Order Your Copy in Advance! Join 20 fresh NEW authors for The Incredible Business Virtual Book Tour Fall 2010!
Tom Haupt
Jill Lublin J U N E / J U L Y
Ann Evanston
Kristin Andress
Lethia Owens
Eileen Roth
Barbara Gellman
Caterina Rando
Julie Renee Doering
Denise Pellow
Darlene Willman
Darlene Willman
2 0 1 0
“You must understand that seeing is believing, but also know that believing is seeing” - - Dennis Waitly
TOPICS Personal Growth
Your Future
Home Office
Get Noticed!
Your Brilliance
Writing a Book
Life Balance
Thank you for subscribing to ACCOMPLISH Magazine! We’re so excited to include lots of incredible stories filled with inspiration, motivation, insights, instruction and much more. Throughout this magazine, you’ll meet the people I have interviewed on the ACCOMPLISH Radio Show and read articles from experts to help you achieve your goals. I’ve been busy accomplishing my own goals and made the decision to make this a bi-monthly publication. This issue also includes some accomplishment stories from our readers. These past few months have been extremely busy for us with our kids graduating from high school and preparing for college. My daughter, Chantal has re-
ceived a full scholarship at Lindenwood University and on her way to obtaining her Master’s in Fine Arts and my stepson is off to Missouri State University. In addition, I’ve been preparing for the next U.S. Small Business Conference™ happening in Dallas, TX on September 10-12. When I created this conference, it was my intention to provide resources to support small businesses throughout the nation and help them thrive in this new economy. If that’s not enough, I’ve also contributed to a NEW book called Incredible Business and doing a Virtual Book Tour! Creating this magazine is no easy task. There are a lot of pieces to this puzzle. I’ve been connecting with people from all over the world to bring you their insights, wisdom and expertise.
listen to interviews that were previously broadcast on the ACCOMPLISH Radio Show. The show has been attracting thousands of listeners from all over the world. In fact, starting July 5th we’ll be broadcasting LIVE every weekday morning 9/10c and can be heard online through iTunes and downloadable at AccomplishRadio.com BIG NEWS! You can now get ACCOMPLISH Magazine in PRINT format and delivered directly to your home or office. To order your personal copy, visit AccomplishMagazine.com If you like what you see, read and hear, please tell your friends!
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In each issue we will feature amazing stories from people from across the country. Some have achieved great success while others share their lifetime dream and vision. We believe, every accomplishment is important and want to hear your story. Simply visit http://bit.ly/amstory to take our online interview. All stories, big and small, will be reviewed and may be featured in a future issue of ACCOMPLISH Magazine!
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People that either own a business to share their expertise and specialty or interested in learning a new skill. Some positions are paid by performance, some are compensated in advertising, some are open for interns and joint venture partners. Here are a variety of positions we have available at ACCOMPLISH Magazine and for the U.S. Small Business Conference.
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The SIX Dirty Words of Personal Development By Tom Haupt
Say It and Pay for it!
“What if you
eliminated those decaying words and lived in the language of greatness?”
If you were to count how many times in one day you say the following words: “but, can’t, try and working on it”, you’d be astonished! Without a doubt, these self-limiting words will support you ONLY in your smallness, not in your greatness. The word but invalidates everything you just said in front of it. For example, I would look amazing in that outfit but I’m too heavy. I would love to date that woman but I’m not good-looking enough. I want that job promotion but I don’t have enough experience. I want a relationship with God but I don’t deserve one because I have sinned. The word can’t in reality is saying you won’t. Whatever it is that you’re saying, adding can’t to the sentence just means you won’t. You really haven’t thought it through; it’s just easier to stay in your comfort zone by deciding you can’t. To be quite frank, it’s a victim statement! For example, I can’t make it over tonight. I can’t meet the deadline. I can’t lose any weight. I can’t afford that. I can’t commit. I can’t stop smoking. I can’t......... The word try is the biggest cop-out going. Sit in a chair. Try to stand up. If you stood, you stood up, you did
not try, you did. If you are still seated, you did not stand and therefore you did not try, you sat. As Yoda in Star Wars said, “Do or do not, there is no try.” By saying the word try, you’re actually not even planning to do whatever it is you’re referring to. It just sounds nice. It’s comfortable and we all know that comfortable equals decay. For example, I’ll try calling her soon. I’ll try getting the project done this weekend. I’ll try going to church this Sunday. I’ll try and reach the prospect this afternoon. Why not eliminate the word completely? Why not say, I’ll call her soon, I’ll get the project done this weekend, I’ll go to church this Sunday, I’ll call the prospect this afternoon. Either you will or you won’t. It’s that simple. The words working on it are much like saying you’ll try and you know how worthless that word is. Working on it has no pow-
er, no juice, and is all about playing it safe. Either you’re going to do something or you’re not. Working on it sounds good, however, it’s a smoke screen for mediocrity. And you know mediocrity is not extraordinary! Words have power and your words have particular
power because they represent your integrity, character, values and your thoughts! What if you became conscious of your self-limiting words and started to choose the words that supported you in your greatness and not in your smallness? What if you eliminated those decaying words and lived in the language of greatness? To help you eliminate those words, assign a painful dollar value to each one of them as a penalty when they come out of your mouth. Each time you or someone close to you catches these words coming out of your mouth, the fine gets paid to a fund. This fund is emptied once a week and will be spent on whatever it is your spouse, children, friend or co-worker want for their own satisfaction. Here is a suggestion: But = $3, Can’t = $5, Try = $10, Working on it = $20.
This is a great way to become conscious of the words that come out of your mouth. In doing so, you will be present in your life when you speak and as a result, only speak into your greatness and success. A shift that small and clever can make a huge difference down the road. I challenge you to take this on and let your sphere of influence, those closest to you, support you in this transition. That’s how you play a “Bigger Game in Life!”
Tom Haupt, International Speaker, Author and Trainer. To find out more about his keynotes, books, CD’s, or to subscribe to his newsletter, please visit www.TomHaupt.com .”
“This article is authored by
Tom Haupt is a best-selling author and world renowned speaker, facilitator and trainer in the arena of self-improvement and leadership training. Tom is the Founder and CEO of Tom Haupt International, an organization with a purpose to empower and inspire people to transform their lives as they step into their greatness. Tom continues his journey of self-discovery and breakthrough everyday and dedicates his life to supporting others in finding balance in their relationships, health, business and faith. He is a leading expert on creating results through risk. www.TomHaupt.com
Imagine Being Claiming Responsibility for YOUR Future By: Kristin Andress, Co-Author & Speaker Imagine Being in a Life You Love
Join Imagine Being Group On Facebook!
