Your Inner Power Within

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Embracing Abundance: Unlocking Your Path to Wealth and Success Welcome, dear reader, to a transformative journey that will lead you to the realm of boundless potential. Close your eyes and envision the captivating power of these words guiding you towards a life of abundance. In this article, we will explore the path to financial success and empower you to manifest your dreams into reality. Can you feel the excitement building, like a symphony of emotions stirring within you? These words are not mere letters on a page; they hold the key to unlocking the door to your abundant future. Imagine a life where wealth flows effortlessly and opportunities bloom at every step. Today, we embark on this journey with the SIDA framework. This transformative approach will weave its magic into your mind and set the stage for profound change. "SIDA" stands for Self-empowerment, Imagination, Determination, and Action. With this framework, you'll discover the power within you to embrace the abundance that awaits. Now, with unwavering belief, acknowledge that greatness is your birthright. Financial success is not a distant dream but a reality within reach.

You are deserving of prosperity, and the universe conspires to make it a reality. Doubts and fears may have cast shadows on your journey, but fear not. Together, we will transcend these barriers and emerge stronger than ever before. You are not alone on this path; the journey to abundance is a shared one.

Practical Wisdom to Embrace: •Embrace




andgratitude will pave the way to more abundance. •Elevate your thoughts, and watch opportu

nities blossom before

you like flowers in bloom. •Trust







mind, as it guides you

towards success. You read these words, let them breathe life into your aspirations. Envision yourself surrounded by an ocean of prosperity, the waves of abundance gently caressing your every move. You are the captain of your destiny, sailing confidently towards the horizon of success.

With the SIDA framework as your compass, you unleash your potential, attracting wealth effortlessly. Trust the process, and with every inspired action, witness the universe conspiring in your favor. You hold the power to manifest your dreams into reality. In conclusion, embrace the hypnotic spell of abundance and wealth, igniting the fire within you. Embrace the limitless possibilities that lie before you. As you open your eyes, remember that this journey has just begun. The power to unlock the door to your abundant future lies within you. Embrace it, and let the symphony of wealth begin. Today, we embark on this journey with the SIDA framework. This transformative approach will weave its magic into your mind and set the stage for profound change. "SIDA" stands for Selfempowerment, Imagination, Determination, and Action. With this framework, you'll discover the power within you to embrace the abundance that awaits. So many changes coming as you transcend into a new life, new way of positive thinking outside the normal box. I know lot seems repetitive it is but a bit different each time friend you were

programed from birth to be a slave and because we are not live face to face it takes time the time is up to you alone how you Transcend. Personally, I’d like to Charge you $10,000 That way I know you will invest your time into this book wisely spending time giving it time to work its magic for you. If you follow you will make it happen then feel free to donate the $10,000 USD so mite can help kids here in underprivileged families. A word about copyright infringement and e-books.... If you are the original purchaser of this book, we want to thankyou for you purchase. By buying this product and others you have recognized the unique value that creators of quality products deserve. On the other hand, if this file was downloaded by a torrent, distributed from a website not associated with the authors or publishers, or has been emailed to you by

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All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews. Copyright © 2022 by Kelly Myers. All rights reserved. No part of This book May bé used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews. Printed in the United States of America. For more information, or to book an event, contact : Book design by Kelly Myers Cover design by Kelly Myers ISBN - Paperback : 9798854520454 ISBN - Hardcover : First Edition : July2023

C o n t e n t s Y O U R


P O W E R ..........................I

.....................................................................................2 CHAPTER 1..................................................................1 CHAPTER 2..................................................................8 CHAPTER 3................................................................10 CHAPTER 3................................................................12 CHAPTER 4................................................................15 CHAPTER 5................................................................19 CHAPTER 6................................................................23 CHAPTER 7................................................................27 CHAPTER 8................................................................30 CHAPTER 9................................................................34 CHAPTER 10..............................................................40 CHAPTER 11..............................................................42 CHAPTER 12..............................................................49 CHAPTER 13................................................................1 CHAPTER 14................................................................4 CHAPTER 15................................................................7 CHAPTER 16..............................................................10

AUTHOR NAME CHAPTER 17..............................................................13 CHAPTER 18..............................................................17 CHAPTER 19..............................................................21 CHAPTER 20..............................................................30 CHAPTER 21..............................................................33 CHAPTER 22..............................................................36 CHAPTER 23................................................................41 CHAPTER 24..............................................................45 CHAPTER 25................................................................48 CHAPTER 26..............................................................50 CHAPTER 27..............................................................52 CHAPTER 28..............................................................53 CHAPTER 29..............................................................55 CHAPTER 30..............................................................61 CHAPTER 31..............................................................70 CHAPTER 32..............................................................76 CHAPTER 33..............................................................80 CHAPTER 34..............................................................83 CHAPTER 35..............................................................92 CHAPTER 36..............................................................98 CHAPTER 37............................................................103 CHAPTER 38............................................................107 2

BOOK TITLE CHAPTER 39............................................................119 CHAPTER 40............................................................129 CHAPTER 41............................................................138 CHAPTER 42............................................................142 CHAPTER 43............................................................146 E P I L O G U E : ......................................151 A U T H O R ' S



A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S ..........152 ABOUT THE AUTHOR.................................................154 L E G A L


D I S C L A I M E R .........................................157





And More Books 15q9jLwbcCBcEYtH0VACn8nZpNw8F69dqymP0v UE4WU/edit?usp=sharin


Welcome please follow all pages as set out and sentences they all have a massage set in order should you jump you have just wasted what you have read so far and will need to start again. Start at 1 read to say 4 read slow slow motion like hear feel the words its not a race. Next day start a 2 read to 5 then next 3 to 6 giving time to sink in deeply. Any video only watch if you don’t offend to words?? They kick you the truth no short soft bullshit. A wake you call.

Tear Away Diablo


Your Inner Power Within


CHAPTER 1 Content

New Future Millionaire Let’s get this journey on the way. Take a deep breath and imagine boundless possibilities. See yourself surrounded by opulence, effortlessly attracting wealth and success. Embrace the hypnotic power of your mind, watching your dreams materialize. Visualize financial freedom, where every desire is within reach. Imagine your bank account swelling with wealth, feeling secure. See yourself as a magnet for success, attracting lucrative opportunities. Picture grand achievements, blazing trails of innovation. Your life is filled with meaningful experiences, loved ones, and abundant joys. Share your wealth generously with others in need.

Kelly Myers

Envision your legacy, inspiring generations with your success. Embrace challenges, knowing resilience brings triumphs. Carry the enchantment of these words with you in every step. Embrace the hypnotic spell of prosperity, destined for greatness. Watch your life transform into an extraordinary masterpiece. Tear Away Diablo, signing off with certainty in your journey towards abundance.



Step into the realm of captivating MAGICAL STORYTELLING, where the mystical veil of hypnotic writing dances around you. As we venture forth on this enchanting path towards financial success and abundance, my dear friend, let the essence of Tear Away Diablo artful persuasion guide our way, weaving a spell of wonder and joy. In the depths of our subconscious minds, a subtle force whispers like a gentle breeze, penetrating our consciousness below the threshold of awareness. Subliminal messaging, an artful persuasion, begins its dance, planting seeds of positivity deep within our minds. Like a symphony of stars, these messages remain hidden from our conscious minds, instilling new patterns and beliefs, guiding us towards personal growth and a journey of success. Imagine, my eager friend, a realm where self-hypnosis blooms like a magical flower. You are captivated by its flow, absorbing each word with wonder and excitement. Every sentence carries the potential to embrace your attention and stir the most powerful emotions within you. Yet, on this path of dreams and aspirations, challenges may emerge – barriers that might hinder your ability to embrace abundance. Fear not, for the key to unlocking your potential lies within the realm of self-hypnosis. 3

Kelly Myers

Through the power of self-hypnosis, you shall embark on a transformative journey. As you delve deep into the recesses of your subconscious mind, those barriers dissolve like mist before the sun. Doubt turns to determination, uncertainty to unwavering confidence, and limitations to limitless possibilities. Now, let me share with you a tale of magic and inspiration, dear friend, full of joy and enthusiasm. Picture yourself as the protagonist of this captivating story, walking hand in hand with destiny towards financial success. In the charming village of Prosperia, a young dreamer named Lily lived with a heart full of hopes and dreams. Like you, she too was captivated by the flow of self-hypnosis, eager to explore the realms of abundance that lay before her. Lily had a deep desire to achieve financial success and embrace a life of prosperity. With each turn of the page, she felt the hypnotic power of the words, stirring her soul and inspiring her to take decisive action. Guided by the magic of self-hypnosis, Lily embarked on a transformative journey. She dissolved the barriers of self-doubt, turning her weaknesses into strengths. As she tapped into 4


the wellspring of her subconscious mind, her sense of worthiness grew, empowering her to unleash her true potential. Every day, Lily envisioned a vivid picture of her prosperous future – a life filled with abundance and freedom. She saw herself thriving in her dream career, making a positive impact on the world, and enjoying the fruits of her labor. With each passing chapter, Lily's determination soared, and she embraced every opportunity that came her way. Challenges became stepping stones, leading her closer to her financial goals. The hypnotic spell of selfhypnosis worked its magic, igniting a fire within her to conquer any obstacle that crossed her path. As the story unfolded, Lily became a beacon of inspiration, radiating confidence and magnetizing success. Her friends and family were inspired by her transformation, witnessing the power of self-hypnosis in action. And so, dear friend, as you read this tale, feel the enchantment and inspiration it brings. Embrace the captivating MAGICAL STORYTELLING language, confident and hypnotic, as it weaves its spell upon your soul. You, too, are the protagonist of your own story, ready to paint the canvas of your life with vibrant hues of prosperity. Tap into your desires 5

Kelly Myers

and dreams, for they hold the key to your financial success. With every step you take, let the magic of self-hypnosis guide you towards a future of abundance. As you conclude this tale, know that the power to achieve your financial goals lies within you. Embrace the limitless potential that dwells within your subconscious mind. The journey towards financial success is yours to embrace, and with every word of this captivating story, you are empowered to take action. Let this message resonate within you, my friend, evoking a strong emotional response that propels you towards greatness. Embrace the captivating MAGICIAL STORYTELLING, infused with the hypnotic spell embrace the abundant life that awaits you.





I am worthy of financial success and prosperity New fellow Future Millionaire as we embark on this captivating Adventure journey together, let us live in the Here and Now, fully embracing the enchanting power of words that effortlessly persuade and captivate. Prepare yourself for a revelation that will ignite your inner power, transforming your financial reality forever. The time has come to unlock the boundless potential within you and claim your birthright of abundance and prosperity. Feel the electrifying surge of energy coursing through your veins as you repeat the following affirmation: 'I am worthy of unparalleled financial success and limitless prosperity.' Let these words anchor themselves


Kelly Myers

deep within your subconscious, becoming an unshakable truth. Picture yourself immersed in a world of opulence, where wealth flows effortlessly, and opportunities abound. Envision yourself as the master of your financial destiny, making strategic decisions that lead to massive prosperity. See your bank accounts swelling with abundance, investments multiplying exponentially, and dreams materializing into tangible realities. Bid farewell to any lingering doubts or fears that have restrained you from claiming your rightful place among the elite achievers. Embrace your inherent worthiness and power. Embody the mindset of an unstoppable abundance magnet, attracting wealth and opportunities with magnetic intensity. From this moment onwards, you shall operate from a place of unwavering self-belief and certainty. Every action you take will be infused with the unstoppable force of your worthiness, propelling you towards unparalleled financial success. Be prepared to witness a seismic shift in your financial reality asthe universe conspires to bring you unimaginable abundance. Embrace your unwavering worthiness and seize the infinite possibilities that await you. With unwavering conviction and limitless 8




Kelly Myers



I attract lucrative opportunities that align with my goals. New up and coming-Millionaire as we embark on this captivating adventure journey together, let us live in the Here and Now, fully embracing the enchanting power of words that effortlessly persuade and captivate. Prepare yourself for a revelation that will ignite your inner power, transforming your financial reality forever. The time has come to unlock the boundless potential within you and claim your birthright of abundance and prosperity.



Feel the electrifying surge of energy coursing through your veins as you repeat the following affirmation: 'I am worthy of unparalleled-financial success and limitlessprosperity.' Let these words anchor themselves deep within your subconscious, becoming an unshakable truth. Picture yourself immersed in a world of opulence, where wealth flows effortlessly, and opportunities abound. Envision yourself as the master of your financial destiny, making strategic decisions that lead to massive prosperity. See your bank accounts swelling with abundance, investments multiplying exponentially, and dreams materializing into tangible realities. Bid farewell to any lingering doubts or fears that have restrained you from claiming your rightful place among the elite-achievers. Embrace your inherent worthiness and power. Embody the mindset of an unstoppable abundance magnet, attracting wealth and opportunities with magnetic intensity. From this moment onwards, you shall operate from a place of unwavering self-belief and certainty. Every action you take will be infused with the unstoppable force of your worthiness, propelling you towards unparalleled financial-success.


Kelly Myers

Be prepared to witness a seismic shift in your financial reality as the universe conspires to bring you unimaginable abundance. Embrace your unwavering worthiness and seize the infinite possibilities that await you.

With unwavering conviction and limitless potential





“I am open and receptive to receiving unlimited abundance in my life” New soon-to-be-Millionaire we embark on this transformative-journey together, let us live in the Here and Now, fully immersed in the enchanting power of words that effortlessly persuade and captivate. Imagine yourself standing at the threshold of unlimited-abundance, arms wide open, ready to receive all the blessings the universe has in store for you. As you embrace this empowering belief, a wave of positive energy washes over you, igniting a deep sense of worthiness within your being.


Kelly Myers

Feel the barriers of limitation crumble, making way for boundless opportunities and endless possibilities. Every fiber of your being resonates with the frequency of abundance, effortlessly attracting wealth and prosperity into your life. Visualize your dreams manifesting in vivid detail. Picture yourself surrounded by the trappings of success—luxurious homes, exotic vacations, and the freedom to live life on your own terms. Experience the exhilaration and joy that comes with financial abundance, empowering you to support loved ones, make a difference in the world, and create a lasting legacy. As you soak in the essence of unlimited abundance, release any doubts or fears that have held you back in the past. Embrace the unwavering truth that you are deserving of every blessing that comes your way. Affirm to yourself with unwavering confidence. "I am open and receptive to receiving unlimited abundance in my life." Let this affirmation permeate-yoursubconscious-mind-planting-seeds-of-belief and expectation. Release resistance, allowing the universe to orchestrate perfect circumstances for your financial success. With each breath, feel a surge of motivation and determination to take inspired action 14


towards your goals. Trust in your ability to attract the resources, opportunities, and people who will help you achieve your financial dreams. You are now aligned with the energy of abundance, and it effortlessly flows into every area of your life. Embrace this truth and let it guide your thoughts, decisions, and actions. As you emerge from this hypnotic state, carry with you the unwavering belief that unlimited abundance is your birthright. Embrace the mindset of openness and receptivity, knowing the universe conspires in your favor. Prepare to witness miracles and synchronicities that pave the way for your financial success. You are open and receptive to receiving unlimited abundance in your life, stepping into the extraordinary life that awaits you. Embrace your limitless potential, take bold action, and watch as the universe responds with a flood of blessings and opportunities. Your financial success and abundance are herenow, and forevermore. “With unwavering belief and boundless possibilities”


Kelly Myers





“Tapping into the enchanting power of words” New fellow Millionaire as we embark this powering journey together, let us fully embrace the present moment, living in the Here and Now, while tapping into the enchanting power of words that effortlessly persuade and captivate. I invite you to close your eyes and let yourself drift into a state of deep relaxation. As you sink-deeper into your- inner-mind-envision a world where money-flows effortlessly into-yourlife from multiple-sources. Imagine standing at the center of a sparkling river, surrounded by the symphony of flowing water representing abundance. Feelthe-coolness of the water-against-your-skin, 17

Kelly Myers

invigorating and rejuvenating you with every passing-moment. Sense the pulsating energy of prosperity resonating through your being. Witness streams of money flowing towards you from unexpected avenues, like tributaries merging into the main river. Each stream-represents a unique-sourceof-income, diversifying your wealth and ensuring a continuous flow of abundance. As the money effortlessly enters your life, feel profound gratitude and appreciation. Know that you are deserving of this financial prosperity and that it is a natural state of being for you. Affirm to yourself, with unwaveringconfidence, "Money effortlessly flows into my life from multiple sources." Repeat this powerfulaffirmations-with-conviction, allowing its resonance to awaken your subconscious mind to the boundless possibilities that await. Visualize your life-transformed by this abundant flow of money. See yourself residing in a beautiful home, surrounded by luxury and comfort. Envision the financial freedom to travel, explore, and experience all that your heart desires. As you open your eyes, carry this vision of abundance with you. Understand that money is naturally drawn to you, effortlessly flowing into your life from diverse sources. Feel a renewed



sense of empowerment and motivation to take inspired action towards your financial goals.


Kelly Myers

Embrace the profound belief that you are a magnet for financial success and abundance. Place your trust in the process, follow your intuition, and witness the universe conspiring to manifest your deepest desires. You are now ready to embrace your limitless potential for financial success. With the power of self-hypnosis, you have unlocked the wellspring of abundance within you. Let this knowledge guide your actions, and watch as your life becomes a testament to the effortless flow of wealth and prosperity.

“With abundance and empowerment”



Let’s Take a journey-together in Your New Car That you will be ordering soon


Kelly Myers



“I am a magnet for opportunities that lead to financial abundance.” New fellow, soon-to-be-Millionaire on this extraordinary awesome power journey together, let you fully-immerse yourself in the Here and Now, discovering the enchanting power of words that effortlessly persuade and captivate. Take a moment to relax-completely in your chair, sinking deeper and deeper into a state of total relaxation. As you delve into your subconscious-mind, below the threshold of awareness, I plant seeds-positive suggestions that will elevate you to a Higher-Level of thinking and bring abundance and wealth beyond your dreams.



