call for a ceasefire and a stop to the genocide! Patty Caldwell Sandy resident DEAR MOUNTAIN TIMES, Re: PGE Power Pole Installations. As many of you are aware, PGE has been mandated to install power poles for overhead power drops to over 550 homes in the Mt. Hood area. The intent is to remove the power drops attached to trees and attach them to the newly installed poles for support. I posted letters around the community and the Mt. Times published my letter protesting this pole installation back in June of 2021. PGE’s reasoning behind these installations was to mitigate the potential fire hazard of having the power wires anchored to trees. The poles were to be placed as much in the open, away from foliage as possible. I objected on the grounds that properties were greatly disrupted and the installation of the poles out in the open ruined the esthetics of our magnificent forested settings. I talked to

four PGE personnel tasked with implementing these installations and none of them could attest to ever hearing of a fire caused by supporting power drops from trees. The cost of this project, passed on to the ratepayers, is astronomical and unnecessary. I claim this to be a dog and pony show as an effort to make the public think PGE is preventing fire danger. If any of you have had dealings with PGE, good, bad or ugly, or have filed similar complaints regarding these installations, please let me know as I pursue my objection to this very questionable project. I can forward you copies of my original complaint with more detail, if requested. Please contact me at 503-622-3639 (not text) or email Sincerely, Mike Gudge GREETINGS, MOUNTAIN TIMES, In regards to your recent article on excessive speeding on HWY 26. Multnomah County uses speed cameras to enforce their traffic laws, and where they are installed most drivers typically slow right down through those areas. In my opinion, if these speed cameras were installed in our area, it would undoubtedly slow down the speeders making it safer for us. They do work. There is little doubt that the cost of installation and maintenance would be quickly offset by the

revenue generated with them while keeping our community in check. Also, install plate readers while you are at it, as there are a lot of people driving around with expired tags. We do have quite a lot of traffic going up and down the mountain, and a lot of them tend to push the envelope a lot more than they should. I am a commercial truck driver so I spend a lot of time on the road, so this has given me the opportunity to see the difference these cameras make.

Subscription Rates $36 per year by regular mail, $65 for two years. Send payment to: PO Box 1031, Welches, OR 97067. Display Advertising The Mountain Times rate card is available to advertisers by contacting the office at 503-622-3289 or The MT offers full-service, in-house graphic design to its advertisers. Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed in the paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent office policy or position of the Mountain Times or its clients. Copyright All material in The Mountain Times is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or distributed in any form without written permission from the Publisher.


Matthew Nelson



Tara Weidman


Amber Ford, Adrian Knowler, Lucas Holmgren, Robert Matsumura, Ty Tilden, Ty Walker

Kind Regards, Mike Fournier , Brightwood


DEAR MOUNTAIN TIMES, Just a note of appreciation for the very fine publication that you and your staff put out. My wife and I had the occasion a couple of weeks ago to be in Government Camp, and found it very good reading. As a former newspaper reporter myself, I particularly enjoyed the care you take in generating local stories with bylines instead of using wire filler - and all the full color graphics etc. It shows - in an era where print is all but disappearing - that you and your fine staff are doing the upmost to preserve it. Keep up the great work.


With regards, Chris Durkin FOX29 News, Philadelphia

Morgan King Peggy Wallace



Bradford Bixby, Dr. Melanie Brown DC, Milt Fox, Robert Kelly DMD, Lloyd Musser, Gary Randall, Steve Wilent PO Box 1031, Welches, OR 97067 503.622.3289 The Mountain Times is an independent monthly newspaper serving Sandy, Brightwood, Wemme, Welches, Zigzag, Rhododendron, Wildwood, Government Camp and Boring. 8,500-plus copies printed and distributed monthly. Printed at Eagle Web Press in Salem, Oregon. The Mountain Times is an associate member of ONPA

February 2024 — The Mountain Times



Inside Salem

Legislator’s Letter: An Update from Rep. Jeff Helfrich have to agree to call a special session. Extralong sessions and expensive/politically charged special sessions left voters and legislators alike looking for a solution. After a couple years Mountain Representative Jeff Helfrich keeps the community updated with an exclusive of doing a “test look at the legislative process. run” of these short We find ourselves about ago. So if short sessions are sessions in 2008 to enter a short legislative new, what did we have before? and 2010, the Legislature session. It is a term that Why did we decide to move proposed SJR 41 which would has become synonymous over to this yearly system? become the ballot measure with chaos as many sessions And most importantly, what voted upon by our citizens. over the last few years have did we decide to implement As previously mentioned, ended or stalled out, with when we voted as a state? one of the biggest complaints little accomplished. It is a Prior to the 2010 adoption was how expensive it was sad state of affairs when the of Measure 71 (the measure to start up a special session conversations in the legis- which instituted this yearly from scratch every time a new lature have broken down to cycle) and its implementa- issue popped up. The ineffithe point where they stall the tion in 2012, Oregon was cacy found in that system hard work we must do for the on a true biannual cycle. was a cause for concern to our people of our state. The Legislature only met in taxpayers. That similar rhetIn preparing myself to odd numbered years. These oric found its way into the enter this short session, I sessions had no official time voter pamphlet statements wanted to reflect on how we limits placed on them, with accompanying Measure 71. Time and time again, got to this point. The cycle some of the longest lasting of short and long sessions is almost nine months (in 2002 advocates lobbied that this a relatively new occurrence and 2005). If the Legisla- new direction would allow in the history of our state, ture wanted to meet outside for a more “common-sense having been passed by the the constitutionally allot- budgeting” approach, how it voters a little over a decade ted times, leadership would would save taxpayers money

by holding our Legislature accountable to a set number of days, instead of these never-ending long sessions. It is important to remember voters did pass this measure as our country was coming out of the Great Recession. It is easy to see how funding of our vital state resources and services could be at the forefront of their minds. It was also stressed this would give the Legislature the flexibility to tackle pressing emergencies facing our state in a timely manner. There were calls in the voter pamphlet to help stabilize the funding for public education as well as senior and disability rights programs in the wake of years of drastic cuts. The focus was clear in the statements: provide our state with a tool to tweak our budget and amend a few policies in obvious and pressing need of timely changes. It doesn’t seem to me the voters were being sold full budgetary and policy sessions that sought to completely change our government. I go into this short session with the hope we can honor and uphold what I believe

was the intent of the voters who instituted it, which was to focus on our budget and address any emergency facing our state. Anything that can wait, should wait, until we have more time. The safety of our youth and our citizens, be it physical, mental, or financial will always be my top priority and my focus. But we have to be careful not to bite off more than we can chew and keep a disciplined eye on the pressing issues at hand. A 35-day short session is not enough time to vet new directions in every policy area. Tweaks should be the name of the game when it comes to the overwhelming majority of policy decisions during our time together in Salem, so we can focus on the changes that need to happen to help get this state back on track. I will be in Salem for this year’s short session which runs from February 5 to March 10. After that, I will again be back home enjoying the beauty of House District 52.

SECRETARY OF STATE LaVonne Griffin-Valade 136 State Capitol Salem, OR 97310 503.986.1500 (tel)

COUNTY SHERIFF Angela Brandenburg 2223 Kaen Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045 Emergency No. 9-1-1 Non-Emergency to Report a Crime 503.655-8211 503.655.8549 (fax)

WHERE TO WRITE PRESIDENT / Joseph Biden (D) The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC 20500 202.456.1111 (comments) 202.456.1414 (info/switchboard) GOVERNOR / Tina Kotek (D) State Capitol Building 900 Court Street NE, Ste 160 Salem, OR 97301 503.378.4582 (msg line) 503.378.6827 (fax) U.S. SENATOR / Ron Wyden (D) District: 0S1 - United States Senate 223 Dirksen Senate Off. Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202.224.5244 (tel) 202.228.2717 (fax) Portland Office: 911 NE 11th Ave, #630 Portland, OR 97232 503.326.7525

U.S. SENATOR / Jeff Merkley (D) District: 0S2 - United States Senate 313 Hart Senate Off. Bldg Washington, DC 20510 202.224.3753 (tel) 202.228.3997 (fax) Portland Office: 121 SW Salmon #1400 Portland, OR 97204 503.326.3386 (tel)/503.326.2900(fax) US REPRESENTATIVE Earl Blumenauer (D) / District: 003 U.S. House of Representatives 1111 Longsworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 202.225.4811 (tel)/202.225.8941 (fax) STATE REPRESENTATIVE Jeff Helfrich (R) District: 052 900 Court Street NE, H-473 Salem, OR 97301 503.986.1452 (tel) rep.JeffHelfrich

STATE SENATOR Daniel Bonham (R) / District: 026 900 Court Street NE, S-316 Salem, OR 97301 503.986.1726 (tel) Sen.DanielBonham bonham ATTORNEY GENERAL Ellen Rosenblum Oregon Dept of Justice 1162 Court Street NE Salem, OR 97301 503.378.4400 (tel) STATE TREASURER Tobias Read (D) 350 Winter St. NE #100 Salem, OR 97301 503.378.4329 (tel)

CLACKAMAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Tootie Smith (Chair) Commissioners: Ben West Paul Savas Martha Schrader Mark Shull (e-mail: 2051 Kaen Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045 503.655.8581 (tel) 503.742.5919 (fax)

CITY OF SANDY City Manager, Jordan Wheeler Mayor Stan P. Pulliam Councilors: Chris Mayton Laurie J. Smallwood (President) Richard Sheldon Kathleen Walker Carl Exner Don Hokanson 39250 Pioneer Blvd., Sandy, OR 97055 503.668.5533 (tel)


