Speaking Up 2nd issue

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SPEAKING UP The Newsletter of Abu Dhabi Toastmasters, 1950, Area 39, Division H, District 105 Jan-Feb 2019

e r v i v e d e i Jo

CONTENTS what's inside this issue









president's message

theme- joie de vivre

editor's message

our journey so far

get a pet

can money buy happiness?

dedicated to "meri pyari ammi"

our gavelliErs







and the winners are...

our contributOrs

break the chain

glimpses of TMI history


about us





PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Firstly, New Year Greetings to all of you. The choices you make today will affect your tomorrow. The doors of opportunity are open for each one of us. It is therefore important that we make the best of the opportunities that do come our way. We must equip ourselves to walk through these doors well prepared and with confidence. When you ask a climber how he climbed the tallest mountain, I doubt he would say, well I just started wandering and ended up here. Focus, effort and the never give up attitude will put you on the top.


JAN-FEB 2019 | ISSUE 03


Toastmasters is a forum that provides you this opportunity to educate, train and test yourself in areas of public speaking and leadership. It also boosts your confidence in every task that you undertake, be it professional or personal. In essence, you are preparing to walk through the doors of opportunity well trained, challenged and with confidence. One opportunity that was there for every Member to grab was the recently conducted Club contests. Participating in Contests brings out the best in you, in terms of preparation, practice and confidence. It tells you where you stand with your performance and for a keen observer it does identify areas that you need to focus upon to get better as a speaker. Something very encouraging with the Club Contests this season, the participation in each contest was healthy as can be seen from the numbers below -Evaluation Speech Contest - 12 -Humorous Speech Contest -6 -Table Topics Contest- 13 -International Speech Contest -7 With more than half the Club Members taking part in the Club Contest, it certainly is a healthy sign for the Club. I thank the Members who have managed to find time and send articles for this issue of Speaking Up. Your efforts are indeed laudable. A word of praise for our dynamic VPPR for her tireless efforts to come up with yet another brilliant issue of the Club Magazine Speaking Up. I am sure all the Members will enjoy reading this issue and add this magazine to your personal library. Cheers!



EDITOR'S MESSAGE Dear Toastmasters, “Until you spread your wings, you will have no idea how far you can fly” Public speaking is something that I have been dreading since my school days. Many opportunities were lost both in school and at work due to this debilitating fear. It finally took me a huge amount of courage to walk into ADTM club. Every time I stand in front of the audience, I feel like a warrior who has taken that courageous step to look in the face of fear, the fear of public speaking.


As I wield my sword against this fear, the smile, the acknowledging nod, the encouraging thumbs up that surface from the ADTM audience confirms whether I excelled or fumbled, I have taken the right step.The gentle encouraging push we receive from members and mentors help us spread our wings and scale greater heights. Toastmasters club is a unique classroom, a journey in itself, where you meet and learn from people from all walks of life. You learn valuable lessons from each and every member on public speaking, leadership or simply life, in turn, imparting or imbibing the joy of learning and bringing out the best in you.

In this issue, we bring to you glimpses of TMI history, highlights from the exciting club contest, interesting articles from our members and a brief about our very own young gavelliors. I hope you all enjoy reading this issue just as much as I have enjoyed working on it. Wish you the best !


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The cover page and theme of this issue is inspired by the very faces of ADTM that reflect "Joie de vivre" – the joy of learning, the joy of teaching , the joy of conversation, in other words, the joy of living.


GET A PET By tm Annie Barsoum


eing surrounded by animals is natural and beneficial for humans. One way of doing so is getting a pet. I would like you to understand that having a pet is advantageous at all stages in life, as they

1- Empathize and care for other living beings 2- Guard children and entertain them 3- And provide companionship Most of us have a secret desire for unconditional love and attention. You may get that unconditional devotion if you have small children at home.Otherwise, the love can be conditional and sporadic. Unless of course, if there is a four-legged member of the family. Most pets don’t outgrow their affections for their masters.