In the realm of infinite-possibilities, you stand tall as a magnetic force, attracting abundant opportunities that pave the path to financial prosperity. Every-fiber of your being resonates with the energy of success, drawing towards you the very circumstances that align with your desires. You are a beacon of attraction, radiating confidence and unwavering belief in your own worthiness. Like a magnet, you effortlessly draw in opportunities that hold the key to untold wealth and abundance. Each day, new doorsopen before you, revealing pathways that lead to unimaginable financial success. With every-breath-you-take, attune yourself to the whispers of the universe, guiding you towards golden opportunities that await. Recognize that abundance is not reserved for the few but a birthright meant to be embraced by all. You are worthy of the wealth that flows into your life, and you claim it with gratitude and open arms. As you move through life, be constantly aware of the synchronicities and signs that point you towards abundance. Seize these opportunities with unwavering determination, knowing that they are stepping stones towards the financial freedom you seek. Trust in the divine-order of the universe, for it conspires in your favor.


Kelly Myers

Every action you take is infused with purpose and intention. You are guided by your dreams and aspirations, fueling your motivation to turn possibilities into tangible success. Be open to new ideas-ventures, and collaborations that propel you towards your financial goals. Embrace the unknown, for within it lies the greatest rewards. Paint a vivid-picture in your mind's eye, visualizing the life of abundance that awaits you. See yourself surrounded by opulence and prosperity, living a life free from financial worries. The universe conspires with your unwavering belief, manifesting the opportunities that lead to your ultimate financial success.

“Extraordinary-journey towards-financial-abundance”



New soon-to-be-Millionaire, I invite-you tojoin me towards financial-abundance. Embrace the truth that you are a magnet for opportunities that lead to wealth-success. Unlock-your inherent power-attract the resources and circumstances that align with your-financial goals. As you-awaken to your-own-potential, feel the magnetic pull of prosperity drawing you closer to the life-you-desire. Release-doubts or limitations, for-they-have-no-place in the realm of limitless-abundance. Embrace the unwavering belief in your own worthiness and watch as the universe responds in kind.

The time for action-now. Trust-your-abilities, seize-opportunities that come-your-way, and embrace the limitless-potential that resideswithin-you. Together-let-us-create a symphony 25

Kelly Myers

of success, where becomes-your-reality.


Believe in your power to attract the opportunities that lead to financial-success. Embrace the magnetism within you and watch as the universe aligns in your favor. The journeyfinancial-abundance begins with the unwavering-belief in your-own-worthiness. Embrace it-live it, and let the magic unfold. Remember, you-are a magnet-foropportunities that lead to financial-abundance. Embrace this truth, and watch as your-lifetransforms into a masterpiece of prosperity. The world is ready to shower you with wealthsuccess, and limitless-abundance. Embraceyour-destiny and let your magnetism guide you to the financial-success you-deserve.

“With unwavering belief and boundless possibilities,”




Lesa Mae One ordinary day in Dumaguete, as Lesa Mae went about her duties in the bustling restaurant, Lesa Mae was 10 years old, she noticed a peculiar sight. A worn-out and weathered traveler had stopped by for a meal, but as he left, he accidentally left something behind on the table. Curious, Lesa Mae picked up the object, and to her surprise, it was a tattered old book. By the time Lesa Mae got the book and run out into the street the worn-out and weathered traveler had vanished as if by magic. The cover of the book had seen better days, but its title, "Your Inner Power Within," beckoned to her like a whisper from destiny. Lesa Mae's eyes widened with wonder as she flipped through its pages. It was as if the universe had conspired to place this magical tome in her hands. As she read the first few lines, a surge of warmth enveloped her heart. The words seemed to speak directly to her soul, as if the book knew the struggles she faced and the dreams that stirred within her. In that moment, Lesa Mae knew that this book was meant for her, a beacon of hope in a world that sometimes seemed bleak. 27

Kelly Myers

From that day on, "Your Inner Power Within" became Lesa Mae's constant companion. During her rare moments of respite, she would find a quiet corner in the restaurant and immerse herself in its wisdom. The book became her source of strength, inspiring her to believe in her dreams and the power she held within. As she shared the book's teachings with her family and friends, they, too, were touched by its profound messages. It became a symbol of hope and empowerment for the entire community, a guiding light in their collective journey towards a better life. The traveler who had left the book behind was long gone, but his simple act of forgetfulness had set in motion a chain of events that would change Lesa Mae's life and the lives of those around her forever. "Your Inner Power Within" became more than just a book to Lesa Mae; it was a cherished gift from the universe, a reminder that even in the most unexpected moments, destiny could reveal itself. Through the pages of the book, Lesa Mae found the strength to persevere through the toughest times. It was as if the words were a guiding hand, leading her towards a brighter future, where her dreams of education and a better life could become a reality.



The book became a symbol of hope and empowerment, not only for Lesa Mae but for the entire community of Dumaguete. People came from near and far to read its pages, drawn by the inspiring tale of how a simple book had ignited a flame of change and resilience within their midst. As time passed, the restaurant where Lesa Mae worked transformed into a place of inspiration and support. The book "Your Inner Power Within" found a permanent home there, and people would gather to read, share stories, and find solace in its empowering messages. Lesa Mae's journey, fueled by the wisdom within the book, became a testament to the transformative power of belief and the strength of the human spirit. She proved that even in the face of adversity, dreams could flourish, and hope could bloom like a flower in the desert. And so, my dear friend, let us remember the magic of serendipity and the profound impact of a simple act of forgetfulness. "Your Inner Power Within" found its way into Lesa Mae's life, lighting a path of empowerment and change that continues to shine brightly to this day. As you close the book on Lesa Mae's tale, let its empowering message stay with you. Just like Lesa Mae, you never know what destiny has in store for you. Embrace the unexpected moments and the gifts they bring, for within


Kelly Myers

them may lie the keys to your own dreams and aspirations. Are you ready to embrace the magic of "Your Inner Power Within" and allow it to guide you on your own journey of self-discovery and empowerment? Let the story of Lesa Mae be a reminder that with hope and resilience, you can overcome any obstacle and create a life filled with purpose and abundance.

All overcome by the book "Your Inner Power Within"





“Feel the magnetic pull of prosperity” New soon-to-be-Millionaire as we embarkon this captivating-journey together, let us live in the Here-Now, discovering the enchanting power-of-words that effortlessly-persuade and “captivate.” Close-your-eyes and join me as we delveinto the depths of your-inner-mind. In this realm of infinite-possibilities, you are a magnet, effortlessly-attracting-opportunities that pave the way to financial-abundance. Feel the magnetic pull of prosperity coursing through your veins. Visualize-yourself standing amidst a vibrant tapestry of possibilities, each thread representing an opportunity that perfectly aligns with-your-financial-goals. You 31

Kelly Myers

are a beacon, radiating confidence and attracting-wealth with every-breath-you take. The doors of opportunity swinging open before you, inviting you to step into a world of abundance. Embrace the surge of excitement and anticipation as you grasp each opportunity, knowing that it brings you-one-step-closer to your-financial-dreams. With unwavering-confidence, affirm to yourself, "I am a magnet for opportunities that lead to financial abundance." Repeat these powerful words with conviction, allowing their resonance to awaken your subconscious mind to the limitless-potential that awaits. As you go about your day, feel the magnetic energy emanating from within-you, drawing in the right-people-circumstances, and ideas that propel you towards financial success. Notice how synchronicities align effortlessly, guiding-you-towards the path-of-abundance. Embrace the mindset of a magnet, knowing that the universe conspires to bring you the opportunities-you-seek. Trust in your innate ability to attract the resources and connections necessary to manifest your financial desires. Now, armed with this newfound-magnetism, take inspired-action-towards your financial goals. Seize every opportunity that comes your way, knowing that each-step-brings you-closer to the abundant-future you envision. 32


As you open your eyes, carry with you the certainty that you are a magnet for opportunities that lead to financial-abundance. Embrace-your-power, trust in the universe, and watch as your life transforms into a journey of wealth and prosperity. You are a magnet, and the world is your abundant playground. Embrace this truth, let it guide your actions, and watch as the universe responds in kind.

Your financial-success and abundance await. “With magnetism and boundless


Kelly Myers






“Wealth and prosperity are my birthright, and I claim them now” New fellow, soon-to-be-Millionaire on this transformative-journey together, let us live in the Here and Now, were dreams manifest into tangible “realities.” I stand as a beacon of abundance, declaring with unwaveringconviction that wealth-prosperity are my birthright, and I claim them now. Within the depths of my being, I recognize my inherent worthiness to receive the bountiful blessings that the universe holds in store for you. I am deserving of every ounce of success, every glimmer of financial-freedom that comes my way. I release any limiting beliefs that have held me back and embrace the truth that prosperity is my divine heritage. I paint a vivid picture in the canvas of my mind, a masterpiece of a future filled with opulence and abundance. I see myself-thriving in all aspects of life, surrounded by wealth and overflowing with prosperity. My bank accounts flourish, my-investments multiply, and streams of income flow effortlessly into my life. Every fiber of my being resonates with the frequency of prosperity, attracting limitless opportunities that align with my desires. The universe conspires in my favor, guiding me 35

Kelly Myers

towards the paths that lead to untold financial success. I am open and receptive to the abundance that is already flowing towards me. With unwavering confidence, I seize-eachmoment as a stepping stone towards my financial goals. I take inspired action, utilizing my unique talents and skills to create value in the world. I embrace every challenge as an opportunity for growth and expansion, knowing that true wealth lies in the lessons learned along the way. As I embark on this transformative-journey, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation. I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me and for the endless opportunities that unfold before me. I express my gratitude to the universe, knowing that this gratitude amplifies the flow of prosperity in my life. Embrace the truth that wealth is your birthright new fellow, soon-to-be-Millionaire, I



invite you to join me on this remarkable journey towards financial success and abundance. Embrace the truth that wealth is your birthright, and claim it with unwavering belief. Release any doubts or limitations, for they hold no power over your limitless potential. Visualize-your-prosperous-future that awaits you, where every aspect of your life is filled with abundance. Feel the excitement-joy, and the deep sense of fulfillment that comes with financial freedom. Tap into the infinite reservoir of wealth within you and let it manifest in every area of your life. Today is the day to take inspired-action. Trust in your own abilities and the power of your intentions. Embrace-opportunities that come your way, for they are stepping stones towards your-financial-goals. Believe with unwavering certainty that wealth and prosperity are your birthright, and claim them now. As you-read-these-words, feel the surge of empowerment and motivation pulsating through your veins. The time for financial success is now. Embrace your worthiness, unleash your potential, and step into the limitless realm of abundance that awaits you. Together-let-us-embark on this transformative-journey towards financialsuccess and abundance. Claim-your-birthright, embrace your potential, and let the universe respond in kind. Wealth and prosperity are 37

Kelly Myers

within your grasp-Seize them now and let your life shine as a testament to the power of your dreams. Remember, new Millionaire-wealth and prosperity are your birthright. Embrace this truth, claim it with unwavering belief, and watch as the universe aligns in your favor. The world is ready to shower you with limitless-abundance. Embrace your-destiny and let your dreams manifest into a reality of financial success.

“With abundance and empowerment,”





Feel the resonance of this truth within you New fellow Millionaire live in the Here and Now, where limitless potential resides and the truth of our birthright awaits. You are destined for wealth and prosperity. Feel the resonance of this truth within you, igniting a deep sense of worthiness and power. Through the power of self-hypnosis, we venture into the depths of your subconsciousshedding the layers of doubt and limitation that may have hindered you in the past. We “embrace” the truth that “wealth and prosperity” are your birthright, releasing any beliefs that no longer serve you. Visualize a life filled with abundance, where opulence and luxury surround you. Envision 39

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financial success as the norm, and feel the excitement and anticipation as you claim your rightful place among the prosperous. With unwavering-confidence, declare to the universe that you are ready to embrace your birthright. Affirm with conviction that wealth and prosperity are yours to claim. Feel-surge of power and abundance flowing through every fiber of your being as you step into your destiny. Picture the endless opportunities that await you, the doors that open effortlessly as you move forward on your path. See-yourself making bold-financial-moves, seizing-lucrativeopportunities, and reaping the rewards of your success. As we emerge from this state of selfhypnosis, let the belief in our birthright burn brightly within us. Let it guide our actions, decisions, and mindset as we navigate the path towards financial success and abundance. We are worthy. You are deserving. You are ready to claim your birthright and live a life of wealth and prosperity. Embrace this truth, for it is the key to unlocking your limitless potential for financial-success. Now, with renewed determinationunshakable-belief in yourself, go forth and seize



the opportunities that come your way. Embrace the abundance that is rightfully yours. Live-each-day with the knowledge that wealth and prosperity are your birthright, and watch as the universe conspires to fulfill your desires. You are ready. You-are-powerful. You are destined for financial success and abundance.

“Embrace it now, and let your journey towards a prosperous future begin.” “Ready to blossom into a bountiful harvest of success”

New fellow Millionaire, let these words resonate deeply within you, as you open yourself to the abundance that surrounds-you. Visualize the seeds of positive suggestions taking root in the fertile soil of your-subconscious-mind,


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ready to blossom into a bountiful harvest of success and prosperity. Now, it's time to embrace the truth of your birthright—a truth that unlocks the doors of opportunity, leading you towards financialsuccess and abundance. But have you ever wondered what might be holding you back from fully claiming your rightful place among the wealthy and successful? Embrace-Your-Destiny: Know that you are destined for greatness in the realm of wealth. As you align your thoughts and actions with this truth, the universe conspires to bring you unimaginable-prosperity. The Architect of Your Destiny: You-possessthe-power to shape-your-own-future. With each passing day, you draw closer to the realization of your dreams. Collective Magnetism: Together, yourenergies-unite to draw forth the riches that await You. Trust in the process, stay aligned with-your-purpose, and witness the magic unfold. Embrace Your Worthiness: Release any selfdoubt or feelings of unworthiness. You are worthy of abundance and success, and the universe supports your journey. Inspire Others: Your financial success will be a beacon of inspiration for others. Let your 42


achievements inspire and uplift those around you. Can you feel the empowerment and boundless abundance that awaits you? Are you ready to step into your greatness and claim the riches that the universe has in store for you?


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New Millionaire, the power to manifest your dreams lies within you. As you embrace your worthiness and claim your abundance, you become a force to be reckoned with. The world eagerly awaits the brilliance of your dreams coming true. Let this truth guide your every step as you journey towards prosperity. With joy and enthusiasm, open yourself to the abundance that flows freely around you. Stay aligned with your purpose, and watch as the universe responds in kind. The journey may have challenges, but remember, you are the master of your fate. Embrace the limitless potential within you, for you are destined for greatness beyond measure.

“With boundless abundance and empowerment.” Tear Away Diablo




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The time for transformation is now Millionaire, Welcome to a mesmerizing world where words hold the key to persuasion and captivation. Sit back and relax as you embark on a journey to unlock your full potential for making money. Allow the positive suggestions to take root in your subconscious mind, paving the way for abundance and prosperity. Embrace this truth: The time for transformation is now. You are worthy and deserving of claiming the abundance that rightfully belongs to you. The universe conspires in your favor, supporting you every step of the way on this extraordinary path to financial success. As you move forward, remember that you are never alone. Embrace the blessings that 46


flow into your life, and share your abundance with the world. In giving, you receive even more. Take a deep breath and feel the power within you. Know that you are destined for financial success and abundance. Embrace this truth with unwavering-belief, and witness the world transforming before your very eyes. You are open and receptive to the abundance that surrounds you. Embrace it, embody it, and let it shape your prosperous future. Your journey towards financial success begins now. Imagine a world where you effortlessly attract opportunities like an ocean of abundance. Prosperity surrounds you at every turn. Feel yourself opening up like a vessel ready to receive the universe's limitless offerings. Through the power of self-hypnosis, delve deeper into your inner mind, removing any barriers that hinder embracing the abundance around you. Tune into the vibrations of wealth and prosperity, aligning yourself with universal energy. Now, with this newfound-awareness, embrace your worthiness and unleash your potential. The abundance you seek is waiting for you. Trust in the process, and take inspired action to make your dreams a reality.


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Embrace the promise of a higher level of thinking leading to abundance and wealth beyond your dreams. Tear Away Diablo, signing off with joy and enthusiasm, empowering you to seize the limitless possibilities before you.



Magic time story In the quaint village of Willow brook, nestled amidst rolling hills and lush meadows, lived a young woman named Emily. At twenty-five, she had spent her entire life in this serene town, working at her family's small bookstore. While Emily loved books and the magic they held within their pages, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing from her life. 48


One day, as Emily was rearranging the shelves, a dusty, forgotten book caught her eye. It was titled “Your Power Within." Curiosity piqued, she opened the book and found herself entranced by its enchanting words. The book spoke of discovering inner strength, unlocking hidden potential, and embracing the journey of self-discovery. Drawn to the book's promises, Emily began reading it every night before bed. The words seemed to weave a spell around her, soothing her restless heart and filling her with a sense of hope and wonder. Through the power of selfhypnosis, the book planted seeds of belief deep within her subconscious mind. With newfound confidence, Emily decided to explore her love for writing. She began penning stories inspired by the beauty of Willow brook and the magic that seemed to permeate the air. The book's influence was evident in her writing, as her words carried an irresistible charm that captivated readers. One day, a renowned publisher stumbled upon one of Emily's stories and was enchanted by her talent. They offered her a book deal, allowing her stories to reach readers far beyond Willow brook. As her books became bestsellers, Emily realized that this book of hope and magic, “Your Power Within," had ignited her passion for storytelling and opened doors she never thought possible.