The Mountain Times — February 2024

Local News

Local Volunteers Aid Winter Storm Relief Effort

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Photos by Cari Gesch

By Adrian Knowler The Mountain Times

Over 300 local residents received emergency relief in the days following a winter storm that disrupted power and water for many in the Mt Hood corridor. Relief was provided in a coordinated response between around 90 local volunteers, state and county emergency management agencies and local businesses, centered at the Lion’s Club in Welches. According to Portland General Electric, over 150,000 customers lost electricity at some point during the storm, which slammed the area with snow, ice and high winds. Volunteers at the Lion’s Club distributed bottled water, food boxes, and firewood bundles to local households in the multi-day effort. The volunteers, many of whom are club members, also cooked and served hot food to those who were still

without electricity or water. Some people just took the opportunity to charge electronic devices and take in the warmth. SNAP benefit recipients also received help filing claims to recuperate benefits to replace food that spoiled during the storm. Volunteer Michelle Cassel said that over 100 home deliveries of food and water were made to senior citizens. Gesch said the Lion’s Club has applied for grant funding to get a generator, in part so the building can be used again in future emergencies. “We’d like to do this more going forward,” she said. Volunteer Melinda McCrossen said that the fact that the Lion’s Club and its members are known and trusted in the community helped make the effort successful. “It was a huge success because of Lion’s Club’s participation, both the building and the amazing, caring community,” she said. “We could never have

done it without this trusted, local partner. The community pulled together and made it happen.” McCrossen is a member of the Emergency Preparedness Council and said community leaders are working to improve local readiness for future events, including wildfires. Volunteers interviewed at the Lion’s Club said a list of local senior citizens and vulnerable people is being compiled to ensure priority response in the future, and they hope to see legislation passed that would keep cell phone towers powered by backup generators for at least three days. Lion’s Club vice president and head of public relations Cari Gesch said it showed how the community bands together in times of adversity. “We all come together in these events and help each other,” she said. “We’re all mountain strong.”

February 2024 — The Mountain Times

Local News

Doug and Melissa Hall Celebrate Over Four Decades of Devotion





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Doug and Melissa Hall

By Adrian Knowler The Mountain Times

Doug Hall still remembers the day he first met his wife, Melissa. It was in August of 1982, and Melissa was tending bar at The Inn Between, the now-defunct Welches watering hole. Doug stopped in for a drink after a fishing trip and describes it as love at first sight. For Melissa, it took a little bit longer. Doug took a couple of weeks to get up the courage to ask her out, but once he did the pair bonded quickly over their shared love of the outdoors. One year later, they got married in Welches and drove off in a brand new red convertible in the pouring rain. In lieu of rice, the couple opted for fistfuls of symbolic birdseed, but the tin spilled

in the car’s backseat and little plants sprouted all over the car well into the next year. The married Halls also put down roots, settling in Welches and raising their daughter, Ashlee. A few months ago, the couple celebrated 40 years of marriage, and their family has bloomed in that time. Like many couples, they enjoy going to local bars, making meals at home, and watching cooking shows on TV. Melissa said she’s recently gotten Doug into gardening.. Melissa says part of a healthy relationship is also making time for your own interests. She enjoys curling up with a good book, and Doug likes going down to the coast to go crabbing. Although the couple has long since settled into a domestic routine, they still

carve out time to make new memories together. In addition to their regular getaways to the Oregon coast, every five years they decide to celebrate their anniversary with a new experience, including jet boating on the Rogue River and taking a dinner cruise up the Columbia River. The Halls celebrated their most recent anniversary on a cruise around Alaska, a trip they said they’ll cherish forever. Melissa said the key to their successful marriage is respectful communication. “Never go to bed mad at each other, never go to bed angry,” she said. “We just really enjoy each other’s company,” Doug said with a smile, feeling lucky to have married his best friend. “We mesh really well together. We’re very blessed.”

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The Mountain Times — February 2024

Local News

Enrollment Surges Following Streamlined Admission Process By MHCC

For The Mountain Times

Amidst a groundbreaking change in the admissions process for a pilot program, Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) has experienced an unprecedented surge in enrollment. This change included the removal of traditional barriers to entry in its mental health, social service, and addiction counseling program. For the first time in 40 years, MHCC has eliminated the application, two-paragraph essay, group interview, and application fee for its mental health program. Instead, the college is now

empowering students to simply declare mental health as their major. This transformative shift has proven to be a catalyst for change, propelling the program from 10 students to an impressive 30 students. MHCC President Dr. Lisa Skari expressed her enthusiasm for the positive impact of this new approach. “We are thrilled to share the latest way we are increasing equitable access through our simplified admission process. By removing these traditional barriers, we are making it easier for dedicated individuals to pursue their calling in

mental health, social service, and addiction counseling. The surge in enrollment reflects the demand for accessible education in these vital fields.” The program has moved the evaluative measures into the first two terms where students are able to develop skills with guidance from their instructors. This student-focused initiative is not only increasing the number of aspiring mental health professionals but is also streamlining the application process. MHCC is now facilitating a smoother entry into the program by eliminating the group interview and expe-

diting the application process for the first two terms. All instructors in the MHCC mental health program are trained in actively listening, showing empathy and understanding without judgment, and exercising high-stakes emotional intelligence so as to help MHCC students become attuned healthcare practitioners. This update to the mental health program admissions process is not the only one slated. Starting next year, the college’s highly competitive physical therapy program will be changing admissions

requirements as well. No longer will students be asked to do interviews or be assessed on points. All students who meet the eligibility requirements, apply, and pay the application fee will be admitted. If more students apply than there are available spots, admissions will be determined by lottery. As MHCC continues to champion innovation in education and equity, the college remains committed to providing inclusive and accessible opportunities for students to excel in the field of mental health.

February 2024 — The Mountain Times


Local News

Sandy High School a Leader in CTE

“Spot,” a robotic dog. Photo credit OR Trail School District

By OR Trail School District For The Mountain Times

Ryan Nystrom, Automotive Technology teacher at Sandy High School (SHS), sees the impact that Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs have on his students. As one of the eight CTE programs at SHS, Nystrom noted that graduates from the automotive program are currently attending post-secondary programs across multiple states and another six seniors have already been accepted into

programs for next year. “These students are all on the path to successful careers that they started at Sandy High School,” Nystrom said. “CTE courses are a pathway to in-demand and high paying careers that students have direct access to after graduation.” Nystrom, who began his career as a social studies teacher, added the courses at SHS give students the skills that employers are looking for, which in turn offers them an edge in the job market. “I have always believed strongly in empowering students to take charge of their futures and that's exactly what CTE allows for,” he said. “I get to watch students discover their passions and grow into young adults with the skills to thrive in the automotive industry.” Trisha Smith, who teaches Food Science, Veterinary Science, Equine Science and Agricultural Leadership at

SHS, set her career as a CTE teacher in motion during college. In high school, she took part in an agricultural program, but became a business major in college. “I did not enjoy my classes and did not feel like I connected with my peers,” Smith said. “I moved majors to Agricultural Education and found many lifelong friends and a 20 year career where I have interacted with thousands of students.” Smith, who is also the advisor of the Sandy FFA club, described CTE studies as having an “immense impact” on students' lives. “I have seen some of the quietest students go on to place in state competition for public speakers, something they never thought possible,” she said, adding that many of her former students have found success as FFA State Officers. Zachariah Duell, who teaches Intro to Engineering: Robotics/Drones, as well as

coding and electronics classes at SHS, got his start teaching in other subjects, notably math and science. He developed a curriculum combining those two that culminated in project-based engineering competitions. “It was so engaging for both me and the students, I decided I needed more, so I started working towards teaching CTE full time,” Duell said. “CTE classes provide students a chance to explore career paths and learn valuable skills that they'll need outside the core content areas. They give students a reason to go to school each day and a purpose for their academic work.” Duell sees a bright future for SHS robotics, noting that teacher Kevin Frank will start an Advanced Robotics program where students will build robots weighing more than 100 pounds and enter competitions, while the Aerospace Engineering Club is actively working to put

together a proposal for NASA's CubeSat Launch Initiative to send a small satellite to orbit. “Meanwhile we've been in discussions with other schools about opening up a drone racing league for high school students where they would build and fly their own drones,” he said, adding that the opportunities for students to be exposed to industry professionals and have real life practice in the field is invaluable to helping them get started in life after high school on the right foot. “Just being able to show students, ‘Yes! This is a thing you could do. You could go to school to be an air traffic controller, a surveyor or a mechanical engineer. This is what it's like and this is the pathway to getting that job,’ can leave a lasting positive impact on a student's life,” Duell said. Sandy High School offers 57 courses in eight different CTE programs.

Welches Parent-Teacher Corner By Cassie Kanable

For The Mountain Times

Hello, Welches families! January’s winter storm led to a week-long school closure, but our community rallied, allowing a safe return for the last two weeks of January. As we move forward, let’s embrace the warmth and camaraderie that make our community special. Join us in February for Welches PTCO Movie Night: Come in for a screening of “The Super Mario Brothers” on Friday, February 23rd in the Welches Elementary Multipurpose Room. Doors open at 5:00 PM, movie starts at 6:00 PM. Bring chairs, floor pillows or blankets. $1 per person, concessions available for purchase. ALL CHILDREN MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT. We owe a huge thank you to ZigZag Inn for donating pizza for our movie night in December. We are so grateful for community sponsors like you! Thank you to our WPTCO Wreath Sale partner, Welches

Mountain Building Supply Co. for selling wreaths during the holiday season to benefit Welches Schools. With their help and the help of our parent volunteers, we were able to raise over $3,000 for our WPTCO general fund! Get ready for the highlight of 2024 – the Welches PTCO Annual Auction on April 27th at Camp Arrah Wanna! This is our primary fundraising venture for the year, channeling all proceeds into the WPTCO general fund and supporting school essentials like technology, supplies, field trips, and more. But here’s the scoop – we need YOUR help to make the magic happen! Whether you have a little time or a lot, there’s a role for everyone. Here are a couple of ways you can contribute to the auction right now. 1. Expand our auction’s reach: Tap into your network and add to our incredible list of auction items! Whether it’s products, services, overnight rentals or unique trea-

sures, we welcome it all. Your personal connections can make a significant difference. 2. Solicitation follow-ups: We’re on the lookout for volunteers to help with follow-ups in mid-late February. Reach out to those who’ve received solicitation letters but haven’t responded. This flexible role allows you to contribute at your own pace. Even handling follow-ups for 10 companies can make a tremendous impact on the amount of donations we bring in! Last year’s auction was a triumph, bringing in over $23,000. This year, we’re setting our sights higher, aiming to raise $30,000 for Welches Schools! Your support is key to achieving this ambitious goal. Let’s come together to create another spectacular event that benefits Welches students. For more information, please email our auction chair at auction@welchesptco.

org or visit the QR code to the right to learn more and sign up to volunteer!.