It is never too late to imagine being. If you want to be an active participant in your life—to become the person that you have always wanted to be—then consider those you love (including yourself) and declare your initial intention:
lives. Responsibility for our well-being must lie with each of us.
I will participate in my own life. It is MY life.
In order to access the life you truly imagine, you must first assess your current life to determine what role you have—or have not—played in taking responsibility for it. You must:
“It just seems out of control and I want someone to blame.”
“It just seems out of control and I want someone to blame.”
This past year was a perfect example of that. In 2009, the anguished cries of millions of people could be heard amid the deepening recession that wrapped itself around the globe.
Recession? Blame the government. Housing foreclosures? Blame the banks. Astronomical medical costs? Blame the insurance companies. Unemployment? Blame big business.
It’s all too easy to blame others for the crises in our lives. Yes, we are, at times, at the mercy of those in whom we place our trust. Yet, while we have the right to feel frustrated and angry for their wrongdoings and mismanagement— and outright greed— we cannot fully assign blame to them for all the bad that has manifested itself in our A CCOMP LISH
To take back your life, you must imagine being the cause of what takes place in it—and across your entire lifetime.
Most of us will have eighty years in this world. During that time, there will be any num-
ugly. There is as much grace in celebrating your good as there is in taking ownership of your not-so good. Your responsibilities are founded on choice and decision. This can pertain to how you behave, what you do/don’t do, who you spend time with, what you say/don’t say, what you eat/don’t eat, whether you work out, how you feel, and so forth. As you assess where you are in your life, identify precisely where you need to step in and be more responsible.
Whether it is to clear up the
ber of choices and decisions for which we must be responsible. You can certainly ask someone else to choose your direction, yet, even then, you are responsible for having asked. Each day, you have an opportunity to own your life. Accepting and embracing your responsibility is the first step toward realizing the results—or consequences—of action or inaction, choice or lack thereof. This responsibility is ultimately on you. The bottom line is that you are responsible for the good, the bad, and the
past or to ensure you are cleared to take ownership of the future, you must come clean with proclaiming your responsibility for the many aspects of your life. Even in arguments with loved ones, you have responsibility—even if shared. With coworkers, You may disagree or agree to disagree, and the outcome of doing so rests on your shoulders. As you take ownership, it is freeing to let others know you have made this conscious choice. In doing so, you
life. Mistakes happen every day. They can be embarrassing and they can negatively impact our confidence. However, they are necessary to help us learn and grow. We certainly don’t know everything when we enter or exit this world. It is a perpetual process of creating our knowledge base that enables us to make better and better choices. Acknowledge your mistakes—how they were caused and what can be changed to avoid a recurrence. As our knowledge grows regarding what we can cause through taking ownership of our responsibilities, we also learn how we can teach others to do the same. We all have them— shortcomings. They present themselves in our ability to manage our time, our tempers, and even our oversights. We too often beat ourselves up for our shortcomings, when what we could be doing is learning from our mistakes and developing our abilities. Assess where you have not quite measured up. Decide to forgive yourself, and do better next time. Mistakes are commonplace
The truth is, if you do not accept your responsibility for being the
cause of the outcomes in your life, the dissonance will fester, grow, and follow you across time until you deal with it. As much as accepting responsibility for being the cause in your life can be complicated, it does feel good to realize that the possibility to “cause” rests squarely with you. In these times, more so then ever before, it is time to take responsibility so you can access the life you imagine.
Your life is yours, and you have the power to choose be-
tween taking responsibility for it or leaving it to others who may not know what you truly want in life. Kristin’s keynote presentations are in part based on the principles taught in her and her coauthor, Jaqui Jeanes-Lowry’s book, Imagine Being In a Life You Love. Imagine Being arrives at a time when people around the world are seeking opportunities to take control of their lives amid the myriad setbacks facing them, what she calls the PINGs of life. Whether it is job loss, weight loss, or clarity of life’s purpose, Kristin provides direction for people to take the reins of life in hand. She offers the navigation tools for learning defining and creating a purposeful life you imagine living.
Kristin Andress is the CEO of Andress Consulting, based in Solana Beach, California. Andress Consulting has been in business since 2002 and brings to clients the value proposition of exploring their ideas, passions, or visions—and exploding them to the possibilities. Kristin consults with authors, businesses, and entrepreneurs to create business, marketing, and promotional strategies; and craft key messages and the collateral to describe and position the person, product, or service offerings. She specializes in getting into the fabric of her clients’ lives, work, or businesses, and simplifies what is seemingly complex. In doing so, her clients become laser-focused and clear, which leads to creating the connections with complementary businesses, media, and distribution avenues required to generate scale. www.ImagineBeing.com
“Decide to forgive yourself and do better next time”
Full Name:
Suzi Tozer
Type of Accomplishment
Published a Book
Describe Your Accomplishment and Share Your Story
I built a group of 6000 meeting planners and coordinators on a social networking site and collaborated with the members to gather ideas and tips from all over the country. I then put the ideas into a book so that hosts facing feeding and entertaining hundreds of guests at once-in-a-lifetime events can do it bigger, better and with less headaches.
What inspired you to achieve this?
I worked for a company that did 4000 events a year. Day after day I'd see hosts of large events like; wedding receptions, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, Anniversary Parties, grand openings, and company holiday parties stress over things that I knew their guests wouldn't remember a month from now. In addition to where to best spend their party budget, I wanted them to know what guests would remember and talk about years from now.
I didn't have the money to self publish my book. As a widow with three children I knew I had an important message and I knew I wanted to self publish vs traditional publishing but it costs a lot. I attended a seminar, Joy of Goals, and they announced that I needed money to finish. Attendees What challenges did you have to over- gave me checks pre-buying the book. This gave come? What was the turning point that me the confidence to approach an editor whom I lead to your success? traded marketing hours for editing and a layout artist that allowed me to pay four months after the book was published. I traded event planning for my indexing and sponsorship for my signage at the book signing. I got creative in my financing and cashed in my last IRA to pay for the things I couldn't barter or negotiate. What kept you motivated?
I knew I had an important message and I was the right person to tell the story.
