Speaking up 3rd issue - Inspiring

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SPEAKING UP The Newsletter of Abu Dhabi Toastmasters, 1950, Area 39, Division H, District 105 Feb-Mar 2019

g n i r i p Ins


04 President's message

10 Boys to Men

05 Editor's message

12 The Area 39 contest



REACHing out

Know when to shut up!




Taste of Indian paintings





My vacation

Greed is good



for the environment



Funny English

Our Contributors

A holistic approach

26 Luminaries of TMI

27 About Us






t is wonderful to have our 3rd issue of the Club Newsletter being released so quickly. This not only speaks volumes of our ever enthusiastic Members to pen and share their thoughts and articles through this Newsletter but it also allows us to be considered for the Prime Communique award. In this issue I would like to share with you all my take on voices of wisdom on thinking big. The British statesman Benjamin Disraeli had said ‘nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go higher than you think’. His words are indeed profound, the voice of wisdom very clear. It is not what you are that is holding you back in life. It is what you think you‘re not. It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have one and not be prepared for it. This was the driving force that brought me to Toastmasters and still keeps me with it. I joined the Toastmasters and the Abu Dhabi Chapter in February 2001. Truth must be told, it took courage to attend my first Meeting as a guest and sit through the entire 2 hour session. I walked out of the Meeting with mixed feelings and the realization that this is the place I should have joined much earlier to learn and practice the basics on public speaking and at the same time intimidated by what I witnessed, the confidence, clarity and quality of the speakers and speeches that I heard. It took me three months more to muster enough courage to come back and register as a Member. This is one decision I have never regretted. As I progressed my journey with Toastmasters, I learned that most of the limitations that hold us back from our dreams are indeed self-imposed. So, shed the shackles of tiny thinking. Have the courage to think big. My feelings can best be summarized by the words of Seneca who said “It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult”. I hope you enjoy reading this newsletter “Speaking Up”. Thanks to all the members who have made valuable contributions by sending in their articles. We are hungry and if we get more articles we would like to have another Newsletter publication before June 2019 when the new committee takes over. So please continue sending in your articles. Our ever charming VPPR and Newsletter Editor deserves special praise for putting all this together and coming up with an issue that you will find very informative, enjoyable to read and above all worthwhile to find a place in your home library.

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he only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible." If I were told a year back that I would be coming up with 3 issues of SPEAKING UP, I would not have believed it. When I took up the post of VPPR, I had absolutely no clue what it required to execute my role. All I could think of was creating amazing newsletters like our previous VPPRs. So I accepted the audacious challenge that was in front of me, thereby venturing into the unknown terrain. As I began this journey, every step seemed daunting to the point that I wondered if I was over ambitious in accepting this role and I even thought if I should turn back. That was when I remembered the words of Lewis Caroll, "In the end , we only regret the chances we didn't take." So I tried to figure out what was required to do the job and moved ahead, giving it my best possible shot. The constant support and generous encouragement that I received from our Toastmasters made the going easier. This journey as a VPPR has been a very fulfilling and rewarding journey which I would cherish all my life. While I thank each and every member of my club for contributing to my journey, I would specially like to express my sincere gratitude to TM Loyola , TM Krishnan and TM Sanjay for their enormous support and guidance. This issue of our newsletter is very special yet the most challenging so far, as I kept changing the theme every time I received an article. In the end, I safely resorted to the theme, "Inspiring."



What is so inspiring about this newsletter? You will find inspiring articles from our enthusiastic members on a variety of topics from Vacation to Saving environment to Various art forms to How to bring up your children. This issue also includes articles from 4 of our Past Presidents & a message from our President. Not just that, it includes highlights of the Area contest organized by our own Area Director and Conference Chair, as well as messages from our Area Contest winners. As if that was not enough, we have the special cover page with our Champions on one side and the awesome art work by our very talented Toastmasters, TM Jaysudha and TM Devi on the other side. Each and every page of this newsletter filled me with awe and I am sure you would not be spared too. Check it out for yourself. Enjoy reading !

