February 1998 Edition - Access Press

Page 1

L Activist

I Trail Access Page 6


Volume 9, Number 2




February 10, 1998


ring New Laws

9.?( 4 4

MSA standard nor the Medical Assistance standard allows individuals whoareel& erly orhavedisabiiitie

4 o w s w p' ]

DME is a critical factor in allowing : abity-cnit&&&kk c4n- - _ dition to remain independent a d productive.

introduced which will improve the lives of people with disabilities. ACCESSPRESSwill be reporting on legislationthat . In determining eligjtdliiy for effect people withdisabilities. certain DME co&mge, thc Listed below are two important bills which need your help TJB$@3LUnON: Raise the standardsof many health plar &ih Assistance income companiesare based on Mediif hey we gain%to pass.

Ruth Nun- Casa Colim Shooting Stars.

Twin Cities Host National Tournament

namentisbeingheld March2-

cent below the fedkral pov-

The failure toraise kincome .allow individualswho areeld-

PROBLEM: Many Health

Minnesota has a budget SUPplus of $1.3 billion with an

Enrollees are o b asked to provide a list df what DME

forecast. The Medical Assistance income standard for

This leads to arbitrary deci-

take a look into ias ppst.

SOLUTION: Enrollees have the nation. Minnesota's own, Rolling Timberwolves, will be one of

time only men were playing, as was thecase in most sports,

covered by their health plan. HF2814&SF213Owouldrequire disclosure of benefits

sociation. .

changing benefits during a Minnesota's women's team

can history. In 1948there were

legjate level, began to ta

PROBLEM: Many Health


.DIME or use out-dated defini~hfi. ---&

~n p. 3



d (a



Access L ress

February lo, 1998

**** held ac- March 2" through the 6" there tions. will be a National Womens WheelchairBasketball tournament held in the Twin Cities.

coxas Executive Director. (see page 10) This has caused a controversy amongst the disability community. At this time, there are too many ru-

on anum- letes from across the nation. nizations. This opportunity only hap-

nouncement. We have printed a few letters to the editor in


The lead article this month explains two issues which are beingdiscussedat the legislature as the paper goes to press. The first deals with


the disabled and elderly who ke are on Retirement, Survivor is

announce that Justin Dart powermentofpeoplewithand you. I will fight at your side has been awarded the Presi- without disabilities. This until the last breath. dential Medal ofFreedom -the Medal belongs to each one of nation's highestcivilian honor In accepting the award, Justin

"President Clinton has announced that he will give me the Medal of Freedom. I accept this honor not for myself, but as a symbollc representative of the fundamental



n Thursday, January 29, 1998,CourageCenterof Golden Valley unveiled their new logo which was designed to more accurately reflect Courage programs and the

AS part

society's view of disability ties become possiblllties." twenty-four year sago. Atthat Rather than focus on disabilitime,societyrequ~redindividu- tles, Courage Center's new als to "overcome" their dis- logo and tagllne focuses abilities. Since then, society equally on abilities, possibillhas accepted some responsi- ties, and disabilities. That

of the organization's potential. The focus of Cour- together in acommunity based

process, Courage 2000, Cour- ways been on supporting ~ndiage Center conducted exten- viduals as they learn to make Since 1928, Couragecenter sive research on its image themost oftheir abilities while has provided comprehensive

by Justin Dart serlous eplsode of heart tory rat in a cage. fallure. The good doctors and

opportunities for people with The new logo, designed by ThinkDesign Group ofMinneapolis, consists of the word Originally adopted in 1974, "courage" in lower case letters

Of Conscience

throughout Minnesota so that they can live more independent lives. Each year,Courage Centerservesmore than 20,000 people through more than 70 Courage Center programs that

cardiology care they pretty for 11fein my home. well exhausted the resources

These are world class profes- commandofmy life. Herelam withoutdisabil~t~es to becaged

are significantly hostile to people with disabilities. I felt


- cont. on p. 3


.................................................................... .............................................................................. ....................................................................................................................... ............................................................................ ..................................................................................................

Co-FounderlPublisher (1990-1995) Wm. A. Smith, Jr. EditorlPublisher/Co-Founder Charles F. Smith Cartoonist Scott Adams Production Presentation Images, Ellen Houghton Editorial Assistant Cindy Bordeaux ACCESS PRESS IS a monthly tablold newspaper published for persons with disabilities by Access Prcss. Ltd. Circulation is 10,000,distributed the 1O"'of each month through more than 130 locations statcwlde. Approximately 650 coples are mailed directly to political, business, institutional and civic leaders. Subscriptions are available for $15/yr.

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Editorial submissions and news releases on topics of Interest to persons w~thdisabilities, or persons scrvlng those with d~sabilities,are welcomed.