What advice would you give to someone striving to accomplish the same thing?
Brick walls are placed in front of you not to stop you but to make you figure out ways around them, above them or under them. Stay focused on what you want no matter how big the obstacles.
Full Name:
Jo Parfitt
Type of Accomplishment
Published a Book
Describe Your Accomplishment and Share Your Story
I have published 26 books of my own and am now a publisher in my own right. My first idea for a book, French Tarts, was a cookbook. I was 24, could not cook and had never been published, yet it was accepted by the first publisher I approached. Since then I have had the confidence to make a career as a writer, journalist and writing teacher.
What inspired you to achieve this?
My parents always believed in me while I am good at having ideas. Back then, at 24, I believed in my idea. I now know that successful authors need to believe in themselves AND their ideas.
What challenges did you have to overcome? What was the turning point that lead to your success?
I have no English degree. My turning point was just daring to try and not meeting a brick wall at the first attempt. I have been abroad for 23 years, as an accompanying partner, and have managed to make a career as a writer, simply writing about my own experience. My book, A Career in Your Suitcase, has made me appear to be a portable career expert and this made me well known in expat circles worldwide.
What kept you motivated?
Getting good feedback and seeing my name in print were constant reminders that I was OK. I was good enough. Now, I watch my books and my clients' books selling and recognise that I can do this too. I think you need to see results often to stay motivated.
What advice would you give to someone striving to accomplish the same thing?
Get a support team who encourage you and believe in you. Find a mentor and, if like me, you want to write books, get regular feedback by writing articles, blogs, newsletters, smaller things that will give quicker results.
Up Close & Personal
Interview with Tom Haupt
Hear His Success Story
To Listen to the interview from our Radio Show, simply click on the blue PLAY button
To listen to this interview go to: AccomplishRadio.com
ON THE AIR Weekday Mornings 9/10c
Tom Haupt is a best-selling author and world renowned speaker, facilitator and trainer in the arena of self-improvement and leadership training. Tom is the Founder and CEO of Tom Haupt International, an organization with a purpose to empower and inspire people to transform their lives as they step into their greatness. For over 27 years, Tom has been coaching, mentoring and teaching people to overcome self-limiting beliefs to capture their goals and dreams. As a basketball coach to young men and women early in his career, to most recently in the last decade facilitating experiential and transformational seminars, his passionate, heartfelt and empowering trainings throughout the world have supported thousands to create the life of their dreams. www.TomHaupt.com
Caption describing picture or graphic.
This story can fit 100-150 words. The subject matter that appears in newsletters is virtually endless. You can include stories that focus on current technologies or innovations in your field. You may also want to note business or economic trends, or make predictions for your customers or clients. If the newsletter is distributed internally, you might comment upon
This story can fit 75-125 words. Selecting pictures or graphics is an important part of adding content to your newsletter. Think about your article and ask yourself if the picture supports or enhances the message you’re trying to convey. Avoid selecting images that appear to be out of context. Microsoft Publisher includes thousands of clip art images from which
new procedures or improvements to the business. Sales figures or earnings will show how your business is growing. Some newsletters include a column that is updated every issue, for instance, an advice column, a book review, a letter from the president, or an editorial. You can also profile new employees or top customers or vendors.
you can choose and import into your newsletter. There are also several tools you can use to draw shapes and symbols. Once you have chosen an image, place it close to the article. Be sure to place the caption of the image near the image.
Caption describing picture or graphic.
Home Office: Overcome the Disadvantages of Working from a Home Office By: Eileen Roth
Tip: If you work at home, you can skip the heels or tie, or even the suit, and dress "office casual" in your home office. The feeling you get from being in "work attire" may be all the impetus you need to get things done
Work From Home Tips
Are you deciding if you want to start a home-based business? No matter how many people tell you how great it is to work from home, there are some drawbacks. Below are some of the advantages and tips to help alleviate some of the disadvantages of working from home.
Focus people work easily by themselves. Solitude really appeals to them. Social people, on the other hand, need interaction and working at home can become a very lonesome place.
If you are easily distracted by things going on in the house, from the dog begging for attention to little children Tip: Social people should schedplaying; it may be ule some time for networking and face-to-face meetings to meet harder for you to get work done. their need for social interaction. Tip: Have a separate room in the basement or attic where you are secluded from home distractions.
If you live with anyone, let him or her know your “work hours” and that you don’t want to be disturbed during those hours. Just be sure that everyone knows you are working now, and shouldn’t be disturbed unless it is a true emergency. After all, you definitely want your children to interrupt you if there’s a fire or someone is hurt.
Tip: Put a sign on the door to your home office that says "Do not disturb" when you are on a telephone call or truly focused.
One distinct advantage to working from home is that you have flexibility. You can start when you want to start, and quit when you want to quit. You can sleep in some days and rise early on other days. That is fine if you live alone, but if you live with others it impacts their day.
Eileen Roth, author of Organizing For Dummies®, is your Tour Guide for Success. As you travel on the road of your L.I.F.E.™ , you want to organize your 4 lanes – Location, Information, Focus and Experiences. Sign-up for free monthly Organizing ideas for the 4 lanes:
Tip: Set a consistent schedule so your family will know when you are working and when you are not. If you have an erratic schedule, it is more difficult for people to know when they can talk to you and when they cannot. It is also difficult for you to achieve your goals.
Another advantage to working from home is that you can be available for your son’s basketball game or your daughter’s gymnastic meet after school. If your spouse works in an office and you work from home; some parents may feel they can "utilize" you. Just because you are home does not mean you do not have to work.
Working in your pajamas might seem like a great thing to do, but does it really m ake you feel like working - or sleeping? Notice if you get as much work done in your pajamas as you do when you are dressed. Tip: Setup carpool schedules with other parents so that you aren’t the one driving every week to practice sessions.
Up Close & Personal
Interview with Patty Farmer
Hear Her Success Story
To Listen to the interview from our Radio Show, simply click on the blue button
To listen to this interview go to: AccomplishRadio.com
ON THE AIR Weekday Mornings 9/10c
Patty Farmer is recognized by many as a visionary and passionate business woman. While many people see networking as a function of their business, Patty has made networking her business. As the Owner and Director of the Dallas Hot Pink Mamas, a professional Business Networking Organization as well as the Corporate Trainer for Hot Pink Mamas nationwide, she has connected and taught thousands of business owners how to network and hone their skills to effectively grow their businesses while offering members very rich real-world member benefits. Her latest venture, DFW Biz Link, was an outgrowth of years of helping businesses owners maximize and leverage relationships. With DFW Biz Link, Patty is utilizing her 20 years in the Banking/Finance industry and mentoring to create a dynamic program that will take networking to the next level. www.DFWBizLink.com
The Best Get Noticed! Tips By Jill Lublin
Get Noticed!
