Private Lender by AAPL

Page 43

Private Lending and Technology Are we ready for peer-to-peer lending? by Harry Singh


he private lending market has been

A government that wants to slow down

around for as long as there have been

the supply of mortgage funds available to

events. And, it’s natural for every borrower

down the amount of borrowing) may look

when it comes to borrowing money.

by imposing additional guidelines or by

unforeseeable circumstances and major life to expect the lowest possible rate and fees

Traditional Lending Model Traditional banks generally are the cheap-

est sources of funds for borrowers. They can

do this thanks to the rock bottom yields they

provide to their investors in return in the

name of security, which in Canada originates

borrowers (an indirect measure to slow

to restrict or limit the securitization activity imposing a maximum ceiling on what an institution can securitize. The measure

would slow down the supply of credit and indeed reduce competition, which would

put upward pressure on the cost of borrowing for borrowers.

The Canadian governments have, over

from depositor insurance provided by Canada

the last nine years or so, been grappling

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in

rates needed to be kept low while keeping

Deposit Insurance Corporation and the

the U.S. Additionally, it is easier for banks

to securitize mortgages, at least in the U.S., where the capital markets are a lot more robust than in Canada.

The concept is quite simple: raise capital

from depositors like you, pay minimal return on the deposits with minimal risk, lend the

with a unique situation where the interest the consumer debt to income ratios and

boisterous real estate markets in certain

parts of the country in check. The Canadian government using its watchdog, the Office

of the Superintendent of Financial Institu-

tions (OSFI), chose to restrict the mortgage credit availability through a progressively

funds at higher rates to borrowers, pool the

tighter set of guidelines that have shifted

via third parties to investors to replenish the

previously would have been funded through

mortgages into portfolios and then sell them capital. Well-capitalized financial institutions with large and deep balance sheets are diversified, while institutions that are not as well

capitalized run the risk of restrictions on the

a significant share of the business that banks, alternative institutions over to

Mortgage Investment Corporations (MICs) and private lenders.

Private lenders and MICs have previously

securitization process or viability. This may

funded a relatively insignificant portion

tization model, but it captures its essence.

in the Canadian market, but over the last

perhaps be an oversimplification of the securi-

of the overall mortgage credit outstanding


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