Pald advcrtls~ngIs available at rates ranging from $14 to $18/column inch, depending on size and lrcqucncy. Classified ads are $8.00, plus 35 cents/word over 20 words. Advcrtlsrng and cd~tor~al deadlines are the 30th of the month preceding publication; special scheduling available lor camcra-rcady art. Acccss Press 1s available on lapc. Call M N State Services for the Blind, 642-0500 or 800-652-9000. . Inqu~r~cs should bc d~rcctcdto: ACCESS PRESS 1821 University Ave. W. Suite 185N St. Paul, M~nncwta55 114 16 12) 644-2 133 Fax (612) 644-2 136

mation on state and federal formation you are provlded legislative disability issues. and send to:majordomo@ mail. state.mn.us to confirm In ordertosubscribe to the list, you subscription request. create a new E-mail message addressed to:majordomo@ Forfurtherinformationorquestionscontact,Tom Brickat the State Council on Disability, mail.state.mn.us D~ not enter anything in [he 6 121296-3478V, 296-6785 V/ subject line. In the text box lTYor 1-80-945-891 3VIITY. enter:subscribemndisability FAX: 6 121296-5935or E-mail to: tom.brick@state.mn.us You receive a





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February 10, 1998


Access Press

IOn Mental Illness

Life Goes On

Aging Brings Tough Decisions l ~ h e Invisible Disability

I by David Markusen

by LeAnne Dahl


f you read this column with any regularity, you know that I have advocated and supported independent living for persons with disabilities. Yet, with each stage of aging Ipass through, I question the wisdom af how long one can fight for or dare to adhere to this philosophy. "If I go into a nursing home, I'll go there to die." I have heard this comment frequently over the years from several of my friends. We all share the common concern of wondering what's going to happen to us as we get older and less capable of caring for ourselves.


,. I


sible for as long as their health holds out. It allows one the freedom to come and go as they please, which often includesemploymentandsocializing.

Living with one's family can either be a wonderful answer or it can create animosity among familymembers. It also leads to a sense of dependence on the part of the person with a disability. In the long range view, this may not prove to be a beneficial arrangement for At the topof the list is workiiig anyone concerned. with nursing home administraWhile one may feel that going tors and their funders to think into Assisted Living quarters in terms of adding programs might appear to be one step that would allow people with closer to nursing home living, disabilities to feel comfortable it doesn'tseem that way to me. with their surroundings. The In fact, it would actually give next thing is to have discusme a sense of security. I think sion groups which will eventuitwouldeasemy mind to know ally lead to planning groups that medical help is close by. involving people from thedisThere would need to be many ability community and nursing arrangementsworked out as to home staff, includingadminisPCA%etc.,but itcould bedone. trators and social workers.

Ofcourse it's not easy toadmit this is happening to us, but when it does, there are at least four alternatives to choose rom: 1) In-home care which ncludes personal care attendants in an apaftment or your own home;2)Living withone's family; 3) Moving into an Assisted Living Program or 4) Years ago, nursinghmes were Moving into a nursing home. looked upon as the place old people go before they die. This lir Thefirst choice is the most is no longer true. There has popular since everyone wants been changes in the programs to be as indemndent-ma9'%os- and activities, de~endineon





trange as it may seem, I'm the individual and their needs. ashamed of looking Of course, I don't believe they're the answer for every- healthy. It may seem absurd, but I often seem to be penalone. ized for appearing "normal", I understand that what I'm Thecomment1frequently hear about to say will anger a lot of is "You don't look disabled." people, but I feel strongly about it. I believe that as people with First of all, I'm forced to wondisabilities, we should start a derwhatdisabled "looks" like. movement to make more nurs- I figure I'm missing the boat ing homes pursue more As- somehow because my disabilsistedLivingprograms. There ity has no outward appearance. are several issue that must be I have amental illness, I call it 'The Invisible Disability". addressed first.


Irealize this will takeanentirely new way of thinking for all concerned, but in the long run, it may prove to be a healthy move. I inviteyourcomments.

Contrary to the popular image, you won't see me or any of my peers wandering aimlessly down the street muttering to ourselves. I hate todisappoint anyone who holds onto preconceived notions, but I've never been violent, neverraved incoherently, and only drool when I'm about to eat my favorite food.

My disability is completely internal. The chemistry of my brain is out of order. You can't see it when you look at me, or hear it when I speak. For reasons beyond my comprehension, this gives me no advantage. Occasionallywhen I try to benefit from aprogram designed to assist people with any type of disability, I am asked why a person who appears as healthy as I is trying to take advantage of somethingthat is for people "less fortunate" than myself. I then have to provide documentation ofmy illness, which is received with a shrug and a dubious look. If I sit in at a meeting ofpeople with various disabilities, I get the quizzical look; thedistrustingstare. One person actually said once "Are you sure you're one of us?"

I spend my days concentratingnoton my disability, but on all the skills and abilities that I do possess. My emphasiswith my peers is to learn to overcome the limitations our illnesses may place upon us, so that we may live in the socalled normal^ world; a world that shuns us because we are "different." As we try to find acceptance there, it is a shame that even our peers among the people with disabilities find it difficult to accept us because we "aren't like they are." Let's forget about "Us" and "Them". Let's work together to achieve equal rights and opportunities for anyone regardless of what their disability may be. Just because you can't ,see it doesn't mean it isn't there.