TOP ROW (l to r) Emilia Baker, 8th grade | Amlie Hoopes, 6th Grade Tripp Horton, 8th Grade | Grey Patrick, 7th Grade | Opal Asher, 5th Grade MIDDLE ROW (l to r) Lilly Gunderman, 3rd Grade | Shade Snail, 3rd Grade Ferryn Hoopes, 3rd Grade | Henry Starr, 5th Grade | Maddox Gohr, 4th Grade BOTTOM ROW (l to r) Brenna Tinker, Kindergarten Indica Lamance, Kindergarten | Ruby Johnson, Kindergarten Jadon Hornor, 1st Grade ABSENT (right) Chris Melvin, 6th Grade Mauri Neuman, 2nd Grade Royal Neuman, 4th Grade Sponsored by Marti Bowne, Broker, Merit Properties Group


The Mountain Times — February 2024

Local News

Museum Chatter: 22nd Annual Ski the Glade Fundraiser

By Lloyd Musser

For The Mountain Times

Tickets are on sale now for the Museum’s annual “Ski the Glade” event to be held on March 2, 2024. “Ski the Glade” is a full day of downhill snow skiing on the 3.5-mile-long Glade Trail. Participants ride shuttles from the Museum in Government Camp to Timberline Lodge. Skiers depart the lodge and follow guides down the Glade Ski Trail back to Government Camp, where they meet the shuttles and go back up the mountain to ski the trail again. The trail will be in excellent condition as Timberline Lodge will have groomed it the previous night just for this event. We will take a break for lunch and enjoy some hot soups from Busy Bee Catering. Skiers will make a couple more runs on the Glade Trail. We should be able to ditch the parkas, as March is usually the beginning of spring skiing with only sweaters needed. About 3:00 PM, our legs will be getting tired, as we have skied 17 to 28 miles today, and it is

wine time. We will bid adieu to the shuttles provided by Next Adventure and Explore the Gorge. It is now time to enjoy some hors d’oeuvres, sample some wine, win some prizes and reminisce about the great day of skiing we just had. The Glade Ski Trail was originally created by the U.S. Forest Service in conjunction with construction of Timberline Lodge in 1937. At that time, mechanical uphill conveyance for skiers had not been perfected. As planned, visitors to Timberline Lodge take shuttle buses from Government

Camp. Skiers would ski on one of the three trails created for the project and return to the lodge by shuttle bus. The Glade Trail was considered an intermediate trail; Blossom, which followed a wagon road, was an easier one. The Alpine Trail was steeper and considered more difficult. Blossom Trail followed a wagon road Judge Blossom developed in the 1890s to reach his summer camping place near the then-future location of Timberline Lodge. Glade Trail took its name for the many glades it traversed. Glades are grassy openings in a forested area. Alpine was selected for the name of the third trail, perhaps because it sounded appropriate for a trail that at least started in an alpine environment. Timberline Lodge would install rope tows and even a chairlift for skiers in the next year but trail skiing would remain popular for decades. As many as 15 shuttle buses would be needed at times. Trail skiing reached its peak popularity in the 1960s. As more ski lifts were installed at Timberline Lodge and grooming snow for perfect ski runs became the norm, trail skiing began to lose popularity. At the turn of the century in 2000, only a few old-timers and the adventurous backcountry skiers were skiing the Mount Hood ski trails. Ski trails longer than 5000 feet are rare in the United States. The tallest mountains in Europe, with gondola access, have ski trails several miles long, leading to base villages. Skiing a miles- long trail non-stop, on a sunny spring day, is skiing at its finest. A

few years ago, the International Ski History Association held a convention in Portland. The Museum and Timberline Lodge arranged a “Ski the Glade” event just for them. These serious skiers, who have skied all over the country and the world, were duly impressed and thrilled with the experience of skiing over three uninterrupted miles. 22 years ago, Mt. Hood Museum held the first “Ski the Glade” event. The event has been sold out every year since. This living history event is a chance for skiers of all ages and abilities to experience the thrill of long trail skiing. It is wonderful to see grandfathers skiing with their young grandchildren. The first Saturday in March is the once-a-year opportunity to “Ski the Glade,” fully supported by the Museum volunteers and Museum Sponsors. Call the Museum today

and reserve your ticket for this year’s “Ski the Glade.” To read a more complete history of Trail Skiing on Mount Hood, visit www., About us, Museum Musings. Lloyd Musser is the volunteer curator at the Mt. Hood Cultural Center and Museum. The Museum is located at 88900 E. US 26, Government Camp, Oregon. Open every day, 9 – 5 ph. 503-272-3301.

February 2024 — The Mountain Times



The Woodsman: USFS Aims to Protect Old-Growth Forests

By Steve Wilent

For The Mountain Times

Old-growth timber is in the news again. As The Oregonian reported on December 23, “NW old growth forests get more protections under new federal plan.” Not only in the Pacific Northwest, but on all national forests in the nation — a total of 193 million acres — as well as on other federal lands. Back in April 22, 2022, President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order directing both the Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to analyze the threats to mature and old-growth forests on federal lands, including those from wildfires and climate change, and to develop policies “to institutionalize climate-smart management and conservation strategies that address threats to mature and old-growth forests on federal lands.” BLM, which operates our beloved Wildwood Recreation Site, manages more than two million acres of forest land in Oregon. In April 2023, the USFS and BLM completed an initial inventory of mature and old-growth forests in the US. They found nearly 33 million acres of old-growth and about 80 million acres of mature forest — impressive numbers, given the extensive harvesting of old-growth over the past couple of centuries.

In December 2023, a notice in the Federal Register stated that the US Forest Service is “proposing to amend all land management plans for units of the National Forest System (128 plans in total) to include consistent direction to conserve and steward existing and recruit future old-growth forest conditions and to monitor their condition across planning areas of the National Forest System. The intent is to foster the long-term resilience of old-growth forest conditions and their contributions to ecological integrity across the National Forest System.” What is “old-growth”? In their inventory report, the agencies wrote that, “Old-growth and mature forests look dramatically different from coast-to-coast, state by state, and locally. For instance, old-growth sequoias in California can be thousands of years old and upwards of 250 feet tall with a 30-foot or greater trunk diameter, while an old-growth stand of dwarf pitch pine in New Jersey may include trees that are hundreds of years old, roughly 14 feet tall and only several inches in diameter.” The agencies suggested that 80 years old is a reasonable definition of mature forests. To some folks, the 120-year-old Douglas firs on my property, some of which are 30 inches in diameter at chest height and 170 feet tall, might look like old-growth. Nope. Merely mature. The report goes on to state that, “Like all the Nation’s forests, old-growth and mature forests are threatened by climate change and associated stressors. The initial inventory and definitions for old-growth and mature forests are part of an overarching climate-in-

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formed strategy to enhance carbon sequestration and address climate-related impacts, including insects, disease, wildfire risk, and drought.” I have a bone to pick with the authors of the report. Some threats to old-growth and mature forests are not n e c e s s a r i l y “ c l i m a t e - r elated.” Insects, disease, wildfire risk, and drought have always had significant impacts on our forests. In September this year, the USFS released its “National Report on Sustainable Forests, 2020,” which looks at data on US forests up to 2020. This report mentions the impacts of climate change, of course, but also notes that “Approximately 90 percent of forests [in the western US] may be subject to higher mortality because they are overly dense. The pervasiveness of this overstocking has significant implications on forest health going forward.” These forests did not become overcrowded because of climate change, but because Native American cultural fires were largely eliminated, plus a century or so of aggressive fire suppression, as well as political, legal, economic and practical roadblocks to reducing forest density. A December 26 press release from Oregon State University, “Western

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Before the invention of power saws, loggers cut very large trees like this 9-foot Douglas-fir by hand. Image: Wikimedia Commons/public domain.

Cascades landscapes in Oregon historically burned more often than previously thought,” describes a new scientific paper in “Ecosphere.” I might write about the paper in a future column. For now, note this sentence from the release: “Removal of the tribes took their cultural stewardship practices, their use of annual cultural fires, from the land, radically altering how the forests were managed.” To protect old-growth in Oregon and elsewhere, Indian-style fire will need to be returned to the landscape. And because forests in many

areas are too crowded with live and dead trees to use such prescribed fires, some of that fuel will need to be removed before Indian-style burning can be resumed — and before large, intense wildfires sweep through, killing everything. The USFS has its work cut out for it. Have a question about old-growth trees? Want to know the difference between mature and old-growth woodsmen and woodswomen? Let me know. Email:


The Mountain Times — February 2024

February SUNDAY


St. John in the Woods Catholic Church Alcoholics Anonymous | 6pm Sundays St. John in the Woods Catholic Church Alcoholics Anonymous | 9am Mondays Hoodland Lutheran Church Narcotics Anonymous | 6pm Mondays

TUESDAY American Heart Month


An Affair to Remember Month


Black History Month


Canned Food Month


Creative Romance Month


4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 Wraptitude Live Music | Varies**

Stuffed Mushroom Day Thank a Mailman Day

Don’t Cry over Spilled Milk Day

Make a Friend Day

National Inventors Day

Coffeehouse 26 Al-Anon | 5pm Tuesdays


National Weatherman’s Day

Wraptitude Live Music | Varies**

Alpine Events Center Sweethearts’ Ball | 6 pm $40 | Cocktail Attire

Sandy AntFarm Cafe & Bakery Narcotics Anonymous | 7pm Wednesdays St. John in the Woods Catholic Church Overeaters Anonymous | 6pm Thursdays St. John in the Woods Catholic Church Alcoholics Anonymous | 6pm Women’s Meeting | Fridays

