NAI Activities Report 2017

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he National Academy of InventorsÂŽ is a 501(c)(3) non-profit member organization

comprising U.S. and international universities, and governmental and non-profit research institutes, with over 4,000 individual inventor members and Fellows spanning more than 250 institutions worldwide. It was founded in 2010 to recognize and encourage inventors with patents issued from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, enhance the visibility of academic technology and innovation, encourage the disclosure of intellectual property, educate and mentor innovative students, and translate the inventions of its members to benefit society. The NAI publishes the multidisciplinary journal Technology and Innovation.


From the President.................................2 Points of Pride........................................3 NAI Federal Charter...............................4 NAI Publications....................................7 NAI Growth..........................................37

Interview: USPTO’s Andrew Faile..........5 History of the NAI..................................6 Annual Conference..............................20 Student Showcase...............................21 Academy Partners................................25

Fellows Program....................................8 Institutional Membership....................12

Arizona State University......................10 Auburn University................................11 New York University............................14 Texas Tech University...........................15 University of California, Irvine.............18 University of Central Florida................19 University of Florida.............................22 University of Nebraska-Lincoln............23 University of South Florida..................24

• • • •

University Members International Affiliates Government Agencies Research Institutes

Individual Membership........................13 Local NAI Chapters..............................16 List of Current NAI Fellows..................26 NAI Member Institutions.....................34


NAI Board of Directors and Officers Paul R. Sanberg, President University of South Florida Howard J. Federoff, Vice President University of California, Irvine Sudeep Sarkar, Treasurer University of South Florida Karen J.L. Burg University of Georgia Arthur Daemmrich Smithsonian Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation Elizabeth L. Dougherty, Ex Officio United States Patent and Trademark Office Robert V. Duncan Texas Tech University Eric R. Fossum Dartmouth College Sethuraman Panchanathan Arizona State University Stephen D. Russell, Ex Officio Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command

NAI Staff Keara Leach Director Spencer Montgomery Director of Development Lauren Maradei Assistant Program Director Kimberly Macuare Associate Editor Technology and Innovation Autumn Pandolfo Special Projects Coordinator Terrance Anderson Administrative Fiscal Specialist Lauren Moseley Marketing & Communications Specialist Sia Salimi Khatibi Database Coordinator

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FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Friends: On behalf of the NAI Board of Directors, it is my distinct pleasure to present the 2017 Activities Report of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). Inside this publication you will find a comprehensive review of the many important initiatives led by the NAI in support of academic innovation. We invite you to read more about how the Academy challenges the academic culture to celebrate innovation and embrace inventive faculty, particularly for the important role patents, licensing and commercialization plays in bolstering the nation. We are proud to report that the NAI has experienced another remarkable year of growth and development. The NAI is now represented by over 4,000 individual inventors. Moreover, following the induction of the 2016 class of Fellows at the 2017 Annual Conference, the NAI Fellows Program now includes 757 prolific academic inventors from more than 250 distinguished institutions across the world. With the reintroduction of H.R. 976—a bill to grant a Federal Charter to the NAI—the National Academy of Inventors is establishing a growing presence on Capitol Hill. As a chartered organization, the NAI would serve as a resource to the federal government on topics of innovation, intellectual property, and translational research and commercialization. Sharing more than 26,500 issued U.S. patents and over 9,400 licensed technologies and companies, NAI Fellows hold a wealth of knowledge and experience that will greatly benefit the American public. Thanks to our members, H.R. 976 is building momentum, but we need your help to further this legislation. If your local representatives have not yet signed on as cosponsors, we hope you will encourage them to do so and NAI staff are happy to assist with this. We look forward to this unique opportunity to take an active role in public policy as innovation experts. Looking back over the past year, I am inspired by how much our young Academy has accomplished. Thank you to our members, partners and friends for their continued support. It is an honor to lead this pioneering organization and we look forward to many years of continued collaboration. Sincerely,

Paul R. Sanberg, Ph.D., D.Sc., FNAI President

Revolutionizing the National Dialogue

POINTS of PRIDE The NAI was founded in 2010 to recognize

NAI members are optimizing cybersecurity, discovering new ecosystems and revolutionizing drug discovery

and encourage inventors with patents issued from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, enhance the visibility of academic technology and innovation, encourage the disclosure

The inventions of NAI Fellows have collectively created over 1.3M jobs, 8,900 companies and $137B in revenue

of intellectual property, educate and mentor innovative students and translate the inventions of its members to benefit society.

The winning invention of the 2017 NAI Student Innovation Showcase is a wearable EEG device for epileptic children

At the closing of fiscal year 2017, NAI Member Institutions represented 46 states and 13 countries NAI Activities Report 2017 | 3

Revolutionizing the National Dialogue

H.R. 976, a bill to grant a Federal Charter to the National Academy of Inventors, was introduced in February 2017. This bipartisan legislation recognizes the importance of the NAI’s mission of advancing a culture where academic innovation is celebrated for its role in fueling our nation’s economy.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What is a federally chartered organization? Federally chartered organizations were designed to promote a public purpose by leveraging nonfederal partnerships and individuals. This honorific designation symbolizes a federal recognition of the significant national interests stemming from the mission, goals, and objectives of the organization. Why should the NAI be granted a Federal Charter? Currently, our nation’s universities perform more than half of our nation’s basic research and more than 60% of that research is federally funded. It is in our national best interest for that research to be translated for the betterment of society into innovative products, processes, cures, and treatments. Federally recognizing the importance of the NAI will bolster the innovations, technologies, and new businesses spurred as research develops at universities and nonprofit research institutes, elevating their already dynamic role in our national economic development and our global competitiveness. What is the cost of this bill? There is no cost associated with granting a Federal Charter to the National Academy of Inventors. If the NAI is granted a Federal Charter, what oversight role will the federal government have in the future? The National Academy of Inventors would be required to submit a report to Congress on the activities of the preceding fiscal year, but the federal government would not take regulatory or oversight roles.

“Let’s commit to further championing our nation’s researchers through the NAI and federal investments that will promote new discoveries, bolster our economy and create higher-paying jobs for our communities.” —U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL-14)

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“We are greatly indebted to innovators such as [NAI Fellows] for contributions to society through their inventions. I commend these individuals, and the organizations and taxpayers that support them, for the work they do to revolutionize the world we live in.” —U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX-21)

Innovation Community

An Interview with the USPTO’s


Deputy Commissioner for Patent Operations INTRODUCTION

Andrew Faile is Deputy Commissioner for Patent

Operations at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). He received his B.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland and began working at the USPTO as a patent examiner in 1989. His work as a patent examiner and later as a Supervisory Patent Examiner exposed him to cutting edge technology in the field of electronics during a period that spanned the evolution of analog to digital. As Deputy Commissioner, Mr. Faile is responsible for all aspects of the examining process and the over 8,000 men and women who examine U.S. patent applications.

INTERVIEW NAI: Andy, thank you for taking the time to speak today. Please tell us about personal relationship with the NAI. Faile: Over the past several years I have had the opportunity to speak at the NAI Annual Conference and participate in the Fellows Induction Ceremony. That experience and my personal interaction with individual members of the organization have given me a greater appreciation for the importance of what Dr. Paul Sanberg and other members of the academic inventor community have done in creating the Academy. NAI: The NAI was founded to recognize and encourage inventors with issued U.S. patents. In 2016, the NAI formalized its strong relationship with the USPTO by signing an official Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). How has this partnership opened new opportunities for the USPTO to collaborate with academic inventors? Faile: The USPTO has a long history of supporting inventor recognition programs like the NAI that promote the important role patented inventions play in our society. The MOA has provided a framework for the USPTO and NAI to partner in developing programs for young aspiring inventors and educating the public about the vital role that the intellectual property protection system plays in the advancement of technology. We want to grow and expand upon these efforts in the future.

One especially important area I would like to focus on is training for our patent examiners. We have an established program, the Patent Examiner Technical Training Program (PETTP), which brings inventors and other outside technology experts into the USPTO to help our examiners better understand new technologies to enhance their ability in conducting the examination of patent applications. The Academy is in a unique position to help us tap the expertise of the academic invention community to assist us to further that goal. At the same time this will enable all of us at the USPTO to better understand the special needs of academic inventors. NAI: As Arthur Molella describes in his “History of the National Academy of Inventors,” inventors and academics have had a long and fraught relationship in the United States. How has the inception of the NAI impacted this dynamic, and how does this complement the USPTO’s mission? Faile: During my professional career at the USPTO I have become aware of the fact that there is a difference between pure research and those who seek to invent and patent technology developed in the academic environment. The Academy has helped bridge that divide by recognizing and creating a better understanding of how the practical application of research can benefit academic institutions and society as a whole. NAI: There is currently a great deal of uncertainty within the scientific community. Moving forward, how do the USPTO and NAI work together to support and strengthen the academic innovation community? Faile: The National Academy of Inventors has accomplished a great deal in a brief period of time. At the same time the NAI has given us at the USPTO and our peers a better understanding of the work done in the academic community. The USPTO looks forward to working closely with the organization in the future to support and strengthen academic innovation. Interview conducted by Richard Maulsby.

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Innovation Community

History of the National Academy of Inventors Arthur Molella, Smithsonian Institution Technology and Innovation, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 235-244, 2017 Early in 2009, Paul Sanberg, senior vice president for research, innovation, and knowledge enterprise at the University of South Florida, issued a campus-wide invitation to all colleagues who had interests in invention and held at least one U.S. patent. He discovered that colleagues who were inventing did so essentially as a sideline, receiving little if any support or recognition from the administration—least of all from tenure and promotion committees. Within a year, Sanberg and others, including Howard Federoff, then of Georgetown University, moved forward on his concept of the National Academy of Inventors. He and Howard met with Richard Maulsby of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and later with David Kappos, Under Secretary of Commerce and Patent Office Director, both of whom supported the idea of the NAI. Sanberg discovered there was a demand out there, not only within the University of South Florida but also around the nation. The National Academy of Inventors was formally launched in 2010 at an inaugural meeting at USF in Tampa with David Kappos. The National Academy of Inventors’ boldly ecumenical philosophy raises a pressing question: Is it time to finally tear down the cultural barriers between science and invention and between academia and the broader community of innovation? The benefits of breaking down the barriers between pure and applied research are obvious to the members of the NAI.

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(Pictured: David Kappos, Former Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO, with NAI President Paul Sanberg)

Revolutionizing the National Dialogue


n less than a decade, the NAI has directed a major paradigm shift within academe in support of faculty patents, licensing and commercialization activity.

