As Governor of the Cayman Islands, I welcome you to our beautiful home and encourage you to explore and experience everything our three Islands has to offer. We have a wealth of rich cultural heritage, unique biodiversity and stunning scenery for you to enjoy. Whether your stay is long or short, there is always something new to discover.
Since arriving in 2023, I’ve loved exploring our three islands. On Grand Cayman, the famous Seven Mile Beach is an amazing backdrop for a calming morning dip or a spell of sunset sailing. Or, for those seeking excitement, our watersports now include the graceful eFoils - which I tried for the first time earlier this year. I hope that everyone will take time to sample our world class food and drink and local produce, learn more about our cultural heritage at Pedro St James, and experience the tranquillity of walking the Mastic Trail.
On Cayman Brac, I’ve enjoyed birdwatching, especially seeing the Red Footed Booby, walked on the dramatic Bluff and explored the hidden caves. This is a special place to feel the warmth and friendliness of “Cayman Brackers” and hear their stories of island life through the decades.
Little Cayman is the smallest of our three islands – and is the perfect place to relax and unwind. With some of the world’s most vibrant oceans and healthy reefs, it also offers incredible snorkelling and deep diving at our famous marine parks – don’t miss a trip to Bloody Bay Wall.
Whatever you decide to explore, you will find a warm and friendly ‘Caymankind’ welcome. Stop and share stories with those you meet – we have over 137 nationalities represented on our Islands, so everyone has a fascinating story to tell.
Jane Owen
Governor, The Cayman Islands
Embracing the world-renowned ‘Caymankind’, our Cayman Villas specialists go the extra mile to create your memorable, locally infused vacation experience.
Editor Jessica Wright
Joanna Boxall
Charles Grover
Charles Grover
Deborah Roberts
James Sedgley
Writers / Researchers
Joanna Boxall
Emily Richardson
Jessica Wright
Design & Production
Julian Dalton
Cover Photography
Julie Corsetti
Additional Photography
Julie Corsetti
Rebecca Davidson
John Molyneux
Cayman Islands Department of Tourism
Jonathan Sparrow
Cathy Church
Irene Corti
Andy Morehouse
The Marriot Shop Batabano
Blue Dot Studios
Camana Bay Cinema
Pedro St. James
Pickleball Cayman
George Town Yacht Club
Queen Elizabeth II
Botanic Park
Welcome to the latest edition of Explore Cayman – the award-winning guide to exploring the Cayman Islands.
The 2025 edition of this magazine has been meticulously researched and we are proud to bring you the most up-todate information on things to do in the Cayman Islands. We have covered everything from watersports, Stingray City boat trips and fishing to shopping, cultural must-dos, and free activities. We also highlight our all-important restaurant scene which now features information on family-friendly options and the local food and flavours of the Cayman Islands.
To help your holiday budget go further, we proudly feature 35 promotions throughout the magazine, so make sure to let businesses know that you learnt about them in Explore Cayman.
For those who might be interested in making Cayman their permanent home, check out our Staying Longer section where we have outlined local immigration rules, real estate options and our healthcare system.
You will find everything throughout these pages and more on ExploreCayman.com and the Explore Cayman app. Download the app in the App Store to have the Islands at your fingertips, including maps of Cayman, the latest event information, activities, tours, discounts and much more.
Have fun exploring our beautiful Islands!
Jessica Wright
Acorn Media Co Ltd. PO Box 31403
Grand Cayman KY1-1206
Tel: (345) 946 3200
Email: info@acorn.ky www.explorecayman.com
Explore Cayman is published annually in December. Complimentary copies can be found Island-wide and at all the hotels, condos and car rental agencies. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic or mechanical, including photography and recording without the prior consent of the publisher. While every effort has been taken to provide information that is as accurate as possible, the publishers and respective contributors do not accept any responsibility for injury, loss or damage occasioned to any person as a result of material in this book.
We always welcome contributions, suggestions or photos to make this magazine even more informative and visually appealing. Please send us anything from the smallest update to substantial suggestions. If you are a budding photographer and would like to get some of your photos published then send us your best. As you can see we publish a wide variety of images so don’t be shy! Email Joanna Boxall on Joanna@acorn.ky.
At Kirk Market, we go the extra mile to bring you fresh, local produce, trusted grocery brands, and authentic European products, all in one place.
Visit our Cheese & Charcuterie Department for an exceptional selection of European products, or explore our Meat & Seafood Department, which features Certified Angus Beef® PRIME cuts and the freshest seafood on the island.
If you're looking for a delicious meal on the go, our Salad Bar, Mediterranean Bar, and Hot Bar offer an incredible selection of local and international dishes, prepared fresh every day by our talented chefs.
Shop at Kirk Market, and experience a world of choice!
413 Eastern Avenue
Tel: (345) 949–7022
Monday – Saturday 6:30am – 9:30pm
Sundays: CLOSED
Inspiration and thanks for this year’s Explore Cayman cover goes to the following people:
Julie Corsetti from Julie Corsetti Photography for taking the stunning photo on our front cover this year. www.juliecorsettiphotography.com.
Kiristen Cousins, this year’s cover model, taken at Kempa Kai in Rum Point, Grand Cayman.
Julian Dalton for his creative direction on another amazing front cover this year!
Search for ‘Explore Cayman’ in the Apple store, or scan code, to download the free offline app for essential island information, maps, things to do, promotions, flight info and much more!
Photo by Andy Morehouse
The Cayman Islands are made up of three islands: Grand Cayman, which occupies 76 square miles and is approximately 22 miles long, Cayman Brac (15 square miles) and Little Cayman (10 square miles). The Islands are the tops of pinnacles reaching up from the Cayman Trench – one of the deepest sections of ocean on Earth, with depths of around 25,000ft. The three Islands are separate, uplifted fault blocks that were pushed up by friction between the North American and the Caribbean plates. The uppermost layer is composed of carbonates created by living organisms such as corals, algae and shells laid down during sea level changes over the past 30 million years.
The most pleasant weather is during the winter (November-March) when daytime temperatures average 72-80ºF and generally the skies are clear and the sea is calm. The occasional nor’wester blows through during the winter, bringing cool winds and rough seas on the north and west coasts. You may need a jacket for cooler evenings in the winter. The summer months (May-October) coincide with the rainy season. Average temperatures range from 80-88ºF, with July and August being the hottest and most humid months. Rain can be heavy and persistent, but is a welcome relief from the humidity. Sea temperatures average 85ºF in the summer and 78ºF in the winter. Hurricane season runs from 1st June to 30th November. If you visit during hurricane season, please take all hurricane or tropical storm warnings seriously.
Christopher Columbus first sighted the Cayman Islands in 1503 on his fourth voyage to the New World. Noting that the Islands and the seas around them were teeming with turtles, he named them Las Tortugas. This abundance of turtles soon led to ships sailing through the Caribbean to stop off in the Cayman Islands and stock up on turtle meat – a great source of protein for the crew. Sadly, so many turtles were hunted that their population remains severely depleted.
Cayman remained uninhabited except for the turtles, alligators and lizards, until the 1660s. The first people who attempted to settle on Little Cayman soon fled after being attacked by pirates. Pirates used the Islands as a base from which to attack the galleons bound for Europe. During the 18th century, some of the most infamous pirates of the Caribbean, including Blackbeard, Lowther and Henry Morgan, roamed these seas, stopping off on the Islands for repairs and to stock up on water and turtle meat. Cayman hosts an annual Pirates Week Festival, complete with a mock-pirate ‘invasion’ where oldtime pirate vessels loaded with peg-legged pirates ‘invade’ the shores of Cayman to the delight of the gathered crowds.
The Cayman Islands are on Eastern Standard Time (or GMT –5) but daylight savings are not observed. From April-October, we are one hour behind Eastern Time.
The Treaty of Madrid, signed in 1670, officially decreed the Cayman Islands a British possession and a dependency of Jamaica, although the Islands were not permanently settled until the 1730s. The earliest settlers, who are thought to have been deserters from Oliver Cromwell’s army in Jamaica, survived on farming and trading turtle meat with passing ships. An 1802 census recorded the population of Grand Cayman at just 933, roughly half were of British descent, the other half being of African descent (enslaved until 1833).
In February 1794, ten merchant ships, led by the HMS Convert, foundered on the reef at Gun Bay in the East End of Grand Cayman. Local settlers went out to rescue the crew and not one life was lost. Legend has it that one of those rescued was a royal prince, and in gratitude to the people of Cayman for their bravery and gallantry, King George III declared that the Cayman Islands should forever be free from taxation and war conscription. While there is no hard evidence to support this story, it is a popular way of explaining the continued tax free status of the Islands. A more realistic explanation is probably the fact that up until the middle of the 20th century, most of the population was engaged in subsistence farming or fishing, or worked as merchant seamen on foreign ships. There was therefore little, if anything, to tax.
Another factor in the slow development of the Cayman Islands was the vast number of mosquitoes that bred in the swamps. So severe was the problem that it was almost impossible to venture outside at night without smoke pots to ward off the bugs. Thanks to the outstanding work of the Mosquito Research and Control Unit (MRCU), nowadays you will probably only be aware of the odd mosquito around sunrise and sunset.
Population of the Cayman Islands: 84,738 1503 1670 1802 1962 1970
Christopher Columbus first sighted the Cayman Islands Treaty of Madrid decrees that Cayman is British and a dependency of Jamaica
First recorded land grants were made in Cayman
Population of Grand Cayman is 933
Jamaica becomes independent and Cayman remains a British Overseas Territory
Population of Cayman reaches 10,000
Things changed quite abruptly in the 1950s. 1953 saw the opening of Grand Cayman’s first airfield, first hospital and first commercial bank – Barclays Bank. A few hotels also opened in the early 1950s and then in 1957 dive pioneer Bob Soto opened a commercial dive centre on Grand Cayman. A few years later the Government enacted legislation designed to take advantage of the absence of taxation and encourage the growth of the banking industry. Suddenly, the Cayman Islands were on the map – both as a tourist and diving destination and as an international financial centre. In the past few decades the changes in Cayman have been dramatic: the Islands have gone from a subsistence economy in the 1950s to enjoying the highest standard of living in the Caribbean today. The population has increased from 10,000 in 1970 to approximately 84,738 today, with people from over 137 different countries making the Islands their home. In 1970, visitors numbered just 403; today the Islands host over 420,000 stay over visitors and over 1.2 million cruise ship passengers per year.
If you would like to immerse yourself in Cayman culture, you could visit Pedro St. James, the Mission House, the National Museum or the Botanical Gardens where you will get a glimpse of a bygone era. You can visit local restaurants and try some traditional cuisine like conch stew or fish rundown. Music and singing are another big part of Caymanian culture and local bands, such as the ‘Swanky Kitchen Band,’ sing a variety of folk music with strong European and African influences. Their lyrics have been passed down through the generations. Finally, visiting a local church for a Sunday service and then driving around the Island to see local families gathered on their porches is another nice way to feel a part of the social fabric of Grand Cayman!
Caymanians are usually polite and respectful and will appreciate this being reciprocated. It is customary to open any conversation with “Good Morning” or “Good Afternoon”. If you know the first name of the person you are talking to, it is polite to preface their name with Miss or Mr (Miss Annie, Mr Charles). Expats and Caymanians usually dress in a smart casual fashion. Visitors are urged to be sensitive to the modesty of the local people and not to venture away from the beach in swimwear. Topless sunbathing and public nudity are forbidden.
The official currency is the CI dollar (KYD). The exchange rate is fixed to the US dollar: CI$1 is US$1.25 or US$1 is CI$0.80. Banks do not offer a better exchange rate. US$ are accepted throughout the Islands, although you will probably be given your change in CI$. Credit cards are widely accepted and always charged in US$. Banks are open 9am-4pm throughout the week and some are open on Saturday mornings. ATMs are located throughout the Island.
A government tourist tax of 13% will be added to your hotel bill unless you can prove you are a Cayman resident. Many resorts also add a 10%-15% service/gratuity fee. There is no sales tax. If gratuities are not already included, it is customary to tip 15% for good service. Haggling for a discount is not practised, however some businesses may offer a special discount if you mention this Explore guide!
The Cayman Islands are referred to as a British Overseas Territory and have a governor who is appointed by Britain. The governor is responsible for internal security, external affairs, defence, police and the civil service. The local government, elected every four years, is responsible for the daily administration of the country and the creation of laws. It is made up of a 19-member Parliament and seven members of cabinet. The Cayman Islands have a solid legal, judicial and court system which are based on English common law, with additions of local statutes.
Most businesses operate from MondayFriday (8.30am–5pm) and some open on Saturday mornings. On Sundays, only hotels, restaurants, the cinema, some pharmacies, gas stations and a few small grocery stores are open. Bars close at 1am (or later) on Monday to Friday and at midnight on Saturdays and Sundays. Live music and dancing is now permitted on Sundays.
Flag: Navy blue with the UK flag in the upper left hand corner and the Caymanian coat of arms in the centre of the other half of the flag.
Bird: Grand Cayman Parrot
The Grand Cayman Parrot is iridescent green with a white eye ring, red cheeks, black ear patches and brilliant blue wing feathers.
Flower: Wild Banana Orchid
The Wild Banana Orchid is the most well-known of Cayman’s 26 species of orchids. It has a scented flower with purple lips and white petals.
Tree: Silver Thatch Palm
The tall, slender Silver Thatch Palm was an important natural resource for early settlers who used the leaves to make rope, brooms and roofs.
National Song: “Beloved Isle Cayman” Written by the late Mrs. Leila Ross Shier in 1930.
Motto: “He hath founded it upon the seas” This is taken from Psalm 24 in the Bible and reminds us not only of Cayman’s strong Christian heritage, but also the seafaring history of the menfolk of the Islands.
As the largest of the three Islands, Grand Cayman offers a diverse range of attractions and experiences. With its idyllic white sand beaches and crystal-clear waters, it is a haven for sun-seekers and water enthusiasts. Visitors can explore attractions like Stingray City or enjoy watersports, such as paddleboarding, jet skiing and sailing. The island also offers opportunities for nature lovers to explore botanical gardens and hiking trails. For history and culture lovers there is the Cayman Islands Museum (SEE PAGE 119) , Pedro St. James (SEE PAGE 137) and the National Gallery (SEE PAGE 90) to discover. After all that activity you will be spoilt for choice when it comes to dining. Known as the Culinary Capital of the Caribbean, there are over 200 restaurants to choose from!
The Sister Islands, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman, are best known for their tranquil atmosphere and outstanding diving. Lying 90 miles northeast of Grand Cayman, these Islands are a world away from the hustle and bustle of normal life.
Getting There Access to the Sister Islands is by air or private boat charter only. Cayman Airways operates several flights daily between Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman. Cayman Islands Helicopters (SEE PAGE 118) also flies to the Sister Islands by special request.
Cayman Brac Le Soleil d’Or (SEE PAGE 26) is a boutique farm inn set on 20 acres providing stunning sea views, farm-to-table dining and a private beach. On Little Cayman, Southern Cross Club (SEE PAGE 27) offers 14 beach bungalows located just steps from the sea. Guests will enjoy a freshwater pool, breathtaking views and plenty of activities. For more accommodation options visit www.itsyourstoexplore.com.
The most easterly of the Cayman Islands, Cayman Brac is 12 miles long and a mile wide. The dramatic scenery and rugged terrain boasts hidden caves, winding trails, and a unique cultural history.
Food & Drink The Farm, located at Le Soleil d’Or (SEE PAGE 26) offers a farm-to-table dining experience. Other top spots include the Cayman Brac Beach Resort, Captain’s Table, Paradise Creations, Blue Breeze, Pat’s Kitchen, Coral Isle or Star Island Restaurant.
Top 5 Things to Do
Rock climbing devotees have rated Cayman Brac as one of the top ten climbing destinations in the Caribbean. There are 75 routes that have bolts in place so climbers can abseil from the top of the bluff down to the sea.
Bird watching is particularly good from October to April when migrating birds pass through in search of fresh water and warmer weather. Over 200 species of birds have been recorded on Cayman Brac.
Diving & snorkelling on Cayman Brac is spectacular, with walls, drop-offs, reefs, and the wreck of the MV Captain Keith Tibbetts to explore. Visibility is excellent and marine life abundant.
Explore the Island’s many caves, some of which were used by pirates to stash their treasure. Check out the stalactite and stalagmite formations and learn about the grim history of Rebecca’s Cave.
Cayman Brac Heritage House is a historic home that was once a tannery. They host a weekly craft market where you can shop for locally made products.
Ten miles long and a mile wide, Little Cayman is truly little; the airport and fire station are housed in one building, there is one shop and one bank on the Island. One of the last undeveloped islands in the Caribbean, Little Cayman offers peace, relaxation and unspoiled natural beauty.
Food & Drink Southern Cross Club’s (SEE PAGE 27) restaurant serves international Caribbean cuisine. Popular restaurants also include the Hungry Iguana, Beach Nuts Bar and the Seahorse Boutique & Coffee Shop. There is also a grocery and liquor store.
Kayak over to Owen Island, a pictureperfect island idyll. This uninhabited islet is about 200 yards off the shore and is surrounded by white sand and clear blue water.
Dive the world famous walls of Little Cayman. Sheer drop offs, exceptional visibility and the diverse marine life have made Little Cayman one of the leading diving areas in the world.
Snorkel some of the best sites in the Caribbean. Swim out over the famous Bloody Bay Wall drop off and peer over the underwater precipice into the deep blue abyss.
Fishing is extremely popular and you can expect to catch tuna, wahoo, mahi mahi and marlin. Flyfishing along the Island’s many shallow flats is also very popular.
Hop on a bike for a gentle bicycle ride and follow an eight-mile loop around the Island. Stop along the way at wildlife viewing stations and deserted beaches.
Le Soleil d’Or, Cayman Brac Boutique Hotel and Resort
2147 South Side Road, Cayman Brac
(345) 948 0555
reservations@lesoleildor.com lesoleildor.com
Nestled high on the Bluff in Cayman Brac is a complete sensory escape into slow island living.
Le Soleil d’Or is a boutique farm inn featuring a stylish collection of accommodations, authentic farm-to-table dining, a private beach and an array of amenities that include two swimming pools, a fitness centre, a basketball court and a tennis court.
Set on 20 acres of lovingly tended kitchen gardens—which produce over 300 varieties of fruits and vegetables—this hidden gem offers a blend of adventure, serenity, privacy and pleasure. Enjoy onsite activities, from soaking in the pool and playing a game of tennis to strolling the lush trails or taking a guided tour of The Farm, which reveals the agricultural secrets behind the Island’s only farm-to-table restaurant.
Indulge in the unrivalled views of the Caribbean Sea or see the Island via bicycle and unleash your inner thrill seeker with rock climbing and bat cave exploring. Dine at The Farm restaurant and savour elegant dishes, skillfully crafted cocktails, freshly baked bread and wood-fired pizzas.
A secluded, seaside escape awaits.
• A 20-acre organic estate
• The Island’s only farm-to-table dining experience
• On-site farm, where organic, Islandfavourite produce is grown and harvested year-round
• Daily complimentary American-style breakfast
• Free WiFi
• Enjoy on-site activities and amenities such as swimming in the pool, and strolling the landscapes and trails
• Exclusive beach club
• Access to bicycles, a fitness centre, and basketball and tennis courts
• A selection of accommodation, including a recently refurbished threebedroom farmhouse
• Executive airport transfer
• Day packages
Daily resort fee includes:
• American-style breakfast: Two eggs fried, scrambled or poached. A choice of ham, bacon or sausage, hash brown and toast
• Fruits, vegetables and juices from The Farm tours
• Access to the beach club
• Fitness centre usage
• Basketball court and tennis court usage
• WiFi
• Airport transfer
• Daily housekeeping Payment method: VISA, MC and cash
Southern Cross Club, Little Cayman
Barefoot Elegance at Little Cayman’s Original Resort
• 14 colourful beach front bungalows dappled across 900ft of sand
1 (800) 899 2582 (Toll free)
1 (619) 563 0017 (International)
Southern Cross Club, Little Cayman info@southerncrossclub.com southerncrossclub.com
Founded in 1958, Southern Cross Club is Little Cayman’s original resort. With 14 colourful beach bungalows dappled across 900ft. of sand and a one-to-one guest/staff ratio, visitors find themselves in a serene environment that offers privacy, comfort, and personalised, diligent service. This, combined with stunning views, delicious cuisine and a first-class diving and fishing operation, makes what Southern Cross Club offers an experience like no other. Delivering a unique brand of ‘barefoot elegance’, Southern Cross Club has been recognised as one of the “Top Five Dive Resorts in the World” and included on Conde Naste Traveler’s list of “Best Dive Resorts.”
Little Cayman entices visitors with its accessible seclusion, undeveloped beauty and the healthy diversity of its marine environment. At just 10 square miles, Little Cayman remains true to what a Caribbean Island should be. The Island was mostly uninhabited and rarely visited until the mid-19th century and to this day continues to have limited development. 75% of the shoreline is protected and maintained by the local Department of Environment, keeping the Island’s natural beauty unspoiled. This tiny island is the true gem of the Cayman Islands.
• Located on South Hole Sound offering turquoise water views and easy paddling to the uninhabited Owen Island
• Award-winning in-house dive team leading excursions to the renowned Bloody Bay Marine Park
• In-house guide offering flats, reef and deep sea fishing
• Complimentary kayaks, paddle boards, snorkelling gear and bicycles
• On-site restaurant serving international fusion and Caribbean favourites
• Loggerhead Bar featuring light fare and custom cocktails
• 10ft deep freshwater pool and hot tub
• Lounging hammocks under shady palms scattered across the property
• Complimentary WiFi in the clubhouse
Open: 11 months per year (closed during September)
Minimum stay: Five night minimum stay if booked more than two weeks in advance
Payment method: Mastercard, Visa and AMEX Low season rates available, May to November.
In Cayman, we drive on the left. Bear the following things in mind:
• You may turn left on a red light, but only after a full stop, unless indicated not to
• Centre lanes are NOT for overtaking but are designed to help drivers turn without causing traffic
• On roundabouts give way to traffic approaching from the right
• Do not stop on the roundabout and indicate before exiting the roundabout
• Four way stops operate on the basis that whoever arrives first, proceeds first
• Drinking and driving is dangerous and the law is strictly enforced. The blood alcohol limit is 0.07%
• The minimum age for driving is 17, and 21 for renting a car
• It is illegal to text or talk on a mobile device while driving unless hands-free
• Breaking the speed limit will result in a fine.
When driving in Cayman you must have your driving licence and a copy of the car insurance with you at all times. If you are visiting family/ friends and will be driving a privately owned car, you must have a valid overseas driving licence and the car must be insured for you to drive it. You don’t need a Visitor’s Permit to drive legally. Please refer to the up-to-date and accurate maps in this magazine for navigation.
Grand Cayman: Cycle Cayman (www. cyclecayman.com) rents bikes by the hour. Paddle Wheel (www.paddlewheel.ky) offers bike rentals for different durations and rates. ECO Rides Cayman (SEE PAGE 140) mainly does East End based bicycle tours but will deliver and collect bike rentals Island-wide for a fee. Bird electronic scooters can be found around the Island. Download the Ride Bird app to learn more. Cayman Brac: Active Pursuit Ltd (www.
activepursuit.ky) offers bicycle rentals and tours. Little Cayman: Scooten Scooters (www. scootenscooters.com) rents 4-stroke engine scooters for CI$30 per day. On the Sister Islands, most of the resorts have bicycles which you can borrow to go exploring.
Rental prices start at around US$60-US$80 per day depending on whether it’s high or low season. Grand Cayman: Economy Car Rental (SEE PAGE 30) and SaveMore Rent-A-Car (SEE PAGE 31) . Cayman Brac: B&S Motor Ventures (345) 948 1646, CB Rental (345) 948 2424 and Four D’s (345) 948 1599. Little Cayman: Little Cayman Car Rentals (345) 948 1000 (they also rent E-bikes from CI$30 per day).
You will find taxis at the airport and at the major hotels, or contact one of the firms below.
George Town & SMB: Truly Blessed Taxi (345) 517 2274, Ace (345) 949 3676, A. A. Transport (345) 926 8294 and Crown (345) 916 0111. Eastern Districts: McCurley’s (345) 947 9626. Cayman Brac: Mossy Taxi (345) 939 9517.
Taxi fares are set by the Government. To check how much your fare will be, download the CI:GO app. Plug in your route, the number of passengers, how much luggage you have and see what the fare should cost in both US and Cayman dollars. Available in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The average cost of a taxi from the airport to central George Town is CI$15, from the airport to the Marriott hotel on Seven Mile Beach is CI$20 and from the airport to East End (Morritt’s) it is CI$104.
Cayman Ferries (www.caymanferries.com.ky) runs a daily ferry service from Camana Bay to Kaibo Beach Club in Cayman Kai (except September). Download the app to view the ferry schedule and purchase tickets.
Airport Plaza, Owen Roberts International Airport economy@candw.ky www.economycarrental.com.ky
GT MAP page 108......................................... 2 (345) 949 9550
Economy Car Rental & Discount Car Rental are trusted car hire agencies in the Cayman Islands with over 30 years in the marketplace. With a dedicated following of repeat customers both locally and internationally, they have a reputation for providing quality vehicles, competitive pricing and great service.
They pride themselves on offering excellent customer service 365 days-a-year, with online booking and convenient opening hours.
Fleet of Cars
Economy and Discount Car Rentals have a fleet of over 150 cars, buses and commercial vehicles. They offer a wide range of models to suit all budgets and party sizes including:
• Compact economy cars
• Full and mid-size cars
• Small, medium and large suvs
• Nine seater mini buses
• Pickup and small flatbed trucks
They guarantee the newest, cleanest and most reliable cars available, backed by a dedicated team of professionals ensuring you can focus on making the most of your time in the Cayman Islands.
• Wide range of cars, SUVs and trucks
• Clean and reliable vehicles with airconditioning
• 365 days-a-year service
• Convenient hours with complimentary pick-up and drop-off
• Online booking
Operating hours: 8am-6pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
Minimum rental age: 25 years
Deposit requirements: US$500 minimum credit/debit card deposit. A US$1,000 deposit on a credit card is required if the customer declines vehicle insurance coverage
Payment method: Cash and all major credit and debit cards
20% off certain rentals when you provide the coupon code EXPLORE. (Terms and conditions and blackout dates apply).
Extras Daily, weekly and monthly rates, child seats, complimentary pick-up and drop-off services from George Town and Seven Mile Beach locations.
(345) 943 4402
• Online reservations
• Wide range of new cars and sporty SUVs
• Rentals for under 25 years old
• Discounts and special deals available
• Free airport shuttle service
• No cancellation penalty GT MAP page
• Clean, sanitised, safe rentals
416 Shedden Road, George Town reservations@savemorerentacar.ky savemorerentacar.com DETAILS
SaveMore Rent-A-Car offers an extensive selection of rental cars at competitive rates, alongside exceptional customer service with an authentic Caymanian touch.
With a user-friendly online booking platform, customers can easily compare and reserve the perfect car, ensuring a stress-free start to island adventures.
SaveMore Rent-A-Car offers a full fleet of cars to suit any preference or budget, from brand-new models and luxurious options to sporty SUVs and compact, fuel-efficient cars.
Every car is thoroughly cleaned and sanitised before each rental, with options for daily or weekly hire. Child car seats are also available upon request.
Conveniently located just three minutes from Owen Roberts International Airport, SaveMore Rent-A-Car provides a complimentary shuttle service to and from the airport, making it easy to access your rental vehicle quickly upon arrival in Grand Cayman.
Operating hours: Monday-Saturday 8am-6pm
Minimum rental age: 21 years. Drivers aged between 21 and 24 years will incur a daily underage fee of US$10
Maximum rental age: 80 years. All drivers must have a full licence for at least one year. Additional drivers permitted at US$5 per day (per driver). There is no fee for a spouse of the main renter on the rental agreement
Deposit requirements: US$200 minimum credit/debit card deposit. A US$1,000 deposit on a credit card is required if the customer declines vehicle insurance coverage
Payment method: Cash and all major credit and debit cards
20% off car rentals when you provide the coupon code EXPLORE at the time of booking.
A public mini-bus transport system connects all districts of Grand Cayman. The buses have a number in a coloured circle, making them easy to identify. There are some bus stops along major routes, but you can flag down a passing bus at any point. When you want to get off, just let your driver know. Fares are CI$2-CI$2.50 for short trips, CI$3.50 to East End and CI$8 to Cayman Kai. If you are going to the end of the line, check with the bus driver that there will be a bus coming to pick you up, especially if you’ll be travelling back late in the afternoon.
Approximate bus running times Monday to Friday 5am-7pm, with a reduced service from 7pm-11pm. On Saturdays there is a reduced service, and a limited service operates on Sundays.
For an additional fee of CI$1-CI$3, it is possible to ask your driver to deviate a little from the bus route, and then they can arrange for you to be picked up on the return journey by another bus driver, although you might have to wait a bit!
1 WB WB1 (Yellow) This bus goes to West Bay via Shedden Road, Eastern Avenue, Seven Mile Beach, Governor’s Residence, Cayman Turtle Centre, Hell
WB2 (Dark Green) This bus goes to West Bay via North Church Street, Seven Mile Beach, Governor’s Residence, Cayman Turtle Centre, Hell
WB3 (Purple) This bus goes to West Bay via the Airport and George Town
4A 4A (Bright Blue) Central George Town bus station, Government Hospital, Field of Dreams Sports Complex, University College of the Cayman Islands
7A 7A (Red) This bus goes to East End via Crewe Road, Bodden Town Public Beach, Gun Square, Blow Holes, Wreck of the Ten Sail, Colliers Beach, Botanic Park
7B 7B (Light Green) This bus goes to East End via South Sound Road, past Smith Cove, Mind’s Eye, Pedro St. James Castle, Bodden Town Public Beach, Gun Square, Wreck of the Ten Sail, Colliers Beach, Botanic Park
8A 8A (Orange) This bus goes directly to North Side via Crewe Road and Shamrock Road, Bodden Town Public Beach, Gun Square, Botanic Park, Cayman Kai. It does not go to East End
8B 8B (Light Green) This bus goes directly to North Side via South Sound Road, and takes the East-West arterial east, goes past Pedro St. James, Bodden Town Public Beach, Gun Square, Botanic Park, Cayman Kai
9A 9A (Dark Blue) This bus goes to North Side, around the Queen’s Highway, to East End and then back to the Depot via Crewe Road.
The Cayman Turtle Centre offers the opportunity to meet and learn about some of the most majestic and ancient animals in the world. You can interact with turtles and marine life, feed exotic birds, enjoy a day in the snorkelling pool and ride the Turtle Twister waterslide. A free shuttle from Seven Mile Beach is available. SEE PAGE 68
Go Horseback Riding along Barkers Beach or in the water for a unique experience with Pampered Ponies (SEE PAGE 71) . They even offer incredible moonlit rides.
The Cayman Parrot Sanctuary offers a friendly, interactive and educational experience. Meet native animals, including Cayman parrots, agoutis and the ‘rasta caterpillar’. You’ll also find guinea pigs, cockatiels, snakes and lots of other reptiles. There are also two playgrounds, a zip line and plenty of shaded areas. SEE PAGE 136
During a Blue Iguana Safari you’ll meet the famous ‘Blue Dragons’ behind the scenes at the breeding facility at the Botanic Park. Learn about the Blue Iguana Recovery Programme and how it was able to bring this endangered species back from the brink of extinction. SEE PAGE 138
Take a Helicopter Ride for an awesome view of Seven Mile Beach, Stingray City and remote areas of Cayman with Cayman Islands Helicopters. SEE PAGE 118
Visit the Crystal Caves and enjoy an underground adventure into a fascinating world. You will be guided through amazing caves, seeing stalactite and stalagmite crystal structures, before exploring the tropical forest under which the caves are formed. There is also a restaurant and gift shop for lunch and souvenirs. SEE PAGE 134
Visit the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park and explore this 65-acre site. It is made up of seven themed gardens, woodland trails, a lake and wetlands, a nursery and a visitor’s centre. The Children’s Garden is great fun
and features climbing frames, a discovery tower, larger-than-life sculptures, a maze, tunnels, and so much more! SEE PAGE 138
Tour the Island on Two Wheels with Eco Rides. Journey through the tranquil East End and North Side districts and you explore their rich natural and cultural history with knowledgeable guides. SEE PAGE 140
Sample Beer or Rum at a local tasting room. At the Cayman Islands Brewery (345) 947 6699 you can sample a range of Caymanbrewed beer. Or take a tour of the Cayman Spirits Co.’s distillery. (345) 925 5379.
Enjoy Dining with a Difference at Tukka East (SEE PAGE 143) . Every day at 5pm you can feed the Frigate birds. Watch as these magnificent birds swoop and dive for their food! At The Wharf (SEE PAGE 97) , you can feed the Tarpon daily at 7pm and 9pm and witness a feeding frenzy!
Take the GeoTour Treasure Hunt and discover the natural and cultural history of the Cayman Islands. This is a self-drive tour, allowing you to discover the whole island at your own pace. Also available in the Sister Islands. SEE PAGE 141
Cool Off at Cayman’s splash pads. The Children’s Park at the Botanic Park (SEE PAGE 138) offers plenty of water-based fun with lots of shade and picnic spots. Camana Bay (SEE PAGE 98-107) has two fountains to choose from – mini fountains for toddlers and fountains that spout 30ft of water for bigger kids to enjoy. Alternatively, try the waterparks at The Ritz-Carlton (345) 943 9000 and the Kimpton Seafire (345) 746 0000. Call to purchase a day pass.
Should you experience a rainy day in Cayman, don’t fear, we have plenty of wet weather ideas. Visit www. explorecayman.com/rainy-dayoptions to find out more!
