BUILDING CENTRAL FLORIDA 2023 • Issue 2 • APR IN THIS ISSUE: Solving the Affordable Housing Crisis? A Useful Tool for Building Your Business Industry Experts Cautiously Optimistic About 2023
Michele Daugherty
Nancy Wray
Alssa Mathews
Catherine Wert
Taylor Tidwell
Eva Pardo
Corey Schoenfelder
Taylor Dupree
Francine Conway
Advocacy Today!
32 Technology Is the Key to Overcoming Labor Hurdles
34 One Story at a Time Mental Health Is a Group Effort
BUILDING Central Florida Magazine
Issue # - Materials Deadline
Issue 1 - FEB 12/15
Issue 2 - APR 2/15
Issue 3 - JUN 4/15
Issue 4 - AUG 6/15
Issue 5 - OCT 8/15
Issue 6 - DEC 10/15
For more information, contact Alssa Mathews, Marketing Communications Manager at 407.628.2070 or email
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BUILDING Central Florida 2023 - APRIL 2 COVER STORY Madison Landing II
Building Central Florida (BCF) is published bi-monthly by Central Florida Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. All material becomes the property of Central Florida ABC unless prior arrangements are made. Central Florida ABC welcomes submissions of articles and press releases from our members; however, Central Florida ABC reserves the right to publish based on relevance and space availability. 407.628.2070 651 Danville Drive Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32825 ©2023 Central Florida Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. BUSINESS 3 President’s Letter 5 Welcome New Members 6 Marketing Audits: A Useful Tool for Building Your Business 8 Sage Intacct Construction for General Contractors and Developers 10 Commercial Space Must Take on New Meaning to Survive a Virtual Age
Sciens Building Solutions
Humble, Hungry and Smart - The Westbrook Way
Madison Landing II - Providing Affordable Housing 18 Building Toward the Final Frontier: Turner Construction Company
Entech Innovative Engineering Finfrock Construction, LLC Guignard Company Moxē Integrated Marketing 22 SmartBuild WPC CONNECT
Industry Experts Cautiously Optimistic About 2023 25 2023 Kick Off Party
on Tap
ABC Builds the Next Generation of Leaders 2023 Upcoming Young Professional Events
(How) can we solve the affordable housing crisis? 30 Support ABC’s Political
In This Issue
President’s Letter Sharing ABC’s Voice of the Merit Shop in the Construction Industry
Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. is the voice of the merit shop in the construction industry. We assume the responsibility of making that voice heard. We believe that the merit shop movement is a movement for the betterment of the individual, the industry, and the nation. We believe in the system of free enterprise and open competition. We would also like to thank each of you for your efforts over the past year. Without the entire association working together, the following achievements would not have been possible on a national level:
Health and Safety
• Total Human Health is now a core component of STEP, raising its awareness as a vital pillar of safety.
• STEP participation grew 14% over 2021 reaching an all-time high participation in 2022.
Workforce Development
• All chapters are utilizing the ABC Workforce Development Framework and measuring the number of entry point programs being utilized to develop and attract top talent to our industry.
• ABC Accredited Quality Contractors reached a record high growth of 22.7%, showcasing our members’ commitment to safety, workforce development, IDE, and talent management.
Membership Growth
• ABC reached a historical national membership retention of 91.4% by continuing to deliver value to our members.
• 8,982 employees used the ABC Marketplace in 2022.
Political Advocacy
• In 2022 ABC kept its promise to preserve and advance free and open competition through relentless education, marketing, and fundraising to the entire ABC community and engage nontraditional stakeholders.
• Every chapter raised FEA & PAC dollars in 2022, resulting in a record of $2,816,400 in FEA and $979,941 in PAC contributions, amplifying our political advocacy efforts during a critical election year.
• ABC took the lead and successfully fought off construction industry vaccine mandates.
• Through ABC’s efforts - No PRO Act, No PLA Mandates on Federal Projects in 2022, 24 FOCA States, FOCA Sponsors.
• ABC and its members made 394 lawmaker visits –A RECORD!
• ABC across the nation had 35/ day media hits, totaling 12,612+775% since 2014.
It is an operating principle of ABC to be an organization of high trust, high collaboration, and effective communication to deliver value to our members, and I encourage you to take a deeper dive into your organization and maximize it to the fullest.
Michele Daugherty 407-628-2070
On February 28, 2023, Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., and Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind. introduced H.R. 1209/S. 537, the Fair and Open Competition Act (FOCA). There are 79 original cosponsors in the House and 18 in the Senate. The Fair and Open Competition Act protects federal and federally assisted construction contracts from government-mandated PLAs and will allow merit shop contractors to have a fair chance at competing to rebuild America. With 88.3% of the U.S. private construction workforce choosing not to belong to a union, PLA mandates discourage experienced contractors and their employees from competing to win taxpayer-funded contracts to rebuild their communities.
As the administration implements the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and other legislation funding public works construction projects, ABC is concerned with its record of favoring the expansion of government-mandated PLAs on federal and federally assisted construction projects. Policies promoting or mandating PLAs will needlessly increase construction costs 12% to 20%, resulting in fewer infrastructure projects and jobs created by federal investment in America’s roads, bridges, schools, and water/energy infrastructure.
The ABC-priority FOCA bill is key to ensuring that ABC contractors can build America’s infrastructure through fair and open competition. Ask your federal elected officials to support FOCA and policies that ensure a level playing field for taxpayerfunded contracts and encourages competition from all qualified companies, including small and minority-owned businesses. ABC members and their skilled employees deserve a fair chance to rebuild America at a price that is right for taxpayers. | CONNECT EDUCATE ADVOCATE 3
Tell Congress to support FOCA and oppose PLA mandates and preferences today!
BUILDING Central Florida 2023 - APRIL 4 Allguard Silicone Elastomeric Coating 855.347.0866 Contact Coastal to learn more about DOWSIL™ products. AuthorizedDistributor Products and Expertise to Help You Get the Job Done
Chris Evans | Chair
Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC
Julie Holmes | Chair-Elect
JK2 Scenic
Juan Garcia | Vice Chair
PCL Construction Services, Inc.
Roy L. Burkett | Secretary
S. I. Goldman Company, Inc.
Thomas Wert | Vice Chair
Dean Mead Attorneys at Law
Michael Parks | Past Chair
Hoar Construction, LLC
Ray Bastin, CPA | Treasurer Withum
Michael C. Sasso | General Counsel
Sasso and Sasso, P.A.
Jason Albu
Albu & Associates, Inc.
Charles Bracco
Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc.
Kevin Bradford Charles Perry Partners, Inc.
Roxana Hernandez
Turner Construction
C. L. Janeski
Tri-City Electrical Contractors, Inc.
Michael Jordan
Universal Forming, Inc.
John Kurtz
Gilbane Building Company
Earl Lomas
Terry’s Electric, Inc.
Willis Milner
Balfour Beatty
Debbie Rodriguez
Competitive Edge Partners & Consulting, LLC
David Schultz
Scott Scruby
Sunbelt Rentals
Jonathan Sheppeard
Austin Commercial, LP
John Smalley
Hensel Phelps
Chad Tinetti
Tavistock Development Company
Oskar Torres
Towers Construction Company
Derrick M. Valkenburg
Shutts & Bowen, LLP
Matthew Walton
MiGre Engineers, LLC
Michele Daugherty
Welcome New
ABC Members
Annapurna Construction LLC
Alen Oster
508 London Road
Winter Park, FL 32792 (662) 617-4215
alen@annapurnaconstruction. com
Metal framing and drywall
Subcontractor: $1M-$3M
Sponsor: Juan Garcia
Axis Portable Air
Daniel Ortiz
4132 West Venus Way Chandler, AZ 85226 (321) 451-0912
Specialty rental equipment, portable air, etc.
Supplier Member
Alex Romoser Central Florida 317-504-2693
CFO service company
Associate Member
ERC Provider
Jessica King 1317 Edgewater Drive, Suite 2107 Orlando, FL 32804 (970) 363-9633
PPP loan consulting company
Associate Member
Gravity Services Inc.
Joslynn Wiese
819 E. Plymouth Avenue Deland, FL 32721 (386) 507-1818
Subcontractor: $1-$3M
Morris-Shea Bridge Co., Inc.