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As her success grew, Emily wanted to share the magic of the book with others. She organized book clubs and writing workshops in Willow brook, inviting people of all ages to discover the power within themselves. Through the enchanting words of the book, Emily helped her fellow villagers embrace their dreams and aspirations. One evening, a young girl named Lily, who had always been shy and unsure of herself, attended Emily's workshop. Through the guidance of “Your Power Within," Lily found the courage to pursue her passion for painting. Her vibrant artworks adorned the walls of the bookstore, filling the space with a burst of color and creativity. Word of Emily's transformative workshops spread, attracting people from neighboring towns and cities. The book's magic continued to work its wonders, touching hearts and igniting sparks of inspiration in countless souls. Emily's bookstore, once a quaint and quiet corner of Willow brook, became a bustling hub of creativity and self-discovery. With the help of the book, she created a haven where people from all walks of life could come together, united by the magic of hope and the belief in their own power within. As years passed, Emily's impact on the world expanded. She published more books, each one carrying the essence of the book that had 50


changed her life. Through her writings, she inspired readers to embrace their uniqueness, follow their dreams, and find the magic in the ordinary. “Your Power Within" became a symbol of empowerment and transformation, and its enchanting words continued to touch lives far and wide. Emily's journey, fueled by the magic of self-belief and the power of the book, was a testament to the profound influence one person could have on the lives of many. In the heart of Willow brook, the power of “Your Power Within" lived on, forever guiding souls towards the discovery of their true selves and the magic that dwelled within. In the years that followed, Emily's bookstore in Willow brook became a place of pilgrimage for those seeking inspiration and transformation. Visitors from all corners of the world traveled to experience the magic that emanated from the quaint little shop. With each passing day, the power of “Your Power Within" seemed to grow stronger, as if the book itself had taken on a life of its own. The enchanting words within its pages continued to touch the hearts of countless individuals, empowering them to overcome obstacles and pursue their wildest dreams. One day, as Emily was organizing a special book signing event, she noticed a young man 51

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standing by the shelves, his eyes fixed on " Your Power Within." Intrigued, she approached him and asked if he needed any assistance. The man introduced himself as Lucas, a traveler from a distant land. Lucas explained that he had heard tales of the mystical bookstore in Willow brook, said to hold a book that could change lives. Intrigued by the stories, he had journeyed far to witness the magic for himself. Emily smiled warmly, recognizing the familiar longing in Lucas's eyes—the same yearning she had felt when she first discovered the book. She handed him a copy of “Your Power Within" and encouraged him to read it. As Lucas delved into the book, he was immediately drawn into its enchanting world. The words seemed to speak directly to his soul, awakening a sense of purpose and direction he had never known before. Through the power of self-hypnosis, he felt a surge of confidence and determination that had eluded him in the past. Inspired by the book's wisdom, Lucas shared his own story with Emily. He had spent years wandering aimlessly, unsure of his path in life. The journey had taken him to far-off lands and unfamiliar cultures, yet he had always felt a sense of emptiness within. “Your Power Within" became his guiding light, illuminating the way forward. With 52


newfound clarity, Lucas realized that he wanted to use his experiences and knowledge to help others. He dreamed of starting a non-profit organization that would provide education and support to underprivileged children around the world. With Emily's encouragement, Lucas set his plans in motion. Together, they organized a fundraiser at the bookstore, inviting the villagers and visitors to contribute to the cause. The response was overwhelming, and the event became a testament to the transformative power of the book. With the funds raised, Lucas established his non-profit organization, aptly named "Your Power Within" The organization-built schools in remote villages, offering children access to education, hope, and a chance for a brighter future. As “Your Power Within" continued to work its magic, Emily's little bookstore became a hub for change and empowerment. People flocked to hear stories of transformation and to share their own journeys of self-discovery. News of the bookstore's impact reached even the most remote corners of the world. In far-off places, where hope seemed like a distant dream, individuals found solace in the enchanting words of the book. Communities united, empowered by the belief that they held the power to create positive change. 53

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The story of “Your Power Within" and its profound influence on lives spread like wildfire. It became a symbol of hope, a beacon of inspiration, and a reminder that every person possessed untapped potential within them. In the heart of Willow brook, Emily stood in awe of the incredible journey that had unfolded before her. The bookstore, once a humble haven for books, had transformed into a sanctuary of self-discovery and empowerment. As she watched Lucas set off on his own journey, carrying the magic of the book with him, she knew that the world was filled with endless possibilities waiting to be uncovered. “Your Power Within" had become a gift, freely given to all who sought to discover the magic that resideds within our own hearts. And so, the enchanting tale of the book of hope and magic, “Your Power Within,” continues to unfold, touching the lives of countless souls who dare to believe in the extraordinary power of their dreams and the boundless potential that lies within each of them.





Kelly Myers

Embrace the limitless possibilities that lie before you Millionaire, the time for transformation is now. Embrace your worthiness, unleash your potential, and welcome the abundance that eagerly awaits you. Can you feel it? The universe is conspiring in your favor, aligning the stars for your financial success. You are worthy. You are deserving. You are more than capable of claiming the abundance that rightfully belongs to you. Step into youpower and let your-potential-soar-to-newheights. Are you ready to seize what's yours? As you embark on this extraordinary journey, know that you are never alone. The universe is cheering you on, supporting every step you take. Embrace the blessings that flow into your life and let them flow outward to the world. Share your abundance, and watch it multiply. Now, take a deep-breath, and with eachexhale, release- any-doubts. Can you sense the power within you? You are destined for financial success and abundance beyond your wildest dreams. Embrace this truth, and witness the world transforming in response.



Open yourself to the abundance that surrounds you. Can you feel it enveloping you, like a warm-embrace? Embody it, for it is yours to receive. Let it guide your path to prosperity. The journey to financial success begins now. Imagine a world where you are immersed in an ocean of abundance. Opportunities flow to you effortlessly, and prosperity becomes your natural state. Can you see it? Feel yourself becoming a vessel ready to receive the universe's boundless gifts. As you tap into the power of self-hypnosis, barriers crumble before you. Can you feel them dissolving away? You are attuned to the vibrations of wealth and prosperity, aligning with the universal energy of abundance. Unlock the potential within you, and watch as your life transforms. Millionaire step forward, are you ready to embrace your destiny? Trust in the process, and take inspired action. The world eagerly awaits your financial success. Your journey has begun, and the universe is ready to shower you with blessings. Step into your greatness, and let the abundance flow.


Kelly Myers

Tear Away Diablo, signing off with enthusiasm and joy, ready to witness your abundance grow. "Going Within Unveiling the Essence of the Spiritual Process"

And More Books 15q9jLwbcCBcEYtH0VACn8nZpNw8F69dqymP0v UE4WU/edit?usp=shari




Every day, I am increasing my financial intelligence Fellow Millionaire! Isn't it amazing to live in the Here and Now, embracing the awesome life that awaits you? With each passing day, your financial intelligence expands, and your investment decisions become wiser and more fruitful. Visualize a future where your deepening financial wisdom guides you towards confident and informed investment choices. Feel the excitement as your investments multiply, laying the foundation for wealth and abundance. Every day, our journey of learning and growth enhances our understanding of the financial world. We effortlessly analyze market trends, identify lucrative opportunities, and

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make decisions returns.




As we embark on this path of financialsuccess, self-hypnosis unlocks the unlimited potential within you. Our subconscious minds absorb financial knowledge effortlessly, sharpening our intuition for the most profitable ventures. With every step, our financial intelligence becomes sharper, empowering us to navigate the investment landscape with ease and precision. We become admired for our financial acumen, respected for your wealthbuilding abilities, and inspire others to achieve their dreams. The pride and satisfaction from making wise investment choices propel us forward. Our dedication to continuous learning and growth ensures that we remain on the path to success. Let motivation surge through your veins as you increase your financial intelligence each day. You are destined for greatness in the financial world. Trust in your ability to learn, adapt, and succeed. Embrace the power of increasing your financial intelligence, and watch as your dreams turn into reality. Now, my friend, go forth with unwavering confidence and make your dreams come true! 2


Wishing you a joyful and prosperous journey ahead! Tear Away Diablo, signing off with enthusiasm, and looking forward to

celebrating your abundant success!


Kelly Myers



I deserve to live a life of financial freedom and abundance Millionaire! As you embark on this journey together, let's seize the moment and embrace the Here and Now. Let your spirit soar and your dreams take flight as we venture further into the realm of self-hypnosis. Believe in the powerful truth that you are deserving of abundance and prosperity. Picture-yourself living a life of financial freedom, where your dreams become reality, and possibilities are limitless. Release any doubts or fears that may hold you back. Stride confidently towards your unlimited potential, knowing that you are worthy of greatness.



Embrace the belief in your own worthiness and let it guide every action and decision you make. The universe conspires to support your journey, so trust in the divine flow and take inspired action. As you awaken from this transformative journey, carry with your unshakeable confidence in your ability to create a life of financial freedom and abundance. Let your light shine brightly, illuminating the path for others to follow. Step into the world with purpose and determination, manifesting your dreams with boldness. Embrace the journey towards financial success with open arms, knowing you are capable of achieving greatness. Believe in yourself, believe in your worthiness, and watch as the universe aligns with your desires, opening doors to a future brimming with financial success and abundance. Together, we are unstoppable on this path of prosperity and joy. With joy in our hearts and a rhyme on our lips, let's celebrate the journey and the amazing things it brings!


Kelly Myers

Wishing you a life filled with wealth, abundance, unbounded joy, my new friend! Tear Away Diablo, signing off with excitement for the incredible future that awaits you!





I am aligned with the energy of abundance New fellow Millionaire! Today, ready to show gratitude with every breath we take. Close your eyes and let yourself be transported to a world of effortless abundance. Feel the powerful energy pulsating within you, aligning every aspect of your being with prosperity. Imagine the bountiful gifts life has in store for you. Picture your bank account overflowing with wealth, your home exuding opulence, and your experiences filled with luxury and adventure. Embrace abundance in relationships, health, and every endeavor you undertake. You are one with the energy of abundance, and it flows through your veins, guiding your thoughts, actions, and decisions towards success. Believe in limitless possibilities that await you. Break free from scarcity and lack. Embrace the belief that there is more than enough for everyone, including you. 7

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With alignment to abundance, you attract opportunities and resources effortlessly. Doors open, connections form, and you move closer to the life of your dreams. Visualize yourself living the abundant life you desire, surrounded by the finest things, and sharing your wealth to make a positive impact on the world. Carry the certainty that you are a magnet for abundance, attracting wealth, success, and opportunities effortlessly. Trust in the process, have faith in your journey, and take inspired action towards your financial goals. Open your eyes and see the world through the lens of abundance. Embrace the limitless potential within you. Let every decision be guided by your alignment with abundance. Now, go forth with confidence, knowing that financial success is your birthright. Embrace the abundance that surrounds you and watch as it manifests in all areas of your life. You are worthy, deserving, and fully equipped to embrace your potential for financial success. Let this message resonate within you, fueling your motivation and igniting the fire of possibility. Embrace your alignment with abundance and step into the life you were destined to live. 8


With joy and enthusiasm, celebrate the abundance that's yours to receive. In gratitude, we thrive and believe! Tear Away Diablo, signing off with excitement for the limitless abundance that awaits you!


Kelly Myers





I attract wealth with ease and Gratitude Fellow Millionaire! Let's live in the Here and Now, embracing the power within you. Deep within your inner mind lies a powerful force—the magnetic energy of wealth and abundance. Let's tap into your true potential as we journey into self-hypnosis, were joy and prosperity flow effortlessly. Relax totally relax, Feel the energy of attraction surging through you, effortlessly drawing wealth into your life. You are a magnet, pulling in opportunities and prosperity with ease and joy. Each step you take is infused with excitement, knowing abundance is your birthright. 11

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Relax totally relax, Visualize the joy in your heart as wealth gracefully enters your life. See the countless avenues through which it manifests—lucrative ventures, unexpected blessings, and financial abundance. Each day brings new opportunities for wealth to grace your path. Align your thoughts and emotions with abundance, and watch how effortlessly the universe responds. It conspires to support your financial endeavors, bringing you joy and prosperity. Trust the natural flow of abundance to unfold. Relax totally relax, in this state of selfhypnosis, you are a beacon of wealthradiating a magnetic aura that attracts prosperity. The world recognizes your worth and rewards you accordingly. Embrace the satisfaction and fulfillment of financial freedom and abundance. Relax totally relax, Carry the unwavering belief that you attract wealth with ease and joy as you emerge from self-hypnosis. Let this belief guide your thoughts and actions. Embrace opportunities, knowing they lead to the abundant future you deserve. Now, as you open your eyes, bask in the knowledge that you are a powerful magnet for wealth. Embrace the joyous journey ahead, knowing each day is an opportunity to attract more abundance. 12


Step into the world with confidence, ready to embrace the potential for financial success that awaits you. You are a master of attraction, effortlessly drawing wealth and joy into your reality. Embrace this truth, and watch as your life transforms into a tapestry of prosperity and abundance. Believe in your ability to manifest the financial success you desire! With unwavering confidence, go forth and embrace the power of your magnetic attraction. Let each day be a testament to your ability to manifest abundance with ease and joy. Your limitless potential awaits, and you are ready to create a life of wealth and prosperity. Wishing you abundant blessings on this magnificent journey, my fellow Millionaire! Let your magnetic energy shine bright and attract the wealth you deserve! Tear Away Diablo, signing off excitement for your abundant future!



Kelly Myers





Reflection of my positive mindset and abundant beliefs the BANK New fellow Millionaire Since we embarked on this journey together, you've come a long way in self-improvement. Steady-wins-therace, and now it's time to live in the Here and Now. Relax, totally relax, and dive deeper into your subconscious where positive thoughts and abundant beliefs await manifestation. Within you lies the power to transform your financial reality. As we journey through selfhypnosis, imagine your bank account as a reflection of your thoughts and beliefs, a mirror of the abundance within you. See the digits increasing as wealth flows effortlessly into your life. With every breath, inhale positivity and exhale doubts. Feel the confidence surging through you as you align your thoughts with the infinite possibilities of financial success. Your mindset shifts, and your bank account mirrors your newfound belief in abundance. The universe responds, attracting opportunities and resources aligned with your desires. Visualize yourself making empowered financial decisions, confidently investing, saving, and leveraging your money for wealth and security. Embrace the thrill of financial freedom that courses through your being. 15

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Your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are magnetic, drawing in opportunities, partnerships, and financial rewards. Embrace these empowering beliefs, and let your actions align with your prosperous mindset. You are the creator of your financial reality. Your bank account reflects the expanding reservoir of your abundant thoughts and beliefs. Watch as the numbers soar higher and higher, a testament to your unwavering faith in your limitless potential. Embrace the power within you to create the financial success you deserve. Carry with you the knowing that your bank account reflects your positive mindset and abundant beliefs. Let the universe conspire to bring you abundance as you align your actions with your beliefs. The journey towards financial success begins within your mind. Now, with your positive mindset and abundant beliefs, you are ready to embrace the limitless possibilities that await you. Open your eyes to a world where your bank account overflows with abundance. Your positive mindset and abundant beliefs will guide you towards the financial success you desire. Embrace the transformation that occurs when your inner wealth is reflected in your outer reality. 16


You are worthy of financial-abundance, and as you embrace your positive mindset and abundant beliefs, you unlock the doors to limitless potential. Step forward with confidence, knowing that your bank account is a testament to your unwavering faith in your ability to manifest prosperity. Embrace this truth, and watch as your bank account becomes a canvas upon which you paint a picture of financial success and abundance. Let your positive mindset and abundant beliefs create a masterpiece of wealth and prosperity. As you open your eyes, carry the conviction that your bank account reflects your positive mindset and abundant beliefs. Embrace the power within you to shape your financial reality and let it propel you towards the abundant life you deserve.


Kelly Myers

Tear Away Diablo, signing off with excitement for the prosperous future that

awaits you!





I release all limiting beliefs and embrace my unlimited potential New fellow Millionaire we embrace the power within us and live in the Here and Now. In this state of self-hypnosis, we release every doubt and fear surrounding money, freeing ourselves to embrace the infinite potential for wealth that resides within us. Visualize a life were money flows effortlessly and abundantly. See yourself surrounded by opulence, living in the lap of luxury. Embrace the truth that you are deserving of wealth and prosperity. With every breath, inhale the essence of abundance and exhale the remnants of limiting beliefs. 19

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We are magnets for wealth, attracting lucrative opportunities and manifesting our deepest desires. In this state of deep self-hypnosis, we have unlocked the doors to our true potential. Embrace the vision of a life filled with financial abundance and take the necessary steps to turn this vision into reality. As you emerge from this hypnotic state, let's carry with us the unwavering belief in our unlimited potential for wealth. The world is our canvas, and we hold the brush. Let's paint our financial success with confidence and intention. Believe that every moment is an opportunity for growth and seize it with unwavering faith. Embrace our unlimited potential for wealth and watch as the universe aligns in support of our aspirations. Now, take a deep breath, feeling the power of our newly awakened beliefs. We are ready to embark on a journey towards financial success and abundance. Let this truth shape every decision, action, and moment of our lives. Release all limiting beliefs about money and fully embrace your unlimited potential for wealth. As we take inspired action towards our financial goals, the universe responds in kind. 20


Trust in our ability to manifest abundance and watch as the world aligns to support our journey. You are worthy of financial success. We are deserving of abundance. Let's embrace this truth and unleash your limitless potential. The path to wealth is illuminated before us, ready for you to embark upon. As you continue on this journey, let's consistently reinforce this empowering mindset. Affirm your worthiness and potential daily, allowing these thoughts to guide our actions and attract the wealth and abundance we desire. Step into our power and embrace the limitless possibilities that await us. You are destined for financial success and abundance. Embrace this truth and watch as our lives transform before our eyes. With unwavering faith in your potential, let's take inspired action towards our financial goals. The universe conspires in our favor, and opportunities unfold as you release all limiting beliefs about money. Embrace the flow of abundance that awaits you. In this moment of self-hypnosis, you release all limiting beliefs about money and embrace the truth of your unlimited potential for wealth. As we awaken, you feel awesome


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and powerful, aligning our actions with our desires, and the universe responds in kind. Now, with unwavering faith in our potential, let's go forth and take inspired action towards our financial goals. We are supported by the vast abundance of the universe. Embrace our unlimited potential for wealth and watch as our dreams become reality. Together, we will embrace the journey towards financial success and abundance. Let's celebrate every step and every achievement. As we live in the Here and Now, we attract limitless prosperity and create a life filled with wealth and abundance.