Photo by Rebecca Davidson
The Beach is Cayman’s best natural resource and it provides an easy way to keep the whole family entertained. From building sand castles along Seven Mile Beach to combing shores further afield.
Camana Bay is a great option with two fountains to play in, the observation tower to climb, landscaped courtyards and the Rise to explore. SEE PAGE 98-107
Meet the Locals and learn about Cayman’s home-grown produce at the Farmer’s Market at Camana Bay on Wednesdays or the Market at the Cricket Grounds on Monday-Saturday.
Peruse Local Art at the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands. The 9,000sq ft space is home to the permanent collection of Cayman’s most prominent artists.
Take a Walking Tour of downtown George Town. See Cayman’s capital, watch the fishermen in the harbour, do some dutyfree shopping and find some interesting landmarks. See page 114-115 for details.
Get Off the Beaten Track and explore some of the quieter beaches in East End. Jump in a car and discover some wellhidden coastline and terrain. See the North Side and East End section on page 128143.
Beach Volleyball Nets on Seven Mile Public Beach are available for use throughout the week. You can also watch local teams play on Sundays.
Explore Historical Bodden Town and learn about Cayman’s former capital. Start at Bodden Town Park and explore the area that incorporates a playground, caboose and a small Caymanian-style house.
Take a Bakery Tour at the Tortuga Rum Company, where over 5,000 rum cakes are produced every day! Enjoy this free tour and discover the legacy behind the company’s 40-year journey.
Hike the Mastic Trail and explore the largest contiguous area of untouched forest in Cayman. Start in the cool of the morning and follow the two-mile trail. Self-guide leaflets are available from the National Trust’s inside Dart Park. (345) 749 1121.
Explore the Parks & Playgrounds which offer climbing frames, swings, slides, restrooms and shade. Visit www.caymanparent.com for a map of Cayman’s parks.
Top Tip: Download the free Explore Cayman app and get the most out of your time in Cayman: attractions, tours, discounts, events, offline maps and more.
Holidays are a great time to pamper yourself. Most of the hotels in Cayman have spas that offer a wide range of health and beauty treatments, including aromatherapy and massage therapy, as well as skin and nail treatments.
The Hibiscus Spa (SEE PAGE 85) , located at The Westin Grand Cayman Seven Mile Beach Resort & Spa, boasts a sauna, steam room and relaxation room, which you can enjoy before and after your treatment. Treatments include massages, facials and body treatments. Other full service spas are located at The Ritz-Carlton (345) 943 9000 and the Kimpton Seafire (345) 746 0000. Botanika Union at the Grand Cayman Marriott Resort offers massages, anti-ageing treatments, facials, pedicures and more.
Studio 54 (SEE PAGE 88) on Seven Mile Beach is a hairdressers, barbershop and nail salon for when you need a holiday refresh or to look your best for a special evening. Eclipze Hair Design & Day Spa in Camana Bay (SEE PAGE 98-107) offers a range of hair, nail and spa treatments.
There are many places in Cayman where you can get in a workout. Check out Anytime Fitness, CrossFit, FS8 and Ryde in Camana Bay (SEE PAGE 98-107) . For yoga contact One Heart Yoga (345) 938 9642 and for Pilates, visit The Well (345) 743 9355. For mobile personal trainers, contact Fitness Connection (345) 949 8485.
Pickleball and Tennis is on offer at The Ritz-Carlton (345) 943 9000 and the Cayman Pickleball and Tennis Academy (345) 547 6257 where you can rent courts and paddles and book a lesson. Pickleball
Cayman in George Town (345) 927 7511 offers 12 shaded and 24 floodlit courts, plus an on-site playground and very popular restaurant.
Horse riding is available with Pampered Ponies (SEE PAGE 71) and lastly, Seven Mile Beach is perfect for a sea swim, or a beach walk or run.
There are two golf courses on-Island: a ninehole and an 18-hole, plus two indoor golf facilities. At both courses you can rent clubs and improve your swing with a lesson from a pro. North Sound Golf Club (345) 947 4653 is an 18-hole course with a driving range and two putting greens. The par-71, 6,605 yard course has a USGA course rating of 73.1 and a slope of 139. The signature hole, #11, is a long par-3, playing into the wind with the picturesque North Sound as the backdrop. The Ritz-Carlton has a nine-hole golf course but is only open to hotel guests and members.
Cayman Golf Lab is an indoor golf facility located in The Strand, off West Bay Road. They offer three HD golf simulators, as well as golf lessons. (345) 938 5484.
Both golf courses offer cheaper twilight rates, so enjoy a round of golf with a drink in hand as the sun sets.
The Cayman National Museum is a great introduction to Cayman’s culture. The museum houses permanent exhibits, themed displays and artefacts promoting Cayman’s art, traditions and natural history, including boats, furniture, textiles, paintings and ceramics. Many of the museum’s exhibits are interactive and innovative, and will be fascinating for children. SEE PAGE 119
The Mastic Reserve and Trail is the largest area of untouched, old growth dry forest remaining on the Island. It represents some of the last remaining examples of the Caribbean’s subtropical, semi-deciduous dry forest, and is home to a wide variety of animals unique to the Cayman Islands. Tours are available for CI$52 for adults and CI$30 for children age 8 to 12 years old. Minimum of six people per group. (345) 749 1132.
The National Gallery is home to the Cayman Islands’ national art collection. It hosts a range of exhibitions each year showcasing a variety of Caymanian and international artists. Admission is free. Located on the Esterley Tibbetts Highway. (345) 945 8111. SEE PAGE 90
Pedro St. James was built in 1780 and is set in over seven acres of beautifully manicured gardens. Explore the Castle, learn about its history, watch the multimedia show and walk the grounds. The International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame Museum, located at Pedro St. James, honors the legends and innovators of the diving world. Through a fascinating collection of artifacts, memorabilia, and stories, visitors can explore the history and evolution of scuba diving. SEE PAGE 137
The Mission House is a unique replica of one of Cayman’s oldest buildings. It showcases original artefacts from the house dating from the 19th century. Uncover Cayman’s history
and take a walk back in time to hear about the teachers, preachers and families who lived in the Mission House. CI$10 for adults, CI$4 for children under 12 years old. Open Friday and Saturday 10am-2pm. (345) 749 1121.
Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park is a 65acre site made up of woodland, walking trails, a lake and wetland for wildlife, and a heritage and colour garden. You’ll see butterflies, birds, turtles and the endangered Blue Iguana. The Children’s Garden is very popular with families. SEE PAGE 138
Mind’s Eye Tour of the home of the late Miss Lassie Bush, Cayman’s acclaimed artist. The tour provides valuable lessons on what inspired the artist and her work, along with information about traditional Caymanian architecture, Caymanian shipbuilding and pivotal moments in Cayman’s history. Visit www.artscayman.org/ minds-eye.
Festivals and Carnivals abound in Cayman. Pirates Week in November features a full-scale pirate invasion of George Town. Cayman’s two carnivals, Batabano (May) and CayMAS (June) are both hugely popular and include a colourful street parade where people dress up in stunning costumes and dance to pulsating soca music.
Download the What’s On Cayman app for details on cultural events, festivals and other great Island-wide events.
Cayman is such a popular shopping destination that it’s fast becoming known as a Caribbean shopping mecca. Famed for its tax free shopping status, it attracts thousands of shoppers each year looking to take advantage of cheaper retail prices than can be found in the US or Europe. Duty-free cameras and leather goods are often considerably cheaper. Visitors will also find a wealth of high-end goods such as jewellery, watches, precious stones, antiques and more, all from world-class brands.
TOP TIP: Cayman’s main shopping area, George Town, can get very busy with cruise ship passengers, so head there after 3pm or on Saturdays when it is much quieter.
Cayman offers an abundance of high quality, locally produced items that make unique gifts and souvenirs. From original paintings, ceramics and underwater photographs to jams, Caymanite, hot sauces and rum cakes, there is something for everyone. In addition to the beautiful items found on these pages, you’ll also find locally produced goods at local supermarkets, the National Gallery and National Museum, Camana Bay’s Farmers & Artisans Market and the Craft Market on George Town’s waterfront. With all that’s on offer, you’re sure to find the perfect memento from your visit to Cayman.
1. Gold Histamenon Nomisma, minted during the reign of Romanus III in Constantinople. Gold coin in 14kt gold bezel, US$2,650. Artifacts SEE PAGE 120
2. Lagoon Collection by Tamara Comolli, 18kt yellow gold with chrysoprase, diamonds, Swiss topaz and turquoise. Balaclava Jewellers SEE INSIDE BACK COVER
3. Instax Mini 12, US$105. Cathy Church’s Photo Centre SEE PAGE 121
4. Lauren by Ralph Lauren, gathered front bandeau one piece. Divers Supply SEE PAGE 82
5. Cayman Flag UPF50+ Sunshirt, CI$65. Funky Monkey SEE PAGE 87
6. Turtle Rush Pickleball Paddle, matching cover available, US$99. Guy Harvey Gallery & Shoppe SEE PAGE 122
7. Hublot Classic Fusion Aerofusion Chronograph Stingray City, US$19,995. Island Jewellers SEE PAGE 123
8. Flexible Ring, with round blue diamonds and round white diamonds. Kay’s Fine Jewelry SEE PAGE 6 & 7
9. Sea Girls, Giclee Print by Candace Bailey 16x20, CI$1,350 (for diptych). Kennedy Gallery SEE PAGE 86
10. Dune, Seven Mile Sand and turquoise gradient starfish pendant, US$225. Kirk Freeport SEE PAGE 125
11. DOVES by Doron Paloma, 18k amazonite and clear quartz turtle necklace, US$1,620. Kirk Freeport SEE PAGE 125
12. Elemis Pro-Collagen Cleansing Balm Le Visage SEE PAGE 105
13. Empress Ring, 10kt white gold with 1cts diamond. Milano SEE PAGE 3
14. Handmade Grand Cayman Christmas Tree Ornament, CI$25. Pure Art SEE PAGE 126
15. Grand Cayman Necklace, 14k yellow gold, US$243. Rocky’s Diamond Gallery SEE PAGE 127
16. Cayman Islands Market Bag, CI$65. TABS Cayman. SEE PAGE 107
From the top of West Bay to the far reaches of East End, Grand Cayman is rich with mouthwatering cuisine and tasty tipples heralding from every corner of the globe. Though our foodie scene is culturally diverse, the Island continues to honour its foodie roots, celebrating local favourites with visitors and residents. Here, we’ve listed just some of Cayman’s culinary must-dos. For the best Island restaurant guide, pick up a copy of the Good Taste magazine. For reviews, full menus, exclusive promotions and online reservations, visit www.caymangoodtaste.com or download the award-winning Cayman Good Taste app.
Though it is now a global favourite, brunch is a longstanding institution in the Cayman Islands. Waking up on a Sunday morning never felt so good knowing you’re heading into an afternoon of dim sum spreads, sumptuous cuts of meat, exotic vegetarian platters and lashings of bubbles in between.
Some of the hottest brunch spots include Anchor & Den at the Marriott Resort (SEE PAGE 80) , where you can indulge in boulangerie favourites as well as sushi bites, charcuterie and divine desserts. Or there’s LUCA (SEE PAGE 93) which promises an incredible spread of gourmet food, first-rate service and an unbeatable view over Seven Mile Beach. Both of these brunches are very popular so make sure to book in advance.
Out East, there are a number of options. For a casual brunch vibe, head to Tukka East (SEE PAGE 143) where carving stations and unbeatable BBQs feature every weekend, with fresh local seafood and an authentic Australian flair and a Caribbean twist. It’s hard to beat an all-you-can-eat feast with family and friends by the Caribbean Sea.
Amidst the encompassing hues of blue that surround Grand Cayman’s 20-mile expanse, a breathtaking coastal vista is always within reach. What sets Cayman apart from many of its regional neighbours is that the luxury of waterfront dining is not dictated by the depth of one’s purse. Whether you seek rustic seaside fish shacks or lavish beachfront establishments offering ocean-to-table menus, the Cayman Islands extend the pleasure of waterfront dining to all.
Cracked Conch (SEE PAGE 70) offers fine dining with a panoramic oceanfront backdrop in West Bay. Sit on their seaside deck under the night’s sky or in their cool dining room. If you’re after more casual Caribbean cuisine, their sister restaurant Macabuca (SEE PAGE 70) is the place for you. This is a very popular daytime hangout spot, but is also great for a special sundowner. At the south end of Seven Mile Beach, The Wharf (SEE PAGE 97) has stood on the beautiful shoreline for over 30 years. As well as enjoying a fantastic dining experience, you can also enjoy Happy Hour at their picturesque bar, Bodeguita Lounge and Bar. Heading into George Town, Sunset
House (SEE PAGE 117) is a must-do for the essential Caribbean experience. The opensided, thatch-roofed cabana has the largest, and at times the liveliest, outdoor bar in Grand Cayman. Take advantage of their Happy Hour and definitely try their Indian menu for some of the best curries in Cayman. Further south is Grand Old House (SEE PAGE 116) which is one of Cayman’s oldest staples on the restaurant scene. Once a plantation house in 1908, the colonial-style indoor and seaside dining, local and international flavours and dedicated wine room all make it a must for fine dining.
No matter what you’re searching for –sundowners in the sand, a romantic three-course dinner or quick and scrumptious takeout bites – you’ll find it among the following:
Ragazzi (SEE PAGE 95) , an old-time classic in Cayman, with its wood-burning pizza oven and central location, is exceptional and a place that guests return time and time again. Hidden in the gardens of Hampton by Hilton, Ms Piper’s (SEE PAGE 94) offers a carefully crafted menu inspired by the different seasons and using locally sourced produce as much as possible. Their on-site pool is perfect for children to splash around and cool down. In the heart of Camana Bay LOCO (SEE PAGE 104) showcases Mexican culture that’s rooted in both tradition and creativity, and is filled with the warmth of Latin spices and aromas. Or, for something more casual but just as delicious, Chicken! Chicken! (SEE PAGE 92) offers wood-roasted Caribbean chicken that everyone will find delicious. Whether you’re eating solo or are in need of a family feast, their chicken and sides make for the perfect dinner after a long day at the beach. And for casual local food, plus dessert, head to Scoops (SEE PAGE 96) for the taste of Caribbean flavours and delicious ice cream and puddings.
Top Tip: Grand Cayman is a trove of great restaurants and bars. To help navigate your precious time on the island, use the Cayman Good Taste app for everything, from making reservations and browsing menus, to checking out the latest events and exclusive promotions.
Proud of its foodie heritage, Cayman celebrates its delicious culinary beginnings throughout the bars and restaurants across the Island. The following dishes, flavours and ingredients are just a snapshot of Caymanian culture and can be found at many eateries, including Heritage Kitchen in West Bay, Rankin’s Jerk in Bodden Town and Vivine’s Kitchen in East End.
Cayman Style A food preparation technique. Usually the item (fish, chicken, shrimp, lobster) is lightly breaded, pan fried or sautéed and tossed in a light tomato sauce with sweet peppers and onions.
Cayman-Style Beef Slow-cooked for hours, this very tender meat is usually accompanied by rice and beans and steamed vegetables. It’s deliciously rich and comforting.
Conch Stew, Conch Fritters, Conch
Everything! Conch (pronounced ‘conk’) appears on many menus in Cayman. Whether fried as fritters, stewed in rundown or cured in ceviche, all are delicious. Cracked Conch and Macabuca are both fine choices! (SEE PAGE 70)
Dolphin (Mahi Mahi) Dolphin is the local name for mahi mahi. Not an actual dolphin. To avoid this misunderstanding, the Hawaiian name, mahi mahi, is more widespread. Mahi mahi is best prepared simply, as in grilling or broiling.
Fish Fry You’ll find Fish Fry spots dotted across Grand Cayman and many are located right on the shore. This dish consists of fried fish in lime juice served with onions and peppers with rice. A plate that celebrates Cayman’s maritime history.
Heavy Cake Made from cassava or yam, spices and coconut milk, Heavy Cake is a very dense, slightly sweet and spicy cake, almost the consistency of bread pudding. Also known as cassava cake.
Mudslide This boozy milkshake is an Island staple. Done slightly differently at every establishment, the Mudslide usually features vodka, coffee liqueur and Irish cream. Enjoy barhopping to find your favourite combo!
Oxtail Stew Oxtail braised in a broth with spices, including thyme. It usually includes fava or butter beans and comes as a warming, thick stew.
Plantain A very large, firm variety of banana. It has a mild flavour and is used very much as a potato would be in the United States. Often used as a side dish in the Caribbean, it is usually fried or baked. Not to be eaten raw!
Rundown A slow-cooked stew made with fish, breadkind (any starchy vegetable), coconut milk, flour dumplings, onions and peppers, all cooked slowly until the flavours meld. Some Caymanians consider this a new word for what they traditionally call Fish Stew or Fish Dinner.
Turtle Stew Turtling was a long-time Cayman tradition, and though you will struggle to find turtle on many of mainstream menus, head to more local joints if you’d like to try this rare dish.
Wahoo With a flavour often compared to that of albacore, the wahoo’s moderate to high fat flesh is fine, white (with a little red) and slightly sweet.
If you want to try your hand at Cayman-style cooking, you can get all of these ingredients and more from Kirk Market SEE PAGE 9 & 41
• Wine Tasting Every month, Grand Old House (SEE PAGE 116) hosts a wine tasting evening in their dedicated wine room. Each evening is regionally themed and you’re able to sip your way through that specific wine region, wherever it may be.
• Play Pickleball The world’s fastest growing sport is hugely popular in Cayman. The new courts at Pickleball Cayman (345) 927 7511 are available to book until 10.30pm. Then enjoy a drink and bite to eat at their on-site bar, The Roost.
• King Pin Bowling The Kings Sports Centre has four lanes for bowlers and offers beers, wines, sodas and snacks from their bar. The last booking available on TuesdayThursday is 8pm, and Friday and Saturday is 10pm. (345) 946 BOWL (2695).
• Art Classes Book in for an art class in canvas painting, ceramics or glazing at any of the creative studios across the Island, including 3 Girls & a Kiln (345) 640 9990 and Art Nest (345) 927 2258, both of which are in George Town.
• Cinema The Camana Bay Cinema has seven screens showing the latest movies, including three VIP theatres with leather recliners and a full menu. Daybeds are now available in all theatres for the ultimate comfort. SEE PAGE 103
• After Dinner Wind down the evening with a drink at any of the following places: Macabuca, Next Door, LUCA, Ms Piper’s, Karoo, Sunset House or Bonny Moon. Bars stay open late on Friday but they close at midnight on Saturday.
For more after dark ideas, see the events calendar on the What’s On Cayman app.
• Tarpon Feeding Be enthralled by the lively splashes of tarpon as they lurk at the edge of George Town’s waterfront. If dining at Casanova, feedings are at 7pm or, if at The Wharf, feedings are 7pm and 9pm. Adults and kids will be amazed at this feeding frenzy.
• Trivia Nights There are several bars that host trivia nights. It’s a great opportunity to flex your general knowledge and even win a prize or two. Most popular are quizzes at Salty’s Sports Bar, Lone Star and Fidel Murphy’s.
• Late Bars and Nightclubs Try The Bird (7 Mile Shops, SMB), Sandbar (George Town waterfront), All Stars (Queens Court Plaza, SMB) and Grand Tiki (George Town waterfront) where you can party the night away.
• Bioluminescence Tour This natural phenomenon present in only a handful of locations around the world is truly an unforgettable experience. Cayman Kayaks (SEE PAGE 53 & 139) offers this tranquil tour, together with a stargazing laser show. See page 48 for more information on bioluminescence tours.
• Sunset Cruise Watch the sun go down with Paradise Pontoons (SEE PAGE 55) , Cayman Islands Sailing Charters (SEE PAGE 52), Ray Dayz (SEE PAGE 56) , or Blue Sky Sailing (SEE PAGE 51)
• Sunset Helicopter Tour For a truly memorable experience, take a sunset helicopter ride and land in style at The Ritz-Carlton or Camana Bay for a delicious dinner (SEE PAGE 118)
• Moonlight Ride Experience a tranquil trek on horseback guided by the light of the moon with Pampered Ponies (SEE PAGE 71) . Be enchanted by a blanket of stars as you ride along the ocean’s edge.
• Night Diving Experience the magical underwater world at night. Contact the dive operators listed on page 63.
Whether you’re into oceanside house, acoustic sessions or Caribbean rock, Cayman is home to a dynamic music scene that celebrates home-grown artists, as well as renowned visiting musicians. You can’t beat live music, and there’s nothing quite like live music by the Caribbean Sea.
Tortuga Beach Bar (The Westin) hosts a live musician from 6pm-8pm.
Coccoloba (Kimpton Seafire) has acoustic music during their tacos and tequila night. The Bird hosts Jam Night every week with live music from local musicians.
Ms. Piper’s releases a set list at the start of each month to showcase their live music. Wednesday is usually a staple, but check their schedule to be sure. 6.30pm-9.30pm. (SEE PAGE 94)
Pane & Pasta hosts a local talent each week, serenading tables throughout dinner.
Tortuga Beach Bar (The Westin) has a live musician from 6pm-8pm.
Kaibo has their resident DJ Pac for sounds on the beach as the sun sets. 2.30pm-6.30pm
Next Door hosts their live jazz ensemble with speakeasy vibes from 8.30pm.
Pane & Pasta’s musician returns to serenade tables with live music from 6.30pm-9.30pm in Camana Bay.
Tortuga Beach Bar (The Westin) has live music on the beachfront from 6pm-8pm.
Union Grill & Bar holds their Dinner Jazz Night every Thursday. 7pm-9pm.
Anchor & Den (Marriott Resort) has a live DJ every Friday for their Rockin’ Ramen Night, from 5pm. (SEE PAGE 80)
Kaibo’s resident DJ Pac returns with chilled sounds throughout the afternoon and for sunset from 2.30pm-6.30pm.
Silver Palm Lounge (The Ritz-Carlton) hosts a different artist each week from 8pm-11pm.
Saint June (The Ritz-Carlton) plays live music as you watch the sun set on Friday nights. Music is accompanied by cocktails, food and
that stunning Seven Mile Beach view. 5.30pm8.30pm.
Tortuga Beach Bar (The Westin) offers live acoustic sounds on the beachfront 6pm-9pm, and also in their lobby at the Catboat Bar, 8pm10pm.
Next Door cocktails can be sipped to the rotating lineup of home-grown DJs which will keep you dancing all night long. From 9pm.
Bonny Moon hosts a DJ beachside each Saturday, so you can spend your night drinking, eating and dancing the weekend away.
Cracked Conch has live lounge music floating on the breeze every Saturday. (SEE PAGE 70)
Kaibo hosts Saturday Sessions, when a live DJ and saxophonist perform on the beachfront from 1pm-3pm.
Ms Piper’s hosts an acoustic artist most Saturday nights, 6.30pm-9.30pm. Check their schedule for the monthly set list. (SEE PAGE 94)
Next Door hosts a jazz performance every week with the band, Jazz-En-Trance, 8.30pm11.30pm.
Saint June hosts local talent in their oceanside bar with their Ophelia Nights Happy Hour. 5.30pm-8.30pm.
Silver Palm has live music in their cocktail bar from 8pm-11pm.
Union has a dynamic live vocal session with Daisy Lee. Look forward to husky soul, jazz and blues. 7pm-9pm.
For up-to-date information on more live music in Cayman, download the free ‘Explore Cayman’ app from the Apple App Store!
Spending time on Cayman’s beautiful waters is the high point of any visitor’s itinerary, and rightly so! The calm, crystal clear waters and the cooling breeze make for perfect boating conditions. The majority of boat trips tour the North Sound, a 35 square mile area of water protected by the reef, which guarantees calm waters and great snorkelling opportunities. It is also home to the world famous Stingray City and Sandbar.
When it comes to deciding what type of boat trip you’d like to go on, there are several factors to consider, such as whether to opt for a private or group tour, whether to spend a full or half day on the water and where to stop for lunch.
A private charter gives you flexibility to set your own itinerary: choose what time you set off, where you go, for how long and where to eat lunch. It’s completely up to you. You might even get access to boat toys such as tubes, water skis and wakeboards. Best of all, you get to enjoy the whole experience with just your friends and family.
A group tour will mean you have to follow a set itinerary; however, the cost will be much lower. Boats are well-equipped and comfortable and you might even make a few new friends on your trip!
Most charters, whether private or otherwise, will provide a free pick-up/drop-off service for the Seven Mile Beach area, snorkelling gear and complimentary water, ice and snacks.
Stingray City See the Stingray City section on the opposite page for more details on Cayman’s number one attraction!
Starfish Point A beautiful calm beach where you will find plenty of starfish. The sea here is warm, shallow and perfect for kids. Make sure not to remove the starfish from the water – it will kill them. Snorkelling Stop A snorkelling stop along the reef to locations like Fisherman’s Reef or Coral Gardens, should not be missed. You‘ll find the visibility is incredible and you will see an abundance of tropical fish and healthy coral. You might even spot the resident moray eel.
Reef Fishing Experience the thrill of catching reef fish fairly easily. Most charters practise catch and release so the next excited fisherman can enjoy the fun too. See page 48 for more information on fishing charters.
Lunch by Boat! Enjoy a delicious beach picnic with Cayman Islands Sailing Charters (SEE PAGE 52) . Alternatively, refuel at Kaibo or Solis at Rum Point, both offer laid back beach bar vibes and exceptional food and drinks. You can also try waterfront restaurants Bàcaro, Calypso Grill, Morgan’s or Tukka West for their seafood. All of which you can get to by boat. For casual waterfront dining try George Town Yacht Club or have a relaxed lunch at Camana Bay – ample dock space and waterside seating make it the perfect stop. SEE PAGE 98-107
Book a private charter with Paradise Pontoons (SEE PAGE 55) and let their crew help you discover exciting snorkel spots like the USS Kittiwake and the coral reefs. They also offer a relaxing evening cruise along Seven Mile Beach, with complimentary bubbles served aboard.
For something a bit different, take a ride with Parasailing Professionals (SEE PAGE 91) along SMB. Ride 400ft up in the air and experience incredible views of Cayman.
The world famous Stingray City is an absolute must-do for any visitor to Cayman and is often described as the experience of a lifetime. Stingray City is home to approximately 105 Southern Stingrays. These wild, gentle and graceful creatures roam free and even the most seasoned traveller will be enchanted by this incredible experience.
In the past, local fishermen would anchor their boats in the calm shallow water inside the reef while they gutted their catch and threw scraps overboard. Over time, Southern Stingrays came to realise there were free daily meals in certain spots of the North Sound and so they returned day after day. Today, dozens of rays continue to visit the two sites, although nowadays it is mostly divemasters and boat captains who feed them squid.
Stingray City & the Sandbar
These are, in fact, two separate sites. Stingray City lies in 12ft of water and so it is ideal for snorkellers and divers. Indeed, it is often billed as the best 12ft dive in the world. Stingray City Sandbar is where the majority of visitors are taken to. Here, the water is just 2ft to 4ft deep, so even nonswimmers can safely stand in the shallow water surrounded by stingrays. The Sandbar is suitable for all ages and offers incredible photo opportunities.
Please turn to
Southern Stingrays are large creatures with a wingspan that can reach two metres across, however, males are noticeably smaller than females. Their wings are soft and silky and feel like wet velvet as they brush past you. Stingrays are incredibly gentle animals, and their instinct is to flee from danger. The poisonous sting in their tail is only used for defensive purposes, mainly against sharks, which are their only predators in the open water outside the reef.
When you reach Stingray City your crew will explain how to interact with the rays and put you at ease. You may touch the rays and you will even get a chance to feed them their favourite dish: squid. After the rays get a whiff of the squid and swim towards you it can feel intimidating, but as they vacuum it off your hand (remember to keep your thumbs tucked in) you’ll fall in love with these amazing animals and will not want to leave the water! You may even be tempted to give your favourite stingray a kiss – if you do, you will be rewarded with seven years of good luck!
Safety note: Please respect the animals and note that lifting the stingrays out of the water is seriously discouraged. Wearing fins is prohibited and when in the water you should practise the ‘Stingray Shuffle’ to avoid stepping on any sleeping rays.
Stingray City can get quite busy, especially when there are a lot of cruise ships in Grand Cayman. You will find it is quieter after 3pm and on the weekends.
Fishing is a year round sport in the Cayman Islands with the choice of reef, deep sea and shore fishing. With a plentiful supply of fish, experienced fishers and novices alike will return to shore happy with their catch!
Grand Cayman is surrounded by a reef which is home to an abundance of tropical fish. Reef fishing is a great activity for the whole family as even the youngest fishers are almost guaranteed success. Expect to reel in yellowtail, snapper, blue runner, bar jack and barracuda. When in season, you can also fish for conch and lobster.
Deep sea fishing in Cayman offers the thrill of the drop-off just a quarter of a mile from shore, plunging to depths of 800m. Beyond, lies the Cayman Trench, descending to 20,000ft, where the waters teem with substantially sized gamefish like wahoo, tuna, mahi mahi, barracuda and blue marlin. The heaviest catch ever in Cayman waters weighed a whopping 610lbs—a blue marlin! Wahoo season spans November to March, while tuna is abundant from March to June. Marlin and mahi mahi can be found year-round. Remember to practice catchand-release for juvenile gamefish. Fishing excursions typically depart around 7am, with some tour operators offering lunch onboard the boat.
Anyone is allowed to fish from the shore but the practice of catch and release is encouraged and mandated in some places, including South Sound.
For private fishing charters contact any of the following operators. Blue Haven Charters (SEE PAGE 50) , Cayman Islands Sailing Charters (SEE PAGE 52) or Ray Dayz Charters (SEE PAGE 56) who offer private deep sea fishing charters which utilise a variety of different fishing techniques.
Cayman is lucky to be one of a handful of places worldwide where you can experience the magical phenomenon of bioluminescence. There is such a high concentration of light emitting organisms in the Bay that when the water is disturbed it glows brightly. Blue Sky Sailing (SEE PAGE 51) , Cayman Kayaks (SEE PAGE 53 & 139) , Cayman Islands Sailing Charters (SEE PAGE 52) , Ray Dayz Charters (SEE PAGE 56) and White Sand Water Sports (SEE PAGE 57) offer evening tours a few days a month when the sky is darkest so you can witness this wonderful light show!
Most sun cream contains oxybenzone, an ingredient that is proving toxic to coral reefs around the world. Recent studies have shown that the sun cream we lather on – all 6,00014,000 tonnes of it – remains in the ocean long after we are gone. This is causing numerous problems to an already fragile ecosystem and it has recently been declared the third biggest threat to coral reefs worldwide. Oxybenzone has been found to be mutating the DNA of coral, having a similar effect on DNA as gasoline would. It harms the coral’s immune system and reproductivity, often making it completely sterile. This infertility, paired with the fact that oxybenzone causes the outer skin of coral to turn to bone, has made scientists label heavily affected areas “zombie reefs”. These alarming new discoveries prompted researchers to try and ban oxybenzone sun cream altogether, but until then, there are more reef-friendly options: 1) look for sun cream that contains non-nanonized titanium oxide or zinc oxide 2) avoid sun cream with oxybenzone and 3) avoid spray sun cream. Reef-friendly sun cream can be bought at Kirk Market (SEE PAGE 9) , Le Visage in Camana Bay (SEE PAGE 105) and Waterman (345) 769 7873.
Also consider wearing a sun top/rash guard which provides sun protection even when you’re in the water. They can be bought at Divers Supply (SEE PAGE 82) , Funky Monkey (SEE PAGE 87) and TABS (SEE PAGE 107)
Blue Haven Charters p50
Blue Sky Sailing p51
Cayman Islands Sailing Charters p52
Cayman Kayaks p53 & 139
Ocean Frontiers p54
Paradise Pontoons p55
Ray Dayz Charters p56
White Sand Water Sports p57
For a completely different perspective, take a tour with Cayman Islands Helicopters (SEE PAGE 118) and see the stingrays from above! You could also go parasailing with Parasailing Professionals (SEE PAGE 91) for a breathtaking view of Seven Mile Beach.
Rent an underwater camera or GoPro from Cathy Church’s Photo Centre (SEE PAGE 121) and create a magical record of your swim with the stingrays and your snorkelling trip to the Coral Gardens. Each rental comes with a mini lesson.
Kaibo Marina, Water Cay Road, North Side
NS MAP page 128......................................... 1 (345) 516 1978
info@bluehavencharters.com caymanislandscharterboat.com
Blue Haven Charters is a family-owned boat charter company operated by Captain Blair and First Mate Brayden, specialising in private, customised boat tours. They offer exclusive tours to Stingray City, snorkelling adventures along the vibrant coral reefs of Grand Cayman, and deep sea fishing trips to the best spots for game fish.
Make Lifetime Memories. Experience luxury on the stunning 31ft Jupiter center console boat. The sleek deep-V hull design ensures a smooth ride, while the spacious layout comfortably accommodates up to 12 guests. Enjoy onboard amenities including a bathroom, fresh water shower, and an easy-access swim platform with a ladder for seamless water entry.
A Perfect Day Needs the Perfect Guide. It’s important to tour with a boat captain who knows all the ins and outs of the Cayman Islands, including the best secluded spots, coral reefs for snorkelling, and the ideal time to visit Stingray City without the crowds. Captain Blair and First Mate Brayden are the perfect guides for your adventure. Their local expertise ensures an unforgettable day on the water.
Expertise and Equipment for Deep Sea Fishing. Reel in fresh catches like wahoo, mahi mahi, tuna and snapper with tailor-made private fishing charters. Create your ideal deep sea experience—whether an expert or novice angler, you’ll have a thrilling day on the ocean. Equipment and bait provided.
