ADTM 600th meeting Commemorative issue

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Speaking UP Commemmorative Issue of Abu Dhabi Toastmasters Area 39, Division H, District 105 October 2018

600 & S T ILL

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T all For further Enquiries please contact TM Narayan - 0563178494 and TM Reena - 0507529896

ADTM Commemorative Issue




From The Editor


Message from the Patrons


Message from the District Director


Breaking Barriers


Discover Your Funny Bone



From The President


Ramona Smith


Blast From The Past


Our Presidents


About The First Newsletter


Charter Membership Presentation


About Us

ADTM Commemorative



TM Saima President


PRESIDENT Dear Toastmasters,

My journey from being a self-conscious child to a confident toastmaster has indeed been overwhelming. The difference that the Toastmasters program has made to my personality is remarkable. I have thoroughly enjoyed all my roles since 2013, from being the Club Secretary to VPE. It took me some time to gain the courage to eventually accept the role of the President. It’s an honor and privilege to be the 24th Club President and the 2nd female President of the first and oldest Club of UAE formed in 1995 which is celebrating its 600th Meeting. In the last 3 months as a leader of this prestigious club, I am often reminded of Steve Job’s 5 leadership components, which are, Focus, Passion, Innovation, Involment, Effective Communication. Each of the above is essential to become a successful leader, not only for the Club President but for every Club leadership role. Fortunately, I have the privilege to have a dedicated Excom Team – 2018-2019. Sergeant at arms TM Peter knows his job very well, undertaking this role for 2nd time. Club Secretary TM Neha, always performs her job with style. VPPR TM Nidhi’s sincerity as Club member and Gavel Club Coordinator is well recognized. Treasurer TM Riyas is ensuring that the Club finance management is well in place. VPM TM Narayana Pillai’s dedication can be seen by high guest number, which has also resulted in winning the Smedley Award. VPE TM Reena is well known for her creativity and during her role as the VPPR in 2016-2017 our Newsletter won an award. I would also like to appreciate the splendid support of Immediate past President TM Umakanth and from senior toastmasters of the Club, who act as backbone of the Club. “Together we can do lot more” and having such a dedicated and sincere members of the Club, I foresee another successful year for ADTM Club. Each and every member has sincerely devoted their time and efforts to nurture the Club to reach the height where it stands out among all the Clubs in UAE. We as ADTM Club members always have enjoyed our roles and meetings in a family like environment and I look forward to have the same continued support from all. As the Club President for the Year 2018-2019, I commit to give my best to ensure continuous Club Growth with same dignity as practiced since 23 years. “Leaders become great not because of their power but because of their ability to empower others.”



Commemorative Issue ADTM

TM Reena Vice President Education



A couple of years from now, while rocking in my favorite chair, resting my ancient creaky bones, surrounded by grandchildren or may be great grandchildren, I would definitely be telling them stories of my memorable moments as a Toastmaster. Everything about Toastmasters enthralls me. The banging of the gavel, the click as the timing device turns amber, green and red, the captivating speeches, the evaluation of the speeches, the dreaded Table Topics sessions and of course the bonding of Toastmasters over dinner. I take immense Pride in being a part of Abu Dhabi Toastmasters which has been chiseling leaders for over decades now. Fondly known as the Mother Club of Toastmasters in UAE, we have a rich history that continues to enrich the future too. With our 600th Landmark Meeting we endeavour to relish and add our experiences as well as our achievements to the Club’s most cherished history. With this commemorative Issue I have tried to capture the yesteryears, bringing to life the nostalgic moments. The Blast from the Past page of this issue covers some of those golden moments and every picture has a story to tell. Wishing you Happy Reading, Moments and Memories.

“History is written by the Winners” - Napolean

Speaking UP Commemmorative Issue of Abu Dhabi Toastmasters Area 39, Division H, District 105 October 2018

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For further Enquiries please contact TM Narayan - 0563178494 and TM Reena - 0507529896

About the Cover Page Ramona Smith won the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking with her speech titled, “Still Standing”. Her speech was an inspiration for the cover page of this Commemorative Issue. We at Abu Dhabi Toastmasters in spite of our 23 year Journey are “STILL STANDING TALL” just like the proud King in the game of Chess. This was possible due to the proud stategies adopted and milestones achieved by our various leaders till date.


