November 2010 Edition - Access Press

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H i s t o r y

■ Finding work–pg 3 ■ Sidewalk rules–pg 5 ■ Hear her story–pg 8

N o t e P g 2

“A diplomat is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip.” — Caskie Stinnett

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Volume 21, Number 11

Minnesota’s Disability

Community Newspaper

November 10, 2010

White Cane Award given to promote safe crossings by Jane McClure Crossing a busy intersection can be difficult for people who are able-bodied and can see oncoming traffic. For people with visual impairments, crossing a street can be a matter of life or death. That’s why Accessible Pedestrian Signal or APS technology is so important. In October the American Council of the Blind of Minnesota (ACBM) honored the City of St. Paul with the inaugural White Cane Award. The organization hopes to present the award each year to a Minnesota community or private business that provides outstanding service to blind, deaf/blind and visually impaired Minnesotans. Among Minnesota cities, St. Paul is believed to rank at or near the top in terms of APS technology usage. “It’s a huge safety issue,” said Janet Dickelman, a St. Paul resident who is president of the American Council of the Blind of Minnesota. “When you’re blind, you’re trained to Janet Dickelman and her dog guide, Isabel, cross at Ford Parkway and Cleveland Avenue listen for traffic so that you know when it is safe to cross.” in St. Paul, thanks to APS technology. Photo by Jane McClure But high volumes of traffic in

some areas, coupled with right turns allowed on red lights, can make it all but impossible to cross safely. Dickelman said there are intersections where traffic volumes are so high, she and others who are blind or visually impaired don’t know when to cross the street. “Even when you have a dog guide, as I do, the dog is supposed to take you across the street on your command,” she said. But at some street crossings she wouldn’t even be able to indicate to the dog that it is safe to cross. ACBM members presented the award to St. Paul Public Works staff and representatives of Mayor Chris Coleman’s office Oct.15. St. Paul Deputy Mayor Ann Mulholland and Public Works Director, Rich Lallier received the award on behalf of the city. “It is an honor to accept this award on behalf of St. Paul. We will continue make our city more walkable for people with visual impairments, ensuring a quality of life for all residents,” Mulholland said. “We are honored that

ACBM has recognized our city’s efforts and selected us for their first ever White Cane Award,” said Lallier. “We will continue to add more Accessible Pedestrian Signals into the future.” St. Paul received the award because the city has installed 14 APS devices throughout the city and hopes to install many more. The city, working with Metropolitan Council, plans to have the devices installed along the planned Central Corridor light rail transit line. The line will start running in 2014. The signals have tactile arrows which when pressed, speak the street name and verbalize different commands for the pedestrian depending on the status of the signal. The signals emit a beeping sound to inform the person where an APS is located. Dickelman said she believes St. Paul has more APS devices than any other Minnesota city. “I don’t know what I’d do without the APS,” said Dickelman. “I live in St. Paul so I’m thrilled that our organiWhite Cane - cont. on p. 15

2011 legislative preview

Advocacy groups seek to defend services, end bullying by MN-CCD and Access Press staff When the 2011 Minnesota Legislature convenes on Jan. 4, activists and self-advocates in the state’s disability community will be working with new people in positions of leadership—including in the governor’s office and in state departments. Changes in the House and Senate also mean changes in the committees that deal with various types of legislation. The Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (MN-CCD) capped months of legislative preparations by adopting the 2011 legislative agenda Oct. 15. Co-Chair Jeff Nachbar of the Brain Injury Association said committee volunteers, working with MNCCD staff, put in countless

hours pulling together the various agendas. “Everyone’s hard work is very much appreciated,” Nachbar said. But he and other MN-CCD members warned that a difficult legislative session awaits. The state of Minnesota has a ballooning $1 billion budget deficit for 2010-11, and as much as $7 billion for 20122013. During the 2010 session much of the early focus was on saving General Assistance Medical Care (GAMC) for Minnesota’s poorest residents, many of whom are people with disabilities. This session much of the focus is expected to be on the state deficit and how it should be addressed, through raising revenue or cutting programs.

Many of the MN-CCD issues will be familiar to those who roam the halls of the capitol, attend rallies, and call, write letters and send emails. Some are carryover topics from past years. Not all of the topics covered by each work group will result in bills or new laws led by MN-CCD this session, said Nachbar. Some are support items, meaning MN-CCD will support other organizations’ efforts to get bills passed into law. Others are issues that need to be raised and put on the radar of state policy makers for the future. Work groups prepared position papers on seven topic areas: children’s issues, transportation, housing, personal care assistant (PCA) services, employment, quality assurance/self-direction, and health-

care and long-term services and supports. This month Access Press covers the PCA program and children’s issue. Quality assurance/self-direction, transportation, employment, housing and healthcare and long-term services and supports will be reviewed in the December issue. The complete agenda, position papers and information on upcoming meetings is at PCA services will continue to be challenging, especially as the community deals with the after-effects of a state auditor’s report that found problems with the program. Past cuts to the program also an ongoing concern. In the area of PCA services, one MNCCD priority for 2011 is to reinstate access to services for

those who need help to function in their homes. These are the people who have been or will be terminated from PCA services due to the 2009 PCA cuts. It is anticipated that more than 3,000 persons could be denied or terminated from PCA services by July 1, 2011. Part of this effort will involve developing PCA service criteria and authorization of PCA hours for those whose eligibility is terminated because they need prompting and cuing to complete necessary tasks or because their significant behavioral issues no longer qualify them for PCA services. Another focus is to maintain PCA services for those still eligible with no further cuts in hours or eligibility criteria. Maintaining PCA reim-

bursement rates is another priority, by pursuing technical or policy changes to correct problems and improve PCA services. This will include clarification of the definition of daily to include those with variable health conditions and when those should be treated. Another change would be to expand of the types of professional who can act as the “qualified professional” when complex medical needs are part of the person’s care plan. According to this work group, more flexibility is needed for persons with disabilities to choose the type of professional best suited for when multiple diagnoses such as developmental disabilities and mental health, complex health procedures are involved. Preview - cont. on p. 14


November 10, 2010

Tim Benjamin, Editor October was a month of celebrations and banquets in our community. The Minnesota State Council on Disabilities had an outstanding luncheon on Oct. 14 at the River Centre in downtown St. Paul. They honored many community members, including the artist who did the We Can Work posters for the State program Pathways to Employment through VSA Minnesota. The keynote speaker,

Lynnae Ruttledge, Commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration in the U.S. Department of Education did a fabulous job explaining the employment status of people with disabilities. The fun banter between David Schwarzkopf, a board member of the State Council, and Tom Houser from KSTP News, as they sparred over Vikings versus Packers football, kept the crowd laughing. Metropolitan Council for Independent Living (MCIL) had its annual banquet on Oct. 27 at the Roseville Radisson. Keynote speaker, Sue Swenson (Minnesota-born and now working in Washington, D.C.), is deputy assistant director for the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services and was a commissioner of the Administration on Developmental Disabilities under President Bill Clinton. Swenson captivated the audience with a personal story of her son and how he took the

UN off-guard with his nonverbal self-advocacy during a conference on International Human Rights. Although he didn’t speak, everyone knew what rights he expected from them. Advocating Change Together (ACT) hosted a banquet at Black Bear Crossing Oct. 29, celebrating the apology legislation that passed in the 2010 legislative session. If you’re not aware of the apology resolution, it is legislation that Rick Cárdenas, co-director of ACT, struggled to get passed for many years. Resolution 4, H.F. No. 1680, issued an apology from the State of Minnesota to all the individuals who were imprisoned, brutalized, and forced to work in Minnesota institutions. Both authors of the legislation, Sen. John Marty and Rep. Karen Clark, read the apology to the several dozen individuals attending who had been institutionalized in state hospitals. Many of the individuals

spoke about years of living under demoralizing conditions. One gentleman told of being physically and sexually abused by staff and then asked if he enjoyed it. A woman talked about not having shoes and only a sheet to keep her warm in bed in the winter. Another woman spoke about how the state insisted she put her child into an institution, and how after 10 years she took him home and never returned him to state custody. On the night of the banquet, she told the audience that she is 85 years old and taking care of her 60-year-old son. I hope that our state will take responsibility and guarantee that this incredibly strong senior citizen does not ever have to worry about her adult son going back into an institution when she can no longer take care of him. Others talked about being isolated, restrained and how frequently the staff explained, “It is for your own good.” Those who had been institu-

tionalized told us about how successful they are now, living in their own condominiums, working independently in the community. One man, a nine-year employee of Pizza Hut, told us about his dream of working as an automobile mechanic and driving his own vehicle. He learned a lot, he said, from all the terrible things that had happened to him— first of all, that he can’t give up hope. He will not give up his dreams. (So if anyone knows anyone that needs help in an automobile repair shop, we know a young man who has been dreaming about working in an auto shop for years.) Many of these stories were very hard to listen to, and made one wonder how legislators could have gone on for years and years hearing these stories without recognizing that the state had made some terrible mistakes and needed to publicly apologize. It seemed that most of these folks wanted

the apology, but even more they wanted their stories to be heard. One gentleman yelled in my direction, “Are you going to put this in the paper?” We will be working on chronicling these stories and publishing them in the near future. There are many fabulous success stories that develop from sad and dreadful beginnings. By the time you read this, Access Press will have hosted our 20-year anniversary and annual Charlie Smith awards banquet. Steve Kuntz was honored as the winner of the 2010 Charlie Smith award for his outstanding work in finding employment for people with disabilities. Kuntz was a very good friend of Charlie’s, and was on the board of directors when I first started at Access Press. He’s very deserving and we want to thank him again and encourage him to keep up the good work? ■

History Note

Sound the Trumpets! Bringing those barriers down by Luther Granquist The Minnesota Society for Crippled Children and Adults persuaded the 1963 Minnesota Legislature to pass, unanimously, a requirement that new buildings paid for by the state be accessible to persons with disabilities. This new law directed the state fire marshal to write rules for stated-funded construction that were consistent with the 1961 American Standard Association Specifications for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible to and Usable by the Physically Handicapped. New construction of these public buildings could not proceed until the fire mar-

shal approved the plans and specifications in accordance with those standards. This legislation grew out of the work of Henry Haverstock, Jr., an attorney who headed the Society’s Architectural Barriers Committee, and Bob Schwanke, a public health educator implementing a grant the society received to survey architectural barriers. They had proposed a broader bill, introduced by Rep. Bob Christen-sen of St. Paul and Sen. Joe Josefson of Marshall, which also extended the fire mar-shal’s authority to all publicly funded new construction and remodeling, added

staff to the fire marshal’s division and included a modest appropriation. These early advocates for accessibility had to wait until 1965 for the legislature to give the fire marshal rulemaking authority to include cities, counties and schools and to cover remodeling. Because the legislature still refused to provide additional staff and funding, the required rule which incorporated and expanded the American Standard Specifications, was not completed until 1969. In 1971 the legislature required municipalities to apply that rule to all new construction and remodeling