White T-Shirt Day

Get a Different Name Day

Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday *

Superbowl Sunday – Superbowl 58*

St. John in the Woods Catholic Church Alcoholics Anonymous | 9am Wednesdays

International Frozen Yogurt Day Lame Duck Day National Chopsticks Day

Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday

Wraptitude Live Music | Varies**

National Wingman Day

Sandy Community and Senior Center Financial Literacy Class | 10:45 am Partnership with Embold Credit Union Sandy AntFarm Cafe & Bakery Deanna ‘Bananas’ Hall | 6:30 pm Introduction to creative improv

National Battery Day

National Chocolate Mint Day

National Drink Wine Day

President’s Day *

Welches Middle School Basketball Tournament | 1 pm 3 on 3 | $30 per Team

Pistol Patent Day

Love Your Pet Day

Hoodland Lutheran Church Neighborhood Missions Free Food Day | 9 am

Church on the Mountain 68211 E Hwy 26 | Welches, OR 97067 Hoodland CPO Meeting | 7 pm USFS Jeremy Goers | Chief Marshal Scott Kline Wraptitude Live Music | Varies**

Carpe Diem Day

Polar Bear Day No Brainer Day

Do you have an event that you would like to promote? Email Space is limited and no CCB#38205

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February 2024 — The Mountain Times






1 2 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 1937 Steiner Church 68825 E. Barlow Trail Road Steiner Church Tours | 10 am

Shabbat Candle Lighting | 4:57 pm

eat American Pie Month

tional Bird Feeding Month

tional Cherry Month

National Freedom Day

tional Grapefruit Month

No Politics Day

tional Weddings Month

Spunky Old Broads Day

Sandy Grocery Outlet Gaza Strip Sign Holding | 4 pm

Mt. Hood Lions Club Bingo | 6 pm No outside food or drink

Sandy Historical Soceity Museum Sewing Class | 10 am $5 Entry****

Skyway Bar & Grill Johnny Franco Duo | 7 pm A mustachioed Brazilian speghetti western rock and roll troubadour

Skyway Bar & Grill Fog Holler | 7 pm Bluegrass with a Punk edge

Last Quarter

Skyway Bar & Grill Valloween Costume Party | 8 pm Captain’s Orders | Pirate Rock Band

Shabbat Candle Lighting | 5:07 pm Mt. Hood Lions Club Bingo | 6 pm No outside food or drink

Boy Scout Day

Send a Card to a Friend Day

Kite Flying Day

Near Grocery Outlet - Sandy Gaza Strip Sign Holding | 4 pm

Scooter’s Restaurant and Sports Bar 36641 US-26 | Sandy, OR 97055 Supper for Tupper (with Love!) | 6 pm 25% of Sales to the Tupper Park Project

Candlemas – on the Julian Calendar

Ash Wednesday *

Singles Awareness Day

Valentine’s Day

Susan B Anthony Day

Sandy Grocery Outlet Gaza Strip Sign Holding | 4 pm

National Gum Drop Day

George Washington’s Birthday

Be Humble Day

National Chili Day

National Margarita Day

Card Reading Day

Walking the Dog Day

Sandy Grocery Outlet Gaza Strip Sign Holding | 4 pm

New Moon

Chinese New Year*

National Pizza Day

Umbrella Day

Skyway Bar & Grill Timothy James Trio | 7 pm Rock/Blues/Pop

Shabbat Candle Lighting | 5:17 pm Mt. Hood Lions Club Bingo | 6 pm No outside food or drink Skyway Bar & Grill Brown Chicken Brown Cow | 7 pm Funk/Latin Trio | Formerly Sin Rellenos

Random Acts of Kindness Day Spice Up Your Life Day

First Quarter

Shabbat Candle Lighting | 5:27 pm

Online Retreat Metta and Mindfulness Retreat | 9 am Donations Accepted | Shintai***

Mt. Hood Lions Club Bingo | 6 pm No outside food or drink

Skyway Bar & Grill GreenNeck Daredevils | 7 pm Americana/Folk, Country/Rock

Tim Rim Lodge 65091 E Mountain Meadow Lane Timberline Rim Fire Wise Meeting | 10 am

Tennis Day

Skyway Bar & Grill Lewi Longmire & The Left Coast Roasters | 7 pm Roots Rock

Full Moon

*Denotes that the date changes each year **Please call Wraptitude for more information at 503.622.0893 ***Contact Shintai at for more information ****Contact Cathy or Ken at 503.668.3378 for more information

Floral Design Day

Public Sleeping Day

Leap Day –

National Tooth Fairy Day

2024 is a Leap year

ot guaranteed. Event details may be edited for simplification.

Skyway Bar & Grill Deja 2 | 7 pm Folk Rock

Due Date 15th of prior month. Events subject to change without notice.

THE CABINS Creekside at Welches

Favorite of Friends and Family 503-622-4275

SALMON VALLEY HOME CONTRACTING LLC Mt. Hood’s Go-To Local Contractor for Decking & Fencing Contact us today for a Free Estimate! (503) 969-6124 Rated 5 stars on Google! OR CCB #238999


The Mountain Times — February 2024

Local News

Hoodland Women’s Club Celebrates 60th Anniversary

By Cathy Lavin For The Mountain Times

The Hoodland Women’s Club (HWC) continued its 60th anniversary celebration at its January general meeting with an updated slide show presented by member Nichole Watts. She and fellow member Cathie Anderson are compiling information for a timeline with pictures that will ultimately be available on the Hoodland Women’s Club website. From its earliest days, the club raised funds to support the needs of the Hoodland community. One of its earliest

goals was to support creation of a community park, a goal that ultimately morphed into a building on Salmon River Road in Welches. That building, pictured here and eventually christened the Dorman Center, was owned by Clackamas County, but leased back to HWC beginning in 1976 for a nominal annual fee. Initially, income to pay for the building’s operation and maintenance came from HWC dues and fundraising activities. In 1986, a daycare for children opened at the facility. In 1989, the daycare business was sold to the daycare board and the non-profit Mt. Hood Community Children’s Center was formed. It officially received its 501(c)(3) designation in 2004. The Dorman Center no longer exists, but HWC contin-

ues its focus on “Helping the Whole Community,” according to member Emma Galligan, who chairs the club’s Community Support and Family Hardship Assistance committee. Members raise money through fundraising activities, grants, personal bequests and business sponsorships that is reinvested into the community for special projects, hardship assistance, scholarships and other causes. Also in a nod to its beginnings, the Club will host a Sweethearts Ball (its first event in 1964) with cocktail attire on Monday, February 12, at Alpine Events Center from 6-9 p.m. The $40 charge will include heavy appetizers, music and a community giving program donation. Check the HWC Facebook page for an evite link.

Hardship assistance is available to Hoodland neighbors with immediate physiological needs including food, shelter and/or safety. Galligan says individuals can request assistance by completing and submitting the Hardship Assistance Request form available on the HWC web site. Alternatively, they can obtain paper forms at Hoodland Library, Hoodland Senior Center or Neighborhood Missions. Once HWC receives a completed request, a member will contact the requester to confirm eligibility and share more information about the process. The HWC has grown from an initial 33 members to more than 100 today. It is actively recruiting new members who are interested in getting to know others in the Hoodland area while supporting our

Mountain communities. They can join throughout the year and can be either full-time or part-time residents of the Hoodland communities. For more information, check out the Hoodland Women’s Club website (just search for Hoodland Women’s Club) or contact the club’s board members by emailing Those interested in HWC are also invited to attend one of its general meetings. The February meeting is scheduled for Alpine Events Center in Rhododendron on Monday, February 5, at 3 p.m. Those who wish to attend and didn’t receive an evite can contact board members at board@



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67149 Hwy 26 (Rendezvous Ctr.) Welches


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27500 E Timberline Rd., Government Camp


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Burgers. Breakfast until 2pm Lunch/Dinner, Full Bar.


67441 E. Hwy 26, Welches


Legendary Burgers & Fries. Est. 2010. Live music Sat., Sun., and Mon.

February 2024 — The Mountain Times


Local News

Mt. Hood Lions Club: Mountain Roar By Lion, Milt Fox For The Mountain Times

I’m sorry but this month I haven’t a lot to write about. It’s not that we aren’t busy – we are always very busy. But not with very interesting stuff this month: you know budgeting, paying dues to the International and District, things like that. Here are a few that I hope are newsworthy. BINGO Bingo reopened on January 12th and will continue to operate every Friday night through May 10th. Remember doors open at 6:00pm and Bingo starts at 7:00pm. We have had great turnouts this season. Thank you for your support.