ADTM Commemorative Issue

Message from the Patron The Abu Dhabi Toastmasters chapter has been in existence for over two decades. Hearty congratulations to everyone to keep this club in existence in its complete glory for such a long period of time. This is not an easy task. I am also delighted to be able to witness the 600th meeting of the club. This proves the commitment, verve, love for leadership and communication amongst the present and next generation. Toastmasters has always been known for being ahead of the curve. It is constantly working on bettering itself as an organisation, as well as heavily investing in the growth and development of its members. The recent adoption of the ‘Communication and Leadership Pathways’ for Toastmasters across the clubs is yet another revolutionary step that the club has taken in the right direction. I urge each one of our members to imbibe, inculcate and put into practice, the learnings that the pathways have to offer. These pathways will ensure that future citizens of the world are aligned in the right track towards progress. The Abu Dhabi chapter members have taken a big step of breathing fresh air into a legendary club. This sets a very clear goal of where we want our club to be in the time to come. Hats off to this visionary leadership. My heartfelt wishes to all members of the club to create leaders with great responsibility, who will be communicating, innovating and collaborating to make this world an even better place. I wish everyone constant development with every passing day. All the best! Best regards,

Dr. B. R. Shetty


Commemorative Issue ADTM

Message from the Patron Recently I was invited to talk at TEDx youth about “Artificial Intelligence, how amazing the world will be.” My TED talk focused on the advancement in the science and technology in the coming 30 years and the growing dependence of humans on technology especially AI. The future trend is that 50 percent of jobs will be either automated or replaced by new jobs. The question that is pressing is can Human become extinct? As Steven Hawkins predicted. I guess not, because human can imagine, AI can’t. Though we can download all emotions, expressions and feelings in the AI, the robot will not be able to distinguish in a picture the difference between a house being on fire and new year fire festival. Alas human still has a mission to continue. So Toastmasters clubs, we can’t download the joys and happiness we feel in any of the meetings we conduct. The support we give each other for sake of growth to that individual is unmatchable. The sacrifice of being available and being persistent in every meeting are signs of generosity. Members go out of their secure, comfort zone seeking varieties and surprises among members speeches. Feeling of achievements celebrated by peer members are usually the highlight of the meetings. I feel privileged and humbled every time I’m invited to attend any of the Toastmasters meetings. Each meeting is unique and full of beautiful surprises. I borrow American Rev. Jesse Jackson metaphor of Rainbow Coalition to describe my feeling for the Abu Dhabi Toastmasters Club. Doing it over and over 600 times, it is as good as the first time. My sincere congratulations to the past and present leaders for their persistence, their patience, dedication and passion for goodness and development of all. Best Regards

Sultan Al Hajji


ADTM Commemorative Issue

Message from the District Director 600 meetings and going strong. Wonderful, Amazing, Spectacular - however I describe this achievement, it will still be less. The first time I walked into this club in the year 1998, I knew that there was something special here, something which made me feel I belonged here and also made me wonder, where was I till then - why did I not come here earlier? I am sure it must be the same feeling for many who have been members of the chapter and continued till date or left in-between due to various personal reasons. This is one Toastmasters club which taught us the basics and I have not seen any club which conducts meetings in the articulate fashion as the Abu Dhabi chapter does. People are friendly, helpful and they become part of your family once you join - it does not matter whether you joined just now or have been there for decades - this feeling is common. In the era of building things which are sustainable and in the words of our International President Distinguished Toastmaster Lark Doley, we need to build not just clubs, but sustainable clubs. Now, whoever thought of Abu Dhabi chapter or whoever has contributed to any level during the last 600 meetings, I just bow to them - this is THE chapter which does not need to understand the meaning of the word Sustainable. It has lived for around 23 years now; has always been a Distinguished Club and President’s Distinguished Club for many years. What better example can I give you of a Sustainable club other than the Abu Dhabi Chapter. I still remember the Club number 1950 U the present generation may not understand what U means but I am sure the ones who have been with me in the club, would definitely understand. Congratulations on your 600th meeting. I will be there and I shall always be there as much as possible.