• The national dialogue on academic innovation rose to prominence at the 2013 NAI Annual Conference Insight from a panel discussion on changing the academic cul ture was later published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences • Several organizations have since joined the conversation on university intellectual property management APLU Task Force on Tenure, Promotion, and Technology Transfer AAU Work Group on Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property n

n n

The NAI continues this conversation with several important publications, detailed below.

Technology and Innovation, Journal of the National Academy of Inventors Technology and Innovation (T&I)  contains scientific research articles, policy commentaries, and a feature from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in every issue. T&I  has taken the lead in many important policy conversations, including the role of technology transfer activities in tenure and promotion; the management of intellectual property; and the multi-faceted benefits of technology transfer for universities and society at large. Special topics for 2017 will include the gender gap in invention, innovation and entrepreneurship, curricula for technology and innovation and the annual conference issue.

Top 100 Worldwide Universities Granted U.S. Utility Patents The NAI and Intellectual Property Owners Association have published the Top 100 rankings annually since 2013 to highlight the important role patents play in university research and innovation. The 2016 edition was released in June 2017. The Academy is proud to have 68 of the Top 100 as NAI Member Institutions.

Concept to Commercialization: The Best Universities for Technology Transfer The Milken Institute released a new report in April 2017 that ranks the top 225 universities across the United States for their progress in developing basic research into new technologies, products and companies. The NAI is proud to have 23 of the top 25 U.S. universities for technology transfer & commercialization among our membership.

NAI Activities Report 2017 | 7

Building a Network


lection to NAI Fellow status is the highest professional distinction accorded solely to academic inventors who have a prolific spirit of innovation in creating or facilitating outstanding inventions that have made a tangible impact on quality of life, economic development and the welfare of society. Nominees must be a named inventor on patent(s) issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and must be affiliated with a university, non-profit research institute or other academic entity. Nominations are open each year from July 1–October 1.

National Academy of Inventors Fellows Program includes:

recipients of the U.S. National Medal of Technology and Innovation and U.S. National Medal of Science

of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

presidents and senior leaders of research universities and non-profit research institutes

inductees of the National Inventors Hall of Fame

AAAS Fellows

Fellows of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences

IEEE Fellows Statistics derived from self-reported data by 757 current NAI Fellows as of May 2017.

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Building a Network

NAI FELLOWS IMPACT: NAI Fellows have generated more than

NAI Fellows represent nearly


in revenue generated by the inventions of Fellows

UNIVERSITIES and non-profit research institutes worldwide

OVER 1.3 MILLION JOBS CREATED as a result of NAI Fellow Inventions



Involvement of more than


Collectively the 757 Fellows hold more than

26,500 PATENTS

Statistics derived from self-reported data by 757 current NAI Fellows as of May 2017.

NAI Activities Report 2017 | 9

Spotlight on Innovation

Arizona State University:

Engineering Electronics for Greater Security Michael Kozicki, Ph.D., FNAI, is professor of electrical engineering at Arizona State University (ASU) in the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. With expertise in solid state electronics and nanoionics, he conducts research on integrated and solid-state nanoionics, low-energy non-volatile memories, and a new anti-counterfeiting technology based on dendritic identifiers. Currently, Kozicki is applying his expertise to improving electronics security. In one study, Kozicki is exploring the effects of radiation-caused mutations in computing systems. Just like our cells, electronic materials are susceptible to negative effects from radiation, which can cause unexpected behaviors and breakdown. The project team is working to understand radiation susceptibility and resilience in neuromorphic computing platforms, which are capable of processing speeds similar to the human brain. This type of brain-like computing platform holds enormous potential in space and defense applications where radiation exposure is all but guaranteed. By better understanding the effects of radiation on these systems, the team hopes to speed the development of radiation-hardened neuromorphic computing architectures. The project is a collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories, which is funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. Kozicki also leads a multi-university project leveraging his own patented technologies to prevent security breaches through counterfeit electronics parts. The project aims to find new ways to authenticate hardware for cybersecurity purposes using electronic “fingerprint” technology. Using Kozicki’s memory technology, the team has found two ways to derive uniquely identifying “fingerprints” on a chip—one 10 | 2017 NAI Activities Report

via the electronic elements and another via the physical components. Using these chip “fingerprints,” the team is developing new cybersecurity methods to prevent theft and corruption of information while keeping counterfeit parts out of critical applications such as aircraft, cars and medical devices. Kozicki has developed entrepreneurship-infused undergraduate and graduate courses in solid state electronics, is a frequent invited speaker at international meetings and has made several television appearances to promote public understanding of science. He has extensive international ties, including as a visiting professor at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, adjunct professor at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology in Korea and also holds the professional designation of chartered engineer in the UK/EU. He has served as interim and founding director of entrepreneurial programs and director of the Center for Solid State Electronics Research in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at ASU. Kozicki received a B.S. and Ph.D., both in electronics and electrical engineering, from the University of Edinburgh. He holds more than 75 U.S. and foreign patents in solid state technology, and has produced over 200 academic papers and presentations which have been cited nearly 9,000 times. He is inventor of the Programmable Metallization Cell, a computer memory technology developed to replace the widely used flash memory due to its longer lifetimes, lower power and improved memory density. Kozicki is also a founder of Axon Technologies Corp. and Idendrix, Inc., and served as chief scientist of Silicon Valley start-up Adesto Technologies.

Spotlight on Innovation

Auburn University:

Using Beneficial Bacteria to Promote Plant Growth and Provide Biological Disease Control

Joseph Kloepper, Ph.D., is a professor in the department of entomology and plant pathology at Auburn University. Prior to coming to Auburn University in 1979, he was with Allelix Agriculture in Mississauga, Ontario, where he served as senior research scientist in an agricultural microbiology group. Before that, he was an assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He was selected as Alumni Professor at Auburn University and was invited to be the keynote speaker at the Second International Congress on Biostimulants in Agriculture (Florence, Italy) in November 2015. He also was keynote speaker at the International Symposium: “Microbe-Assisted Crop Production—Opportunities, Challenges, and Needs,” in Vienna, Austria. In addition, he has received the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Director’s Research Award, the Auburn University College of Agriculture Dean’s Grantsmanship Award, and the Excellence in Innovation Award from the Auburn University Chapter of the National Academy of Inventors. Kloepper conducts research on beneficial bacteria to promote plant growth and provide biological disease control of crop plants. More specifically, his research focuses on the use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for promoting plant growth, plant health, and nutrient uptake. The emphasis is on various species and strains of the spore-forming bacilli because spores of these PGPR remain viable as seed treatments for a long period of time, thereby increasing the opportunities of integrating the PGPR into current agricultural practices. Modes of action are studied, and effects on plant pathogens as well as plant-damaging insects are evaluated in collaborations with other faculty in the College of Agriculture at Auburn

University. Utility of the various bacterial strains includes increasing root growth, enhancing crop uptake of soil nutrients, increasing tolerance to drought, attracting beneficial insects, repelling destructive insects, and combating other pests or disease-causing agents such as nematodes, bacteria, and fungi. Various strains of rhizobacteria have been demonstrated to show improvements in crop yield. Research into rhizobacteria as inputs to agriculture is actively conducted worldwide. For years the work was mainly conducted in universities and other public sector laboratories. Beginning in the 1990s, a few companies developed products consisting of rhizobacteria, but commercialization was slow. In recent years, there has been a swelling of commercial interest in using rhizobacteria. This interest is fueled by the rapidly growing middle classes in China and India and by the uses of food commodities as energy crops. The call for greener, more organic crop treatments to replace harsh chemicals has also served to drive the market. Consequently, Kloepper’s work has had a breakthrough in potential commercial applications. One strain has been licensed for use as a biofertilizer and biopesticide in numerous seed and soil applications. Another license is under negotiation with a different company for additional applications. In fiscal year 2014 alone, his PGPR library was the subject of two license agreements and three option agreements—all with different companies. One of the agreements even branched out into a new area: improved production in aquaculture. Kloepper and his colleagues also have developed additional bacterial libraries of strains from long-term crop rotations and other sources. NAI Activities Report 2017 | 11

Building a Network

Over 3,300 U.S. patents

Our Members



Over $ 555 Billion

economic impact by Member Institutions in 2016

granted to Member Institutions in 2016


nstitutional members of the NAI encompass U.S. and international universities & non-profit and governmental research institutes of all sizes, both public and private. These members align with the mission of the NAI to increase the visibility of their individual innovative initiatives. The NAI Institutional Membership structure is divided into three categories, as illustrated below. For more information, visit www.AcademyofInventors. org/benefits.asp


International Affiliate: International membership level which promotes institutional research and innovation on a global scale and allows for worldwide recognition of campus inventors.

12 | 2017 NAI Activities Report



Member Institution:

Membership level which increases the visibility of institutional research and innovation and offers opportunities to recognize and honor inventors on campus. (Includes university members, international affiliates, governmental agencies, and research institutes)

Sustaining Member Institution: The highest level of membership available to a limited number of institutions to receive exclusive benefits with the Activities Report, Conference, Technology & Innovation, special committees and more.

Over 4,000 individual inventor members

Fellows and Members from

over 250

universities and research institutes

NAI Fellows have generated

NAI Fellows hold


Building a Network

over 137 Billion


in revenue

26,500 issued U.S. patents


he NAI is launching a new level of membership to further recognize academic innovation: NAI Senior Membership. Senior members are successful researchers who have made a significant contribution to the culture of innovation in their academic communities. This membership level best suits inventors towards the beginning of their career who aspire to become NAI Fellows.




Inventor Member:

An inductee of a local NAI Chapter; typically, a community member with at least one issued U.S. patent. (See pages 16-17 for more information on local chapters)

COMING SOON Senior Member: An active researcher with success in patents, licensing and commercialization who has produced technologies that have brought, or aspire to bring, real impact on the welfare of society.