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Man first domesticated animals for sustenance. We still eat them and milk them for all their worth.Then came the pack animals. Camels were ships of the desert, long before the Nissan Patrol took over. Other pack animals such as horses, mules and donkeys, elephants, yaks, llamas, buffalo have all been similarly replaced by motorized vehicles. Sadly, pack animals did not make a successful transition to pet hood, obviously due to size and temperament. Canines, on the other hand, made that transition from work to pet hood soon after the industrial revolution in the mid 1800’s. Some dogs still do the work they were bred for: Huskies transport people in the snowy north, Alsatians and Rottweilers are used for protection and law enforcement.Sheepdogs herd flocks. Hounds chase and ferret out other furry creatures for hunters. But several of these canine species have also transitioned into our homes as pets, and provide benefits at every stage in the human life cycle. Infants and children will happily roll on the floor with the dog, instead of reaching for the ipad. Animals keep children physically active and playful.


Pre-teens and teenagers or the awkward age is when most youngsters are probably better off with a pet. Animals love you no matter how fat, short or un-photogenic you are, no matter how many friends you have or don’t have. Pets are great ego-boosters, and a good antidote to teenage angst. With all those hormones rushing around, maybe the only thing most teenagers need is a good run with the dog, or even a one-sided confession with a canine best friend. Young adults – no children This is about the only group I don’t strongly advocate a pet for. It is a stage in life where hopefully you spend the least amount of time at home, and can enjoy a carefree life. BUT, if your social skills or personal preferences keep you at home, it may be a good idea to keep a pet to ward off loneliness. Empty nester and much older adults Pets fill the void of an empty home. Many women who live on their own keep a cat or two because cats are independent, are easy to litter train, and don’t need to be walked. This is an advantage if you are physically challenged yourself, or are fragile and vulnerable. Lap dogs are also a good option for older adults. Depression is common in older adults, as is social isolation. At this stage in life, animals can be sensitive and caring companions. I know you all are busy people, with too much to do and not enough time. And you all want to keep a clean house. But please consider getting a pet if you haven’t already got one because they add far more value to your lives, especially if you have children living at home. Caring for other living beings creates more compassionate humans. It’s one of the best ways of introducing caring and sharing to children. It teaches them responsibility, and allows for a more active lifestyle. You may also object because you consider it unhygienic to keep animals and humans in close contact.Two studies contradict that claim, the first, just out from the University of Alberta in Canada, revealed that instead of increasing the risk of allergies, and infection, having a dog early in life may alter the gut’s microbiology and provide additional immunity to children. It encouraged pregnant women, and households with small babies to consider a canine addition. Another study using data collated in Canada over a 20 year period found that children growing up with dogs have lower rates of asthma. You may object for social or cultural reasons, in which case I suggest that you incorporate a lot more outdoor activities in your life in order to reap the benefits of closer contact with nature. If you still don’t want “man’s best friend” in the house and you have children or old people at home, then,

Fellow toastmasters, even in our modern urban environment, we are still social animals that need to connect, nurture and love. Our furry friends have been domesticated over millennia to nourish us literally and metaphorically. They have worked alongside humans, and kept us safe. We still have a lot to learn by continuing to co-exist with them.


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-Get something smaller. Cats are easier to keep, tortoises sleep a lot, fish in aquariums are entertaining and colorful, and canaries in cages… all require nurturing and provide life lessons for the entire household. -Keep the dog outside if you have the space. -Make sure all members of the house get plenty of exposure to nature, go to petting zoos, have picnics outdoors, play and run in parks and beaches.




er dupatta-clad angelic face, resplendent with infinite grace and beauty, her sparkling eyes and her radiant smile, her commodious heart with unconditional love and care; her miraculous voice with kindness beyond measure; her instant forgiveness; her unmatched energy, her magnanimous persona. An epitome of ethereal beauty. My late beloved Mother. My Hero. My Inspiration.

