May 2017 Edition - Access Press

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ART SHOW Page 11

Volume 28, Number 5

May 10, 2017



Survey shows key changes in attitudes



by Jane McClure

SURVEY page 3

Unless we remember we cannot understand.


E.M. Forester

Erica Schmiel of Brain Injury Alliance and self-advocate Amy Zellmer are among those seeking change at the capitol.

Adjourn May 22


Legislature, governor negotiate as talks go down to the wire by Jane McClure Brick-and-mortar projects and a bevy of programs and service important to the disability community hang in the balance as the 2017 Minnesota Legislature nears its May 22 adjournment date. Gov. Mark Dayton and leaders in


the House and Senate were meeting on budget issues as Access Press went to press. Dayton and Republican leaders of both legislative bodies are working to avoid a special session or the worst-case scenario of a government shutdown. The state talks became more urgent

Read our story on page 7


Deadline is approaching

Nominate someone for Charlie Smith Award by Access Press staff Someone out there works every day to provide outstanding service to Minnesotans with disabilities. That someone works for change in the community, lobbies policymakers, works to promote equal rights and equal opportunity or quietly helps out as needed. That someone may be one person, two people or an entire organization. Think about those special “someones” as potential nominees for the 2017 Access Press Charlie Smith Award, which will be presented in November at the newspaper’s annual banquet. The Access Press Board of Directors has announced the start of nominations. Deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday, August 9. Board members and newspaper staff always enjoy reading the nomination forms. The winner and all nominees are featured in the September issue. “The Charlie Smith Award has been given to a number wonderful and distinguished people over the years who have impacted our disability community in countless different ways,” said Steve Anderson, chairman of the Access Press Board. “By nominating a person for this award you are not only recognizing that person for their contributions to our community, you are also shining a positive light on our community


How do Minnesotans feel about their neighbors with developmental disabilities? Some attitudes have changed for the better over the past 50 years. Other beliefs are cause for alarm and show that there is much progress to be made. Those are key conclusion drawn from a survey released this spring by the Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (MNCDD) and The Arc Minnesota. This is the fourth survey to measure the general population’s awareness and attitudes toward developmental disabilities. A second survey was done in 2007 on the 45th anniversary of the first effort. A 50-year survey was done in 2012. Colleen Wieck, executive director of the governor’s council, said the council and The Arc Minnesota wanted to repeat the 1962 study in order to gauge public opinion and attitudes. The original survey was conducted face to face with 900 Minnesotans. The 2017 survey gathered opinions from 1,001 Minnesota respondents. Respondents were selected to match state demographics. The latest survey continues this summer with a focus on seeking more ethnic diversity among respondents. Fifty years after the first survey, there are some striking trends. While attitudes changed dramatically between 1962 and 2007, some attitudes have remained unchanged over the past decade. A few recent trends in attitude are troubling. Each survey since 1962 has included some of the original questions. New questions are added to reflect current concerns. A focus for the latest survey is the Olmstead Plan, which directs the state to offer services in the most integrated setting possible. The plan was a driving force behind the latest survey, with questions seeking input in equality, equity, diversity and inclusion of people with developmental disabilities. “There has been a marked shift toward community services in the past 55 years,” Wieck said. “This study documents how the general population views services and shows strong support for various services such as health care, special education, early childhood special education and employment.” The Arc Minnesota Senior Policy Director Steve Larson said the survey showed that there is still work to be done. “The survey demonstrates that as more Minnesotans have personal contact with persons with developmental disabilities the more likely they are to support the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the community,” he said. “This support is important as we move towards a society in which individuals with disabilities are working to be fully included in their communities in employment, housing and recreation. Minnesota is making

Cliff Poetz as a whole.” The award is named in honor of the late Charlie Smith, founding editor of Access Press. He was a well-known Minnesota disability rights advocate. With the support of his family, Smith founded the newspaper in 1990. Under his guidance Access Press covered a wide range of community issues and forced changes on a number of fronts. Smith was an outspoken advocate but was also known for his outreach to others with disabilities and his many kindnesses. Smith died in 2001. The first award was given in 2003. The award is given to an individual or

group, in recognition of outstanding service to Minnesota’s disability community. The winner is celebrated at the annual award banquet, which is Friday, November 3 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Bloomington. The banquet includes a delicious meal, a silent auction and raffle, speeches and social time. Interpretation is offered for guests. The venue offers ample parking and plenty of space for banquet guests to enjoy themselves. Save the banquet date and watch for details on tickets and food choices. "We at Access Press are always happy to see the nominations come in for the Charlie Smith Award," said Access Press Executive Director/Editor Tim Benjamin. "Sending in a candidate is a great way to honor someone who provides outstanding service to our community. We always look forward to reading the selections and featuring them in the newspaper." Any individual or group in Minnesota that is part of Minnesota’s disability community is eligible for nomination. Nominees can be from anywhere in Minnesota. Nominators should provide as much information as possible about a nominee, as that information is used by the newspaper board to evaluate the nominees. It is also used to compile newspaper articles. Links to newspaper, magazine or online articles NOMINATION page 4

Pg 2

May 10, 2017 Volume 28, Number 5


Tim Benjamin Ok, too much to talk about on the political front, but I can’t resist one weather-related question: When will warm summer days come and stay for more than three days? The Minnesota Legislature is doing their best to heat things up. On April 28, our legislators came up with new funding targets -- in general, a compromise on both House and Senate budgets, to be closer in line with the Dayton administration. There is agreement that the legislature wants to avoid the governor vetoing the entire health and human services omnibus bill and the possibility of running over into a special session. Besides health and human services, there are proposed funding reductions in transportation that could seriously affect people with disabilities. Such cuts are shortsighted. If people with disabilities don’t have transportation to and from gainful employment, the state loses taxpayers. If people can’t get to healthcare providers predictably, especially in bad weather, it’s likely that more costly health conditions will result. Another area that affects our community is the proposed reduction in funding to the state’s public higher education systems, the University of Minnesota and Minnesota State. Now that we finally have access to higher education, will funding cuts mean that we

don’t have adequate support services and needed accommodations, or that we have to pay much higher tuition? In the healthcare omnibus bill, there is some positive movement and some negative movement. One definitely negative direction is that the Best Life Alliance legislation didn’t pass conference committee, and is unlikely at this point to be added back into the omnibus bill without some pretty significant lobbying efforts. All these reductions are being made, in a year with a large budget surplus, to offer sizeable tax cuts. Unfortunately, for us, everything is moving so fast that we really don't know what's going to happen and how it's going to happen leaving us with no way to be proactive. As transparent as the Minnesota government tries to be, there will be some behind the scenes negotiations, and some deal-making to make this all work. I’ll say it once again: Pay a visit to your legislators and Gov. Mark Dayton’s office. Let them know that tax cuts aren’t going to benefit you as much as keeping your social and public services and especially, reliable PCAs. While focusing on state politics and budget takes up a great deal of our time at Access Press, I also want to share some thoughts on a topic I don’t often editorialize about but is very important

Unfortunately, for us, everything is moving so fast that we really don't know what's going to happen and how it's going to happen leaving us with no way to be proactive. to me: Access Press and its finances. Throughout the 16 years that I've been executive director of Access Press (I know, how did that happen? It feels more like 16 months.), we have always remained reasonably stable financially. There are always ups and downs, and a few times the economy has dealt threatening blows to our financial sustainability. In the upcoming year, we’ll again be pursuing funding from philanthropic organizations. They have been very strong supporters of the paper and the community. Fortunately, we have had some generous benefactors in the past and we have a determined Board of Directors that is working on identifying humanitarian funding sources to help us through some upcoming shortfalls. We have always had board members who are truly dedicated to the stability of the paper, and they have worked hard to help write grant requests. We are also fortunate that many of our advertisers have been stable and reliable; much of our income is earned through these advertisers. I hope each of you will look closely at the advertisers and support them for supporting Access Press for all these years. I do need to note that our individual donor support has gone down slightly over the years. We still have some very generous individual donors who give

substantial and consistent amount of money per year and we can't thank them enough. There are other donors who are dependable and committed to giving as much as they can occasionally to keep us in the black. I’d like to encourage all readers to think about sending $25 or $50 checks on a regular basis—through credit card or electronic funds transfer. Regular income makes it much easier to budget our financial forecasts. Don't get me wrong, it's never a bad time to pull out your checkbook and send that extra donation in to Access Press! We really appreciate all your generosity, and we hope it's always an honor for you to see your own name on the donor list that we’ve published every month for the last 27 years. It was very important to Charlie Smith at the beginning, and it's equally important to me, that no matter the size of the donation we are proud to put all our donors’ names in the paper. Thanks so much for your support. We look forward to making sure that Access Press is here for you for a long time to come. Have a beautiful spring, and continue making calls, sending notes and being seen at the capitol to request that your legislator makes zero cuts to DHS, increases pay rates for caregivers, and makes sure we have options for transportation and education. ■


Gillette marks 120 years’ groundbreaking service to children What is now Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare is celebrating 120 years’ service to the community. Supporters gathered at the capitol April 25 to mark the occasion. On April 23, 1897, the Minnesota Legislature established Gillette as the nation’s first hospital specializing in care for children with complex medical conditions. The hospital was established at a time when these young patients were often marginalized by the health care system and greater community. Today’s hospital got its start in 1863, when Arthur Gillette was born on a Dakota County farm where South St. Paul is today. He later attended Hamline University and after graduating from medical school in 1885, he went to New York to study with two well-known orthopedists. Gillette later returned to Minnesota and specialized in orthopedics. He served as an instructor at the University

of Minnesota for what he called the “almost new science” of orthopedic surgery. In 1855, Jessie Haskins was born. She developed severe curvature of the spine, and was inspired to advocate for children with disabilities. She went on to attend Carleton College. During her time as a student she presented a paper to the Minnesota Board of Corrections and Charities, outlining the need for an institution to care for children with disabilities. In 1897, Gillette appeared before the same board to present his own paper on the same topic. That same year state lawmakers gave the University of Minnesota the authority to provide care for children with disabilities, with Gillette serving as chief surgeon. The first child admitted to the new hospital ward was Royal Gray. He spent more than a year there, being treated for Pott’s disease or tuberculosis. In 1900 the hospital set up an educa-

Volume 28, Number 5 Periodicals Imprint: Pending ISSN

Co-Founder/Publisher............................................................................................................Wm. A. Smith, Jr. (1990-96) Co-Founder/Publisher/ Editor-in-Chief.............................................................................. Charles F. Smith (1990-2001) Board of Directors................................................. Mohamed Alfash, Stephen Anderson, John Clark, Kristin Jorenby, .................................................................Jane Larson, Richard Dick VanWagner, Julius Williams, Kay Willshire, Mark Zangara Advertising Sales......... Michelle Hegarty, 612-807-1078 Cartoonist......................................................Scott Adams Executive Director.....................................Tim Benjamin Production........................................................ In-Fin Tuan Managing Editor........................................ Jane McClure Distribution............................................ S. C. Distribution Business Manager/Webmaster......... Dawn Frederick EDITORIAL: Editorial submissions and news releases on topics of interest to persons with disabilities, or persons serving those with disabilities, are welcomed. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Editorial material and advertising do not necessarily reflect the view of the editor/publisher of Access Press.

tion system, so that young patients could study and work to obtain their high school diplomas. That same year a new hospital, designed by noted architect Clarence Johnson, was built near Lake Phalen in St. Paul. It was needed to meet patient demand. The hospital performed its first spine surgery in 1915, without antibiotics and blood transfusions. Only ether and chloroform could be used for anesthesia. Surgery had to be quick and precise, The hospital continue to see more patients, with 426 admitted in 1917. Gillette died at age 57, in 1921. He had overseen the care and treatment of 4,171 children. The hospital added Gillette to its name in 1926, in his honor. Haskins would die two years later, at age 61. The hospital opened its first brace shop in 1925. That grew over the years to become assistive technology service today.

