Best Holistic Life Magazine April 2024

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April 2024

Hello April... New month, new beginning, new mindset, new focus, new innention, | Drobot Dean

New results!


Chief Editor: Jana Short Editors: Lunden Souza, Dr. Dixie Short, Jessica Schreib Layout: Jessica Schreib U Jess Graphix, Germany. Images: If not otherwise specified, images belong to the creator of the articles. Any reproduction, publication or distribution is copyright infringement.


Jana Short is a renowned global influencer & an award winningmindset coach. She is an NLP, RTT Practitioner, best selling author, public speaker, host of Oh, My Health… There is HOPE! Podcast, and Best Holistic Life magazine editor. Jana currently works creating online global influencers, teaching her clients to remove blocks holding them back and how to start that love affair with their potential online clients. She has recently been recognized and featured on the cover of the Los Angeles Entrepreneur Magazine September 2022 issue as Los Angeles #1 Mindset Coach two years in a row. Monica Garg’s “Influential Women of the World-Global Influencers” 2020, Las Vegas Entrepreneurs Magazine “Top 25 Entrepreneurs for 2020” issue, and the cover of December’s Best Holistic Life magazine. Jana is getting the message of hope out into the world in a huge way, changing the world one inspiring story at a time.

Catch Jana on:

FACEBOOK-SQUARE /BestHolisticLifeMagazine INSTAGRAM /bestholisticlife/ YOUTUBE /c/OhMyHealthThereIsHOPE



Best Holistic Life April 2024


CONTENT Cover Stories 73

Charting the Course of Spiritual Activation

7 Spring Cleaning Your Mindset: 7 Research-Backed Tips to Declutter Stress and Overthinking 14 The Profound Significance of Emotion in Branding: Drive Purchase Decisions 21

Embracing Amor Fati: Finding Peace in Acceptance


Why Emotions Matter in this Money Driven World


Conquering Hidden Stress

51 Karma, Timelines, and Akashic Records: The Art of Conscious Manifesting

Mindset 38

Standing in Your Power


The Pitfalls of Dating as a Distraction


The practice of Soul Gazing: How to Deepen Any Relationship


Unlocking Your Energetic Potential


A Clean Slate: Empowering Women to Rewrite Their Life Stories


120 Harmony with Life’s Resources: Releasing Your Financial Intelligence 138

Put More Spring in Your Step with 3 Simple Tips

139 Resilience Unleashed: Step 4 of the NLP-Powered Transformation Introduction 143

What If You Say Yes to new Possibilities And Be Happy

Health 17

Root Canal Vs. Extraction: What To Choose?


Discover the Methods for True Healing

47 6 Tips to Detox Your Home Why Toxins are the New Normal and What to Do About It 50

How to Achieve a Joyful Life through Indic Wellness


Finding Healing Beyond The Body and Mind

94 Why Accepting Stress Might Be Your Key to Health: 4 Tips to Regulate Your Stress Response to Get Calm Now 127

Heal the Planet, Heal Your Health

131 Unwrapping the Sweet Dreams: CBD Gummies and Their Role in Improving Sleep 135

Fitness and Wellness After Age Forty


Tab l e o f C o n t e n t



Inspiration 11 Harnessing the Power of "No": Unleashing Boundaries for Inner Security 27

Above a Volcanic Vortex during the Birth of Earth


Blossoming Afresh: Channeling Spring’s Renewal Through Art


From Welfare Recipient to Non Profit Founder

63 Following a Longevity Map: A Father-Son Quest for Longevity Around the World



Life’s Unseen Journey:A tale of 10 Years


The Source of Wealth

98 The Art of Perfect Timing: Harnessing the Spellbinding Charms of Magic Hour 99

A Quick and Simple Meditation for Busy Executives


7 Ways to Celebrate Moms (and Dads) This Year

126 From People Pleasing & Self Sacrifice To Authenticity: Re-orienting Your Emotional Architecture 142 Spring Cleaning Your Life: A Comprehensive Guide to Refreshing Seven Crucial Areas 145 11 Smart Ways to Use AI to Power Up Your Marketing Strategies and Grow Your Business


From The Team 87

How much do you love Lemongrass?


Healthy Food to put a Spring in your Step!


Monthly Energy Update



Best Holistic Life April 2024



@gateswellness NLP Trauma Coach Medical Intuitive



@‌thejenndrummond World Record Holder

@elizabethmarshallfit Fitness Trainer



@thebon_vivantgirl The Bon Vivant Girl

@ pattyoliverenergyhealer Energy Healer



@essential.shift Strategy & Energetic Coach

@dawnacampbellofficial The Mind Whisper


@psychiclawyermarkanthony Psychic Lawyer, Best Selling Author


@Lifelikelunden Life Coach & Podcaster




@AskDrDeeDNM Doctor of Natural Medicine

@thebehappyproject Happiness Coach



@_therealstephanieweeks Wife. Mother. Avid Manifester

@ theresa_byrne1 Award-winning mindset coach



@‌beccatebonfit Creator of Power Bands

@andreaberlinschwartz Health Coach


D A NIELLE M A R G G R A F Spiritual & Relationship Expert, Best-Selling Author

@daniellemarggraf Coach



@kgrove11 Painting Your Soul

@tayloredwellbeing Muliti-modality Practitioner


@e_motionalarchitecture Emotional Arcitecture


@ amandaharthq Intuitive Consultant & Author



Best Holistic Life April 2024

SPRING CLEANING YOUR MINDSET: 7 R E S E A RC H-BAC K E D T I P S TO D E C LU T T E R S T R E S S A N D OV E RT H I N K I N G BY LUNDEN SOUZA As the warmth of spring unfurls, it's not just our homes that can benefit from a thorough tidying up. Our minds, cluttered with stress, overthinking, and negative thoughts, can also use a good spring cleaning. By adopting researchbacked strategies, you can sweep away the mental cobwebs and embrace a fresh, revitalized mindset. In this article, we'll explore seven scientifically proven tips to declutter your mind and pave the way for a more positive, stressfree season.

3. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming): 1. Mindfulness Meditation: Clearing

Restructuring Negative Thoughts

Mental Clutter

Research, such as a meta-analysis published in "JAMA

Mindfulness meditation is like a broom for your mind,

Psychiatry" in 2019, has shown that Neuro-Linguis-

helping you sweep away the clutter of stress and over-

tic Programming (NLP) is a highly effective method for

thinking. Scientific research, including a study published in

restructuring negative thought patterns. NLP teaches you

"JAMA Internal Medicine" in 2014, has consistently shown

how to identify and challenge irrational beliefs, allow-

that regular mindfulness practice can reduce symptoms of

ing you to replace them with more constructive thoughts.

anxiety, depression, and stress. Mindfulness meditation

Through this process, you can reduce overthinking and

encourages you to focus on the present moment without

stress while cultivating a more possibility-focused mind-

judgment, allowing you to let go of the worries about the


past and the future.

4. Physical Exercise: Boosting Mental Resil2. Gratitude Journaling: Embracing Posi-



Exercise isn't just for your physical health; it's a powerful

Start your mental spring cleaning by creating a gratitude

tool for mental spring cleaning. Multiple studies, includ-

journal. A study published in "Psychological Science" in

ing one published in the "Journal of Clinical Psychiatry"

2003 found that practicing gratitude can lead to greater

in 2017, have established that regular physical activity can

happiness and reduced levels of stress. Take a few moments

significantly reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. Exer-

each day to jot down things you're grateful for. This simple

cise triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural

habit can shift your mindset from dwelling on negatives to

mood enhancers, promoting mental resilience and a more

focusing on the possibilities in your life.

optimistic outlook.

S p rin g C l eanin g Y o u r M indset : 7 R esearch - B ac k ed T i p s to D ec l u tter S tress and O v erthin k in g



Best Holistic Life April 2024

5. Limiting Screen Time: Reducing Mental

7. Sleep Hygiene: Restoring Mental Clarity


A cluttered mind often results from a lack of restful sleep.

The overwhelming presence of screens in our lives can

Multiple studies, including one published in "Sleep Medi-

contribute to overthinking and stress. A study published

cine Reviews" in 2017, have emphasized the importance

in "JAMA Pediatrics" in 2019 highlighted the link

of sleep for mental clarity and emotional well-being.

between excessive screen time and an increased risk of

Adopting good sleep hygiene practices, such as maintain-

mental health issues, particularly in adolescents. Spring

ing a consistent sleep schedule and creating a comfort-

cleaning your mindset may involve setting boundaries for

able sleep environment, can help you achieve a cleaner,

screen usage. Reduce the time spent on digital devices to

more refreshed mindset.

allow your mind to declutter and focus on more mean-

In summary, spring cleaning your mindset is not just

ingful pursuits.

about decluttering your physical surroundings; it's also about rejuvenating your mental well-being. By imple-

6. Social Connection: Cultivating Emotional

menting these seven research-backed tips, you can


reduce stress, overthinking, and negative thoughts while

Humans are inherently social creatures, and posi-

promoting a more positive and resilient mindset. As you

tive social interactions play a crucial role in our mental

welcome the renewal of spring, take the time to nurture

health. Studies, such as one published in "PLOS ONE" in

your mental garden, and watch it flourish with the beauty

2017, have shown that social connections are associated

of a clutter-free, optimistic outlook.

with greater emotional well-being and reduced stress.

If you’re looking to work with me one-on-one and really

Spring cleaning your mindset can involve nurturing these

dive into more specific strategies for you, let’s connect.

connections. Spend time with friends and loved ones,

You can learn more about my one-on-one coaching at

engage in meaningful conversations, and strengthen

your support network.

Connect with Lunden:

S p rin g C l eanin g Y o u r M indset : 7 R esearch - B ac k ed T i p s to D ec l u tter S tress and O v erthin k in g



Best Holistic Life April 2024



H a r n e s s i n g t h e P o w e r o f " N o " : U n l e a s h i n g B o u n da r i e s f o r I n n e r S e c u r i t y


In the grand tapestry of self-discovery, the word "no" is not just a syllable—it's

The Radiance of Inner Security

a potent key to unlocking a life of inner security, well-being, and empowerment.

Saying "no" without guilt is a beacon that guides you toward inner security

Learning to say "no" without guilt is a transformative skill that resonates deeply

amidst life's tumultuous waves. It empowers you to curate experiences and

with the art of boundary-setting. This section delves into the importance of

relationships that align with your authenticity. As you learn to honor your

harnessing the power of "no". It explores the far-reaching impact that arises

boundaries, a radiance emanates from within, leading you to navigate the

when we're unable to establish and enforce healthy boundaries in all areas

world with resilience and grace.

of our lives. As we navigate this journey, it's a call to embrace inner security

Your Journey of Empowerment Awaits

amidst the turbulence of the world.