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She was a mother, a typical one just as all mothers are. A conglomeration of love and care. She carefully carried me for nine months and brought me to this beautiful world. My parents already had “two boys – their bundles of joy” and hence they yearned for “a pearl – girl with a little curl”. And when I arrived with much adulation, they rejoiced and named me “Razia” meaning satisfied. No wonder, my mother developed an instant deep love towards me since my birth. A mother-daughter bonding that had put the whole world into a new perspective! As I grew up, her high manners, dignity, intellect and modesty always appealed to me. She was gradually becoming my role model. My greatest teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. With her infinite optimism and trust, she always inspired me. A Sociology graduate by education and a Government School Teacher by profession, she was nuanced and noble to the core. Firstly, my profession and then my marriage increased the geographical distance between us, yet my mind and soul always clung to her. Love between a mother and daughter knows no distance.

SPEAKING UP Never failing international phone and skype calls every weekend morning somehow covered the gap between us. Though far, her vociferous nature and her talks sufficed my days till the time came to meet her again during my month-old sabbaticals in India, of course with much ebullience. Standing at the Airport Arrivals, her anxious eyes always searched to catch the first glimpse of me and my family as we arrived. Those overwhelming moments of reunion, tears of joy, kisses, hugs and cuddles were so fulfilling. The thought of it still leaves me with goosebumps. She gracefully flaunted the title of “most admirable Nanna” as my 2 daughters loved her to bits and the feeling was indeed mutual. Vacation just passed in a wink. And again the sad departures came. With a heavy heart, teary swollen eyes, tight hugs and kisses and “not-to-let-go-off-her” way, I would bid her a sad adieu at the airport. This gloomy departure became a routine every year. But, little did I realize that the LAST one would be in January 2013. Her last lively touch, her last lively smile, her last lively tight hug and her last lively tearful adieu. She was reluctant to leave me….somewhere deep down inside her; she knew that was our last meeting in person. Her pale face, her plastic smile, her sad demeanor, her blank gaze. Everything is still so vividly alive into me till today. Everything seemed to be normal until one fine day, we came to know that she was diagnosed with cancer. Stage 4. Everything came to a standstill in our family. I collapsed on hearing the news. She did not deserve that, not at all. I still remember locking up myself in the room and crying hysterically till I choked. But it was a fact, the demon had creeped in her fragile body. Cancer had not only entered her life, it had entered our lives as well. That feeling of sheer helplessness! All she could do was to fight it back with all her grit and determination. And she did. She was indeed one strong lady. However, her health deteriorated. Radiations, chemotherapy, counselling sessions all became a routine. The harsh chemicals were being pumped into her body. Life became a slow motioned roller coaster ride for her with severe nausea and dreadful side effects. Her beautiful lustrous hair, eyebrows and eyelashes all were giving way. She needed REST, a lot of it, always. She stood strong fighting the battle. Despite the deadly pain, she always SMILED. But Allah had some other plans for her. Unfortunately, she succumbed to the deadly battle. And she left us in July 2013 leaving us with an indispensable vacuum, a completely irreplaceable one. We surely belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. She will be always in my prayers. I can feel her presence around me every moment. She was the purest love that I will ever know.


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Change is the most constant thing in the world. But for me, she is the one constant in my life. Meri Pyaari Ammi.


Joie de Vivre

JAN-FEB 2019 | ISSUE 03


The joy of living is the gratitude of the moment




oie de vivre ( pronunciation: [ʒwa də vivʁ]) in French translates to the “joy of living”. It’s the delight of being alive, a feeling of happiness or excitement about life.”

It can be a joy of conversation, joy of eating, joy of anything one might do… Joy of living is achieved when you stop waiting for the perfect day, the perfect time , the perfect job , instead make the most of the moment you are in now. It doesn’t mean that you let go of your responsibilities and party all the time or indulge in risk taking behavior. Joie de vivre is something even the financially richest, or the most successful people continue to desire and seek out. So attainment of joie de vivre is not dependent upon your level of success or your socio-economic status. It's about your attitude and your perception of life events. It means to acknowledge life’s ups and downs and take life in stride. It means to appreciate all the small things which might normally go unnoticed. It could be as simple as a smile, a thank you or a genuine compliment. It means to be grateful for everything you have instead of wanting the next best thing. Don’t stress over things you can’t control/change, make good choices which bring you joy and allow your soul to expand. Be with people who make you smile, hold on to your values, accept the good even if it is not perfect. Do things that you love. Stop blaming others or the world, take charge of your life and realize that you have the power to get where you want to go. Be open to change and bask in the simple gifts of life. To achieve and maintain happiness, you must continually view your life as a small, but very meaningful part of a much bigger picture. Understand that you are indeed unique. Happiness, therefore is a choice you make. It will not come to you, it can only come from you. Choose happiness, stay happy !

