July 2015 Edition - Access Press

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Special Olympics, Pg 8

Volume 26, Number 7


History note

We’re 25, too!

A look back, 25 years ago

Access Press celebrating a quarter-century of our news

Many of the activists and leaders who pushed through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are gone now. Justin Dart Jr., who founded disability advocacy groups and was a leader in passage of the ADA, died in 2002. Evan Kemp Jr., who led the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and helped shape the ADA for President George H.W. Bush’s administration, died in 1997. But others who were involved with the ADA and its final passage in 1990 now reflect on those momentous times. These comments are excerpted from the ADA Legacy Project: Moments in Disability History. Now-retired Senators David Durenberger (Minnesota) and Tom Harkin (Iowa) introduced the ADA to the Senate in the 101st Congress on May 9, 1989. Durenberger recalled the act’s signing. “As President George H. W. Bush approached the platform on which he was to sign the ADA bill into law, the band played ‘Hail to the Chief.’ History note - p. 5

July 10, 2015 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Twin Cities. MN Permit No. 4766 Address Service Requested

by Jane McClure

Access Press and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) both reach the quarter-century mark this year. So it’s fitting that we take a look back at our founding editor, Charlie Smith. Smith died in 2001 but his impact on disability issues as a journalist is still felt today. He is not only honored as a determined and resilient fighter for disability and human rights, he is remembered as a dedicated friend, son, brother, uncle and mentor. He reached out to all people, especially those who were learning to live with disabilities. At a memorial service on Charlie Smith Day in June 2001, letters were read from schoolchildren Smith met during classroom visits. At his memorial service, U.S. Sen. Paul Wellstone said, “If I had to identify one of my real teachers in the community, it was Charlie Smith.” (Wellstone died in a Access Press founding editor Charlie Smith 2002 plane crash.) File photo Smith became a quadriplegic in 1967 as a result of a diving accident. He was 14 pers gave readers news and information not years old when another child jokingly pushed available elsewhere, and alerted them to key ishim. Instead of falling into water, he fell onto sues. Without Access Press, it would have been concrete. In 1981 he entered the Residence at much more difficult for people with disabilities Courage Center for rehabilitation. He looked to organize around key issues. Readers waited at several careers before deciding, with his eagerly for each issue. Not surprisingly, one of family, to start the newspaper. the first major national issues Access Press In those pre-Internet and social media covered was passage of the ADA and the large times, Access Press was one of dozens of statewide celebration held in Minneapolis. neighborhood and community-specific newsSmith was a committed disability rights acpapers published in the Twin Cities. NewspaA quarter-century of news - p. 3

ADA clebration story

Family day, focus on work are ADA events by Access Press staff

Minnesota’s celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) kicks off with a Family Day in St. Paul in July and continues through October with an employment conference. The ADA is a landmark civil rights law granting protection against discrimination for people with disabilities. Among its provisions, the law prohibits discrimination in

Hennepin County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin addressed the crowd at Minnesota’s 2010 ADA Celebration. File photo

the workplace and establishes clear requirements for physical and programmatic accessibility and accommodations. It took many decades of activism to secure equal rights for people with disabilities that culminated in the signing of this historic civil rights legislation. The ADA provided and continues to provide inclusion of millions of people with disabilities into the mainstream of American life. Projects done in conjunction with Twin Cities Public Television (tpt), an employment survey and an October event centered on employment continue the commemoration. The events are organized by the Minnesota State Council on Disability (MSCOD). Joan Willshire, executive director of the council, said all are welcome to attend the Family Day and participate in the employment conference and related survey. The Family Day is noon - 4 p.m. Sunday, July 26 at the Minnesota History Center, 345 Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul. The event is free. “We’re very excited to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ADA by bringing together the community to share stories about the ADA, listen to great entertainers and see fabulous art. It will all be under one roof and we hope everyone is able to attend this historic event,” said Willshire. The event includes live entertainment, speakers, an open microphone so visitors can share their stories, interactive arts activities and fun for all. Light refreshments will be served. ADA celebration - p. 4

“For millions, the ADA has meant independence, opportunity, and dignity, and its impact on their lives and the life of our nation is incalculable.” — Congressman Steny Hoyer (Maryland)


Charlie Lakin was one of the honorees at the Odyssey conference in Duluth. Page 13 Read Tim Benjamin’s thoughts on recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions and the Access Press 25th anniversary. Page 2 A one-day special legislative session resulted in additional changes for Minnesotans. Page 7 Rely on our Directory of Organizations to find assistance and resources. Pages 9-12 Remembering several community members. Page 17

INSIDE Accessible Fun, pg 15 Events, pg 16 People & Places, pg 13-14, 17 Radio Talking Book, pg 18 Regional News, pg 6

Pg 2 June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6


Tim Benjamin We at Access Press are very proud to be celebrating our 25th anniversary. It seems almost impossible that 25 years has passed. I can’t imagine Charlie Smith, the founder of Access Press thinking the paper would survive a quarter century and still be relevant, making legislative change and engaging a strong readership. I sure couldn’t have imagined in 2001 that I would still be involved in 2015, still excited about putting each issue to bed and immediately starting to conceptualize the following month’s paper. It just seems like a year or so ago that my mentors, Donna McNamara and Jeff Nygaard, were explaining to me their philosophies on how a community newspaper should be run financially and how to maintain a strong readership through trust, fair play, honesty and factual information. I hope you’ll read our 25-year timeline, which is posted on our website. The timeline highlights what issues were important, where we have triumphed and failed, and what changes or improvements we will continue to advocate for to support the disability community. In making change, Charlie Smith and Access Press, were not opposed to the methods of protest and push and shove tactics to improve quality of life for people

with disabilities. Charlie also knew that the best way, ultimately, to effect change and help the disability community was through good communications, diligent work and a strong presence within all levels of government. Many of these actions are reflected in the Access Press 25-year timeline. I hope Access Press will continue to be the state’s primary resource for clear, accurate and objective news and history on cross-disability topics. I hope, too, that each of us can contribute to bettering our community by getting involved and being seen. Many of you can remember when you were the only person with a disability at school, at church, at the capitol and at community events. Now we are teachers, ministers, elected officials and leaders in public policy decisions. Thanks to the ADA and its 25 years of giving people with disabilities protection against discrimination, and to the Supreme Court’s defense and support for the ADA on so many occasions, we have the rights and skills to more fully integrate into our communities. One of the notes on our future timeline will be June, 2015, when the Supreme Court made two very controversial decisions that in one way or another will affect most of us. The most recent of them was the decision on Friday, June 26 by the Supreme Court to legalize samesex marriage across the nation, so that every state will recognize other states’ marriage certificates as binding contracts between two adults. “The decision made same-sex marriage a reality in the 13 states that had

Remembering Charlie

“If there is one thing that struck me about Charlie it was his good humor. I don’t recall – in all of the times I’ve talked with him – him not having a smile. What a good natured, intelligent man. An extraordinary advocate.” Luther Granquist “It was my good fortune to have known Charlie since the late ‘70’s. Charlie early on was not going to let the fact that he was in a chair get in the way of living. He was so unique in his understanding and acceptance of his disability and not using it to feel sorry for himself, but to energize him. When I think of Charlie I think of his smile, his sense of humor, and the endless political discussions about disability and social issues. Charlie had a very strong

sense of right and wrong, and he was willing to take these convictions to the powers that be and challenge their thinking. I loved Charlie’s entrepreneurial soul. Very few people can take their passion and interests and make a business out of it like Charlie was able to with Access Press. We all have to face our mortality, but we all hope that we leave a legacy, a positive part of us that will live on.” Steve Kuntz “One of Charlie’s many gifts is that he was an awesome uncle to his nephews and nieces. I’ll always remember how he would perch Alexander on his shoulders and they would zoom down the hall, or his earnest smile as he would say hi to Renee.” Nathan Halvorson

continued to ban it,” said retired Justice John Paul Stevens. Unusually for the court, each member of the court’s conservative wing filed a separate dissent, expressing a range of reactions from disbelief to scolding their judicial colleagues. This is a very controversial ruling, and a decision that I believe will follow in the footsteps of the abortion rights decision of 1973 in the Roe v. Wade case. Many states will try to skirt the decision by adding regulations to make the decision more difficult to apply. There are already questions concerning religious beliefs and whether or not clergy would be required to preside over same-sex ceremonies—since, of course, the First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion and religious practices. How does this affect people with disabilities? Well, for one thing, there are same-sex relationships in our community as in any other. And just as importantly, any civil rights protected by the Supreme Court for a minority group will ultimately benefit most other minority (and majority) groups. The more equal the rights we hold, the more that barriers and stereotypical attitudes will break down. On the day before its same-sex marriages decision, Thursday, June 25, the Court made another enormous decision. In the case of King vs. Burwell, it allowed the Affordable Care Act to be preserved and to stand as originally legislated. The decision allowed the federal government to continue to subsidize health insurance for individuals whether their state is running an insurance exchange or not. Minnesota is one of the states running its own insurance exchange, so our low-income subsidies will continue. Chief Justice John Roberts said, “Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not destroy them.” This decision is a huge victory for President Barack Obama, but also for all United States citizens whose income is below federal poverty guidelines. Barbara Morrill at the DailyKos website said, “the King decision is ‘good news,’ for both lowincome Americans who rely on the tax credits to buy health insurance – and for the GOP.” Republicans, she said, were not only responsible for the lawsuit but were facing “the prospect of being responsible for those millions losing their coverage, without having any plan in place to fix the law had the Supreme Court gutted the subsidies.” Some are even saying the Republicans are okay with the decision, for now: they’re “off the hook” to come up with an alternative healthcare plan until after the election. Elections are heating up in all sorts of ways, just like the summer. But now in early July, let’s celebrate the past 25 years for the ADA…and for Access Press. See you at the 25-year ADA celebration, and please consider a small donation to Access Press on its 25th year anniversary. ■

Volume 26, Number 7 • Periodicals Imprint: Pending ISSN Co-Founder/Publisher Executive Director Wm. A. Smith, Jr. (1990-1996) Tim Benjamin Co-Founder/Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Charles F. Smith (1990-2001)

Managing Editor Jane McClure

Board of Directors Brigid Alseth, Steve Anderson, John Clark, Kristin Jorenby, Halle O'Falvey, Carrie Salberg, Cheryl Vander Linden, Walt Seibert and Mark Zangara

Business Manager/Webmaster Dawn Frederick

Advertising Sales Michelle Hegarty,612-807-1078

Cartoonist Scott Adams Production Ellen Houghton, Presentation Images

Distribution: S. C. Distribution Editorial submissions and news releases on topics of interest to persons with disabilities, or persons serving those with disabilities, are welcomed. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Editorial material does not necessarily reflect the view of the editor/publisher of Access Press. Paid advertising is available at rates ranging from $12 to $28 per column inch, depending on size and frequency of run. Classified ads are $14, plus 65 cents per word over 12 words. News, display advertising and classified advertising deadline is routinely the 25th of the month. When the 25th falls on a weekend, deadline is the next Monday. Access Press is a monthly tabloid newspaper published for persons with disabilities by Access Press, Ltd. Circulation is 11,000, distributed the 10th of each month through more than 200 locations statewide. Approximately 450 copies are mailed directly to individuals, including political, business, institutional and civic leaders. Subscriptions are available for $30/yr. Low-income, student and bulk subscriptions are available at discounted rates. Application to mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at the St. Paul, MN 55121 facility. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Access Press at 161 St. Anthony Ave, Suite 901, St. Paul, MN 55103. Inquiries and address changes should be directed to: Access Press; care of The Kelly Inn Offices; 161 St. Anthony Ave; #910; St. Paul, MN 55103; 651-644-2133; Fax: 651-644-2136; email: access@accesspress.org www.accesspress.org