I am worthy of receiving money and enjoying a luxurious lifestyle Millionaire as we journey together towards-financial-abundance, let us immerse ourselves in the Here and Now. Relax, going deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where positive mindset and abundant beliefs await their manifestation. Visualize yourself, for within lies untapped potential, waiting to be unlocked through the power of self-hypnosis. Let's awaken a profound sense of worthiness, propelling us towards the life we truly deserve. Picture yourself basking in opulence and abundance, surrounded by the luxuries of life. See money flowing effortlessly into your reality like a majestic river, cascading with prosperity. Embrace this vision, and let it elevate your


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thinking to manifest the abundance beyond your wildest dreams. Feel the unwavering confidence coursing through your veins, claiming your birthright of receiving large sums of money. Every fiber of your being knows that you are deserving of such wealth. Anchor this belief within, unleashing your limitless potential for greatness. Envision a life of grandeur, where your desires are effortlessly fulfilled. Luxurious homes, exotic travels, and exquisite experiences await your embrace. Embrace the boundless opportunities that lead to your financial success. With each breath, affirm your worthiness and ability to receive vast sums of money. Release all limiting beliefs, opening up to the radiant truth of your deserving nature. Your confidence shines like a beacon, attracting endless opportunities. Immerse yourself in the vision of a life filled with abundance and luxury. Feel the joy and fulfillment that accompany this enchanting journey. Embrace your destined greatness and claim financial success as your birthright. As you embrace your worthiness, take inspired action towards your financial goals. Trust your abilities and make choices that align 24


with your vision. Embrace the abundance that surrounds you, knowing the universe conspires to manifest your desires. Now, these words become part of your belief system, shaping your reality. You are worthy of receiving large sums of money and enjoying a luxurious lifestyle. Repeat this affirmation daily with conviction and certainty. As you step into the journey, remember the universe supports your dreams. Embrace your worthiness and open yourself to infinite possibilities. Trust in your potential and the path to financial success paved by your unwavering self-belief. You are deserving of abundant wealthEmbrace the truth and watch the world open its doors to limitless opportunities. Your financial success awaits, offering a life of opulence beyond imagination. Let these words sink into your subconscious, empowering you with confidence and determination. Embrace your worthiness, seize opportunities with unwavering belief, and watch as wealth and abundance flow effortlessly into your life. With each step, remember your inherent value. Embrace opportunities as they come, for the world is ready to shower you with prosperity.


Kelly Myers

You are worthy. You are deserving. Embrace the reality of your dreams. Financial success and luxury are yours to claim. Watch as your vision becomes your reality. Now, with unwavering confidence, you are deserving of all the riches life has to offer. Embrace your worthiness, unlock the door to your limitless potential for financial success, and embrace a life of opulence and abundance. We will plant the seeds of positive suggestions



Well Millionaire today I am thrilled to share with you the enchanting power of words that hold the key to persuasion and captivation. Get comfortable in your chair, and let's embark on a remarkable journey into the

depths of your subconscious mind. Here, we will plant the seeds of positive suggestions that will unlock your full potential for making money and lead you to abundance beyond your wildest dreams.


Kelly Myers

Embrace this undeniable truth: The time for transformation is now. You are worthy, deserving, and destined to claim the abundance that is rightfully yours. The universe conspires in your favor, supporting your every step towards extraordinary financial success. As you move forward on this journey, always remember that you are never alone. Embrace the blessings that flow into your life, and in turn, share your abundance with the world. As you give, so shall you receive. Take a deep breath and feel the immense power residing within you. Know with unshakeable belief that you are destined for financial success and prosperity. Embrace this truth, and witness the world transforming before your very eyes. Embrace your openness and receptivity to the abundance that surrounds you. Let it infuse every aspect of your being, shaping a prosperous and fulfilling future. Your journey towards financial success begins now, and the possibilities are endless. Envision a world where opportunities flow to you effortlessly, like an ocean of abundance. Feel yourself becoming an open vessel, ready to receive the boundless riches that the universe has to offer. Through the extraordinary power of selfhypnosis, delve even deeper into your inner 28


mind, breaking down any barriers that may have hindered your ability to embrace the abundance around you. Tune in to the vibrations of wealth and prosperity, aligning yourself with the universal energy of success. Now, with this newfound awareness, unleash your true worthiness and potential. Welcome the abundance that awaits you, for it is yours for the taking. Trust in the process and take inspired action to turn your dreams into reality. Embrace the promise of a higher level of thinking, one that leads you to abundance and wealth beyond your wildest dreams. Tear Away Diablo, signing off with joy and enthusiasm, empowering-you-to-seize the limitless-possibilities that lie before you.


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Ok Millionaire let me ask you a question? Can you feel the excitement building within you as you embrace the power of these words? You are hanging on to every word, captivated by the magic that surrounds you. Emotions are stirred by these words, for they hold the incredible power to inspire and motivate you into action. As you read each sentence, you feel the strong resonance within, propelling you towards your dreams of abundance and prosperity.



Now, let's delve even deeper into the heart of this transformative journey. We'll navigate the SIDA framework, revealing a profound principle that will elevate you to a higher level of thinking, unleashing the true potential that lies within you. You are on the verge of unlocking a lifechanging secret. These words have the power to awaken your dormant potential, igniting a spark of transformation that will guide you towards financial success. The question remains, are you ready to take the leap into abundance? Are you willing to embrace the changes required to reach the pinnacle of your financial dreams? Let me provide you with the bullet-point answers that will set your course towards wealth and prosperity:  Believe in yourself and your worthiness for abundance. 

Embrace a mindset of abundance and abundance will find you.

Take inspired action, for the universe rewards those who dare to act.

Well Millionaire, as you journey towards your financial success, it’s an awesome journey is it not? remember that you hold the key to your destiny. The power to create the 31

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life you desire is within you, waiting to be unleashed. Now, take a deep breath and know that your dreams are within reach. The universe conspires in your favor, and your path to abundance is illuminated.

Embrace the limitless possibilities that lie before you. Your journey to abundance and wealth begins now. Tear Away Diablo, signing off with joy and enthusiasm, empowering you to seize the limitless possibilities that lie before you.





The financial abundance you deserve I ask you Millionaire as we delve further into the enchanting world of hypnotic copywriting, let's explore the power words that will ignite your subconscious mind, propelling you towards greatness. Embrace these words, for they hold the key to unlocking your full potential for making money and achieving the financial abundance you deserve. Feel the excitement as you absorb every word, knowing that you are embarking on a lifechanging journey. Imagine a world where every opportunity flows effortlessly to you, where prosperity surrounds you at every turn. Picture yourself as a vessel, ready to receive the boundless abundance that the universe has to offer you. 33

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With the power of self-hypnosis, you remove any barriers that may have hindered your ability to embrace the abundance around you. You align yourself with the universal energy of abundance, becoming attuned to the vibrations of wealth and prosperity. Now, let me share with you the profound principle that will elevate you to a higher level of thinking, setting you on the path to abundance and wealth beyond your wildest dreams. Are you ready to embrace it?

“Believe in yourself,” New Millionaire, for you are worthy of all the abundance the universe has to offer. The power lies within you to manifest the life you desire. But to achieve this abundance, you must be willing to break free from limiting beliefs and step out of your comfort zone. Are you prepared to embrace change and unlock your true potential? Here are the key steps to unlock your path to abundance:  Cultivate an unwavering belief in your worthiness for abundance. 

Embrace a mindset of abundance and open yourself to receiving prosperity. 34


Take inspired action towards your goals and dreams.

Ok Millionaire, the power to transform your life lies within you. Embrace the enchanting power of these words, for they hold the spell to unlock your hidden potential and lead you to the life of financial success you deserve. Take a moment to breathe in the excitement of this journey, for your path to abundance has been set in motion. Tear Away Diablo, signing off with joy and enthusiasm, empowering you to seize the limitless possibilities that lie before you.


Kelly Myers



A moment and envision the life you desire Well Millionaire Let's delve even deeper into the world of hypnotic-captivating your attention and igniting your desire for abundance.



Close your eyes for a moment and envision the life you desire, where financial success is a reality, and prosperity flows effortlessly to you. Feel the excitement building within as you take each breath, knowing that the power to manifest your dreams lies within your grasp. Embrace the power words that will create a profound impact on your subconscious mind, shaping your beliefs and propelling you towards your goals. Feel the energy surging through you, aligning your thoughts with the vibration of wealth and abundance. Let me share with you the powerful principle that will elevate your thinking to new heights, unlocking doors to abundance and success. Are you ready to embrace this lifechanging concept?


Kelly Myers

Believe in yourself Millionaire for you possess the potential to create a life of abundance and wealth. You are deserving of all the universe's blessings and ready to receive them with open arms. However, to unleash this potential, you must free yourself from self-doubt and limitations. Are you willing to let go of the beliefs that have held you back and step into your true power? Here are the key steps to unlock your path to abundance:  Plant the seeds of positive affirmations deep within your mind, nurturing the belief









abundance. 



knowing that the universe conspires in your favor. 

Take inspired action fearlessly, for each step brings you closer to your financial success.

Millionaire you hold the key to your financial destiny. The enchanting power of these words unlocks the potential within you, guiding you towards the life of prosperity you desire. 38


Now, breathe in the excitement of this journey, for you are on the path to greatness, where abundance and wealth await you. Tear Away Diablo, signing off with joy and enthusiasm, empowering you to seize the limitless possibilities that lie before you.


Kelly Myers



Story of the magic In the vast and sun-kissed plains of Australia, where golden fields stretched as far as the eye could see, lived a young man named Tony. He was born into a farming family, where tending to the land was not just a job, but a way of life. From a young age, Tony had learned the ways of farming from his parents and grandparents. He understood the hard work and dedication it took to nurture the crops and raise the animals. Yet, he also saw the struggles his family faced year after year. Farming was not a path to riches; it was a path to resilience. Many farmers, including Tony's family, found themselves buried under the weight of debt. The unpredictable 40


weather and market fluctuations made it difficult to break free from the cycle of financial strain. As Tony grew older, he began to question whether farming was his true calling. He dreamed of more, of a life beyond the confines of the fields, where he could explore his passions and unlock his potential. One evening, as the crimson sun dipped below the horizon, Tony found himself wandering through the local town. It had been a particularly challenging day on the farm, and he needed a moment of respite. As he strolled past a quaint bookstore, the flickering lights inside drew him in. The shelves were adorned with books of various genres, each beckoning him to explore new worlds and ideas. But one particular book caught his attention—it was titled "Your Power Within." Curiosity piqued, Tony reached for the book and began flipping through its pages. The words seemed to leap off the pages, filling him with a newfound sense of hope. The book spoke of embracing one's passions, stepping outside of comfort zones, and manifesting a life of abundance. Intrigued, Tony decided to purchase the book and take it back to his humble abode. As he read its pages by the soft glow of his 41

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bedside lamp, he felt a stirring within his soul. The book spoke of the power of the subconscious mind, and how one could use self-hypnosis to rewire limiting beliefs and unlock untapped potential. With each passing day, Tony delved deeper into the book's teachings. He practiced self-hypnosis techniques, allowing positive suggestions to take root in his subconscious mind. The book became his guide—a beacon of light in the darkness of uncertainty. You are worthy of abundance and success, the book whispered to him. The power to transform your life lies within. As Tony continued his daily routine on the farm, he felt a newfound sense of purpose. He started to approach his work with renewed vigor, seeing it not just as a means of survival, but as an opportunity for growth and learning. With each harvest, Tony marveled at the resilience of nature. He began to see parallels between the cycles of farming and the cycles of life. Just as the crops grew from tiny seeds, he realized that his dreams could also flourish with the right nurturing. The book had opened a door of possibilities for Tony. He started attending workshops and seminars, connecting with likeminded individuals who shared his passion for 42


personal development. He discovered a community of dreamers and doers who supported each other's aspirations. As months passed, Tony noticed changes within himself. He became more confident, more willing to take risks, and more determined to create a life beyond the farm. He began exploring new avenues of income generation, using his skills and knowledge to venture into other fields. The power of self-hypnosis and positive suggestions had transformed Tony's mindset. He no longer saw farming as a barrier to his dreams but as a stepping stone towards them. His family noticed the spark in his eyes—the same spark that had led him to pick up that book in the first place. In the vast and sun-kissed plains of Australia, a young man named Tony had discovered the magic of self-belief. He understood that the path to success was not determined by external circumstances but by the unwavering belief in oneself. With the power of self-hypnosis as his ally, Tony set out on a journey of self-discovery and growth. He knew that the road ahead would have its challenges, but he also knew that within him lay the strength to overcome them. Dear reader, as you wander through the fields of life, may you find inspiration in Tony's 43

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tale. May you unlock the power within you, using the magic of positive suggestions to shape your destiny. Just like Tony, may you embrace your passions and dare to dream, for the power to create a life of abundance and fulfillment lies within your grasp.



Unleashing the Power of Passion The Recipe FREE VIDEOS ENJOY & MORE BOOKS 15q9jLwbcCBcEYtH0VACn8nZpNw8F69dqymP 0vUE4WU/edit?usp=sharing


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Guiding you towards the abundance



Millionaire as you continue on this mesmerizing journey of hypnotic copywriting, let your imagination soar to new heights, embracing the power of these transformative words. Feel the energy pulsating through you, igniting a fire within your soul. The power words in this script act as a beacon, guiding you


Kelly Myers

towards the abundance and wealth that you desire. Can you imagine the life you want, where financial success and prosperity flow effortlessly to you? Picture yourself surrounded by opportunities, like an ocean of abundance that never ceases to amaze. Embrace the belief that you hold the key to unlock this reality. The universe conspires in your favor, supporting your every move towards greatness. As you read these words, allow them to weave their magic within you, aligning your thoughts with the vibrations of wealth and prosperity. Let me share with you the profound principle that will elevate your thinking and lead you to your dreams: Believe in yourself-Millionaire for you are destined for greatness. You are worthy of all the abundance that life has to offer, and the universe supports your every endeavor. Yet, you must break free from any limiting beliefs that have held you back in the past. Are you ready to release these shackles and embrace the boundless potential that lies within you?



Here are the key steps to unlock your path to abundance:  Plant the seeds of positive affirmations deep




nurturing the belief in your ability to attract wealth and success. 

Embrace every opportunity that comes your way, for each one is a stepping stone towards your financial dreams.

Take inspired action with unwavering determination, knowing that you are on the path to manifesting your desires.

OK Millionaire, the power of these words is now in your hands. Embrace them, embody them, and watch as your life transforms into a tapestry of prosperity and abundance. Now, take a deep breath, and as you exhale, feel the excitement building within you. You are on a path to greatness, where your dreams become a tangible reality.


Kelly Myers






Leading you towards the realm of abundance Well Millionaire the journey into the world of hypnotic writing, let the magic of these words consume and to captivate and inspire you. Picture this: You are standing at the edge of a vast universe of possibilities, with the power words as your guiding stars, leading you towards the realm of abundance and prosperity. Can you feel the magnetic pull of success drawing you closer? Every word in this script has been carefully crafted to resonate with your subconscious mind, aligning your thoughts with the frequencies of wealth and achievement. Unlock the secrets of financial success with this profound principle: Well Millionaire, recognize the potential within you, waiting to be unleashed. You are a force of nature, and the universe eagerly awaits your next move. Yet, are there lingering doubts holding you back from stepping into your greatness? It's 51

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time to release those doubts and embrace the boundless possibilities that await you. Here are the key steps to unlock the door to abundance:  Embrace the power of positive affirmations, nurturing a mindset of success and prosperity.

Seize every opportunity that comes your way, for they are stepping stones towards your financial dreams.

Take inspired action, fueled by the unwavering





destined for greatness. Up to You Millionaire the destiny of your financial success lies in your hands. Embrace these hypnotic words, let them take root within you, and witness the transformation of your reality into one of boundless wealth and achievement. As you read these words, a sense of exhilaration washes over you. The universe is conspiring to support your every aspiration, propelling you towards the pinnacle of success. Tear Away Diablo, signing off with joy and enthusiasm, empowering you to claim the limitless abundance that is rightfully yours.




Kelly Myers




Guiding star illuminating your path to riches Gidday Millionaire in this hypnotic-journey, allow the seeds of prosperity to bloom and flourish within your subconscious mind. Envision yourself surrounded by the magnetic energy of success, as each word in this script acts as a guiding star illuminating your path to riches and fulfillment. Can you feel the power of these words stirring emotions within you? Embrace the impact of impactful communication, inspiring you to take action and manifest your dreams into reality. Let's continue, unlocking the gateway to abundance:



Well Millionaire, your journey to financial success starts with believing in your worth and potential. Trust in yourself and your abilities, for you are destined to thrive. Yet, perhaps you've encountered challenges that tested your resolve. It's time to break free from limitations and embrace the limitless potential within you. Here are the steps to transform your life:  Embrace the power of gratitude and abundance, and watch as the universe responds in kind.