Access Press Co-Founder/Publisher (1990-1996) .................................................. Wm. A. Smith, Jr. Co-Founder/Publisher/Editor-in-Chief (1990-2001) ....................... Charles F. Smith Board of Directors ....................................................... Brigid Alseth, Mike Chevrette, Anita Schermer, Carrie Salberg, Tom Squire and Kay Willshire Editor ......................................................................................................... Tim Benjamin Assistant Editor ......................................................................................... Jane McClure Business Manager/Webmaster ............................................................ Dawn Frederick Cartoonist ..................................................................................................... Scott Adams Production ...................................................... Ellen Houghton at Presentation Images Distribution ......................................................................................... S. C. Distribution Advertising Sales ........................................................................................ 651-644-2133 Access Press is a monthly tabloid newspaper published for persons with disabilities by Access Press, Ltd. Circulation is 10,000, distributed the 10th of each month through more than 200 locations statewide. Approximately 650 copies are mailed directly to individuals, including political, business, institutional and civic leaders. Subscriptions are available for $30/yr. Low-income, student and bulk subscriptions are available at discounted rates. Editorial submissions and news releases on topics of interest to persons with disabilities, or persons serving those with disabilities, are welcomed. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Editorial material does not necessarily reflect the view of the editor/publisher of Access Press. Paid advertising is available at rates ranging from $12 to $28 per column inch, depending on size and frequency of run. Classified ads are $14, plus 65 cents per word over 12 words. Advertising and editorial deadlines are the last day of the month preceding publication, except for employment ads, which are due by the 25th. Inquiries should be directed to: Access Press • 1821 University Ave. W. • Suite 104S St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 • 651-644-2133 • Fax 651-644-2136 Email: • Web site:

except for single and two-family dwellings. The society’s advocates realized that laws and rules alone would not bring down barriers that denied persons with disabilities full access to our communities and the buildings in them. To promote barrier-free construction, whether required by law or not, the Architectural Barriers Committee gave awards each year to companies, organizations, or churches which planned and constructed accessible facilities. In late 1963 the committee also released a 22-minute film, Sound the Trumpets, which portrayed for city and county officials, architects, legislators, and the general public how thoughtless building design affected persons with physical disabilities. They showed this film around the

The signing of legislation. Photo courtesy of Minnesota Historical Society state and distributed it throughout the country and abroad. The film concluded with this call to action: “What is needed is a modern Joshua … in fact many Joshuas and groups who can “Bring these walls tumbling down.” Some more walls came tumbling down in 1978. As part of a law which moved enforcement of these provisions from the fire marshal to the Commissioner of Administration, the legislature required state agencies to hold meetings open to the public in acces-

sible buildings and prohibited state agencies from leasing inaccessible buildings on a longterm basis. More work for advocates remained, however, for in that law, as in earlier versions, remodeling was not required solely to achieve accessibility. ■ The History Note is a monthly column sponsored by the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities, and www. partnersinpolicy

November 10, 2010


Immigrants find work, self-worth through program by Clarence Schadegg Helping immigrants with disabilities find meaningful employment is a focus for the Disabled Immigrant Association (DIA). The organization has exceeded its goals of helping clients find employment, despite a tough economy. DIA’s ambitious employment program will further expand through a new focus on mentoring for the organization. DIA started in 2005 and has grown to include a cadre of programs including employment counseling, second language learning, and transportation to and from employment and medical appointments. A food shelf is operated in cooperation with Second Harvest Heartland. DIA also provides networking opportunities with a variety of organizations that provide support to people with disabilities. DIA received a state grant for 2009 and 2010 in which an employment counselor was hired to find a job for 42 people each year. Hared Mah, a University of Minnesota graduate with a degree in economics, was hired as the DIA employment counselor. Mah has ex-

ceeded the annual goal of clients. In a presentation Oct. 24 at Richfield United Methodist Church, Mah said he is currently helping 60 people with employment. A major struggle among immigrants with disabilities as to find and keep a job. Mah said convincing employers to hire immigrants with disabilities can be a tough sell. Another challenge is lowpaying jobs. DIA staff and volunteers have found that clients tend to seek employment in entry level positions but costs for daily living tend to be more than what is brought in financially. Participants need to earn enough to cover the basic costs of housing, food and clothing. Mah said another challenge is that some clients work while receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI), so the earned income cannot lead to the loss of benefits. Communication and language barriers have posed the greatest hurdle for immigrants. According to Mah all immigrants seeking employment need to have solid technical and communication skills not

only to get hired but to keep their jobs. Mental illness and the shame that is associated with it is another major obstacle for immigrants. Mah said mental illness is a common hidden disability among his clients. In some cases, clients’ family members returned to Somalia because of their fear of medical practices and what they see as the ubiquitous distribution of drugs in the United States. A program starting up at DIA to help as a link for people with disabilities is the mentoring of job-seekers. The range of support includes mentoring of immigrants with disabilities and their families. The mentors work with the DIA employment counselor. The establishment of a network of mentors will kick off next year. The DIA mentoring program will bring together people with varied skills and talents to help employers and employees who live with disabilities work through possible access issues. The mentors will play a pivotal role in the job retention of participants by keeping track

Hared Mah, left, helps a DIA client through the agency’s work program. Photo courtesy of DIA

of the employment progress made by each employed immigrant with a disability. The mentor will support the employment counselor at DIA and provide an additional support outside the area of the level of expertise of the DIA employment counselor. What are needed are mentors, positive role models, who fulfill an important need to guide immigrant people in meaningful and constructive

ways. The co-coordinators of the DIA mentoring program will oversee and build a network with area colleges and university programs for students with disabilities to bring in mentors who will guide all participating immigrant family members. DIA will also draw from its own membership list to find people who are capable to be mentors. The mentors will be trained to work with immigrant

families with concerns about employment, training, and funds to pay for food and housing, access, communication, literacy, transportation and other needs. To learn more about the Disabled Immigrant Association (DIA), contact DIA Executive Director Mahad Abdi, at or call 612-619-5494. ■

Pete’s Reflections

Camera obscura part II: Paying the price for inspiration by Pete Feigal Maybe there is an alternative to Socrates’ “divine madness”: drunkenness, eroticism, dreaming. Look at our greatest artists. Michelangelo was a person with bipolar syndrome who portrayed himself as a flayed martyr in his paintings. Henri Matisse gave up a lawyer practice and became a painter because of appendicitis. Robert Schumann began composing only after his right hand was paralyzed, ending his concert pianist career. Cervantes’ career as a novelist came only after he was wounded at the battle of Lepanto. He was unemployable and so, sensible as he was, he became a tax collector, but in his vigor to be fair, he foreclosed on a Catholic Church . . . during the Inquisition. From prison, waiting for the sentence of either life or death, (a strong motivator for creativity,) he wrote “Don Quixote,” the most published book in history after the Bible. Frederick Nietzsche’s influence remains substantial within philosophical circles, notably in existentialism and post-modernism yet he went

insane from syphilis. Mozart showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood but was also bipolar and had uremia. Frida Kahlo’s work is celebrated in Mexico as emblematic of national and indigenous tradition. She contracted polio at age six, leaving her right leg thinner than the left. Lord Byron, an English poet and a leading figure in Romanticism, suffered with depression and a congenital deformed foot. El Greco had astigmatism, which is why he distorted human

bodies in paintings, stretching everyone’s arms and legs. Vincent Van Gogh, the Dutch postimpressionist, may have suffered from Ménière’s disease, an affliction of the inner ear that causes pain, disorientation, dizziness and misery. Some believe “Starry Night” illustrates his dizziness. When you see the painting in real life, you are almost disorientated with its beauty. I almost fainted when I first saw it, almost sucked into the whirling universe of stars. And you despair, too, because the light in

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the church steeple is out. The church is dark and dead, while the stars dance their courses. Have you ever lay on your back and stared at the stars? Sometimes you have to grab onto the Earth because it feels like everything is reversed and you are falling up. That’s what “Starry Night” does. Paganini, the greatest violin player that ever lived, struggled

with tuberculosis, depression, syphilis, kidney stones and inflammation in his jawbone or osteomyelitis of the jawbone. The doctors gave him mercury for the syphilis until all his teeth fell out, his skin turned grey-white and his hair fell out. He had Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a congenital disease that left his joints so flexible he could touch his thumbs to

his wrists. He was a walking corpse. But when he played the violin, he was an angel. Imagine all of the portraits of the Saints, smiling, performing miracles as they are being tortured and killed, rapture on their faces as they transcend mortality itself in the moment of their greatest pain. Theodore Gericault painted Inspiration - cont. on p. 15


November 10, 2010

Winter’s coming, flu is here: be prepared this season by Minnesota Department of Health Frost and even snow in parts of Minnesota are not-so-gentle reminders that winter is coming. Know what to do to ward off a bout with flu and to keep from contracting a virus while out and about. Flu is a huge potential health threat for the people with disabilities and the elderly. In October state officials had two reports of elderly Minnesotans dying of complications of the A/H3 strain of flu. The victims were women, one from southwestern Minnesota and the other from the Twin Cities. Both were in their 80s. The A/ H3 strain of influenza virus has caused sporadic outbreaks in long-term care facilities in Minnesota and other states over the summer and early fall. “This may be a difficult year in terms of severe influenza infections in the elderly,” said Dr. Ruth Lynfield, state epidemiologist with MDH. “In years when there has been primarily H3 influenza A circulating, we’ve seen higher rates of serious illness, particularly in the elderly.” Health officials said that they have not yet seen increased influenza activity among the general population. It is not unusual to see sporadic cases and outbreaks among those in institutional settings in early fall. A cluster of A/H3 cases was reported in September in a long-term care facility in Minnesota. Clusters were also reported in a day care and a college in Iowa in July.

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Lynfield said it is extremely important for those who care for, live with or frequently visit the elderly to be vaccinated for influenza as a measure to protect the elderly. That concern was shared by Kristen Ehresmann, director of the infectious disease division at MDH. “While Minnesotans over 65 have among the highest rates of influenza vaccination in the nation, and we do recommend vaccination for the elderly, it is important to remember that they may not respond as readily as younger individuals to the vaccine,” she said. “So we need to protect them by making sure that all those around them are vaccinated, just as we protect babies less than six months by vaccinating those around them.” In addition, Lynfield said, “All health care workers in Minnesota should be vaccinated for influenza.” This includes health care workers in clinics, hospitals and longterm care facilities. Health care workers and others should limit contacts with others when they have symptoms of influenza. A recent survey indicated that overall about 70 percent of Minnesota’s health care workers get vaccinated for influenza. “But we can and we must do better,” Ehresmann said. This most recent influenza case serves as a reminder to all Minnesotans that vaccination is the best way to pro-

tect yourself and others against influenza—and now is a good time to get vaccinated. “There are adequate supplies of vaccine this year.” Flu seasons are unpredictable and can be severe. CDC estimates of annual flu-associated deaths in the U.S. between 1976 and 2006 range from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people. Each year, according to CDC estimates, more than 200,000 people are hospitalized due to influenza. More information on influenza and vaccination can be found on the MDH website at www. This site also has a listing of public flu vaccination clinics. To find the influenza vaccination clinic nearest you, go to www. and click on “Find a flu shot clinic.” Or you may call your city or county public health agency. Many pharmacies also offer flu shots. There are two types of vaccines: • The “flu shot”–an inactivated vaccine (containing killed virus) that is given with a needle. The seasonal flu shot is approved for use in people 6 months of age and older, including healthy people, people with chronic medical conditions and pregnant women. • The nasal–spray flu vac-

cine –a vaccine made with live, weakened flu viruses that do not cause the flu (sometimes called LAIV for “Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine”). LAIV is approved for use in healthy people 2-49 years of age who are not pregnant. About two weeks after vaccination, antibodies develop that protect against influenza virus infection. Flu vaccines will not protect against flu-like illnesses caused by non-influenza viruses. Each year, the strains of influenza virus circulating around the world change just enough that the influenza vaccine needs to change. Influenza vaccines always contain three strains of antigens that provide protection against the three strains most likely to be circulating in the US. Influenza vaccination is now recommended for everyone six months and older unless they cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. It is especially important that those at high risk for serious complications from influenza be vaccinated. These include pregnant women, seniors, young children and those with chronic medical conditions. Children under six months of age cannot receive flu vaccine, so household contacts and caretakers should be vacci-

nated to protect the very young. The symptoms of influenza which tend to come on suddenly, can include a sore throat, coughing, fever, headache, muscle aches and fatigue. People who become severely ill with influenza-like symptoms should see a physician. Influenza is caused by a virus and antibiotics are not effective against it. During flu season, it is important for everyone, shots or not, to do his or her part to avoid spreading influenza by following these guidelines: Do your best to stay healthy. Get plenty of rest, physical activity and healthy eating. Stay home from school or work if you have a respiratory infec-

tion. Avoid exposing yourself to others who are sick with flulike illness. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue whenever you cough or sneeze, and then throw the tissue away. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your sleeve. Clean surfaces you touch frequently, such as doorknobs, water faucets, refrigerator handles and telephones. Wash your hands often with soap and water or with an alcohol based, waterless hand sanitizer. ■ Access Press staff added information from the Centers for Disease Control to this article.