Brian Rogers by Cindy Bordeaux

T c c e s s i b l e Arts Performanced llp1


He built his own energy effiua& cient and accessible home on 3115, Fri 8:OO: "Thunder Knockingon theDoor9' 27 acres. He documented the 2/15, Sun 2:W: "TheBlack Snowman" Guthrie Theater, Mpls construction and hopes to SteppingStoneTheatre, WeyerhaeuserAudimarket the manuscript in the torium,Landmark Center, St. Paul future. His love ofanimals and U27, Fri 7:30: 'The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes" 2/2 1, Sat 8:OO: "Avenue X" Great Amefican the environment is evidenced by his numerous animal feedChildren's Theatre, Mpls History Theatre, St. Paul ers for birds, wild turkeys, and ters in Wisconsin; Montana, and Colorado. His member316, Fri 8:O: "Avenue X" Great American 2/22, Sun 2:OO: "The Black Snowman" deer. ship spans numerous-wgani*3istoryTheatre, St. Paul Steppingstone Theatre, Landmark Center, Brian Rogers is a very strong z a t b n and councils throughWeyerhaeuser Auditorium, St. Paul voice about subjects of out the years. Brian stated, 318, Sun 2:00: "The Work of Water" Theater disabilitias, Americans with "people with disabilities spend in the Round, Mpls 2/27, Fri 7:30: 'The Won-0utDanein.gS h d 'Disabilities Act (ADA), and to much time backing down or Children's Theatre, Mpls the disability community. He compromising.If we were bethas seen andexperiencedmany ter consumers we wouldn't be changesin thecommunity over in this mess." Brian supports the years. The independent liv- agencies and organizations in ing movement which started which people with disabilities with Ed Roberts, in the late. are in positions of power. 60's, brought consumer con- According to Brian, that is at trol to the forefront. Brian has the root of the problems with Beginning this year Metro Mobility riders who wish to experience as Executive Direc- the disabjlity community totorofIndependentLivingCen- day. The tide in organizations obtain a standing order will be notified of standing order



j e -



Metro Mobility Standing Order Process



availability through theMetro Mobilitv News, the quarterly newsletter distributed to Metro Mobility riders and other interested persons.



3 '

~ e r f i r squarter t newsletter will be distributed later this month. The newsletter will publish the time periods that are available for standing orders and will also include a standing order request form. The upcoming issue of the Metro Mobility News will provide details about the standing order changes. .' UL


1 Please call 602-1111 if you do not currently receive the Metro Mobility News and would like to be on its mailing list.

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We provide Personal Care Assistants Home Health .Aides Homemakers Live-in Caregivers Nursing Our RehabilitativeServicesinclude: Physicall OccupationaVSpeech/Respiratory Therapies PCA Provider Organization




and independent living centers have gone back to nondisabled making decisions. "People with disabilities making decisions for people with disabilities, theend result, consumercontrol.Thenwe'd have leadership; it's time for a new model." When asked about the ADA, Brian stated, the public knows it's not enforced. "If it's not an issue of structural integrate most want inclusion." What's next for Brian? Brian was just elected President of the St. Croix Falls Disability Coalition of the five rural county area. He has his o,wn company called North Star Rehabilitation Cons.ulting, which does attitudinal and architectural workshops on disabilities and ADA. Brian also will have tosee where his issue of reasonable accommodations on the Gandy-Dancer trail leads. There is little doubt he will continue to work on disability issues especially relating to recreational issues (see page 6). Brian envisions the possibility of a Freedom Ride within the next year on state trails in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Hello Nicole: seems to come naturally for the unenlightenedmajority to treat us this way hence, "Jeny's KidsWmentality. Many disability activists see that the view of disabled-aschildlikeis basic fuel forprejudiceanddiscrimination since seeingus as childlike diminishes our equality, employability and sexuality.

ings acting assertively but calmly and without anger.

y friend is in his 40's and he disabled and lives at home ith his parents. How can he get his parents to treat him like an adult and not monitor his every move and choice? He can't move out because he's severely disabled and really needs their help butthey don't treat him like an adult at For these same reasons, decisionsareoftenm&eFORthose all ...he's at his wits end. ofus with disabilities, instead Sincerely, AFriend of allowing us the same freedam in decision able-bodied equals. This is especially m e when it comes Unfor~unate~ya~otofpeop~e, tomedicalcarewhen"helping evenwithoutdis&ilities, have pro~essiona~s~ are involved, trouble getting their parents but can be seen in many areas to see them as equal adults. of life even to a sales clerk

Chronic Illness Ministry: What One Faith Community Is

S0meexam~leswouldbesa~ing without any s a ~ a s m :"I undersfand why You feel You needto make this decision for by Cynthia Ryden me, Mom, Id0 appreciatethat You care about me*but I feel ust as singles are some 2 Saturday S e m i n a r s - I N ing proactive help. For exable to do this myself. Thank ample, we have volunteers a.m. toNoonThesepublic youforyourinput."Or,"You're times overlooked in a sea who provide one to one probablyright,Dad,thismight of families in a place of worsessions feature authors supervision for an autistic speaking on coping with ship, so are many of us with be amistake, but I'm going to make my own decision any- chronic conditions and illchronic illness/conditions. preschooler SO that hisparway."It takesalot to beable to nesses. Why is this and how PastspeakersincludeCheri entscan worship. Theparsay something like this IOV- does it happen'? Most of us Register, author of Living ents had notmade this need ingly rather than defensively, can cite various reasons and with Chronic Illness: Days known until wespecifically asked how we could help of Patience and Passion ittakesalotoftimeand thought have our private theories about about the other person in a why people with chronic illand Sefra Kobrin Pitzele, compassionatelight.However, nesses and disabilities are forauthor of We A re Not 5 . Heighten visibility and Alone: Learning to Live involvement Here we it is the only thing I know of gotten. But,moreimportantly, with Chronic Illness. educate our faith commuthat may possibly be able to what can be done about it? nity in topics such as identifying our gifts and talUpcoming presenters intectiveness of parenthood and As I pondered this question ents, disability etiquette, clude local conference the demeaning societal views last winter, I felt a strong urgsponsible for their children. and problem solving. At that his parents are stuck in. ing to start a Ministry for the speaker,Ted Bowman, auEven when their "children" With all ofthis in mind, along St. Anne's we have regular Chronically Ill tobetteraddress thor of the popular "Loss are 40 years old, parents can with the truth that you can't "Giftldentifieation" semiof DreamsA Special Kind Helping your friendgab comtheir needs both within our still feel responsible for their change anotherperson, I think nars and then enter these of Grief." Cathy Feste, church and in the wider comwelfare and think it is their itisgoingtobeprettydiff~cu~tpassion for his parents does du~tokeepaGod-likewa~ch~to change your friend's not mean that the way his par- munity. Ialsofelt it key togive i n ternationally known gifts into our database to be matched with needs. speaker and trainer, will adAdding adisability which re- parent'sviewofhim.However, ents are acting is good or cor- equal support to their friends dre5s "The Physician I-eCt, it iscrap thathe has to put and loved ones since they too quires the disabled person to I~in~youcanhelpyourfriend Within," which is also one 6. Increased public awarebephysical dependent on his/ cope with his dilemma by en- UP with as 10% as he feels he are often forgotten. ness Here we use various of her book titles. Cost for has "0 options buttolive with couraging him to gain a better her parents (as children are) is