Matt Robertson
609 South 20th Street
Birmingham, AL 35210 (239) 286-5010
Deep foundation systems
Subcontractor: $1M-$3M
Patriot Controls LLC
Patrick Wagner
235 Hunters Point Trail Longwood, FL 32779 (801) 710-3337
Electrical contractor
Subcontractor: $1M-$3M
Pilar Services, Inc.
Walter Ormazabal 8623 Commodity Circle Orlando, FL 32819 (305) 888-2421
HVAC/Mechanical, refrigeration contractor
Subcontractor: $1M-$3M
Jackson Hogue 17370 E. Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32820 (800) 682-7023
Portable restrooms, trailers, hand hygiene, etc.
Supplier Member
Sponsor: Jackie Evans, Rachelle Bytheway
Vero Building Systems
Kent Hendricks 1401 Flora Boulevard Kissimmee, FL 34741 (850) 446-5429
Manufacturer of expanded polystyrene panels; SCIP Panels Supplier Member
Request an ABC Member digital logo by sending an email to: | CONNECT EDUCATE ADVOCATE 5
Marketing Audits: A Useful Tool for Building Your Business
By Michael Monahan | President & CEO, Moxē Integrated Marketing
Like a ladder to a roofer or a pipe wrench to a plumber, a marketing audit is an important tool that can make your marketing investment more effective.
A marketing audit is an independent, unbiased, professional third-party review of your marketing efforts to get an opinion on what’s working, what isn’t working and recommendations on how to optimize your marketing mix and maximize the impact of your marketing efforts.
Are you spending the right percentage of your gross revenues on marketing to effectively grow your business? Do you have the right internal resources in place who can “own” the marketing function? Do you have an agency partner who knows your business and your industry? Do you have the right mix of paid, earned, owned and shared marketing strategies in place to grow your business and build your brand over time?
“We did a marketing audit on our business last year and it revealed our assumptions about our market were wrong. We were able to take that information and refine our strategies and tactics to something that is now working for us,” said Jason Scarborough, CEO of a local pool and spa leak detection company.
Nuts and Bolts of a Marketing Audit
To be effective, a marketing audit needs to be thorough, examining all aspects of your branding and marketing efforts, as well as your niche in the industry and your target audience. Objectivity is also important which is why marketing audits are best performed by a third-party marketing professional.
A marketing audit is typically comprised of five parts:
• Asset Inventory
Gather a list of all your marketing materials, print and digital. The inventory should include websites, social media platforms and all aspects of your company’s digital footprint. SEO optimizations should also be considered marketing assets for this inventory.
• Industry Research
You may know everything about your industry, but an objective industry analysis can turn up information you weren’t aware of and bring a fresh perspective. At its most basic, this step should take the form of a full SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis.
• Competitive Study
A focus on three to five of your closest competitors should review and compare marketing tactics, pricing strategies, and range of products and services. This competitive study may show price points, products and services, or segments of your customer base that are underserved.
• Target Audience Analysis
Your existing customer data can be the basis for this analysis which should include compiling key demographics and sociographic information to identify customer segments you could better target with marketing messages. Creating a customer journey map will help you better understand the customer experience.
• Report Recommendations
The report you receive from your marketing audit could be the most important step. This is where you get recommendations from a marketing professional for how to use the information gathered in the audit to inform your marketing plan and improve your marketing efforts.
Once you have your recommendations, you’ll be at an important phase in the process. You’ll need to decide if you’re in a position to implement the recommendations on your own or if you need to engage an agency partner to help bring that vision to reality.
If you are going to own the recommendations, set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound) goals for your marketing program. How many articles would you like to see in Central Florida Builder, Engineering News-Record or The Orlando Business Journal featuring your business? How many e-mail campaigns do you want to send out a year and what is an acceptable open and click-through rate? How many qualified new business leads do you want from your digital advertising?
With those KPIs in hand, you can work backward to determine the scope of work necessary to generate the results you seek. Use the information in your marketing audit report to execute marketing efforts to reach your target audience where it is with messages that will resonate, improving your conversion rate.
When done professionally and implemented strategically, a marketing audit is an important step in getting the most out of your marketing investment.
BUILDING Central Florida 2023 - APRIL 6 BUSINESS
We at Aagaard-Juergensen Construction are thrilled to unveil our newly rebranded identity. Our fresh and solid new logo embodies the highest standards of quality construction that we are renowned for as one of Central Florida’s most reputable and reliable general contractors. | CONNECT EDUCATE ADVOCATE 7
Sage Intacct Construction for General Contractors and Developers
By Sonia Parsa |
Sage Intacct Construction is one of the top construction finance management software providers and is the first and only AICPA-preferred accounting solution for general contractors and developers. Sage Intacct Construction enables proactive management of valuable financial metrics and improves cash flow. It’s built specifically for the construction industry, providing realtime visibility and insights through role-based dashboards.
One featured functionality is representing project work in a visual hierarchy, also known as a work breakdown structure (WBS) by utilizing the project, task and cost type dimensions. This allows users to measure project cost and productivity through the full life cycle of a job.
Construction companies are continually challenged to create and achieve a streamlined procurement cycle. Sage Intacct Construction allows you to create custom purchasing workflows that will revolutionize your business with approval policies created right within the system. You decide if you want your workflow to be set up by asking for a purchase requisition first, which an employee user type can enter in, or you can have your workflow start at the purchase order level, with the project manager of the job as the approver. You can create multiple workflow structures within purchasing to meet your business needs.
The importance of purchasing workflows is that the system can keep track of every scenario and eliminates the possibility of a missed transaction. You can create approval policies for each step, avoiding paying out invoices never reviewed by the project team.
Within purchasing and the workflows, you can select which transactions should be billable to a client. You can allocate invoices without breaking out each transaction by the dimensions you need them allocated across. You also could set an automatic spend validation process that will post each spend transaction against the budget and rules you set, governing your spending.
Legacy accounting software was developed before the Internet. They were never designed to provide real-time visibility into your organization’s financials. They also were not designed to talk to other systems. Sage Intacct Construction is designed to seamlessly connect to third-party applications for project management, payroll, budgeting, and customer relationship management apps.
Thousands of general contractors and developers choose Sage Intacct Construction as their financial software solution. Why? As your company grows, you need to automate accounting processes while adding strong financial controls that ensure compliance and audibility. The Sage Intacct Learning Center provides instructional videos and eLearning courses pertaining to accounts payable and 1099s. Search the Sage Intacct Community for knowledgebase articles, 1099 on-demand webinar recordings and FAQs.
Rest assured that your current investment in Sage 100 and 300 CRE is safe and will continue to be supported and enhanced for many years.
BUILDING Central Florida 2023 - APRIL 8 BUSINESS
With over 60 years of commercial and industrial mechanical contracting experience throughout Florida, we understand what it takes to deliver a quality product across a multitude of market sectors from design to delivery.
Goldman Company, we do more than get the job done, we get it done right. | CONNECT EDUCATE ADVOCATE 9 From 1,500 lbs up to 60,000 lbs in electric, gas, LP propane and diesel, Jamco, Inc. can handle all your forklift rental needs! • Forklifts • Scissor Lifts • Forklift Attachments • Pallet Jacks Jamco Inc. Orlando North Orlando, FL 3800 Enterprise Way Sanford, FL 32771 407-302-5400 Jamco Inc. Tampa East Tampa, FL 2007 Wood Court Plant City, FL 33563 813-543-JAMCO (5262)
Integrity pricing, customer satisfaction, and reliability since 1986.
GAINESVILLE OFFICE 4111-A NW 6th St. Gainesville, FL 32609 (352) 367-0200 MAIN OFFICE 799 Bennett Dr. Longwood, FL 32750 (407) 830-5000 BREVARD OFFICE 150 Venetian Wy., Ste. 109 Merritt Island, FL 32952 (321) 636-3170 • CMC057041 / CFC1429535 / CUC1224857
At S.I.
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Forklift Rental Experts
Commercial Space Must Take on New Meaning to Survive a Virtual Age
By Nancy Cox | Partner, The Bonadio Group
One of the many lingering impacts of the pandemic is the surplus of unused commercial space. From abandoned office spaces to malls with dwindling retail tenants, commercial property executives are experiencing lower demand in a world that is more virtual than ever before.
Due to these factors and with no change in sight, executives and developers are getting creative about uses for these non-utilized spaces. Based on emerging trends, open commercial spaces provide opportunities for repurposing to meet new needs and desires of consumers and the workforce. As industries across the globe make shifts to virtual, here are some ways that common commercial spaces can adapt.