June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6

A quarter-century of news - from p. 1 tivist and was well known in political circles. One of the stories longtime friends tell is of a demonstration he led in 1996, in then-Gov. Arne Carlson’s office. When the group demanded that they be allowed to speak directly to the Governor about Personal Care Attendant/Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act legislation, they were told that the governor was unavailable. Smith’s friend, Jeff Bangsberg recalled that day. When the group learned that Carlson wasn’t available, Smith replied plainly and firmly, “We’ll just wait here, then.” And wait they did. Smith had arranged for an attorney to be present. He and others were aware of the possibility that group members might be jailed for using such tactics. However, much to the delight of the demonstrators and much to the consternation of the state troopers present no one could figure out how to transport the “Wheelchair Dozen” to jail. They were free to go, much to the group’s amusement. Carlson became a frequent target of Smith’s. The editor once described him as “Reagan in a Gopher suit.” But while Smith was quick to scold elected officials and point out what he saw as problem policies and laws, he also gave kudos to those who worked to improve conditions for people with disabilities. Many elected officials noted that when Smith talked, they listened. As former state representative Lee Greenfield once said, “When Charlie Smith interviewed you, you knew that he knew what he was talking about.” Smith led Access Press through many changes, including conversion to nonprofit status and its first volunteer board. He donated many hours of time to public speaking about disability culture and life with disability. He especially enjoyed speaking with children and young people, helping them to understand what life with a disability was like. He was as fearless as he could be wryly funny and his friends miss him to this day. Smith is honored every year with the Access Press Charlie Smith Award. Individuals and groups with records of exemplary service and commitment to others are worth of nomination for the award. The award will be presented Friday, November 6 at the newspaper’s annual banquet. Nominations will be taken until 5 p.m. Friday, August 14. Information on the award can be found on the newspaper’s website, at www.accesspress.org Email access@accesspress.org for a form. Or call 651-644-2133 for assistance. Let the newspaper staff know if assistance or accommodations are needed to submit an award nomination. Please send a high-resolution digital photo or an actual picture of the nominee. Otherwise, be prepared to tell the editors where a high-resolution picture can be obtained. Pictures will be returned on request. The award winner is chosen by the newspaper’s board. The winner and finalists will be honored in the September issue of Access Press. Any individual or group in Minnesota is eligible for nomination, with some conditions. People cannot nominate themselves. Past nominees can be nominated again, but a nominator cannot submit the same person or organization in consecutive years. A person or organization can be nominated for two consecutive years, but has to wait one year before being nominated again. Access Press is also seeking banquet sponsors. Sponsorship levels start at $100 and end at $400, with sponsor level names reflecting terms in the newspaper industry. Be an editor-in-chief, keyliner or proofreader. Each sponsorship level brings a different level of recognition in the newspaper print edition, on its website and at the banquet itself. Being a sponsor is a great way to honor the Charlie Smith Award winner and to be more visible in Minnesota’s disability community. Check the newspaper website for sponsor information or call Access Press Business Manager Dawn Frederick at 651-644-213 or email dawn@accesspress.org The website also has information at the banquet itself, which is held at the Minneapolis Airport Marriott in Bloomington. ■

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Pg 4 June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6 ADA celebration - from p. 1 A barbeque lunch is available for purchase. See clips of The ADA at 25: Disability Rights in Minnesota, a documentary film produced by TPT. Reasonable accommodations will be provided for the event. All video presentations will have ASL, open captioning and audio description. Volunteers will be stationed at all doors and elevators to provide assistance. ASL interpreters will attend every presentation. The History Center is accessible to visitors with disabilities. Wheelchairs and strollers are available at no charge on a first-come, first-serve basis from the ticketing desk on the first floor. Electric scooters are also available with valid ID. Elevators and ramps serve all public areas including the 3M Auditorium. In the auditorium, front and rear row seating is available for visitors using wheelchairs. Please arrive early to reach this area before programs begin. Visitor Services staff are available to assist guests. Assistive Listening Devices are available for all programs in the 3M Auditorium. All public restrooms include accessible facilities. Service animals such as guide dogs are permitted to assist visitors. For visitors with autism spectrum disorders, History Center staff has worked to increase access and inclusion for families. Staff has received training to better understand and assist with the challenges and opportunities that may arise during a visit. To help families prepare for a visit, center staff and Autism Society of Minnesota (AuSM) have create a social story that can be downloaded. Earplugs are available by request at the information desk and staff can direct guests to the designated quiet space. For information on History Center accommodations, go to www.minnesotahistorycenter.org/accessibility Plan now for Family Day event transportation and parking. The History Center is served by Metro Transit Bus Route 21A, which has connections with Green Line and Blue Line light rail. To find bus connections, go to www.metrotransit.org/ The center has its own parking lot. Additional disability parking spaces will be posted for the event. If the center lot is full, a free shuttle service will be offered, from state parking lots and one ramp. The lots are Lot J, K and H, which are on either side of the Veterans Service Building, and Ramp F on Rice Street just west of the Transportation Building. All have signed disability parking. For lot and ramp locations, go to www. mn.gov/admin/government/buildings-grounds/maps/ The TPT partnership produced the documentary

The ADA at 25: Disability Rights in Minnesota, and a short white board video essay by David Gillette, a tpt journalist. Gillette’s essay, Celebrate 25 Years of the ADA, highlights the impact of the ADA on the everyday lives of people with disabilities and the obstacles they face in the workplace. The video can be viewed at MSCOD25ADA.com The full documentary premiere, which is 30 minutes long, airs 8 p.m. Sunday, July 26 on TPT. It will have additional rebroadcasts; check television listings. The documentary focuses on the civil rights struggle Minnesotans faced leading up the passage of the ADA and will explore where the community believes the ADA needs to go in the next 25 years. Employment survey, event The activities don’t end with the Family Day and TPT productions. MSCOD is conducting a survey of people with disabilities and employers across the state. Results of the survey will appear on the council

website and help MSCOD in its efforts to promote and improve employment opportunities for people with disabilities. The goals of the survey are to gauge the general awareness of the ADA, to understand perceptions about employing people with disabilities and to identify ways to increase equality in the workplace The surveys lead up to a statewide conference: The ADA at 25 – Minnesota Moving Forward, Wednesday, October 28 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. The free conference will feature speakers and breakout sessions, with a focus on recruiting, hiring, promoting and retaining employees with disabilities. It will also include a career fair for people with disabilities. Find registration and schedule information at MSCOD25ADA.com As part of the conference, the state council invites employers throughout Minnesota to host brown bag lunches at their workplaces, to take part in the discussion, which will be televised. Find a full list of project partners for the ADA events, go to www.MSCOD25ADA.com/project-partners ■

Diamond Hill Townhomes Diamond Hill Townhomes is a great property located near the Minneapolis International Airport. We have spacious two and three bedroom townhomes that are HUD subsidized and rent is 30% of the total household’s adjusted gross income. Our Three Bedroom waiting list is closed. We are only accepting applications for our Two Bedroom accessible units. We are always accepting applications for our large number of mobility impaired accessible units. Please contact us for more information.

We look forward to hearing from you! Please call (612) 726-9341.

Minneapolis celebration includes essay contest To mark the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Minneapolis is hosting a celebration noon-3 p.m., Thursday, July 23 at Minneapolis City Hall Rotunda, 350 S. Fifth St. The event will feature speakers, awards, performances by Young Dance, a demonstration by Canine Inspired Change and tours of the latest accessible Metro Transit buses. This event will include American Sign Language interpreters. The Rotunda is on the Fourth Street side of City Hall, by an entrance that is wheelchair accessible. Anyone needing a disability-related accommodation such as materials in an alternative format, should contact Claudia Diggs at claudia.diggs @minneapolismn.gov or 612-673-3750 by Tuesday, July 14. Para assistancia 612-673-2700 - Rau kev pab 612-673-2800 - Hadii aad Caawimaad u baahantahay 612-673-3500. Download a free ride pass from Metro Transit at www.snapsurveys.com/wh/s.asp?k=143292177587 Recognition will be given to outstanding businesses that serve people with disabilities. The Minneapolis Advisory Committee on People with Disabilities would like nominations from people in the disability community for businesses that have provided outstanding service for this community. Click here for criteria and instructions. Emailed or mailed nominations must be received by July 14. Outstanding businesses will be chosen from the nominations, notified ahead of time and recognized at the July 23 celebration. Nominations should be sent by Tuesday, July 14 to www.minneapolismn. gov/ncr/services/ada25 Minneapolis officials also invite people with disabilities to enter an essay question that explore the question: As a person with a disability, how has the ADA impacted your life? Submissions are limited to one essay per person. Writers must live, work or play in Minneapolis. The minimum length is 150 words, with a maximum of 300 words. Essay must be the writer’s original work. Send text only, with no photographs, illustrations, background graphics or colors. Writers should include a phone number or email address for notification purposes. Include the writer’s full name and age category. The categories are ages 18 and older, and 18 and younger. One participant per age category will be recognized for the most outstanding essay at the July 23 celebration. The winners will be notified ahead of time. Email submissions are preferred. Save the essay in a single Microsoft Word document with participant’s first and last name as the file name. Email submissions to Claudia.Diggs@minneapolis mn.gov with the subject line “ADA essay submittal.” Writers may mail or deliver essays to Crown Roller Mill, Room 425, Attention: Claudia Diggs, 105 Fifth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55401. The essays chosen as the most outstanding will be displayed at City Hall in the Civil Rights office. The writers of those essays will be presented with Essay contest - p. 19

June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6

From page 1

HISTORY NOTE All present, who were able, stood to welcome the president who helped make the ADA a reality. Immediately we heard a chorus of voices of those who were unable to stand, yell ‘Down in front.’ Said it all right there on the White House lawn!” “If I learned anything from my life before the Senate, it was the value of independent living to persons with disabilities from early in life or after serious aging sets in, meaning living in interdependence with a community of supportive persons and public policies. By the time I stood for re-election to my second term in office, I proudly wore a ‘Durenberger: He’s Accessible’ button produced by friends in the community of persons with disabilities,” he said. Durenberger recalled that the federal legislation had roots in Minnesota law and policy that date back more than 50 years. He also recalled that many people, businesses and advocacy groups said the ADA couldn’t be passed for costs and practicality reasons. When told that companies and government couldn’t afford to make changes outlined in the ADA, his response was “We can’t afford not to do it.” Harkin chaired the Senate Subcommittee on Disability Policy. He worked closely with staff to rewrite the 1988 version and to negotiate consensus positions with the White House, business, colleague senators, and the disability community. He led the fight in the Senate to maintain the principle of equality. He called the ADA the 20th century emancipation proclamation for people with disabilities. “Before the ADA, I heard stories of individuals who had to crawl on their hands and knees to go up a flight of stairs, who couldn’t ride a bus because there wasn’t a lift, and individuals couldn’t attend a baseball game with their own family due to accessibility at the ball park. Millions of Americans were denied access to their own communities – and the American dream,” Harkin said. “I saw this firsthand in the life of my older brother Frank, who was deaf. He was the inspiration for my sponsoring the ADA, and my lifelong work on disability rights. We’ve come so far as a country since passage of the ADA,” said Harkin. “However, the work is far from over. We must continue the fight for policies that promote equal opportunity, full participation, self-determination, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for people with disabilities and their families.” Congressman Steny Hoyer (Maryland) shepherded the ADA to overwhelming approval in the House in 1990. In 2008, Hoyer also led the effort to pass the ADA Amendments Act, which allows millions of people with disabilities to benefit from the ADA’s original intent of inclusion. “When Congress passed the ADA 25 years ago, it represented a seminal moment in the history of civil rights in our country. For millions, the ADA has meant independence, opportunity, and dignity, and its impact on their lives and the life of our nation is incalculable,” said Hoyer. “I am incredibly proud to have played a role in enacting this landmark law – as well as in working to strengthen it through the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 when I was Majority Leader. Passing and improving the ADA has been a bipartisan endeavor, and I hope Democrats and Republicans will continue to stand together when it comes to advancing the cause of equality and inclusion for people with disabilities and their families.” George Covington, special assistant to Vice President Dan Quayle, was among leadership in the White House credited with breaching the barriers of tradition to make the ADA happen. Covington, who is legally blind, helped Quayle reach out to people with disabilities. (Covington is retired and living in West Texas.) Quayle was the first vice president to attend Paralympics competition, attending the games in Long Island, New York, in 1990, at Covington’s urging. Quayle reflected on the ADA. “Throughout my life, I have had the opportunity to meet and know individuals with disabilities. Believe me there is no dif-

ference between the attitudes, capabilities, and aspirations of disabled people and those of their non-disabled co-workers. The main distinction is the attitude of society. Too often, negative images, myths, and stereotypes cause employers to underestimate the talents and contributions of qualified job applicants with disabilities.” “We have made great progress in the last 25 years but there is still a great deal to be done. Today, citizens with disabilities have forums for expressing themselves that were not even imagined when we passed the ADA. Social media allows everyone to reach vast audiences in real time. No one can express the goals and dreams of people with disabilities better than they can themselves,” said Quayle. On July 26, 1990, Kemp had the honor of introducing President George H.W. Bush at the signing ceremony for the Americans with Disabilities Act. Dart was at his side. Kemp introduced President Bush as “the foremost member of the disability community.” Twenty-five years later, the former president said: “Signing the ADA into law will remain one of the

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proudest moments of our administration. We reached out and worked in a true spirit of bipartisanship to get that landmark legislation done, and in so doing gave tens of millions Americans a fairer shot at the American Dream. Even today, the ADA is still bringing Americans together to focus not on our differences, but on what unites us as a people. Now that I need a wheelchair to get around, I know firsthand how cut curbs, ramps, and other provisions of the ADA help mitigate the barriers to vast segments of society. I certainly did not envision being a beneficiary when fighting for the Act’s passage, of course, but it has been gratifying to see how it is helping people in all kinds of situations.” Indeed, the former president was, and is, the foremost member of the disability community. The History Note is a monthly column sponsored by the Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities, www.mnddc.org or www.mncdd.org and www.partnersinpolicymaking.com. This month’s History Note is taken from the series Moments in Disability History, which is also on the council’s website. ■

Pg 6 June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6

REGIONAL NEWS Autism program cuts opposed Minneapolis parents of children with autism are expressing opposition to school program cuts. Minneapolis Public Schools officials recently announced that they were discontinuing a citywide program, for students with a less severe diagnosis. Students are classified at three levels. Level 1 and 2 students will no longer be eligible for the program. District officials said is because the children can be served in their community schools, rather than in specialized programs. That change doesn’t affect students who aren’t in the program but does affect those waiting to enroll. The decision was made at the school district level to free up resources to serve students in their community schools. District officials also said it meets a federal requirement that students be served in the least restrictive way possible. But parents, some of whom moved specifically so that their children could be in specialized programs, said the program is an asset the district should be promoting, Many parent have objected to having their children with autism grouped with other special education student. Others said their children regressed in community school programs, to the point that the children needed more intensive programs later. The program change also surprised many parents because it was made at the administrative level and not by the school board. Many parents found out when they tried to enroll their children in the program. ■ (Source: KSTP-TV, Star Tribune)