The work and the faces at Gillette have changed over the years. As tuberculosis cases became more uncommon, more children with polio came to Gillette. In 1940 629 children were admitted. Those numbers would drop as treatment for polio become widespread. Fewer children needed hospital services and stays were shorter. In 1975, Gillette became a self-supporting nonprofit hospital, to accept payments from insurance providers. State assistance was no longer needed. Two years later the hospital moved to its current site on the Regions Hospital campus near downtown St. Paul. Today Gillette serves more than 26,000 patients each year. ■ The History Note is a monthly column sponsored by the Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities, or www.mncdd. org and



ADVERTISING RATES: Display Ad: $12 to $28 per column inch (size and frequency of run). Classified Ad: $14, plus 65¢ per word over 12 words. DEADLINE: January 25, 2017. CIRCULATION/DISTRIBUTION: 11,000 copies are distributed the 10 th of each month through more than 200 locations statewide. Approximately 450 copies are mailed to individuals, including political, business, institutional and civic leaders. SUBSCRIPTION: $30 per year. Low-income, student and bulk subscriptions available at discounted rates. ABOUT ACCESS PRESS: A monthly newspaper published for persons with disabilities by Access Press, Ltd. Application to mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at the St. Paul, MN 55121 facility. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Access Press at 161 St. Anthony Ave, Suite 901, St. Paul, MN 55103. INQUIRIES AND ADDRESS CHANGES should be directed to: Access Press, The Capitol Ridge Inn Offices 161 St. Anthony Ave; #910, St. Paul, MN 55103; 651-644-2133; Fax: 651-644-2136; email:


May 10, 2017 Volume 28, Number 5

Pg 3

Rotunda rings with calls for change, but is it enough?

SURVEY page 1 great progress but we still have much progress to be made before we achieve a fully integrated society.” One red flag raised by the survey is that there may be some erosion in the strength of conviction in attitudes toward people with developmental disabilities. In 2017 there was a significant decrease in the strength of conviction in the belief that society should do anything possible to help those who are most vulnerable. In 2007, 76 percent of respondents agreed strongly with that point. Another 19 percent agreed somewhat. Those percentages held steady in the 2012 survey. But in 2017, only 54 percent agreed strongly and 33 percent agreed somewhat. Nine percent didn’t know and four percent disagreed. Another alarming trend seen is the response to the survey statement “If

LEGISLATURE page 1 as they took place against a backdrop of what is happening in Congress, with possible cuts to Medicaid and sweeping changes in health care coverage. On a razor-thin 217-213 margin May 4 the House passed legislation that dismantles the Affordable Care Act and replaces it with programs that would make obtaining health insurance and care more challenging to Minnesotans with disabilities. One huge concern is what indexing care to a person’s age would mean. Another is the impact on Medicaid. The House plan would dramatically change Medicaid. Under the ACA states could choose to expand Medicaid by offering the program to people with incomes up to 138 percent of federal poverty level. The plan passed May 4 freezes Medicaid expansion in 2020. After that individuals who qualified for the program in its current form could stay on the rolls. But if they leave the program, they wouldn't be allowed back in. The House also proposed changing the formula used to determine how much money the federal government contributes to the program and creating per-capita spending caps per Medicaid enrollees starting in 2020. That would save the federal government $880 billion over the next decade but reduce access

someone has a child with developmental disabilities that’s their problem. There’s really no reason why the rest of us should have to pay any of the extra costs of raising that child.” In 2007 67 percent of respondents disagreed strongly and just 2 percent agreed strongly. In 2017 41 percent disagree strongly, with another 30 percent who somewhat disagree and 17 percent said they didn’t know. Nine percent agree somewhat and 3 percent agree strongly. The “didn’t know” category had the highest increase. Some divergence in opinions is seen among those with developmental disabilities and their advocates, and the population as a whole. Almost 80 percent of those surveyed said they believes the state performs fair to good in providing needed quality of services to people with developmental disabilities, with 13 percent rating state performance as better than good.

In conversations with Partner in Policymaking self-advocacy program graduates and experts who work with and advocate for people with developmental disabilities, this group give government services a lower performance rating. “I give it a three because we are failing in so many ways,” one Partners graduate said. “We are failing at getting the early intervention service. We are failing at getting enough people with disabilities employed. We are failing at getting them housing they like. We’re failing at getting them jobs they like and will be successful at. There’s such a tricky thing, too, with people with disabilities; if they make too much money, they lose the services they need. Why would we take that away from people? Why wouldn’t we want them to be successful and more productive in society where they do too well then they lose the services that are helping them survive in the first place?” This respon-

dent gave the state a grade of three on a nine-point scale. On home health care and personal care attendant services, 48 percent of respondents said they would tend to support improving the PCA program if it’s truly needed by people with the most severe disabilities. Thirty-six percent said they strongly believe the home healthcare program should be enhanced with higher wages for workers. On housing, 51 percent of respondents said the state should provide housing support directly to clients, giving them more involvement in housing decisions. Thirty-three percent had no opinion and 17 percent supported the current corporate foster care facilities because they provide more safe and secure living environments. See all of the survey results and get a historic overview at ■

to services. The bill also state that Medicaid, or Medical Assistance in Minnesota, could become a block grant rather than a dedicated revenue stream. States could see large reductions in funding. A wide range of other services, including special education, would be impacted by the House proposal. It now goes to the Senate. Back in Minnesota, many issues are still in play. About $1 billion separates the different spending plans put forward by Dayton and House and Senate leadership, with differences in almost every state agency and department. Health and human services spending, the bonding bill and transportation funding are three of the flash points for Minnesotans with disabilities and their allies. In health and human services the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (MNCCD), Best Life Alliance and other groups are continuing to push for measures that didn’t get into the health and human services omnibus bill. That includes the push to change spend-down limits for people on Medical Assistance and the quest for higher wages for caregivers. There is also a continued push for a variety of programs for children and families, and for adequate funding for mental health programs. The levels of funding for state facilities, including St. Peter State

Hospital, is a huge worry. Bonding is also a concern as not all requests for state hospitals, treatment facilities and the state’s academies, which provide education for students with disabilities, have been met. No bonding bill was passed in 2016 so this year’s capital fund packaging has an air of urgency. Transportation is a battleground as Metropolitan Council has estimated that it could see a $35 million deficit, forcing deep cuts to regular and paratransit services in the Twin Cities region. A 10 percent cut in route service and increase in fares would be likely. Paratransit would be cut and even eliminated in some areas. Transit and paratransit supports plan to rally at the capitol May 16. MNCCD has announced its end-of-session wrap-up, at 9-11 a.m. Tuesday, May 23 at the Minnesota Department of Transportation Building cafeteria, 395 John Ireland Blvd, St.

Paul. Breakfast will be provided with vouchers between 9-10 a.m. A wrap-up and All-Star Advocates awards event starts at 10 a.m. ■

Want to make a major impact with our readers? Then consider being an Issue Sponsor for an issue of Access Press! To be a full or partial sponsor, call 651-644-2133 or email

May 10, 2017 Volume 28, Number 5

Pg 4

Minnesota’s nationally recognized Partners in Policymaking program is open for applications for the 2017-2018 year. Deadline to apply for the free, indepth leadership training program is July 10. Many people with disabilities and parents of young children with developmental disabilities have taken part in the program, and have learned to better advocate for their needs. Partners in Policy Making is celebrating its 30 years’ service to Minnesotans, with a party May 13 in Bloomington. That same day the 2016-2017 graduating class will also be honored. The graduates join a group of more than 900 program graduates. Partners in Policymaking helps class members increase their knowledge and confidence, and gain new tools and strategies to better advocate for their needs and the needs of their children. Sessions are held monthly over an eightmonth period. The 2017-2018 classes start in September. Many well-known Minnesota disability rights advocates got their start through Partners in Policymaking. The groundbreaking program was developed by the Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities. “Graduates report that they gained a greater understanding of disability law and policies, and increased their self-confidence in advocating for their needs,” said Colleen Wieck, executive director of the council. “Many have become leaders in their own communities as they speak up for people with disabilities.” The program has been a model for programs in most other states and in several countries around the world. More than 27,000 people have gone through the program. “This program is based on the belief


Sign up now for Partners in Policymaking 2017-18 training series

Partners in Policymaking is seeking participants for the 2017-2018 classes. This past class gained much in the way of leadership and skills development.

that systems change is best brought about through the efforts of those most affected by them, and we seek to arm these individuals with the tools needed to be successful in the public policy arena,” said Wieck. Participants benefit from group learning experiences. Local experts and nationally recognized leaders in school inclusion, community organizing, governmental processes, and disability issues are among the presenters. This year’s sessions start September 15. Sessions cover the history of the disability and self-advocacy movements, inclusive education, supported living, competitive employment, and avenues to

influence county, state and federal legislative processes. Two-day sessions are typically held on Fridays and Saturdays, from September to May. December is a break month. During March, participants attend a Sunday-Monday session, to prepare for and then meet with state lawmakers. Costs for the program are covered by a federal grant. Child care and respite allowances are given. Overnight accommodations are provided for those who travel from outside the Twin Cities area to attend. Mileage is reimbursed and meals are provided. Sessions are held at the Crowne Plaza

Aire, at 3 Appletree Square in Bloomington, near the Mall of America and the MSP International Airport. Limited to 40 Minnesota residents, the class members are selected by a panel of program graduates and representatives of the council. Selected participants must attend all sessions and complete homework assignments. For further information or to receive an application form, visit: https:// or contact Brenton Rice at 651-242-6589 or brenton@ ■

Nominate someone for Charlie Smith Award or television news stories are especially welcomed. That information presents a complete overview of the nominee’s work and life. People cannot nominate themselves. Past nominees can be nominated again. There are rules specific to repeat nominations. A person or organization can be nominated for two consecutive years but has to wait one year before being nominated again. A person or group can be nominated for two consecutive years, but a new person must make the nomination the second year. Questions about a nominee’s eligibility can be directed to Access Press staff, at The nomination form is on the Access Press website, at and can be downloaded in .pdf and .docx formats. Anyone who needs accommodations to fill out the form or needs the form in another format can call the newspaper office at 651-644-2133. Please send a high-resolution digital photo or an actual picture of the nominee. Otherwise, be prepared to tell the editors where a high-resolution picture



Scenes from the 2016 banquet.

can be obtained. Pictures will be returned on request. Completed nominations, with photographs can be sent via email to CSAnominations@accesspress. org, via fax to (651) 644-2136, or mail to Access Press, c/o Charlie Smith Award Committee, 161 St. Anthony Avenue #910; St. Paul, MN 55103. More information will be announced soon about the banquet and food choice.

