AV 27th May 2017

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First & Foremost Asian Weekly in Europe

Vol 46 | Issue 4


27th May to 2nd June 2017

Let noble thoughts come to us from every side


ASIANS CONDEMN By launching a project to provide skills training to 30,000 impoverished widows 1,000 widows in each of the 30 states in India in partnership with the Rotary India Literacy Mission at a Gala Ball at the Dorchester on International Widows Day, 23rd June, 2017

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Community opens up homes to distressed concert goers using the hashtag #RoomForManchester Rupanjana Dutta

Charities shine in a star studded award evening in London

At least 22 people have been killed and 59 injured after a suspected terrorist attack at the Manchester Arena. Thousands of gig-goers were packed into the venue to see American singer Ariana Grande when the explosion shook the arena.

Publisher/Editor CB Patel, winner of International Humanitarian Award Jacqueline Fernandez and compere Elena Fernandez Full Story: Page 8-9

Multiple witnesses reported hearing "huge bangs" at the venue shortly after US singer's gig finished at around 10.30pm on Monday evening. Reports suggested that a lone male attacker detonated a homemade explosive device packed with nuts and bolts, near the foyer of the Manchester Arena.

SEE INSIDE Diaspora concerned about anti-migrant feeling reflected in party manifestos Full Story: Page 16 Modi launches new projects in Kutch Full Story: Page 26

Kulbhushan Jadhav safe till final ICJ order, hints Pakistan envoy Full Story: Page 26

Continued on page 2


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Asian Voice | 27th May 2017



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Officials have named the suicide bomber behind the Manchester attack as 22-year-old Salman Abedi. Another 23 year old man man has also been arrested in connection to this attack. Some reports claimed Abedi was a British citizen, born in Manchester with his family from Libya and was already known to the authorities. Armed officers raided Abedi’s home on Tuesday, ordering residents indoors as they carried out a controlled explosion. Many children and young people are among the dead and missing. Believed to be the worst of such attacks in Britain after 7/7, desperate parents spent the night looking for their missing children or family, flooding social media with images as they tried to trace them. The first victim was named as 18 year old college student Georgina Callander from Leeds and second being 8 year old Saffie Rose Roussos from Leyland, Lancashire. The Indian High Commission in London has set up a response unit and activated helplines to assist any Indian nationals caught up in the attack. In a statement on twitter they wrote: “We will activate more helplines to be of further assistance to families and friends of those affected by the attack.”

Britons stand in solidarity #RoomForManchester

As we went to press, there were no Asian casulaties reported, but the shocked diaspora came forward to stand by the Mancunians who have lost loved ones or have suffered injuries caused by the ruthless attack. Many have also shown concern about a backlash on the Asian community, especially after Islamic State claimed responsibility for this attack. People united in grief, carried out candlelight vigil, to stand in solidarity with those who have suffered irrepaiarble losses. Traumatised families comforted each other after gathering at a support centre set up in the aftermath of the attack at the Manchester City's Etihad Stadium. Devastated locals even opened up their homes to the affected concert goers, using the hashtag #RoomFor Manchester. There are also reports that a hotel near the venue has taken in dozens of children to keep them safe. Taxi drivers have been offering people free rides home, and volunteers were arranging to give blood at donor banks to help those injured. Manchester's Piccadilly Gardens was on Tuesday

afternoon packed with workers on their lunch break listening to a busker singing songs of defiance including as All You Need Is Love by the Beatles. Railway station remained closed with trains cancelled from many destiantions including London. Blood donor centres have also experienced an "incredible" response from the public with queues forming outside Blood and Transplant buildings. The service usually operates via an appointment system, but with about 100 people standing outside, the staff have been trying to accommodate as many walk-ins as possible. Manchester football clubs offered condolences to victims and families, though regrettably social media have been filled with false pictures of children missing- that raised alarm. Prime Minister Theresa May said the “callous” attack was “among the worst terrorism we have experienced in the United Kingdom”. She and other parties have cancelled all election campaigns. US President Donald Trump called the attackers 'losers'. London Mayor Sadiq Khan said that the capital stands united with Manchester, praising heroism and bravery of the emergency service, though said he would review security in London after this heinous attack. Mayor for Greater Manchester, and former MP Andy Burnham issued a moving statement claiming terrorists will "never beat us" following the attack on arena.

Community and faith leaders react to the attack

Qaisra Shahraz, co chair of faith network Manchester said: "As a Muslim, you fear the terrorist is a Muslim. But these attackers are monsters." National Congress of Gujarati Organisations (UK) said, “Hindu Community Members in UK and Worldwide are outraged and deeply saddened by the news of deathand injury of so many children in the terrorist attack targeting innocent people. Hindu Community joins with all to pray and express deepest condolences to the families and friends of those killed. We also hope for a fast recovery to all those who have been injured. These terrorists must realise that such attacks will not destroy the moral fabric of this Country, we are united in grief and stand tall to fight these Cowardly attacks on the innocent children. “We commend the exceptional bravery of our police, ambulance, fire and security services who risk

their lives to keep us safe and once again today, these exceptional men and women ran towards the danger even as they encouraged others to move the other way.” Sanjay Jagatia, Secretary General of the Hindu Council of Britain said, “The Hindu Council UK collectively prays and joins everyone in extending our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those killed. We also hope

of violence behind it and stand together with our fellow Mancunians.” The Ramadhan Foundation was due to host a multi-faith vigil led by leading Muslim scholars from the region on Wednesday 24 May, as we went to press. Harun Khan, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain in a statement said, “My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. I

for a fast recovery to all those who have been injured. “Terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security. Our country's values of democracy, freedom, human rights and the rule of law will not be defeated through violence and terror by a few. “We stand in solidarity with all Faith Communities in the UK and will not let these types of attacks divide us. Any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, wherever, whenever and by whomsoever committed.” Mohammed Shafiq, Chief Executive of Manchester based Ramadhan Foundation told Asian Voice: "It was without the darkest day of Manchester's history, but this morning Mancunians are doing what we always do, mourning and remembering the victims and getting on with our lives and these barbaric terrorists won't succeed in dividing communities.I utterly condemn this terrorist attack and reaffirm our support for the police in bringing the culprits, their financial backers and supporters to justice. “There is no one more evil than the terrorist who killed where there were children and families present. We reject this barbaric terrorism, we commit to exposing the evil ideology

understand teenagers and children have been caught up in what the police has confirmed to be a terrorist attack. This is horrific, this is criminal. May the perpetrators face the full weight of justice both in this life and the next. “I pay tribute to the police and emergency services who have worked valiantly to save lives last night. They were helped by civilians who rushed in to offer their support. I urge all those in the region and around the country to pool together to support those affected." Bhai Amrik Singh, Chair of the Sikh Federation (UK) said, “The suicide bomber who mindlessly targeted innocent young people in the Manchester Arena must have been deranged. The brave emergency services have once again responded quickly and professionally to this appalling incident that many would not have previously faced.” “I would like to applaud Sikhs living and working in Manchester who immediately came to the support of those caught up in the terror attack. This ranged from Sikh taxi drivers who drove people away from the danger to our Gurdwaras who opened their doors to help strangers.” Suleman Nagdi from Federation of Muslim Organisations told the newspaper, “Whilst the full facts have yet to emerge and an investigation is ongoing, whatever the motivation, murder can

never be justified. Our hearts go out to the families of our victims who are now left in distress. Many children and young people were at the concert and this is no way for their futures to be marked. “At this most difficult time our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have been affected by this terrible tragedy. We praise the work of Greater Manchester Police and our emergency services. We know that the Manchester community will come together to stand as one in the face of violence.” The Council of Christians and Jews in a statement said, “The Council of Christians and Jews stands alongside the people of Manchester in their moment of unbearable suffering and tragedy... “Manchester is a city of immense strength, boundless creativity, and inspirational diversity. In the face of terror, we offer a small prayer for hope, knowing that each act of kindness demonstrated by individuals last night is a muchneeded reminder that selfless community and resilient love between peoples will preside in the face of such great adversity.” Brahma Kumaris in a statement said, "When we nurture our own values and inner strengths, and express these in our lives, we empower ourselves and others. Every human being has the right to dignity and respect based on a loving and honest relationship with the self, with God and as part of one human family. "We invite you to spend some time every day in reflective silence. With a mind and heart that are quiet, calm and loving, we can send gentle waves of courage and compassion to the whole world. Together, with everyone’s co-operation, we can help create an atmosphere of peace in the world.

Asians fear for backlash

Neeranjan Bhatt, from Manchester Brahma Samaj told Asian Voice, “This country is our home. We have been given shelter, job and security by UK. I don't understand how people can attack and hurt innocent citizens like this. I strongly feel the Muslim community should take a strong stand against those who are spreading such hatred from their community.” When asked if there is anything to fear for Indians post this attack, he said, “There is nothing to worry for Indian people. I live outside Manchester. Whatever happened is very sad and scary. But Britons are generally tolerant people. And they take pride in our diversity. They will not attack

any Asian just as a backlash. Dasratbhai Nai, from Hindu Council North said, “It's a sad day for Britain.” Dr Sailesh Patel from Manchester Jain Samaj told Asian Voice, "I can't express in words how sad an occasion this is. We are worried for our children's safety from now on. What has happened here can happen anywhere My receptionist Karen had gone to the concert with her daughter on Monday. Though they are safe, but she is so shocked that she could not come to the surgery today." As we went to press, Jain Samaj Sports Club members planned to meet on Tuesday evening, and pray for the victims. Altaf, a resident of Greater Manchester told Asian Voice, “What has happened yesterday broke my heart. These monsters are not true Muslims. I am in fact afraid to send my children to schools to learn Qoran, fearing they might get radicalised by corrupt Mullahs. Though we know any random attack may not happen on Asians, but after Brexit and this attack on Monday night, racism may be on the rise, and we can't do anything about it.” Local resident Kanti told the newspaper, “I fear this may result into a riot. I can't forget this is also Lee Rigby's death anniversary. After Brexit racial discriminations have gone up, and racists will now find a new reason to attack innocent Asians. These terrorists don't realise not only they are affecting the white community but also their own brethren.” Campaign group Stand Up To Racism rightfully have called for unity in response to the horrific terrorist attack in Manchester. Far-right groups such as Britain First have already attempted to use the attack to stir up hatred and division. Columnist Katie Hopkins tweeted a demand for a 'final solution', and Tommy Robinson has responded with a series of Islamophobic tweets. Sabby Dhalu, Co-convenor of Stand Up To Racism, said: Our thoughts are with the loved ones of those killed and those injured in Manchester. It is extremely distressing that children and young people were targeted in this way. Our response to this tragedy must be to reject the hatred of the perpetrators and those who seek to use this tragedy to divide us and for all communities to stand together. As Martin Luther King said: 'Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that'." Anyone with concerns over loved ones can contact 0161 856 9400 or 0161 856 9900 for assistance.

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Indian absence from China’s OBOR meet The recent One Belt, One Road (OBOR) conference in Beijing was noticeable for India’s absence. The Indian media which revels in scoring own goals went into overdrive, lamenting India’s decision to stay away when the good and great of the world were in close attendance to bless the ambitious Chinese project to girdle the globe with a massive inter-linked communications of railways, roads, bridges and ports. For instance, the economic land corridor through Pakistan terminates at the Baloch port of Gwador on the Persian Gulf, thence to Middle East, the Mediterranean and the European Union. China has established a passage across the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean to reach sub-Saharan Africa. China claims the venture is designed to promote international trade and investment, goodwill and mutual understanding between nations. By staying away India had shot itself in the foot, was isolated and going nowhere, Cried a bevy of media gurus. That is not how it is perceived by the Indian public. An opinion poll on the subject showed 67 per cent were in support of the government, 12 per cent were opposed and around 20 per cent were undecided. For starters, therefore, the Indian media, much given to preening that they are in large measurein accord with the people’s voice is a parody of the truth. They speak for no more than 12 per cent of the population. The most coherent article, written by Zorawar Daulat Singh, and critical of the government’s stand appeared on the edit-page of the Hindu (May 18). Mr Singh pointed to the participation of countries such as Russia, Vietnam and Japan, the last two have serious differences with China on a range of issues. True. Their presence could simply be a watching brief rather than a willingness to participate in the Chinese venture. The hospitality of Russian space allows China to construct a rail network for the carriage of goods from China to Europe and vice versa. Top Russian businessmen state that there is little of tangible value for Russian companies, although the government earns handsome transit fees. Does the limited cargo carried across 10,000 miles from Europe and back justify

the financial investment? The greater bulk of ships would surely suffice at far less cost. Anyway, India’s decision must surely be determined by perceived Indian interests and not by the preferred choices of other powers, some, admittedly, with close ties to India. Mr Singh pooh-poohs the notion that the Chinese venture reflects neo-colonialism. Japan and Vietnam are too proud of their identities to be entrapped; Russia, likewise, has no such fear, being militarily formidable. Correct again. China muscles in on softer targets. Take Mongolia, for example. By inviting the Dalai Lama to the country it aroused Chinese wrath and a crippling economic blockade followed for infringing ‘China’s core interests.’ Normal relations were resumed when landlocked Mongolia issued an abject mea culpa. A similar minatory note was addressed to India demanding that it prohibit the Dalai Lama from visiting Arunachal Pradesh, to which Beijing has laid claim. Its resolute opposition to Indian membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, and its blocking the UN Security Council name the Pakistani jihadi Mahmood Azhar, believed to be the mastermind behind the terror assault on Mumbai in November 2008, tells of a SinoPakistan axis to tame India into submission. As for for classic neo-colonialism, witness China’s renditions in Nambia and Zambia whose natural resources are being plundered with a rapacity not seen since the 19th century when European empires partitioned and looted the continent. A recent panel discussion of experts organized by the Chennai International Centre concluded that China behavior was that of a regional hegemon. The most critical voice was that of M.K. Narayanan, the former National Security Advisor to the Manmohan Singh government and subsequently Governor of West Bengal. ‘Hide your strength, and bide your time,’ advised the late Deng Xiaoping to his younger colleagues in Beijing. China’s rivals should do so too. Perhaps India is doing so – which surprises and alarms the country’s self-flagellating media.

International Court stays Jadhav execution The International Court of Justice (ICJ) at the Hague to which Indias had lodged an appeal against the death sentence imposed on Kulbhusan Jadhav, an Indian naval officer arrested in Baluchistan province for espionage, has issued a temporary stay order to Pakistan. Jadhav was tried in camera by a Pakistan military court and denied access to an Indian consul during his imprisonment, in violation of the Optional Protocol of the Vienna Convention of Human Rights. Justice Ronny Abraham issued the judgment. The Government of India’s appeal to the ICJ has paid off, if only temporarily. Pakistan is a garrison state with scant regard for the norms of international law or natural justice. The military calls the shots. Nafees Zakaria, spokesman of the Pakistan Foreign Ministry said Islamabad would contest the ICJ’s right to try a case in which ‘involved national security.’ However, Pakistan is expected to point out that Jadhav has the right of appeal for clemency by the President. The issue is not simply legal. Its political dimension is likely to be more telling. The knives are already out for Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. As head of the civilian administration he is vulnerable to the pressures of the Army which insists that relations with

India are its exclusive prerogative. Opposition parties accuse the government of poor preparation for the ICJ hearing. The most vitriolic att ack against him has been launched by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf of cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan. The party has accused Sharif of being hand in glove with Indian intelligence agencies. It charged him with sending unprepared lawyers to the Hague, hence botching Pakistan’s case. Clearly, Nawaz Sharif is under fire. He has been defended by his aides, most notably by Sartaz Aziz, his adviser on fo reign affairs. Mr Jadhav has won a reprieve until August – such is the assurance emanating from Pakistan’s official sources. It would be the utmost folly to make the case a party political affair in India. It would be the height of irresponsibility to do so. Mr Jadhav’s life is at stake, and nothing said or done should expose him to greater risk. The blame game is best avoided, for no party can boast an effective Pakistan policy. Knee-jerk reactions, futile peace journeys, incessant, infantile chatter on the need for closer sporting ties and much else in absurdity is what the Indian public have got down the years. It is certainly not manna from heaven. Past failures present-day realty.

Tory no-change manifesto British Prime Minister Theresa May has released her party’s election manifesto. Those hoping for a measure of change in emphasis on immigration and related issues of visas, students and skills will be disappointed. These issues are of special interest to India. But her message is one of business as usual. Non-EU migrants will have to pay more for care under the national Health Service. ‘It is right that we want to bring net immigration down to sustainable levels because of the impact uncontrolled immigration has on public services. We want to increase the ‘Skills Charge’ because that money can be put into training people here to be able to take these jobs while we still have a system that brings the best people into the country,’ said Prime Minister May. ‘Skilled immigration should not be a way for government or business to avoid their obligation to improve skills of the British workforce.’ ‘We will increase the earning thresholds for people wishing to sponsor migrants for family visas. We will

toughen the visa requirements for students,’ said the Conservative party manifesto. ‘We will expect students to leave the country at the end of their course unless they meet new, higher requirements that allow them to work to work in Britain after their studies have concluded,’ No country in this day and age can afford ‘uncontrolled immigration, The question that has not been answered is that in this day and age, labour moves in tandem with capital across national borders for reasons that are mutually beneficial. Educating the population to the desired level of skill lies within the province of government and is not an obligation for companies to shoulder. The peremptory demand of students to depart without ado almost sounds like an expulsion order. They do contribute much to the life of the universities they study at, and surely deserve a measure of courtesy; instead they are seen as milch cows, important only for the fees they bring in.

Asian Voice | 27th May 2017


If we work upon marble it will perish; if on brass, time will efface it; if we rear temples, they will crumble into dust; but if we work upon immortal minds, and imbue them with principles, with the just fear of God and love of our fellow man, we will engrave on those tablets something that will brighten all eternity - Noah Webster (1758-1843), author of the first American dictionary

Alpesh Patel

The Politics of Hangers-On and ‘Chamchas’ The world of politics is not the only place I am sure. But the hanger-on or ‘chamcha’ is proliferating. I am not sure if this is because of social media, but this is the person who bows double in front of people they perceive important. I don’t mean politeness, but grovelling. I do not mean touching feet (a part of our culture, a mark of respect to elders) but I mean boot-licking. The reason this bothers me in politics is because I recall long ago saying to my then mentor that at HM Queen’s Birthday Party at the British High Commissioner’s Residence in New Delhi, how proudly everyone rightly stood to attention and what a wonderful occasion it was. And it was and I am proud to have been there. But it quickly became clear to us, it was not just pomp and circumstance that allowed the British to build their Empire, but also the mindset of the recipient too. That mindset is the mindset of the hangeron, the chamcha. It is a defeated, inferiority. It is pathetic. I have seen it exemplified by professionals. They lose respect, because they have no self-respect. In this election season, I want to see independent minds. I want clear voices, without fear or favour. What is sad, is those surrounded by the grovelers, and it happens from Prime Ministers to CEOs through the ages, is that they expect it. And when they do not get the laurels laid at their feet, they cannot hold back their disappointment. Not an independent thought, but how can I ingratiate myself. No straight taking of truth. Can you imagine if Sardar Patel had been like that? I mention all this because it is election time. And videos are surfacing on social media of Parliamentary Candidates being filmed grovelling to audiences saying what they would not normally say in public. ‘Chamchas’ are the intermediaries who will doubtless read this and suggest it is targeted at the person whose boots they are licking. These are the ones who are already side lined in life and live vicariously on the coat-tails of others. To them, in politics and elsewhere, I say, show some self-respect and dignity. Nothing is worth the hanging on you seek. Do not be a boot licker. Have an independent mind. Speak up for what is true and right. Be fearless. Show some bloody class. If not for yourself, but because your own children may be watching. Editor: CB Patel

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Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

Yogi Jayanti Celebrations

Brahmaswarup Yogiji Maharaj, the fourth spiritual successor of Bhagwan Swaminarayan, was born in the village of Dhari in Gujarat on 23 May 1892. His life of purity and devotion, his child-like innocence and selfless love, and his exuberant and charming personality, captivated the hearts of young and elderly alike. The 125th birth anniversary of Yogiji Maharaj was joyously marked on Tuesday 23 May (also the actual birthdate according to the Hindu calendar) at BAPS Shri

Swaminarayan Mandir, London. The evening programme began with devotional singing by youths which illustrated Yogiji Maharaj’s enthusiasm for spirituality and service. Sadhus elaborated further on Yogiji Maharaj’s life thereafter through a montage of discourses that drew upon inspiring incidents from his life. Video presentations of Yogiji Maharaj’s visit to the UK in 1970 invoked cherished memories for senior devotees. Addressing the gathering

Urmilaben Thakrar, President of Lohana Community North London was garlanded by Sudhaben Bhattessa

Dixit Joshi, Managing Director at Deutsche Bank said: “We live in increasingly uncertain and unpredictable times. We have seen upheavals of political leadership occur with more frequency – look at this weeks events in Brazil, or last year in Turkey, the US, or even here in Britain. “It is precisely at times like this that we need the balance, the perspective and the anchor that our Hindu values provides.” Special assemblies were also held on Saturday 20 May to celebrate Yogiji Maharaj’s

Dixit Joshi was garlanded by Yogvivek Swami

life. Children learned of his exemplary virtues of discipline, honesty and courage from when he was a child himself. The Kishore Mandal explored the teachings and messages of Yogiji Maharaj through heart-warming experiences of devotees. The Sanyukta Mandal contributed to the festivities with a musical journey through his life. Sadhus also shared their own perspective and wisdom of Yogiji Maharaj and encouraged everyone to apply his example for their own personal spiritual advancement.

NCGO celebrates 57th Gujarat Day

Brent welcomes in a new mayor A former bus conductor has been officially appointed the new mayor of Brent. Cllr Bhagwanji Chohan was elected on Wednesday at the Mayor Making Ceremony at Brent Civic Centre attended by fellow councillors and representatives from voluntary and community organisations in the borough. Cllr Chohan, who has represented Alperton since 2010, has taken over the role from Cllr Parvez Ahmed, who Cllr Bhagwanji Chohan has been elected new mayor of Brent received a badge to mark his (Picture: Justin Thomas) year in office. After moving - which works to eradicate from Kenya to London, Cllr classroom hunger and faciliChohan worked as a bus contate childhood education. ductor and booking clerk, He said: “I’m delighted to before setting up his own grohave been elected mayor of cery business which he sucBrent and feel honoured to cessfully ran for 23 years. represent the borough and The two charities he will our residents. Brent is one of be supporting in office are the London’s most culturally Asian Women’s Resource diverse boroughs, and I’m Centre in Stonebridge which looking forward to working supports women and children with underrepresented comexperiencing domestic abuse munities across the borough so they can rebuild their lives. to ensure that all residents He is also supporting the are given a voice. Akshaya Patra Foundation UK

N a t i o n a l Congress of G u j a r a t i Organisations (UK), celebrated the 57th Gujarat Day Anniversary on Monday 1st May at D h a m e c h a Lohana Centre, South Harrow where 650 peo- Lighting of ple were present. the diya The event was attended by eminent members of the Hindu Community, including Mayoress Shah, Council Leader and MPs and began with traditional prayers and the lighting of the diya by NCGO President C J Rabheru, Indian High Commissioner First officer Gymsingh, Sharad Parikh, Pravin Amin, Lalubhai Parekh followed by the gathering singing both the national anthems of UK and India. President C J Rabheru

made a key note speech emphasising that Hindus are integral part of UK yet the Government is not addressing the needs of Hindu Community. CB PatelNCGO's Patrons Council Chairman spoke of NCGO's aim, Kamal Rao spoke on behalf of ABPL applauding the success of the event, Gareth Thomas and Navin Shah sought support from Community to vote for them, PG Patel spoke about Sardar Patel on behalf of SPMS.

Lord Parekh visits Sanatan Mandir, Cardiff

On 7th of May, Lord Bhikhubhai paid a visit to Sanatan Mandir in Cardiff where he took keen interest of the Murtis and was able to talkabout them. He further mentioned that there should be one big mandir instead of having 3 or 4 in Cardiff, to save the running cost of the premises. He mentioned that he has visited Cardiff a few times in the past and he feels that it will soon become his second home.

Naranbhai from Hindu Council of Wales presented him with a shawl and Shreemati Shardaben Patel also presented Lady Premilaben Parekh with shawl on behalf of Sanatan Mandir, Cardiff. The volunteers prepared nice food for all present and Lord Parekh admired their” sewa” in the mandir. This event was jointly organised by the members of our Sanatan Mandir and members of Hindu council of Wales.

Standing L to R: Kantaben Patel, Ravibhai Patel, Sudhaben Bhatt, Benaben Patel, Perinben Tantra, Maguben Varsani, Indiraben Bhayani, Vimlaben Patel, Savitaben Patel, Dr. Hasmukhbhai Shah and Harishbhai Patel Seated: Premilaben Parekh and Lord Bhikhubhai Parekh


Actor threatened after defending Asian family from racist abuse on London-bound train

An actor has said he was threatened after jumping to the defence of an Asian family who were allegedly racially abused on a London-bound train. The 21-year-old, who asked not to be named, said he was on a Southern Rail service to London Victoria from Brighton on Sunday when a couple started shouting “get out of our country” at the family. He says the pair then turned on him and his friends when he confronted them about the abuse, branding them “lefties”, "d*******s" and "f*****s". The actor was on the way back from a performance at the Brighton Fringe when the alleged attack took place.

Man jailed for kicking a pregnant Muslim woman at Co-op

A "shabby racist" who repeatedly kicked a pregnant Muslim woman, resulting in her losing her unborn baby, has been jailed for almost four years. David Gallacher, 37, attacked Samsam HajiAli, 34, and her husband outside a Co-op in Bletchley, Buckinghamshire, in August. He admitted actual bodily harm, assault by beating and two counts of racially or religiously aggravated assault. Ms Haji-Ali miscarried on 24 August. Gallacher admitted two counts of racially aggravated assault occasioning actual bodily harm and three counts of assaulting a police officer during his arrest in September last year. He was jailed for three years and seven months for the race attacks and four months for the officer assault, to run consecutively.

Students stage peaceful protest after University of East Anglia removes prayer space

Ahead of Ramadan, a top UK university has decided to remove prayer space available on campus for Muslims, citing a “lack of space” during exam season as the reason behind its move. The only daily prayer space available on campus of the University of East Anglia (UEA) is to be permanently removed and replaced with a corridor to the university library, the Independent reported. Muslim students at the university were told that their Friday prayer space was to be taken away due to a “lack of space” during exam season, the paper said. They took part in a public prayer session on Sunday in the main university square in peaceful protest against the move. Over the past few years, Muslim students at the university have used a lecture theatre for prayer and worship. The larger Friday worship sessions take place at a separate location by the Blackdale student residences.