Cultivate a mindset of abundance, attracting wealth and opportunities effortlessly.






goals, knowing that you have the power to shape your destiny. Only you Millionaire you possess the key to unlock the doors to prosperity. Embrace these hypnotic words, let them resonate deeply within you, and witness the transformation of your reality into one of boundless wealth and achievement. With every word you read, a breathless excitement fills the air. You are on the brink of greatness, and the universe is conspiring to make your dreams a reality. 55

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Tear Away Diablo, signing off with joy and enthusiasm, empowering you to claim the limitless abundance that is rightfully yours.





Envision yourself surrounded by success Look Millionaire In this hypnotic-journey of words, allow the seeds of prosperity to bloom and flourish within your subconscious mind. Envision yourself surrounded by the magnetic energy of success, as each word in this script acts as a guiding star illuminating your path to riches and fulfillment. Can you feel the power of these words stirring emotions within you? Embrace the impact of impactful communication, inspiring you to take action and manifest your dreams into reality.


Kelly Myers

Let's continue with the SIDA framework, which is designed to unlock the gateway to abundance: New Millionaire, this script begins by reminding you of your worth and potential. It encourages you to trust in yourself and your abilities, as you are destined to thrive. However, it acknowledges that you may have encountered challenges along the way. It's time to break free from limitations and embrace the limitless potential within you. Here are the steps to transform your life:  Embrace the power of gratitude and abundance, and observe how the universe responds in kind.

Cultivate a mindset of abundance, effortlessly










goals, knowing that you have the power to shape your destiny. You are ready Millionaire; you hold the key to unlocking the doors to prosperity. Embrace these hypnotic words, let them resonate deeply within you, and witness the transformation of your reality into one of boundless wealth and achievement.



With every word you read, a breathless excitement fills the air. You stand on the precipice of greatness, and the universe is aligning to make your dreams a reality. Tear Away Diablo, signing off with joy and enthusiasm, empowering you to claim the limitless abundance that is rightfully yours.


Kelly Myers



You ready to embrace the magic that unfolds New Millionaire, the power to manifest your dreams lies within you. Believe in your worth, visualize your success, and take inspired action. So, are you ready to embrace the magic that unfolds as you step into your destiny? Remember, lifetime friend, I am here to guide you with joy and enthusiasm, offering the value of abundance and wealth. Let the enchanting power of words effortlessly persuade and captivate you. Now, take a breath, and let the journey begin. Are you ready to unleash the tear-away Diablo within and transform your life beyond your wildest dreams? 60


With this framework, the power of selfhypnosis, and the SIDA principles, you embark on a journey of abundance and financial mastery. Let's paint your financial success with confidence, guided by your limitless potential.


Kelly Myers



Abundance Embrace your worthiness Here and Now Multi-Millionaire, take a moment to absorb the profound principle revealed today. Remember, you have the power to create a life of opulence and abundance. Embrace your worthiness, and watch as your dreams come to life. Now friend, are you ready to embark on this hypnotic journey towards a life beyond your dreams? Let's tear away the barriers holding you back, and unlock the potential within. Embrace the power words that shape your destiny. Your journey begins now.



Are you excited to dive deeper into your subconscious and plant the seeds of positive suggestions for greatness? Now Millionaire, let your heart be captured by the possibilities that lie ahead. Are you ready to embrace? your worthiness and create a life of abundance beyond your imagination? So, my friend, shall we begin this thrilling journey of transformation? Let's unfold the path to your financial success together. Are you ready to seize the power of selfhypnosis and reveal your true potential for greatness? Millionaire, your journey towards abundance and wealth starts now. Are you ready to embrace your destiny and unlock the secrets of your limitless potential? Now, let's embrace the magic of words that captivate and persuade effortlessly. Are you excited to manifest your dreams and achieve financial abundance?

As we conclude this journey, New Millionaire.


Kelly Myers



I am attracting wealth and prosperity effortlessly New Multi-Millionaire, let's live in the Here and Now. You are changing big time in always. Relax, totally relax, deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. As you delve deeper into the recesses of your mind, a powerful realization, dawns upon you. You are a magnet, new multi-Millionaire a magnetic force that effortlessly draws wealth and prosperity into your life. Feel the energy of



abundance pulsating through your very being, resonating with the universe's infinite riches. Relax, totally relax, deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Every thought, every action, and every intention align harmoniously with the frequency of wealth. You attract lucrative opportunities and abundant blessings with ease and grace. Money flows to you like a gentle stream, nurturing your dreams and fueling your passions. Relax, totally relax, deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Embrace this truth wholeheartedly and let it reverberate through your subconscious mind. Visualize the golden aura of abundance surrounding you, infusing every aspect of your existence with opulence and success. See yourself immersed in a world where financial freedom is your birthright and prosperity, knows no limits. Relax, totally relax, deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize, as you embark on this journey of financial success, allow yourself to release any lingering doubts or fears. Embrace unwavering faith in your ability to manifest wealth and embrace the fullness of your potential. Trust in the wisdom of 65

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the universe and know that it conspires to bring you boundless prosperity. Relax, totally relax, deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Feel the magnetic pull within you growing stronger each day. Your thoughts and emotions are in perfect alignment with the vibration of abundance. You radiate confidence, attracting wealth like a moth to a flame. Your belief in your own magnetism sets the stage for limitless financial success. Embrace the power of gratitude as you magnetize wealth into your life. Express appreciation for the abundance that surrounds you, and let gratitude become your guiding force. As you acknowledge and celebrate the wealth you already possess, the universe responds by multiplying it tenfold. With each breath, you inhale the essence of prosperity, allowing it to permeate every cell of your being. You exude an aura of confidence and magnetism that attracts opportunities, connections, and resources. Doors open effortlessly, and paths to financial success reveal themselves with divine precision. Embrace this truth: You are a money magnet, and the universe eagerly responds to your magnetic allure. Affirm it with conviction, allowing the words to sink deep into your 66


subconscious mind. Repeat them daily, and witness the profound transformation that unfolds in your life. As you awaken to your innate power, take inspired action towards your financial goals. Trust in your ability to make wise decisions and seize opportunities that align with your desires. Embrace the unknown with a sense of adventure, knowing that each step you take brings you closer to the abundant life you envision. The world awaits the radiance of your magnetic presence, ready to witness the unfolding of your financial success. Embrace your limitless potential, for you are destined for greatness. Believe it, feel it, and watch as the universe conspires to manifest your deepest desires. You are a money magnet, new reader, attracting wealth and prosperity effortlessly. Open your arms wide and embrace the bountiful gifts that come your way. Your financial success is imminent, and the journey is infused with excitement, joy, and boundless possibilities. Now, step forward with confidence and unwavering belief. Take inspired action, knowing that you are a force to be reckoned with. Embrace the limitless potential within you and witness the extraordinary


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Your transformation that unfolds as you become a magnet for wealth and abundance.

Embrace this mantra: "I am a money magnet, attracting wealth and prosperity effortlessly." Let it resonate in your mind, body, and soul. And as you do, prepare to witness the incredible manifestation of financial success in your life. In this moment of self-hypnosis, we release all limiting beliefs about money. You embrace the truth of your unlimited potential for wealth. As you awaken, we take a deep, deep breath of mountain clean fresh cool air You awaken feeling awesome as you awaken to this empowering mindset, our actions align with our desires, and the universe responds in kind. Now, go forth with unwavering faith in your potential. Take inspired action towards your financial goals, knowing that you are supported by the vast abundance of the universe. Embrace your unlimited potential for wealth, and watch as your dreams become your reality multi-Millionaire. Embrace your destiny, new Multi-Millionaire Embrace, and let the dance of abundance commence.





I attract opportunities my purpose New fellow multi-Millionaire your, life was hell of a lot different to now if you have been following what I say each day, my friend. Let's live in the Here and Now. Relax, totally relax, deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Take a moment, new multi-Millionaire, to immerse yourself in the realm of limitless possibilities. Close your eyes and envision a life where abundance flows effortlessly, where


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opportunities materialize as if summoned by magic. Feel the energy of prosperity pulsating through your very being, igniting a deep sense of worthiness within you. Relax, totally relax, deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. In this abundant universe, The Power of Self-Validation Overcoming Mistreatment and Thriving




Kelly Myers

you are a magnet, drawing towards you the very opportunities that align with your purpose. Your path is illuminated with golden possibilities, and every step you take leads you closer to financial success. Trust in the divine orchestration of your journey, knowing that the universe conspires to bring you abundance in all its forms. Relax, totally relax, deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. As you awaken to your true potential, you recognize that abundance surrounds you in every moment. It is not a distant dream but a tangible reality in the here and now that awaits your embrace. Open your arms wide and welcome the wealth and prosperity that flow towards you effortlessly. Feel the resonance of your purpose vibrating through your being, guiding you towards opportunities that align with your deepest desires. Each day, you attract circumstances and connections that support your growth and elevate you to new heights of success. The universe responds to your unwavering belief in your worthiness, delivering blessings beyond your imagination. Relax, totally relax, deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Embrace 72


the power of self-hypnosis to delve even deeper into your inner mind. With each session, you unlock new layers of potential, unveiling hidden talents and strengths. As you align your conscious and subconscious mind, you become a powerful attractor of abundance. Visualize your prosperous future with vivid clarity. See yourself surrounded by opulence and luxury, living a life that reflects your true worth. Picture yourself making a positive impact in the world, empowered by your financial success to contribute and uplift others. Let these words etch themselves into your subconscious, transforming your beliefs and shaping your reality: "I am surrounded by abundance, and I attract opportunities that align with my purpose." Repeat this affirmation daily, infusing it with unwavering conviction. As you embody this truth, take inspired action towards your financial goals. Trust in your abilities and seize every opportunity that comes your way. Embrace the unknown with a sense of adventure, knowing that each step forward brings you closer to the life of abundance you deserve.


Kelly Myers

The universe rejoices in your unwavering belief

The universe rejoices in your unwavering belief and commitment to your financial success. It conspires to fulfill your deepest desires, presenting you with an abundance of opportunities and resources. Embrace this divine partnership, knowing that you are guided and supported every step of the way.



Now, open your eyes and witness the transformation that has already begun. Feel the surge of confidence and motivation within you, ready to propel you towards your financial goals. Embrace the abundant life that awaits you and step into your limitless potential. You are surrounded by abundance, “new muti-millionaire,” and the universe eagerly awaits your embrace. Trust in the power within you and allow it to unfold in magnificent ways. Your financial success is not only possible but inevitable. Embrace it, believe it, and watch as the world opens up to the boundless prosperity that is your birthright. Embrace your destiny, new mutimillionaire, and unleash your limitless potential. You are the master of your financial journey, and with every breath, you attract opportunities that align with your purpose. Embrace the mantra "I am surrounded by abundance, and I attract opportunities that align with my purpose." Let it guide your thoughts, actions, and beliefs. As you navigate the path to financial success, remember that you are worthy of all the blessings that come your way. Embrace your worthiness, for it is the key that unlocks 75

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the gates of abundance. With each day, you move closer to the prosperous future that awaits you. Believe in yourself, new multi-millionaire, for you possess within you the power to create a life of abundance and fulfillment. Embrace your limitless potential, and watch as the universe aligns itself to support your every aspiration. The journey to financial success begins now, and the destination is beyond your wildest dreams. Embrace the magic of this moment and know that your financial success is within reach. Embody the truth of your worthiness, attracting opportunities that align with your purpose. Step forward with confidence, for the universe is conspiring to bring you everything you desire and more. In this moment of self-hypnosis, we release all limiting beliefs about money. You embrace the truth of your unlimited potential for wealth. As you awaken, you take a deep, deep breath of mountain clean fresh cool air you awaken feeling awesome as you awaken to this empowering mindset, your actions align with your desires, and the universe responds in kind. Now, go forth with unwavering faith in your potential. Take inspired action towards your financial goals, knowing that you are supported by the vast abundance of the 76


universe. Embrace your unlimited potential for wealth, and watch as your dreams become your reality. Embrace your destiny, new multi-millionaire Embrace, and let the dance of abundance commence. Tear Away Diablo.


Kelly Myers



Money is a tool make a positive impact in the world New fellow multi-Millionaire, progress can never be instant. You have come a long way, don’t look back, past is past you are going forward well, like your choice of car above. Relax, totally relax, deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Deep within the recesses of your mind, a powerful truth awaits its awakening. Listen closely as the words weave their way into your consciousness, unlocking the immense potential that lies dormant within you. Relax, totally relax, deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive 78


mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Money, new multimillionaire, is not merely a currency or a means of exchange. It is a tool—an instrument of transformation and impact. Picture for a moment the incredible possibilities that lie before you. Envision a world where your financial success knows no bounds, where each dollar in your possession becomes a catalyst for positive change. Feel the weight of responsibility and opportunity resting upon your shoulders. With each monetary transaction, you hold the power to shape lives, uplift communities, and leave an indelible mark upon this world. Imagine the joy and fulfillment that washes over you as you witness the impact of your financial decisions. Relax, totally relax, deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. As you delve deeper into your inner mind, embracing the power of self-hypnosis, allow this truth to permeate your being: Money is a tool that allows you to make a positive impact in the world. Feel the resonance of these words within you, igniting a fire of purpose and passion.


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In this vivid tapestry of abundance, your financial success intertwines with your innate desire to create a better world. The more wealth you accumulate, the greater your capacity to serve and uplift others. You become a beacon of hope, a catalyst for change, and a force of good in the lives of those around you. Relax, totally relax, going deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Imagine the smiles on the faces of those you help, the gratitude that fills the air, and the profound sense of fulfillment that permeates your being. Each financial decision you make becomes a conscious act of contribution, a stepping stone towards a world transformed.

Your subconscious merging Let these words sink deep into your subconscious, merging with your core beliefs: Money is a tool that allows me to make a positive impact in the world. Allow this truth to guide your thoughts, actions, and choices.



With every step you take on your journey to financial success, remember that your wealth is not a solitary pursuit. It is a shared endeavor—an opportunity to create ripples of change that extend far beyond yourself. As your wealth grows, so does your ability to uplift, inspire, and empower those in need. Embrace your limitless potential, new multi-Millionaire, and seize the opportunities that lie before you. Know that every dollar in your possession holds the potential to make a difference, to bring light where there is darkness, and to sow seeds of hope in barren

lands. as you awaken to your worthiness, watch as the world conspires to support your 81

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financial goals. Doors open, connections flourish, and resources flow effortlessly towards you. The universe aligns itself with your vision, recognizing your deep-seated desire to create a positive impact. Now, take a deep breath and release any doubts or limitations that may hold you back. Embrace the truth of your potential, the power of your financial success, and the incredible impact you can make in this world. Allow the mantra to resonate within you. Money is a tool that allows you to make a positive impact in the world. Carry this truth with you, new multiMillionaire, as you embark on your journey to financial abundance. Let it be the driving force behind your actions, the catalyst that propels you towards your goals. Embrace the joy of making a difference, and watch as the universe conspires to bring you the wealth and opportunities you seek. You are a visionary, a changemaker, and a force to be reckoned with. Embrace the power within you, the potential that lies dormant no more. Step into your financial success, knowing that each dollar in your possession carries the potential for positive impact. The world eagerly awaits your transformative touch. 82


In this moment of self-hypnosis, you release all limiting beliefs about money. You embrace the truth of your unlimited potential for wealth. As you awaken, you take a deep, deep, breath of mountain clean fresh cool air you awaken feeling awesome as you awaken to this empowering mindset, your actions align with your desires, and the universe responds in kind.


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Now, new multi-Millionaire, go forth and embrace your limitless potential. Use the tool of money to create a world that reflects your deepest values and

aspirations. 84




Sarah's Journey as a Massage Therapist In the heart of a bustling city, Sarah pursued her passion as a massage therapist. With her tranquil aura and healing touch, she had a unique way of enchanting her clients, leaving them feeling revitalized and serene after each session. Sarah had always been drawn to the art of massage and its ability to ease both physical and emotional tension. However, building a clientele as a massage therapist was no easy task, especially in a city filled with countless other wellness establishments. One day, as Sarah was organizing her massage studio, she stumbled upon a peculiar book tucked away in a forgotten corner. Its title, "Your Power Within," beckoned her, and she couldn't resist opening its pages. To her amazement, the book contained enchanting stories of massage therapists who had unlocked the magic of self-hypnosis and positive affirmations to elevate their practice and create an enchanting experience for their clients. 85

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Intrigued and inspired, Sarah decided to embrace the magic of "Your Power Within" in her own journey as a massage therapist. Each morning, before welcoming her clients, she would find a moment of tranquility, close her eyes, and repeat affirmations: "I am the serene enchantress of healing touch, channeling positive energy to soothe and rejuvenate. I am capable of achieving my dreams. I am transforming lives, one massage at a time." As Sarah embraced the enchanting magic of "Your Power Within," she noticed a profound shift within herself and her practice. Her hands seemed to have an innate wisdom, intuitively finding the areas of tension in her clients' bodies and gently releasing them. Her clients not only felt the physical benefits of her massages but also experienced a deep sense of calm and relaxation. Word of Sarah's magical touch spread like wildfire. Clients from all walks of life sought her expertise, drawn by the enchanting experiences she offered. Her massage studio transformed into a haven of tranquility, where people could escape the hustle and bustle of the city and find solace in Sarah's healing hands. As her reputation grew, Sarah's dreams expanded beyond her little studio. She envisioned creating a holistic wellness center, 86


a place where people could embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing. Inspired by the enchanting tales from "Your Power Within," she began offering workshops on mindfulness, meditation, and self-care. Sarah's magnetic charisma drew the attention of wellness enthusiasts and media alike. She was invited to speak at wellness conferences and featured in magazines as an advocate for the transformative power of touch and self-hypnosis. Through "Your Power Within," Sarah discovered the ability to connect with her clients on a deeper level, infusing each massage with not just physical healing but also emotional and spiritual rejuvenation. Her serene presence and magical touch created an enchanting experience that lingered long after the massage was over. And so, the tale of Sarah, the serene enchantress, and the magical book "Your Power Within," became a testament to the transformative power of self-hypnosis and positive affirmations. As the enchanting words weaved their spell around her, Sarah's journey as a massage therapist blossomed into a tapestry of magic, compassion, and profound healing. Her massage studio became more than just a place of physical therapy—it became a sanctuary where clients experienced the enchantment of touch and 87

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rediscovered the power within themselves to embrace a life of wellness and serenity.