sponsible parents more them withalighter heart.

of barman call7c10-5158.

one. Our facilitator, Janet Woodhull, president of the MN Gerontological

accessibility and provid- ofissaes and can Be reached at 740-5168. Y

pable, and not-as-good-asor can learn tp r q o n d to them St P a 4 MN5510.4

issues avd questions.

them, she can findnore infor- adjustment to this unique dismtion about the stages of ability. Thc Access Press of January The Brain Injury Association coma, medical professionals 10,1998,carried aletter in the of MN (1-800-669-6442) has with expertise in brain injury, Sincerely,

- inghelpless. Your response concerns and problems and to her began with the phrase, "...I feel totally inadequate to answer your quaicm." Permit me to guide you to a resource that "Lost Mother" and other familiesand survivorsof brain

help her find solutions. There are more than 35 support groups, educational programs and a resource library available to her.

working in the field, find in- nect wi&.~tmBrain Injury Avaluable todeal withjustthese sociation o f M i a w o h . From

is seeking 10 individuals with dkbilitiesl t ~ s e r ~ e a ~ p~e& a~ a .d t m e m t o f u p

to20hcnmha&MCILisoff.bringa stipend of $100.

PUB-LlCMOTICE This will sene as notice appficatims now being a c c q ~ a t 2 1O O B l O O m i ~ A ~ l i b. ~ f O T benefits all qualifiedWon 8qpliicmk EligibiBiy W o n s ~ c i a l / d d h m d i c a ~ ~adlor d d&3dcd -s phr8me*ing Section 8 and sehtion criteria requirements. Applicationsacceptedktween 9:00a.m.-4:00 p.m.

If YOU are interested amtad: 603-2001

(w)to request an application.

ccess Press

February lo, 1998





Activist Fights For Trail Access by Cindy Bordeaux






ight over the Minnesota .ble accommodations accord- this provides the accommoda- "Ism n d a danger to the

cornmodationshas brewed be- recreate. I'm embarrassed it's maneuverable on the rough Yellowstone are fully ,,tweenBrian Rogers and Wis- an issue." coasin state and Polk county.

( ~ e v i s eMetro d Mobility 1 Legislation heMinnesotaConsortium For Citizens With Disabilities' Transit Advocacy Sub-committeeis introducing


will cover cutrent tra@it op tions including Metro Mobility and some future options being considered such as rail.


terrain vehicle ( A m ) on the roadbed fromSt. CroixFallsto Trail commission chairman ~ t orulesforthe f individualto conduct a comprehensive as- TheTAB'smembership will be sessment of the transit needs comprised of 15membm. At

court. "He represents dis-

Trail. SOin this case he only days prior to UiaL &hereason represents himself" Johnson given Rogers was b e c a u ~the efficient manner and it will will be appointed by the Metmakerecommendationsregard- ropolitan Council's Transit ing accessible transit to the Access Advisory Committees

needs for metro area transit which are currently not being met by the Metropolitancouncil. It replaces the propoSa1

relating to all hiscontacts wi@ the Americans with DisabiliDNR,w k ~ d c m g n ~ p - ties AC~,which i r e s 0 - ial@@&w&g& iwo emmnts to provide access to &~&l&erdated January 3, rcerratianal an-as fordisabled. ftom Jean A. Rygiel, W. Central RegioylTrail Coordina- Officials contend that firmits torsms,"'lhefimld&ision, can be issued to the disabled however, remains with -ha a,).,,f9g~','law-po~Wered"electric counties w h o m ths ccyP/$$w_h&l~hf$rs.and golf carts on ..tive partnom that-$%&@ the statktrails, thereby, providing $1 with theF~sconsinDe- reasonable accomtmdktiairs g ? t k e n t of Natural Re- whiuhilapmkctingh* and sources." He" prepared to go solitudeaf hikers and bikers. tojailover&eisswofreas~ .&a& npt agree that A-



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The LifeP1ace A New Store In Mall Of Ameril-a

sota senior Federation. One member will be appointed by the Metropolitan Council and .one member by t k Commis-




heLifePkicecekbWedits conditionsor caregivingchal- TheLifePlace is located at 125 Nordstr0n-t. Check aut their grandoping laMovem- lenges along with unique gift West Market, near the west new web age at www.life entrance between Macy'sand place,co LWF 1997. The Li4ePlace items. l a u ~ e h e s a n e w min n provWtq unique products.atld services which help 'every BODY participate more actively in their health and wellbeing, and in their caring of others. Says store co-owner and nurse Michelle Wells, "Our vishn for The Lifeplace store is to celebrate our common human experience of illness a d ,reeov~ry,pain a d healing, giief and triumph by bring it into the mainstream of everyday life." The store features many products which help make lifeeasiafbr people dealing with specific health






HEATHER SAWYER, staff attorney at Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund. Her recent work has focused on fighting HIV and AlDS discrimination.