The joy of living is the gratitude of the moment

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OUR JOURNEY SO FAR TM ZAHIDA KHADER With only one project to my credit (hopefully the VPE misses reading this part), and a year and half in ADTM, I am relatively young TM compared to the other fabulous and experienced toastmasters; and relatively old (mind it not by age), compared to those who have joined after me, but are far ahead of me in terms of projects (could be by age too). I might not have improved much on my public speaking skills, yet my fellow toastmasters generously complimented me on my ICE Breaker and my role as a debut TME. Though I have not been able to attend all the meetings, I feel I have truly enriched myself. Here in ADTM I have found a place, a path to grow and become what I aspire to be, a competent communicator. The amount of enthusiasm and energy I see in each and every meeting is amazing -the adroit evaluations, the defining project speeches, word of the day, thought of the day and the dreaded (at least by me) Table topics - all these put together make every meeting so enriching. And the most interesting part, for at least some of us is when the Gavel is hit at the end of the meeting, announcing that dinner is served. (By this time some ardent toastmasters, would have already guessed what’s on the menu). Looking forward with alacrity for more awesomesauce meetings.


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I feel proud to be a part of Abu Dhabi Toastmasters Club and working with veteran toastmasters is a joyful experience. My journey in toastmasters has helped me know the importance of active listening by doing roles such as word master, quiz master, which is a key skill required for any speech. Toastmasters journey is a self-realization about my strengths and weaknesses, well my weaknesses are converted into strengths by encouragement I get from club members. Overall, just like a physical activity is required for physical fitness, toastmasters is required for mental fitness.


TM POORNIMA HEGDE I am basically an Anesthesiologist, working in a public sector. I got to know about Toastmasters through one of our family friends. I decided to attend one of the Abu Dhabi Toastmasters club meeting as a guest. I was welcomed with smiling faces. It was a new experience to me, to meet people from diverse background and to hear some interesting speeches. At the outset itself, I decided to enroll myself as a club member. In my profession, good communication skills are key for clinical practice and are associated with improved patient outcome and satisfaction. All these years, my presentation was limited to a small audience, mostly related to medicine. I always admired people who spoke confidently and conveyed their messages powerfully.

During the last 6 months as a member, I tried to attend meetings diligently, inspite of my busy schedule. Each time, I came out energized and more knowledgeable. My first icebreaker speech was nerve wrecking and I had a huge sigh of relief after the speech. I got the opportunity to repeat my icebreaker speech in another club as well, which I delivered at ease compared to the first time. I had an opportunity to take on other small roles like quiz master. After every meeting, I get inspired by the other speakers in the club. I am not sure what future holds for me, but I can see some confidence building, good communication skills happening in this Toastmasters club. Hopefully, this might help in my career in some way in the future.


My journey in Toastmasters is an endeavor to challenge my fears, change the status quo and to grow into the person that can face her biggest fear – stage fright! Toastmasters is a great platform for individuals from all walks of life, be it home makers, professionals or budding speakers. It is a stage that propels you to be a better version of yourself with guidance from mentors and members. With anything in life, you reap what you sow. The time and energy members spend in preparing for their speeches showcases their sincerity to the Club and their commitment to make a change and grow in their lives. I hope I can make my time at Toastmasters a memorable journey that I can fondly look back upon.


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Change is the only constant in life. Everything around us keeps changing, growing, whether it is work, friends or our family and kids. We are constantly growing, evolving and learning from one experience to the next. The point of change is to grow, to be able to learn and adapt to people and situations.