NAI Fellow: A committeeelected inventor who has demonstrated a prolific spirit of innovation in creating or facilitating outstanding inventions for the betterment of society. (See pages 8-9 for more information on the Fellows Program)

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Spotlight on Innovation

New York University:

Microplasmas: A Platform Technology for a Plethora of Plasma Applications Kurt H. Becker, Ph.D., FNAI, is vice dean for research, innovation, and entrepreneurship at the New York University (NYU) Tandon School of Engineering and a professor of applied physics and mechanical and aerospace engineering. Prior to joining NYU, he held faculty positions at Stevens Institute of Technology (1997 - 2007) and the City College of CUNY (1988 – 1997). He earned a M.S. and Ph.D. from the Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the National Academy of Inventors, a recipient of the Dr. Eduard-Martin Prize for Excellence in Research, the Thomas A. Edison Patent Award, and the SASP Erwin Schrödinger Medal. He also holds an honorary Professorship at the Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck, Austria. Becker’s research focuses on non-thermal (“cold”) atmospheric-pressure gas discharge plasmas. In contrast to thermal (“hot”) plasmas where the main plasma constituents of electron, ions, neutrals have approximately the same temperature. Ranging from a few thousand Kelvin for plasma arcs to millions of Kelvin in the interior of stars, cold plasmas are generated by channeling the energy mainly into the electrons, while ions and neutrals remain at or near room temperature. This allows for high-temperature chemistry at ambient temperatures. Non-thermal plasmas at atmospheric pressure tend to be unstable and quickly undergo an undesirable transition into a thermal arc.

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Becker was among the first to show that cold plasmas can be stabilized at atmospheric pressure by reducing at least one plasma dimension to the sub-millimeter range to create microplasmas. The non-thermal nature of microplasmas combined with the ability to operate them stably at atmospheric-pressure, without a vacuum enclosure, and the possibility to build large 2-D arrays without individual ballasting made microplasmas into a platform technology for a plethora of applications such as excimer lamps operating in the extreme UV, materials processing, surface modification, nanoparticle synthesis, ozone generation, environmental remediation, and biological decontamination. Plasma medicine is an emerging field, where major advances were made possible by the development of atmospheric pressure plasma sources that are biocompatible, thus satisfying strict conditions in terms of their electrical, chemical, and thermal properties, and can generate copious amounts of reactive radicals and deliver them to biological tissue via plasma jets.

Spotlight on Innovation

Texas Tech University:

Obesity: An Infectious Disease? Nikhil Dhurandhar, Ph.D., is professor and chair

treating diabetes. E4orf1 improves glycemic control and

of the department of nutritional sciences at Texas Tech University, and a past president of The Obesity Society, the premier organization of obesity clinicians and researchers representing USA, Canada and Mexico. Dhurandhar has received research funding from the National Institutes of Health, American Diabetes Association, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and other non-profit or commercial funding sources, has published over 130 scientific articles, and book chapters, and has served as a mentor or advisor for several students and postdoctoral fellows.

reduces liver fat accumulation in animals on high fat diets.

As a physician and nutritional biochemist, Dhurandhar has been involved with obesity treatment and research for about 35 years and has treated over 15,000 patients for obesity using lifestyle therapy as well as pharmacological approaches. His research focuses on molecular as well as clinical aspects of obesity and diabetes. His group was the first to identify adipogenic effects of an avian adenovirus and a human adenovirus (Ad36), and the first to report beneficial effects of Ad36, particularly on glucose metabolism. He believes that simple explanations for causes of obesity are inadequate and novel approaches are required for its effective management. This research is now being pursued globally and Dhurandhar originally coined the term “infectobesity” to describe obesity of infectious origin.

E4orf1 to improve glycemic control independent of insulin

Dhurandhar has received eight U.S. patents and six foreign patents related to the prevention of Ad36-induced obesity and the use of E4orf1, a protein derived from Ad36 for

Studies show that E4orf1 does not promote insulin production or secretion. In fact, E4orf1 promotes glucose disposal, which reduces the requirement for endogenous insulin, reducing its secretion. This “insulin sparing effect” is a significant advantage for treating diabetes, a condition that is already taxing the pancreas for insulin overproduction. Also, in diabetes, insulin signaling is often impaired. Hence, the ability of is particularly beneficial. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are highly prevalent chronic illnesses that take a huge toll on health and economy. An agent such as E4orf1, that would potentially treat all three conditions, would have a substantial beneficial impact on society. A long-term goal of this research and associated patents is to develop a vaccine to prevent Ad36-induced obesity. Dhurandhar and colleagues have also received a patent for developing small molecular analogs, which mimic the action of E4orf1 in vivo. Further testing of these analogs is currently underway that would lead to phase 1 clinical trials. Dhurandhar is also currently pursuing commercialization of a single agent that could be used to treat Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes as well as NAFLD.

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Building a Network

LOCAL NAI CHAPTERS The launch of a local NAI chapter is a useful vehicle

to recognize and honor investigators who translate their research findings into inventions that may benefit society. It also serves as a tool to celebrate leaders who foster and nurture innovation. All chapters are unique to their home institutions and members are encouraged to build chapters that best support their innovative initiatives.

Stevens Institute of Technology recently inducted their inaugural group of student members, all of whom are in the process of patenting their innovations.

This is a timeline of all NAI Chapter launches and events between October 2016 and June 2017 Marquette University LAUNCH

Benson Idahosa University LAUNCH

University of South Florida EVENT

University of Central Florida LAUNCH

Georgetown University EVENT





California State University, Long Beach LAUNCH

Medical University of South Carolina EVENT



Johns Hopkins University EVENT

Auburn University EVENT

SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific LAUNCH

“The launch of an NAI Chapter allows ASU to recognize our inventor community. Through our chapter, we look forward to strengthening our innovative collaborations across disciplines, while further showcasing our network of inventors and their outstanding contributions to society.” — Sethuraman Panchanathan, Executive Vice President and Chief Research and Innovation Officer of Knowledge Enterprise Development, Arizona State University

NAI Chapters have inducted over 2,200 inventor 16 | 2017 NAI Activities Report

Building a Network

Thomas Jefferson University gifts their

The University of Akron’s “Inventor Wall of Fame”

inductees emu eggs to encourage them to

recognizes all patents awarded to UA researchers.

“hatch new ideas.” Worcester Polytechnic Institute presents their faculty who have licensed a technology over the past year with a custom license plate in recognition of their tremendous translational efforts.

University of Missouri-Columbia EVENT

Arizona State University LAUNCH

University of Southern California LAUNCH

Texas Tech University System LAUNCH

Stevens Institute of Technology EVENT





Kansas State University EVENT

Stony Brook University EVENT


MARCH East Carolina University EVENT

Worcester Polytechnic Institute EVENT

Institut Pasteur LAUNCH

“K-State has a long history of invention that we are pleased to honor through our Chapter of the NAI. The chapter highlights the contributions our inventive faculty, students, and staff have made to both basic and applied research, from fighting disease and improving electronics to perfecting crop varieties to help agricultural producers succeed. I look forward to our chapter event each year to celebrate K-State’s dynamic innovation ecosystem.” —Peter Dorhout, Vice President for Research, Kansas State University

members who collectively hold nearly 14,000 patents. NAI Activities Report 2017 | 17

Spotlight on Innovation

University of California, Irvine:

Shrinky-Dinks All Grown Up ®

Sun-Jun Park and Michelle Khine

Michelle Khine, Ph.D., FNAI, is professor of biomedical and chemical engineering and materials science at the University of California, Irvine. Khine is director of faculty innovation for the Henry Samueli School of Engineering. She is also director of bioengineering innovation & entrepreneurship at UCI Applied Innovation. As a researcher in the area of microfluidics, Khine has long been aware that the challenge of traditional ‘top-down’ micro- and nano-fabrication of microfluidic chips lies in the difficulties and costs associated with patterning at such high resolution. Indeed, the specialized equipment to make these chips can cost upwards of $100,000. As a new professor starting her first lab, this expensive equipment was not readily obtainable, so she decided to flip the problem upside down to see if she could obtain a more cost-effective solution by patterning at the large scale and subsequently shrinking down to achieve the desired final structures. Incredibly, the inspiration for this innovation was a toy—that perennial childhood favorite: Shrinky Dinks®. Essentially, just as Shrinky Dinks® start with a large plastic sheet that is shrunk in a hot oven, she has used thermoplastic sheets heated in an oven to create molds for making polymer chips and has even used the etched sheets themselves to create chips directly from the plastic sheets. This method enables her to beat the limit of resolution inherent to traditional ‘top-down’ manufacturing approaches. Her seminal paper in Lab on a Chip introduced ‘Shrinky-Dink® Microfluidics’ in 2008, and the paper quickly went viral, leading researchers around the world to adopt this approach for a vast range of applications. Importantly, this approach enables researchers to rapidly prototype complete devices within minutes.

to plasmonic ‘hot spots’, she also developed a concentrating plus optical strategy to achieve >100x increase in the fluorescence signal and significant signal to noise gains. Of particular interest: when the polymer retracts in each dimension by a factor x, it grows in the z direction by a factor x2, allowing the creation of high aspect ratio structures with simple processing approaches. Khine’s ultra-rapid fabrication approach therefore results in field-compatible plastic-based microfluidic systems with integrated nanostructures for robust signal amplification. This design-on-demand approach to create a suite of custom biomedical tools for low cost diagnostics includes sample prep with magnetic nanotraps, embedded on-chip electrodes, microlens arrays, surface enhanced sensing substrates and substrates for stem cell culture and differentiation. She has also developed a manufacturable approach to transfer our extremely rough multiscale patterns into any commodity plastic. Using this, she has demonstrated that she can create low cost, scalable superhydrophobic, antibacterial surfaces that resist not just wetting of water, but also resist bodily fluids including urine, saliva, and blood. Most recently, she has developed a process to lift off the unique nanostructured patterns from the shrink plastic to transfer them into other materials. This allows her to create truly conformal, high-resolution epidermal electronics that move with the skin. She uses these sensors for various types of physiological monitoring, including fetal movement, respiration, and blood pressure.

Specifically, Khine, using thermoplastic sheets that have been pre-heated and pre-stretched, draws a pattern onto the sheets with ink or etches a pattern on them with a tool and then heats the sheets in an oven. As the inked sheets shrink, the patterns drawn on them shrink and create ridges that can then be used as a mold to create chips with channels for fluid flow. With these tunable shape memory polymers, compatible with roll-to-roll as well as with standard lithographic processing, she can robustly integrate extremely high-resolution, high surface area, and high aspect ratio nanostructures directly into microsystems. When the underlying polymer substrate relaxes and ‘shrinks,’ a stiffer deposited thin film cannot and therefore buckles. She can control the buckling and therefore create nanostructures of deterministic sizes and patterns. Metallic nanostructures formed due to the stiffness mismatch between the thin metal film deposited on the retracting plastic sheet have demonstrated unprecedented electromagnetic field enhancements. In fact, she has demonstrated single-molecule detection resolution with this approach. To create far-field robust fluorescence enhancements that are not confined

18 | 2017 NAI Activities Report

Figure 1. Overview schematic of our simple shrink platform technology and the various applications we have pursued with it.

