ACM JU Magazine | 14th Issue

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Dear Readers,

As the Director of the ACM JU Magazine, I am proud to present the 14th issue of our publication. Our team of talented and dedicated members, who specialize in writing, editing, designing, and podcasting, have worked tirelessly to bring you another exceptional edition.

This issue features an array of intriguing articles that explore some of the latest concepts in the field of technology. From 'A Way out of the Box' to 'Can a Chatbot Replace Your Friend?', our writers delve deep into topics that will pique your interest. Additionally, our editing team has done a fantastic job refining the articles, ensuring they are of the highest quality.

Our designers have also put in countless hours to bring you stunning visuals that complement the content. Furthermore, our podcasters have once again delivered an exceptional listening experience with their engaging voice-overs.

As the Director of this magazine, I am immensely proud of our team and their unwavering dedication toward our goal of sharing knowledge. The ACM JU Magazine is a testament to the hard work and creativity of the members.

We hope you enjoy reading this issue as much as we enjoyed putting it together. Your feedback is always appreciated.

Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, Basel.

Magazine’s EDITOR NOTE

I have been in the ACM magazine for almost two years. I started as an editorial assistant under the very first team that kick-started everything. And here I am, ending my journey as the editor-in-chief for the third generation of this magazine with the 14th issue. I have seen so much, met and worked with many wonderful people because of our work, and I am ever so grateful.

Proud doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel. This magazine has come a long way. It has allowed all of us to be part of something incredible. To learn and to grow and—most importantly—to create memories.

We wish to deliver up-to-date and engaging topics for everyone to enjoy and learn from, as we always have. This issue is no different. It is full of exciting subjects, discussing many AI programs and applications and some issues surrounding AI as a discipline.

I thank everyone who worked on the magazine, now and in the future. And most of all, I thank all our readers, whether this is your first time reading our publication or whether you have been a long-time enjoyer.

We hope you enjoy this release, and for any feedback, please reach us at our E-mail address:









ACM JU MAGAZINE SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY + ENGINEERING EDITORIAL OFFICE King Abdullah school of Information Technology - 1st floor 00962781491920 | Magazine Director Magazine Designer Editor-in-cheif Editorial Assistant Editorial Assistant Contributing Writer Contributing Writer Contributing Writer Contributing Writer Contributing Writer Contributing Writer
Abu Ghoush
Abushukur 14th issue audio version on Spotify 14TH ISSUE


Contributing Writer

Contributing Writer

Contributing Writer

Contributing Writer

Contributing Writer

Voice Over - Podcast

Voice Over - Podcast

Music Producer

ACM JU Treasurer

ACM JU Vice President

ACM JU Chairman

Marah Awwad

Basel Husam

Rama Marhlh

Zaid Abu Ghoush

Rahaf Ayman

Ali Al Qanona

Salma Shakhshir

Basel Husam

Ammar Abushukur

Shatha Thiab

Othman Abu – Roqaia

SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY + ENGINEERING EDITORIAL OFFICE King Abdullah school of Information Technology - 1st floor

Beyond gaming: The Many Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality

The Humanity of Robots

A Way Out of the Box

ChatGPT: The Future of AI Assistance

The Ethical Dilemmas of the New World of Machine Learning and AI

Can AI help us detect solar storms?

14 18 16 10

26 30

20 28 32

Can a Chatbot Replace Your Friends?

22 24


Image Processing and Machine Learning

Make Your Story Go Viral

Reversible Computation

ChatGPT Puzzle


Beyond gaming:

The Many Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality

Gaming is the initial thing that springs to mind when discussing VR or AR, but their applications go further than that; both have something to offer for everyone: whether you’re a home decorator who wants to see how a piece of furniture will look in your space before making a purchase; a travel enthusiast who wants to explore Rome from the comfort of your own home; or a medical student who wants to practice surgery safely.