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ast month the StateCouncfl on Disabilities held their Legislative Roundtable. ACCESS Press reported the legislative agendas of several organizations who presented . at theRoundtable. The followin8 is a listing of the organiza, w i o n s w h i c h were not included in last months article. e






Vulnerable Adult Act We support strong protections for '- vulnerable adults in nursing homesandother long-term care settings. Review Leg. Task Force recommerrdations for disqualification procedures and whether there should be a standardized approach for all services to vulnerablepopulations. I

WPgibiityforNursing Homes and Home C a r e v e support the development of community services thatenablepeople to avoid unnecessary nursing home placement, accessto care in one's own community, adq u a t e clear notice whenever changes in public benefits are contemplated, and meaningful, assisted opportunities for clients to appeal changes in


support approaches that will emphasize a facility's quality trnck record as key to whether they should continue to operate. We support approachthat minimize resident relocation, that provide advocacy and assistance whenever relocation is necessary, and that limittheinvoluntaryrelocation of residents outside of their hornecommunities. Nursing Home Staffig We support efforts to ensure adequate public funds be appropriated for consistent staffing and that facilities be accountable for these expenditures.

MNC&h-& H . - d d H a Interpreter QA Bill Initiate legislation to give DHS rulemakingauthority toestablish quality assurance system for sign language and cued speech interpreters and transliterators.


Teacher Licensure Loophole Initiate legislation to close a loophole in thecurrent licensing law forteachersofdeaf and hard of hearing students concerning sign language pficiency requirements.

grams and also ensuring that Wlde-Inguir~ statewide need for a MN Employment Center for Deaf MN Guide to Universal AC- the State Board of teqching cess in the Outdoors We will require a specific number of H a d of Hearing People. workalong with theMNDept. classes in disability education Community h d c e s of Natural Resources in mak- in orderto maintain ateacher's Support People, Inc's initia- ing a comprehensive guide license. tive for an dditional$50,000 book of all Minnesota parks. for community based services Functional Behavior Assessment Pacer Center supports barforpeople whoarementally ill and deaf or h s d of hearing. Interagency Serv'ices P a c ~the elimination of the vague Center supports an improved definition of "functional beHaringAidsSupportany leg- system for coordinating the havioral assessment and the islative initiatives t~ mandate work of various agencies that typeof trainingrequired in orhealth insurance coverage for provide service for children der to guarantee the effectivehearing aids. with disabilities should be de- nessof theseIDEA97required . veloped a ~ implemented d by assessments. 1 6 i m m the state of Minnesota. Para-Professionals Toensure Health Care We will work towards improving coverage Special Education Services theeffective useoffundss,pent of durable medical equipment Work with the state todevelop on para-profe~sionals,Minne by private health plans. The a streamlined system to pro- sotashould developstandards MS Society along with other vide support and assistance to and require initial and on going organizations will support school districts in learninghow training for the position in the strengthening consumer pro- to access medical assistance delivery of special education t ~ t i o n sin health care along dollars for eligible students services. with the creation of a health receivingrelated services. S u p care consumer adwocacy of- part the funding of several pikdnrrclltiyf31.llgr fice. Continue to monitor any lot sitestosetup Interim Alterchanges that might impact the native E%ucarional Settings Pedestrian Safety BHI ACT M e d i d Assistance Demon- within schools. Support an supports thh bill which ins stration Pmjects. amendment to regarding the creases the allotted time alfunding of special education lowed at crosswalks. Transpoptation MS Society in improving the response to will workwithotherorgania- school district needs. Support Apdogy Bill ACT supports a tions to create a consumer theimprovementofMinnesota resolutionmakingapublicapolboard to encowage consumer educationsystemby requiring ogy to all persons with develinput intodecisions regarding institutionsof higher learning opmental disabilitieswho have



(DHS) Breaking The Law


by Charlie Smith, Editor



ast year legislators, advo cates and DHS tried to ?.. - . x . find ways to save money in the Personal Care Attendant (PcA) program. One area advocates felt there could be a large savings was in the annual assessment of hours. In the past, each person who qualified forthe PCAprogram had to have a yearly assessmerit of their hours to determine how many hours the person needed each day. Years ago this assessment was done by the nurse from the PCA provider agency at a cost of approximately$100.00perclient paid for by the State of Minnesota. Two years ago, DHS decided there was a conflict of interest forthe provider agencies to be doing the assessment since they were billing for the hours needed by the clients. DHS shifted the assessment duties to the county nurses and raised the amount the county nurses would get paid toapproximately$200.00, thus removing the conflict of interest by the provider agencies. sL'