MT. HOOD LIONS WEBSITE Lion Brennan O’Dowd is our club’s webmaster, and he has been updating our club website. Check it out: it has news about upcoming fundraisers, projects, and other information about the club. Go to mthoodlionsclub. com or A talk with Lion Fred Thornberg: Just prior to the holidays I called Lion Fred Thornberg to wish him a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I’ve known Fred for over 50 years, and we call each other every month or so to see how things are going. Fred is 98 years young, and he has been a Mt. Hood Lion for over 53 years

(our club has only ever had four 50+ year members). Fred has chaired more club dinners than anyone; he is always very patient, even with some very trying personnel. Our club has had some real characters in our membership over its nearly 73-year history. Many are gone, but Fred is still going strong with a memory as sharp as a tack. The following is one of Fred’s more famous escapades. Our “Chuckwagon Breakfast” has always been a happy and fun event. At the old club, Lion Jim Turin ran the “Turkey Shoot.” We had single shot shotguns, a 20 gauge for kids and a 12 gauge for adults. The target was a piece of typing paper with

Timberline Exec Skis on the Job By Ty Walker The Mountain Times

Most people have to take a day off from work to go skiing midweek. Not John Burton. As Director of Marketing and Public Affairs at Timberline Lodge, he skis on the job three or four days a week, giving tours of the ski resort. Burton said he is probably happiest when he’s outdoors doing something active. Working at the worldrenowned ski resort on the south slope of the tallest mountain in Oregon gives him plenty of time for just that. “It’s really special when I get a day off and go skiing with my son,” Burton said. “Those are the best days ever.” Burton describes his job as being responsible for driving revenue while promoting and protecting the brand of Timberline Lodge. Originally from the east coast, Burton moved to Oregon in 1988 and graduated from Oregon State University. He has a strong background in advertising sales and marketing, where he did a lot of work in the ski resort industry. “I just happened to know

some people at Timberline and an opportunity presented itself and here I am eight and a half years later,” Burton said. The 55,000-square-foot, 4-story Timberline Lodge, built in 1937 from heavy timber and boulders, is a National Historic Landmark. Burton said it’s the only ski-in, ski-out resort in the Pacific Northwest. That means you can ski from your room at the lodge directly to the chairlift. Burton said he loves his job and speaks highly of the family-operated business and its investment in the community. “I love it,” he said. “I hope to sunset my career here at Timberline. The family are wonderful people to work for and continue to reinvest in the area. They are true stewards of Mount Hood and giving back to the area.” Burton is excited about two major projects under way at Timberline. The new pool, which replaces one built in 1958, is expected to be completed in a few weeks. The new gondola, which will carry guests from Summit Pass to the lodge, is expected to be up and running by 2028. Timberline has an array

of recreational activities for visitors year-round. Summer is actually its busiest season, as hikers, climbers and mountain bikers outnumber the skiers and snowboarders. “It’s a unique mix of guests at Timberline in the summer,” Burton said. “You see people in the parking lot with skis, mountain bikers, hikers, culinary enthusiasts and everyone in between.” Olympic skiers and snowboarders train during summer months on Palmer Snowfields, Timberline’s highest elevation slope. For those athletes looking for training opportunities in the Northern Hemisphere, “we’re it,” he said. “Not to mention it’s a worldclass product, we build and maintain the only Olympicspec super halfpipe in the summer,” Burton said. Timberline is known for its intermediate-level, familyfriendly skiing and its worldclass terrain parks. Burton lives in Hood River with his son, a junior in high school. Besides skiing, he enjoys wind-surfing, fishing and doing projects around the house.

an X drawn from corner to corner. The range was about 30 feet, and the person who had their shot pellet closest to the center of the X won a turkey. You get it, expert marksmanship isn’t really a must to win. Well, Lion Fred is a very good shot, but he couldn’t win a turkey. He had participated in several shoots but always came up second or third – and once he was last! Jim always said “better luck next time.” Fred finally said “I’m going home to get my own gun,” and Jim said okay. Fred showed up with his Remington Model 1100, 12 gauge. He fired one shot and Jim started to retrieve the target when Fred said “Hold it right there Jim,”

and shot four more times. My gosh, he removed the plug and the target was blown to smithereens! Jim dove behind the barricade, then looked up with that big smile and a face full of sawdust, and said, “I thought I was back in Korea!” Then he added, “Fred I give up, you win the final turkey of the day.” Fred grinned real big and laughed… well, everyone laughed. Note: for hunting purposes you can only legally use three shells in a shotgun, not five. When the plug is removed the gun will hold five shells, one in the chamber and four in the magazine. More to come next month! It’s great to be a Lion!

Thank you for supporting your local paper!


The Mountain Times — February 2024


The Whole Tooth: A Celebrity’s $600,000 Tooth

By Dr. Robert Kelly, D.M.D. General Dentist, McKenzie Dental

Well, we have all been through a lot in January with the crazy winter weather, the power outages, the frozen pipes – all of it has been too much! So this month’s article will be quite light-hearted. Did you know that someone is walking around out there with a $600,000 tooth? It’s true. And yes, he is a celebrity musician. It was reported last year in numerous news articles that the singer/rapper Post Malone has a tooth with 2 diamonds embedded in it.

Some might be critical of this decision but I guess you can’t argue that he is indeed unique. But the story doesn’t end there! While either on vacation or touring in Rome, Italy, the rapper decided to hit up a McDonalds for some good ole’ Chicken McNuggets. Unfortunately, after biting into one infamous Chicken McNugget one of the diamonds fell out and into a sewer drain, to which he exclaimed “#@%#@$! I’m going to have to go into the ancient Roman sewers.” But the story does not end there. Amazingly, he crafted a pair of rudimentary pliers with the plastic piece inside a take out pizza box. Somehow, he was able to use this device as a scooper to get the diamond out of the drain. He then found a dentist in Rome who was able to attach the diamond back into his tooth. As a celebration of this event, his 2022 album was named “Twelve-Carat Toothache.” Sounds pretty appropriate.


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Minimizing RSV this Winter By Amber Ford The Mountain Times

With the flu and cold season officially underway, health officials across the country are showing increased concern over Respiratory Syncytial Virus, more commonly known as RSV. According to the Center for Disease Control, RSV is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. While the average individual will recover from RSV within one to two weeks, serious illness and side effects can be seen in infants, small children and older adults. Individuals infected with RSV usually display symptoms similar to the common cold and flu. Runny nose, decreased appetite, coughing, sneezing, fever and wheezing are all symptoms that those infected can expect to experience within four to six

days after the initial infection. Unlike the common cold and the flu, one of the more unique attributes of RSV is that many of the symptoms do not all occur at once. According to the CDC, the symptoms can come in waves and can be more severe in infants and older adults. While many individuals who become sick with RSV have a relatively low percentage rate of serious health problems and hospitalization, the CDC has seen an uptick in hospitalizations from serious side effects with infants and older adults as a result of RSV. Bronchiolitis (an inflammation of the small airways in the lungs) and pneumonia (an infection of the lungs) are two of the more serious side effects of RSV. Like other common respiratory illnesses, RSV is easily transferable. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, virus droplets can

spread into New Immunizations to Protect Against Severe RSV the eyes, nose or mouth. Who Does It Type of Product Is It for Everyone in Group? According Protect? to the CDC, those infected Adults 60 RSV vaccine Talk to your doctor first and over with RSV are usually contagious for three All infants entering or born during RSV antibody given Babies RSV season. Small group of to baby to eight days older babies for second season. and may be OR contagious RSV vaccine given Can get if you are 32–36 weeks a day or two Babies during pregnancy pregnant during September–January before they start to exhibit any signs of illness. The CDC also notes there the age of 60 receive the RSV sick, covering your mouth are defenses against RSV and vaccine in order to protect and nose during coughs and they encourage those demo- themselves against serious sneezing and constant hand graphics who are at a higher complications from RSV. washing are all methods of risk to adhere to preventative While the vaccine may prevention, according to the measures. RSV vaccines are not be for every age group CDC. As with any other type available and the CDC even recommends pregnant women or demographic, the CDC of illness, remaining vigilant gett vaccinated in order to also encourages the general and aware of those who may prevent the spread of RSV to population to take precau- be ill around you is also key their unborn child. The CDC tions during cold and flu when preventing the spread also recommends adults over seasons. Staying home when of RSV.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

February 2024 — The Mountain Times



Well-Adjusted: Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

By Dr. Melanie Brown Chiropractic Physician, Mountain Life Clinic

Intermittent fasting (IF) has gained widespread popularity in recent years. This eating pattern involves cycles of eating and fasting, offering compelling advantages for weight management, health, and overall well-being. One primary advantage of IF is its effectiveness in weight management. By restricting the eating window, individuals often consume fewer calories, leading to weight loss. IF may enhance metabolism, promoting fat burning during fasting periods contributing to a more efficient use of stored energy. Beyond weight management, IF has been associated

with improved heart health. Studies suggest it may reduce risk factors such as high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglycerides — the metabolic changes induced by IF support cardiovascular health by decreasing inflammation and improving blood vessel function. Additionally, IF positively affects insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation. Fasting periods help lower insulin levels, reducing the risk of insulin resistance, which is particularly beneficial for those at risk of type 2 diabetes. After an intermittent fasting diet intervention, patients achieved complete diabetes remission, defined as an HbA1c (average blood sugar) level of less than 6.5% at least one year after stopping diabetes medication, according to a recent study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. This eating pattern also shows promise in supporting cognitive function by promoting the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein associated with memory. Studies on animals indicate

that IF could increase longevity by extending lifespan. While the mechanisms behind this potential benefit are complex and involve cellular repair processes activated during fasting, similar effects are speculated in humans. When exploring the benefits of IF, the timing of eating and fasting periods plays a crucial role. Two commonly practiced methods include the 16/8 and 5:2 approaches. The 16/8 method involves daily fasting for 16 hours, with an eight-hour eating window. For example, eating between noon and 8:00 PM and fasting from 8:00 PM to noon the next day. This aligns with the body’s circadian rhythm and is considered more manageable for IF beginners. Extended fasting allows the body to tap into stored energy reserves, promoting fat-burning and weight loss. The 5:2 method entails

eating normally for five days and drastically reducing calorie intake (around 500-600 calories) on two non-consecutive days. This approach focuses on calorie restriction during specific days, allowing the body to experience the benefits of IF without daily time restrictions. Choosing a timing method that aligns with individual preferences and lifestyles is helpful. Consistency is vital in maintaining a regular eating and fasting schedule, helping the body adapt to the chosen method. Research suggests that aligning fasting periods with nighttime sleep enhances metabolic benefits. Prioritizing nutrient-dense meals during the eating window ensures the body receives essential vitamins and minerals. Staying hydrated helps during fasting periods. Water, herbal teas, and black coffee can help mitigate feelings of hunger. Proper hydration

supports overall health and minimizes potential side effects of fasting, such as headaches or fatigue. IF is not suitable for everyone. Pregnant or breastfeeding women, individuals with a history of eating disorders, or those with medical conditions should consult a healthcare professional before starting any fasting regimen to ensure it’s safe for your specific situation. Embarking on an IF regimen is like unlocking the hidden potential of your body’s resilience. Imagine uncovering a rhythm that aligns with your lifestyle, turning fasting into a dance with your biological clock. Whether you’re curious about the metabolic tango or just craving a fresh perspective on well-being, embrace the adventure and let the rhythm of IF guide you to a harmonious connection with your health.