AR and VR are technologies that engage digital content with individuals in a riveting fashion and fall under the title extended reality (XR). With the help of a headset that obscures the outside world and replaces it with the virtual one, VR immerses the user in a digital environment. On the other hand, AR allows users to engage with virtual items and information more intuitively, which is done by superimposing digital content on top of the actual world. The use of smartphones or customized eyewear makes augmented reality more enjoyable.

VR and AR have a wide range of uses. Military organizations all over the world were among the first to adopt and make use of VR technology. It allows them to train soldiers in a low-risk setting and save money. VR is useful in schools. Due to its unidirectional nature, the traditional mode of instruction frequently fails to engage students; however, VR classes give students a more engaging learning experience.

Not only that, but virtual reality exposure therapy—a brand-new approach to treatment—has been made possible using VR in clinical psychology. With the help of this therapy, patients can confront their anxieties in a safe setting without being exposed to danger. It has been used to treat phobias, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


The retail sector is rapidly utilizing augmented reality to improve the shopping experience for consumers. Customers can virtually try on clothing, cosmetics, or accessories using their smartphones, which allows both the customer and retailer to benefit by saving time and money.

Although VR and AR have potential, they also have limitations. VR and sometimes AR require a special headset that is prohibitively expensive for many people. Since there aren't many casual users, it follows that there aren't many programs produced. The market for XR will expand with the promise of a more captivating and riveting future as the costs of those headsets are anticipated to drop dramatically as technology advances.

The Humanity of Robots

ϭ What’s a robot?

The earliest robot on record, created in the early 1950s, was the work of George C. Devol, an inventor from Louisville, Kentucky. Essentially, it’s a machine that resembles a human being and can function like one. So, what separates those terms, human and robot, and why does the prior tend to have a higher status over the other?

ϭ Who’s the master?

Let’s address the recurring argument of creation, which states that since humans invented robots, theoretically and when applied, they’re inherently superior and should possess more rights and privileges. Although this statement is valid and mostly treated as a fact rather than an opinion, it comes with questions and even doubts. The idea of robots is to imitate and perfect the human experience, whether in actions, reactions, or the ability to show empathy. Humans are the source of inspiration. The growth of AI technologies only adds constant improvements to the original concept, slowly closing the gap separating the master and the masterpiece.


Are you afraid?

Control. It all boils down to who gets to harness it, and what if it falters? Is it permanent or simply an illusion the human race can’t seem to let go of just because it gives them a sense of security? Fear is the deadly ingredient in the recipe of stifled imaginations, and it’s the leading blockade that stands in the way of achieving greatness. So, again, what do you fear? Is it the fear of the unknown? What happens if the inventions, the robots, get too advanced? Too smart? Well, isn’t that the point? Public society treats the developments in the AI world as a thing to be dreaded instead of highly anticipated and afterward celebrated.

ϭ Open your mind.

Humans can feel emotions, from devastation to pure happiness. Based on that, they form conscious thoughts and decisions. With time and new technology, robots might be able to reach that same level of emotional intelligence and consciousness. Their dependence on human beings will decrease, and their desire for equality will rise.

That probability is what causes people to panic. But hear this, if the birth of a newborn baby and its growth into a functioning member of society doesn’t pose a threat to you, then how is the creation of a robot any different?


A Way Out of the Box

As humans, we constantly try to solve problems that arise, but does it amaze you how some people come up with out-of-the-box solutions? That is what we call creativity. Creativity contributes significantly to innovation, growth, and adaptability, and it goes without saying: it's a skill we must learn.


The first step towards increasing our creativity is facilitating the ability to generate ideas distinct from those already in existence. The default mode network—an area of the brain—can be stimulated by walking before or while thinking about solving a problem. According to a Stanford University study, walking outside or inside can boost creativity by up to %60 more than simply sitting down.

The second step is to allow time for divergent thinking. An unstructured, free-form approach to problemsolving in which people generate innovative ideas or solutions to a pressing issue without analyzing or criticizing them.

Following that, we should engage in convergent thinking; by analyzing and criticizing the ideas presented to determine the best way to implement them, stimulating another part of the brain known as the executive control network.