Restaurant could be forced to close over human meat story

An Indian restaurant could be forced to shut down after a fake news report claiming it serves human meat went viral on Facebook, according to a media report. Shinra Begum, the owner of KarriTwist in south east London, said people have threatened to vandalise the building and police officers have been called in. However, the article originated from a prank news site where anonymous users can submit their own fake news before sharing the stories on social media, metro.co.uk reported last Friday. The prank news site contains a number of fake stories, including false reports claiming people have died and that certain individuals are paedophiles. It was shared on Facebook with the headline: Asian restaurant shut down for using hu an meat. Shinra said she has seen a drop in customers since the story showing up. As a result of the restaurant being less busy, some staff have had their hours cut.


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Asian Voice | 27th May 2017



MP Virendra Sharma asked to take back his campaign words Ealing Southall's Labour MP Virendra Sharma, has been asked to take back his words during his recent campaign for the fourth re-election in the June 8 snap poll, when he was caught on camera saying “Pakistan is not harbouring terrorist groups or sponsoring them.â€? Another senior Labour party member and political communication strategist Manoj Ladwa, in a letter to the MP asked: "Given your seniority as a longstanding British Indianorigin member of Parliament and that you hold various posts ostensibly promoting UK-India relations, your comments are totally at odds with everything we have tirelessly worked on over many years. Why? ‌ I would strongly urge you to make an urgent public and written statement clarifying your position and that

Virendra Sharma, MP Labour

of the Labour party before this issue spirals any further." As PTI reported, Virendra Sharma retaliated to the statement caught on a smartphone by saying: "During elections strong feelings are common, but this is no time for people to raise issues for their own selfish reasons... It is important that we

consider our community and put its needs above our own. I am proud to represent a diverse community made up of all religions and nationalities and I think it is important that politicians represent everyone, not just a narrow section." He said he was proud to be representing Southall, an area he has been living in for the past 49 years and will “focus on our community and how much we can achieve. This election must be about bringing people together, improving people's lives and turning our backs on the politics of division.� The 69-year-old MP has been actively campaigning on various issues and has pledged to take on the unacceptable lack of progress in tackling young people’s mental health and called for unity in his personal campaign blog.

A Father's love is known to be irreplaceable and eternal. The bright light on a dull day, the main source of strength in the weakest of moments, fathers spend their entire lives selflessly working for their families' good future. After the overwhelming support and encouragement received by Matru Vandana, Gujarat Samachar and Asian Voice has decided to pay an ode to fathers, on June 18, Fathers' Day. 'Pitru Vandana with Bhuli Bisri Yaade' is our way of expressing our gratitude to the ones who guided us in the dark. Well-known Indian singer Maya Dipak will once again grace us with her presence and along with top musicians Naushad, Anant Patel, and Sonu Gajjar, light up our evenings with beautiful renditions of old filmy songs. A beautiful magazine will be released on the occasion, featuring doting fathers and their stories. Those who wish to feature their fathers on the cover page of the magazine, along with a write up inside, arrange for an exclusive interview, or write a tribute, contact us. Three different Pitru Vandana with Bhuli Bisri Yaade shows will be held at Leicester, Masefield, and Birmingham. If you wish to share your information or need more details about the special magazine, organise shows and tickets, please contact Kamal Rao 020 7749 4001/ 0787 5 229 211 or email kamal.rao@abplgroup.com and Kokila Patel on 07875 229 177 or kokila.patel@abplgroup.com

Forthcoming Shows

Friday 9 June from 8-00pm Presented by Music Arts Symphony Room, 121 Burnmoor Street, Leicester LE2 7JL For Tickets contacts: Pravin Majithia: 07971 626 464 or Melton Hot Potato Shop 0116 268 0100. Saturday 17 June & Sunday 18th June (Two shows) from 6 to 10pm - including dinner. Presented by By Gujarat Samachar - Asian Voice The Masefield Suite at Harrow Leisure Centre, London. For Tickets contacts: Kamal Rao 07875 229 211 or Kokila Patel on 07875 229 177. Friday June 24 From 5.30pm onwards including dinner. By Hindu Council Wales at Sanatan Dharma Mandal & Hindu Community Centre, Seaview Building, Lewis Road, Cardiff. For Tickets contacts: Vimla Patel on 07979 155 320 and Radhika Kadaba on 07966 767 659 Sunday June 25 from 3pm to 7pm. Shree Hindu Community Centre, 541-A Warwick Road, Birmingham B11 2JP. For Tickets contacts: Anjuben Shah 07814 583 907 and Jayantibhai Jagatia 07808 930 748

Dear readers, This week's Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar includes the Legal Matters magazine, the contents for which have been MATTERS provided by UK's leading education law experts, Match Education Solicitors. Law revealed LESSONS TO LEARN It is unfortunate that the Asian community, more often than not, is reluctant to voice concern when confronted with adverse conditions in educational institutions. This could be due to several reasons – fear of retribution, ignorance of the law or social stigma. But none of this is relevant in modern society especially in a country such as the UK where nothing but the rule of law prevails. We therefore urge you read this magazine carefully and seek legal redress when faced with difficult situations whether they are in schools or further and higher education. The law is your friend and is here to help you overcome. Paid subscribers will receive a free copy of this magazine with their newspaper. - AV

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www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

Remembering Maneck Dalal OBE:

A commemoration of the legendary figure at The Bhavan


The aviation pioneer responsible for international expansion of Air India, Maneck Ardheshir Dalal OBE, was commemorated in an event hosted by The Bhavan in association with Air India and Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe (ZTFE) on Monday, the 15th of May. He left for heavenly abode at the age of 98 on 6th March 2017. Tributes were paid in his memory and honour by distinguished members of the host organisations as well as his daughters, Suzie and Caroline Dalal. The commemoration began with a traditional Zoroastrian prayer by a resident priest at the Zoroastrian Centre. Speakers at the meeting included His Excellency Mr. Y.K. Sinha, the High Commissioner of India to the UK, and members from The Bhavan, the Zoroastrian Centre, the ZTFE, and Air India. Also paying tributes were Lord Dholakia OBE OC, Cllr. Mercy Umeh, and Lord Karan Bilimoria CBE DL, among others. The Chairman of Tata Trust and Chairman Emeritus, Tata Sons, Mr. Ratan Tata, sent a heartfelt message, read out by Mr. Farrokh K Kavarana. He said, “Maneck Dalal will always be remembered for launching Air India from the UK. He was an out-

Maneck Dalal had received the Asian Achievers Awards in 2010

standing leader who achieved his objectives with quietness and humility.” HE Mr. Y.K. Sinha described Maneck Dalal as a ‘legendary figure’ for his contributions not only to India but also to the UK in the field of aviation. Lord Navnit Dholakia, OBE PC, Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords and Patron of The Bhavan said, “For me, Maneck Dalal was the Kohinoor.” Lord Karan Bilimoria, educationist and founder chairman of the Cobra Beers, shared, “I met him at a very young age, and he has always been inspirational to people around him.” Other distinguished guests also offered their condolences as well as spoke of devotional, dedication, and commitment that Maneck Dalal personified. They also remembered him as a man

born to serve without seeking unnecessary publicity for himself. Caroline and Suzie Dalal thanked the guests and shared how their father took pride in his Indian roots, his Parsi community and fatherhood. During his illustrious career Maneck Dalal OBE held numerous offices. Apart from his contribution to Air India, he is also known for introducing the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in London, which he chaired for over 40 years. At the age of 29, he started the Air India Office in London in 1948. He then joined the Tatas and became Managing Director of Tata Ltd, London (1977–1988) and Vice Chairman (1988–1989). Besides being ZTFE Trustee (1980-1988), he was also Chairman of the Royal Overseas League.


Indian-origin minister may become first Irish gay PM Ireland's Prime Minister Enda Kenny announced his resignation on May 17, making way for new leadership. Names of two politicians have been put forth, including that of Indo-Irish and current Minister for Social Protection Leo Varadkar. Son of Mumbai-born physician Ashok Varadkar, Leo is the leader of Ireland's ruling Fine Gael party. A trained physician, Varadkar was a general practitioner for several years before he took up politics. He came out of his closet in 2015, when Ireland was the first country to legalise same-sex marriage. In his coming-out speech, he said, “It's not something that defines me. I'm not a half-Indian politician, or a doctor politician or a gay politician for that matter. It's just part of who I am, it doesn't define me, it is part of my character, I suppose.” Varadkar had argued for the deportation of unemployed immigrants and proposed to give them several months' worth of benefits if they left Ireland to return to their home country. He has already reportedly received support to become the next leader of the country's largest party, from at least five Cabinet Ministers, including Paschal Donohoe. Arts and Rural Affairs Minister Heather

Humphreys declared she backed Varadkar to take over as leader of the party. Speaking to the media, she said, “He's decisive, he's courageous, he's hard working, he has all the skills that I believe are necessary not alone to lead the Fine Gael party but also to lead the country.” Jobs Minister Mary Mitchell O'Connor pledged him her support too. She expects his leadership to be “energetic and inspiring” and described him as someone with “the capacity to make bold decisions and the political courage to tell people what they need, not necessarily just they want to hear.” Varadkar will be challenged by the Minister for Housing, Planning, Community, and Local Government, Simon Coveney.

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Brave move by victim helps track down her rapist

Ashraf Miah

Lillian Constantine

Lillian Constantine, 18, a student helped snare the man who raped her by recording the assault on her mobile phone. She was using her phone to light the way on a dark street when Ashraf Miah, 34 pounced on her in the dark. Ashraf has been caught last month, and jailed for 13-and-a a half years and will serve a minimum of nine-and-a-half years. Sentencing Miah at Canterbury crown court, Judge James O’Mahony said that in his 13 years on the bench he has seldom heard a more harrowing incident of a brave victim screaming in terror and pleading for it to stop and the awful suffering she endured. “If anyone needed a wake-up call as to just how horrific the offence of

attempted rape is, then this was it,” he said. A Kent County Council spokesman said the council was making arrangements for converting 120,000 street lights to LED which would be left on all the time, convert areas with CCTV, known anti-social behaviour areas, at busy junctions, roundabouts or sites with road safety issues. Detective Superin tendent Susie Harper, of Kent Police, said that the Kent Police constantly monitors its performance to address any areas for improvement and will continue to provide the best possible service for its rape victims. Lillian waived her right to anonymity and came out in the open, saying that there is nothing to be ashamed of, and appealed to rape victims to stay strong and come out and report the crime.


Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

Landlord faces charges for renting policies marking South Asians Fergus Wilson, a landlord who tried to ban Indian and Pakistanis from renting his properties because their cooking generated curry smells, faces legal action over his tenancy policies. The Equality and Human Rights Commission has applied for an injunction at the Central London county court, when the Press Association found that he has been forbidding single parents, battered wives and those with children under 18 from rent-

ing out his properties. Fergus, who owns hundreds of properties in Kent, said he did not want Indian and Pakistani tenants as he could not sell properties that smelled of curry. He reiterated that he did not discriminate against people based on race, colour or nationality; but his reason for forbidding the other tenants were merely economic steps to ensure he does not end up with tenants who will be unable to pay rent.

Jihadist dustman jailed for five years

Aabid Ali, 49, a deeply radicalised dustman from Wrexham has been jailed for five years for supporting ISIS and telling his wife that the murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby was justified. He changed his name to Darren Glennon, and was found confidential security evidence like maps of the Parliament, details of security arrangements at No 10. He was also found sharing the idea of using the car as a jihadist weapon. Aabid has been fixated with extremist ideologies for the past two years,

Husband and friend arrested over woman's disappearence

watching violent videos and jihadist speeches. He was reported by his wife when he told her that he wanted to bomb the security barracks at the RAF base she worked in, saying that he loved the noise of explosion and destruction.

Dentist Majid Mustafa with his lawyer wife Renata Antczak

Dentist husband Majid Mustafa, 47 and Robert Lipinski, 45 will be appearing before the magistrates court on Tuesday on charges of causing grevious bodily harm and intent and conspiracy to administer a noxious substance to Majid's lawyer wife Renata Antczak. Humberside Police said the pair were arrested as part of inquiries into the whereabouts of the missing mum-of-two. They are also charged with conspiracy to administer a noxious substance. Majid had claimed missing lawyer wife 'ran off and joined cult' has

been charged over her disappearance. Renata had wanted a divorce and take their daughter to Poland with her. Renata disappeared on April 25 after dropping her daughter off at school. Mustafa, who runs a dental business, previously said he believed his wife's decision to leave her law career behind and retrain as a 'healing' therapist could hold the key to her disappearance. Renata, 49 went missing almost a month ago from Hull and the two men were arrested over suspicions of being involved.

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www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 27th May 2017


CHARITIES SHINE IN A STAR STUDD Jacqueline Fernandez, Lord Jeffrey Archer, Anxiety UK,

Rupanjana Dutta

The gorgeous model and Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez attended the second Asian Voice Charity Awards, held at the Hilton Park Lane on Friday 19 May, hosted by the Asian Voice newsweekly. Jacqueline received the International Humanitarian Award and speaking on the stage she said, “I would like to thank Habitat for Humanity and receive this award on behalf of them. Working with them for the last 5 years has really opened my eyes and has given me the opportunity to help so many people live with dignity, by giving them homes to live in. I work in an industry where my co-stars are called heroes, but to me you guys are the real heroes.” Anxiety UK won the Charity of the Year in this year's Asian Voice Charity Awards. Anxiety UK was established in 1970, by an individual with personal experience of agoraphobia, for those affected by anxiety disorders.


he Asian Voice Charity Awards powered by Charity Clarity are not only about charities which seek to solve the most pressing social issues of our time both in Britain and globally, but also for those that seek to innovate and strive for excellence and whose success is judged by their end results. These awards are meant for rewarding those organisations, who are changing things for the better. Famous author Lord Jeffrey Archer received the Lifetime Achievement Award for his years of services to different charities in the UK. Not only he has supported many charities and foundations himself, he has helped many organisations to raise funds for innumerable causes that are close to his heart. The Chief Guest for the evening was Rt Hon Rob Wilson, who is the Under Secretary of State at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport since 2016. His post concerns charities, volunteering, social enterprise and the ‘Civil and Big Society' agenda of the UK government. Speaking at the Awards, the Minister said, “We are embarking on a very big period of change, and it is important that we see this opportunity to

reshape our country for the better. We want an economy that prospers, and we also want a society where everyone benefits from our successes and where everyone knows that their voice will be heard. We need to build strong bonds within our communities and to fight hard to end injustices, not just injustices related to race, gender or indeed the social class, but also to everyday injustices that see hard working families feeling left behind. As Minister for Civil Society for the last 2 years, I have seen how charities can make a huge difference to our society… “The contribution of the Asian community to the charity sector is absolutely huge. The concept of Sewa in the Hindu community literally means selfless services and one of their main pillars is charity. I want to personally thank you all for the wonderful contributions you make to the British Society, the work you do and continue to do.” Anita Chopra, Director of Match Solicitors and Sponsor for the Legal Matters magazine, that was exclusively available at the awards venue for the guests to take away, addressing the the audience said, “Over the past 20 years or so of

Lord Archer - Life Time Achievement Award

Subhash Thakrar, member, panel of judges

practising in the area of education law, it has become evident to us that there are many stigmas that exist within certain communities, not least the Asian community, when it comes to dealing with the education of a child that may have special educational needs or indeed where a student may be facing disciplinary issues or academic failure at university. There are also many battles fought year on year when it comes to obtaining admission to a state school, or indeed withdrawing a child from an independent school. As experts in this area of the law, we have fought tirelessly and with diligence

Chief Guest Rt Hon Rob Wilson

for each and every client that has crossed our threshold. “Education law is a niche area of law. There are many acts of parliament that regulate the provision of education in this country. There are rules and regulations that universities and colleges must comply with. I remember when I was at school and then university (which I would like to think was not so long ago), the thought of challenging a lecturer or professor was unheard of. But the world has changed. Parents and students see themselves more and more as consumers. Good education is getting more and more

Performance by Adagio Acro Duo

Pratik Dattani

expensive and individuals expect a much higher service standard than ever before. At Match Solicitors we work hard to address this rebalancing of the relationship between the service provider and the service user. “In a meritocratic society education takes on a value like never before. A good education opens doors, leads young people up pathways that have the capacity not only to change their standard of living but the standard of living of the entire family and sometimes, the entire social setting from which they come. “We are delighted to have had the opportunity

Anita Chopra, Director, Match Solicitors

to work with Asian Voice to spread the word on education law...” Subhash Thakrar from the Judging Panel said, “The Asian Voice Charity Awards was a real success for the 2nd year running. It is one of a few awards programme where the winners not only get a nice trophy but a whole bundle of benefits in addition. These include, marketing support, consulting, web site enhancement, training workshop and others. Asian Voice not only supports and recognises charities and their good work but also enables them to advance further. The technical partner, Charity Clarity has played



www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 27th May 2017


www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews




Asian Voice | 27th May 2017


Jacqueline Fernandez, Lord Jeffrey Archer, Anxiety UK, Nationwide among winners at the Asian Voice Charity Awards WINNERS

Rupanjana Dutta

The gorgeous model and Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez attended the second Asian Voice Charity Awards, held at the Hilton Park Lane on Friday 19 May, hosted by the Asian Voice newsweekly. Jacqueline received the International Humanitarian Award and speaking on the stage she said, “I would like to thank Habitat for Humanity and receive this award on behalf of them. Working with them for the last 5 years has really opened my eyes and has given me the opportunity to help so many people live with dignity, by giving them homes to live in. I work in an industry where my co-stars are called heroes, but to me you guys are the real heroes.” Anxiety UK won the Charity of the Year in this year's Asian Voice Charity Awards. Anxiety UK was established in 1970, by an individual with personal experience of agoraphobia, for those affected by anxiety disorders.


he Asian Voice Charity Awards powered by Charity Clarity are not only about charities which seek to solve the most pressing social issues of our time both in Britain and globally, but also for those that seek to innovate and strive for excellence and whose success is judged by their end results. These awards are meant for rewarding those organisations, who are changing things for the better. Famous author Lord Jeffrey Archer received the Lifetime Achievement Award for his years of services to different charities in the UK. Not only he has supported many charities and foundations himself, he has helped many organisations to raise funds for innumerable causes that are close to his heart. The Chief Guest for the evening was Rt Hon Rob Wilson, who is the Under Secretary of State at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport since 2016. His post concerns charities, volunteering, social enterprise and the ‘Civil and Big Society' agenda of the UK government. Speaking at the Awards, the Minister said, “We are embarking on a very big period of change, and it is important that we see this opportunity to

reshape our country for the better. We want an economy that prospers, and we also want a society where everyone benefits from our successes and where everyone knows that their voice will be heard. We need to build strong bonds within our communities and to fight hard to end injustices, not just injustices related to race, gender or indeed the social class, but also to everyday injustices that see hard working families feeling left behind. As Minister for Civil Society for the last 2 years, I have seen how charities can make a huge difference to our society… “The contribution of the Asian community to the charity sector is absolutely huge. The concept of Sewa in the Hindu community literally means selfless services and one of their main pillars is charity. I want to personally thank you all for the wonderful contributions you make to the British Society, the work you do and continue to do.” Anita Chopra, Director of Match Solicitors and Sponsor for the Legal Matters magazine, that was exclusively available at the awards venue for the guests to take away, addressing the the audience said, “Over the past 20 years or so of

Lord Archer - Life Time Achievement Award

Akademi - Most enterprising award, given by Dr. Merul Patel, Director ABPL Group (1st from right)

Meenal Sachdev - Most inspiring individual award, given by former cricketer Mark Ramprakash and Dhimant Trivedi, Bank of Baroda

Nationwide - Excellence in CSR given by John Handford, Sarasin & Partners (1st left) and Garry Bernstein, Institute of Directors

Iype Abraham, Edwardian Hotels London (L) & Lord Loomba giving away the Social Impact Award

Performance by Adagio Acro Duo


Subhash Thakrar, member, panel of judges

practising in the area of education law, it has become evident to us that there are many stigmas that exist within certain communities, not least the Asian community, when it comes to dealing with the education of a child that may have special educational needs or indeed where a student may be facing disciplinary issues or academic failure at university. There are also many battles fought year on year when it comes to obtaining admission to a state school, or indeed withdrawing a child from an independent school. As experts in this area of the law, we have fought tirelessly and with diligence

Chief Guest Rt Hon Rob Wilson

for each and every client that has crossed our threshold. “Education law is a niche area of law. There are many acts of parliament that regulate the provision of education in this country. There are rules and regulations that universities and colleges must comply with. I remember when I was at school and then university (which I would like to think was not so long ago), the thought of challenging a lecturer or professor was unheard of. But the world has changed. Parents and students see themselves more and more as consumers. Good education is getting more and more

OneKindAct - Start-up of the year, given by Pratik Dattani, Charity Clarity & Baroness Usha Prashar

Pratik Dattani

expensive and individuals expect a much higher service standard than ever before. At Match Solicitors we work hard to address this rebalancing of the relationship between the service provider and the service user. “In a meritocratic society education takes on a value like never before. A good education opens doors, leads young people up pathways that have the capacity not only to change their standard of living but the standard of living of the entire family and sometimes, the entire social setting from which they come. “We are delighted to have had the opportunity

The full list of this year's winners are as below Start Up of the Year: Most enterprising: Social Impact Award: Most inspiring individual: Charity of the Year Award: Excellence in CSR:

One Kind Act Akademi Graham Layton Trust Meenal Sachdev Anxiety UK Nationwide Building Society

Editor's Choice Awards: Lifetime Achievement Award: Lord Jeffrey Archer International Humanitarian Award: Jacqueline Fernandez

Anita Chopra, Director, Match Solicitors

to work with Asian Voice to spread the word on education law...” Subhash Thakrar from the Judging Panel said, “The Asian Voice Charity Awards was a real success for the 2nd year running. It is one of a few awards programme where the winners not only get a nice trophy but a whole bundle of benefits in addition. These include, marketing support, consulting, web site enhancement, training workshop and others. Asian Voice not only supports and recognises charities and their good work but also enables them to advance further. The technical partner, Charity Clarity has played

Anxiety UK - Charity of the year given by Lord Dolar Popat

Panel of judges

a significant role in evaluating each applicant using its independent evaluation tool and producing particular score rating. Charity Clarity enables donors to check out the score of particular charities before he or she decides to donate. This is a free service. Charities can also use Charity Clarity to obtain a rating in order to better market themselves or to find out areas of improvement so that they become more attractive to donors.” CB Patel, Publisher /Editor of Asian Voice and Chairman of the Asian Voice Charity Awards said, “Innumerable people are engaged in Charitable work and Charitable

organisations. Some are doing extremely beneficial work both professionally and ethically. Some needs to develop both in structure and performances. Charity Clarity has developed a very effective and objective monitoring. In association with Charity Clarity, the Asian Voice Charity Awards is one more step forward to our services for our readers and community.” The compere for the evening was super model and Bollywood actor Elena Fernandez. Entertainment was provided by Jack and Joel Innovative Pop Duo, A K Bollywood Dance and Adagio Acro Duo.

Photo courtesy: Raj D Bakrania, PrMediapix, Gaurav K and Vineet Johri

Guest Testimonials

"A big thank you for inviting me to the Charity Awards night at the Hilton sponsored by Asian Wealth and Charity Clarity. I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and meet some lovely people. Congratulations to ABPL team for organising such a great event." -Jay Patel, Partner, Shoosmiths LLP

"Devika and I would like to take this opportunity of sincerely thanking you for inviting us to the charity awards ceremony on Friday, which we thoroughly enjoyed. “ - Satish Chatwani, Kanta Enterprises

"Thank you for allowing us to be part of your Charity Awards night which was a real triumph and James and I had a most wonderful evening. "All of your team were warm and friendly and the guests we met were all really lovely, we’ve managed to expand our networks thanks to meeting some great new people. "It was also great to see Asian Voice recognising some of the brilliant work being done by people across the charity sector. I hope to be able to enter for next year’s Awards. "Many thanks again for hosting us and allowing us to experience your Awards." - Anil and James, Stroke Association

"Thank you very much for your kind hospitality on Friday evening. Vandana and I enjoyed the evening and had the privilege of witnessing the achievements of individuals and charities. "My kind regards to CB and all at ABPL." -Dr Mayank R Shah, Lotus Healthcare

"I had a wonderful time and the event was lovely (especially the food!)." - Amy Sweeting, MissingPeople

"Thank you for inviting us to the Asian Voice Charity Awards. It was a very exciting event and I was happy to meet so many old friends." - Ramnik Hindocha, Sam Travel and Tours

"Our team that came along on Friday evening had a brilliant time and said how well run everything was. We were so pleased to have been shortlisted for this award." - Fiona Graham, Lepra



www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

And the winner is ...