• Family owned and personalised boat tours in Grand Cayman
• Private trips to Stingray City and coral reef snorkelling
• Luxurious 31ft boat with twin 300hp engines ensuring a smooth ride
• Local expert guides for snorkelling and secluded Island spots
• Custom deep sea fishing trips for Cayman game fish
• Complimentary coolers, ice and bottled water
Stingray, Snorkelling & Sunset Tours: 3 hour trip. Prices from US$700.
Deep Sea Fishing: Half day US$1000. Just bring snacks and sunblock
Boat capacity: Up to 12 passengers
Payment method: CI$ and US$ cash only
Start and finish at Kaibo marina. Each additional hour is charged at US$300. Snorkelling equipment available upon request. Blue Haven Charters offers completely customised trips, just email for a quote Mention EXPLORE at the time of booking and get an additional 30 minutes added to your charter, free of charge!
Tours depart from the Cayman Islands Yacht Club
(345) 326 1516
blueskysailing.ky@gmail.com blueskysailingcayman.com
Blue Sky Sailing offers all-inclusive Cayman yacht charter packages. Allow them to guide you through the best of Cayman’s aquatic scenery and marine life at Stingray City and even hidden uncharted spots. If not, simply tell them where you want to go and what you’d like to see—they’ll make it happen.
Local Knowledge, Trust and Experience. Getting the most out of your time of the water means finding the best guide. Captain Orneil is a native of the Cayman Islands, and he combines his extensive knowledge of local history, culture, and marine life with over 30 years of sailing experience to provide his guests with a thoroughly enjoyable private sailing trip.
Crystal Clear Charter Options. You can choose from a half day, full day, full moon or sunset charter or a custom itinerary. Daytime charters include complimentary drinks and fresh fruit. Blue Sky Sailing will provide snorkel equipment, snacks for the stingrays and floats. Bring your favorite beverages, and they’ll keep them cool with their onboard coolers and serve with ice, and drinkware.
Bioluminescence Tour. Glide through the glowing waters of Cayman’s Bio Bay for a magical, once-ina-lifetime experience under the stars.
• 30+ years local nautical experience
• Private sailing charters
• Sail on 47’ yacht Splendour in the Wind
• Depart from Cayman Islands Yacht Club slip D15
• Snorkel and float gear provided free of charge
• Customisable private tours
• Complimentary soft drinks and fruit
• Free Wifi
Operating hours: Early morning through to full moon charters
Capacity: Max 15 Persons
Half day: US$1,200 for 4 hours
Full day: US$2,100 for 7 hours
Sunset charter: US$600 for 2 hours
Full moon charter: US$900 for 3 hours
Bio Bay tour: US$1,200 for 4-5 hours
Custom sailing charter: US$300 per hour
Check availability and book online today!
Mention Explore at the time of booking and receive a 10% discount on the full day excursion rate.
George Town Yacht Club reservations@caymansailing.ky caymansailing.ky
Cayman Islands Sailing Charters offers you a personable, private sailing charter, tailored to your specific needs at competitive prices. Visit Grand Cayman’s most famous attractions, and its more hidden ones, and you can enjoy sailing, snorkelling, paddleboarding and fishing on their 37’ Prout Catamaran ‘Be Happy’, skippered by a US Coast Guard licensed Captain.
Full Day Sailing Package
With a full day’s sail, which is up to 8 hours for a maximum of 20 people, guests can maximise their time exploring the best that Grand Cayman has to offer. You can visit 4 or 5 different stops which might include Stingray City Sandbar, Starfish Point and different snorkel locations. After you have had lunch you can visit Rum Point and explore more.
Half day adventure
For groups of up to 20 people, enjoy a half day/4hour sailing package where you can visit 2 or 3 locations, including Stingray City Sandbar, Starfish Point, a snorkel spot, Rum Point, Booby Key Mangroves and more!
Sunset/Bio Bay/Dinner Cruise
Catch the best sunset view out on the open sea, experience the gorgeousness of swimming in bioluminescence in Cayman’s famous Bio Bay.
• Personalised private daily boat charters for up to 20 guests from 2 to 8 hours
• Choose from a full day, half day, sunset sail, sunset dinner cruise or Bio Bay tour
• Experience Stingray City and snorkel the Coral Gardens and the Barrier Reef. Visit Starfish Point and the mangrove forests around Booby Cay. Try fishing too!
• Discover Bioluminescence Bay at night
• Trips include fresh fruit, light snacks and bottled water
Check availability and book online
Full day: US$1,250 for up to 15 people
Half day: US$750 for up to 15 people
Bio Bay tours: US$500 for 3 hours
Sunset sail: US$400 for 2 hours
Sunset dinner cruise: US$500
Payment method:
All major credit cards and cash
Mention Explore and get a free drone video of your day.
Rum Point, Sand Point Road, North Side
NS MAP page 128.......................................... (345) 926 4467
reservations@caymankayaks.com caymankayaks.com
Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. Experience the wonders of bioluminescence on their kayak and electric boat tours or explore Cayman’s marine parks on a daytime excursion. Choose the eco-friendly option with Cayman Kayaks
Bioluminescence Kayak Tour (1½ hours)
Embark on a night time adventure with a leisurely paddle along a sheltered coastline. Seated just inches above the water’s surface, guests may easily interact with the bioluminescence. Gaze up and marvel at a star-studded sky—truly magnificent. The narrated stargazing often steals the spotlight. Kayaking provides a peaceful and environmentally friendly way to appreciate nature, especially this natural phenomenon.
Bioluminescent Electric Boat Tour (1½ hours)
Witness nature in its most untouched form. Their state-of-the-art vessel is crafted not only to protect the environment, but also to elevate your experience. This electric boat runs quietly and cleanly, ensuring that you enjoy the pristine beauty of nature without contributing to pollution. Seated just inches above the water’s surface between the hulls of the boat, guests can effortlessly interact with the bioluminescence using their hands and feet. Your guide will use a laser pointer to enrich your stargazing experience.
• Discounts for 9.20pm tours
• Cayman’s ONLY electric powered boat
• Bioluminescent tours
• Licensed captains
• Professional and punctual
• Stargazing show
• Affordable transportation available
Kayak tours: Starting at US$79 per person. Ages 6 and up
Boat tours: Starting at US$79 per person. Ages 4 and up
Night tour times: 7.20pm and 9.20pm
Book online: www.caymankayaks.com
Prices subject to change
Book online: Use Promo Code
‘EXPLORE25’ to receive a 10% discount on 9.20pm tours. PROMOTIONS
Daytime Tour (1½ hours)
Unveil the natural wonders of Cayman’s marine parks. Led by knowledgeable guides, this easygoing, educational experience offers a glimpse into the heart of Cayman’s unspoiled beauty.
Cayman Kayaks offers an unmatched blend of adventure, natural beauty, and professionalism, making their tour company truly exceptional.
344 Austin Conolly Drive, East End reservations@oceanfrontiers.com oceanfrontiers.com
EE MAP page 128......................................... 11 (345) 640 7500
Ocean Frontiers’ signature snorkel trips provide unique adventures for all levels of experience, with ultra small groups and personal service.
Reef & Rays Snorkel: North Sound – 2 Stops
US$65 Visit the stingrays then explore the coral reefs of Rum Point. Great for families. Check-in and depart: Kaibo.
Stingray City Sandbar Snorkel: North Sound – 1 Stop, US$55 Stingrays, stingrays and more stingrays. This trip is all about the Rays. Check-in and depart: Kaibo.
Champagne Stingrays: North Sound – 1 Stop & Mangrove Tour, US$65 A stingray encounter in the late afternoon sun, sip bubbly while you cruise the mangroves as the sun sets. Check-in and depart: Kaibo.
Dawn Stingrays Snorkel: North Sound – 1 Stop US$65 Be first on the Sandbar with this ultimate stingray experience, a golden hour with the friendly rays, no crowds and lots of stingrays. Check-in and depart: Kaibo.
3 Stop Coral Reef Snorkel: East End – 3 Stops US$55 A safari boat excursion to explore the protected shallow coral lagoon of East End without another boat in sight. Visit 3 different coral reefs on 1 tour. Check-in and depart: East End X-Snorkel Point-to-Point Snorkel: East End US$65 Navigate along the East End barrier reef for a one-of-a-kind experience. Float continuously over a 1,000 meter stretch of untouched coral reefs. Check-in and depart: East End.
• Small snorkel groups
• 5-star customer service
• Snorkel packages available
• Stingray tours
• East End tours
• Private charters available on request
• Family and kid friendly
• Enjoy tours away from the crowds
• Two dedicated snorkel boats
• Eco-certified and leader in conservation
Operating hours: Morning and afternoon tours available, departure times from 6.45am-4pm
Tour prices:
US$55-US$65 per trip. Packages: pick 3 trips for US$150 or pick 5 trips for US$225 Private charters from US$500
Visit oceanfrontiers.com to check trip schedules, availability and book online
WhatsApp: (345) 321 7500
Payment method: US or CI cash, VISA, MC, Discover and AMEX
All tours are cup free, please bring your own water bottle
Free snorkel gear rental on all trips.
Seven Mile Beach
(345) 321 0000
Paradise Pontoons offers unique private charters along Seven Mile Beach. Lounge on a private oasis away from the busy beaches and enjoy your own water park with the water slide, inflatables and a stereo system. The boat easily pulls onto the beach, offering guests the convenience of a pick-up directly from many SMB condos or resorts. When you book with Paradise Pontoons, the boat and crew become your own, allowing for a fully customisable trip.
Snorkelling Guests can choose from activities like guided snorkel trips to areas such as the USS Kittiwake or coral reefs. Snorkel equipment and floats are included, so if you love exploring the underwater world, let their experienced crew guide you and enjoy the opportunity to discover the warm crystal clear waters of Grand Cayman.
Sunset Cruise Enjoy a magical sunset cruise along SMB. Sip complimentary bubbles as you watch the sun drop below the horizon. A great activity for friends and families to enjoy.
Paradise Pontoons’ Boat, Toon’d Out, a 25ft custom funship is a great boat for all ages. It’s fully equipped with a sun deck, a water slide, plenty of shade, comfortable seating, sound system, a cooler full of ice and complimentary onboard WiFi.
• A one-stop shop for exploring the waters off Seven Mile Beach
• Guided snorkelling tours and snorkel equipment included
• Private boat for your friends and family
• Water slide
• Set your own itinerary
• Cruise along Seven Mile Beach at sunset
• Beach pick-up/drop-off at most Seven Mile Beach locations
• Water and towels provided
• Onboard WiFi
Operating hours: Seven days a week, 8am-sunset
Cost: 2 hours CI$400, 3 hours CI$500, 4 hours CI$600, Sunset Cruise CI$400
Boat capacity: Maximum of 8 passengers if all are adults, or up to 10 passengers if including children
Payment method: All major credit cards plus CI$ and US$ cash
Ray Dayz Charters Private Boat Charters
Camana Bay or Kaibo info@raydayzcharterscayman.com raydayzcharterscayman.com
• Stingray City Sandbar snorkelling trips
• Barrier reef snorkelling trips
• Coral gardens and coral head snorkelling
• Deep Stingray City trips
CB MAP page 98........................................... 5
NS MAP page 128......................................... 2 (345) 936 1560
Join Ray Dayz Charters to experience the beauty of Cayman with the most knowledgeable and friendly local guides. All their trips are completely customisable and there are no set itineraries. They have two boats: a 23ft Starcraft and a 32ft twin engine Pursuit.
All tours usually include: Stingray City: Get up close and personal with the friendly stingrays. Starfish Point: Marvel at the stunning starfish in their natural habitat. Snorkelling Experience: Dive into the crystalclear waters and discover the vibrant marine life that Cayman has to offer. Sunrise: If you’re an early bird this is the best time to beat the crowds and be one of the only boats at Stingray City as the sun rises. Bioluminescence: An experience not to be missed! Be amazed by the underwater magic of the bio plankton and the beauty of the glistening stars above.
Deep Sea Fishing
The promise of catching wahoo, yellowfin tuna, mahi mahi and marlin is a major draw for those seeking an unforgettable deep sea fishing adventure. These top-tier game fish are not only challenging to catch, but also highly prized for their beauty and size. With Ray Dayz, you’ll benefit
• Visit Starfish Point
• Bio Bay tours
• Sunset cruises
• Evening boat charters plus dinner out
• Deep sea fishing charters
Daily Private Boat Charters
2-hour sunrise cruise (5.30am) US$450 4-hour half day cruise (8.30am or 1.30pm)
US$750 7-hour full day cruise (8.30am) US$1,250
Sunset Cruise to Bio Bay 2-hour sunset cruise (6.30pm) US$450
Deep Sea Fishing Charter 4-hour half day, starts at US$1,400
Mention this ad when booking and receive a complimentary 6-pack of local beer for your day on the water!
from expert guides, top-notch gear and local knowledge of migration patterns, giving you the best chance of success! Their goal is that every trip is filled with the thrill of the catch!
Trips depart from Kaibo or Camana Bay. Island-wide delivery of rental gear.
(345) 926 7263
whitesandwatersports@gmail.com whitesandwatersports.com
NS MAP page 128.........................................
Founded in 2009, White Sand Water Sports offers a diverse range of activities to cater to every visitor. Discover pristine, unspoiled reefs on one of their snorkel excursions, glide atop the azure waters on a paddleboard or kayak, and savour the sunset before experiencing the enchanting radiance of Bio Bay after dark.
Sunrise Stingray City Tour Escape the crowds and embark on an unforgettable Stingray City adventure. Departing from Kaibo at 7am, their tours frequently ensure you will be one of the few people at the sandbar, allowing all guests to enjoy the magnificent rays before the crowds. White Sand Water Sports also provides tours at 10.30am and 2pm, or you can opt for a private charter to enjoy the experience exclusively with your friends and family.
Bioluminescence Experience one of Cayman’s natural wonders – the glowing waters of Bio Bay. Join an intimate eco tour, gathering at the Kaibo Yacht Club, for an educational and ‘enlightening’ journey led by their knowledgeable guides.
Slip ‘n’ Slide Snorkel Tours White Sand’s newest addition, Sterling Silver, was designed with family fun in mind. This vessel features two thrilling
• Island-wide delivery of SUP, kayaks and snorkelling gear. Best price guaranteed
• Specialising in intimate, small groups
• Explore pristine uncrowded reefs
• Join their Sunrise Stingray City trips
• Experience the magic of bioluminescence with their boat tours
• Have a blast on their party boat, equipped with water slides
• Depart for Stingray City charters from either Kaibo or Camana Bay
Operating hours: Daily 9am-4.30pm
Stingray City Tour: Adults US$75, Kids (under 12) US$55
Slip ‘n’ Slide Snorkel Tour: Adults US$75, Kids (under 12) US$55
Bioluminescence Tours: Adults US$75, Kids (under 12) US$55
Private Charters: Starting at US$699
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC and AMEX
5% off your reservation when booked online with the promo code Explore25.
water slides and abundant seating, creating the perfect environment for a family-friendly adventure. You can embark on a group tour or arrange a private charter, all departing from Kaibo Yacht Club for your convenience.
Photo by Julie Corsetti
• Bioluminescence The phenomenon of bioluminescence appears in only a handful of places around the world throughout the year. At certain times of the moon cycle, you can witness billions of lightemitting organisms that ‘flash’ when they are disturbed. Call Cayman Kayaks (SEE PAGE 52 & 139) , Blue Sky Sailing (SEE PAGE 51) , Cayman Islands Sailing Charters (SEE PAGE 53) , Ray Dayz Charters (SEE PAGE 56) or White Sand Water Sports (SEE PAGE 57) .
• Diving Cayman is internationally recognised as one of the best diving destinations in the world. For more on Diving, see page 63.
• Fishing Take a private charter or join a group for bottom fishing, bone fishing or deep sea fishing outside the reef or at 12Mile Bank. Yellow and blackfin tuna, mahi mahi (from April to June), wahoo (from November to July) and marlin (over 125lbs) are regularly caught. See the Fishing section on page 48.
• Mangrove Tours Exploring the mangroves by kayak or boat is a wonderful experience. You can even hop into the water and snorkel the mangroves! Learn about the plants that grow there and the animals that use the mangroves as their breeding ground. Look out for birds, fish, anemones, iguanas, jellyfish and even the elusive seahorse. Call Cayman Kayaks (SEE PAGE 52 & 139) .
• Jet Skiing Rent a jet ski from one of the resorts along Seven Mile Beach and enjoy an exhilarating ride!
• Kitesurfing Learn to kitesurf and experience the feeling of flying! Experienced instructors at Kitesurf Cayman (SEE PAGE 89) will show you the ropes in waist-deep, calm waters and in no time you will be gliding across the water. Equipment rental is available for experienced kiters.
• Paddleboarding A great way to explore Cayman’s calm waters. Rent a board from Kitesurf Cayman (SEE PAGE 89) or White Sand Water Sports (SEE PAGE 57) . Take your snorkelling gear and stop to see lots of tropical sea life as you explore the coastline.
• Parasailing Up to three people are attached to a large canopy from the back of a boat and hoisted over 400ft into the air. Enjoy spectacular views of Seven Mile Beach. Call Parasailing Professionals (SEE PAGE 91)
• Sailing For something a bit different, try a Hobie Cat sail which is ideal for beginners.
Travelling between Camana Bay, Kaibo Yacht Club and Rum Point has never been easier! Enjoy a round trip journey every day of the week with Cayman Ferries. CI$25 for a return journey. Visit www.caymanferries.com for the schedule and information on how to buy tickets, or download the Cayman Ferries app.
The resorts along Seven Mile Beach offer rentals and lessons. Alternatively, book a daytime or evening sailing charter with Blue Sky Sailing (SEE PAGE 51) or Cayman Islands Sailing Charters (SEE PAGE 53)
• Snorkelling Tours Many private boat operators combine a snorkelling trip to Coral Gardens in the North Sound with a visit to Stingray City Sandbar. Alternatively, explore interesting snorkelling sites in the Eastern Districts with Ocean Frontiers (SEE PAGE 54) . You could even pack your snorkelling gear and find magical sites which are easily accessed without a guide. Eden Rock in George Town offers tunnels and overhangs to explore, or snorkel under the Morritt’s dock in East End which is teeming with sea life. See the Best Snorkelling section on page 62 for locations.
• Surfing While not renowned as a surf destination, the waters off the Caribbean Club (SEE PAGE 84) on Seven Mile Beach are great for beginners. South Sound is better for advanced surfers, especially during the winter months if a nor’wester passes through. To rent a surfboard, call Waterman (SEE PAGE 89)
• Swim with the Stingrays See page 47 for more details.
• Yacht & Motor Boat Charters You can enjoy Cayman’s waters on a luxury boat, either with just a skipper or as a full-service experience, including dinner. See the Boating section on page 46-57 for more information.
• Underwater Sightseeing Non-certified divers can get underwater with a trip aboard Nautilus’ semi-submarine. (345) 926 3662.
• Waterparks Starfish Cay at The Ritz-Carlton (345) 943 9000 and SPLASH at the Kimpton Seafire (345) 746 0000 are the perfect spots for children to cool off. Kids will love the shallow splash pools, gentle waterslides and fountains. Call to purchase a day pass.
• Windsurfing Step outside your comfort zone and learn how to windsurf with Kitesurf Cayman (SEE PAGE 89) In just two hours you’ll be cruising up and down the beach!
1. Seek shade during the hottest part of the day: 11am-3pm.
2. Please use an oxybenzone-free waterproof sun cream with an SPF of 30 or higher and reapply every one to two hours. Kirk Market (SEE PAGE 9 & 41) and Le Visage (SEE PAGE 105) sell a wide range of sun cream.
3. For maximum protection, ensure you wear a UV sun top. These protect the skin all day, even when wet. Divers Supply (SEE PAGE 82), Funky Monkey (SEE PAGE 87) and TABS (SEE PAGE 107) have a good selection for adults and children.
4. Wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your head and eyes.
5. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, especially when playing outside or exerting yourself.
Cayman boasts some of our blue planet’s best beaches. Miles of white powdery sand, crystal clear warm water, palm trees and a lovely tropical breeze come as standard. Seven Mile Beach is Cayman’s most famous beach but there are plenty of other picturesque beaches to discover. Whether you want to lounge on the beach, snorkel, swim or relax with a drink in hand, these are our top picks:
West Bay Public Beach A nice beach with changing room facilities, just down the road from Heritage Kitchen and close to the West Bay dock.
Cemetery Beach (SMB) A great beach for snorkelling, offering plenty of shade plus parking facilities. Located at the north end of Seven Mile Beach, in front of the cemetery. The reef is a seven minute swim from the shore and there is lots to see.
Public Beach (SMB) A popular and wide beach. It has parking, a children’s play area, cabanas, volleyball courts, walking paths, a calisthenics park, restrooms and showers.
Governor’s Beach (SMB) A popular sandy beach in front of the Governor’s house with some picnic tables, shade, a Mobi-mat for wheelchair access, and parking.
Smith Barcadere A small but picturesque pocket of sand in the mainly ironshore coastline. Easy snorkelling, lots of trees, picnic tables, restroom facilities and a fresh water shower. Parking area across the road.
Top Tip All beaches in Cayman are public up to the high water mark, including the stretches of beach directly in front of resorts. Look out for ‘Beach Access’ signs along coastal roads, park your car and follow the footpaths to find some hidden gems.
Spotts Public Beach A small, often deserted south-facing beach with cliffs at either end and a dock in the middle. A great place to see turtles. There are no facilities. Beware of strong currents.
Coe Wood Beach A sandy beach in Bodden Town with cabanas, a children’s play area and restroom facilities. There is a fish fry available at the Grape Tree Café. Walk west for good beachcombing. Be cautious after sunset.
East End Various deserted, long sandy beaches can be found in East End. One favourite spot is Barefoot Beach (the Wyndham Reef Resort is about 2.3 miles away). Expect these beaches to be strewn with washed-up seagrass and quite a bit of flotsam. They aren’t the tidiest of beaches but they are great for snorkelling. There is a lovely sandy beach at the Morritt’s Resort with a bar in the middle of the dock and a virtual aquarium of unafraid fish below. Colliers Public Beach has a dock, restroom facilities and cabanas for shade.
Cayman Kai Public Beach On the right before you get to the Rum Point Club, this north facing public beach
has a small car park, simple restroom facilities, a cabana and a rustic white sandy beach that is interspersed with rocky areas. The snorkelling here is highly rated.
Rum Point This is a lovely shaded area with calm waters that are perfect for swimming and snorkelling and ideal for young children. Solis at the Rum Point Club serves delicious food and cocktails right on the beach.
Starfish Point Just beyond Kaibo at the very tip of Cayman Kai is Starfish Point. Facing into the North Sound, the sea here is calm and shallow. As you would expect, you will find lots of starfish! Please don’t ever lift them out of the water—it kills them! Restroom and showers can be found here.
Stingray City & Sandbar
See the Stingray City section on page 47 for more information.
Turtle Reef (West Bay)
Primarily a shore dive with a mini wall; snorkellers can follow the edge of the wall, admiring the bright reef fish and soft corals. Access to the water is easy from Macabuca (SEE PAGE 70) . Look out for sea turtles.
Lighthouse Point (West Bay)
Just a short swim from shore, snorkellers can enjoy the mini wall and Lighthouse Point’s thriving reef. You’ll also see the Guardian of the Reef statue.
Cemetery Beach Swim out to sea for 5-10 minutes to find the most vibrant part of the reef. A top snorkelling spot on SMB.
Governor’s Beach A white buoy marks a coral reef where you’ll find lots of friendly fish and maybe even some rays.
Marriott Check out the 300 artificial reef balls installed in the water in front of the hotel which are now home to stunning marine life.
Kittiwake This interesting wreck is not accessible from the shore.
Cheeseburger Reef (George Town)
In front of Burger King, swim straight out to sea for 150 yards to find an abundance of reef fish and impressive coral formations.
Wreck of the Cali (George Town)
Less than 50 yards from shore, the wreck of a 220ft schooner lies in 20-30ft of water. To snorkel or dive the Cali you now need permission from the CI Port Security.
Eden Rock and Devil’s Grotto (GT)
From Eden Rock or Don Foster’s, swim out to the mooring balls to explore tunnels and overhangs, where large tarpon and grouper hang out. In the early summer
months the caves fill up with millions of tiny silversides.
Barcadere (South Sound)
Swim straight out from the beach and meander through lots of coral heads scattered all over a shallow sandy sea bottom. Then, explore the shoreline where the ironshore creates interesting rock formations with lots of little gullies and inlets.
A great site to spot turtles as they feed on the sea grass. Beware of strong currents.
Ocean Frontiers (SEE PAGE 54) offers a number of snorkel tours around various sites in East End. Their crew will take you to the best spots.
Underneath the Morritt’s dock a plethora of curious fish congregate. They seem unafraid and quite happy for you to swim with them. Do not swim out to the reef at this spot though, as the currents are very strong and there is a lot of boat traffic.
A good drift snorkel, the east to west current will push you along towards Rum Point. Expect depths of 3-10ft and lots of fish and soft corals. Not suitable for children.
The calm and shallow waters make this an ideal spot for beginners. There is a little reef to the right of the dock and many fish congregate under the dock.
Top Tip To buy or rent snorkel equipment, head to Divers Supply in Seven Mile Beach. SEE PAGE 82-83
See page 60-61 for the Snorkelling map.
If you are dive-curious, then Cayman is one of the best places to get certified. You’ll find 365 different dive sites to explore, including easily accessible wrecks, caves and shallow reefs, plus more challenging deep walls. Cayman’s warm, clear waters also provide outstanding visibility and a vast array of marine life. Once you are certified you will be free to join boat dives or navigate your own shore dives. Two tank boat dives are a great way to get out on the water and explore new dive sites. A dive instructor will lead both dives, they’ll know where they’re going and be able to show you the best that a dive site has to offer. They will also set up your dive gear and provide drinking water.
There are several ways to get your first taste of scuba diving:
• Discover Scuba Diving Course (DSD)/ Resort Course In shallow water you will learn how to use the equipment before diving in about 30ft. If you catch the dive bug then this course can be used towards your full certification.
• Open Water Certification With an organisation such as PADI you can complete the certification in two stages. First you must pass the e-learning which can be done at home. You’ll then take to the water to learn how to use the equipment in shallow water. Once you have passed a series of underwater skill tests you will undertake four open water dives before obtaining your certification. The whole process takes four days.
• Children’s Dive Courses Children aged 10 and up can become Junior Open Water divers. For those under 10 there
are plenty of fun water-based scuba/ snorkel activities to participate in.
There are a number of great dive sites accessible from the shore and a short swim can take you to wrecks, caves, reefs and wall drop-offs. See map on page 60-61.
Turtle Reef Located at the Cracked Conch restaurant in West Bay. A short swim will take you to the mini wall and a tarpon cave. Expect to see beautiful coral and lots of fish. SEE PAGE 70
Lighthouse Point See the 13ft statue of the mythological creature ‘Guardian of the Reef’ which sits 65ft under water.
Eden Rock Discover caves and tunnels. In the summer months you’ll witness millions of silversides which fill the tunnels. South of George Town.
Sunset House A shallow dive where you’ll see ‘Amphitrite’, a 9ft, 600lb mermaid statue which stands in 55ft of water. SEE PAGE 117
Cayman has plenty of highly qualified and experienced dive instructors who are keen to teach you about their passion.
Sunset Divers SEE PAGE 117
Located in South Sound. (345) 946 6789.
Indepth Watersports SEE PAGE 70
Located at Macabuca in West Bay. (345) 949 6606.
Your dive operator can provide you with rental gear for boat dives. For shore dives, equipment can be rented, along with tanks from Divers Supply (345) 949 7621. SEE PAGE 82-83
The charming district of West Bay is a mostly residential area with winding roads, quaint Caribbean-style houses and is home to Cayman’s most popular attraction: the Cayman Turtle Centre. It also offers exciting watersports options and some great restaurants.
For more information please read on, visit explorecayman.com or download the Explore Cayman app.
Photo by Jonathan Sparrow
Encounter Wildlife and Nature at the Cayman Turtle Centre. Here you can swim with turtles and other colourful marine life, take a ride on the Turtle Twister waterslide and visit exotic birds in the Caribbean Aviary. There is also a nature trail, two lagoons, waterfalls and a Predator Reef tank where sharks and other marine predators live! Plus, you can meet the turtles, which range from tiny hatchlings to adults weighing over 500 pounds. Don’t miss the chance to participate in a turtle feeding, or you can even participate in a turtle release or be a ‘Keeper for a Day’! There is a courtesy shuttle bus from SMB to the Cayman Turtle Centre. SEE PAGE 68-69
Explore Barkers National Park and get away from it all on a deserted beach, located at the north-eastern end of West Bay. There are no facilities and the entire area closes at dusk.
Dive Underwater to explore some great shore dives and snorkel spots. Indepth Watersports, located at Cracked Conch restaurant (SEE PAGE 70) , offers a range of diving experiences, including shore and boat diving, as well as guided dives. You can get your beginners or advanced divers certification and rent any gear you need. A popular shore dive is at Turtle Reef, just steps from the dive shop, featuring a mini wall teeming with colourful fish, vibrant coral, and a cave where massive tarpon gather. For a unique dive, head over to Divetech on NW Point Road, where you'll see the 13foot statue of the 'Guardian of the Reef,'
a stunning mythological figure that makes for a great underwater photo.
Go Off-Roading with ATV Cayman. Hop on one of their vehicles and enjoy an exhilarating tour of Barkers Beach with an experienced guide. (345) 922 0366.
Learn to Kitesurf on Barkers Beach with Kitesurf Cayman. Suitable for ages 10-70, this is a phenomenal experience that gets the adrenalin pumping. Rent equipment and hit the water, or book a lesson and learn how to kitesurf in waist-deep calm waters. SEE PAGE 89
Saddle Up and Go Horseback Riding along Barkers Beach with Pampered Ponies (SEE PAGE 71) . Choose from morning, afternoon, sunset or moonlight rides on their well-trained horses. You can even swim with the horses in the sea for a unique Caribbean experience.
Snorkel the thriving reef at Divetech’s Lighthouse Point or explore the waters off Cobalt Coast where you might even spot a turtle or two. The waters off Cemetery Beach also offer spectacular snorkelling.
Take a Trip to Hell and enjoy the opportunity to send your friends a ‘postcard from HELL’! Hell is a unique geological wonder of rugged blackened limestone, estimated to be 10-15 million years old. A flock of white migratory birds can be seen nesting in the rocks in late December/early January.
Try Windsurfing along Barkers Beach with Kitesurf Cayman (SEE PAGE 89) . They offer lessons, and before long, you will be exploring the coastline.
Heritage Kitchen Authentic Caymanian restaurant serving reasonably priced food and BBQ every Sunday. This local gem is located next to Boggy Sand Road (345) 939 3474.
Bella Trattoria A traditional Italian restaurant offering handcrafted pasta, pizzas and savoury dishes made with locally sourced ingredients. With a great selection of wines, it's the perfect setting for an authentic Italian dining experience. (345) 949 6663.
Le Petit Bar A charming bar offering exceptional wines that will appeal to the enthusiastic wine drinker through to the connoisseur. They also serve artisan charcuterie platters with meats and cheeses from all over the world. (345) 936 1092.
Macabuca Oceanside Bar & Grill Offers fabulous views of the sea, a relaxed atmosphere, a nightly Happy Hour and an all-you-can-eat BBQ for CI$22 every Monday. Located below the Cracked Conch. SEE PAGE 70
Nourish Eatery Located at VIDA Cayman, Nourish offers a delightful breakfast and lunch menu inspired by fresh, local ingredients. Enjoy Cayman and Caribbeanthemed dishes, with a variety of healthy options, in a relaxed setting. (345) 938 9114.
Find Foster’s grocery store (SEE PAGE 17) , Priced Right, Jacques Scott liquor store (SEE PAGE 11) and the Body Barn Hair & Beauty salon right at the start of West Bay, plus a bank, pharmacy and Subway at the four–way stop. A gift shop can be found at the Cayman Turtle Centre (SEE PAGE 68-69)
There is a small retail store at VIDA Cayman selling a curated selection of beachwear, swimwear and accessories such as water bottles, goggles, towels and more. You can also find locals selling beautifully varnished conch shells along the side of the road.
Nova With panoramic views of the sea, this restaurant serves delicious Mediterranean-Japanese fusion food, plus delicious breakfasts on weekends. There is also a swimming pool for a cooling swim! (345) 946 5656.
Tukka West Enjoy a taste of Australia with a Caribbean twist! The sea views are breathtaking and the cocktails are delicious. They also offer a Happy Hour Monday-Friday, full moon dinners and live music every Saturday evening. (345) 949 4321.
VIVO Café & Restaurant Offers tasty plant-based food, gluten-free options and some seafood. Located at Lighthouse Point with a lovely water view. (345) 749 8486.
Calypso Grill Located on the water at Morgan’s Harbour, you can watch boats entering the dock while enjoying a great atmosphere and superb seafood. Open Tuesday-Sunday. (345) 949 3948.
Cracked Conch Across the road from the Cayman Turtle Centre, Cracked Conch boasts breathtaking views of the water. You can enjoy an elegant dinner outside on the terrace or in air-conditioned comfort. Their Caribbean-fusion food is always innovative and delicious. SEE PAGE 70
Ristorante Pappagallo This destination restaurant is famous for its tall thatched roof, beautiful location on an inland lake and its great Italian food. (345) 949 1119.