Program is unconstitutional Saying the Minnesota Sex Offender Treatment Program fails on many levels, U.S. District Court Judge Donovan Frank ruled June 17 that the program is unconstitutional and in need of systematic reform. The judge harshly criticized the trouble program, saying in a 76-page order than many of offenders in the program have no hope of release. Frank ruled on a class-action lawsuit centered on the program’s constitutionality. Gov. Mark Dayton and other officials announced that the state would appeal the decision and defend the program. State officials sought an immediate right to appeal, which could mean several months’ delay for the 700 men held at Moose Lake and St. Peter facilities. The two sides return to court August 10 to discuss next steps. In his order Frank said even though some offenders have completed prison sentences, they are still held at the program under the guise of getting treatment. But when treatment standards change or release isn’t authorized, those in the program stay in the centers. Only three people have been released in the program’s 20-year history. Advocates content that with treatment and supportive housing, others could be released into community settings. The decision is likely to spark other legal actions. Some offenders have claimed post-traumatic stress disorders as a result of being locked up for so long. Others have physical or intellectual disabilities. ■ (Source: Star Tribune, KMSP-TV)

Contract covers workers now About 27,000 Minnesota personal care attendants, who help the aged and disabled remain in their homes and out of institutions, are now covered by a contract. As of July 1, the workers are covered by a first-ever contract negotiated between the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the state of Minnesota. The contract guarantees a wage floor of $10.75 per hour, paid time off, a new grievance process and a training program. The law allowing unionization was passed in the final hours of the 2013 legislative session, after which the SEIU obtained 10,000 worker signatures for an election. A majority of workers voted to form a collective bargaining unit in summer 2014 and celebrated the win at the Minnesota State Fair. However, the legal fight over unionization isn’t over and has gotten to the federal appeals court level.

The lawsuit is supported by the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, a heavyweight in the conservative legal world. Oral arguments in the case are anticipated this fall. The unionization effort Alsop continues to be opposed by some families and care companies. Some families contended that they are being forced to pay more, including paid time off, and that family members must pick up the slack. Union supporters said the effort helps a group of workers who need adequate compensation for what is very demanding work. They cite the turnover in worker ranks and how some people have had to work two or three jobs to make ends meet. The union is what is called an “open shop,” meaning the SEIU will bargain on behalf of all the workers. No one has to join or pay dues if they don’t want to. ■ (Source: Star Tribune)

Couple claims harassment Plymouth city officials are trying to sort out whether a couple with disabilities is being harassed based on disability, or whether the issue is simply a neighbors’ dispute. The couple has lived in a Plymouth condo for about five years. Both are hearing impaired. The husband lives with post-traumatic stress disorder. The condo is modified to meet their need. The couple has a service dog to help them stay alert and to deal with the PSTD effects. The couple told KARE-11 News that a neighbor is always complaining about the dog’s barking, and that the neighbor pounds on their ceiling, yells at them and has threatened to have the service dog taken away. The couple’s community service advocate has also witnessed the behavior. Both sides have called the Plymouth Police Department. “Could there be some underlying bias? Maybe.

I hope that there isn’t, but if there is, we won’t tolerate it,” said Plymouth Police Chief Mike Goldstein. The chief said his department is taking the situation very seriously but believes this might be more a case of misunderstanding rather than harassment. The husband and service dog owner said he is too afraid to meet with the neighbor, even with police as mediators. Hammer, an organization dedicated to helping adults with disabilities, says that’s a very real fear. “People with disabilities have often been pushed away or looked at sideways or treated as not being whole human beings, so they are sort of trained sometimes to be a bit apprehensive,” said Hammer CEO John Estrem. So, as it stands now, the couple feels trapped, with no solution. ■ (Source: KARE-11 News)

Bionic eye changes his view A Duluth area man recently became the first person in Minnesota to receive an Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System, commonly known as a bionic eye. The futuristic device, which combines dark glasses, a tiny camera, a video unit and an implant just below the skin, bypasses his eyes to send signals beyond the damaged level of his retina, said Duane Tsutsui. He’s the spokesman for Second Sight, the California-based company that makes the $144,000 device. The University of Minnesota Department of Ophthalmology handled the medical procedure. The Food and Drug Administration approved the device for individuals with retinitis pigmentosa — an inherited and progressive eye disease — and only when they have “bare light” or “no light” perception, Tsutsui said. That means that, at best, the individual can tell the difference between indoor and outdoor light but can’t perceive anything else. James Kelm has been essentially sightless since age

30. He was diagnosed as legally blind at age seven.. He uses a cane and for 13 years had a guide dog. The bionic eye meant he could see again — although not in a way that most people might define seeing. “The vision is very limited in comparison to what a sighted person sees,” he said. “What I’ve told people is it’s like looking at the night sky where you have millions of twinkly lights that almost look like chaos. What I’m in the process of now is learning how to identify the different constellations.” He is now learning to use the eye. “It’s entirely artificial,” Tsutsui said. “It’s not color; it’s black and white. Your brain has to learn how to interpret the signals.” Kelm said he’s happy to be part of the new technology, not only because of what it is doing for him but because it makes him a sort of guinea pig for expanding the technology in the future. ■ (Source: Duluth News-Tribune)

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June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6

Pg 7

Access changes set

Employment programs, housing are special session wins by Jane McClure

Gains in employment and housing funding, as well as access to projects funded by the 2008 state Legacy Act, are among highlights of a chaotic, cramped and historic legislative special session June 13. The 2015 Minnesota Legislature wrapped up business in the State Office Building due to capitol renovations. House and Senate and staff members squeezed into hearing rooms usually used by committees. It was a long, hot and sometimes frustrating day as much of work to reach agreements before the session took place outside of public view. State lawmakers had to work on about half of the state’s $42 billion biennial budget during the one-day session, due to three vetoes by Gov. Mark Dayton at regular session’s end in May. Education, agriculture-natural resources and economic development-energy were the bills still in play in May and June. The special session also meant passage of plans for Legacy amendment funding and a statewide public works bill with more than $3560 million in projects. But state officials were able to get business done and avert a partial state shutdown. The days leading up to the special session were in some ways a rerun of the regular session. Dayton not only clashed with the Republican-led House, disputes with Senate DFL leadership and within Senate DFL ranks affected legislation. There was also disagreement as to when and where a special session would be held, with the governor saying legislators could meet in a tent on the capitol grounds. “The sign of a true compromise is that no one is happy with it,” Dayton wrote. He argued that the driving force behind the deal was the desire to avoid a government shutdown, and layoffs of 9,500 state employees. Layoff notices went out earlier this summer and some state services prepared for the worst-case shutdown scenario. While most eyes were on controversial environmental legislation June 13, many disability community advocates were focused on how education and jobs bills played out. Most details on those were wrapped up before the special session began. “We have reached tentative agreements on the remaining bills, which must be enacted to conclude the 2015 legislative session,” said Dayton in a written statement. “I am pleased that these agreements finally include $5 million to help Minnesotans with disabilities find and maintain employment, and to help prevent Minnesotans with mental illness from becoming homeless.” The two initiatives, with the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development and Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, weren’t funded during the regular session. The jobs bill passed and signed into law had other provisions for Minnesotans with disabilities. It included $1 million per year for grants to groups like the VECTOR Transitions Program and Minnesota Employment Center to provide communication access supports for adults and youth who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing. It also included more than $509 million for the biennium for communication access supports for workers and youth. Yet another win in the jobs bill created a central accommodations fund with $200,000 per year included. This was passed with the intention of creating a longterm source of support for current and future state employees who need accommodations. The Commission on Deaf, Deafblind and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans will work with other state agencies to ensure that they know that they can use the central Accommodation Fund to hire more deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing state employees. But there was less good news in the education bill that was passed and signed into law. The education bill was a key factor in how the regular session unraveled in May. The state’s near-$2 billion surplus had Dayton calling for more school spending, including $350 for universal pre-kindergarten programs statewide, as well as $41 million more for special education. The bill that passed in June wound up with a $525 million increase in school spending, but with no additional money for special education as Dayton sought, no new money for more pre-K programs and a small amount for early learning. Most of the new money goes to per-pupil aid payments. The education bill sign into law does including funding for technology needed for the state Academies for deaf, blind and deafblind students. But there was only partial success for pre-K at Metro Deaf School in St. Paul. The school has struggled with enrolling students in its pre-K program. While parents can choose the school, the school cannot receive state or school district funding to pay for services. Advocates have vowed to be back in 2016. It’s the only school in the region offering American Sign Language instruction at the preschool level. Other changes were made when $540 million in Legacy Act funds were approved. The funds will go to the Clean Water Fund, Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, Outdoor Heritage Fund and Parks and Trails Fund. The funds were created by the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment in 2008 to benefit the environment, arts, parks, trails and other state resources. Rep. Phyllis Kahn (DFL-Minneapolis) successfully inserted language into the Legacy Act funding laws calling for improved access for persons with disabilities. The language brings the Minnesota State Council on Disability into access discussions, stating that “Where appropriate, grant recipients of [outdoor heritage, clean water, parks and trails, and arts and cultural heritage] fund, in consultation with the Council on Disability and other appropriate governor-appointed disability councils, boards, committees, and commissions, should make progress toward providing greater access to programs, print publications, and digital media for people with disabilities related to the programs the recipient funds using appropriations made in this article.”

Nick Wilkie was one of the presenters during one of the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities’ Tuesdays at the Capitol events during the regular legislative session. Consortium members watched specific issues very closely during the special session. Photo courtesy of The Arc Minnesota

Disability community advocacy groups are already planning for the 2016 legislative session, which starts March 8. 2016 is the second year of the biennial budget cycle which began July 1. That means the session is to focus on review of budgets, action on any interim studies, consideration of emergency measures and work on actions left over from the previous year. Because agreement couldn’t be reached on many spending measures, look for many 2015 battles to continue next year. ■

Pg 8 June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6

REGIONAL NEWS Accessibility dispute in Rochester A Minneapolis attorney who has fought a similar battle in Marshall and the Twin Cities is now filing lawsuits to make Rochester businesses more accessible to people with disabilities. Paul Hansmeier has threatened to file suits against at least eight Rochester businesses in the last four to six weeks, according to attorney Greg Griffiths of Dunlap & Seeger. He described the majority of the complaints as focusing on the parking lot markings, signage and the business entryways. Hansmeier did not respond to calls to his Class Justice LLC office in Minneapolis to the Rochester PostBulletin. He works with a group called the Disability Support Alliance. Business owners want to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) but Hansmeier and his client aren’t satisfied. They have filed against Rochester stores, a mall and the Mahler Hotel. Mahler Hotels have responded with a counter-claim asking for $50,000 in damages from the Disability Support Alliance. The countersuit says the original complaint “misuses and perverts the purpose of a civil action.” One of the Rochester businesses affected was Bilotti’s Pizzeria. Owner Karla Sperry first was notified of a problem when an information letter threatening a civil lawsuit arrived two weeks ago. The suit pointed out her handicapped parking spaces at 821 Civic Center Drive did not have signs in addition to the lot markings. The complaint asked for $5,000 for damages. The signs had been removed during a building renovation and being put back. “These people (Disability Support Alliance) had no intention of supporting my business when they drove in here,” Sperry said. “They came in here with every intention of getting rich quick.” The Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce recently sent information out to its members about the ADA. ■ (Source: Rochester Post-Bulletin)

Savers settles lawsuit Thrift store chain store Savers has agreed to modify how it handles donations and pays local charities. The settlement announced June 25 calls for paying local charities $1.8 million or $300,000 per group, including a number of charities serving people with disabilities. Savers officials said they disagree with Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson, who filed suit against Savers last month. Swanson contended that Savers was misrepresenting what it does for charities. Minnesota is the first state to challenge Savers’ practices. Under the settlement Savers will more clearly disclose in signs and written materials that it is a forprofit professional fundraiser. It will stop soliciting items whose proceeds don’t benefit charities. Savers also agreed to prominently display and disclose the actual amounts it pays the charities when the retailer sells donated goods in its stores. Yet another provision of the settlement calls for Savers to label and track items. That is, if someone donates goods to a specific charity, proceeds will actually go to that group. Groups getting the payments from Savers as a result of the settlement include True Friends, Courage Kenny Foundation, Lupus Foundation of Minnesota, Disabled American Veterans Department of Minnesota, Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota and Vietnam Veterans of Minnesota. Swanson had sued Epilepsy Foundation as part of the action against Savers but that nonprofit hopes to reach an agreement with state officials shortly. ■ (Source: Star Tribune, KSTP-TV)