Dinesh Sheth is a highly respected letter writer who is well known to readers of Asian Voice and its sister paper Gujarat Samachar. He proudly reminds everybody that over the years he has had around 290 letters published in both ABPL newspapers and expresses a yearning for some form of recognition. Let us acknowledge his notable achievement by organising a glittering Oscar Award-style ceremony in a posh London hotel. Imagine two Bollywood stars on the stage, one of them reading out a list of readers' nominations for ABPL’s Outstanding Letter Writer of the Year – "Ramesh Jhalla, Dinesh Sheth, Bhupendra M. Gandhi, Jubel Cruz, Upendra Kapadia ... and the winner is (big drum-roll) DINESH SHETH!" Mr Sheth, feigning surprise, arises from his seat, shaking his head in mock disbelief. He hugs and kisses his partner and grasps the outstretched hands of well-wishers as he makes his way up to the stage to kiss the Bollywood beauty and greet her debonair male companion. Stepping up to the microphone, he raises his trophy at the request of press photographers and declares that he feels "honoured and delighted to receive this magnificent award", adding: "My grateful thanks to the legendary CB Patel, Rupanjana Dutta, the entire ABPL group and the millions of readers of Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar for their votes, also my partner, parents and grandparents, not forgetting my neighbours , postmen and binmen..." Seriously though, Dinesh Sheth does deserve a hefty pat on the back and we should not hesitate to give him one. Rudy Otter By email

Re-Caste legislation consultation

I read the various articles in AV, with incredulity the length people go to for the achievement of the destruction of the 'Hindu' civilization. I do passionately believe that we must put our values strongly to all those that need to know so that we are not legislated out of existence. People need to understand the difference between social action and injustices and the religious dogma of Sanatan Dharma. I urge all readers to read the government's consultation document and sign up to get rid of this mosquito of a piece of legislation before it kills us and our generations from its poison. Yogi Pandya By email

Justice for Nirbhaya

I agree with Mr. Jubel D'Cruz's comment (on AV of 13 May 2017) that the juvenile rapist should also have received some punishment for his act because his crime was not juvenile. If anyone is old enough to do adult crime then he should certainly be old enough to receive adult punishment too. Mr. D'Cruz should perhaps write to Hon. Subramanyam Swami about this as no one else will have guts to suggest reforming of law in the Parliament" Suresh Raval By email

Misuse of foreign aid

It is encouraging to know that our popular International Development Secretary Priti Patel is determined to clamp down on the misuse of our precious Foreign Aid by UN health officials who spend vast fortune staying in luxurious hotels and first class travel, the money they should be spending on treating patients suffering with malaria, typhoid and other such diseases common in many developing countries, especially in Africa. Being a nurse and a front line health worker in our NHS during my working days and now a regular user of NHS, I can see at first hand how our elderly and chronically sick patients suffer in A & E, waiting in trolleys due to lack of beds. The long unbearable wait in A & E forces many to go private, their children paying the bills from their merger savings who could not let their parents suffer in silence. With the election just a few weeks away, it is right time to remind our pampered politicians the neglect they have imposed on our NHS with their holier than thou attitude, in denying the funding our NHS badly need due to ever rising demand associated with long lifespan, ever rising OAPS population and extreme shortages of GPs. No wonder our newly qualified GPs prefer to work as locus, thus selecting hours, time and places they would like to live and work. Kumudini Valambia By email

India’s soft diplomacy

International Court of Justice's unanimous verdict in favor of India is an occasion to cheer. Amazingly the attorney Salve charged only £1.00, whereas attorney retained by Pakistan charged crores of rupees. Indian attorney Salve succeeded to convince eleven judges to be unanimous in favor of India, whereas Pakistan lawyer failed to convince judges even to examine evidence. Court gave him 90 minutes, and he wasted 40 minutes. Pakistan has requested rehearing/ reconsidering verdict and is putting up special team. Please note that International Court of Justice has NO monitoring or enforcement powers. Its verdict is only an opinion, suggestion or guidelines. Therefore Pakistan can safely indulge in following acts with impunity: 1. Openly defying the verdict. 2. Carry on with the trial against Jadhav, announce and carry out death sentence. 3. Appeal to ICJ and ask for rehear/reconsider the verdict. 4. Just kill Jadhav under any excuse, against global opinion, just as it executed Bhutto. India’s soft diplomacy earns martyrs every day, even NOW, as I am typing this letter, I am ashamed to hear about Indian soldiers’ martyrdom NEWS on TV channels. India should indulge in same jingoism if it has to earn respect of the players in international theater. Ramesh Jhalla By email

Knife culture in schools

There has been a worrying increase in the number of children carrying knives to schools. Thousands of weapons including samurai swords, axes and air guns have been seized from schools. Police forces in England and Wales have released figures showing knife crime is on the rise. A total of 1369 items were recovered by police in schools in the year 2016-2017. That is a rise of 20% over previous year. Children as young as 5 years old take knives to schools. They learn from their siblings and peer groups. The fear of being hurt may be one of the reasons why your child may be reluctant to go to school. These incidents are probably taking place in state schools rather than in independent schools. Many of us Asians, particularly the Gujaratis, do not have much faith in the state education system and hence we scrape and save and send our children to private schools where standards are higher and the pass rates surpass that of state schools. Also in private schools, security is much more tighter and children are properly supervised all the time. We also know that to get better propects in the employment market and to get a better standard of living, our children need to be better qualified than the rest. This can only be achieved if the children feel safe to go to school where they are not bullied or threatened with knives and could pay full attention to studies.. Dinesh Sheth Newbury Park, Ilford

50 years of foreign aid

While it is true that some foreign aid has been wasted, on the whole foreign aid has been a great success over 50 years. Some of it has been wasted to promote political ideologies during the Cold War; to ship surplus unwanted agricultural products; to pay the salaries of high priced consultants; their accommodation in five-star hotels or homes; filling the pockets of corrupt government officials, etc. However, what foreign aid has achieved over this 50-year period was improvement in health and education indicators in poor countries; life expectancy improvement from 48 years to 68 years over 4 decades; 131 out of every 1,000 babies born in poor countries died before reaching their first birthday 40 years ago; now it is 36 babies; elimination of smallpox and other diseases; etc. The New York University economist William Easterly estimated that $2.3 trillion were spent on foreign aid over this 50-year period. This was however all aid to all poor countries from all donor countries according to another economist Jeffrey D Sachs of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. Mr Sachs added that the aid by person per year tells us that the average aid recipient received the grand sum of $15 each year. In the past few decades this was about 0.3% of gross national income. Compare the $2.3 trillion of foreign aid to the 50-year spend by U.S.A alone on military spending of $17 trillion, about 8 times the aid level. G-7 countries need to rethink. Nagindas Khajuria By email


Reema Lagoo

Reema Lagoo was a great Indian actress and played all her roles in Hindi and Marathi films and serials wonderfully. She impressed everyone with her talent in a mother’s role like the late Nirupa Roy of ‘Amar Akbar Anthony’ and ‘Muqaddar ka Sikandar’ fame. I liked her roles in the television serials ‘Shriman Shrimati’ and ‘Tu Tu Mein Mein’ and films like ’Hum Saath Saath Hain’, ‘Hum Aapke Hain Kaun’ amd ‘Maine Pyaar Kiya’. It’s a sad thing that she died at such a young age of 59. May her soul rest in peace. Also, today when education is the basic need of every child, the government should provide free education to every child. Didn’t Modi make this promise at the time of elections in May 2014? Why hasn’t it been fulfilled? Jubel D’Cruz, Mumbai, India

Brexit negotiations

After Brexit, Frexit was expected, but it did not happen, because people of France saw the draw backs of Brexit and the mess it has created for United Kingdom. Theresa May says with a larger majority she will be in stronger position to negotiate the withdrawal from the European Union. She is sadly mistaken here, it will make no difference to the European Union whether she has a smaller or bigger majority. They would be negotiating on behalf and in the interest of 27 member states, whereas Theresa May will be negotiating on behalf of a divided country. Without give and take there can be no negotiations. UK cannot cherry pick what they want and reject what they do not want. They will have to accept the whole package or come back empty handed. This option will be unacceptable and would cause further turmoil and hardships to the British people. It is crucial for UK to remain in the single market and customs union for the sake of millions of British jobs and British economy. The Brexit negotiating team would have to be flexible and non-confrontational in dealing with the European Union and not go there sitting on a high horse. The ideal situation would be to have an advisory body comprising of representatives from all the political parties working with the negotiating team in order to get a best deal for UK rather than a hard Brexit or no deal at all. Baldev Sharma Rayners Lane, Harrow

Vote Conservative or Labour?

Jermy Crrbyn can be described as strong, determined, trustworthy and a leader with self-belief. Despite many challenges from his own and ruling party, he is rock sturdy and powerful. Boris Baker, once a likeable politician has caused enormous damage to his party and the country. He should not be forgiven. Voting Conservative equates to indirectly supporting him. If Conservative is elected, the unity of the country is at stake. Jermy Corbyn is promising and under the circumstances right person to lead the country. Niranjan Vasant By email

Is Tory manifesto a boost or a let down?

While there are so many positive aspects in Conservative manifesto, namely increase spending on NHS, Education, caping energy bills and Social Care, there are also some glaring omissions, cutback as well. The most negative cutback is the denial of school lunches which may save £600 million, a drop in the ocean compared to overall budget but vital for the Wellbeing of school children, especially as the gap between rich and poor is widening. The second most glaring injustice is in housing, as more people are living in overcrowded homes, as when our children get married, they are unable to move out, as was the norm a few decades back, due to ever rising house prices. The Council even refuses to put their names on the waiting list, as there is no hope for them ever getting a council flat, as long as there is a roof over their heads. Many feel arrived as new comers jump the queue, move in newly built homes as soon as they arrive in this country. Surely it is time to reassess our over generous overseas aid budget that cares for others at the expense of our own. It seems our self righteous politicians living in their Ivory Tower isolation are out of touch with reality and massive Tory win will change nothing for the poor. Unfortunately Labour with internal strife and holier than thou attitude is in no position to challenge Mrs May who is considered to be invincible in the eyes of most voters. Bhupendra M Gandhi By email


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Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

Loughton gets Indianorigin councillor as new mayor

Brexit barriers 'would harm science', say universities

The most populous town in the Epping Forest District of Essex, Loughton just elected an Indian-origin councillor as its mayor. Philip Abraham, who has been serving as the deputy mayor for the last one year, took over the role from former mayor Carol Davis. Speaking after the results, Abraham said, “I am absolutely thrilled to have been elected as the mayor. I feel honoured to have been given the opportunity to serve the community as mayor.” Representing the Alderton ward, Abraham was first elected to the council in 2012, and reelected in 2016. He is supported by a non-political local organisation called Loughton Residents Association. Born in Kerala, Abraham is actively involved with other Indian communities across the UK, and is the founder of UK-Kerala Business Forum, and the

Barriers to research collaboration in Europe as a result of Brexit would harm scientific progress, says a group of leading UK universities. Science and research should be a priority in the talks between the UK and the EU, says the Russell Group of research intensive universities. Any barriers "would be bad for the UK and bad for Europe", said the group's acting director, Tim Bradshaw. His comments come as the EU prepares to authorise the start of the talks. Mr Barnier expects the talks to begin immediately after June's general election. UK universities are among the biggest beneficiaries of the EU's huge Horizon 2020 research fund. The Russell Group says there will be "no winners" if Brexit results in barriers between researchers and has pledged to work with "all sides to secure a positive outcome".

Philip Abraham

co-founder of British South India Council of Commerce. He also owns newspaper, Kerala Links, published from London for the past 225 years. The mayor will represent his/her town at civic occasions and events held by the town's schools, clubs, and other community and charitable organisations.


Readers Voice

Installing Crosses in India

Referring to Mr Jubel D’Cruz’s letter dated 13-5-17, it appears that he has the habit of heavily and blindly critisizing and accusing the Indian government of today. Alexander the Great invaded India out of curiosity to know the renowned Great India for its culture and wealth, and was awed noticing the might of the army troops decorated with ornaments in gold as he went further, and returned with respect to its culture. But thereafter, the Mongolians, Turks etc invaded India through Khaibar Ghat with swords to spread foreign religion while British, Portugese and French invaded through sea routes with guns for the same purpose and occupied India. Ultimately the British also retreated with the similar spirit of Alexander the Great appreciating the

Gandhian and Sanatan culture imparting independence. During the rule of foreigners in India so many Hindu temples were destroyed and the indigenous people were massacred. And, yet, the indigenous people chose to live with them side by side after independence when they could have chosen their own country for people of Hindu, Buddhist, Jain and Sikh faiths. To make way for roads and buildings towards governmental progress, Sanatan people do not object to eliminating their temples. Instead of appreciating the generosity and culture of all the Sanatan faiths, the writer indulges in casting aspersions on Mr Modi and his government all the time. RN Patel Essex

Recently I watched the news on an Indian channel and was shocked to see horror in Haryana where in three days four innocent girls were raped. It is not only in India but through out the world where rape of any female is taking place where insane, heartless, characterless and cruel people do such heinous acts. On 9th May the only family bread winner while going to work was kidnapped in a car where two men drugged her, raped, killed and mutilated her body which was found on 11th May. The way the family cried so much and the father said we read everywhere “Beti bachawo’

means ‘protect daughters’. What these monsters have done to our only dear daughter. In another case a 10 year old girl was raped so badly by her stepfather. The neighbour took her to hospital where the doctors found she was 5 months pregnant, the helpless girl is fighting for her life. I blame the rapists mothers womb where she conceived such a horrible child and also her upbringing. Every pregnant woman should always read religious books and she will bring good children in to this world. Sudha Rasik Bhatt Glasgow

Horror in Haryana

Zaman scores a culinary hat-trick

Head Chef Mahmud Zaman at The Sportsman casino in the West End has won the prestigious UK Asian and Oriental Chef of the Year Award. The victory was announced at the House of Commons on Monday 15th May, where he received praise for his culinary creativity and for serving up some of the finest cuisine in London.

The Sportsman casino recently welcomed new Venue Director Jim Firth, who told us how proud he is of all his staff’s achievements…

The award is a huge achievement for The Sportsman and recognition of the casino’s tireless commitment to offering the very best dining experience that is both accessible and affordable for customers. This latest accolade follows Zaman’s ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ in 2016 – which celebrated his 30 years in the industry and his artistic style and love of experimental cooking - and ‘Chef of the Year’ Award in 2015. Asian Voice met with the man of the moment, Head Chef Mahmud Zaman, to ask him the secrets to his success… Q: Congratulations on your hat-trick Zaman! Now tell us, what is the secret to your success? Thank you very much! The secret? Maybe it’s because I’m extremely passionate about what I do. I just love experimenting with food and inventing mouthwatering new tastes and textures for our customers to enjoy. Lots of our guests are visitors from abroad, and several have come over from the Middle East, so it’s important to us that everyone enjoys a ‘home from home’ experience here at The Sportsman. We want to make sure people have familiar dishes and flavours to enjoy here with us. Catering for customers’ needs and tastes is always front of mind here. I also think that people appreciate how much we genuinely care about them having the perfect evening here with us. I take every opportunity to chat to our guests on the restaurant floor - to welcome them to Zaman and The Sportsman, and get valuable feedback about their experience.

Finally, I think that the overall exceptional service and hospitality on offer here at The Sportsman plays a big part in the popularity of Zaman. Our customers receive the very best of everything from the moment they step through the door. Whether it’s on the gaming floor or down here in the restaurant, their whole Sportsman experience is second to none. We strive to exceed people’s expectations. Q: The Sportsman certainly does have a big reputation here in London. Yet it has such an intimate environment. That’s quite a unique mix. How do you do it? We take great pride in making sure that every single customer feels at home here. A large number of our customers have enjoyed dining out in Zaman over many years - we have a loyal following and many of our customers feel like family now. All the staff here at The Sportsman are friendly, approachable, and willing to go the extra mile to make

sure people have the perfect evening. Q: Can you please tell us a little about the menu at Zaman? I’m immensely proud of it. It’s a halal menu, which I designed myself taking on board lots of requests and insights from our valued customers here at The Sportsman. It includes many mouth-watering delights, such as wagyu steak at one of London’s lowest prices. It also features an array of chef’s specials from around the world - such as, lamb kebabs and Farruj Mussahab as well as more traditional main courses - like grilled meats and fish, lamb cutlets and risotto. We’re committed to offering our customers one of the very best dining experience in town - a variety of delicious, seasonal meals from all over the world, which really deliver on quality and taste at an affordable price. Q: Sounds delicious. And you’ve been in the industry for over 30 years now?!

Wow! Tell us a little about your career. Well I arrived here in England from a small village in North East Bangladesh back in 1992. I started my career as a kitchen porter right here in The Sportsman casino, where I experimented a lot with my cooking and invented a lot of new culinary creations to create an international gourmet menu. It was this, so I’m told, that got me fast-tracked to head chef, and when the restaurant received a Gold Award from Top Table in 2009, the team decided to name the restaurant after me which was of course, a huge, huge honour. Q: And how does it feel to get such esteemed recognition for your cooking three years in a row? I’m delighted, especially in the face of competition from some immensely talented chefs. Fusion food is my passion and it’s a delight to know that what we serve our customers is appreciated not just by them but by the wider industry too.

Everyone here at The Sportsman is absolutely delighted with Zaman’s achievements. And nobody is in the least bit surprised as he truly is the best at what he does, and is such a lovely man to work with. I’m incredibly proud of all our staff here at The Sportsman - both in the restaurant and on the casino floor – as each and every one goes above and beyond the call of duty to make sure our guests have the perfect evening here with us. In addition to Zaman’s success, our CRs have also earned an unrivalled reputation for the tailor made service they provide our key customers. From helping them to coordinate travel and leisure facilities to organising their dry cleaning, they certainly go the extra mile, especially when it comes to those who are just visiting London. As well as catering for specific needs and cultures, the team also spends a lot of their time whisking guests away to amazing hospitality events such as Wimbledon, Ascot and even horse racing in Dubai and the Monaco Grand Prix! The casino really does offer the best of the best throughout. To celebrate Zaman's culinary achievements, The Sportsman casino is offering all our readers 10% off their next food bill. To redeem the offer simply reference ‘Asian Voice’ when you pay*.

For more information or to book a table, please call 0207 414 0061 or visit www.thesportsmancasino.com/restaurant *To redeem 10% off your bill you will be asked to provide your name and email address



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Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

Indian politics reverted to type last week. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) announced that it would begin an investigation into the business dealings of Karti Chidambaram, son of the former Congress finance minister P Chidambaram. Similar proceedings would be initiated against Laloo Prasad Yadav, like Chidambaram, once a member of the Manmohan Singh government. Chidambaram Senior cried foul, accusing the government of conducting a vendetta against him. Nothing of the sort, replied Arun Jaitley, the present Finance Minister in the BJP government. It was simply the law taking it own course in the pursuit of justice against corruption. Kashmiri youths apply for police jobs Four days after the murder of Lieutenant Ummer Fayaz by Hizbut terrorists, 2000 Kashmiri youths came to Srinagar’s Bakshi Stadium for physical fitness tests in order to qualify for vacancies in the State police. In so doing they defied threats issued by P Chidambaram with Laloo Prasad Yadav jihadi groups that their lives It all sounded familiar, this would be in peril. Dozens of common refrain when the party Kashmiri girls broke the in office was in opposition and shackles of a conservative the opposition was the society and participated in the government. For the CBI to recruitment drive to join the stand above suspicion, its police,’ said Director General autonomy must be ensured. Police, S.P.Vaid (Times of India Otherwise, rightly or wrongly, May 14). its every move will be perceived as government inspired. (Times Major Army deal for of India, Hindu, Telegraph May Larsen & Toubro 17). Private sector engineering giant Larsen & Toubro has been Malala of Malda awarded a Rs 4,500 crore order More significant for India’s by the Ministry of Defence for social well-being was the recent the supply of 100 artillery gun case of a 13 rear-old girl in the systems to the Indian Army, the Malda district of West Bengal largest such contract for a who, at a wedding ceremony in private sector company. L&T her village well understood that will manufacture the 155mm/52 the bride, like herself, was under caibre self-propelled gun age. She promptly alerted the systems named K-9 Vajra in authorities, who with equal partnership with South Korea’s dispatch arrived at the Samsung Techwin. ‘The basic ceremony and put an end to the armament of the gun as well as purported marriage. Beauty the engine will be imported as it Khatum paid for her moral is not possible to manufacture it courage as whistle blower. She in large numbers in India. But a has been harassed and lot of value additions as well as threatened by the local youth indigenously developed valueand Muslim clergy. The district adds are made in India,’ said Child Welfare Committee in a Jayant Patel, Vice President & prompt rejoinder assured Head Defence & Aerospace, Beauty Khatum of every Heavy Engineering (Business protection against such bullying Line May 13). and intimidation. Under age marriage is prohibited by law Israel-Palestine and schooling for the young of Co-existence either sex is upheld by the law Welcoming Palestine President (Times of India May 17). Mahmoud Abbas to India at the start of a four-day visit, Prime Rajnath warning against


Home Minister Rajnath Singh, addressing a meeting in New Delhi issued a warning against radicalization of vulnerable youth in India’s North East region. Among those at the meeting were the Minister of State at the Home Ministry Kiren Rijiiu and National Security Advisor Ajit Doval. Rajnath Singh warned of the menace of jihadi infiltration from Bangladesh into Assam, Meghalaya and Mizoram. These operatives, he said, were targeting vulnerable Muslim youth, hoping to convert them to the ways of violence, sabotage and targeted assassinations in line with the principles of the Hizbul Mujahideen and the Islamic State (Times of India May 17).

Appeal for Indian participation Talking to the media, President Abbas expressed a desire for Indian involvement in the peace process. He thanked India for contributing to capacitybuilding in information technology in the territory of the Palestine Authority. The peace process, he said, had received a boost from Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump. The basis of a territorial settlement should be based on the territorial alignment prior to the Six day war of 1967. The reference to greater Indian involvement assumes significance in the light of Prime Minister Modi’s forthcoming visit to Israel. (Hindu May 17)

country despite intense competition from rival brands. ‘;We are always checking where we stand,’ said Roland Folger, Managing Director and CEO, Mercedes Benz India. ‘Frankly speaking we can keep the pace with our existing customers and, why should be afraid of competition?’ Mercedes Benz has held onto its market share for the past two years againt German rivals Audi and BMW. In the initial stages Mercedes did


at Jaitapir, are mired in costing differences – a recurrent problem with French suppliers of aircraft and submarines.

Confidence in Indian science ‘The approval also shows our strong belief in the capability of India’s scientific community to build our technological capacities,’ declared an official statement (Hindu May 18).

Curtain-raiser to PM’s Israeli visit Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar and Vijai Chauthalwale, head of the BJP’s foreign policy cell are visiting Israel this week to prepare the ground for Prime Minister Modi’s landmark trip to the country – the first by an Indian prime minister. Among the public events, the Indian Premier will address the Indian diaspora in Israel, just as he did on his visits to the US and UK. He is also expected to a wreath at the memorial in Haifa to the Indian soldiers who liberated the port city in a memorable action against the Ottoman army in the First World War. His talks with Israeli Prime Minister Beniamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem and his meeting with innovators and founders of technology firms will occupy the centre-stage, but the entire exercise is expected to be a game changer in bilateral ties and a significant factor in the regional security architecture (Hindu May 18).

Suzuki to double Gujarat capacity

Maruti Suzuki has pledged to invest Rs 6000 crore in its Gujarat plant and double its capacity by setting up a facility for the manufacture of engines. This fresh funding - to be made within two years – will ramp up the investment to Rs 9000 crore. This will bring Maruti Suzuki’s entire India production to reach beyond 2 million cars annually. According to Kenichi Ayukawa, Maruti Suzuki Managing Director and CEO, the buoyant Indian economy had led to an exponential increase in the company’s car sales across all categories. ‘Models like Brezza and PM Modi with Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas mini SUV and the Balero hatchback will lead the Minister Narendra Modi charge,’ he said (Times of India reiterated India’s support for a May 17). two-state solution of peaceful co-existence between Israel and Mercedes holds its own Arab Palestine. India hoped for an early resumption of talks Mercedes India said it was between the two sides towards confident of its top position in this end. the luxury car segment in the

Mr. Roland Folger, Managing Director & CEO, Mercedes-Benz India, Dr. Martin Ney, German Ambassador to India

lose ground, but having learned its lesson from that, it has recovered and now maintains a leadership position. (Hindu May 18).

Ten home-built nuclear reactors Government has approved the construction of 10 India-made pressurized heavy water nuclear reactors with a total capacity of 7000MW. Briefing the media, Power Minister Piyush Goyal said: ‘We already have 6,780MW of operational nuclear power and about 6,700MW plants under implementation, which will be set up by 2021-22.’ This comes against the troubles affecting the US Westinghouse Company which had contracted to construct six 6000 power plants but had now applied for bankruptcy. Meanwhile talks with the French company Ariva, which had undertaken to construct a nuclear power plant

Teenager builds lightest satellite Born in a small town in Tamil Nadu, Chennai-based teenager Rifath Shaarook has designed and built the world’s lightest satellite, to be launched by NASA in June. The 64 gramme device, made from 3D printed carbon fibre, was the winning entry in Cubes in Space, a design contest for young inventors organized by education company idoodle with backing from US space agency NASA and the Colorado Space Grant Consortium. Shaarook’s invention, Kalamsat, is named after India’s late President and rocket scientist, Dr Abdul Kalam. Rifath, a lead scientist at Chennai’s Space Kidz India, said: ‘The main challenge was to design an experiment… which would fit into a four-metre cube weighing 64g.’

Indore India’s cleanest city

Urban development minister M. Venkaiah Naidu presents a trophy to the officials of Indore Municipal Corporation after it was declared the cleanest city in India

Placed 149 in a cleanliness rating in 2014, Indore Municipal Corporation climbed to 25th position in 2016 and to the top in 2017. It has truly been an astonishing ascent from disgrace to heady triumph. The basis of the achievement was the determination of the city fathers to drastically improve garbage collection, with spectacular results. Rural Indore has made significant advances in public health and toilet construction. URBAN Development Minister Venkaiah Naidu presented a trophy to Indore’s municipal officials. Since the Swachi Bharat Mission became operational, sanitation and public health programmes have made significant strides (Mint May 8).


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Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

Rani Singh, Special Assignments Editor

Leading Lights

Atul Patel, Offering Alternatives in the Pharmacy Market

This is the story of a pharmacist who has not followed the traditional route he might have. Instead, he has successfully brought new, cost effective products to market. And some. 50-year old Atul Patel is the Managing Director of St George’s Medical, a company he started by investing personal funds. He works with a team of four people, each having a specialism like research, graphic design, marketing and distribution. “We meet on a regular basis where I chair a meeting and discuss ideas, identify products and help form a plan to accomplish this,” he says.

Background and early memories

tion of asylum seekers from the local population was mixed, commonly hostile, and my parents did not have any transferable qualifications to be able to apply for career jobs. I’m sure this was a common experience of most East African migrants then. But this produced strong extended family bonds, hard work, the concept of the importance of education, a sense of our own community, and an entrepreneurial spirit via an early involvement in business. There were some happy

Atul Patel was born in Uganda, to parents from India. “My parents owned a general store in Paranga (Uganda), which they had to leave behind and seek asylum in England in the early seventies due to the Idi Amin dictatorship,” he recalls. Mr Patel came to Great Britain at four years old. He describes his early memories as those of struggle. “There was little command of English in the family, the recep-

Atul Patel

childhood memories of growing up in London. I believe these influences have helped develop resilience and an ‘anything is possible’ attitude in my psyche, which I hope to pass on to my children.

The Birth of St George’s Medical Atul Patel set up a pharmacy, and, over a period, noted feedback from his customers about prescribed products. Here’s his ethos. “By tweaking existing treatments offered, by providing products absent from the market, I decided we could go some way to enhancing my customers’ experience and expediting/supporting their healthy lifestyle. The first product was olive oil in a dropper bottle, which was a success. Then we made our own moisturizing cream to rival E45, and so on. This was the birth of St Georges m e d i c a l .” The company was born

Hope for Children - Making an Impact in India!

Hope for Children is an international charity that passionately believes every child has the right to a happy, healthy and positive childhood. We do this by improving their access to education, healthcare and by empowering their families to support themselves, whilst developing their confidence and self-esteem. The charity focuses its work on supporting the most vulnerable of the world’s children, specifically those with un-met needs - ensuring that as the world moves forward, no child is left behind. To enable us to achieve these aims, we have developed our India Impact Network which is a small group of strategically and philanthropically minded, individuals, who have come together to use their resources, knowledge and networks to invest in rapid, sustained and impactful change in vulnerable children’s lives.