Photo by Jacques Scott
Turtle Conservation and Education Centre
• Cayman’s largest land-based attraction, focusing on sea turtle conservation and education
• Free-flight aviary, butterfly garden and nature trail
• Snorkel with turtles and reef fish in the Saltwater Lagoon
• Participate in a sea turtle release
• Ride the Turtle Twister waterslide into Cayman’s largest freshwater pool
• Free shuttle to and from SMB hotels
Opening hours: Monday-Sunday 8am5pm. Last admission at 4.30pm. Please check the website for special events, holiday hours and shuttle service timetable
Feeding Times:
Bird Feeding: 10am-3pm
Shark Talk: 10.30am, Monday-Friday
Shark Feeding: 11am, Monday-Friday
Turtle Feeding: 11.30am and 3.30pm
Crocodile Feeding: Seasonal
Admission: (Resident specials available)
Full Access Adults: US$46
Full Access Kids: US$26
Enjoy full access to the entire park, including snorkelling with turtles, the lagoons and water slide
Turtle Safari Adults: US$29
Turtle Safari Kids: US$20
This land-based tour gives access to view the turtles and more
786 Northwest Point Road, West Bay info@turtle.ky turtle.ky
2 (345) 949 3894
WB MAP page 64.........................................
Island Wildlife Encounters Green’s Breeding Bay Meet some of the most majestic and ancient animals in the world. Here you will find a few turtles weighing more than 500 pounds that are more than sixty years old. Despite their huge size, they are as gentle as they are graceful, and you are allowed to feed them too!
Turtle Lagoon You can do more than just watch the turtles! Jump in and swim with yearling green sea turtles and other colourful marine life. Snorkelling gear is supplied, and swimwear and goggles are available for purchase at the Splash Gift Shop.
Education Centre & Hatchery Offers an interesting glimpse into the lifecycle of a sea turtle with a chance to view baby turtles hatching out of their eggs during the breeding season (May-Sept). The transparent window helps you see what is happening deep in the sand – replicating a natural turtle nest on the beach.
Caribbean Free-Flight Aviary See and hand-feed the beautiful, colourful birds of Cayman and the Caribbean. You can also see peafowl (peacocks and peahens) on one of the two islands in the middle of the saltwater Turtle Lagoon.
Breakers Lagoon & the Turtle Twister Water
Slide Cool off and relax at Breaker’s Lagoon. It boasts two exciting and fun waterfalls, plus its own underwater viewing panel for an opportunity to look into the fascinating Predator Reef! Or why not make a great big splash with the twisting, turning, 40ft Turtle Twister waterslide!
Predator Reef Clear viewing panels allow you to come nose-to-nose with nurse sharks, tarpon and barracuda! Don’t miss the Shark Talk to learn amazing facts about the predators that live on the reef and in the surrounding waters.
Blue Hole Nature Trail Reconnect with nature as you walk the winding path through a canopy of indigenous trees and plants, including Cayman’s national flower, the Wild Banana Orchid, as well as the elusive Ghost Orchid and the Silver Thatch Palm, which is Cayman’s national tree.
Butterfly House Step into the serene Butterfly House where you can see local butterflies up close. Stroll through the lush garden, filled with vibrant native species like the Cuban Red and Queen Butterfly, and uncover the wonders of the butterfly's life cycle, from eggs to chrysalises.
Shopping Beautiful handcrafted local treasures and turtle-themed souvenirs, resort wear, books and gifts in one of Cayman’s most unique shopping destinations.
Eating Relax on the patio at Schooner’s Bar & Grill overlooking the sparkling water of the Turtle Lagoon. The chefs prepare a variety of delicious treats, which you can enjoy with tropical fruit drinks and smoothies or Cayman’s own local beer – Caybrew.
Participate in a Turtle Release Enjoy a unique experience at one of the centre's private or group sea turtle releases. Their juvenile green sea turtles have been raised at the centre for the first year or two of their life and they are big and strong now. They are ready for release into the wild and independent research and studies prove that they have a great chance of survival. Book an intimate private release experience for your group* or attend one of their special events. *Subject to availability.
Sponsor a Sea Turtle The Cayman Turtle Centre invites you to sponsor your very own green sea turtle! Your sponsorship support will help the organisation release the turtles into their new life in the wild and you could be a part of that at one of their upcoming release events.
Become a Keeper for a Day If you are looking for once in a lifetime, hands-on experience while supporting conservation initiatives at the same time, look no further than the centre’s 'Keeper for a Day' experience. This is an exclusive opportunity in Cayman where you will feed, interact with, and learn more about all of the animals at Cayman Turtle Centre. They can’t wait for you to join their team!
Mention EXPLORE for 10% off at the Splash Gift Shop. Note: This discount cannot be combined with any other offers and does not apply to resident rates.
(345) 945 5217
North West Point Road, West Bay conchrest@gmail.com crackedconch.com.ky
WB MAP page 64.........................................
Fine dining, casual tiki bar, snorkelling, diving, live music and dancing under the stars… Cracked Conch & Macabuca offers all this and more in one ideal location. Take advantage of the combined services of the restaurant, bar and dive shop – you may well end up staying all day (and night)!
Enjoy dinner at the Cracked Conch, where you can dine on one of the multi-level terraces, or in the air conditioned dining room. Cracked Conch offers fine dining and Caribbean fusion. As the name suggests, this includes a variety of signature conch appetizers, along with other mouthwatering seafood and meat dishes.
The name, which translates as “what does it matter?” sums it up! Macabuca Oceanside Tiki Bar & Grill is a great place to simply while away a few hours, and there is plenty of seating and direct access to the sea. Cold drinks and a casual tiki bar menu are served all day. Relax on the spacious deck, soak up the sun and enjoy the ocean views.
Indepth Watersports, located on the Cracked Conch premises, will rent you dive gear to explore Turtle Reef at your own leisure. If you prefer, take a dive guide with you, or for non–divers, rent snorkel gear and explore the top of the wall. Cracked Conch & Macabuca Restaurant and Oceanfront Bar
• Great oceanfront attraction
• Stunning sea views
• Fun outdoor tiki bar with all day bar food
• Fine dining menu at Cracked Conch
• One of Cayman’s best shore dives
• Easy and safe snorkelling
• Happy hour Monday 5pm-10pm and Tuesday-Sunday 5pm-7pm
Opening hours: Cracked Conch: Tuesday-Sunday 5.30pm-10pm Macabuca: Monday-Friday 11am-1am Saturday and Sunday 11am-12am
Indepth Watersports: Daily 8am-5pm
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC, AMEX and Discover
Monday All-You-Can-Eat BBQ CI$22
Cracked Conch
Saturday Live music every week
355 Conch Point Road, West Bay info@ponies.ky ponies.ky (345) 916 2540
Create a lifetime of cherished memories riding with Pampered Ponies and experience their gentle world-class horses as you take a morning, midday, afternoon or moonlight horseback ride along Cayman’s most pristine remote beaches and nature trails. Ride and swim on horseback on an uninhabited stretch of beach along Grand Cayman’s north shore, Barker’s National Park. Wade into the sea on horseback at the national park where you will see over the North Sound and across to Stingray City.
Their gorgeous, gentle, well trained horses are all extremely well cared for and quite literally ‘pampered’. They are trained for both experienced riders and inexperienced riders alike.
Beach Trek (1 3/4 hours)
A lovely beach ride along an uninhabited stretch of beach with some of the best guides in the business.
Swim Ride (1 3/4 hours)
A ride first and then the horses are unsaddled and ridden bareback into the sea, then re-saddled and you ride back to the stable.
Full Moon Ride (1 hour)
Must be booked in advance and on the night of the full moon only.
• Beach rides along the quiet shores of Barkers National Park
• Ride along the beach, then take your horse bareback into the sea where they will swim in the crystal clear water
• Have an amazing time with the original swim ride company and mark another adventure off your bucket list
• Gentle, well-cared for ponies that are literally pampered!
• Free transfers from George Town and Seven Mile Beach with all horseback riding tours
• Call for prices, availability and to check dates for the full moon ride
Operating hours: Monday to Saturday
Tour times: 10am, 1pm and 3pm
Payment method: Visa, MC, Discover and cash payments by arrangement
Seven Mile Beach is the crown jewel of the Cayman Islands. Often voted ‘The Caribbean’s Best Beach’, the white powdery sand and the sparkling turquoise water merge together to provide a breathtaking setting.
Be sure to mention EXPLORE when you are booking an activity or making a restaurant reservation – you may get a better rate!
Go Snorkelling at Cemetery Beach, Governor’s Beach or the small artificial reef just off the Grand Cayman Marriott Resort. Book a snorkelling trip with Paradise Pontoons (SEE PAGE 55) and explore the USS Kittiwake and coral reefs. See the Snorkelling section on page 62 for information on more great spots. Head to Divers Supply (SEE PAGE 82-83) for suntops or swimsuits, and to buy or rent snorkelling and scuba gear.
Try Sailing along Seven Mile Beach on a Hobie Cat, which can be hired from one of the big hotels. See the Watersports section on page 58 for more information.
Paddleboard in the calm waters off Seven Mile Beach. Rent boards from Kitesurf Cayman or Waterman, with free delivery to Seven Mile Beach. (SEE PAGE 89)
Go Fishing for wahoo, marlin, tuna and mahi mahi, then have your catch prepared onboard. See the Fishing section on page 48 for details.
Take a Sunset Cruise along Seven Mile Beach with Paradise Pontoons (SEE PAGE 55) . With a boat slide and complimentary
bubbles served aboard, this is the perfect way for the whole family to end the day.
Dive the West Side and discover the spectacular wall, the reef and the Kittiwake wreck. To find out more about diving in Cayman, see page 63.
Go Parasailing with Parasailing Professionals (SEE PAGE 91) for an exhilarating ride and great view of the Island.
Try Kitesurfing with Kitesurf Cayman (SEE PAGE 89) for an adrenaline-filled experience. Free pickups available along Seven Mile Beach.
Hop on a Stingray City Boat Tour to the Sandbar where you can frolic with the rays. See the Stingray City section on page 47.
Banana Boat Rides can be arranged at most hotels or call Red Sail Sports (345) 623 5965.
Cool Down at a waterpark. Call Starfish Cay at The Ritz-Carlton (345) 943 9000 or SPLASH at the Kimpton Seafire (345) 746 0000 to buy a day pass.
• Indulge in a Spa Treatment at the Hibiscus Spa at The Westin (SEE PAGE 85) or the spas at The Ritz-Carlton (345) 943 9000 and the Kimpton Seafire (345) 746 0000. They all offer jacuzzi and steam rooms and a relaxation room to enjoy after your treatment.
• Go Golfing at the North Sound Golf Club (345) 947 4653 which offers 18 holes of play. You can take advantage of their full-service practice facility or even take a lesson from a PGA professional. Then relax and enjoy the vistas with a cool beverage at the open air bar. Twilight rates are available.
• Take a Helicopter Ride with Cayman Islands Helicopters (SEE PAGE 118) for a unique view of Seven Mile Beach and beyond.
• Keep Fit by walking along the shoreline, visiting the hotel gym or trying one of the gyms on Seven Mile Beach: Anytime Fitness, CrossFit or Ryde in Camana Bay.
• Play Tennis or Pickleball at The Ritz-Carlton (345) 943 9000 or at the courts at the Holiday Inn/Grand Caymanian Resort (345) 949 3100.
• Practise Yoga at One Heart Yoga in 7 Mile Shops (345) 938 9642 or give paddleboard yoga a go with Vitamin Sea, classes are held at the Kimpton Seafire, Marriott Grand Cayman Resort, Caribbean Club and Hotel Indigo (345) 925 0450.
• Wander Around the National Gallery taking in the incredible national art collection. Explore the sculpture garden and relax with a self-serve coffee before browsing the Gallery shop. SEE PAGE 90
• Catch a Movie at the seven-screen multiplex in Camana Bay or on The Crescent during the summer months and special holidays (SEE PAGE 98-103) The Ritz-Carlton (345) 943 9000 also shows a family-friendly movie under the stars every evening at Andiamo.
• Trivia Nights are a fantastic way to enjoy a fun-filled evening, show off your general knowledge skills, and even win exciting prizes. Don’t miss regular quiz nights at Lone Star Bar & Grill (345) 945 5175, Paradise Pizza (345) 746 7777, and Fidel Murphy’s (345) 949 5189.
• Camana Bay is a lively town in the Seven Mile Beach area with shops, restaurants, a cinema and fountains for kids to play in. Plan to spend at least a few hours exploring and checking out the great views and lush outdoor spaces. SEE PAGE 98-107
Cayman has two popular carnivals, both include a colourful street parade. Batabano (May) and CayMAS (June) both celebrate the Caribbean’s diverse African and religious roots, and they reflect the Island’s rich heritage. Thousands of locals and visitors flock to the streets.
The shops on Seven Mile Beach provide an extensive variety of shopping experiences, catering to all tastes and budgets. From luxury goods to unexpected bargains, the options are plentiful. In addition to a wide selection of duty-free jewellery, you’ll discover an array of art, crafts, books, toys, clothing, accessories, and furniture. The area also boasts excellent grocery stores stocked with fresh produce and popular food brands.
Cayman is a great place to invest in luxury items, as there is no sales tax on watches, gemstones and precious metals. Several renowned jewellery stores are located along Seven Mile Beach, offering a wide selection of fine jewellery, gemstones and watches.
Balaclava Jewellers offers stunning jewellery pieces that are rarely found elsewhere. They stock an exceptional collection of rings, bracelets and necklaces. You can even work with Balaclava to design a piece of jewellery that is unique to you. SEE INSIDE BACK COVER
Island Jewellers is home to an extensive collection of the world’s top brands in jewellery, watches and sunglasses. Famous brands include Hearts on Fire, FOPE, John Hardy
and Pandora. You will also find a stunning collection of diamonds, tanzanite and coloured gemstones. Island Jewellers and De Sunglasses Man are located in Camana Bay. SEE PAGE 98103
Kirk Freeport stocks a large selection of the latest designer jewellery and watches from brands such as Bulgari, Mikimoto, Cartier, Rolex, Breitling and many more. Stores are located in The Strand, the Kimpton Seafire and The Westin. SEE PAGE 125
art galleries, MARKETS & locally made collectables
Art galleries and markets carry a great selection of work by local artists and craftsmen, from original paintings to Caymanite jewellery and hand-woven thatch products.
Kennedy Gallery offers a collection of original local art, featuring fine art photography, watercolors, acrylics, oil paintings, sculptures and prints. This family-owned gallery showcases works from renowned local artists such as Joanne Sibley, Jo Austin, John Clark, Kathryn Elphinstone and others, making these pieces a valuable addition to any home. SEE PAGE 86
The Farmers & Artisans Market in Camana Bay is held every Wednesday during high season, from 10am-5pm on the Paseo. Vendors sell a range of locally made artisanal products
and handicrafts, plus jewellery, candles and more. This is a great spot to pick up a one-of-akind souvenir or gifts for loved ones. SEE PAGE 98-103
The National Gallery houses the National Collection of Caymanian art and hosts eight exhibitions annually. After exploring the artwork, be sure to visit the Gallery’s gift shop where you can find memorable keepsakes, including fine art prints from the National Collection. SEE PAGE 90
The Ritz-Carlton Gallery is located along the walkway that connects the two sides of the hotel and is open to the public. The gallery offers an eclectic selection of work by emerging and well-known Caymanian artists, including Shane ‘dready’ Aquart, Cathy Church, Chris Christian, Al Ebanks, Miguel Powery, Gordon Solomon and more. Buy a piece of art and the hotel will ensure it is shipped safely to you.
Along Seven Mile Beach, you’ll find an array of clothing stores to cater to the whole family. What’s great about shopping for clothes in Cayman, for Cayman, is that they’re all wellsuited to the climate.
Divers Supply sells a wide selection of adult and children’s swimwear and resort wear, as well as rash guards, hats, flip flops, sunglasses and more. SEE PAGE 82-83
Funky Monkey is a trendy boutique offering clothing and accessories for men, women and children. Drop by the store and choose from a selection of day or evening dresses, shorts, tank tops and beachwear, including sundresses, bikinis, sandals, kaftans and more. SEE PAGE 87
Blue Wave & Waterman Cayman both offer adults and kids clothing and accessories for a range of watersports. Shop for shorts, t-shirts swimwear, hats, sunglasses and beachwear from well known brands such as RVCA, Quiksilver, Roxy, Billabong, Vissla, Reef, Olukai and more. SEE PAGE 89
Sports Supply is the largest sports retailer in Cayman offering over 100 running shoe styles, plus sports clothing for athletics, tennis and watersports. They also sell a range
of outdoor leisure gear and swimwear. SEE PAGE 82-83
Camana Bay’s numerous shops offer everything from designer wear and glamorous party dresses, to underwear, beachwear, yoga gear and everything in between. Men, women and children are all catered for and you will find something to suit all tastes. SEE PAGE 98-107
Hotels in the Seven Mile Beach area, including the Kimpton Seafire, Hotel Indigo, the Marriott, The Westin and The Ritz-Carlton also have a fantastic selection of casual resort wear for adults and children, as well as lovely gifts
Top Tip For hair and skin care products check out Studio 54 West (SEE PAGE 88) , Le Visage (SEE PAGE 105) and the shop at the Hibiscus Spa (SEE PAGE 85) .
Stock up on food and other supplies at Cayman’s supermarkets. You’ll find everything you’d expect to find in an American or British supermarket.
Foster’s in Camana Bay is well known for its fresh produce, meat, fish and variety of speciality, organic and dietary-specific products. You will find plenty of items from well known brand names. SEE PAGE 17
Kirk Market offers fresh and wholesome food, as well as a large selection of highquality products from around the world. You will also find a butcher counter, bakery and deli and salad bar. SEE PAGE 9 & 41
There are liquor stores in most shopping plazas along Seven Mile Beach. Blackbeard’s (SEE PAGE 13) , Jacques Scott (SEE PAGE 11) and Tortuga Fine Wine & Spirits (SEE PAGE 32) are all open until 10pm Monday-Saturday, and some branches are also open on Sunday. Vino Veritas (345) 526 8466 is a boutique wine specialist, who will deliver alcohol to your home or condo.
Anchor & Den Stylish bar and restaurant at the Marriott Resort. Their Sunday brunch and themed nights are very popular. SEE PAGE 80-81
Ave Located at the Kimpton Seafire, they serve Mediterranean cuisine. (345) 746 4111.
Bàcaro Located in the Cayman Islands Yacht Club, this is an authentic Italian tapas restaurant with lots of style. (345) 749 4800.
Beach House An upscale yet casual restaurant offering views of Seven Mile Beach. Located at The Westin. (345) 945 3800.
Blue Cilantro Sophisticated Mediterranean food with an Indian twist. (345) 945 4372.
Bonny Moon An oceanside spot open daily for coffees and pastries, plus lunch and dinner. Located on the beach in front of Hotel Indigo.
Blue by Eric Ripert An AAA Five Diamond restaurant at The Ritz–Carlton. (345) 943 9000.
Casa 43 Mexican Kitchen A Mexican restaurant located opposite The Strand. (345) 949 4343.
Coccoloba Mexican restaurant located right on the beach at the Kimpton Seafire. (345) 746 0000.
Craft A gastro pub with a selection of craft beers. West Bay Road. (345) 640 0004.
Driftwood Bar & Grill A Caribbean and American restaurant on the North South. (345) 949 3100.
Duke’s Casual restaurant serving American
For a comprehensive list, grab a copy of the Good Taste restaurant guide or visit www.caymangoodtaste.com.
cuisine. Opposite Public Beach. (345) 640 0000.
Legendz Bar & Grille New York-style bar. The Falls Plaza. (345) 943 3287.
LUCA Beachfront seafood restaurant serving superb innovative food. Their Sunday brunch is extremely popular (SEE PAGE 93) Located in the beautiful Caribbean Club (SEE PAGE 84), a boutique hotel overlooking Seven Mile Beach.
Morgan’s A waterfront restaurant serving fresh seafood. CI Yacht Club. (345) 946 7049.
Ms. Piper’s Very stylish but relaxed restaurant with lots of charm, great food and a swimming pool. (345) 526 1623. SEE PAGE 94
Mykonos Steak Club & Bakery Steak restaurant with a large outdoor patio. (345) 623 5555.
Pom Pom A rooftop bar at Hotel Indigo with incredible views, South American-inspired small plates and delicious cocktails. (345) 743 3600.
Ragazzi Popular seafood and Italian restaurant with an award-winning wine list, reasonable prices and fun atmosphere. SEE PAGE 95
Saltwater Grill Seafood restaurant with a large patio. Galleria Plaza. (345) 640 0010.
Southern Spice Popular Indian restaurant serving fresh and tasty dishes. Located in Baytown Plaza. (345) 949 5550.
Taco Cantina Mexican restaurant in Buckingham Square serving traditional tacos. (345) 946 7745.
Thai Orchid A local gem serving authentic Thai food. Queens Court Plaza. (345) 949 7955.
The Falls Steakhouse Traditional steakhouse serving Certified Angus Beef. (345) 945 4755.
Tillies A trendy restaurant on the beach serving classic Caribbean cuisine. (345) 949 3491.
Taikun A Japanese food lover’s oasis in a stylish lounge at The Ritz-Carlton. (345) 815 6912.
Veranda A stunning setting on SMB with an innovative menu and a focus on fresh fish. Located
in the Marriott Resort. SEE PAGE 80-81
Vines 2 Ocean A wine and raw bar experience. Located in Regency Court. (345) 749 8463.
The Wharf A waterfront restaurant with an extensive wine collection. Nightly tarpon feeding at 7pm and 9pm. SEE PAGE 97
Woto Seafood and sushi restaurant with beach views, located at The Westin. (345) 945 3800.
Yoshi Sushi Japanese cuisine. Located in Falls Plaza. (345) 943 9674.
Al La Kebab Good value Mediterranean kebabs. Marquee Plaza. (345) 943 4343.
Burger Shack A wide variety of great burgers and sides. Marquee Plaza. (345) 949 2867.
Cimboco Relaxed, good value for money restaurant in Marquee Plaza. (345) 947 2782.
Chicken! Chicken! Home-style Caribbean chicken cooked in a wood-fired oven. This local favourite offers great value dining. SEE PAGE 92
Fresh Kitchen & Coffee Breakfasts, lunches and coffee. Galleria Plaza. (345) 640 0008.
Island Naturals Vegetarian café serving healthy homemade food. Located at The Grove (345) 516 7300 and Earth Close (345) 945 2252.
Fidel Murphy’s Irish pub serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Queens Court Plaza. (345) 949 5189.
Gino’s Pizzeria New York-style pizzeria, also serving salads and subs. Call for delivery or takeaway. Caribbean Plaza. (345) 623 7777.
Peppers Bar & Grill Casual restaurant serving authentic Jamaican jerk and smoked BBQ. West Bay Road. (345) 943 3000.
Seven Mile Greens Offers a wide range of freshly made salads. Eat in or take away. Located in Governors Square. (345) 325 3430.
Wok-n-Roll Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese cuisine. Regency Plaza. (345) 949 0168.
All Stars Sports Bar & Grill Large sports bar offering great all-American food. (345) 746 8989.
Bodeguita Lounge & Bar Located at The Wharf with great sea views and cocktails. SEE PAGE 97
Coconut Joe’s Casual outdoor place with reasonably priced food. Opposite Hampton by Hilton (345) 943 5637.
Door No. 4 Fresh, fun artisan cocktails with a great soundtrack. The Grove. (345) 746 3619.
Fidel Murphy’s Irish bar with a ‘pub grub’ menu. Great place to catch any sports game. Queens Court Plaza. (345) 949 5189.
Lone Star Texan style joint with an outdoor bar and TV screens. West Bay Road. (345) 945 5175.
Saint June Beach bar at The Ritz-Carlton serving cocktails and light fare. (345) 943 9000.
The Bird An extremely popular bar serving great drinks and creative comfort food. 7 Mile Shops. (345) 746 2473.
The Hive A relaxed bar with weekly live entertainment. Located opposite The Strand. (345) 926 5488
Tortuga Beach Grill & Bar Casual beach bar serving food at The Westin. Live music every day except Tuesday and Sunday. (345) 945 3800.
389 West Bay Road, Grand Cayman Marriott Resort
15 (345) 949 0088
SMB MAP page 72..................................
• Globally inspired, locally sourced
• Live entertainment
• Available for private events
• Hand-crafted cocktails
• Lounge music and inviting atmosphere
• Vegetarian and vegan options
• Themed nights throughout the week
• Brunch every Sunday
• Happy Hour daily from 5pm-7pm
• DJ every Friday night
Opening hours:
Breakfast: 6.30am-11am (Sundays until 10.30am)
Lunch: 11.30am-5pm
Dinner: 5pm-11pm
Reservations are strongly recommended for dinner and brunch.
Payment method: VISA, MC, AMEX and cash
At the Grand Cayman Marriott Resort, Anchor & Den takes diners on a delicious journey of culinary excellence. Using global flavours, the talented culinary team has crafted signature dishes that have become favourites among foodies and locals alike. Dishes include the Shrimp Popcorn Sushi Roll, Seafood Black Rice Paella, and the irresistible Seven Mile Fudge Cake. Indoors, guests are welcomed by a cool, airy, light-filled lounge, with a charming summer house atmosphere—perfect for enjoying relaxed drinks during Happy Hour.
Anchor & Den has become a go-to destination for a wide variety of events. Throughout the year, speciality nights entice guests to indulge in unique culinary experiences, such as the Indian Night Series, Souq Night featuring Middle Easterninspired dishes, and Zarautz, where iconic tapas and sangria steal the show. Also, 2025 marks the launch of ‘Ascia’, a new dining spot where guests can savour the artistry of Asian flavours, including freshly made ramen, Nikkei cuisine, sushi and many other tempting options.
Literature lovers will delight in the Mad Tea Party, inspired by the classic novel. Held every Saturday, this unique tea party features locally produced teas, decadent homemade treats, bubbles and a selection of high tea favourites. Every Sunday, the Wanderlust Brunch is a favourite among locals and visitors, offering fresh dishes from their sushi and raw bar, a spread of Spanish charcuterie and regional cheeses, a tasteful breakfast station, mouthwatering selections from their international station, decadent desserts and more—along with bottomless glasses of Chanceny Crémant de Loire to complete the experience.
And don’t forget to visit White Lime, the coffee bar, to grab a morning coffee, juice, smoothie and a tasty treat to start your day. Visiting Anchor & Den is like taking your taste buds on an adventure around the world.
Sample Shareables:
Grilled Oyster Mushroom
Creamy coconut polenta, spiced nuts, fresh pickled pomegranate salad
Chicken Bites Korean-Style
Korean sweet glaze, lemon pepper
Sample Mains:
Market-Style Grilled Snapper
Miso, soy, butter, shallots, cilantro, radish, pickled onions
Limoncello Glazed Octopus
Yuzu limoncello glaze, coconut, fresh creamed corn
Sample Signatures:
Seafood Black Rice Paella
Wild shrimp, calamari, scallops, aioli
A&D Burger
Homemade beef patty blend, smoked bacon, munster cheese, sautéed caramelised onions, Anchor sauce, fries
Sample Pizzas:
Funghi & Arugula
Black pepper, local arugula, parmesan, truffle
Jerk Meat Lovers
BBQ marinara, jerk chicken, bacon, sausage, pickled jalapeños, munster cheese, peppers
This waterfront spot offers exquisite flavours and island vibes. Only a few places on the Island offer a unique culinary experience with uninterrupted views of the sea from your table. In addition to the breathtaking setting, both locals and visitors are drawn to the innovative, succulent seafood dishes and themed nights.
On Lobster Night (Wednesdays), guests can savour delicious lobster dishes while watching the sun go down. Asado Night (Fridays) invites guests to indulge in the Argentinian tradition of cooking with fire, as chefs grill a variety of mouthwatering meats and vegetables over an open flame fire pit. Simply Fish (Sundays) presents a four-course set menu of expertly prepared fish dishes, allowing you to enjoy exquisite flavours paired with a breathtaking view.
Veranda is a true culinary gem, offering live entertainment, stunning sunsets and an unparalleled ambiance amidst the endless sea views. Whether you’re looking for amazing cocktails by the pool, a light lunch or a special dinner, Veranda is the perfect spot for you. For reservations, email: dining@ thesummerhouseexperience.com.
Happy Hour: Daily, 5pm-7pm
Sushi Bar: Daily, 5pm-10pm
Souq: Tuesdays, 6pm-10pm
Rockin’ Ramen Night: Fridays, 5pm-10pm
Zarautz: Saturdays, 6pm-10pm
Mad Tea Party: Saturdays, 1.30pm-4.30pm
Wanderlust Brunch: Sundays, 12pm-3pm
Swimming, Diving, Snorkelling and Sports Gear
• Cayman’s premier destination for scuba diving and snorkelling equipment rentals, and sports supplies
• Repair service for all the major brands of diving equipment
• Only authorised Suunto Repair Service Centre in the Caribbean
• BCDs, regulators and dive computers cheaper than in the US
• Huge selection of brand name beachwear, swimwear and sportswear
• Wide selection of sporting equipment for a range of sporting activities
• Designer sunglasses
• Home fitness equipment
• Waterproof sports watches
• Beach toys and games
• Over 150 running shoe models available
• Sunscreen, rash guards and hats
Opening hours: Daily 9am-6pm (including Sunday and Public Holidays)
Payment method:
CI$ and US$ cash and all major debit and credit cards
Divers Supply has been providing the Cayman Islands with scuba equipment, beachwear and accessories for over 35 years. They are a onestop shop for all diving, snorkelling and beach related needs. Whether it’s your first set of diving gear or a quick fix to get you back in the water, a beach towel, swimsuit or sunscreen, Divers Supply’s professional staff can help.
Divers Supply: 508 West Bay Road, West Shore Center
info@diverssupply.ky diverssupply.ky
Beach Gear Featuring a wide selection of adult and children’s swimwear, resort wear, beach towels and sunscreen, as well as accessories such as rash guards, thermo tops, hats, beach games, flip flops, sunglasses and waterproof sports watches. Brands include Body Glove, Costa Del Mar, Lauren, Peter Grimm, Hurley, Anne Cole, Oakley, O’Neill, Peripheral, Ray-Ban, Reef, Sanuk, Speedo, Jantzen, Sun Bum, Dakine, Bleu and more.
Dive Gear There is a large selection of dive equipment available, including regulators, BCDs and dive computers. Brands include Akona, Aqua Lung, Atomic, Bare, Cressi, Deep Blue Gear, Innovative, Mares, Oceanic, O’Neill, Princeton Tec, Scubapro, Sherwood, Suunto, Trident, Geckobrands and XS Scuba. You can also special order items that you don’t see on their showroom floor. When you purchase dive equipment, Divers Supply ensures peace of mind with sound advice from specialist staff to help you make the right choice, and a manufacturer’s warranty.
Rentals Select from a large inventory of premium snorkelling and scuba rental equipment with top name brands such as Scubapro, Aqualung and Cressi. Snorkel and dive equipment is available to rent at some of the most affordable rates on
Oakley, Speedo, Liquid Shredder and more.
Sports Supply: 508 West Bay Road, West Shore Center
(345) 949 7884
info@sportssupply.ky sportssupply.ky
the Island. Divers Supply is also the only dive centre that allows you to take the equipment offsite, which gives you the freedom to roam and explore the Island’s waters at your leisure. Flexible payment options are also available if you are undecided as to how long you will need the equipment.
Repairs Divers Supply has the largest scuba repair service centre on the Island. They honour manufacturers parts-for-life programmes, loaner equipment, pressure testing and free safety inspections. They are the only authorised Suunto repair service centre in the Caribbean and an authorised repair facility for brands such as Aqua Lung, Atomic, Cressi, Scubapro, Sherwood Scuba, Mares, Oceanic, Genesis, Apeks and Seac. They also handle battery changes and repairs for select Aqualung, Cressi, Mares, Oceanic, Scubapro and Sherwood computers.
Sports Supply is the largest and most widely stocked sports retailer in the Cayman Islands, offering high-quality brands and exceptional customer service.
Brands include Nike, Adidas, Asics, New Balance, Brooks, Hoka, Everlast, Weider, Nordictrack, Under Armour, Wilson, Bowflex, Pro-Form,
Sportswear Their sporting apparel includes over 100 running shoe styles, plus clothing, for all sports, including athletics, tennis and watersports. They also sell a large range of outdoor leisure gear and swimwear.
Equipment From watersports and ball sports to home fitness, skateboarding and yoga, they carry a wide selection of sporting equipment. Sports Supply sells a full line of watersports equipment such as paddle boards and skimboards. They are also the only place onIsland to purchase skateboards and accessories such as trick decks and long boards. Their range of home fitness equipment will keep you fit in the comfort of your own home as they stock a variety of treadmills, ellipticals, dumbbells, free weights and benches.
Equipment for ball sports, such as basketball, baseball, football, pickleball, cricket, ping pong and tennis can also be found in-store. Sports Supply also provides a selection of affordable yoga equipment suitable for beginners through to instructors. With new products, prints and colours constantly being introduced, Sports Supply stocks all the equipment needed to commence your yoga and fitness journey.
Other training equipment also includes socks, gym bags, watches and pedometers, stretching aids, water bottles and much more.
Mention EXPLORE and receive 10% off selected products.
(345) 623 4500
871 West Bay Road, Seven Mile Beach reservations@caribclub.com
SMB MAP page
Caribbean Club is a luxury boutique hotel located in the heart of Seven Mile Beach. Each home-like suite or villa offers 2,700sq ft of living space with full gourmet kitchens, large living rooms, one to three bedroom options, all with bathrooms and large, fully furnished balconies overlooking Seven Mile Beach. Guests enjoy impeccable service and warm Caribbean hospitality while having access to world-class amenities.
Award-Winning Boutique Hotel Year after year the Caribbean Club has won prestigious awards, including Top 25 Luxury Hotel in the Caribbean and Top Small Hotel in the Caribbean. When you visit you will see why!
Weddings Caribbean Club can host a small, private, barefoot ceremony or a large elegant beach wedding celebration for up to 150 guests. Each Caribbean Club wedding is carefully planned and customised to the desires of the bride and groom for a dream wedding experience.