Kelly Myers



Success is my natural state of being, and I claim it now New multi-millionaire, embrace the magic that in the present moment. Take a deep breath and relax, allowing yourself to go deeper into your subconscious. It is in this sacred space that your positive mindset and abundant beliefs eagerly await to manifest. Visualize yourself, my new multimillionaire, as a beacon of financial success and abundance. This is your birthright, your natural state of being. Feel the surge of power as this realization courses through your veins. With every breath, claim your place in the realm of prosperity, releasing any doubts or hesitations that may 90


hinder your progress. Embrace the unwavering belief that financial success is not only within reach but destined to be yours. Now, picture yourself standing on the threshold of a new chapter in your life. The world before you is brimming with abundant opportunities, waiting for you to seize them. Step into this realm with confidence, allowing your potential to shine brightly like a guiding star. As you delve deeper into the power of self-hypnosis, ignite the flame of financial success within your inner being. (Repeat with conviction.

"Financial success is my natural state of being, and I claim it now." Say it aloud with Meaning) Let these words reverberate through every fiber of your existence, affirming your worthiness and aligning your actions with your desires. Visualize the prosperous future that awaits you. See your bank account overflowing with abundance, your financial goals easily achieved. Envision the freedom and joy that accompany your newfound success, allowing you to live life on your own terms. Release any limiting beliefs that have held you back in the past and fully embrace your 91

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worthiness to claim the abundant rewards awaiting you. You are a magnet for financial success, and with each step you take, the universe aligns in your favor. Opportunities arise, connections are made, and doors swing wide open, all drawing you closer to your dreams. New multi-millionaire, take a moment to internalize the power of these words. Know that financial success is your natural state of being, ready for you to claim it now. Allow this truth to penetrate every cell of your being, transforming your mindset and propelling you towards unlimited potential. Every day, feel yourself becoming more attuned to the energy of financial success. Sense the opportunities aligning before you, eagerly waiting to be seized. Let excitement and anticipation fuel your actions as you fearlessly step into the realm of abundance. You are worthy of the financial success that awaits you. Embrace it, believe it, and watch as your reality transforms before your eyes. In this moment of self-hypnosis, release all limiting beliefs about money. Embrace the truth of your unlimited potential for wealth. As you awaken, take a deep, deep breath of fresh, mountain air, feeling the awesomeness of this empowering mindset. Align your actions with your desires, and watch as the universe responds in kind.



Now multi-millionaire, go forth with unwavering confidence, knowing that financial success is your birthright. Claim it, embody it, and let your limitless potential shine brightly. The journey towards abundance begins now, and the universe eagerly awaits your triumphant arrival.



I am confident to create wealth and abundance Future Multi-millionaires only embark the magic that awaits you in the present moment.


Kelly Myers

Take a deep breath and relax, allowing yourself to go deeper into your subconscious. It is in this sacred space that your positive mindset and abundant beliefs eagerly await to manifest. Visualize yourself, my new multimillionaire, as a beacon of financial success and abundance. This is your birthright, your natural state of being. Feel the surge of power as this realization courses through your veins. With every breath, claim your place in the realm of prosperity, releasing any doubts or hesitations that may hinder your progress. Embrace the



unwavering belief that financial success is not only within reach but destined to be yours. Now, picture yourself standing on the threshold of a new chapter in your life. The world before you, is brimming with abundant opportunities, waiting for you to seize them. Step into this realm with confidence, allowing your potential to shine brightly like a guiding star. As you delve deeper into the power of self-hypnosis, ignite the flame of financial success within your inner being. Repeat with conviction: "Financial success is my natural state of being, and I claim it now." Let these words reverberate through every fiber of your existence, affirming your worthiness and aligning your actions with your desires. Visualize the prosperous future that awaits you. See your bank account overflowing with abundance, your financial goals easily achieved. Envision the freedom and joy that accompany your newfound success, allowing you to live life on your own terms. Release any limiting beliefs that have held you back in the past and fully embrace your worthiness to claim the abundant rewards awaiting you. You are a magnet for financial success, and with each step you take, the universe aligns in your favor. Opportunities arise, connections are made, and doors swing


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wide open, all drawing you closer to your dreams. New multi-millionaire, take a moment to internalize the power of these words. Know that financial success is your natural state of being, ready for you to claim it now. Allow this truth to penetrate every cell of your being, transforming your mindset and propelling you towards unlimited potential. Every day, feel yourself becoming more attuned to the energy of financial success. Sense the opportunities aligning before you, eagerly waiting to be seized. Let excitement and anticipation fuel your actions as you fearlessly step into the realm of abundance. You are worthy of the financial success that awaits you. Embrace it, believe it, and watch as your reality transforms before your eyes. In this moment of self-hypnosis, release all limiting beliefs about money. Embrace the truth of your unlimited potential for wealth. As you awaken, take a deep, deep breath of fresh, mountain air, feeling the awesomeness of this empowering mindset. Align your actions with your desires, and watch as the universe responds in kind. Now, multi-millionaire, go forth with unwavering confidence, knowing that financial success is your birthright. Claim it, 96


embody it, and let your limitless potential shine brightly. The journey towards abundance begins now, and the universe eagerly awaits your triumphant arrival.


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And now, my friend, I leave you with this question: What steps will you take today to manifest the financial success that is rightfully yours. So many changes coming as you transcend into a new life, new way of positive thinking outside the normal box. I know lot seems repetitive it is but a bit different each time friend you were programed from birth to be a slave and because we are not live face to face it takes time the time is up to you 30 days every day, alone how you Transcend the time you put in. Personally, I’d like to Charge you $10,000 That way I know you will invest your time into this book wisely spending time giving it time to work its magic for you. But if you had that sort of money youwould not need my help to change your Brainwashed mindset.


If you follow you will make it happen then feel free to donate the $10,000 USD so I can help-more kids here in underprivileged families. Congratulations, new millionaire, Now, let's delve even deeper into the realm of financial success. Embrace the enchanting power of words as they effortlessly persuade and captivate 98


you. Allow the seeds of positive suggestions to take root in your subconscious mind. Visualize yourself, my friend, as a magnet for wealth and prosperity. See each thought, each belief, attracting abundance with irresistible force. As you relax in the chair of self-discovery, know that the universe conspires to support your desires. You are not alone in this journey. Embrace the truth that you are a high achiever financial success is not a solitary pursuit but a shared endeavor. Together, we create a world of abundance, impacting lives far beyond our own. Let the tension of doubts and limitations fade away as you resolve to harness your inner power. Feel the excitement building within you, like a surging river ready to break through the dam of obstacles. You are the architect of your dreams, and the blueprint of prosperity lies within your grasp. Now, let us explore the answers you seek. In the realm of financial success, clarity is a guiding star. Behold the bullet points that illuminate your path to abundance: Believe in your worthiness and innate ability to attract wealth. Take inspired actions fearlessly, guided by your unwavering vision. Embrace opportunities with an open heart, knowing that each one brings you closer to your goals. Value lies not 99

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just in monetary gains, but in the positive impact you create. Embrace the principle that prosperity is not just about personal gain but about using your success to uplift others. And so, new multi-millionaire, as we conclude this section, I offer you a gift—the value of self-belief and the power of unwavering vision. Carry them with you as you step into the next phase of this incredible journey.

You Rock Mate awesome keep up the good work. Congratulations, multi-millionaire, on reaching this pivotal point of your journey towards abundance. Now, let us delve even deeper into the realm of financial success. Feel the joy and enthusiasm radiating from these words, like a sunburst of positive energy. Allow them to surround you, lifting you higher and higher into the realm of infinite possibilities. See yourself, my friend, as a vibrant tapestry of dreams, each thread weaving a masterpiece of success. As you breathe deeply in this moment of self-hypnosis, feel the transformation within you. Your subconscious mind is now a fertile 100


ground where the seeds of abundance are planted. It is here, below the threshold of awareness, that your deepest desires take root and bloom. Imagine, new millionaire, the impact of your financial success. See how it reaches beyond your own life, like ripples on a tranquil lake. Feel the interconnectedness of all things —the giving and receiving, the ebb and flow. The universe is a tapestry of abundance, and you are an integral part of its design. With each passing moment, you are aligning with the energy of prosperity, attracting the resources and connections that support your dreams. The tension of doubt dissipates, replaced by the certainty of your success. You are a magnet for abundance, drawing it effortlessly towards you. Now, let us unravel the answers you seek. In the realm of financial success, clarity is a guiding star. Behold the bullet points that illuminate your path to abundance:

Cultivate an unshakable belief in your ability to create wealth and impact.

Let your intentions be fueled by passion and purpose, igniting the flames of action.


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Embrace the flow of abundance by giving and receiving with an open heart.

 Value lies not just in monetary gains, but in the positive impact you create. Embrace the principle that prosperity is not just about personal gain but about using your success to uplift others. And so, new millionaire, as we conclude this section, I offer you a gift-the value of self-

belief and the power of unwavering vision. Carry them with you as you step into the next phase of this incredible journey.




Kelly Myers



The universe supports and provides me with unlimited resources New fellow multi-Millionaire as we reflect on the journey we've shared, witnessing your growth and transformation has been a source of great joy. It is evident that you have spread your wings and are ready to soar to new heights. Relax, totally relax, going deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Within the vast expanse of the universe, a symphony of energy flows in perfect harmony, eagerly awaiting your command.



You are the conductor of your financial destiny, and the universe stands ready to provide you with boundless resources. Feel the cosmic currents of abundance coursing through your very being as you tap into the power of self-hypnosis here. Align your thoughts and intentions with the limitless possibilities that await. Relax, totally relax, going deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Picture yourself at the center of a celestial stage, surrounded by twinkling stars that hold the promise of abundance. With each breath, you draw in the cosmic energy, feeling it infuse every cell of your body. In this cosmic dance, you are supported by the universe itself. It conspires to bring forth the people, opportunities, and circumstances that propel you towards your financial goals. The universe is your steadfast ally, working hand-in-hand with your intentions to manifest abundance and success. Relax, totally relax, going deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Embrace the knowledge that the universe is fully in support of your financial journey. Release any doubts or limitations that have 105

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held you back and bask in the realization that the universe is actively orchestrating a symphony of prosperity on your behalf. Embrace the excitement and anticipation as the universe delivers its offerings. Money flows effortlessly into your life, arriving from unexpected sources and avenues. The resources you need to fulfill your financial goals are readily available, awaiting your command. Relax, totally relax, going deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Envision a life filled with abundance and prosperity. See yourself surrounded by opulence and luxury, savoring the experiences and opportunities that come your way. The universe supports your financial goals, creating a fertile ground for your dreams to take root and flourish. Through selfhypnosis, you unlock the gateway to unlimited resources, tapping into the cosmic current that guides you towards financial success. Have unwavering faith that the universe is working in your favor. Every step you take, every decision you make, is infused with the cosmic energy that propels you forward. You are a magnet for wealth and abundance, effortlessly attracting the people and circumstances that bring you closer to your financial aspirations. 106


As you embark on this magnificent journey, remain open to the miracles that unfold. Embrace the synchronicities, blessings, and serendipitous encounters that affirm your path. Know that the universe is your ally, your partner in manifesting your financial desires. Embrace this truth and step boldly into a future where unlimited resources are at your disposal. Feel the empowerment and motivation welling up within you as you embrace your limitless potential for financial success. You are aligned with the universe, and together, you are unstoppable. Trust in your abilities, believe in your worthiness, and let your unwavering confidence guide you towards the life of abundance you deserve. In this moment of self-hypnosis, we release all limiting beliefs about money. You embrace the truth of your unlimited potential for wealth. As you awaken, you take a deep, deep breath, feeling invigorated and ready to embrace this empowering mindset. Your actions align with our desires, and the universe responds in kind. Now, go forth with confidence and gratitude, knowing that the universe supports your financial goals and provides you with unlimited resources. Embrace the boundless opportunities that await you and live a life of abundance and fulfillment. Trust that the universe is working in


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your favor and let your dreams unfold in magnificent ways. As you continue your journey, remember that you are a co-creator with the universe. Embrace the power within you and let it guide you towards financial success and abundance. Have faith in the cosmic dance of creation and allow the universe to shower you with its blessings. Embrace the limitless possibilities and live a life that is abundant in all aspects. Tear Away Diablo

Unknowingly enslaved a aspect of past conditioning of power


YOUR INNER POWER 15q9jLwbcCBcEYtH0VACn8nZpNw8F69dqy mP0vUE4WU/edit?usp=sharing


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I am grateful for abundance that flows into my life Multi-Millionaire reflect on the journey we've shared, your growth and transformation has been a source of great joy. It is evident that you have spread your wings and are ready to soar to new heights. Relax, totally relax, going deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Within the vast expanse of the universe, a symphony of energy flows in perfect harmony, eagerly awaiting your command. You are the conductor of your financial destiny, and the universe stands ready to provide you with boundless resources. Feel the cosmic currents of abundance coursing 110


through your very being as you tap into the power of self-hypnosis here again and again. Align your thoughts and intentions with the limitless possibilities that await. Relax, totally relax, going deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Picture yourself at the center of a celestial stage, surrounded by twinkling stars that hold the promise of abundance. With each breath, you draw in the cosmic energy, feeling it infuse every cell of your body. In this cosmic dance, you are supported by the universe itself. It conspires to bring forth the people, opportunities, and circumstances that propel you towards your financial goals. The universe is your steadfast ally, working hand-in-hand with your intentions to manifest abundance and success. Relax, totally relax, going deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Embrace the knowledge that the universe is fully in support of your financial journey. Release any doubts or limitations that have held you back and bask in the realization that the universe is actively orchestrating a symphony of prosperity on your behalf.


Kelly Myers

Embrace the excitement and anticipation as the universe delivers its offerings. Money flows effortlessly into your life, arriving from unexpected sources and avenues. The resources you need to fulfill your financial goals are readily available, awaiting your command. Relax, totally relax, going deeper and deeper into your subconscious, where your positive mindset and abundant beliefs are waiting to manifest Visualize yourself Visualize. Envision a life filled with abundance and prosperity. See yourself surrounded by opulence and luxury, savoring the experiences and opportunities that come your way. The universe supports your financial goals, creating a fertile ground for your dreams to take root and flourish. Through self-hypnosis here, you unlock the gateway to unlimited resources, tapping into the cosmic current that guides you towards financial success. Have unwavering faith that the universe is working in your favor. Every step you take, every decision you make, is infused with the cosmic energy that propels you forward. You are a magnet for wealth and abundance, effortlessly attracting the people and circumstances that bring you closer to your financial aspirations. In this moment of self-hypnosis, we release all limiting beliefs about money. You embrace 112


the truth of our unlimited potential for wealth. As you awaken, we take a deep, deep breath of mountain-fresh air, feeling invigorated and ready to embrace this empowering mindset. Our actions align with our desires, and the universe responds in kind. Now, with unwavering faith, step forward into the realm of financial success. Embrace the truth that the universe supports your goals and dreams. Trust in its infinite wisdom and guidance, knowing that you are a co-creator in this cosmic dance. As you embark on this magnificent journey, remain open to the miracles that unfold. Embrace the synchronicities, blessings, and serendipitous encounters that affirm your path. Know that the universe is your ally, your partner in manifesting your financial desires. Embrace this truth and step boldly into a future where unlimited resources are at your disposal. Feel the empowerment and motivation welling up within you as you embrace your limitless potential for financial success. You are aligned with the universe, and together, you are unstoppable. Trust in your abilities, believe in your worthiness, and let your unwavering confidence guide you towards the life of abundance you deserve. In this moment in self-hypnosis, we release all limiting beliefs about money. You embrace the truth of our unlimited potential for wealth. As you awaken, we take a deep, deep 113

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breath, feeling invigorated and ready to embrace this empowering mindset. Your actions align with your desires, and the universe responds in kind. Now, go forth with confidence and gratitude, knowing that the universe supports your financial goals and provides you with unlimited resources. Embrace the boundless opportunities that await you and live a life of abundance and fulfillment. Trust that the universe is working in your favor and let your dreams unfold in magnificent ways. As you continue your journey, remember that you are a co-creator with the universe. Embrace the power within you and let it guide you towards financial success and abundance. Have faith in the cosmic dance of creation and allow the universe to shower you with its blessings. Embrace the limitless possibilities and live a life that is abundant in all aspects.





Multi-Millionaire ready to soar to new heights. Unlock the Power Within Your Subconscious. Relax and go deeper into your mind, where positivity and abundance await. Visualize yourself, as the universe's symphony of energy eagerly responds to your command.