As part of the 1997 Omnibus bill passed by the Minnesota Legislature a provision was made sa-that people on the PCA program who had stable conditions would not be re-

February 10, 1998

Access Press



Legislative Priorities




quired to have a full annual assasment every year. Once a person had a full assessment and their condition had not changed over the past year, the County nurse would only need to cantact the person to verify that there wasn't any change in their condition and that their hours were sufficient. Ifthis was thecase, thecounty nurse could then re-authorize the persons hours. The following language appeared in theomnibus bill: "To continue to receive personal care services when the recipient displays no signijicant change, the county public nurse has the option to review with thecommissioner, or the conlmissioner's designee, theserviceplanon record and receive authorization for up to an additional 12 months atatinieforup to threeyears. "

This provision in the bill was suppose to have taken effect January 1,1998. Withthisprovision the state of Minnesota would save a large amount of money due to the fact that the majority of people with disabilities on the PCA program have stableconditions. There i.s also a provision for people with stable conditions, after their first full assessment, but

when their condition changes or worsens and are in need of more hours, the person needs to-conhct their p(=A provider agency to inform them of a changeintheircondition. The agency would in turn contact the county nurses and arrange for another assessment. Where the problem has arisen is that DHS has not implemerited the new law. 1 contactedKarenGibson,Medical AssistancePriorAuthorimtion Homecare Policy Specialistof DHS, on why the department had not implemented the new law? She responded "Ithink the department had a p-ihkm with the language." Shethensaid she would askBobMeyer in theirofficeifhecouldclarify the question. As the paper goes to print I have not heard from Mr. Meyer. Savingmoney should bea high priority. ,With approximately 5,000 pebple with PCAs and a majority withstableconditions that could amount to nearly $1,000,000 in savings. I can understand that th'e people working in the policy side of the department are very busy, but with this kind of money they should have brought in out-side help to eet the directive out.

Developmental Disabilities EmjmmmentActA(Xisintraducing the Minnesota Developmental Disabilities EmpowermentActof 1998which promotes self advecacy training programs thnrughout the state.

m-h~ntn: Health Care Work towards increasing medical assistance income eligibility standard ($420/mo.)forpersonswhoare elderly or disabled. Monitor and support the work incentive waiver (Medicaidbuy-in). Demonstrrrtion Project Support rate setting and risk adjustment issues in the demonstration project for persons with disabilities in managed care. Work with other o+ganizations to maximizeMedicaid dollars before projeots begin, i.e. for childm-and adults' mental balthservices and DD waiverwaiting list. Other issues Work towards

maintaining choice in service coordination (case management). Support an increase in




tran&rfrornpulbkgu&ianship to appropriate privatk &-


E A F Inc is please to new CD ROM learning tools (MCpO) atltSt.T&~lTechnical announce the award of a to build reading. language, College. Two Ca"ROMs, $15,00Ograntfrom AT&TLo- and computer skills of deaf "Basic Computer Skills" and cal Business Council for the adults learners. "Teachers How T o Use The Internet, " more about tech- developed for deaf and hard of Deaf Adult Education Project. need to 1AT&T1sTeresaLynchstad, nologJ't~o!Newsoftwarehearing katmers at continuing "D E A F's project demon- allow pewhers tocreatelearn- education and postsecondary slratesan innovativeapproach ing tools whichrwill enhance education level, will be availinusingtechnolog~toim~ro~e the learning Process. We are able this spring. the lifelong Process for deaf excitedaboutthis~rojmt,"said adults which holds the poten- Marilyn Dodge, Adult Educa- Formoreinformationaboutthis tial for improving individuals' tion Manager. program, or other D EAFproeconomic status." grams, contact Michael ZeleD E A F has also nearly com- don at (6 12) 297-6704 TTY, Funding for the Deaf Adult pleted amultimediacurricu- 297-6766FAXorviaE-mailat Education Project will allow D lum project funded through deafinc@deafinc.org.. E A F to purchase and use the Midwest Center for multimediasoftwaretocreate Postsecondary Outreach A


o\jtm re



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February 10, 1998

BASKETBALL ball team in the United States and built their program from 1970-74 by playing ablebodied opponents. OnFebruary 24, 1974, the Ms. Kids played against the Southern Illinois University Squidettes inBrcountry'sfirst wheelchair basketball game between two organized women's teams.


Access Press cont. born p. I

Venezuela. The team took the silver at the 1992 paralympics in Barcelona, Spdn,andthe 1994WorldGojd cupChampionships in England. The women also captured the bronze medal at the 1996 Paralympics in Atlanta, Georgia.

Women's wheelchair basket"I don't think I realized the ball has seen slow, but steady importance of the game at the growth. There are approxitime, because there wasn't a 155 men's teams, but national tournament or much only ten official women's chance for international com- teams. RollingTimberwolves petition," said Susan Hagel, a player/coach Debra Sundermember of the Ms. Kids team man said there are a number of which played in the historic reasons for the wide gap. She game. Hagel has been a mem- said the main reason is that the ber of the Minnesota Rolling number ofmen suffering injuTimberwolvessince 1978. "As riescausingparaplegiaismuch Igotmore involved in thesport, higher than it is for women. 1 grew to realize all the good Because of this discrepancy, things that came with its the women's league is not gogrowth,includingtravelingand, ing to be quite as large, Ancompeting in national and in- other reason is that the tournament has not ternational tournaments." been around as long as the In 1975, Detroit, Michigan, men's, butwithcontinuedprohosted the first National motion of the sport, interest Women's WheelchairBasket- will undoubtedly grow. ball Tournament, and Detroit's own Motor City Wheelers be- "The first step is identifying cametheleague's first national those that would be interested champions. Through the years in playing," said Sunderman. the tournament has been domi- "Because of t h growth of nated by the University of Illi- womensports in general,more