Access Press will also be seeking banquet sponsors and donors for the very popular silent auction and raffle. All types of prizes will be needed. Watch Access Press in the print edition and online for details. Here is a list of past Charlie Smith Award winners and their affiliations at the time each award was given: 2016 – Clifford Poetz, Institute on Community Integration

2015 – Jessalyn Akerman-Frank, Minnesota Commission for Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing 2014 – Christine Marble & Wendy Devore, CareerVentures 2013 – Cal Appleby, Augsburg College, with the late Vern Bloom and Wayne “Mo” Moldenhauer 2012 – Charles “Chuck” Van Heuveln, St. Paul Public Schools 2011 – Jeff Bangsberg, Minnesota Department of Health 2010 – Steve Kuntz, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) 2009 – Anne Henry, Minnesota Disability Law Center 2008 – Pete Feigal, Co-Founder of Tilting at Windmills 2007 – Jim and Claudia Carlisle, People Enhancing People 2006 – John Smith, University of Minnesota 2005 – Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (MN-CCD) 2004 – Rick Cardenas, Co-Director of Advocating Change Together (ACT) 2003 – Margot Imdieke Cross, Minnesota State Council on Disability. ■


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May 10, 2017 Volume 28, Number 5

Pg 5

Students with disabilities can try for new college program In an effort to help reduce the education and prosperity gap in Minnesota, the University of St. Thomas is opening the Dougherty Family College for the 2017-18 school year. The college is now accepting applications for its first class of students. “A college degree is one of the best ways to beat poverty,” said Mike Dougherty, lead benefactor along with his wife, Kathy. “My wife, daughters and I want to give motivated, hard-working students the opportunity to succeed in college so they can use their talents and support themselves in the future. One day, I believe these students will be giving back to our community. But for now, this is a way for our family to give back to the community that has been so good to us.” The Dougherty Family College Associate of Arts Degree is uniquely designed to help ensure the success of underserved students who may be the first in their family to attend college, or those who have limited support or financial assistance to pursue a four-year degree. Students will need a 2.5 or higher gradepoint average and must have a high level of financial need (e.g., meeting the eligibility requirements for federal Pell Grants and/or state grants). In addition, students must participate in a qualifying interview to determine their readiness and motivation. (ACT is not required.) Applications are now open at www.stthomas. edu/dfc/applytoday/ “Human beings cannot flourish and realize their potential

without access to education and access to job opportunities,” said Julie Sullivan, president at the University of St. Thomas. “Dougherty Family College is about expanding access, in particular for those students who have limited financial resources or have faced challenges in their life.” The college plans to admit about 150 students to its inaugural college class. Classes will be held four days a week, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. To increase access for students, the twoyear college will be located on the University of St. Thomas campus in downtown Minneapolis. The campus is fully accessible. It will offer students an associate of arts degree in liberal arts, with courses that meet Minnesota Transfer Curriculum guidelines. Tuition will be offset by state and local grants, scholarships and corporate support, bringing final tuition costs to just $1,000 a year for the most under-resourced students. Scholarships, along with free laptops, meals and bus transportation, ensure students have the tools needed so nothing stands in the way of their ability to focus on a rigorous college education. Structured and intensive mentoring, a directed curriculum, generous financial aid and small class sizes will help prepare students to succeed in their first two years of college and prepare them to matriculate in a four-year program with minimal student debt. St. Thomas will also connect its two-year college students with paid internships through

Health, independence are conference topics Healthy, independent living is the focus of a conference sponsored by the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (MNCCD). Save the date of Tuesday, October 3 and make plans to attend the conference at St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church, Minneapolis. The church is accessible. Keynote speaker will be Henry Emmons. Emmons is a doctor and author of the book, The Chemistry of Joy. The conference is for direct support staff, professionals working with people with disabilities, and people experiencing significant health challenges. CEU’s

and certificates of attendance are available. MNCCD is seeking conference vendors and sponsors. Make plans now to participate in or support the event. The consortium is posting details about the conference, so check on the website home page’s conference tab. Go to www. MNCCD is a broad based coalition of advocacy and provider organizations working to change public policy to improve the lives of people with disabilities through building awareness, providing education and engaging the community.

collaboration with regional employers. “These internships will offer valuable, hands-on work experience that will help our students develop professional and life skills,” said Pat Ryan, chair of the University of St. Thomas Board of Trustees. Students will take a core curriculum of liberal arts classes, which will meet the academic standards of the University of St. Thomas four-year program but will be delivered in a different way. Each student will attend classes with the same group of 25 students throughout the twoyear program. They will take a first-year experience seminar focusing on study skills, time management, financial and information literacy, preparatory skills for conducting research and professional development etiquette. In addition, students will participate in leadership development advisory groups to hone their critical thinking

and leadership skills. “Inspiration for the Dougherty Family College came from within our school, from our generous, community-minded donors and from our own mission to be morally responsible leaders, who work to advance the common good,” Sullivan said.

“Addressing Minnesota’s achievement gap requires not only compassion, but the commitment to take action – and we intend to be part of the solution.” For more information on the Dougherty Family College, visit\dfc. ■

Want to make a major impact with our readers? Then consider being an Issue Sponsor for an issue of Access Press! To be a full or partial sponsor, call 651-644-2133 or email

May 10, 2017 Volume 28, Number 5

Pg 6

REGIONAL NEWS nesota. “This is not just a victory for me, but it’s a victory for everyone who has ever felt silenced by these agreements,” said Joan Maurer, Seeger’s daughter, who filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against Lighthouse after state health investigators found the facility failed to provide timely medical care. “This shows that they can’t just shove me into a room with an arbitrator, where one person decides the value of my father’s life in secret.” In his ruling, the judge stopped short of making a broad pronouncement against arbitration provisions in senior home contracts, saying the terms of the contract were reasonable, while rejecting it for procedural reasons. “The judge’s determination ... generally supports Lighthouse of Columbia Heights’ view that arbitration benefits both parties in dispute resolution by avoiding costly and lengthy court cases,” said Doug Anderson, a spokesman for New Perspective Senior Living, the Eden Prairie-based parent of Lighthouse. Source: Star Tribune

Advocates work for access improvements

Worker’s firing was discriminatory

A St. Paul design, printing and packaging plant’s treatment of a worker with disabilities has been ruled discriminatory. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) filed a lawsuit May 2 against Impressions Inc., under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The lawsuit centers on the treatment of 10-year press helper Justin Cadmus, who had a good work record. Cadmus was diagnosed with depression in 2014. After his supervisor learned that Cadmus had stopped taking anti-depressants, Cadmus was ordered to see a doctor and a psychologist and go back on medication. Ordering an employee to go for medical examinations can be considered to be a form of dissemination based on disability. Cadmus compiled with the directives, even though they were illegal. He was later fired because of the depression. The lawsuit seeks back pay and damages, and wants Impressions to change its practices in the area of employment law. Impressions is denying the allegations. Source: EEOC

Mental health agency scrutinized

Federal prosecutors have seized $2 million from a former Twin Cities mental-health agency accused of submitting fraudulent bills for home services involving hundreds of Minnesota children and adults. The U.S. attorney's office said it seized the funds after an investigation found that Richfield-based Complementary Support Services (CSS) had fraudulently billed Medicaid. The money represents a portion of the more than $12 million that CSS allegedly obtained through its fraudulent billing practices, the U.S. attorney's office said in a civil forfeiture action. The civil action is a signal that prosecutors could

Court decides group homes may be liable for injuries


The St. Cloud area Advocates for Independence and the McDonalds McStop restaurant located on Clearwater Road in St. Cloud recently worked together to discuss changes to improve the dining experience for people with disabilities. McDonalds management then implemented the changes. Advocates for Independence committee is a group that speaks out on disability issues and looks into how challenges can be met. The group is active in Central Minnesota and is facilitated by Independent Lifestyles Inc., a center for independent living in Sauk Rapids and Little Falls. The advocates became involved in the McDonalds issues after looking into accessibility issues. They met with general manager Greg Kwolik and got a positive response. They toured the restaurant to discuss concerns. They worked together to correct or add electronic door openers, wheelchair-accessible tables, signage and signed parking spaces for people with disabilities. Kwolik said restaurant management was concerned when learning about the challenges people with disabilities face on a daily basis. “We addressed all the concerns that were brought to our attention as quickly as possible. We were happy to be able to work with this group and make our restaurant easily accessible and comfortable for all of our patrons.” Source: ICICIL

Self-advocates Todd and Bev, and McStop Manager Craig Jowlik worked on accessibility accommodations. be moving closer to filing criminal charges against those involved in the now-defunct agency. CSS is accused of having "batch signed" client progress records without providing proper oversight and without reviewing the care provided to clients, as well as fraudulently billing for "documentation time" and then falsely labeling such time as therapy, according to court documents. Prosecutors allege the fraud began as early as 2007. Priscilla Lord, a Minneapolis attorney representing CSS, said the agency denies the allegations and has reached a tentative settlement with the state and federal prosecutors rather than go to a trial. According to the civil forfeiture action, CSS in November 2013 initiated a wire transfer of $2 million from a bank account to a separate checking account held by a Wisconsin day care center. The transfer was made less than a month after CSS was served with an official document request, known as a civil investigative demand. All or nearly all of the funds transferred were proceeds from violations of federal law, the U.S. attorney's office alleges. Source: Star Tribune

Families can hold facilities accountable

Minnesotans looking to hold senior homes accountable for abuse and neglect won a legal victory after a district judge threw out a forced arbitration clause that would have prohibited a family from suing in court. Anoka County Judge Sean Gibbs upheld the right of a family to sue an assisted-living facility over the death of an 89-year-old man, Gerald Seeger, who died of complications related to a common hernia. The facility, Lighthouse of Columbia Heights, had argued in court that, despite the man’s death, the family had forfeited the right to a jury trial by signing an arbitration agreement at the time of his admission. The decision is among the first of its kind in Min-

Michael Sorenson sustained burns over 35 percent of his body four years ago, after another resident poured a pot of boiling water over him. He was living in a Bloomington group home operated by Options Residential Inc. In April the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled that the group home operator cannot claim legal immunity under a 1967 state law, and shield itself from more than $1 million in potential civil damages. An appeal panel decided that Sorenson can sue Burnsville-based Options Residential Inc. of Burnsville, for damages from injuries he suffered when a roommate with a history of aggression burned him so badly that he was hospitalized for two months. He then had to move into a nursing home. The 1967 statute, known as the Minnesota Commitment and Treatment Act (CTA), established procedural safeguards and rights for people being committed by the courts as mentally ill. But part of the law also gave facilities protections against civil or criminal liability when they made a "good faith" effort to provide care to committed individuals. About 14,000 Minnesotans live in four-bed group homes across the state. In many of these homes, people with physical and developmental disabilities live in close quarters with people with severe mental illnesses. "This means the least among us will have the right to a legal remedy if they are harmed in a group home," said Donald McNeil, a Bloomington attorney who represents Sorenson. "And no provider should be allowed to hide behind an immunity defense to avoid accountability." One likely consequence of the ruling is that group homes and other residential providers will be more reluctant to admit individuals with serious and persistent mental illnesses, knowing they can be held liable for misconduct, said Roberta Opheim, state ombudsman for mental health and developmental disabilities. This could make it tougher for people to find housing at a time when many of the state's 3,500 group homes are struggling with staffing shortages and a lack of capacity, The Minnesota Department of Human Services investigated the incident and found the facility was responsible for neglect. Source: Star Tribune