Based on our international development expertise, organisational capacity and assessment of areas of extreme need, we have identified a series of activities and appropriate local partners that we believe will bring significant and sustainable change to the lives of the disadvantaged children and families. Since its launch in January 2017, the India Impact Network has already raised a significant amount of money towards these projects and we are hoping that this initiative together with our Sanitation for Education Appeal will enable us to secure the necessary funding for our work there

for the next 3 years. This is really crucial as it will mean that, working with our local partners in these communities, we can transform the lives of over 1000 children and their families and make a truly sustainable impact. With our Sanitation for Education Appeal, we want to raise £15,000 to build child-friendly toilets and washing facilities in 13 schools, in the Warrangai District, in Telangana and deliver workshops within the communities to raise awareness of the importance of good hygiene, and its subsequent impact on children and their education. This will result in improved school attendance with fewer children, particularly girls, dropping out of education altogether, as they get older. If you would like to be a part of making this a reality go to:https://hope-for-children.org/sanitation-education-appeal/ or if you would like to know more about the India Impact Network, please go to:https://hope-for-children.org/getinvolved/the-impact-network/ Office: 01442 234 561 Direct: 07814 004 963

out of the need to help the community - by offering it cost- effective alternatives.


There have been some. “Like every business Story Behind the dealing with overMy aim is to seas markets and Name offer quality, manufacturers, Atul patel; “I wanted a effective and the minefield of name that would resonate affordable exporting/importwith the community and ing, financing and health also identify with the envistrict compliance products ronment I grew up in. St. with the regulations George, although not an for the products I Englishman himself, was a offer has been a learning person who experienced strugcurve. I made mistakes gles whilst keeping faith in his along the way but have had many mission and focus on his cause, well-wishers that could see what eventually becoming the patron St Georges Medical is trying to saint of England. His ideology achieve. They have offered advice and story resonated with me. I and expertise. This has also adopted him in our name - St. been a taxing commitment, but Georges Medical Ltd; our aim is my family has supported and to offer products that help the encouraged me throughout.” community.

How will the Company Beat off Competition? Atul Patel: “Although it would be nice, my main focus with St. Georges Medical is not to be the ‘winner’ but to offer quality, effective and affordable health products. I have other ventures that offer enough security for my family and me. This is a genuine desire to help and offer treatments that work and contribute to the wellbeing of the community.”

The Future Atul Patel projects; “I would like to do what I have always done, and that is to find new products that are cost- effective alternatives. The next step would be to reach more people so we will be expanding our channels of distribution. I also plan to start talking to charities to see if there is any way I can help deliver products to crisis or poverty- stricken areas. This is ambitious and will take time, but it would be a satisfying ambition to achieve!”



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Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

Flavours of Rajasthan in London The Rajasthan Association UK orgainsed a program Jeeman on 7th May 2017 at the Claremont High School, Kenton, Harrow UK; to bring the people of the community together to extol Rajasthani culture, music and dance, authentic regional food flavours and traditional attires. Nearly 800 people were present, 80 children performed traditional folk dances like ghoomer with the ladies joined in for a community dance at the end of the show. It was a novelty to feel so close to Indian culture in the heart of the capital and give a taste of the Rajasthani culture to the younger generations who are settled here. The chief guests for the program were Bob Blackman MP Harrow, Virendra Sharma MP Southall, Kuldeep Shekhawat from MATV and Vizay Babu Vasantha from Indian High Commission. Vizay Babu Vasantha from the Indian High Commision have dedicated government officials for each state of India and he is dedicated to Rajasthan; his name and contact no is on the Indian high commission web site for anyone from the community to approach with any issue or grievance. Everyone enjoyed the vibrant culture of the desert state of India. Virendra Sharma MP from Southall said that such “programs should be organised more often because it will help our new generations in UK to understand our culture, roots and feel connected to India. If we fail in it then our future

The Rajasthani ladies in their traditional attire

MP Virendra Sharma amidst other VIPs and community members

generations will never forgive us. Bob Blackman MP from Harrow said “India is very important for the UK, even more after Brexit.” He was very happy to see so many colours and praised the Indian community for their hard work and dedication.

He also praised the Indian soldiers who took part in the World war and fought on the side of Britain against Nazis. He thanked India for the all the help and support provided to the Jews. He ended his speech with Jai Hind, Jai Rajasthan and Jai Britain.

Asian stand-up comedians steal the limelight in UK, setting the trend to target crucial issues with comic relief Smita Sarkar Amit Tandon, a stand-up comedian from India was touring UK recently. The online tickets were soldoff within a few weeks, and the organisers had to sent out an alert stating that it was a full-house and that one needed to queue up early to get the best seats. People had started queuing up outside the hall nearly two hours before the show at the Greenwood Theatre near London Bridge, on the day of the show, to get seats that were closer to the stage. The gates were opened at 6:00pm, for a one-hour show that started at 8:00pm. Humour integrates people, and according to co-organiser Ankur Sharma, one of the Founders and CEO of Antzs Pvt Ltd, “People want to go out for these 90 min Comedy Gigs to be able to rejuvenate themselves and Asian diaspora is now ready to take Stand up comedy as a career. Just to give you a perspective, The Amit Tandon London Bridge show was sold out 3 weeks before

Amit Tandon performing at the Greenwood Theatre in London Bridge during his 2017 UK tour

and people were on the waiting list for cancellation. So we put together another show in Greenwich in the same week that also got sold out one week before. So a massive scope for such activities.” Avirup Datta from the audience told the Asian Voice that “the good thing about Amit Tandon is that he forced us to laugh at

ourselves, at our idiosyncrasies and peculiarities, making us remember our lives back in India. He helped us enjoy the small joys in our lives without belittling anybody.” As per Ankur, “I reckon people could really relate to his jokes. He puts in so much of research into all content that the audience just clings only any opportunity that they have to see him. Especially in today's busy and stressful life, people find this a good way to relax and make the most of their time. He is popularly known as the "Married Guy" and one punch line that has really gone viral is "Amit Tandon - Produced by Mother and Directed by Wife" Neeti Sahni, an audience agreed, saying “his is a comedy that everyone can connect to, anecdotes are very close to day to day life and his jokes are not limited to one type of age or audiences. I specifically love the way he talks, proper Delhi accent and attitude.” Payal Subramanium said “It was a happy show and we could connect to his jokes – there is no vulgarity, it was impromptu fun and no personal comments.

We felt connected to all the people in the hall.” British Asian comedians are also making it big in this circuit. Aziz Ansari, Anil Desai, Imran Yusuf, Russell Peters and Romesh Ranganathan are big names now and what makes them click is probably the fact that they do not crack jokes about just their ethnicity or race. Aziz Ansari for example, started performing only about four years back, but has emerged as one of the most audacious and competent stand-up comedians, with a sizeable mainstream fan-following. He is being looked at as the social chronicler of his age, who has covered sociopolitical issues like immigration, politics, factoryfarming, gay rights, America's racism, fear of feminism and more while making people laugh silly, rolling off their seats. Romesh Ranganathan, a former teacher, actor and stand-up comedian started in 2010, and is doing well in his new BBC3 series of Asian Provocateur. He was picked up by the BBC Radio's Asian Network, that conducts the Asian Network Comedy events - a


BOOKWORM History, presented well can be far more interesting than fiction. We are not makers of history, we are made by history. This is what turned a doctor to take up the pen and write on the history of India. Dr Rajinder Kaur Lotay, a qualified medical doctor by profession, working in UK in different areas of specialisations has produced three interesting pieces of literature called Three Great Indian Stalwarts – Raja Ram Mohun Roy, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Vinayak Damodar Veer Savakar; Indian Heroes and Heroines of World War II and a biography of a historian, who provided her the materials for the books, A Truely Decolonised Historian – Dr Vidya Sagar Anand. Dr Rajinder started caring for Dr Vidya Sagar in 1984, developing a close friendship about the political, cultural, social, literary activities and these books were written as a tribute to the great historian and his extensive work in the field of India's independence movement after he passed away in 2013. Published at the Modern Publishing House in New Delhi, the books are editorially strong with several illustrations, historical facts many of which has been sourced from the seminars and talks by Dr Vidya Sagar at different platforms. The book Indian Heroes and Heroines of World War II contain well-researched testimonials that have put together key historic elements like a letter written by Gandhi to Hitler, to stop the war for the sake of humanity, during the World War. It also documents the Indian and key British soldiers who received the highest order for valour – the Victoria Cross. The inspiring story of Noor Inayat Khan, her heroic eploits earning her a number of posthumous British and French decorations: is a descendant purely Western concept of targeting socio-political issues through pure humour and wit. Anil Desai, Tez Ilyas, Aatif Nawaz, Bilal Zafar, Jay Islaam and some women artists like Aditi Mittal and Sadia Azmat keep performing extensively on radio and across the UK. Unlike most other professions, this is not something you can train in; it is something you just pick up and artists. Strong creative and writing skills, an ability to remember your lines,

Dr Rajendra Kaur Lotay, MB, Bch, M.Sc, Phd, a practicing doctor in UK is the author of books on people and others during India's independence

of Tipu Sultan, also known as 'The Tiger of Mysore' was the first British woman to be taken and executed at Dachau, the site of the extermination of Jews during the Holocaust. The book Three Great Indian Stalwarts covers the courageous life biographies of Raja Ram Mohun Roy, the father of the Indian renaissance, a scholar, philosopher and reformer who abolished the 'sati'. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was an Islamic scholar, educationist and a prolific writer, whose publications were aimed at encouraging the youth for fighting for the independence of India, secularism and Hindu-Muslim unity. He was a strong supporter of Gandhi's ideas of nonviolence. Vinayak Damodar Veer Savarkar, an Indian patriot, scholar and philosopher was the first Indian revolutionary to introduce his country's struggles to the western world. and their remarkable saga of India's struggle for independence. The third book is about the decolonised historian A Truely Decolonised Historian Vidya Sagar Anand, is an interpretation of colonialism, that gave birth to slavery, exploitation and 'divide and rule'. It is a good starting point for readers and new historians to take a closer look at national liberation movements and how countries like Asia and Africa eventually became free from the clutches of colonizers. fantastic comic timing, intuitive thinking with a good stage presence is what clicks. This laughing matter also means serious business - “This relatively smaller format with multi city shows has been so popular that we have been inundated with requests for other artists too, so watch out for the next stand-up comedy show that we organise,” said Ankur, that summarises the future of this art form in the next few years at least.


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Asian Voice | 27th May 2017


Kanchan Jassal:


Zee Jaipur Literature Festival draws huge crowds over the weekend

Smita Sarkar The British Library was transformed into a mini-India last weekend during the Zee Jaipur Literature Festival on May 20 and 21; that took inspiration from India's 70th year of Independence and was a part of the UK-India Year of Culture. There were debates, performances and mini-seminars on both days, with big names including Karan Johar, Stephen Frears, Lila Azam Zanganeh, Meera Syal and Daljit Nagra, Shashi Tharoor, Helena Kennedy, Patrick French, William Dalyrmple, Namita Gokhale, Swapan Dasgupta and Anthony Sattin. The culturally curious flocked to attend sessions on a huge range of topics including the partition, the constitution, PG Wodehouse, the Raj, the architecture of Lutyen, travel and India. Many of the sessions drew on the rich collection of the Library and brought it to life through storytelling and debate. Naomi Canton, a freelance journalist told the Asian Voice “For me, Karan Johar on stage with Rachel Dwyer was the best session as he gave a really candid interview and spoke from the heart about his private life, the state of Indian cinema, his surrogate children and so on. "I really enjoyed Karan Johar's talks, it was very informative. I didn't expect to hear that level of depth about the topic. The talk on Hibernations and Knowledge Network was too academic for me and I thought it was inappropriately placed," said Manjari from the audience. “I liked the session on the Beatles in Rishikesh in 1968 and one on ideas of India and India's identity - that included a Nepali-Indian (Prajwal Parajuly), a Kashmiri (Asiya Zahoor) and a Tamil Indian (Meena Kandasamy) so was fascinating,” said Naomi. Some of the world’s leading travel writers gathered together in Footloose: The Travel Session to discuss their personal journeys and the experiences behind their writings. Anthony Sattin, Hugh Thomson, Samanth Subramanian with William Dalrymple demonstrated that travel writing has an unending capacity for reinvention. Singer and author Vidya Shah is on a mission to share long lost music recorded by women in India, in the early days of the gramophone. In an important session Constitutions: We the People, presented by the Aga Khan Foundation, the panel discussed the separation of powers, lines of accountability and the balance of judicial activism and restraint. Shashi Tharoor, former president of the P.G. Wodehouse Society at St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University, discussed his legacy and popularity along with author Mihir S. Sharma, journalist Swapan Dasgupta and author Tony Ring. According to Manjari, "Shashi Tharoor hit a good tone, but the PG Woodhouse had no woman in the panel, and I think a proper gender representation is needed on such platforms." In a session exploring Lutyen’s Delhi, Delhi biographer Malvika Singh claimed, citizens should “take ownership” of their city spaces to create a workable city. Ideas of India and The Theft of the Raj: The British Empire in India – a panel including Arundhathi Subramaniam, Namita Gokhale, Mihir S. Sharma and Sanjoy K Roy discussed the scrutiny placed on the Idea of modern India. Naomi had visited the Jaipur Literature Festival in India for three years and said the London venue suited the ethos of the festival. “It's a grand building with large open spaces both inside and outside the building which emulates Diggi Palace (where it is held in Jaipur every January) a bit. They had a Piazza set up i a marquee outside and they used a large auditorium in the Knowledge Centre at the British Library and another open space in the main building. This worked really well.” The food stalls and cafes had closed by mid afternoon, and people had to sit through the afternoon sessions with a growling stomach. Many could not attend the afternoon sessions as the rooms were totally packed with enthusiasts. "A few more activities for children and perhaps a writing workshop for aspiring novelists could be added in the next editions of the festival," suggest some from the audience. 2017 marked the fourth London edition of the Festival, which is rooted in the Pink City of Jaipur, India. Held every January, this year commemorated the 10th anniversary of the flagship event.




Photo Credit: Satnam Photography and Chazfliy

Sunetra Senior

'Fitness can’t be measured from the outside; it’s about your inner attitude and how you lead your life'


anchan is a unique sort of role model, standing for athletic beauty in the 21st Century; one that empowers women through selfbelief and pulling mightily from within. The popping public figure has wowed at several body building competitions, including U.K. Ultimate Physiques where she won the theme wear round for Bollywood, as well as founding her own online fitness service, KaurEnergy. The vivacious – and cross-culturally stylish - Kanchan refers to herself as a ‘bikini athlete’, and says she wants to show women from different backgrounds that “there is no superior way of looking good. As long as there is a positive focus on health and shedding weight, there is no ‘one picture. You need to eat and exercise in a smarter, nuanced way: for example remembering to start off small if you’re new to working out, and making small nutritious changes such as swapping white bread out for brown. You can do and eat what you want; it’s just about being mindful of how you incorporate it in your life. Fitness can’t be measured from the outside; it’s about your inner attitude and how you lead your life.” *** Indeed Kanchan’s social media shine and strong muscular figure is as much a reflection of her resilient life story as it is a rigorous gym routine. “The KaurEnergy journey began back in 2006 after I had my second child and was facing interconnecting health and weight issues. There came a point where I just thought ‘I have to take charge of my life.’ I began to go to the gym more and run for different marathons and races – I actually went to Paris all by myself and ran that marathon there, one of my proudest moments – and so the conversion to fitness coaching naturally emerged that way. It came out of a positive mantra and my re-discovery of a love for life!” The 37 year-old stunner is also pushing age boundaries alongside the gendered and ethnic ones, named brand ambassador for the fresh gym clothing company Gymmonkee, and proudly sponsored by protein supplement company BPI Sports. “It’s not just that beauty is about fitness,” Kanchan aptly summarised, “it’s that the focus is on progress not perfection. It’s your ability to grow as a person. I’ve survived divorce, homelessness and being a single mother, and come to be admired from both the Brit-Asian and wider international community -

that’s all because of mental discipline and a gritty emotional fortitude. I’ve got this post on my Instagram about women being both a ‘beauty and a beast’ and that fleshed out sense of self is what it’s referring to. Also, as both a professional instructor and competitive model, my diet and physical technique are also fiercely on point!” Thus Kanchan not only lifts the weights literally but sets that bar for freer femininity. What are some other proud achievements? All of my running medals, simply by virtue of the fact that I participated! My first ever 5 K marathon was a great achievement. There was a time when I thought I couldn’t do it. What does KaurEnergy offer? Online training and diet planning. I offer a tailored approach as everybody’s physiology is different. On a symbolic front, it stands for motivating and inspiring women and showing them that happiness is possible with a just a bit of exercise and a controlled diet. How did you get started when you were at your lowest? I concentrated on simple goals and exercise at first, and the rest was a self-feeding cycle. Exercise releases the ‘happy’ hormone, or endorphins, and that gradually turned my mood around! When I finished my first marathon I was elated! It also set such a good example for the kids. It is so rewarding by the end. Now, as a body builder, I train every day for 2 hours a day. A positive attitude has become the default way of life. It’s taking that first little step and pushing yourself out of your preferred comfort zone. What’s been a highlight of the bikini competitions? I feel as if I’ve got many highlights, but just being there in front of thousands of people and that buzz is irreplaceable. Having that fear, but pushing through anyway! It’s incredible to have that stage presence and keep outperforming yourself. It’s been great having my family support me too, especially as an Asian woman; they’ve been backing me and circulating images on social media. My sister-in-law, who is a fashion designer, actually made the Bollywood-style bikini that won the UKUP ultimate physiques fitness model theme wear round back in October 2016. Another incredible aspect of it all is that I’ve had no negative remarks. I truly believe

when you’re being genuine, the world wants to welcome you. And do you enjoy fashion as well as fitness? Yes, I love experimenting with makeup, and Indian and western fashions. Tell us a bit about your offseason training? It’s sort of reverse dieting and developing your muscle strength. That said, it’s important to re-charge yourself and not over do it but to concentrate on building your weak areas and developing. My Training plan is a lot different compared to competition style training. That is when it becomes sport specific you see. Having a good base before the next competition cycle is what I'm concentrating on now. What was the hardest part of launching your start-up, KaurEnergy? Just taking that leap of faith onto Instagram. Now I’ve got so many followers within the online community – it’s incredible. If you’re fit and healthy and beautiful on the inside, it really does show. I’m enjoying the momentum and am excited to see where life will take me. What advice would you give to women to begin practising daily fitness? You don’t necessarily have to go to the gym; you can do so much from home: from following YouTube tutorials and DVD workouts to going for long walks. If you’ve got children, just get the trampoline out and jump with them! Develop your cardio vascular health and lung capacity. Just exercising three times a week for thirty minutes can help kick-start you. Then you can start introducing higher intensity training. In terms of food – cut out the wrong types of sugar and fats. What’s a common misconception people have about healthy food? One is thinking that having highsugar cereals are good for you in the morning. Swap it out for what’s more beneficial and clean: oats! Also, when cooking Indian food just control the amount of oil you use. Finally, you are a big social role model; do you have your own inspiration? Simply the concept of women inspiring each other. I don’t really compare myself against other women – I focus on what I can do for myself and in the process for them. And you know, the support is always reciprocated. www.instagram.com/kaurenergy/ www.facebook.com/kaurenergy/





Asian Voice | 27th May 2017



Diaspora concerned about anti-migrant feeling reflected in party manifestos Rupanjana Dutta •


abour party has always been close to the Asian community, ever since the arrival of the diaspora in Britain. But David Cameron as the Prime Minister was able to sway their support towards the Conservative party and it is believed that 1.2mn Indians voted for them, helping the Tories to form a majority government in 2015. But in 2017, among the Tories, the number of Brit-Indian candidates have gone down from 17 to 13, though Labour party has maintained their numbers to 14, same as in 2015. The Labours also have declared the largest number of BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) candidates this year- a total of 58. The Lib Dems have also put forward 25 Asian candidates, including 9 Indians and 11 Pakistanis. The consequnces of Brexit has been on people's minds, especially those Asians who had voted in favour of 'Leave', hoping that it would open up new avenues of opportunities for them. But the 2017 election manifestos by Labours and Lib Dems reflect the antimigrant feelings that are growing in the UK. In a nutshell let's look at the manifestos proposed by the three main parties, according to :

Key points in Labour manifesto • • • • •

Zero-hour contracts a thing of the past Abolish tuition fees 45% income tax on £80,000 and above Raise £48.6bn in taxes Hire 10,000 new police officers, 3,000 new firefighters Create a ‘Crossrail for the North’ between Manchester and Newcastle, which should connect to the HS2 high speed rail network Government back in charge of railways, instead of firms like Virgin Trains East Coast

Key points in Conservative manifesto •

• •

Free school lunches to be replaced with free breakfasts Increase funding in schools by £4bn by 2022 Create around 100 free schools a year Reducing net migration to less than 100,000 Scrap a planned £72,000 cap on care costs, which had been

due in 2020 Maintain pledge to cut corporation tax to 17% by 2020 95% four-hour A&E target to be retained

Key points in Lib Dev manifesto •

Propose a second referendum on the Brexit deal Ban the sale of diesel cars and small vans in the UK by 2025 Clamp down pledge on those who avoid paying tax Reinstate university maintenance grants for the poorest students 1p in the pound on income tax to raise £6bn for NHS and social care services Pump in almost £7bn to the education system Build 300,000 homes a year by 2022, including half a million affordable and energyefficient homes

Asians targeted in party manifestos The Conservative manifesto is ruthless on immigration. They are trying to 'control and reduce' numbers down by tens of thousands and that includes foreign students. They have promised to increase Immigration Skill Charges to £2000 per person, payable by companies or businesses who want to hire anyone outside the British Workforce. Currently companies have to pay £1000 per non-EU immigrant that they are hiring. The Tories are also planning to make foreign workers and overseas students pay more NHS services, to cover the increasing costs and increase the earnings threshold for people wishing to sponsor migrants for family visas. Foreign students are expected to leave the country after their course finishes unless they qualify for higher requirements, that will allow them to work in Britain - a clear indication that the 'Post Study Work' visa will not be restarted in the near future. Huffington Post reported that Labour's draft policy changed after a crunch meeting, especially after concerns were raised about the initial immigration policies proposed in the manifesto. They have outlined their vision for immigration control (after Brexit), suggesting that it could be achieved through a 'tailored mix' of employer sponsorship, work permits and visas. Though the manifesto outlines that the party will not discriminate between people of different races and

creeds, it nonetheless reflects the anxiety about Brexit- the end of free labour movement from mainland Europe. Since the party remains a representative of the labour forces in the UK, it has directly not shown any discontentment towards Indians as skilled migrants taking up British jobs. But it hasn't made any clear promises either, except that it would remove students from immigration figures. They have also said they would protect EU citizens who are already in the UK and scrap the income threshold for bringing foreign spouses in the countryin a venture to end 'skype families', where spouses and families are forced to live apart and interact through skype or facetime. The Labour party also has promised to make schools free, though nobody knows where will the money come from or if universities later will have space for so many youngsters wishing to persue a higher education degree.

Corbyn's house tax criticised On the other hand, the Conservatives have pointed out that a new research has revealed how Jeremy Corbyn’s plans to hike up taxes on the family home will impact every community across London. Asians who largely and more often believe in owning a house of their own, will be affected heavily by this. 1.8 million of London’s homes would be dragged into the tax, which was originally designed to be paid only by the very wealthy. Instead, millions of ordinary working families will now be hit with this tax on family homes, leaving children with thousands of pounds worth of tax bills. Priti Patel, Secretary of State for International Development, told Asian Voice: “Jeremy Corbyn’s nonsensical plans are a tax on the family. Many families have sacrificed everything so they can leave a good legacy behind for their children.

Theresa May's U-turn create ripples

middle of a general election is a terrible idea.

Theresa May prides herself on her competence and constantly reminds us of the 'safe pair of hands' she is for a 'strong and stable' government, but Tories' shake-up of 'social care' has been attacked by the critics. Not only the Prime Minister made a U-turn just 4 days after announcing her flagship manifesto policy, but

Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson visit Gurdwaras

Priti Patel MP addressing audience at a gathering

she tried to pretend that the basic principles have remained the same- when very clearly they have quite clearly changed. Long-term care for the elderly is a very complex, far-reaching and emotionally charged issue, as the Financial Times has clearly pointed out. Good policy has to be fiscally viable, fair and enduring. Families essentially require a stable system in order to plan long term and this needs careful and sensitive approach from the government. The ideas outlined in the Conservative manifesto fell short on all fronts. The proposed changes would have exposed families' inheritences to vagaries of the parents' health- proposed and then withdrawn within 96 hours. In a way May's instincts were right- it may have helped middle and lowerincome families, at the expense of better offs. But it would have also created parental health lottery- people who suffered from a long term health condition like dementia (which many Asians do), would end up much worse off than those who died from a disease treated by the NHS, such as

Boris Johnson during election campaign visited Nirman Sewak Jatha temple in St George, Bristol, where he was scolded by a woman for attempting to use alcohol as an example of the benefits of a trade deal between India an UK. A worshipper at the temple told Mr Johnson that his comments were “absolutely outrageous”. In a video posted online by the Bristol Post, Mr Johnson, whose mum-in-law is Sikh, was seen telling the temple: “Whenever we go to India, to Mumbai or to Delhi, we have to bring ‘clinkie’ in our luggage. “We have to bring Johnnie Walker, we have to bring whisky, because as you may know there is a duty of 150% in India on imports of Scotch whisky, so we have to bring it in duty free for our relatives. “But imagine what we could do if there was a free trade deal with India – which there will be.” The video showed a woman at the temple telling Mr Johnson that alcohol is “against our religion”. “I wouldn’t be wanting to put somebody in power who wants to put more alcohol in India which is causing a lot of problems already,” she told Mr Johnson. “When I heard that on the news I thought ‘no way am I going to vote Tory’ because I don’t want alcohol. I’m a practising Sikh. To me that is absolutely outrageous.” He replied: “I understand your point of view. Thank you very much for your question.” He is also believed to have apologised profusely. Jasvir Singh OBE, the Chairman for City Sikhs Network in his column in The Independent wrote, “Boris isn’t the first to confuse culture with faith, and he certainly won’t be the

giving a speech about family planning at a Catholic church or indeed about alcohol tariffs in a mosque, even if some of the congregation use contraceptives or like a drink. No topic should ever be off-limits within any community. It’s just a simple question of being respectful about the surroundings you find yourself in.” Jeremy Corbyn also vis-

Boris Johnson at a Gurdwara in Bristol

ited a Gurdwara last week. Covering his head with an orange patka as required, Mr Corbyn served food to worshippers and made an offering at the Sri Guru Singh Sabha gurdwara in Southall, west London.