women's athletics is at an alltime high. Media exposure is greater than it has ever been, which will undoubtedly translate to biggerand betterthings for women's wheelchair basketball in the future. "When we first startedplaying in the 1970s we weren't very skilled, and the games were low scoring. The game is a lot better now; it's faster paced and higher scoring," said Hagel. "Players are stronger, and understand the game better. Improvements in wheelchair technology have also helped better the game. It's a lot easier to play in, and maneuver a wheelchair that's 20 pounds rather than 5 0 pounds." Success at international tournaments begins with strong competitiononthehome-front. T h e National Women's Wheelchair Basketball Tournament is the perfect example ofhow thehighlevel ofcompetition at the national level leads to attaining international success. This year's tournament will not only crown a national champion, but serve as preparation for futureglobalcompetition in the World Gold CUP

Sunderman served as the U.S. Women's Paralympic Basketball coach in 1996, and as an assistant coach of the U.S. Women's WheelchairBasketballTeamin 1994fortheWorld Cup Championship in England. She was co-captain of thesilvermedal U.S. Women's Basketball Team at the 1992 Paralympic Games, and was a player on the gold medal team at the 1990 World Gold Cup Championships. She also playedon thegoldmedal team at the 1988 Paralympics.

side shooting. We'll have a torofBio-Medical Services for nicely balanced offensive at- HealthEastMedHome. "We're really excited to have the tourtack." namenthere(Twin Cities)and "This tournament is a big deal want this to be the best run to HealthEast Med Home tournament to date. We hope (which is sponsoring the tour- lots of people come and watch nament),"saidKarlaPeterson, some great athletic competitournament director and direc- tion."

Hagel, as stated earlier, played in the first official women's game in 1974, and isstill going strong. She was a CO-captain on the bronze medal winning team at the 1996 Paralympic Games, and silver medal team at the 1994 World Gold Cup Championships. She served as captain of the gold medal teams at the 1990 Pan American Games, and 1988 Paralympics. "Being able to play internationally has been a wonderful opportunity for competition," said Hagel. "Ithas been, by far, the highlight of my sports career." The Rolling Timberwolves main competition for the na-



has been in existence, womenasgamenationally, there this point evens city the size , in Sf.Paul andlooking tocome facing, but had not seen t& away with Minnesota's sev- Grizzlies this year. Shesaid the has been an ongoing develop- ofchicago hasonly oneteam: enth title. Hap1 and Sunder- roster is similar to last year's ment to increase international


BarbaraKymtan CivilRightsmavementin 1960's

Febmry 24

Eddy Rogers "Reducing theChallenge" CableTV show Rachel Wobschll STAR Program

. <:

at the Paralympics, The team members sole responsibility -., would be playing basketball. d3 ?heexperknce the tgained - at the 1980Paralympic Games ,



gfthem in Amhem,Hollwd,catapuIted to winning the first international

OM medal for the

- , National Team, a1 the 8th pan %2 American Games in Halifax,

@, canadain 1982. ..

T ~ USA C Women" Basketball Tcam won the gold medal at the IYg8 Paralympic ~ n m e s in Seoul, South Korea, a d ' againal the 1WK) World Championships in Saint-Elicnne, France. . T ~ Cnational team continucd ilssuccci, winning thc gold mcdal at thc 1990 Pan A~ncricanChrncs iq Caracas,


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Access Press

February lo, 1998

I Volunteer Parking Patrols

MCIL Announces New Executive Director T

he Board of Directors at the Metropolitan Center for IndependentLiving(MCIL) is very pleased to announce that the position of Executive Director has been offered to David Hancox, former interim ExecutiveDirectoroftheMCIL.

Mr. Hancox is very well respected among the other seven Centers for Independent Living in Minnesota. In addition, he possesses the strong leadership, administrative, and managerial skills needed to move the MCIL forward. During the time that Mr. Hancox has served as the Interim Director, great strideshave been made both in stabilizing the staff, addressing current and ongoing issues, and in proactively directing theMCIL on an appropriate course. The MCIL is perhaps the most visible of theMinnesotaCILsand requires the leadership of someone whois highly professional and who also has a very strong kyowledge and commitrpent to people with disabilities and the independent living movement. Mr. Hancox has all of these qualifications and more.

New ExecutiveDirector, David Hancox, is a29 year veteran of the independent livinganddisability rights movement. His experiencesincludeeightyears in direct care service, ten years in public policy and advocacy positions, five years as a lobbyist and six years in staff development and family education. His past work history includes employment with the 'World Institute on Disability workingdirectly withindependent living activist EdRoberts, administration and coordination of the MN Partners in Policymaking Program, and extensive work with the Minnesota and Ohio Planning According to George Hall, Councils on Developmental Chair of the MCIL Board of Disabilities. Directors, "As chair of the Board of Directors at MCIL,


I would say that we are extremely pleased that David has accepted our offer. We expect he will continueto serve MCIL in the same manner as he has as Interim Directoy, as we have been more than pleased with his results." . BoardMembersaswell as staff, would like to take this opportunity to welcome David Hancox as the new ExecutiveDirector. We invite the community to share their excitement, enthusiasm, and support for his current and future leadership in helping theMetropolitan Center for Independent Living become a progressive and cutting edge organization within the independent living mcivement.

everal states have begun taking aggressive action against handicap parking violators. A recent article in Arthritis Today (January-February 1998)statesthat public understanding of who and what handicap parking spaces are for is fairly foggy. Along with ' the reality that many state and local govenunentsarenot welleducated on what disability and access laws require, and they may be reluctant to enforce them.