Like the flu, snow and ice aren’t nice Another risk of winter is snow and ice on sidewalks and the risk of falls. Or snow and ice may accumulate to the point that it’s impossible for people with disabilities to travel through those areas. If snow and ice on sidewalks are a problem in your area or walking route, know whom to call. In most communities city officials enforce regulations on sidewalk snow and ice removal. Most communities have ordinances calling for sidewalks to be cleared within 24 to 48 hours of a snowfall. Sidewalks at transit stops are typically the responsibility of the transit agency. Sidewalks are typically to be cleared to the bare surface. You can be anonymous when you report an icy spot snowcovered sidewalk. ■

November 10, 2010


Sidewalk cafes and access need to co-exist in St. Paul by Jane McClure Keeping sidewalks clear for all pedestrians is the goal of a proposed St. Paul city ordinance. The St. Paul City Council hosts a public hearing on ordinance changes at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17 at the City Hall/Courthouse, third floor council chambers. The ordinance is being changed to address concerns about access for people with disabilities, who have found it difficult to pass by some sidewalk cafes. The café tables, chairs, planters and other fixtures extend so far into the sidewalk, people in wheelchairs and those who use scooters, walkers or canes have difficulty passing through. The proposed changes, which are being brought forward by Ward Two Council Member Dave Thune, would require every restaurant with a sidewalk cafe to obtain licenses from both the city’s Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI) and a right-of-way permit from Public Works. The ordinance changes would also give Public Works the authority to cancel the permit for violations of the minimum distance requirements.

Thune said he brought the ordinance forward after hearing concerns about obstructed sidewalks. “I certainly don’t want to prevent restaurants from having sidewalk cafes,” he said. “We know the summer is short in Minnesota and people want to be able to dine outdoors.” But in some cases sidewalk cafes were obstructing sidewalks to the point that pedestrians couldn’t easily get through. In reviewing city ordinances Thune and city staff found that the city’s sidewalk café regulations aren’t in compliance with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If adopted by the City Council later this month, the ordinance would take effect in late December. Most restaurants have packed up their tables and chairs for the season so the full impact wouldn’t be seen until 2011. Chris Beckstrom is a downtown resident who uses a scooter or walker to get around. Beckstrom is interested in the ordinance and supports its intent but is skeptical that it could be enforced. Another concern

raised is that any new regulations balance the needs of businesses with the needs of access. Yet he sees the ordinance as one that would greatly benefit people with disabilities. “There are streets I just can’t walk down because they are so crowded with tables and chairs,” Beckstrom said. The proposed changes would increase width of the “unobstructed pedestrian through walk zone” from 36" to 48" in compliance with federal ROWAG regulations and St. Paul’s Americans with Disabilities Act transition plan. It would also require a “passing zone” of 72 inches every 50 feet (about four per block). Each restaurant with a sidewalk café would also be required to have a site plan drawn to scale that must be clearly posted in the window once approved. Operating hours would be limited to 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., but provides a procedure to expand or restrict hours by request. The time limit could be later in the downtown district. One issue that has been raised by community activists

This street scene in St. Paul’s Selby-Snelling neighborhood shows tables and planters that meet the proposed access standards. But that is not the case in other areas. Photo by Jane McClure

is the slope of some sidewalks and the potential danger that creates for wheelchairs or walkers to tip. The ordinance changes include relaxes some language that will allow sidewalk cafes to be on the “curbside” to allow unobstructed passage through an area of the sidewalk that is more level. Another change expands the

definition of a sidewalk to include a temporary or seasonal sidewalk extension that has received a permit from Public Works. These are platforms that are to be installed in a street, in the parking lane Under City Council rules, those supporting and opposing the ordinance each get a total of 15 minutes per side.

The council will also accept written comments prior to the public hearing. A number of city staff members, members of the public and the Mayors’ Council for People with Disabilities helped draft the ordinance. ■


November 10, 2010

Regional news in review . . . Wounded veterans are program focus Hennepin County Medical (HCMC) Center and Regions Hospital are two of 24 major trauma centers recruited for participation in the Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC), which was recently awarded $38.6 million by the Peer Reviewed Orthopedic Research Program (PRORP) of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP). The purpose of the new funding is to allow the Consortium to expand its work in conducting multi-center studies relevant to the treatment and outcomes of major orthopedic injuries sustained on the battlefield. The Consortium was established in September 2009 with initial funding by DOD to address some of the immediate research needs of the military in the acute management of severe limb injuries. Regions Hospital and HCMC are part of the network of core civilian trauma centers that will work together with the major military medical centers that provide definitive treatment to service members who sustain major trauma while on active duty. The overall goal of the Consortium is to produce the evidence needed to establish treatment guidelines for the optimal care of the wounded soldier and ultimately improve the clinical, functional and quality of life outcomes of both service members and civilians who sustain high energy trauma to the extremities. The Consortium consists of a network of clinical centers from across the United States, with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health serving as the coordinating center. “We are thrilled to have HCMC and Regions as our partners in this effort to improve the standard of care for the wounded warrior and civilian trauma patient,” said Ellen MacKenzie PhD, Director of the Consortium’s Coordinating Center and the Fred and Julie Soper Professor and Chair of the Bloomberg School’s Department of Health Policy and Management. “Without a large multi-center effort such as this, we would be unable to effectively study many of the issues that are critical to ensuring the best outcomes following a severe injury.” Dr. Andrew Schmidt is an HCMC orthopedic surgeon and researcher who have seen firsthand the types of injuries resulting from recent fighting in the Middle East when he has gone overseas to care for patients at military hospitals. “Over the

years, research obtained from the battlefield has improved patient care,” he said. “The use of antibiotics began in World War II, and during the Vietnam War, surgeons used improved techniques of vascular technology to improve care. Today’s combat tactics have gone beyond rifle and mortar attacks to include the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Often packed with rocks, nuts, bolts and even animal manure, they cause complicated extremity blast injuries that require new approaches to save lives – and extremities. The care our military surgeons are providing to our injured soldiers is exemplary, and this sustained research funding will not only lead to improved care of battlefield injuries, but will help us care for our injured patients at home too.” The research is also expected to lead to better care for civilians who are injured in their day-to-day lives. “There are complicated injures which, to date, we don’t have answers for, such as mangled extremities, for when amputation is the best decision versus limb salvation,” said Dr. Peter Cole, a HealthPartners Medical Group orthopedic surgeon who practices at Regions Hospital. “We’re seeking ways to prevent infection of bone after compound fractures. Through the integrated research, you can find answers with much more assurance that will help people who are injured in a car accident, a motorcycle accident or people who fall off their roof.” “We’re honored to be able to participate in the work of the Consortium to improve care to the men and women in our armed forces,” said Schmidt. “Their immeasurable sacrifices warrant the very best treatment medicine has to offer. The information about new technology and treatment protocols shared through the Consortium will go a long way to further the outstanding care and outcomes they deserve.” [Source: HCMC]

Stolen wheelchair sought An man with autistism from St. Paul has had his specially equipped van returned; police were still seeking the return of his wheelchair as Access Press went to press. The missing wheelchair wasn’t in the van when police recovered it. Police said they believe the wheelchair was pawned but they were confident of their ability to recover it and return it to the family of Michael Klingenberg.

Susan Klingenberg reported Oct. 24 that the van had been stolen from in front of her family’s Midway neighborhood home. The van is the only means of transportation for her son Michael, 18. Klingenberg is autistic and needs the wheelchair and the van to get around. The family appeared in television news reports that weekend to explain their plight. A motorist spotted the van the next day and recognized it from television news reports. The van was stopped near Fuller Avenue and Lexington Parkway, and two suspects arrested. Keri Brush, 32, and James Thomas Neely, 47, were apprehended. The family was pleased to have the van returned but they are worried about damage to the steering column during the theft. [Source: KSTP-TV, Pioneer Press]

St. Paul protecting the elderly The St. Paul Police Department has started a new unit devoted to investigating abuse of the elderly, in response to a growing number of such crimes. Sgt. Mike Wortman is St. Paul’s first full-time police investigator dedicated to crimes against senior citizens. The unit was formed in September by new Police Chief Thomas Smith. Because perpetrators of elder abuse and similar crimes are prosecuted under general statutes that don’t specify age, concrete statistics are hard to come by. St. Paul Police have handled 77 cases of financial crimes against the elderly in 2008, up from 46 in 2006. All crimes against the elderly in St. Paul rose 14 percent from 2007 to 2008, said Assistant Police Chief Kenneth Reed. “It’s not very common, but it’s growing,” Reed said of police elder-abuse units. “We’ve seen elder abuse cases increasing rapidly each year.” Wortman’s unit is one more example of the way Minnesota is changing as the state’s elderly population will more than double by 2030. That is forcing changes in health care, transportation, housing, family life and law enforcement. Because crimes against the elderly have unusual and difficult aspects, such as crimes committed by family members, police say a focused, specialized unit is the only way to protect seniors. Previously, Wortman worked such cases part-time, Regional news - cont. on p. 14

November 10, 2010


People and places

Need for self-advocacy a theme at MCIL event The true power of self-advocacy and self-determination for individuals with disabilities and their families was a message that inspired everyone who attended the Metropolitan Center for Independent Living annual dinner Oct. 27 in St. Paul. Sue Swenson, whom MCIL claims as one of their own, was the keynote speaker. She is currently deputy assistant director for the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) and acting director of the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR. She was once an active member of MCIL’s Board of Directors. Although Swenson has held many prestigious positions including commissioner of the Administration on Developmental Disabilities under President Bill Clinton, she has the utmost appreciation of what she learned living right here in Minnesota. As a parent of an

adult son with disabilities, she can speak from first-hand experience. Critical issues discussed at the celebration were the need for accessible and affordable housing and transportation, especially in rural areas of the county. Swenson acknowledged that those with disabilities are often forced to move to larger cities rather than having the option to live independently where they choose to live. Also addressed was the need to overhaul a service delivery system that allows 80year old parents to still care for their 60-year old adult children with no other viable options. Swenson captivated the audience with her experiences of serving on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. She explained that this convention is just the filter on a universal declaration which gives people with disabilities the right to a

revolution; not a military or political revolution but rather a social revolution. She believes that this type of revolution would make the world a better place by including people with disabilities. The event also included several honors. Persons honored for years of service included Betty Culver (15 years); and Chris Persons and Ann Roscoe (five years). The 2010 Community Partner of the Year is Hennepin County Veteran Court. The 2010 Transition Student of the Year awards were given to Blake Tuckner, Mike Lowe, Buki (June) Alderete, Juan Garcia and Josh Vennerstrom The 2010 Self-Advocate of the Year is Cynthia Lothenbach. The 2010 Consumer-Nominated Direct Support Provider (DSP) of the Year is Jill Sue Swenson’s message to the crowd at MCIL’s annual dinner was very inspiring. The Becker. The 2010 DSP of the audience listened closely as she described her long career and the many interesting exYear is Kelly Erickson. ■ periences she had at the UN and in the nation’s capitol. Many people praised the speech. Photo courtesy of MCIL

News and information about people in our community Special Olympics Minnesota athletes at White House Two Special Olympics Minnesota athletes attended a White House reception Oct. 8 celebrating the enactment of Rosa’s Law, a bill signed into law Oct. 5 that removes the term “mental retardation” from federal statutes and replaces it with “intellectual disability.” Danielle Liebl of Richmond and Roberta Blomster of Vadnais Heights accompanied Special Olympics Chairman and CEO Tim Shriver along with eight other athletes, advocates and members of the Special Olympics International Board of Directors to the White House. “Danielle Liebl and Roberta Blomster are both strong selfadvocates for individuals with intellectual disabilities, and we’re delighted they will be able to witness this historic step toward unity,” said David Dorn, President and CEO of Special Olympics Minnesota. “The passing of Rosa’s Law is a great move in the right direction, but we have more work to be done in the media, on our school yards and beyond.” Rosa’s Law was championed by Sen. Barbara Mikulski (DMD) after meeting Rosa Marcellino and her family from Edgewater, Maryland. Rosa, born with Down syndrome, inspired the senator to take up the fight after derogatorily being labeled a “retard” by her classmates in 2009. Special Olympics championed the use of “people first language” by changing its own terminology from “mental retardation” to “people with intellectual disabilities” in 2004 after a call to action from its athletes to the movement’s leadership. In