Kannadiga launches his Parliamentary campaign from Bangalore Street Hon MP for Croydon North and Shadow Local Government Minister Steve Reed launched the campaign for Dr Neeraj Patil from Bangalore Street located in Putney constituency of London. Dr Neeraj Patil an NRI from Karnataka, Consultant in Accident and Emergency Medicine and a Former Mayor of The London Borough of Lambeth has been chosen by the Labour Party as the candidate for Putney in the forthcoming Parliamentary elections in the UK and is pitted against the Conservative Education Minister of Britain Justine Greening. Bangalore Street is located in the London borough of Wandsworth, which has three Parliamentary constituencies, Putney, Battersea and Tooting. This street derives its

Campaign launch at Bangalore Street

People who have worked hard and saved up should not have to worry about the next generation being hit with a punitive Corbyn tax on the family home...”

cancer. All countries are grappling with the costs of ageing populations and visible inequalities. But a controversial idea thrown in the

last. However, any basic research on the topic would have shown him it wasn’t appropriate for that venue or audience. After all, you wouldn’t hear a politician

name because the recruitment centre of the Bangalore regiment was located in this street during the British colonial rule during the nineteenth century.


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Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

Observing Ramadan

the holy month of the Muslims Smita Sarkar

Millions of Muslims across the world are preparing for the holy month of Ramadan that will start on the May 27 till June 24 marking a period of religious devotion and fasting. The nine month of the Islamic Lunar (Hijri) calendar is when the fasting begins, this being the time when the Quran was said to have been revealed to the prophet Muhammad. This will be followed by the celebration of the most important festival of the Muslims – Eid on the June 25. What is Ramadan? The period during Ramadan is considered a time for intense prayer and religious devotion. Muslims restrain themselves to eating two meals a day during this period, one before sunrise (suhoor), and the other before sunset (iftar) and are encouraged to pray five times a day. Muslims abstain from eating or drinking during the day, sexual intercourse, and vices like fighting, gossiping and using abusive languages. The Quran, Al Baqarah states “O you who believe... fasting is prescribed for those before you, that you may attain God-consciousness.” The period is deliberate to bring spiritual Muslims closer to God, and make people think about the less fortunate. Many recite the Tarawih prayers from the Quran in congregation before breaking their evening fast, some assembling at the local Mosques to celebrate communal meals, donate money to charities (and the needy) and feed the hungry.

Iftar and its specialities in London Many have questioned the practicality of fasting, which if controlled properly, would have health benefits, especially with the obese, as long as it keeps people hydrated and people are able to strike the right balance between carbohydrates, fat and protein in their diets, according to an advisory by the NHS. The Iftar is scientifically designed, well-balanced meal to be shared with family and friends. The fast starts with eating some dates and a drink of sherbet. This is followed by

a bowl of fruits including apple, grapes, melon, pineapple, cherry and orange. The third course is a bowl of chickpeas or chana, some veg-

etable fritters. Biriyani, nan, kebabs and other meat preparations constituting carbohydrates and protein is the main course, ending with some sweets like jilabis, sewai and kheer. In London, Shaad restaurant in Brick Lane has a special Iftar special set menus for people visiting with families and friends, costing from £7.95 to about £12.95 consisting of 17 to 21 big and small items, confirmed the Head Chef, Salam Miah. The menu consists of onion rings and chicken nuggets, to cater to the tastes of the younger generation. Shahid Bhai, Founder of Gram Bangla restaurant has kept the special spread of 11 items priced reasonably at £6.95. “None of the food is spicy, keeping families in mind. All my four daughters keep roza, and prefer eating light and less of fried food; but boys are not food-fussy and we've kept roast and fried chicken for them. Our speciality is 'khaja' – we fry them individually to retain the taste and flavour. Even our

take-away boxes are sourced from Sweden, so we do take care when it comes to Ramadan,” he

said. “Treat yourself to a special Iftar menu with us, with mouth-watering Iftar package,” said Salil Ahmad Chowdhury, Manager at Cafe Grill who have also priced their Iftar menu at £6.95 with a similar spread.

The exceptions The strict fasting rules are meant only for able-bodied and mentally fit Muslim adults. Children, the sick, pregnant women and the elderly are exempt from fasting. Fasting starts after the child reaches puberty. These days athletes, if they are competing in tournaments during this period or business travellers do not undertake fasting. People can make up for their missed fast later, sometimes by feeding a needy person for each day they do not fast.

The changing face of Ramadan For many liberal Muslims, Ramadan continues to be a holy month, but following the strict laws of fasting and restraint need not be

London Muslims praying during Ramadan

observed for just one holy month in a year, but should be practiced on a daily basis. A 44-year-old, who did not wished to be named said “I have never fasted, and do not see myself fasting – but I keep away from negativities on a daily basis.” “With longer daylight hours, it is really difficult to fast during a hectic

work-day. So I do not fast, but I pray as much as I can between my work. And I abstain from vices during this period,” said another 32-year old. But all the UK offices and even super-markets make provisions for Muslims living in the country. Colleagues show respect by not eating openly in front of fasting


colleagues and they are allowed time to take breaks and eat during Iftar, accommodating those who work in shifts. All major super-markets in the UK stock special Iftar foods like dates, basmati rice for biriyani, pulao and halal meat, to celebrate the Ramadan season in spirit and solidarity.


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Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

Selling Your Family Business

Nina Amin

Head of Asian Markets, KPMG LLP

Succession planning, whether not to sell your family business, and if so when to sell are among the most important decisions family business owners have to face. For some founders who have built their business up from scratch, a “family business” can only exist with a family member at the helm, and if the next generation are not able or more importantly willing to do the job it could result in the owner considering putting their business up for sale. Market considerations can, to an extent, dictate the timing of your decision, but there are also internal forces that are equally important when it comes to planning, which are more under your direct control. It is important to be aware of the factors that can propel a discussion about selling your family business to the top of the agenda. If you want to start planning, the first task is a meeting of the owners. The two starting questions that you need to come to agreement on are: Does the next generation of family have the interest and talent to become managers? If not, do we want to become family owned but not family run? Do the owners have financial security independent of the business and if not can this be achieved by harvesting wealth from the business without selling it? If the ultimate decision is that a sale would be the best outcome for the business then the following issues need to be considered: Valuation: It is important to understand what your business is worth, which means paying for good advice. It can also be a bit of a reality check on what you can expect to receive for the business. What are your non-negotiables: These may include commitments by a purchaser to preserve a brand or company name, to protect jobs or not to remove the business from a certain area. Initial non-negotiables may become negotiable in a sale process because there is usually some gap between your best outcome and the best possible outcome that can be achieved in all the circumstances. However, the wise seller will always start out by identifying their best outcome. Avoiding sellers’ remorse: Whether you’ve started a business or taken over from your relatives you will have devoted a major part of your energy, passion and commitment to nurturing and developing the business, and so letting go may not be easy. Feelings of sadness and remorse can be compounded by a worry about what you will do next with your life. Therefore before you decide to sell, think about what you’ll do afterwards, which could involve investing in new businesses or pursuing opportunities like philanthropy. Purchaser diligence: In the sale process it is common for the purchaser to carry out due diligence on the sellers, but in the sale of your business you may have such an emotional attachment to it that you want to carry out diligence on the prospective purchasers. For example you might want to find out how any previous acquisitions they have made have worked, or visit one of their sites to see how their workers feel. Negotiators and communication: If there are several family members selling the business you might want to appoint one as the main negotiator with authority to act on behalf of the others, but also the clear responsibility to report back regularly on progress with the sale process. Whichever way you reach the point of considering whether or not to sell your business, hopefully the considerations above will help you to make the right decision.

GM to stop selling cars in India General Motors Co will stop selling cars in India from the end of this year, after battling in one of the world's most competitive markets where it owns less than one per cent share of passenger car sales. The move will mark a significant blow to India's strategy of encouraging domestic manufacturing. The company said it would no longer market its Chevrolet brand, despite India's promise as a market set to overtake Japan as the world's third largest in the next decade. GM, however, doesn't plan to leave the country entirely. It intends to keep operating its tech centre in Bengaluru and to refocus its India manufacturing operations by making one of its two assembly plants in India - one at Talegaon, into an export-only factory. It plans to sell the Halol plant in Gujarat to Chinese joint venture partner SAIC Motor Corp. Stefan Jacoby, GM's chief of international operations said, “We are not giving up benefits India offers as a local cost manufacturing

Britain's biggest car manufacturer, JLR's recent strong performance is almost entirely down to the resurgence of Jaguar. Marque sales roles 83 per cent on the previous year to almost 173,000 cars, owing to the growing demand for the new F-Pace, its first sports utility vehicle in the range, and the company's fastest-selling model in its 95-year history. The car is also more

hub with an excellent supplier base which is extremely competitive.” Talegaon plant has a capacity of 130,000 vehicles a year. Jacob said the move to turn it into an exportonly plant will not impact GM Korea and its position as an export hub. India will export vehicles mostly to Mexico and South America, among other destinations, while GM Korea will ship Korean-made cars to North America, Southeast Asia, Australia, and Pakistan. Company's global president Dan Ammann said restructuring actions for India cancels “most” of the plan it unveiled in 2015 to invest $1 billion in India to deploy newly-designed vehicle architecture as part of a Global Emerging Market vehicle programme or GEM for

short, and build a new line of lowcost vehicles in India. Ammann said the decisions to significantly scale down GM's operations in India are results of months of analysis over “where we are going to place our bets (globally) as a company.” Despite being an early entrant, GM has struggled to boost its sales and market share in India in part because it has failed to launch low-cost yet feature-rich vehicles that Indian buyers prefer, according to analysts. Many of them also blame the high cost of maintaining and servicing Chevy cars for deterring costconscious buyers in India. GM said in 2015 it aimed to double its India market share to around 3 per cent or more by 2020. But its market share fell to below 1 per cent in the year ended March 31 from 1.17 per cent the previous year - even as India's market grew 9 per cent to climb above the 3 million vehicle level. GM's volume in India fell by a fifth to 25,823 vehicles in the year ended March 31.

India clears 10 new N-power plants The Indian cabinet cleared the building of 10 new nuclear power plants in a major decision taken last week, to add 7,000 MW to India's nuclear power generation capacity. These will be the indigenous 700 MW pressurised heavy water reactors. The government, in a statement, said the new reactors would be in addition the ones that are expected to come on stream by 2021-22, which will add 6,700 MW in addition to the current capacity of 6,780 MW from 22 reactors. They are under construction at Kudankulam, Kakrapar, and Rajasthan Atomic Power Plant. The government said the new reactors would come up in “fleet mode as a fully home-grown initiative”. It would be one of the flagship 'Make in India' projects in this sector. The statement said, “With likely manufacturing orders of close to £7 billion to the domestic industry, the project will help transform Indian nuclear industry by linking our goal of a strong nuclear power sector with our indigenous industrial capacities in high-end technologies.” The decision is significant in several respects as the country is committed to move to a less carbon economy

JLR achieves record sales Jaguar Land Rover has scored a record turnover thanks to surging demand for its fast-growing premium cars, and cheaper pound shifts. It is expected to post annual revenues of more than £23 billion after sales accelerated 16 per cent, passing the 600,000 mark. Experts forecast the company will achieve annual sales of almost 800,000 cars by the end of the decade.


profitable than the saloons, which until now, made up the vast bulk of Jaguar's sales with customers willing to pay a premium for fashionable vehicles. Since it was bought by Tatas from Ford in 2008 for £1.5 billion, the Indian company has launched a massive investment programme, sinking more than £11 billion into JLR in new models, technology and factories.

as part of its Paris commitment. The only way to induct cleaner power on a larger scale is through nuclear. The growth of the indigenous nuclear power sector will be in addition to the foreign reactors that are in the process of negotiation, but have all run into headwinds. The government expects the new project “will bring about substantial

economies of scale and maximise cost and time efficiencies by adopting fleet mode for execution. It is expected to generate more than 33,400 jobs in direct and indirect employment. With manufacturing orders to domestic industry, it will be a major step towards strengthening India's credentials as a major nuclear manufacturing powerhouse.”



3D DEALS AsianVoiceNews


There are three categories, which if a seller is in, you are likely to get a good deal done: death, divorce and distress.

Suresh Vagjiani

Sow & Reap London Property Investment

Only yesterday I met a couple of vendors, one after the other, who are desperate to sell and get out of a hole they are in. One is desperate financially, the other is desperate following a divorce. Divorce and distress, are close friends and usually go together. One of them was honest about his situation, the other was not. The one who was not, made a point of telling me he lived in a £20m house and drove a Ferrari. It was so thick you could smell it. It was obvious from his demeaner, and talk, he needed to sell. He was equity rich, meaning he was in a

AGONY AGENT Each week, we answer a reader’s rental property question, from first-time landlords to experienced owners. Agony Agent, is here to help! Q: Is letting my property to students worth the hassle? A: Letting out a property to students is a lucrative business IF you own the right property. Letting out a larger property to students has long been seen as a profitable way to turn a larger house into a good income. But during the summer months when many of these student

properties are empty, you could face costly damage. Student tenants may go back home for a few weeks, leaving the property empty and therefore posing a security risk. Criminals will be well aware of which properties are vacant and crime statistics for domestic break-ins are far higher from July to September. Often students leave expensive equipment and possessions in the property for long periods and if a break in occurs not only do laptops, stereos and other equipment go missing, but anything of value



Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

fortunate position of owning several freeholds in a very strong location. However, there are only two ways to get money out, either sell or refinance. Nowadays, loans from high street banks are hard to come by if your paper work is not in order. The only option is to approach a non-status lender, in other words a bridger, which can mean you’re digging yourself into an even deeper hole. The purpose of a bridge is to take you from one place to another, to help you cross a rough terrain; it starts to get dangerous if you do not get off in time. In short he needs to sell, despite his cheap charade. It seems he wants to start selling in small chunks. Starting with a flat, which is a duplex, and I would estimate it is about 1,000 belonging to the landlord is at risk too. A student might also sublet his or her room for the time they are away. This is a common problem, for example, recently there was a five bedroom student let, where a friend of a tenant was given a key to stay in the property while the tenants were away. Unfortunately, the guest also brought his dog along for the holidays resulting in the tenants coming home to find stained carpets, scratched door frames and fur on the furniture and carpets. Landlords should make sure that they inspect the property regularly. If a property is vacant for long periods it will usually be necessary for a

sq. ft. The interesting chink in the deal is there is no proper planning, it’s a cross between an office and a residential. This is good, this means he will need to sell this cheap, as it will require 100% cash as no main stream lender will lend and there are not many buyers who will be able to get their head around this deal. All these factors can be used to drive the price down. So we will be monitoring this situation very carefully. When it’s ready to drop, it needs to come into our lap. It’s rare to get a deal land in your lap, which is ready made. Often there are variables which need to be worked on.

The other vendor was honest, not totally, as everyone is under the illusion that their property is worth more than it is; and they seek flimsy evidence to support this construct. But he appeared to be honest about what he owed, there are three charges on the property which means he is leveraged up to the hilt. There is barely any equity left in the deal.

A deal we did a while ago, a property consisting of 23 flats, on Kilburn Road, had a similar scenario, where there was illegal planning, injunctions against the property;

A deal might even be carved up in this situation, perhaps by coming to an agreement with the second and third charge holder; they may even be willing to be paid

weekly inspection to comply with the terms of your landlord’s insurance policy.

l Switch off the water from the mains and look out for damp patches or possible leaks.

TIPS to help landlords protect their properties during the summer void periods: l Ensure the property has

a burglar alarm system and that all windows and doors have safety locks.

l Ensure that the property has working fire alarms, extinguishers and fire blankets. There must also be clearly marked emergency exits. l Switch off all electrical appliances, unplug them from the wall and also check that wall sockets are safe and secure.

l Bright and spacious apartment

l One bedroom, one bathroom, large reception

l 24 hour porter

l The expected market value is £615,000 after refurbishment Call us now for more information!

issues which meant the only form of finance was a bridge. However, the investors came away with a 40% net return per annum over a two year period.

l Furnishing and Fittings: A nice leather sofa might be the selling point, but it might not be there come summer time. Be aware that landlords must provide each tenant with a suitable desk and chair. If possible, check bed mattresses for broken springs which become dangerous over time. l Infestations: Another big problem in student houses are common pests including mice, slugs, fruit flies, pigeons and sometimes even rats. Some students are messy and leave food lying about for days. Check your

say 25pence in the pound or less, as their position ranks after the first charge holder, and if the property is repossessed they may end up getting nothing. This one may take longer to work through. We have had our finger on this deal for about a year. It’s worth keeping a watch as you never know when the deal will pop.

property for droppings and slug trails. Although there are many issues you need to take into consideration, the student market is definitely a profitable one. We are more than happy to assist with the set-up, marketing and management of any student property, so please contact me today if you need my help. Richard Bond Lettings Manager Sow & Reap



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Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

Consultant Editor Financial Voice Alpesh Patel Dear Financial Voice Reader, 2 rules for getting rich by ripping off customers – you know who knows them best? As many of you will know from my broadcasts on BBC and Sky, I am fed up with overpaid underperforming City bankers and fund managers. Another group I can’t stand are rip-off brokers. As the world’s leading authority on online trading (18 books, 8 languages, 200 FT columns ‘Diary of an Internet Trader’, Bloomberg TV’s in-house Online Trading expert) I can tell you a whole new bunch of ways the market is ripping off clients – these are classic rules for getting rich by ripping off customers. Make It Simple Stupid (MISS) Making trading look like something else, something easier, something which people do for fun online is a way to entice people into the ‘game’ and ‘gamble’ of trading. But trading isn’t a game, it isn’t a gamble. The broker just wants to lull you into thinking that. Just as in any business if you want to pick a pocket make it easier for the owner of the pocket to put their hand in their pocket and give you what is in there. So a whole load of brokers came up with casino type trading games. Like all Casinos the odds of you winning are hidden. Like all con-tricks in the City the cost is not transparent. Our regulators do not force the brokers to tell you the mark-up. They tell pension companies. They tell insurance companies. They tell all financial intermediaries, but they do not tell online brokers who gamify. And what is gamification – it is online binary trading – quick will the market go up or down in the next 5 seconds? It’s just like betting on Football. So what’s wrong with that? In Football you know you do it for fun. In trading, everyone does it to get out of life’s problems. Surely some of this is regulated? Yeah, right – get regulated out of Cyprus and use Eastern European banks, and you don’t even have to worry about the client winning – you’re never going to even pay them their capital back. The Cyprus regulator is to regulation what the Syrian Government is to human rights. Own the Price Brokers used to match buyers and sellers, but they realised that 90% of private investors lose money, so why should they match, like estate agents, and be more like a casino, and be the house, bet against the client. It’s completely legal’ you just tell the regulator you are providing a service and the contract small print does the rest.

Tata Steel agrees to key UK pension deal Tata Steel has made a deal to help solve its long-running UK pension stand-off, bringing the company a step closer to a possible joint venture for its European operations with Thyssenkrupp. Both, Tata Steel and the British Steel Pension Scheme trustees have agreed on key terms of a regulated apportionment arrangement, as per a statement. The company will pay £550 million settlement if an agreement is reached, and will sponsor a new closed pension plan. Executive Director for finance and corporate, Koushik Chatterjee said resolving pension issues is the “first priority” for the company. Tata Steel has been in talks with Thyssenkrupp and others for a joint venture in Europe, in its strategy to curb losses amid a global glut of steel. The German multi-national's CEO Heinrich Hiesinger had identified pension liabilities as a major stumbling block to a deal. A deal would include combining Tata's plants in the Netherlands and UK with Thyssenkrupp's German plants to create the region's No. 2 producer and a rival to industry leader ArcelorMittal.

Mukesh Ambani leads Forbes list of ‘Global Game Changers’ Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani topped the Forbes list of 'Global Game Changers' who are transforming their industries, and changing the lives of billions of people around the globe. “Oil and gas tycoon entered India's telecom market with a bang, offering fast internet at dirt-cheap prices. Gained 100 million customers in six months and set off a wave of consolidation in the market,” Forbes described him. Ambani was quoted as saying, “Anything and everything that can go digital is going digital. India cannot afford to be left behind.”


9100,000 added to India's tax net Income Tax Department has identified at least 100,000 “high-risk individuals” with over £17.2 billion deposits in their bank accounts. Tax authorities will soon take action under the second phase of “Operation Clean Money”, launched by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. He said more than 9100,000 people have been added to the tax net following action taken by the IT department on tax evaders after demonetisa-

tion. Jaitley also unveiled a website for the initiative. It will contain data and information gathered during the demonetisation drive. “It is time of reckoning for those who evade tax. We want to change the habit from non-tax compliant to tax compliant,” he told reporters. The minister also assured that honest taxpayers have nothing to fear. “Those who pay honestly and on time have no reason to

worry.” Over £1.6 billion was yielded in unaccounted money and assets worth about £90 million were seized during the first phase. Jaitley said demonetisation helped faster digitisation and “people have realised the risk of dealing in excessive cash.” Central Board of Direct Taxes chairman Sushil Chandra said between January and April, the department had identified over 1800,000

people where bank deposits were not in line with their tax returns or identified sources of income. Subsequent investigation helped in a 22 per cent growth in e-filed returns. He said the tax department gave enough opportunity to people in the high risk category to come clean, however, now the department will launch search and survey operations against those who failed to avail repeated chances given to them.

GST to cut inflation by 2% in India: Adhia India's revenue secretary Hasmukh Adhia said inflation would fall by 2 per cent on implementation of the Goods and Services Tax, and would create buoyancy in the economy. The government is all set to launch a massive awareness campaign to educate consumers about GST, to make sure they are not cheated by traders in the name of the new tax. Adhia said the GST Council would meet next week to decide on tax rates of contentious items like gold, bidi, and biscuits. The Council assigned tax rates to over 500 services and 1,200 goods by setting them in five broad rates of 5, 12, 18, and 28 per cent. Adhia said the rates have been so fixed that incidence of taxation has come down in many,

and remained at the same level as now in most of the remaining goods and services. He said, “I don't think inflation will at all go up because of GST. We have take special care to ensure inflation does not go up. Our internal estimate is that after the rates are decided, inflation should come down by 2 per cent.” The current indirect tax regime suffers from significant cascading, leading to higher cost of goods and services, a free flow of credits across transactions under the GST framework will bring down the tax cost for businesses. GST will be a single nation-wide sales tax replacing a string of central and state levies. “That is how we have managed to keep our inflation basket under control,” Adhia said. He stated that

Two Indian Americans in ‘America’s richest self-made women’

Jayshree Ullal

Neerja Sethi

Two Indian-American women have made it to Forbes' third annual 'America's Richest SelfMade Women' list. Jayshree Ullal, 56, who made number 21 on the list, was born in London, and raised in India, before she settled in California. She is currently the chief executive officer of computer networking firm Arista Networks, and had helped it go public in June 2014. She won the Ernst and Young US Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2015. Florida-based Neerja Sethi, 62, is the vice-president of IT consulting and outsourcing company Syntel, a company she founded with her husband Bharat Desai in 1980. It began with an initial

investment of $2,000 and made just $30,000 in first-year sales. Syntel now has $966 million in sales and over 23,000 employees across the globe, 80 per cent of whom are in India. The list was topped by Marian Ilitch of Michigan, and featured others including Diane Hendricks, Judy Love, Oprah Winfrey, and Doris Fisher. Luisa Kroll, Forbes' assistant managing editor of wealth said, “These 60 entrepreneurs, innovators, and entertainers made their fortunes in everything from make-up and music to fashion, food, and finance. A number of them saw their fortunes increase as investors and corporate buyers rushed in.”

Hasmukh Adhia

the all new tax will create buoyancy in the economy through better compliance and ease of doing business. “I wouldn't say anything is pending, but I would say the government has to reach out to the trade and industry and also the machinery of explaining the GST procedures in town-hall meetings. We need to accelerate this.” He added, “Because we have taken care to ensure the average tax incidence on commodities does not go up... There may be

some traders who will try to tell consumers that under the changed GST rates, they have to pay more. We have to educate them.” Adhia stressed on the fact that consumers need not be charged more in all cases even though the headline rate may go up as input tax credit or setting off the tax paid on raw material is available. “We need a lot of consumer education for that.” The GST law provides for an anti-profiteering mechanism that will ensure industries that have got relief by way of lower taxes actually pass on the benefit to consumers. “We will try to set it up as early as possible or we will try to identify an agency which will do it. We are working on it.”

How India will benefit from Trump’s visa curbs US President Donald Trump has issued executive orders to ensure that only the “most skilled and highest paid” foreigners receive visas for on-site work in the country. The order which is already sending shivers through India's $150 bn IT industry, if stringent, may create more American jobs in the short term. However, they will also raise wage costs and erode US competitiveness. An official said Indian software companies paid $65,000 a year for temporary Indian workers, the minimum wage for H1B visa holders, as compared with the median software pay of $150,000 in Silicon Valley. Several top Indian companies have sought to mollify the US President. Infosys said it would hire 10,000 Americans and open four technology centres in the US in the next two years. The previous administration had already raised visa fees and toughened rules. Indian companies have acquired several small American groups, expanded their US development

centres, and reduced their H-1B visa applications. They may aim for more L1 visas, which are less regulated. While the US industry complains of a chronic shortage of skilled workers and says H-1B workers are essential for business, US software workers say many companies use foreign workers to simply undercut local wages. A Trump administration spokesman accused Indian companies of gaming the system by applying for enormous numbers of visas beyond their true needs, ending up with two-thirds of the allocations, many of which go to workers with very moderate technical qualifications. The country operates a lottery system for allocating H-1Bs to a multitude of applicants, which will now be replaced by a process of scrutiny to ensure that only the most skilled, best-paid foreigners are granted visas. There will also be other changes, including blocking spouses of visiting employees from working locally.


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Dame Asha Khemka named Deputy Lieutenant of Staffordshire Dame Asha Khemka said she is “proud and humbled” after being named the new deputy lieutenant of Staffordshire county. The principal and CEO of West Nottinghamshire College was appointed last Tuesday (9) by the lord-lieutenant of Staffordshire Ian James Dudson. The role of deputy lieutenant is to assist the lord-lieutenant, who is the Queen’s representative in the county, in his ceremonial duties throughout the year. Appointees are chosen based on their service to the local community or their history of public service in other fields. Dame Asha said: “Staffordshire is blessed to have many hard-working individuals and dedicated groups and charities that make up the very fabric of its communities, and a plethora of fantastic businesses that contribute enormously to its economic prosperity. “I am relishing the opportunity to meet many of these in an official capacity and make my own personal contri-

Dame Asha Khemka was recently appointed deputy lieutenant of Staffordshire county

bution to this unique and wonderful county. For me, there will be no greater honour and privilege.” Having arrived in the UK from India, Dame Asha spent time raising her family before embarking on a career as a college business studies lecturer in 1987 and enjoying success in the further education sector.

A charity that provides recycled medicine and medical equipment to rural health units in Africa will receive a boost in productivity after receiving a new IT system from Morningside Pharmaceuticals. Inter Care, which sends items such as dressing and instruments that would otherwise be incinerated, supports about 130 health units across six African countries, which collectively serve 11 million patients. “Inter Care do great work in developing countries and Morningside are delighted that they are able to help enhance Inter Care’s quality management system,” Dr Nik Kotecha, chief executive of Morningside, said.