For more information on the Metropolitan Center for Independent Living you may call the main number at (612) 6468342or contactDavid Hancox, ExecutiveDirector,at (6 12)6032012.

Enforcement is changing in many cities and states and consumergroupsare not looking to the local police department. Robert Millage, Executive Director of the Tennessee Association for Disability Rights says, disabled people in Tennessee had no reliable recourse for prosecuting parking violators. That is, until the disabled themselves got into theact. They successfullylobbied their state legislature to create a volunteer parking enforcementprogramthat allows citizens, many of them disabled, to patrol city streets and parking lots and issue tickets

to people who park illegally in handicap spaces. Such programs have been set up in a dozen states so far. The Columbia Handicap Enforcement Unit receives a day of training in police procedures and conflict resolution. They receive a vest, cellular phone and Polaroid camera. They ticket illegal parkers and businesses or facilities which fail to provide accessibleparking receive warnings along witheducationabout the ADA requirements.Amajority ofthe fines collected goes back into programs that educate the public about disabilities issues.

license tag and permit holders, corresponding with drivers' license numbers. This method is being used to cut down on tag "trading" and to help law enforcement flush out more of the cheaters. Jim Cheny, Chair of the Americans with Disabilities Association says, " Often, family members borrow the tags issued to a disabled relative. I hear about tags for sale at fleamarkets.It damages the credibility of the people who rely on them." For more information'contact the ADA Project Coordinator at the National League of Cities 2021626-3 126; Texas Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities 5 121 463-5739; Dept. ofJustice,Civil Rights Division 80015 14-0301 ; National Council on IndependentLiving7031525-3406.

Texas also has started the volunteer units with 10 cities staffed thus far. "Houston's 20 volunteers, who wear special caps and cany identification cards, issued 1,800tickets in fiscal year 1996, generating Information for this article camefrom the Arthritis Todcly revenues of $135,000." January-February 1998, Otherproblems with the handi- Moving Violations, written by cap parking tags are being Jill Jordan Sieder who writes solved in Texas and Georgia for U.S. News and World Rethrough the creation of com- port. puterized indexes of handicap

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lives of so many people.

In a separate article in thisedition of ACCESS PRESS, I am introduced to the readers as the new Executive Director of the Metropolitan Center for

I have been around a long time and I have never seen such injustice. Iam ashamed to have been associated with theMetro Center and I'm sure that Ed



i A L X A I k g l - . r r f i ~ c ~ ~ . I N c Hc; ru . ~ I w I m m m u n r , rtm I m l v r n n

10 ISSUE Mail to: ACCESS PRESS 1821 University Avr il8SN


St. Paul, MN 55104 F A X 644-2136





LEGAL SECRETARY Due to our expandingpractice, Gray Plant Mooty is currently

MOOTY pointment is flying around so fast and furious that one could Carolyn Emerson easily get wind-burned. So, I Minneapolis thought I would take this opportunity to replace the misin- ToTheEditor:

ENTRY CLERK and resolving complex prob-


extreme1y helpful. Send resume with cover letter to: Human

Resources,GrayPlant Mooty,


What you should know is we that the Board has failed to

G R A '




ASSISTANT PT RECEPTIONIST other activities in the future.


ing this space

and many other persons with disabilities to assist them in


center. I urge the Independent Living now? Is the disability community going to have to depend on a non-disabled white male to look out for their interest forever? Can they tell me with a straight face that they couldn't find a qualified disabled person to fill a part-time job for $65,00Oa year? I could name

detail. MSW, Excel anddatabaseexperience helpful. Send resume with cover letter to: Human-Gray Plant Mooty, 3400 City Center; 33 S.6thSt.,Mpls,bfN55402or

secretarialusingMS Wordsoft-

Rickcardenas St. Paul

DearEditor: Opportunity Partners is grateful that Hennepin county Commissioners voted to restore partial funding for one of our programs - Extended Employment (as noted in the


Send confidential resume and salary requirements to:



ave strong organizational and Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI)

CHILDREN'S ADVOCATE pendent Living Council (SILC), county's actions. Opportuwho is charged with insuring nity Partners' Extended Em-

throughout themetro area. We provide training and have great benefits for part-time employment such as Personal Time Off(PTOJ,Life Ins. Tuition Reimbursement, WellSo. MN Reg. Legal Services ness and much more. seeks Exp. Fam. Law Atty.,

vices and meet all the require- that time, the county has rernents of the law'? quested that the program be redesigned. They are seeking

available one evening per

questionable, but they fly in the face of all that independent living stands for. I challenge the SILC tocall forpublic hearings on the activities. Icall for the disabled candidates who didn't get offered the job to do what is necessary to get to the bottom of this situation. I call forjustice and fairness in making decisions that affect the

standing of issues facing battered women and their children, experienceworking with diverse populations, related lifelwork experience. Please

Employment Opportunities

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