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here are three kinds of people in this world who most definitely succeed. One who creates a relationship, one who maintains a relationship and one who grows a relationship. Whichever way you see it , there is really no way better than this to guarantee your personal and professional success. So what is "relationship" and is it everyone's cup of tea? The dictionary defines relationship as "the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected." And I The fact is that the am really talking about people introvert only takes relationship here. Most often people longer, whereas the are labelled as "introvert" or extrovert attracts "extrovert" and this becomes a quickly. On the flip side, crutch to use when you are unable to form relationships. The fact is the introvert is typically that the introvert only takes longer, seen to sustain whereas the extrovert attracts relationships better quickly. On the flip side, the than the extrovert. introvert is typically seen to sustain relationships better than the extrovert. Can there be a prescriptive way for relationship management? While I do believe that it is not a science, it surely can be practiced to such a form that it becomes a skill and an art. Here's how - REACH.


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SPEAKING UP R elate - when you meet someone, anytime and every time - relate with them, to their thoughts, ideas, proposals. The first step to creating a relationship is to see if you can relate to the other person. E mpathise - an oft used phrase is pretty apt here - put yourself in his shoes. Empathy really is about being able to connect to situation that the other person is in, because of a personal experience. Show them that you understand. You don't need to agree, but understand you should.

Empathy really is about being able to connect to situation that the other person is in, because of a personal experience. Show them that you understand. You don't need to agree, but understand you should.

A ct - follow through on your ways in which you can be of assistance to them. Not just in words , but in action - at the promised time, with the sincerity it deserves. "Better late", may not work all the time. C ommunicate - not all your actions may be directly seen or felt by the person. Reiterate your allegiance with a communication. Check if there are changes to direction and any other actions to be taken up. Follow up. A friend in need is a friend in deed. But do you have to wait till you are needed ?

H armonize - relationships are not made in one interaction, nor only just in a formal environment. Especially at work. Many feel that it is best to keep personal and profession life separate. My best meetings start with - how is your daughter doing in college or I saw your car, its awesome " or any such line that not only breaks the ice for that interaction, but brings you one step closer in the relationship, even before the actual meeting started ! Learn a little about the personal side of someone, and it works wonders in getting the job done faster! Only beware that you should use the knowledge appropriately. Next time you take the effort to build a relationship- try REACHing out. And see how much quicker you are at adding a confidante, well wisher, friend to your list ! I will be watching to see when you REACH out to me.

"Keep reaching out because you may help pull someone out of darkness and guide them into the light."

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t was Gulf Toastmasters Annual Conference 2006 (now called as District Toastmasters Annual Conference - DTAC) and Dr. P.P. Rao, our club member was representing UAE in the humorous speech contest. He was funny and the audience thoroughly enjoyed his speech.

All of us were eagerly awaiting the results. The 3rd place was announced. No, it was not him. So it must be either the first or the second place - we were excited. Then the 2nd place was announced. Not him again. So it has to be the 1st place! Finally, the 1st place was announced. No, it was not Dr. P.P. Rao! We were shocked!! We later came to know that he overshot by 2 seconds and was disqualified.


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SPEAKING UP Area Contest 2005 - A fantastic delivery by our own CTM Salim Sayyid in the International Speech Contest with a speech titled “Bounce Back”. We were confident Salim would be one among the winners. When the results were announced Salim’s name did not feature. We later learnt he got disqualified on time - 1 second above the allotted time limit. Have you ever been disqualified at a contest or at club meetings because you shot over time? How can you avoid going over time? How do you stay within the allotted time limit? Here are two sure ways of avoiding such disappointments: Find your Speaking Rate : We all have our own speaking rates. Some of us speak fast, whereas some of us speak slowly. Therefore, it is important for us to know our speaking rate or the number of words we speak per minute. As per the basic communication manual, the effective speaking rate is between 120 to 160 words per minute.

We all have our own speaking rates. Some of us speak fast, whereas some of us speak slowly. Therefore, it is important for us to know our speaking rate or the number of words we speak per minute.

Now, how do you find your speaking rate? Read a text out loud for a minute. Then count the number of words you have read. Say for instance you read 130 words. So your speaking rate is 130 words/minute. So for a 7 minute speech you could have 910 (130x7) words. An easy way to find instantly the number of words in your speech is by checking the word count on Microsoft Word. However, if you have humour in your speech and you are expecting the audience to laugh, then you need to make an allowance for the laughter.