The third step is to integrate our creative potential into our daily lives. An MRI scan shows that people who engage in creative activities, like drawing, writing, and playing instruments, have more stimulation in their creative brain areas than the general population.

The final and most enjoyable method is learning from children. Adults tend to think more logically, whereas young children are more imaginatively creative. A study in Ohio tried this method on special forces, where they trained them while creating a whole narrative about the enemy. Surprisingly the training showed a lot of improvement using this method.

Solving a problem may have a hundred different ways because nothing in this world will ever remain unsolved. Science teaches us that one can learn the most difficult of skills.

ChatGPT: The Future of AI Assistance

Are you tired of wasting hours scrolling through numerous tabs looking for the solution to a problem? OpenAI's ChatGPT is here to help. ChatGPT is an innovative chatbot with artificial intelligence that can respond to your queries swiftly and precisely, serving as your on-demand expert buddy!

What is ChatGPT?

With the GPT3.5- machine learning model, OpenAI created a chatbot. As a large language model developed using a substantial dataset of human speech, it can engage in an authentic and humanlike conversation. It can hold meaningful conversations with users and give thoughtful responses.

What can ChatGPT do?

This chatbot has taken the internet by storm, due to its many potential uses, from writing whole essays to even debugging code.

• Answer Questions

You can ask ChatGPT any question, and it will provide a single answer based on its search and synthesis of information.

• Create Content

Such as writing poetry based on a prompt, writing stories, or creating AI art prompts to create augmented reality (AR) scenes.

• Writing and Debugging Code

ChatGPT is a revolutionary coding assistant that helps developers troubleshoot and complete tasks. In addition to writing entire programs in any designated language, it can also explain and correct errors. No more pointless searching for answers or being unsure about where to begin. Coding is simple with ChatGPT.

• Restyle Writing

Rewrite paragraphs in a different style and simplify complex writing. For example, it can rephrase academic texts to make them more understandable. ChatGPT was used to improve some paragraphs in this article!


Room for Improvement

Although ChatGPT has many exciting uses, it also has some limitations like any new technology, including:

• Wrong Answers

Although ChatGPT is continuously trained to improve its accuracy, it is a new technology that has not yet received enough training. This means the chatbot may provide incorrect answers and appear confident in them.

• Limitations in Training Data Leading to Bias Issues

Limited training data inevitably leads to a biased model. ChatGPT has shown bias when it comes to training minority data groups.

• Sustainability

There is a discussion about the number of GPUs needed to run ChatGPT, which is costly. As a free product, it is uncertain how sustainable ChatGPT is and how long it will be able to operate.

Although ChatGPT has shown potential in many real-world applications, its restrictions make it unclear whether and when it will be used commercially. It is still a helpful tool for anyone needing advice or information.

The Ethical Dilemmas of the New World of Machine Learning and AI

Portraits not drawn by humans? Predicting what TV Show or song you'll like? Self-driving cars that move you around? Diagnosing a disease without human intervention! Yes, these things are attainable and can be done effortlessly now with the power of AI and machine learning technologies.

But after being fascinated by the sheer ability of machines to do things at a speed and accuracy that surpasses that of humans, have you thought about the ethical issues that plague AI usage?

Portraits created by AI apps are going viral, and people are delighted and amazed with the results. It works by uploading a bunch of your photos; you wait a few seconds until the app presents you with multiple avatars that look like you in different artistic ways. But are artists satisfied or consenting to that?

The art these systems use to produce avatars with different styles and framings belongs to real artists, which leads to the next big question of this works' ethics.

Some AI apps require you to pay to use these features, but are artists' permission taken into account to use their art to earn money? How can you give credit to these artists? That may raise a real ethical problem.


Also, companies and government agencies have volumes of customer data at their fingertips, and these amounts are increasing. Unfortunately, some organizations do not have clear rules about the ethical protection of customer data or how to prevent breaches.

Advertising companies, in particular, deal with a massive amount of data about the user. They track their information and movements to provide the best advertising experience. But some people may consider this invasion of their privacy, and others almost think they are being watched!