DTM Balaji Bhushan


ADTM Commemorative Issue

The ADTM Excom Team Vice President Education TM Reena

President TM Saima

Vice President Public Relations TM Nidhi Bhandari

Vice President Membership TM Narayan Pillai

Secretary TM Neha Talwar

Sgt. At Arms TM Peter Damogbe


Treasurer TM Riyas Ahmed

Immediate Past President TM Umakanth Devarajan

Commemorative Issue ADTM


ADTM Commemorative Issue

TM Devi explains how the impossible can be made possible simply by breaking barriers


Commemorative Issue ADTM

Breaking Barriers Les Brown said Life has no limitations, except the ones you make. We all have our own goals and dreams! But what do we see when we look ahead? Barriers? Limitations? These barriers don’t allow us to do what we want to do, to be where we want to be and to achieve what we want to achieve. Hold on, do all the limitations and barriers in your life look like dad and mum? No! Because some limits are positive too! Does that sound surprising? Look around yourself! A mother does not allow her child to play in the rain, a teacher imposes certain rules on students, a doctor does not allow patients to have unhealthy food, the government imposes certain laws in the country. Cannot they be termed as limitations? Yes, indeed. As a child, I used to love burgers and junk food. I used to hog on them. Not surprisingly, by the age of ten, I weighed 50kg. My mom panicked. She made a rule: One burger per month. Guess what, it helped. I still weigh 50kg!

Is it not possible to break these barriers? Of course! A lot of people have done that. Nelson Mandela, Hellen Keller, Oprah Winfrey, Thomas Edison, the list is long. My uncle without a right palm struggled to become a successful lawyer, businessman, basketball player and an expert driver. The fact is every successful person had limitations, but they were not submissive to them! I used to complain about my limitations, sometimes even about the smallest things in life. But the stories of a lot of people forced me to change. Whenever I feel low by the challenges life throws at me I ask myself: If all those people continue to do what they are doing now, despite of all that they went through, why can’t I? In fact, each barrier can be a promise in disguise, an opportunity to discover a hidden talent, a signal to the highway that you are destined to travel on. Nothing in this world, absolutely nothing can be a ‘real barrier ‘ unless we allow it to be. Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal and God help the man with the wrong mental attitude! As Carol Burnett said, only we can change our lives. No one can do it for us.

In life, some restrictions are essential, else this world will be chaos! But are all the limitations in your life these positive types? Or are they different? Do they underestimate your personality, hurt your self-esteem, lower your confidence, make you believe that you cannot reach there? We all have come across such limits, boundaries, walls, blocks whatever you wish to name them, in our own lives. They are created in our head. Joel Brown said it rightly, the only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that is actually possible. We complain that our physical challenges, educational background, financial status etc. are limitations to the life that we desire to live. But we fail to realize that they are the barriers of our comfort zone and life begins only outside this zone.

TM Devi Pillai


ADTM Commemorative Issue

Discover Your Funny Bone

Most of us are under the misapprehension that we are not humorous. We say “I can never use humour in my speech......I am not funny........Humor? No, not my cup of tea�. The fear of saying something funny and falling flat often discourages us from even venturing. So we deliver speech after speech at our club without an iota of humour. I too was no different. My first 10 projects hardly had any humor. It was after I started on my advanced manuals I realized I too could be funny! Better late than never, I discovered my funny bone. Since then, I always make it a point to add some humor in every speech I deliver.