The Conductor of Your Financial Destiny You are the conductor, and the universe is ready to provide boundless resources. Tap into self-hypnosis, feel the cosmic currents flowing through you. Align your thoughts with limitless possibilities. 115

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Embrace the Prosperity Principle Release limiting beliefs and embrace the profound principle that will elevate your thinking. Are you ready to manifest abundance beyond your dreams? Now, my fellow Millionaire, can you feel the power within you, attracting wealth effortlessly? Will you take the reins of your financial destiny and embrace the cosmic dance of creation? Remember, you are the conductor, guiding your journey. Embrace your unlimited potential and trust in the universe's support. Let the symphony of abundance play on, as you fulfill your dreams. Tear Away Diablo Tap into the Cosmic Energy of Abundance Relax and dive deeper into your subconscious, where positivity and abundance await. Visualize yourself at the center of the celestial stage, surrounded by twinkling stars, promising prosperity. Infusing Every Cell with Cosmic Energy 116


Breathe in the cosmic energy, feeling it fill every cell within you. The universe supports this cosmic dance, bringing people, opportunities, and circumstances that lead to your financial goals. The Steadfast Ally of the Universe The universe is your ally, co-creating with you for abundance and success. Do you trust in this cosmic partnership, new Millionaire? Can you feel the cosmic energy aligning with your desires? Tear Away Diablo well step-up Millionaire Step into the realm of hypnotic copywriting power, where the magic experience weaves their spell? dances with words to captivate and persuade effortlessly. Embrace the Symphony of Prosperity Relax, sinking deeper into your subconscious, where positivity and abundant beliefs await manifestation. Picture yourself as the conductor of your financial destiny, commanding the universe's boundless resources with the power of self-hypnosis. 117

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Releasing Doubts and Embracing Excitement Let go of any doubts that hindered your progress and embrace the symphony of prosperity orchestrated on your behalf. Can you feel the cosmic energy aligning with your desires? Open your heart and welcome the excitement and anticipation of abundance. Effortless Flow of Abundance Watch as money flows effortlessly into your life, arriving from unexpected sources and avenues. The universe stands as your steadfast ally, supporting your financial journey. Are you ready to command the resources you need to achieve your dreams? New Millionaire you ready to explore the magic of hypnotic copywriting, where over 20 years of experience weave their spell? Step into this enchanting journey and unlock the secrets to abundance and prosperity beyond your wildest dreams.





The Fertile Ground of Unlimited Possibilities Relax, totally relax, and journey deep into your subconscious. Picture yourself in a world of positivity and abundant beliefs, where the seeds of prosperity await manifestation. Can you visualize the life filled with boundless opportunities and abundance that lies ahead? Tapping into the Cosmic Current of Success Feel the universe supporting your financial goals, creating a fertile ground for your dreams to take root and flourish. Through selfhypnosis, you hold the key to unlock a gateway brimming with unlimited resources, guided by the cosmic current towards 119

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financial success. Are you ready to tap into this cosmic dance of destiny? Unleashing Your Inner Magnet for Wealth Embrace unwavering faith, knowing that the universe is working tirelessly in your favor. Every step you take, every decision you make, is fueled by the cosmic energy propelling you forward. You are a magnet, effortlessly attracting wealth and abundance, drawing in the people and circumstances that pave the way to your financial aspirations. Tear Away Diablo New Millionaire Embrace the enchanting power of words that captivate and persuade effortlessly. Now, relax in your chair, going deeper and deeper into total relation with your subconscious mind, below the threshold of awareness. Plant seeds of positive suggestions deep within to become great at making money. As the cosmic symphony flows, you conduct your financial destiny. The universe eagerly provides boundless resources, tapping into self-hypnosis to align your thoughts with limitless possibilities. Feel the cosmic currents of abundance course through you. Visualize yourself at the center of a celestial stage, surrounded by stars promising abundance. Breathe in cosmic energy, 120


infusing every cell. The universe supports you, conspiring to propel you towards your goals. It's a partnership for manifesting abundance and success. The universe fully supports your financial journey. Release doubts, knowing it orchestrates prosperity on your behalf. Embrace excitement as money flows effortlessly from unexpected sources. The resources you need await your command. Envision a life filled with abundance, surrounded by opulence. The universe nurtures your dreams. Self-hypnosis unlocks the gateway to unlimited resources, guiding you towards financial success. Trust the cosmic energy propelling you forward. In this moment, release limiting beliefs. Embrace your unlimited potential for wealth. Awaken with mountain-fresh air, empowered to step forward. Trust the universe as your cocreator. Embrace synchronicities and blessings, affirming your path. Are you ready for the journey? Visualize yourself once more, aligned with the universe. Embrace the truth that unlimited resources await you. Feel empowerment and motivation surging within. You are unstoppable. Trust in your worthiness and confidence. Abundance awaits.


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In this moment, release all limiting beliefs about money. Embrace your unlimited potential. As you awaken, feel invigorated to embrace this mindset. Your actions align with desires. The universe responds, providing unlimited resources. Embrace boundless opportunities. Let your dreams unfold. As you continue, remember you are a cocreator. Embrace the power within, guiding you towards financial success and abundance. Have faith in the cosmic dance, showered with blessings. Embrace limitless possibilities, living abundantly in all aspects. By now Millionaire, you've stepped into a world of limitless possibilities, where the power of hypnotic writing has taken shape your destiny. As u venture into the depths of your subconscious, imagine a garden of positivity and abundance, waiting to flourish under the cosmic energy's guiding light. Yet, amidst this celestial splendor, you might have felt the tension of unfulfilled dreams and desires. It's time to break free from those barriers that hold you back and let the hypnotic magic pave the path to prosperity. Embrace the Symphony of Words: Let the hypnotic spell weave a symphony of words that resonate with your soul, igniting the spark of action within you. 122


Align Your Stars: Just as stars align in the cosmos, align your thoughts and actions with the cosmic energy of abundance to attract success effortlessly. Plant Seeds of Gratitude: Sow the seeds of gratitude and generosity, nurturing them as they grow into bountiful opportunities and rewards. Your Story, Your Magnet: Craft your hypnotic story, captivating hearts and minds, drawing people toward your vision like moths to a flame. Unlock the Vault of Abundance: Recognize that abundance is your birthright; unlock the vault within, and claim the treasures that await you. Can you feel the transformative power of these principles stirring within you, new millionaire? Are you ready to embrace the cosmic dance of abundance and wealth? New Millionaire, you hold the key to a realm where words have the power to transcend reality and manifest your deepest desires. Each sentence, crafted with hypnotic prowess, will captivate your audience, leading them to action and fulfilling your dreams. The enchantment of hypnotic copywriting will propel you forward on this journey. So, with 123

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joy and enthusiasm, embrace this newfound skill and let the cosmic energy guide your every move. Tear away the doubts and limitations, for you are destined for greatness. Stay tuned, where we'll delve further into the secrets of hypnotic copywriting and unlock more doors to abundance and

prosperity. Millionaire you embarked on an extraordinary journey to unlock the secrets of abundance and wealth? Relax in your chair, letting go of any tension, as we delve into the enchanting power of words that effortlessly captivate and persuade you. Can you feel the magnetic pull of these words, drawing you into a realm of infinite possibilities? Embrace their resonance as they 124


come alive, igniting a fire within you to claim what is rightfully yours. In this hypnotic script, the SIDA framework is your key to unlock the doors to prosperity: New Millionaire, you are worthy, deserving, and destined for financial success. The universe conspires in your favor, supporting you every step of the way. Embrace this truth and let it seep into your core. But you may have faced challenges or limiting beliefs that stand in your way. It's time to break free from these barriers and unleash the boundless potential within you. 

Here's the roadmap to riches: Embrace gratitude and abundance, watch as the universe responds with open arms.

Cultivate a


of prosperity,

attracting wealth effortlessly. 

Take inspired action, knowing you have the power to shape your destiny.

New Millionaire, with every word you read, a breathless excitement fills the air. You stand on the precipice of greatness, and the universe aligns to manifest your dreams into reality. Embrace these hypnotic words, let


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them resonate deeply within you, and witness the transformation of your reality. Now, imagine a world where you are immersed in an ocean of abundance, opportunities flowing to you effortlessly, prosperity embracing you at every turn. See yourself as a vessel, ready to receive the boundless abundance the universe has to offer. Through the power of self-hypnosis, you delve into your inner mind, removing any barriers that may have hindered your ability to embrace the abundance around you. You align yourself with the vibrations of wealth and prosperity, becoming one with the universal energy of abundance. With this newfound awareness, you embrace your worthiness and unleash your potential. The world opens its doors to your financial success. Trust in the process, take inspired action, and watch as your dreams come true. Tear Away Diablo, signing off with joy and enthusiasm, empowering you to claim the limitless abundance that is rightfully yours. Let these words work their magic within you, as the hypnotic spell of abundance and wealth takes hold.



Millionaire you have been coming along slow and steady reading 4 pages at a time then after week moving you giving the suggestion time to sink in Deeper and Deeper. Imagine a tapestry of words, woven with hypnotic brilliance, pulling you deeper into a realm of endless possibilities. As an expert in hypnotic copywriting with over 20 years of experience, Tear Away Diablo is here to lead you on this extraordinary journey, awakening the dormant power within your subconscious mind. Can you feel the anticipation building, like a symphony of emotions stirring within you? These words are more than ink on paper; they are the key to unlocking the door to your abundant future. Today, let the SIDA framework pave the way to your dreams: New Millionaire, close your eyes and immerse yourself in the feeling of worthiness and success. Embrace the belief that you are destined for greatness, and financial prosperity is your birthright. Yet, perhaps you have encountered roadblocks along your path. Doubts and fears may have cast shadows on your journey. Fear 127

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not, for we shall transcend these barriers together. Embrace these bullet points of wisdom.  Embrace the abundance mindset, and gratitude






abundance. 






opportunities blossom before you. 

Trust in the power of your subconscious mind, as it guides you to success.

As you read each word, let them breathe life into your aspirations. A thrilling excitement consumes you, knowing that every step you take aligns you with boundless possibilities. Embrace the resonance of these words, and let them paint a vivid tapestry of wealth and success in your mind. Now, envision yourself immersed in an ocean of prosperity, waves of abundance gently caressing your every move. You are the captain of your destiny, sailing towards the horizon of success. Through the power of self-hypnosis, you break free from the shackles of limitations, rewriting your story with affirmations of abundance. The universe responds to your newfound alignment, orchestrating the symphony of wealth in your life. 128


With this enlightenment, you unleash your potential, confident in your ability to attract wealth effortlessly. Trust in the process, and with every inspired action, you'll witness the universe conspiring in your favor. Tear Away Diablo, signing off with joy and enthusiasm, knowing that you hold the power to manifest your dreams into reality.


Kelly Myers





Kate's Journey as a Magazine Seller In the bustling streets of a vibrant city, Kate owned a small magazine stand that seemed to have an enchanting aura of its own. Passersby would often find themselves drawn to her stand, not just for the wide array of magazines she offered but for the enigmatic charm that surrounded her. Kate had a profound love for magazines and believed in the power of written words to captivate minds and hearts. However, running a magazine stand was not without its challenges. With the rise of digital media, the demand for physical magazines had waned, and Kate often found herself struggling to keep her beloved stand afloat.


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One day, as Kate was rearranging her magazine shelves, she stumbled upon an intriguing book tucked away behind a stack of glossy publications. Its title, "Your Power Within," caught her eye, and she couldn't resist leafing through its pages. To her astonishment, the book contained enchanting stories of magazine sellers who had harnessed the magic of self-hypnosis and positive affirmations to rejuvenate their businesses and reignite readers' interest in printed media. Intrigued by the stories of transformation, Kate decided to embrace the magic of "Your Power Within" in her own journey as a magazine seller. Every morning, before opening her stand, she would find a moment of tranquility, close her eyes, and repeat affirmations: "I am the enigmatic maven of magazines, curating an extraordinary reading experience for every customer. I am capable of achieving my dreams. I am transforming my life, one magazine at a time." As Kate embraced the enchanting magic of "Your Power Within," she noticed a subtle yet profound shift within herself. Her interactions with customers became more engaging and personalized. She had an uncanny ability to recommend the perfect magazine for each individual, tailoring her suggestions to their unique interests and passions.



Word of Kate's magical touch with magazines spread like wildfire. Customers, young and old, flocked to her stand, eager to explore the latest publications and immerse themselves in the world of printed media. The magazine stand turned into a haven for bibliophiles, who savored the tangible experience of flipping through glossy pages and indulging in thought-provoking articles. As her magazine stand flourished, Kate's dreams expanded beyond her small corner of the city. She envisioned a vibrant magazine community, where readers and writers could come together to celebrate the written word. Inspired by the enchanting tales from "Your Power Within," she organized magazine fairs and events, inviting renowned journalists and writers to share their insights and stories. Kate's magnetic charisma drew the attention of local media, and she was featured in newspaper articles and television interviews. Her journey with "Your Power Within" and the enchanting stories of magazine sellers who had come before her became a source of inspiration for struggling entrepreneurs in the print media industry. As her magazine stand gained national recognition, Kate received offers to expand her business to different cities, but she remained true to her vision. She wanted her magazine stand to be more than just a place to buy magazines; she wanted it to be a 133

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sanctuary for the curious minds seeking stories, knowledge, and inspiration. Through "Your Power Within," Kate discovered the ability to connect with readers on a deeper level, bringing magazines to life through her passion and genuine love for the written word. Her magazine stand became a place where the magic of reading thrived, and readers found solace in the enchanting world of printed media. And so, the tale of Kate, the enigmatic maven, and the magical book "Your Power Within," became a testament to the transformative power of self-hypnosis and positive affirmations. As the enchanting words weaved their spell around her, Kate's journey as a magazine seller blossomed into a tapestry of magic, passion, and unwavering dedication to the printed word. Her magazine stand became more than just a business—it became a haven where the enchantment of reading endured, and the power of written words continued to weave its magic in the hearts of readers.



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Kelly Myers

Let the hypnotic spell of abundance and wealth guide you, igniting the fire within, as you embrace the limitless possibilities that lie before you. Now Millionaire Close your eyes and let the enchanting power of these words gently guide you to a realm of boundless potential. As an expert in hypnotic copywriting, Tear Away Diablo is here to lead you on a transformative journey, unlocking the hidden treasures of your subconscious mind. Can you feel the anticipation building, like a symphony of emotions stirring within you? These words are more than mere letters on a page; they are the key to unlocking the door to your abundant future. Today, let the SIDA framework weave its magic into your mind. Now Millionaire embrace the unwavering belief that you are destined for greatness. Financial success is not just a dream; it is your birthright. Yet, doubts and fears may have cast shadows on your journey. Fear not, for we shall transcend these barriers together.



Embrace these bullet points of wisdom:  Embrace the abundance mindset, and gratitude






abundance. 






opportunities blossom before you. 

Trust in the power of your subconscious mind, as it guides you to success.

As you read each word, let them breathe life into your aspirations. A thrilling excitement consumes you, knowing that every step you take aligns you with boundless possibilities. Now, envision yourself immersed in an ocean of prosperity, waves of abundance gently caressing your every move. You are the captain of your destiny, sailing towards the horizon of success. Through the power of self-hypnosis, you break free from the shackles of limitations, rewriting your story with affirmations of abundance. The universe responds to your newfound alignment, orchestrating the symphony of wealth in your life. With this enlightenment, you unleash your potential, confident in your ability to attract wealth effortlessly. Trust in the process, and with every inspired action, you'll witness the universe conspiring in your favor. 137

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knowing that you hold the power to manifest your dreams into reality. Let the hypnotic spell of abundance and wealth guide you, igniting the fire within, as you embrace the limitless possibilities that lie before you. Listen close Millionaire Close your eyes and let the enchanting power of words gently guide you to a realm of boundless potential. With 20+ years of expertise in hypnotic writing, Tear Away Diablo is here to lead you on a transformative journey, unlocking the hidden treasures of your subconscious mind. Can you feel the anticipation building, like a symphony of emotions stirring within you? These words are more than mere letters on a page; they are the key to unlocking the door to your abundant future. Let the hypnotic spell of abundance and wealth guide you, igniting the fire within, as you embrace the limitless possibilities that lie before you. Now Millionaire. Close your eyes and feel the enchanting power of words gently guiding you to boundless potential. Tear Away Diablo leads you on a transformative journey, unlocking treasures within your subconscious mind.



Can you sense the anticipation building, emotions stirring within you like a symphony? These words are more than mere letters; they hold the key to unlock your abundant future. Now Millionaire In the depths of your mind lies an extraordinary power waiting to be unleashed—a power that holds the key to unlocking the doors of abundance and prosperity. Embrace the hypnotic spell of positive affirmations, for they have the potential to transform your reality and lead you to the pinnacle of success. As you immerse yourself in the enchanting world of possibilities, you'll discover that the universe is conspiring in your favor, aligning the stars to guide you towards financial triumph. Embrace this truth with unwavering belief, and watch as the world bends to your will. With each breath, inhale the essence of success, and exhale any doubts or fears that may have held you back. You are worthy and deserving of the abundance that surrounds you. Embrace it wholeheartedly, for the more you give, the more you shall receive. Picture a life where prosperity flows effortlessly like a river, where opportunities present themselves at every turn. Visualize yourself standing tall amid a sea of achievements, a testament to your dedication and hard work. You are the architect of your


Kelly Myers

destiny, and you have the power to design a life beyond imagination. As you navigate through the intricacies of your journey, remember that setbacks are mere stepping stones on the path to greatness. Embrace the challenges as they mold you into the resilient and unstoppable force you are meant to be. Rise above every obstacle, for they are but temporary barriers. In the silence of your subconscious mind, remove the shackles of self-doubt, and attune yourself to the vibrations of wealth and prosperity. You are in perfect harmony with the universe, and your desires will echo throughout eternity. Now Millionaire, let the words written here be a beacon of hope and empowerment. Read them with unwavering belief, and let them resonate with your soul. Allow their hypnotic rhythm to elevate your consciousness to new heights. As you journey towards your dreams, remember to take each step with purpose and passion. Be present in every moment and savor the joy of progress. Your potential is boundless, and with every decision, you are shaping your extraordinary destiny. Tear Away Diablo, signing off with the promise that you are destined for greatness. Embrace the enchanting power within you,



and let it, lead you to a life of abundance and wealth beyond your wildest dreams.