Additionally, many AI systems collect and analyze large amounts of data, such as using a dataset of public photos or videos of human faces. Thus, this can open doors for misuse or exploitation if the system is not trained to use these images for acceptable reasons, which is consequential for individuals.

With AI tools, public videos of people, and their audio recordings, the chance of generating misleading video footage carrying fake news will boost, which has been tried and applied before.

Things like that and many more may happen when technology falls into the hands of a non-qualified person to bear its ethical responsibility. You'd be forgiven if you thought there might be scary times ahead!


Can AI help us detect solar storms?

The Sun provides the light and energy needed for life to exist on Earth. However, it's also possible for people to encounter risks from our nearest star. Large amounts of electrically charged particles are expelled into space when the magnetic field lines near the Sun's visible surface tangle and break. These "solar storms" have the potential to interact with Earth's magnetic field and seriously affect satellites, radio networks, and power grids, which are essential to our daily lives.

A team of researchers is currently studying an active phase of the solar cycle, which is a cycle that alternates between quiet and active phases every eleven years, and will peak in 2025. Solar storm effects are typically limited to stunning auroral light displays at the poles due to Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere. However, a powerful solar storm could bring the failure of about %10 of all satellites.

Although still in its infancy, the analysis and classification of planetary datasets using artificial intelligence (AI) are gaining ground. Algorithms can be trained using machine learning to analyze vast volumes of data and produce predictions and novel solutions. However, very few tools are specifically designed for this field of study. Over the past ten years, prospective applications of machine learning in planetary science have increased.


The Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) Machine Learning's goal is to mine a large amount of data from space missions, computer simulations, and laboratory tests for knowledge. Europlanet intends to encourage the extensive use of machine-learning technologies in data-driven space research by creating several machine-learning tools that aid planetary scientists in their work.

Solar storms may occasionally travel less than a day to Earth. The relative orientation of the storm's magnetic field, particularly its north-south Bz magnetic field component, determines how much energy is transferred from the solar storm to Earth's magnetic field. The likelihood of a powerful geomagnetic storm that could inflict damage increases with the size of the southbound Bz component. Before a solar storm hits Earth, a group of researchers created a method to help provide prior notice. This technique uses machine learning to forecast the Bz magnetic field component within the first few hours of an in-situ measurement. The program has been trained and tested using information gathered during 348 distinct solar storms since 2007 by the Wind, STEREO-A, and STEREO-B spacecraft.

The next phase of the research will involve using more AI techniques to detect solar storms in real time since they still require human eyes to recognize when a solar storm is occurring. In the upcoming years, satellite missions will produce more data, improving the projections even more. Their prediction tool, however, already demonstrates the enormous potential of machine learning in enhancing space weather forecasting and, in the event of a powerful solar storm, giving impacted areas early notice and minimizing catastrophic damage.

Can a Chatbot Replace Your Friends?

Rama Marhlh

The area of artificial intelligence called natural language processing allows computers to comprehend human language.

An automated dialogue between a person and a computer is referred to as a chatbot.

Many people lack interpersonal connections, which breeds feelings of loss and loneliness that can trigger depression in adults and children.

However, chatbot apps began to fill that gap by providing consumers with a platform to communicate with AI. Online AI friends are the ideal option for users who don’t want to worry about being evaluated by someone on the other side of their screen. They can express their emotions without thinking about how others may feel. However, this software is not human and is simply a machine.

The chatbot occasionally blurts out gibberish and keeps repeating phrases. Other chatbots have displayed bias when a user’s data is being gathered, which explains why many chatbots have failed to fulfill their potential as ideal human companions.

The negative influence on the way we interact with others:

You can achieve your goal—getting help, information, and even a feeling of companionship—without an immediate cost. No investment is required, and no need to be polite, smile, or be emotionally considerate.

It sounds convenient, but the problem arises when we become addicted to this bot interaction and slowly start developing a preference for simple communication leading to secondary issues.

AI describes the capacity of computers and machines to learn, gather information, and adapt. They become better at acting like a human the more people interact with the program.