LUCA Caribbean Club is also home to one of Cayman’s best restaurants: LUCA. LUCA’s contemporary menu is described as Italian-based with international flavours. Every Sunday they host a magnificent brunch with delicious fresh seafood, breakfast favourites, salads, a pasta station, meats, cheeses, mouth-watering desserts and free flowing prosecco. See page 93.
• Cayman’s most luxurious and exclusive boutique hotel on Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman
• Three different types of villa: Tower Oceanfront, Beach Front and Pool View
• Beautiful kitchens and top of the line bedrooms – the essence of luxury
• All rooms have ocean views
• On-site gourmet Italian seafood restaurant
• Private and beautiful stretch of beach with free cabanas and lounge chairs. Walking distance to all SMB amenities
• Stunning infinity pool with waterfall, fitness centre and more
• Personalised guest services
Guest services and amenities:
Concierge and laundry service
Nightly turndown
Grocery shopping
Free parking
Meeting/boardroom facilities
Payment method: VISA, MC, AMEX, Discover and cash
Hibiscus Spa
Beauty Spa with Vichy Shower, Sauna and Steamroom
The Westin Grand Cayman Seven Mile Beach Resort & Spa
SMB MAP page 72......................................... (345) 914 2009
wstngc.hibiscusspa@pyramidglobal.com westingrandcayman.com
Dive into ultimate rejuvenation at Hibiscus Spa at The Westin Grand Cayman. Prepare to awaken your senses with over 60 treatments to choose from and award-winning spa therapists. Treatments include massage therapies, facials, body wraps and rain shower experiences, energy balancing rituals, Reiki sessions, manicures, pedicures, waxing and more.
Sample Treatments
Caribbean Breeze Oceanfront Massage A blissful Swedish massage in a private oceanfront cabana as the sounds of the ocean lull you into a deep relaxation.
Royal Coconut Milk & Honey Wrap A body treatment that addresses targeted areas of cellulite with the toning and firming properties of coconut milk and honey, followed by a stimulating Vichy Shower, leaving the skin hydrated and smooth.
Deluxe Hydrafacial An invigorating treatment, including all essentials of the Signature HydraFacial, while addressing your specific skin concerns, and with a booster of your choice.
G. M. Collins Collagen Facial An intensely rejuvenating treatment that dramatically reduces visible lines and wrinkles.
• Central location
• The only oceanfront spa cabana in Grand Cayman
• The only Vichy Shower treatments in Grand Cayman
• Individual male and female steam and sauna
• Relaxation room with complimentary refreshments
• Retail boutique with an extensive range of products and gifts
• On-site parking
• Gift certificates available
Scan for a full treatment menu
Opening hours: Daily 9am-6pm
Payment method: KY$ and US$ cash, Visa, MC and AMEX
Mention EXPLORE and receive 10% off.
*Excludes packages and cannot be combined with any other offer.
Kennedy Gallery Cayman Fine Art, Framing & Printing
Fine and Contemporary Art Gallery
West Shore Center (Pink Plaza), 508 West Bay Road
SMB MAP page 72..................................... (345) 949 8077
info@kennedygallerycayman.com kennedygallerycayman.com
Welcome to Kennedy Gallery, your premier destination for original fine art, custom framing and gallery grade printing in the Cayman Islands. It is family-owned and has been operating for over three decades.
The gallery showcases original local art, Cuban and Colombian art, fine art photography, stunning watercolours, original acrylic and oil paintings. They also stock sculptures and cards. Kennedy Gallery often feature works by well-established artists such as Joanne Sibley, Saba, Lorna Griggs, Lois Brezinski, John Clark, Maureen Lazarus, John Broad, Jo Austin, Pearl White, Larisa Sved, Livia Constantinescu, Kate Rogers, Amrita Debnath, Janie Mathews Read, Kathryn Elphinstone and Laura Vondle to name a few.
At Kennedy Gallery, they don’t just sell artwork and provide framing services, they also preserve memories and elevate art. With their commitment to excellence, they have made it their mission to transform your artwork, photos and cherished keepsakes into timeless treasures. They pride themselves on offering one of the most extensive selections of frames in the Cayman Islands, and their diverse range of options ensures that your custom-framed piece perfectly complements your style and vision. No project is too big or too small.
• Fine art gallery selling an extensive selection of original, local and Cuban art, fine art photography, watercolour, acrylic and oil paintings, as well as sculptures, cards, jewellery and artist prints
• They carry one of the largest selections of frames in Cayman and they frame a comprehensive range of items whether on paper, canvas, an award or jersey
• Sell your artwork with them! They accept artwork on consignment
• One-of-a-kind gifts and souvenirs for every recipient
• Provide shipping, delivery and installation
• Centrally located gallery on Seven Mile Beach next to the Post Office
Opening hours: Monday 10am-2pm Tuesday-Friday 10am-5pm Saturday 10am-4pm
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC and Discover
Kennedy Gallery is also home to the Black Sheep Studio, where they provide an exclusive in-house service for art reproductions, highresolution scans, and fine art pigment printing on archival paper and canvas.
Governors Square, West Bay Road, across from The Westin Hotel
SMB MAP page 72...................................... (345) 943 8659
jodi@funkymonkeycayman.com funkymonkeycayman.com
Funky Monkey is a trendy lifestyle wear boutique that sells fashionable clothing and accessories for men, women and children, for a range of budgets. They stock brands such as Elan, Banana Moon, Au Noir, Holiday, SunnyLife and Smith & Quinn, to name just a few, which are imported from Australia, France, Bali and the USA. Funky Monkey imports a limited number of each item, so you can rest assured that all your friends won’t be wearing the same pieces!
Drop by the store and you’ll be able to choose from a selection of party dresses and everyday clothing such as shorts, tank tops and beachwear, including sundresses, bikinis, sandals, kaftans and more. You’ll also find sportswear, yoga gear and a variety of accessories, including hats, bags and costume jewellery. Men can browse a selection of linen shirts, shorts and pants, plus dress shirts, swimwear and everyday wear.
Funky Monkey is also a great place to find unique gifts for the kids, house sitter and friends back home. They have some of the most helpful and friendly staff around who will happily assist, whether you’re looking for something special or simply indulging in retail therapy. From the beach to the street, Funky Monkey has the entire family covered from head to toe!
• Cayman’s hippest fun wear boutique
• Best selection of Elan, Surf Gypsy, Bermies, River & Sky and 7 Diamonds
• Party and everyday wear
• Sports and yoga clothing
• Swim and beachwear
• Flip flops, bags and hats
• Branded sunglasses, including SMITH
• Helpful and friendly staff
• Great gift selection for every occasion
• Corkcicle® products available, perfect for your coffee or wine
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10am-6pm Saturday 10am-5.30pm
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC, AMEX and Discover
Plenty of parking directly in front of the store
Mention EXPLORE and receive 10% off any regularly priced item.
(345) 943 3722
Galleria Plaza, West Bay Road info@studio54west.ky studio54west.ky
SMB MAP page 72........................................
At Studio 54 West, you’ll find highly qualified professionals in a modern salon and barbershop using only the best products.
Salon Stylists help you find the hairstyle and service that best fits you and your life, whether that’s a quick trim, blow dry or a completely new look. Pop in for a refreshing hair cut, colour or even a conditioning treatment to help battle Cayman’s hot climate whilst on your holiday.
Barbershop The service provided by Studio 54 barbers goes beyond a simple haircut. Their personalised touches are tailored to fit your desires and vacation schedule. Take some time for yourself and relax with a hot towel shave, beard trim or gentleman’s facial.
Nails There are various nail treatments you can take advantage of at Studio 54’s nail salon. Everything from a classic manicure, acrylic repairs and nail fill ins, to a VIP spa manicure, minimanicures for little ones or a man’s manicure.
Retail Studio 54 is a certified Kerastase salon selling various brands, including Pacinos for men and California Mango. Or, opt for the local brand, Caymanera Cosmetics, as a momento from your visit to the Islands.
• A full range of services at affordable prices
• Hairdressers, barbershop and nail salon all in one place
• Awarded Best Barbershop in the Best of Cayman Islands 2024
• A certified OPI and Dazzel Dry nail salon
• Provides wedding services for men and women
• Easy online booking
• Open Mondays
• Mobile services available
• Convenient Seven Mile Beach location, close to all the major hotels
Operating hours: Monday-Saturday 9am-6pm (closed Sundays and Public Holidays)
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC, AMEX and Discover
Mention EXPLORE to receive 15% discount on any service.
Barkers National Park, West Bay (345) 916 5483
info@kitesurfcayman.com kitesurfcayman.com
WB MAP page 64............................................
Kitesurf Cayman offers you a unique opportunity to try something exciting this vacation! Located on sun-drenched Barkers Beach, they offer worldclass conditions for beginners to master this sport with confidence. Warm flat waters, expansive open space and a waist deep teaching area offers first-timers the perfect learning environment. Experienced IKO instructors will help guide you in a fun and easy way. Kitesurf Cayman’s introductory lesson will help you decide if kitesurfing is the sport for you! Feel the rush of adrenaline and experience what makes kiting so addictive for those who try it.
Individual Two Hour Private Lesson: US$370
Individual Six Hour Private Lesson: US$1050
Semi-Private Two Hour Lesson: Two students, one instructor, one kite to share US$225 per person
Windsurf Lesson Two Hours: US$300
Wing-Foil Intro lesson Two Hours: US$400
Wing-Foil Intermediate/Advanced Lesson One Hour: US$250
Paddle Board 24 Hour Rental: US$90. Two/three day and weekly rentals are also available. For information on kiting, contact Kitesurf Cayman or visit Waterman. Paddle board rentals are available through Waterman.
Waterman: Galleria Plaza, West Bay Road
Blue Wave Surf Co: West Shore Centre, West Bay Road (345) 769 7873 SMB MAP page
info@watermancayman.ky watermancayman.ky
• Fun activities for ages 8-70
• No experience needed. If you can swim, you can kitesurf and windsurf!
• Courtesy shuttle available along Seven Mile Beach and George Town areas
• Two hour private and semi-private lessons, plus packages available
• Two way radio helmet coaching
• Kitesurf and windsurf equipment rental
• Paddle board rentals available (SUP)
• Waterman Surf shop offers a great selection of equipment/surf clothing
• Now offering windsurfing lessons
• The longest running kitesurfing company on the Island (15 years)
• Waterman Surf shop and Blue Wave located on West Bay Road (SMB)
Operating hours: Kite School: Seven days a week 8am-6pm Waterman: Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC, Discover, Diners Club and AMEX
Show a copy of Explore Cayman magazine and receive 10% off rentals at Kitesurf Cayman and 5% off purchases at Waterman. PROMOTIONS
National Gallery of the Cayman Islands Art Gallery, Shop and Café
(345) 945 8111
Esterley Tibbetts Highway info@nationalgallery.org.ky nationalgallery.org.ky
SMB MAP page 72.......................................
Established in 1996, the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands (NGCI) is a vibrant arts organisation. The 9,000sq ft gallery is home to a growing National Collection of significant Caymanian works of art and hosts eight major exhibitions annually.
The NGCI National Collection Loosely assembled by decade, the collection traces a historical and stylistic journey. Starting with the visionary markings of Miss Lassie, to the early work of realist painters who sought to capture “the islands time forgot”, on to the early 1990s when local art was influenced by the changing realities of the time and through to the multi-disciplinary contemporary art currently being created. These works tell the story of Caymanian art and provide the visual record of a growing country.
Accessing NGCI Working to make its facility, programmes and events accessible for all, NGCI provides a variety of free services to accommodate a range of needs, including ample parking, on-site support equipment and large format text labels. Contact NGCI to organise sensory-friendly experiences, multi-lingual or interpreter tours.
Temporary Exhibitions NGCI hosts up to eight temporary exhibitions a year, including group shows, international exhibitions and works by established artists.
• Modern, purpose-built facility with world class exhibitions
• Stunning sculpture gardens and walkable labyrinth
• Home of the National Art Collection
• Unique gifts and souvenirs, including fine art prints from the National Collection
• Refreshments available for a nominal donation
• Special events and art workshops
• Facilities available for rent
Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm
Prices: Free entry and parking. Donations welcome
Additional information: Guided tours are available by appointment
Mention EXPLORE and receive a free tea or coffee.
Events Enjoy a wide variety of workshops, screenings and lectures for all ages.
Refreshments, Shop & Gardens Explore the sculpture gardens and relax with a self-serve coffee before purchasing a Cayman-produced memento from the Gallery shop.
Seven Mile Beach
(345) 916 2953
parasailingprofessionals@gmail.com parasailinggrandcayman.com
For a breathtaking bird’s-eye view of Grand Cayman and the crystal clear waters of Seven Mile Beach, take a ride with Parasailing Professionals. A safe but exhilarating ride suitable for the whole family, you will ‘fly’ hundreds of feet in the air above the sea. They offer single, double and triple rides which take off and land on the boat – it’s a smooth ride and no skill or experience is required.
Additional Information
The Parasailing Professionals crew will pick you up and drop you off by boat at most locations along Seven Mile Beach.
Trips last 30-60 minutes, with approximately 10 minutes ‘flying time’. A 1,000ft line will winch you to heights of up to 400ft.
Don’t forget to take a camera (waterproof cameras recommended!) for great aerial shots, or leave it with one of the crew to take photos of you from down below.
The highly experienced staff will make your trip hassle-free and exciting.
Parasail rides are subject to maximum combined weight of 400lbs and a minimum weight of approximately 160lbs to 200lbs depending on weather conditions.
• Single, double or triple parasailing rides
• A safe but exhilarating ride
• Breathtaking views
• Suitable for all ages
• No experience necessary
• Fly up to 400 feet up in the air
• Crew has over 30 years of experience
• Pick-ups available along Seven Mile Beach
• Comprehensively insured
Hours of operation: 9am–5pm
Prices: Single US$120, Double US$220, Triple US$270
Trips last 30-60 minutes, with 10 minutes flying time
Convenient shuttle boat pick-up and drop-off along SMB
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC, AMEX and Discover
Book direct and receive US$10 off per person when you mention EXPLORE.
Chicken! Chicken!
Caribbean Wood-Roasted Chicken Shop
West Shore Centre, West Bay Road and Country Corner, Savannah chicken@chicken2.com chicken2.ky
SMB MAP page 72....................................... 16 (345) 945 2290 ext. 1
For home-style Caribbean cooking, look no further than local favourite Chicken! Chicken! It’s a simple, down home, Cayman original, specialising in the perfect bird, fresh vegetables, salads, soups and Cayman-style corn bread.
Visit Chicken! Chicken! in West Shore Centre along Seven Mile Beach or Country Corner in Savannah, and watch as the roaring, open hearth fire cooks your delicious chicken in front of you – their hearty chicken and sides are arguably the best value dining on the Island. Crackling wood, vibrant colours and pleasant smells await at Chicken! Chicken!
Award-winning Caribbean Chicken
Wood-roasted 1/4 Leg & Thigh
Wood-roasted 1/4 Breast & Wing CI$9.50
Wood-roasted 1/2 Chicken CI$12.95
Great Sandwiches
Jerk Chicken Wrap
Classic Chicken Salad Wrap CI$13.95
Jerk Chicken Caesar Wrap CI$14.95
Fresh Salads
Caesar Salad
Classic Chicken
Ital Spicy Pasta & Greens
• For delivery, use the Bento app
• Catering available
• Kid-friendly
• Beer and wine available
• Take-out available
Opening hours: Daily 10am-9pm
Payment method: Cash, Visa and MC
Curry Chicken Tuesdays, BBQ Fridays and a special side every day of the week. Ask about it!
Family Feasts
Whole Wood-roasted Chicken
A Feast for Two or More
Whole wood-roasted chicken, two large asides, two Caribbean cornbreads, a large cookie
A Feast for Four or More
Two whole wood-roasted chickens, four large asides, four Caribbean cornbreads, two large cookies
Caribbean Club, 871 West Bay Road, Seven Mile Beach
(345) 623 4550
SMB MAP page 72....................................
Brought to you by the same dynamic team that created Ragazzi, LUCA is a contemporary Italian and seafood restaurant located on Seven Mile Beach. Committed to using only the freshest and best quality produce, Chef Luca aims to keep the preparation simple, fusing international flavours with traditional Italian dishes.
LUCA has one of the best wine cellars on the Island with more than 1,100 wines from around the world and a full-time sommelier on staff. A sophisticated interior featuring marble floors, wood panelling and leather banquettes opens out on to a sunny terrace, with an infinity pool overlooking the white sands and turquoise waters of Seven Mile Beach.
Sample Appetizers
Beef Carpaccio
Arugula, truffle honey mustard, roasted artichokes, caper berries, fresh parmesan
• Contemporary Italian and seafood cuisine
• Wine Spectator ‘Best of Award of Excellence’
• Beach front location
• Bottomless prosecco Sunday brunch (reservations essential)
• Weddings and private parties
• Over 1,100 wines from France, Italy, Austria, USA and South America
Opening hours:
Lunch: Monday-Saturday 11.30am-2.30pm
Dinner: Nightly 5.30pm-10.30pm
Sunday Brunch: 11.30am-2.30pm
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC and AMEX. Reservations recommended
Fixed price lunch: three courses and a glass of wine for CI$28.
Sample Entrées
Pumpkin Ravioli
Fresh baked scallops, coconut saffron sauce, pickled ginger
Drawn thyme butter, sun-dried tomatoes and shaved Parmigiano Reggiano
Branzino al Sale
PEI mussels, fresh tomato, parsley, white wine garlic broth, grilled crostini
Whole Mediterranean striped bass with salt crust, vegetables, chardonnay caper sauce
Filet Mignon
8oz beef, green peppercorn demi-glace, scalloped potatoes, sautéed bacon green beans
(345) 526 1623
22 Piper Way, Seven Mile Beach reservations@mspipers.ky mspipers.ky
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This wonderful restaurant is set in the backyard of Ms Piper’s cottage hidden away in the heart of Grand Cayman’s Seven Mile Beach. The cottage and garden are decorated with Ms. Piper’s collection of keepsakes from her travels, and you will find her food, cocktails, décor and music inspiring. Ms. Piper’s offers a carefully crafted menu inspired by the different seasons, using locally sourced produce as much as possible, and you can choose a small, medium or large plate depending on how hungry you are.
Her kitchen is a testament to a life’s journey well lived. It’s an imprint of the cultural and spiritual life that she has pursued and enjoyed, and a celebration of graceful aging. The vibe is a nod to free spirits, a welcoming hand to the stylish vagabond and a joyful smile to those still young at heart. Her cottage features a show kitchen, a secret garden with a pool, intimate nooks and an outdoor bar. This garden has a passage connecting to the sea.
Wonderful dishes to choose from include the branzino, Korean ribs, empanadas and one of the best burgers in Cayman! Afterwards, treat yourself to one of their delectable sweet desserts that include caramelised crêpes and cheesecake, amongst other incredible options.
• Ever-changing lunch menu inspired by seasonality
• Pool bar connected to the Caribbean Sea
• Whimsical garden area available for private events
• Wood Fire Grill and live music on Wednesdays
• Monthly Legendary Live Concert Night
• Pool BBQ Party on Sunday
• Daily Ms Piper’s Happy Hour
• Live entertainment every week
Opening hours*: Sunday-Thursday 11am-10pm Friday & Saturday 11am-11pm Breakfast 9am-11am (weekends & Public Holidays)
*Hours subject to change during summer season
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC and AMEX
Empanadas CI$14
Mushroom and cheese or Angus beef, spices and tomato salsa
Burrata a la Leña CI$18
Pesto, arugula, roasted red peppers, garlic
Korean Ribs CI$26
Gochujang glaze, apple kimchi, coconut rice
Butterflied Snapper
Brown butter and caper sauce, arugula, fennel, orange, and red onion salad
Buckingham Square, West Bay Road
945 3484
ragazzi@ragazzi.ky ragazzi.ky
Ragazzi is brought to you by the same dynamic team that created LUCA. A long-term favourite among residents, Ragazzi is always buzzing and has a great atmosphere.
The menu includes excellent pizzas cooked in an authentic Italian wood-burning oven, great pastas, seafood, meat, vegetarian dishes and daily specials, all at reasonable prices. Gluten free or whole wheat breads, pizza crusts and pastas are also available. The service is warm and efficient and because of their convenient opening hours—11.30am to 11pm, seven days a week, including Sunday lunch — you can drop in and eat no matter what time you are hungry. Alternatively, various banquet menus are available for private parties and events.
Sample Dishes
Antipasto Misto
Prosciutto, bresaola, salami, Austrian speck, mortadella with pistachio, roasted red peppers and parmesan
Local Red Snapper
Pan-fried local red snapper, garlic roasted fingerling potatoes, local bok choy, white wine butter and shrimp sauce
Shellfish Linguine
Lobster, shrimp, scallops, mussels, olive oil, diced tomato, garlic and basil
• Italian and seafood cuisine
• Award-winning wine list
• Wood-burning pizza oven
• Central location with ample parking
• Daily specials
• Warm, friendly atmosphere
• Children’s portions
• Great family restaurant
• Homemade gluten-free pasta available, as well as gluten-free or whole wheat pizza crusts
• Vegetarian and vegan friendly
Opening hours: Daily 11.30am-11pm
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC and AMEX
Reservations recommended
Takeaway, delivery, private chef and catering service available
Lobster & Shrimp Ravioli
Homemade ravioli with shallots and creamy lobster sauce
Zuppa di Pesce
Lobster tail, snapper, jumbo shrimps, jumbo scallops in a garlic basil tomato broth
Sample Authentic Wood Oven Pizzas: Vegetarian
4 Seasons
Prosciutto di Parma
455 West Bay Road, SMB
(345) 946 1434
i.scream@scoopscayman.com scoopscayman.com
SMB MAP page 72.......................................
• ‘Tori Pops’ 100% organic popsicles
• Special events packages
• Free WiFi
• Patio dining
• Breakfast, lunch and dessert
• JABLUM coffee
Scoops Cayman is the exclusive retailer of Devon House I Scream in the Cayman Islands. Originating in Jamaica, the brand is ranked among the best ice cream in the world. As a nod to Jamaica’s heritage, Devon House is a beautiful mansion in the country’s capital, Kingston. The Devon House I Scream is designed for the tropics using locally grown fruits and vegetables in Jamaica. This provides a pleasurable indulgence and a slow melting experience. Try signature flavours such as Devon Stout, Blue Mountain Coffee, Rum and Raisin, and Grapenut. The tropical flavours such as coconut, guava, mango and pineapple-ginger promise a flavourful taste. Anticipate seasonal flavours such as sorrel, eggnog and soursop around Christmas time.
Scoops Cayman offers Devon House Bakery’s premium patties such as curry goat, ackee and saltfish, lobster, beef and callaloo. There are freshly baked pastries made locally, such as sweet potato pudding, cornmeal pudding, rum cake, Toto and many more.
Chef Olando Bolton is happy to serve a breakfast and lunch menu, which includes coconut-crusted French toast, Scoops breakfast sandwich and avocado toast. There’s also the ackee and saltfish wrap, açaí bowl and Caribbean chicken wrap. The place to be after dinner is Scoops Cayman, for a wide selection of desserts.
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 6.30am-10pm Saturday and Sunday 8.30am-10pm
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC, Discover, AMEX and Diners Club International
43 West Bay Road, Seven Mile Beach
(345) 949 2231
info@wharf.ky wharf.ky
With its stunning waterfront setting right at the start of Cayman’s famous Seven Mile Beach, The Wharf, known for its delicious cuisine, awardwinning wine list, impeccable service and nightly tarpon feeding has been a top dining destination for over 30 years. A popular wedding and event venue that can seat up to 350 guests right at the waters edge or in their air-conditioned indoor dining room that doubles as a fully equipped conference facility, has an adjacent covered upper deck which is perfect for post-meeting gatherings. Begin your evening with a tropical cocktail at the Bodeguita Lounge and Bar, then enjoy a sunset dinner crafted by their Executive Chef Christian Reiter and his attentive and talented team.
Ceviche of the Day
Caribbean Lobster Bisque
Pan-Seared Foie Gras
Escargots Bourguignonne CI$17
Conch Fritters
Baked Bone Marrow
Caribbean Lobster Salad
Spinach & Arugula Salad
Classic Caesar Salad
Local Tuna Sashimi
Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail
• Stunning sea views and sunsets
• Nightly tarpon feeding at 7pm and 9pm
• Exceptional award-winning wine list
• Cayman’s only underground wine cellar
• Bodeguita Lounge and Bar
• Extensive liquor and cigar collection
• Reservations recommended
• Stunning location for weddings, events and beach ceremonies
• Meeting and conference facility
• State-of-the-art AV system
• Sister restaurant to Grand Old House
Opening hours: Monday-Sunday 5pm-10pm
Happy Hour 4pm-6.30pm
20% discount up to 6.30pm
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC, AMEX and Discover
Reservations recommended
Diver Sea Scallops
Chilean Seabass CI$54
Baked Salmon CI$36
Caribbean Queen Conch Rundown CI$46
Seafood Linguini
Spicy Shrimp Curry
Filet Mignon
Slow Roasted Rack of Lamb
Jerk Pork Tenderloin
Moroccan Spiced Chicken Breast
Vegetable Stir Fry
Located just steps from Grand Cayman’s world-famous Seven Mile Beach, the lively waterfront town of Camana Bay is a must-see destination for visitors and is the address that many residents call work or home.
As the first New Urbanist community in the region built with connectivity and accessibility in mind, Camana Bay offers word-class offices, stunning residences, shopping, dining, family-friendly entertainment, a packed events calendar and lush outdoor spaces with unique attractions in one location. It’s truly a place where life blossoms.
Visitors can get a glimpse of local life every Wednesday with the seasonal Farmers & Artisans Market. In low season, the farmers market is held when there is local produce available for sale. Can’t make it on Wednesday? Come another day and you’re likely to find performances by local talent. Browse the shops of Camana Bay to find local mementos for everyone in the family. Enjoy shopping for a selection of products made in Cayman or inspired by its natural beauty and storied history. Sit down for a meal or beverage at one of the many restaurants and you’re bound to try a local ingredient or two!
Farmers & Artisans Market The Market is held during high season every Wednesday from 10am to 5pm on the Paseo. Discover an array of local purveyors offering products and experiences found only in Cayman. Come early for the widest selection of fresh produce and local specialties, then browse an eclectic selection of artisanal products and handicrafts. The market schedule is subject to change so be sure to follow Camana Bay on Facebook and Instagram for updates.
Local Tunes by Local Talent The restaurants and bars at Camana Bay love hosting live music performances. Almost every day of the week you’ll find local musicians from across the island grace the Town Centre with sweet tunes of all genres. With saxophonists, guitarists, jazz singers and more, there are sounds for all to enjoy.
Local Flavours All Around If you’re looking for true Cayman flavour, Camana Bay offers everything from locally flavoured gelato to locally inspired cocktails and meals produced with local ingredients.
Events From family-friendly activities such as community art events, live story readings and free outdoor movies, to the beloved annual lighting of the Camana Bay Christmas tree, the Town Centre hosts hundreds of signature events throughout the year. For a complete calendar of events visit www.camanabay. com/things-to-do-grand-cayman/events/.
The Observation Tower Walk up the majestic 75ft Observation Tower for a 360-degree view of Grand Cayman and be mesmerised by the floor-to-ceiling marine mosaic mural on the way up. Made up of over three million Venetian tiles, the stunning display illustrates an underwater scene familiar to divers who have experienced the renowned dive sites for which Cayman is known. The tower is equipped with elevator access. Stop by the Camana Bay Visitor Centre before you make the climb for a free Observation Tower informational and activity pack – great for adults and kids alike.
Interactive Fountains Let the kids loose in the interactive fountains. In Jasmine Court, water spurts mingle with colour, delighting tots and toddlers. On the Crescent, dancing waters with skyward bursts reaching 30 feet thrill brave youngsters.
The Courtyards Choose a book from Next Chapter and relax in one of the five courtyards: Jasmine, Cassia, Gardenia, Canella and Heliconia. Named after the prominent flowers found in their garden, each courtyard has a distinct character and offers cool breezes and welcoming seating
The Island On a palm tree-lined beach, the Island provides a peaceful and picturesque place to relax in a hammock and watch boats sail through the harbour, including Cayman Ferries, which keeps a regular schedule of roundtrips to Kaibo in North Side.
Passport to Camana Bay Visit the Camana Bay Visitor Centre to pick up a free copy of your Passport to Camana Bay, a familyfriendly activity guide suitable for all ages, residents and visitors alike. This guide is sure to keep the whole family entertained, with colouring pages and trivia questions, while also learning cool facts about Camana Bay. At the end of your adventure, present the completed booklet to the Visitor Centre in exchange for a voucher for a free kid’s gelato from Gelato & Co.
The Rise A pedestrianised walking path offering visitors and residents the opportunity to stroll from the Crescent of Camana Bay to West Bay Road in under 10 minutes.
Mementos of Camana Bay Visit the Camana Bay Visitor Centre for all things Camana Bay, including merchandise to remember Camana Bay by, gift cards which can be redeemed at the shops and restaurants, local trinkets and more.
Live. Work. Do you enjoy the stunning harbor views, refreshing breezes, and the convenience of over 60 shops, restaurants, and amenities right at your fingertips in Camana Bay? It’s no wonder that more than 3,800 people have already chosen to live and work in this vibrant community. Whether you’re looking to own a home in OLEA, Camana Bay’s first residential for-sale neighbourhood featuring Grand Cayman’s only lazy river, rent one of the luxurious Terraces or Kapok apartments in the heart of the Town Centre, or lease premier office space, Camana Bay is the destination for global business and Caribbean community.
For more information on residential options, email: live@camanabay.com or to enquire about turnkey solutions for office space, email: leasing@dart.ky.
Explore some of Grand Cayman’s top restaurants and discover a tempting mix of cafés, markets and signature restaurants with dining options for every craving.
The Edgy Vedge Vegan comfort foods, fresh juices, smoothies, teas and coffees. (345) 746 3349.
Gelato & Co. Authentic Italian ice creams, pastries and cakes. (345) 324 4359.
Häagen-Dazs Fine ice creams, sorbets and smoothies. (345) 946 8061.
Jessie’s Juice Bar Fresh juices, smoothies, teas, coffees and health foods. (345) 949 2012.
Petit Paris French bakery with sweet treats and European classics. (345) 328 4000.
Starbucks High-quality coffee and wide selection of teas, pastries and hot and savoury foods. (345) 233 7827.
Abacus Sustainable farm-to-table and ocean-to-plate cuisine with alfresco dining. (345) 623 8282.
Agua Italian cuisine with a Peruvian twist. Indoor and outdoor patio seating by the water. (345) 949 2482.
The Brooklyn Pizza + Pasta ItalianAmerican cuisine with international flair and waterfront views. (345) 640 0005.
Carnivore Premium Meats & Bar Bespoke butcher shop and full-service restaurant (345) 640 6328.
Cask Whisky Bar An exclusive escape into the world of premium whiskies. (345) 746 2275.
The Edgy Vedge “Veganised” comfort food in a trendy atmosphere. (345) 746 3349.
KARoo Crisp designer cocktails and small plates. (345) 946 6633.
LOCO Traditional Mexican food rooted in authenticity and creativity, plus a tequila bar offering traditional and aged mezcals
and tequilas. (345) 746 5626. SEE PAGE 104
Mizu Asian Bistro + Bar Southeast Asianinspired fare with a waterfront Teppanyaki table. (345) 640 0001.
Next Door Caymanian-inspired cocktails and elegant bar bites. (345) 746 2484.
Pane & Pasta A wide choice of freshly made pasta and bakery products for dinein or take away, bringing home a taste of Italy. (345) 547 9208.
Pani Indian Kitchen Authentic Indian restaurant with flavour profiles from various regions of India. (345) 640 0007.
The Tasting Room Wine Bar Exceptional wines from around the globe and delightful tapas. (345) 322 4925.
Union Grill & Bar Grilled meats, fresh seafood, artisan cocktails plus tapas-style bar snacks. (345) 640 5660.
The Waterfront Urban Diner Freshly made American classics and gastro-pub fare. (345) 640 0002.
As Grand Cayman’s premier shopping destination, Camana Bay’s Town Centre is the perfect place to enjoy some retail therapy. Browse the shops and discover an eclectic mix of local treasures and top international brands, including POLO
Ralph Lauren, Prada, Gucci, Michael Kors, Lacoste and more. Find everything from duty-free jewellery, designer fashion and resort wear, luxurious skincare and cosmetics, to locally made treasures, bestselling books and high-tech gadgets, all in one convenient location.
De Sunglass Man
Eclipze Hair Design & Day Spa
Forever Summer
Island Jewellers
Le Visage
Little Angels
Little Coconuts
NKY Flagship & NKY Collections
Red’s Emporium
Sand Angels
SOLES Shoe Salon
TABS Cayman
Audi Cayman Islands
Next Chapter
Cayman MAC Store
Bedside Manor
Bon Vivant Kitchen Studio
Carnivore & Bar Carnivore
Design Studio
Label C
OLEA Sales & Presentation Centre
The Tasting Room Wine Bar
Align Aon
Anytime Fitness
Health City Camana Bay
Health City Radiation Oncology Centre
Camana Bay Visitor Centre Mail Boxes Etc. Must Love Dogs
Cayman Dental & Cayman
Cayman Music School & The Music Box
MyFirstGym Red Sail Sports
Royal Bank of Canada Wealth Management
Cayman National Bank Ryde
CrossFit Cayman
Fluff ‘n’ Fold
Starfish Village & Village Montessori
VisionWear Cayman
Foster’s Camana Bay ZÜN
FS8 Cayman
Camana Bay Cinema
If you need a break from the sunny skies and sandy beaches, Camana Bay Cinema is the Island’s only cinema, with seven screens showing the latest movies, including three VIP theatres equipped with leather recliners and a dedicated concession area and bar, serving a full menu of food and drink options. Plus, daybeds are now available in all auditoriums for the ultimate comfort. Call (345) 640 3456.