2008 Special Olympics launched where the public can pledge to stop using the R-word in a derogatory manner and promote the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. Youth leaders at the 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games in Boise, Idaho began the “Spread the Word to End the Word” campaign as a grassroots, youth-led movement in schools and communities across the United States and around the world to raise awareness of the hurtful nature of the word “retard(ed)” and to promote the positive impact people with intellectual disabilities can and do make in every community. Liebl, 19, is a freshman at the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph and a 2010 graduate of Rocori High School in Cold Spring. Liebl has been active with Special Olympics Minnesota since she was 11, including the Athlete Leadership Program where she trained as a spokesperson and leader for the organization. Liebl competed in the Special Olympics 2006 USA National, was awarded the Minnesota State Council on Disability Youth Award in 2008 and was one of 20 athletes selected to attend the Special Olympics Global Youth Summit in 2009. During her senior year of high school, Liebl activated her peers toward acceptance and inclusion by forming a Partners Club® promoting social activity between students with and without intellectual disabilities, and traveled to Minnesota schools as an advocate for change through the “Spread the Word to End the Word” campaign. Liebl spoke with Minnesota representatives in Washington, D.C. in January at Special Olympics Capitol Hill

Day, and this summer she interned at Special Olympics International and presented at the 2010 Youth Activation Summit as part of the Special Olympics 2010 USA National Games. Liebl is a member of the Special Olympics Project UNIFY® National Youth Activation Committee and plans to continue her advocacy work as she attends the 2011 Global Youth Summit in Athens, Greece as part of the 2011 World Summer Games. Blomster, 35, joined Special Olympics Minnesota in 1993. A multi-sport athlete and coach, Blomster also participates in the Athlete Leadership Program and is a trained public speaker. Blomster was named Female Athlete of the Year by Special Olympics Minnesota in 1998, won gold at the Special Olympics World Summer Games in 1999, served as Speaker of the House for Special Olympics Minne-sota’s Athlete Congress in 2000 and attended an Athlete Leadership Program Conference in Atlanta, Ga. in 2002. Blomster was an active advocate for Minnesota’s People First legislation, passed in 2005, which eliminated the use of “mental retardation” in state statutes and rules. She received a three-year appointment the Minnesota Governor’s Council on Development Disabilities in 2005 and was re-appointed in 2008. Blomster has continued her self-advocacy work by participating in the 2007 Special Olympics Capitol Hill Day and writing a column on athletes and government for Spirit Magazine, a publication of Special Olympics International. People & Places - cont. on p. 9

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November 10, 2010

People and places

She wants to be heard, educate others about disability Megan Muehlberg, 15, is a young woman who wants to be heard. The 15-year-old lives with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) and wants others to learn more about her disability. Muehlberg is the current Miss Teen Hennepin County International. “With my title, I have been helping raise awareness for APD,” she said. “Many people have heard of dyslexia but very few people have heard of APD. APD is how the brain processes what you hear, much like how the brain processes what the eyes see with dyslexia.” The young activist worked with Gov. Tim Pawlenty to make October Minnesota’s APD Awareness Month and received a signed proclamation for her efforts.

“I want to do this to raise awareness of APD and hopefully try to help reach kids who may have this disorder and never receive the proper diagnosis and re-training of the brain,” she said. Muehlberg was diagnosed with her learning disability as a second-grader. APD often mimics Attention Deficit Disorder and is often misdiagnosed as such. Her diagnosis launched a long effort by her family to get the help she needed from her school district. One huge challenge was that none of the teachers and school district special education personnel had even heard of APD, which meant the education professionals themselves needed to be educated. As part of her Individual Education Plan (IEP), Muehl-

berg received a sound discrimination speaker (FM speaker) and a microphone that the teacher wore in the classroom as a modification through an IEP (Individual Education Plan). “Had that been all I received, I may never have learned to overcome the learning disability,” she said. “Because the school district didn’t know what else to do and didn’t have the funds to do further help, my parents got me into programs to help me re-train my brain on what/how it heard words and sounds. I used PC based programs such as Fast ForWord and Eararobics.” Muehlberg is a sophomore at Park Center Senior High School in Brooklyn Park. She plays volleyball and was a captain for her team this season. She is on a Leadership Team

with her church called S.A.L.T. (St. Al’s Leadership Team) and sings in the church choir. Her parents are David and Denise Muehlberg. She has one brother, Brandon, age 12, and a dog named Bear. “My mom and my pageant coach, Cheri Kennedy have inspired me, by telling me that no matter what, I can do whatever I put my mind too. And I have a strong passion to work towards my goal, and get the word out about APD,” she said. “I want to finish high school, and go to Mankato State for College,” she said. “I haven’t decided if I want to major in communications, than become a lawyer.” She is volunteering with the National Coalition of Auditory Processing Disorder or NCAPD and is working with Dr. Jay Lucker, founder of NCAPD to spread the word so children can receive early intervention. “The only way to Megan Muehlberg wants to educate others about disability. do this is by public awareness Photo courtesy of Megan Muehlberg and education,” Muehlberg said. She gives presentations For more information visit call 952-432-6758 if your orto schools and also blogs about www.MeganwithAPD.weebly. ganization needs a speaker APD. com or Or about APD. ■

PEOPLE & PLACES BBB awards announced One of the winners of a 2010 Minnesota and North Dakota Better Business Bureau Integrity Award is a company that serves senior citizens. The awards were presented Oct. 20 during a ceremony at the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul. Kathy Tunheim, President and CEO of Tunheim Partners, Inc., was the keynote speaker at the event. Right at Home, a Bloomington Company, won in Category VI, for firms with 100 or more employees. Right at Home specializes in providing non-medical care for seniors to help them remain living independently in their homes. The BBB Integrity Awards are presented each year to companies who exemplify ethical behavior and display integrity in all aspects of their operations; toward their employees, vendors, customers, and within their community. Companies must also uphold BBB standards. Winners are chosen by

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Cont. from p. 7

an independent panel of judges. “The Integrity Awards are always the highlight of our year,” said Dana Badgerow, president and CEO of the BBB of Minnesota and North Dakota. “It’s the night we get to focus our attention on—and applaud—the companies that shine brightest in our region and set the standard by which other companies are measured.” Visit or call 651-699-1111 or 1-800-6466222 to learn more about the awards and the other companies honored.

New clinic is now open Hennepin County Medical Center’s Whittier Clinic, a new, state-of the-art multi-specialty center, opened for patients Oct. 18. The new clinic replaced the existing Family Medical Center clinic, one of Hennepin County Medical Center’s four neighborhood clinics, and provides access to multi-specialty care in South Minneapolis and the southwest suburbs. Family Medical Center served South Minneapolis in its Lake Street location for nearly 25 years; however, its patient base increased to the point that the current clinic was too small. “We had outgrown our facility, and if we didn’t do something, we would have eventually had to stop seeing new patients,” said Jerry Potts, MD, Chief of Family Medicine at HCMC.

In addition to primary care (family medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology), patients at the new facility will have access to HCMC specialists in orthopedics, cardiology, sports medicine, integrative health, physical therapy and surgery. “Patients now have access to more specialty care services in the community, rather than having to travel downtown to see a specialist,” said Potts. “We also have an on-site pharmacy, free parking and easy access to public transportation.” The clinic project was part of a reinvestment in outdated facilities funded by general obligation bonds that were approved by the Hennepin County Board when the governance model for HCMC changed in 2007. Located at 2810 Nicollet Ave., two blocks north of the original clinic site on West Lake Street, the 59,200square-foot building replaced a number of shuttered warehouses on the one-block site. The building and site is a showcase for sustainable design, including landscaping designed to reduce irrigation needs, healing gardens with native plants and natural stone boulders for seating; natural lighting complemented by reduced-mercury light fixture and design and systems exceeding code requirements for energy efficiency. McGough Company was the general contractor and HGA was the architect on the building that started construction in July of 2009. ■

November 10, 2010


People and places

Young Dance offers children a chance to step out Young Dance offers opportunities for children to step out. Young people with disabilities who want to take part in dance will get a chance to strut their stuff, thanks to the Young Dance program. Young Dance has received funding from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council and VSA Minnesota for All Abilities Dancing, a new program designed to give youth living with physical disabilities a quality dance experience that emphasizes ability and redefines dance for the community. The new program specifically offers dance classes to boys and girls living with mobility impairments. For 20 years, Young Dance has offered a place for youth in the community to build body and spirit through the creative expression of dance. The nonprofit program, which is based in Minneapolis, provides young people the opportunity for artistic expression, for achievement of high quality performance, and for appreciation of cultural and artistic

diversity. The Dance Company and school collaborate with professional artists, to forge meaningful community partnerships and push the boundaries of the art and practice of dance. The company stages an annual spring dance concert and performs at a number of events around the region. Young Dance also offers classes and scholarships for students who are unable to pay. Funds for All Abilities Dancing are provided by the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage fund as appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature. With a state grant, Young Dance is now excited to launch the only adaptive and integrated mixed ability dance program in the Twin Cities region. Following a successful summer workshop for boys and girls living with a range of physical disabilities the opportunity to explore movement, Young Dance is moving forward with the help of the state funding to expand the program. Classes in Adaptive Creative

Dance and Partnering for All Abilities will be offered throughout the school year, geared toward boys and girls with mobility impairments. Adaptive Creative Dance explores elements of dance with a focus on positive body awareness, creativity, teamwork, motor co-ordination, and personal expression. Partnering for All Abilities invites dancers with and without mobility impairments to be paired together and dance with one another exploring communication, partnering, and tools to create and perform dances. Anyone wanting information about upcoming classes can visit www.youngdance. org or contact Jennifer at â–

Children learn about dance and movement in the classes. Photos courtesy of Young Dance

This young dancer enjoyed the class.

Young Dance participants enjoy one-on-one attention.


November 10, 2010


Ken Tice: A guy everyone at the capitol knew by Jane McClure Longtime community activist Kenneth D. Tic passed away Oct. 18 He was 59. Tice was a well-know disability rights activist and was a fixture at the Minnesota state capitol, especially during legislative sessions. For more than two decades, he worked on a number of state task forces and committees, and worked on numerous law and policy changes. Tice had worked with Advocating Change Together (ACT) since 1983. For many years he was known as the organization’s “voice at the capitol.” He worked tireless hours with legislators to represent fellow handicapped citizens giving them the rights and benefits enjoyed by other workers. In recent years he

was known for coming into the ACT offices to visit with colleagues and keep people on track. Tice had many interests, including a love of pet birds. He was honored in 1988 as one of the Twin Citians of the Year by what is now Arc of Minnesota. In a 1988 Star Tribune profile, he talked frankly about his struggles as a child. “When I was in grade school, I couldn’t keep up with the kids,” he said. “In the sixth grade, I did third-grade work. But I passed. I never went to college, but I graduated from North High School, class of ’70.” Tice emphasized the value of work in the article, describing how he held a series of part-time jobs. He ultimately wound up working in a shel-

tered workshop stacking telephone jacks on a tray for $40 to $50 a week. “They treated me like a baby,” he told the newspaper. “They told me they didn’t want me to talk so much. I kind of like to talk. And they said they would have to segregate me and watch me if I kept talking. I told them I didn’t want to be treated like a baby. And so I quit.” Not long after that Tice met Mel Duncan, who told him how people with disabilities could become their own advocates and lobby their causes like any other group. That launched his career as a selfadvocate and an activist. One of Tice’s key issues was the limits on what people with disabilities can earn and not risk losing SSI. He believed that was another barrier to people with disabilities being able to live independently. He told the Star Tribune, “In the future,” he said, “we want to try to eliminate all of the disincentives to work people with disabilities have. We shouldn’t have to lose all that money. We can’t live without it.” Tice also worked tirelessly to set up checks and balances

U.S. Representative Keith Ellison, left, was one of many elected officials who worked with longtime community activist Ken Tice who passed away this fall. Photo courtesy of ACT

so that employees at sheltered workshops were treated fairly and paid a better wage. Workers now have grievance processes, paid sick leave and vacation time, thanks to his efforts. The 1988 article described Tice as “probably the only registered lobbyist in the state of Minnesota—maybe even the whole country—who never buys lunch for the politicians he lobbies. Instead, they buy lunch for him.” His straightforward style of lobbying was described, as was his focus on trying to stay positive even during very trying hearings. He never forgot a person’s name or face. Tice also lobbied for disability rights at the nation’s capitol. Tice is survived by his mother Marlys, cousins and many dear friends, Services were held at King of Grace Lutheran Church Golden Valley, with interment at Crystal Lake Cemetery.

