fact sheet healthy

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Fact Sheet FAcFFa

9 Tips for Healthy Eating 1. Drink plenty of water. It is suggested that we consume 8-10 glasses per day. This includes water that we get from foods and other drinks that we have. 2. We all know that eating fresh fruits daily is advised. If you eat them directly after a meal your body will store it away as unused energy. 3. You should eat a protein with each of your meals. Some excellent sources of protein would include fish, beans, meat, protein bars and shakes. 4. Start a regular exercise program. If you are not in the habit of exercising start out slow and work your way up to something that is more strenuous. Choose something that you enjoy doing. If you enjoy the type of exercise your chances of continuing it over the long term increases. 5. Include raw vegetables into your daily diet. Nutritionists tell us that the darker the vegetable is the richer it is in nutrients. Concentrate on the ones that are dark green, dark purple and dark orange. 6. You should eat smaller meals with snacks in between. Eating every two to three hours is optimal. This will help you to naturally increase your metabolism and that is essential to healthy weight control. 7. Include fatty acids into the diet. Ground up flax seed is a good source to have with foods or cereals. It also gives you fiber. 8. Eat foods that are high in fiber. These foods will help you control cholesterol levels as well as giving you the feeling of feeling fuller. 9. Raw nuts and seeds are a good source of essential fatty acids. You should limit the amount to about a handful. These fatty acids not only help us burn fat but also assure that we have healthy hair, skin and nails.


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