A MAN has been charged with raping a child in Rochdale amid the probe into child sexual exploitation. Osman Ali, 25, from Rochdale, has been charged with six counts of raping a child under 13. Greater Manchester Police confirmed he is in custody and appeared at Manchester and Salford Magistrates’ Court last Friday.

Sex gang leader launches legal battle against deportation

The ringleader of the Rochdale child sex ring is continuing to fight his extradition to Pakistan at taxpayer expense. Shabir Ahmed - who told his victims to call him 'daddy' - was the head of the gang portrayed in the shocking BBC drama Three Girls this week. As the programme shone a further spotlight on the scandal, it emerged that Ahmed - who was jailed in 2012 - is still trying to stay in Britain. Ahmed, a Pakistani who acquired British citizenship by naturalisation, was set to be removed from the UK following his conviction for the sickening crimes.

Man guilty of raping child in Harrow after carrying out 'horrific reign of abuse'

A man has been found guilty of raping a 12year-old family friend after subjecting her to a “horrific reign of abuse” over months. Brijeshkumar Barot, from Harrow, was convicted on Wednesday of the rape and sexual assault of a child under the age of 13 at Southwark Crown Court.




The people’s choice awards


Is t her e so m eon e y ou k no w w h o h a s b ro k e n bo un da r i e s a n d d e se r ve s re c og n i ti on for th e i r u ni qu e co nt ri b uti o n to th e A s i a n Com m un i ty or t he N ati o n

New IT system for medical charity could benefit millions in Africa

Man, 22, charged with raping child

Asian Voice | 27th May 2017


N o m i n a te th e m f o r t h e 17t h As i an Ach ie ve rs Aw ard s

The prestigious Asian Achievers Awards is hosted every year by UK’s leading news weeklies Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar to honour British Asians par excellence.

Deadline for nomination 31st July, 2017 NOMINATION FORM Please tick the appropriate category

Achievement in Community Service In recognition for an individuals service to community. Woman of the Year The award will recognise and honour a woman who has made a significant mark in any chosen field. Sports Personality of the Year Awarded for excellence in sports. Business Person of the Year Awarded to a business person who is a success in every sense of the word and can demonstrate a genuine passion for social issues. Lifetime Achievement Award To honour those individuals, who during their lifetime, have made immense contributions in any given field. This remarkable individual can be marked as an example for the younger generation. Uniformed and Civil Services For outstanding achievements in uniformed and civil services or contribution to the community through any of the above services. The girl had been entrusted to Barot by her parents and he often would look after her for short period of time between December 2014 and February 2015. But during that time Barot, described as “predatory” and “manipulative” by detectives, raped and sexually assaulted the child at his home.

University celebrates Asian Heritage Month

The UK’s first British-Asian town mayor will be among the speakers at a University of Wolverhampton event to celebrate Asian Heritage Month. Councillor Bishan Dass will talk about his life in politics at the event which is open to the public on Tuesday 23 May 2017. The special day of events starts at 10.30am in room MC001 at City Campus Wulfruna and will include a series of talks, musical performances and workshops.

Drug charity given £60m a year folds

A drug charity that was given £60 million a year of taxpayer funding has collapsed following concerns about its weak financial controls. The Lifeline Project ran drug and alcohol centres across the country treating 80,000 people. Its failure follows the collapse of Kids Company two years ago and highlights concerns about the ability of charities to run public services. Lifeline was once led by the Rev Paul Flowers, the disgraced former Methodist minister who was chairman of the Co-op bank when his own drug use was exposed in 2014.

Entrepreneur of the Year Awarded to an entrepreneur with a proven track record of operating a successful business enterprise. Professional of the Year Professionals in the field of medicine, law, education, banking, finance and others, who have scaled the heights of their chosen profession. Achievement in Media, Arts and Culture Someone who has made a mark in media including print and broadcast media; cinema, art and culture.

Details required for filing the nomination Please email/post the below details on a separate sheet I Nominee's Name, Occupation I Nominee's Contact Details (Tel/ Email) I Award Category: (choose from the category above ) I Reason for nomination I Nominees Accomplishments /Awards/Recognitions I Personal background /CV/ Bio (Attach these documents if necessary) I Any other information you would like to include about the nominee I Your Name/ Contact details(Email/Phone)

Make sure that you fill in this application form and send it on or before 31st July, 2017 by post, fax or email to Mr. L George, Tel: 020 7749 4013, Fax 020 7749 4081, Email: aaa@abplgroup.com. If you are sending it by post the address is Mr. L George, ABPL Group, Karma Yoga House, 12 Hoxton Market, London N1 6HW.



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Asian Voice | 27th May 2017


US couple charged with murder of Indian-American NEW JERSEY: A couple from New Jersey has been found guilty of robbing and killing an Indian-American man and leaving his body in a park, earlier this year. Joseph Villani and girlfriend Raquel Garajau are charged in a 13count indictment May 15, of slaying 29 year old Trupal Patel. Villani, 21, was arrested in late February after Garajau reported interactions with him in the moments before and after Patel's death to the

police. Garajau, 20, appeared in court for the first time, on May 16. Both of them are charged with first-degree murder, first-degree felony murder, first-degree robbery, second-degree disturbing or desecrating human remains, second-degree possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, second-degree unlawful possession of an assault rifle, three counts of fourth-degree tampering with evidence, third-degree hindering apprehension of oneself, third-

degree hindering apprehension of another and thirddegree tampering with a witness. Patel, nine months before his death, was arrested along with two others for possession of over four pounds of marijuana and an ounce of psilocybin mushrooms. When Villani was arrested in Patel's death case, Christopher Decker, a Monmouth County assistant prosecutor said that he had voiced his plans to rob Patel numerous times. He said

Indian-American teen wins National Geographic Bee contest WASHINGTON: An Indian-American teen has won the prestigious $50,000 National Geographic Bee competition, maintaining the monopoly of the community in the contest. Pranay Varada, 14, a runner up last year, was declared the winner as he won the first tie breaker question when he correctly identified the Kunlun Mountains as the 1200 mile range that separates the Taklimakan Desert from the Tibetan Plateau. “I was absolutely sure I could win that challenge,” Varada said. “Having done this for such a long time and winning it now, it's just a

feeling of satisfaction.” Another Indian-American, Veda Bhattaram finished third at the finals, while Thomas Wright from Wisconsin was declared the runner up. Six of the 10 finalists of this year's National Geographic Bee competition were IndianAmericans.

In a testament of the Indian community's overachieving ways, the Scripps National Spelling Bee recently announced the list of state spelling champions, who are set to travel to Washington to participate in the annual spelling championship contest. At least 75 of the 291 spellers are of Indian or South Asian origin. What is worth noticing is that the spelling bee has been won by an Indian-American every year since 2008, including cowinners in the past three years. However, this year, the possibility of co-winners are less likely as the competition will use a test to break ties.

Strokes on the rise: we need a plan for stroke

The number of strokes across the UK is likely to rise by 44% in the next 20 years, according to a new report published by the Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) and the Stroke Association. The report also predicts that the population of stroke survivors in the UK will increase by over 190,000, one of the largest increases in Europe, and health services will face a formidable challenge meeting the demand for more stroke care. Across the UK there is already variation in delivering treatment for stroke patients, such as access to stroke units and thrombolysis. Without reorganisation, stroke patients will be less likely to get specialist care that saves lives and reduces disability. As part of its recommendations, SAFE is calling for each EU member state to have a national stroke strategy, including plans for stroke awareness, prevention, treatment and long-term support. Juliet Bouverie, Chief Executive of the Stroke Association warned: “While it is good news that many more people are now surviving a stroke, we also know that their needs are not currently being met after they’ve received initial life-saving treatment. In England, our stroke strategy ends in 2017, leaving us as the only UK nation without a plan for stroke. There are big issues still to tackle in basic stroke treatment, care and long-term support which demand Government commitment and a national plan which prioritises stroke and stroke survivors.” For more information about the Stroke Association’s campaign for a new stroke strategy for England, visit www.stroke.org.uk/GE17 For more information about the Burden of Stroke in Europe, please visit www.strokeeurope.eu

Villani asked his best friend how Patel usually operated, how much money and marijuana he usually carried and what kind of car he drove. The victim was reported missing by a friend on February 9 to the Asbury Park Police Deparment and his black 2003 jaguar was found abandoned on a city street. Patel's body was found wrapped in a blue blanket by a Shark River Park county park ranger.

American rapper funds Indian village for 2 years

Indian scientist wins Dan David Prize

TEL AVIV: Indian scientist Shrinivas Kulkarni has won the prestigious Dan David prize for his contribution in the field of astronomy. He is a professor of astrophysics and planetary science at California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. He is a pioneer and leading figure in time-domain astrophysics across the electromagnetic spectrum who built and conducted the Palomar Transient Factory, a large-area survey of the night sky in search of variable and transient phenomena. The survey has turned up thousands of stellar explosions, transforming our knowledge of the transient sky. With this honour, Prof Kulkarni joins other prominent Indian laureates of the Dan David prize including author Amitav Ghosh, music conductor Zubin Mehta and renowned chemist CNR Rao.

Indian-origin student found dead in US

Nicki Minaj

NEW DELHI: American rapper Nicki Minaj has apparently been forwarding financial aid to an Indian village for the past two years, vying for its growth. All thanks to her generosity, the rural region now has a computer centre, a tailoring institute, a reading program and two water wells. Gaining a reputation for philanthropy, the 34 year old 'Anaconda' star posted a picture of a villager switching on one of the wells that was built using her money. “This is the kind of thing that makes me feel the most proud. The money I've sent to this village in India for the last couple of years (via my Pastor Lydia Sloley), has gotten them a Computer Center, a Tailoring Institute, a Reading Program, and 2 WATER WELLS. We complain about the most ridiculous little things when some ppl don't even have clean water. Blessings to India,” she wrote. She also appealed to her fans, letting them know that if they want to help, they should get in touch, and revealed that she has been ponying up to allow women there to both worship and acquire new skills. “I'm so proud of our sisters in India. God is so good. Their desire was to have water wells and places where they can worship, placed where they can learn technology, computers, reading, etc. We're just getting started. These women are us and we are them!” The 'Moment 4 Life' star also said, “Our work is far from done. I'll tell you guys more about my charity wok in the near future in case you'd like to be a part of it. Love.” Minaj recently donated money to help struggling college students pay off their debts and is looking to establish a charity to help with the issue.

NEW YORK: An Indian-origin Cornell University student who went missing was found dead. Aalaap Narasipura, a senior electrical engineering student at Cornell's College of Engineering was reported missing earlier. His body was recovered from Fall Creek, a short distance upstream from Ithaca Falls. Police said the circumstances of Narasipura's death are still under investigation, but no foul play is suspected. Police had searched gorges and adjacent natural areas in Ithaca. He was last seen on Cornell's campus, and was wearing shorts and a flannel shirt and leather sandals.

Indian arrested in Pak for not having travel documents

ISLAMABAD: An Indian national was arrested in Islamabad for allegedly not carrying travel documents, according to a media report. He was arrested from Islamabad by the police for not having complete travel documents. Republic TV identified the man as Mumbai resident Sheikh Nabi. According to reports, a case has been filed against the Indian national under Article 14 of the Pakistan Foreign Act. He has been sent to jail on judicial remand, the report said. An official of the Indian High Commission, however, said that the mission does not have any information about the arrest so far.

Indian cabbie hospitalized after racial attack in Australia

HOBART (Australia): An Indian cab driver suffered injuries in a racist attack in Sandy Bay, Tasmania. The driver whose name has not been revealed said he picked up a couple in the night and was heading to a McDonalds drive-thru. The female passenger reportedly kept opening the door to throw up despite requests from the driver to close the door to avoid a possible collision. After his repeated objections in opening the car door, the couple started hurling profanities and racial slurs at the driver. The couple then de-boarded the taxi and started damaging the vehicle by repeatedly kicking it. The male passenger subsequently punched him from behind, and pushed him to the ground. He was repeatedly kicked and punched on the ground as the male passenger said, "You f****** Indian, you deserve it."

Lanka president reshuffles cabinet

COLOMBO: Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena switched the finance and foreign ministers in a cabinet reshuffle in a bid to restore confidence in the administration's handling of the economy. Managala Samaraweera, who has been foreign minister since January 2015, was appointed as finance and media minister. He swaps roles with Ravi Karunanayake, who takes over at external affairs. Karunanayake sought to revive the economy with a $1.5 billion loan from the IMF in June last year. The IMF has long urged Lanka to boost tax revenue through modernisation and simplification of its fiscal system, which the government has been struggling to implement because of political opposition.


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Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

Justice for attacked Sikh IT specialist CALIFORNIA: Two men accused of severely beating a Sikh-Indian American last September in Richmond and cutting off a fistful of his hair, have been sentenced to three years in state prison on charges of felony assault with a hate crime enhancement. Oil refinery workers from Texas, Chase Little and Colton Leblanc, pleaded no contest at a hearing in Contra Costa County. Both accused, along with three other men from the Chevron Oil Refinery, were driving near the Hilltop Mall in Richmond, when one of them threw a beer can into the car of Maan Singh Khalsa. After which, he drove towards them and threw the beer back in their car at the

Maan Singh Khalsa

next intersection, saying, “Looks like you forgot something.” Things got rough at the next intersection after that, when according to Khalsa, Little and Leblanc got out of the truck, reached into Khalsa's rolled-down window and began punching him. They knocked off his turban and cut-off a fistful of his religiously-mandated long hair. A 41 year old father and IT specialist in the Special Security Administration,

Khalsa said, “I don't know what I did to deserve such unprovoked hatred.” Contra Costa County Deputy District Attorney Simon O'Connell, in a statement released by the Sikh Coalition, said, “The attack upon Mr Khalsa based upon his perceived religion and identity is an attack upon us all. As a community we must do better and it is my hope that today's sentence moves us further in that direction.” He said that the moment the DA's office got the case, “It has always been looked at as a hate crime.” “The actions of Mr Little and Mr Leblanc have greatly affected every facet of my life; they transformed my day-today experiences and my very

outlook on the world. Before September 25, 2016, I was so carefree. I considered myself an American like everyone else,” Khalsa said. “Nearly eight months later, there are lasting impacts on my healthI have trouble with shortterm memory, I have lost a body part (my pinky), I struggle with PTSD, anxiety and depression, and it is difficult for me to sleep at night.” Pawanpreet Kaur Dhaliwal, staff attorney for the Sikh Coalition said, “A biasbased attack like this one does not happen in a vacuum. The underlying causes of hate violence are complex, and there is still a tremendous amount of work to be done to make our communities safe for all.”

Ellis Island Medal of Honor for six Indian-Americans NEW YORK: Six outstanding Indian-Americans received the prestigious 2017 Ellis Island Medals of Honor, by the National Ethnic Coalition of Organisations. PepsiCo chief executive officer Indra Nooyi, journalist and author Fareed Zakaria, and Harman International Industries

chairman and CEO Dinesh Paliwal were amongst those who received the award. The international medal of honor was also given to Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai. The medals are given annually to individuals whose accomplishments in their field and service to the country are

cause for celebration. They additionally embody the spirit of America in their celebration of patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood, and diversity and recognise individuals who have made it their mission to share with the less fortunate. Others to be honoured were Dr Annapoorna S Kini,

Being a successful Real Estate developer in Eastern India, Indrajit Roy is all set to conquer the cinematic screens Finance, Real Estate and now Films, adding another feather to his already golden cap, the versatility of Mr. Indrajit Roy is immense. Be it financial trading, Realty, or setting up Easel productions, we see glimpses of his creative personality and vision in all the three ventures he has been pursuing over last one and half decade. A man with an enormous passion to learn, create and conquer any field he sets his eyes on, Mr. Roy started his career with stock market. In 2006, after a successful tryst with financial market, Indrajit Roy expanded his reach with his real estate business ‘Aatreyee Nirman’. Aatreyee Nirman is a name synonymous to simplicity and innovation. Today this real estate venture has already completed its landmark projects like Narayani Tower, Katyayani and many more. It has led its way into few others in the northern parts of the Kolkata city Utkarshini, Indranee, Ujjwainee, Mritikka and others. Quality and customer satisfaction is the motto which drives the team to

Indrajit Roy

deliver their client’s dream home. Influenced by Bengali literature and theatre, Indrajit Roy wants good quality films inspired by yesteryear culture and tradition to be seen by the audience, which led to the launch of his Easel Productions. Taking this a step forward, Aatreyee Nirman will present UK Bengali Film Festival, an annual celebration of Bengali films. Hailed as the largest Bengali film festival in the world, outside of Bengal, it will hold a special screening of all the 3 produced movies in Birmingham, Manchester and London on 30th June, 2nd July

and 8th-9th July, 2017 respectively. The iconic Flash Musical Theatre in Harrow would host the prestigious screening. More information about this festival can be found on http://www.ukbff.org. Roy marks the cinematic debut of Easel productions, with ‘Comrade’ films followed by ‘Baranda’ and ‘Dharasnan’, set to release in the coming months. Indrajit Roy hopes to scout out some insightful scripts and talent, with an aim to produce a minimum of 9 films each year. It seems that he is both the Jack and Master of all trades.

Yashvant Patel, Mohan H Patel, and PakistaniAmerican Dr Adil Haider. The medal, since its founding in 1986, has been officially recognised by both Houses of Congress as one of the nation's most prestigious awards. It has honoured diverse and distinguished Americans, including six presidents, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, and others like Frank Sinatra, Lee Iacocca, Quincy Jones, Muhammad Ali, and Noble laureate Elie Wiesel.

Mumbai attack trial: Nine judges in eight years

LAHORE: A special Pakistani court looking into the 2008 Mumbai terror attack case has just seen another judge being appointed- its ninth change in eight years. The anti-terrorism court conducting the trial of seven Pakistani suspects charged with involvement in the attack has recently been changed again, a court official said. "ATC Judge Sohail Akram who had been conducting the trial for the last two years or so is transferred to the Punjab judicial services," the official said. The case has now been transferred to the court of Judge Kausar Abbas Zaidi, who was the judge in the case before Akram, the official said.

Bangla court sentences 23 to death

DHAKA: A Bangladesh court sentenced to death 23 persons, including a Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) leader for killing four Awami League activists in 2002. Of the 23 sentenced to death, 19 persons including, BNP leader Abul Bashar Kashu were present in the court. According to the prosecution, Barek, his cousin Badal, Faruk and Kabir were picked up from their houses on March 12 in 2002 by the accused. Later, they were tortured and burned to death by the convicts," Dhaka Tribune quoted Narayanganj District Court additional public prosecutor Jasmin Ahmed as saying while confirming the ruling.

Austria bans full facial veils

VIENNA: Austria has banned wearing a full facial veil in public places, drawing criticism from rights advocates and from representatives of the Muslim community. Under the new legislation, women who wear clothing that covers their faces will face. a fine of $167.



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Asian Voice | 27th May 2017


Rajinikanth to join politics? CHENNAI: In what could be a hint of his impending entry into Indian politics, superstar Rajinikanth asked his fans to resume their duties, however, be ready for war. Addressing a large gathering, he said, “The system is corrupt, we all need to work together to change it.” He praised the state opposition leader MK Stalin, calling him an able administrator. “Cho would tell me that Stalin will function well if given a free hand.” He also mentioned other political leaders. “Anbumani Ramadoss has vast knowledge. He has travelled the world and has some good plans. He can be a modern thinker. Thirumavalavan is working for the dalits. Seeman is a fighter. I have been amazed by some of his talks.” Calling himself a true-blue Tamilian, Thalaivar said, “I spent only the first 23 years of my life in Karnataka. For the last 44 years I have grown up with you. With

your love and support, you made me a Tamilian. My ancestors including my father are from Tamil Nadu. If you throw me out of Tamil Nadu I will not land in any other state. I will land on the Himalayas. If I can't be with the Tamil people on this earth, I would rather be with the siddhars residing in Himalayas.” In what seemed like a vote appeal, he sought his fans' support. “I will call you

AIADMK merger stuck, OPS meets PM Modi NEW DELHI: Merger talks between the two factions of the AIADMK have hit a dead end. Former Tamil Nadu chief minister O Panneerselvam met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi last week. It was later revealed that they discussed some long-pending demands of the state with the PM, including “political developments”, and merger negotiations. The OPS camp also approached the Election Commission and requested it to conduct a separate investigation on allegations over AIADMK (Amma) leader TTV Dinakaran trying to bribe EC officials. The party also wants EC to restrain Dindigul C Sreenivasan from functioning as the party treasurer. Counsel for the Panneerselvam camp sub-

mitted fresh documents to the poll panel, against the elevation of VK Sasikala as the interim general secretary of the party. Urging the Election Commission to restrain the Sasikala faction from using the AIADMK office, Panneerselvam also added that until the case is settled between the two camps over the control of the party, AIADMK mouthpiece 'Dr Namadhu MGR' should not remain under the control of Sasikala. The EC has currently frozen the party's 'Two Leaves' election symbol, stating that neither of the rival camps can use it. The bypoll the RK Nagar assembly seat has since been cancelled following allegations that money was used to buy votes. A fresh date is yet to be announced.

AAP dissolves Punjab unit; leaders show unity CHANDIGARH: Arvind Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party dissolved its Punjab unit in the first meeting held under newly appointed state president Bhagwant Mann. Senior AAP leaders, including legislator and leader of opposition HS Phoolka, Member of Parliament Sadhu Singh, legislator and co-president Aman Arora, put in a show of unity in the meeting. The marathon meet was attended by all 20 AAP legislators, party candidates, zone co-ordinators, and other office-bearers. A party spokesman said, “The positive and negative feedbacks regarding Assembly elections were discussed during the meeting. The co-president of the party, Aman Arora will meet the volunteers and office-bearers throughout the state and the suggestions regarding new office-bearers will be taken from them.” He also

when there's a war. You come then. In the old days, all men would go when there was a war.” A BJP senior leader said they are waiting to welcome Rajini into politics, and if he wants, in the party too. There have been speculations since earlier this year, that the actor would launch his own party with the support of the BJP. Grapevine lit again last week when he, on the first day of his meeting with fans, held in eight years, said he has no political aspirations. But, “If God wills it, I will enter politics tomorrow.” The 66 year old has remained vague about his future move. When asked by the media about any possible political plunge, Rajini said, “Please don't ask political questions.” He also separately stated, “My life is in the hands of God. I'm not sure what he has in store for me. But I will always perform the duty that he bestows on me. So, don't feel disappointed if I don't enter politics.”

ED files case against Karti Chidambaram NEW DELHI: The Enforcement Directorate has registered a money laundering case against the son of former finance minister, P Chidambaram. Officials said the agency has registered an Enforcement Case Information Report, ED's equivalent of a police FIR, against Karti Chidambaram, INX media and its directors, Peter and Indrani Mukerjea. The ECIR was registered under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act. They said the ED will probe the alleged “proceeds of crime” generated in this case, and may also attach assets of the all those accused. The ED had provided information about the alleged illegal payments made by INX media, based on which, the CBI had filed its FIR. It had carried out searches at homes and offices of all those accused, including Karti's across four cities for allegedly receiving money from the media firm owned by the Mukerjeas. The CBI had filed an FIR on

Bhagwant Mann

informed that the party has decided to form a disciplinary committee to look after issues related to antiparty activities of the members. Addressing the media after the meet, Mann said the rumours and misinformation being spread by the Congress, Shiromani Akali Dal, and the Bharatiya Janata Party won't affect the AAP and that the party will bounce back with more strength.

HYDERABAD: The severe heatwave has claimed over 167 lives in Telangana so far, according to reports sent by districts officials to the State Disaster Management Authority. These deaths will be recognised as 'heat wave deaths' only after the SDMA confirmation. Once they are confirmed as heatwave deaths, financial assistance will be sanctioned. “All the deaths are currently under scrutiny. No death has been confirmed as a heatwave death,” an SDMA official said.

Girl chops off genitals of her alleged rapist

KOLLAM (KERALA): A 23 year old law student in Kerala allegedly chopped off the penis of a self-styled godman, who had reportedly been raping her for several years at her own house. The rapist, identified as Swami Ganeshananda, is accused of first assaulting the girl when she was 16, and would often come to their home to meet her mother, raping her, whenever he got the opportunity. When the accused showed up at their house last week, and tried to force himself on her, she got hold of a knife and chopped off his penis. The victim immediately called the police after the incident.

Karnataka temple gets an unusual visitor

Karti Chidambaram

charges of criminal conspiracy, cheating, receiving illegal gratification, influencing public servants, and criminal misconduct. It is also alleged that karti received money from INX for using his influence to manipulate a tax probe against it in a case of violation of Foreign Investment Promotion Board conditions to receive investment from Mauritius. Chidambaram Senior, had issued a strong statement in response to the raids, stating the government was using the CBI and other agencies to target his son. He said FIPB approval was granted in “hundreds of cases”.

SAD tells Sidhu: Stop playing 'petty politics' CHANDIGARH: The former ruling Shiromani Akali Dal hit back at Navjot Singh Sidhu, after he released a letter to the media, asking him to refrain from playing “petty politics” and “misleading” the people. SAD secretary Daljeet Singh Cheema said, “First read, understand and then act before talking about a centre's letter. Union Minister M Venkaiah Naidu has written the letter (which was released by Sidhu) to the state government on April 20, 2017, requesting the chief minister to review the progress of various ongoing missions, and sought his cooperation so that further

Heatwave claims 167 lives in Telangana

instalments of funds could be released.” He said that even after a gap of one month, the minister is resorting to cheap political gimmicks to blame the SAD leadership, instead of fulfilling the shortcomings mentioned in the letter. “Naidu has positively observed that projects are getting delayed due to non release of funds some times by state governments and sometimes by the union government. Sidhu has misled the people by alleging that £40 million released by the Centre has been embezzled by the previous government.”

BENGALURU: Bagalkot, Northern Karnataka has been suffering a deluge of crocodiles for quite some time now, following two years of consecutive drought. With the fall in the water level of the river Krishna, a large number of crocodiles seem to be heading towards human habitation. One of them was recently found in the sanctum sanctity of a village temple. The priest was in for a surprise when it saw the 12feet-long reptile. He soon called a few villagers who carefully pulled out the animal and later released it into a safe place.

At 82, ex-Haryana CM Chautala clears class 12 exam

CHANDIGARH: Former Haryana chief minister Om Prakash Chautala finally cleared his higher secondary examination, securing a first class. The feat was accomplished while he serves a 10-year sentence in Delhi's Tihar Jail. His younger son and senior INLD leader Abhay Singh Chautala said, “He appeared for the Class XII examination conducted by the National Institute of Open Schooling at the centre set up for prisoners at Tihar Jail.

Cong will bounce back: Amarinder

NEW DELHI: Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh said he wanted to float his own party due to “differences within the Congress” two years ago. He, however, never even toyed with the idea of joining with BJP. Addressing the rumours, he said, “it is absurdity. They have produced stale news. This is two years ago, when there were differences in the Congress and I said I will form my own party. Where is the question of joining the BJP? I think there are too many channels and too little news.” Singh said there were ups and downs in politics and predicted that a time would come when the Congress would bounce back.