Build on your assets and your uniqueness because they are really what people want. Clients and customers want you, your special viewpoint or approach; your unique insights or touch, not a weak imitation of someone else. Don’t just be a copycat; find your own voice. Get noticed in your own way; in the manner most natural and comfortable to you. Examine the approaches that others have taken and then follow what feels natural for you. Trust yourself and your instincts.
so it fits in your life, supports your life, and reflects you. Too many people do the reverse, they work their lives around their businesses and it frequently doesn’t work out well. of your clients, customers, referral sources, vendors, and suppliers as your partners and friends ? as people who want to help you. Never forget that they’re people,
not just business statistics, and that you cannot succeed without them.
help. Praise others, and give them the credit and the spotlight. with the most interesting,
because when you listen, you truly learn. If you listen, people will want to share their knowledge with you, be with you and help you. They will consider you their friend and go to great lengths to help you. you take on any project, make sure that you know exactly what the client or customer wants. Reduce your understanding to writing to eliminate doubt. It’s hard to satisfy people when you don’t know what they want.
active, and positive people. Hang around with experts, authorities, and people who are smarter and more accomplished than you. Find ways to meet them and be with them because they will open amazing new doors for you. They will support your efforts and add fullness and excitement to your life.
Make giving a central part of your life. Work hard and give your clients and customers more than they expect. Give people your time. Always show your appreciation, thank and reward those who
Praised as a modern-day Dale Carnegie for how to be influential, Jill Lublin authored the bestselling book Get Noticed…Get Referrals: Build Your Client Base and Your Business by Making a Name for Yourself (McGraw-Hill 2008). She is also the coauthor of two other national bestselling books, Networking Magic which rose to #1 on the Barnes and Noble charts for three weeks, and Guerrilla Publicity, the PR bible. Jill is the founder of GoodNews Media, Inc. and hosts the TV program, Messages of Hope, and the nationally syndicated radio show, Do the Dream. In addition she has created two audio programs, three DVD training videos, and a workbook. Jill is a popular international speaker who teaches powerful publicity, networking, and how to be influential techniques. As the CEO of the strategic consulting firm, Promising Promotion, Jill has trained companies in innovative techniques to improve bottom line results. In the past twenty years, she has worked with ABC, NBC, CBS, and other national media, and knows what the media wants. Jill has been featured in The New York Times, Women’s Day, Fortune Small Business, Inc, and Entrepreneur Magazine, and on ABC and NBC radio and TV national affiliates.
Full Name:
Kelly Jurotich
Type of Accomplishment
Describe Your Accomplishment and Share Your Story
Our story of success is just starting... but we have recently taken 4 unique wedding vendors and created one company- WEDD (Wedding & Events Designs and Details) Consisting of a photographer, a florist, DJ, and event planner, we are opening our first location in Webster Groves, MO and are looking to create inspirational avenues for brides and people planning events St. Louis wide.
What inspired you to achieve this?
Our inspiration came from a collective pull from our own businesses to create something bigger as well as our own individual pulls from Michal Abney and Jaimes McNeal. Discovering our true authentic selves and then learning to live in that.
What challenges did you have to overcome? What was the turning point that lead to your success?
Challenges have always been fear of leaping into the unknown... we have leaped...we're still waiting to see what it looks like when it all comes together but everyday is successful. We are looking for investors and backers in our ideas and know this will come with our deep desire to make this business a huge success.
What kept you motivated?
Everyday trust that everything is perfect the way it is keeps us motivated We are motivated by our strong desires to get where we all want to be and to have a hugely successful business.
What advice would you give to someone striving to accomplish the same thing?
Breathe, Then jump.
Full Name:
Mark Kerley
Type of Accomplishment
Describe Your Accomplishment and Share Your Story
Breaking out of the "Corporate Cubicle" and starting my own graphic design business (Lucky Rabbit Studio), reinventing myself and bringing fun back into a job that I was becoming very burnt out on. And, of course, helping out some rabbits in the process.
What inspired you to achieve this?
Actually a tragedy. My mother passed away suddenly and I received some estate money that I was able to use as start-up capitol. Then I was further inspired by the fact that, like the rabbits I used to rescue (and 5% of my profits go back to the House Rabbit Society so other rabbits can also be lucky), I was able to escape the corporate cage, just as my rescued rabbits were able to escape their cages. It's a great feeling to design something and know your helping an animal as you do it!
What challenges did you have to overcome? What was the turning point that lead to your success?
The biggest challenge was that, for 20+ years, I provided a graphic service within a company, so didn't have to sell myself. Plus, like a lot of artists, I was a bit of an introvert. After starting Lucky Rabbit, I surprised everyone by really getting out there and chatting the people up for work.
What kept you motivated?
Always, the memory of my super-great mom.
What advice would you give to someone striving to accomplish the same thing?
Research to see if you need to provide an overall, general service, or if there's a niche that's begging to be filled. Also, work out a branding solution for yourself along with a name that will keep your services at the top of a clients head.
Up Close & Personal
Interview with Kristin Andress
Hear their Success Story
To Listen to the interview from our Radio Show, simply click on the blue PLAY button
To listen to this interview go to: AccomplishRadio.com
ON THE AIR Weekday Mornings 9/10c
Kristin Andress is the CEO of Andress Consulting, a Solana Beach, California-based firm that offers strategic planning, marketing and communications solutions. For nearly two decades, she has helped major corporations, start-up companies, and entrepreneurs streamline business operations, promote and differentiate their products and services, and improve company and individual performance. Jaqui Jeanes-Lowry is managing partner of VSA Consulting Inc., United Kingdom and EMEA. Internationally recognized as a premier executive coach, she has served as a consultant to some of the world's major PLCs and private companies in the manufacturing, engineering, retail, aerospace, pharmaceutical, agrochemical, technology, financial and public health sectors. www.ImagineBeing.com www.KelleyLamm.com MAG A ZINE
Change Your World By Barbara Gellman path, make the same choices and are amazed when the same unsatisfying results occur. We must lean to see, feel and think differently.