Special Olympics are celebrated Thousands of Special Olympics Minnesota athletes, supporters and fans gathered for the Celebration of Champions June 18 at the Mall of America. Those at the event celebrated the Minnesota State Summer Games, Los Angeles 2015 World Games and the Unified Relay Across America. It also marked the running in of the torch as it makes its way across the country through the relay in honor of the 2015 Games in LA. The Celebration of Champions drew a large crowd. The evening included special performances from Ian and the Dream and Lennon and Maisy from the hit ABC show “Nashville” along with appearances from KSTP and ESPN personalities. The community celebration event was a fun way for everyone to support Special Olympics and unify their communities. For more information on the Celebration of Champions, visit specialolympics minnesota.org/ champions ■ Photos courtesy of Special Olympics Minnesota

Medical marijuana now legal Some families have waited years for medical marijuana in Minnesota, praying it will make a life changing difference for loved ones dealing with terminal illnesses, cancer, and other debilitating conditions. The Garins, who live in St. Paul, are certainly part of that group, although that wasn’t always the case. “All I could think about was pot, teenagers smoking pot,” Angela Garin told KTSP-TV “That’s all I could think about.” That changed with the family’s six-year-old son, Pax. Pax has autism and polymicrogyria, a neurological disorder. He can’t talk and he has many seizures every day. “He has hundreds of seizures a day,” Angela Garin said. “He’ll have between 15 and 20 actual seizures in a cluster.” The Garins have tried everything-more than a

dozen drugs dating all the way back to when Pax was a baby. They tried marijuana oil during an Oregon stay. Oregon is the only state where patients don’t have to be a resident to use medical marijuana. A doctor prescribed Pax marijuana oil, and it worked, reducing his seizures from 100 a day to about a dozen. They came back in time for the 2014 medical marijuana debate heated up at the capitol. More families are likely to try the oil, “It’s a rollout, not a race. So certainly we know that there will be a buildup over time,” said Minnesota Department of Health Spokesperson Mike Schommer. In Minnesota, patients have to be diagnosed with one of nine conditions to be eligible for medical marijuana. The Department of Health estimates that roughly 5,000 people statewide will enroll in the first year. ■ (Source: KSTP-TV)

Can you hear him now? Toy bugs, an eighth grade Minnesota boy, and a school science project. This combination is helping save money for people who wear hearing aids. Ethan Manuell, a middle school student at Rochester Central Lutheran, found that hearing aid batteries can last up to 85 percent longer. Users just have to leave the batteries exposed to oxygen before being inserted into the hearing aid itself. “You can google Ethan,” said Ethan’s mom, Lila Manuell while laughing, recalling the experiment spread across her home for months. When teacher Mrs. Omland, assigned her students the task of creating a project for the school science fair, the 14-year-old turned to his toy box for some plastic battery-operated bugs that he converted to work with hearing aid batteries. The young scientist discovered that zinc hearing aid batteries, which come with a tab or sticker attached to the back of them, last longer the longer they are exposed to air after removing the tab. “With waiting five minutes, you can increase the lifespan by 85 percent,” he said. Some hearing aid

battery packets, in microscopic print, do warn that for best results the battery should sit un-tabbed for one minute, others offer no instructions at all. But by carefully monitoring how long the batteries lasted in the toy bugs, after being left un-tabbed for various amounts of time, Manuell came up with his fiveminute rule. Manuell has worn a hearing aid in his left ear since the age of four. He got the idea for his experiment when visiting with his audiologist, Dr. Mary Meier, at Olmsted Medical Center. “I keep telling my patients about it,” said Meier, “I’m just so proud of this kid.” “It’s in our written information when we do a fitting,” she said. “In the real hearing aid world, it’s translating to hearing aids, the battery in the hearing aid lasting one to two days longer, which is a huge impact for people wearing hearing aids because the batteries typically only last five to seven days as it is, so if you can increase it by another day, that is huge.” Seven million Americans wear hearing aids and it’s estimated the discovery could save the average hearing aid wearer about $70 a year. The science fair project has won local, regional and state accolades and even a prestigious U.S. Naval Science Award. ■ (Source: KARE 11 News) Curious to see if there are accessible properties? Contact me to do a search for you at NO COST!

June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6

Pg 9

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Pg 10 June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6

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June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6 Pg 11

HOUSING-CONSTRUCTION/REMODELING AccessAbility Options, Inc. Accessibility Design Accessible Homes, LLC. Beyond Barriers Minneapolis Equal Access Homes, Inc. Equip A Life (formerly Assistive Techology of MN)

V-763-571-6789 V-952-925-0301 V-612-978-1054 V-651-462-3444 V-651-249-7751 V-763-479-8239

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TTY-800-466-7722 TTY-651-695-5802 TTY-612-879-8889 F-612-521-1577 F-651-639-9699 TF-888-255-6400

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HOUSING-RENTAL Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI) Dungarvin Minnesota, LLC Ebenezer Park Apartments HousingLink National Handicap Housing Institute, Inc Villas and Townhomes by Mary T. Inc.

INFORMATION AND REFERRAL RESOURCES ADA Minnesota; a program within MCIL Equip A Life (formerly Assistive Techology of MN) Minnesota State Council on Disability PACER Center, Inc. STAR Program United Cerebral Palsy of Minnesota

INSURANCE Lee F. Murphy Insurance Group

LEGAL MN Disability Law Center

MEDICAL SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT Handi Medical Supply Phoenix Medical Services Inc.

V-651-644-9770 V-651-636-0848

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PHYSICIANS Wound Healing Center


RECREATION-ADAPTIVE HOBBY/EXERCISE/SPORTS/ARTS Adaptive Learning Success Capable Partners Inc. Community Education Network on Disabilities Courage Kenny Rehabilition Institute Drama Interaction, 501(c)3 Mind Body Solutions Mixed Blood Theatre Company Simply ArtAble (formerly Simply Jane) Upstream Arts

V-763-639-9176 V-763-439-1038 V-651-748-7437 V-612-775-2277 V-952-220-1676 V-952-473-3700 V-612-338-6131 V-612-354-3961 V-612-331-4584

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F-507-724-3786 TF-877-345-8599 TF-800-450-8376 TF-866-692-7400 TF-800-728-0719

info@familyfoundationsmn.com www.campwinnebago.org www.HammerTravel.org www.truefriends.org www.venturestravel.org www.wildernessinquiry.org

REHABILITATION (PHYSICAL, OCCUPATIONAL, SPEECH, AUDIOLOGY THERAPISTS) Courage Kenny Rehabilition Institute DeafBlind Services Minnesota (DBSM) Fraser Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare In Home Personal Care Lifetrack Resources - St. Paul

V-763-588-0811 V-612-362-8454 V-612-767-5180 V-651-291-2848 V-763-546-1000 V-651-227-8471

V-612-262-7979 TTY-612-362-8422 F-612-861-6050 TF-800-719-4040 F-763-546-1018 TTY-651-227-3779

www.allinahealth.org/couragekenny www.dbsm.org www.fraser.org www.gillettechildrens.org www.inhomepersonalcare.com www.lifetrackresources.org

RESIDENTIAL/GROUP HOME PROGRAMS Capstone Services, LLC Community Involvement Programs (CIP) Dungarvin Minnesota, LLC Enrich inc. Fraser Living Well Disability Services Lutheran Social Service of MN - Brainerd Lutheran Social Service of MN - St. Paul Mary T. Inc. Human Services Programs Mt. Olivet Rolling Acres Opportunity Partners Phoenix Residence REM Minnesota Restart, Inc. Wingspan Life Resources

V-651-641-0042 x211 V-612-362-4403 V-651-699-6050 V-651-470-6204 V-612-767-5180. V-651-9688-8808 V-218-829-9214 V-651-642-5990 V-763-754-2505 V-952-474-5974 V-952-938-5511 V-651-227-7655 V-952-945-4952 V-952-767-3350 V-651-644-2665x100

F-651-645-2780 V-612-362-4417 TTY-651-695-5802 tom@enrichinc.com F-612-861-6050 F-651-688-8892 F-218-829-9726 TF-800-582-5260 TF-888-255-6400 F-952-474-3652 TTY-952-930-4293 F-651-227-6847 F-952-922-6885 F-952-767-3351 V-651-646-3846

www.capstoneservices.net www.cipmn.org www.dungarvin.com www.enrichinc.com www.fraser.org www.livingwell.org www.lssmn.org www.lssmn.org www.marytinc.com www.mtolivetrollingacres.org www.opportunitypartners.org www.phoenixresidence.org www.remminnesota.org www.restartincmn.org ww.wingspanlife.org

SERVICE ANIMALS Can Do Canines V-763-331-3000 Helping Paws, Inc. V-952-988-9359 Pawsitive Perspectives Assistance Dogs (PawPADs)

F-763-331-3009 F-952-988-9296 V-952-226-2063

www.can-do-canines.org www.helpingpaws.org www.PawPADS.org

SKILLED NURSING FACILITIES Bethel Healthcare Community Ebenezer Care Center

V-651-224-2368 V-612-879-2262

F-651-224-1014 TTY-612-879-8889

V-612-623-3363 V-952-767-3350

F-612-331-9401 F-952-767-3351

V-763-479-8239 V-651-291-2848 V-763-754-2505 V-952-838-9000 V-651-201-2640

TF-866-535-8239 TF-800-719-4040 TF-888-255-6400 TTY-952-838-0190 TF-888-234-1267

www.welcov.com www.fairviewebenezer.org

SOCIAL SERVICES Metro Meals On Wheels Restart, Inc.

www.meals-on-wheels.com www.restartincmn.org

TECHNOLOGY Equip A Life (formerly Assistive Techology of MN) Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare Mary T. Assistive Technology PACER Center, Inc. STAR Program

www.equipalife.org www.gillettechildrens.org www.marytinc.com www.pacer.org www.starprogram.state.mn.us




V-612-871-2222 V-763-544-2880

F-612-872-0189 F-763-544-3612

V-612-262-8800 V-651-699-6050 V-763-479-8239 V-612-767-5180

F-612-262-8801 TTY-651-695-5802 Hibbing-218-741-9134 F-612-861-6050


VISION IMPAIRMENT Vision Loss Resources Volunteer Braille Services

www.visionlossresources.org www.vbsmn.org

WAIVER CASE MANAGEMENT AXIS Healthcare Dungarvin Minnesota, LLC Equip A Life (formerly Assistive Techology of MN) Fraser

www.axishealth.com www.dungarvin.com www.equipalife.org www.fraser.org

June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6 Pg 13


Lakin and Mellum are among Age and Disabilities Odyssey award honorees

Two individuals and four organizations were recognized for improving and enriching the lives of older adults and people with disabilities at the 2015 Age & Disabilities Odyssey Conference, held June 15-16 in Duluth. “These awards winners inspire future innovations in long-term services and supports by showing us how to improve life today for people with disabilities and older adults,” said Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) Commissioner Lucinda Jessen. The conference, sponsored by the Minnesota DHS and the Minnesota Board on Aging, drew more than 1,300 participants this year. It focused on bringing person-centered thinking into practice in services and supports for older adults and people with disabilities. Charlie Lakin of Minneapolis received the Policy Award for more than 40 years’ work to improve disability policy, not only in Minnesota but also nationally and internationally. Lakin directed the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Community Living at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on Community Integration. He then led the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. Jerry Mellum, senior planning analyst in the Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health Department, received the Service Award. Mellum was recognized for being a champion for people with disabilities and person-centered thinking and an expert in individualized housing options. Mellum helped create a housing options resource guide for people with disabilities. The guide encourages individuals to create a vision of where they want to live.