As much of the workforce remains remote, the demand for large corporate office spaces continues to decline. While many executives see value in keeping a space for employees to gather and conduct meetings when needed, there is a general urge to reduce their footprint and, in turn, costs.
Some of the ways that large companies are downsizing include seeking smaller spaces and utilizing “hotel-style” personal stations for use by employees that need to come in for certain events. Additionally, companies are turning to shared spaces – whether it’s renting a small space themselves or renting out a portion of their existing space to another company. Another creative use of space is to incorporate community service, such as turning large eating or communal spaces into soup kitchens or allowing community organizations to utilize the space at little or no cost. Commercial executives looking to sell or rent unused
spaces should consider this and the opportunity to install easy structures like dividers to maximize the potential of their open units.
One of the many lingering impacts of the pandemic is the surplus of unused commercial space. From abandoned office spaces to malls with dwindling retail tenants, commercial property executives are experiencing lower demand in a world that is more virtual than ever before.
Due to these factors and with no change in sight, executives and developers are getting creative about uses for these non-utilized spaces. Based on emerging trends, open commercial spaces provide opportunities for repurposing to meet new needs and desires of consumers and the workforce. As industries across the globe make shifts to virtual, here are some ways that common commercial spaces can adapt.
As much of the workforce remains remote, the demand for large corporate office spaces continues to decline. While many executives see value in keeping a space for
employees to gather and conduct meetings when needed, there is a general urge to reduce their footprint and, in turn, costs.
Some of the ways that large companies are downsizing include seeking smaller spaces and utilizing “hotel-style” personal stations for use by employees that need to come in for certain events. Additionally, companies are turning to shared spaces – whether it’s renting a small space themselves or renting out a portion of their existing space to another company. Another creative use of space is to incorporate community service, such as turning large eating or communal spaces into soup kitchens or allowing community organizations to utilize the space at little or no cost. Commercial executives looking to sell or rent unused spaces should consider this and the opportunity to install easy structures like dividers to maximize the potential of their open units.
BUILDING Central Florida 2023 - APRIL 10 BUSINESS
Reprinted from Construction Executive , Novenber 2022, a publication of Associated Builders and Contractors. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. | CONNECT EDUCATE ADVOCATE 11 11 One Firm. One Focus. Construction Law. 15 W. Church Street, Suite 301 • Orlando, Florida 32801 407-740-6600 • LL C Over Three Decades of Success in Commercial Roofing 7326 South Orange Avenue Orlando, Florida 32809 (407) 857-9392 AdventHealth Celebration Bed Tower Three and CEP Expansion
Creative Village
The Julian Apartments at
Sciens Building Solutions
Life Safety Systems Not Only Protect Buildings; They Save Lives
Central Florida is filled with commercial buildings, high-rise residential towers, and prestigious colleges and universities. We have all enjoyed an afternoon of shopping at one of our premier malls; a fun-filled day at a world-class theme park with the family; the excitement of watching a shuttle launch into the sky from nearby Kennedy Space Center. But did you ever wonder how those structures – and the people occupying them – stay safe? Imagine a fire breaks out, people need to evacuate, and the fire department needs alerted as soon as possible. Picture a premise that is not secure and requires immediate protection. What if a fire needs to be extinguished to protect high value assets? Enter Sciens Building Solutions.
From the smallest elementary school to the tallest skyscraper, Sciens designs comprehensive integrated systems to keep facilities safe and secure. The company was founded in San Francisco in 2016 with the mission of serving business and protecting lives. Its invest and grow approach means that Sciens seeks quality companies to comprise its national presence, a method that has enabled it to become one of the largest independent life safety companies in the country.
Sciens’ Florida presence is what kick-started the company with its first acquisition of WSA Systems in Boca Raton. Now located in Pompano Beach, WSA had a great reputation of designing, installing, and providing maintenance service for fire detection and clean agent fire suppression systems in a variety of commercial, institutional, and government facilities – all of which aligned with the Sciens vision. Sciens businesses offer all of the above, as well as addressable fire alarm and voice systems, smoke control, building integration, emergency communication systems, and a full suite of security solutions, including CCTV, access control, and operations control centers. They perform critical life-saving work for world-famous Silicon Valley tech companies, military bases for several branches, the exciting motorsports industry, and bustling airports – two of which include Daytona Beach International and Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International.
Shortly after WSA came additional Florida locations in Jacksonville, Miami, and St. Petersburg. Sciens acquired Mt. Dora-based SmartWatch Security & Sound in 2019 and Longwood’s LV Solutions in
2022, its sixth and thirteenth additions, respectively. The two local companies were successful in their own right –providing highly sophisticated security systems to some of our area’s premier entertainment complexes and hotels, as well integrated systems for several other high profile commercial clients. These two locations recently merged and moved into a 20,000 SF office near downtown Orlando.
With now eight Florida locations and nearly 1,200 employees nationwide – 70 of which are based in Orlando – Sciens has proven to be a trusted provider of all things fire and life safety in the Sunshine State. The company is up to 21 locations across the country, including California, New York, Texas, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and New Jersey, with a current focus on even more growth to take the important work they do to other parts of the country. While this strategy obviously focuses on adding companies that also have an emphasis on life safety, there’s an equally important common thread they’re in search of: similar values and culture. Sciens believes in an employee-first philosophy, so it’s imperative that the companies they add to their portfolio have the same mindset.
Once a company has become part of the Sciens portfolio, the goal is to allow them to continue business as usual for the most part. There is no massive change, no significant cost-cutting, and no process overhaul. The idea is to find ways to invest in things like resources, programs, and ideas that will accelerate growth and take the business to the next level.
Sciens is also proud of the fact that much of their leadership team has decades of combined industry experience, something that is attractive to owners thinking about joining the Sciens portfolio of companies. Having knowledge of the business certainly helps build trust and rapport, and owners feel comfortable that the Sciens team has the expertise to help grow their business in
the best way possible. Majority of previous owners stay active in the business but get to relax a little bit more, while Sciens takes on some of the heavy lifting, and shift their focus back to the passion that fueled them to start their company in the first place.
The company is also committed to supporting the fire-life safety industry by helping organizations develop new codes required to keep buildings and their occupants safe. Sciens is active with organizations such as American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA), California Automatic Fire Alarm Association (CAFA), and the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA), along with other associations spearheading the highest fire safety standards possible.
As Sciens grows, so does their commitment to enabling employees to do the same. There is significant encouragement for people to grow their life safety careers within the company and so promoting from within is a standard practice.
to kickstart your career in this exciting life-saving industry?
out our job openings at:
in growing your company with Sciens?
Contact: Troy Conners, Vice President of Business Development 248.466.1899 | CONNECT EDUCATE ADVOCATE 13 Ph: 407-277-8766 Fax: 407-277-9596 1043 Upsala Rd., Sanford, FL 32771 Providing you with worry-free project management through completion of your commercial concrete project. Specializing in: • Structural Concrete • Post Tension • Tilt Up • Elevated Decks • Masonry Special thanks to our project teams and designers who contributed to our Eagle Awards for Blue Origin Orbital Launch Site, AdventHealth Fish Memorial Hospital, Harmony Middle School and UCF District Energy Plant IV Providing Complete Commercial and Industrial Insulation Solutions Since 1998 / 386.532.6963
Humble, Hungry, and SmartThe Westbrook Way
As a commercial service and construction company, Westbrook Service Corporation wears many (hard) hats. The Westbrook team continuously works to create a lasting impact in the Central Florida community through their expertise and commitment to changing the lives of everyone they work with. Since 1949, the mission that has driven Westbrook’s success is to create an employee experience so profoundly different that it leads to changed lives and customers for life.
Just like any construction project, Westbrook understands that winning a customer for life is impossible without a solid foundation. This foundation begins with the virtues of humble, hungry, and smart. By focusing on team over self, working diligently and learning to relate to one another better, Westbrook has created an environment in which its people and its mission thrive. With the foundation in place, the five key values of the company – transparency, listen, equip, appreciate, organize - drive the employee experience. Add in a leadership team that knows every employee by their first name, actively supports their growth and development, and an extensive benefit list, and you have built a company that is uniquely positioned to change lives and create customers for life.