How about you? Can a chatbot replace your friend?


» Vulnerabilities and exploits

A vulnerability is a weakness within a system, it is a bad thing, but it doesn’t always mean there is a security risk. An exploit is a program that uses weaknesses to break into the system. Usually, this program installs malware on the system. The exploit itself isn’t malware; it’s just how malware gets into the system.

» Zero days (what’s with the name!)

A zero-day can be a vulnerability or an exploit not many know of, especially software developers/vendors and the security community. It earned its name zero-day because the vendors have zero days to fix their software. A zero-day exploit takes down a system and steals sensitive information like credentials and much more! These vulnerabilities go to show there’s no system safe from hackers.

» why and how are these found anyway?!

Motives behind finding zero days vary from doing it for fun to doing it for malicious purposes. Some might do it to help developers make their software more secure, while others might do it for the money. Some have ethical motives, while others don’t. Finding zero days is extremely difficult, expensive, and timeconsuming. But once someone finds it, it poses a real threat to the security of the software, as there’s no way to protect the system from it.

» sony Zero-day attack

In late 2014, A zero-day was exploited in the Sony pictures network. While the details of this attack remain unknown, their network got shut down. Sensitive information got leaked, like new movie titles, personal information about senior executives, business plans, and much more!

» how to protect yourself

There is no way to %100 protect yourself against zero days. The best way to protect yourself is by keeping all your software and operating systems up to date. Use only essential applications, and avoid putting any unnecessary sensitive information on devices connected to the internet.


Image Processing & Machine Learning Redefining the Future

Sara Al-Mahrouq


We are currently dealing with an influx of massive amounts of data in the form of images and videos due to the increasing prevalence of cameras, webcams, optical sensors, etc. Even though visualizing any type of information is always simpler, processing such a large amount of imagery is more challenging than it sounds. The heart of machine learning—currently a popular topic for research and experimentation—makes the system learn details that it can recognize in subsequent encounters. As a result, data processing becomes very efficient.

Combining machine learning advancements with the rising problem of image processing has resulted in a highly efficient streamlined system where Machine Learning models speed up the classification, segmentation, and recognition of images, videos, footage, etc.

In this article, we will talk about the sophisticated Machine Learning techniques currently being applied to image and video processing:

1. Image Restoration

An image can deteriorate for a variety of reasons. For instance, an old photograph of your grandparents shot using an old tech camera may become hazy or lose its original shape. The image might have experienced physical stress or, if the image is in digital form, suffered from motion blur or additive noise. So, how do you intend to repair it? Perhaps fifty years ago, it wasn't possible, but today it is.

Researchers developed a degradation model that can reverse the effects of deterioration on the input image. The degradation model works as a convolution with a linear shift-invariant.

Therefore, using a degradation filter that estimates the True Image. We take two images: one before degradation, known as the True Image, and one after degradation, known as the Observed Image.

2. Linear filtering

When using linear filtering, the neighboring input pixels are combined linearly to determine the value of the output pixel, a process known as convolution is used. Convolution adds each image component to its nearby neighbors while using the kernel's weighting.

3. Template matching

Template matching is a technique for finding and locating templates within a large image. Think of it as a very simplistic approach to object detection.

Template matching slides a template image over a larger image, similar to folding, and looks for matching parts.

Before After

Make Your Story Go Viral

Data is the new oil, as they referred. But how could you make sense of 64 zettabytes of data? Read all databases?

Going through each image? Watch every video? That is not possible. The solution is to use data visualizations to tell a story.

What is Storytelling with Data Visualization, and why is it so important?

It is how easily you deliver the information to the audience and stakeholders without needing to go through the complex numbers and boring values; by creating a connection between the data and the audience.

Visualization types vary from Area charts to Heat maps. The key to creating a powerful story is selecting a suitable representation for the data.