Suppose you are contesting for the humorous speech contest then restrict your words for a 6.5 minute speech. Keep an allowance of 45 seconds for laughter and a buffer of 15 seconds for safety. This will take care of the laughter and the applause. Speech Preparation and Practice: Always time your speech while practicing. Know exactly where in the text you will be at the green, amber and the red light during your speech. Also, identify those portions of your text which you can easily skip if you are running over time. When you are faced with such a situation just skip the text you have previously identified and go into the conclusion. So dear fellow Toastmasters the above tips will help you to stand up, speak up and shut up at the right time !

FEB-MAR 2019






ata from the UN report of 2014 made a shocking revelation! 96% of perpetrators of evil and other vices such as murder, rape, domestic abuse, traffic offences, human trafficking, robbery, thefts, arson etc are men compared with only 2% caused by women influenced by MEN!

Everyday, especially with the rise of social media, the menfolk are branded “evil”. Recently, a Bollywood actress wrote that “all men cheat”. My intention is not to narrate a rejoinder to the referenced article, neither is it an attempt to reject the allegation. However, in my moment of solitude, I asked if truly something is wrong with us as men. After reading this article, you should be able to identify various ways of training, teaching & grooming the boy child to be the gentleman fit for our daughters. Before making my case, please permit me to share three independent incidents that I witnessed first hand. Incident 1: Recently, at a party, I was having a conversation with a group of childhood friends & their wives. One of them, Cynthia, was deeply concerned about the posture her nine-year-old son is beginning to assume in life. According to her, he is becoming too “SWEET” for a man. She wanted him to ‘toughen up’. I left the party wondering to myself why? Incident 2: A few months ago, I got a phone call from a very dear friend. She asked if I could recommend the service of a good lawyer for her. I erroneously assumed that she was about to start a new business, Alas, my very good-natured, homely, gentle and caring friend wants to get a divorce. The reason: Her hubby has been cheating on her.


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SPEAKING UP I Disturbed at the distraught sound of her voice, we agreed to meet up at a nearby restaurant. As she walked towards me; the pain from her countenance would best be described as the percussion to the symphony of a shattered heart; in one word: BROKEN. Secondly, everyone, including her mum encouraged her to stay on in the marriage. Their unanimous reason is that, all over the world, philandering is in the DNA of men. Incident 3: The first time I saw Choli ke peeche’s ‘Khalnayak’ music video - no disrespect to the talented dude - I reckoned that exposure of the boy child to those sort of videos can catalyze his inclination towards a ‘vulgar’ future expressed in poor character traits such as objectifying women, multiple dating, infidelity, lack of respect for women, cheating, et al. You can then imagine the emotion I felt when I walked into a friend’s house and saw their 6-year-old son watching the video & singing along right before Daddy and Mummy without parental check. Here’s my view: In most cases, all through her life, the girl child was trained to be meek, to cook, to serve the king as a queen. She was generally prepared for life. The question is, who prepares the boy child for life? Who bothers to help him discover his theme and guide him on how to navigate his way through the tides of life? Who spent time to teach him how to care for a pregnant wife? Who counseled him on how to be a gentleman? In some homes, the boy child finished eating his meals and the Mother ensured that the girl child packed up his plate and washed them. The world tells the boy child that he is the VICTOR whereas he is actually the VICTIM. He is the victim of a society that lied to him that he is superior to the girl child (that is probably why some men may never be able to handle a super successful, upwardlymobile woman). He is the victim of a system that deceived him; that it is a sign of weakness for a man to cry. He is the victim of a system that gave him a false sense of dominance over his female counterpart. He is the victim of a system where his own mother concurred to the sinister doctrine that polygamist tendencies is an innate trait of the masculine gender. He is the victim of our cultural flaws and idiosyncrasies. Now, here are some tips on how the boy child is to be groomed: It is our responsibility to show him (the boy child) the masterplan of his creator. To have him participate in household chores To punish him when he misbehaves To have him cook meals To be strong at heart yet not afraid to admit his weaknesses and cry if need be To be a leader yet with the humility to be a servant and have control over himself as taught in Toastmasters To mentor him to be wise, prudent, caring and focused To be honourable in the place of chastity To build the capacity to commit to his words and not renege on his promise of love To young mothers with growing boys, teach them how to handle the needs of a woman from a woman’s perspective. We may not be able to change the global stock of Boys to Men, but in our little corner, with our sons, our nephews, our cousins, our protégées, our godsons, our neighbor’s sons - we can build ONE man that will affect a nation and one fit for our daughters.