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May 10, 2017 Volume 28, Number 5


Pg 7


working together to address workforce challenge

• Summer, Day & Winter Camp • true StriDeS therapy horSeS • team QueSt Camp Courage Maple Lake

Camp Friendship Annandale

Camp eden Wood Eden Prairie

Camp Courage north Lake George

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Caregivers play an important role. training offers more subjects for workers to choose from depending on their experience and interests. It also allows people in self-directed programs to identify the courses they want their workers to take. Additionally, there is a training conference being planned. All training is open to any worker providing PCA Choice, CDCS and CSG services. It doesn’t matter if they are a union member or not. More details about these opportunities are included in a full page advertisement in this issue. A second area of focus has been the creation of a new online matching registry, Direct Support Connect. Direct Support Connect



From the Minnesota Department of Human Services and SEIU Healthcare Minnesota The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) and the home care workers’ union, SEIU Healthcare Minnesota (SEIU), are striving to address the growing demand for workers for people who choose to direct their own services through the PCA Choice, Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS) and Consumer Support Grant (CSG) options. Overall, there are more people using services, and more people with complex needs who are able to live and work more independently with the help of qualified direct support workers. While the demand is increasing, the supply of workers is declining. Unless this trend is corrected, Minnesota is projected to have a shortage of 53,000 workers to provide these critically important services by 2020. DHS and SEIU are involved in a joint effort to help meet this challenge. The State of Minnesota and SEIU reached a collective bargaining agreement in 2015 that includes strategies to improve workers’ skills and match workers with people who need workers. One focus is to provide free classroom and online training to workers to gain new skills and enhance career development. The free classroom training provides certification in first aid and CPR. It’s offered statewide through Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. The free online

Experiences & adventures for all abilities

allows workers to enter profiles that reflect their skills and experiences. Similarly, it allows people who are looking for workers to input profiles that include their needs and preferences. The result is a virtual marketplace where workers and people who use services are free to shop for the best fit. Direct Support Connect is currently in the final stages of testing and will be announced when it is available. Working together, DHS and SEIU aim to improve the skills and raise the standards of workers serving people who direct their own services. These joint efforts are contributing to the growth of a vibrant workforce.

May 10, 2017 Volume 28, Number 5

Pg 8

PEOPLE & PLACES He defies laws of gravity to brew beer Technology has changed the world in many ways, including how beer is brewed. While advances have perfected brewing temperatures and timing, the brewing concept itself is based on old technology dating back centuries. Historically, breweries were tall buildings that used gravity to feed grains and to control water flow, heat, and other variables. Ingredients were fed into one end and vented or drained on another. Like most other daily activities for anyone who uses a wheelchair, gravity is only a helpful tool if items are within arm’s reach. For Dave Luskey, who damaged his T12 vertebrae in a fall seven years ago, using a wheelchair meant a huge life change. It also changed his award-winning home brewing hobby. The accident and resulting life changes were significant of their own accord, but a key message at Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute was to keep positive and goal-oriented, emphasizing the power of hobby. “The therapist asked what I do,” Luskey said. “I said ‘I make beer’, and they said right away, don’t give up your hobby.” Instead, he simply had to imagine a new way to align old processes, to turn a corner and resume a normal life. Luskey has always been drawn to brewing, walking past the abandoned Jordan Brewery building in his youth. He later collected breweriana before getting the homebrew bug along with his younger brother Jeff. He’s been home brewing since 1989, well before home systems were easy to find at retail stores. “I have had knowledge of fabricating ideas and making your own brewing equipment [since the beginning],” he said. The accident put everything on hold. “My life was all different,” Luskey said. “It’s hard to accept at times, [but]…you just have to accept it and do what you have to do to look forward.” He had to buy a new house, a rambler with an open floorplan, and it was there that the possibilities unfolded. While most brewing uses gravity, he discovered that pumps, piping, valves, and other transfer systems can serve the same purpose, just with more lateral real estate involved. Luskey built a homebrew setup underneath his garage. It took time to re-engineer the


by Loren Green

Dave Luskey process to suit in an efficient horizontal system, but Luskey made it work. “The first brew was a little awkward, more a learning thing,” he says. “But it worked.” He’s moved to brewing batches back to back, lautering the first batch as he begins boiling water on a second batch, then working the two simultaneously. It’s a grueling process most able-bodied people would find challenging. (Lautering is a process in brewing beer in which the mash is separated into the clear liquid wort and the residual grain. Lautering usually consists of three steps: mashout, recirculation and sparging.) The most fun part of brewing beer is sharing it with others, so opening a brewery was a natural next step. Luskey first attempted to open Shakopee Brewing Company, but the business partnership dissolved. Luskey then teamed up with his brother Jeff and lifetime friend Kurt Fossen to form u4ic Brewing. The brewery recently opened in the unincorporated Scott County community of Blakely, in what used to be a creamery. The tiny village is near Belle Plaine. As an owner, chief operating officer, vice president, and a jack-ofall-brewery-related trades, brewing beer is no longer a hobby for Luskey it’s a job. u4ic is currently rigged with a traditional, vertical brewing setup mostly utilized by his brother Jeff who specializes in more American-style ales. But they’re BEER page 10

May 10, 2017 Volume 28, Number 5


Pg 9

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Golden Valley Mayor Shep Harris spoke at the opening event. Cornerstone Creek should be fully occupied soon.

Housing option is celebrated

A new 45-unit apartment building in Golden Valley provides a new housing option for adults with developmental disabilities. Its opening was celebrated at a community event in April. Construction wrapped up in January and the building will be full leased by early summer. The $10.3 million project is a partnership between Jewish Housing and Programming (J-HAP) and Community Housing Development Corporation (CHDC), a nonprofit affordable housing developer. Cornerstone Creek is affordable, independent housing that allows tenants to hold their own leased, control their finances, select their service provider and maintain their own private space. “I think all of us want independence and control in our lives,” said Linda Bialick, founder, and chair of J-HAP’s board of directors. “We want to make sure adults with developmental disabilities have the same opportunity.” Demand for housing for adults with disabilities is expected to rapidly increase in coming years as the population lives longer and their caregivers age. Nationally, nearly three-quarters of adults with developmental disabilities live with their parents or other relatives. Affordability is important as many adults with developmental disabilities earn very low incomes. Recent studies report nearly one in three adults with disabil-

ities live at or below the federal poverty level and a majority have no post-high-school education. “CHDC has a 27-year history partnering with community-based organizations to address unmet, critical housing needs,” said Heidi Rathmann, senior vice president at CHDC. “Our role is to bring the real estate development and affordable housing finance expertise, serving as long-term owners and property managers.” Cornerstone Creek is designed to help combat the isolation often experienced by adults with disabilities. Amenities include tenant lounges, a main floor multi-purpose room, an outdoor courtyard, community garden, two guest suites, and a fitness studio. Enriched services provided by J-HAP include guidance in connecting tenants to the community activities of their choice, 24-hour front desk staff, tenant-inspired programming, fostering involvement with the general community, transportation coordination, support with service navigation, community education, optional meal plans and more. J-HAP’s enriched services are funded by foundations, corporations and private donors, adding no extra cost for tenants. Bialick said she hopes the Cornerstone Creek model will be replicated across the country. “This is permanent housing where people can age in place. That gives families the reassurance of knowing that, after they’re gone, their loved one will continue to have an independent, full life surrounded by a supportive community.”

May 10, 2017 Volume 28, Number 5 Pg 10

Lupus Link is group's beneficiary


In Memoriam

After years of isolation, Gray thrived with integration Newport resident Suzy Gray lived a life that was a model for community integration. Gray died in April at her home in Newport, just days before her 56th birthday. Born in Indianapolis, Suzy Gray spent much Suzy Gray of her life in institutions. She lived with developmental and physical disabilities, including cerebral palsy, epilepsy and kyphoscoliosis. From age three until into adulthood, she was institutionalized. In a 2010 Minnesota Public Radio interview about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), her sister Sherry Gray described how the sisters hardly saw each other for 40 years. Sherry Gray recalled being told to not become too

close to her sister, because Suzy was not expected to live a long life. In 2004, Sherry Gray became Suzy’s guardian and moved her to Minnesota from Indiana. Suzy was able to live in a small group home, attend a day program and swim with her sister on Thursday nights at the Courage Center pool in Stillwater. At swim nights Suzy was able to float free of her wheelchair and enjoy being in the water. Sherry Gray said part of what the ADA helped do, was make it possible for her sister to rejoin the world outside. Her sister enjoyed a full life in Minnesota, thank to health care at Gillette, good care from Phoenix Residence and Lifeworks, and fun at True Friends camps. Of the original 49 Phoenix residents, only about seven remain, of Suzy Gray’s generation. Her sister noted that the group is among those who lived well beyond childhood predictions. Suzy is one of three of her generation who have died in the past year. “They are the first generation of per-

sons who were born with or developed disabilities as children to survive near normal lifespans as medical science and care has improved, as more people, particularly parents, began to demand the human rights of persons with disabilities, and as persons with disabilities began to advocate for themselves,” said Sherry Gray. “Research and organizations started in the Kennedy administration has led to more knowledge and better care and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) continues to open doors for them. Today, someone born with Suzy’s conditions would learn to read, to communicate better, and, I hope he or she will live a long and happy life.” Suzy Gray liked playing tricks on new friends, and eating sweets before meals. Her obituary stated her request that “you have fun with your friends and family and recommends brunch at the North Pole Café, cakes at Café Latte, (and) all cafeterias.” A celebration of life was held May 4 at Newport Lutheran Church in Newport.

Lupus Link Minnesota will receive the assets of the Lupus Foundation of Minnesota. The foundation board made the announcement about its assets in April. The foundation opted to dissolve in the face of increasingly unsustainable economic circumstances and announced that decision in January. The dissolution process is winding down. Lupus Link Minnesota will use the foundation’s assets, including the endowment that will continue to fund lupus research. Lupus Link Minnesota was chosen because the newly formed group shares the mission and vision of Lupus Foundation of Minnesota. Both groups share the goal to advance knowledge and mobilize people and resources to improve the lives of all Minnesotans and those beyond who are affected by lupus and related autoimmune diseases.