Hang Rohtak rapists- Haryana Cong leader Choudhry

CHANDIGARH: Haryana Congress leader Kiran Choudhary has demanded that perpetrators of the 'Nirbhaya-like' gang-rape and murder of a 23 year old Dalit woman in Rohtak must be hanged. Blaming the “riftridden” BJP government led by Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar for “utter lawlessness”, Kiran said, “If quick corrective measures are not take, the self-claimed Silicon Valley (Gurgaon) of the state would become the valley of murders, and Rohtak will emerge as the rape capital of Haryana.”


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Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

Dr. Hari Desai

Abolition of the Custom of Sati in India Europe, Egypt and China had Widow burning or burying tradition Mughal Emperors did favour prohibiting the inhuman practice

“ The Mughals did not go to the extent of putting a ban on the practice by law since that would have meant interference with the religious rites of the Hindus and they did not wish to go that far.”


hese days practice of Sati is being compared with Triple Talaq as inhuman practice. Sati is believed to be an earlier incarnation of Parvati and was daughter of Daksha. Rukimini, one of Lord Krishna’s two chief wives, committed Sati when Krishna died, while the other, Satyabhama, retired to the forest for penance. When Madri, wife of Pandu, decided to commit Sati, the assembled Sages tried to dissuade her. Sati was introduce into the Indian cultural scene relatively late; only after 500 AD did the practice begin to appear with any regularity. Many Hindus believe that Sati is an external contribution, probably triggered by the Muslim conquests. The fact is otherwise. Besides India, the custom of Sati was practiced in ancient times in Europe, Central and Western Asia and Far East, records Historian V.N. Datta in his book “Sati” published in 1988. The Mughal Emperor Humayun was the first monarch to think of prohibiting the practice but the “credulous monarch” was led to believe that the forcible prevention of a “hallowed custom” was sure to arouse the wrath of the Devine being and result in his own death. Emperor Akbar discouraged the practice of Sati, and on one occasion rode nearly a hundred miles at utmost speed to rescue the daughter of the Raja of Jodhpur. On another occasion he prevented a Rajput widow, the daughter of Raja Udai Singh of Jaipur, from committing Sati in Sarkar Rewari. Even his critic, Al Badaoni, confirms it and writes that His Majesty ordered that a Hindu woman of tender years should not be burnt and that in no case a woman be forced to burn herself against her will. Akbar also encouraged

The Portuguese Viceroy Afonso de Albuquerque was first to ban Sati custom in 1515 in Goa

widow-remarriage. Emperor Jahangir conducted his policy on Sati on the lines laid down by his illustrious father. “ The Mughals did not go to the extent of putting a ban on the practice by law since that would have meant interference with the religious rites of the Hindus and they did not wish to go that far.” Emperor Aurangzeb also attempted to stop the practice, says Dr. Sarvesh Dhillon, a Historian from Punjab. As per the records kept by the Bengal Presidency of the British East India Company, the known occurrences in 1813-1828 were 8135. In reality, Sati is as old as scriptural Hinduism. There are so many myths about Sati being an age-old Indian and Hindu tradition. In fact, it existed in IndoEuropean and in other cultures too. An authority on the history of ancient India, A.S. Altekar finds the earliest historical record of Sati in Greek sources. Even Prof. Meenakshi Jain, in her latest book “Sati: Evangelicals, Baptist Missionaries, and the Changing Colonial Discourse” published in August 2016, throws light on some of the new dimensions. Rulers in ancient China or Egypt are sometimes found buried with a number of wives, concubines and servants. In preChristian Europe, the practice was related to the status of women in society. She does mention some of the Indian rulers like Shivaji and Ranjit Singh were followed on their pyres by a big handful of wives and concubines. Even Ramabai Peshwa, wife of Madhavrao Peshwa, 18th century Indian Maratha Premier, performed Sati. The British Governor General Lord William Bentinck banned an age-

old custom of Sati in 1829, with active support of Raja Rammohan Roy. It was not easy to get away with this inhuman practice in India. Despite Bentinck’s legal ban on Sati in 1829 and Lord Dalhousie’s stringent measures for its abolition, the practice of widowburning has not disappeared from India, says Historian Datta. Even Altekar records his sister’s insistence on performing Sati in the year 1946. The British and after them, the government of independent India took a more vigorous role but performing Sati or glorification of the custom continued. The Sati (Prevention)Act,1987 was enacted to prevent the practice as also its glorification. The India Act was amended following the Roop Kunwar episode of Sati on 4 September 1987 at Deorala in Sikar district, Rajasthan. Roop Kunwar, a young, pretty, educated, city-bred woman and daughter of a transport company owner, married barely for six months, was burnt on the funeral pyre of her husband, Mal Singh, a science graduate, in the presence of about 3000 spectators frenzied with wild excitement shouting slogans like Sati Mata Ki Jai(Hail to Sati- Mother). The Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987 has the legal definition of Sati. “ 2.(c) “sati” means the burning or burying alive of – (i) any widow along with the body of her deceased husband or any other relative or with any article, object or thing associated with the husband or such relative; or (ii) any woman along with the body of any of her relatives, irrespective of whether such burning or burying is claimed to be voluntary on the part of the widow or the women or other-wise”.

Normally it is believed that Lord Bentinck was the first to ban the inhuman practice of Sati in India, but even before Bentinck, the Portuguese Viceroy of India, Afonso de Albuquerque, banned this custom in Goa in 1515. Even before Bentinck arrived in India as the Governor General, he had studied the Parliament

papers on the practice of Sati in India, especially in Bengal Presidency. He asked personal opinion of his military officials what they thought on the inhuman practice of wife burning. He had advised them to convey him without consulting any of the Indian persons. His Chief of the Army was with him on actions to stop this practice. Even Missionaries were also geared up. Bentinck thus had the full support of his counsellors and passed Regulation XVII on 4 December 1829 declaring the practice of Sati or burning or burying alive the widows of Hindus, whether the sacrifice be voluntary on her part or not, illegal and punishable by the Criminal Courts. As was expected the cries “Hinduism in danger” were heard even in the petitions to the Privy Council against Bentinck’s decision. After appeal to Bentinck was regected, even the Privy Council dismissed the petition on 11 July 1832 and the legal battle ended. The Privy Councillors disfavoured the abolition of

Mughal Emperor Jalaluddin Akbar

Sati, but were afraid of rescinding the Regulation in apprehension of worst evil. Historian of repute, Dr. R.C. Majumdar, was little harsh on Raja Rammohan Roy’s role in abolition of Sati. He stated : “ He(Roy) acted privately as a brake on Lord William Bentinck’s scheme of abolition.” Of course, the decision of abolition of Sati was that of Bentinck and Roy did gear up a minority support after hue and cry was raised against the decision. Next Column : Rise and Fall of Vijaynagar Empire ( The writer is a Socio-political Historian. E-mail : haridesai@gmail.com ) GUJARAT SAMACHAR



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www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 27th May 2017


Modi launches new projects in Kutch Addressing a mass gathering after the inauguration of the third Narmada pumping station at Bhachau, Kutch, Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged people to value each drop of Narmada water as budget meant for poor was cut to ensure large budgetary allocations to bring Narmada water to the arid district of Kutch. The new pumping station is expected to bring water for irrigation and drinking purpose to many parts of the region suffering from acute water shortage. “When we told other states that majority budget allocation by Gujarat is made for water, other states would not understand. They would think Gujarat is a happy and prosperous state. But we know that over the years we have tried to fetch

Narmada water to you by denying hopes and aspirations of many poor people by cutting allocations who could have been provided good schools, hospitals and food,” Modi said. “Now that Narmada is coming, the budget will be curtailed in

the coming days. It will be possible to use funds for the priority areas of the poor. At this time, do not forget the poor, pledge to use Narmada water judiciously so that it greens your farms and brings prosperity not just to you but the poor as

well.” Promising to change the lives of people in the waterscarce region, the PM said, “We have lived the fact that Narmada, considering the lifeline of Gujarat, has become our life. A week ago, I offered prayers at

Kulbhushan Jadhav safe till final ICJ order, hints Pakistan envoy In the first of its kind assurance from Pakistan in the Kulbhushan Jadhav case, Pakistani High Commissioner to India Abdul Basit said Islamabad will abide by the court's ruling last week staying the Indian national's death sentence. Speaking to the Indian media, Basit said Islamabad was committed to international laws and its multilateral obligations and that it would abide by the ruling which stayed the execution until it passed its final judgement. “That is only in the context of provisional order that only stays execution and it has no bearing whatsoever on the merit of the case,” Basit said. He added that the court had not said anything conclusive about consular access and that all such issues would be decided in the final judgement. “No country compromises on security issues. Remember, he was convicted of subversion and terrorism. He is not an ordinary citizen but a serving naval officer. As for the merits of the Commander Jadhav case, we are on terra firma

Kulbhushan Jadhav

and thus very confident of our position. Terrorism cannot be condoned under any circumstances.” In case the ICJ upholds the death sentence, Jadhav will still have 60 days to file mercy petition before the Pakistan army chief. In case that is rejected, he can seek mercy from Pakistan President. India won a major reprieve at the ICJ when its demand for provisional measures staying Jadhav's execution was upheld by The Hague-based court. Indian counsel Harish Salve successfully argued that Pak had violated the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations by not granting consular access to India. Pak meanwhile,

argued that the the 2008 bilateral agreement on consular access took precedence over VCCR was also rejected by the court. Former Indian Navy officer Kulbhushan Jadhav was sentenced to death in Pakistan on accusations of being an Indian spy. Rushing to the ICJ on fears that Jadhav might just get executed any time, India contested Pak's move, maintaining that he was abducted from international waters in March and taken to Pakistan where he was tortured and forced to confess on camera, his involvement in acts of sabotage and espionage towards Pakistan. The highest UN court summarily rejected Pak's contention that it lacked jurisdiction in the case, and held that India had a “plausible” right to access to Jadhav. “Pakistan shall take all measures at its disposal to ensure that Jadhav is not executed pending the final decision in these proceedings and shall inform the court of all the measures taken in the implementation of the present order,” said president of the court,

Ronny Abraham. In its provisional order, the ICJ said it had jurisdiction in the matter, rejecting Pak's argument that India had agreed to keep matters concerning national security out of the purview of the Vienna Convention. “The court notes that Pakistan has given no assurance that Jadhav will not be executed before the court has rendered its final decision. In these circumstances, the court is satisfied that there is urgency in this case,” the ICJ said. Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj, officials of the Ministry of External Affairs, and Salve, for successfully putting forward India's case in the world court. MEA spokesperson Gopal Baglay called the order a “great relief”. “ICJ has delivered a unanimous, favourable, clear and unambiguous order for India's request for provisional measures. This order creates legally binding international obligations. We hope the verdict will end the egregious violation of Jadhav's rights.”

Amarkantak from where Narmada originates and today the waters have travelled thousands of kilometres to reach Kutch. The elders who have lived their lives battling water scarcity will bless us.” Announcing a couple of other projects, Modi said Gujarat's Kandla Port will soon be connected with Chabahar port in Iran. The country's largest cargo handling port will be developed with India's participation to boost its international trade. “The way competition is increasing, if India has to progress and cement its place in global trade, it is very important to have ports with modern facilities.” Laying foundation for developing new facilities at Kandla, he added that in a “very short span of time,

Kandla has emerged as one of the most prominent ports in Asia.” “India has a long history of sea trade. With 7,700-km coastline, what is the need to move cargo by railways or roads? Sea route is far more cost effective and we are moving towards that direction when more and more cargo will be ferried through the sea route.” Modi also stated that the government was working on further developing multi-modal transport system to connect ports with railway networks for seamless movements of cargo. In his trip to Gujarat, Modi also addressed over 4,500 delegates of African Development Bank at its annual meeting held at Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar.

Remembrance event for Indian Labour Corps LONDON: Over 300 school children and community group members will gather at the Arch of Remembrance in Victoria Park on May 25, for a unique remembrance event dedicated to the Indian Labour Corps of World War one. The event will connect the Arch with the India Gate in New Delhi, of which

it is a prototype. High Commissioner of India, YK Sinha and Leicester Mayor Sir Peter Soulsby are scheduled to attend the evening filled with music and community activities. Each attendee will be given an Unremembered certificate and a marigold pin- the remembrance flower of India.

Sir Roger Moore passes away

Best known for playing famous spy 007, actor Sir Roger Moore has died at the age of 89. his family confirmed the news on microblogging website Twitter, saying he had died after a “short but brave battle with cancer.” It read, “With the heaviest of hearts, we must share the awful news that our father, Sir Roger Moore, passed away today. We are

all devastated.” A statement issued by his children read, “Thank you Pops for being you, and being so very special to so many people.” The star will have a private funeral in Monaco in accordance with his wishes. “The love with which he was surrounded in his final days was so great it cannot be quantified in words alone,” said the statement from Deborah, Geoffrey, and Christian. Moore starred in seven James Bond movies, including the well-received 'Octopussy' (1982), most of which was filmed in Udaipur, India.

India-Africa relationship enters new phase After a brief rough patch between India and the African continent, things took a positive step for bilateral international relations as the African Development Bank kickstarted its annual meet for the first time in the country. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 52nd Meetings of the African Development Bank at Mahatma Mandir in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, stating that Africa was a priority for his government's foreign

and economic policy. The five-day meet is being attended by 54 African regional members and 27 non-regional member countries of the organisation. Over 3,000 delegates will participate in the event themed 'Transforming Agriculture for Wealth Creation in Africa'. “After assuming office in 2014, I have made Africa a top priority for India's foreign and economic policy,” Modi said. He recalled his

Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the foreign dignitaries at the 52nd African Development Bank Annual meetings

conversation with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

during his visit to Tokyo last year. “In our joint dec-

laration, we mentioned an Asia Africa Growth Corridor and proposed further conversations with our brothers and sisters from Africa.” He said Indian and Japanese research institutions have come up with a vision document in consultation with think tanks from Africa. “The idea is that India and Japan, with other willing partners, would explore joint initiatives in skills, health, infrastructure, manufacturing,

and connectivity.” Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, in his address, said there was a possibility of disruption in global economy due to inward looking policies of some advanced countries and this has danger of frittering away gains of globalisation. He said African economies were growing at a faster pace, noting that “21st century would not be Asia's alone but would belong equally to both Asia and Africa.”




health lifestyle

Asian Voice | 27th May 2017


To Our Readers

We are publishing these items in good faith, kindly consult your Doctor before you try to implement any advice. We do not hold any responsibility for its efficacy...

Eat At Least Three Servings of Fruits & Veggies Daily to Your Keep Arteries Healthy

The Princess and the Dragon: Part 2 Neha Garg Story So far: If you haven’t already been following along – A dragon ran off with a princess. When the Knight arrived to save her, she declares that she wants to stay with the dragon and steal one of her eggs so she can have her very own pet dragon. The Knight obviously, thinks this is a very bad idea. ‘Steal … ?’ he wheezed and spluttered again. ‘S .. Steal … ? Egg …?’ He shook his head to clear it. ‘What do you mean, we … ?’ ‘Well of course you,’ said the princess. She turned and started walking back towards the cave. ‘Father sent you here to keep me safe, didn’t he?’ she called back over her shoulder just before she disappeared back into the still smoking mouth of the cave. The Knight stared after her. She’s got to be joking. She was, wasn’t she? He sighed, again. Nevertheless, he had promised the King that he would protect his daughter at all costs. And she was the princess after all. He picked up his helmet and gingerly stepped into the cave. All was quiet. Trying not to cough on the small wisps of smoke that remained, he made his way forward. It wasn’t as dark this time around because the plants that broke out of the rocky walls had all caught fire and some were still burning. Feeling sorry

for them on the one hand, the knight was thankful that at least he could see a few feet ahead. He slowly inched deeper and deeper in, not daring to call out to the princess lest the dragon should appear. After a few minutes, the cave widened and opened onto a vast, rocky chamber. Bang in the middle was a giant nest with 1 giant egg. And right below the nest crouched the princess, slowly reaching in towards the egg. The knight swung his head wildly from side to side, looking for the dragon. And then remembering that they could fly, he looked up so fast that he cricked his neck. Massaging his neck and feeling silly for looking for a flying dragon inside a cave, he looked back at the princess who had managed to prise the egg from its nest and had both her arms around it as she hugged it to her chest. She looked up and spotted the knight and smiled jubilantly at him. ‘Hurry Princess … Hurry,’ he hissed, flapping his hands. Still smiling, the

princess started moving towards him when an angry ROAAARRRR filled the cavern. The princess let go of the egg and clapped her hands on to her ears. The Knight’s heart stopped as he watched the egg fall to the ground in what seemed like an eternity but thankfully, it just bounced into a corner and lay there, unharmed. He drew his sword just as a huge, green dragon appeared out of the shadows at the back of the cavern. This thing was as big as the King’s castle and it was snorting fire as it advanced. Suddenly, his sword felt about as useful as a stick of jell-o. ‘PRINCESS!’ he screamed, looking around for her. To his utter disbelief, she was inching towards the egg, lying only feet from where its mother was thrashing her tail against the cavern walls. The Knight sprinted forwards and grabbed her wrist. ‘We’ve got to get out of here, princess,’ he said urgently. ‘No,’ replied the princess. ‘I will have that egg.’ He tugged at her wrist. ‘We’ll find another way,’ he said desperately, as he pulled her towards the passage leading out. ‘No …’ began the princess but just then there was another deafening ROAAARRR behind them and the Knight felt the searing heat pass his helmet before he saw the flames. His helmet turned hot

enough to singe his hair inside it. ‘RUN!’ he shouted, pulling harder at the princess’ wrist, willing her to move. This time she did not argue and ran past the knight into the tunnel leading out, her long hair billowing behind her. He used his free hand to pull his helmet off. Thankful for his steel gloves and trying not to think what would have happened if the dragon hadn’t missed his head, he ran after the princess holding his helmet aloft. ROAAARRRRRRRR, came another sound as the knight clanked his way behind the princess, sword and helmet still held high. Outside in the sunshine, they didn’t stop running until they had put quite some distance between them and the cave. ‘That … was … close,’ panted the knight. ‘This isn’t working. We need a proper plan,’ came the princess’ voice. The Knight looked up to see the princess pacing around again. After about a minute, she suddenly stopped and smiled. ‘Ahaa!’ she said, snapping her fingers. ‘What?’ said the Knight. , scared of what was coming. What happens next? So attempt 1 has failed, as we knew it would. Its not that easy after all. It is a DRAGON!! But will the succeed? The princess seems pretty determined. What hair-brained idea will she come up with, next?



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There are a host of benefits of regular intake of fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables. Health experts believe that they should be a part of your daily diet. Most of them agree that one should have at least five portions of fruits and vegetables as a part of their daily meals. A new study, published in the Journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, has discovered yet another benefit of eating them regularly. According to researchers,

Laughter is the Best Medicine

consuming just three portions of fruits and vegetables is enough to keep your arteries healthy. Fruits and vegetables are generally an excellent choice for overall good health because of their fiber content and also the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals they offer. According to this group of experts, increased consumption of fruit and vegetables every day may lower your risk of developing a type of artery disease that affects blood flow to the legs.

One rainy morning, my motherwent for her daily run. As she returned to the house, she slipped and fell, hitting her head on the driveway. I called the paramedics. When they arrived, they asked my mom some questions to determine her coherency. “What is today?” inquired one man. Without hesitation, Mom replied, “Trash day.”

*** Three fans were bemoaning the sorry state of their football team. “I blame the general manager,” said the first fan. “If he signed better players, we’d be a great team.” “I blame the players,” said the second fan. “If they made more of an effort, we’d score some points.” “I blame my parents,” said the third. “If I’d been born in Seattle, I’d be supporting a decent team.” *** My mother is always trying to understand what motivates people, especially those in her family. One day she and my sister were talking about one relative’s bad luck. "Why do you suppose she changed jobs?" Mother asked my sister. "Maybe she has a subconscious desire not to succeed." "Or maybe it just happened," said my sister, exasperated. "Do you know you analyze everything to death?" Mother was silent for a moment. "That’s true," she said. "Why do you think I do that?"


www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

'Baahubali' actor Prabhas mobbed at US airport!

Four characters and Four heroines for Silambarasan

Young actor Silambarasan is all set to play not two, not three, but four roles in Adhik Ravichandran's 'Anbavan Asaradhavan Adangadhavan'. “We initially wanted to retain the fourth character as a surprise. But Simbu had to reveal it during an online interaction with fans. I am sure the character will still be a surprise for fans,” Ravichandran said. The film has four heroines, Shriya Saran, Tamannah,


Prabhas aka our beloved Baahubali was on his way to the US for a much-deserved vacation, when he got mobbed at the US airport, all thanks to the raging popularity of the film. The actor has become a household name ever since SS Rajamouli's magnum opus 'Baahubali' series opened worldwide. After spending 5 years of his carer to the film, and completing other work commitments, the actor is now on vacay-mode. A source said, “Prabhas is known to be shy and prefers going unnoticed in public places. He was delighted witnessing the reception at the airport.” Fame comes at a price, guess the actor wouldn't mind paying his. Prabhas will next be seen in the trilingual 'Saaho' in an actionpacked avatar.

Neetu Chandra and Sana Khan. However, Adhik said the last two will only appear in the second part of 'AAA' with one of them only appearing in a song in the first. 'AAA' will be a twopart film. The first part will hit the screens on June 23 during the Ramzan weekend. Plans are on to release the second part within the end of this year. The film is being produced by Michael Rayappan under his Global Infotainment banner.

'Baahubali' writer associated with Sachin Biopic!

Cricketer and demi-god Sachin Tendulkar's biopic 'Sachin: A Billion Dreams' will hit the screens worldwide on May 26. In an update, it was recently been confirmed that leading lyri-

cist and dialogue writer Madhan Karky is associated with the movie, and written Tamil lyrics for all songs composed by Oscar-winning composer AR Rahman. For the uninformed, Karky is the dialogue and lyric-writer for the Tamil version of the both parts of 'Baahubali'. The film will feature the retired allrounder himself, along with his son Arjun. Karky has expressed his happiness to have worked in the project that has two world renowned legends.

Dhanush begins his Hollywood debut Dhanush's directorial debut 'Pa Paandi' continues its good run at the box office after weathering the 'Baahubali' storm. The multitasker is currently on his way to Mumbai for his Hollywood debut with 'The Extraordinary Journey Of The Fakir', directed by Ken Scott. He will play a fakir

called Ajatashatru Oghash Rathod, who tricks people into believing he has magical powers. The film also features Berenice Bejo, Erin Moriarty, Barkhad Abdi, Laurent Lafitte, and Abel Jafri. After Mumbai schedule the team will shoot in exotic locales of Europe as well.

Record business for 'Vijay 61' before teaser release 'Sachin: A Billion Dreams'

A biopic based on Indian cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar. The film will tell the tale of a restless 10 year old boy, and his journey towards achieving his dream.


Watch a group of lifeguards uncover a criminal plot that threatens the future of the bay.

Shooting for Atlee's 'Vijay 61' is currently going on in Poland, where scenes involving Vijay and Kajal Aggarwal are being shot. Expectations ride high from the film as Ilayathalapathy is playing three different roles in the movie. Even without a teaser or a first look, the Vijay-fever has spread wide among the masses who excitedly wait for its release. The other cast includes Samantha, Nithya Menen, Vadivelu, SJ Suriya, Kovai Sarala, Sathyaraj, and Sathyan. Music will be rendered by AR Rahman. The Hindi dubbing rights for satellite telecast in Bollywood has been bought for a staggering £1.1 million which is the highest amount for any Tamil film so far.

Biopic on South Indian legend Savithri Director and screenwriter Nag Ashwin is all set to make a biopic on south Indian cinema legend Savithri. Keerthy Suresh will play the main role, and Dulquer Salman will play Gemini Ganesan. The film will be titled 'Nadigaiyar Thilagam' in Tamil and 'Mahanati' in Telugu. It will

also feature Samantha in a very important character of a journalist, and the entire story unfolds through her eyes.Vijay Devarakonda has been roped in to play Sam’s love interest. The young Vijay won hearts with his role in the sleeper hit Telugu film ‘Pellichoopulu’.

www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews



Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

Indian actresses create magic at

Cannes Film Festival

The 'Bajirao Mastani' actress made hearts skip a beat with her first red carpet appearance as L'Oreal Paris brand ambassador, making a vibrant entry in a sheer Marchesa gown. With a shimmery body suit inside that did absolute justice to the lady's curves, the dress pulled quite a few tricks with its satiny gorgeousness.


he 70th edition of the famous Cannes Film Festival is just getting, and we can effectively say India sizzled already the ramp this year. Three Indian actresses represented L'Oreal Paris this year, including 'Queen of Cannes' Aishwarya Rai, who walked the red carpet for the 16th time, fashionista Sonam Kapoor, and leggy lass Deepika Padukone, a personal favourite. All three visited the festival on scheduled different days, unfailingly keeping everybody on their toes. The first to arrive, Deepika's stint this year was a hit as she tried on one outfit after another, soaking in the warm Cannes sun. The actress had a blast experimenting with her hair, dresses, colours, well basically, just having fun. Rightfully called the 'Queen', Aishwarya made sure she looked the part in a sweeping powder blue ballroom gown by Dubai-based Filipino fashion designer Michael Cinco. Stunning in the off-shoulder gown, fitted from the waist and flowing out into a ballroom dress, with a plunging neckline, Aish owned the red carpet on the third day of the gala. For her second day, she broke the no red on the red carpet rule, turning up in an offshoulder ruffled Ralph and Russo gown. However, it was her daughter Aaradhya who stole the show in a pink frock.

Amitabh, Rishi come together after 26 years


mesh Shukla of 'All Is Well' fame is currently working on his next, featuring Amitabh Bachchan as an 102 year old and Rishi Kapoor, as his 75 year old son. “Amitji and Rishiji are collaborating after 26 years. They are playing Gujarati characters for the first time. Being a Gujarati myself, I had certain references in my mind which we used to create their look,” Shukla said. Based on writer-director Saumya Joshi's successful Gujarati play by the same

name, shooting for the film has already begun with Bachchan's introductory sequence. “I had produced the original play and knew it could be turned into a film for its unique plot and humour. Saumya has written the story brilliantly.” Both the actors will speak a few lines in Gujarati in the film. “They are already good with the language and have a tutor on the set to guide them. All of us are having a blast,” Umesh said.

Sonam chose a gorgeous, and might we add, brilliant, pink gown by Ellie Saab, teaming her look with Kalyan Jewellery. The floral motif gown created the necessary amount of drama with its sleeves. It was cinched at the waist with a slim belt, giving the outfit structure and accentuating the actress' body.