New board members are elected Members of The Arc Greater Twin Cities elected three new directors and re-elected two directors to the board of directors at the organization’s annual meeting this spring. The new directors are Peter Beierwaltes, Minneapolis; Darla Nemec, Eden Prairie; and Patrick Whiting, Minneapolis. The two returning directors are Barb Davis, Minneapolis and Shawn Monaghan, Minneapolis. All five will serve three-year terms. Officers for 2015-2016 were also elected. They are chair – Shawn Monaghan, Medtronic, Inc.; first vice chair – Barb Davis, Coldwell Banker Burnet; second vice chair – Mike Carey, SPS Commerce; treasurer – Darla Nemec, Caring Bridge; and secretary – Laura Beth Landy, consultant, Peter King, Waddell & Reed, is immediate past board chair. Community volunteer Debbi Harris is The Arc Minnesota Liaison Three directors concluded their board service at the annual meeting. Amy Hewitt, University of Minnesota Institute on Community Integration; Spencer Johnson, Target Corp.; and Tom Weaver, Achieve Services, Inc. stepped down from the board. Beierwaltes has a masters of public policy from the University of Minnesota Humphrey School of Public Affairs and received a disabilities and services certificate in May 2015. He interned at The Arc Greater Twin Cities and The Arc Minnesota, and also worked with the Olmstead Implementation Office. His community involvement includes the Humphrey Association for Disabilities and Mental Illness and Disability Resource Center. Nemec is vice president of finance and administration for CaringBridge. She is a long-time volunteer on The Arc’s Finance Committee and has more than 25 years of accounting experience with companies such as Weisman Enterprises, LearnNowOnline and the Minnesota Multi-Housing Association. Nemec has two sons on the autism spectrum. Whiting is an attorney and senior associate at Fredrikson & Byron. He served as assistant attorney general in the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office from 2007 - 2013 and was honored as a North Star Lawyer by the Minnesota State Bar Association in New board members - p. 17

Jean Wood, Director, Aging and Adult Services Division, Minnesota Department of Human Services; Jerry Mellum, senior planning analyst, Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health Department and Alex Bartolic, Director, Disability Services Division

The LGBTQ Organizing Group, a group of current and former Twin Cities caregivers, received the Community Award for creating a multi-cultural, intergenerational support group for LGBTQ caregivers. The group is now looking to replicate its caregiver support group elsewhere in the Twin Cities and beyond. The Belle Plain-based Lutheran Home Association received the Innovation Award for helping to develop sensory technology for the home that enhances independence, safety and health management for older adults. Using lessons learned from this project, the Lutheran Home Association developed further technology tools to meet the needs of people with memory loss and to support direct care staff with

Charlie Lakin Photos courtesy of DHS

trainings, documentation and managing their own stress and overall health. Don Samuelson, chair of the Minnesota Board on Aging, and Jean Wood, board executive director and director of DHS Aging and Adult Services, also presented a special Board on Aging award to two nursing facilities that have been exemplary partners in the Return to Community initiative. Madonna Towers of Rochester and Inter-Faith Care Center of Carlton were honored for working with the board’s Senior LinkAge Line. Staff at each home has moved 50 individuals back to homes of their own. Return to Community has helped more than 2,200 people to move home from nursing homes over the past five years. ■

Partnership helps two agencies Two non-profit agencies that serve people with disabilities are enjoying a beneficial partnership. Merrick’s Adult Day and Memory Care Services provides day activity services to people with disabilities and memory loss in downtown North St. Paul. Mer-rick needs volunteers to assist clients with activities. Next Step Transition Program of Independent School District 622; North St. Paul-MaplewoodOakdale is just six blocks from the Merrick site. Next Step serves post-high school students with disabilities who are seeking volunteer experiences. The students hope to gain skills that will be relevant and useful in the future. The organizations are both members of the North St. Paul Business Association. After connecting at the business group’s November 2014 meeting, everyone realized there was potential for a mutually beneficial partnership. Starting with winter trimester in December 2014, Next Step has sent at least three students each day to Merrick to spend time working with clients and assisting staff. Nate Engler is one of the student volunteers. In the future, he would like a job helping people with disabilities. The volunteer opportunity provides Nate the chance to gain skills he can use on his resume, and experience the work environment. It has helped him decide on his future career. “Nate is such an asset to our program. You can tell he really enjoys spending time with our clients,” said Paula Lindblom, site manager for Merrick Adult Day and Memory Care Services. Prior to volunteering at Merrick, interested Next Step students are given a tour of Merrick and an opportunity to meet the clients. They are then interviewed by Merrick staff to determine if there is a good fit. Background checks are done on student candidates before they volunteer. Merrick provides an orientation and support throughout the student’s experience, which in most cases is one trimester. “This has been a very beneficial partnership with Adult Day Services,” said Sue Sanders Johnson, work coordinator at Next Step Transition Program. “They are so conveniently located just down the

Nate Engler from Next Step spends time with Merrick client Loren G. Photo courtesy of Merrick, Inc.

street from us and provide a great opportunity for our students to gain experience working with adults with disabilities.” Engler is continuing to volunteer at Merrick on his own over the summer. ■

Pg 14 June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6


All-Star Advocates, lawmakers thanked for service

Many members of Minnesota’s disability community worked hard during the 2015 regular session of the Minnesota Legislature. The Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (MN-CCD) honored leaders in grassroots advocacy with All Star Advocate awards during the annual Legislative Wrap-Up event. Legislative champions were also honored. The event was held June 3 at Goodwill/Easter Seals in St. Paul. The 2015 All-Star Advocates are Layne Beckman, Jim Carlisle, Lance Hegland, Lori Noland and Rebecca Preston. Beckman was part of the Faces of Medical Assistance (MA) Reform effort. She is a committed advocate and motivates others to get involved. On MN-CCD’s first Tuesday at the Capitol, hosted by Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance, she and Independent Living Specialist, Kristin, advocated together. She has inspired others to get involved through sharing her story through videos, writing and presentations. Carlisle and his wife of 25 years, Claudia, founded People Enhancing People (PEP), a PCA Choice agency. PEP promotes the interdependence of every individual. Also, the Carlisles are active with ADAPT Minnesota. At the capitol in 2015, Carlisle testified about the importance of reversing the Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD) premium increase. He also testified at the House Health and Human Services and House Tax Committees. Carlisle is passionate about creating an MA system that Lori Noland allows people with disabilities to work at a job they love, to build and keep assets, and to retire comfortably. Hegland is a well-known health care advocate, whose work extends far beyond visits to the capitol. He serves on a number of committees dedicated to advancing polices affecting older adults and people with disabilities. He is co-chair of MNCCD PCA/CFSS Working Group, Direct Support Professional Team Manager, CFSS/MHS Development and Implementation Council Member, State Quality Assurance Council Member, and Health Services Advisory Council Member. Noland teaches self-advocacy classes for Lifeworks’ career development program. During the 2015 session, Noland accompanied class members to Tuesdays at the Capitol. She worked with all students to develop personal stories, h meet with state lawmakers and make signs and prepare for a rally. The 5 % Campaign rally gave students another chance to be involved. The efforts by Noland and her students helped everyone gain more confidence in legislative advocacy and prepare for next session. Preston was also part of the Faces of MA Reform and Faces of Disability outreach during the session. She has shared her story on video and in written and verbal testimony. This session Preston attended multiple hearings in the House and Senate, providing impromptu testimony. After attending a Town Hall Forum sponsored by the Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance, Preston said, “I feel like I am part of something.” Preston partnered with staff from the Brain Injury Alliance in a presentation on MA Reform at the MN Aids Project during that group’s Day on the Hill. MN-CCD also honored its legislative champions. Rep. Nick Zerwas (R - Elk River) was one of the most vocal advocates on behalf of Minnesotans with disabilities during the 2015 session, authoring multiple bills including legislation to raise the MA income, asset and spend-down standards. As a member of the HHS Conference Committee, he helped secure the first increase to the MA spend-down standard since 2001. Sen. Tony Lourey (DFL - Kerrick), chairman of the Senate Health and Human Services (HHS) Finance Division, made a commitment to “do something about the spend-down” this session. He followed through with his promise in the final

Lance Hegland

Rebecca Preston

Layne Beckman

Jim Carlisle Photos courtesy of MN-CCD

hours of the HHS conference committee negotiations, securing funding to raise the spend-down from 75 to 80 percent and fully funding a repeal of the MA-EPD. Sen. Chris Easton (DFL - Brooklyn Center) also worked on MA-EPD. After hearing from constituents whose MA-EPD premiums had increased drastically last fall, Eaton responded by authoring the Senate bill to repeal the MA-EPD premium increase and guiding the bill to final passage in the HHS Omnibus proposal. Rep. Tony Albright (R - Prior Lake) attended MN-CCD’s candidate forum in Shakopee in fall 2014 and expressed concern about MA policies that impact people with disabilities. He authored the House bill to repeal the MA-EPD premium increase, which was fully funded in the HHS budget bill. ■

Workers make parks sparkle This summer an Opportunity Services work team is making parks sparkle in Blaine. The Blaine work team consists of four clients from the Anoka County Opportunity Services location and job coach, Melissa Hodge. The team members are enjoying working outside this summer, as a welcome break from indoor work during the colder months. Opportunity Services is a nonprofit that helps adults with disabilities find meaningful employment in the community. Hodge assists team members as they clean bathrooms around the parks. Everyone on the team says the work is fun, Opportunity Services workers make Blaine parks facilities sparkle. especially when they’re Photo courtesy of Opportunity Services cleaning by the beach. Opportunity Services creates beneficial partnerships with local businesses around Minnesota, fulfilling both the needs of the clients and businesses. Bill Blegen, Opportunity Services Sales and Marketing Manager, approached Blaine city officials this spring about a possible partnership. “The City of Blaine has welcomed our clients into their community, providing them with the opportunity to work side by side with the public, for the benefit of the park patrons and beach goers at the City’s most prestigious beach,” he said. Marc Shippee, parks department supervisor for the City of Blaine also shares in the positive energy of the work team. “The OS work team is doing a great job and I’ve received no complaints from local residents. They have fulfilled our business need for the summer and we hope this partnership can continue in the future.” ■

——— Find more People & Places on page 17 ———

June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6 Pg 15

Because of ADA

ACCESSIBLE FUN Opportunities for artists VSA Minnesota offers two opportunities for artists, in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Chautauqua at the Cowles Center for Dance and Performing Arts in Mpls will be a two-day gathering for Minnesota Arts, disability, and public administrators and artists/arts attendees. VSA Minnesota will host an exhibition as well as live performances Sept. 25-26. Performing artists of all types are urged to apply. The event also offers exhibition opportunities for artists who create two-dimensional, artwork that is of high artistic quality, demonstrating originality, imagination, skillful use of materials, and quality of craft. Artists of all abilities thrive thanks in large part due to opportunities through the ADA. Chautauqua is an Iroquois word, meaning, ‘two moccasins tied together.’ The term originated in 1874 in Chautauqua, New York, which lends its name to the format. It refers to an adult education movement featuring lectures, play, and musical performances; the word is also used for any single organization pursuing this activity. For artists, please make submissions in jpegs and email to exhibitions@vsamn.org Alternative formats and accommodations, Braille and large print formats are available upon request. For direct assistance, please contact Halle O’Falvey, Exhibition Coordinator, 612-332-3888 or email exhibitions@vsamn.org O’Falvey is also the contact for performing artists. Deadline is 11:59 p.m. Fri, July 31.

AuSM tournament set The Autism Society of Minnesota (AuSM) will host its 20th annual AuSM Golf Classic at the Troy Burne Golf Club in Hudson, Wis. Mon, Aug. 3. In addition to networking with professionals from the Twin Cities and beyond, registrants will enjoy a round of golf on the premier course, complimentary cart, lunch, awards banquet, silent auction and contests to win exciting prizes. All proceeds from the AuSM Golf Classic will support programs and services for those affected by autism in Minnesota. FFI: www.ausm.org

Opportunity Partners is commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with a photo collection, “Because of ADA”. Check the nonprofit’s Facebook, Instagram and social media accounts to see featured photos of persons served at Opportunity Partners

Gary Nims make AD reservations at least one week in advance, ask for tactile tour at noon. Two-week notice requested for a Braille program. Five-week notice requested for ASL interpreting. Assistive listening devices available at the box office; special seating available for persons with mobility issues. FFI: 507-467-2525, 800-657-7025, www.commonwealtheatre.org

Crazy For You Mounds View Community Theatre presents the story of putting on a show, with great Gershwin music, at Irondale Theater, 2425 Long Lake Road, New Brighton. ASL show is 2 p.m. Sat, July 18. Tickets $20, student/ senior (65+) $15, child 6 & under $8. 651-638-2139 or to confirm ASL seating. FFI: 763-785-9466, www.mvct.org/

Oliver! Phoenix Theatre presents the beloved Charles Dickens classic, at Sheldon Auditorium, 443 W. 3rd St., Red Wing. ASL show is 7 p.m. Sat, July 18. Tickets $10-20. FFI: 651-388-8700, 800-899-5799, www.sheldontheatre.org

Jack & the Giant Beanstalk SteppingStone Theatre presents the much-loved children’s tale at 55 Victoria St. N., St. Paul. AD show is 7 p.m. Sat, July 18. ASL show is 3 p.m. Sun, July 19. Tickets are reduced to $10 access rate (regular $16, youth/senior 55+ $12). FFI: 651-225-9265, www.steppingstonetheatre.org

Rise Above Seizures Walk

The Matchmaker

Walk with us on Sat, Aug. 1 in the largest fundraising/ awareness event in Minnesota and North Dakota to benefit people with seizures. This family-friendly event raises funds to support programs and services for the 60,000 people in the region with epilepsy. Come celebrate loved ones with epilepsy in five locations: Duluth, Fargo/Moorhead, Rochester, St. Cloud and Twin Cities. FFI: www.epilepsyfoundationmn.org/walk/

Girl Friday Productions present Thornton Wilder’s tale, at Park Square Theatre’s Andrew Boss Thrust Stage, 20 W. 7th Place, St. Paul. AD show is 7:30 p.m. Sat, July 18, with a sensory tour at 6 p.m. ASL show is 7:30 p.m. Thu, July 23. Open caption is 2 p.m. Sun, July 26. Tickets $25, discounts for students, seniors & Fringe button holders; ASL/AD/OC single ticket price is $20 each for patron & one guest. Assistive listening devices available. FFI: 651-291-7005, www.girlFriproductions.org/

ZagZum Art Exhibition & Sale This art exhibition and sale features visual artists who live with mental and physical disabilities. At Mpls Convention Center, The Seasons on 2nd Level, 1301 Second Ave. S. ASL/AD offered 9:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Sat, July 11, Free. Reserve Admission at Eventbrite. FFI: 612-930-4230, www.zagzum.org

Dr. Deep Zaraawar Mistry presents a show about the fundamental laws of the university and how by understanding them, everyone can live a life of essential being-ness, at Illusion Theater, 528 Hennepin Ave, 8th floor, Mpls. Recommended for those slightly jaded and older. AD show is 8 p.m. Sat, July 11. Tickets $20, $15 senior/student; ASL/AD patrons: use the code DISCTV for 40 percent off tickets. Assisted listening devices available. FFI: 612-339-4944, www.illusiontheater.org

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Rosetown Playhouse presents the fanciful story of an unusual car, at Como Lakeside Pavilion, 1360 Lexington Pky N., St. Paul. ASL show is 7 p.m. Thu, July 16. Tickets $12, senior/student $10; student age 6-12, $8; child 5 & under: $5. FFI: 651-792-7414 ext. 2, www.rosetownplayhouse.org/tickets

Yussle the Muscle Illusion Theater presents a story of pre-World War II Germany, at 528 Hennepin Ave., 8th floor, Mpls. ASL/AD shows are 7 p.m. Sun, July 19. Tickets $20, $15 senior/ student; ASL/AD patrons: use the code DISCTV for 40% off tickets. Assisted listening devices available. FFI: 612-339-4944, www.illusiontheater.org

Guys & Dolls Duluth Playhouse presents Damon Runyon’s love story, at 506 W. Michigan Street, Duluth. AD/ASL shows are 7:30 p.m. Wed, July 22. Tickets are $27, $17 student/youth. To reserve an ASL viewing seat, call 218-733-7555. FFI: www.duluthplayhouse.org

Mary Poppins Trollwood Performing Arts School presents the tale of best nanny ever, at Bluestem Center for the Arts, IMAGINE Amphitheater, 801 50th Ave. S., Moorhead. AD/ASL shows are 8:30 p.m. Fri, July 24. Tickets are general admission $15; senior/student $13; child 4-10 $10; age 3 & under Free. Reserved $20, $25 & $30. For seating using accessible services, call the box office or email Ryan Crane at craner@fargo.k12.nd.us FFI: 218-477-6502; www.trollwood.org

The Music Man

Disney’s The Little Mermaid, Jr.