Kate Stahl: career activist Kate Stahl, a well-known senior citizen activist, passed away Oct. 24. The Shoreview resident was 91. Her career as an activist was launched when she was in her 70s, when she and her husband could not afford his prescription drugs. She got on a bus to Canada—one of the first to head north to bring back cheaper prescription drugs, a violation of federal law. After that, she became a dedicated activist, left-wing radical and the sweet, grandmotherly face on a successful national campaign for better pricing of prescription drugs for the elderly. In a 2004 New York Times Sunday Magazine story titled “Grumpy Old Drug Smugglers,” she said that up until

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that time “I wouldn’t have said boo to a turtle, literally.’’ “She had a fire in her belly and a twinkle in her eye,” Peter Wyckoff, a former officer of the now defunct Minnesota Senior Federation, told the Star Tribune. Stahl became a MSF volunteer. After her husband’s death in 1998, her involvement intensified and the bus trips became a regular, gleeful act of civil disobedience. She also served a term as Metropolitan Senior Federation president. Former Minnesota Congressman Gil Gutknecht saw her potential as a political asset and invited her to Washington for a news conference announcing his sponsorship of a bill to legalize drug re-importation. She went back to the nation’s capitol several times as a senior lobbyist. One day after testifying before a congressional committee, a legislator said to her, “Unfortunately, I don’t think we can fix this in your lifetime.” She turned on a dime, and said, ‘The way Congress works, this won’t be fixed in your lifetime.’” Stahl served a two-year stint as president of the Metropolitan Senior Federation. In 2003, Gov. Tim Pawlenty launched the nation’s first state-sponsored program to buy cheaper prescription drugs from Canada. Then, in 2006, a new Medicare drug benefit was implemented for seniors. So the trips north stopped but Stahl continued to lobby for senior citizens’ rights and issues. She had a strong dislike of age-ism and would give presentations on the joys of being an old woman. “For me, the joy of being an old woman is a decision that I make every day,” Stahl said at the time. She is survived by three daughters; nine grandchildren and many great-grandchildren.

November 10, 2010


Accessible performances The following performances will be Audio Described (AD) for people who are blind or have low vision, or interpreted in American Sign Language (ASL) for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Selected performances offer reduced admission prices for the patron and one companion. When calling a box office, confirm the service (ASL or AD), date, time, ticket price and anything else needed, e.g. length of performance, etc. If you attend a show, please share your feedback with the performing organization, interpreter, and VSA arts of Minnesota. Accessible performance information is compiled by VSA arts of Minnesota, 612-332-3888 or

See for complete listing and for Accessible Movie Theaters The House of the Spirits Through Nov. 14 Mixed Blood Theatre, 1501 S. 4th St., Mpls. AD, ASL, Captioning: Thurs., Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m. Tix: Reduced to $12 (reg. $22, $19 student/senior, $1618 group); Phone: 612-3386131. Web: www.mixed

14, 2 p.m. ASL: TBA. Tix: Reduced to $10 (reg. $15; student/senior $12); Phone: 612724-8373 Web: www.morris

served within two weeks of show, the ASL will be cancelled.) Tix: Reduced to $10 (reg. $18-20); Phone: 651429-5674; E-mail: tickets; Web: www.lakeshoreplay

Fully Committed Through Dec. 19 Jungle Theater, 2951 Lyndale Ave. S., Mpls. AD: Thurs., 10 Virgins Through Nov. 21 Nov. 18, 7:30 p.m. Tix: ReThe Singer Sisters duced to $10 (reg. $20-35); Theatre Unbound at Lowry Through Nov. 21 Phone: 612-822-7063. Web: Lab Theater, 350 St. Peter St., Northfield Arts Guild Theatre, St. Paul. AD: Sun., Nov. 21, 2 411 W. 3rd St., Northfield. p.m. Tix: sliding scale $12AD: Fri., Nov. 12, 7:30 p.m. A Midsummer Night’s Dream 26; Phone: 612-721-1186; ETix: $15, $10 student/senior; mail: info@theatreunbound. Nov. 16 – Dec. 17 Phone: 507-645-8877. Web: Park Square Theatre, 408 St. com; Web: www.theatreun Peter St., St. Paul. AD, ASL: Thurs., Nov. 18, 7:30 p.m. Tix: Open House/Discussion for Reduced to half-price Cowboy vs. Samurai Deaf & Hard of Hearing Nov. 12-28 ($18.50); Phone: 651-291Community 7005. Web: www.parksquare Mu Performing Arts at the Nov. 13 Guthrie Theater’s Dowling The Walker Art Center is hostStudio, 818 2nd St. S., Mpls. ing a community discussion ASL, AD: Sat., Nov. 27, 1 Robin Hood on experiencing the Walker as p.m. Tix: Reduced to $20 (reg. Through Dec. 5 a visitor who is deaf or hard of Children’s Theatre Company, $18-30); Phone: 612-377hearing. Includes gallery tour 2400 Third Ave. S., Mpls. 2224, TTY 612-377-6626. of Yves Klein: With the Void, ASL, AD: Fri., Nov. 19, 7:30 Web: Full Powers. Limited to the p.m. Tix: Ask about special first 20 people. Walker Art price for ASL/AD (reg. $20Sample Night Live Center, 1750 Hennepin Av- 40); Phone: 612-874-0400; EDec. 1, Jan. 5 enue, Mpls., ask at lobby desk. mail: tickets@childrens Numerous performing artists ASL, Assistive Listening: Web: www.child at History Theatre, 30 E. 10th Sat., Nov. 13, Noon to 3 p.m. St., St. Paul. ASL: Wed., Dec. Tix: Free. RSVP with Abigail 1, 7-10:30 p.m. Tix: Reduced Anderson: Phone: 612-375to $10 (reg. $20); Online enter The 39 Steps 7610; E-mail: abigail.anders coupon code ASL. Phone: Through Dec. 19 Web: www. Guthrie Theater, 818 2nd St. 612-201-4000. Web: www. S., Mpls. AD: Fri., Nov. 19, 7:30 p.m.; Sat., Nov. 20, 1p.m.; Life Is Sweet Sensory Tour 10:30 a.m. Open The Arabian Nights Captioning: Wed., Dec. 1, 1 Dec. 1-4 Through Nov. 27 Interact Theatre at the Lab p.m.; Fri., Dec. 10, 7:30 p.m. Normandale Community ColTheater, 700 N. First St., Mpls. ASL: Thurs.-Fri., Dec. 2-3, lege Theatre, Fine Arts BuildAD: Sat., Nov. 13, 3 p.m. ASL: 7:30 p.m. Tix: Reduced to $20 ing, 9700 France Ave. S., Sat., Nov. 20, 3 p.m. Tix: Re- (reg. $24-60); Phone: 612- Bloomington. ASL: Fri., Dec. duced to $7 (reg. $22, student/ 377-2224, TTY 612-377- 3, 7:30 p.m. Tix: $10; ($5 NCC senior $18, child 16 and under 6626. Web: www.guthrie student/staff/senior); Phone: 952-487-7462. Web: www. or group of 10+, $15); Phone: 612-333-7977. Web: www. Homeroom or www. Nov. 14-19 A Christmas Carol zAmya Theater Project at In Nov. 19 – Dec. 30 the Heart of the Beast Puppet Guthrie Theater, 818 2nd St. The Miracle Worker & Mask Theatre, 1500 E. Lake S., Mpls. Open Captioning: Nov. 10-13 St. Catherine’s University The- St., Mpls. ASL: Fri., Nov. 19, Fri., Dec. 3, 7:30 p.m.; Wed., ater at Frey Theater, 2004 8 p.m. Tix: free; Phone: 612- Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m. AD: Thurs., Randolph Ave., St. Paul. ASL: 767-4447; E-mail: zAmya@ Dec. 9, 7:30 p.m.; Sat., Dec. Sat., Nov. 13, 7 p.m. Tix: $5;; Web: 11, 1 p.m.; Sensory Tour 10:30 free with ACTC ID; Phone: a.m. ASL: Thurs., Dec. 9, 7:30 zamya p.m.; Sat., Dec. 11, 1 p.m.; 651-690-6700. Tues., Dec. 21, 1 p.m. student Miracle on 34th Street matinee. Tix: Reduced to $20 The Crowd You’re In With Nov. 19 – Dec. 19 (reg. $29-69); Phone: 612Through Nov. 20 Walking Shadow Theatre at Lyric Arts Main St. Stage, 420 377-2224, TTY 612-377People’s Center Theater, 425 E. Main St., Anoka. ASL: Sat., 6626. Web: www.guthrie 20th Ave. S., Mpls. AD: Sat., Nov. 20, 7:30 p.m. Tix: $10- Nov. 13, 7:30 p.m. ASL: Fri. 18 for ASL patron/companHoliday Traditions Nov. 19, 7:30 p.m. Tix: $15- ion; Phone: 763-422-1838; ENov. 26 – Jan. 2 18; Reduced to $5; Phone: mail: 612-375-0300; E-mail: boxof Seats for ASL patrons held Mpls. Institute of Arts, 2400 fice@walkingshadowcom until two weeks prior to show. Third Ave. S. Holiday Web: www.walking Web: tions in the Period Rooms: ASL: Sun., Dec. 5, 1 p.m.; & The Boy Friend Thurs., Dec. 9, 7 p.m. (begins Annie Oct. 29 – Nov. 21 in Bell Decorative Arts Court, Through Nov. 20 Lakeshore Players, 4820 third floor). Holiday TradiMorris Park Players at Edison Stewart Ave., White Bear tions at the Purcell-Cutts High School, 700 22nd Ave. Lake. ASL: Sun., Nov. 21, 2 House: ASL: Sun., Dec. 5, 2:30 NE., Mpls. AD: Sun., Nov. p.m. (If no ASL seats are re- p.m. (shuttle bus available

La Befana is a favorite holiday show for patrons of Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theater in Minneapolis. The theater is well-known for its dazzling puppetry. Look for show information in this month’s listings. Photo courtesy of Bruce Silcox

from the MIA to the house). Tix/Phone: 612-870-3131 or TTY 612-870-3132; E-mail:; Web:

Dec. 5, 2 p.m. Tix: Reduced to $15 (reg. $32); Phone: 651292-4323; E-mail: boxofc@; Web:

Center for the Arts, 1111 Mainstreet. ASL: Sun., Dec. 5, 2 p.m.; Thurs., Dec. 9, 10 a.m. AD: available on request. Tix: $11, $9 child or senior, group $8.50, school group $5.50; plus $1.50 per ticket handling fee; Phone: 952-979-1111; Web:

The Christmas Schooner Junie B. in Jingle Bells, Nov. 20 – Dec. 19 Batman Smells History Theatre, 30 E. 10th St., Nov. 19 – Dec. 27 St. Paul. ASL & AD: Sun., Stages Theatre at Hopkins Perform - cont. on p. 15


November 10, 2010

Upcoming events To list an event, email Holiday help Store is open Twice the Gift, a temporary specialty store in downtown Minneapolis, is open through Dec. 31. It is operated by Rise, Inc. and offers cookbooks, original artwork calendars, note cards and other items. Proceeds help Rise serve its clients. In Suite 156, IDS Center Crystal Court, 80 S. 8th St., Mpls. Store hours are 10 a.m.6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon-5 p.m. Sundays. FFI:

evaluate the effects of loss or reductions in PCA hours or services. Adults are eligible to complete the survey about themselves or any person they know who has been receiving PCA services in Minnesota under Medicare or County Waiver. The study questionnaire will take approximately five minutes of your time. This survey may be completed online or printed and mailed. FFI: Leslie Nordgren 763520-0440, leslie.nordgren@

Special events Advocacy Give them a call Metro Center for Independent Living has set up a PCA “You Need to Hear Me” call-in line The purpose of this call-in line is to provide consumers, PCAs/DSPs, families, and interested others the chance to share anonymous comments, reactions and concerns with Department of Human Services and Minnesota Legislature regarding the impact of recent legislative changes which are affecting their lives. How it works: Call 651-6032009 to connect to the “You need to hear me” message line. The caller will hear a short pre-recorded message. The phone will not be answered, ensuring caller anonymity. The callers may leave a short message describing the impact of these changes on their lives, or the lives of their family. The messages can be complaints, concerns, suggestions or general comments. Zip code will be asked for only so comments can be communicated to specific legislators. PCA survey Courage Center is conducting a research study examining the effects of recent changes to the PCA program in an effort to inform future policy decisions pertinent to Personal Care Assistance. The purpose of this research study is to

Fetching Ball Due to moving to a new facility this year the Can Do Canines Fetching Ball has been postponed and will not be held this month. The second gala event will be held in November 2011. Helpers are sought to start planning next year’s event. FFI: Janet, jcobus

Workshops, conferences ADA update What’s New under the ADA: Legislation and Regulation Update, Annual ADA Conference 2010 is 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Wed., Nov. 17 at Holiday Inn Mpls/St. Paul International Airport, Three Appletree Square, Bloomington. Learn about the ADA Amendments Act regulations and the updated DOJ programmatic and architectural accessibility regulations from expert presenters at this one day, low cost, regional conference. $75 includes continental breakfast, lunch and materials. Overnight accommodations not provided, however a block of rooms has been reserved for this event. Sponsored by DBTAC-Great Lakes ADA Center, ADA Minnesota, Metropolitan Center for Independent Living and Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.

FFI: 651-603-2015; 1-888630-9793; cindyt@mcilmn. org Disability and employment The second annual Disability and Employment Conference is 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Nov. 15-16 at Earle Brown Center, Brooklyn Center. Registration for the conference is free and meals will be provided. Participants are expected to attend both days of the conference. Planned Conference Topics include: Customized Employment and the Discovery Process; Self-Employment; Creative Funding Approaches for Job Seekers; Interest-Based Negotiation; Transition; Perspectives of Job Seekers and Employers; Results from MN Employment Policy Initiative Listening Sessions and Policy Issues from Community Action Teams. Sponsored by the Minnesota Employment Policy Initiative (MEPI) and the Minnesota Employment Training and Technical Assistance Center (MNTAT), to raise expectations about employment of individuals across disability groups, build momentum around employment and give participants tools and information they can take back to their communities. FFI: 651789-2819, ference/register2010-1.asp Adaptive technology classes Free adaptive technology classes are offered by Hennepin County Library, at the downtown Mpls library, 300 Nicollet Mall. Classes are free but you must pre-register for these classes for persons who are blind or have low vision. In addition to classes there are often volunteers available to introduce patrons to the equipment and software available. Volunteer hours vary, so it’s best to call ahead. Funding for Adaptive Technology classes is provided by a generous grant from the Hudson Family Foundation. FFI: 612-630-6469,

Buy Courage Cards and gifts this holiday season. Courage Cards began in 1958 with one holiday card and a clear mission: to support the work of Courage Center, this to help children and adults with disabilities lead better, more active and independent lives. Today, many thousands of Courage Cards are sent each year by businesses, organizations, and individuals. Almost 90 artists, most with disabilities, create new and unique images. 100% of net profits and donations go directly to Courage Center services. To date, Courage Cards has raised more than $6 million for Courage Center. Cards can be ordered online at or purchased at Courage Center in Golden Valley and at other locations. Call 1-866-820-1819 for details. The next monthly meeting of the Blind Computer Users Group is 1-3 p.m. Sat, Nov. 13. The meeting will be held in Room N402. Speaker is David Tanner, Minnesota State Services for the Blind Assistive Technology Department. Tanner will speak on the accessibility features built into the Iphones and demonstrate the use of the HTC Haven, a low cost alternative with built n speech for most functions like that of call history, menus, contacts and so on. The group is free. Members plan a Christmas meeting at the Spaghetti Factory in downtown Minneapolis in December. FFI: Debbie Bock at dkbock93

tunity, using funds from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. Seventeen groups have received grants; are you next? Deadlines are Jan. 14 and April 29, 2011. For more info: 612-332-3888 v/tty or

Youth & families

Get the lead out Worried about lead hazards in your home? Lead poisoning can cause developmental delays and cognitive disabilities in very young children. Hennepin County’s Lead Control Program can provide a free grant to replace windows and remove other sources of toxic lead. Lead home inspections are free. Applicants must Help with foreclosure meet income guidelines. FFI: What happens during foreclo- 612-348-2020 or 612-348sure? What do homeowners 2114, or need to know? These and other leadcontrol questions will be answered at a series of free mortgage foreYoung Soloists closure information work- Aria Stiles, a violinist with a shops offered by the Minne- disability from Eastview High sota Home Ownership Center School in Apple Valley, put – a counseling agency that pro- Minnesota on the map last sumvides foreclosure prevention mer when she performed at the education and outreach and Kennedy Center in Washingpre-purchase information for ton, D.C. as one of two nahomeowners – in collabora- tional winners of the VSA tion with Hennepin County Young Soloists Competition. Taxpayer Services and the The search for 2011 Young Hennepin County Library. Soloists is underway. Any perWorkshops are 6:30 p.m. Thu, former with a disability age 25 Nov. 18 at Hennepin County or under is eligible. ApplicaLibrary – Eden Prairie, 565 tions due Dec. 3. Top scorers Prairie Center Drive and 6:30 at the state level advance to p.m. Tue, Nov. 30 at Hennepin national competition. FFI: County Library – Washburn, VSA Minnesota, 612-3325244 Lyndale Ave. S. Mpls. 3888 or FFI: Ed Nelson, Minnesota new.html#soloists Home Ownership Center, 651659-9336 PACER offers services PACER Center offers useOpportunity ful free workshops for families of children with disabiliBe more accessible ties. Register in advance for More than $220,000 will be workshops. All workshops are available to arts organizations at PACER Center, 8161 Norin the seven-county metro area mandale Blvd., Bloomington, to make facilities or programs unless specified. Upcoming more accessible to people with workshops include: disabilities. VSA Minnesota Everything You Need to administers this grant oppor- Learn Before Your Child

Turns 3, is 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Mon, Nov. 15. Advance registration is requested. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states to provide certain services to eligible children with disabilities. Learn about these services. Special Time with an Advocate, an opportunity for parents to meet face to face with a PACER Center advocate, is 2:45-7:30 p.m. Tues, Nov. 16 at Robbinsdale Armstrong High School, 10635 36th Ave. N, Plymouth. Advanced registration is rrequested. Parents can use this time to ask a PACER advocate any questions related to special education and to discuss their child’s learning. Advocates who speak English and Spanish will be available at this event. FFI: PACER at 952-838-9000 or 800-537-2237 (toll free), or visit the PACER website at

Support groups, meetings Mental illness The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Minnesota (NAMI-MN) sponsors free support groups for families who have a relative with a mental illness. NAMI has 23 family support groups, over 20 support groups for people living with a mental illness, 2 anxiety support groups, and Vet Connection groups for returning soldiers. Led by trained facilitators who also have a family member with mental illness, the support groups help families develop better coping skills and find strength through sharing their experiences. A family support group meets in the St. Paul area at 6:30 p.m., on the second and fourth Wed. FFI: Anne Mae, 651-730-8434. A NAMI Connection peer support group for adults recovering from mental illness meets bi-weekly in Events - cont. on p. 14

November 10, 2010


Radio Talking Book • November 2010 Congratulations to Mankato Ten years ago, volunteers in Mankato began the local reading of the Mankato Free Press. Nov. 1, 2000, volunteers went on the air at the studios of KMSU on the campus of Mankato State University (now Minnesota State University, Mankato). Listeners should extend many thanks to the 84 volunteers there, past and present, who have made this possible.

Books Available Through Faribault

Bookworm • Monday – Friday 11 a.m. The Tale of Halcyon Crane, Fiction by Wendy Webb, 2010. Hallie James’s father always told her that her mother had died long ago. But it turns out her mother was alive until recently. What really happened to her family 30 years ago? Read by Mary Hall. Eight broadcasts. Begins Nov. 29. The Writer’s Voce • Monday – Friday 2 p.m. You Can’t Do That! Nonfiction by Carl Masters and Marv Davidov, 2009. For decades, Davidov has worked on peace and justice issues from Mississippi to Minnesota, from protesting racism to organizing against a powerful arms manufacturer. Read by June Prange. 12 broadcasts. Begins Nov. 22.

Books broadcast on the Minnesota Radio Talking Book Network are available through the Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library in Faribault. Call 1-800-722-0550 between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The catalog is also online and can be accessed by going to the main website, Choice Reading • Monday – Friday 4 p.m. and then clicking on the link. Persons living outside of Minnesota may obtain copies of Unfinished Desires, Fiction by Gail Godwin, 2010. At Mount books by contacting their home state’s Network Library for the St. Gabriel’s girls’ school, Tildy Stratton befriends newcomer and recently orphaned Chloe Starnes. It fills a void for both but National Library Service. also sets in motion a profound change of events. L—Read by Listen to the Minnesota Radio Talking Book, either live or Judy Woodward. 16 broadcasts. Begins Nov. 23. archived programs from the last week, on the Internet at PM Report • Monday – Friday 8 p.m. Call the staff for a password to the site. Freefall, Nonfiction by Joseph E. Stiglitz, 2010. The Great See interesting information about current RTB events on the Recession has had more impact than any crisis since the Great Facebook site for the Minnesota Radio Talking Book Network. Depression. Government policy and personal and corporate Facebook is a free social networking website. Register for behavior created the current financial meltdown. Read by William Stout. 15 broadcasts. Begins Nov. 30. Facebook at

Potpourri • Monday – Friday 11 p.m. Country Driving, Nonfiction by Peter Hessler, 2010. China once built walls against foreigners but is now building roads and factory towns that look to the outside world. Read by John Schmidt. 17 broadcasts. Begins Nov. 18. Good Night Owl • Monday – Friday midnight Sometimes we’re always real same-same, Fiction by Mattox Roesch, 2009. Cesar is in Alaska because his Eskimo mother has moved home but he’s convinced he’ll go back to L.A. L— Read by Peter Danbury. 10 broadcasts. Begins Nov. 22. After Midnight • Tuesday – Saturday 1 a.m. The Girl with Glass Feet, Fiction by Ali Shaw, 2010. Ida Maclaird is turning to glass. She has returned to where this started to happen to search for a cure. Read by Jenny O’Brien. Nine broadcasts. Begins Nov. 24. Abbreviations: V—violence, L—offensive language, S—sexual situations

Night Journey • Monday – Friday 9 p.m. Access Press is one of the publications featured at 9 p.m. Deadly Stillwater, Fiction by Roger Stelljes, 2009. When Sundays on It Makes a Difference. Shannon Hisle is kidnapped, it is just the beginning in a case of betrayal and revenge sixteen years in the making that will strike Past is Prologue • Monday – Friday 9 a.m. America’s Girl, Nonfiction by Tim Dahlberg, 2009. In 1926, at the heart and soul of the St. Paul Police Department. L— American Gertrude Ederle became the first woman to swim the Read by Joe Sadowski. 11 broadcasts. Begins Nov. 22. English Channel, breaking the men’s record. Read by Janice Off the Shelf • Monday – Friday 10 p.m. Anderson. 10 broadcasts. Begins Nov. 15. Black Hills, Fiction by Dan Simmons, 2010. When Paha Sapa As If an Enemy’s Country, Nonfiction by Richard Archer, lays his hands on a dying General Custer, he believes Custer’s 2010. When British troops occupied Boston, it gave colonists ghost enters his body. From then on, he sees into the memories a sense of identity separate from their mother country. Read by and futures of others. L,S—Read by Don Lee. 21 broadcasts. Begins Nov. 22. Terri Horsmann. 11 broadcasts. Begins Nov. 29.