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THE AREA 39 CONTEST On March 8th, 2019, Area 39 witnessed a spectacular contest where the best of the best from all the clubs in the area competed fiercely for the top spot at ISC, Abu Dhabi. Our members attended in huge numbers to witness the spectacle and support our contestants. Our club bagged 4 prizes, winning in each category. Our winners are : International contest: Second place -TM Devi Narayan Evaluation contest: First place-TM Anand Table topics Contest: Second Place -TM Devi Narayan Humorous contest : First place -TM Loyola Pinto. The event was organized under the able leadership of our Area Director, TM Rizvi and Conference Chair, TM Umakanth. The event was well supported by ADTM members: Emcee -TM Shreya, Contest chairs-TM Nidhi and TM Razia, Role players- TM Saima, TM Mohammed Hayath, TM Riyas, TM Rameez, TM Kapil, Chief SAA- TM Ijaz.


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Find out what it took our Area Contest winners to get there. We asked our winners what it took them to win the contest, what inspires them and their advice to our aspiring Toastmasters. Here is what they had to say.


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SPEAKING UP What did it take you to win the Area Humourous speech contest ? I reviewed my Club humorous speech and replaced parts where I did not get good laughter with new material. At Club I got 44 laughs, at Area I got 55 laughs.

Your inspiration My club is my inspiration. I love the support our club provides.

Your message to our aspiring Toastmasters Get into contests. It is another way to face bigger audience and better your speaking skills.


What did it take you to win the Area Table topics and International speech contest ? Having confidence in myself,some practice and the support that I received- these factors helped me to perform well in the contest.

Your inspiration I drew inspiration from Senior Toastmasters and good communicators. I believe I have improved my communication skills and confidence from Toastmasters in general and from contests in particular. This is another factor that motivates me to participate in competitions.

Your message to our aspiring Toastmasters Toastmasters is a platform where each individual receives the opportunity to learn,improve , network and help others. Everyone should utilize this opportunity.


What did it take you to win the Area Evaluation speech contest ?

In order to win the contest, I prepared myself by watching a few videos of how people delivered their evaluation speech in various contests. Participating as an evaluator at the club meetings also helped me brush and gain much needed and appreciated feedback.

Your inspiration As a speaker, I have derived inspiration from so many experienced Toastmasters. I find myself enthralled as they create magic on stage and I hope I can do that too some day.

Your message to our aspiring Toastmasters


I am of the opinion that I have a long way to go before I am in a position to advice/guide other aspiring Toastmasters. My only message would be this lovely quote "Be yourself , the others are already taken."

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he human impulse to create art is universal. Art has been a way to communicate one’s own ideas, emotions, experiences throughout all stages of civilization and in every part of the world. Art in any form is often a reflection of the culture and times in which it was created. Art says things that even words cannot say. You don't need a language to understand Art. Just a small painting, or a food item, or improvising a tune or a step, can express a lot of things without words. Here, I am trying to bring out the features of a few types of traditional paintings of India to you. 1.Phad painting: Its a type of religious scroll painting and folk painting practiced in the state of Rajasthan in India. This is traditionally done on a long piece of cloth or canvas, known as phad. The narratives of the folk deities of Rajasthan, mostly of Pabuji and Devnarayan are depicted on the phads. Traditionally the phads are painted with vegetable colours. Some of these paintings are based on the stories of Hindu epics like Ramcharitmanas, Gita Govinda, Bhagavad Gita etc.