Learning to say "no" without guilt is a declaration of your worthiness—an

The Liberation of Saying "No"

affirmation that your well-being is paramount. The connection between

Saying "no" without guilt is a declaration of your autonomy and self-worth. It's

boundaries and the power of "no" is a testament to your strength and agency.

a statement that your time, energy, and well-being are valuable commodities

Amidst the turbulence of life, this skill becomes your empowered armor—an

worthy of protection. When you learn to say "no," you're crafting a pathway

armor that guards your inner security and guides you toward a life of self-

toward aligning your life with your values and priorities. This seemingly simple

discovery and fulfillment.

word carries a profound capacity to transform your relationships, work, and

The power of "no" is your compass, guiding you toward a life that resonates


with your values and priorities. As you recognize the profound impact of

The Price of Unspoken "Yeses"

establishing boundaries and embracing the power of "no," you're taking the

When we're unable to say "no," the unspoken "yeses" accumulate like a

first step towards reclaiming your voice, your space, and your happiness. In a

heavy burden on our shoulders. The inability to set boundaries floods us with

world that can be tumultuous, your empowered armor awaits, ready to guide

commitments that may not resonate with our authentic selves. This self-

you toward a life of self-discovery, resilience, and authenticity.

sacrifice might lead to exhaustion, overwhelm, and a sense of being lost amidst

Get Started Today

the needs and expectations of others.

Keeping your body free of toxins and free radicals is necessary to maintain a

The Ripple Effect on Your Well-being

healthy life and mind. You can add tons of foods to your regular diet to help

The inability to say "no" breeds a cascading effect that resonates throughout

your body with its critical detoxifying processes. If you are looking for a safe and

our lives. High stress, anxiety, and feelings of being overwhelmed become

all-natural way to detox your body at home, be sure to check out my Balancing

companions in our daily existence. The inability to relax and find restful sleep

Abundance Program. Because detoxing is so essential and realistically, everyone

exacerbates these challenges, perpetuating a cycle that further erodes our

should be doing it on at least a seasonal basis, I have put together a program

overall well-being.

to help you do just that. Here’s the thing: I know working with me one-on-

The Connection to Trauma and Betrayal

one can seem challenging to get into (due to limited space), and I wanted to

For individuals who have endured trauma or betrayal, the difficulty in saying

give everyone an additional solution with no limits. You deserve to be happy,

"no" can stem from a deeply rooted fear of rejection or harm. Past wounds

healthy, and successful at everything you do, so here are some recipes to help

can amplify the guilt associated with asserting boundaries. Learning to say

set you up for success!

"no" becomes an act of reclaiming your agency—a step towards healing and

Need A Hand?

embracing your worthiness.

A happy and healthy life is closer than you may think. We all have to deal with

Empowerment Through "No"

our health daily, which shows when we don’t feel our best. If you are tired of

Saying "no" without guilt is an embodiment of empowerment. It's a declaration

just making it through your day, you NEED to start investing in your health

that you're in charge of your choices and that you deserve to prioritize your

today! You are not alone on this journey. If you need help, I am always here to

well-being. This transformational shift ripples through every aspect of your

do that. Even if it is something as small as acting as a sounding board, do you

life, fostering resilience, authenticity, and self-confidence.

have any questions or concerns I can help you with? Feel free to contact me

Navigating Boundaries: The Power of "No"

directly at or book a one-on-one call with me. Be

As you navigate the power of "no," you're crafting a life that honors your true

sure to subscribe to gain access to tons of free goodies, and check back daily

self. Establishing and enforcing boundaries is about acknowledging your limits

for more great recipes and information!

and setting the stage for healthier interactions and relationships. The power of "no" liberates you from the confines of people-pleasing and opens the door

Contact Info:

to a life that's in harmony with your core values.


Best Holistic Life April 2024

Meet Jana

Th e P r o f o u n d S i g n i f i c a n c e o f Em o t i o n i n B r a n d i n g : D r i v e Pu r c ha s e D e c i s i o n s


The Power of Authentic Brands: Going Beyond Aesthetics

When your brand genuinely addresses the needs and aspira-

In the world of marketing and business, the term "brand"

tions of your clients, it becomes an integral part of their lives.

often conjures images of logos, color palettes, and catchy

A Brand's Ripple Effect

slogans. But a true brand is far more than just visual

Consider your brand as a stone dropped into a pond. The

elements; it's a powerful entity that lives in the hearts and

initial splash represents your visual identity, catching atten-

minds of people. It's the reason why certain names evoke

tion and sparking interest. However, it's the ripples that

strong emotions, memories, and loyalty. This article delves

follow that leave a lasting impression. These ripples symbol-

into the essence of a real brand, one that not only captures

ize your brand's messaging—the stories you tell, the values

attention but also creates a lasting impact.

you uphold, and the connections you build. Effective messag-

Beyond the Surface: More than Just Aesthetics

ing reinforces your brand's authenticity and resonates with

While a visually appealing logo, striking color scheme, and

your audience's emotions.

well-chosen fonts are undeniably important, they are merely

The Message Behind the Brand

the tip of the branding iceberg. A real brand goes deeper,

Messaging is the backbone of your brand's communica-

rooted in authenticity and passion. It's about uncovering the

tion strategy. It's how you convey your purpose, values, and

"why" behind your business, the driving force that gets you

the unique solutions you offer. Your messaging should be

out of bed every morning. This purpose becomes the back-

consistent across all touchpoints, from social media posts

bone of your brand, guiding your actions and decisions.

to customer interactions. It's through this messaging that

Connecting on an Emotional Level

your audience grasps the essence of your brand and devel-

Think about brands that have left an indelible mark on your

ops a clear understanding of what you stand for.

life. They likely elicited an emotional response, whether it

Crafting Your Brand Story

was excitement, trust, or a sense of belonging. This emotional

Every successful brand has a compelling story at its core. This

connection is the heart and soul of a brand's power. It's not

story is the narrative of your journey, the challenges you've

just about selling a product or service; it's about selling an

overcome, and the transformation you offer. Sharing your

experience, a feeling that resonates with your audience on

brand story not only humanizes your business but also allows

a personal level.

your audience to connect with you on a personal level. When

Serving Clients: More than Transactions

people understand the story behind the brand, they're more

Your brand's authenticity and passion drive its mission to

likely to become loyal supporters.

serve clients in a meaningful way. It's not merely about

The Long-Term Impact

completing transactions but about creating value. How does

Investing in a real brand is a long-term endeavor. It's not

your brand improve the lives of your customers? This ques-

about chasing short-lived trends but about building a foun-

tion should be at the forefront of your branding strategy.

dation that withstands the test of time. When your brand is



Best Holistic Life April 2024

rooted in authenticity and fueled by passion, it has the potential to become iconic. Think of brands like Apple or Nike—names that have become synonymous with innovation, quality, and empowerment. Cultivating Brand Loyalty Authentic brands cultivate loyalty that goes beyond reason. People don't just buy from these brands; they champion them. This loyalty is a result of consistent positive experiences, shared values, and the emotional connection fostered over time. A loyal customer doesn't just stick around; they become brand advocates, spreading the word and contributing to your brand's growth. Conclusion In a world inundated with options, a real brand stands out by offering more than a transaction—it offers a relationship. It's about creating an emotional bond that goes beyond aesthetics, captivating hearts, and minds. Your brand's authenticity, passion, and messaging serve as its foundation, shaping how it resonates with your audience. So, before you embark on designing a logo or choosing colors, remember that your brand is a story waiting to be told— one that can inspire, motivate, and leave a lasting imprint. To discover the secrets of captivating your potential clients on a deep emotional level, reach out to Best Holistic Life today. Our team of experts will guide you through the process of infusing energy and feeling into your brand, propelling your business to new heights. Together, let's unleash the full potential of your brand and create an enduring impact that resonates with your audience. Visit our website or contact us at to embark on a transformative journey that will revolutionize your brand's impact.




Best Holistic Life April 2024


If you have an infected or damaged tooth, your dentist

What Is A Tooth Extraction?

might have told you that you need a root canal or an

In a tooth extraction, your dentist, periodontist, or

extraction. But how do you know which to choose? Even

dental surgeon will permanently remove your infected or

though choosing between a root canal and an extraction

damaged tooth from its socket. Tooth extraction is gener-

can be tough, says Sonia Chopra, DDS, an endodontist who

ally performed under localized anesthesia to keep you

specializes in saving natural teeth, understanding both

comfortable. Afterward, you may opt to have an implant

procedures will help you choose the best option for you.

or a bridge to replace your tooth so that there isn’t a gap in

What Is A Root Canal?

your bite or smile.

Dental professionals perform root canals to remove the

Results Of Both Dental Procedures

infected and inflamed pulp from the inner part of the tooth.

Both dental processes can relieve your pain and help you in

After removing your tooth’s pulp, your provider will clean

the event of an infected tooth. Their outcomes and impli-

and disinfect the inside of the tooth. Then, they fill your

cations are a little different, though: A root canal treats the

tooth and seal it with a material called gutta-percha to

issue, leading to a healed natural tooth. A tooth extraction

protect it from future infection.

removes the original tooth, leaving you with an empty

Finally, your provider will put a restoration, such as a

space in the bite. Many adults have their wisdom teeth

crown, on the tooth so that you can resume chewing and

removed, so you may already be familiar with the process

biting without any issues. The entire root canal procedure

of extraction.

is performed under local anesthesia so you can stay relaxed

Benefits Of Having A Root Canal Vs. Tooth

and comfortable. After completing the process, you can go


about your life as before, pain-free, with your natural tooth

Sometimes, the only option is to extract a tooth. There are


teeth that are simply not savable, and an extraction will

R oot C ana l Vs . E xtraction : W hat T o C hoose ?



Best Holistic Life April 2024

relieve your pain and help you restore health to your mouth. However, many times, root canals provide an alternative that, in the long run, is simpler. That’s because you don’t have to consider an implant or bridge to fill the space. Let’s discuss the pros of root canals that you may not be familiar with. Root Canal Advantages. Among the biggest advantages of root canal treatment is getting rid of pain and infection in your mouth. Your root canal will relieve pressure from inflammation inside the pulp of your tooth, and within a day or two after your treatment, you'll get back to your life without any tooth pain. Dr. Sonia Chopra, a Board-Certified Endodontist, adds that a root canal procedure, itself, is usually painless. You may be nervous about a root canal, fearing it’ll be painful. However, the truth is you should not feel pain during this procedure. Local anesthesia ensures that you will have a comfortable experience, and modernday irrigation technology can leave you with less soreness than traditional root canals. After your treatment, you will leave your natural tooth completely intact and functioning, as well as some supplemental pain medications to keep you pain-free during your recovery. Endodontic treatment allows you to retain your natural smile and enjoy eating your favorite foods. With proper dental or oral hygiene, root canal treatment will last a lifetime without any problem. Just make sure you complete the final restoration (ie, a crown), which will typically require a separate trip to your general dentist. Other benefits to root canals include not having to worry about the lengthy and often expensive process of getting an implant or a bridge. While both extraction and root canals will treat the infection to keep it from spreading, that initial infection can often cause bone loss in your jaw. Unlike an extraction, root canals can actually reverse that bone loss process and regrow your bone, keeping your jaw healthy and fully functional. When a tooth needs a root canal, it’s important to get treatment quickly. The longer you leave an infection untreated, the more damage it can do. As the infection persists, you continue to lose bone in the area, which decreases the chance of being able to save your tooth. This is why it’s essential not to delay treatment.

