Crecaulre Toolkit Design Process book

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OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT An opportunity exists to research within this project through the exploration of new approaches to innovation on the principle of the circular economy. By employing design thinking and management process to identify potential opportunities, a new model for temporary living is sought. This study can contribute to the application of design management to the problem in three ways / Act as a guideline for innovators in furniture and household products industry to create products that satisfy both needs of people’s temporary lifestyle and move towards a circular business model Help furniture and household products retailers and manufacturers to enable more sustainable choices and services for the customers Raise awareness of the sustainable consumption on the principle of circular economy

Bigger picture benefits / In a moment when our resource consumption is pushing us towards planetary boundaries, the opportunity to re-imagine how businesses, products, and services are designed, experienced and valued. The study can contribute to the world by providing both bridges and beacons—driving a new economic model that is regenerative by design - Inspire furniture and household products retailers and manufactures to create a system for consumers that helps them shifts from a linear economic model that is based on the taking, make and dispose of, to a circular system which is built on closed loops, results in complex, system-wide changes which will have far-reaching implications.

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