Kangana Ranaut gets legal notice


ilmmaker Ketan Mehta has reportedly sent a legal notice to 'Queen' Kangana Ranaut for conniving with producer Kamal Jain and others to try and hijack his most ambitious project yet, 'Rani of Jhansi - The Warrior Queen'. Mehta said he had approached Kangana to play the role of Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi in his film in June 2015. She had publicly committed to the movie, but later announced another film titled 'Manikarnika- the Queen of Jhansi' with another producer and director. When called to confirm, Mehta said, “Yes, it is true. We have sent a notice to Kangana as I think there is an attempt of hijacking a film. I had approached her in June 2015 regarding this project and she had readily agreed to do it and enough statements have been made by her showing the commitment about the project.” Mehta said his lawyer will take up the matter further with the actress. “This is for the lawyer to work it out. We have put 10 years of our life in this project as it's a great project for the world, not just India.” The news of Mehta's notice came soon after writer Apurva Asrani expressed dissatisfaction over how Kangana took additional credit for the story in the upcoming film 'Simran'.



www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

Indian High Commission organises anti-terror pledge for NRIs The Indian mission in the UK on Monday organised the first community-wide anti-terrorism pledge just hours before the atrocious terrorist attack in Manchester that killed 22 and injured hundreds including young children who had gone to watch Ariana Grande in concert. The pledge was taken by Indian embassies and missions around the world to coincide with former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi’s death anniversary on May 21, marked as Anti-Terrorism Day in India. This year’s pledge in London was organised as a wider event to involve Indians based in the UK. The pledge invokes India’s faith in the tradition of nonviolence and tolerance. “We pledge to uphold and promote peace, social harmony and understanding among all fellow human beings and fight the forces of disruption threatening human lives and values,” it reads. Yashvardhan Kumar Sinha, the Indian High Commissioner, delivered the pledge to the gathering that included councillors and members of the House of Lords, and recalled that London had recently suffered a terror attack in March. Terrorism, he said, affected

Doctors 'too reliant' on depression questionnaire Depression is being overdiagnosed because GPs are too reliant on a “basic” questionnaire designed by a pharmaceutical company which also manufacturers psychiatric drugs, campaigners have warned. The easy-to-use ninequestion form sets the threshold for the condition “far too low” and results in patients being wrongly diag-

nosed and medicated, according an expert at the Council for Evidence-Based Psychiatry. The PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire was developed by academics funded by Pfizer, which owned the intellectual property and distribution rights. For most of the last 20 years, a chart will have been present in virtually every GP consulting room.

Coming Events

l Ink on the Body, Ink on the Paper-Conceptual Photography by Mali from June 1 to 11, 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm, at 150 Bethnal Green Road London E2 7DG

l Hustings in the City- a panel debate by the City Hindus Network and City Sikhs Network on May 26, 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm at the Chartered Insurance Institute 20 Aldermanbury London EC2V 7HY

Sneh Joshi

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 With Venus traversing your

sign for some time to come, it will put you in the right mood if you intend to indulge your pleasure-loving instincts. Venus, the planet of love and romance throws a pleasing light on affairs of the heart. Existing emotional differences can be easily sorted out now.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 Extra energy and drive will serve you well in getting things accomplished. There appears to be a more successful trend coming into effect. Amorous affairs continue to be highlighted whether or not this leads to a lasting relationship depends much on your own personal maturity and circumstances. GEMINI May 22 - June 22 Your mind is focused on

private matters and past issues while Mercury transits the twelfth house of your solar chart. This is a time when you are least likely to express yourself freely. You're examining the past for answers. You are likely to require a certain amount of solitude in order to get your thoughts together or to be mentally productive.

CANCER Jun 22 - Jul 22

With both Venus and Mars resonating powerfully in your Solar chart, amorous affairs are likely to become extremely intense. Sometimes it is a good idea to stand back and get a more objective view of the pattern of your life. You may find that you can enrich your lifestyle considerably by simplifying certain areas and re-organising your priorities.


GPs press for patient charges to stop surgeries collapsing

GPs are considering charging patients for certain services to avert what they say could be a total collapse of general practice. They will also vote on whether to close their lists to new patients in protest about a lack of resources. Last Friday doctors at a British Medical Association meeting in Edinburgh asked the organisation’s general practice committee (GPC) to consider alternative funding options. The move would pit doctors against the government, which says that it has no plans to introduce charges for consultations.

Public ‘at risk’ as up to 4,000 Met officers face axe

Indian High Commissioner YK Sinha addressing the gathering at the anti-terror pledge event

lives across the world. He also commented, “The scourge of terrorism affects innocent lives not just in one country but across the globe. No country and no people should shelter terrorists, promote terrorists or appease terrorists.”

Teenage boys killed man in Harrow as taxi driver waited A court has heard how four boys, including two aged 14, killed another teenager on the streets of London in an "unprovoked" and "senseless" knife attack. The group allegedly took a minicab from an estate in Hendon to Harrow, west London, then asked the driver to wait as they murdered 19-year-old Hussein Ahmed and attacked two 17-year-olds, the court heard. After seven or eight minutes, they returned to the cab and told the driver "Drive, boss", the court heard Mr Ahmed was stabbed once in the back in a street near the South Harrow tube and suffered massive blood loss. He died in hospital three days later. Another boy was stabbed in the arm and stomach while a third nar-

rowly avoided injury as an attacker slashed the sleeve of his jacket. Two 14-year-olds and a 16-year-old, who was 15 at the time, are on trial at the Old Bailey, accused of murder, wounding with intent and attempted wounding with intent. They are also charged with conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm. The boys, who cannot be named because of their ages, deny the charges. A fourth alleged attacker aged 16 fled the country and is wanted by police, the court heard. Prosecutor Anthony Orchard QC told jurors they would be shown CCTV footage and hear from eyewitnesses as well as an analysis of the defendants' mobile phones.

Scotland Yard is due to lose up to 4,000 police officers as part of budget cuts at a time when London is struggling to contain rising crime. Cressida Dick, the new Metropolitan police commissioner, has been forced to approve the removal of up to one in eight officers to save £400m from its £3bn budget. Critics said the move, to be announced within weeks, would threaten public safety while the Met is dealing with complex cyber-crime and an ever-present terrorist threat. Internal estimates put the number of officers to leave and not be replaced at between 2,500 and 4,000.

Part-time vegetarianism could cut obesity risk by half, suggests large-scale study

Reducing your intake of meat and embracing a part-time vegetarian diet could be the key to losing weight – or nearly halving your risk of obesity (43%). A new study of 16,000 people has shed light on the 'flexitarian' trend and its health benefits. A flexitarian is a person who is primarily a vegetarian, but occasionally eats meat or fish. The predominately plantbased diet was predicted to be one of this year's biggest food trends. Previously, having a primarily plant-based diet has been associated with a lower heart disease risk, increased weight loss and a lower rate of diabetes, although more research is needed before any conclusions can be drawn.

Mothercare to close stores

Childrens’ store, Mothercare, is set to cut the number of high street stores as digital sales increase. As part of its turnaround programme, the retailer said its store strategy would focus on maintaining a “regional presence in key conurbations”.

Marriage map reveals tie between wealth and wedded bliss

Affluent families in Britain’s most prosperous areas are almost unscathed by divorce and single parenthood, according to the first marriage map of the country. Nearly nine out of 10 parents from the top two socioeconomic groups are married in places such as Harrow, Wokingham and West Berkshire, where Pippa Middleton joined their ranks last Saturday.

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A wind of change may be in the air; attention should turn to the wider world and benefits come from broadening of horizons and mental stimuli. This is an opportune time to go ahead with your plans. All things considered, your health should be robust. The more you live up to your own set of principles the more you’ll gain.

LEO Jul 23 - Aug 23

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

Venus highlights your solar eighth house. Your attention turns inward on a deeper level to personal transformations. There may be a strong focus on other's money, such as the resources of a partner, inheritance, banking and loans, or taxes. This transit should be positively dealt with to achieve any benefits.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

With Venus traversing your opposite sign of relationships for some time to come, it will put you in the right mood if you intend to indulge your pleasure-loving instincts. Venus, the planet of love and romance throws a pleasing light on affairs of the heart. Existing emotional differences can be easily sorted out now.…

SCORPIO Oct 24- Nov 22 Domestic and home matters are disturbed and a source of concern to you. You could find family members hostile and difficult to reason with. It is a period of handling matters with utmost diplomacy and calmness. Mercury in your opposite sign ensures that you are extremely communicative and that people will listen to what you have to say.

Mercury highlights your solar sixth house. This is a period that finds you tending to your daily routines, and health matters. You seek to perfect your skills and as a result, you can be more critical than usual, but this process is necessary for you to sort out what works for you and what doesn't.

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 Venus transits your solar fourth house now. During this cycle, you are especially fond of spending more time at home around the family. You are more receptive and tend to be sentimental or nostalgic now. Loyalty and sensitivity in your relationships are more important to you than typically. AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

Anything or anyone that drains your time and energy should be re-evaluated. It’s time to use that creative imagination of yours to create grandeur in your life. Venus, the planet of love and beauty in your Solar 3rd house and Mars in your 5th house is creating a lot of opportunities for you. Don't get too carried away and lose sight of little things that mean a lot to you.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 At home, be at your diplomatic best and try not to tread on anyone's toes. Passions will run from hot to cold, and relationships may suffer. Even the most strong-willed Pisceans will be more open to compromise to keep the peace. Plan your spending and set sensible budgets to reach your financial goals.


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India U-17 makes historic win The Indian Football U-17 squad defeated the U-17 Youth Team of Italy in a historic win, at the Fifa U-17 World Cup. Strikes by Abhijit Sarkar (31') and Rahul Praveen (80') led the team to the amazing win against the four-time winning team, in a match that was largely dominated by the Indian Colts in terms of possession and chances treated. The Colts got off the blocks in Italy, giving the opposition team from the beginning. Komal Thatal's 8th minute strike slid past the Italian keeper as India relentlessly chased an early lead. Aniket attempted to open the goal scoring charts for India, however, it went straight to the keeper who scored an easy save. Colts' first goal only came in the 31st minute when Sarkar's cross took a deflection off the Italian defence line and ended up in the back of the opposition net giving India a much-needed lead. The win comes after years of rigorous exposure trips to the U-17 World Cup Squad for the past few years.

PM Narendra Modi shows support for ‘Sachin: A Billion Dreams’

Cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar has met Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi to talk to him and get his support for his upcoming biographical drama ‘Sachin: A Billion Dreams’, releasing on May 26th. In a tweet after the meeting, the Hon’ble PM said that Sachin’s life journey and accomplishments make every Indian proud and inspire 1.25 billion people. Sources said: “It was an interesting discussion as Sachin described key aspects of his film ‘Sachin: A Billion Dreams’. The Hon'ble Prime Minister was appreciative and gave positive feedback saying that that Sachin's story is an inspiration for many, including children on how to rise above challenges and succeed." 'Sachin: A Billion Dreams' brings the marvel of Tendulkar to the silver screen, with the legend himself at the heart of the filmic process. It charters the backstory and phenomenon of a national treasure that has inspired generations. Beyond his home country, Tendulkar is celebrated globally as one of the most iconic sports heroes in history.

India to play five ODIs, one T20I in West Indies in June-July India are scheduled to play five ODIs and one T20I against the West Indies in June-July, BCCI has confirmed. The tour to the Caribbean will come just days after the Champions Trophy in England. The five-match ODI series is slated to begin on June 23, with the first two games to be played at the Queen's Park Oval in Port of Spain. While the third and fourth ODI will be played at the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium in Antigua, the final ODI and the solitary T20I will be played at the Sabina Park in Kingston, Jamaica. This assignment will immediately follow the Champions Trophy which takes place from June 1 to 18. India had similarly toured the Caribbean even in 2013, after a successful Champions Trophy campaign in England. At that time, after a similar five-day break, India went on to win the tri-series which involved Sri Lanka as well. While India will hope to defend their crown in the upcoming eight-nation tournament, West Indies won't even be involved, having failed to qualify on the basis of their ODI ranking. In fact, this ODI tour has massive bearing for the hosts in their pursuit of direct qualification for the 2019 ODI World Cup. West Indies are currently ninth in the ICC ODI rankings, nine rating points behind Pakistan. They have until September 30 this year - the cut-off for the top eight spots for the World Cup to be sealed. Within that time, West Indies will have the opportunity to gain ground with ODI assignments lined up against India, Afghanistan and England.


Asian Voice | 27th May 2017

IPL gives young players a chance to show their talent The Indian Premier League (IPL) gives many young players opportunities to make money and display their talents. This was not the case a decade ago, when there was no IPL. Having eight teams each restricted to four foreign players in the playing 11 means that there are at least 56 Indians who get a chance to show their abilities in each match. This sort of opportunity was not available to young Indian cricketers before. Many of the players in IPL are the sons of men and women who are in ordinary jobs and not well-off, such as autorickshaw drivers and so on. These players are the first in their family ever to move into another social class. It is good that young men from such backgrounds get exposed to fame and money, and play with legends from abroad and India. It will give confidence to many others who know them or know of them through their fame. Top young players Every IPL season throws up young talents, some of whom have lived up to their potential and made it all the way to the top. IPL Season 10 saw the likes of Rishabh Pant, Sanju Samson, Rahul Tripathi, Nitish Rana and Rashid Khan, Pandya brothers etc grab the spotlight. Rishabh Pant The Delhi youngster followed up a good season in domestic cricket with a superb show in IPL-10. His amazing 97 from 43 balls for the Delhi Daredevils against the Gujarat Lions was rated by the great Sachin Tendulkar as one of the best innings he has seen in all 10 IPL seasons. The 20 year old started off the IPL season with a personal tragedy - his father passed away a couple of days before the first match. After performing the last rites, Rishabh returned to play and top scored with a 36-ball 57 in his first game against the Royal Challengers Bangalore. Though Delhi were beaten, the wicket-keeper batsman won everyone's hearts. Rishabh was close to being selected for the ICC Champions Trophy, but the selectors kept faith with Mahendra Singh Dhoni. He is a standby for the Champions Trophy, and it won't be long before we see him getting the

national call. Rishabh finished the IPL season with 366 runs from 14 games at a strike rate of 165. He also took eight catches and effected three stumpings. Rahul Tripathi Rising Pune Supergiants' impressive turnaround in the second half of IPL 10 was made largely possible because of his batting. With 353 runs in 10 games, the 26 year old is the only cricketer in IPL-10's top 10 batsmen to have not played international cricket. His strike rate of 152 is second only to Robin Uthappa (167) in the top run getters, but ahead of big names like David Warner, Suresh Raina and Steve Smith. Rahul played a memorable innings at the Eden Gardens when he destroyed the Kolkata Knight Riders' bowling attack en-route to 93 in 52 balls, laced with 9 fours and 7 sixes. Nitish Rana He may have not found favour with the Delhi selectors, but Nitish proved his worth and more for the Mumbai Indians. Dropped from the Delhi team for the Vijay Hazare Trophy before the IPL, the 23year-old left-hander made the No 3 slot his own at Mumbai with three fifties in his first six knocks in IPL-10, including a 29ball half-century against the Kolkata Knight Riders which saw Mumbai steal victory from the jaws of defeat. He hit 53 against the Gujarat Lions and a quickfire 62 against the Kings XI Punjab helping his team chase down big totals in big games. In 13 games in the league stages, Nitish scored 333 runs at an average of 30 with a strike rate of 126. Sanju Samson It's been Sanju's season of resurrection. His career nearly hit a roadblock after he was issued a showcause notice by the Kerala Cricket Association in December after he left the dressing room in the middle of a Ranji Trophy game. After Sanju said sorry, he was let off and has since concen-

trated on getting his career back on track. The 22 year old has been a revelation for the Delhi Daredevils, scoring 386 runs in 13 games, including a century and two fifties. Opening the innings, he hit a smashing 61 from 31 balls as he helped Delhi chase down a massive 209 against the Gujarat Lions. Basil Thampi The 23-year-old Kerala fast bowler grabbed everyone's attention with his ability to bowl consistently at a good pace - 140-plus k p h . Sending yorkers at will, Basil claimed some big scalps in his first IPL Virat Kohli, Chris Gayle, Mahendra Singh Dhoni among others. The Gujarat Lions pacer was one of the net bowlers for the Indian team during the series against Australia earlier this year. Basil was one bright spot in an otherwise disappointing Gujarat campaign, with 11 wickets in 12 games. Shreyas Iyer After missing the first couple of games because of chickenpox, Shreyas made a quiet start before hitting an unbeaten half-century against the Sunrisers Hyderabad. After failing to make most of the starts in the next few games, the 22 year old hit a stunning 96 in 57 balls, laced with 15 fours and two sixes, which helped the Delhi Daredevils win a thrilling run chase. In 11 games, Shreyas scored 306 runs at a good strike rate of 143. Sandeep Sharma Just 23, but Sandeep is an IPL veteran. This is his fifth season and he continues to be a consistent performer in an inconsistent side. He returned with 17 wickets in 13 games this IPL to add to his 15, 13, 18 and 8 in earlier seasons. His ability to swing the ball makes him a potent weapon, especially at the Kings XI Punjab's home ground in Mohali. Axar Patel Axar must consider himself unlucky not to make the Indian team for the

Champions Trophy. The 23-year-old all-rounder starred with both bat and ball for the Kings XI Punjab. The left-hander scored 227 runs in 14 games at a strike rate of 140 while picking 15 wickets at an economy rate of 7.5. Mohammed Siraj An autorickshaw driver's son, the 23-year-old Hyderabad fast bowler was picked by the Sunrisers Hyderabad at the IPL auction. Siraj - 10 wickets in six IPL games had a good domestic season, which saw him get picked for the Rest of India and India 'A' teams. In a must-win game for the Sunrisers against the Gujarat Lions, Siraj came through with flying colours, taking 4/32 to win his first man of the match award and guide his team into the play-offs. Hardik and Krunal Pandya The Pandya brothers – Hardik and Krunal – who

Hardik & Krunal Pandya

play for Mumbai Indians this season, are enroute to stardom, at least in the Indian Premier League. If they continue their good form, they will surely replace the other brother duo of Yusuf and Irfan Pathan and become the new poster boys of Indian cricket from Vadodara. Younger brother Hardik Pandya's pyrotechnics against KKR saw him notch up a 23-ball 29 to anchor his team to a win. Then it was the turn of elder brother Krunal, who played a lovely cameo as his 37 off 20 balls was largely instrumental in Mumbai Indians knocking off a tricky target of 159 vs Sunrisers Hyderabad on April 12. Well, with both brothers in good nick in IPL 10, the duo have decided to buy a new house in Andheri's posh locality, Versova to ensure that their family enjoys their stay in the city during their home games. The MI won the IPL trophy because of Krunal who scored 47 runs when Mumbai Indians were struggling at 79 for 7.

Sport 32


Asian Voice | 27th May 2017


Mumbai Indians lifted the IPL trophy for the third time by beating Rising Pune Supergiants by just one run. Rohit Sharma and Co stifled Pune's chase of 129 runs with Jasprit Burmah and Mitchell Johnson sending down two brilliant last overs that pinned Pune to 128 for six. Pune were on target thanks to superlative knocks by opener Ajinkya Rahane, who scored 44 off 38 deliveries with 5 boundaries and Steve Smith who hit 51 off 50 balls, that included two boundaries and equal number of sixes. But Mumbai's bowlers never gave up and managed to defend the small target by limiting Pune agonisingly short by one run. Mitchell Johnson and Jasprit Bumrah were the stars for Mumbai. Johnson who bowled the final over with Pune needing 11 runs. But the Aussie managed to hold on and ensured Mumbai claimed the IPL title for the third time. Earlier, RPS restricted Mumbai to 128 for 8 riding on commendable bowling effort. The two-time champions were completely off-colour as they played an astounding 54 dot balls (9 maiden overs) in 20 overs, a testimony to their plight. Save Krunal Pandya (47 off 38 balls), who watched helplessly from the other end, none of the MI batsmen showed judiciousness expected on the grand stage. It was because of Krunal's late hitting (three fours and two sixes) that MI managed to reach 128 after being reduced to 79 for 7. Jaydev Unadkat's (2/19 in 4 overs) dream edition just got better as he dealt twin blows in the third over removing both Parthiv Patel (4) and Lendl Simmons (3) within a space of three deliveries. Patel mistimed a pull-shot that was taken by Shardul Thakur at mid-on while Simmons was foxed by a slower one which Unadkat smartly snapped inches off the surface. At 8 for 2, Mumbai's most seasoned pair of skipper Rohit Sharma (24) and Ambati Rayudu (12) came together. However, they couldn't get going with Washington Sundar (0/13 in 4 overs) again proving to be exceptional during the Power play overs. The 17-year-old bowled 15 dot balls in all bowling two in Power plays and two during the middle overs. Mumbai were under pressure at 16 for 2 in 5 overs before Rohit picked up Lockie Ferguson for some special treatment, hitting four boundaries to get a move on. But it wasn't long before Rayudu was found short failing to beat Steve Smith's direct throw. The MI skipper would be cursing himself as it was a half-tracker from Adam Zampa (2/32 in 4 overs) which he pulled to mid-wicket fence where Shardul Thakur showed fantastic balance while latching onto a well-judged catch.

Kieron Pollard (7) hit a first-ball six off Zampa but that encouraged the leggie to again flight one outside the off-stump. Pollard took the bait and was taken in deep by Manoj Tiwary. At 56 for 5, Mumbai Indians didn't have any chance of recovery. Pandya brothers have had a good tournament but on the day when it mattered most, Hardik played across the line to Dan Christian to be adjudged legbefore. Shardul once again showed street smartness as he backed up at the striker's end after Karn Sharma's catch was missed by Christian. But his throw saw Shardul racing past Karn to dislodge the bails leaving MI shattered at 79 for 7. Karn Sharma spins Mumbai Indians into final In a largely lop-sided encounter, the Mumbai Indians romped home to a sixwicket win over Gautam Gambhir's Kolkata Knight Riders to set up title fight with Rising Pune Supergiant in Hyderabad. Having messed up their first chance of entering the final with a loss at home to Pune in Qualifier 1, the Mumbai men got everything right on the night, the toss included, as they chased down the belowpar total in 14.3 overs. Although Mumbai were in control of the proceedings for the better part of the match, they did wobble a little and were 36-3 in six overs. But once Rohit and Krunal settled down, the match was well out of Kolkata's reach. Fittingly Krunal scored the winnings runs - a boundary off Umesh Yadav. It was 12 nights ago that the M Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru witnessed a carnage of Royal Challengers Bangalore bowling attack by Kolkata's opening duo of Narine and Lynn. The 37ball-105 on that muggy night was still fresh in memory when the duo came out to bat. But Kolkata did not feast on runs. Instead they allowed the Mumbai


bowlers to run riot on a pitch which offered no easy runs. Put in to bat, Knight Riders were completely overshadowed by the meticulous Mumbai bowlers, who breezed through the batting line-up as Kolkata were bowled out for 107 in 18.5 overs. Coming out to bat less than 48 hours after their seven-wicket win over Sunrisers Hyderabad in the raintruncated contest at the same venue, Kolkata batsmen looked jaded against a well-rested and charged up Mumbai attack. If leggie Karn Sharma (4-16) sent the batsmen on a leather hunt with his googlies and legspin, right-arm medium pacer Jasprit Bumrah (3-7) kept the batters guessing with his variation of good length balls and peppered it with yorkers and short balls. He even ensured the last over of power play was a maiden over with Robin Uthappa's wicket as the incentive. Pune beat Mumbai Rising Pune Supergiant defeated Mumbai Indians by 20 runs in the first qualifier and to become first finalists of the Indian Premier League. Young spinner Washington Sundar (3/16) and medium pacer Shardul Thakur (3/37) bowled exceptionally well to help Pune book a ticket to Hyderabad for the final. Earlier, Pune rode on fine half-centuries from Manoj Tiwary and Ajinkya Rahane to post 162/4 against Mumbai at Wankhede Stadium. But it was a whirlwind knock of 26-ball 40 from former RPS skipper MS Dhoni that brought the momentum into Pune's favour at the end of their innings. Dhoni along with Tiwary accumulated 41 runs from the final two overs but it was the 35year-old finisher who did most of the damage for Pune. It was Dhoni's brilliance with the bat and later a brilliant captaincy from Steve Smith, which never allowed the pressure ease from Mumbai.

Karthik replaces injured Manish Pandey for Champions Trophy Injured Manish Pandey has been replaced by Dinesh Karthik in India's 15-man squad for the Champions Trophy, a BCCI media release said. Pandey suffered a side strain during the Kolkata Knight Riders' practice session on the eve of their IPL 2017 Eliminator against Sunrisers Hyderabad. Pandey last featured for India in the 2nd T20I against England in January earlier this year, which the hosts won by five runs. His last ODI was during the five-match series at home against New Zealand, which India won 32. The Tamil Nadu wicketkeeper-batsman Karthik had last played in India colours in the Asia Cup contest against Afghanistan in 2014. Karthik looked in fine touch during Gujarat Lions' campaign and scored 361 runs in 14 games at an average of 36.10 and a strike rate of 139.38, before his team was knocked out after a poor show. Karthik, who bagged the Man of the Match award in the final of both the Vijay Hazare and Deodhar Trophy with hundreds on both the occasions, has been in stellar form in the Indian domestic season, The 31-year-old was one of the players on standby along with Suresh Raina, Rishabh Pant, Kuldeep Yadav and Shardul Thakur. With Rohit Sharma, Shikhar Dhawan, Virat Kohli, MS Dhoni and Yuvraj Singh forming the top five, Karthik might be contesting for the finisher's role with Kedar Jadhav. Squad: Virat Kohli (c), Shikhar Dhawan, Rohit Sharma, Ajinkya Rahane, Mahendra Singh Dhoni (wk), Yuvraj Singh, Kedar Jadhav, Hardik Pandya, R Ashwin, R Jadeja, Mohammad Shami, Umesh Yadav, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Jasprit Bumrah and Dinesh Karthik.

India retain number one Test ranking India maintained pole position on the ICC Test rankings as per the annual update released by the global cricket body on May 18. The update gives a 50 per cent consideration to results from the 2015-16 series. Gaining a solitary point, India moved to 123 on the points table. However, second-placed South Africa catapulted to 117 points, gaining seven points, thereby narrowing down the gap between them and number one ranked India. Australia held on to the third position by a slender thread, having lost eight points as per the update, which now separates them and the seventh ranked Sri Lanka (91 points) by only nine points. England are breathing down Australia's neck, sitting on 99. They too conceded two points. Pakistan slipped to 93 from 97 to take the sixth position, while New Zealand, Bangladesh and West Indies, all gained one, three and five points respectively. New Zealand (97) are placed fifth on the table. Notwithstanding the three-point rise, Bangladesh (69) are placed ninth, six points behind West Indies (75). Zimbabwe, who lost five points, are languishing at the tenth position (zero points).


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