Spotlight on Innovation

University of Central Florida:

Making Displays Crystal Clear Shin-Tson Wu, Ph.D., FNAI, is a Pegasus Professor in the College of Optics and Photonics at the University of Central Florida (UCF). Prior to joining UCF in 2001, he worked at Hughes Research Laboratories for 18 years. He received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Southern California and his B.S. in physics from National Taiwan University. Wu is among the first six inductees of the Florida Inventors Hall of Fame (2014) and a Charter Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (2012). Wu has co-authored eight books, more than 500 journal publications and holds 86 issued U.S. patents. Presently, he is serving as SID Honors and Awards Committee chairman. One of UCF’s most prolific inventors, Wu is an optics researcher and professor whose groundbreaking work in liquid crystals has had far-reaching impact on technology worldwide. Over the past three decades, Wu’s work has been instrumental in developing displays that are brighter, more energy efficient and both bigger and smaller than ever before. His most significant development so far is the mixed-mode twisted nematic LC cell, which is an integral part of high-resolution, high-contrast reflective and transflective LCDs. This technology has been applied to everything from projection and wearable displays used by gamers to smart phones, computer screens and televisions. His contributions allow users to see displays in almost any lighting conditions because of Wu’s innovation in transflective and sunlight-readable displays. Wu holds 86 U.S. patents for his work and most recently developed an antireflective film, inspired by the nanostructures found on moth eyes. The film, which was recently published in Optica, The Optical Society’s journal for high-impact research, exhibits a surface reflection of just .23 percent, much lower than the smart phone surface reflections of about 4 percent. Among Wu’s other innovations is making sure LCDs don’t malfunction at very hot or very cold temperatures because of new liquid crystal mixtures that don’t have the temperature limitations of those currently used – with applications that span the automotive industry and other LCD screen manufacturers.

“Dr. Wu is an extraordinary example of the influence one exceptional faculty member can have on an industry,” said Bahaa Saleh, dean of UCF’s College of Optics and Photonics. Michael Bass (FNAI), a professor emeritus at UCF’s College of Optics & Photonics, remembers when he first met Wu at the University of Southern California where Bass was a professor and Wu was pursuing his Ph.D. “He appeared in my office one day and announced that he was going to be my student and that he would finish in just four years,” Bass said. “It was very clear to me he was very unusual very early on.” Renowned Swiss physicist and LCD inventor Martin Schadt said Wu’s work will go on for generations thanks to his amazing ability to teach and inspire. “The best measure of the success of an educator is the success of his students,” Schadt said when he nominated Wu for the Slottow-Owaki Prize, which he won in 2011. “Shin-Tson’s outstanding students’ work is convincing proof for his amazing capabilities as an outstanding educator.”

NAI Activities Report 2017 | 19

Innovation Community



he NAI Conference, held each spring, features stimulating presentations and

networking with renowned inventors and leadership from prestigious research institutions across the U.S. and around the world. The meeting serves as an arena where academic innovation and entrepreneurship leading to significant local, national and global impact is recognized, honored and cultivated.

KEYNOTE SPEECHES were provided by:


400 Held April 5-7, 2017 at the Boston Marriott Long Wharf Hotel

constituents of the NAI attended



Tampa, FL

Tampa, FL

20 | 2017 NAI Activities Report

#NAI2017 Over 200,000 Twitter users interacted with the official hashtag of the 2017 Meeting over the three-day conference

Andrew H. Hirshfeld, U.S. Commissioner for Patents Department of Commerce

2014 Washington, D.C.

Lisa Seacat DeLuca, IBM’s most prolific female inventor IBM Commerce

2015 Pasadena, CA

H. Robert Horvitz, Nobel Laureate and professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2016 Washington, D.C.

Innovation Community

Student Innovation


The 2017 Conference also launched the NAI’s inaugural Student Innovation Showcase, a unique platform for students to demonstrate their inventions before an esteemed panel of judges. Six student teams from NAI Member Institutions were invited to present their technologies for the opportunity to be mentored by an NAI Fellow.

Judges, from left to right: Ellen Ochoa (FNAI), NASA Johnson Space Center; Martin Matzuk (FNAI), Baylor College of Medicine; Lisa Seacat DeLuca, IBM Commerce; Michael Cima (FNAI), Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Vinit Nijhawan, Boston University. Not pictured: Andy Rathmann-Noonan, National Science and Technology Medals Foundation.

2017 Boston, MA

2018 Washington, D.C.

2019 Houston, TX

2020 Washington, D.C.

2021 Tampa, FL

NAI Activities Report 2017 | 21

Spotlight on Innovation

University of Florida:

The Democracy Machine Ph

For much of American history, voting has revolved around who has the right to vote. After the 2000 presidential election and all its problems, the focus shifted to how America votes. Gilbert, a freshly minted Ph.D. and young professor, noticed. Figuring someone must be working to fix voting technology, he did a quick scan of computer science research literature. To his surprise, he found a huge gap.










Juan E. Gilbert, Ph.D., FNAI, is the Andrew Banks Family Preeminence Endowed Professor and chair of the Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering at the University of Florida (UF). He is the recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring from President Barack Obama. Gilbert was named an AAASLemelson Invention Ambassador and a Speech Technology Luminary by Speech Technology. He has published more than 140 articles, given more than 200 talks and obtained more than $24 million dollars in research funding. A week before the 2012 presidential election, Gilbert walked into a South Carolina elementary school looking for the ideal test subjects for a technology he had been developing for almost a decade. He wanted to see if the voting technology he had created, called Prime III, would work on the ultimate disenfranchised voting population: those who cannot read. He placed his research in the hands of prekindergarten through second grade students and watched as they used pictures and touchscreens to cast ballots. At the end of the mock election he realized Prime III was, well, ready for prime time. “We wanted these children to be able to vote without any training,” Gilbert says. “And Prime III worked. The kids could all vote.”

So, Gilbert assembled a team of students and quickly discovered the challenges of creating a new system. “The people who could design it, couldn’t build it, the people who could build it didn’t understand how to design it, and the people who could secure it didn’t understand how to design it or build it,” Gilbert says. Ultimately, they created Prime III, which runs on a touchscreen tablet that is a fraction of the cost of a traditional mechanical voting machine. The voter chooses a mode of communication — speaking or touching, or both. For visual voting, the fonts are large, and districts can choose to provide photos of candidates. If a voter is blind or cannot read, a simple headset with a microphone is provided, and only the voter can hear the prompts. The voter can also use textured buttons to navigate the ballot in response to the prompts or respond by speaking. The machine confirms votes verbally or visually. When the voter is finished, a paper ballot is printed and turned in. The research behind Prime III has been funded by grants from the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. Gilbert, who released the Prime III code as open source in 2015 to keep it free of politics, says his dream is for all 50 states to use Prime III and pay a fee to a research consortium that will keep it up to date.


22 | 2017 NAI Activities Report

Spotlight on Innovation

University of Nebraska-Lincoln:

Pioneering Virus Research Led to Biotechnology Tools The virus is also a good source of promoter elements, short sections of DNA that signal a cell to transcribe a gene and make a specific protein. Van Etten and his collaborators isolated several promoter elements that biotechnologists can use to introduce beneficial genes into crop plants.

James Van Etten, Ph.D., FNAI,

is the William Allington Distinguished Professor in plant pathology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). Van Etten holds four U.S. patents. He joined UNL in 1966 and has co-directed the Nebraska Center for Virology since 2000. He has served on many national committees and was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2003. In 2016, he received the Award of Distinction from the American Phytopathological Society. Van Etten discovered a new family of viruses that infect algae in 1980. Phycodnaviridae are so prevalent worldwide that they constitute a previously unknown ecosystem. Van

In addition, Van Etten’s team found a viral gene that encodes for the smallest functional potassium ion channel protein. This characteristic makes the gene a useful model for studying more complex potassium ion channels, an essential component of all living organisms. Prior to discovering the viruses, Van Etten and a colleague discovered a unique bacterial-infecting virus. They found the first bacterial virus with a double-stranded RNA genome, which induces interferon, a component with antiviral properties. At the time, the virus provided a fast and inexpensive method for producing double-stranded RNA for medical applications.

“When you discover something that nobody else in the world has observed, that’s an ultimate high.” Etten and a colleague discovered the first Phycodnaviridae, a Chlorella virus, when they were unable to culture a symbiotic Chlorella-like green alga independent of its aquatic host, Hydra viridis. The team speculated that a virus might be involved. After isolating algae from hydras, the researchers examined them over time by electron microscopy. The algae filled with virus particles and lysed.

Van Etten has since led pioneering research into the viruses’ many unique characteristics. More recently, Van Etten and his collaborators are investigating the viruses’ ecology and evolutionary history. They have made important discoveries about how the virus—and potentially others—replicate in nature. Their research also explains why high increases in viral populations sometimes occur in natural waters.

To study individual particles of the newfound virus, Van Etten developed the first plaque assay for algal viruses. Focusing on viruses that infect Chlorella, Van Etten and his collaborators sequenced its genome and discovered its exceptionally large size. It was the first representative of what are often referred to as “giant viruses.”

His ongoing work also has implications for the energy sector’s growing interest in using algae as a biofuel. Protecting algae from pathogens, such as viruses, will be essential. “When you discover something that nobody else in the world has observed, that’s an ultimate high,” said Van Etten.