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The Mountain Times — February 2024

Local News

Meet the Artist: Stephanie Johanesen Blends Many Art Forms

Photo credit Stephanie Johanesen.

By Amber Ford

The Mountain Times

Longtime resident of the Mt. Hood Villages, artist Stephanie Johanesen uses the many beautiful wonders of the mountain to create various unique forms of art

as a means of release and entertainment. Johanesen, whose creative activities include writing, illustrations and creating miniature dollhouses, has lived on the mountain since 2004. “As someone who’s lived with

ADHD my whole life, I tend to drift from art to art,” Johanesen said. While her diagnosis has helped her achieve a variety of experiences in different art forms, Johanesen has remained loyal to those three specific types. “I often bleed those art forms together,” Johanesen said, “telling stories with my minis and drawings and using those to inspire more books.” Self-taught in most areas of her creative work, Johanesen completed creative writing classes as part of the foundation to her craft. “I was known for my drawings in school and I had a really creative teacher in fifth grade who sparked my love for writing and illustrat-


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ing,” Johanesen said. “These have remained with me since,” she added. Although Johanesen has a deep-rooted connection and passion for her three beloved art forms, she admits that one of them seems to be her favorite. “Writing has always been my go-to for creative expression,” Johanesen said. “Illustration is really fun for me too, and I think I derive the most joy from creating whimsical miniatures that tell their own stories,” Johanesen added. While Johanesen enjoys creating the environment and detail for her miniatures, she does have a specific vision when she begins the creative construction process. “I don’t do simple tiny magazine-like room scenes,” Johanesen said. “My cabinets are curved and quirky. My dollhouses are inhabited by sorceresses and little chipmunks in regency gowns. There are pastoral scenes of Oregon decorating the walls and the railings are made with twigs that I collect

from my yard,” she added. As with many other artists who find relief and creative escape in their work, Johanesen acknowledges how important and consistent this outlet has been throughout her life. “Art is the foundation of my identity,” Johanesen said. “It has helped me cope and escape through a tough childhood and has carried me through many thankless, mind-numbing jobs for many years,” she added. Crediting her creative abilities as “life saving,” Johanesen sees her work as not just a means of expression, but a means of sanity. “Artistic expression, in whatever form I tend to be hyper-fixating on at any given time, is critical for my personal wellbeing,” Johanesen said. For anyone interested in Johanesen’s work please visit Feffie’s Cottage on TikTok, Instagram and Youtube or visit Coffee House 26 for her novel purchases.

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February 2024 — The Mountain Times


Local News

Ash Trees in Danger From Borer Beetle restoration projects throughout Western Oregon. Unfortunately, this popular tree is currently at risk of attack by the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). The EAB is a beetle native to parts of Asia but in 2002 was detected in parts of Michigan and Canada. Until recently, the beetle’s Westernmost detection was in Colorado. As you have probably heard, EAB has made it to Oregon. Current information indicates that the Emerald Ash Borer in hole. Photo by Debbie infestation is isolated Miller, USDA Forest Service, to the Forest Grove area in Washington By Clackamas Soil and Water County. The Oregon DepartConservation District ment of Agriculture (ODA) For The Mountain Times is working hard to contain The native Oregon ash the infestation. In June they tree has been widely used in released four types of paraurban areas and streamside sitic wasps that are natural

enemies of the EAB. ODA also established over 100 trap trees surrounding the area that will help track which direction spread may occur. Many organizations, such as the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District, have set traps to help monitor any movement of the beetle. Why is this important? The shade provided by Oregon native ash trees helps to keep the sun from heating stream water. Ash trees also provide bank stability, reducing the possibility of erosion. Unfortunately, this beetle will attack all ash species with death rates of up to 99%. The expected die-off in Oregon has experts worried about the negative impacts on water quality and wildlife habitat. To learn more about replacement trees for Oregon ash see this article, “Alternative to Ash in Western Oregon” by George Kral and David G. Shaw, OSU Extension Forest Health Specialist, or search for

“Alternatives to Ash in Western Oregon” on the internet. In addition to problems in nature, economic loss is expected from this insect attack. Ash trees are a popular tree in nursery production. Any quarantine caused by this insect will affect the nursery industry in Oregon. Losses in the millions of dollars would pose a hardship for our local nursery operations. Cities and homeowners will also share in the financial loss. Ash used for street trees provides urban shade, cleans the air, offers urban wildlife habitat and human health benefits in addition to improving property values. The cost of tree removal for public safety and the replacement of trees will be a big hit in the pocketbook for cities and homeowners. How can you help? Watch for signs of EAB in ash trees and report it. Look for: significant crown dieback in heavily infested trees (starts in the

top third of the crown); sucker shoots emerging from the trunk or base of the tree; woodpecker activity that gives the bark a distinct mottled appearance; D-shaped holes in the bark about 3 mm (0.1 inch) in diameter; splitting bark; S-shaped galleries underneath the bark; adults visible in summer. Find this and information on how to report an infestation in the bilingual brochure from OSU Extension, “Oregon Forest Pest Detector Pest Watch: EAB,” or do an internet search for “Pest Watch EAB.” Another useful publication is a guide developed by ODA to help identify EAB look-a-like species. or search on the internet for Emerald Ash Borer ODA. Just a final reminder, Do Not Move Firewood. Invasive pests such as Emerald Ash Borer and pine bark beetle can spread when infested wood is transported to other areas.

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The Mountain Times — February 2024


The Angle: Learning to Fish is Easier Than Ever spread magazines, books and tv shows, the education came from Grandpa, a friend or a neighbor. Magazines like Salmon Trout Steelheader, started by Oregonian Frank Amato, of Clackamas Oregon, gave a specific perspective for Oregon anglers looking to catch salmon, trout and steelhead. Books and magazines opened the door to widespread knowledge and the dissemination of fishing techniques to better entice these fish. The internet brings a whole new level of information. The Columbia River has large runs Kids, adults, families and of salmon even elderly people are discovBy Lucas Holmgren ering enormous numbers of The Mountain Times tips 2024 and techniques thanks to February Fishing is an age-old sport all of the videos and articles that has been passed down online. As a result, the people from generation to generafishing for salmon, steelhead tion. But for those that grew and trout in the Northwest up before the age of wideare more effective than ever,


by Margie E. Burke

armed with modern tackle that works expertly for each technique. But where does one start? If you’re looking to develop a passion for fishing, there are a number of ways to find productive fishing spots and learn how to rig certain tackle. First, by doing some simple research online, you can find rivers and lakes near you. Take a look at Google maps and look for larger bodies of water close by. Then search for fishing information about that lake or river. Although some results will be really general and not offer much information, you may also find some ultra-informative articles about how to fish that particular water and what gear to use. If you’ve at least found a place to fish, and what

species are in it, you can start to search for articles about techniques and tackle to catch those species. Timing and weather are also very important, so try to find information about peak fishing time periods. The massive amount of video content that YouTube has on fishing would take several lifetimes to understand. In the Northwest, channels like Addicted Fishing go over virtually every single technique to catch common Oregon and Washington fish species. Steelhead and salmon fishermen can find a treasure trove of information just from following Addicted, Salmon Trout Steelheader and other online fishing content outlets. Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing better than having a friend that knows

how to fish a river effectively and learning directly from them. They will have a track record of finding fish, and if you follow their lead and try to learn every detail of their technique, you’ll have an elevator ride to success. For those that do not have someone around with that ability, they still can find amazing success through research and spending time on the water. Always research everything you can in order to give yourself the best chance at fish. If you still don’t catch a fish, don’t get discouraged. Fishing is not the easiest sport in the Northwest due to our weather and fish stocks, but if you stick with it, you keep fishing and you keep learning? Well, don’t be surprised if it becomes your all-time favorite outdoor activity!

by Margie E. Burke

Copyright 2024 by The Puzzle Syndicate


Edited by Margie E. Burke

HOW TO SOLVE Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9. Each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9. Each set of 3 by 3 boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

Solutions for Crossword and Sudoku Page 28

February 2024 — The Mountain Times



The Viewfinder “You buy a motorhome, spend your summers at a cool place and winters at a warm one, both with the one you love. Perhaps you pursue a hobby that you haven’t had time for and hope you haven’t sacrificed your health to your career. If you are lucky, you spend time bouncing grandbabies on your knee and growing old surrounded by family.” Photo credit Gary Calicot.

By Gary Randall

For The Mountain Times

A few days ago I was sitting with my mom talking about life when she said to me, “You know that you can start taking full Social Security next January.” I looked at her with a blank stare and thought for a moment before saying, “Huh?” My career choice and dismal attempts at financial planning coupled with failed personal relationships in my life have left little in the form of retirement savings. After further unfortunate life-changing situations, what I did manage to accumulate has slowly trickled away. I am doing fine, and this is not a story of a life spent irresponsibly or unhappily. If it is about anything at all it is about the success, failure, perseverance, tenacity, ambition, stress, and success of an artist following a dream. This is about someone who renounced materialism to live an authentic life as an artist. I have proven that it is certainly possible to make

a living as an artist. There’s money to be made in commercial installations, art shows or teaching, but I’m not going to lie, it takes a lot of work, most of it foreign to those who have an artist’s sensibilities. An artist, to be commercially successful, needs to be a businessperson as well as a creative. To be a commercially successful artist one needs to fill a lot of different shoes – most of them have nothing to do with art. Much of it has to do with spending an inordinate amount of time on the internet, advertising, marketing and promoting their business. These things are incongruous with the artist’s mind. I have been able to find my way through it all, but in a perfect world, I wouldn’t have to. As an artist, I have done well making a living strictly from my work over the last twenty years. As for being a businessperson, I have been adequate. I don’t want to sound cliché about time passing too quickly, but I think when someone is living a life they

love it is easy to just ignore the passage of time. I have not thought a lot about my age, the concept of retirement or what I would do when that time comes. Retirement, to me, means you work until you are 65, when you can finally call your time your own. You buy a motorhome, spend your summers at a cool place and winters at a warm one, both with the one you love. Perhaps you pursue a hobby that you haven’t had time for and hope you haven’t sacrificed your health to your career. If you are lucky, you spend time bouncing grandbabies on your knee and growing old surrounded by family. After all the challenges I have experienced that negated the typical retirement dream, I decided to simplify my life and live doing what I want to do. I felt I had sacrificed my happiness and failed within the confines of the system. Since then, I have tried to design a life that I could live with until death. With this attitude in hand, I have not thought

much about the passing of the years. I have not thought of myself being at retirement age. I have wrestled with a few medical situations but emerged healthy enough to keep going: none shook my ability, my ambition, or my denial with regard to the passing of time. So since my mom reminded me of my age, and hers by extension, I have been thinking about what my retirement looks like and have concluded that not much

will change. I will still be living my less than luxurious but comfortable lifestyle. I will still be the artist that I have been for the last twenty years. I will still do everything I have been doing but will worry less about how to pay the monthly bills. I can finally fire my internal businessperson and be an artist completely undistracted. When I really stop to think about it, I have been retired for the last twenty years.