CAN MONEY BUY HAPPINESS? By tm krishnan subramanian

JAN-FEB 2019 | ISSUE 03




ll of us read such news in the media and think for a moment why am I not lucky?? How nice it will be if I win a million in a raffle or lottery. My life will be so happy. But can money really buy happiness?? Do we want to be rich in our life or happier in our life?? That is a tricky question to answer, I presume. We want to be rich as well as be happy. We have been conditioned by the various media that wealth leads to happiness. No doubt money can make your life more enjoyable, but it doesn’t guarantee fulfillment in life. “Money has never made man happy, nor will it; there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness” – Benjamin Franklin. "It seems natural to assume that rich people will be happier than others,” write psychologists Ed Diener and Robert Biswas-Diener in Happiness (Blackwell Publishing, 2008). “But money is only one part of psychological wealth, so the picture is complicated.”

“Money has never made man happy, nor will it; there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness” – Benjamin Franklin.

Money can buy happiness only to some extent ; there is a real danger that increased income can actually make you miserable if your desire to spend grows with it. Typically, as your income increases, your lifestyle adversely changes with it, so you spend more. Gradually, your lifestyle becomes more expensive, so you have to work harder to earn more. The process goes on and on.

Psychologists call this vicious cycle the hedonic treadmill, or what we commonly call it as the “rat race.” The bottom line: Money can’t make you happy if your increased wealth brings increased expectations.

He is frugal with himself but generous with others. He likes to make money but does not like to spend it on himself. Through his life time he has contributed$ 588 million to Cornell University, $125 million to University of California , $ 60 million to Stanford University and more than $1 billion to universities in Ireland. Interestingly, most of his donations were anonymous. He is one such person who had realized that “Money can buy happiness” through frugality and spending it on others. Don’t ask me whether I have realized it or not. I am waiting to win my million to realize it!!!!!!


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But there are a few millionaires and billionaires who attain happiness through frugal living. One such person is Chuck Feeney. He never wears branded clothing. His watches are functional and unglamorous. He lives in an ordinary rental apartment in San Francisco. He does not have his own car and his primary means of transportation is by bus. But surprisingly over the course of his life he has donated more than $8 billion to charitable causes.


OUR GAVELLIERS "Children are the living message we send to a time we will not see". ADTM club extends its service to the community by nurturing Gavel clubs. Our club has two gavel clubs under its wings, the Abu Dhabi Chapter gavel club and the Gulf Gavelliors gavel club. The Abu Dhabi Chapter gavel club was formed in 2004 and the Gulf Gavelliors gavel club was formed in 2006. From its inception our Toastmasters have been working selflessly towards the functioning of the gavel club and playing a vital role in grooming the young minds. The club consists of talented gavelliers between the age of 11 to 17 years. " The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own" said Benjamin Disraeli. Our Gavel mentors too strive to bring out the best in our young gavelliers.

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OUR MENTORS Our Gavel club mentors - TM Sujatha, TM Nidhi, TM Nadeer and TM Ijaz.


A day in the gavel club

Fun moments & team building activities

Talent show by our gavelliers

Our Gavel newsletter

Gav. Gary secured 1st in table topics and Gav. Sahana secured 2nd in humorous , 4th in evaluations and 5th in table topics in the Area level gavel contest, 2018. Both qualified for the UAE level gavel contest in Table topics and Humorous contest respectively.

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The Abu Dhabi Toastmasters witnessed yet another thrilling club contest season. The Humorous speech and Evaluation contests were held on January 22, 2019. The International speech and Table topics contests were held on February 5, 2019. Our club members participated in overwhelming numbers and displayed their toastmaster prowess. It was a treat to watch our contestants in action. Choosing the best was definitely not an easy task for our judges. Kudos to all contestants and winners ! The First place winner from each category will participate in the Area contest to be held on March 8, 2019.