The impact of their commercial construction, HVAC, electrical, and
plumbing services teams can be felt on a large scale throughout businesses in Central Florida. They specialize in project design and execution as they work alongside each client to help bring their vision to life. Supporting each phase of the project, no matter the size, through a high level of collaboration and discernment is a big part of what produces Westbrook’s exceptional results. Some notable projects built by Westbrook include the USTA National Campus, the Orlando Police Department Headquarters, Disney Fourth Laundry Facility, UCF Trevor Colburn Hall, Grand Avenue Community Center, Lake Buena Vista Highschool, and Stetson Brown Hall.
Westbrook takes pride in their ability to design, build, fix, and maintain any commercial project by staying current on the knowledge, skills, and training necessary to sustain a competitive edge in the marketplace. Westbrook works with each employee to understand their gifts, their dreams, and how those might be supported through a personalized training and development program, including covering the costs, so they might achieve success.
“There’s no limit to what they offer us as far as our ability to grow,” said Mark P., a plumbing service technician. Encouraging and supporting personal growth is one way Westbrook embodies its value of equip.
Since becoming the third majority owner in the companies near 75-year history, Brian King has focused on creating and driving home a clear vision for the company,
assembling the right team, and supplying the necessary resources for them to flourish. Those resources include such things as a two-day onboarding process for newhires so they feel like part of the family, a biannual company all staff meeting to keep the team informed, annual family fun day at a local theme park to celebrate with their families, and best in class benefits, such as free Red Wing boots, health insurance to include a max out of pocket of $2,000 per employee, up to three paid hurricane days per year, Christmas Eve and Good Friday as paid time off, maternity and paternity leave, 401(k) matching, and many more. These benefits provide stability for their employees, so they prosper at work and at home. As Westbrook invests in its people, they in turn can invest in their surrounding communities through service and volunteer activities at such organizations as My Neighbors Children, Habitat for Humanity, Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida, Jobs Partnership, and many others.
Westbrook’s commitment to its mission by exemplifying its virtues and values will make waves in the Central Florida Community for years to come. To learn more about Westbrook or to apply to become a part of the team visit their website at www.
407-281-9000 • Family-Owned • Same Day Shipping • Custom Hi-Viz Apparel • Product Experts SAFETY IS OUR #1 PRIORITY Visit our showroom at 365 W. Taft Vineland Road, Orlando, FL Dixie Metal Products, Inc. 352-873-2554 Ocala, FL We Make Power Work for You doing ctricians, ns deliver services r When you’re looking for brilliance, look to ESI. 352-787-1322 EC#0001415, CA#9435
MADISON LANDING II Providing Affordable Housing for Seniors in Orange County
Providing affordable housing to low-income seniors in Orange County has been prioritized as part of Orange County’s Housing for All Task Force, with many of these projects being arranged through public-private partnerships (PPP). Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings launched the Housing for All Task Force to prioritize short and long-term solutions to address the affordable housing crisis in Orange County. The Housing for All Task Force held its final meeting on November 15, 2019, presenting a 10year action plan that addresses housing affordability and supply by removing regulatory barriers, creating new financial resources, targeting areas of access and opportunity, and engaging the community and industry.
In partnership with Orange County, American Residential Communities (ARC) and New South Residential, LLC - WPC recently completed construction of Madison Landing II a $16.9 million – 94,488 SF affordable senior housing community located on 5.4 acres of land near Millenia Mall at 5808 S. Rio Grande Avenue in Orlando, Florida.
On a monumental December day in 2021 - WPC broke ground on Madison Landing II while at the same time cut the ribbon on Madison Landing. Madison Landing is a $23 million – 105,011 SF affordable senior housing community located on 5.4 acres of land next to the phase II.
Stacy Banach with New South Residential worked with the developer to bring the project into fruition shares, “We were pleased to have timed ribbon cutting of Madison Landing with the groundbreaking for Madison II – a first for Orange County. This was made possible thanks to Orange County’s commitment to affordable housing and WPC’s commitment to completing the project on schedule. Most importantly, we are delighted to bring more quality affordable housing to the residents of Orange County.”
WPC is the general contractor for the project, Hamilton Engineer & Surveying, LLC. is the civil engineer, Ingenuity Engineer, Inc. is MEP Engineer, Dansk Consulting, Inc. is the structural engineer.
Central Florida Chapter MEMBERS
Central Florida Waterproofing, Inc.
Energy Air, Inc.
JCB Construction, Inc.
PaverScape, Inc.
The need for affordable housing solutions for seniors is not specific to Orange County, it’s a focus across most of Florida. New South Residential and WPC are currently working on several other senior housing communities in Florida. In late 2022, they completed Madison Highlands in Hillsborough County. Currently, they are underway with Madison Grove in Osceola County and Madison Oaks West in Marion County.
PPC Professional Services, Inc.
Universal Engineering Sciences
Universal Forming, Inc.
BUILDING Central Florida 2023 - APRIL 16
PHOTOS COURTESY OF WPC | CONNECT EDUCATE ADVOCATE 17 AT THE END OF THE DAY, THERE IS NO END OF THE DAY Devoted to helping you get the job done since 1977, we’re there with general construction, HVAC, electrical, welding, landscaping and paving equipment— along with the power to back it up. Day or night. Rain or shine. Our people come to work every day ready to serve no matter how big or small the job. With a wide selection of equipment, tools and accessories, we empower customers to get the job done on time, every time. ( 888 ) 456-4560 | BUILDING SKYLINES & CAREERS Orlando Construction and Business Litigation Attorneys 1031 W. Morse Blvd. Suite 120, Winter Park, FL 32789 407-644-7161 | PUT A STRONG ADVOCATE ON YOUR SIDE
BUILDING Central Florida 2023 - APRIL 18 PROJECT PROFILE Baker Concrete Construction, Inc. Energy Air, Inc. Fine Tune Enterprises, Inc. Lynch Oil Company, Inc. Maxim Crane Works, L.P. Met-Con, Inc. Miller Electric Company S. I. Goldman Company, Inc. Sauer Construction Sunbelt Rentals, Incorporated Turner Construction Company United Rentals, Inc. Universal Engineering Sciences WILLSCOT
MEMBERS Building Toward the Final Frontier: Turner Construction Company Helps Realize Blue Origin’s Mission PHOTOS COURTESY OF TURNER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY
Cape Canaveral’s Launch Complex 36 was originally constructed by the U.S. Government in the early 1960s to first launch the Atlas-Centaur Rocket in May 1962 by NASA. The site continued to be used for a total of 145 launches from pads 36A and 36B during the first five decades of spaceflight including launching Pioneer, Surveyor, and Mariner probes in the 1960s and 1970s as well as being the site of one of the largest on-pad explosions in Cape History.
In 2015, Blue Origin leased the launch site to build a new site for launching the company’s orbital rockets. They contracted Turner Construction Company to provide construction management at risk for the Launch Pad and design-build services for the Integration Facility. Centered across 300 acres at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, the new orbital launch facility will support both people and payloads to space.
Prior to construction, two existing launch pads were demolished. As demolition concluded, Turner performed more than a year of site development prior to the start of construction to include over three thousand auger-cast piles and several acres of deep soil mixing to support a six-story deep excavation which eventually contained over one hundred and sixty thousand yards of concrete.
Following this effort, Turner constructed the pad deck where all site-based systems are integrated to supply power, air, fuels and other commodities to the launch vehicle. This effort included off-site fabrication of the upper superstructure of the pad deck framing and all commodity systems piping in order to accelerate the project’s schedule allowing for parallel work paths. This pad superstructure module weighed in at just over one million pounds and was moved into position in a single crane lift and secured in the same shift.
In addition to the pad deck, the construction included the Flame Deflector and Launch Exhaust Duct. The water-cooled flame deflector is constructed of carbon steel and refractory concrete. The watercooled flame deflector is supported by the world’s tallest purpose-built water tower.
Construction also included a launch vehicle support structure weighing
over four million pounds with integral pad support areas to roll the rockets onto the launch pad. The bridge was prefabricated off-site and on-site and the two pieces weighing 3.6 million and 1.7 million pounds respectively were moved into place over a two-day period.
The lightning protection system consists of two towers with insulator stand-offs, whose down conductors are integrated in the launch pad area grounding system. The 574’ Lightning Protection Tower (LPT) and the 574’ Vehicle Access Tower (VAT) were both modularized prefabricated in 80 to 120’ sections which improved safety and the amount of work done in the drop zone. These sections included structure, electrical, and communications installed before being lifted into place one section per day.