Embrace Change
Big words “Change Your World”, full of excitement, promise, anticipation, hope. What could the future be like if we made changes now? What dreams may come to pass? And yet when we get the opportunity to make a change, do we take it?
Do Something Do Anything Start NOW!
Many of us are so engrossed in life we rarely see opportunities or consider that choice is always available. We have implanted seeds in our minds that tell us we “can’t” make changes for this reason or that, and these seeds have rooted and grown at Jack and the Beanstalk rate, creating insurmountable obstacles. We repeat the same activities in our lives, follow a well-worn
Look at our world and its current state. Is this what anyone wants? I remember once being taught that we study history so that we do not make the same mistakes. Yet, history is HISTORY. It is in the past and based on a world no longer in existence. We cannot make decisions based only on the past when we, and everything in our world at this moment, have changed from that past. Even the act of doing so seems to assume we have limited options when this new world offers us infinite new possibilities. If things can change as they have, imagine the possibilities of the future. What might be the next Industrial or Technology Revolution? Maybe it is an Internal Revolution. An Internal Revolution might see us making new choices; choices that are based upon us understanding and feeding our true selves. In doing that, we might find ourselves making decisions that are useful to us as individuals while considering
the community and world in which we live. We might find ourselves making the changes in this world that are so desperately needed. And how do we begin? The first step is simply deciding that the current world is unacceptable. Next, it is in believing that we each possess something special that fits into the puzzle of the emerging future – and going on an expedition to unearth and set free that specialness. It’s all about becoming less fearful, going to and beyond your edge, embarking on creating something remarkable in a time when change is so needed. What will you do today to start this process? Do something. Do anything. Start now.
Up Close & Personal Interview with Behnam Bakhshandeh
Hear His Success StorY
To Listen to the interview from our Radio Show, simply click on the blue PLAY button
To listen to this interview go to: AccomplishRadio.com
Behnam Bakhshandeh is a dynamic author, speaker, executive coach and trainer with more than 16 years of hands-on experience working with individuals and organizations. He’s known among his friends, family and clients to be a patient, compassionate and a no-nonsense individual who loves to make a difference in all aspects of his life as well as the lives of others. In his career, Behnam has personally worked with more than 50,000 participants. He is an accomplished business manager and business development professional, known for producing extraordinary results in record time. He is a passionate, visionary leader who produces results. Behnam founded his own transformational technology and coaching business in 2001. Since then, he and his team members have helped countless businesses and tens of thousands of individuals achieve their goals and transform their thinking to a much more effective way that allow them to have access to fulfillment, success and peace of mind.
ON THE AIR Weekday Mornings 9/10c
www.PrimeCoEducation.com A CCOMP LISH
Full Name:
Type of Accomplishment
Describe Your AccomDropped out of law school and did not know where I was headplishment and Share Your ed. 10 years later I have been running my own event planning Story company since 2005 and just went full time at it in 2010.
What inspired you to achieve this?
The belief that hugs are a great payment at the end of the day. Wanting to make sure people's special days actually get to be enjoyed rather than stressed over.
What challenges did you have to overcome? What was the turning point that lead to your success?
I have had to leap over hurdles, the economy, my website not working. But if you let these things stop you you are living my excuses rather than by leading a happy life.
What kept you motivated?
I am great at helping people - I am great at taking care of all the details in the day that need covered. I am meant to do this work and I am great when I am doing it.
What advice would you give to someone striving to accomplish the same thing?
You have to lean into your strengths. Use your best abilities to design your company and what you want to be doing. Believe in your ability to make your dreams come true.
Full Name:
Maureen Wielansky
Type of Accomplishment
Describe Your Accomplishment and Share Your Story
I released over 50 pounds and discovered my passion of helping other women release weight, restore and health and bust out of their fears to create their dream life.
What inspired you to achieve this?
In February 2009, I found myself 60 pounds overweight, trying to control and manipulate my family and failing in my career as a professional organizer. I broke down and fell apart. Luckily at that moment I was with a very caring coach who soothed me and told me the things that I was worth saving, but I had to take responsibility. As a result, I fired myself as the boss of my life and gave that over to God.
What challenges did you have to overcome? What was the turning point that lead to your success?
With surrendering, I had a hard time with figuring out what I did and did not control, therefore I would do nothing. Finally, I internalized the saying: take action and let go of the outcome. I also had to let go of trying to control the lives of my children as well as my husband. Although that scared me, I had a taste of feeling true peace for the first time in my life. That feeling was more important. I also had to face my fears; of rejection, of ridicule, of failing.
What kept you motivated?
My clients keep me motivated everyday. I am on a mission to be a role model to all the women who feel hopeless and helpless about changing their bodies and their lives. We all have this power and I am honored to help my clients tap into this power.
What advice would you give to someone striving to accomplish the same thing?
Really take a look into what you do control and what you don't and then take action. Any action is better than inertia. Also, ask for help and get support. We are going against the grain of society but when women really take charge of their health and wellness the world will follow suit.
Cultivate Champions and Watch Your Business Thrive By Caterina Rando, MA, MCC
Cultivate Champions
have clients who love you and love the results you have gotten for them. If you can turn those loving clients into loving preachers or champions about your business then you would really have a truly thriving business. Rather than having clients praise you and your products and services in private you want to encourage them to give a shout out to everyone they know, to tell them that they need to take a look at what you have to offer. that to turn your clients into champions takes some time and consistent attention. If you do focus on cultivating your clients into champions you will watch your warm referrals, good reputation and overall business increase.
Make it as REAL as possible
with a list of champions. These are positive people who you have done a great job for, maybe gone the extra mile for, or solved a particularly challenging problem for and they think a lot of you. Start with a list of 25 champions that you have worked with recently
or in the last year. a champion plan. As part of your overall marketing plan decide in advance what you will do for your champions throughout the year. You want to be consistent in your champion cultivation actions. Here are some ideas for your plan. a client appreciation event. Host an evening just for your champions this could be an evening that introduces new products or service, has a special guest speaker or it could simple be a party with a theme like a ice cream social, wine tasting or fondue extravaganza. At this event make a big deal about why they were invited. each champion individually and give them a small gift to commemorate the event.