Conclusion: Save Your Tooth If Possible Before deciding against a root canal because you are worried that the treatment will be painful or more expensive than an extraction, be aware that these statements are merely a myth, says Dr. Chopra. Today’s root canals are almost always pain-free, and extraction generally costs more when you factor in the follow-up procedures like implants or bridges. Best of all, your root canal will provide swift and comfortable relief from the pain. If you need a root canal, Dr. Chopra recommends seeing an endodontist for an appointment, as their specialty and passion is saving natural teeth through root canals.

Connect with Dr. Chopra:

R oot C ana l Vs . E xtraction : W hat T o C hoose ?



Best Holistic Life April 2024

EMBRACING AMOR FATI: FINDING PEACE IN ACCEPTANCE BY AMANDA HART In the dance of life, we often find ourselves entangled in situations beyond

The Power of Choice

our control, facing challenges that test our resilience. It is during these

Realizing that you have no control over some external circumstances,

moments that the philosophy of ‘amor fati’ or the love of fate, becomes a

when you ask yourself that crucial question "What is within my control,

guiding light, leading us towards acceptance and empowerment.

and how can I navigate this with grace?" This introspection marks a

I was inspired to write this article as I recently met something head on one

turning point. Instead of fuelling the fear, you can then choose to take

day that was scary, and it came at a time when I was going through a period

actionable steps. I turned to Bach Flower Remedies for emotional support,

of dynamic change. The situation had such an impact on me that I seemed

indulged in a calming meditation, and took a rejuvenating walk to ground

to meet other challenges which amplified my fearful feelings further, like

myself. Choose what grounds and centres you back into your higher nature

pouring fuel on the already burning flames around me.

and let the outcome take care of itself.

I happened to be wading through my emails to keep myself occupied,

Fuelling Fear vs. Taking Control

when suddenly the phrase 'amor fati' appeared in an email from someone

The turning point teaches us a valuable lesson – these challenges

and the message suddenly hit home. As soon as I stepped back and asked

are invitations for choice. Often, our minds amplify the fear, creating

myself "what is going on for me right now and what am I going to do about

unnecessary drama. By stepping back and recognizing the power of choice,

it?" I realised that I was fuelling a situation that I had no control over.

we regain control over our reactions and actions. In my case, as soon as

What I could control however, was the way I dealt with it.

I shifted my focus from fear to empowerment, the universe responded

I took some Bach Flower Remedies to help ease my emotions, did a

positively, resolving the situation without any need for unnecessary worry.

meditation, and then went for a walk to ground myself in nature. By the

The Amor Fati Theory

time I'd returned to my desk to carry on with my day, an email had arrived

Amor fati is not about resigning to fate passively; it's about taking charge

in my inbox to let me know the scary situation was all being taken care of

of our responses to the inevitable twists of life. It urges us to be present,

and that I had nothing to worry about.

to discern between what we can change and what we must accept. By

This teaches us that these situations are there to present us with choice

embracing amor fati, we reclaim our agency, finding peace in the midst

to take action or take non-action, but because we can get caught up in the

of chaos, cultivating resilience.

fearful thoughts and drama, our minds and emotions go into overload

Spring: A Metaphor for Transformation

and then we end up fuelling the fear to create even more drama which

In the spring, nature provides us with a beautiful metaphor for embracing

can affect outcomes.

both light and darkness in perfect balance. This season teaches us

This article explores the origins of amor fati, its profound impact on

the importance of honouring the cycles of life, embracing change,

our lives, and how embracing this philosophy can bring about positive

and fostering conditions for personal and collective transformation.


Purposeful gatherings and ceremonial reverence during this time amplify

Origins of Amor Fati

the transformative power of acceptance.

Amor fati, a Latin term coined by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche,


translates to "love of fate." Nietzsche believed that to live a fulfilling life,

Amor fati invites us to dance with life's uncertainties, finding beauty in

one must not only accept the challenges and circumstances presented,

every step. My own personal encounter with this philosophy revealed

but actively love and embrace them. This concept encourages us to see

that, in the face of challenges, our response can be a powerful catalyst for

every twist and turn in our journey as an opportunity for growth and self-

change. As we navigate the ebb and flow of life, let us embrace amor fati,


choosing empowerment over fear, and discovering the profound joy that comes from loving our fate. Connect with Amanda:

Emb r a c i n g A m o r Fa t i : F i n d i n g P e a c e i n A c c e p t a n c e



Best Holistic Life April 2024

Discover the Methods for True Healing

DISCOVER THE METHODS FOR TRUE HEALING BY DR. RANDALL HANSEN How are you doing? If you are not feeling 100 percent, you

at the pharmaceutical industry where mental health treat-

are not alone!

ments simply deal with symptoms, not healing… and

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

we are forced to take those pills daily for the rest of our

estimates that 50 percent of Americans will be diagnosed

lives, generating massive profits for the drug companies.

with some sort of mental health problem or disorder during

Then there’s the food industry, often using questionable/

their lifetime.

cheap sources, chemicals, herbicides, and pesticides in an

This past summer, the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek

already-depleted soil.

Murthy released an advisory calling attention to the “public

But… WE CAN HEAL… and here’s how. This method is

health crisis of loneliness, isolation, and lack of connection

designed to heal the WHOLE you – body, mind, and spirit

in our country.”

– using one or more of these critical holistic healing modal-

I think many of us have found ourselves struggling … and if


no one has told you this recently, please repeat this phrase

The Six Elements of “Wholeistic” Healing

to yourself: We all deserve a life of meaning and purpose,

1. Psychedelics. These substances may prove to be the

filled with love, happiness, and good health.

greatest advancement in healing in modern times, though

What stops you from accomplishing living this life, loving

Indigenous and Native cultures have been using psychedelic

this life… is trauma.

plants and fungi for thousands of years. While you may be

You are what you are because of what happened to YOU;

vaguely aware of psychedelics (and especially LSD) from

there is nothing inherently wrong with you, but you are

the War on Drugs, these substances are indeed medicines

BROKEN on the inside because of the trauma, whether you

for TRUE healing.

remember the incident(s) or not.

As I discuss in detail in my book, Triumph Over Trauma,

If we are going to live our true, authentic, mission-filled

psychedelic medicines are being labeled a “breakthrough”

life… we HAVE to HEAL.

medicine, even though they have been around for centuries.

True healing, freeing yourself of old trauma and pain,

Several companies are actively working with the FDA to seek

requires a multidimensional approach – partly because

approval of these substances for use in therapy.

not all therapies work for all people. The key is finding the

2. Spirituality: Prayer/Meditation/Mindfulness. Without

modalities that resonate with you.

question, “we are spiritual beings – having a human expe-

We Are All Broken. We All Have Trauma

rience,” per the powerful words from the French philoso-

Many of us struggle with mental wellness. But it’s not just

pher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

about our thoughts and feelings, as many of us also do

Spirituality and its related practices can be quite a posi-

not eat well, do not spend time in nature, do not exercise

tive force for healing, especially at a time when so many of

consistently. Instead, we suffer or wallow, unsure how to

us feel disconnected from the people and world around us.

regain control in a world that almost seems to want us sick

More than 3,000 studies indicate that religion and spiri-

and hurting.

tuality have a potentially beneficial effect on health, and

A world that wants us sick? Sounds a bit sinister, but look

health is a vital part of healing.



Best Holistic Life April 2024

3. Somatic/Body. There are two key elements within this

beat and digestion), but at its core, breathwork is about taking

healing element – specific body movements to help promote

control of our breathing, and is designed to bring a focus to

healing and the daily exercise that is important to maintain-

our breathing, helping to calm our stress levels, lower blood

ing good health and to stimulate healing.

pressure, and bring balance to our bodies.

Many experts theorize that trauma affects our whole body,

6. Nutrition. Whether you believe your body is a temple or

not just our mind. Thus, this area of healing operates on the

simply that we only have one body so we should treat it as best

concept that what happens to you in your life is stored not

as we can, the result should be the same: a focus on eating

only in your mind, but also in your body – and so you need to

healthy, nutrient-dense foods. Sadly, as a whole, many of us

clear the trauma from your whole system.

are nutrient-deficient.

4. Nature. Without question, spending time in nature is

Many of us are literally eating ourselves to death… it’s so bad,

healing. The Japanese have a term for relaxing in nature –

we even have an acronym for it, SAD: Standard American Diet,

shinrin-yoku – which means “forest bathing.” It involves

which consists of ultra-processed foods, added sugars and

opening the senses to the woody aroma of the trees and

salts, artificial flavors and colorings, refined/bleached grains,

other plants, the green scenery, and the soothing sounds of

as well as toxic fats and oils.

streams and waterfalls. Simply being in nature induces a state

Final Thoughts About Wholeistic Healing

of physiologic relaxation, a true stress-reducer.

Our conventional medical model is NOT healing us. We are

Furthermore, a large body of scientific evidence shows that

not getting healed.

spending time in nature is responsible for many measurable

Healing comes from doing the inner work; healing comes

beneficial changes in the body. One of the reasons for these

from uncovering and clearing past traumas; healing comes

changes are chemicals produced by trees and plants.

from finding a supportive community; healing comes from

5. Breathwork. There’s transformative power in perform-

within – we just need to find the tools necessary so that we

ing various breathing exercises, including the ability to alter

can do that work of healing. What if you could heal completely

your consciousness for healing. People often perform breath-

– physically, mentally, spiritually?

work to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

What if you could heal and grow into your true and authentic

Many people find the idea of breathwork as odd since breath-

self? You can by using these “wholeistic” healing modalities.

ing is one of those automatic functions (along with our heart-

Connect with Randall:



A 5-step energy detox program from renowned energy healing expert, Oliver Nino that removes the crippling blocks from your energetic field that stand between you and abundance, purpose, and happiness. Renowned energy healer and spiritual activation expert, Oliver Nino shares his 5-step energy reset that eliminates the toxins that hold you back from being in your healthiest state. In this book, Oliver explains how energetic blocks lodge themselves in your system as negative beliefs, emotions, and sometimes even physical conditions. Traumas, ancestral roots, or environmental factors create feelings of fear, guilt, anger, betrayal, uselessness, hurt, and inadequacy that can flow through you like dangerous, free radicals. These create walls in your energetic field, which can cause physical disease, relationship issues, feeling “stuck,” a lack of abundance, a lack of purpose, a lack of confidence, anxiety, depression, or a general feeling of unhappiness. Writes Oliver, "I find that when you cleanse, or remove, the blocks that weigh people down using my healing techniques, it not only detoxes their energetic fields—thus, healing various aspects of wellness—but also allows them to tap into a higher power and activate their own gifts, so that they can pursue their purpose on earth. Every one of us is naturally wired to clear our energy fields. Our souls arrived here in a clear, energetic state, and so it’s possible to return to our natural way of being."