TM UMAKANTH (Second place)

(First place)

TM SHREYA (Third place)




(First place)

(Second place)

TM SUJATHA (Third place)



(First place)

(Second place)

TM REENA (Third place)






(First place)

(Second place)

(Third place)

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BREAK THE CHAIN By tm kiran lala


id you know that if you’re being forced to withdraw money from ATM at gunpoint, you can inform the police by entering your pin in reverse? Or that a Local person would offer free tickets if you like or share his Facebook page?

And of-course, you would be knowing that the world’s richest man is sharing his wealth and you can be a beneficiary if you chose to forward a certain mail? All of these seemingly unrelated examples are appealing, interesting and informative; but the source of all of these is chain-mails and at the same time each of them is incorrect.

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Well, not all chain forwards are bad. I am against those who seek to lure or threaten the recipient into forcefully continuing the chain: the ones, which are meant to spread hatred, superstitions or misinformation or simply to continue the chain. Yes, I’ve even seen a chain recently saying a local supermarket was offering free vouchers if you type your name and contact details and forward to your friends. Can it get any dumber than this?? At this juncture, many of you may be feeling what harm a forwarded mail or message can do even if it’s factually incorrect? This is what many of my friends argue. But believe me it’s more dangerous than it looks. To start with, it can make you look like an idiot. Sample this: I got a message from one of my friend in whatsapp that a certain company was offering jobs to mechanical engineers and the salary offered was great. It had a contact number and email address.

SPEAKING UP Guess what, some friends tried calling the number, it didn’t work and no one knows where the emails landed. Our sensitive data in our CV could have fallen into wrong hands. Many of us, who normally do not forward such emails / messages, often give in to the emotional appeals and consider our job to the society done after forwarding such emails. I believe that most of us must have at some time received a mail regarding Red-Cross donating a cent for a cancer-struck child. What we don’t realize is the fact that we’re in fact causing more harm to the reputation and work of such organizations by forwarding unverified information about them. And then, they need to spend hundreds of man-hours to refute the contents of the email. Coming to more serious effects: Remember: the original context of the email is often lost in a chain and if some legal issue crops up, the email is traced back to you, then you can be considered the author of that email. Are you prepared to take that risk? Let us take a fictional scenario of Mr X, working for an IT Company, gets a hoax-email regarding a new virus attacking Windows XP. Mr. X forwards it to some of his friends thinking that there is nothing wrong in being cautious. His friends forward it claiming “This comes from one of his friends, who is working for the IT Company.” It won’t take more than two or three steps of the chain for that to become “This comes officially from the IT Company”. Very soon, the IT Company is contacted for verification and when they trace the mail to their own employee, do you think it’s going to be easy for Mr X? I’ve read about employees losing their jobs on similar grounds. Things can get worse for people who fall for such imaginary ideas. Now that I believe I’ve managed to convince you against the dangers that this menace poses, here are some ideas to counter it. The minimum we can do is not to be the source of any such messages. A 2-minute search can reveal whether it’s genuine or a hoax. There are sites like Hoax-slayer dedicated to the cause and they’ll give you scientific reasons why the particular message is hoax. Don’t just stop at ignoring the email. If you’re able to establish the fakeness of the email, do inform the source. Reply to the sender, mentioning the links and request him to write a damage control email to recipients of this email as well as the person from whom he got the email. I know this may create a kind of reverse-chain, but this surely is worth it. Further if you really like to forward something, ask yourself if you’re ready to be identified as the original source of message. Follow such simple steps and you would’ve done your bit against this menace.


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Dear readers, the email and social media is one of the best things to have happened to mankind in the field of communication. Let’s be responsible users and not abuse this great communication tool. We just need to use some common sense and follow some simple steps to Break-the-chain every time we encounter one!!



What's Oxymoron? Once again Pretty ugly Serious joke

Same difference


Detailed summary Non-working mother

Silent woman Happily married

It's Paradoxical

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Her silence was deafening

A fear of weakness only strengthens weakness I can resist anything but temptation

When I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.