Here is what your invitation might say. “Because you have been so
supportive to me in my business, because you have helped my business thrive I wanted to let you be the first to hear about our new ________.� this event take two minutes to make announcements give your guests an update on your company and give them some insider information on what your future plans are. Everyone likes to be in the know. an incentive. Via email or direct mail make a special offer just for your champions. Let them know that if they send you a referral this month for someone who becomes a client, they will receive something special. Let them know that this offer is only for champions. Because they know you and like you, you can also let them in on a goal you are working on. You can say that you only need two more clients to
supporters – whatever you are comfortable with. The point is to let your champions know that you do consider them a special friend of your business.
reach a certain goal and you would appreciate their help. your gratitude. Send thank you notes, make thank you calls, send thank you gifts. My favorite new way to say thank you is in the virtual public by tagging someone on Facebook and saying thank you for everyone to see. Say thank you three times in three different ways to really express your appreciation to your champion. them know you see them as champions for you. Call them champions or boosters or VIPs or
your champions whenever you can. If your champions are running a race, participating in a walkathon or hosting a fundraiser you write a check and go to support them.
looks good on everyone, letting your clients know how much you appreciate them and cultivating them as champions will result in a good feeling for you and for them. To have many more people raving about how wonderful you are and what a great job you did will be great for your business. Cultivate champions and watch your business thrive.
look out for business for them, or if they are not in business you look for how else you can help them. If their daughter is in the Girl Scouts®- you buy the cookies, if a champion’s son is selling magazines you buy them. These are the kinds of things that endear you to your champions and make them your fan for life.
Caterina Rando shows entrepreneurs how to build thriving businesses. She is sought after business strategist, speaker and founder of PowerDynamics Publishing which creates books that build businesses. To learn more about upcoming projects visit our website. www.powerdynamicspub.com
“Support Your Champions Whenever You Can”
Up Close & Personal
Interview with Pauline Victoria
Hear Her Success Story
To Listen to the interview from our Radio Show, simply click on the blue PLAY button
To listen to this interview go to: AccomplishRadio.com
ON THE AIR Weekday Mornings 9/10c
Pauline Victoria is an Inspirational Thought Leader that offers transformational perspectives based on her unique experiences as a woman born without arms and legs. Through her life, you see beyond the obvious limitations that her physical body represents and you take notice of her strength and her complete, whole spirit. Her visible disabilities create a space in which others can explore their invisible obstacles that stop them from truly living a life they desire. She understands that her very different body stirs up curiosity and amazement, but she also truly believes that what you see in her already exists in you. She is a reflection awakening your strength, your spirit and your power.She inspires and transforms by her very being. Beyond words, beyond actions, Pauline Victoria is inspiration. www.PaulineVictoria.com
Improving Your Blogs Visibility on Search Engines By Ann Evanston Ann believes in strategy. Strategy that can be replicated for success. For two years she quietly tested her strategy and it has achieved great results. See as a small business owner, being online is about creating: 1- visibility; 2-recommendations and referrals; 3-stronger ORGANIC search engine presence; 4-opportunity to establish yourself as the true expert you are; 5-increased interviews, blog posts and publicity that comes to you; 6-raving fans (not just Facebook fans on your page, REAL fans) and customers.
It’s easy to think: “UGH! I just need to get a blog posted!” Creating a blog that actually gets read, and even better gets commented on is important, as a business strategy. There are smart strategies that will help your blog get better traffic and increase potential customers finding it. Graduates of my bootcamps have said that hits to their blog went up 50% in ONE DAY just by: • Keep them short and sweet! Many blogs are just WAY TOO LONG. Readers like short, powerful articles. 250-400 words are the key. • Creating a key word title that optimizes search engine visibility. Taking the time to make sure the URL title of the blog has popular keywords in it is incredible for getting results • Placing 3 to 5 links within the actual body of the blog that are also keyword optimizable, what I call link love. These can link to older
spond to those who comment, it builds relationship. • Make comments open or unmoderated. It rewards people to comment more frequently. archived posts on your blog or articles of interest. • Ending the blog with a call to action. A question is a great way to tempt others to comment. • Posting your blog on your social media sites to encourage followers, friends and connections to read it. Post with a catchy title (not a keyword title) that will tempt people to click and read. Never use: “here’s my new blog.” Unless of course you are Seth Godin! • Making sure your comment section includes that ability for people to share it with others via social media sites and it will also “post” that share to the blog. •
Each of these techniques create deeper links on your site, which is attractive to search engines. Besides your blog is the one tool to use on all social media sites to increase visibility and educate potential customers about your expertise. Take a few moments after writing a blog and do these things to help your blog increase in visibility and readership. Imagine if you went back to an old blog post and “awakened” it with these tips, what might happen! Which tips have you seemed to most neglect?
Take time to re-
Ann Evanston, MA is a social psychologist who has taken her networking strategies and tactics and applied them in person and online with great success. Over the last year and a half she has received a book series deal (first released April 2009), 14 speaking engagements, and over $50,000 in closed business through social networking. She is ranked #2 of top influencers in the SF bay area on Twitter and has over one million Google-able hits. In addition, she has been interviewed for the American Management Associations podcast on using Twitter and countless other radio shows and teleseminars. All due to social media. Her success comes from understanding the social psychology of networking online, a point many people miss. www.Warrior-Preneur.com
Up Close & Personal
Interview with Ann Evanston
Hear Her Success Story
To Listen to the interview from our Radio Show, simply click on the blue button
To listen to this interview go to: AccomplishRadio.com
Exploring Your Brilliance Without Boundaries By Lethia Owens Obstacles are things that get in your way and block you from moving forward. What are the obstacles preventing you from achieving your goals and becoming the success you were meant to be?