The Environmental Control System Building (ECS) that Turner was responsible for constructing included the foundation, structural, duct work, controls, mechanical equipment, building HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems. An alley way separating the launch pad and the ECS building with a utility bridge connection allows the water piping supplying air handlers and chillers to travel between the areas and to the glycol chiller responsible for cooling the air compressors through an associated heat exchange.
On this multi-year project, if all the steel used was formed into a ¼” square rod, it would wrap around the equator of the earth, if it was melted into one solid ball, the diameter of the ball would be 49 feet. 54,000 cubic yards of concrete and one million gallons of liquid nitrogen were used for mass concrete temperature cooling along with 6,000 tons of reinforcing steel.
The site will be the first to launch New Glenn, named after pioneering astronaut John Glenn, a single configuration heavy lift launch vehicle capable of carrying people and payloads routinely to Earth’s orbit and beyond. New Glenn’s seven-meter fairing made of carbon composite has two times the usable volume of any existing launch vehicle, in other words, it is a big rocket and features a reusable first stage built for up to 25 missions.
Serving as a gateway to space for the aerospace manufacturer founded by Jeff Bezos, New Glenn and the launch complex will help build a road to space in the new age of privatized space flight. | CONNECT EDUCATE ADVOCATE 19
Member News is a forum for companies to share information with the Central Florida Chapter membership, free of charge. This service is available to all member companies on a first-come, first-serve basis, as space permits. Content should be editorial in nature, such as new contracts, finished projects, employee promotions, etc. and not promoting business products and services.
For more information contact Alssa Mathews at 407.628.2070 or send an email to:
For detailed descriptions download the Media Kit from:
Request an ABC Member digital logo by sending an email to:
Entech Innovative Engineering
…is proudly celebrating their 30 th anniversary this year. Over the last three decades they have become industry leaders in delivering innovative design, professional engineering, and fabrication-build services of specialized systems, machinery, and structures. They have been proudly serving elite clientele and working with a variety of general contractors providing their rare combination of innovative insight and no-nonsense solutions to develop a result that exceeds all expectations.
“The people I’ve worked with, the projects I’ve been a part of, the places I’ve gone, what I’ve learned! I could not have imagined all that 30 years ago but consider myself fortunate for ending up here! Thanks to all my associates and clients for all you’ve done for me,” says John Marhoefer, Entech’s managing partner. As they have continued to grow into the retail, hospitality, and venues industries they look forward to partnering with GC’s and our other friends in the construction industry to continue to be a part of Central Florida’s ongoing expansions.
Finfrock Construction, LLC
…Lloyd Kennedy of FINFROCK has been named president of Florida Prestressed Concrete Association’s (FPCA) executive board of directors for the 2023-2025 term.
Lloyd serves as the executive vice president of engineering at FINFROCK, a single source, vertically integrated design-build firm with a portfolio of parking structures, student housing, office buildings, hotels, and multifamily residential units.
During his 18-year tenure at FINFROCK, Lloyd has contributed significantly to the advancement of precast concrete as a sustainable solution for developers in the state of Florida.
“Lloyd has been instrumental to our company’s tremendous industry growth, leading the charge to implement new innovative applications of concrete which have enhanced the overall design, function, sustainability and quality of FINFROCK’s top-tier building projects,” said CEO Allen Finfrock. “He is a powerful asset to FPCA, and we are proud of the time and commitment he continues to lend to the success of our industry.”
In his new role as president of the executive board, Lloyd will help run and organize FPCA meetings, approve the operations budget, and participate in meetings with the Florida Department of Transportation.
“I look forward to supporting the overall growth and success of the Florida prestressed concrete industry in my new role as president,” said Lloyd Kennedy. “My two first priorities will be to increase
applications for FPCA’s scholarship program, while leading other precast companies into a spirit of ‘co-opetition,’ which will improve unity and advocacy in our industry.”
For seven years Lloyd has served the FPCA earning increasing levels of responsibility. As an education chair, board member and board vice president of the non-profit organization, Lloyd has worked to advance undergraduate and graduate education programs in structural engineering and the construction trades, and directed programs focused on professional development for STEM students.
Lloyd is actively involved with several industry organizations, serving on the Building Code and Student Education Committees for the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI). He is also instrumental in FINFROCK’s partnership with Orlando Science Center to bring STEM into Orange County Public Schools.
FPCA is committed to providing the construction industry in Florida a superior building system that is durable, attractive, and economical. Lloyd and other newly elected leaders will take office on January 23rd at the 2023 FPCA Education Foundation Fundraising Golf & FPCA Annual Membership Meeting.
Guignard Company
…celebrated its 46th anniversary by opening a third location in Atlanta, Georgia. Through its three locations, Guignard bonded over $1.7 billion in contracts last year.
Work anniversaries for Guignard include April Lively (34 years), Christine Morton (8 years), Debbie Defoe (8 years), Mariel Urchipia (6 years), and Kelly Phelan (4 years).
Moxē Integrated Marketing
…Central Florida’s leading marketing firm for builders and contractors, announced that Christine Andola, D’Anne Mica, and Angie Feliciano have joined the agency. Andola joined Moxē as operations manager and is responsible for the internal operations of the company. Mica, a former vice president at Moxē, re-joined the agency in a business development role, and Feliciano is Moxē’s bookkeeper. Each will report to Moxē President and CEO Michael A. Monahan.
BUILDING Central Florida 2023 - APRIL 20 MEMBER NEWS
on page 22
Lloyd Kennedy
Christine Andola Angie Feliciano D’Anne Mica
CONNECT EDUCATE ADVOCATE 1.800.554.4761 • Electrical Contracting, Systems Integration, Energy & Sustainability, Business Continuity, Building Intelligence, Preconstruction For almost 10 decades, we have focused on providing quality electrical solutions for our clients while building meaningful careers for our people in an environment that encourages inclusivity, development and balance. Currently in our 3rd generation of family-owned leadership, our company is committed to the continued stewardship of our communities and our industry as we look to build relationships that power the possibilities of a more connected future. RELIABILITY SUSTAINABILITY CONNECTIVITY
…is happy to welcome their newest team member, product specialist Taylor Dixon.
Taylor has been immersed in construction technology for the past six years. In her new role, she will have the opportunity to help companies that are struggling to adopt construction software and gain a new understanding of the construction industry.
At a time when many tech companies are compressing their workforces, SMARTBUILD is proud to be expanding its team. They are ready to support contractors in streamlining their operations with SMARTBUILD’s easy-to-use and intuitive cloud-based construction management products. pleased to announce it was named the official technology partner for this year’s National Craft Championships (NCC), that took place March 15-17 at the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) National Convention in Kissimmee, Florida.
SMARTBUILD believes that understanding construction technology is important to skilled craft workers’ skill sets. Early in their education, students in the skilled trades should be introduced to digital solutions that improve construction planning, communication, and outcomes, so that they can be better prepared to enter a workforce that depends on these products.
As an official partner of the NCC, SMARTBUILD provided devices competitors needed to use the platform and offer support in its use throughout the championships.
...recently completed The Blake at Viera - an assisted living and memory care community located at 5700 Lake Andrew Drive in Melbourne, Florida. The new community provides 101 units comprised of 33 memory care and 64 assisted living - within an 88,000 SF, two-story building. The architect for the project is Young, Wier + Boerner Architecture, PLLC.
The Blake at Viera is located in a top 25, master-planned community along Florida’s historic Space Coast and features resort-style comfort and service. Hospitality and luxury are blended to create an exceptional senior retirement community.
The Blake at Viera is the second project that WPC has recently completed with developer, Cardinal Ventures. The Blake at Hamlin - a new assisted living and memory care community located at 4814 Hamlin Groves Trail - North of Hamlin Town Center in the fastgrowing Horizon West area of Orange County.
...In partnership with American Residential Communities (ARC) and New South Residential, LLC - WPC broke ground in January on Madison Grove, a 71,546 square foot affordable senior living community located at 3400 Progress Lane in St. Cloud, Florida. The $23.5 million project will be built on 2.01 acres of land featuring 80 units comprised of 53 one-bedroom and 27 two-bedroom units. This is the fifth affordable senior housing project for WPC and ARC.