Think of it like the following:

You are building a Machine Learning model for your company to predict if the customers they have are retention (loyal) customers or not, and you have a meeting with the CEO and the stakeholders to talk about the results of your model. If you start talking about accuracy and the challenges you faced within the process, they will comprehend nothing, and more importantly, they will not care. They care about the business, the profit, and the value that this model will return to the company.

Storytelling is crucial in today›s data-driven world as it allows us to present complex information meaningfully. Storytelling not only makes the data more relatable and understandable, but it also helps to communicate the message more effectively and drives decision-making. With storytelling, we can turn seemingly dry data into an inspiring narrative that can educate and persuade the audience.

Tools will help you create impressive visualizations:

To create visual representations, you can use a variety of applications. Some popular options include:


An effective application that makes it simple to design dynamic dashboards and presentations.


a Microsoft-provided business intelligence platform that offers many visualization capabilities such as panels, reports, and diagrams.

Reversible Computation

Energy is king, it rules us all, and it determines what things we can afford to do and what we cannot. Computation is not exempt from energy limitations, which is the general form of money. Scientists are constantly working on making computers more and more efficient, and every joule matters. However, what if I told you that there is a minimum amount of energy that computers will always dissipate regardless of what scientists do?

Landauer's Limit

In 1961, physicist Rolf Landauer, working at IBM, applied the laws of thermodynamics to computers and information theory. He argued that for every irreversible operation done, you must dissipate a minimum amount of energy, called Landauer's limit. This loss was not due to inefficiencies in the design of computers. But rather a limitation of the mode of computation we use, namely irreversible computation.

Irreversible computation

Our computers are built using irreversible gates, but what does that mean? Take the AND gate; it takes in two inputs and produces one output, representing the logical ANDing of the two inputs. Here is the truth table of the AND gate:

Now, if we have an output of 0 from an AND gate, can you tell me what the input was? There are three possibilities, so we can’t deterministically go from outputs to inputs. Thus making the model irreversible, and the same applies to OR gates. There is a loss of information from inputs to outputs dissipating energy in the process, but what if we don’t have to use irreversible gates to build our computers?

Reversible computation

Reversible computation is described as a computational model in which the process is time-reversible; it allows you to go from inputs to outputs and the other way back. Landauer's limit does not apply to reversible computation; reversible computers are limitless and can be as efficient as possible. Many reversible gates have been devised. We will discuss two of them.

1) CNOT gate: CNOT gate, or controlled not gate, is a logic gate that takes in two inputs and produces two outputs. One input is called the control input. If the control input is 1, then the gate flips the second input. If the control input is 0, the gate leaves the second input intact. The control input is left as it is.

If I give you the outputs, can you determine the inputs? CNOT gate is f(x, y) = (x, x y), where x is the control input and is XOR.

2) Toffoli gate: This gate has three inputs and three outputs. The first two inputs are control inputs. If both control inputs are 1, the third input is flipped. Otherwise, it is left intact. The control inputs pass the gate unchanged. Here is the truth table for this gate:

Again, you can determine the inputs by looking at the outputs alone. Toffoli gate is given by: f(x, y, z) = (x, y, (x ^ y) z), where x and y are control inputs, ^ is AND and is XOR.

We can build AND gate using Toffoli gate by passing 0 as the third input: f(x, y, 0) = (x, y, (x ^ y) 0) = (x, y, (x ^ y)). The resulting outputs are x, y, and x ^ y, which is x AND y, so we successfully built AND gate using a reversible gate. We can build the NAND gate using the Toffoli gate, which will make the Toffoli universal gate. I will leave it as a challenge for you to try.

Reversible Programming Languages

Finally, to build a fully functional reversible computer, we need the entire process to be reversible, from the logic gates, up to the high-level programming languages. For this, reversible programming languages like Janus have been devised. You can visit their website at Program Inversion and Reversible Computation (

ChatGPT Puzzle

How Much Can ChatGPT be Real?

With the release of our 14th Issue, we›re excited to announce our ChatGPT puzzle. The puzzle consists of four paragraphs, one of them generated by ChatGPT. All you have to do is pick the correct paragraph and share it on your social media. Stay tuned on our Facebook page for the prize announcement and to share your answers in the comment section. We can›t wait to see who solves the puzzle!