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SPEAKING UP 2. Madhubani art (or Mithila painting): This is practiced in the Mithila Region of Bihar in India. Painting is done with fingers, twigs, brushes, nib-pens, matchsticks, etc and using natural dyes and pigments. It is characterised by eye-catching geometrical patterns. It is done on freshly plastered mud walls and floors of huts, but now they are also done on cloth, handmade paper and canvas. The colours used are derived from plants. Ochre and lampblack are also used for reddish brown and black colours respectively. Paste of powdered rice is also used. Madhubani paintings mostly depict people,scenes and deity from the ancient epics. Natural objects like the sun, the moon, and religious plants like tulsi are also widely painted, along with scenes from the royal court and social events like weddings. These art forms were created by the women of various communities. Madhubani painting accorded the coveted GI (Geographical Indication) status. 3.Kalamkari : This is a type of hand-painted or block-printed cotton textile, produced in Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Only natural dyes are used in Kalamkari. There are two distinctive styles of kalamkari art in India – Srikalahasti Style and the Machilipattanam style. Here, a "kalam" or pen is used for freehand drawing of the subject and is filled with natural colors.This style flowered around temples and their patronage and so had an almost religious identity - scrolls, temple hangings,chariot banners etc. and depicted deities and scenes taken from the Hindu Epics -Ramayana and Mahabharata and the mythological classics. 4.Kerala mural painting: Kerala mural paintings are the frescos depicting Hindu mythology and legends, which are drawn on the walls of temples in South part of India principally in Kerala, mostly dating back between the 9th to 12th centuries when this form of art enjoyed Royal patronage. Traditional murals used panchavarana (Sanskrit: five colours) exclusively i.e. red, yellow, green, black and white, white being the colour of the wall itself. Colours are prepared from vegetables and mineral pigments. Why is the art of painting important to our life? It has the ability to transport us to a different time and place. It also brings a sense of enjoyment and pleasure. Drawings and paintings serve as visual, cultural records giving insights into the past and existing culture, helping us to understand how others have lived and what they valued. Traditional art is that art which is part of a culture of a certain group of people, with skills and knowledge passed down through generations from masters to apprentices. Traditional art works are unique and one-of-a-kind pieces. This means that they cannot easily be copied, you would have to go through the same artistic process as the artist in order to replicate it. Because of this uniqueness, traditional art has more value attached to it than digital art. It’s our responsibility to preserve these unique works for the coming generations.

"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection" - Michelangelo

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n the past two decades, my vacations were always in July or August mostly to be in line with the Summer holidays of my children. When my friends and relatives talk about their vacation plans, I always said mine would be visiting my home town, spending time with parents, relatives and old friends barring a few occasions when I traveled to other destinations. My home town, a developed village with the pristine freshness of rubber plantations, teak woods, jack fruit trees, various other trees, paddy fields, rivers etc. is in Kerala, the Gods own country. During the initial days of my vacation, I prefer to sit and relax in the courtyard, drowning myself in the fresh unpolluted air that not only gives the anti-toxic effect but also rejuvenates my body and soul which even an Oxygen parlor in modern cities cannot provide. My wife complains about this wasting of time and day dreaming, but I always tell her this is something which is required for my body and soul. The energy and feel I get is amazing.

During the initial days of my vacation, I prefer to sit and relax in the courtyard, drowning myself in the fresh unpolluted air that not only gives the anti-toxic effect but also rejuvenates my body and soul which even an Oxygen parlor in modern cities cannot provide.


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In July and August, it is scorching heat in U.A.E and it is exactly opposite in my home country, monsoon all the way. My youngest son would drench himself in the rain and I join him to have fun before my wife drives him away from rain fearing that he would get sick. The fish pond is another place where my boys would like to spend time feeding the fish and watching their swift movements.

SPEAKING UP Hometown reminds me about my childhood, the days I used to travel with my father in his Lamby scooter every morning to the nearby town where my school was located, and where he worked as an advocate. He would drop me daily to school and pick me back in the evening. The journey of about 15 minutes was the time I used to ask him a lot of questions and improve my knowledge about cars, people, the neighborhood etc. Imported Mercedes Cars & Impala cars which ply sometimes in the roads among the Ambassadors and Fiats were my dream cars to own at that point of time. Even now, whenever I get a chance to drive down the same road along with my father, I talk to him with the same passion, but for a change, I drive the car and he sits beside me. My conversation always accompanies the giggling and funny laughs from my Generation Z kids from the back seat. For them, I grew up in a primitive era , in an under developed village. Behind our house is a hilly area where there are a lot of big rocks, a place where I used to spend time with my naughty cousins and siblings during our holidays and weekends. We spent our time playing, plucking rare Even now, whenever I flowers, fruits etc. The elders had prohibited get a chance to drive us from exploring the scary big holes in and around the rocks due to the porcupines and down the same road snakes that would appear rarely. The sighting along with my father, I of a python once and a cobra the other time talk to him with the really scared us, and that news spread through the village like wildfire. It kept us same passion but for a away from the place for some period. This change, I drive the car was one of my favourite places and my boys and he sits beside me. also like to spend time there when we allow them. For them, it is an ideal place for trekking even though it is without the snow attraction like in European destinations. The river which flows around the neighboring church is an ideal location to chill out with friends. Nowadays, we do not find the the river flowing most of the time unless it is rainy season. During the monsoon season it would be overflowing and dangerously rough. My boys who are used to the swimming pool comfort, can’t even think of getting a dip in the river even when it is safe to do so. Tender coconut is one thing which I like to have whenever the sun shines bright and I encourage my boys also to have it. Reluctantly, they agree, as an alternate option to their tetrapack juices due to its scarcity. I believe vacations should be those that are filled with great experiences, which helps us to regain our energy and enthusiasm rather than a taxing and tiring event. We all are mature enough to make the right choice.