BUILDING Central Florida 2023 - APRIL 22
Taylor Dixon
Dampproofing Waterproofing Weather Barriers Traffic Coatings Crystalline Waterproofing Joint Sealants Expansion Joint Covers Over 30 years in serving the State of Florida 407.696.8188 | CONNECT EDUCATE ADVOCATE 23 | 800.539.2224 Building better structures, building better lives. We are powered by our purpose. We do things the Baker Way. We put people first. We honor our word. We possess the grit to take on challenges. We work to the highest standards. We deliver peak performance. We never compromise safety. Building a Better Future for More than 110 Years /cemexusa @cemex_usa
Industry Experts Cautiously Optimistic About 2023
By Christine Andola | Moxē Integrated Marketing
Winds of change giving way to pockets of opportunity forecasted for the Orlando-area building industry according to a unique panel, including land services, geotechnical, architectural, and financial expertise.
Changes in the market over the past 12 months can be illustrated from many vantage points. “At this time last year, interest rates were zero,” Ben Lalikos, SVP at Cogent Bank said. “Inflation and higher interest rates have made the lending world difficult.”
“At the beginning of 2022, you couldn’t sign a proposal fast enough and get on site to start the work before someone was asking for the report,” Chad Wentz, studio principal at Little, recalled. “We’re still busy, but our deadlines are not that tight right now.”
Trevor Hall, executive managing director at Colliers, added, “A good sense of humor helps, especially at times like this.” He continued, “It’s never been more true that change is constant.”
Slow But Not Stopped
Despite the overall slowdown in the building industry over the last 12 months, there is still growth in some areas, such as healthcare, retail and the public sector.
The Orlando population grew 1.8% from 2021 to 2022, according to Macrotrends, and AARP reports that by 2040, 1 in 5 Americans will be over age 65. Increased mortgage rates are driving the demand for multi-family housing while the need for assisted living and healthcare is also increasing. “Infrastructure is pushing out into the suburbs where you can find the land you need to build these larger projects,” explained Sloan.
Development in the private sector has slowed but the public sector is still strong, primarily due to money from the federal government. “Municipalities have been flush with cash and are under pressure to use those funds or forfeit them,” Lalikos pointed out.
“Federal dollars are [also] available to incentivize sustainable building,” said Wentz.
The completion of the project connecting SR 429 and SR 417 at Interstate 4 will open areas like Sorento and Apopka for building opportunities. Connecting outlying areas facilitates Orlando’s horizontal growth, while there is little vertical growth. “Vertical growth in this region requires more geotech work and ground supports. The costs do not make sense when you can spread out,” offered Sloan.
An influx of population to the Orlando area and the general aging of our population presents other areas of potential growth. “There was an over-saturation in senior living six or seven years ago, but the aging population is bringing opportunities back to that space,” added Lalikos.
Building Advocacy
According to the panelists, applying the political lens does not dampen the forecast. “The political climate is headlines but does not drive our industry,” Sloan stated.
Hall offered another approach, “When you’re in the stream, you can’t change the direction of the current. You just have to find your way through it.”
“It is difficult for any of us to affect change in the political realm, but ABC, as an organization, is very good at advocating for our industry,” Goodin added to wrap up the discussion.
Finding Opportunities
“This is my sixth correction in the Orlando market, but this one doesn’t have the debt pressure we’ve had in the past,” explained Hall. “One way to find building opportunities is to follow the road money.”
To know about our Upcoming Builders’ Breakfast & other events , scan QR code or email
BUILDING Central Florida 2023 - APRIL 24 CONNECT
Panelists (from L to R): Matthew Sloan, P.E., CGC, ECS Florida; Ben Lalikos, Cogent Bank; Chad Wentz, AIA, IIDA, Little; (moderator) Ben Goodin, Baker Concrete Construction; and Trevor Hall, Jr., Colliers (Photo courtesy of Moxē Integrated Marketing)
Where the Construction Elite come out to Play!
2023 Kick Off Party- Thank You VIP Select Sponsors
Gatlin Hall Brewing | January 26, 2023
ABC began 2023 with a record turnout of nearly 400 members gathering to network and discuss business.
• Aagaard-Juergensen, LLC
• American Pools and Spas
• Austin Commercial
• Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC
• DPR Construction
• ERC Provider
• Fine Tune Enterprises, Inc.
• J. A. Croson, LLC
• Jamco Inc.
• JK2 Scenic
• Mechanical Insulation & Technologies, LLC
• Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc.
• R. C. Stevens Construction Company
• Robins & Morton
• Sciens Orlando
• Terry’s Electric, Inc.
• Tharp Plumbing Systems, Inc.
• Titan Electric Southeast, LLC
• Trade Management, Inc.
• Universal Forming, Inc.
• Waste Pro USA
ABC on Tap
February 16, 2023
Nearly 200 ABC Central Florida members attended ABC on Tap at High Tide Rooftop Bar, Downtown Orlando joining 2023 VIP Premier Sponsors: Burr & Forman LLP, Electric Services, Inc., Entech Innovative Engineering and Power Bolt and Tool.
Ember Downtown Orlando, 42 W. Central Blvd., Orlando, FL 32801
May 11 - ABC on TAP
THE PORCH 643 Orange Ave., Winter Park, FL 32789
For sponsorship interest and sign up, reach out to Taylor Tidwell, Events & Engagement Director, | CONNECT EDUCATE ADVOCATE 25
ABC Builds the Next Generation of Leaders!
Collegiate & Young Professionals Golf Tournament Fundraiser
Eagle Creek Golf Club | February 24, 2023
ABC Central Florida brings the industry and future leaders together, the annual ABC Collegiate Golf Tournament is a joint effort of the year. ABC/UCF students teamed up with the Young Professionals Group to fund the UCF Student Chapter’s programs and annual competition at National ABC and the 2023 programs designed to engage and grow ABC’s Young Professionals. ABC appreciates all the support that helped raise over $15,000!
Closest to the Pin: Dalton Reese – Sims Crane & Equipment Co.
Longest Drive: Chase Haecker – ORIGIN Construction, LLC
First Place Foursome: Jason, Preston & Team – National Trench Safety, LLC
A special thank you to those who took the extra mile in growing and preparing the collegiate students for their annual Construction Management Competition!
• Michelle Binkewicz, SentriForce
• Kevin Bradford, Charles Perry Partners, Inc.
• Christina Flores, T&G Constructors
• Kaitlin Hazle, Robins & Morton
• Curtis Matte, Wharton-Smith, Inc.
• Melissa Mitchum, Finfrock Construction, LLC
• Anna Munzberg, Competitive Edge Partners & Consulting, LLC
• Jen Pennypacker, Comprehensive Energy Services, Inc.
• Jonathan Papp, Nidy Sports Construction, Inc.
• Pablo Reyes, Hensel Phelps
2023 Upcoming Young Professional Events
APRIL 27: Site Tour: OUC Universal Epic Central Energy Plant
MAY 9: Technology & Innovation Conference at UCF Campus, Downtown
JUNE: Site Tour: ORMC 4F Surgical, Austin Commercial
JULY: Financial Literacy & Credit Building
AUGUST: Trivia Night
21 - Construction Expo at Central Florida Fairgrounds
28 - Happy Hour
OCTOBER: Trunk or Treat & Pumpkin Carving Competition
NOVEMBER: Thanksgiving Potluck: Food Donations & Basket Making
DECEMBER 14: Holiday Party & Winter Olympics
For more information on our Upcoming Young Professional events , scan QR code or email
To apply, scan QR code or email
The University of Central Florida ABC Student Chapter Team participated in the National Construction Management Competition. Keep an eye out for the winners in the June edition.
BUILDING Central Florida 2023 - APRIL 26
NEW AWARD for the Chapter’s 50th Anniversary
With 35 attorneys across the Southeast experienced in construction and project development, the Burr Construction team can address all aspects of your project.
For questions about Florida projects or legal issues, contact:
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By Catherine Steck McManus
There is an affordable housing crisis impacting our community. We know this.
Rent and the cost of housing has increased – the Orlando Sentinel reported this summer the cost of rent year to year went up nearly 19% in Orlando, the highest in the nation. Wage growth has not remotely kept up with housing appreciation. There is a shortage of construction workers, and in the supply chain. And there is an insufficient number of new units coming to market. In addition, more than 7,000 affordable units in Central Florida will be sunsetting in the next decade.
