Private Lender by AAPL

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MANAGE & LEAD businesses by increasing government

to the average consumer. The goal

into being as part of President Obama’s

monitoring and regulation.

of this legislation is to avoid the

system of financial reform. However,

problem of banks becoming “too big

she did vote in favor of the bank bailout

already have become subject to some

to fail” and necessitating another

in 2008, despite expressing some

cumbersome restrictions. For example,

bailout. While in theory this policy

reservations about it, which seems to

hedge funds and firms are required to

would only affect large corporations,

indicate a desire to intervene to keep

fill out a costly and prohibitive amount

in practice it could place limitations

the banks going, if necessary.

of paperwork every year to ensure

even on smaller institutions, as they

compliance with the law. A “3 percent

too become increasingly limited in

Reserve’s plan to ban mandatory

rule” on the availability of mortgage

their ability to offer affordable loans.

arbitration clauses in bank contracts.

loans was also imposed. As a result,

Clinton has also stated her intention

Under Dodd-Frank, private lenders

Clinton also supports the Federal

This would result in a massive

home loans have become much less

to strengthen the Volcker Rule, which

upswing of litigation that will be costly

affordable to a vast segment of the

some think has already weakened

to financial institutions, and thus to

American population. With increased

banks by hindering competition.

consumers, as the cost is passed along

regulation, it is to be expected that such

Clinton’s plan is to extend the rule

to them through decreased availability

cost-prohibitive and lengthy paperwork

so that it applies to corners of the

of affordable loans.

will expand, as lenders are under an

banking world that have so far been

ever-increasing regulatory burden.

lightly regulated, such as hedge funds

has been criticized for her friendships

and insurance companies.

with big banks and corporations like

While Trump has expressed a desire to dismantle Dodd-Frank, Clinton

While Clinton does not endorse

It’s worth noting that Hillary Clinton

Goldman Sachs. She has even received

wants to strengthen and extend it. In a

reinstating Glass Steagall, as her

payment for speaking engagements

December 2015 New York Times op-ed

Democratic opponent Bernie

on Wall Street. Consequently, some

piece, she stated: “As president, I would

Sanders did, she has expressed a

voters are skeptical that she will really

not only veto any legislation that would

plan to enforce tighter regulations,

enact legislation that runs counter

weaken financial reform, but I would

which could lead to the downsizing

to the interests of such corporations.

also fight for tough new rules, stronger

and breakup of large financial

During her husband’s presidency, he

enforcement and more accountability

institutions that are too complex

deregulated the financial industry,

that go well beyond Dodd-Frank.” And

or risky. Thus it seems clear that

taking away many of the structures put

she has indicated some specific measures

this stance will bring lenders under

in place for the purpose of government

that she would take to accomplish this.

greater scrutiny. She also pledges

monitoring of financial institutions.

to mandate greater transparency in

Candidate Hillary Clinton shares some

financial institutions with more than

what she terms the “shadow banking

of the same advisers.

$50 billion in assets will have to pay

system.” She has even criticized

a graduated “risk fee.” Banks could

Sanders for having a “hands-off”

will stay strong in her support of

also pay a fee if they are identified as

approach to what she deems the

the Dodd-Frank Act, which Trump

“risky” by regulators. These fees will

riskiest activities in our economy.

seems bent on repealing—or at least

For one thing, she proposes that

It seems likely, though, that Clinton

augment the restrictions and capital

Her voting record while in Congress

requirements that have already been

supports this, as she repeatedly blocked

one that is embraced by people on

imposed on banks in the aftermath

Republican attempts to limit the power

both sides of the aisle; the cause of

of the financial crisis, leading to

of the Consumer Financial Protection

tougher restrictions on Wall Street is

further shrinking of loans available

Bureau, a regulatory agency that came

a popular one.


weakening. Clinton’s position is

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