Explore Your Brilliance
Obstacles can be external circumstances (maybe the time isn’t right for you to go back to school or you don’t have enough money saved to change careers) or internal attitudes and beliefs (“My teachers always said I wouldn’t amount to anything”; “I’m too old to start over”; “We tried that once and it didn’t work”). It’s not what is getting in your way that’s important—it’s your ability to effectively manage these obstacles that will greatly increase your chances for success.
in action. The Gibraltar Bridge would be the longest bridge in the world, spanning the nine-mile long Strait of Gibraltar and connecting the continents of Europe and Africa. As you can imagine, engineers were faced with many obstacles when designing a bridge of this magnitude. Traditional bridge designs were not feasible. A classic suspension bridge, a design that supports the weight of the roadway with cables spanning from tower to tower, would sag and ultimately collapse. A cable-stay bridge in which cables are attached directly to the roadway would require unworkably high towers to support the length of the roadway. United States architect Eugene Tsui came up with a revolutionary design unlike any existing bridge. His design features an original floating and submerging concept, while creating a three-milewide floating island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. From this newly created island people will be able to view both the European and African continents for the first time in human history.
earth.” Tsui remained committed to exploring solutions beyond obvious traditional solutions. He focused on what could be done rather than getting bogged down with what couldn’t be done. His ability to take a step back and explore unthinkable, unconventional, innovative and brilliant possibilities is a lesson to all. Now it’s your turn. The next time you need a brilliant idea to overcome an obstacle, solve a problem or improve a process; challenge yourself and your team with this question: “It may seem that we can’t… but if we could, how would we do it?” You may be surprised at the powerful results you achieve. As a personal branding and social media strategist, Lethia Owens is passionate about teaching people how to think, work and live powerfully! She works with enterprising entrepreneurs who want to build a million dollar brand using cutting edge online marketing strategies that attract massive leads, more clients and endless referrals. For more information on Lethia Owens International, Inc. please visit www.LethiaOwens.com.
As a success coach, I help individuals become aware of the countless possibilities that already exist within and around them. An inherent part of the coaching experience When looking for a solution, is a technique I call “Exploring Brilliance Tsui said, “I asked myself how nature would create a Without Boundaries bridge to span the Strait of (EBB).” Master this As a personal branding and social media strategist, Gibraltar and this is Lethia the re-Owens is passionate about technique so you canhow leverteaching people to think, work and live powerfully! She works with enterprising ensult.a Imillion have formed a partnerage it totrepreneurs discover and whorelease want to build dollar brand using cutting edge online marketing ship withmore nature andand discovyour own brilliance. strategies that attract massive leads, clients endless referrals. For more inforered nature’s power to design mation on Lethia Owens International, Inc. please visit www.LethiaOwens.com. The process used to design and problem solve far surthe Gibraltar Bridge is an expasses all the computers on ample of the EBB technique
Do you have a passion? Is there a story in you that you would like to tell the world?
Join her Facebook Group!
Whether you have an explosive imagination, or desire to write your first non-fiction, it’s your life experiences, strengths and talents that have brought you to this point. Now you want to share with the world your passion, it is now easier than ever to write your first book and self-publish.
in book publishing, whether its history, politics, business, mystery, or children. Find what’s hot in the news, current events and what is timely in the world today or if you are a great visionary and you have keen insight on the next hottest trends, your first book is born.
You ask: “how do I get started?” Even if you haven’t thought about writing a book before, anything is possible. With the right resources, desire, and just a few minutes a day your first book has just started.
Non-fiction writers have the challenge of keeping ahead of the curve in the world’s interests and news; where fiction writers have immense competition in getting a publisher to pick up their manuscript.
It can be as easy as journaling your thoughts; some authors start with writing a blog and articles. These two methods can bring your message to the world. With today’s technology, we are able to utilize the Internet, social media and article submission sites to bring out our message. Exploring and seeking where your passions, strengths and knowledge lie is the best place to start. Are you good at character creation, illustrations, and visualizations? If that’s not your desire or strength, but you are already an expert in your field and you want to help the world with a social issue, then non-fiction is your first book. There are many genres
bring out our passion; it’s what motivates us, yet makes none of the effort seem like work. In my next article...Part II. You Have a Niche, a Passion and an Expertise or Not - Now What?
Whatever your passion may be, start journaling your thoughts, writing your outlines, blogs and articles. As you write each day with pen and paper or keyboard and computer you are starting the outline of your first book. The key to your first book is your passion. Passion is what drives us, makes us work toward our goals. Passion is the secret and the key to our success, for without it we seem to fizzle. One idea sounds great, and then another might and yet another and we don’t seem to accomplish much. If you can discover your passion, your work and energy will soar! It may take some soul searching, utilizing all our life experience and skills to
Denise Pellow, in June 2006, created KidsBeSafeOnline LLC. She is passionate about educating parents regarding technologies and its interaction with youth. Denise is an entrepreneur, Internet safety speaker, advocate, and educator. Denise is also the author of The Five Dangerous Trends Concerning Kids, Technology and the Internet and most recently featured in March 2010 Better Homes and Gardens Magazine for Family 2.0 Our Gadgets, Ourselves. www.KidsBeSafeOnline.com
Using the Power of Three to Accomplish More By Darlene Willman
“We have been taught to multi-task but does that really help us?”
Pick ONLY Three!
Why do jugglers usually have 3 balls up in the air? Because it’s something that can be easily managed and attainable. As soon as they add a 4th ball, the skill level is increased and the more energy and focus is needed. Each additional ball brings a higher risk of dropping one of them. I’m not saying it’s impossible, just that it gets harder with each additional ball. Isn’t that the truth when it comes to productivity? We tend to juggle several things simultaneously because we have been taught to “multitask” if we want to get more done. If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you might suffer from the “Bright and Shiny Object” syndrome. We look at everything as a new opportunity and that we can handle all of it. I am guilty of this myself and learned to control my thirst for variety. I realized that focusing on less actually means accomplishing more. I not only manage several companies, take care of young children but also support the community as much as possible. I know that
it must seem that I take on too much sometimes and that my time must be limited but in reality, I am very selective on what I do and have an abundance of time.
accomplish more:
When I first started my business, I tried to do everything from the marketing, doing the project, the accounting and yes even the collections! I’ve learned to outsource some of the tasks that aren’t my natural strengths and eliminate things that weren’t producing the results I was looking for. After analyzing my time, it made sense to focus on the top 3 revenue producers which included networking, follow-up and sales. I hired people to maintain the clients to still provide excellent customer service and support. Later, I started implementing the power of three in a variety of ways from making 3 calls a day, having 3 appointments per day, networking 3 times a week, following up with 3 people, etc. I realized that I could handle almost anything in this quantity and it didn’t seem to be overwhelming to do. The result was a lot more got accomplished and I was in control of my time.
Find 3 referral partners each week
Participate on 3 social networks
Give 3 referrals each week
Send 3 handwritten cards out each day
Compliment 3 people
Work out 3 times a week
Join 3 groups
Tell 3 people how much you appreciate them
Find 3 things you are grateful for
Focus on the top 3 revenue producers of your business
Prioritize your day with the 3 most important tasks
There are so many ways you can use this strategy to help manage your time, accomplish more and efficiently maximize your business. Pick 3 of your favorites and start accomplishing more using the simple power of three!