Jerome Foundation awards announced

Emerging Minnesota artists with disabilities have won awards funded by the Jerome Foundation. The awards, announced by Jerome Foundation and VSA Minnesota, recognize excellence by emerging Minnesota artists with disabilities and encourage them to create new work. The latest round of winners is the 21st in the program and was selected from a field of 55 applicants. Winners, their hometowns, and areas of work are Ayesha Adu, MinneapoPEOPLE page 15

Slettehaugh promoted children's needs Donna Dee Kenney Slettehaugh is remembered as a leader in promoting education and opportunities for children with disabilities. Slettehaugh, who was known as “DeeDee,” died in April at age 84. Born in Bloomington, she and her family moved to Minneapolis and then to California. The Kenney family moved back to Minnesota after World War II She graduated from Shakopee High School. Slettehaugh was born with the hereditary disease, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT). She wasn’t diagnosed until adulthood. CMT causes nervous tremors and muscular atrophy. One of her favorite jokes was, “the doctors told me not to get one of those new self-winding watches because it might explode.” She worked in the nursing home field for many years as a care provider before becoming involved with an organization that evolved into the Minnesota Association for Children with Learning

Disabilities (MACLD). MACLD for many years worked on legislative and education issues. Many of its leaders started other disability advocacy and service organizations. Slettehaugh served as MACLD board president from 1969 through 1972. In 1970 she received the MEA School Bell Award with KTCA-TV for Best Educational Program on Non-Commercial Television, “Children with Learning Disabilities.” Slettehaugh enjoyed spending time at a family cabin in Merrifield, where a Mothers’ Club would meet every summer. Her interests including classical music, sightseeing, bird-watching and following politics. She especially enjoyed Bill Maher and John Oliver. She was preceded in death by her parents, brother and former husband Keith J. Slettehaugh. She is survived by her sons Daniel and Todd, niece and nephews, and many cousins and friends. Services haven’t been set.

BEER from page 8

building a second system to make brewing their German-styled beers (recipes designed by Dave Luskey) more efficient as well as fully accessible. That would allow him to brew the Kolsch-style, altbier, and lagers firsthand. “It’s going to be unique … the first of its kind,” he says of the custom-built setup. To visit u4ic Brewing, visitors turn off Highway 169 and drive through flat prairie before Scott County Road 6 turns a big curve and highlights a scenic valley view alongside the Minnesota River. ■

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DIRECTORY OF ORGANIZATIONS MEMBER The Phoenix Residence, Inc. was incorporated on August 2, 1974 and opened in October 1977 as private non-profit facility for adults with developmental and physical disabilities. The Phoenix Residence believes that: -Individuals should have the opportunity to participate in and contribute to their communities so that they can enjoy full rights to full citizenship. -Choice is a right and it belongs to the person. -All services and programs are person centered. -All services and supports are provided by a well trained and adequately compensated workforce. -Individuals that they support maintain and or establish relationships with family, friends and others in their circle of natural support. -Innovations through technology are used to enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities.


Address: 330 Marie Avenue E, West Saint Paul, MN 55118 Phone: (651) 227-7655• Online: Did you know you can join the Directory for $60/yr? Available online year-round and in four print editions.



May 10, 2017 Volume 28, Number 5 Pg 11

Disability issues highlighted at large rally


LENO HEADLINES PACER GALA Comedian and late-night host Jay Leno headlines PACER Center’s annual benefit Sat, May 13 at Mpls Convention Center, 1301 2nd Ave. S. A silent auction starts at 6 p.m., followed by the show at 8 p.m. ASL and opening captioning offers. AD offered with two weeks’ notice. Help support PACER programs for children with disabilities. Tickets start at $75. FFI: 952-838-9000 or 800-537-2237,

WIT Artistry presents a play about what it means to be alive, at Bloomington Center for the Arts, Black Box, 1800 W. Old Shakopee Rd, Bloomington. AD offered 2 p.m. Sun, May 14. ASL offered 7:30 p.m. Thu, May 18. Tickets reduced to $21 for AD/ASL. Other discounts available. FFI: 952-563-8575, www.

REACH FOR RALPH Attend Hammer Residences’ summer fundraiser, 5:30-10 p.m. Thu, July 20 at Earle Brown Center, 6155 Earle Brown Drive, Brooklyn Center. The event benefits adults and children with developmental disabilities. Enjoy a casual atmosphere, dinner, auctions, games and beautiful outdoor space. Tickets are $75, if purchased before June 30. Ralph was a student who was part of Alvina Hammer’s first school for children with disabilities. Rather than live in an institution, Ralph enjoyed a full life and grew to adulthood at Hammer. He died in 1995 but his spirit lives on as inspiration for the Hammer logo, figure, statues and event. FFI:


THE ART OF WE The Art of We: Are Family, Upstream Arts' 4th Annual Community Celebration and Fundraiser, is 6 p.m. Thu, May 18 at American Swedish Institute, 2600 Park Ave., Mpls. Free and family-friendly but attendees need to preregister. Enjoy pop-up performances by Upstream Arts teaching artists, an art exhibit, live auction and Fund-a-Need program, hors d'oeuvres, cash bar, and more. FFI: 612-331-4584,


May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Hennepin County Medical Center, INSPIRE Arts and ZagZum are seeking artists to take part in a visual art exhibit, Celebrating Creativity, May 18-August 17 at HCMC. Artists with a life experience of mental illness are invited to drop off their works 11:20 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Tue, May 16. Up to three works of art may be submitted and there is no exhibitors’ fee. For a submission form, visit A reception for artists is 6 p.m. Thu, May 25, at HCMC Inspiration Café, 701 Park Ave., Orange Building, Level 3, Minneapolis.

LA BOHÈME Minnesota Opera presents the story of Parisian artists who live on love and friendship, at Ordway Center Music Theatre, 345 Washington St., St. Paul. Open captioning offered 7:30 p.m. Thu, May 11; 7:30 p.m. Sat, May 13; 2 p.m. Sun, May 14; 7:30 p.m. Tue, May 16; 7:30 p.m. Thu, May 18; 7:30 p.m. Sat, May 20 and 2 p.m. Sun, May 21. Sung in Italian with English translations projected above the stage. AD offered 2 p.m. Sun, May 21. Tickets reduced to half-price for AD patrons (regular $25-200). Braille, large-print programs and infrared listening systems available at Patron Services in Ordway’s first level lobby. FFI: 612-333-6669, FLORA & ULYSSES: THE ILLUMINATED ADVENTURES Stages Theatre Company presents a world premiere adapted from Kate DiCamillo’s award-winning young readers’ novel, Center for the Arts, Jaycees Studio, 1111 Mainstreet, Hopkins. Sensory-friendly offered 10 a.m. Sat, May 13. Recommended for ages eight and older. All sensory-friendly tickets are $10 (not available online); call to reserve. FFI: 952-979-1111, opt. 4; GIRL SHAKES LOOSE Penumbra Theatre Company presents the world premiere of a powerful coming-of-age story, at Penumbra Theatre, 270 N. Kent St., St. Paul. ASL offered 7:30 p.m. Sat, May 13. Tickets $40, senior $35, student $15; for best seating near interpreters (house right) let box office know. FFI: 651224-3180, REDEMPTION Nimbus Theatre Company presents a story of two criminal offenders trying to turn their lives around, at Crane Theater, 2303 Kennedy St. NE, Mpls. AD offered 8 p.m. Sat, May 13. Please note that the theater is not currently wheelchair-accessible. Tickets $12 Thu/Sun, $15 Fri/Sat. FFI: 612-5481380, SWEET LAND, THE MUSICAL History Theatre presents an adaptation of the film Sweet Land and the short story A Gravestone Made of Wheat, at History Theatre, 30 E. 10th St., St. Paul. ASL and AD offered 2 p.m. Sun, May 14. Open captioning offered 7:30 p.m. Sat, May 20 and 2 p.m. Sun, May 21. Tickets reduced to $20 for ASL/AD/OC patrons. The accessible entrance is on the east side of the building off Cedar Street; the theatre has six spaces for wheelchairs, plus companion seats. Hearing enhancement devices and Braille or large print playbills are available. FFI: 651-292-4323, HAPPY DAYS: A MUSICAL Lakeshore Players Theatre presents a musical based on the popular TV show, at 4820 Stewart Ave., White Bear Lake. ASL offered 2 p.m. Sun, May 14. If no ASL seats are reserved within two weeks of the performance, the ASL-interpretation will be cancelled. Assisted listening devices available. Tickets reduced to $10 for ASL patrons, who can purchase tickets online with a direct link that is active until two weeks before the performance. The $10 ASL seats highlighted in purple have the best view of the interpreter, are only visible via this link, and will not be released to the general public until the Mon after the ASL reservation deadline. Other discounts available. FFI: 651-429-5674,

devices available. OC/AD/ASL single ticket discount is half-price for patron and one guest with code ACC. Other discounts available. FFI: 651-2917005, AMY’S VIEW Park Square Theatre presents the regional premiere of a story about major life changes, at Park Square Theatre, Proscenium Stage, 20 W. 7th Place, St. Paul. AD offered 7:30 p.m. Fri, May 19. ASL offered 2 p.m. Sun, May 21. Open captioning offered 7:30 p.m. Thu-Fri-Sat, June 1-3; 2 p.m. Sun, June 4. Assistive listening devices available. ASL/AD/OC single ticket discount is half-price for patron and one guest with code ACC. Other discounts available. FFI: 651-291-7005, BROADWAY SONGBOOK: HOLLYWOOD TO BROADWAY Enjoy a touring company show linking the pillars of entertainment, Ordway Music Theater, Concert Hall, 345 Washington, St. Paul. ASL offered 2 p.m. Sun, May 21. Tickets $37-$47; if using ASL, request seating in that area. FFI: 651-224-4222, ALEC SWEAZY: 10TH ANNUAL SOLO RECITAL McNally Smith College of Music graduate, and recording artist Alec Sweazy performs his latest piano and accordion solos, 7:30 p.m. Mon, May 22 at Mount Zion Lutheran Church, 5645 Chicago Ave. S., Mpls. Sweazy, who has Williams Syndrome, is a 2009 Career Advancement Grant winner from VSA Minnesota and the Jerome Foundation. Location: 55417. Tickets by donation. Refreshments and Alec’s CD “AlecTricity” will be available. FFI: CHARLES FRANCIS CHAN JR.’S EXOTIC ORIENTAL MURDER MYSTERY Mu Performing Arts presents a story about the way Asian-Americans are characterized and caricatured in popular culture, at Guthrie Theater, Dowling Studio, 818 2nd St. S., Mpls. The Guthrie welcomes Mu back to the Studio with this 25th Anniversary Season production. Every Dowling Studio performance includes a discussion component. AD, ASL and open captioning offered 7:30 p.m. Thu, May 25. Tickets $9 general admission FFI: 612-377-2224, INTIMATE APPAREL Ten Thousand Things Theater presents a story about an early 20th century seamstress and her friendships, at two different sites. ASL offered 12:15 p.m. Wed, May 31 at Interact Center for Visual & Performing Arts, 1860 W. Minnehaha Ave., St. Paul. Free, but reservations required and seats limited. AD offered 7:30 p.m. Fri, June 2 at Open Book 1011 Washington Ave. S., Mpls. AD tickets $30, $18 for patron with vision loss at AD show and companion. Other discounts available. FFI: 612-203-9502,