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ricket.. Cricket…Cricket…mad Cricket fever everywhere!!! Countdown for the Cricket World cup 2019 has begun.

"Cricket is a game played by 11 fools and watched by 11,000 fools" said the famous George Bernard Shaw. Definitely I am one among the 11K fools or may be one among 1.1 billion fools. What is so special about the Cricket World Cup this year? This is 12th edition of the Cricket World Cup, hosted by England and Wales and will be held from 30 May to 14 July 2019. The Cricket World Cup will be returning to the Round Robin Format after almost 27 years. The 10 teams that will battle it out on the field to lift the World cup are England, Australia, South Africa, India, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, West Indies and Afghanistan. It is going to be a long tournament with a total of 49 matches where the 10 teams will be competing against every other opponents in the tourney. The teams that show perseverance and the intent to win, are the ones likely to be the final 4 ! At present, each team is busy in finding gaps in their batting and bowling departments and trying to mitigate the gaps by various innovative techniques. The condition of England might support high scoring games and eventually the bowlers are going to play a crucial role. Who is going to win the world cup? Are we going to debate about this topic after Toastmasters meeting….better not. Hereafter, in our Toastmasters meeting, we should request our SAA to modify his opening statement i.e. Toastmasters are advised to refrain from speaking on the topics related to Sex, Religion, Politics and Cricket !!!!

" Cricket is a lot more than playing by the rules. It is a gentleman's game".


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oga is a spiritual discipline which originated in ancient India and dates back to pre-Vedic Indian tradition. Yoga is one of the richest cultural heritage of India. The beginnings of Yoga were developed by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India over 5,000 years ago.

21st of June, 2018 marked the International Day of Yoga. Such is the ebullience of Yoga globally! Yoga invariably has multitude benefits. It is a holistic approach of effortlessly reconnecting us with our inner selves. It is practiced in a serene tranquil atmosphere which releases the body toxins and leads one to a transformation journey. Yoga and meditation tools give insights into one’s own mind and emotions, eventually aligns the mind, body and spirit by instilling inner peace. These tools make us calm, relaxed, healthier, more knowledgeable and happier person thereby improving the overall quality of life. Breathing techniques like “Sudarshan Kriya” help in revamp and restoration of the positive self. “Stressed, tensed, depressed, fatigued…!” today we all can indefatigably relate to these terminologies and I was no different. We keep searching for “happiness” but that seems distance apart. After a strenuous day at work, I did not have an ounce of energy left. That was when my wise husband thrust upon me a so called 6-day Happiness Program from The Art of Living (AOL). I had no choice but to take it, which I thoroughly enjoyed. The Art of Living, an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stressmanagement and service initiatives. It was founded in 1981 by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and works on his philosophy "Unless we have a stress-free mind and a violence-free society, we cannot achieve world peace." It offers stress-elimination programs which include breathing techniques, meditation and yoga. The Happiness Program was conducted by an adroit Instructor and enthusiastic volunteers who took us (a batch of almost 20 conscientious executives) through the beautiful journey of Yoga. 3 hours of deep meditation, breathing techniques and motivational talks, that too, away from all gadgets, indeed gave us halcyon moment. All 6 days sessions were attended with full alacrity, the last day culminating with a community service and a lunch.



Yoga is a way of life. Since then I have become an ardent supporter of Yoga as well as the power of breathing techniques…..SOHUM and I keep humming the magical word!!!

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ave you heard of the “Greed is Good” monologue by Gordon Gekko (played by Michael Douglas) in the movie Wall Street (1987)?