Guthrie Theater presents the spectacular Meredith Willson musical, at Guthrie Theater’s Wurtele Thrust Stage, 818 2nd St. S., Mpls. AD shows are 7:30 p.m. Fri, July 17, and 1 p.m. Sat, July 25. ASL shows are 7:30 p.m. Fri, July 24 and 1 p.m. Sat, July 25. Captioning is 7:30 p.m. Fri, July 17 and 1 p.m. Wed, July 29 and Sat, Aug. 1. Tickets reduced to $20 for AD/ASL, $25 for captioning (regular $34-85). FFI: 612-377-2224, www.guthrietheater.org/visit/access_services

Stages Theatre Company presents the Disney story at Hopkins Center for the Arts, 1111 Mainstreet, Hopkins. AD/ASL shows are 7 p.m. Sat, July 25. Tickets $16, $14 senior 60+, $12 student. FFI: 952-979-1111, option 4, www.stagestheatre.org

Woody Guthrie’s American Song Peter Glazer’s adaptation of well-known songs is presented by Commonweal Theatre Company, at 208 Parkway Ave. N., Lanesboro. AD show is 1:30 p.m. Sat, July 18, pre-show at 1:10 p.m. Tickets reduced to $15 for AD/ASL patrons (regular $30; student $15). Please

Anything Goes Cross Community Players presents the Cole Porter musical, at Osseo Senior High School, 317 Second Ave. NW, Osseo. AD/ASL shows are 2 p.m. Sun, July 26. Tickets $17 adult/senior, student/child $12. ASL patrons and AD patrons’ half-price up to two tickets. For each ticket, please bring a non-perishable food item for the local food shelf. FFI: 763-391-2787, www.crossplayers.org

and their stories of the personal impact of the Act. There will be 25 photos to commemorate the 25 years. They will be posted on social media accounts and will include the person holding a handwritten sign saying how the ADA has positively impacted their lives. Learn more about Opportunity Partners at http:// opportunities.org/

Bobby Gregerson

Barb Cook

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Children’s Theatre Company presents a lively version of the Jules Verne story, at 2400 Third Ave. S., Mpls. AD show is 7 p.m. Tue, July 28. ASL shows are 7 p.m. Tue, Aug. 11, 7:25 p.m. and 8:40 p.m. Fri, Aug. 14. Tickets (regular $16-40). Due to the interactive nature of the production, children must be ages 4 and older to attend. FFI: 612-874-0400; www.childrenstheatre.org

Minnesota Fringe Festival The 22nd annual Minnesota Fringe Festival features 175 companies presenting 900 performances of theater, dance, performance art, storytelling and other entertainment at 25 Mpls. venues, all accessible to people with mobility impairments. Shows last 60 minutes or less, and a new show starts every 90 minutes. Performing groups come from Minnesota as well as from across the country. The schedule with show descriptions is searchable at www.fringefestival.org, with a listing of shows utilizing AD or ASL at http://fringefestival.org/shows/access/ and available for printing at home. For a daily recording of shows presented with AD or ASL, call VSA Minnesota at 612-332-3888. Tickets can be purchased online or at each venue. A $4 Fringe button is required of all attendees. FFI: 612-872-1212, www.fringefestival.org

Grease Lyric Arts Company of Anoka presents the 1950s love story, at Lyric Arts’ Main Street Stage, 420 E. Main Street, Anoka. ASL show is 2 p.m. Sun, Aug. 2. Seats for ASL patrons are held in reserve until two weeks prior to the show, then released to the general public. When ordering tickets, please indicate your need for seating in this section; if there are no reservations a week before the show, the interpretation will be canceled. Tickets $16-26; $5 discount for ASL seats. FFI: 763-422-1838, www.lyricarts.org

Into the Woods Young Artists Initiative presents a story with fairy tale favorites, at Wellstone Center Neighborhood House, 179 Robie St. E., St. Paul. ASL show is 7:30 p.m. Sat, Aug. 8. Tickets $10, $8 senior 65+, $6 student under 18. FFI: 651-222-5437, www.youngartistsmn.org

Accessible fun - p. 19

Pg 16 June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6

UPCOMING EVENTS Advocacy Plan for training conference As part of the ongoing commemoration of the 25th anniversary of passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Minnesota State Council on Disability hosts an ADA Celebration/Training Conference Wed, Oct. 28 at Mpls Convention Center. The conference focuses on employment, technology, advocacy, and community living and includes a career fair for people with disabilities, in partnership with the Minnesota Business Leadership Network. It will also feature speakers and informative breakout sessions. The noon hour keynote program will be broadcast live statewide on tpt with participation from communities across Minnesota. The council is examining how employment has been impacted by the ADA as part of an overall effort to describe its role in Minnesota. Take a short survey on employment: http://tinyurl. com/ADA25employmentMN FFI: 651-361-7803, www.disability.state.mn.us/ada/ National symposium planned PACER Center hosts the 10th Annual National Symposium on children and young adults with mental health and learning disabilities 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tue, Aug. 4, Mpls. Convention Center. Cost is $30 and includes lunch. Hear nationally known experts and take advantage of this learning opportunity for general education teachers, administrators and parents interested in understanding more about mental health and learning disabilities in children and young adults. FFI: 952-838-9000. 1-800-537-2237 (toll free), www.PACER.org Autism in Business On Thu, Oct. 22, the Autism Society of Minnesota (AuSM) will bring together Minnesota’s top corporate leaders, business professionals, state agencies and autism advocates in St. Paul for Autism in Business, a forum fo-

cused on providing positive strategies for employing and retaining individuals with autism. It will feature a keynote presentation, leadership luncheon and breakout sessions on topics including how to achieve diversity hiring goals, theory of mind in the workplace, a moderated panel of people with autism discussing their employment experiences, successful employment stories from business managers and leaders, and tactics for companies wishing to employ individuals with autism. FFI: www.ausm.org Save the date: The Arc MN The Arc Minnesota reminds everyone to save the date for the annual conference, set for Sat, Oct. 24 at Shoreview Community Center, Shoreview. Theme is A Working Life and keynote speaker is Nancy Brooks-Lane, senior consultant, Center for Social Capital. Watch for details. FFI: www.thearcmn.org

Youth and families Introduction to future planning Learn how to plan a secure future for a family member with an intellectual or developmental disability at Introduction to Future Planning, a free presentation by The Arc Greater Twin Cities, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Thu, July 16 at the White Bear Public Library, Community Programming Room, 4698 Clarke Ave., White Bear Lake. The presentation will cover financial planning and estate issues that families need to consider in creating a plan that honors and preserves their loved one’s quality of life. Estate planning expert Lori Guzman of Guzman Law Firm, P.A., will discuss supplemental and special needs trust plans, creating and preserving benefits, and balancing present and future needs. Staff from The Arc will share information about critical elements in lifetime planning, planning for quality of life and how The Arc supports individu-

als with disabilities and their families. RSVP required by Tue, July 14. FFI: 952-915-3631, peterfricke@thearcgtc.org PACER offers workshops PACER Center offers many useful free or low-cost workshops and other resources for families of children with any kind of disabilities. Workshops are at PACER Center, 8161 Normandale Blvd., Bloomington, unless specified. Advance registration is required for all workshops. Check out PACER’s website and link to the newsletter of statewide workshops that allows participants to pick and choose sessions catered to their needs. Families Are Important: Understanding the Early Intervention Process in Minnesota is offered 6:30-8:30 p.m. Mon, July 20 at PACER Center. This workshop features an overview of families’ rights, roles, and responsibilities within the early intervention system. It also addresses services in the natural environment, the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), and child and family outcomes. Technology for Girls: Ooey-Gooey Science is 6-8 p.m. Tue, July 21 at PACER Center. S’mores are delicious when cooked over a campfire, but have you ever made them using a solar oven? Don’t miss this exciting hands-on workshop that will explore the fundamentals of solar energy, heat, and radiation. Led by the Green Girls – a team of middle school students from Eagan Robotics – this STEM Club workshop will give participants the opportunity to design and build a solar oven to cook tasty treats and create an explosive foamy volcano using just a few common ingredients. FFI: PACER at 952-838-9000. In Greater Minnesota, call 800537-2237 (toll free), www.PACER.org

Info/assistance Take a program tour Can-Do Canines hosts its Tails to Tell Tour at 11 a.m. Thu, July 23 at its facility at 9440 Science Center Drive, New Hope. Tails to Tell Tours

are a friendly, informal way to see what Can Do Canines is all about. Guests have a chance to see the training facility and meet a graduate, their assistance dog, as well as a puppy raiser and the staff. Tails to Tell sessions last about one hour and are open to the public. Preregister. FFI: 763-331-3000, www.can-do-canines.org New website is offered When a child is struggling with mental health and emotional or behavioral needs such as impulse control, mood, or anxiety, families may not know where to turn for help. PACER’s new Children’s Mental Health and Emotional or Behavioral Disorders website (PACER.org/ CMH) called “Inspiring Opportunities,” offers information to assist families and professionals across the country in knowing when to be concerned, how to get help, and who to ask for information and support when navigating multiple systems. The first resource of its kind for families, the “When and Where to Get Help” section of the website (www.pacer.org/cmh/getting-help) offers a roadmap designed to help families start on the right foot when seeking assistance for their child. FFI: 952-838-9000, PACER @pacer.org PACER.org/CMH Vision loss group activities Vision Loss Resources offers free and low-cost activities in the Twin Cities for people who are blind or visually impaired. Life skills classes for those with low vision; card games, craft classes, book clubs, walking groups, dinners out, special outings and technology classes are among the offerings. Participants need to RVSP to participate. FFI: RSVP hotline 612-843-3439; activity phone 612-253-5155, www.visionlossresources.org MCIL offers classes/activities The Metropolitan Center for Independent Living (MCIL) offers many life skills classes as well as fun outings and activities for people with disabilities. MCIL is at 530 N. Robert Street, St Paul and most activities are there or start there. Classes and events are listed on the website, www.mcilmn.org. Click on “Classes Groups and Sessions” for updated information or to print their calendar. Please give two weeks’ notice if alternative format or other accommodations are needed. Events are free, accessible and mostly scent-free. FFI: 651-603-2030 Adult support groups offered Autism Society of Minnesota (AuSM) offers free support groups for adults with autism spectrum disorder. Groups include those for adult family members, women with autism spectrum disorders and independent adults with autism. Check the web site for upcoming groups. Groups meet at the AuSM offices at 2380 Wycliff St. FFI: 651-647-1083 ext. 10, www.ausm.org UCare meetings UCare hosts informational meetings about its UCare for Seniors Medicare Advantage plan, as well as informational meetings about the UCare’s new UCare Choices and Fairview UCare Choices health plans available on MNSure, Minne-

sota’s health insurance marketplace. Learn about the various plans, as well as key dates and penalties associated with health care reform. Meetings are held all over the region. UCare for Seniors has more than 75,000 members across Minnesota and western Wisconsin. UCare serves Medicare-eligible individuals and families enrolled in income-based Minnesota Health Care Programs, such as Minnesota Care and Prepaid Medical Assistance Program; adults with disabilities and Medicare beneficiaries with chronic health conditions and Minnesotans dually eligible for Medical Assistance and Medicare FFI: 1-877-523-1518, www.ucare.org Mental health support offered NAMI of Minnesota offers more than 300 free educational classes statewide each year, along with help in navigating the mental health system. NAMI also has more than 60 free support groups living with a mental illness and their families. In the Twin Cities NAMI has about two dozen family support groups, more than 20 support groups for people living with a mental illness, anxiety support groups, groups for veterans and other groups. Led by trained facilitators, groups provide help and support. FFI: 651-645-2948. A full calendar of all events is offered online. Open Door Anxiety and Panic support, meets at 6:30 p.m. the first and third Thu at Woodland Hills Church, 1740 Van Dyke St., St. Paul and 6:30-6 p.m. on the second and fourth Thu at Goodwill-Easter Seals, 553 Fairview Ave. N., St. Paul. FFI: 651-645-2948 A family support group meets in St. Paul on the second Wednesday of each month at 6-7:30 p.m., at GoodwillEaster Seals, at the Fairview location in room 123. FFI: Sonja, 651-357-2077. A family support group meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, from 7:00-8:30 p.m., at Canvas Health, 7066 Stillwater Blvd., Oakdale. FFI: Dan, 651-341-8918.