Van Etten’s team also learned that the virus encodes DNA restriction endonucleases, enzymes that cleave DNA at specific sites, the first found in a virus. Some of these enzymes are sold commercially to support biotechnology research. NAI Activities Report 2017 | 23

Spotlight on Innovation

University of South Florida:

Harnessing the Power of Nanotechnology to Improve Health Care

Shyam S. Mohapatra, Ph.D., MBA, FNAI, is a Distinguished USF Health Professor, director of the division of translational medicine, associate dean of graduate programs in the USF College of Pharmacy and a Research Career Scientist at the James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital in Tampa. He has more than 30 years of experience in teaching, research and entrepreneurship in immunology and biotechnology and was one of the early pioneers in biomedical nanotechnology. Early in his career, he received two international awards for his scientific contributions in biotechnology and immunology: The Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Germany and the Pharmacia Allergy Research Foundation Award, Sweden. He has published over 200 papers involving research on regulation of inflammation and immunity, relating to allergy and asthma, traumatic brain injury and cancers. Mohapatra’s lab discovered the role of atrial natriuretic peptide signaling in controlling inflammation and immunity in asthma and in cancers. He is a prolific inventor and holds over 35 U.S. and foreign patents. He is recognized for his many inventions in the field of nanoscale biomedical diagnostics and therapeutics, for which he was awarded the Global Corporate Award in Nanotechnology in 2014 and was inducted to the Florida Inventors Hall of Fame. Since induction, Mohapatra has championed the cause of pharmaceutical nanotechnology education in the state of Florida and to this end he has established a highly innovative, cutting-edge Master of Science program in pharmaceutical nanotechnology offered by the College of Pharmacy and the USF Center for Research and Education in Nanobioengineering, both of which he directs.

24 | 2017 NAI Activities Report

Mohapatra’s invention of antiviral technology relating to 2-5 oligo-adenylate synthatase, now dubbed as the “wellness gene,” has been licensed by USF and is being developed as a treatment against a number of RNA viral diseases including Hepatitis C, influenza, RSV, dengue and others, with billions of patients affected world-wide. Another of Mohapatra’s recent inventions involved intranasal anti-fusion peptide nanoparticle technology has the potential to revolutionize prophylaxis of RSV, which infects approximately 65 million people globally and is responsible for more than 200,000 deaths each year. This technology can also be applied to other viruses such as HIV, SARS, Ebola, and influenza which afflict billions of people worldwide. His other inventions in the field of therapeutics for allergy and asthma, traumatic brain injury and cancers have completed pre-clinical studies including a large-scale animal study in asthmatic dogs and non-human primate studies on ovarian cancer. Mohapatra, in collaboration with Dr. Subhra Mohapatra, recently developed a fiber-inspired smart scaffold technology (FiSS) that reproduces patients’ tumors on
the scaffold. USF spin-out Transgenex Nanobiotech Inc. (TGN) is commercializing a line of cancer-related
products that includes FiSS-Discs, microplates, growth media, tumoroids and
cancer stem cells for drug discovery and drug
development. TGN is also developing novel
drug candidates against cancer stem cells that
are considered ‘‘seeds” of tumors and responsible for tumor initiation, growth, metastasis and drug resistance.

Innovation Community

The NAI is proud to work with organizations that support the importance of recognizing academic innovation

NAI Activities Report 2017 | 25

Building a Network

CURRENT NAI FELLOWS Patrick Aebischer, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Kurt H. Becker, New York University

C. Mauli Agrawal, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Craig C. Beeson, Medical University of South Carolina

Dharma P. Agrawal, University of Cincinnati

Khosrow Behbehani, The University of Texas at Arlington

Rakesh Agrawal, Purdue University

Angela M. Belcher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

David Akopian, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Stephen J. Benkovic, The Pennsylvania State University

Ilhan A. Aksay, Princeton University

Raymond J. Bergeron, University of Florida

Dean P. Alderucci, The University of Chicago

K. Darrell Berlin, Oklahoma State University

Kamal S. Ali, Jackson State University

Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Stanford University

A. Paul Alivisatos, University of California, Berkeley

Sarit B. Bhaduri, The University of Toledo

Nancy L. Allbritton, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Shekhar Bhansali, Florida International University

Jan P. Allebach, Purdue University

Sangeeta N. Bhatia, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Carl R. Alving, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

Pallab K. Bhattacharya, University of Michigan

Jayakrishna Ambati, University of Virginia

Dieter H. Bimberg, Technical University of Berlin

Dimitris Anastassiou, Columbia University

James A. Birchler, University of Missouri-Columbia

Iver E. Anderson, Iowa State University

J. Douglas Birdwell, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Kristi S. Anseth, University of Colorado Boulder

Kenneth J. Blank, Rowan University

Allen W. Apblett, Oklahoma State University

Donald R. Bobbitt, University of Arkansas

Hamid Arastoopour, Illinois Institute of Technology

Dale L. Boger, The Scripps Research Institute

Daniel W. Armstrong, The University of Texas at Arlington

Jeffrey T. Borenstein, The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory

Frances H. Arnold, California Institute of Technology

Rathindra N. Bose, University of Houston*

Charles J. Arntzen, Arizona State University

Gerardine G. Botte, Ohio University

Peter Arsenault, Tufts University

H. Kim Bottomly, Wellesley College

David E. Aspnes, North Carolina State University

Charles A. Bouman, Purdue University

Anthony Atala, Wake Forest University

John E. Bowers, University of California, Santa Barbara

Kyriacos A. Athanasiou, University of California, Irvine

Gary L. Bowlin, University of Memphis

Harry A. Atwater, Jr., California Institute of Technology

Christopher N. Bowman, University of Colorado Boulder

Nadine N. Aubry, Northeastern University

Barbara D. Boyan, Virginia Commonwealth University

Lorne A. Babiuk, University of Alberta

Scott A. Brandt, University of California, Santa Cruz

B. Jayant Baliga, North Carolina State University

Mindy M. Brashears, Texas Tech University

John M. Ballato, Clemson University

Steven P. Briggs, University of California, San Diego

David Baltimore, California Institute of Technology

David E. Briles, The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Amit Bandyopadhyay, Washington State University

C. Jeffrey Brinker, The University of New Mexico

Zhenan Bao, Stanford University

Emery N. Brown, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Richard G. Baraniuk, Rice University

Milton L. Brown, Inova Schar Cancer Institute

Francis Barany, Cornell University

Richard B. Brown, The University of Utah

John S. Baras, University of Maryland

Robert A. Brown, Boston University

Michael Bass, University of Central Florida

Robert H. Brown, Jr., University of Massachusetts Medical School

Jean-Marie Basset, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Steven R.J. Brueck, The University of New Mexico

Issa Batarseh, University of Central Florida

Richard D. Bucholz, Saint Louis University

Paula J. Bates, University of Louisville

Donald J. Buchsbaum, The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Benton F. Baugh, University of Houston

Karen J.L. Burg, University of Georgia

Ray H. Baughman, The University of Texas at Dallas

Mark A. Burns, University of Michigan

David J. Bayless, Ohio University

Robert L. Byer, Stanford University

Joseph J. Beaman, Jr., The University of Texas at Austin

Robert H. Byrne, University of South Florida *Indicates Deceased

26 | 2017 NAI Activities Report

Building a Network A. Robert Calderbank, Duke University

James G. Conley, Northwestern University

Sir Roy Calne, University of Cambridge

Diane J. Cook, Washington State University

Joe C. Campbell, University of Virginia

R. Graham Cooks, Purdue University

Anne K. Camper, Montana State University

Leon N. Cooper, Brown University

Lisa A. Cannon-Albright, The University of Utah

Rory A. Cooper, University of Pittsburgh

Charles R. Cantor, Boston University

Katrina Cornish, The Ohio State University

Ruben G. Carbonell, North Carolina State University

Delos M. (Toby) Cosgrove III, Cleveland Clinic

Curtis R. Carlson, SRI International

Joseph T. Coyle, Harvard University

John F. Carpenter, University of Colorado Denver

Harold G. Craighead, Cornell University

Dennis A. Carson, University of California, San Diego

Charles S. Craik, University of California, San Francisco

Emily A. Carter, Princeton University

Alan W. Cramb, Illinois Institute of Technology

Alexander N. Cartwright, University of Missouri-Columbia

Benjamin F. Cravatt III, The Scripps Research Institute

Carolyn L. Cason, The University of Texas at Arlington

Carlo M. Croce, The Ohio State University

David M. Center, Boston University

Peter A. Crooks, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Vinton G. Cerf, National Science Foundation

Alfred J. Crosby, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Selim A. Chacour, University of South Florida

William W. Cruikshank, Boston University

Mau-Chung Frank Chang, National Chiao Tung University

Brian T. Cunningham, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

H. Jonathan Chao, New York University

Jerome J. Cuomo, North Carolina State University

Raghunath V. Chaudhari, University of Kansas

Roy Curtiss III, University of Florida

Ching-Shih Chen, The Ohio State University

James E. Dahlberg, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Junhong Chen, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Narendra Dahotre, University of North Texas

Liang-Gee Chen, National Taiwan University

Riccardo Dalla-Favera, Columbia University

Nai Yuen Chen, The University of Texas at Arlington

William S. Dalton, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute

Stephen Z. D. Cheng, The University of Akron

Marcos Dantus, Michigan State University

Simon R. Cherry, University of California, Davis

P. Daniel Dapkus, University of Southern California

Shu Chien, University of California, San Diego

Rathindra DasGupta

Ashutosh Chilkoti, Duke University

Suman Datta, University of Notre Dame

Mary-Dell Chilton, Washington University in St. Louis

John G. Daugman, University of Cambridge

Arul M. Chinnaiyan, University of Michigan

Huw M.L. Davies, Emory University

Stephen Y. Chou, Princeton University

Mark R.D. Davies, University of Limerick

Diana S. Chow, University of Houston

Mark E. Davis, California Institute of Technology

Christos Christodoulatos, Stevens Institute of Technology

Roger J. Davis, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Benjamin Chu, Stony Brook University

Delbert E. Day, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Chung K. (David) Chu, University of Georgia

Roger A. de la Torre, University of Missouri-Columbia

Paul C. W. Chu, University of Houston

Mark E. Dean, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Steven Chu, Stanford University

Robert C. Dean, Jr., Dartmouth College

Yoginder P. Chugh, Southern Illinois University

Paul L. DeAngelis, The University of Oklahoma

Aaron J. Ciechanover, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Sandra J.F. Degen, University of Cincinnati

Michael J. Cima, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

William F. DeGrado, University of California, San Francisco

William J. Clancey, Institute for Human and Machine Cognition

Peter J. Delfyett, Jr., University of Central Florida

Graeme M. Clark, The University of Melbourne

Hector F. DeLuca, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Adrienne E. Clarke, La Trobe University

Lawrence J. DeLucas, The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Larry A. Coldren, University of California, Santa Barbara

Steven P. DenBaars, University of California, Santa Barbara

James J. Coleman, The University of Texas at Dallas

Donn M. Dennis, University of Florida

J. Edward Colgate, Northwestern University

Joseph M. DeSimone, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Barry S. Coller, The Rockefeller University