This is troubling data. But what does it actually mean for our friends, family, neighbors, and community?
It means that those who had not previously struggled to pay a mortgage – or to pay rent – are now finding themselves in this position.
Habitat for Humanity Greater Orlando & Osceola County’s homebuyers have historically been low-to-moderate income, including hospitality workers, administrative staff, and transportation workers. Every one of these buyers has their own challenges, triumphs, and stories, and we engage with them throughout their journey and celebrate their success.
More recently, however, we have seen an increasing number of applications from those in professions like teachers, corrections officers, and postal workers. These families and individuals are presenting with higher-incomes and still struggling with rent or mortgage payments.
So, what does this mean? It means that the housing crisis is impacting more and more members of our community, quietly threatening workforce supply, straining social service resources, and undermining our regional quality of life.
Was the lack of affordable housing a concern before? Absolutely. And that’s why Habitat Orlando & Osceola has been providing affordable housing, offering education, and counseling, and working to preserve housing through repair. But the fact that 75% of households
in Central Florida cannot afford the average-priced home means that we are reaching a tipping point of unsustainability for our community.
Habitat Orlando & Osceola is redoubling our efforts to increase and preserve affordable housing. Our roof replacement program is helping owners maintain their homes, reduce insurance premiums and, in some cases, keep their insurance entirely. We are launching a wind mitigation program to identify roof problems before they become wholesale replacement needs. And we just announced a micro-grant program for our homeowners impacted by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole to help defray burdensome repair and replacement costs.
Perhaps most critically, we know that the homes we build each year, while life-changing for those homebuyers, are simply not enough to fill the overwhelming need, which reaches into the hundreds of thousands. We are therefore expanding our policy, advocacy, and public engagement work with the knowledge that affordable housing is the cornerstone to improving health, equity, and quality of life outcomes for all.
In the coming months, we intend to convene as equal partners with the providers, funders, and industry leaders in our community -- including our colleagues in building and construction. Working in silos has not and will not solve the crisis we are facing, and we need to look holistically at the challenge, work together, and build and sustain an expanded network to collectively address the moral and economic imperatives of this crisis.
We can only solve this together. Interested in learning more? Get involved at
BUILDING Central Florida 2023 - APRIL 28 COMMUNITY
Catherine Steck McManus is the President and CEO of Habitat for Humanity Greater Orlando & Osceola County.
Serving the Construction Industry Statewide for over 32 years. No Setup or Membership Fees (407) 834-9288 • 2917 West State Road 434, Suite 101 • Longwood, FL 32779 Make the crimes of petty theft and trespass third degree felonies in the state of Florida by properly posting a site as a designated construction site. Display the ABC logo, advertise your job as a merit shop construction site, and post your warning – all with one sign! • Reusable • 3’ x 2’ with metal grommets in all four corners • Comply with Florida Statues Section 812.014 and Section 810.09 (d) Endorse a ‘Safety First’ attitude with lightweight coroplast signs! Deliver your message of safety with one, dual language sign! • Easy to understand • Prominently features an ABC logo hard hat • 12”x12” diamond sign • ABC members get 20% discount for boxes of 25 IS YOUR JOB SITE PROTECTED? Don’t let criminals take advantage of your unprotected job site! WARNING Make the crimes of petty theft and trespass third degree felonies in the state of Florida by properly posting a site as a designated construction site. Display the ABC logo, advertise your job as a merit shop construction site, and post your warning – all with one sign! • Reusable • 3’ x 2’ with metal grommets in all four corners • Comply with Florida Statues Section 812.014 and Section 810.09 (d) Endorse a ‘Safety First’ attitude with lightweight coroplast signs! Deliver your message of safety with one, dual language sign! • Easy to understand • Prominently features an ABC logo hard hat • 12”x12” diamond sign • ABC members get 20% discount for boxes of 25 Pricing Felony to Trespass $18.95/ea. box of 25 (abc members only) $390.00 Hard Hat Sign (English or Spanish) $9.95/ea. box of 25 (abc members only) $199.80 Plus 6.5% Sales Tax. Available for pick-up or direct shipping Questions? Call 407-628-2070 or email Order online at IS YOUR JOB SITE PROTECTED? Don’t let criminals take advantage of your unprotected job site! WARNING Make the crimes of petty theft and trespass third degree felonies in the state of Florida by properly posting a site as a designated construction site. Display the ABC logo, advertise your job as a merit shop construction site, and post your warning – all with one sign! • Reusable • 3’ x 2’ with metal grommets in all four corners • Comply with Florida Statues Section 812.014 and Section 810.09 (d) Endorse a ‘Safety First’ attitude with lightweight coroplast signs! Deliver your message of safety with one, dual language sign! • Easy to understand • Prominently features an ABC logo hard hat • 12”x12” diamond sign • ABC members get 20% discount for boxes of 25 Pricing Felony to Trespass $18.95/ea. box of 25 (abc members only) $390.00 IS YOUR JOB SITE PROTECTED? Don’t let criminals take advantage of your unprotected job site! WARNING Scan the QR code to download the order form.
Steck McManus
| Habitat for Humanity Greater Orlando & Osceola County
Southeast Florida
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Every member can make a difference as part of ABC’s voice of the merit shop construction industry by donating to national and local PAC funds. ABC investments place the association among the most politically active trade association in the nation; that weight can make all the difference to positively impact the industry.
DONATE to the ABC National PAC and to the Central Florida Chapter’s PAC by scanning QR codes OR visiting (Password: ABCPAC) and
Ways You Can Get Involved
Save the date for the ABC of Florida State Convention, July 20-23, 2023
Get involved in the ABC Government Affairs Committee, by contacting Taylor Dupree by email:
Take Action – during session, we will be sending Action Alerts to you, asking that you help us contact legislators in support or opposition to upcoming votes. The more people who “Take Action” when we ask, the better we do at conveying the importance of the topic to the industry and Florida. The 2023 regular legislative session convenes on March 7 and runs until May 5.
Governor DeSantis shared a clear vision of his upcoming legislative goals when he was sworn in for his second term as Governor on Tuesday, January 3, 2023. Here’s a brief look at what we can expect to see this session:
• Record amount of tax relief
• Keep ideologies and trends out of public and higher education
• Increase in family friendly policies to make it easier to raise a family
• Law and order state with continued efforts to support law enforcement
• Protect Florida’s natural resources
• “Decline is a choice. Success is attainable. And freedom is worth fighting for.”
BUILDING Central Florida 2023 - APRIL 30
ABC National PAC
Central Florida Chapter PAC | CONNECT EDUCATE ADVOCATE 31 407-331-3805 Find out more PROUDLY SERVING THE PROUDLY SERVING THE PROUDLY SERVING THE SOUTHEASTERN USA SOUTHEASTERN USA SOUTHEASTERN USA Painting Painting Painting Waterproofing Waterproofing Waterproofing Seamless Flooring Seamless Flooring Seamless Flooring Sandblasting Sandblasting Sandblasting Fire proofing Fire proofing Fire Intumescent Intumescent coatings coatings coatings Themed finishes Themed finishes We are committed, client-focused, and process-driven builders. THE AVES AT TWELVE 100 ORLANDO, FL VA MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC TAMPA, FL FLAMINGO CROSSINGS LAKE BUENA VISTA, FL BROADWEST NASHVILLE, TN FENTON CARY, NC
By John Meibers
The construction industry currently has around 430,000 job openings, with 40% of the U.S. construction workforce poised to retire over the next decade. At the same time, President Joe Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) is set to create hundreds of thousands of new jobs by 2028. Although the BIL will increase job opportunities in the coming years, the construction industry will likely struggle to find skilled workers to fill these critical roles.
To supplement this labor gap, construction firms must make strategic technology investments that reduce jobsite and administrative inefficiencies. The right technologies can offset labor challenges by empowering teams to optimize workflows and complete projects faster. They can also lessen the amount of hard labor required to complete projects—protecting and incentivizing construction workers in labor-heavy roles.
Inefficiencies behind the scenes can compromise construction projects from the start. Project managers juggle complex workflows by managing talent, budgets and communication simultaneously across operations, all while keeping time-sensitive projects on schedule. One mistake can derail a timeline and disrupt the entire organization.