“The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works, greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, for knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind.” This was a speech given about money and the free market. You can decide for yourself if this makes any sense. I am here to tell about how greed can help save the environment, our Mother Earth. Being green-conscious is looked down, especially by corporations and it is largely ignored by governments. Why is that so? It's because it costs money. Taking care of the environment, reducing pollution and waste, recycling, using biodegradable materials, etc. costs money and takes time. Profits are measured in money made in the shortest time. I would like to make an argument that saving the environment is a long term investment. Long term investments are risky propositions for companies, especially small and medium ones. One surefire long term investment that can help your company and the Earth is investing a little in being eco-friendly. Being eco-friendly is actually a selfish act and not a selfless act. We human beings are the most dangerous parasites on Earth. We use all the resources and give nothing back, while turning once lush green landscapes into a wastelands. But Earth has survived billions of years of damage from asteroids and other celestial bodies, so we puny humans can't possibly destroy Earth. If we become unbearable, Earth will let humans go the way of the dinosaurs. Be very clear, Earth will survive long after humans. Therefore Earth needs no saving. We need Earth to survive. Earth is the only home we have. We are not interplanetary beings yet. Bearing that in mind, we can conclude that not poisoning Earth and keeping it healthy is the only way to increase the longevity of human existence.


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SPEAKING UP The economic benefits are many. If you are running a house, a company or a country, financial health is a very important factor. You will do whatever in your power to reduce costs/spending, to increase profits, to utilize resources to the maximum, etc. If profits are very high, then you may relax on restrictions to spending. You would also like to remain healthy for long. You would like to have extended periods of power and respect. All of these desires can be accelerated by becoming Eco friendly. At home, if we start being Environmentally conscious we can gain wealth by saving more. Reduce printing to save cost of paper and printing ink (which is costlier than blood!). Use 5 rated electronic appliances to save electricity bills. Use water saving faucets and toilet flush, recycle grey water (waste water from kitchen and laundry) to reuse it for toilet water and gardening. Rain water harvesting will fill up the wells and help alleviate the possibility of drought and reduce dependence on purchasing water from municipality. Planting trees in the front and backyard, and plants on the roof and indoors will help reduce heat, thus reduce cooling costs for Air Conditioners. It will also purify air, reducing visits to doctor due to diseases by indoor pollution. Using VOC-free (Volatile Organic Compounds) paints and lacquers will keep the indoor air quality high, and will be good for health and mental fitness. In your office, going paperless will save you lots of money and time. Use LED lighting and energy efficient (5 rated) devices to bring down the electricity costs. Use laser printer instead of inkjet, as it can print more papers per dollar. Flexible office design will reduce costs while restructuring, open office can reduce cost of walls. Multiple zones for air conditioning and lighting can improve comfort and reduce cost. Use sunlight to reduce indoor light usage, use ink pens instead of disposable pens to reduce waste and costs, and much more.

To live long, we should live healthy. Easiest way is to breathe, drink and eat healthy. Polluted air and water stops us from the first two. Money needs to be spent to buy air and water purifier for our homes. What about our streets? Food is poisoned by excess use of pesticides, insecticides and other cides, and now the plastic that we throw away are accumulating back in our body as microplastics from fish and other meat. Go organic, farm organic, recycle plastic, reduce fossil fuels and treat sewage and waste from industries before releasing into the water bodies. By this, we can live longer without spending all our life savings in hospitals. Some have to be done by the government, so vote ones who will, and ask for results. Waste is money. Waste can yield wealth if we utilize it. Waste can save money if we reduce it or reuse it. Waste can also be used to provide energy. Apart from renewable sources of energy like solar, wind and hydro, there is also another way to make energy. Sweden burns their municipal solid waste to generate heat which in turn is used to make steam and generate electricity. Sweden is now making so much energy that it has to import waste from neighbouring countries to keep the generators working. Just look at the millionaires Rohan Gupta and his brother, Nitin, who began a startup Attero in 2008. Attero is collecting and processing about 1,000 metric tons a of e-waste a month from over 500 cities in India, and extracting precious metals like platinum, gold and selenium from the trash. Annual revenues nearly quadrupled in just over two years to $15 million. Finally, renewable resources (solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, hydro-electricity, bio-fuels, etc.) are mostly free. Only initial investment and maintenance for turbines and batteries are required. I’ll leave you with this, think about all the advantages of being eco-friendly - better health, clean air, clean water, clean streets - no stench on the way to office, practically freely available energy, longer availability of resources for future generations, extended human existence. Most of all, lots of opportunities for wealth generation and savings. This means you can take more vacations and also make your home into an actual paradise.