Best Holistic Life April 2024


During 2018 I was on the island of Oahu filming a project

Under “normal” circumstances there’s always a lava

about Hawaiian spirituality. It was a privilege working

flow trickling into the Pacific. But just before we arrived,

with native Hawaiians Glenn and Christopher who are

Kilauea erupted on a magnitude not seen in decades. This

priests of Hawaii’s ancient religion. Their vast knowledge

created a rare opportunity. My manager Rocky, our native

of Hawaiian mysticism earned them the title “Kahuna”

Hawaiian cameraman Vince and I flew to the Big Island.

which means expert.

Rocky booked the special helicopter used by Nat Geo,

These Kahuna took me to several ancient temples known

Smithsonian, ABC News, and other major media outlets.

as Heiau (Hay-OW) which are built of short stone walls a

This chopper was faster and more maneuverable than

few feet high. Heiau are open with no roof because they

bulky tourist helicopters.

doubled as observatories where the Hawaiians studied

At Hilo Airport Rocky, Vince and I met the three-man

the stars at night. The ancient Hawaiians’ knowledge

crew. These guys were the helicopter equivalent of Top

of astronomy rivaled that of the Chinese, Egyptians,

Gun. The pilot Ryan trains US Military helicopter pilots.

Babylonians, and Mayans.

The co-pilot Mike is a Hawaiian legend. During a scuba

The Kahuna revealed many heiaus are built atop an energy

accident he risked his life by sacrificing his own oxygen

vortex. Vortexes are whirlpools of electromagnetic energy

supply to rescue fellow divers. They survived, but he

and hubs which hold and emit more electromagnetic

sustained the bends (decompression sickness) which

energy than other spots on earth. Many believe other

resulted in severe neurological damage. Doctors said he’d

ancient sacred structures are built atop vortexes like

never walk again. Miraculously he did. Aided by crutches,

Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza, England’s Stonehenge, Peru’s

he greeted Vince and me on the tarmac.

Machu Pichu, and the Yucatan’s Mayan Pyramid of

The engineer Rob controlled audio-visual including the

Chichen Itza.

helicopter’s state-of-the-art HD camera with a 2100mm

Not all sacred temples are made by humans—some are

lens. This sophisticated equipment even impressed our

forged by akua (gods). The ultimate heiau is Kilauea, one

award-winning cameraman, Vince.

of earth’s most active volcanoes on Hawaii’s Big Island.

These four tough guys were the best of the best. I was

The Kahuna explained, “Kilauea is sacred to the goddess

honored to work with them.

Pele. She is not the goddess of fire, she is fire. Pele is not

Quarters onboard were cramped. Vince and I could barely

the goddess of the volcano—she is the volcano.” I respect

fit into the passenger compartment with the engineer. The

the beliefs of others no matter how different they are

pilot politely told Rocky despite her petite physique, there

from mine. In Hawaii, when it comes to Pele, even the

wasn’t room for her. Rocky rolls with the punches, but

non-native residents respect her.

I’ll never forget the look of disappointment on her face.

A bo v e a Vo l canic Vortex d u rin g the B irth o f E arth



Best Holistic Life April 2024

The chopper went airborne. Even 30 miles from Kilauea we

airsick, but I’ve also never been in a helicopter flailing all

saw the eruption’s impact. Rivers of lava flooded into the

over the sky above an erupting volcano. I struggled to hold

ocean boiling seawater forming enormous pillars of steam

down my breakfast. As the Psychic Explorer and host of the

that billowed above the coastline.

show I was being filmed. I had to appear dashing, confident,

Hawaii’s tropical weather changes rapidly, but the volcano

and smile at the camera while saying profound things. Then

intensified this volatility. Molten lava is 2,000° Fahrenheit

there was the crew—no way was I going to upchuck pancakes

which within seconds can melt a car, not to mention a

in front of them. Despite hellfire or highwater—and I was

helicopter. As this intense heat soared skyward it clashed with

hovering over both, I held those pancakes down.

the higher cool winds causing ultra-hazardous atmospheric

We approached Kilauea. Vince slid open the door to film.


Even at 3,000-foot altitude we felt the searing heat wave

“Hang on guys!” the pilot exclaimed as we were thrashed

from the 2,000° lava. The entire team was awe-struck. The

by fierce wind and driving rain causing rapid shifts in our

dark gray pumice of the volcano’s cone was a stark contrast


to the bright orange-red lava bubbling furiously in its caldera.

Wham! I was overwhelmed by nausea. Normally I don’t get

Massive rivers of lava flowed mercilessly toward the boiling

A bo v e a Vo l canic Vortex d u rin g the B irth o f E arth

sea incinerating everything in their path.

filled my head, “Pele’s wrath is unleashed on humans who

As we circled Kilauea I asked, “Can we fly directly over the

encroach upon her sacred being. When Pele is calm, life is


serene in Hawaii, but when Pele is angry, the earth shakes,

“Only if we want to get incinerated,” the pilot replied.

cracks open and lava spews forth from her volcano.”

Meanwhile, lethal projectiles of molten rock, called lava

Volcanologists theorized that deep drilling to extract steam

bombs shot from the caldera in all directions. Days before a

necessary to run the geothermal powerplant destabilized

lava bomb crashed into a tourist boat off the coast injuring

the subterranean structures around Kilauea thus triggering


the eruption. The researcher in me wanted to embrace the

For miles in every direction steam flew upward from huge

volcanologists’ theory. But circling Kilauea’s eruption I felt

cracks in the earth. Inhaling smokey acrid air didn’t exactly

this was more than just a geological reaction to drilling. Other

soothe my nausea.

forces were at work. Something more intense, more potent.

Through steam, smoke, ash, and rain we saw devastation

I’ve encountered a wide array of non-human spirits including

everywhere. Forests, neighborhoods, and a geothermal power

elementals so named because they’re aligned with nature’s

plant were charred to smoking cinders. The Kahunas’ words

elements of earth, air, fire, and water. Is Pele the Big Kahuna



Best Holistic Life April 2024

Elemental who from her heiau Kilauea wields the forces

duality—the power of creation itself, which hundreds

of earth, air, fire, and water into a massive energy

of millions of years ago forged new land among the seas,


created the continents and gave birth to earth.

Co-pilot Mike asked, “Mark, as a psychic medium, do

Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer® (The Psychic

you feel the consciousness of Pele. Is she angry?”

Lawyer) is a fourth-generation psychic medium and

The turbulence surrounding me gave way to the serenity

Oxford educated trial attorney. Mark travels to mystical

I experience during spirit communication.

locations in remote corners of the world to examine

“Mike, I feel something more complex than anger. It’s

Ancient Mysteries and Supernatural Phenomena. Mark

the pain of violation—and a sense of desperation to give

Anthony the author of the multiple award-winning

birth to a new world. Pele is angry, yet at the same time,

Pulitzer considered best seller THE AFTERLIFE

she’s enduring the pain of child birth.”

FREQUENCY. His other bestsellers are EVIDENCE OF

When we landed back at Hilo, everyone was exhausted.


The pilot said, “Man with all the turbulence up there, I thought I was going to hurl.” All the guys admitted they

To schedule a reading with Mark, visit his website: www.

almost threw up too. I never felt more manly in my life.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Pele embodies this in her dual nature of destruction and

FREE OFFER: Mark Anthony conducts free on-air

creation. Kilauea’s fiery lava was destructive, but when

readings on his livestream show THE PSYCHIC & THE

cooled in the sea it created new land which enlarged

DOC Thursdays 7pm ET/4pm PT. Find out how to tune

the Big Island. We witnessed the ultimate energetic

in at:

A bo v e a Vo l canic Vortex d u rin g the B irth o f E arth



Best Holistic Life April 2024


In a world where the pursuit of financial success often takes center

The Power of Money Thoughts

stage, it’s no secret that money matters and that emotions matter in

The law of attraction, a universal principle, asserts that like attracts

a money-driven world. We strive for prosperity, diligently working

like. What you think and feel is what you attract into your life. This

towards wealth, securing our future. Amid this relentless pursuit,

law is deeper than the surface-level desires. Beneath our conscious

we often overlook a crucial element that profoundly impacts the

thoughts lie the hidden influence of the subconscious mind, where

truth of our financial journey: our relationship with money is inher-

emotions reside, and it plays a pivotal role in our financial reality.

ently emotional. It is intimately intertwined with our self-worth

The Hidden Influence: Subconscious Thoughts

and self-esteem, creating a symbiotic connection between our

Our conscious minds are only are aware of a fraction of our thoughts

emotional well-being and financial reality.

– approximately 10 percent. The remaining 90 percent reside

The Undercurrent of Financial Stress

within the subconscious. These hidden influences can either propel

Financial stress and anxiety are two persistent companions that

us toward financial success or hold us back in a cycle of lack and

haunt many individuals. The constant worry about financial situ-

limitation. For instance, if you consciously desire financial pros-

ations leads to an undercurrent fear. Bills, debts, and the uncer-

perity but harbor subconscious feelings of unworthiness or fear,

tainty of the future can cast a shadow over one’s life. The weight

it’s these hidden emotions that will dictate the energy you emit

of financial stress not only bears on the emotional well-being but

from the universe.

can also manifest physically, taking a toll on our bodies. This cycle

The Hidden Link: Emotions and Wealth

of fear and uncertainty has become an all-to-common pain point

The emotional states in which your thoughts dwell in is the driving

for many, leaving them trapped in struggle.

force behind your decisions and behaviors. When your thoughts are

Unearthing the Emotional Connection

aligned with positive emotions such as joy, confidence and enthu-

What if I told you that there is a profound connection between these

siasm, they propel you towards actions that harmonize with your

emotional struggles and the state of your finances? What if under-

desires. Conversely, when your thoughts are entangled with nega-

standing and harnessing the power of your emotions could be the

tive emotions, like fear, doubt, and anger, they can lead you down a

key to a brighter, more prosperous future? It is time to uncover

path of hesitation, procrastination, or self-sabotage. Understand-

the secrets of why emotions matter in this money-driven world

ing this intricate relationship between thoughts and emotions is

and discover the path to financial emotional harmony and last-

the key to the financial abundance that you seek. You must unearth

ing prosperity.

and transform the underlying emotional blockages that may be obstructing your path to prosperity.