Commemorative Issue ADTM

Why should you add humor in speeches? No matter what your message is, no matter how well organized your speech is, and no matter how good your delivery is, the audience soon starts day dreaming. Channels start changing inside their head even without a remote control! They may still appear to be listening but their thoughts are miles away. My gut feeling why TMI has restricted our speeches to 7 minutes is to ensure that the audience does not fall asleep halfway through our presentation! Humor helps you connect with the audience and keep them focused throughout your delivery. Someone said, humor in speeches is like herbs and spices on a salad. When you add the right blend of herbs and spices, you turn an ordinary salad into a gourmet’s delight. Similarly, sprinkling humor throughout your speech turns a dull speech into an audience’s delight. Have you noticed, when you have something funny to deliver you automatically get charged up and enthused yourself. Enthusiasm is contagious. It rubs on the audience as well. When the audience laughs your nervousness evaporates and you become your natural self. Where can you find this humor? Life experiences: The best place to find humor is from your own personal experience or from those around you. Children can sometimes say the funniest of things. I know you would say that nothing funny has ever happened to me. But discovering humor is all about looking at life from a humorous angle. When someone says something funny and you laugh your guts out, remember to note it down. Collect and file anecdotes about your travel traumas, glorious adventures, embarrassing moments, ignorant mistakes, office incidents, family laughter or growing up. Maybe someday you could add it somewhere in your speech.

Everyday I receive a lot of jokes. Those which I have received or heard countless times, I forward to my Toastmaster friends! Those I receive for the first time, which really make me laugh, I store in my personal file titled ‘jokes’! They come in handy when I am the Toastmaster for the evening or when I have to deliver a speech. Timing & Practice Delivering humor is all about timing. Timing is the key to humor. If your timing is not proper, your humor will fall flat. Suppose it does, pretend you were serious! Don’t let the audience know that you thought it was funny. Try to discover the timing by narrating jokes to your friends. You will soon realize your speaking rate for the humor to be understood, interpreted and reacted by the audience. If you speak fast enough before this can happen, the audience will miss the point. So effectively pace your delivery. Do not rush through the punch line and stifle the humor. Often a laugh is brought forth simply by pausing and giving the audience time to recognize the humor. The adage practice makes one perfect is also applicable while delivering humor. It is important to practice and perfect your joke or funny story till it appears spontaneous. So, what are you waiting for? There’s a funny person in you waiting to pop out. Start incorporating humor in your next speech, and every speech after that. Our club is the best place to experiment humor and very soon you will discover your funny bone.

Funny Material: Funny material is available everywhere - newspaper, magazines, books, movies, TV serials, radio and on the internet. Be selective in your collection. Retain only those items which you consider funny. Remember, if you do not laugh or smile at a joke, one-liner or pun, no one will.

TM Loyola Pinto


ADTM Commemorative Issue


Commemorative Issue ADTM

WORLD CHAMPION OF PUBLIC SPEAKING 2018 Ramona J Smith If we had no winters, the spring would not be so pleasant. There are no limits to what you can achieve with your life, except the limits you accept in your mind – Brian Tracy. There is a tremendous power in facing adversity. Harness the power, and you will survive through challenging times. Toastmaster Ramona Smith, 31 year old teacher, outlasted thirty thousand other speakers to be crowned the Champion of the Toastmasters International Speech Contest. Her speech, titled “Still Standing”, depicted how she showed strength in the face of adversity throughout her life. Instead of looking at difficult times as a mirror of defeat, she chose to see it as a window of possibilities. Imbibing from the lessons learnt from experience and inculcating the feedback received she refined her speaking skills. Her biggest improvements were learning how to talk slower, ask the audience questions and move fearlessly across the stage. Her key message of her speech was “when you are in the ring of life, you will face challenges. You are going to get hit, you will be punched, you will be bruised. Even though you fall down and stumble, all you have to do is find whatever strength lies within you or outside you, from family, friends, faith, your mentors and coaches; to help pull you back up. In life, we have only two choices. We can shrink from adversity or we can face it and seize the opportunity. We can succumb to the negativity or we can take control of what we can. Toastmaster Ramona’s journey of becoming a World Champion is an inspiration and a powerful message to endure the tough times and be “Still Standing”. By TM Nidhi Bhandari Vice President Public Relations


Blast from the Past K.S. Manian, Late P.V Menon, Dr. B.R Shetty, Vijayan M

Late P.V Menon receiving the Toastmaster of the Year Award (1997 - 1998)

Past Presidents

Award Presentation during Club contest

Winners of Area Contest with Dr. B.R Shetty

Toastmasters International President DTM Gavin Blakey’s Visit to Abu Dhabi in September 2002

Naresh Jain, Late P.V Menon, Late Douglas Wilson, K.S Manian, Mathews Kurian, Tanvir Ahmed

Proud Winners of GTAC 1998, Doha

Dr. P.P Rao, N. Balaji, Loyola Pinto, Sarvotham Shetty, Late P.V Menon, Seema Shetty (Valentines Day Celebration 1999)

Speechcraft for Basharia which led to forming of Basharia Toastmasters in May 2003.