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SPEAKING UP TM Sujatha has been in ADTM since 1999. She has spent 20 years in leading teams delivering customer service in Banking. Currently she is working as a Business Process consultant in Servion Global Solutions. She is the first female President of the Abu Dhabi Toastmasters. She is a seasoned Toastmaster with a passion for mentoring young adults. Contribution: REACHing out

TM Loyola has been in ADTM since 1998. He is a graduate in Mechanical engineering from NITK and is currently working in NPCC as a Project Engineering Manager. He is our ever smiling Champion speaker and has twice been the President of ADTM.

TM Gbolohan has been in ADTM for over 4 years. He is currently working in NPCC as a Structural Engineer. He is a dedicated and dynamic member of our club. Contribution: Boys to Men

TM Devi has been in ADTM since 2013. She is a graduate in Electrical Engineering , currently pursing Global MBA. She works at the Wood group in the Engineering Design team. She is an ace at anything that she does. Contributions: 1) Champions 2) Art work on cover page ( pic 1, 3 & 5)

TM Anand has been in ADTM for over 5 months. He is a full time ACCA student , pursuing the YES ( Young Employable Scholar) Programme at PwC Academy. Currently working as an experienced intern in Auditing and Accounting at PwC. He is a talented and dynamic Toastmaster of our club. Contribution: Champions

TM Jaysudha has been in ADTM for over a year. She has done her Masters in Physics and is currently into Teaching. She is a sincere and dedicated Toastmaster of our Club. Contributions: 1) Taste of Indian Paintings 2) Art work on cover page (pic 2 & 4)

TM Aby Hans has been in ADTM for over 10 years. He holds an MBA in Marketing and Finance from IIM Calcutta. Currently, he is working as a Divisional Manager, handling Sales and Marketing in Jashanmal National Company. He is a seasoned Toastmaster and is the Past President of ADTM. Contribution: My Vacation TM Umakanth has been in ADTM for over six years. He has done BSc in Maths, BTech in instrumentation and MBA in Oil and Gas Management . He works at NPCC as the Head of Telecommunictions in Engineering Department. He has been the President of our club and currently holds the position of Immediate Past President in the EXCOM Contribution: Cricket

TM Razia has been in ADTM for almost a year. She works in ADNOC as an Analyst , Performance Management. She has done her MBA in HR and is a dedicated member of our club .


Contributions: 1) Know when to shut up! 2) Champions

Contribution: Yoga : A holistic approach

TM Ijaz has been in ADTM for over two years. He works in Fortune International as an Applications and Sales engineer. He is our Environment crusader promoting and adopting the "go green" philosophy. Contribution: Greed is good for the Environment




LUMINARIES OF TMI Ralph C. Smedley (February 22, 1878 – September 11, 1965) was the founder of Toastmasters International. Toastmasters began as a series of speaking clubs organized by him during his time working for the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) in Bloomington, Illinois, United States. As director of education at the YMCA, he saw a need for the men in the community to learn how to speak, conduct meetings, plan programs and work on committees, and he wanted to help them.He decided to organize a club where they could learn these skills in a social environment.


His initiative has now grown into an international speaking organization with more than 352,000 members in 141 countries and more than 16,400 individual clubs.

Helen Blanchard was born May 17, 1926 in Pender, Nebraska. She was a teacher by profession . It was during her tenure as a teacher in the US Navy R & D center that she felt the need to join Toastmasters to develop her confidence and leadership skills. In 1970, she joined Toastmasters under the name of Homer Blanchard to disguise her gender. It was only in 1973, that TMI officially opened admission for women. Helen never sought out to be a ground breaker but found herself venturing into the maledominated society. She was a pioneer for the women in Government, for the women who were working and for the women in Toastmasters International.



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In 1985, Helen Blanchard became the first female President of the worldwide group.



THE TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL MISSION We empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders.

THE TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL VALUES - Integrity -Respect -Service -Excellence

MISSION OF THE CLUB We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self confidence and personal growth.

ABU DHABI TOASTMASTERS We meet on alternative Tuesdays at Foodland restaurant on Airport road, Abu Dhabi, UAE at 8.00 pm. http://ad1950.freetoasthost.info/

SPEAKING UP Editor Nidhi Bhandari +971506172407 n.bhandari@adnic.ae

FEB-MAR Â 2019


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