Atam P. Dhawan, New Jersey Institute of Technology

James J. Collins, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Richard D. DiMarchi, Indiana University

Rita R. Colwell, University of Maryland

Spiros S. Dimolitsas, Georgetown University *Indicates Deceased

NAI Activities Report 2017 | 27

Building a Network Duane B. Dimos, The University of Texas at Arlington

Thomas J. Fogarty, Fogarty Institute of Innovation

Stephen W. Director, Northeastern University

Henry C. Foley, New York Institute of Technology

Michael A. Dirr, University of Georgia

Kenneth M. Ford, Institute for Human & Machine Cognition

Richard A. Dixon, University of North Texas

Gabor Forgacs, University of Missouri-Columbia

John P. Donoghue, Brown University

Stephen R. Forrest, University of Michigan

Jonathan S. Dordick, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Eric R. Fossum, Dartmouth College

Jennifer A. Doudna, University of California, Berkeley

Michael W. Fountain, University of South Florida

Michael P. Doyle, University of Georgia

Scott E. Fraser, University of Southern California

Anatoly Dritschilo, Georgetown University

Jean M.J. Fréchet, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Jeffrey L. Duerk, University of Miami

Richard H. Frenkiel, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

James A. Dumesic, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ophir Frieder, Georgetown University

Robert V. Duncan, Texas Tech University

David P. Fries, Institute for Human and Machine Cognition

Russell D. Dupuis, Georgia Institute of Technology

Ingrid Fritsch, University of Arkansas

James L. Dye, Michigan State University

Cynthia M. Furse, The University of Utah

Victor J. Dzau, Duke University

Kenneth G. Furton, Florida International University

James H. Eberwine, University of Pennsylvania

Fred H. Gage, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

David M. Eddy, University of South Florida

Robert C. Gallo, University of Maryland

Elazer R. Edelman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sanjiv S. Gambhir, Stanford University

J. Gary Eden, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Shubhra Gangopadhyay, University of Missouri-Columbia

David A. Edwards, Harvard University

Elsa M. Garmire, Dartmouth College

Richard L. Ehman, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

Sir Andre K. Geim, The University of Manchester

Gary A. Eiceman, New Mexico State University

Samuel H. Gellman, University of Wisconsin-Madison

T. Taylor Eighmy, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Alan N. Gent, The University of Akron*

John G. Elias, University of Delaware

George Georgiou, The University of Texas at Austin

Jennifer H. Elisseeff, Johns Hopkins University

Tillman U. Gerngross, Dartmouth College

Ronald L. Elsenbaumer, The University of Texas at Arlington

Morteza Gharib, California Institute of Technology

Ali Emadi, McMaster University

Kanad Ghose, Binghamton University

Todd S. Emrick, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Ivar Giaever, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Akira Endo, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology

Juan E. Gilbert, University of Florida

Nader Engheta, University of Pennsylvania

Barbara A. Gilchrest, Massachusetts General Hospital

David A. Evans, Harvard University

Richard D. Gitlin, University of South Florida

Ronald M. Evans, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Linda C. Giudice, University of California, San Francisco

Sir Martin J. Evans, Cardiff University

Leonid B. Glebov, University of Central Florida

Antonio F. Facchetti, Northwestern University

Herbert Gleiter, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Stanley Falkow, Stanford University

Dan M. Goebel, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Liang-Shih Fan, The Ohio State University

George W. Gokel, University of Missouri-St. Louis

Hany Farid, Dartmouth College

Forouzan Golshani, California State University, Long Beach

Shane M. Farritor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Lorne M. Golub, Stony Brook University

Nariman Farvardin, Stevens Institute of Technology

John B. Goodenough, The University of Texas at Austin

Philippe M. Fauchet, Vanderbilt University

John C. Gore, Vanderbilt University

Rudolf Faust, University of Massachusetts Lowell

D. Yogi Goswami, University of South Florida

Denise L. Faustman, Massachusetts General Hospital

Venu Govindaraju, University at Buffalo, SUNY

Howard J. Federoff, University of California, Irvine

Amit Goyal, University at Buffalo, SUNY

Gregg B. Fields, Florida Atlantic University

Michael Graetzel, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

David R. Fischell, Cornell University

Robert J. Greenberg, Alfred E. Mann Foundation for Scientific Research

Robert E. Fischell, University of Maryland

Richard M. Greenwald, Dartmouth College

Vincent A. Fischetti, The Rockefeller University

Mark W. Grinstaff, Boston University

Christodoulos A. Floudas, Texas A&M University*

Clifford M. Gross, University of South Florida *Indicates Deceased

28 | 2017 NAI Activities Report

Building a Network Robert H. Grubbs, California Institute of Technology

Mir Imran, University of Pittsburgh

Ali Hajimiri, California Institute of Technology

Donald E. Ingber, Harvard University

Naomi J. Halas, Rice University

Lonnie O. Ingram, University of Florida

Patrick G. Halbur, Iowa State University

M. Saif Islam, University of California, Davis

Henry R. Halperin, Johns Hopkins University

Tatsuo Itoh, University of California, Los Angeles

Andrew D. Hamilton, New York University

Robert D. Ivarie, University of Georgia

Bruce D. Hammock, University of California, Davis

S. Sitharama Iyengar, Florida International University

Greg Hampikian, Boise State University

Ernest B. Izevbigie, Benson Idahosa University

Justin Hanes, Johns Hopkins University

Stephen C. Jacobsen, The University of Utah*

Wayne W. Hanna, University of Georgia

Allan J. Jacobson, University of Houston

Theodor W. Hänsch, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik

Chennupati Jagadish, The Australian National University

Barbara C. Hansen, University of South Florida

Anil K. Jain, Michigan State University

Sherry L. Harbin, Purdue University

Sungho Jin, University of California, San Diego

Patrick T. Harker, University of Delaware

Barry W. Johnson, University of Virginia

Frank N. Harris, The University of Akron

Kristina M. Johnson, State University of New York

Jeffrey H. Harwell, The University of Oklahoma

William L. Johnson, California Institute of Technology

Florence P. Haseltine, National Institutes of Health

Trevor O. Jones, Case Western Reserve University

Charlotte A.E. Hauser, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Richard Jove, Nova Southeastern University

Craig J. Hawker, University of California, Santa Barbara

Biing-Hwang Juang, Georgia Institute of Technology

M. Frederick Hawthorne, University of Missouri-Columbia

Michael E. Jung, University of California, Los Angeles

Barton F. Haynes, Duke University

John L. Junkins, Texas A&M University

Vikki Hazelwood, Stevens Institute of Technology

Eric W. Kaler, University of Minnesota

Richard F. Heck, University of Delaware*

Joseph S. Kalinowski, East Carolina University

Jason C. Heikenfeld, University of Cincinnati

Aaron V. Kaplan, Dartmouth College

Martin E. Hellman, Stanford University

Vistasp M. Karbhari, The University of Texas at Arlington

Maurice P. Herlihy, Brown University

Usha N. Kasid, Georgetown University

Amy E. Herr, University of California, Berkeley

Linda P. B. Katehi, University of California, Davis

John C. Herr, University of Virginia*

Kattesh V. Katti, University of Missouri-Columbia

David R. Hillyard, The University of Utah

Jay D. Keasling, University of California, Berkeley

Andrew B. Holmes, The University of Melbourne

Joseph P. Kennedy, The University of Akron

Nick Holonyak, Jr., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Michelle Khine, University of California, Irvine

Rush D. Holt, American Association for the Advancement of Science

Sakhrat Khizroev, Florida International University

Leroy E. Hood, Institute for Systems Biology

Behrokh Khoshnevis, University of Southern California

D. Craig Hooper, Thomas Jefferson University

Marcia J. Kieliszewski, Ohio University

Edward A. Hoover, Colorado State University

Sung Wan Kim, The University of Utah

H. Robert Horvitz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Kenneth W. Kinzler, Johns Hopkins University

Richard A. Houghten, Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies

John Klier, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Benjamin S. Hsiao, Stony Brook University

Brian K. Kobilka, Stanford University

Stephen D. H. Hsu, Michigan State University

Thomas J. Kodadek, The Scripps Research Institute

Chenming C. Hu, University of California, Berkeley

Harold L. Kohn, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Oliver Yoa-Pu Hu, National Defense Medical Center

Joachim B. Kohn, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

David Huang, Oregon Health & Science University

George V. Kondraske, The University of Texas at Arlington

Jeffrey A. Hubbell, The University of Chicago

John J. Kopchick, Ohio University

Mark S. Humayun, University of Southern California

George P. Korfiatis, Stevens Institute of Technology

Joseph P. Iannotti, Cleveland Clinic

Roger D. Kornberg, Stanford University

Leon D. Iasemidis, Louisiana Tech University

Michael N. Kozicki, Arizona State University

Enrique Iglesia, University of California, Berkeley

Steven J. Kubisen, The George Washington University

Suzanne T. Ildstad, University of Louisville

Steven M. Kuznicki, University of Alberta *Indicates Deceased

NAI Activities Report 2017 | 29

Building a Network Michael R. Ladisch, Purdue University

Yuri M. Lvov, Louisiana Tech University

Max G. Lagally, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Asad M. Madni, University of California, Los Angeles

Donald W. Landry, Columbia University

Marc J. Madou, University of California, Irvine

Robert S. Langer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Robert Magnusson, The University of Texas at Arlington

David C. Larbalestier, Florida State University

Surya K. Mallapragada, Iowa State University

Brian A Larkins, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Richard J. Mammone, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Juan C. Lasheras, University of California, San Diego

Richard B. Marchase, The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Cato T. Laurencin, University of Connecticut