ADTM Commemorative Issue

Our Presidents

Vijay Manikoth 1995 - 1996

Abdul Aleem Al Attas 1996 - 1997

K.S Manian 1997 - 1998

Late P.V Menon 1999 - 2000

N. Sekar 2000 - 2001

Loyola Pinto 2001 - 2002

Abraham Thomas 2002 - 2003

Raveendra Rai 2003 - 2004

Ravindra Verma 2004 - 2005

Bharat Mehta 2005 - 2006

S.K Balasubramanya 2006 - 2007

George Ambooken 1998 - 1999


Commemorative Issue ADTM

Our Presidents

Sudhir Menon 2007 - 2008

Salim Sayyid 2008 - 2009

Sanjay Vissa 2009 - 2010

Sujatha Parthasarathy 2010 - 2011

Bhojraj Mane 2011 - 2012

Althaf M.S 2012 - 2013

Loyola Pinto 2013 - 2014

Aby Hans 2014 - 2015

Sasikumar Nair 2015 - 2016

Rizvi Rasheed 2016 - 2017

Umakanth Devarajan 2017 - 2018

Saima N. Sheikh 2018 - 2019


ADTM Commemorative Issue

About the First Newsletter The first VP-PR of the chapter was CTM Sarvotham Shetty. During one of the initial meetings it was suggested that a newsletter be initiated. CTM Sarvotham gladly took up the responsibility. However, being a busy person heading a company, he could not find the time. One night, I called him and asked “ Do you mind if I go ahead and try to bring out the first issue”. Instead of being offended, he thanked me and said “Please go ahead”. That is how I came into the picture. I had time on my hands since I was a small timer, I started gathering articles. The President at that time was TM Vijayan who worked for Khaleej Times. For your information the first issue of SPEAKING UP was printed at Khaleej Times and I do vividly remember getting a bill for AED 1200/When I conveyed this to the committee members, they were shocked at the bill but also surprised when I informed them that it had been settled. These are facts not known to many. But I must tell you that the entire amount was paid by CTM Sarvotham Shetty. He never wanted me to reveal this but now it is my duty to do so.—Quoted by ATM(S). P.V Menon (President Abu Dhabi Chapter, 1999—2000)

Charter Membership Presentation Toastmasters International, Abu Dhabi Chapter held it’s Charter Presentation night on May 28, 1996. Dr. Awad Ali Saleh, the then Deputy Director, Private Educator, at the Ministry of Education, presented the Charter Membership to the (past) President Manikoth Vijayan. The other guests of honor were Dr. B.R Shetty, patron of both Abu Dhabi and Dubai Chapter of Toastmaster’s International and Mr. K Jawahar, the then Regional Co-Ordinator of the Abu Dhabi Education Institute and Director of Wisdom Institute. He was also the sponsor for Toastmasters Abu Dhabi and Dubai Chapters. The function was attended by more than 30 Members. The three speakers for the evening were John Magness, Jose Thatchill and Manjula Hariharan. The topics presented were diverse and not only provided relevant information to the audience, but were also entertaining. The Toastmaster of the Evening was TM S. Mahalingam who conducted the Meeting smoothly. The table topic session also proved to be an interesting round. Overall, the Meeting was a huge success and it was decided that further Meetings would be held on Tuesdays , as it was more convenient for Members to attend. This tradition of Abu Dhabi Toastmasters Meetings on Tuesdays, continues to date.


Commemorative Issue ADTM

ABOUT US THE TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL MISSION We empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders.


Integrity Respect Service Excellence

MISSION OF THE CLUB We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which Members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.

Abu Dhabi Toastmasters: We meet on alternate Tuesdays at Foodlands Restaurant on Airport Road Abu Dhabi,UAE at 8:00 pm

SPEAKING UP Commemorative Issue EDITOR Reena Althaf +971507529896





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