August 2021 - U.S. Edition in English

Page 58


Top: Curt Ramon inspects the flow rate and spray pattern of a fuel nozzle before it is packaged and returned to its owner. The nozzle arrived earlier that day. Bottom Left: David Murray is inspecting a set of PT6 nozzles for the right number and matched set of primary and secondary nozzles. Bottom Right: Joey Bowman prepares a set of TPE331 nozzles for shipping. Each nozzle is individually protected with plastic covers and mounted securely for shipping.

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overhauling. One of the leaders in this type of work is Tennessee Aircraft Company, Inc. of Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, 15 miles east of Nashville. Partners Dean Dhom and Gene Burris can provide ag operators record turnaround times for fuel nozzle overhauls. With more than 13 different style fuel nozzles for TPE-331 (2) and PT6 (11) turbine engines, as a matter of company standard operating practices, Tennessee Aircraft can overhaul any set of these type nozzles in one day! If that is not fast enough, an exchange program will place a set of fresh overhauled nozzles on the operator’s shop bench waiting for him to take out the old nozzles; virtually zero down time. Keep in mind, this service is for a flat rate of $365, or $405 exchange, plus shipping. The exception is the Garrett Duplex nozzle for the TPE-331-10 engine (1,000 shp). For this particular engine the flat rate is $561.00 for overhaul and $661.00 for exchange of the nozzle set. There is an additional billing for duplex nozzles that can’t be repaired. Dean Dhom was quick to explain that Tennessee Aircraft’s pricing for overhauled PT-6 and Garrett Simplex nozzles was a true flat rate, no extra charges, even if it means replacing a nozzle. The only requirement is the nozzles to be overhauled are removed from an operative engine. Imagine, a flat rate where an operator knows, in advance, no matter the condition of the nozzle, cracked, reached its life limit or couldn’t be polished to specs, his only expense is $365 plus shipping. When it comes to turbine ➤

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