Camana Bay Sports Complex
Visitors wanting to stay fit while on vacation can book the tennis, pickleball and basketball courts, a 25-metre swimming pool and the professional-grade sports field. To make a booking request or enquiry, call (345) 640 2878 or email: cbsc@camanabay.com.
Camana Bay Harbour
A number of watersports companies operate out of Camana Bay’s harbour, offering many ways to explore and enjoy the ocean. For more information, call (345) 640 4000 or email: harbour@camanabay.com.
and Tequila Bar
(345) 746 5626
The Paseo, Camana Bay manager@lococayman.ky lococayman.ky
LOCO brings a Mexican culture rooted in both tradition and creativity to Camana Bay. Join them at their Tequila Bar and experience traditional and aged mezcals and tequilas. LOCO is filled with the warmth of Latin spices and aromas of traditional Mexican cuisine. Their chefs are devoted to authentic food, made up of traditional spices, maize tortillas, handmade guacamole, enchiladas, fajitas, tacos, chargrilled steaks and local fish. LOCO combines authenticity and modernity; natural stone and mahogany wood with contrasting hand-painted Mexican tiles. Its charm and witty personality is matched by the passionate team who provide a personalised service to friends and customers.
Tacos de Carnitas
Slow cooked pork belly, pico de gallo, guacamole, diced fresh apple and LOCO salsa
Tacos Carne Asada
• TACO Tuesdays from 11am-10pm
• LOCO Mexican Cocina, 49 different Tequilas and 11 different Mezcals
• Fine wines and fancy cocktails
• Indoor and outdoor seating
Opening hours: Monday-Saturday, 11am-Midnight
Payment method: Cash, MC, Visa, Discover, AMEX and the Camana Bay Gift Card
Menu prices subject to change
coriander, guacamole, LOCO salsa, lime wedge
Tacos Mazatlan
Grilled flank steak, coriander, guacamole and pickled onion, lime wedge
Taco Langosta
Shrimp, marinated and grilled, Mexican slaw, maya sauce and pico de gallo, lime wedge
Tacos Baja
Caribbean lobster taco, topped with pico de gallo, habanero maya sauce and red radish
Tacos Pollo Al Pastor
Pacifico beer battered red snapper, Mexican slaw, maya sauce, pico de gallo and lime
Chicken Enchiladas
Grilled marinated chicken, grilled pineapple,
Rolled homemade corn tortilla, topped with green sauce, baked with cheese, garnished with sour cream, red onion and coriander
and Skincare Boutique
The Paseo, Camana Bay & Harbour Walk, Grand Harbour
(345) 946 2332 (Camana Bay)
(345) 743 2332 (Harbour Walk)
gesh@levisageboutique.com levisageboutique.com
CB MAP page 98..........................................
GT MAP page 108......................................... 19
Le Visage is a luxury cosmetics and skincare boutique renowned for its expansive selection of exclusive brands, advanced skincare products and devoted customer service. Shop for brands such as Bobbi Brown, Elemis, Murad, Dermalogica, Smashbox, Kevyn Aucoin and Coola, to name just a few. They also sell a range of tools and accessories.
Makeup Le Visage stocks over 27 leading cosmetic brands catering to all skin colours and types. Products include foundation, powder, eyeshadow, lip pencils, lipsticks and much more.
Skincare Le Visage’s brands are carefully selected to address specific needs such as oily skin, anti-aging, organic, etc.
Bath, Body & Fragrance From body butter and sugar scrubs to shower gel and body oils, Le Visage stocks products to help you cleanse, exfoliate and hydrate your skin. They also sell perfumes, candles and diffusers.
The Le Visage Experience A personal, consultative experience with one of their knowledgeable staff members to understand
• Advanced skincare products
• Offers over 27 brands
• Caters to all skin colours and types
• Devoted customer service
• Online shopping available
• Caters to both men and women
Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 10am-7pm
Payment method: Cash, MC, Visa, Discover, AMEX and the Camana Bay Gift Card
Mention EXPLORE and a receive 10% discount in store.
and correctly identify individual needs and recommend products to help.
Le Visage Beauty Points Take advantage of Le Visage’s loyalty programme and save on your favourite makeup and skincare products! For every CI$1 spent, you’ll earn five points, which can be redeemed for money-saving vouchers to put towards future purchases.
Silhouette Lingerie and Underwear
(345) 943 5223
The Paseo, Camana Bay info@silhouette.ky silhouette.ky
CB MAP page 98..........................................
Silhouette is Cayman’s premier retailer specialising exclusively in the finest selection of lingerie and underwear. Head to Camana Bay to browse a variety of brands and sizes to suit your intimate needs. Whether you’re looking for lace and rhinestones for a special occasion, the perfect birthday gift for that unique someone, or simply want to treat yourself to something beautiful, Silhouette has something for you.
Often getting new arrivals in, they stock a range of brands, including UGG, Cosabella, Hanky Panky, local designer Ted Green and more. Every person is different, especially when it comes to intimate wear. With their wide range of designs and styles, you’ll have plenty of choice to suit your personal preferences. Taking pride in their professionalism, Silhouette’s staff have a talent for picking out the perfect lingerie to suit your needs.
The store also has professionally trained bra fitters who are sure to find the perfect fitting undergarments, whether it’s your first bra or your fiftieth, to boost your self-esteem and enhance your Silhouette!
• Premier retailer for lingerie and underwear
• Stocks a variety of brands, including UGG, Cosabella, Barefoot Dreams, Hanky Panky, Eberjay, Bedhead Pajamas, Bluebella and Saxx
• Bra fitting service available by professionally trained staff
• Caters to both men and women
• Professional and discreet staff
• Stocks a variety of homeware and gifts
• Large selection of lingerie styles to suit various body shapes
Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 10am-7pm
Payment method: Cash, MC, Visa, Discover and the Camana Bay Gift Card
55 Market Street, Camana Bay (opposite Next Chapter)
(345) 525 8227
hello@tabscayman.com tabscayman.com
CB MAP page 98............................................. 1
TABS Cayman is a clothing and lifestyle boutique offering island-inspired products. From its humble beginnings in the markets of Bermuda, TABS specialises in clothes that take you from work to play in comfort and style. Their collection of bespoke goods inspired by our islands showcase a collection of Caymanian artists and top international brands, embracing creativity and encouraging you to live boldly.
They sell a cool and considered collection of clothes and accessories for women. From light linen sundresses and cool muslin night sets to pashmina scarves and espadrille heels.
The best spot to find Bermuda shorts for work or play. Their vast collection of quintessentially Caymanian printed shirts make island dressing easy and fun.
Organic shirts and caftans, quick dry swimming trunks and sun shirts keep kids safe and stylish. They also have a ‘mini me’ section so boys can dress just like Dad!
• Specialising in Bermuda shorts
• Collaborates with Caymanian artists
• Top international brands
• Award-winning boutique
• Island apparel
• Unique gifts and bespoke goods
Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm (closed Sunday)
Payment method: Cash, MC, Visa, Discover and the Camana Bay Gift Card
Mention EXPLORE in store and receive a 10% discount.
Home Decor & Gifts
A range of products to keep you and your home looking, smelling and feeling fabulous. Whether you’re wanting a comforting candle, plush sofa accessories or a beautiful bag, there is plenty to choose from at TABS Cayman.
A visit to the Cayman Islands is not complete without a trip to the capital, George Town. It is home to many high-end jewellery and beauty stores offering duty-free shopping, as well as Government buildings and historical landmarks. There is lots to do in George Town and, unlike many capital cities, it is surrounded by crystal clear waters and stunning sunset views.
Discover Cayman's History at the National Museum. Nearing 200 years old, this remarkably sophisticated museum houses interactive displays that provide a very interesting introduction to Cayman's natural history and cultural heritage. Great for both adults and children. (SEE PAGE 119)
Shop and make the most of the Islands' duty-free and tax-free prices. In George Town, you will find stores carrying high quality jewellery, cameras, artwork, souvenirs, gifts, clothes and collectables. See later in this chapter for all the best shopping.
Take a Helicopter Tour with Cayman Islands Helicopters and view this beautiful Island from the air. Choose from an Island or Stingray City tour or, for a truly memorable evening, go on a sunset flight followed by a romantic meal. You can even fly to Little Cayman and Cayman Brac in one day! SEE PAGE 118
Take a Walking Tour of the capital and learn about Cayman’s cultural and maritime history. See page 114 for recommended family and guided walking tours.
Dive the azure waters that line George Town. Don Foster's (345) 938 4000 and Wall to Wall Diving (345) 916 6408 can take you on boat dives to the Kittiwake and Stingray City. At Eden Rock (345) 949 7243, explore the caves and the Wreck of the Cali, a 220ft schooner.
An Underwater Tour with Nautilus (345) 945 1355 is a unique way to view the underwater world! The Nautilus is a semi-submarine, so it never fully submerges.
Snorkel the calm waters around Eden Rock and you'll come across two reefs: Eden Rock and Devil’s Grotto. Another great spot is Cheeseburger Reef, located about 100-200 yards off of the waterfront at Burger King. If you don't have gear of your own, you can rent it from places like Divers Supply (SEE PAGE 82) . Their daily rate is CI$5 for a mask and snorkel, plus an additional CI$5 for fins.
Feed the Tarpon every night at Casanova Ristorante at 7pm or at The Wharf at 7pm and 9pm. It’s also worth stopping by the Fish Market on North Church Street, next to Cayman Cabana, during the day to watch the fishermen cleaning their daily catch.
Enjoy the Sunset at one of the many bars lining the George Town harbour. The area's westerly orientation means you'll be treated to fantastic views of the colourful sky each night as the sun sets.
In the latter half of the year, Cayman comes alive for Pirates Week, the country’s largest celebration. The best of the festivities take place in George Town, with street dances, a float parade, fireworks and more!
If you have more time to spend in the Islands' capital, venture outside the centre and discover even more activities.
Go Diving and Snorkelling at Sunset House A dive resort, bar and restaurant with great snorkelling and shore diving just outside George Town. See the famous 9ft mermaid, Amphitrite, and the wreck of WWII landing craft, The Nicholson. SEE PAGE 117
Book a Wine Tasting Grand Old House hosts monthly wine tastings in their dedicated wine room. These regionallythemed events are a great way to spend an evening in George Town. SEE PAGE 116
Walk a Dog From the Humane Society Dogs housed at the shelter would love a walk on the beach with you. The cats would love some cuddles and play time too! Located on North Sound Road. (345) 949 1461
Play Pickleball The world's fastest growing sport is extremely popular in Cayman and there are a number of places to play. Try Pickleball Cayman. (345) 924 7511.
Brewery Tasting & Distillery Tours Head to the Cayman Islands Brewery (345) 947 6699, where you can sample a range of Caymanian beers. Spirit lovers will enjoy a tour of the 5,000sq ft Cayman Spirits Co. Learn how the distillery produces handcrafted spirits, and sample fresh batches. (345) 943 4786.
Relax at the Dart Family Park Just a few minutes drive south of George Town. This shady park features family playground facilities, a small amphitheatre, gazebos, restrooms and picnic tables. The National Trust's Visitor Centre and shop is located just inside the Park.
Swim and Snorkel at Cayman's Secluded Beaches A few minutes' drive from George Town, Smiths Barcadere and Consuelo's Beach are both secluded, local favourites. Smiths is great for snorkelling, whilst Consuelo's is a good spot for surfing on windy days.
Downtown George Town is where you will find many high-end jewellery shops, as well as interesting and unique stores selling great gifts. You can pick up all the groceries you'll need at Kirk Market (SEE PAGE 41) . As a reminder, George Town is quietest on non-cruise ship days, and downtown shops are closed on Sundays.
Artifacts Ltd. stocks a host of antique jewellery, maps, prints, china, shipwreck treasures and more. It's the perfect place to pick up a one-of-a-kind gift. Their team often showcases unique pieces on their social media pages. SEE PAGE 120
Cathy Church's Photo Centre is home to Cathy's famous collection of underwater photography. Photographs are available to purchase in a variety of sizes, with custom framing available. SEE PAGE 121
Cayman Islands National Museum Shop offers a wide selection of locally made products that make the perfect gift or souvenir. They are also the official distributor for the Cayman Islands flag and Coat of Arms plaques. SEE PAGE 119
Guy Harvey Gallery & Shoppe sells marine-themed, original works of art, prints, clothing and gifts. You may even run into Guy Harvey himself! Located on the waterfront on South Church Street.
Pure Art is located one mile south of George Town in an old Caymanian cottage. It is a treasure trove full of original paintings and prints by local artists, plus handmade jewellery, bags, ceramics, cushions and more. SEE PAGE 126
The Craft Market, located just past the Fort George Ruins and opposite the waterfront, is a great place to watch local artisans at work and to pick up a unique gift or collector’s item. Browse handmade products like decorated conch, Caymanite and silver thatch palm hats and bags. Also find delicious local jellies, pickles and snacks. Open on days when cruise ships are in port.
Other great things to buy are watches, gems and precious metals as they are duty-free and exempt from sales tax. Head downtown and wander around Island Plaza (SEE PAGE 123) on Harbour Drive, where you can find Pandora and Swarovski boutiques, as well as Island Jewellers. You'll find Kay's Fine Jewelry (SEE PAGE 6-7) on Fort Street, The Jewellery Palace (SEE PAGE 124) overlooking the harbour and one of the many Kirk Freeport (SEE PAGE 125) stores located on Cardinall Avenue or in Bayshore Mall. Each of these companies offers a wide range of diamonds and other gemstones, as well as top-of-the-line jewellery. With duty-free and tax-free prices, buying jewellery and watches in Cayman is a smart move. You can also check out the family-owned jewellery store, Rocky's Diamond Gallery (SEE PAGE 127) , which specialises in high-end jewellery. They offer an extensive collection of gemstones. Or, let the diamond aficionados at Milano (SEE PAGE 3) guide you in finding the ring, bracelet or necklace you've always dreamed of. If you're looking for something with a little more history, head to Artifacts (SEE PAGE 120) on Harbour Drive and browse their extensive collection of beautiful antique items.
Cameras are duty-free in Cayman and can often be less expensive than in the US or Europe. Cathy Church’s Photo Centre (SEE PAGE 121) at Sunset House Hotel, located on South Church Street, sells a wide range of digital cameras and accessories, including Olympus, Nikon, SeaLife, GoPro, Sea&Sea, Ultralight, Nauticam, dive and video lights and more.
Cardinall Avenue has many beauty stores, including Kirk Freeport’s La Parfumerie (SEE PAGE 125) which sells brands like Chanel, Clarins, Dior, Guerlain, Lancôme, L'Oréal and Sisley. You will also find a MAC makeup store and a Victoria's Secret.
There are a number of stores along the harbour where you can find unique pieces, such as Guy Harvey Gallery & Shoppe (SEE PAGE 122) , which sells marine themed clothing with their original prints. Most souvenir shops sell clothing, a number of which can be find around the Flagship Building opposite the cruise terminal.
Scan for restaurants, menus, promotions and more in the George Town area.
Allora From morning pastries to traditional pizzas, you'll find authentic Italian favourites as well as contemporary takes on the classics. Harbour Walk. (345) 936 4796
Gelato & Co Authentic and delicious Italian gelato freshly made every day. Great coffees too. Cardinall Avenue. (345) 743 9999.
Kirk Market Full-service supermarket with a great deli and salad bar for a healthy, delicious and reasonably priced lunch. SEE PAGE 41
Singh’s Roti Shop Family-run roti and local Caribbean restaurant. Great value for money. Just off Shedden Road. (345) 946 7684.
South West Collective Wholesome food for breakfast and lunch, as well as delicious, freshly made smoothies and juices. Harbour Place. (345) 946 3004.
The Old Gaol Café A range of traditional dishes with daily specials depending on the availability of fresh local produce. Located in the Cayman Islands Museum. SEE PAGE 119
Waffle Monkey This locally owned waffle house is great for a sweet or savoury breakfast pitstop across from the water. North Church Street. (345) 945 7772.
Casanova Ristorante Much loved Italian restaurant with great food and friendly staff. They have tarpon feeding every night – just ask a staff member! Located on North Church Street. (345) 949 7633.
Guy Harvey's Boathouse Grill Offers a mix of Caribbean and International cuisine with views over the harbour and a warm atmosphere. Located above The White Whale on the waterfront. (345) 640 0020.
Lobster Pot Family-owned and operated for over 55 years, Lobster Pot is a seafood and steak restaurant. Enjoy your meal on their deck to soak in the sea view. Located on North Church Street. (345) 949 2736.
Thai House Restaurant Traditional Thai curries, seafood specials, noodles, salads and more. Located in central George Town and George Town outskirts. (345) 949 6141.
Cayman Cabana A waterfront bar that serves authentic Caymanian fare and has incredible sunset views. (345) 936 1345.
Grand Tiki Bar Popular bar overlooking the sea with a great selection of tiki cocktails and craft beer. (345) 917 9779.
Rackam’s A waterfront bar with a wide selection of drinks and bar food. (345) 945 3860.
Silverside Restaurant & Rum Bar A bar with great views and a large selection of rums. Serves Caribbean tapas food. Located above Eden Rock. (345) 749 3434.
Sharkeez Great views overlooking George Town's waterfront. Tasty food and drinks and shows sports. (345) 769 7616.
White Whale Pub & Ale Popular bar on the waterfront with a great value happy hour. (345) 640 0020.
Agave Serving authentic Mexican cuisine and delicious tequila and mezcal cocktails. (345) 947 5555.
Aria Mediterranean cuisine set in a vibrant restaurant. (345) 936 4795. Harbour Walk, Grand Harbour.
China Village Enjoy Cantonese and Szechuan Chinese cuisine, and great dim sum on Sundays. (345) 945 3490.
George Town Yacht Club (GTYC) Offers fresh, local seafood with a lovely pool area for kids to splash around in. Arrive by boat or car. (345) 947 4892.
Grand Old House (GOH) Located on the water, GOH has old-world charm, great food and beautiful sunset views. South Church Street. (345) 949 9333. SEE PAGE 116
Lucky Rabbit A new Japanese restaurant offering tasty and traditional dishes. Located in Grand Harbour. (345) 945 5200.
Sunset House Casual waterfront tiki bar and restaurant. A wide menu of great food, including delicious curries. (345) 949 7111. SEE PAGE 117
The Brasserie Offering gourmet fusion food served in a stylish setting. (345) 945 1815.
Start at the National Museum A great introduction to Cayman’s natural history and heritage. There are interactive displays, a movie theatre, a children’s gallery and gift shop. (Allow 40–60 mins) SEE PAGE 119
Local Art Keeping the waterfront on your right, walk to the Guy Harvey Gallery & Shoppe to see some local art. On your way, make sure to stop at the Stingray fountain at Bayshore Mall for a great photo. At Guy Harvey's gallery, you can browse the beautiful art, and shop for souvenirs. (10-15 mins)
Heroes Square Now with the waterfront on your left, walk past the Museum and turn right into Cardinall Avenue, then left into Albert Panton Street. 100 yards on the right you will see a long colourful mural depicting Cayman’s history. Continue another 50 yards past the law courts and you can explore Heroes Square and the Wall of Honour, which lists the names of 500 Caymanians who have contributed to the development of the Cayman Islands. You'll also see the clock tower which was built in 1937 in memory of King George V. (15–20 mins) Fort George Now turn left into Fort Street and walk towards the waterfront. At the end you will find the 18th century fort that once stood overlooking the harbour. It's believed to date back to around 1790. You'll also see a replica of a cannon that was used to defend Grand Cayman from attacks by Spanish marauders and pirates. (10–15 mins)
Craft Market Continue walking with the waterfront to your left and you'll spot the Craft Market on the right-hand side of the road. Here you'll find locally produced goods, crafts and collector's items. Stalls are open on days when cruise ships are in port. (15–30 mins)
Fish Market Continue walking in the same direction for to where the fishermen sell their daily catch on the water. (10 mins)
Elmslie Church Named after Rev. James Elmslie, this church was built in the 1920s by naval architect Capt. Rayal Bodden. The roof is designed like a ship's hull turned upside down. Open to visitors 10.30am-2pm on days that cruise ships are in.
Parliament Building Where the Government meets. When Parliament is in session, members of the public can watch from the gallery on the 2nd floor. Seamen’s Memorial The statue represents a father and son on a ship’s deck and features the names of 450 brave and heroic Caymanian seafarers who lost their lives at sea. Located in Heroes Square.
WWII US Navy Base Code named 'Baldpate', this secret base of 4060 men helped monitor submarine activity in the area. The base consisted of a radio shack, supply office, barracks/tents and an officers' club.
This 20 stop tour celebrates Cayman’s rich maritime heritage. It's usually a driving tour, with stops marked by roadside signs, but you can walk to two of the sites in George Town. For more information on the tour, pick up a booklet from the National Museum SEE PAGE 119 A busy port with anchorage for local vessels, visiting merchant navy and cruise ships. Archaeological finds suggest that the shoreline dates back to the mid-1700s. In 1773 British Navy Surveyor, George Gauld, wrote "This, in good weather is a very convenient place for wooding and watering and getting stock and other refreshment". Look very carefully for a slipway carved into the ironshore where the Arch family’s shipyard launched their vessels. Local wood was used in construction, including mahogany, cedar and pop nut. You will find a number of other slipways if you follow the iron shore south towards Dart Park.
Grand Old House
Waterfront Dining and Outdoor Bar/Lounge
648 South Church Street, George Town info@grandoldhouse.com grandoldhouse.com
18 (345) 949 9333
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Built in 1908, the Grand Old House is a historical waterfront landmark that exudes warmth and class. Its spectacular oceanside setting welcomes people whatever the size of their event or party. Dine on their oceanfront deck or in one of their eight air-conditioned private dining rooms. The latter includes six very special wine rooms that offer various seating sizes and display their incredible wine collection which has won the coveted Wine Spectator Award for 20+ years.
The restaurant's award-winning chefs expertly prepare Caribbean-international classics using the freshest local ingredients, including fresh catch caught daily by fishermen and produce from local farmers.
Sample Appetizers
Mushroom Ravioli
Conch Fritters
Salmon & Scallop Carpaccio
Crab Cake
Foie Gras
Hamachi Crudo
Lobster Bisque
Sample Entrées from the Sea Catch of the Day
Seafood Curry
• Stunning sea views and sunsets
• Exceptional wine list
• 8 air-conditioned private dining rooms
• Cigar and Bourbon Bodega
• Off-site catering available
• Children's menu available
• Reservations recommended
• Customised wine dinner and wine tasting
• Waterfront deck seats up to 450 people
• Excellent event and wedding venue with experienced and caring team
• Sister restaurant to The Wharf
Opening hours:
Lunch: Thursday & Friday 11.30am2.30pm only
Dinner: Monday-Sunday 4pm-10pm
Happy Hour: Monday-Saturday 4pm6.30pm (20% discount given until 6.30pm)
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC, Amex, Discover
Sample Entrées from the Land
Sunset House Restaurant, Bar and Dive Resort
(345) 949 7111 or (800) 854 4767
390 South Church Street, George Town reservations@sunsethouse.com sunsethouse.com
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At Sunset House, find great accommodation options, crystal clear water, an amazing reef just steps away and fantastic food and drink. Add some warm Caymanian hospitality and you’ll never want to leave this piece of paradise. Locals and visitors are welcome to visit their famous restaurant, bar and beautiful house reef. Guests staying at the resort also have access to the pool.
Snorkelling, Shore & Boat Dives
Sunset House has plenty of snorkelling, boat and shore dive options. In fact, the resort is consistently rated as offering one of the best shore dives in the world. In about eight minutes, you can swim to the wreck of the Nicholson, a World War II landing craft, or visit Amphitrite, a 9ft tall, 600lb bronze mermaid statue that stands 50ft below the surface. The full-service dive shop offers a range of courses, from getting your feet wet to master diver. Hop on one of the dive boats to see Cayman’s dramatic walls, colourful reefs, the Kittiwake and more.
My Bar & Seaharvest Restaurant
After a day at the beach or diving, anyone who enjoys a laid back vibe will truly enjoy the wooden deck and thatched roof atmosphere of Sunset House. Known for its local flavour, Indian curry and friendly staff, many people enjoy the stunning sunsets and sea views of this local favourite. It
• Home of Sunset House, Grand Cayman’s hotel for divers, by divers
• Award winning Sunset Divers full-service dive shop
• Excellent shore diving and snorkelling
• Local bar and seaside restaurant, along with an upscale, air-conditioned restaurant that is perfect for events
• Stunning sunsets
• Cathy Church’s Underwater Photo Centre
• Cayman’s oldest hotel since 1958
• On-site parking available
Hotel office: 7am-10pm
Sunset Divers: 7am-5pm
Seaharvest Restaurant: 11am-10pm
My Bar: Monday-Friday 10am-1am, Saturday 10am-midnight, Sunday 11.30am-midnight
Photo centre: Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm
Payment methods: Cash, Visa, AMEX, MC and Discover
Receive a free one-time gift with a dive shop purchase.
doesn’t get much better than recounting the day’s diving with a drink in hand while watching the sun set over the beautiful Caribbean Sea.
(345) 943 4354 or (345) 926 6967
cihelicopters@yahoo.com caymanislandshelicopters.com
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A sightseeing ride from Cayman Islands Helicopters is the most exciting way to see the Islands from a unique perspective. From the air you will truly appreciate the magnificent colours and clarity of the Caribbean Sea. See the famous stingrays, spot fishing boats and lavish mansions hidden from view and take unforgettable photos from the helicopter.
Stingray City Tour
(approx. 15 mins)
Fly across the North Sound to Stingray City Sandbar and view the stingrays from above. Continue over the reef to the Kittiwake, Seven Mile Beach, before returning to George Town. US$205 per person
Island Tour
(approx. 40 mins)
Follow the coast around Grand Cayman, taking in the azure waters and views of the whole Island. US$450 per person
Sunset Flight & Dinner
For a truly memorable evening, take a sunset helicopter ride and land in style at either The RitzCarlton or Camana Bay for dinner.
US$1,300 for up to six people
Fly to Cayman Brac to dive the USS Keith Tibbetts, then on to Little Cayman and dive Bloody Bay Wall. Have lunch at Southern Cross. Fly back to Grand Cayman to dive the USS Kittiwake. Finish the day with cheese and wine as you watch the sun go down on the Lobster Pot deck. POA
• Exhilarating helicopter rides
• A unique view of the Island and surrounding waters
• Exceptional customer service
• Great photo opportunity
• Sunset flight and dinner package
• Try the Fly, Dive and Dine tour encompassing all three Islands
Operating hours: Monday–Saturday 8am–sunset (Closed Sunday, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day)
Maximum six passengers per trip
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC, AMEX and Discover
Mention EXPLORE and receive US$10 discount per person on the Stingray City and Island Tours.
(345) 949 8368
64 Seafarers Way, George Town info@museum.ky museum.ky
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The Cayman Islands National Museum is housed in the oldest surviving public building of the Cayman Islands, built in the 1830s. The Museum holds two permanent exhibition galleries, three changing galleries and an audiovisual theatre. With a mission to celebrate the unique natural and cultural history of the Islands, the Museum provides creative and educational exhibits and fun programming.
Natural History Gallery Explore Cayman’s unique habitats, take a virtual submarine dive down to Cayman’s famous wall, view a turtle nesting site, see the wetlands, learn about Cayman’s varied animal life and interact with the 3D bathymetric map of the ocean floor and Cayman’s location in the Caribbean.
Cultural History Gallery Themed displays featuring a storytelling seaman, video re-enactments of court trials, information on Caymanian industries and the pioneers who shaped Cayman’s development, plus a state-of-the-art animatronic featuring Miss Annie Huldah Bodden, Cayman parliamentarian and lawyer.
Special Events & Programmes Monthly Looky Ya! (heritage showcases), traditional arts workshops, the Annual Immerse Summer Camp, International Museum Day celebrations, quarterly Night at the Museum events, Museum anniversary celebrations, annual Mango Fest, and the Museum Mile Walk/ Run. Cayman Islands National Museum
• Intro to our Island’s history and culture
• Audiovisual presentation on the Islands’ history
• See the historic Old Gaol (Jail)
• Gift shop with locally made souvenirs
• Guided tours by appointment
• Local food from The Old Gaol Café
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Saturday 10am-2pm
Last Museum admission 45 minutes before closing
• Children (6-12 years) CI$5 / US$6.25
• Adults CI$10 / US$12.50
• Seniors (60+) CI$8 / US$10
• Local Primary Students CI$2
• Local Tertiary Students CI$5
Payment method: Cash, Visa and MC
Mention EXPLORE and receive US$1 off admission.
Gift Shop Browse a range of unique Caymanian gift items, including Caymanite jewellery, flags, prints, silk ties, jellies, thatch baskets, craftwork and books.
The Old Gaol Café Enjoy a wide range of local, delicious dishes and festive drinks.
(345) 949 2442
Cayside Galleries, Seafarers Way (formerly Harbour Drive) instagram.com/artifactsltd.cayman instagram.com/artifactsltd.coins.ky
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Artifacts is an antique store founded in 1971 and is a treasure trove of antique jewellery, maps, prints, china, shipwreck treasures and more. It’s a great spot to pick up a unique gift with a fascinating story. Artifacts is always adding to its collection so there is always something new to interest customers and collectors. Artifacts has a great reputation for selling quality goods from trusted sources. The staff are knowledgeable about antiques and are happy to explain the history of any item for sale.
Artifacts’ antiques are generally 100 years old or older. The collection includes prints, maps, paintings, estate jewellery, porcelain, china, silver, telescopes, opera glasses, compasses, scientific instruments and much more.
An extraordinary selection of ancient and shipwrecked coins sold both as collectibles and set as jewellery. All coins are sourced either directly from the salvors of the shipwrecks or international coin shows and auctions and come with a certificate of authenticity.
Artifacts also stocks handmade modern crafts such as ceramics, glassware and enamels which will likely be valuable antiques in the future.
• Ancient Greek and Roman coins
• Shipwrecked Spanish and Dutch coins
• Antique estate jewellery
• Antique prints and maps
• Antique silver
• Handmade glass, ceramics and enamels
• Shipwrecked china
• Peter Baumgarten jewellery
• Local artwork
• Local Caymanite jewellery
Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 10am-2pm
Closed Sunday and Public Holidays
Payment method:
Cash, all major credit cards and local cheques
Mention EXPLORE and receive a 5% discount on cash purchases. (Not available on consignment stock)
Sunset House Hotel, 390 South Church Street
(345) 949 7415
cathy@cathychurch.com cathychurch.com
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Cathy Church’s has a worldwide reputation for superb and friendly service, low prices and a huge inventory. Cathy is one of the world’s leading underwater photography instructors and her gallery of underwater photos is worth the trip alone. Her professional staff offer wedding and all types of event photography. They teach every aspect of photography above and underwater.
For Sale Tax and duty-free cameras – all Nikon and Olympus models, Fujifilm, Instax instant cameras, GoPro and more. Large selection of accessories, gifts, souvenirs and snacks. Complete underwater camera systems for sale, including Olympus, Nikon, SeaLife, GoPro, Sea&Sea, Ultralight, Nauticam, dive and video lights and more. Free set up class with every camera package purchase.
For Rent Complete underwater compact camera and GoPro systems for rent. Free mini lesson with every rental.
Gallery Cathy’s breathtaking underwater photos are available at affordable prices in all sizes from postcard to huge formats, on fine art paper and canvas, available ready to hang or rolled for travel.
Printing & Framing Custom photo and artwork giclée printing of any size. Professional framing for galleries and homes on fine art paper or canvas.
Private Instruction Enjoy a private course with Cathy and her team of professional photo instructors who can help you with all types of cameras, both above and under water.
• Great deals on cameras
• Beautiful underwater photos
• Wedding and event photography
• Under and above water photo classes
• Best custom photo printing on canvas and fine art papers
• Four high-speed photo printing kiosks
• Kiosk instant photo prints from 60¢
• Beautiful custom framing
• Resort gift shop
• Passport photos available
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10am-6pm Saturday 10am-5pm
Closed Sundays and some Public Holidays
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC and Discover
Mention EXPLORE and receive 10% off gallery images.
Guy Harvey Gallery & Shoppe
Retail Shop and Art Gallery
20 Seafarers Way, George Town (on the waterfront) grandcayman2@guyharvey.com guyharvey.com
GT MAP page 108........................................ 14 (345) 943 4891
Guy Harvey is a world-renowned artist, scientist and conservationist who uses his background in marine biology and a lifetime spent on the water to reproduce his authentic artwork on a wide range of apparel, art prints, home goods and gift items available for purchase. The Guy Harvey coastal lifestyle brand brings the undersea world into everyday life and helps benefit marine conservation through the research and education work of the Guy Harvey Foundation.
Artwork & Gifts
Visit the flagship Guy Harvey Gallery & Shoppe in the heart of George Town to explore the world’s largest selection of officially licensed Guy Harvey merchandise, including a wide range of mens, womens and kids apparel, drinkware, home items, pet accessories and more! The Guy Harvey Art Gallery, located on the second floor, features Guy’s latest original paintings and offers a variety of art reproductions for all budgets. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of all official Guy Harvey merchandise benefits the marine conservation and education work of the Guy Harvey Foundation.
• Guy Harvey apparel for men, women and kids
• Wide range of accessories, gifts and souvenir items
• Original art pieces and reproductions (prints)
• Shipping available to the USA
• A portion of the proceeds from all sales are donated to marine conservation
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Saturday 9am-3pm Closed Sunday
Payment method: Cash, Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Discover
Prices are in US dollars
Follow Guy Harvey on social media: @DrGuyHarvey, @GuyHarveyCayman and @GuyHarveyOcean
Learn more at: guyharvey.com and guyharveyfoundation.org
Mention code FREE-GH-GIFT-EXPLORE instore to receive a FREE gift, when you spend US$100 or more!