Volunteer, Donate Share a smile Brighten the day of a senior citizen in north or southwest Minneapolis and have fun. Visit an elder and do things together: movies, games, crafts or just friendly conversation. Hang out with a senior on a regular basis and do things that you both enjoy, like watching a movie, playing games or friendly conversation. One-time or ongoing opportunities through the NIP Senior Program. FFI: Jeanne, 612-746-8549, www.neighborhoodinvolve.org Open the Door to Education Help adults reach their educational goals and earn their GED. Tutor, teach or assist in a classroom with the Minnesota Literacy Council. Give just a few hours a week and help people expand their opportunities and change their lives through education. The literacy council provides training and support and accommodations for volunteers with disabilities. FFI: Allison, 651-251-9110, volunteer@mn literacy.org, www.mnliteracy. org/volunteers/opportunities/ adults. ■

June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6 Pg 17

——— In Memoriam ——— PEOPLE & PLACES New board members - from p. 13 2013. Before joining The Arc’s board, Whiting volunteered on the sponsorship committee for the Arc Gala. He has a son with Williams Syndrome. Davis is a residential real estate professional with Coldwell Banker Burnett. She was first elected to The Arc’s board in 2012. She has been involved in the Arc Gala for the past four years and co-chaired the event in 2014 with her sister, Fran Davis. She has also served on board committees and has extensive experience in public policy, fundraising and retail. Monaghan is vice president, business development strategy with Medtronic. He worked for Arthur Andersen and Deloitte before joining Medtronic, where he has held a number of financial, marketing and operational roles. Monaghan was first elected to The Arc’s board in 2009 and is now serving his third term. He has served on The Arc’s Board Governance Committee. ■

Finding rewarding work is the goal Self-advocates from Minnesota’s Twin Cities metropolitan area are seeking jobs in integrated settings, thanks to a new program. Explore-Prepare-Act is a three-step program designed for people with developmental disabilities. It was developed by self-advocates in partnership with the Institute for Community Inclusion, the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services and the Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong. Rick Cardenas, former co-director of Advocating Change Together (ACT), adapted the program as part of the Metro Region’s Disability Integration Plan. Nikki Villavicencio has led the program since Cardenas’ retirement this spring, with assistance from Mary Fenske. The program is part of ACT’s Olmstead Academy. Minnesota’s Olmstead Plan provides a framework for advancing community integration, including employment. Program goals are to create discussion regarding the value of work, provide understanding about work incentives and disincentives and offer practical steps in looking for jobs. Future plans call for a job club and online resources. “The biggest thing I’ve learned is that people with disabilities might have a lot of work skills but they are often put into jobs they don’t like,” said Villavicencio. Program participants were recruited through sheltered workshops with more groups to be established this summer. Participants attend workshops and learn job-seeking skills. In the Explore Step participants talk about different job possibilities and how to find jobs based on their skills and interests. Someone who likes sports might look at opportunities at the new Vikings Stadium or at the Target Center. “There are tons of jobs available in concessions, taking tickets, handing out flyers, cleaning, or working cameras,” said Villavicencio. “It just opens their minds as to what they can get.” In the Prepare Step participants talk about what they need to get the job they want, including training, resume preparation and job interview practice. The Act Step involves applying for jobs and doing an actual interview. Throughout the training participants visit potential job sites and learn about the benefits of having a job, including being part of the community, becoming independent, and making a living. Pay, benefits and medical assistance are also discussed. “Currently most of the jobs available for people with disabilities are at sub to minimum wage,” said Villavicencio. “The Olmstead Plan calls for a less restrictive environment and more livable wages.” For more information about the Olmstead Academy, contact the ACT Office at 651-641-0297 or www.self advocacy.org. For more information about Explore, Prepare, Act, go to http://www.exploreprepareact.org/ ■

Leppick helped start group

Gavenda championed children

Maryellen Halstead Leppink is remembered for her work with people with traumatic brain injury. She died in May at age 89. A memorial service was held in June. The New Jersey native and her husband Dr. Harold Leppink moved to Minnesota in 1957, after volunteering at a hospital in Puerto Rico. She moved to Minneapolis in 1974 and worked at Courage Center providing counseling and support services to adults who had experienced strokes or traumatic brain injuries. During this time she helped organize the Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance and served on its board of directors. After retirement she enjoyed time with family, gardening and outings with her daughters to local arts events. She had a lifelong involvement with social justice issues and the rights of the elderly. Leppink is survived by a sister, four children and their spouses, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Memorials are preferred to Washburn Center for Children or Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance. ■

James Gavenda is remembered as someone who made a career in special education. He died June 17 at his Minnetonka home. He was 81 years old. Gavenda earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in education, specializing in special education at James Gavenda the University of Minnesota. He retired from St. Louis Park School district after 25 years of service in a variety of different capacities including coordinator of special education, elementary principal and district administrator. Gavenda was especially proud of his role in mainstreaming students with disabilities into the classrooms, once saying “I was at least a part of bringing kids identified as handicapped out of isolation and into closer contact with society and educational opportunities.” He is survived by his wife, Kathy; children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Services have been held. Memorials are preferred to Feline Rescue or Animal Humane Society. ■

Robert R. Peters is remembered Bloomington disability rights activist and author Robert R. Peters is remembered as someone who devoted countless hours to human rights and disability rights activities. Peters died June 25 from complications of cellulitis. He was 75 years old. Peters’ book, A Dive Too Deep, described the July 1964 accident Robert R. Peters that broke his neck and crushed his spinal cord, as well as his life with quadriplegia. In the book Peters said his first response was to think, “Why me?” He realized that opportunity often comes after a “Why Me” life-altering experience. He not only survived, but thrived, retiring in 2004 from a 43-year career in the electronics field at Control Data/Seagate. He authored Easy Wheelin’ in Minnesota, which was published in 1976. He also served as a guest columnist on disability-related issued for the Bloomington Sun-Current newspaper. He was a City of Bloomington Human Rights Commission member, and a member of Bloomington’s Advisory Committee on Architectural Barriers. He served as committee chairperson from 1976 to 1980. In 1981 and 1982, he chaired Bloomington’s 1981 International and National Year of Disabled Persons committees. Peters is survived by his wife, Penny; one brother, two sisters and many nieces, nephews and friends. Services have been held. Memorials are preferred to the St. Mary’s Cathedral Renovation Project. ■

Jordan provided a sense of family Tony Jordan is remembered as someone who provided a sense of family for people with autism and developmental disabilities. Jordan, 62, died of a heart attack June 1. For more than 20 years the Shoreview resident and his wife, Jeannie, operated residential group homes in the northern Twin Cities metro area. They gave 24 adults with disabilities a place to grow, develop friendships and feel safe. Jordan studied anthropology and sociology at the University of Minnesota, and then earned a degree in special education. His mother was a longtime special education teacher. His wife was a teaching assistant to his mother, which is how the Jordans met. He worked with students with emotional behavioral disabilities for about five years in District 916 before the family started Enrich and opened its first group home in 1990. Friends and family said he had a gift for working with people with disabilities and that he looked at abilities rather than disability. He was also a supporter of Access Press. Jordan is also survived by his wife, mother, sister, daughter and son. Services have been held. ■

Childhood polio didn’t stop Kissel Childhood polio didn’t prevent Joseph James “Joe” from pursuing a longtime career as an accountant. Kissel died June 13 at age 86, at the Masonic Home of Bloomington. Kissel was the son of Slovak immigrants and part of a family with eight children. He contracted polio as a toddler, while living on the family farm near Cedar. He spent years at the Shriners Hospital and Sister Kenny Institute. He attended Michael Dowling School and was a graduate of the Minnesota School of Business. Although he encountered many prejudices regarding his polio disability, he was remembered by family members as simply going to repeat job interviews to work in accounting. He worked for the City of Minneapols for 30 years and also held positions at Siweck Lumber, Paramount Pictures and Canton Lumber. He is survived by one sister and two sisters-in-law. Services have been held. Memorials are preferred to the National Parkinson Foundation of Minnesota. ■

Pg 18 June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6

JuLy Sampling

Radio Talking Book Enjoy Radio Talking Book everywhere Many people don’t like to be tied down to a specific place to listen to what is on the Radio Talking Book. Listeners can get the Radio Talking Book signal on the Internet, both live and archived programs, or on a phone app called iBlink Radio. For those who like to hear books in entirety, books aired on Radio Talking Book are available from the local regional library of the National Library Service and or as downloads through BARD. The monthly newsletters can help readers find books of interest. Call a States Services for the Blind counselor with questions about programs or books.

Books available through Faribault Books broadcast on the Minnesota Radio Talking Book Network are available through the Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library in Faribault. Call 1-800-722-0550, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. The catalog is online at www.mnbtbl.org, click on the link Search the Library Catalog. Persons living outside of Minnesota may obtain copies of books via interlibrary loan by contacting their home state’s Network Library for the National Library Service. Listen to the Minnesota Radio Talking Book, either live or archived programs from the previous week on the Internet at www.mnssb.org/rtb. Call the Talking Book Library for a password to the site. To find more information about Minnesota Radio Talking Book Network events go to the Facebook site at http://tinyurl.com/RadioTalkBook Audio information about the daily book listings is also on National Federation for the Blind (NFB) Newsline. Register for NFB Newsline by calling 651-539-1424. Access Press is featured at 9 p.m. Sundays on the program It Makes a Difference. Chautauqua • Tuesday – Saturday 4 a.m. More Awesome than Money, Nonfiction by Jim Dwyer, 2014. 14 broadcasts. Begins July 22. Four com-

ACCESSIBLE MOVIES What’s more fun than a trip to the movies? Several technologies are available to make movies accessible for people with vision or hearing loss. Minnesota theaters offer a variety of options. Contact the theater before attending as options vary from theater to the theater, or from movie to movie. Rear Window Captioning displays reversed captions on a light-emitting diode (LED) text display which is mounted in the rear of a theater. Patrons who are deaf or hard-of-hearing use transparent acrylic panels attached to their seats to reflect the captions so they appear superimposed on the movie screen. The reflective panels are portable and adjustable, enabling the caption user to sit anywhere in the theater without bothering patrons in surrounding seats. The LED display is easy to read. DVS Theatrical presents concise descriptive narration

puter nerd undergrads wanted to build a social network that would allow users to control the information they shared, instead of surrendering their privacy to big businesses like Facebook. Their project was called Diaspora. Read by Chris Colestock.

sure call centers and the selling of social security numbers and account information. The world of consumer debt collection is unregulated and operators make unwarranted threats and collect debts that are not theirs. L - Read by Nualle Schallenberger.

Past is Prologue • Monday – Friday 9 a.m. The Story of the Jews, Nonfiction by Simon Schama, 2014. 22 broadcasts. Begins July 27. The Jewish world has been immersed in and imprinted by the peoples among whom they have dwelled, from Egyptians to Greeks, from Arabs to Christians. Their story, therefore, is everyone’s story. Read by Audray Rees.

Night Journey • Monday – Friday 9 p.m. The Empire of Night, Fiction by Robert Olen Butler, 2014. 15 broadcasts. Begins July 20. Christopher Marlowe Cobb, known as Kit, is a spy working undercover at a castle on the Kentish coast, owned by a suspected mole, Sir Albert Stockman. Kit’s mother is also a spy, Isabel Cobb, and a famous stage actress, one of whose fans is this same Sir Albert Stockman. L - Read by John Mandeville.