Thank you for supporting your local paper!


The Mountain Times — February 2024

February 2024

Your Hoodland & Sandy Public Libraries Digital Book Club

The Hoodland and Sandy Public Libraries will be closed for the following holidays:

Feb. 1, 7pm Zoom “Blackfish City” by Sam J. Miller. To sign up for the book club send an email to Thea Ellen

President’s Day- Mon., Feb. 1 9

Teen Advisory Board * New Time


Teens - Chinese New Year Lantern Available Feb. 1 while supplies last. Use red lucky envelopes to create a DIY Chinese lantern to decorate and celebrate the Lunar New Year. Kids - Bread In A Bag and Butter In A Jar Available on Feb. 16 while supplies last. The kit will include instructions for making both bread and butter. Adults - Mystery Craft Available on Jan. 16 while supplies last. An adult Take & Make kit that will include (almost) everything you’ll need to make something fun!


Feb. 10. 2pm to 4pm Hoodland Public Library Community Room Come play Mahjong at the Hoodland Library! Beginners welcome. An introductory course will take place at 2:00 pm, followed by regular play at 2:30 pm. Please bring set pieces if you have them (not required)

Kids Lego Club

Feb. 13, 4 - 5:30pm Hoodland Library Community Room Build Lego creations with your friends. This event will happen on the first Saturday of each month.

Sandy Men’s Book Club

Feb. 5, 7pm Sandy Public Library Community Room Bring a list of up to 10 books that influenced you the most. For further information please email Maureen Houck mhouck@

Sandy Women’s Book Club

Feb. 8, 6pm Sandy Public Library Community Room “Lessons in Chemistry”by Bonnie Garmus This hybrid event occurs both in the Sandy Public Library Community Room and Zoom. All are welcome! For further information please email Maureen Houck

Plant Swap

Feb. 25, 12 - 1pm Sandy Library Community Room Is your house starting to look like a jungle with too many plants? Or too bare with not enough? Do you have cuttings to give away? Please bring a healthy, pest-free houseplant or cutting to swap. Due to the invasive jumping worm, only indoor houseplants will be able to be swapped. Maureen Houck

Feb. 12, 4pm - 5pm Sandy Public Library Community Room Plan library events for teens! Grades 6 - 12. Registration required: t2.wcs?leaguesid=2053 Rebecca Hanset

After School LEGO Kids Club

Tue., Jan. 9, 4 - 5pm Sandy Library Community Room Drop in at the library after school for the Kids’ LEGO club! Build something from our vast collection of LEGOs and then display your creation during the month until the following LEGO Club. z

After School STEM Kids Club - Sandy

Fiber Arts Circle Tuesdays, 2 - 4 pm. Sandy Public Library. Fiber Artists join other handcrafters at an informal Fiber Arts circle in the fireplace room of the library on Tuesdays at 2:00 pm. Weavers, spinners, knitters, crocheters, if your work is portable, you are welcome. Staff Contact: Katie Murphy ODHS Drop-In Assistance **New Time** Tuesdays 10:30 am – 3pm Thursdays 10am – 3pm, Need assistance paying for food or child care? Are you looking for health coverage? ODHS (Oregon Department of Human Services) might be able to help! Meet a representative at the library. Contact Maureen Houck at 503-668-5537 or mhouck@

Teen Makerspace

Creation Station

Hoodland Book Club

Feb. 20, 4pm In Love: A Memoir of Love and Loss - Amy Bloom Hoodland Public Library For further information please email Dianne Downey

Feb. 27, 4 - 5:30 pm Sandy Public Library Community Room. Come join us in Growing your own Crystals. You can customize the shape and color of your crystal. We’re using colorful pipe cleaners, dissolved borax, and containers you can bring home with you. All materials will be supplied. Monica Smith msmith@

Sandy Community Center, Art Room 38348 Pioneer Boulevard. Wednesdays 4pm - 6pm Group 1 meets: 2/7, 2/21, 3/6, 3/20, 4/3 Group 2 meets: 2/14, 2/28, 3/13, 3/27, 4/10

Craft Swap

Feb. 4, 12 – 2pm Sandy Library Community Room Anyone who crafts will likely end up with things they no longer need. Trade them for things you do need! Bring those brushes you never used or all those googly eyes you bought for that one project. I am sure someone will use the polymer clay you have in the closet. Thea Ellen tellen@ci.sandy.

ONGOING EVENTS Dungeons and Dragons * New *

2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. 6pm - 9pm *check the library calendar, dates are subject to change. Sandy Library Community Room. Following old-school D&D rules from 1980. Seats are limited. Registration is required. Info: Dungeon Master Steve Williamson at gaming@ruc Teens (13+) and Adults.


Fortune Cookies

Read to the Dog Tue., 4 - 5 pm. Sandy Public Library Come and meet Tanis! He will be in the Sandy Library children’s area and would love it if you read him your favorite book! Read to The Dog is a great way for your child to practice their reading in a fun environment. Contact Monica Smith msmith@ci.sandy. Reading Tutors The Sandy Library offers free reading tutoring for grades 1-3 students. The program is run by volunteers who meet with students once a week for one-on-one tutoring in reading. Please contact Monica Smith if you have any questions or want to sign your child up for this program.

Ingredients 3 large egg whites 3/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup butter melted 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon almond extract 3 tablespoon water 1 cup all-purpose flour (5 oz by weight)

2nd and 4th Mondays, 10am - 12pm Sandy Library Community Room Creation Station is a twice-monthly interactive program that welcomes adults with disabilities on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Art Lab, on the 2nd Monday, will offer several arts and crafts stations with various materials to accommodate different interests and abilities. For info.,email


Sandy Public Library - Thursdays Thursdays, 10am Hoodland Public Library - Fridays Fridays, 10:30 -11am Molly Espenel Family Storytime Saturdays, 10am Virtual Storytime Miss Monica records a storytime each week for you to watch from the comfort of your home! Sandy & Hoodland Libraries Storytime Parents Group on Facebook.

New Hours! Sandy Public Library Monday: 10 am to 7 pm Tuesday: 10 am to 7 pm Wednesday: 10 am to 6 pm Thursday: 10 am to 6 pm Friday: 10 am to 6 pm Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm Sunday: 12 pm to 5 pm

Hoodland Public Library: Monday 10 am - 4 pm Tuesday 10 am - 6 pm Wednesday 12 pm - 7 pm Thursday 12 pm - 6 pm Friday 12 pm - 6 pm Saturday 12 pm - 5 pm

Tech Help

Have a question about using your computer, tablet, or smartphone? Call the library at 503-668-5537 to schedule an appointment with a librarian. Help is available on such topics as • email • social media • Microsoft Word • PC Basics • using the Internet The Sandy and Hoodland Public Library’s newsletter is emailed on a monthly basis. Call or email if you want to be added to our mailing list, or follow our blog at sandylibrary.

Request a Book Bundle

Don’t know what to read next? Let us pick something out! The more you can tell us, the better the recommendation will likely be. Visit for the form, or email libraryassistants@ and we will send the form to you. Contact us

Hoodland Public Library

24525 E. Welches Rd. Welches, OR. 97067 Info: or 503-622-3460.

Sandy Public Library

38980 Proctor Blvd, Sandy, OR 97055 Info: or 503-668-5537

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 375ºF. Line sheet pan with parchment paper or silicone mat. Have your fortune strips ready to go. 2. Using stand mixer, whip egg whites and sugar on high speed for about 2 minutes, until frothy. Whip in melted butter, vanilla, almond extract and water until incorporated. Add flour and mix until flour just disappears. 3. With tablespoon measure, spoon batter onto parchment paper and spread out into even 3-inch circle. Only do 2 to 3 at a time as they set quickly and you won’t be able to fold more than that. 4. Bake cookies 7 to 8 minutes, until edges brown slightly.* (See note.) 5. When each batch finishes baking, remove from oven and quickly flip circle over. Place note in center and fold cookie in half (a semicircle). Place semicircle onto edge of a cup, and quickly fold ends down to crimp into a fortune cookie shape. Place cookie in muffin tin to cool and hold its shape. Repeat with remaining batter and enjoy. *Note: If you let them brown too much, they’ll snap when you shape them. If they don’t brown enough, they will tear. ALSO: Experiment with food coloring, using red for Valentine’s Day.