W hy Em o t i o n s M a t t e r i n t h i s



Best Holistic Life April 2024

5 Emotions that Affect your Money

decisions can be a transformative journey toward greater financial

Fear is a powerful emotion that often is lurking in the shadows of our

abundance and self-worth.

financial lives. It can paralyze us, making us hesitant to take calculated

Self-Perception and Financial Reality

risks that could lead to financial growth. Fear can lead to impulsivity

We are not merely physical beings; we are energy in motion emit-

or avoidance, both of which can have adverse financial consequences.

ting frequencies with every thought and emotion. Money, too, is a

Anger, when harnesses constructively, can serve as a powerful signal

form of energy and it responds to the energetic signals that we send

that change is needed in our financial lives. It can motivate us to

out to the universe. Our thoughts are like radio waves broadcasting

confront financial challenges head-on and take action to improve

signals out into the world. These signals comprise our beliefs, fears,

our situation, However, unchecked anger can lead to impulsive or

and desires, have a unique frequency and vibration. When we emit

vindictive financial decisions. Learning to channel anger in a produc-

thoughts of self-worth, balance, peace, value and appreciation, we

tive way in financial matters is crucial for creating positive outcomes.

resonate with the frequencies of abundance and prosperity. Money,

Sadness and grief are emotions that can deeply affect our financial

an external energy, acts as a mirror reflecting our internal frequen-

health. Unresolved sadness can create a sense of stagnation, prevent-

cies. If our thoughts and emotions are steeped in self-doubt and scar-

ing us from moving forward financially. It’s essential to explore the

city, the money that flows into our lives often mirrors these vibra-

connection between our emotional well-being and our financial situ-

tions. Money, in its external form, responds harmoniously into our

ation. Releasing sadness and allowing ourselves to grieve can pave

lives. Our financial reality is not separate from our inner state of being.

the way for financial growth and a healthier relationship with money.

Internal Money Words

Happiness is more than just a pleasant feeling: it’s a powerful magnet

Words hold immense power, transcending their surface definition

for abundance. When we are genuinely happy, we tend to make better

of intention and meaning. When we speak of worth, balance, peace,

financial decisions, approach challenges with a positive mindset, and

value, and appreciation, these words take on a deeper significance

attract opportunities for financial growth. Recognizing happiness as a

in the context of our relationship with money.

tool for financial well-being empowers us to prioritize joy in our lives.

Worth, signifies our intrinsic value and deservingness. When we

Self-Love plays a significant role in our financial decisions and

recognize our worthiness of financial abundance, it transforms the

self-worth. When we value and love ourselves, we are more likely

way money responds to us in life. Balance is not just a state of equi-

to make financial choices that align with our long-term well-be-

librium, but a reflection of the harmony we create withing ourselves

ing. On the contrary, a lack of self-love can lead to self-sabotaging

and in our financial decisions.

financial behaviors. Exploring how self-love impacts our financial

Value extends beyond monetary worth; it encompasses the value

W hy Em o t i o n s M a t t e r i n t h i s

we bring to the world and place upon ourselves. Appreciation is not limited to the gratitude; it signifies the abundance that surrounds us. These words, and many others, with their multifaceted meanings, become the bridge connecting our inner selves to the external world of money. As we align out thoughts and emotions with the soulful resonance of these words, we shift the energetic dynamics of our financial reality. Money, as an eternal reflection of our frequencies, responds by ushering in abundance, prosperity, and a life that harmonizes with the profound meanings that we ascribe to these words.

The Path to Financial Harmony The journey to lasting financial prosperity is not solely about dollars and cents. There is a profound connection between your thoughts, emotions, and the energy of money. Remember that your emotional well-being is the compass guiding you towards abundance and prosperity. By tapping into the hidden power of your subconscious mind, you can unlock a future filled with abundance, joy and lasting prosperity. To uncover your hidden emotional energies that are trapped, I empower you to rewrite your financial story by aligning your emotional frequency with the abundant energy of money.

Embrace the Transformation Don’t let fear, doubt, or financial stress hold you back any longer. Embrace the transformation that awaits. Take the first steps towards financial emotional harmony Your journey to a brighter, more prosperous future begins now.



Best Holistic Life April 2024

Sta n d i n g i n Yo u r P o w e r



Most people don’t fully realize their inner power.

would love to say yes, but right now I have a lot going on that prohibits me

So many of us are taught to continue along our paths, do as we are told, and not

from saying yes.” There is no need to explain what else you have going on

question our purpose here. We work unfulfilling 9-5 jobs because our parents

(people pleasers, resist the urge to overshare!) Not everyone deserves the right

told us that’s what we should do, we are in unhappy marriages because we are

to hear your story.

in a mindset of codependency, or we say yes to things that we really, really

4. Give up caring what people think. This was a game changer

should be saying no to because we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.

for me. The minute I started caring more about what I thought about myself

However, there is so much more to life than this. So much more abundance,

rather than what other people thought of me, I gained an innate amount of

peace, joy and love for us to cultivate, give, and receive.

inner happiness, peace, and confidence. We are our own worst enemies and

Harnessing your inner power has a lot to do with creating personal beliefs

we like to view our flaws and imperfections under a microscope. The reality

that are authentic to you, and upholding those beliefs with courage, convic-

is that nobody puts that much energy into dissecting who we are as you do.

tion, and confidence.

People are too busy with their own lives to do this. Remind yourself of this as

How do you know which beliefs are true to you? By getting to know yourself.

you move through your journey.

I know it’s hard for people to sit with themselves. There’s a lot of inner child

5. Create boundaries with yourself. As important as it is to create

work that comes up when we actually get to know ourselves, and for many

healthy boundaries with others, it’s just as important to create boundaries

people, it’s much easier not to face what’s beneath the surface.

with yourself too. This means being proactive in your health and happiness by

But, what if I told you that by doing the self-work, you can reach a place of

creating structure in your life while showing yourself grace. Develop healthy

self-like, which in turn leads to self-love aka your inner power?

habits and routines. Go to that doctor appointment. Instead of speaking down

Here are some ways to harness your inner power, starting right now… Let’s

to yourself, talk to yourself like you would a friend. By creating boundaries

do this!

with yourself, you are able to control what it is that you can.

1. Spend time in silence. Set aside 5-10 minutes every day to medi-

6. Connect with your faith. Nurturing a relationship with something

tate, stretch, do yoga etc. The purpose of doing this is to get you to feel more

bigger than yourself allows you to keep things in perspective. Whether you are

comfortable in your own skin while you practice tuning out the noise of this

religious or not, it’s important to have a spiritual source as your inner anchor.

world. This is a great way to connect with your inner self. And, if you don’t

This means reminding yourself to trust in The Universe. To let go and let God

have 5-10 minutes, do this 2-minutes a day and work your way up from there.

handle the mess. To call on The Divine to guide you. Whatever your belief, or

Practice makes progress.

name you use to describe The Source, cultivating your spiritual awareness will

2. Be yourself. You have so much within you that makes you unique.

help cultivate your inner power.

Whether it’s your ability to communicate effectively, make people laugh, stand

Developing your inner power is a journey. But, you’re here taking the first step

up for what’s right, or come up with the next big idea, you’ve got all you need

and that’s always the hardest part. Take a moment to give yourself a high five,

to succeed at this life. Start acknowledging your superpowers. The macro and

a big ol’ hug, or a pat on the back for the courage it took to read this article.

micro things that make you who you are. I’m not telling you to walk around

This act may seem small but something inside of you knows you deserve more

like you’re the greatest thing since slice bread (although we all know you are),

and is willing to work for it. You’ve got this!

but a little self-acknowledgment goes a long way. Value your authentic truth

If you’d like to learn more ways to harness your inner power, go to https://

and let the real you shine. You can also follow @‌thebehappyproject on

3. Say no when you want to say yes. I’m talking to all my people

Instagram and Facebook.

pleasers out there (you know who you are). Saying no is such a power move. If

Dana-Maxx Pomerantz Mindfulness and Happiness Coach Founder of The

someone asks you to do something, and you know you should decline, kindly

Be Happy Project

say something like this to them, “Thank you so much for thinking of me. I


Best Holistic Life April 2024

C o n q u e r i n g H i dd e n S t r e s s

CONQUERING HIDDEN STRESS BY DOUGLAS MULHALL Something that affects your health the most could be what you’re

level of these metals in baby food remains largely unregulated.

told about the least. New evidence from the American Heart Asso-

An ages-old threat restricts well-being and longevity

ciation (AHA) points to hidden stress that's kept a lid on how

Why is stress from these metals "hidden"?

long and well we live for thousands of generations. The good

Heavy metals are in soil, drinking water, and airborne particles

news is that something can finally be done about it with a holis-

that we breathe. They were formed along with the Earth itself, and

tic approach.

we've been contaminated by them since humanity first walked

“Stress“ often refers to emotional or physical stress. In a strik-

the planet. Tissues of ancient, mummified bodies contain these

ing example of a different type, the AHA reported major new

metals. Today, industrial society exposes us to more, because

heart disease risks from exposure to low levels of toxic metals(1).

they're very good at making things work.

A parallel study in the clinical journal The Lancet (2) calculated

This low contamination level went largely undetected until about

that impacts on children's IQ and heart disease may cause more

100 years ago, when studies began showing that it provokes

deaths than cholesterol or smoking(3). Around the same time,

chronic inflammation - a precursor to many diseases. The metals

Consumer Reports revealed that popular baby foods, snacks, and

also mutate DNA and can lead to cancers. They interfere with brain

chocolates contain high levels of lead, cadmium, or arsenic(4).

function that can manifest as reduced IQ or dementia. These all

Despite this data, in 2023 the FDA quietly withdrew its planned

occur at exposure levels that are hard to detect. You don't notice

regulations limiting heavy metals in food(5). Alarmed, the state

the damage for years: it remains hidden until you start to get sick.

of California passed a law requiring baby food manufacturers to

Worse yet, the metals build up over time starting from birth.

report on heavy metal content in baby food(6). Nonetheless, the

Testing — You don’t find what you’re not looking for



Best Holistic Life April 2024

AHA scientists also reported that most healthcare providers

service companies or hardware stores and can be verified by

don’t accurately know metal levels in their patients, because

checking Consumer Reports.

standard blood tests don’t detect metals in tissue or bone, where

* After wildfire smoke events, change or wash filters.

most metals gather. As a result, metals testing usually shows an

* Install filters that remove heavy metals at drinking water taps.

‘acceptable’ range for most people. To get an accurate reading,

Check Consumer Reports to see which are best.

another test is required. It's available, but not widely used.