Island Plaza Shopping Mall
The Island Plaza Shopping Mall, located on the Waterfront, George Town
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Island Jewellers, (345) 949 7098. Home to a stunning collection of fine jewellery, diamonds, tanzanite and other coloured gemstones. Famous jewellery brands include Hearts on Fire, FOPE, John Hardy and the Cayman Memories Collection. Watch brands include Hublot, IWC Schaffhausen, Ulysse Nardin, Oris, Tissot, Movado, Hamilton and others. You will also find shipwreck coins, pearls and gold.
De Sunglass Man, (345) 946 2507. The Sunglass Superstore. Brands like Cartier, Ray Ban, Oakley, Maui Jim, Prada, Tiffany, Tom Ford, Guess, Gucci, Dior and Dolce&Gabbana. Watches and jewellery from G-shock, Baby-G, Calvin Klein, Guess and Anne Klein.
IWC Schaffhausen Boutique, (345) 946 0859. Explore the art of Swiss watchmaking at IWC Schaffhausen, where precision meets timeless design. Since 1868, IWC has crafted iconic timepieces known for their elegance and innovation. Discover luxury and heritage in every watch.
Churchill’s Cigar, (345) 945 6141. The Island’s longest established cigar retailer. Here you will find a wide selection of Cuban and non-Cuban cigars and accessories.
The Pandora Store, (345) 946 9964. Cayman’s only Pandora store featuring the full range of jewellery and the collectible Cayman Islands charms.
• Over 50 famous brands under one roof
• Extensive collection of the world’s top brands in jewellery, watches and sunglasses
• Duty-free and tax-free prices
• Largest selection of diamonds in Grand Cayman
• Cayman’s retailer of choice since 1978
• IWC Schaffhausen boutique
• Cayman’s only Pandora store
• Hublot boutique
• Churchill’s Cigar
• Barnacle Bill’s Souvenirs store
• World famous jewellery and watch brands such as John Hardy, Hearts On Fire, Ulysse Nardin, Tissot and Movado
• Exclusive Cayman Collection jewellery
Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm
Situated on the Waterfront at the corner of Seafarers Way and Cardinall Avenue
Payment method: Cash and credit card
Barnacle Bill’s Souvenirs, (345) 946 2333. A gift shop with high-quality souvenirs and Cayman memorabilia.
Unit B2, Cayside Galleries, George Town Waterfront
(345) 749 8804
sales@thejewellerypalace.com thejewellerypalace.com
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In-house Manufacturing
• Duty-free and tax-free prices
• Jewellery manufacturer
• Custom designed jewellery
• Certified Loose Diamonds & Gemstones (GIA & EGL)
• Conflict-free diamonds and jewellery
At the Jewellery Palace, they are dedicated to providing the finest quality jewellery at a great price and they provide the best customer service with a 100% guarantee of satisfaction to make your visit a memorable shopping experience.
Their vision is to provide uniquely designed luxury jewellery at an affordable price. They manufacture jewellery in all types of precious metals—10k, 14k, 18k and sterling silver with precious and semi-precious stones. Their commitment is to ensure all their jewellery is legitimate and conflict-free.
Custom Designed Jewellery
You can turn your inspiration into a one-of-akind piece of custom jewellery. They design and craft premium quality jewellery to the customer’s specification, and the jewellery can be shipped worldwide at duty-free prices.
The Jewellery Palace truly care and are known for their service, uniqueness, worldwide guarantee on their prices and exotic jewellery collection. Their mission to provide a customer-centred experience is clear, with a superior level of choice, alongside the expertise of professional craftspeople and excellent aftercare services. The Jewellery Palace
• Exotic bridal jewellery collection (inhouse tiara brand)
• High-quality 10k, 14k and 18k jewellery
• Authentic rubies, emeralds, tanzanites, sapphires & gemstones
• Cayman Treasures jewellery collection
• Highly recommended jewellery store on TripAdvisor
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Saturday 9am-5pm Closed on Sundays
Payment method: Cash, all major credit/debit cards Layaways available
1. Mention EXPLORE to receive a free Turtle Necklace. No purchase necessary.
2. Mention EXPLORE and receive a 5% discount on any purchase.
Bayshore Mall, Cardinall Avenue, Seven Mile Beach, The Westin and Owen Roberts International Airport
(345) 949 7477
SMB MAP page 72.......................................
Kirk Freeport has been a premier retailer of duty-free jewellery, watches, fragrances, leather, crystal, china and accessories in the Cayman Islands since 1972. So if you’re looking to take advantage of the duty-free and tax-free prices, then Kirk Freeport’s stores are the perfect place to treat a loved one, or yourself, to something special.
Designer Jewellery Kirk Freeport offers a large selection of the latest designer collections and must-have styles from brands such as David Yurman, Roberto Coin, Bulgari, Marco Bicego, Mikimoto, Messika and many more.
Watches Kirk Freeport is the Official Rolex Jeweller of the Cayman Islands. Their unrivalled collection of watch brands showcases breathtaking horological works of art. The collection includes over 40 of the world’s top brands, including Cartier, Omega, TAG Heuer, Breitling, Patek Philippe, Panerai, Tudor and many more.
Fragrances & Beauty Products With three dedicated boutiques stocked with the hottest new products in makeup, skincare and fragrances, you’re certain to find what you are looking for. Top brands include Chanel, Christian Dior, Clarins, Guerlain, Lancôme, Benefit, L’Oréal
• Duty-free and tax-free prices
• Dedicated boutiques from Cartier, TAG Heuer and Breitling
• World-class brands and top designers
• Jewellery, watches, fragrances, leather, crystal, china and accessories
• Professional jewellers in store
• One of the largest collections of Rolex watches in the Caribbean DETAILS
Locations and opening hours:
Bayshore Mall and Cardinall Avenue, George Town
Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm
The Strand, Seven Mile Beach
Monday-Saturday 10am-7pm
The Westin, Grand Cayman
Tuesday-Saturday 10am-6pm
Visit website for locations
Free parking at Bayshore Mall for customers
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC, AMEX and Discover
Paris, Sisley Paris, Shiseido, Black Up, L’Occitane, plus many more.
Caymanian Art and Gifts
(345) 949 9133
5 Denham Thompson Way, George Town info@pureart.ky pureart.ky
GT MAP page 108........................................
Pure Art Gallery & Gifts has been offering local art and Island inspired gifts for over 30 years from their charming Cayman cottage. Just a mile south of George Town, Pure Art is a treasure trove of unique Cayman inspired paintings, prints, sculptures, jewellery, handmade crafts and more. Gifts galore!
Paintings, Prints & Sculptures Find one-of-akind fine art paintings, prints and sculptures by talented local artists. Pure Art features a wide selection of sculptures carved from Caymanite, a semi-precious stone found in Cayman. Prices are reasonable allowing you to showcase wonderful original pieces in your home or office.
Jewellery, Accessories & Clothing View an ever-changing collection of necklaces, earrings, bracelets and more. Pure Art also stocks a large range of Caymanite jewellery, all locally made. Shop for souvenir t-shirts and summer dresses for both adults and kids. Accessories include sarongs, bags and hats.
Household Gifts Add beautiful touches to your home with stunning hand painted baskets, throws, ceramics, glassware, tableware, candles and decorations.
Cooking Goodies Stock up your pantry with locally produced goods such as pepper jelly, jams, hot sauces, spices, Cayman Sea Salt, Cayman coffee and teas.
• Beautiful Cayman gifts
• Unique local collectibles
• Fine art local paintings, Cayman prints, sculptures, maps, photos and cards
• Souvenirs sure to delight
• Handmade original gifts
• Kid’s toys, books, clothes
• Local goodies
• Cayman jewellery
• Hand woven baskets and hats
• Cayman Christmas corner
• Cayman scents and corporate gifts
• Gift certificates available
Opening hours: Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm Closed Sunday and Public Holidays
Situated at the corner of Denham Thompson Way and South Church Street
Payment method: Cash, debit and credit card
Complimentary gift wrap, plus gift certificates and group specials.
(345) 946 7851
US: 1 (860) 400 0018
28 North Church Street, George Town sales@rockysdiamonds.com rockysdiamonds.com
Rocky’s Diamond Gallery is a family-owned company with extensive experience in the jewellery business. They specialise in high quality jewellery and unforgettable customer service, while offering duty-free and tax-free prices. At Rocky’s they don’t just sell jewellery, they aim to create memories. Honesty and customer service has made Rocky’s a must-visit store in Cayman.
Browse their extensive selection of quality jewels, from GIA-certified classical diamonds and radiant rubies, to magical emeralds and mystical tanzanite.
Their wide selection of jewellery is perfect for every occasion, including engagements, birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries or just because!
• Bridal Collection
• My Cayman Collection, including the Island Inspired Jewellery
• Diamonds and Precious Jewellery
Those looking for a one-of-a-kind piece should take advantage of Rocky’s custom design service. Their talented and knowledgeable designers.
• Duty-free and tax-free prices
• Excellent customer service
• GIA-certified diamonds
• High-quality rubies, emeralds, sapphires and tanzanite
• Custom designed jewellery
• US based service centres
• Lifetime upgrade policy
• Ranked the #1 jewellery store in Cayman on Tripadvisor since 2016.
• Tripadvisor Certificates of Excellence 2016 to 2021 and Travellers Choice Awards 2022 to 2024
• LUX Global Excellence Award for Most Creative Bespoke Diamond Jewellers 2022 & 2023
• Best of Cayman Islands Award 2023 & 2024
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Saturday 9am-5pm Payment method: Cash and all major credit cards
Visit the store, take a picture of this ad or mention EXPLORE and get a FREE Grand Cayman Charm.
Taking a trip to the North Side & East End of Grand Cayman is essential in your exploration of the Island. These areas offer a quieter, unspoilt and less developed side of Cayman, where you’re forced to slow down and bask in island life. You’ll find a wealth of things for the whole family to enjoy, from discovering natural phenomena and native species, to diving, kayaking and beachcombing.
Cayman Crystal Caves is the Island’s oldest landmark, where you can embark upon an underground adventure into a fascinating world. Take a guided tour to learn the history of these fascinating natural creations and enjoy the beautiful surrounding tropical forest. There is also a restaurant and gift shop for a spot of lunch and a souvenir. SEE PAGE 134
Cayman Parrot Sanctuary has proudly released over 30 parrots back into the wild since opening in June 2020. It is an interactive experience that’s perfect for the whole family. Learn about Cayman’s native animals as you hold agoutis, guinea pigs, cockatiels, various reptiles and a sun conure parrot, before running round the playgrounds, zip lining and tucking into a delicious lunch. SEE PAGE 136
Pedro St. James Castle, built in 1780, is set in over seven acres of gardens overlooking the sea. Explore the castle that is often termed ‘the birthplace of democracy’ in the Cayman Islands. It is also where, in 1835, it was announced that slavery had ended in the British Empire. Don’t miss the 3D multi-sensory movie or the rum tasting overlooking the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean Sea. SEE PAGE 137
Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park is a 65–acre site made up of a woodland walking trail, floral colour gardens, a lake and wetlands for wildlife, a children’s garden and a heritage garden with an old Caymanian house where you can learn
how early settlers lived. You will also see butterflies, birds, turtles, agoutis and the indigenous and endangered Blue Iguana.
Experience the Bioluminescence which is found in the mangroves off Cayman Kai. Explore on an adventurous, yet easy, kayak ride or aboard a boat, and marvel at this phenomenon on moonless nights. For this unforgettable experience, call Cayman Kayaks (SEE PAGE 53 & 139) who also provide an electric powered catamaran. Stargazing with their knowledgeable guide is included, and you may have the opportunity to see an upside-down jellyfish or two if you’re lucky!
Discover East End on a Guided Bicycle Tour with ECO Rides (SEE PAGE 140). Explore the breathtaking scenery of the quieter side of the Island as you journey through rich history and natural beauty. Knowledgeable Caymanians will showcase all the essential East End stops, including Colliers Wilderness Reserve, the Wreck of the Ten Sail, the blowholes and Lovers Wall and more. Don’t worry, you can choose either a road or a hybrid bike, making this adventure one that can be enjoyed by all.
Take the Self-Drive Hide & Seek GeoTour and discover the natural and cultural history of the Cayman Islands, including the quieter East End and North Side. Find off-thebeaten-track nature trails as you hunt for treasure (coins, stickers and more) via GPS coordinates. This is a self-drive tour, allowing you to wander at your own pace. Also available in the Sister Islands. SEE PAGE 141
Visit the Mission House which was built in the 1800s. Once owned by Presbyterian missionaries, this traditional Caymanian house is a time capsule of 19th century life. Tours are approximately 30-40 minutes and cost CI$10 for adults and CI$4 for children under 12. The Mission house is open Friday and Saturday, 10am-2pm. (345) 749 1121.
Go Beachcombing on a beach where the sand is littered with turtle grass, interesting coral and beautiful shells. Closer to the west, in Breakers, is Heritage Beach which is strewn with shells and turtle grass and has a stunning view.
Kayak the Mangroves, one of the most amazing and important ecological systems in the world, with Cayman Kayaks (SEE PAGE 53 & 139) . Journey into the mangroves on an eco–adventure tour and spot birds, starfish, jellyfish and periwinkle snails.
Feed the Frigate Birds and Tarpon at Tukka East (SEE PAGE 143) from 5pm daily. This feeding frenzy will delight children and families alike, and get you close to nature whilst enjoying a fantastic meal!
Take a North Sound Boat Trip with Blue Haven Charters (SEE PAGE 50) , Blue Sky Sailing (SEE PAGE 51) , Cayman Islands Sailing Charters (SEE PAGE 52) , Ray Dayz Charters (SEE PAGE 56) or White Sand Watersports (SEE PAGE 57) , all of which offer boat trips to Stingray City Sandbar. Arrange to be collected from your vacation rental or another convenient spot. Tie in some snorkelling at various reefs in the North Sound, such as Coral Gardens.
Explore the Shallows at Rum Point where fish, baby stingrays, crabs and even some small nurse sharks sometimes swim in the warm waters.
Relax at Cayman Kai on the white sandy beach, with calm waters and lots of shade. Kaibo Beach is a tranquil spot offering beachfront dining. There’s a quiet beach to relax on while you watch the boats coming and going from the dock.
Picnic at Starfish Point where you can admire the stars of the sea. As you drive up to Starfish Point, call in at Chisholm’s Grocery (SEE PAGE 142) and pick up your beach snacks and cold drinks for an island picnic. There are restrooms and showers at Starfish Point. Note: It’s very important that you respect the starfish. Holding them out of the water for any period of time can harm and potentially kill them.
Dive the Walls in East End, known for their dramatic drop-offs. Many of the dive sites in this area are a short boat ride away, rather than a shore dive. You will see brightly hued sponges, coral, turtles, eagle rays and reef sharks. For dive trips, contact Ocean Frontiers. SEE PAGE 54
Explore Snorkelling Spots on this side of the Island. Ocean Frontiers (SEE PAGE 54) offers a range of trips to lots of snorkel spots out east and across the Island. Snorkelling under the dock at Morritt’s is also fun as you’ll spot tarpon and a whole host of brightly coloured fish.
Take a Driving Tour around East End and North Side by bus (see page 33) or rent a car with Economy Car Rental (SEE PAGE 30) or Save More Rent a Car (SEE PAGE 31) . See our recommended East End and North Side Driving Tour later in this section to guide you on your island road trip.
Climb the Lighthouse at Lighthouse Park, a port of entry to East End in the 19th century. The site of Cayman’s first lighthouse, visitors can climb to the top of the lighthouse and enjoy the incredible views out to sea. (345) 749 1121.
Try Bird Watching at Governor Gore’s Bird Sanctuary and marvel at the abundance of native and migratory birds The pond’s popularity with the birds is seasonal and the greatest activity is during the dry season. The native freshwater turtle – the Hickatee – is often spotted amongst the reeds. Turn into Spotts Newlands Road, off Shamrock Road. Take the first right to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Eagle Ray’s – Ocean Frontiers, East End
Caribbean dishes and bar food at reasonable prices. The fish tacos and sliders are delicious! Enjoy a 180-degree view of the water. (345) 640 8888.
Kaibo Beach Restaurant – Cayman Kai
Features pizzas made in their outdoor woodfired oven, a selection of salads, mains and catch of the day. They also host a monthly full moon party, ‘Luna del Mar’. (345) 947 9975.
La Casita – Austin Conolly Drive, East End
An intimate restaurant located in the tranquil district of East End, serving authentic and traditional Mexican cuisine and delicious, handcrafted cocktails. (345) 949 2272.
Mimi’s Dock Bar – East End
Located at Morritt’s and surrounded by the sea, they serve food all day. (345) 947 7449.
Solis at Rum Point – Rum Point
Sit with your feet in the sand and a cocktail in your hand while feasting on jerk pork, pizzas, salads and sandwiches. (345) 947 9412.
South Coast Bar & Grill – Breakers
Located on the water they serve local Caribbean food with a beautiful backdrop. (345) 947 2517.
Thatch & Barrel – Pedro St James, Savannah
Located on the oceanside cliffs of Pedro St. James in Savannah, Thatch & Barrel creates craft cocktails and serves modern Caribbean cuisine. (345) 938 4786. SEE PAGE 137
Tukka East – Gun Bay, East End
This waterfront restaurant serves fresh local seafood with an authentic Australian flair and a Caribbean twist. They host an Australian night on Wednesdays and also a Fresh Fish Friday, where you can watch the fish being prepared by the chef. Their Sunday brunch, served with endless bubbles, is always busy. (345) 947 2700. SEE PAGE 143
Upstairs at Kaibo – Cayman Kai
Dine alfresco on the sea-view veranda at this upscale restaurant. Enjoy vintage rums, artisan
cocktails and delicious snacks on the cosy couches of The Rare Rum Bar. (345) 947 9975.
Wyndham Reef Beach Bar – East End
A beach bar and restaurant located at the Wyndham Reef Resort in East End. (345) 640 3100.
Czech Inn Grill – Bodden Town
A rustic shack serving up local food with an Eastern European twist. Try the fresh salads, sandwiches and burgers. (345) 923 1986.
Grape Tree Café – Bodden Town
A simple beach café serving fresh and local flavours. (345) 324 5860.
Over the Edge – Old Man Bay, North Side
Find great seafood at reasonable prices at this waterfront restaurant. (345) 947 9568.
Rankin’s Jerk Centre – Bodden Town
Enjoy Miss Rankin’s delicious, authentic Caymanian dishes. (345) 947 3155.
Vivine’s Kitchen – Austin Conolly Drive, EE
Local cuisine served in a homely setting. Try the conch, crab or lobster. Open ThursdaySunday. (345) 947 7435.
Scan the QR code for more restaurants in East End and North Side, including menus, opening hours and promotions.
You can easily spend a full day on a driving tour of North Side and East End as there is a lot to see. Pick from the list below, depending on how much time you have, what you are interested in, where you are starting from and whether you have kids to entertain.
Pedro St. James Castle Learn about “the birthplace of democracy” in the Cayman Islands at this national historic site. Explore the house and gardens, then watch a 3D presentation in their theatre. (1–2 hours). SEE PAGE 137
The Mission House Visit this historic house in Bodden Town and get a taste of how people lived in the 1800s. Open Friday and Saturday, or by appointment only. (30–45 minutes). (345) 749 1121.
Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park If possible, it’s best to visit the gardens in the cooler hours of the day. Enjoy walking the grounds. Located on Frank Sound Road. (1–3 hours). SEE PAGE 138
Lunch Stop Time to recharge your batteries. Tukka East (SEE PAGE 143) , Kaibo Beach and Eagle Ray’s offer great food at reasonable prices with views to write home about.
Cayman Crystal Caves A chance to see the stalactite and stalagmite crystal structures and other wonderous, natural formations. Their gift stop offers some fantastic momentos from your special day of adventure. And if you’re still hungry, Treehouse Restaurant at the caves has an array of delicious food and drinks. (2–3 hours). SEE PAGE 134
Go Swimming and Snorkelling Rum Point has clear, shallow waters ideal for children. Cayman Kai’s Public Beach is also excellent. Ideally it is done as a drift snorkel and you will see lots of coral and colourful fish. Alternatively, drive to East End and snorkel beneath Mimi’s Dock at Morritt’s.
Wreck of the Ten Sail Keep driving south past the Wyndham Reef Resort and Ocean Frontiers and you’ll see this historic site out
at sea. (10 mins).
Cayman Parrot Sanctuary Head to the Parrot Sanctuary where over 30 parrots have been released back into the wild since opening in June 2020. Meet the Island’s most famous agouti, Lil Bit, and a whole host of other creatures! (1–2 hours)
Lighthouse Park Stop at this historic landmark to climb the lighthouse and enjoy the sea view. (15-20 mins).
Blow Holes If it’s windy, you can admire these dramatic water geysers as they shoot sea water skywards from the ironshore. (5-10 mins).
Lovers Wall Just a bit further up the road you will see a heart-shaped sign for Lovers Wall. Stop for a quick photograph and enjoy the spectacular view. (5 mins).
Dine Under the Stars Sit on the waterfront deck at Tukka East (SEE PAGE 143) , Upstairs at Kaibo or Over the Edge to be dazzled by the stars. There’s also La Casita and Thatch & Barrel (SEE PAGE 137) .
Try the Self-drive Island GeoTour and hunt for treasure. This is fun for all the family! See page 141.
Chisholm’s Grocery (SEE PAGE 142) is a familyowned grocery store located on North Side Road opposite the entrance to Hutland. Stop in for a picnic basket of items, a cold drink, ice cream or pattie. You can hunt for presents and keepsakes in the gift shops at Cayman Crystal Caves, Pedro St. James and the Botanic Park.
Attraction, restaurant and gift shop
• Cayman’s oldest landmark
• Three caves, including the open-ceiling cave, the roots cave and the lake cave
• Enjoy the beauty of the surrounding tropical forest, including captivating plants and animal life
• Knowledgeable tour guides offering stories from Cayman’s history and facts about the geological significance of this natural wonder
• Restaurant & gift shop on site
• Rated the 5th best attraction in the world by TripAdvisor’s Travellers’ Choice 2024 awards
Opening hours:
Open seven days a week, with the exception of Good Friday and Christmas Day. Guided tours (90-minutes) take place eight times a day and run from 9am-4pm
Please note that all tours need to be prebooked before arrival and the cancellation policy requires 48 hours’ notice for cancellation without penalty
Visit the website to book online
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC, Discover and AMEX
Things to note:
All participants must be able to climb stairs unassisted for this tour
(345) 949 2283
69 North Side Road, Old Man Bay, North Side info@caymancrystalcaves.com caymancrystalcaves.com
Cayman Crystal Caves is situated in the lush tropical forest of beautiful North Side. Book a guided tour and get ready to embark upon an underground adventure into a fascinating world. You’ll experience some of the best nature Cayman has to offer and walk through a series of unique cave formations.
All visitors will be escorted by a knowledgeable tour guide who will help guests discover the beauty of “Cayman Down Under” and share stories and facts about the geological significance of Cayman’s oldest landmark.
The Cayman Crystal Caves were formed over millions of years, and at one point, they even existed under the sea. Within the caves, visitors can spy spectacular stalactite and stalagmite crystal structures and otherworldly formations formed by nothing more than single drops of water and the slow passage of time.
Outside, guests will also have the opportunity to tour the unique tropical forest under which the caves were formed. This includes a variety of captivating tropical plants and animal life, including magnificent strangler balsam trees, air plants and parrots. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for bats inside the caves, too! NS MAP page
Each guided tour is approximately one-anda-half hours and takes guests through three spectacular caves and the surrounding tropical forest.
Visitors will start their tour with a 45-minute guided walk through the caves. There are three separate caves to explore in the area, including the open-ceiling cave, the roots cave, and finally, the lake cave.
At the end of the tour, visitors can enjoy the scenery from the vantage point of the viewing deck, snapping photos and taking in the surrounding nature before it is time to say goodbye. There is also a restaurant and gift store here if guests are looking for souvenirs or refreshments.
Please note that the maximum group size for each tour is 15 people, and all participants must be able to walk up stairs unaided. All tours require pre-booking before arrival.
Over the course of millions of years, the Cayman Crystal Caves were created by nature. Fossilised shells and animal life found within reveal that they first originated under the sea.
As time went by, sea levels around the Cayman Islands changed and the erosion from these events helped carve out a series of interior rooms within the rocks. A beautiful cave system developed.
Within these caves, spectacular stalagmite and stalactite crystals began to form. Rain water dripping through the limestone ceiling left calcium deposits, and as the rain travelled from the surface, it also passed through the surrounding plants, earth and organic matter. This made the rain water turn acidic, and it dissolved parts of the limestone, dripping through the cave ceilings. Over time, these single drops have formed incredible otherworldly crystal structures – a natural phenomenon that is still happening today!
Hundreds of years ago, these caves provided hideouts for pirates and shelter for sailors looking for respite from the elements and tropical hurricanes. Legend has it that pirate treasure may still exist today, buried deep within the caves!
When the island eventually became home to permanent settlements, locals used the lush forest around the caves as farmland. The community mined the caves for the rich fertiliser which was produced by the bat guano.
However, in the last half-century, farming around the area came to a close, and the caves sat mostly forgotten until the early 1990s, when proper search and exploration began. It took almost two decades to officially open the caves, and now, many years later, locals and tourists have the opportunity to experience this incredible part of Cayman’s history.
Cayman Parrot Sanctuary
Native Animals, Indigenous Plants and Natural Landscapes
(345) 936 4400
835 Austin Connolly Drive, East End caymanparrotsanctuary@gmail.com facebook.com/CaymanParrot instagram.com/CaymanParrot
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The Cayman Parrot Sanctuary offers a friendly, interactive and educational experience for the whole family. Come face-to-face with Cayman’s native animals, discover the Islands’ indigenous plants and explore unspoiled natural landscapes. Working in conjunction with the Department of the Environment, they are a registered rehabilitation facility for hurt, distressed and mishandled parrots, and have proudly released over 30 parrots back into the wild since opening in June 2020. It is also the only place in Cayman that rehabilitates Cayman parrots to be released.
The Sanctuary is home to a number of animals including the Cayman Parrot, the national bird of the Cayman Islands. There are also agoutis, rabbits, guinea pigs, cockatiels and various reptiles. Families can enjoy feeding the frigate birds which swoop down from the coast. Children can run wild in the two playgrounds, take a breath in the shaded seated area and experience the thrill of zip lining!
After hours of fun, families can tuck into some delicious food delivered by Tukka East, which serves fresh local seafood with an authentic Australian flair and a Caribbean twist. The Cayman Parrot Sanctuary is a fantastic spot to interact with Cayman’s wildlife and is a must-see for little ones and families during their exploration of Grand Cayman.
• Meet Cayman’s native animals
• Explore indigenous plants and unspoiled landscapes
• Daily bird feeding
• Kids slides, zip line, sand pit and toys
• Toilet and hand wash stations
• Shaded seating areas
• Food and beverage delivery from Tukka restaurant available on request
• Interactive experiences with guinea pigs, rabbits, Cayman snakes, hermit crabs and a conure parrot
• Meet Lil Bit, Cayman’s famous agouti rabbit
• Birthday parties/events welcome
Opening hours: Wednesday-Sunday 9am-4pm. Closed on Public Holidays
Admission: Adult (16+): CI$16, Kids (3-15 years): CI$10, Ages 2 years and under: Free, Local seniors (65+): Free
Payment method: Cash US$ and CI$, Visa, MC and Discover
(345) 947 3329
Pedro Castle Road, Savannah info@pedrostjames.ky pedrostjames.ky
Known by locals as ‘Pedro Castle’, this historic Great House stands as the oldest surviving stone structure in the Cayman Islands, rich in cultural and historical significance. Built in 1780 by Englishman William Eden with enslaved labor, it has played many roles over the centuries, including a cotton plantation, courthouse, jail, and Government Assembly. It’s famously where Cayman’s first elected parliament convened in 1831 and where the abolition of slavery was declared in 1835. Despite enduring hurricanes, fires, and legends of hauntings, the beautifully restored Pedro Castle remains a proud symbol of Cayman’s heritage.
The International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame Museum honours the legends and innovators of the diving world. Through a fascinating collection of artifacts, memorabilia and stories, visitors can explore the history and evolution of scuba diving. The museum highlights groundbreaking achievements in equipment design, record-breaking dives, and conservation efforts. Located in the Cayman Islands, it emphasises the region’s role in the global dive community while inspiring future generations of divers. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or simply curious, this museum offers a captivating glimpse into the pioneers who shaped underwater exploration as we know it. Pedro St. James Castle
• 18th century Great House
• Multi-sensory 3D movie theatre
• International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame Museum (ISDHF)
• Gift shop and visitor’s centre
• Hurricane Ivan Memorial
• Cultural playground
• Onsite restaurant and bar
Opening hours: Daily 8.30am-5pm
Admission: Guided tours: CI$20, Selfguided tours: CI$15, Kids (3-12): CI$10. Last guided tour at 4pm
Rum Tours: CI$8 (must be over 18 years old) Tuesday-Sunday 11am-4pm
Payment method: Cash US$ and CI$, Visa, MC and Discover
Rum Tasting A rum tasting tour can be found in the Thatch & Barrel, overlooking the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean Sea. Seating and shade are available for those wanting to stay a while and relax in the tranquil atmosphere.
Thatch & Barrel Enjoy lunch, dinner or weekend brunch at this family-friendly restaurant serving delicious international fare. With stunning ocean views and a full bar, this is the perfect way to start or finish a visit to the historic Pedro St. James.
Off Frank Sound Road, North Side info@botanic-park.ky botanic-park.ky
NS MAP page 128........................................ 12 (345) 947 9462
The Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park was opened in 1994, in partnership with the National Trust, to preserve and promote local flora, fauna and wildlife. It is home to the Blue Iguana Conservation facility, the rare Ghost Orchid, the Banana Orchid, the Cayman Parrot and much more.
The Botanic Park is split into several areas for you to explore. Here are just a few highlights:
Heritage House & Garden Explore a traditional Caymanian home, view artefacts, a medicinal and sand garden, a cooking caboose and learn how early settlers lived.
Woodland Trail The trail is just under a mile long and takes you through lush natural landscape which is home to 40% of Grand Cayman’s native flora.
Lake & Wetlands Popular with birdwatchers. In cooler months the banks are a lovely spot for a picnic.
Colour Garden A series of gardens arranged by colour, the garden is a year-round explosion of hues. Meander through the trails and end at the gazebo, a favourite for weddings and intimate brunches.
Blue Iguana Conservation Facility The National Trust operates this wonderful programme to help increase the endangered species’ population. Self-guided tours are available in the entry price to the Botanic Park, however, guided tours must be
• Over 65 acres to discover
• Tropical landscape and comfortable trails to follow
• Five themed gardens
• Home to the National Trust’s Blue Iguana Conservation facility
• Picturesque picnic area
• Spot butterflies, parrots and other native wildlife
• Gift shop
• Stunning location for weddings
Opening hours: Daily 9am-5.30pm Last admission at 4.30pm
Adults: CI$20
Kids (3-12): CI$10
Infants (0-2): Free
Payment method: Cash US$ and CI$, Visa, MC and Discover
booked in advance through the National Trust by emailing: tours@nationaltrust.org.ky.
The Children’s Garden This interactive garden features a splash pad, observation tower, a rock climbing wall, playground, giant bird’s nests and animal sculptures, plus plenty of shaded picnic areas for parents and children to enjoy a wellearned rest.
Rum Point, Sand Point Road, North Side reservations@caymankayaks.com caymankayaks.com
NS MAP page 128.......................................... (345) 926 4467
Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. Experience the wonders of bioluminescence on their kayak and electric boat tours or explore Cayman’s marine parks on a daytime excursion. Choose the eco-friendly option with Cayman Kayaks.
Bioluminescence Kayak Tour (1½ hours)
Embark on a night time adventure with a leisurely paddle along a sheltered coastline. Seated just inches above the water’s surface, guests may easily interact with the bioluminescence. Gaze up and marvel at a star-studded sky—truly magnificent. The narrated stargazing often steals the spotlight. Kayaking provides a peaceful and environmental friendly way to appreciate nature, especially this natural phenomenon.
Bioluminescent Electric Boat Tour (1½ hours)
Witness nature in its most untouched form. Their state-of-the-art vessel is crafted not only to protect the environment, but also to elevate your experience. This electric boat, runs quietly and cleanly, ensuring that you enjoy the pristine beauty of nature without contributing to pollution. Seated just inches above the water’s surface between the hulls of the boat, guests can effortlessly interact with the bioluminescence using their hands and feet. Your guide will use a laser pointer to enrich your stargazing experience.
• Professional and punctual
• Bioluminescence tours
• Licensed captains
• Cayman’s ONLY electric powered boat
• Focused on preservation
• Stargazing show
• Discounts for 9.20pm tours
Kayak tours: Starting at US$79 per person. Ages 6 and up
Boat tours: Starting at US$79 per person. Ages 4 and up
Night tour times: 7.20pm and 9.20pm
Book online: www.caymankayaks.com
Prices subject to change
Book Online: Use Promo Code ‘EXPLORE25’ to receive a 10% discount on 9.20pm tours. PROMOTIONS
Daytime Tour (1½ hours)
Unveil the natural wonders of Cayman’s marine parks. Led by knowledgeable guides, this easygoing, educational experience offers a glimpse into the heart of Cayman’s unspoiled beauty.
Cayman Kayaks offers an unmatched blend of adventure, natural beauty, and professionalism, making their tour company truly exceptional.
Guided Bicycle Tours & Rentals
(345) 922 0754
East End, Cayman Islands ecoridescayman@gmail.com www.ecoridescayman.ky
EE MAP page 128.........................................