OPEN FLOW FORUM Artists with Disabilities Alliance meet 7-9 p.m. at Walker Community Church, 3104 16th Ave. S., Mpls. Next meeting is June 1; no meetings in July or August. Meetings resume Sept. 7. Artists with disabilities can share visual art, writing, music, theatre and other artistic efforts or disability concerns. It’s informal and fragrance-free. Participants may bring refreshments as well as recent artistic creations to share. Facilitators are Tara Innmon and Dan Reiva. Fully accessible, contact Jon at VSA Minnesota for specific accommodations. FFI: 612-332-3888, http:// WHEN WE DEAD AWAKEN Commonweal Theatre Company presents Henrik Ibsen’s final play, at Commonweal Theatre, 208 Parkway Ave. N., Lanesboro. AD offered 1:30 p.m. Sat, June 3, pre-show at 1:10 p.m. Please make AD reservations at least one week in advance, noting if a pre-show tactile tour is desired. Two-week notice requested for a Braille program. Five-week notice requested for ASL interpreting. Assistive listening devices available at the box office. Special seating available for persons with mobility issues. Tickets reduced to $15 for AD/ASL patrons (regular $35). FFI: 507-467-2525,

REFUGIA The Moving Company presents the world premiere of a play about those who navigate life’s margins during a time of transition, at Guthrie Theater, McGuire Proscenium, 818 2nd St. S., Mpls. Open captioning offered 1 p.m. Sat, June 3 and Wed, June 7. AD, ASL and OC offered 7:30 p.m. Fri, June 9, AD and ASL offered 1 p.m. Sat, June 10. Free sensory tour at 10:30 a.m. Tickets reduced to $20 for AD and ASL, $25 for captioning (regular $15-67); FFI: 612-377-2224, 365 DAYS/365 PLAYS: A 2017 REMIX Full Circle Theater Company presents a powerful production about social justice and diversity, at Penumbra Theatre, 270 N. Kent St., St. Paul. AD offered 7:30 p.m. Sat, June 3. Tactile tour available at 6:30 by advance request, by Tue, May 30. ASL offered 7:30 p.m. Thu, June 8, 7:30 p.m.. Large print playbills available. Tickets regular $25, $5 individual access tickets available at Brown Paper Tickets, CODE VSA. FFI 1-800-838-3006, www. CONTEMPORARY WORLD ART Mpls. Institute of Arts, 2400 3rd Ave. S., Mpls. hosts interpreted tours at 1 p.m. on the first Sun of each month, except as noted. Other interpreted tours and memory loss tours can be scheduled through the museum tour office. Next ASL tour offered 1 p.m. Sun, June 4. Meet at the information bar in the upper lobby. Free. FFI: 612-870-3000 or 612-870-3131; TOUR FOR PEOPLE WITH MEMORY LOSS The historic James J. Hill House, 240 Summit Ave., St. Paul, hosts sensory-based tours for people with memory loss and their caregivers. Free but reservations required. Each themed tour, usually an hour or less, highlights three rooms and is followed by an optional social time until 11:30 a.m., with pastries and coffee. Private group tours are available for care facili-

ENJOY! page 15

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RED VELVET Walking Shadow Theatre Company presents a story about revolution inside and outside of a theater, at Southern Theater, 1420 Washington Ave. S., Mpls. ASL offered 7:30 p.m. Tue, May 16. AD offered 7:30 p.m. Fri, May 19 and 2 p.m. Sun, May 21. ASL patrons may pick their price, $5 or $10 Tues May 16 only. 5/16 only; AD patrons may pick their price, $5 or 10 available May 19 and 21 only. Presented as part of ARTshare. Contact the box office about seating accommodations. FFI: 612-326-1811, www. ALEXANDER AND THE TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY Youth Performance Company presents the much-loved children’s story, at Howard Conn Fine Arts Center, 1900 Nicollet Ave., Mpls. ASL and AD offered 2 p.m. Sun, May 14. Tickets $15. VSA discount applies. Other discounts available. FFI: 612-623-9080, UP: THE MAN IN THE FLYING CHAIR Theatre Pro Rata presents the regional premiere of a look back at a flying feat, at Park Square Theatre, Andy Boss Thrust Stage, 20 W. 7th Place, St. Paul. AD and ASL offered 2 p.m. Sunday, May 28. Open captioning offered 7:30 p.m. Thu-Sat, June 8-10 and 2 p.m. Sun, June 11. Assistive listening

612.377.2224 • Access programs at the Guthrie are sponsored by Travelers, Medtronic and Xcel Foundation

May 10, 2017 Volume 28, Number 5 Pg 12



DONATE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT After a mission trip to Cameroon, Africa, Dr. Mary Tjosvold of Mary T. Inc. in Coon Rapids, learned the local hospital was in need of equipment and supplies. She and her mother Margaret will be shipping items in a container to Africa in late May and are inviting members of the community to participate in this effort. From now through May 15, non-electric medical equipment and supplies can be dropped off at Margaret Place Senior Apartments at 1555 118th Lane NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55448. FFI: Jessica Andrist, 763-772-9924

Established in 1992, the Judd and Barbara Jacobson Award recognizes pursuit or achievement of a business entrepreneurial endeavor by a person with a physical disability or sensory impairment. The award recipient receives a $10,000 cash award to advance an entrepreneurial business endeavor. The winner is honored at a banquet later this year. Shown are Dawn Anderson, 2016 winner, and Barbara Jacobson. Nominees must have a physical disability or sensory impairment, demonstrate pursuit of achievement of an entrepreneurial business endeavor, be 18 years of age or older, and reside in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota or South Dakota. A nomination form must be submitted, and clearly specify how the money will be used to further their business endeavor. Nominees may attach supplementary information to support their nomination, including a biography/resume, letters of recommendation and a business plan. Finalists may be asked to come to Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute for an interview. The recipient and runners up will be notified of the selection committee’s decision shortly after the interview. Applications due July 28. FFI www.

ADVOCACY ADA ANNIVERSARY MARCH AND RALLY Planning is underway to mark the 27th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). ADA 27 –Protecting our Rights! is 1 p.m. Wed, July 26, with a march to and rally at the capitol in St. Paul. Save the date and more information will be released soon. PACER WORKSHOPS SAMPLING Many useful free or low-cost workshops and other resources for families of children with any disabilities. Workshops are at PACER Center, 8161 Normandale Blvd., Bloomington, unless specified. Workshops are offered throughout the state. Advance registration is required for all workshops. Ask if workshops are livestreamed. Apps That Support Reading and Writing for Teens and Young Adults is offered 6:30-8 p.m. Wed, May 24 at PACER Center. Workshop participants will discover the most versatile and effective reading and writing apps for teens. Apps for both Apple and Android devices will be demonstrated, discussed, and compared to show the many ways mobile apps can support struggling readers and writers. This workshop is designed for students in middle school and up, their parents and educators. Check out PACER’s website and link to the newsletter of statewide workshops that allows participants to pick and choose sessions catered to their needs. FFI: PACER, 952-838-9000, 800537-2237,

INFO & ASSISTANCE MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT OFFERED May is Mental Health Month. NAMI Minnesota (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and dozens of other organizations are involved in community education about mental illnesses, including creating awareness that effective treatments are available and that people can and do recover. NAMI Minnesota offers over 300 free educational classes statewide each year, along with help in navigating the mental health system. NAMI also has more than 70 free support groups for people living with a mental illness and their families/ NAMI Minnesota offers more than 300 free educational classes statewide each year, along with help in navigating the mental health system. In the Twin Cities NAMI has about two dozen family support groups, more than 20 support groups for people living with a mental illness, anxiety support groups, groups for veterans and other groups. Led by trained facilitators, groups provide help and support. Parent resource groups are facilitated by a parent who has a child with a mental illness and who has been trained to lead support groups. A group meets 6:30-8 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday at Eagle Brook Church, 2401 East Buffalo St., White Bear Lake. FFI: Jody Lyons 651-645-2948 x109. Family support groups help families who have a relative with a mental illness. A group meets at 6:30 p.m. the second and fourth Wed at Centennial United Methodist Church, 1524 Co. Rd. C-2 West, Roseville. FFI: Anne Mae. 651-484-0599. Open Door Anxiety and Panic support groups help people cope with anxiety disorders. One group meets 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. the second and fourth Thu in Room 104, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 700 Snelling Ave. S., St. Paul. The group used to meet at Goodwill/ Easter Seals. Another group meets 6:30-8 p.m. the first and third Thu at Woodland Hills Church, 1740 Van Dyke St., St. Paul. Young Adult NAMI Connection is a free support group for persons ages 16-20. A group meets 7-8:30 the first and third Thu at Friends Meeting House, 1725 Grand Ave., St. Paul. The group is facilitated by young adults who live with mental illnesses and are doing well in recovery. A full calendar of all events is offered online. FFI: 651-645-2948, VISION LOSS GROUP OFFERS ACTIVITIES Vision Loss Resources provides free and low-cost activities in the Twin Cities for people who are blind or visually impaired. Life skills classes for those with low vision; card games, craft classes, book clubs, walking groups, dinners out, special outings and technology classes are among the offerings. Participants need to RVSP to participate. FFI: RSVP hotline 612-843-3439; activity phone 612253-5155, HOPE FOR RECOVERY WORKSHOP NAMI Minnesota hosts a free, interactive workshop to provide families and individuals with information on mental illnesses, practical coping strategies, and hope for recovery. The workshop is 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat, May 20 at Cherokee Park United Church, 371 Baker St., St. Paul. FFI: 651-645-2948, MCIL OFFERS CLASSES AND ACTIVITIES The Metropolitan Center for Independent Living provides many life skills classes as well as fun outings and events for people with disabilities. MCIL is at 530 N. Robert Street, St Paul and most activities are there or start there. Classes and events are listed on the website, Click on “Classes Groups and Sessions” for updated information or to print their calendar. Please give two weeks’ notice if the alternative format or other accommodations are needed. Events are free, accessible and mostly scent-free. FFI: 651-603-2030



VISION REHABILITATION OFFERED Vision Loss Resources is offering a full menu of vision rehabilitation services, available in clients’ home or onsite at VLR. An affordable individualized service plan will be offered to each participant. The rehabilitation services are geared to provide participants the practical skills they need to remain independent and at safe at home. Services are offered as part of an affordable service plan. Sliding fee scale options are available and a grant from United Way will help continue to serve those who cannot afford to pay for services. The support groups, peer counseling, and volunteer services will continue to be offered without charge. FFI: 612-843-3411. ADULT SUPPORT GROUPS OFFERED AuSM offers free support groups for adults with autism spectrum disorder. Groups include those for adult family members, women with autism spectrum disorders and independent adults with autism. Check the website for upcoming groups. Groups meet at the AuSM offices at 2380 Wycliff St. FFI: 651-647-1083 ext. 10, www.