* Take your shoes off when entering your home. Heavy metals

Impacts of low metals levels confirmed by clinical studies

from tracked-in dust come off your footwear and build up indoors.

The first evidence-based clue about health impacts of these low

* Buy certified toxic metal-free clothing and building materials.

levels came during a ten-year National Institutes of Health clin-


ical trial where all causes of death in diabetic heart patients were

* Buy certified organic foods, including baby foods that are certi-

reduced by 41% with a therapy that had been widely practiced

fied free of heavy metals.

globally for decades but never tested in a clinical trial(7). Study

* Wash fresh foods to remove residues from pesticides, fertiliz-

supervisors concluded that the therapy was working by remov-

ers, and contaminated irrigation water.

ing toxic metals from those patients.

* Foods such as broccoli sprouts, cruciferous vegetables,

In a later 2017 clinical study using the same therapy, removal of

curcumin/coriander and others help your body to remove metals.

metals from patients was measured. In a medical first, amputa-

Be certain that the spices are from a certified organic source!

tions were prevented in heart patients as the metals were flushed

For more information:

out non-invasively, and blocked arteries were re-opened. A

Heavy metals are just one type of hidden stress. Learn about these

clinical trial to confirm those results is nearing completion in

and others, as well as what's being done about them in Douglas

2024. The therapy proved much less costly than conventional

Mulhall’s book, Discovering the Nature of Longevity: Restoring


the heart and body by targeting hidden stress. The book comes

Holistic Solutions — Prevention and Nutrition

recommended by the American Institute of Stress, with a Fore-

Here's what you can do to reduce your exposure to these metals:

word by Dr. Gervasio Lamas, Columbia University’s Chief of

* Many standard air filters protect machinery, but not your lungs.

Cardiology and chief author of the AHA Statement on toxic metals.

Install HEPA filters in your house, office, and vehicle air condi-

Grab Douglas Mulhall’s Book: Discovering the Nature of Longev-

tioning and heating systems. These filters are available from


NOTES 1. Lamas, Gervasio A., et al. "Contaminant Metals as Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association." Journal of the American Heart Association (2023): e029852. 2. Larsen, Bjorn, and Ernesto Sánchez-Triana. "Global health burden and cost of lead exposure in children and adults: a health impact and economic modelling analysis." The Lancet Planetary Health 7.10 (2023): e831-e840. 3. Lead poisoning causes far more death, IQ loss than thought: study, AFP, 12/09/23 4 Kevin Loria A Third of Chocolate Products Are High in Heavy Metals, CR's Tests Find, Consumer Reports online, October 25, 2023, 5. Celine Castronuovo et al, Deadlines for Baby Food Metal Policy Vanish as Lawmakers Object, Bloomberg Law, March 23, 2023. 6. Kevin Loria, Baby Foods Sold in California Will Have to Adhere to Strict New Rules for Lead and Other Heavy Metals, Consumer Reports online October 10,2023 7. Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy in Critical Limb Ischemia (TACT3a). study/NCT03982693?cond=critical%20limb%20ischemia&term=metals&rank=1 8. Ruben Porudominsky, M. D., et al. "Preliminary cost estimates of edetate disodium infusions for critical limb ischemia in patients with diabetes mellitus." Vascular Disease Management 17.7 (2020).



SOMETHING THAT SILENTLY LIMITS OUR LIVES IS FINALLY BEING OVERCOME. The book answers these questions for popular audiences: • What is hidden stress? • How does it limit our healthy lifespan? • How is the damage being reversed when nutrition, exercise, and standard therapy don't work? • Why are diabetes heart patients who received a widely available therapy living longer and better? • How are Peripheral Artery Disease patients being saved from amputations of their limbs? • Why does the elastic that makes our heart, arteries, and skin flexible degrade, and how is it restored? • Which vitamins and supplements formula has been improving heart health for decades? • How are life-threatening aneurysms being repaired? • What are the trillions of programmed packages in our body that cause and prevent illness? • How is our environment telling our genes what to do, and can we control that? • How do our homes and offices trigger hidden stress or prevent it? • Who is investing in solutions, and what's coming down the pipe? In this book, Douglas Mulhall makes it clear that magical "cures" aren’t here yet. Instead, the damage is being prevented and reversevd while cures are being found. This buys us the most important thing: time.


Best Holistic Life April 2024

B l o s s o m i n g A f r e s h : Cha n n e l i n g S p r i n g ’ s R e n e wa l Th r o ugh A r t


April showers bring May flowers. As spring bursts forth with

After the long contraction of winter, spring invites us to broaden

blooms after the dormancy of winter, a sense of rebirth and

our horizons. Trees stretch their naked limbs outward, just as

regeneration sweeps over us. The season offers a symbolic fresh

colorful buds prepare to unfold. The world seems to expand.

start—an opportunity to blossom anew.

Creating art nurtures this expansive mindset—allowing our inner

In this spirit of renewal, creative expression provides a power-

vistas to grow, while dissolving any stubborn, preconceived ideas

ful medium through which we can embrace spring’s promise. Art

and unhealthy habits of dwelling too much on the past.

allows us to break free of old patterns, open our eyes to new possi-

In my own life, I turned to art during an extremely challenging

bilities, and reconnect with passions that may have lain fallow.

transition, requiring me to let go. As a long-time teacher, I knew

Poet Philip Larkin captures this sentiment beautifully: “The trees

I needed a constructive outlet to express myself. From a little girl,

are coming into leaf, like something almost being said. Their

I always enjoyed art, but it wasn’t until in a crisis in my marriage

recent buds relax and spread. Their greenness is a kind of grief.”

that I tried art again, using it in combination with meditation,

Then at the end he describes spring buds as beginning “afresh,

journaling, and the healing powers of the ocean. I realized that if

afresh, afresh."

I harnessed these mediums, in the right cadence, I could create

So, how can the act of creating art—especially after experiencing

an impactful experience. And I did.

loss, grief or even seasonal depression—help us channel spring’s

Liz, another participant I’ve worked with, explained how art ther-

renewal in our own life? Let’s explore four ways.

apy expanded her perspective: “I was able to channel emotions,

Shedding Old Skin

find clarity, and reconnect with passions and dreams that often

Much like trees and plants shed remnants of past seasons to make

get lost in the business of life.” By picking up a paintbrush, Liz,

way for new growth, creating art allows us to peel away outdated

like me, rediscovered forgotten pieces of herself.

versions of ourselves. With brushstroke building upon brush-

Embracing Without Judgment

stroke, we can reimagine our identity and direction for the future.

Spring’s blossoming beauty emerges without room for critique

Consider the experience of Suzanne, one of my art therapy partic-

or partiality—flowers simply exist in their natural splendor.

ipants. She described her experience this way: "I went on an hour-

Bringing this non-judgmental approach to creative expression

long heartfelt introspective journey that ended up as a piece of

can liberate our soul’s voice. When you allow colors, textures,

beautiful art, designed by my soul." By peeling back mental layers,

shapes to flow freely from your brush, what wishes of the heart

she allowed long-dormant aspirations to emerge.

can be expressed!

Expanding Your Horizons

Participant Christine described how this practice brought her



Best Holistic Life April 2024

self-acceptance and a reminder of happier, simpler days. She said the Paint-

relieve anxiety. Intricately detailed mandalas make enticing places to start. As

ing Your Soul experience incorporated inner exploration through journal-

you gently fill space with color, your mind empties, making room for fresh

ing and painting. “It’s brought peace, purpose and power back into my life”


she said. By embracing without judgment, Christine gave neglected parts of

Beyond coloring, gardening presents another hands-on creative outlet brim-

herself space to bloom.

ming with spring’s symbolism. As you prepare soil for planting, you simulta-

Uncovering Hidden Beauty

neously cultivate inner stillness. Making space for seedlings mirrors clearing

While winter’s bare terrain may seem bleak, the landscape holds richness—

room for personal growth. And the satisfaction of seeing your garden blos-

waiting to be revealed. In spring’s thaw, hidden flower beds, and months-dor-

som—that tiny green stem and leaf pushing out of winter’s barren earth—

mant perennials, seeming dead, awaken in a sudden surge of color. Creating

can do wonders for nourishing the soul.

art unearths similar inner glory.

Through any of the artistic therapeutic channels – from painting, to coloring,

It’s an under-appreciated power that can easily be tapped into—either by

to gardening – spring invites you to sweep away remnants from your personal

simply picking up a brush and a blank page, or by having a seasoned profes-

landscape. Make room for stretching dormant aspects of yourself back into the

sional guide you: “I didn’t just find art,” said another participant, Jenny,

sun. And, with one simple act of picking up a brush, a coloring book or a spade,

“I found a piece of myself that I had long forgotten.” Her creative journey

allow forgotten passions to reopen like flower petals after winter’s thaw.

unearthed beauty waiting within.

May the spring of 2024 inspire you to blossom afresh, branching boldly into

Pathways to Spring’s Renewal

new horizons of possible self-expression.

For many, a blank canvas brings more angst than inspiration. If you doubt your

“Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.”

skills as an artist, consider more gradual steps into creative therapy. Medita-

Immerse yourself in spring’s creative renewal through Painting Your Soul’s

tion is one option. Journaling is another. Adult coloring books offer non-in-

offerings. Click to learn more about our transformative artistic exploration

timidating avenues to tap into art’s renewal during spring.


Psychologist Michele Goldman explains that coloring’s repetitive movements

Connect with Karen:

B l o s s o m i n g A f r e s h : Cha n n e l i n g S p r i n g ’ s R e n e wa l Th r o ugh A r t



Best Holistic Life April 2024


My client, I’ll call her Mary, couldn’t stand it anymore. Her headaches had been

identify anything new in her environment. Eventually, we pinpointed the

getting worse for two months and nobody could tell her why. Mary could no

source: a scented candle set Mary’s daughter had given her for Mother’s Day.

longer think clearly due to the pain and the brain fog, and she was determined

Out of love and appreciation for her daughter’s gift, Mary had been burning

to get to the bottom of it.

these scented candles daily. She never thought something so common

Mary had seen three different doctors to ask for their opinions about why

could cause her headaches, but I explained that many conventional scented

her headaches were suddenly worse. With each visit, she became more

candles contain toxic fragrances that can irritate nerves throughout the body,

discouraged. She didn’t want to be put on long-term pain medication, and

especially cranial nerves. Mary agreed to stop burning them as a test.

even if the pain went away the brain fog was still a problem. It was time to

Mary and I then spent time reviewing all of her go-to household cleaning and

seek alternative opinions.

self-care products. While she was aware that fragrance-free products were

Mary’s friend, another client of mine, had recommended that Mary reach out

often preferred for infants, she never thought she needed them as an adult.

to me to help her finally solve this issue. And we did.