Seth R. Marder, Georgia Institute of Technology

Enrique J. Lavernia, University of California, Irvine

Rodney S. Markin, University of Nebraska Medical Center

Nicholas J. Lawrence, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute

Tobin J. Marks, Northwestern University

Victor B. Lawrence, Stevens Institute of Technology

Michael A. Marletta, University of California, Berkeley

Se-Jin Lee, Johns Hopkins University

Alan G. Marshall, Florida State University

Sunggyu Lee, Ohio University

Dean F. Martin, University of South Florida

Virginia M.-Y. Lee, University of Pennsylvania

Raghunath A. Mashelkar, National Innovation Foundation-India

Wen-Hwa Lee, China Medical University

Richard A. Mathies, University of California, Berkeley

Robert J. Lefkowitz, Duke University

Edith Mathiowitz, Brown University

Jean-Marie P. Lehn, University of Strasbourg

Kouki Matsuse, Meiji University

Leslie A. Leinwand, University of Colorado, Boulder

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Carnegie Mellon University

Kam W. Leong, Columbia University

Martin M. Matzuk, Baylor College of Medicine

G. Douglas Letson, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute

Constantinos Mavroidis, Northeastern University*

Frank L. Lewis, The University of Texas at Arlington

Helen S. Mayberg, Emory University

Jennifer A. Lewis, Harvard University

T. Dwayne McCay, Florida Institute of Technology

Chiang J. Li, Harvard University

Richard D. McCullough, Harvard University

Guifang Li, University of Central Florida

Edith G. McGeer, The University of British Columbia

Ping Liang, University of California, Riverside

Patrick L. McGeer, The University of British Columbia

James C. Liao, Academia Sinica

James W. McGinity, The University of Texas at Austin

Charles M. Lieber, Harvard University

Stephen W.S. McKeever, Oklahoma State University

Stephen B. Liggett, University of South Florida

Carver A. Mead, California Institute of Technology

Frances S. Ligler, North Carolina State University

Thomas J. Meade, Northwestern University

Shinn-Zong (John) Lin, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital

Katrina L. Mealey, Washington State University

James Linder, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Craig C. Mello, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Stuart M. Lindsay, Arizona State University

Wen Jin Meng, Louisiana State University

Robert J. Linhardt, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Xiang-Jin Meng, Virginia Tech

Dennis C. Liotta, Emory University

Thomas O. Mensah, Florida State University

Thomas A. Lipo, Florida State University

Edward W. Merrill, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Barbara H. Liskov, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Robert M. Metcalfe, The University of Texas at Austin

Alan F. List, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute

Meyya Meyyappan, NASA Ames Research Center

Dmitri Litvinov, University of Houston

Gary K. Michelson, Michelson Medical Research Foundation

Yilu Liu, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Antonios G. Mikos, Rice University

Jennifer K. Lodge, Washington University in St. Louis

Duane D. Miller, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center

R. Bowen Loftin, University of Missouri-Columbia

Jan D. Miller, The University of Utah

John S. (Pete) Lollar III, Emory University

Richard K. Miller, Olin College of Engineering

Mandi J. Lopez, Louisiana State University

Robert H. Miller, The George Washington University

Gabriel P. Lรณpez, The University of New Mexico

Thomas E. Milner, The University of Texas at Austin

Michael R. Lovell, Marquette University

Chad A. Mirkin, Northwestern University

Philip S. Low, Purdue University

Sergey B. Mirov, The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Anthony M. Lowman, Rowan University

Umesh K. Mishra, University of California, Santa Barbara

Dan Luss, University of Houston

Somenath Mitra, New Jersey Institute of Technology *Indicates Deceased

30 | 2017 NAI Activities Report

Building a Network Samir Mitragotri, Harvard University

Prem S. Paul, University of Nebraska-Lincoln*

Shanta M. Modak, Columbia University

George N. Pavlakis, National Institutes of Health

Paul L. Modrich, Duke University

P. Hunter Peckham, Case Western Reserve University

Shyam S. Mohapatra, University of South Florida

Nicholas A. Peppas, The University of Texas at Austin

Andreas F. Molisch, University of Southern California

Heloise A. Pereira, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

David J. Mooney, Harvard University

Kenneth H. Perlin, New York University

H. Keith Moo-Young, Washington State University Tri-Cities

David W. Pershing, The University of Utah

Israel J. Morejon, University of South Florida

Michael A. Peshkin, Northwestern University

Jeffrey R. Morgan, Brown University

G.P. (Bud) Peterson, Georgia Institute of Technology

Harold L. Moses, Vanderbilt University

Nasser Peyghambarian, The University of Arizona

Marsha A. Moses, Harvard University

Gholam A. Peyman, Tulane University

Joseph R. Moskal, Northwestern University

Gary A. Piazza, University of South Alabama

Brij M. Moudgil, University of Florida

William M. Pierce, Jr., University of Louisville

JosĂŠ M.F. Moura, Carnegie Mellon University

Christophe Pierre, Stevens Institute of Technology

Theodore D. Moustakas, Boston University

Michael C. Pirrung, University of California, Riverside

Ferid Murad, The George Washington University

Michael V. Pishko, University of Wyoming

Nazim Z. Muradov, University of Central Florida

John M. Poate, Colorado School of Mines

Nicholas Muzyczka, University of Florida

Victor L. Poirier, University of South Florida

Lakshmi S. Nair, University of Connecticut

Leonard Polizzotto, Draper Laboratory

Shuji Nakamura, University of California, Santa Barbara

H. Vincent Poor, Princeton University

Jagdish Narayan, North Carolina State University

Huntington Potter, University of Colorado Denver

Ramani Narayan, Michigan State University

Garth Powis, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute

Shrikanth S. Narayanan, University of Southern California

Paras N. Prasad, University at Buffalo, SUNY

Hameed Naseem, University of Arkansas

Mark R. Prausnitz, Georgia Institute of Technology

Shree K. Nayar, Columbia University

Glenn D. Prestwich, The University of Utah

Alan C. Nelson, University of Washington

Darwin J. Prockop, Texas A&M University

George R. Newkome, The University of Akron

Ann Progulske-Fox, University of Florida

Kyriacos C. Nicolaou, Rice University

Suzie H. Pun, University of Washington

C. L. Max Nikias, University of Southern California

Stephen R. Quake, Stanford University

Laura E. Niklason, Yale University

Ronald T. Raines, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Douglas F. Nixon, The George Washington University

Kaushik Rajashekara, University of Houston

David P. Norton, University of Florida

Ragunathan (Raj) Rajkumar, Carnegie Mellon University

David R. Nygren, The University of Texas at Arlington

Alain T. Rappaport, Institute for Human and Machine Cognition

Ellen Ochoa, NASA Johnson Space Center

Michael P. Rastatter, East Carolina University

Babatunde A. Ogunnaike, University of Delaware

Jahangir S. Rastegar, Stony Brook University

Iwao Ojima, Stony Brook University

A. Hari Reddi, University of California, Davis

Santa J. Ono, The University of British Columbia

Dabbala R. Reddy, Carnegie Mellon University

Richard M. Osgood, Jr., Columbia University

E. Albert Reece, University of Maryland

Erin K. O’Shea, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Kenneth L. Reifsnider, The University of Texas at Arlington

Julio C. Palmaz, The University of Texas Health Science Center

Renee A. Reijo Pera, Montana State University

Zhifeng Ren, University of Houston

at San Antonio

Sethuraman Panchanathan, Arizona State University

Darrell H. Reneker, The University of Akron

Alyssa Panitch, University of California, Davis

Daniel E. Resasco, The University of Oklahoma

Francis A. Papay, Cleveland Clinic

Rebecca R. Richards-Kortum, Rice University

Kevin J. Parker, University of Rochester

Jacob (Kobi) Richter, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Thomas N. Parks, The University of Utah

Yasuko Rikihisa, The Ohio State University

C. Kumar N. Patel, University of California, Los Angeles

Richard E. Riman, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Yvonne J. Paterson, University of Pennsylvania

Jasper D. Rine, University of California, Berkeley *Indicates Deceased

NAI Activities Report 2017 | 31

Building a Network Andrew G. Rinzler, University of Florida

Benjamin A. Shneiderman, University of Maryland

Bruce E. Rittmann, Arizona State University

Kevin M. Short, University of New Hampshire

Nabeel A. Riza, University College Cork

Michael S. Shur, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

John A. Rogers, Northwestern University

Dean L. Sicking, The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Ajeet Rohatgi, Georgia Institute of Technology

David Sidransky, Johns Hopkins University

Pradeep K. Rohatgi, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Richard B. Silverman, Northwestern University

Bärbel M. Rohrer, Medical University of South Carolina

Marwan A. Simaan, University of Central Florida

Bernard Roizman, The University of Chicago

Mrityunjay Singh, Ohio Aerospace Institute

Arye Rosen, Rowan University

Raj N. Singh, Oklahoma State University

Kenneth J. Rothschild, Boston University

Kamalesh K. Sirkar, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Stuart H. Rubin, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center

Thomas C. Skalak, The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation

Erkki Ruoslahti, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute

Marvin J. Slepian, The University of Arizona

Stephen D. Russell, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command

David R. Smith, Duke University

B. Don Russell, Jr., Texas A&M University

Henry I. Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Linda J. Saif, The Ohio State University

James E. Smith, West Virginia University

Michael J. Sailor, University of California, San Diego

Oliver Smithies, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill*

Joseph C. Salamone, University of Massachusetts Lowell

George F. Smoot III, University of California, Berkeley

W. Mark Saltzman, Yale University

Terrance P. Snutch, University of British Columbia

Bahgat G. Sammakia, Binghamton University

Solomon H. Snyder, Johns Hopkins University

Paul R. Sanberg, University of South Florida

Franky So, North Carolina State University

Timothy D. Sands, Virginia Tech

Kwok-Fai So, University of Hong Kong

Sudeep Sarkar, University of South Florida

M.J. Soileau, University of Central Florida

Ram Sasisekharan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Mohamed Y. Soliman, University of Houston

Yoshiaki Sato, Kaatsu International University

Ponisseril Somasundaran, Columbia University

W. Gregory Sawyer, University of Florida

Gerald Sonnenfeld, University of Rhode Island

Martin Schadt, Nanjing University

Richard A. Soref, University of Massachusetts Boston

Andrew V. Schally, University of Miami

James S. Speck, University of California, Santa Barbara

Axel Scherer, California Institute of Technology

Sidlgata V. Sreenivasan, The University of Texas at Austin

John T. Schiller, National Institutes of Health

Pramod K. Srivastava, University of Connecticut

Paul R. Schimmel, The Scripps Research Institute

Andrew J. Steckl, University of Cincinnati

Joseph M. Schimmels, Marquette University

Valentino J. Stella, University of Kansas

Raymond F. Schinazi, Emory University

Bruce W. Stillman, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

C. Richard Schlegel, Georgetown University

Daniele C. Struppa, Chapman University

Diane G. Schmidt, University of Cincinnati

Galen D. Stucky, University of California, Santa Barbara

Vern L. Schramm, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Nan-Yao Su, University of Florida