VOLUNTEER OPEN THE DOOR TO EDUCATION Help adults reach their educational goals and earn their GED. Tutor, teach or assist in a classroom with the Minnesota Literacy Council. Give just 2-3 hours a week and help people expand their opportunities and change their lives through education. The Council provides training and support and accommodations for volunteers with disabilities. FFI: Allison, 651-251-9110, volunteer@mnliteracy. org, BE A FREQUENT FILER Ramsey County – Volunteer Services is looking for people who want to help in an office. Volunteer office assistants are needed in several areas. Multiple shifts are available, Monday through Friday during regular business hours. Midway area and downtown St. Paul locations have limited reimbursement for parking expense or bus fare is provided. Volunteers must be at least 16 years of age. Ask about accommodations. FFI: 651-266-4090, Volunteer@




May 10, 2017 Volume 28, Number 5 Pg 13

PEOPLE & PLACES The Tap hosts Cow Tipping Press perspectives about disability. The writers take a class for several weeks, led by a teacher. Some participants can write themselves. Others need a personal care attendant or other staff to write their thoughts down. Cow Tipping Press, which takes its name from the program’s first poem, has won Grinnell College’s Wall Award, been a finalist for Teach For America’s Social Innovation Award, been featured on local media outlets, and had its books used as diversity education tools in classrooms across the country, including by renowned author Kalia Yang. Cow Tipping Press is sponsored by Springboard for the Arts and accepts donations. Go to to learn more.

Lindow-Davies steps down

After 16 years, Candace Lindow-Davies has stepped down as director of Minnesota Hands & Voices. She was honored last month by her many friends in the deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing community. Lindow-Davies is moving on as board president of Hands & Voices at the national level. Lindow-Davies has been with Minnesota Hands & Voices since its inception in 2000. She specializes in advocacy, equal access, and civil rights, and the needs of children who are deaf/hard of hearing “plus” - who have a disability or disabilities and are deaf or hard of hearing. She believes in finding common ground and working from that place to affect real, positive change. She is a longtime Twin Cities resident. Her family includes a young adult son who is deaf, as well as her husband and daughter. She enjoys a variety of outdoor activities. Her family has been very involved in robotics. She loves mentoring students, particularly in order to open doors for females to pursue science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers.

PrairieCare Fund announces grant winners The PrairieCare Child & Family Fund has awarded more than $80,000 in grant funding to six Minnesota school districts to create programs to help educate and support school staff working with kids and families with mental health conditions. The inaugural grant round brought in 19 applicants. Overall impact and program sustainability were factors in the programs chosen for funding, as was fundraising success and quality of proposals. The purpose is to support mental health innovations in education, services, and research. Programs funded are Belle Plaine Public Schools ($9,428), Lakeville Area Public Schools ($29,899), Nevis Public Schools ($9,428), Rochester Public Schools ($11,412), South Washington County Public Schools ($13,350) and North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale District 222 ($7,820). Funding is for the 2017-2018 school year. “This funding will help six unique school districts provide better mental health support for over 50,000 students,” said PrairieCare board member Sandy Nicholson. Rhoda Michaelynn, the co-chair of the grants committee, said, “We received so many great proposals from the community, and were inspired to increase funding to impact more students and families.” The goal of this grant is to help create sustainable education programs for school staff to better identify and work with kids who may be struggling with mental health issues. Many of the proposals included regular staff education and seminars as well as curriculums that will be implemented into the daily educational routine for kids that promote resiliency and mental wellness.

Projects aim to improve quality of life for residents in Minnesota nursing homes

Nursing homes throughout Minnesota are launching a variety of initiatives to improve their quality of care for residents thanks to more than $6.7 million in funding through a Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) program. Grants for a total of 38 projects in 87 communities will benefit 28 individual nursing homes and 10 nursing home collaborative efforts with capacity to serve more than 9,500 people. The nursing home initiatives aim for outcomes ranging from fewer infections and injuries, better sleep and less depression to more meaningful activities for residents and higher employee retention. Under the Performance-based Incentive Payment Program (PIPP), nursing homes sign contracts with DHS to earn higher payments for implementing projects designed to make improvements in key areas that they identify. The funding is for the next one to two years. “We want to make sure our seniors and all Minnesotans residing in nursing homes have access to the


The TAP, a social space for people of all abilities, hosted Cow Tipping Press’s spring author reading and book release event April 21. The TAP is housed at Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul. Authors read their work to a receptive audience. Cow Tipping Press offers writing classes for adults with developmental disabilities. The program has more than 60 alumni, who have taken classes and had their work published. Authors often share their work at readings. Press founder Bryan Brice has a younger brother with developmental disabilities. Brice promotes writing and the sharing of work as ways to help give the writers a voice and to help everyone learn new ways to think about people with disabilities. Many readers said Cow Tipping writers have changed their

April Robinson and Bonnie Bendickson enjoyed the Cow Tipping Press event. best quality care possible. This program not only helps improve nursing home quality overall, but it also gives these facilities opportunities to respond to emerging care, quality and workforce issues,” said Loren Colman, an assistant commissioner for DHS. Examples of grants include: • Developing chemical dependency treatment program in Minneapolis – Andrew Residence in Minneapolis will work to develop a program that incorporates chemical dependency treatment for residents who are diagnosed with both substance abuse and mental illness. • Improving resident services in Cannon Falls – The Gardens at Cannon Falls will create a new dining service and weight loss program to help improve the quality of life and care for its residents. • Reducing emergency room visits across Minnesota – Benedictine Health Systems, a collaborative of 17 facilities, will work together to reduce the number of emergency room visits and hospital admissions related to preventable infections. • Expanding wellness and exercise offerings in Osakis – Community Memorial Home at Osakis plans to create and implement a wellness and exercise program and training for wellness/exercise technicians. This will allow the staff to deliver services more efficiently and ensure residents get consistent exercise and more activities. • Improving the quality of care and employee retention in Sleepy Eye – Divine Providence Community Home in Sleepy Eye will use the PIPP grant to improve quality care by promoting higher employee retention. The facility plans to focus on revamping employees’ experiences through the onboarding process and creating a culture that makes employees want to stay. • Healthier food options in Ostrander – Ostrander Care and Rehab plans to develop a new dining program with expanded food choices, allowing residents to request other foods and offering healthy snacks at all times. Participants in this round of PIPP grants include facilities in Ada, Aitkin, Albert Lea, Albany, Alexandria, Annandale, Appleton, Apple Valley, Belgrade, Brainerd, Breckenridge, Browns Valley, Buffalo, Caledonia, Cambridge, Cannon Falls, Cokato, Cold Spring, Coon Rapids, Crookston, Dassel, Dawson, Duluth, Elk River, Eveleth, Farmington, Fergus Falls, Frazee, Glenwood, Grand Rapids, Greenbush, Hastings, Hibbing, Hopkins, Houston, International Falls, Lake City, Little Falls, Littlefork, Long Prairie, Madison, Maple Plain, Mapleton, Maplewood, Melrose, Milaca, Minneapolis, Monticello, Montevideo, Moorhead, Moose Lake, Morris, New Brighton, New Richland, New Ulm, New York Mills, Northfield, Osakis, Ostrander, Owatonna, Paynesville, Pine Island, Princeton, Red Wing, Renville, Rochester, Roseau, Sauk Centre, Shakopee, Sleepy Eye, Springfield, Staples, Starbuck, St. Cloud, St. Paul, St. Peter, Thief River Falls, Virginia, Wadena, Watertown, Watkins, Wheaton, White Bear Lake, Willmar, Windom, Winona and Zumbrota.

New vice president is named

Kim Feller has joined the management staff as vice president of programs and services with ProAct, Inc., a major disability service provider based in Eagan. "I am pleased to have Kim Feller’s experience in advancing quality programs that suit our organization’s mission,” said ProAct President and CEO Steven Ditschler. “She has proven Kim Feller leadership in creating bold, new efforts.” Feller leads programs and services, with an emphasis on skills training, employment, community inclusion, and effective business engagement. Her background includes 25 years with RE-

SOURCE, Inc. in Minneapolis, where she last served as vice president of employment services and career education. During her tenure with RESOURCE, she provided leadership for a growing number of employment programs serving a broad base of participants with multiple barriers to self-sufficiency. This included assessment and employment programming for individuals with disabilities. She also expanded the career education programming from three to nine career tracks that included IT support, medical office and core manufacturing. Additionally, Feller secured licensure and accreditation as a post-secondary institution for adult learners with barriers and grew overall programming by 70 percent. The programming also expanded into outstate Minnesota. Through a creative blending of RESOURCE’s chemical dependency, and the employment and career education programs, the organization secured funding from the State Legislature to improve skills training and employment opportunities for this population. Under Feller’s guidance, RESOURCE maintained its accreditation through, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. The commission gave RESOURCE gave commendations for the creative building of partnerships between Minnesota businesses and individuals with barriers in the areas of business-driven career education and employment. Prior to her roles at RESOURCE, Feller served as the marketing director for a tour operator in the travel industry. After earning her college degree in English and speech communications, she moved to Minnesota to earn a radio and television broadcasting degree from Brown University. Feller continues to provide voice work for commercials and video productions. She lives in Eagan. ProAct is headquartered in Eagan and has additional operations in Red Wing, Zumbrota and in Hudson, Wis.

May 10, 2017 Volume 28, Number 5 Pg 14

RADIO TALKING BOOK A CHANGE ON SUNDAY NIGHTS Blind Abilities, a program of podcast interviews, will join the Sunday Radio Talking Book lineup as of May 7. Listen to the show on the second Sunday of each month and on fourth Sundays during months with five Sundays. The first and third Sundays will still feature Main Menu, and the final Sunday of each month will include Speaking for Ourselves. The change is due to shifts in longtime programming. BOOKS AVAILABLE THROUGH FARIBAULT Books broadcast on the Minnesota Radio Talking Book Network are available through the Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library in Faribault. Call 1-800-7220550, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. The catalog is online at, click on the link Search the Library Catalog. Persons living outside of Minnesota may obtain copies of books via an inter-library loan by contacting their home state’s Network Library for the National Library Service. Listen to the Minnesota Radio Talking Book, either live or archived programs from the last week, on the Internet at Call the Talking Book Library for a password to the site. To find more information about Minnesota Radio Talking Book Network events go to the Facebook site at Audio information about the daily book listings is also on the National Federation for the Blind (NFB) Newline. Register for the NFB Newline by calling 651-539-1424. Access Press is featured at 9 p.m. Sundays on the program It Makes a Difference. Donate to the State Services for the Blind at

CHAUTAUQUA* Tuesday – Saturday 4 a.m. The Hidden Half of Nature, Nonfiction by David R. Montgomery and Anne Biklé, 2016. 15 broadcasts. Begins May 19. Montgomery and Biklé first discovered the power of microbes when they transformed their barren yard into a garden by feeding it organic matter. They further discovered microbes’ importance when Anne was diagnosed with cancer. Read by Yelva Lynfield. PAST IS PROLOGUE* Monday – Friday 9 a.m. Suspected of Independence, Nonfiction by David McKean, 2016. 10 broadcasts. Begins May 22. Thomas McKean lived a radical, boisterous, politically intriguing life as one of the most influential and enduring of the Founding Fathers. America’s creation was full of dangers and strife, backstabbing and bar-brawling, courage and stubbornness. Read by Robb Empson. BOOKWORM* Monday – Friday 11 a.m. The Grand Tour, Fiction by Adam O’Fallon Price, 2016. 12 broadcasts. Begins May 17. Richard Lazar has had a mediocre career as a novelist, but when he writes a memoir, it’s a great success. Setting off on a book tour, he meets his biggest (and only) fan who offers to drive him for the rest of the tour. L - Read by Jim Tarbox. THE WRITER’S VOICE* Monday – Friday 2 p.m. My Life with Wagner, Nonfiction by Christian Thielemann, 2016. 10 broadcasts. Begins May 16. Over a career conducting some of the world’s finest orchestras, Thielemann has earned a reputation as the leading modern interpreter of Richard Wagner. Read by Arlan Dohrenburg.