February 2024 — The Mountain Times

Local News

OR Institute of Technology President’s List and Dean’s List Recipients The following students have been named to the 2023-2024 Fall Term President's list at Oregon Institute of Technology. Savannah Greeley of Boring (97009) Lindsay Jensen of Damascus (97089) Calvin Klatt of Boring (97089) Davin Logan of Sandy (97055) Shaylee Lutz of Sandy (97055)

Zander Ortega of Sandy (97055) Samuel Paul of Damascus (97089) Eli Rajotte of Welches (97067) Joseph Ten Eyck of Sandy (97055) Tyler Thygesen of Sandy (97055) Ethan Wood of Damascus (97089)

The following students have been named to the 20232024 Fall Term Dean's list at Oregon Institute of Technology. Adin Bartlett of Rhododendron (97049) Katie Dudrov of Damascus (97089) Isaiah Ewing of Sandy (97055)

Elycia King of Sandy (97055) Hallie Tryon of Damascus (97089) Brandon Whitten of Sandy (97055) For more information contact: Ashley Van Essen, ashley. vanessen@oit.ed

Clackamas Community College Honor Roll A total of 522 students made the Clackamas Community College honor roll and 1,040 students made the president’s list for fall term 2023. To be named to the honor roll,

students must earn a gradepoint average of 3.5 or better. To be named to the president’s list, students must earn a 3.75 grade-point average or better.

Victoria Bribiesca, Boring Nicholas Krummenacker, Boring, Courtney Brown, Sandy Jared Chilson, Sandy Michael Coombs, Sandy

Christopher Sparks, Sandy Khelen Walsh, Sandy

Timberline Rim Fire Wise Meeting Saturday, February 24 10-11 a.m. Tim Rim Lodge, 65091 E Mountain Meadow Lane, Rhododendron, OR 97049 First meeting with Scott Kline, HFD and Ant Farm to restart Fire Wise Thanks and Happy New Year! Melinda

Be a hell raiser, not a hypocrite



The Mountain Times — February 2024

Mountain Classified Ads EMPLOYMENT

Collins Lake ResortNOW HIRING! Join our team now with immediate openings, competitive wages & recreational benefits! We take pride in our work giving guests an unforgettable vacation experience! With us, you’re more than just an employee; you’re a member of the team and part of the Collins Lake Resort family! Full-time/Part-time Housekeepers/ Laundry Operators/ Lead Housekeepers/ Inspectors Full-time/ Part-time Day and Night Maintenance Full-time/ Part-time Front Desk: Please contact us at 503-272-3051/ for more information!

HOODLAND FIRE DISTRICT #74 IS SEEKING APPLICANTS FOR A PART TIME ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. Starting salary $20.33/hour APPLICATION PROCEDURE Recruitment Application Packets are available on the Hoodland Fire website www.hoodlandfire. us To request a Recruitment Application Packet to be emailed or mailed to you, contact Kelli Ewing at Hoodland Fire District #74 by phone (503) 622- 3256 or by email hoodland@hoodlandfire. org Applications will be received Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm until February 6, 2024. Mailed packets must be postmarked on or before January 29, 2024 Deliver or send applications to the address below: Hoodland Fire District #74 Part Time Administrative Assistant Position 69634 E Hwy 26 Welches, OR 97067 All required documentation must be received on or before February 6, 2024 at 5:00 pm Applications will NOT be accepted electronically.

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February 2024 — The Mountain Times



Winifred (Winnie) (Reynolds) Hunter 1948–2023

Born May 25, 1948 in Germany while her father served in the US Army. Died on Veterans Day, November 11, 2023. After returning to the States, she lived in Three Rivers, Massachusetts. She relocated to the Pacific Northwest where she raised 2 daughters, Christine and Kathleen. She was preceded in death by her parents, Ed and Ethel Reynolds, brother Timothy and sister Debra. She is survived by the love of her life, Bill Dunham, siblings Eddie, (Janice), Linda (Ron), Donald (Evon), Ruth (Ron), Marie and many more

extended family. She moved to The Mountain (Mt. Hood) in 1994 and became a non-flatlander (what mountain folk call Portlanders). Winnie had 3 main job titles which were housekeeper, bartender and home caregiver. She worked all over The Mountain including Timberline, The Resort at the Mountain and just 2 miles from our house, the Brightwood Tavern. Winnie did not know a stranger and she loved to visit with everyone — you might call her a social butterfly. She also loved to cook, especially desserts. Winnie also loved camping, fishing and motorhome trips with her best friend, Billy. Winnie died of natural causes with her life partner, best friend and love of her life by her side, Billy. She will be deeply missed. A celebration of Winnie’s life had been planned for January 20, 2024 but due to the extreme Arctic blast which covered so much of the Northwest, it has been postponed until March 2024. Please check the March edition of the Mountain Times for details. The Family suggests memorials to Mt. Hood Lions Club, 24730 E Woodsey Way, Welches, OR 97067.


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The Mountain Times — February 2024

Local News

Welches Residents Upset Over Water Quality

A water sample from some of the Salmon Valley Water Company’s customers.

By Adrian Knowler The Mountain Times

Some Salmon Valley Water Company customers are upset about brown water coming out of their faucets, with residents saying that iron contamination is ruining laundry and making water undrinkable. Welches residents say that the periods of contamination come without warning from the utility company, but the water company says that it alerts customers about routine iron flushing in advance. “Chocolate water on Twinberry Loop!” wrote Peter Himes in a post published on social media platform Nextdoor alongside a photo of murky brown water in a toilet bowl. “No alert as to flushing lines or whatever they are doing.”

Other users said that loads of laundry had been ruined by the brown water, and that the contaminated water causes additional expense in the form of filtering and flushing costs. Welches resident Maren Boehmer said she’s been dealing with the problem intermittently for over two years. Boehmer said she wasn’t getting answers from the utility, so she contacted the Oregon Public Utility Commission and Clackamas County Health Department. The brown water is caused by periodic iron flushes on an old well in the Salmon Valley Water Company system, according to an email response to Boehmer by Public Utility Commission official Charla Wolf. “The old well on the system is high in iron and needs flushing when it is used,” reads the email. “Typically, Salmon Valley does not need to use that well, but this summer when the usage was so high, it was brought online for a period of time. In order to reduce the residual iron, the system must be aggressively flushed.” In September, the utility increased water usage rates citing higher expenses, including those from the construction of a new well that would take the contaminated well offline and a facility that would

filter iron and manganese. In an October 6 announcement to customers, Salmon Valley Water General Manager Michael Bowman said that the new Foxglove 7 well was the largest capital improvement in the company’s history. “Bringing the Foxglove 7 well onto the system allowed us to shut down an older water well that was responsible for iron in the system,” Bowman wrote. On December 8, the water utility received multiple calls complaining of brown water, according to Wolf’s email to Boehmer, but Boehmer said that the utility was not performing a flush and didn’t know the cause of the contamination. Boehmer is frustrated with what she calls a lack of communication by the utility. She says that the company does not pick up her phone calls, and that she doesn’t receive the well flushing alerts from the company. She said she’d like to know in advance when the utility flushes the old well. She estimates that her faucets discharge discolored water about twice a month. “We need to have a way to be alerted to not run laundry, so we can plan for it,” Boehmer said in an interview. Boehmer also shared a reply she received from the Clack-

amas County Department of Health official, who wrote in an email that although the department has received multiple complaints from Salmon Valley Water Company customers about iron contamination, there is nothing the regulator can do. “Iron is a secondary contaminant, and our rules do not regulate secondary contaminants,” reads the email from health department official Joel Ferguson in an email Boehmer shared to Nextdoor. “Salmon Valley Water Co. meets all Oregon Drinking Water Standards for regulated contaminants.” Salmon Valley Water Company General Manager Michael Bowman said that most iron currently in the system is built up in pipes from years of pumping from the old well. He said the company is taking the necessary steps to reduce iron, and has flushed about 20 percent of the network’s connections to date. The old well, which was high in iron, was replaced in 2021 and now will serve as a backup, used only if needed. Bowman said overly aggressive flushing might cause additional problems for residents. “The first step was changing the wells, the second step is to get to flushing. We are taking

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our time to get that done, our plan is to get that done by the end of March, depending on the weather,” Bowman said in an interview. He said the December iron bloom was not due to flushing, and suspects it was because of unauthorized use of a fire hydrant in Welches. He said the company is partnering with the fire department to get locks on local hydrants. Bowman also said that improving communications is a priority for Salmon Valley Water going forward. “There’s just three [employees], and [responsiveness] is an area that we are working to improve,” Bowman said. “We just started an automated ticket management system. We do take responsibility for slow returns.” Bowman said that the company does alert residents about flushing 24 hours in advance through calls, emails, and texts and puts signs up in the streets as well. He said about two thirds of customers are set up for text and email notifications, and that if residents aren’t receiving messages they can get signed up by calling the company. “We are fully aware of the problem,” he said. “I would just love to have the iron issue be in the past. It’s just gonna take time to get that out of the system.”


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February 2024 — The Mountain Times


Local News

It Takes Multiple Villages By Steve Graeper

President, Rhododendron Water Association

All the platitudes in the world cannot begin to express how great it was to have multiple governmental agencies, and multiple representatives from multiple villages come together to help one another during this recent weather emergency. This cooperative effort is thanks in part to the formation of the Mt. Hood Corridor Wild Fire Partnership and the great working relationships formed during the past year by numerous agencies here on the mountain. On behalf of the Rhododendron Water Association, (just one of many water providers that had to announce a Boil Water notice because of the freezing weather) and a member of the Wildfire Partnership, I’d like to express my sincerest gratitude to the following:

• Oregon Department of Human Services • Clackamas County Office of Disaster Management • Hoodland Fire • Mt. Hood Lions Club • The numerous volunteers from multiple HOA’s and CPO’s who spent countless hours volunteering at the Emergency Resource Center. • And a huge shout out to PGE Once Clackamas County became aware of the dire circumstances many of the water systems and residents were experiencing up here on the mountain, the Office of Disaster Management jumped in and started the process with the state to mitigate the effects of this weather emergency. With the wonderful cooperation of the Mt. Hood Lion’s Club, the county set-up an Emergency Resource Center to meet the needs of our many community residents who had


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no water, power, cell service, or internet, and those who were unable to travel due to blocked roads and downed power lines. The Resource Center, staffed by caring volunteers, was a great example of how working together and forming partnerships can work wonders for the entire community. Sure, there were glitches and things that could have gone better, but this was a great learning experience, so we all can do better when, not if, the next emergency hits our Villages.

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The Mountain Times — February 2024

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