Peter G. Schultz, The Scripps Research Institute

Bala Subramaniam, University of Kansas

Marlan O. Scully, Texas A&M University

Thomas C. Südhof, Stanford University

Sudipta Seal, University of Central Florida

Subra Suresh, Nanyang Technological University

Wayne S. Seames, The University of North Dakota

Kenneth S. Suslick, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Saïd M. Sebti, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute

Mark J. Suto, Southern Research

George E. Seidel, Jr., Colorado State University

Jack W. Szostak, Harvard University

Venkat Selvamanickam, University of Houston

Yu-Chong Tai, California Institute of Technology

Arup K. Sengupta, Lehigh University

Esther Sans Takeuchi, Stony Brook University

Jonathan L. Sessler, The University of Texas at Austin

R. Michael Tanner, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities

Mohsen Shahinpoor, The University of Maine

Nelson Tansu, Lehigh University

Wan Y. Shih, Drexel University

Theodore F. Taraschi, Thomas Jefferson University

Wei-Heng Shih, Drexel University

Bruce J. Tatarchuk, Auburn University

Mary Shire, University of Limerick, Ireland

Guillermo J. Tearney, Harvard University *Indicates Deceased

32 | 2017 NAI Activities Report

Building a Network Fleur T. Tehrani, California State University, Fullerton

Andrew M. Weiner, Purdue University

Marc T. Tessier-Lavigne, Stanford University

Herbert Weissbach, Florida Atlantic University

Madhukar (Mathew) L. Thakur, Thomas Jefferson University

Ralph Weissleder, Massachusetts General Hospital

Gordon A. Thomas, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Sherman M. Weissman, Yale University

Mark E. Thompson, University of Southern California

Thomas M. Weller, University of South Florida

H. Holden Thorp, Washington University in St. Louis

James A. Wells, University of California, San Francisco

Thomas G. Thundat, University of Alberta

James E. West, Johns Hopkins University

Richard B. Timmons, The University of Texas at Arlington

Jennifer L. West, Duke University

Arthur J. Tipton, Southern Research

Wayne C. Westerman, University of Delaware

Stephen Tomlinson, Medical University of South Carolina

Caroline C. Whitacre, The Ohio State University

Mehmet Toner, Massachusetts General Hospital

Jay F. Whitacre, Carnegie Mellon University

James M. Tour, Rice University

George M. Whitesides, Harvard University

Charles H. Townes, University of California, Berkeley*

Jonathan A. Wickert, Iowa State University

John Q. Trojanowski, University of Pennsylvania

H. Kumar Wickramasinghe, University of California, Irvine

Roger Y. Tsien, University of California, San Diego*

Alan E. Willner, University of Southern California

Mark L. Tykocinski, Thomas Jefferson University

Richard C. Willson III, University of Houston

Satish S. Udpa, Michigan State University

David J. Wineland, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Kamil Ugurbil, University of Minnesota

Helena S. Wisniewski, University of Alaska Anchorage

Kathryn E. Uhrich, University of California, Riverside

Carl T. Wittwer, The University of Utah

Kalliat T. Valsaraj, Louisiana State University

Edward D. Wolf, Cornell University

James L. Van Etten, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Chi-Huey Wong, Academia Sinica

Akos Vertes, The George Washington University

Jerry M. Woodall, University of California, Davis

Jan T. Vilcek, New York University

John A. Woollam, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Anil V. Virkar, The University of Utah

S. Davis Worley, Auburn University

Anthony J. Vizzini, Wichita State University

Paul K. Wright, University of California, Berkeley

Vitaly J. Vodyanoy, Auburn University

Mark S. Wrighton, Washington University in St. Louis

Horst Vogel, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Shin-Tson Wu, University of Central Florida

Bert Vogelstein, Johns Hopkins University

James C. Wyant, The University of Arizona

Nicholi Vorsa, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

James J. Wynne, University of South Florida

John N. Vournakis, Medical University of South Carolina

Chunhui (Chris) Xu, Cornell University

Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, Columbia University

Ping Xu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Kristiina Vuori, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute

Zhi Xu, University of Missouri-St. Louis

John F. Wager, Oregon State University

Janet K. Yamamoto, University of Florida

James W. Wagner, Emory University

Pan-Chyr Yang, National Taiwan University

William R. Wagner, University of Pittsburgh

Ralph T. Yang, University of Michigan

Norman J. Wagner III, University of Delaware

Shu Yang, University of Pennsylvania

Jay S. Walker, Cornell University

Yu-Dong Yao, Stevens Institute of Technology

Kevin M. Walsh, University of Louisville

Amnon Yariv, California Institute of Technology

David R. Walt, Tufts University

Martin L. Yarmush, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Christine A. Wang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Michael J. Yaszemski, Mayo Clinic

Shaomeng Wang, University of Michigan

Yun Yen, Taipei Medical University

Yong Wang, Washington State University

Phillip D. Zamore, University of Massachusetts Medical School

John E. Ware, Jr., University of Massachusetts Medical School

Warren M. Zapol, Massachusetts General Hospital

Isiah M. Warner, Louisiana State University

Frederic Zenhausern, The University of Arizona

Donald P. Weeks, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Shuguang Zhang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

John D. Weete, Auburn University

Jianping (Jim) P. Zheng, Florida State University

Paul H. Weigel, The University of Oklahoma

Harald zur Hausen, German Cancer Research Center

*Indicates Deceased

NAI Activities Report 2017 | 33

Building a Network


Florida Gulf Coast University

Arizona State University*

Florida Institute of Technology

Auburn University*

Florida International University*

New York University

Florida Polytechnic University*

Texas Tech University*

Florida State University

University of California, Irvine

The George Washington University

University of Central Florida*

Georgetown University*

University of Florida

Georgia Institute of Technology

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Georgia State University

University of South Florida*

H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute Harvard University


Idaho State University

Angelo State University*

Illinois Institute of Technology

Baylor College of Medicine

Indiana University

Binghamton University

Institute for Human & Machine Cognition

Boise State University

Iowa State University

Boston University*

Jackson State University*

Brandeis University

James Madison University

Brown University

Johns Hopkins University*

California Institute of Technology

Kansas State University*

California State University, Long Beach*

Lehigh University

Carnegie Mellon University

Louisiana State University

Case Western Reserve University

Louisiana Tech University

Chapman University

Marquette University*

Clemson University

Massachusetts General Hospital Research Institute

Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Mayo Clinic

Colorado State University

Medical University of South Carolina*

Columbia University

Michigan State University*

Cornell University

Missouri University of Science and Technology

Dartmouth College

Montana State University

Draper Laboratory

Morehouse School of Medicine

Drexel University

Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium

Duke University

New College of Florida

East Carolina University*

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University*

New Mexico State University*

Emory University

North Carolina State University

Florida A&M University

Northeastern University

Florida Advanced Manufacturing Research Center

Northern Arizona University

Florida Atlantic University

Northern Illinois University * Indicates Member Institution with a local NAI Chapter

34 | 2017 NAI Activities Report

Building a Network Northwestern University

University of California, Davis

Nova Southeastern University

University of California, Los Angeles

Oak Ridge Associated Universities

University of California, Riverside

The Ohio State University

University of California, San Diego

Ohio University

University of California, Santa Barbara

Oklahoma State University*

University of California, Santa Cruz

Olin College of Engineering

University of Cincinnati*

Oregon Health and Science University

University of Colorado Boulder

Oregon State University

University of Colorado Denver

The Pennsylvania State University

University of Connecticut

Philadelphia University

University of Delaware

Princeton University

University of Evansville

Purdue University

University of Georgia

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

University of Hawai’i*

Rice University

University of Houston

Rochester Institute of Technology

University of Idaho

The Rockefeller University

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Rowan University

University of Iowa

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

University of Kansas

Saint Louis University Smithsonian Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation

University of Kentucky

Southern Illinois University*

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Southern Research Institute

University of Massachusetts Boston

SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific*

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

St. Thomas University

University of Massachusetts Lowell

Stevens Institute of Technology*

University of Massachusetts Medical School

Stony Brook University*

University of Miami

Temple University

University of Michigan

Texas A&M University

University of Minnesota

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center*

University of Missouri-Columbia*

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso*

University of Missouri-Kansas City*

Thomas Jefferson University*

University of Missouri-St. Louis*

Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Tufts University

University of Nevada, Reno

The University of Akron*

University of New Hampshire

The University of Alabama*

The University of New Mexico

The University of Alabama at Birmingham

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University of Alaska Anchorage

The University of North Dakota

The University of Arizona

University of North Florida

University of Arkansas*

University of North Texas

University at Buffalo

The University of Oklahoma

University of California, Berkeley

University of Pennsylvania

University of Louisville University of Maryland

* Indicates Member Institution with a local NAI Chapter

NAI Activities Report 2017 | 35

Building a Network University of Pittsburgh

Washington State University

University of Rhode Island

Washington State University Tri-Cities

University of Rochester

Washington University in St. Louis

University of South Alabama

Wayne State University

University of South Carolina

West Virginia University

University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee*

Wichita State University

University of South Florida St. Petersburg*

Worcester Polytechnic Institute*

University of Southern California*

Yale University

The University of Southern Mississippi The University of Tennessee, Chattanooga The University of Tennessee, Knoxville The University of Tennessee, Health Science Center The University of Tennessee, Martin The University of Texas at Arlington*

INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATE MEMBER INSTITUTIONS Academia Sinica, Taiwan Australian National University, Australia

The University of Texas at Austin

China Medical University, Taiwan*

The University of Texas at Dallas

City University of Hong Kong, China

The University of Texas at San Antonio

Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan

The University of Toledo

Institut Pasteur, France*

The University of Utah University of Virginia

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

University of Washington

National Taiwan University, Taiwan*

University of West Florida University of Wisconsin-Madison

PontifĂ­cia Universidade CatĂłlca do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Utah State University

Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea

Vanderbilt University

Taipei Medical University, Taiwan

Virginia Commonwealth University

University College Cork, Ireland

Virginia Tech

University of Alberta, Canada

Wake Forest University

University of Limerick, Ireland

* Indicates Member Institution with a local NAI Chapter

36 | 2017 NAI Activities Report

Revolutionizing the National Dialogue


NAI Fellows Program Member Institutions NAI Chapters


International Affiliates


Sustaining Members






175 144 93



43 27 9 10
























NAI Activities Report 2017 | 37


never perfected an invention

that I did not think about

in terms of the service it might give others… I find out what the world needs, then I proceed to invent.” –Thomas Edison

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