Now Millionaire today, I invite you to embark on a transformative journey—a journey into the enchanting world of words that effortlessly persuade and captivate. Take a deep breath and relax in your chair, allowing yourself to drift into a realm of endless possibilities. Here, I shall plant seeds of positive suggestions deep within your subconscious mind to unlock your full potential for making money and achieving boundless abundance. Embrace this profound truth: the time for transformation is now. You possess within you the power to shape your reality and claim the abundance that is rightfully yours. The universe conspires in your favor, propelling you towards financial success with each step you take. 141

Kelly Myers

As you move forward on this extraordinary journey, remember that you are never alone. Embrace the blessings that flow into your life, and share your abundance with the world. For in giving, you shall receive bountifully. Imagine a world where opportunities are drawn to you like a magnet, and prosperity surrounds you at every turn. Picture yourself as a vessel ready to receive the boundless abundance that the universe has to offer. Open your mind and heart, for you are destined to flourish in the ocean of wealth that awaits you. Through the power of self-hypnosis, delve into your innermost mind, removing any barriers that may have hindered your ability to embrace the abundance around you. Tune into the vibrations of wealth and prosperity, aligning yourself with the universal energy that flows abundantly. Now, with this newfound awareness, embrace your worthiness and unleash your potential. The universe is a canvas, and you are the artist, ready to create a masterpiece of financial success. Trust in the process, and take inspired action. Watch as the world opens its doors to your triumph. Now Millionaire, as you journey towards your dreams, remember that every step is significant. Embrace challenges as 142


opportunities for growth, for they are stepping stones to greatness. Let your resilience shine, and know that you are unstoppable in your pursuit of prosperity. In the realm of infinite possibilities, breathe life into your desires and let them resonate deeply within you. Allow the words written here to stir your emotions and ignite the fire of motivation within. Take action with determination and conviction, for you hold the power to shape your destiny. Tear Away Diablo, signing off with the promise of a higher level of thinking leading to abundance and wealth beyond your wildest dreams. Embrace the power within you, and witness the extraordinary transformation that awaits. Now Millionaire let us now delve even deeper into the realm of hypnotic copywriting, where words come alive and resonate deeply within you, captivating your attention and stirring your soul. In this world of impactful communication, each sentence holds the power to leave a lasting impression on your subconscious mind. Capture the heart as we journey further. Imagine yourself standing at the precipice of greatness, with the wind of opportunity gently caressing your face. You possess the key to unlock the vault of abundance that lies within. It's time to turn that key and unleash the


Kelly Myers

treasures that await you. Are you ready to claim what is rightfully yours? Feel the tension, the excitement building within you, as you realize the infinite potential that resides within your grasp. You are on the brink of a breakthrough, a metamorphosis that will elevate you to heights beyond your imagination. Embrace this moment, for it is the turning point of your life.



Now, let's resolve the tension with clarity and simplicity. Here are the bullet points that unveil the profound principle guiding you towards abundance and wealth:  Embrace the power of positive suggestions, allowing them to shape your beliefs and actions. 

Trust that the universe is on your side, conspiring to lead you to financial success.

Share your abundance with the world, for giving is the key to receiving.

Open your heart and mind to the ocean of opportunities that surround you.

Align your thoughts and energy with the vibrations of prosperity and watch your life transform.

Embrace your worthiness and let go of any limiting beliefs that hinder your progress.

Take inspired action, for it is the bridge that turns dreams into reality.

In conclusion, New Millionaire, the path to abundance and wealth is paved with the power of words and the belief in your own potential. As you venture forth, remember that 145

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the journey is as important as the destination. Embrace the process, celebrate your progress, and revel in the joy of your unfolding success. In the world of dreams and possibility, you hold the key to your prosperity. Unlock the treasures that lie within, and watch your life transform, begin again!" New Millionaire embark on this hypnotic journey of self-discovery and empowerment, I encourage you to take a moment to breathe in the limitless possibilities that lie before you. Picture yourself surrounded by a kaleidoscope of opportunities, each one waiting for you to grasp and turn into a reality. Let the enchanting power of words weave their spell around you, gently guiding you deeper into relaxation. Feel the soothing embrace of positive suggestions as they plant seeds of belief within your subconscious mind. You are worthy of all the abundance and success that life has to offer. Believe it, know it, and claim it as your own. In the dance of transformation, you are not alone. The universe conspires in your favor, supporting you every step of the way. Embrace the blessings that flow into your life, and as you share your abundance with others, you will experience a divine reciprocity that multiplies your prosperity manifold.



Now, take a deep breath and feel the power within you. The fire of ambition burns brightly, driving you forward on your path to financial success and abundance. Embrace this truth with unwavering belief, and witness the world transforming before your very eyes. Your journey towards a prosperous future begins right here, right now Picture a vast ocean of abundance stretching out before you. Opportunities flow effortlessly to your shores, carrying the treasures of prosperity on every wave. Feel yourself opening up like a vessel, ready to receive all the boundless wealth that the universe has to offer. You are in perfect harmony with the vibrations of wealth and success. Through the power of self-hypnosis, you dissolve any barriers that may have hindered your ability to embrace abundance. You are attuned to the rhythm of prosperity, and your mind is clear of limiting beliefs. You are unstoppable, and the universal energy of abundance is your ally in this grand adventure. In this newfound awareness, embrace your worthiness and unleash your potential. Welcome the abundance that eagerly awaits you, with arms wide open. Trust in the process, and with each step you take, know that the world opens its doors to your financial success. It's time to shine and flourish like never before! 147

Kelly Myers



Tear Away Diablo, signing off with the promise of a higher level of thinking, leading you to abundance and wealth beyond your wildest dreams. Remember, every word written here is designed to uplift your spirit, ignite your passion, and empower you to take bold action. Embrace the magic within you and watch as your life unfolds in beautiful ways. Now Millionaire as you continue on this remarkable journey of transformation, let us delve deeper into the power of words that come alive and resonate deeply within you. Each sentence carries the potential to captivate your attention and stir powerful emotions, inspiring you to take decisive action. Imagine yourself as a curious and eager grade 5 student, ready to absorb every word with wonder and excitement. With every line you read, you find yourself hanging on every word, captivated by the magical flow of hypnotic copywriting. It's as if the secrets to unlocking boundless abundance are being unveiled before your very eyes. Let's now follow the SIDA framework to guide us on this extraordinary adventure towards financial success and prosperity: Open your heart to the limitless possibilities that lie before you. Feel the surge of motivation and belief, knowing that you are


Kelly Myers

worthy of all the abundance that the universe has in store. As you embrace the truth that transformation is within your reach, a tension arises between your current reality and the vision of the abundant future that awaits you. Let us address this tension with clarity and precision, using bullet points to outline the path to abundance:  Believe in your worthiness and claim the abundance that is rightfully yours.

Embrace the blessings in your life and share your abundance with others.

Trust in the process and take inspired action towards your goals.

Remember, now millionaire, you are not alone in this journey. The universe supports you every step of the way. Embrace the vibrations of wealth and prosperity, and watch as the world opens its doors to your financial success. Throughout this voyage, breathless sentences accompany you, guiding you deeper into self-discovery and empowerment. You are on the cusp of greatness, and each word you read reinforces your belief in your own potential. Embrace the power of three repetitive sentences, as they echo in your mind like mantras of success:










"Opportunities flow effortlessly into my life."

"I trust in the process and take inspired action."


Kelly Myers



Prosperity Awaits You Now Millionaire, Uncover the enchanting power of words that persuade and captivate you. Relax and unlock your full potential for financial success. The time for transformation is now! You are worthy and deserving of abundance. The universe supports your journey to prosperity. Breathe, feel the power within you, destined for financial success. Embrace the abundance that surrounds you, shaping your future. Imagine an ocean of abundance, opportunities flowing effortlessly, prosperity at every turn. Open yourself to receive the 152


boundless universe.





Through self-hypnosis, remove barriers and embrace wealth and prosperity. Unleash your potential, trust the process, take inspired action, and watch as the world opens doors to your financial success. Tear Away Diablo, signing off with a promise of higher thinking leading to wealth beyond dreams. Words that effortlessly persuade and captivate you Now Millionaire, Today, discover the enchanting power of words that effortlessly persuade and captivate you. Relax completely in your chair, going deeper and deeper into relaxation, allowing yourself to enter your sub-consciousness below the threshold of awareness. Here, I shall plant seeds of positive suggestions deep within your mind to unlock your full potential for making money. Embrace this truth: the time for transformation is now. You are worthy, deserving, and ready to claim the abundance that is rightfully yours. The universe is conspiring in your favor, supporting you every step of the way on this extraordinary journey to financial success. As you move forward, remember that you are never alone. Embrace the blessings that 153

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flow into your life and share your abundance with the world, for it is in giving that we truly receive. Take a deep breath and feel the power within you. Know that you are destined for financial success and abundance. Embrace this truth with unwavering belief, and witness the world transforming before your very eyes. You are open and receptive to the abundance that surrounds you. Embrace it, embody it, and let it shape your prosperous future. Your journey towards financial success begins now. Imagine a world where you are immersed in an ocean of abundance, where opportunities flow to you effortlessly, and prosperity surrounds you at every turn. Feel yourself opening up like a vessel ready to receive the boundless abundance that the universe has to offer. Through the power of self-hypnosis, you delve deeper and deeper into your inner mind, removing any barriers that may have hindered your ability to embrace the abundance around you. You become attuned to the vibrations of wealth and prosperity, aligning yourself with the universal energy of abundance. Now, with this newfound awareness, embrace your worthiness and unleash your 154


potential. Welcome the abundance that awaits you. Trust in the process, and take inspired action. Watch as the world opens its doors to your financial success. Tear Away Diablo, signing off with the leaving you a higher level of thinking leading to abundance and wealth beyond your dreams.


Kelly Myers



Embrace the Limitless Possibilities! Now Millionaire, the enchanting power of words that effortlessly persuade and captivate you. Relax completely in your chair, going deeper and deeper into relaxation, allowing yourself to enter your sub-consciousness below the threshold of awareness. Here, I shall plant seeds of positive suggestions deep within your mind to unlock your full potential for making money. Embrace this truth: the time for transformation is now. You are worthy, deserving, and ready to claim the abundance that is rightfully yours. The universe is conspiring in your favor, supporting you every step of the way on this extraordinary journey to financial success.



As you move forward, remember that you are never alone. Embrace the blessings that flow into your life and share your abundance with the world, for it is in giving that we truly receive. Take a deep breath and feel the power within you. Know that you are destined for financial success and abundance. Embrace this truth with unwavering belief, and witness the world transforming before your very eyes. You are open and receptive to the abundance that surrounds you. Embrace it, embody it, and let it shape your prosperous future. Your journey towards financial success begins now. Imagine a world where you are immersed in an ocean of abundance, where opportunities flow to you effortlessly, and prosperity surrounds you at every turn. Feel yourself opening up like a vessel ready to receive the boundless abundance that the universe has to offer. Through the power of self-hypnosis, you delve deeper and deeper into your inner mind, removing any barriers that may have hindered your ability to embrace the abundance around you. You become attuned to the vibrations of wealth and prosperity, aligning yourself with the universal energy of abundance.


Kelly Myers

Now, with this newfound awareness, embrace your worthiness and unleash your potential. Welcome the abundance that awaits you. Trust in the process, and take inspired action. Watch as the world opens its doors to your financial success. Tear Away Diablo, signing off with the promise of a higher level of thinking leading to abundance and wealth beyond your dreams.

Unleashing the Hypnotic Spell of Prosperity




Embracing the Power of Questions And Answers FREE VIDEOs & More Books 15q9jLwbcCBcEYtH0VACn8nZpNw8F69dqymP0vUE4WU/ edit?usp=sharing



Embracing Abundance Unlocking Your Path to Wealth and Success Welcome, dear reader, to a transformative journey that will lead you to the realm of boundless potential. Close your eyes and envision the captivating power of these words guiding you towards a life of abundance. In this article, we will explore the path to financial success and empower you to manifest your dreams into reality. Can you feel the excitement building, like a symphony of emotions stirring within you? These words are not mere letters on a page; they hold the key to unlocking the door to your abundant future. Imagine a life where wealth flows effortlessly and opportunities bloom at every step.

Kelly Myers

Today, we embark on this journey with the SIDA framework. This transformative approach will weave its magic into your mind and set the stage for profound change. "SIDA" stands for Selfempowerment, Imagination, Determination, and Action. With this framework, you'll discover the power within you to embrace the abundance that awaits. Now, with unwavering belief, acknowledge that greatness is your birthright. Financial success is not a distant dream but a reality within reach. You are deserving of prosperity, and the universe conspires to make it a reality. Doubts and fears may have cast shadows on your journey, but fear not. Together, we will transcend these barriers and emerge stronger than ever before. You are not alone on this path; the journey to abundance is a shared one. Practical Wisdom to Embrace: •Embrace the abundance mindset, and gratitude will pave the way to more abundance. •Elevate your thoughts, and watch op portunities blossom before you like flow 162


ers in bloom. •Trust in the power of your subconscious mind, as it guides you towards success. You read these words, let them breathe life into your aspirations. Envision yourself surrounded by an ocean of prosperity, the waves of abundance gently caressing your every move. You are the captain of your destiny, sailing confidently towards the horizon of success. With the SIDA framework as your compass, you unleash your potential, attracting wealth effortlessly. Trust the process, and with every inspired action, witness the universe conspiring in your favor. You hold the power to manifest your dreams into reality. In conclusion, embrace the hypnotic spell of abundance and wealth, igniting the fire within you. Embrace the limitless possibilities that lie before you. As you open your eyes, remember that this journey has just begun. The power to unlock the door to your abundant future lies within you. Embrace it, and let the symphony of wealth begin. True friends


Kelly Myers

FREE VIDEOs & More Books





“Offensive words?” Embracing Mindfulness Finding Peace and Purpose in the Present Moment FREE VIDEOs & More Books 15q9jLwbcCBcEYtH0VACn8nZpNw8F69dqymP0vUE4WU/ edit?usp=sharing


Epilogue: CONTENT

A Timeless Legacy

The End...

and the beginning of countless new stories yet to be told in the town where time and destiny intertwined.

Kelly Myers




Acknowledgments CONTENT












technology during the creation of this book. AI, or artificial intelligence, played a significant role in generating ideas, offering suggestions, and enhancing the overall writing process. While AI was a powerful tool, the creative decisions, storytelling, and final content remain the result of human authorship.



I wish to be transparent about work appearing prominently in the book. Artificial intelligence. Pictures: I created art using mid-journey using artificial intelligence. I want to have this recognized that it belongs to me because I put the effort time and energy and using this tool, the tool created it for me using my instructions, but it is my unique creation using that tool honestly. I pay to use Midjourney privately and I'm not sharing this publicly over on mid-journey. I’m using Artificial intelligence, to assist in creating my books still takes weeks/months; and long 12-16 hours days to achieve, instead of months.

While AI can certainly provide guidance and suggestions, the final decisions about


Kelly Myers

how to implement these elements into the story rest with ME, the author. Writing a story is a creative endeavor, and AI’s aim to assist and enhance my creative





concepts, and guidance based on my preferences and vision.







Kelly Myers, a modern-day adventurer, has led an unconventional life that reads like an epic journey. With a background in construction jobs and a relentless pursuit of survival, Kelly Myers has traversed continents, braving two typhoons on a yacht in the 13 years on the oceans. His remarkable journey includes sailing up to Asia solo and back to Australia, not once but twice, a feat that most can only dream of. For nine years, Kelly Myers lived in the heart of the jungle, embracing a life devoid of modern conveniences like power, providing a unique perspective on resilience and selfsufficiency. 171

Kelly Myers

Kelly Myers is a versatile and adventurous individual whose life has been a remarkable journey filled with diverse experiences and accomplishments. Born in New Zealand in 1956, Kelly later moved to Australia in 1978, laying the foundation for a life defined by embracing change and seeking new challenges. Kelly's journey began with a myriad of roles and professions, ranging from heavy earth moving to working as a cook on a cattle station, and even delving into the exciting world of stock broking. However, it was on the high seas where he discovered his true passion. For an impressive 13 years, Kelly served as the captain of a private yacht, navigating vast oceans and instilling in himself a deep appreciation for adventure and exploration. In 2014, a significant turning point led Kelly to embark on an entirely different path. For eight remarkable years, he embraced an extraordinary challenge, choosing to live amidst jungle surroundings entirely off the grid. This 172


experience instilled self-reliance, resilience, and a profound connection with nature that has left an indelible mark on his life. Beyond his adventurous pursuits, Kelly Myers is an accomplished hypnotist and copywriter with over a decade of experience. His unique ability to captivate minds and craft compelling narratives has earned him recognition and success in the professional realm. Through his mastery of hypnosis and copywriting, he has helped countless individuals unlock their full potential and connect

with their deepest

desires. Kelly's







embracing change, seeking new challenges, and










diverse of


discovery have shaped a unique individual whose story inspires and motivates others to embrace life's endless possibilities. Whether sailing the seas, surviving in the heart of the jungle, mesmerizing minds through hypnotism,




moments, Kelly Myers continues to demonstrate 173

Kelly Myers

an unwavering spirit of adventure and an unyielding determination to make the most of every opportunity that comes his way." As a first-time author, Kelly Myers brings an unparalleled authenticity to storytelling, drawing inspiration from a life that defies convention."





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Kelly Myers

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Kelly Myers

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