And Mary had never heard that perfume and cosmetics could be toxic and


irritating to the body.

When new clients who are relatively healthy come to me for help with a new

Within two weeks of avoiding the scented candles, Mary’s headaches were

acute symptom that came out of nowhere, I always put my detective hat on.

gone, and two months later, after doing a total overhaul of her household

Step one is to get to the source of the problem. In almost every case, there’s

products, Mary noticed that her arthritis improved, her mental focus

a reason new symptoms have shown up and that reason is very often a new

increased, her sleep was better, and she stopped feeling so tired all of the

toxin in their environment.

time. This is the power of removing hidden toxins, which can take us down

The toxicity of our homes has skyrocketed in recent years. I can’t overstate

slowly over time - truly, “death by a thousand cuts.”

this. Home products that were generally safe or contained mild amounts of


toxic materials have been altered to contain many harmful chemicals in the

1. Hydrogen peroxide is a miracle cleaner (I have a whole blog devoted to


it!) and I use it daily. From stain remover to bathroom mold and mildew

Household products that can potentially be harmful (and very often are)

fighter, hydrogen peroxide is a cheap and effective way to clean your home

include: laundry detergent, fabric softener, dryer sheets, any product

without compromising your health in any way.

containing bleach, hand soaps, plug-in air fresheners, aerosol air fresheners,

2. Clean air is healthy air, so bring in some air-quality improving house

evaporating air fresheners, scented candles, dish soap, dishwasher fluid,

plants like spider plants and peace lilies, vacuum regularly, and remem-

dishwasher cleaning tabs, floor cleaning solution, shampoo, hair conditioner,

ber that filters are your friend. We clean our kitchens - why not our air?

shower gel, personal fragrances like perfumes and colognes, aftershave,

Clean clothes (for real) are actually hard to come by. Most of us buy clothes

deodorants, body sprays, shaving cream, cosmetics of all kinds….shall I

that are made with genetically modified plant material, passed through


production lines using literally tons of chemicals, and then sprayed with

Essentially, every mainstream household product available on the market can

fungicides before they’re sent to the retailer where you find them. Do some

be harmful to our health, which is why it is so important to detox our homes.

research on nontoxic brands and production methods, and ALWAYS wash


new clothes when you get them home to remove any toxic residues from

What’s so toxic about laundry detergent? Millions of people use it every day

their manufacture.

with no problems, right? That may be true for now, but every day, more people

3. Scent-free is the way to be. Go for scent-free dish soaps, laundry deter-

are reaching their limit. With the toxic load growing around us, it’s no longer

gents, dryer products, fabric softeners, and anything else you can. Scented

a matter of if most of us will experience chronic health symptoms, it’s when.

products are almost always toxic - those added “fragrances” are lab-con-

But there is always the option to protect yourself. That’s what Mary did.

cocted nightmares for the liver, nerves, and immune system. You don’t

Mary and I started our investigation by reviewing the last few months to

want to breathe those in. Go scent-free instead.

6 T i p s to D etox Y o u r H ome W hy T oxins are the N ew N orma l and W hat to D o A bo u t I t


4. The natural path is the ideal path to stay healthy in this world. Replace your perfume or cologne with a beautiful blend of essential oils from a company like Living Libations. Use shampoos with only a few ingredients that you can pronounce (yes, they do exist) and avoid any with “fragrance”, “perfume”, or “parfum” as an ingredient. 5. My house, my rules is a phrase I mostly reserve for my daughters, but I also apply it to nontoxic living in general. My home is my haven. It’s a safe space where I can control my environment, which means a lot to anyone who is struggling with their health. Our world is toxic but in my house, I call the shots. This means guarding against any toxins before they enter. I encourage everyone I know to adopt a similar mindset of making their home an oasis of clean air and chemical-free living.

FREE AT LAST Once I learned about all of the toxins that had been creeping into my home for years, I panicked. I was working on overcoming my own health issues at the time, and around every corner, it seemed like another danger was lurking. It was scary and overwhelming at first. But, as I transitioned to cleaner living with nontoxic products and natural alternatives, I felt such a sense of relief. I can’t control the world outside, but I can certainly control what I bring into my home. The peace of mind I have, knowing that my family and I are at least safe in the space that matters the most, is worth all of the worry that motivated me to restock my cupboards. And though it may feel uncomfortable to change, freedom from chronic symptoms of any kind is priceless and worth all the effort it takes to get there.

Connect with Muneeza:


Best Holistic Life April 2024

H o w t o A c h i e v e a J o y f u l L i f e t h r o ugh I n d i c W e l l n e s s


HOW TO ACHIEVE A JOYFUL LIFE THROUGH INDIC WELLNESS BY HARI NAIR, FOUNDER OF LEELA LIFE How to Achieve a Joyful Life through Indic Wellness By Hari Nair, Founder of

that is fundamentally who you are, so you can only change your context of

Leela Life Having worked closely with many affluent individuals during my

life. For example, if your essential nature is that you enjoy cold weather, and

time as an entrepreneur, I discovered a strange paradox: People who chase or

you live in a place with hot weather, then an option for you to achieve joy is to

achieve success often still end up feeling unfulfilled. This revelation motivated

move to a place with cold weather.

me to go on a personal journey, where I spent a decade unearthing extraordinary

But what if you can’t change your context of life?

secrets from the vast treasure of ancient Indian knowledge—studying old texts,

Then you must build capacities, which you build into yourself that become part

interviewing experts across India, and even speaking with my grandmother.

of your life. One example is the capacity for empathy. Suppose your spouse has

My exploration led me to a simple yet vital conclusion: the key to a fulfilling

family who lives close to you, and you don’t get along with their family. Without

life is to live in a state of joy, as defined by the principles of Indic wellness.

empathy, this relationship is adversarial. But with empathy, a significant

What is joy?

portion of your conflict goes away because you can put yourself in their shoes

Western culture equates joy with an emotion like happiness: for example,

and thus have a better understanding of how they feel.

the “manufactured joy” you get from reading a greeting card. Indic wellness,

Stress is a result of the difference between who you are and the life you lead.

however, defines joy as a state of enthusiasm about life. What makes joy different

You can take medication, but you still must address the most fundamental

from an emotion like happiness is that, while emotions come and go, joy is a

problem of misalignment in your life. In other words, stress is a signal that

foundational state. Joy is what you are, irrespective of what happens to you.

you need to go on a journey of joy.

Achieving a state of joy should be your primary goal. Joy is a positive anticipation

Indic wellness is about helping you figure out what capacities you need and how

that sits on mindfulness. Mindfulness gives you calmness: “Whatever happens,

to build them. For example, one way to build empathy is to create a problem

I’ll be okay.” Joy, however, is looking forward to what happens. In other words,

and work through it. This could include a personal fitness regimen: by creating

mindfulness is a precondition to joy.

a physical obstacle for you to overcome, you’ll be more in tune with your

Why should I have joy?

emotions, which will thereby make you in tune with the emotions of others.

Joy provides you with three vital attributes. First, a protection from ailments:

The impact of technology

a state of joy reduces the impact of illnesses and improves resilience. Second,

Over the past 10-15 years, the digital revolution has added difficulty to people’s

an improvement in how you present yourself to the world: beauty, luster,

lives, with physical activities and connections weakening. The rapid rise of AI

and radiance all come from an internal and foundational state of joy. Third,

will widen that disparity exponentially. The solution is to find our internal

an increase in opportunities. When you’re in a state of joy, you’re not bogged

place, a constant within ourselves, and build our capacity so that whatever

down by your problems, which makes you able to see what’s happening in your

change comes, we’re in a good place. For this reason, Indic wellness is not

life more clearly. This perceptiveness makes you aware of opportunities that

only important: in a digital age, it’s necessary.

you otherwise wouldn’t have noticed. So, a state of joy makes opportunities

The path to change

chase you, instead of the other way around.

Everybody has the capability to change - it’s merely a question of degree and

How do I obtain joy?

time. People find the path of change difficult because the path isn’t aligned

The way to achieve a state of joy is to live an aligned life. Every human has a

to them. Indic wellness helps you find this unique pathway through a variety

unique essential nature and a unique context of life. When your context of life is

of activities: whether it is enhancing your physical discipline through ancient

congruent with your essential nature, you have an aligned life. For example, if

martial arts, bringing art into your life, making you savor the tactile beauty of

a part of your essential nature is that you enjoy cold weather, and your context

living soil, or exposing you to the spiritual concepts. These carefully selected

of life is that you live in a place with cold weather, then that aspect of your life

pathways will align your life to who you truly are—and thereby making you

is aligned. When your essential nature and your context of life are not aligned,

able to lead a joyful and fulfilling life.

then you are misaligned, which prevents you from achieving joy. What can you

If you would like to learn more and become a part of our community, please

do if your life is misaligned? You can’t change your essential nature because

visit us at


Best Holistic Life April 2024



You’ve probably heard of “manifesting,” but what is

to make that new empowered choice.

conscious manifesting? The truth is, we live in a vibrational

Until you do, you cannot attract or maintain higher vibrational

world where we are always manifesting something. Every

results, and it will keep you feeling stuck and unable to

word, thought, emotion or action you take has a vibrational

manifest what you truly desire. Once you become aware of

resonance to it, and the universe is always sending you

the fact that you have complete control over your choices

a vibrational match in terms of people, situations and

to clear karma by making purposeful choices to create a


new outcome, you can make extraordinary leaps forward.

This process happens whether you are aware of it or not; it’s

Your Akashic Record:

due to the Law of Attraction and a host of other universal

Every action you take is energetically recorded in your

laws that govern our experience here in the physical realm.

Akashic Record. It stores information about your soul gifts,

So, you have a choice: you can either dismiss the idea that

your chosen life experiences, and your karma. You probably

the negativity showing up in your life is a direct result of

are not aware of this, but you are always interacting with

your low vibration, or you can consciously and intentionally

your Akashic Record! The information stored there serves

work toward creating a more positive outcome instead.

as a driver for each of your life experiences, allowing you

I call it the Art of Conscious Manifesting, and it includes

to engage in the lessons you chose to have, clear karma

clearing your karma, mastering timeline jumping and a

that is holding you back, and encourage you to choose

spiritual tool called the Akashic Records.

your highest potential in any one lifetime.

Clearing Your Karma

When you resist those experiences that your Akashic

Every soul comes in with karma, which is the energy of

Record presents to you, you will feel stuck and unable to

choices you made in a past life that did not align to you

manifest your desires. The good news is that your Akashic

and needs to be balanced out through new empowered

Record can be accessed intuitively to help you understand

action. It will remain with your soul for as many lifetimes

why things are happening in your life, and new choices

as it takes to clear it. Karma, just like everything else, has

you can make to overcome challenges. I teach you how

a frequency and vibration and will cause you to repeatedly

in my Akashic Records Healing Course, “Live a Soul-

attract results of similar vibration, giving you an opportunity

Powered Life!”