Here are a few more suggestions on how you can use the power of three to
Darlene Willman is dedicated to supporting small businesses. She continues to find and share resources, referrals, and business tools for businesses locally and across the nation. Having hosted over 100 networking events in her career and publishing over 100 articles, she is a predominant leader in her field. www.SassyNetworker.com A CCOMP LISH
Full Name:
Carolyn CJ Jones
Type of Accomplishment
About four years ago, I was filled with despair, saw no purpose for my life and was asking God to let me die. Then one day, I had an epiphany which has changed my life to one of joy, gratitude and peace. Life was at the point of either change or die, and change found me. I didn't seek it. It crossed my path in the form of sobriety, which I began to practice in 2001. Even in sobriety, or perhaps especially in sobriety as I was not deadening my feelings, I felt despair. One day, in the height of this despair, I had the opportunity to share my story with a man who was struggling with the effects of abuse in his life. Having been a trauma survivor myself, and having completed much healing work in this area, I was able to recommend resources, which gave hope to this man. He was so grateful for my information, he cried. Describe Your Accomplishment and Share Your Story
As I walked to my car, I was struck with the realization that by sharing my story of surviving trauma, I was helpful to another. I began to think that perhaps the trauma I endured could be useful to others, that it had a purpose, as I can talk about it and how I have healed from it. Others may be able to also heal, if they hear my story. Suddenly, in a flash, I felt a purpose for my life that was huge. I realized I have endured what I have so I could share it and be useful to others. In that moment, I gained the final courage I needed to publish my book, "Opening the Gates of the Heart: A Journey of Healing," which is a book of 42 photographs of wrought-iron gates and prose that describes my journey of healing. Until that point, I was afraid to present it, as it is a reflection of my very soul. On that day, I began to experience joy and gratitude such as I've never experienced. All of that has led to a deep peace about my past. My purpose in life has become one of sharing my book and my story with others, so that they, too, might pass through the gates of their heart and heal from their wounds.
What inspired you to achieve this?
I was beaten down so low, there was no place to go but up. Truly, it was either change or die. As part of my sobriety, I practice willingness and openness of mind and heart. They kicked in, as I became willing to remain sober, and willing to remain open to the opportunities that were being presented to me. Speaking to that man was my attempt to practice openness and willingness, to be useful to another, and it ended up holding so much for me in the way of healing from my own pain.
Fear of exposing my book to the public has been my biggest obstacle, as it was akin to exposing myself to the world. After all, much of the prose came from my journal writing, and I was not censoring those words when they were written. So I am exposing myself with the publishing of my book. Today, I am comfortable with that. What challenges did you have to overcome? What was the turning point that lead to your success?
In that instantaneous moment in which I realized my purpose in life, I also realized I was being asked by the Universe to share my book, my story. This awakening has given me the boost of courage needed to move forward, despite any fear. Before my epiphany, moving past my fear was a process. Through the tutelage of a close male friend, I was able to gain courage to face my fears and to present the book anyway. I began to feel more safe in the world, more able to share myself with the world. The event with that man and my epiphany helped me to turn the corner, to answer the calling which has been presented to me.
What kept you motivated?
My motivation has been kept alive by my strong belief that I am being asked by God or whatever force guides the Universe, to share my book with the world. I am being asked to speak to others about my story, the creation of the book, and my healing.
I would recommend counseling of some sort to deal with the feelings of despair. Medication may even be in order, which can be determined by a psychiatrist. What advice would you give to I would suggest you develop willingness to explore everything that comes someone striving to accomacross your path, openness to try new avenues of thought about yourself and plish the same thing? your pain. Realize that you experienced what you did for a reason, and perhaps that experience can be turned around by allowing it to be useful to others through sharing about it, talking about it. With a purpose in life, despair seems to melt, at least it did for me.
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Your Secret Keys: Keeping Life in Balance Amidst the Flurry By Julie Renee Doering
Life Balance
Keeping life in balance while pursuing the dream life is vital to enjoying the journey.
you? If not what needs to shift? Read The Four agreements, by Miguel Ruiz
The Balance wheel we use in Spiritual life coaching is an awesome way to keep your world rockin’ in joy and love.
• Social and Friends spend some time every week getting out for some fun and frivolity. It is my habit to go dancing on the weekends, and catch a movie with a buddy mid week. • Emotional Ease. Check in with yourself, how has the array of emotions been in the last week? Are you getting enough rest, are you mixing in some fun with your daily routines? Do you like your Life? • Career. Are you making your career the best choice for you? Can you take it to the next level? What can you do to add joy, increase excellence and deliver more then anyone expects?
Bliss is an Inside Job!
• The Ones You Love. Are you in happiness with the ones who are closest to
Finance. Boy this
is not just about cash flow, do you have your investment portfolio, retirement and insurances in place? Do you have your will and trust and durable power of attorney together? Get it together and get in the flow! Suzie Orman’s Courage to be Rich is a great step by step guide book for getting it all done.
Joy and happiness, grace and ease. • Health and recreation. Are you on a great food intake plan? Do you enjoy exercising daily are you taking regular vacations? Eight Golden Keys to a life in Balance. The rewards are incredible. You will live in a different reality. When you live in this flow, this joy and fulfillment people will want to know what you do different. They will be attracted to you and you will find yourself in gratitude every moment. Blessings and Light for a day of transformation.
• Spirituality. Do you feel connected to the universe? Do you have a prayer and meditation life? Do you join in a community of spirit seekers? • Creativity; art, music, dance. This seems to be the hardest one for everybody. Tough to just play I guess. This is vital to fulfilling the recipe for
I get excited about a world filled with humans, being human, living in balance and joy! I love the thought that I could be at cause for a movement of awakening, born out of this era, where people are naturally seeking to find the inner truth of this moment and this reality. I imagine people living a life fully embodied and in balance, moving towards a spiritual awakening where facade (the things we identify as us like the things we own or the people of importance we know etc) falls away and the real human is present. In this reality love lives; truth, compassion and a person’s real worth emerges. www.JulieRenee.com MAG A ZINE
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P.O. Box 525 St. Peters, MO 63376 636-387-3000 www.AccomplishMagazine.com admin@AccomplishMagazine.com
Special Guest, Michael E. Gerber, author of E-Myth Revisited Because Everything is Possible