Think About It


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WHAT'S UP ON WHATSAPP Check out what makes our ADTM whatsapp group so amazing

The Resolutionary Talks

Confusing the Confused

Our Eternal Wordmaster Those Reality Checks

Captioning the Uncaptioned

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and Taking care of your belongings too

Granting your Wishes

Celebrating your Happy moments

Our Contributors


TM Anni Barsoum has been in ADTM since 2016. She holds various degrees in History & Philosophy, Business Administration and Masters in Media and Communications. She is currently working as Senior Credit Manager in Bank of Sharjah. She is a travel enthusiast and a sincere Toastmaster of our club . Contribution: Get a Pet TM Razia Khatoon has been a member of ADTM for almost a year. She is a MBA graduate in HR and is currently working as an Analyst , Performance Management in ADNOC. She is an ardent Toastmaster of our club. Contribution: Dedicated to "Meri Pyaari Ammi" TM Krishnan Subramanian has been a member of ADTM since 2006-2013 and recently since 2018. He is a graduate in Engineering and holds an MBA in Marketing Management. He is a humble and profound member of our club , currently holding the position of Vice President - Education in the EXCOM. Contribution: Can money buy happiness? TM Zahida Khader has been in ADTM for almost two years. She is a Commerce graduate, enthusiastic about promoting social causes. It is worth mentioning that she has often donated her hair for cancer victims making a difference in their lives and setting an example for all. Contribution: Our journey so far TM Vinod Mohan has been a member of ADTM for over a year and a half. He is working as a Senior Sales Engineer in Roofings Middle East LLC. and is a dedicated member of our club, ever ready to help. Contribution: Our journey so far

TM Poornima Hegde has been a member of ADTM since July 2018. She is working in SKMC as an Anaesthesiologist. She a dedicated and enthusiastic member of our club. Contribution: Our journey so far

TM Kiran Lala has been in ADTM for over a year and a half. He is a Chartered accountant , working as a Finance Manager in the Ramee group of Hotels. Soft-spoken by nature, he is a sincere and a dedicated Toastmaster of our club. Contribution: Break the Chain



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TM Arpana Johari has been a member of ADTM since November 2018. She is a graduate in Marketing and Economics . She works in Capital Health Screening Centre as a Senior Marketing Officer. She is a talented and ever smiling member of our club . Contribution: Our journey so far


GLIMPSES OF THE TMI HISTORY 1905 : The first demo toastmaster meeting was held by Ralph C. Smedley. He called the group as Toastmasters club. Toastmaster was a popular term referring to a person who gave toasts at banquets or other events. 1924 : On October 22nd, the first meeting of the number one toastmasters club was held in Santa Ana, California. 1926: On January 19th, the second Toastmasters club was chartered in Anaheim, California. 1928: The first manual of Toastmasters Club was designed and copyrighted by Ralph C. Smedley. 1930: The name Toastmasters International was adopted and officers were elected. 1932: TMI was incorporated as California non-profit organization and Ralph C. Smedley took on the position of Secretary and Editor of the new association. 1933: In April, the first issue of the “Toastmaster” magazine was published. 1970: TMI admitted its first female member, Helen Blanchard under the name of Homer Blanchard. 1973: TMI officially opened membership for women. 1982: TMI membership reaches 100,000. 1985: Helen became the first female International President.

OCT-DEC 2018 | ISSUE 02

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1993: Toastmasters International chartered its 8000th club.

1995 : The birth of Abu Dhabi Toastmasters club, the first Toastmasters club of UAE. 2014: TMI membership reaches 300,000. 2017: In July, Toastmasters International introduced a new program replacing the traditional program called the Pathway learning experience.



THE TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL MISSION We empower individuals to become more more effective communicators and leaders.


- Integrity -Respect -Service -Excellence

MISSION OF THE CLUB We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self confidence and personal growth.

ABU DHABI TOASTMASTERS: We meet on alternative Tuesdays at Foodland restaurant on Airport road, Abu Dhabi, UAE at 8.00 pm.

SPEAKING UP: EDITOR Nidhi Bhandari +971506172407 n.bhandari@adnic.ae

27 JAN-FEB 2019 | ISSUE 03


"Joy of living is the gratitude of the moment"

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