CHOICE READING* Monday – Friday 4 p.m. Cruel Beautiful World, Fiction by Caroline Leavitt, 2016. 12 Br. Begins May 22. Sixteen-year-old Lucy Gold is about to run away with a much older man to live off the grid in rural Pennsylvania, a rash act that will have vicious repercussions for both her and her older sister, Charlotte. Lucy’s dreams of a rural paradise will turn into a nightmare. Read by Judy Woodward. NIGHT JOURNEY* Monday – Friday 9 p.m. So Say the Fallen, Fiction by Stuart Neville, 2016. 10 broadcasts. Begins May 22. Henry Garrick took his own life. Or so it seems. But something doesn’t feel right to detective Serena Flanagan, despite the fact that there is no evidence of foul play. The people around the deceased are all keeping secrets. L - Read by Isla Hejny. OFF THE SHELF* Monday – Friday 10 p.m. All That Man Is, Fiction by David Szalay, 2016. 13 broadcasts. Begins May 15. Nine men, each of them striving to understand what it means to be alive, here and now. The men paint a sorry picture of modern manhood in an increasingly globalized Europe. L - Read by Don Lee. POTPOURRI* Monday – Friday 11 p.m. Lingo, Nonfiction by Gaston Dorren, 2015. Eight broadcasts. Begins May 15. Most European languages are descended from a single ancestor, but the continent’s ever-changing borders and cultures have given rise to a linguistic and cultural diversity often forgotten. A country’s history has an impact on its language, languages influence their neighbors, and less-spoken languages are under threat of extinction. Read by Esmé Evans.

Originals, Nonfiction by Adam Grant, 2016. 10 broadcasts. Begins May 25. How can we stand up for new ideas, policies, and practices without risking our reputations, relationships, and careers? Author Adam Grant debunks the idea that nonconformists are born leaders who boldly embrace risk. Read by Susan Niefeld. GOOD NIGHT OWL* Monday – Friday midnight Genius, Fiction by Thomas Rayfield, 2016. Eight broadcasts. Begins May 22. Kara has escaped from her family and Witch’s Falls, only to return to small town life and home with a diagnosis of cancer. She is subject now to her mother’s suffocating care, her brother’s love life, the local doctor’s meddling and the pull of her obsession, Christy. Read by Brenda Powell. AFTER MIDNIGHT* Tuesday – Saturday 1 a.m. The Gradual, Fiction by Christopher Priest, 2016. 13 broadcasts. Begins May 23. Alesandro is a composer living in a fascist state constantly at war. Occasionally he catches glimpses of islands in the far distance and they feed into the music he composes. Read by Joe Sadowski. WEEKEND PROGRAM BOOKS Your Personal World (Saturday at 1 p.m.) is airing The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking. For the Younger Set (Sunday at 11 a.m.) is airing The Keepers by Ted Sanders. Poetic Reflections (Sunday at noon) is airing Blackacre by Monica Youn and Whereas by Layli Long Soldier. The Great North (Sunday at 4 p.m.) is airing Everybody’s Heard about the Bird by Rick Shefchik. Abbreviations: V – violence, L – offensive language, S – sexual situations, RE – racial epithets.

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May 10, 2017 Volume 28, Number 5 Pg 15

ENJOY! ENJOY! from page 11

shows across the country. Facebook is another way to connect with performances. Sign up to connect with Audio Description across Minnesota http:// d34dzo2. Connect with ASL interpreted and captioned performances across Minnesota on Facebook Another resource is Minnesota Playlist, with a recently updated website calendar with all the ASL-interpreted, audio-described, captioned, pay-what-you-can shows and other features. Go to calendar

ties. Tours are made possible through funding by the Bader Foundation. FFI: 651-259-3015, historic-sites/james-j-hill-house 13TH ANNUAL 10-MINUTE PLAY FESTIVAL Lakeshore Players Theatre presents the 10 best entries from its 10-minute playwriting contest, at 4820 Stewart Ave., White Bear Lake. ASL offered 2 p.m. Sunday, June 11. If no ASL seats are reserved within two weeks of the performance, the ASL-interpretation will be cancelled. Tickets reduced to $10 for ASL patrons, who can purchase tickets online with a direct link that is active until two weeks before the performance. The ASL seats highlighted in purple have the best view of the interpreter, are only visible via this link, and will not be released to the general public until the Monday after the ASL reservation deadline. Assisted listening devices available. FFI: 651-4295674,

Arts festivals are held throughout the state. Check: index.aspx, minnesota/mn.html,


PEOPLE from page 10

lis, screenplay writing; Sarah Drake, Sauk Rapids, painting and mixed media; Ruth Lais, Minneapolis, mixed media; ART SHOW: MARI NEWMAN Luke Lynons, Minneapolis, Mpls. artist Mari Newman has created art in almost every media, has won ceramics; Carrie Salberg, White PIZZA PAINT PARTY many awards and has had work in Bear Lake, creative non-fiction Simply Artable in Minneapolis hosts Pizza Paint Parties at the Simply Jane Studio. The monthly social and painting events are for up to 20 special many galleries and publications. See writing and Joey Schad, St. needs guests and 20 "paint buddies" from the general community. The parties are funded with support from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council her latest show at Vision Loss Resourc- and the United Church of Christ - Neighbors in Need Program. The two-hour partries are a chance to explore art and meet new friends instead of Paul, music performance. sitting home. Upcoming party dates: May 17, June 14, July 12, August 16 and September 13. Learn more:, 1936 Lyndale Ave. S. (at Franklin All grantees are first-time ties/ or FFI: 612-354-3961. Ave.), Mpls. The show is in the lobby, Jerome grant recipients. The which is open 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. M-F. applications were selected by FFI: 612-332-3888, panelists with backgrounds in the Thu, 1-5 p.m. Fri, Sat, Sun. Free. Large print and Braille or statewide 800-801-3883 (voice/TTY). To hear a written, visual and performing arts. brochures are available. Visitors may experience a listing of accessible performances, call 612-332-3888 53RD INTL ART OF POSSIBILITIES SHOW AND From 1996 to 2017, 132 grant awards number of pieces tactilely. A website also has been or 800-801-3883. Access Press only publishes perSALE BY ARTISTS WITH DISABILITIES have gone to 102 individuals includprepared. Some artworks and prints will be for sale. formance dates when accommodations are offered. Attend the show and sale at Courage Kenny Rehabiliing writers, visual artists, performers, FFI: 507-931-3630, Contact the venue to find out about schedules, distation Institute, Golden Valley Campus, Larson Atrium, counts for seniors, students or groups are offered. Call composers and multi-media artists. 3915 Golden Valley Road, Mpls. Free. Regular exhibit MORE EVENTS INFORMATION or email ahead, to make such that an accommodation Twenty-six people have been repeating hours are 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Mon-Fri, to May 19. FFI: 612VSA MINNESOTA is offered. VSA Minnesota can also refer venues and grant winners. 775-2507 or 888-413-3323, A statewide nonprofit organization works to create a ski.nsf/page/artshow

BE THE LIGHT: PAINTINGS BY ANNIE YOUNG Burnsville artist Annie Young, who is visually impaired, paints with her fingers and considers herself to be an artistic topographist. See her work at Arts Center of St. Peter, 315 South Minnesota Ave., St. Peter, until June 4. Gallery is open 1-5 p.m. Tue-Wed, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

community where people with disabilities can learn through, participate in and access the arts, at http:// The website has a comprehensive calendar at the upper right-hand corner of its home page. For galleries and theater performances around the state join the Access to Performing Arts email list at or call VSA Minnesota, 612-332-3888

OAK PARK VILLAGE We are accepting waitlist applications for 1BR & 2BR Section 8 project units from May 15 to 31, 2017.. Qualified low-income family rent is based on 30% of family income. Send a email, self-addressed-stamped envelope, or stop by the office Mon-Thur. 2PM-6PM, Fri. 9AM to 1PM.

Oak Park Village Apt s.


7267½ W. Oak Park Village Drive St. Louis Park, MN 55426 (952)935-9125 Equal Housing Opportunity

EMPLOYMENT Legal Secretary/Client Services/Intake. Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid. For more info go to FOR RENT Calvary Center Apts: 7650 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN. A Section 8 building now accepting applications for our waiting list. Call 9 am to 4 pm, Mon – Fri 763-546-4988 for an application. Equal Opportunity Housing. Find your new home with At Home Apartments. Call 651-224-1234 or visit for an apartment or town home. Equal Opportunity Housing. Classified rates: $15 for the first 18 words and 65¢ per word thereafter. Classified ads prepaid. Mail to: Access Press, Capitol Ridge Inn Offices; 161 St. Anthony Ave; #910; St. Paul, MN 55103; Phone: 651-644-2133; Fax 651-644-2136; Email:

theater companies to qualified describers, interpreters and captioners. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Another web events listing is (c2: caption coalition, inc., which does most of the captioned

May 10, 2017 Volume 28, Number 5 Pg 16

FREE TRAINING OFFERED TO SAVE LIVES AND IMPROVE SKILLS Do you provide services through the PCA Choice, Consumer Directed Community Supports or Consumer Support Grant programs? (Check with your PCA Choice agency or Fiscal Support Entity if unsure.) Workers like you provide care to people who may need First Aid or CPR at any time. Being trained in these skills can mean the difference between life and death. Free classroom training is available statewide through Minnesota State Colleges and Universities for First Aid and CPR certification and recertification. It’s offered through a joint effort by the Minnesota Department of Human Services and the homecare workers’ union, SEIU Healthcare Minnesota. Free training is open to union members and non-union members. For more information, call (800) 828-0206 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. SEIU answers incoming calls and the Minnesota State system is used for registration. Free online training on other subjects benefiting direct support workers is available through the College of Direct Supports. Contact to request access so you can choose training that is most helpful to you, whether you’re new or experienced.

“Basic training in CPR and First Aid can save a person’s

“The CPR and First Aid trainings were great. Having

life. For a parent like me, with PCAs coming into my

a small group, with the instructors able to provide

home to care for my daughter, CPR and First Aid

individual attention whenever someone needed help,

training is a first line of defense. ” – LaTanya Hughes, mother of a child with disabilities and home care worker, Minneapolis

made it really valuable. Plus, they made the training fun.” – Francis Hall, home care worker, Crosby

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