Further, some leaders make their jobs harder by managing projects across multiple, disparate systems. Often, this takes the form of manual time entry and important cross-team decisions being made and communicated via text messages. On the admin side, confusing folder systems bury important contracts, material orders and other documents. The more spread out a project becomes, the higher the risk of costly miscommunication
Construction firms are busy developing the next generation of construction workers, who need time to hone their expertise. With this in mind, leadership can’t afford to lose out on productivity by not streamlining project communication. Onsite, employees have to shoulder excessive amounts of hard labor to complete projects. This painstaking work can deter new workers from entering the industry at a time when construction firms are desperate to replace retiring employees. To make employees’ jobs easier and still maintain quality craftsmanship and service, construction leaders must leverage technology to optimize their processes.
Targeted technology can address labor and operational challenges, but only if you approach implementation the right way. Careful business evaluation and integration will ensure your chosen technology drives the results you’re looking for.
Here are four tips for integrating targeted construction technologies into your team’s operations:
1. Evaluate your processes and programs
Before rushing to implement new technology, identify your specific organizational challenges. A good way to do this is by analyzing how your existing processes and programs will affect your teams down the line. For example, if a contractor uses generic accounting software rather than construction-specific software, it
will be harder to access the detailed views of individual jobs that allow for proactive decision making.
In addition to identifying your specific needs, consider the financial impact of new technologies. Calculate the return on investment of different tools and evaluate whether the ROI outweighs the initial cost of implementation.
Gather cross-team feedback
Don’t make technology decisions in a vacuum. Instead, solicit opinions from employees across different teams about the problems they’re encountering and which tools could help solve them. Include cross-departmental stakeholders in the decisionmaking process as well—this will make it easier to secure organizational buy-in when it’s time to implement new technologies. For example, when securing buy-in, remember that unless all cross-functional teams (e.g., accounting, project management, purchasing, service and ownership) have bought in, chances of a successful implementation are limited. In the construction industry, these cross-functional teams work so closely together that everyone needs to be on the same page to achieve their desired outcome. If there’s disagreement or confusion regarding your chosen technology, don’t be surprised if the integration process is rocky.
3. Prioritize technologies that lighten the load
Leverage technologies that reduce the amount of hard labor each project requires. For example, the bridge rebar company Shelby Erectors handles bridge ironwork for clients throughout Florida. Bridge ironwork is a long, laborious process, so the company implemented robotics technology to automate the task. This ultimately allowed crews to shift their attention elsewhere.
The high stress and long hours of many construction roles can take a toll on employees and ultimately lead them to consider other employment. Look for targeted technologies that can provide these employees relief and enable them to complete projects more quickly.
4. Lean on trusted technology providers
Integrating new technology can be stressful, so consider enlisting the help of a trusted technology provider. Experienced providers
BUILDING Central Florida 2023 - APRIL 32 EDUCATE
understand the challenges of your industry and are available to guide you throughout the integration process.
It will take time for your employees to adjust to new technology even with a trusted provider, but it’s important to lean on them for support. With the help of your provider, you can apply the same attention to detail you did in the planning phase to training employees on new technology.
Industry developments will likely widen the construction labor gap in the coming years, and project and process inefficiencies will only exacerbate this challenge. Leveraging targeted technologies that streamline operational inefficiencies and make construction workers’ jobs less strenuous is one way to positively reverse course.
Reprinted from Construction Executive, January 2023, a publication of Associated Builders and Contractors. Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.
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At PCL, we are committed to shaping the future of construction through long-lasting partnerships with clients, trade partners, and our local communities. As client advocates and strong community partners, we’re interested in building more than iconic projects.
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When we focus on mutual success, everyone wins.
By Molly Petrilla
“Sometimes you have someone that’s on your side, whether you’re a hundred percent in the right or a hundred in the wrong,” says Derick Adkins, moments after holding his late grandfather’s mining helmet. “He was that for me.”
Losing his grandfather sank Adkins into the darkest period of his life. “After that, I didn’t really care much about anything or anybody,” he remembers. He turned to booze, struggled to sleep and found himself unable to “care if the sun came up.”
Last summer, Adkins—who has since recovered from that difficult time—became the first employee of Kwest, a civil and environmental construction company headquartered in Perrysburg, Ohio, to share his mental-health struggle with the wider world. His experience hit the internet as the first video in Kwest’s new “Under the Hard Hat” series. In just two weeks, it racked up more than 8,000 views and reached more than 17,000 people on LinkedIn alone, according to Katie Coulson, Kwest’s director of human resources.
“That wasn’t just the construction industry,” she notes. “It was anything from executive-level people to salespeople in different industries to your forepersons, your operators, laborers, electrical—all kinds of different craftsmen. The response has been so overwhelming.”
It was exactly what Coulson hoped for when she and Kwest’s external marketing team, Dancor Solutions, came up with the idea for an industry-focused mental-health awareness campaign in early 2021. “Construction has one of the highest rates of any industry when it comes to suicide,” Coulson says, but mental health isn’t something workers openly discuss. “When these guys are out there with their hard hats on, doing the work, they’re expected to have a certain tough mentality.”
But, as the pandemic hit and then continued into 2021, Coulson kept hearing from Kwest team members who needed help. “I was constantly giving out employee resources—suicide hotline numbers, information on our employee assistance program, helping people locate therapists they could talk to,” she says. With about 30% of Kwest employees identifying as military veterans—another population at increased risk for suicide—Coulson worried even more about the depression and anxiety that team members were describing to her.
“The question became, what are we at Kwest going to do about this?” Coulson says. “It’s just as much our responsibility as it is anybody else’s.”
With both a clear problem and a potential solution at hand, Coulson and Dancor got to work on the specifics. They settled on a video-based social-media campaign that would highlight various Kwest employees’ journeys to mental wellness, while also laying out the challenges they’d faced along the way. “I think that being able to see the person underneath that hard hat and the emotion that they show when they’re sharing their story,” Coulson says, “is more impactful than any article, any newsletter bulletin or any statement released by any official of any industry.”
To start, Coulson created a submission form that went out to Kwest’s team of roughly 300 people. Eleven responses came in— more than she’d expected. From there, she spoke with each respondent individually. Even if she knew she wouldn’t use an employee’s story in a video, she still wanted them to feel heard and validated, and to recognize the courage it took them to write in. And if they were still in the midst of their struggle, she wanted to offer support and resources.
After working with Dancor to identify the highest-impact stories, a team of five—including Coulson and Dancor’s video contractor, Joey Viola of Spark Storytellers—carried on with production planning, filming and editing the new series. After Adkins’ debut in August, the second “Under the Hard Hat” video came out on World Mental Health Day in October. At press time, Kwest was planning for another installment during the holiday season. Coulson says there will be seven videos in total, spread well into 2023.
Kwest’s new video series falls under its broader Total Human Health program—an initiative that Associated Builders and Contractors also introduced last year. “At Kwest Group, our Total Human Health program focuses on the complete wellness of our team members,” Coulson says. “Not just physical, but also mind and spirit, which includes mental and emotional health.” The company already has a monthly newsletter dedicated to wellness topics, along with workplace banners and an employee assistance program, which it plans to expand in 2023. But Coulson says “Under the Hard Hat” stands apart from anything Kwest has offered so far.
“We want to spread awareness in the construction industry and beyond to dissolve the stigma around mental health,” Coulson says. “If you can save even one life by sharing a story like this, the campaign is worth it.”
BUILDING Central Florida 2023 - APRIL 34 EDUCATE | WELLNESS 34
Reprinted from Construction Executive, January 2023, a publication of Associated Builders and Contractors. Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. Editor’s Note: For more on mental health, see the Sept/Oct 2022 article, “We Need to Talk,” or the Jan/Feb 2023 article, “Learning to Fly.” | CONNECT EDUCATE ADVOCATE 35 PLUMBING SERVICES PRIME CONTRACTING MECHANICAL SERVICES ENGINEERING SERVICES SERVICE & MAINTENANCE SHEETMETAL FABRICATION DESIGN-BUILD SERVICES BUILDING AUTOMATIONS Employees: 300+ Founded: 1992 Licenses: CM C039581 (mech) CF C043045 (plbg) PE 45955 (PE) DESIGN BUILD MAINTAIN FLORIDA’S RECOGNIZED LEADER LONGWOOD 1 GAINESVILLE 2 TAMPA 3 POMPANO 4 SERVICES LOCATIONS 407.682.1313 | CESMECHANICAL .com
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