Bookworm • Monday – Friday 11 a.m. Secret of a Thousand Beauties, Fiction by Mingmei Yip, 2015. Eight broadcasts. Begins July 21. Spring Swallow was promised in marriage before she was born. When the groom died before the wedding, she was ordered to become a ghost bride, meaning she would be little more than a servant to her in-laws. Refusing to accept her fate, Spring Swallow flees. Read by Nancy Felknor. The Writer’s Voice • Monday – Friday 2 p.m. The Daring Heart of David Livingstone, Nonfiction by Jay Milbrandt, 2014. 10 broadcasts. Begins July 23. The quest for the source of the Nile will forever be associated with David Livingstone, and his adventures in the name of scientific ambition make for a compelling story. But the most overlooked part of David Livingstone’s life is his contribution to the abolition of the slave trade. Read by Bonnie Smith-Yackel. PM Report • Monday – Friday 8 p.m. Latino America, Nonfiction by Matt Barreto and Gary Segura, 2014. 11 broadcasts. Begins July 15. The U.S. is undergoing a substantial and irreversible shift in identity. So are the Latinos whose populations are responsible for this change. Barreto and Segura show how Latinos have transformed the country politically and socially. Read by Tony Lopez. Bad Paper, Nonfiction by Jake Halpern, 2014. Seven broadcasts. Begins July 30. Through the story of a couple debt collectors, Jake Halpern tells of high-pres-

of visual cues, including actions, settings, scene changes, facial expressions and silent movement, through an FM or infrared system, making movies more meaningful to people with vision loss. The moviegoer hears the narration on a headset without disturbing other audience members and at no extra cost. The Media Access Group at WGBH in Boston developed Rear Window Captioning and DVS Theatrical. Films equipped with MoPix or motion picture access technology can be found by calling 617-300-3400 or TTY: 617-300-2489. The website is http://tinyurl.com/ showingnow Or e-mail: access@wgbh.org Some cinemas use other variations of open captioning, which is a text display of words and sounds heard during a performance, film, video, speech or dialogue. The display is “open” for anyone to see in a particular seating area. The website www.captionfish.com lists cinemas with these access features. Put in your zip code and the site will give current listings of nearby movies with open or closed captioning, an audio description track, or English subtitles in foreign films.

Did you know that Access Press is a nonprofit organization? One of the reasons we’re able to continue to bring disability related news to our readers is thanks to our advertisers. We ask that you take the time to support them with your dollars—and to take the time in thanking them for their support! Accessible Homes LLC Accessible Space AccessAbility Design Accessibility Options, Inc. Accra Care ADA Minnesota Advocating Change Together AgStar Ally People Solutions AmRamp The ARC Greater Twin Cities The ARC of Minnesota ARRM Axis Healthcare Bethel Healthcare Community BDC Management Blue Cross/Blue Shield Break–Thru Home Care Calvary Center Apartments Camp Winnebago Capable Partners Community Education Network on Disabilities Comm. Involvement Programs Cornerstone Solutions Courage Kenny DeafBlind Services Diamond Hill Townhomes Dungarvin Minnesota, LLC East Suburban Resources

Ebenezer Care Center Ebenezer Park Apartments Equal Access Homes EquipALife Family Foundations MN Festival of Nations Fraser Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare Goodwill/Easter Seals MN Guthrie Theater Hammer Travel Handi Medical Supply Helping Paws, Inc. History Theatre Holmes-Greenway Apartments IMED Mobility In Home Personal Care Interact Center for the Arts Kaposia Inc. Key Medical Supply Lee F. Murphy Insurance Group Lewis Park Apartments Lifetrack Lifeworks Services Living Well Disability Services Lutheran Social Service of MN Mark Knutson Mary T Inc. Mental Health Association of MN

Metes & Bounds Management Metropolitan Center for Independent Living Metro Meals on Wheels Medica Merrick, Inc. Metro Work Center, Inc. Midwest Special Services, Inc. Mind Body Solutions Mixed Blood Theatre MN Brain Injury Alliance MN-CCD MN Disability Law Center MN Diversified Industries MN-DOT MN Governor’s Council on Development Disabilities MN Office of Higher Education MN Resource Center (MRC) MN State Council on Disability MN Sports Entertainment MN Work Incentives Connection Mt. Olivet Rolling Acres NAMI-MN Natl. Handicap Housing Institute Oak Park Village Opportunity Partners Opportunity Services Pacer Center PAWsensitive Perspectives

Assistance Dogs Phoenix Residence Pro-Act, Inc. Reach for Resources Reliable Medical Supply, Inc REM Minnesota Restart, Inc. Rise, Inc. Rural Living Environments SEIU Healthcare Minnesota SEMCIL Southern MN Independent Living Enterprises & Services STAR Program Tamarack Habilitation Tech. Inc. TBI Metro Services True Friends TSE Inc. UCare United Cerebral Palsy of MN Upstream Arts Ventures Travel Vision Loss Resources Vinland National Center Volunteer Braille Services Wilderness Inquiry Work Incentives Wound Healing Center

Off the Shelf • Monday – Friday 10 p.m. O, Africa! , Fiction by Andrew Lewis Conn, 2014. 14 broadcasts. Begins July 14. In the summer of 1928, twins Micah and Izzy Grand are at the pinnacle of their moviemaking careers, when Micah’s vices catch up to him. As danger looms, they go to Africa to compile stock footage of flora and fauna, and to film a movie. Instead, they discover themselves. Read by John Holden. Good Night Owl • Monday – Friday midnight Citizens Creek , Fiction by Lalita Tademy, 2014. 15 broadcasts. Begins July 22. Born into slavery in Alabama in 1810 and sold to a Creek Indian chief, Cow Tom possessed an extraordinary ability to master languages. As the U.S. expanded westward, he became a key translator between his Creek master and military generals. L - Read by Joan Sanaker.

Weekend Program Books Your Personal World (Saturday at 1 p.m.) is airing Down Size, by Ted Spiker; For the Younger Set (Sunday at 11 a.m.) is airing The Eye of Minds, by James Dashner, and The Song of the Quarkbeast , by Jasper Fforde; Poetic Reflections (Sunday at noon) is airing Blue Horses, by Mary Oliver, and The Last Two Seconds, by Mary Jo Bang; The U.S. and Us (Sunday at 4 p.m.) is airing Stolen from the Garden, by William Swanson. ■ Abbreviations: V - violence, L - offensive language, S - sexual situations

Science Museum of Minnesota Omnitheater hosts Hubble, with shows daily at 2 p.m. in the Omnitheater through Aug. 23. Get a new view of the universe in the new Omnitheater film Hubble. Narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, Hubble is a tour of the universe through 20 years of astounding images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. See what it’s like to repair and upgrade Hubble as the Atlantis STS-125 crew performs some of the most difficult spacewalks ever attempted at 17,500 mph and 350 miles above the Earth. The museum is open Tue-Wed 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., Thu-Sat 9:30 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sun 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., closed Mon. Phone is 651-221-9444 or 800-221-9444, option 2 for Omnitheater film times, reservations or questions; TTY is 651-221-4585. For accessibility information, visit www.smm.org/accessibility; the main website is www.smm.org Landmark Theatres offer CaptiView Closed Caption Viewing Systems, which allow people to read movie dialogue from the comfort of their seat anywhere in the auditorium, and Fidelio, a wireless audio system that delivers descriptive narration for people with vision loss and amplified sound for people with hearing loss. Patrons can get a compact audio receiver with a plug-in headset at the box office or bring their own headsets. Descriptive Narration and closed captioning availability is subject to the content made available from distributors. All films are available with amplified sound through Assisted Listening Devices. The theaters are Edina Cinema, 3911 W. 50th St., Edina, phone 952-920-8796; Uptown Theatre, 2906 Hennepin Ave., Mpls, phone 612-823-3005; and Lagoon Cinema,1320 Lagoon Ave., Mpls, phone 612-823-3020. Website for the theaters is www.LandmarkTheatres.com or http://tinyurl.com/ capsviewing AMC Theatres offer accessible films. Eden Prairie Mall 18 Theatres, Auditorium 7, Eden Prairie Shopping Center, 8251 Flying Cloud Drive, Suite 4000, Eden Prairie; phone is 952-656-0010. Park in upper level lot between Sears and Kohl’s. AMC Rosedale 14 Theatres, Auditorium 14, 850 Rosedale Center, Roseville; phone

Accessible Movies - p. 19

June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6 Pg 19

Accessible fun - from p. 15 Art Show: Tanya L. Dickinson Vision Loss Resources hosts a free show by Princeton artist Tanya L. Dickinson, at 1936 Lyndale Ave. S. (at Franklin), Mpls. Lobby open 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon-Fri. It is part of a rotating series of exhibits coordinated by VSA Minnesota and runs through Aug. FFI: VLR: 612-871-2222, VSA MN: 612-332-3888, http://vsamn.org/artists-disabilities/exhibit-program/.

Art Show: Simon Carvalho Park State Bank, 1108 Nicollet Mall, Suite 210, Mpls.

Accessible movies - from p. 18 is 651-604-9347. AMC Showplace Inver Grove 16, 5567 Bishop Ave., Inver Grove Heights, offers open captioned films generally Wed-Thu; phone is 651-4531916. General information for all AMC Theatres is 1888-262-4386. Website is www.amcentertainment.com Regal Theatres offers films with open captioning or descriptive video. Regal Brooklyn Center 20, 6420 Camden Ave N, Minneapolis; phone is 763-560-6300. Regal Eagan 16, 2055 Cliff Road, Eagan; phone is 651-452-8329. Website is www.fandango.com/ 55122_movietheatershowtimes Marcus Theatres in the Twin Cities, St. Cloud and Duluth now offer accessible CaptiView technology for deaf and hard of hearing guests at its digital cinemas. This closed captioning system is available for most movies and can be used at any showing for movies that are captioned using this technology. When purchasing a ticket, a guest requests the CaptiView device (about the size of a large smartphone with a screen to display the captions). It has a flexible support arm designed to fit into the cup holder of the guest’s seat and the viewing angle can be adjusted. Patrons can also request assistive listening devices at the box office at all film showings. The wireless headphones have adjustable volume. Guests with vision loss can use these headphones as descriptive audio devices when a movie offers a descriptive audio option. Not all films are produced this way, but the number of available films is increasing. Marcus Theatres are Oakdale Ultrascreen Cinemas, 5677 Hadley Ave. N., Oakdale, 651-7704992; Marcus Lakes Cinema, 4351 Stebner Rd., Hermantown, and Marcus Duluth Theatre, 300 Harbor Drive, Duluth, 218-729-0335. Website is www.marcustheatres.com ShowPlace ICON at West End offers listening devices. The theater is at 1625 West End Blvd., St. Louis Park, 763-515-1177, www.showplaceicon.com/ showtimes.aspx ■

CLASSIFIEDS Access Press Classifieds are $14 for the first 12 and 65¢ per word thereafter. They must be prepaid. Mail to: Access Press care of The Kelly Inn Offices; 161 St. Anthony Ave; #910; St. Paul, MN 55103; 651-644-2133 • FAX 651-644-2136 • Email: access@accesspress.org

FOR RENT Lewis Park Apartments: Barrier-free housing with wheelchair users in mind. Section 8 subsidized. One- and two-bedroom units. For more information on availability call 651-488-9923. St. Paul, MN. Equal Opportunity Housing. Oak Park Village: We are accepting applications for the waiting list for one-bedroom wheelchair accessible apartments. Section 8 subsidized. Convenient St. Louis Park location. Call 952-935-9125 for information. Equal Opportunity Housing. Calvary Center Apts: 7650 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN. A Section 8 building now accepting applications for our waiting list. Call 9 am to 4 pm, Mon – Fri 763-546-4988 for an application. Equal Opportunity Housing. Holmes-Greenway Housing: One- and two-bedroom wheelchair-accessible apartments. Section 8 subsidized. Convenient SE Minneapolis location. Call 612-378-0331 for availability information. Equal Opportunity Housing. Find your new home with At Home Apartments. Call 651-224-1234 or visit AtHomeApartments.com for an apartment or town home. Equal Opportunity Housing. Stonehouse Square Apartments We are accepting applications for the waiting list for one-bedroom wheelchair accessible apartments. Section 8 subsidized. Convenient NE Minneapolis location. FMI: 612-3783945. Equal Opportunity Housing

hosts a free exhibit of photography of beautiful flowers by St. Paul photographer Simon Carvalho. Lobby open 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon-Fri. It is part of a rotating series of exhibits coordinated by VSA Minnesota and runs through Sept. Photos are for sale. FFI: Park State Bank: 612-238-0430; VSA Minnesota: 612-332-3888, http://tinyurl.com/vsa-dis-art

More events information VSA Minnesota is at http://vsamn.org The website has a large calendar at in the upper right hand corner of its home page. For information on galleries and theater performances around the state join the Access to Performing Arts email list at access@vsamn.org or call VSA Minnesota, 612-332-3888 or statewide 800-8013883 (voice/TTY). To hear a weekly listing of accessible performances, call 612-332-3888 or 800-801-3883. Another web events’ listing is http://c2net.org (c2: caption coalition, inc.), which does most of the captioned shows across the country. Facebook is another way to connect with performances. Sign up to connect with Audio Description Across Minnesota (http:// tinyurl.com/ d34dzo2). Connect with ASL interpreted and captioned performances across Minnesota on Facebook http:// tinyurl.com/FBcaption ■

Essay contest - from p. 4 plaques and opportunities to engage with City officials throughout the rest of the year. Besides observing the milestone, Minneapolis and its partners are focusing on improving engagement, participation and quality of service for people with disabilities. Minneapolis has started a thorough ADA evaluation of its own programs and services to identify possible barriers to residents. The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board is reviewing recommendations for its ADA evaluation process. Every bus in Metro Transit’s fleet has a lift or ramp to accommodate wheelchairs and other mobility devices; newer vehicles have low, flat entrances that make boarding easier for everyone. The 25th anniversary celebration is being organized by the City of Minneapolis Neighborhood and Community Relations Department, the City of Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights, the Minneapolis Advisory Committee on People with Disabilities, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the Metropolitan Council. ■

Pg 20 June 10, 2015 Volume 26, Number 6

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