Accessible Movies

Enjoy a movie tonight!

Theatre 6: at the Lakes Cinema offers Rear Window Captioning and DVS when available.



Call: 651-644-2133 TOD AY! TODA

dif fer enc e!

Marcus Lakes Cinema: 4351 Stebner Rd., Hermantown, and Marcus Duluth Theatre, 300 Harbor Drive, Duluth 55811 (located in Canal Park, validated parking in DECC lots and ramp); Phone: Movie Line 218-729-0335; Emergency Line 218-729-0334; Fax 218729-0334; www.marcus


AMC Rosedale 14 Theatres: 850 Rosedale Center, Roseville 55113 (Rosedale Center, Hwy 36 & Snelling Ave.), Accessible films in Auditorium 14. Phone: 651-6049347. E-mail: 0651@amc Web: www.amc AMC Block E 15: 600 Henne- pin Ave., third floor, Mpls. 55403; Accessible films in Oakdale Ultrascreen CinAuditoriums 2 & 12. (NOTE: emas (Marcus Theatres): 5677 DVS patrons: If your show is Hadley Ave. N., Oakdale in Theatre 2, request headset 55128 (I-694 & Hwy 36 next with Letter C. If your show is to Fleet Farm); Phone: 651in Theatre 12, request headset 770-4994; Rental & Meeting with Letter G.) Enter parking info: 651-779-3795. This cinramp on 7th St. next to the Hard ema uses DTS® (Digital TheRock Café. Phone: 612-338- atre Systems, Inc.) to superim1466, E-mail: TBA. Web: pose open-captions over the bottom of select movies. Subwelcome or www.fandango. scribe to an Open Caption com/amcblocke15_aaups/ weekly e-mailer at Web: theaterpage Scroll down lower right-hand column every Fri. opencaption.cfm or www.mar morning to see what two films will have rear view captioning theater_id=2506. or DVS that week at Block E. Regal Brooklyn Center 20: AMC Eden Prairie Mall 18 6420 Camden Ave North, Theatres: 8251 Flying Cloud Mpls., MN 55401. Able to Drive Suite 4000, Eden Prai- present films with open

Become an

captioning or descriptive video. Phone: 763-560-6300. Web:

ma ke

rie 55344 (Eden Prairie Shopping Center, Hwy 212 & 494), Park in upper level lot between Sears & Kohl’s. Accessible films in Auditorium 7. Phone: 952-656-0010; movie listings: 888-262-4386 (1-888-AMC4FUN); E-mail: 0650@amc Web: www.amc


Science Museum of Minnesota Omnitheater: Nov. 5 to Feb. 17, 2011: The new Omnitheater film Hubble, narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, takes you on a tour of the universe through 20 years of astounding images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope, including difficult spacewalks 350 miles above the Earth. The 45-minute film shows with Audio Description and Rear View Captioning (CC). www. Tickets are $8 adults, $7 senior/child, additional cost to tour museum; members free. Online ordering add $3 service fee. Other films shown at the Omnitheater may offer CC: Closed Rear View Captioning;

AD: Audio Description; or Spanish translation. To request accommodations for exhibits, call at least 72 hours in advance: 651-221-9406. Open Mon.-Wed. 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Thurs.-Sat. 9:30 a.m.-9 p.m., Sun. 12 -5 p.m. Contact info: 120 Kellogg Blvd. W., St. Paul 55102, Phone: 651-221-9444, option 2 for film times, reservations or questions; TTY 651221-4585; E-mail: info@smm. org; Web: Accessibility: www.; Hours & Showtimes: hours; Tix: tickets.


The following movie complexes in Minnesota offer a variety of captioning or description services. The website www.caption lists cinemas with access (AD/CC) features. Put in your zip code and the site will give current listings of nearby movies with open or closed captioning, an audio description track, or English subtitles in foreign films. MoPix-equipped Rear Window Captioned Films are listed at Web: /mopix/nowshowing.html#mn. Contact the theatres below for show times of their accessible films.


November 10, 2010


Cont. from p. 6

juggling them with his other duties as an arson investigator. Another investigator also helped out as she worked on unrelated cases. “They’re very time-consuming and long,” Wortman said. “When that’s your sole responsibility, it’s a lot easier.” [Source: Star Tribune]

Health care initiative approved The Hennepin County Board has set its strategy to oversee integration of federal and state health care reform, voting Oct. 19 to approve a resolution endorsing the Hennepin County Health Care Reform and Integration Initiative. This is Hennepin County’s response to the need to integrate provisions of the new federal comprehensive health care reform act (the Patient Protection Act), as well as recent changes in Minnesota law covering a wide range of provisions related to health care homes, payment reform, public health and health care access. Hennepin County owns and operates a public hospital, Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC) and primary care, community and mental health clinics. The county also oversees a health plan (Metropolitan Health Plan or MHP). So not surprisingly, the county’s response to integration of federal and state health care reform is complex. The Health Care Reform and Integration Initiative will develop a coordinated plan to respond to both federal and state changes and provide the opportunity to develop new models of care that improve health outcomes and reduce health care costs. The county will continue to support HCMC, NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center, and other community entities that are critical safety-net health-care providers for county residents; particularly those who are poor, and vulnerable, including disabled children, seniors and people with mental illness. The initiative will be overseen by a steering committee consisting of representatives from the County Board, Hennepin Healthcare System Inc., Hennepin Faculty Associates, HCMC,


Cont. from p. 1

Another proposed change would prohibit PCA agencies from attempting to restrict PCAs’ employment for with other PCA agencies. The group also wants to see a technical correction made to clarify language mistakenly left in law during 2010 changes to allow phone supervision of PCA staff. Also, state law changes would remove the spend-down payment collection duties from PCA agencies. In the area of children’s issues, anti-bullying advocates had hoped to have legislation


the Human Services and Public Health Department, MHP, and Families of victims speak out NorthPoint. The board appointed commissioners Opat, Family members of residents abused at an Albert Lea nursing McLaughlin and Stenglein to serve on the committee. home got to speak in court Oct. 23, as one of the perpetrators was [Source: Hennepin County] sentenced. The sentencing is the second-to-the-last in the case which centered on the behavior of teenage workers at Good Mistrial declared in fatal hit-and-run Samaritan Society of Albert Lea. Five family members spoke in Family and friends of a woman who is deaf from Apple Freeborn County District Court before Brianna Marie Broitzman Valley, who was struck and fatally injured by a hit-and-run was sentenced. Broitzman, 21, will spend 180 days in jail. driver, last year, will have to go through another trial. A mistrial Freeborn County District Court Judge Steve Schwab rewas declared Oct. 14 in the case of Joan LeVasseur. LeVasseur ceived 11 statements. In victim impact statements, the family died a week after she was struck in March 2009 while crossing members told the court how their relatives went from being Cedar Avenue S. in Apple Valley. loving and caring people affected by dementia to people who LeVasseur’s parents were frustrated and angry after learning were tense, agitated and even combative. One woman dethat the jury had deadlocked. On Oct. 13, jurors told Dakota scribed how a family member would become combative when County Judge David Knutson they were at a stalemate in returned to the home from outside appointments. Another considering the charges against Eric James Hunter, 41, of victim, who had spent years as a Freeborn County public health Rosemount. Two of the 12 jurors were unable to reach a guilty nurse, was “tormented and tortured” at the nursing home. verdict after three days’ deliberation. That was followed by Broitzman was convicted of three counts of disorderly conanother juror asking to be excused from further deliberations as duct by a caregiver—all gross misdemeanors—for her abuse as he had tickets for a sporting event. a nursing aide at the nursing home from January through May “I am so frustrated that I can’t even think,” said LeVasseur’s 2008. She is one of six young women who were believed to mother, Patty Boever of Farmington. have taken part in the abuse. Four others were prosecuted as LeVasseur was 26 when she died. The Apple Valley resident juveniles. Jan Reshetar, who was speaking on behalf of the Families was crossing Cedar Avenue at 153rd Street when she was hit by a vehicle that left the scene. Hunter was charged several months Against Nursing Home Abuse advocacy group, and whose later with two felony counts of leaving the scene of a fatal mother-in-law was also one of the abused, talked about how the accident and also of driving after his license was suspended. families have come together to help enforce and change laws “We are disappointed that the jury was unable to reach a regarding the abuse of vulnerable adults. “The lives of the decision in this matter,” Dakota County Attorney James families of the victims will never be the same,” Reshetar said. The final sentencing in the case will be at year’s end. Backstrom said. “This was an extremely serious incident that involved the death of a young woman, and we have every Broitzman’s co-defendant Ashton Larson, who has pleaded guilty to the same charges, is to be sentenced Dec. 22. Larson intention of retrying the case as soon as possible.” entered her guilty plea last month. ■ [Source: Star Tribune] [Source: Albert Lea Tribune]

passed during the fall special session to deal with flood relief. Because that didn’t happen, efforts are gearing up to get the legislation passed this session. Pawlenty vetoed a past anti-bullying bill. The Safe Schools for All coalition, a larger statewide group, will lead the effort to pass this legislation. The pending bill will more clearly describe specific groups against which bullying is prohibited, including students with disabilities. Transitions services is another focus, for both the MNCCD employment and child-

ren’s issues work groups. Advocates want the Minnesota Department of Education to indentify gaps in existing data on the effectiveness of transition services. More specifically, MN-CCD will use the Community Counts report to measure what percentage of students in special education have a transition plan written by grade nine. The work group strongly supports the position that 100% of students in special education have a transition plan written by that time, as well as other possible indicators such as what students in

special education have planned for their next step upon graduation. This could then be compared to their actual situation multiple years after graduation. The 2009 changes to PCA services are also a focus for this work group, as the changes may impact families accessing PCA services for children with mental health issues. In some cases these PCA services serve as a main support for keeping children in their homes and communities. As part of the PCA legislation adopted in 2009, a group of stakehold-

ers is charged with developing alternative services that could be accessed by the adults and children who lose access to PCA services as a result of the legislative changes. MN-CCD will monitor the work of the PCA Alternatives Stakeholder group to ensure the interests of children with disabilities are represented. Through a partnership with the Autism Advocacy and the Disability Law Center, MNCCD will work to pass legislation brought forth during the 2010 session. This would require private health insurance

plans to cover specific autism treatment models. Protection of special education funding and training, children’s mental health grants and maintenance therapies is likely to be a key issue as funding for each of these vital services has been seriously threatened in recent legislative sessions. Given the budget deficit the legislature is likely to face during the 2011 session, MNCCD will work hard to protect the funding for these services by educating legislators about the role of these services in Minnesota’s families. ■

support groups for persons with anxiety disorders. The groups help individuals develop better coping skills and find strength through sharing their experiences. An Open Anxiety support group Door Anxiety and Panic supThe National Alliance on Men- port group meets in St. Paul at tal Illness of Minnesota 6:30 p.m., first and third Thu, (NAMI-MN) sponsors free at Gloria Dei Church, 700

Snelling Ave. S. St. Paul. FFI: NAMI, 651-645-2948, www.


Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) sponsored by Volunteers of America of Minnesota. RSVP/Volunteers of America of Minnesota and AARP Foundation need volunteers with good budgeting and organizational skills to help manage finances of older or disabled lowincome individuals. Have a few hours a month to volunteer? Money Management Program staff will train and match you with someone in the community. FFI: Money Management Program Coordinator, 612617-7821

Cont. from p. 12

Roseville. Trained facilitators who are also in recovery lead NAMI Connection groups. The group meets 6:30 p.m. 2nd and 4th Wed at Centennial Methodist Church, 1524 Co. Rd. C-2 W., Roseville. FFI: Will, 651-578-3364, A family support group

meets in St. Paul at 6:30 p.m., on the fourth Tuesday of the month, at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, 285 North Dale St. FFI: Hilary, 651-222-4323.

Diamond Hill Townhomes We are currently accepting applications for our waiting list at Diamond Hill Townhomes, a great property located near the Minneapolis International Airport. We have two and three bedroom townhomes that are HUD subsidized and rent is 30% of the total household's adjusted gross income. We have a large number of mobility impaired accessible units and we are scheduling appointments for persons in need of a mobility impaired accessible unit immediately. To schedule an appointment please call (612) 726-9341.

UCare meetings UCare hosts informational meetings about its UCare for Seniors Medicare Advantage plan. Meetings are held all over the region. UCare for Seniors has more than 75,000 members across Minnesota and western Wisconsin. UCare (is an independent, nonprofit health plan providing health care and administrative services to more than 185,000 members. UCare serves Medicare-eligible individuals throughout Minnesota and in western Wisconsin; individuals and families enrolled in income-based Minnesota Health Care Programs, such as MinnesotaCare and Prepaid Medical Assistance Program; adults with disabilities and Medicare beneficiaries with chronic health conditions. And Minnesotans dually eligible for Medical Assistance and Medicare FFI: 1-877-523-1518 (toll free),

Tutor a Child, Change a Future Volunteers are needed to tutor elementary students in the St. Paul Public schools in reading and math. Under the guidance of a classroom teacher, volunteers assist students one-on-one or in small groups determined by classroom need. By contributing as little as two hours per week, you can give a struggling student the extra attention needed to help them succeed. Volunteers age 55 and older are eligible to receive free supplemental insurance, mileage reimbursement and other benefits through the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) sponsored by Volunteers of America of Minnesota. FFI: Connie at 612-617-7807 or email cerick Volunteer with RSVP Volunteers age 55 and older are eligible to receive free supplemental insurance, mileage reimbursement and other benefits through the Retired and

Be a literacy volunteer Enthusiastic individuals needed to make a lasting difference in the life of an adult learner. Help someone in your community learn English, prepare for the GED or increase their basic math, reading and computer skills. Ongoing training and support is provided through the Minnesota Literacy Council. FFI: Allison Runchey, 651-645-2277, ext 219,, ■

November 10, 2010


zation can let the city know how appreciative we are for their attention to the safety of pedestrians like myself!” Dickelman said she has used APS in other cities and was pleased to see the devices recently installed in St. Paul. “We’d definitely like to honor more cities as well as private businesses for their efforts in serving our community,” said Dickelman. She believes there will be more demand for the devices. “As our population ages, one in four people will experience some kind of vision loss,” Dickelman said. “This APS technology is definitely something more and more people will need.” White Cane Safety Day is a national observance in the United States, celebrated on Janet Dickelman, her guide dog and her husband Terry Oct. 15 of each year since cross Cleveland Avenue. 1964. Then-President Lyndon Photo by Jane McClure B. Johnson signed the bill that


Cont. from p. 1

Cont. from p. 11

Pippi Longstocking Dec. 10-19 Fargo-Moorhead Community Theatre, 333 Fourth St. S., Fargo. AD: Fri., Dec. 10, 7:30 p.m. Tix: Reduced to $8 (reg. $20, senior/student $14, child $8); Phone: 701-235-6778. Web: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever! Dec. 3-23 SteppingStone Theatre, 55 Victoria St. N., St. Paul. AD: Fri., Dec. 10, 7 p.m. ASL: Sun., Dec. 12, 2 p.m. Tix: Reduced to $8 (reg. $14; youth/ senior 55+ $10; group 20+ $7); Phone: 651-225-9265; Email: info@steppingstone; Web: www.step . On Our Own: A NEO Family Holiday Cabaret Dec. 3-19 Bloomington Theatre and Art Center, Black Box Theater, 1800 W. Old Shakopee Rd. AD: Fri., Dec. 10, 7:30 p.m. ASL: Sun., Dec. 12, 2 p.m. Tix: Reduced to $11 (reg. $1618); Phone: 952-563-8575. Web: www.bloomingtoncivict La Befana Dec. 3-30 In the Heart of the Beast Puppet & Mask Theatre, 1500 E. Lake St., Mpls. ASL: Sat., Dec. 11, 3 p.m. Tix: Reduced to $15 for ASL patron and one companion (reg. $22; child/ student, senior or group of 10: $15); Phone: 612-721-2535, E-mail:; Web: Born Yesterday Nov. 19 - Dec. 12 Theatre in the Round, 245 Cedar Ave., Mpls. AD: Sun., Dec. 12, 2 p.m. Tactile tour at 1 on request. Tix: $20, senior $18, student with ID $10 (Sun. prices); Phone: 612-3333010. Web: www.theatreinthe

A Christmas Story Nov. 16 - Dec. 31 Children’s Theatre Co., 2400 Third Ave. S., Mpls. ASL, AD: Fri., Dec. 17, 7:30 p.m. Tix: Ask about special price rates for ASL/AD patrons (reg. $2044); Phone: 612-874-0400; Email: tickets@childrens; Web: www.child Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Dec. 7 – Jan. 2 Ordway Center for the Performing Arts, 345 Washington, St. Paul. Captioning: Fri., Dec. 17, 7:30 p.m. AD & ASL: Sat., Dec. 18, 2 p.m. Tix: $27 (standing room), $30 partial view, up to $80; if using ASL or Captioning, request seating in that area; Phone: 651-224-4222, TTY 651-282-3100; Web: 2 Pianos / 4 Hands Dec. 7 – Jan. 2 Park Square Theatre, 408 Saint Peter St., St. Paul. AD, ASL: Sat., Dec. 18, 7:30 p.m. Tix: Reduced to half-price ($1850); Phone: 651-291-7005; Web: Billy Elliot: The Musical Dec. 16 - Jan. 9 Orpheum Theatre, 910 Hennepin Ave. S., Mpls. ASL: Sun., Dec. 19, 1 p.m. AD & Captioning: Sun., Dec. 19, 6:30 p.m. Tix: $33-133.50; Email: accessible@broadway; Phone: 612-339-7007 or 612-3735639; hotline 612-373-5650; Web: www.hennepintheatre A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court Dec. 10-19 Lakeshore Players Theatre, 4820 Stewart Ave., White Bear Lake. ASL: Sun., Dec. 19, 2 p.m. Tix: Reduced to $6 (reg. $10-12); Phone: 651-4295674; E-mail: tickets@lake; Web: ■

created the special day. The date is set aside to celebrate the achievements of people who are blind or visually impaired and the important symbol of blindness and tool of independence, the white cane. Inspired by National White Cane Day, the award is the first in what will become an annual event, recognizing public agencies and businesses for their work in enhancing the lives of those blind, deaf/blind, or visually impaired. ACBM is a non-profit membership organization of persons who are blind, deaf/blind, or visually impaired, which promotes equal access, equal opportunity, full participation and independent living and economic self-sufficiency for its members. ACBM is an affiliate of its parent organization, the American Council of the Blind, a national non-profit. ■

INSPIRATION a world-changing masterpiece called the “Raft of the Medusa,” based on an actual shipwreck, showing a handful of suffering castaways that survived out of 150 people left adrift on a raft after their ship sank. During that time, Gericault abandoned his fiancé, who was also pregnant. He starved himself, cut his hair, wore his clothes to rags, and cut himself off from all friends for the two years it took to paint the picture. He locked himself inside his studio, and surrounded only by the rotting cadavers and severed heads and limbs he studied for the painting. I don’t think he did this for artistic accuracy. I think he did it to punish himself, to try to duplicate the experience of horror, to almost become one of the maddened survivors of that catastrophe. He painted the experience almost as a witness. He finished the painting and then killed himself. He was 32. Think about all the rock stars and movie stars on heroin, alcohol or any number of selfdestructive things. Take away their struggle and suffering, and give them money, fame, make it easy for them, have people telling them they whatever they do or say or create is wonderful and brilliant. Then they’re lost. Sometimes it’s not selfdestruction it’s the tools artists use: paint, cadmium red, titanium white. Did you know that in art school you are still taught to be careful? Some oil paints are loaded with lead, copper or iron oxide. The poison risk is made worse because many artists twist their brushes between their lips to get finer points. Art schools still warn about all those artists that went insane, Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec. So many suffered so much nerve damage that many of them ended their careers and lives painting with brushes tied to numb, lifeless hands.

Cont. from p. 3

Francisco Goya contracted lead poisoning from the paints he scooped onto the canvas with his fingers, not a brush. Deafness, depression, insanity and brilliance resulted. Beethoven’s deafness and depression may have stemmed from syphilis. And then he composed his famous Ninth Symphony, “Ode To Joy.” I always cry when I remember that on the event of the first performance, Beethoven couldn’t conduct with his deafness, and when it was over he just sat there while the entire theater exploded in ovation. A friend had to help him to his feet and turn him around so he could see the standing ovation. The first speech I did after losing my eyesight, Melanie had to stop me from fumbling and leaving the podium, and turn me to face the audience so that I could HEAR the ovation even if I couldn’t see it. The trouble is, a school, a teacher can teach you technique and craft which are essential. But inspiration cannot be taught. You can’t buy talent. You can’t reason your way to a masterpiece or an epiphany. There is no road map to enlightenment. Maybe inspiration needs disease, injury, and madness. According to Thomas Mann: “Great artists are great invalids.” May be for an artist, chronic pain and illness is a gift. Maybe Kurt Cobain, without his drugs, misery, depression and suicide, wouldn’t have created “Nirvana,” one of the greatest rock bands of the 1990’s, but just would have stayed a skinny, pimpled slob from Seattle. All these mystics, and all these great artists through time all over the world, found their way to enlightenment by physical suffering. As the Irish say: those in power write the history and those who suffer write the songs. ■


Employment Employment ads are $22-$25 per col. inch. Nov. 30 is the deadline for the December 10 issue. Mail to: Access Press, 1821 University Ave. #104S, St. Paul, MN 55104 FAX 651-644-2136 • Email: Virtual Construction Modeler PCL Construction Services, Inc. is seeking a virtual construction modeler to work from our district office in Burnsville, MN. Entry level – 3 years experience. Position details & application can be found online at Job ID # 2030 No phone calls or walk-ins please. PCL is an Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F/D/


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ments. Section 8 subsidized. Convenient St. Louis Park location. Call 952-935-9125 for information. Equal Opportunity Housing. Seward Square Apartments: We are currently accepting applications for our waiting list for barrier-free housing, in Minneapolis, that is federally subsidized. For an application, please call 612-338-2680. Equal Opportunity Housing.

Lewis Park Apartments: Barrier-free housing with wheelchair users in mind. Section 8 subsidized. One- and two-bedroom units. For more information on availability call Calvary Center Apts: 7650 651-488-9923. St. Paul, MN. Golden Valley Road, Golden Equal Opportunity Housing. Valley, MN. A Section 8 building now accepting applications Oak Park Village: We are for our waiting list. Call 9 am accepting applications for the to 4 pm, Mon – Fri 763-546waiting list for one-bedroom 4988 for an application. Equal wheelchair accessible apart- Opportunity Housing.

November 10, 2010


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