Private Lender by AAPL

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companies and big broker dealers don’t

year mortgages. Trust deed investments have

alongside of other investment opportunities:

six months to five years. But why not package

commonly offer trust deed investments


NOT EASY TO SCALE Trust deed investing is not easy

to sell to investors on a mass scale like many securities and mutual funds. The primary

reason it’s not an easily scalable investment is because there are a lot of moving parts required to both underwrite, and then

manage each trust deed investment. These

moving parts include mortgage brokers, real

shorter durations, or loan terms, varying from all the investments with the same term? For example, packaging a cluster of one-year

balloons together and selling it. Because of the higher rates associated with trust deed

investments, a borrower on a one-year loan

may pay the investor off within three months. It is just this particular aspect of trust deed

investments that makes them more difficult to package and sell to Wall Street.

services, appraisers, insurance agents, home


and in some cases, home remodeling experts.

factors, it becomes difficult to price each

ment for risk, the investment broker - often

but are not limited to, loan to value ratio, lo-

property value opinions from realtors or ap-

condition of collateral, income producing or

of insurance coverage, analyze title reports,

experience or track record of borrower. For

deed investment is sold, another army of

a trust deed investment may be located in a

investment including property managers,

other property may be located in an upscale

cialists. For large brokerage companies, this

the borrower in the rural community in the

hassle and difficult to scale, when compared

payment, while the borrower in Los Angeles

estate agents and/or brokers, title and escrow inspectors, property management services, In order to underwrite a trust deed invest-

DIFFICULT TO PRICE Because each trust deed in-

vestment is given such a wide range of risk investment uniformly. These factors include,

called a private money broker - must obtain

cation of collateral, credit score of borrower,

praisers and analyze them, validate adequacy

vacant property, cash position of borrower,

perform site inspections, etc. Once the trust

example, one property used to collateralize

moving parts may be required to manage the

rural community in the Midwest, while an-

contractors, and other real estate related spe-

neighborhood in Los Angeles. But what if

type of an investment could seem like a large

Midwest is bringing in a 50 percent down

to strictly paper investments.

is only bringing in 10 percent down payment?



How would someone price these different trust deeds based on these particular risk

factors? This seems like a pretty daunting

Unlike many of the securities offered by bro-

task for someone who is not experienced

trickier to package and sell to Wall Street. Un-

approach to pricing trust deed investments

Obligations (CDOs) that have been blamed

company that is used to relying on credit

recession; trust deed investments are not 30-

of the investments it sells to investors. But as

kerage companies, trust deed investments are

with trust deed investing. This complex

like the widely criticized Collateralized Debt

tends to overwhelm a traditional brokerage

for the subprime crisis leading to the great

rating services - like Moody’s - to rate the risk

MAY/JUNE 2017 33

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