Experience the true beauty of the East End of Grand Cayman on a guided bicycle tour with ECO Rides Cayman. Journey through the tranquil district surrounded by breathtaking scenery, as you explore the area’s rich history. Along the way, you’ll stop at historical sites, where local guides will share stories about the area’s vibrant past.
Cayman Sunrise (2.5-3 hours) US$80
Discover historical landmarks in the upper eastern side of East End at sunrise and marvel at the area’s natural beauty. 11 miles.
Cayman Seabreeze (3-3.5 hours) US$90
Enjoy a cooling breeze as you cycle along the coast of the fishing village of East End. 14 miles
Cayman Coastal Loop (2-3 hours) US$100
Enjoy a scenic route looping around from East End to North Side. This continuous route, without designated stops, is perfect for the avid cyclist and naturist alike. 19 miles.
Cayman Inland Escape (4-4.5 hours) US$125
Traverse the coastline where you will enjoy beautiful sea views before turning inland and touring the farming area of East End. 18.5 miles.
Cayman Cave Trek (3-4.5 hours) US$125
Tour the Crystal Caves as part of this scenic ride. See natural crystal formations through a series of underground caves. 12 miles.
Bike Rentals
From US$60 per day
Limited daily or weekly bike rentals are available. Choose a hybrid (not an e-bike) or road bike. See their website for bike rental rates and additional delivery/pick up fees.
• Sights include Colliers Pond Bird Sanctuary, Colliers Public Beach, Wreck of the Ten Sail, The East End Lighthouse, Private Family Cave, The Blowholes, Lovers Wall and more
• Private tours available
• Knowledgeable and professional local tour guides
• Photo packages offered
• Water and snack bar provided
• Tours suitable for all levels of riders
• Private family tours recommended for those with young children
• Limited road bike and hybrid bike (not e-bikes) rentals available
Operating hours: Monday-Saturday: tours start at 7am Tuesday: Cayman Cave Trek tour starts at 2pm
Starting point: Tours start and finish at the resorts in the East End. Transportation is available for an additional fee from all areas of Grand Cayman
Payment method: VISA and MasterCard only. Advance booking is required
Mention EXPLORE at the time of booking and receive 10% off your tour. Free photo package on private tours.
Various locations across Grand Cayman including Balboa Beach in George Town (4 island locations)
(866) 714 2309
info@caymanvisitor.com caymanvisitor.com
• The only self-drive island tour in the Cayman Islands
• Receive a unique commemorative coin for participating
• A fun, safe way to explore and find treasure
• Earn collectible metal or a prestigious trackable coin when you play—a truly rare find! GT MAP page 108........................................
Cayman Visitor has created the Hide & Seek GeoTour and Treasure Hunt, bringing together the various communities in each of Cayman’s three islands. Visitors and new residents can truly experience the Islands in this immersive and unique way that promotes exploration. On this treasure hunt you will discover natural caves, interact with a Blue Iguana, find some off-thebeaten-path nature trails and learn about the history and culture of these three island gems— Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman.
What is a GeoTour?
This GeoTour is a treasure hunt that uses GPS coordinates to guide you in finding coins, stickers and more. You can also participate the old-fashioned way and follow the map that is provided. All you have to do is find each starred location and the hidden cache boxes containing stickers. Then, simply place the sticker in your passport on the specified location. Once all the stickers have been collected you will be awarded a special wooden or metal coin, or you can receive a trackable Geocoin.
Embark on this exciting self-drive treasure hunt, where adventure awaits at every turn and you will discover hidden gems, breathtaking landscapes and unforgettable experiences with their curated itinerary.
How it works:
1) Purchase your Hide & Seek GeoTour Passport from the Cayman Visitor website
2) Register and download the game app on geocaching.com
3) Once you’ve signed up you’ll receive an email with complete game instructions
4) Collect your official game passport from the Cayman Visitor office:
> In Grand Cayman: at the airport car rental plaza, at Balboa Beach in George Town or at the Wyndham Reef Resort in East End
> In Cayman Brac: at the Cayman Brac Beach Resort front desk
> In Little Cayman: at the Little Cayman Beach Resort front desk
5) Embark on your fun journey across Grand Cayman, Little Cayman or Cayman Brac, or all three
6) Locate the hidden cache boxes scattered around each island
7) Mark your discovery by logging the cache on your App and pasting your new sticker (found inside the cache boxes) into your Hide & Seek Passport
1240 North Side Road, North Side chisholmsgrocerydelivery@gmail.com facebook.com | @Chisholm’s Grocery
NS MAP page 128......................................... 5 (345) 947 9418
Established in 1954, Chisholm’s Grocery is a family-owned and operated supermarket located in the North Side district of Grand Cayman. Founded by Mr Will and Mrs Ida Chisholm, the former momand-pop store has been a staple for people in Cayman’s Eastern communities for many years.
The store is conveniently located at the Hutland junction on North Side Road and is open seven days a week. It has a large selection of food, toiletries and beverages and even carries items like snorkelling and fishing gear, toys, clothing and more.
Chisholm’s Grocery also provides a delivery service to households around this part of the Island. Orders can be submitted online by email, and clients can browse a spreadsheet of current items in stock. For orders over CI$50 within the Frank Sound and Rum Point areas, delivery is free of charge and items are dropped off within three hours. Customers in East End or Bodden Town can receive delivery for a CI$10 service fee.
Still fully family owned, and now managed by a third-generation operator, you can be assured of the Caymankind spirit at Chisholm’s. Stop in for a cold drink, ice cream or pattie and watch the waves roll in while sharing in a small part of Cayman’s history.
Email for delivery: chisholmsgrocerydelivery@gmail.com Chisholm’s Grocery Grocery Store and Delivery
• Family-owned grocery store
• Online ordering via email
• Free delivery (within three hours) for orders over CI$50 in the Frank Sound to Rum Point areas
• Delivery to East End and Bodden Town for a CI$10 service fee
• Great selection of food, including fresh local produce
• Toiletries
• Wine, beer, liquor
• Cold drinks
• Ice cream
• Fishing supplies
• Ice
• Casual clothing
• Breezy ocean views
Opening hours: Daily 7am-10pm
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC, Discover and AMEX
Tukka East Restaurant and Bar
(345) 947 2700
898 Austin Connolly Drive, East End reservations@tukka.ky tukka.ky facebook.com/caymantukka instagram.com/tukka_east_end
EE MAP page 128.........................................
If you’re craving cuisine from Down Under, then you don’t need a Qantas ticket. Simply head to Tukka East, where there’s great food served with a laidback oceanfront atmosphere.
Tukka presents Australian and Caribbean fusion dishes that will make your mouth water. A traditional Aussie burger, steak and mushroom pie, conch and crocodile fritters, kangaroo sausages and Tukka brochettes are just some of the signature dishes you’ll find at Tukka. Also served is Cayman’s freshest fish, including wahoo, tuna, snapper and mahi mahi, straight from the fisherman. Boasting the largest rum collection on-Island, Tukka invites you to indulge in Chef Ron’s 220 top luxury rums from around the world.
Sundays mean brunch at Tukka, where there’s shrimp on the barbie, a hot and cold buffet and endless bubbles. As you eat, enjoy the cool breeze on the veranda, overlooking the sea and the Wreck of the Ten Sail a top historic site.
Tukka East is the perfect spot to relax, refuel and take in the beauty of the coastline during an East End road trip. There’s also wildlife to admire as you eat, including frigate birds and tarpon.
• Taste of Australia with a Caribbean twist
• Family and pet friendly
• Spectacular oceanfront views
• 2 for 1 tacos and margaritas every Tuesday
• Frigate bird and tarpon feeding, daily from 5pm
• Monthly full moon dining event
• Walk-About Wednesdays Dinner, four-course dinner, including a wine or beer
• East End’s Fresh Fish Friday
Opening hours: Daily 7.30am-9.30pm
Breakfast: Daily 7.30am-11am
Sunday Brunch: 11am-3pm
Happy Hour: Monday-Friday 3pm-5pm
Payment method: Cash, Visa, MC, Discover and AMEX
Complimentary return shuttle service to Morritt’s, The Wyndham and Compass Point Resorts. For details and to book, call Tukka, visit their website or ask your concierge.
If you like what you have seen of the Cayman Islands and can imagine yourself enjoying year round sunshine, a high standard of living, a stable and thriving economy and access to world class healthcare, then read on to find out how you can make that dream a reality. Over 85,000 people now live in Cayman, of which about 50% are expats who hail from over 137 different countries.
The first step is figuring out how long you can legally stay in the Cayman Islands. Here are some of your immigration options:
Visitors: Most visitors will get 30 days as a maximum. However, if you would like to spend more time here, like many of our winter ‘snow birds’ do, then you will have to show the Immigration Officer your return ticket, your hotel/condo reservation (or lease) and proof that you can support yourself for six months without needing to seek work. With this documentation, you should be given up to six months. If you own a property in Cayman, and can prove this, then you will automatically get six months. To stay longer than six months, you will need to look into one of the options below.
Work Permits: By securing a job in the Cayman Islands you can be granted a work permit for anything between three months to five years. During that time, you may live in the Cayman Islands and come and go as you please as long as you stay employed. Your work permit can be renewed until you reach a total of nine years of residency, after which you must apply for ‘Permanent Residency’.
Special Economic Zone Certificate (SEZ):
An SEZ allows foreign nationals to set up businesses within Cayman Enterprise City (CEC), and therefore live in the Cayman Islands on the basis that their organisation does not compete with local operations.
Residence as a Person of Independent Means: For those wishing to live in the Cayman Islands without having a local job, you must be able to show proof of an annual income of at least CI$120,000 (without employment in the Cayman Islands), along
with an investment of CI$1,000,000 (of which CI$500,000 must be in developed real estate). The remaining CI$500,000 must be invested in a company or property.
For more detailed information and other immigration options, visit www. caymanresident.com/move/immigration
The next thing you have to think about is whether you want to buy or rent. There are so many property options in Cayman from high-end luxury offerings to more affordable choices. Turn to pages 146-147 for more information on Cayman real estate.
The Cayman Islands enjoys access to an extremely high level of healthcare, however, it is not a free service and every resident (including children) of the Cayman Islands is required, by law, to have a health insurance policy in place. For those who are on work permits, their employer is required, at the very minimum, to provide an entry-level healthcare plan, and most professional service employers will pay 50% of a more comprehensive plan. Those not on work permits are required to purchase a health insurance policy, which can cost thousands a month, especially if you would like good coverage and if you have children.
For more information on health insurance, visit www.caymanresident.com/health. Also, see page 153 for more on healthcare.
The Cayman Islands has a mature yet thriving real estate market. Properties are well constructed and there is a wide variety available, including condos, apartments, townhouses and standalone houses. Although, prices of properties have risen significantly in recent years.
Seven Mile Beach (SMB): Properties along SMB usually demand a premium price. Depending on the size, age and location of the property, the price can vary hugely. You can purchase a 610sq ft Grand Hyatt Beachfront Studio Suite for US$700,000, or, on the other end of the spectrum, is Watermark where prices range from US$9.6 to US$35 million.
Canal Front Properties: Prestigious canal front neighbourhoods along the Seven Mile Beach corridor, such as Vista Del Mar, Salt Creek, Canal Point and Crystal Harbour, have some of the Island’s finest homes. For those on the hunt for luxury at the next level down, consider looking in Governor’s Harbour, the Shores and Patrick’s Island, with prices starting at around US$1m million and reaching in excess of US$5.65 million.
South Sound: The affluent seaside community of South Sound has a good mix of homes on the market, including the new multi-purpose destination Harbour Walk, modern development Privé, where a few townhomes remain from CI$785,000, and phase two of deluxe oceanfront complex Indigo Bay, yours for a cool US$1.7 million. You can also find beachfront mansions, able to withstand the scrutiny of the most discerning luxury property buyers.
North Side & Cayman Kai: A wide selection of condos, luxury villas and delightful Cayman-style beach cottages are for sale in North Side. A three-bedroom beachfront home in Rum Point can go for
around US$3 million. An 8-bed beachfront mansion would set you back around US$15 million.
East End: The district of East End offers a quiet and more laid back feel, yet some properties are as well-appointed as those found along the Seven Mile Beach corridor. Two-bed Silver Reef Residences are available with pricing from CI$890,000, Ocean Vista offers two and three bedroom units with modern finishes starting around CI$325,000, and you could even opt for a timeshare at Compass Point for around US$40,000, although available dates are limited.
Sister Islands: The Brac’s Bluff has stunning views of the Caribbean Sea and is perfect for those who want a sea view with the added height protection from a potential storm surge. Little Cayman, the smallest of the three islands, is characterised by crystal blue waters and some of the world’s best diving. You could pick up a beautiful and sizeable beachfront home on either island from around CI$700,000.
Most new arrivals to the Cayman Islands begin by renting a property. This gives you
1. No restrictions on foreign ownership
2. No property, income or capital gains taxes
3. High standard of living
4. Stable economy
5. Low crime rate
6. Top dive sites and beaches
7. Located a one hour flight from the United States
time to get to know the different areas and understand which might be best suited for your lifestyle. There are numerous options for renting, from beachfront condos on Seven Mile Beach to townhomes with swimming pools, gyms and other facilities that are great for families. Contact one of the realtors listed on the following pages to discuss your requirements.
Buying a property in Cayman has many advantages, not least that if you are staying for some time, a mortgage tends to work out cheaper than rent over a three to fiveyear period. There is no annual property tax and there are also no restrictions on foreign ownership of a single property. With no requirements for immediate development on purchased land, building is another great option for those desiring a second home.
It’s always a good time to invest in Cayman’s robust property market! Aqua Bay, the new Lacovia and The Watermark are amongst the new wave of exclusive luxury developments rising up along the sought-after Seven Mile Beach corridor. Featuring 54 residential units, The Watermark will provide owners with access to 12 swimming pools, a library and an exclusive owner’s lounge. South Sound will always be a desirable location and the latest example of development in the area is Q, a new gated community comprising a total of 22 two-bedroom ocean view townhouses. Amenities include a vast rooftop terrace with sun shades and a BBQ, two swimming pools, gym, cabanas and 200ft of private beach.
There is a level playing field for prospective homeowners and investors. Banks welcome overseas clients and many offer great mortgage packages. Interest rates are quoted based on the CI and US dollar prime rates published in Cayman’s retail banks. Many banks require a life insurance policy for mortgages. Your loan officer will advise you if this is required. Standard mortgage terms are usually between 10 to 15 years and can be taken out in either CI or US dollars.
A one-off 7.5% stamp duty is payable on all real estate, land purchases and transfers. This duty is paid by the buyer of the property on the purchase price or market value –whichever one is higher. There are other charges, such as the one-off 1% duty on mortgages of CI$300,000 or less and 1.5% on mortgages of more than CI$300,000. You should also budget for about 1% of the sale price to go on legal fees, depending on the complexity of the transaction.
There are many real estate companies based in the Cayman Islands and an ample roster of professionals on hand to assist you with your search. As a visitor to the Islands, we strongly recommend that you select an experienced real estate professional to guide you. You can find some popular real estate agencies on the following pages.
For a more in-depth guide to purchasing real estate or renting a property in Cayman, visit www.caymanresident. com or www.explorecayman.com. Happy house huntin’!
CAYMAN TEL: +1-345-938-1000
USA TEL: +1-917-836-9108
The Cayman Islands is fortunate to have world-class healthcare facilities, including pharmacies, laboratories, physician practices and therapy clinics, staffed by over 2000 registered healthcare professionals. Incredibly, there are approximately 5.2 doctors and 9.2 nurses for every 1,000 people residing in the Cayman Islands.
Grand Cayman also has three fully equipped hospitals: George Town Hospital, Doctors Hospital and Health City Cayman Islands. In 2024, Health City opened a second specialty hospital in Camana Bay with a health and wellness centre to follow in the next few years. For those living or visiting Cayman Brac, there is Faith Hospital, and Little Cayman has a district clinic where medical services are provided by a resident nurse. Healthcare in the Cayman Islands has seen continued innovation over the years and Grand Cayman has achieved technological excellence in a number of medical fields. Because of these advancements, more individuals are making a choice to take up treatment in Grand Cayman, and the Island has cemented its place as the top medical tourism destination in the Caribbean.
If you are visiting the Islands and you do fall sick, you could not be in a better place with regards to the quality of care and service, outside of mainland America. However, there is no free medical care in Cayman, so you should make sure you are covered by a travel insurance plan. Over the next few pages you’ll find healthcare providers that offer some of the key services you may need.
If you are travelling and begin to notice symptoms, it can be hard to pinpoint whether a trip to the hospital is actually needed. The following symptoms are signs that urgent medical help may be required. Keep these in mind so that you can help yourself in the event of a potential medical emergency.
Deciding when to go to the hospital can be challenging, but the below symptoms are a sign that urgent medical help may be required.
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Chest or upper abdominal pain or pressure
• Fainting, sudden dizziness or weakness
• Changes in vision or difficulty speaking
• Confusion or change in mental state
• Sudden or severe pain
• Uncontrolled bleeding
• Severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhoea
• Coughing or vomiting blood
• Walk-in (no appointments needed)
• Urgent care
• GP services
• Prescription refills
• Allergies
• Cold/flu/fever symptoms
• Urinary tract infections
• Fractures and sprains
• Lacerations and burns
• Back pain
• Women’s health
• School physicals
• Work permit medicals
• Immigration medicals
• Wellness exams
• Pre-employment physicals
• Drug testing
• Imaging and radiology
• Laboratory services
• Pharmacy
• Medical cannabis consultations
• Ultrasound
Open 7 days a week, 9am–9pm (including most public holidays)
• On-site lab • On-site X-ray
• On-site pharmacy • GP and ER consultant physicians
• Walk-ins accepted
• Services include urgent care, diabetology, ophthalmology, dental, physiotherapy, ENT, gynaecology, paediatrics and more
• On-site laboratory and imaging
• Pharmacy open 7 days a week
Conveniently located on SMB Clinic: Monday-Saturday 8am-8pm
Pharmacy: Monday-Saturday 8am-8pm Sundays & Public Holidays 9am-4pm
81 Godfrey Nixon Way, George Town (345) 745 6000 info@doctorsexpress.ky doctorsexpress.ky
Doctors Express is healthcare for the whole family. As an urgent care clinic, their team treats everything from coughs, colds, fevers and flu to cuts that need stitches, bad burns and fractures.
They function just like a walk-in GP clinic, except they have an in-house X-ray, lab and pharmacy. Best of all, no appointments are necessary – just walk in and get the care you need.
The Grand Pavilion, 802 West Bay Road
(345) 333 4444 (Pharmacy) totalhealth.ky (345) 333 2222 (Clinic)
Total Health offers a comprehensive healthcare solution under one roof. From urgent care to specialist consultations, their team is primed to help you lead a healthier life. They also have an onsite laboratory, imaging services and a pharmacy for your convenience.
Pharmacies in Grand Cayman are well stocked, open at very convenient hours and have informed, helpful pharmacists who not only dispense medications, but will review medicines and provide additional drug information. Several pharmacies have multiple branches. Relative to mainland America, medications are costly, so it is recommended that you stock up on necessary medications before arriving, or have a health insurance policy that covers travel. Consider buying generic brand medications as they are substantially cheaper.
If you plan to stay a little longer or are an Island-regular, many pharmacies offer online prescription refills (with some even offering delivery!). Register your insurance details with the pharmacies and if your insurance plan covers prescriptions, then you may only need to pay the co-pay amount.
413 Eastern Avenue, George Town (345) 949 7180 kirkpharmacy@ksl.ky pharmacy.ky
• Prescription and non-prescription drugs
• Online refill ordering: kirkpharmacy@ksl.ky
• Delivery service for over-the-counter and prescription medications
• Pill pack service
• Personal care products
• Greeting cards and gifts
• Vitamins and herbal supplements
• Baby products
• Blood pressure checks
• Environmentally friendly vials
• Pharmacy library
• Prescription transfer
• Sun protection
• Insect repellent HIGHLIGHTS
Kirk Pharmacy is more than just a place to fill your prescription. Pharmacists take the time to explain medications and provide information to inform you on how to use them safely and effectively. Kirk Pharmacy also has all of your other island essentials, such as suncream and insect repellent, along with a wide selection of personal care items that you may have accidentally forgotten! Its location in Kirk Market, just off Seven Mile Beach, is very convenient and their friendly staff are ready to help. They also offer a delivery service for overthe-counter and prescription medications.
Accident & Emergency 911
George Town Hospital (345) 949 8600
Doctors Hospital (345) 325 9000
Health City Cayman Islands (345) 640 4040
Faith Hospital, Cayman Brac (345) 948 2243
Doctors Express (345) 745 6000
George Town Hospital (345) 949 8600
Total Health (345) 333 2222
Bodden Town Health Centre (345) 947 2299
East End Health Centre
(345) 947 7440
Smith Road Medical Centre . (345) 949 8600
North Side Health Centre
West Bay Health Centre
Little Cayman Clinic .
Regardless of your skin type, apply highfactor sunscreen and put SPF 50 sun tops on children. Ideally, you should avoid the midday sun altogether, particularly as it is easy to underestimate the power of the sun’s rays with a cool tropical breeze. If you get heatstroke, rehydrate with water or juices with electrolytes. Aloe vera gel is great for treating sunburn.
(345) 947 9525
(345) 949 3439
(345) 948 0072
Doctors Express, GT (345) 745 6000
Doctors Hospital, GT .
. (345) 946 2407
Foster’s Airport, GT (345) 926 7485
Foster’s Camana Bay, SMB .(345) 926 7486
Healthcare Pharmacy, GT (345) 947 8900
Kirk Market Pharmacy, GT (345) 949 7180
Smith Road Pharmacy, GT. . . . (345) 244 2715
Total Health, SMB (345) 333 4444
Valu-Med Pharmacy, GT . . . . . (345) 949 0442
Doctors Express
81 Godfrey Nixon Way (345) 745 6000
George Town Hospital
The Hyperbaric Services (345) 949 2989
Dr Sara Watkin
Optimal Healthcare (345) 745 7070
Total Health
802 West Bay Road (345) 333 2222
Dr Denise Osterloh Cayman Clinic (345) 949 7400
Dr Gordon Smith The Children’s Clinic (345) 949 2970
7 Dental Marquee Place, SMB (345) 943 7400 The Dental Centre Fidelity Financial Centre (345) 943 7000
The crime threat in the Cayman Islands is generally considered low, although you should always take normal precautions. Petty theft does occur occasionally, but Cayman is one of the safest places in the Caribbean. Visitors from America are warned to never carry ammunition or firearms in their luggage when travelling to Cayman as it is illegal and you will face prosecution and a hefty fine if caught.
KEEP LEFT when driving! (When on foot and crossing a road look RIGHT!) As in Great Britain and its other territories, vehicles in the Cayman Islands drive on the left-hand side of the road. Drink-driving laws are strictly enforced. Seatbelt laws are also enforced and require all passengers to buckle up. Children’s seats are strongly recommended. Only use hands-free mobile devices when driving. Understanding the rules of a roundabout is also essential.
Water from the tap and locally grown produce are all considered very safe to consume. The majority of accommodation is connected to ‘city water’, which is good to drink, but a few places still have ‘cistern’ or ‘well’ water. In these situations check with the owner if it is safe to drink.
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that no vaccinations are required for international travel to the Cayman Islands. However, ensure you have adequate travel and medical insurance as Cayman does not operate a national ‘free’ health service. Serious medical cases will normally be transferred to Miami via air ambulance.
There are no dangerous animals in Cayman and we are rabies-free. Grass snakes are rare and harmless. The odd spider and scorpion are nothing to fear, but if you are bitten/ stung get an anti-histamine from a pharmacy or, for serious cases, get a steroid shot from a doctor. There are some plant species, like Maiden Plum and Lady Hair, that can irritate skin and should be avoided.
Mosquitoes are typically very active at sunrise and sunset, so keep a bottle of mosquito repellent close by. If bitten, use an antiinflammatory cream. Cayman does not have malaria, zika or chikungunya but there have been a few imported cases of dengue over the last few years.
Jellyfish stings and sea itch are not uncommon and not fun, so be careful snorkelling and diving. Sea itch is the invisible larvae of thimble jellyfish, and usually appears from late March to June. You can use Safe Sea cream to prevent any issues from both. If stung, a splash of vinegar is soothing and for serious cases, get an anti-histamine from a pharmacy or a steroid shot from the doctor.
Be aware of the ‘bends’. Cayman does have a decompression chamber, but don’t plan to use it! Ear complications can result from diving with a cold or sinus infection, and may require a doctor’s attention. Lionfish are venomous so avoid them.
Fire, police and ambulance 911
Police headquarters (345) 244 2900
Domestic abuse hotline (345) 943 2422
International operator .
Directory enquiries.
Dialling Codes
Cayman Islands numbers: omit (345)
North America, Canada or Caribbean: 1 + area code + 7 digit number
. . . 0
. .411
To dial other countries: 011 + country code + telephone number
Alcoholics Anonymous . . . . . (345) 926 9044
Narcotics Anonymous . (345) 929 6262
Airport Authority (345) 943 7070
Lost and Found (345) 926 1943
Flight Information & Reservations
Air Canada www.aircanada.com
American Airlines 1 (800) 744 0006
British Airways . . . . . . . . . . 1 (800) 247 9297
Caribbean Airlines . . . . . . . 1 (345) 769 4071
Cayman Airways (345) 949 2311
Delta Airlines www.delta.com
JetBlue 1 (855) 710 2951
Southwest . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 (844) 670 7914
United Airlines 1 (800) 231 0856
WestJet 1 (403) 444 2446
Dept. of Environment (345) 949 8469
Dept. of WORC (345) 949 8344
H.M. Customs (345) 949 4579
General Post Office . . . . . . . . (345) 949 2474
Tourism Attractions Board (345) 949 6999
Nature Cayman (345) 948 2222
Vehicle Licensing Dept. (345) 945 8344
United Kingdom (345) 244 2431
United States . . .
(345) 945 8173
Download the Explore Cayman app or visit www.explorecayman.com for flight information and other useful numbers.
After dark activities, 44
Airport & airlines, 157
Anchor & Den, 80-81
Antiques, 120
Art classes, 44
Art galleries, 76, 90
Artifacts, 120
Balaclava Jewellers, Back Fold
Banana boat rides, 74
Barefoot Beach, 61
Barkers National Park, 66
Bars and pubs, 44, 45, 79, 102, 132
Batabano Festival, 37, 75
Beach volleyball, 35
Beachcombing, 131
Beaches, 60-61
Beauty products, 77, 112
Beauty treatments, 36
Bioluminescence tours, 44, 48, 130
Bird watching, 131
Blackbeard’s Liquors, 13
Blow Holes, 133
Blue Haven Charters, 50
Blue iguanas, 138
Blue Sky Sailing, 51
Boat charters, 50-57
Boat trips, 46-49
Botanic Park (QE II), 138
Brunch, 40
Buses, 33
Business hours, 23
Buying property in Cayman, 144-152
Camana Bay, 98-107
Cameras, 112, 121
Car rentals, 30, 31
Caribbean Club, 84
Cathy Church’s Photo Centre, 121
Caves, 134-135
Cayman Airways, 24, 157
Cayman Brac, 25
Cayman Ferries, 29
Cayman Islands Helicopters, 118
Cayman Islands Sailing
Charters, 52
Cayman Kai Public Beach, 61, 62
Cayman Kai, 61, 62, 133, 146
Cayman Kayaks, 53, 139
Cayman National Gallery, 90
Cayman National Museum, 119
Cayman Parrot Sanctuary, 136
Cayman Turtle Centre, 68-69
Cayman Villas, 5
Caymanian cuisine, 43
Caymanite, 38, 76, 111
Cemetery Beach & Reef, 60, 62
Cheeseburger Reef, 62
Chicken! Chicken!, 92
Chisholm’s Grocery, 142
Cinema, 44, 103
Climate, 20
Clothing, 77, 103, 112
Coe Wood Beach, 60
Consolidated Water, 10
Consulates, 157
Cracked Conch, 70
Craft Market, 111, 114
Crighton Properties, 151
Crime, 156
Crossfit, 36, 75
Crystal Caves, 130, 134-135
Cultural activities, 37
Currency, 22
Customs & attire, 22
Dart Family Park, 111
Decompression chamber, 157
Deep sea fishing, 48
Dentists, 156
Distillery tour, 34, 111
Dive & snorkel equipment, 63, 82-83
Dive operators, 63
Dive sites, 60-61, 63
Divers Supply, 82-83
Diving, 63
Doctors Express 154
Doctors, 153-156
Driving regulations, 29
Driving tour, 133,141
Duty free, 38-39, 112
Early settlers, 21
East End, 128-143
ECO Rides Cayman 29, 140
Economy Car Rental 30
Eden Rock & Devil’s Grotto, 62, 63
Elmslie Church, 114
Emergency numbers, 156, 157
Engel and Volkers, 149
Entertainment, 44-45, 103
Farmers’ Markets, 76, 100
Fish market, 110
Fishing, 48
Fitness, 36, 75
Formalities, 22
Fort George, 114
Foster’s 17, 77
Fountains, 34, 101
Free activities, 35
Full moon activities, 44
Funky Monkey, 87
Geography 20
George Town, 108-127
Getting around, 29-33
Golf, 36, 75
Government telephone numbers, 157
Government, 23
Grand Old House 116
Grocery stores, 9, 17, 77,142
Guardian of the Reef, 62, 63, 66
Guy Harvey Gallery & Shoppe, 122
Gyms/Fitness, 36
Health centres, 153-156
Health insurance, 145
Helicopter rides, 110, 118
Hell Geological Site, 66
Heroes Square, 114
Hibiscus Spa, 85
Hide & Seek GeoTour 141
History, 20, 21
Horseback riding, 44, 71
Immigration, 145
Island Plaza, 123
Jacques Scott, 11
Jellyfish, 157
Jet skis, 58
Jewellery & watches, 38-39, 76, 112
Jewellery Palace (The) 124
Kay’s Fine Jewelry, 6
Kayaking, 48, 130-131, 139
Kennedy Gallery, 86
Kirk Freeport, 125
Kirk Market, 9, 41
Kirk Pharmacy, 155
Kitesurf Cayman, 89
Kittiwake, 60, 62, 74
Le Soleil d’Or, 26
Le Visage, 105
Lighthouse Park, 131, 133
Lighthouse Point, 62, 63, 66
Lionfish, 157
Liquor stores, 77
Little Cayman 24-25, 27, 29
Live music, 45
Local collectables, 38-39, 76, 100, 111
LOCO, 104
LUCA, 93
Macabuca, 70
Mangrove tours, 58, 139
Mastic Reserve & Trail, 37
Medical care, 153-157
Mermaid (The), 63, 111, 117
Milano Diamond Gallery, 3
Mission House, 37, 131, 133
Money and banking, 22
Mosquitoes, 21, 157
Ms Pipers, 94
Museum (National), 119
Music, 45
National Gallery, 90
National Roads Authority, 28
National symbols, 23
Nature, 24, 66, 131
Nicholson (wreck), 111
Night activities, 44-45
Night diving, 44
Nightclubs, 44-45
North Side, 128-143
North Sound boat trips, 49-57
North Sound Golf Club, 36, 75
North Sound, 46-49
Tower, 101
Ocean Frontiers, 54
, 58
Paediatricians, 156
Pampered Ponies, 71
Paradise Pontoons, 55
Parasailing Professionals, 91
Parasailing, 46, 91
Parliament, 23, 114, 115
Pedro St. James Castle, 137
Personal fitness trainers, 36
Pharmacies, 155, 156
Pilates, 36
Pirates Week, 37
Pirates, 20
Population, 21
Pure Art, 126
Ragazzi, 95
Ray Dayz Charters, 56
RE/MAX - Kass Coleman, 148
Real estate, 146-152
Restaurants, 40-43
Rhulens, 152
Rocky’s Diamond Gallery, 127
Rum Point, 61, 62, 131, 132
Safety considerations, 156157
Sailing, 58, 74
SaveMore Rent-A-Car 31
Scoops Cayman, 96
Scooter rentals, 29
Seven Mile Beach, 72-97
Shipwrecks, 21, 62
Shopping, 38-39, 67, 76-77, 103, 111-112, 133
Shore diving, 63
Shoreline Properties, 150
Silhouette, 106
Silver Thatch Palm, 23
Sister Islands, 24-25, 146
Smith Barcadere Beach, 60, 62, 111
Snorkelling equipment, 82-83
Snorkelling, 60-61, 62
Southern Cross Club, 27
Souvenirs, 38-39, 111
Spas, 36
Splash pads, 34, 59
Sports Supply, 82
Spotts Public Beach, 60, 62
Starfish Point, 46, 61, 131
Stingray City, 47
Studio 54 West, 88
Sun protection, 59
Sunset cruise, 44, 49, 74
Sunset House/Divers, 117
Support groups, 157
Surfing, 59
Swimming with stingrays, 47
TABS Cayman, 107
Taxes, 22
Taxis, 29
Tennis, 36
Time zones, 20
Tipping & haggling, 22
Tortuga Fine Wines & Spirits, 32
Total Health, 154
Tourism & finance, 22
Tours - driving, 131, 133
Tours - walking, 114-115
Tours - water based, 46-57
Transportation, 29, 33
Tukka East, 143
Turtle Centre, 68-69
Turtle Reef, 62, 63
contacts, 157
, 35
tours, 114-115
Watches, 38, 76, 112
Water slides, 68-69
Waterfront dining, 40
Waterparks, 34, 59
Waverunner/jet ski, 58
West Bay, 64-71
Wharf (The), 97
White Sand Water Sports, 57
Windsurfing, 59, 66
Wreck dives, 62
Wreck of the Cali, 62
Wreck of the Ten Sail, 133
Yacht & boat charters, 46-57
Yoga, 36, 75