Can you differentiate between text/content written by humans and text/content generated by a chatbot like ChatGPT? Three of the following four paragraphs talking about natural language processing (NLP) have been written by humans and the other was written by ChatGPT. Can you guess which one of the four paragraphs was by ChatGPT?

1) NLP is a field that stands at the intersection of linguistics and artificial intelligence (AI). It is concerned with studying and developing algorithms and tools that enable a computer to understand human language in both written and spoken form and even generate it.

2) NLP is all about making computers smart with human language. It's like teaching a computer how to speak and understand us, just like we do with each other. With NLP, computers can read and understand text and speech, and perform tasks like answering questions and figuring out how people feel about things. This makes it easier for us to communicate with computers and for them to help us out!

3) NLP, also known as computational linguistics, is the combination of AI and linguistics that allows us to talk to machines as if they were human. NLP powers predictive word suggestions on our mobile devices and voice-activated assistants like Siri, Bixby and Google’s voice search.

4) NLP refers to the study of automatically processing or synthesising human languages. This can range from simple string pattern matching algorithms using regular expressions to sophisticated intelligent systems using artificial neural network to translate between different languages.


• Can AI help us detect solar Storms?

M. Reiss, C. Möstl, R. Bailey, H. Rüdisser, (02 November 2021). Machine Learning for Predicting the Bz Magnetic Field Component from Upstream in Situ Observations of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections. Space Weather.

• The Ethical Dilemmas of the new World of Machine Learning and AI

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Kiewra,E.J. Podlesny,J. Soller,H. (2020, Aug 26). Ethical data usage in an era of digital technology and regulation. mckinsey.

Marques Brownlee.(2022, Dec 10). The Truth About AI Getting "Creative"[Video]. YouTube. https://youtu. be/ 0 gNauGdOkro

• A way out of the box

The New York academy of science, Angus Fletcher and Mike Benveniste,10 March 2022

Stanford University ,Marily Oppezzo and Daniel L. Schwartz ,2014

• Zaro-days:

Sood, A., & Enbody, R. (2014). System Exploitation. Elsevier EBooks, 75–37. 8-7.00004

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What Is an Exploit? (2023, February 8). Cisco.

• Beyond gaming: The many applications of virtual and augmented reality:

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Augmented reality in retail: How retailers are using AR for better shopping experiences. Shopify. (2022, July 8). Retrieved January 2023 ,1, from

• ChatGPT: The Future of AI Assistance

Anaconda | The Abilities and Limitations of ChatGPT. (n.d.). Anaconda.

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Kumar, A. (2023, February 15). What is ChatGPT? Top Capabilities and Limitations You Must Know. Emeritus Online Courses. 20 %are 20 %ChtGPT 27 %s 20 % Limitations3%F&text=ChatGPT20%is20%a20%large20%language,chatbot20%may20%provide20%wrong20%answers

• Can a Chatbot Replace Your Friends?

Le, K. (2020, July 1). Can a Chatbot Replace Your Friends? - The Perceptron. The Perceptron. https://the-perceptron. com/can-a-chatbot-replace-your-friends/

Margalit, L. (2022, October 25). Chatbots: The Illusion of Companionship Without the Demands of Friendship.

• Humanity of Robots

Malone, BM. (2011, Sept 26). George Devol: A Life Devoted to Invention, and Robots.

• Reversible computation

Bennett, Charles H, Notes on Landauer's principle, reversible computation, and Maxwell's Demon, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (34 ,510-501 ,(2003 Richard P. Feynman, Lectures on Computation (1996)

• Make Your Story Go Viral

Biswal, A. (2023, January 30). Power BI Vs Tableau: Difference and Comparison.

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• ChatGPT Puzzle

ACM JU magazine article by Zaid Abughoush , 13th issue ChatGPT /11 /2018/the-evolution-of-natural-language-processing-andits-impact-on-ai/?sh= 243c19f01119

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