K a r ma , T i m e l i n e s , a n d A ka s h i c R e c o r d s : Th e A r t o f C o n s c i o u s M a n i f e s t i n g



Best Holistic Life April 2024

K a r ma , T i m e l i n e s , a n d A ka s h i c R e c o r d s : Th e A r t o f C o n s c i o u s M a n i f e s t i n g

Timeline Jumping

so ill and could not see a way out of it. This is common for

A timeline is an energy pathway that is opened whenever

people who are so entrenched in their karmic patterns that

you make a new choice, allowing that choice to play out

they simply don’t see the negativity they’ve created for

toward a particular outcome. We always have a myriad

themselves, which often leads to physical disease. I did

of timelines available to us, each leading to a different

a series of Akashic Readings to help her see that she was

outcome. We have free will to choose any timeline we

simply repeating lifetimes of karmic people-pleasing and

want. Moreover, we can change the timeline we are on at

over-giving to the point of accepting abuse in her marriage

any time. This is what’s known as “timeline jumping.”

and control by a dominating parent in this lifetime.

Most people stay on one timeline for their entire life. But

The constant negative energy she kept herself in led to

if you want a different future, you must be willing to make

her physical illness. We worked on clearing her karma

the necessary changes in your life that will place you on

which helped her see her empowerment. She finally got

that new timeline. But ego can make this challenging.

to the point where she could create healthier boundaries

When you choose a new timeline, you don’t know how

in her relationships and enjoy longer periods of remission

it’s going to end, and this upsets the ego which tries to

from her disease. Then she asked me to help her manifest

“keep you safe” by creating resistance to “unnecessary

a future in which she had a different career earning more

risks.” We are taught to make decisions based on the

money. It was through her Akashic Record that I guided

results of past choices, but timeline jumping involves

her on new actions she needed to take to jump to that

making decisions from an unknown future. Here is where

desired timeline and the experiences she could expect

the Akashic Records come in handy once again. Not only

along the way.

can you clear past-life karma in your Akashic Record,

If you want to become a conscious manifestor by learning

but you can also extrapolate out into future potentials by

to access your Akashic Record, visit

examining available timelines.

for more information.

A Real-Life Example:

Soul Empowerment Bundle: A 10-minute chakra balancing

Carol came to me about 5 years ago with chronic anxiety

meditation and 12 printable affirmation cards.

and auto-immune disease. She had no idea why she was



Best Holistic Life April 2024


At Be Humanitarian, our mission is to inspire individuals to

It was a big shift. Before my parents got divorced, I don't

become Global Citizens, taking an active role in our world

remember any holidays where we received the support or

through service. My journey from being a welfare recipient

kindness of strangers but suddenly we became the recipi-

during my childhood to founding a non-profit organization

ents of others' generosity.

as an adult has been deeply influenced by a story that has

We received a new pair of shoes thanks to a local nonprofit

always resonated with me: 'The Star Thrower', published in

called Quarters for Christmas and the joy of our Christmas


mornings were provided by strangers who had donated gifts

The story talks of a time after a fierce storm when a young

to my siblings and me. Although we were quite poor, my mom

girl walked along the beach which was covered with sea stars.

always taught us that we too could serve. At the same time we

She was gently throwing them back into the sea as people

were receiving our holiday gifts from others, our family would

watched with amusement. An old man walked up to her and

choose a family in the neighborhood who had been strug-

said to the little girl, “Why are you wasting your time? You

gling that year. Maybe a family had had a death, or a job loss,

certainly can't make a difference for all of them, there are just

or suffered an accident. We would choose that family and for

too many.” The little girl seemed to be deflated. She stood still

12 days, we would secretly deliver gifts off on their doorstep.

for a moment and then went down, picked up another sea star

This was before ring cameras existed, thankfully, where you

and gently threw it back into the ocean. She looked up with

could run up to a door, knock loudly, run fast and not get

the termination in her eyes and said, “Well I made a differ-

caught. It was so much of the fun hiding in the bushes wait-

ence for that one.” The man was so impressed with her that

ing for the family to pick up their gifts. We made sure that

he too began throwing sea stars into the sea. The onlookers

the secret was kept. For 12 nights, we would wrap simple gifts

got up from their towels and blankets and they too, began to

such as one Christmas candle, two beautiful poinsettias, three

help. It seems like these individuals needed a leader. They just

holiday books, eight Christmas oranges and nine juicy apples.

needed to be shown what was possible.

Year after year, we never let the secret slip.

When I was 10 years old my mom left my dad and moved my

As I matured, the seed of service planted by my mother

family from Texas to Utah. My mom suddenly became a single

continued to grow. When I was in the 8th grade, I decided I

mom to six children aged 6 months to 12 years. We went from

wanted to host a coat drive. I talked to my mom and looked

what I always thought was a normal family to a family living

through our coat closet and believed I could collect several

on welfare. We received food because of our food stamps and

coats, however I also realized that if I had others involved,

our rent was paid due to housing.

we could collect much more together. I talked to a few of my

F rom W e l fa r e R ec i p i e n t to N o n P ro f i t Fo u n d e r



Best Holistic Life April 2024

F rom W e l fa r e R ec i p i e n t to N o n P ro f i t Fo u n d e r

teachers and was able to get others in the 8th grade class involved. With the help of dozens of students, we were able to collect hundreds of coats. It was so impressive that the local paper came to interview us about our project. It was then that I realized that serving together can make a bigger impact. It was also then that I learned that I could be a leader for good. When I was 17, I had the opportunity to backpack through Europe with two of my best friends. After seeing how so many people lived, my mom said that I had returned as a different person who looked at the world through different lenses. Witnessing diverse cultures, varied socio-economic landscapes, and the stark realities of inequality, I returned home with a profound shift in perspective. It ignited within me a desire to not just witness change but to actively be a part of it. When I became a mom, I wanted our girls to also be able to see the world through the lens of travel. Over 11 years ago, when our daughters were 6 and 10 years old, I talked my husband into driving from our home in Pleasant Grove, Utah to the small country of Guatemala. I was looking for an adventure for our family and Guatemala fit the bill. I was hired to teach English while my husband volunteered his nursing skills and our girls got to attend school. During the weekends, we would volunteer and explore the country. I discovered that many children in the orphanage had living parents nearby. This realization struck a chord within me, igniting a new mission to protect families. It was then that I decided that I wanted to work with families to protect that fragile unit and work to strengthen individual families. Now, with Be Humanitarian, I have the honor of working directly with impoverished families in Guatemala; and over the last 11 years, we've delivered thousands of pounds of books, backpacks and school supplies. We've installed wood burning stoves, water filters and built hundreds of gardens and provided tens of thousands of meals to the families in need. Each month, we ensure that our community of 31 kiddos gets breakfast and lunch and that all of their educational costs are covered. Through Be Humanitarian, I've come to realize that the collective effort of individuals can transform lives and communities. It's not just about providing aid; it's about empowering individuals to create lasting change. This remote Guatemalan Community is my beach of sea stars. I am determined to make a difference in their lives. I'm excited to invite you to find your own beach of sea stars. I invite you to find something that resonates with you, something that you can do to make the world a better place. I invite you to be humanitarian.

Connect with Tobie:



Best Holistic Life April 2024

Th e P i t f a l l s o f D a t i n g a s a D i s t r a c t i o n


Ending a relationship can be the worst!

This will help you make healthier choices

Being a mindset coach means helping people

and avoid unhealthy relationships.

face whatever stops them, and a HUGE place

Here are a few reasons why dating isn’t a

many people feel stuck is in dating.

great distraction:

Entering the dating scene, especially after a

It prevents you from truly processing your

difficult relationship, may seem like a good

emotions. When you start a new relation-

way to move on. You’ve most likely heard the

ship right away, you may be avoiding feel-

saying: “There’s no better way to get OVER

ings that need more time to process and

someone than to get UNDER someone else.”

this can lead to unresolved feelings that can

Dating produces happy chemical feelings of

come back to haunt you later on.

excitement and interest. You can use those

Unresolved Issues:

fun “love chemicals” to push away the pain

Jumping into a new relationship without

from a challenging past relationship and just

addressing the wounds from the difficult one

skip right on.

means carrying emotional baggage. Unre-

DON’T! Why? Dating before you’re ready

solved issues can manifest in the new rela-

can be an unhealthy coping mechanism. If

tionship, hindering its potential.

it’s being used to distract you from what you

It can set you up for disappointment. If

need to do - it’s a pitfall. It’s a way of numb-

you're not fully healed you may be more

ing yourself from what is going on and what

likely to get into a new relationship with

you need to focus on: YOU! Your LIFE!

someone who is not right for you. This can

If you're considering entering the dating

lead to disappointment and heartache. You

scene after a difficult relationship, it's

can start to put too much attachment on

important to take time to heal and process

this new person, and it’s not sustainable or

your emotions first.




Best Holistic Life April 2024

Lack of Authentic Connection:

and putting the other “new” person on a pedestal since they are

Using dating as a distraction might prevent genuine emotional

“so much healthier than my last relationship!“

connection. The focus could be on escaping emotional pain rather

Healing Hacks to Turn Your Life Around:

than building a relationship based on mutual understanding and

1. Reflect and Recharge: Take a moment to reflect on past rela-

shared values. It can damage your self-esteem. If you're using dating as a way

tionships, understand where things went wrong, and identify areas of personal growth.

to avoid dealing with your emotions, you may start to feel like

2. Seek a Professional: A professional coach can help process the

you're not good enough unless you're in a relationship or you’ll

emotional aftermath of a difficult relationship. They can provide

feel insecure in a new relationship. This can damage your self-es-

tools to cope with trauma, build resilience, and develop health-

teem and make it difficult to form healthy relationships in the future.

ier relationship skills. 3. Boundaries are Key: Establish personal boundaries and commu-

It can attract the wrong people to you. Dating isn’t just about

nicate them with clarity. Knowing what you need in a relation-

going out, it’s WHO you go out with. If we haven’t resolved our

ship and enforcing those boundaries helps to avoid unhealthy

wounds from the past relationship we are 10x more likely to

patterns and cultivate healthier connections.

attract people based on our wounds; ones who aren’t healthy for

4. Build a Support System: Surround yourself with a supportive

us. Everyone thinks they’re fine until they realize they aren’t.

network of friends and family who will be there for you through

“But I’m totally over it!”

thick and thin.

Repeating Patterns:

5. Take a Break: Sometimes the best way to heal is to take a break

Without introspection, there's a risk of repeating patterns from

from dating and focus on yourself. Use this time to reconnect

the toxic relationship. Unconscious behaviors and choices may

with your values, understand what you want in a relationship,

lead to similar dynamics, perpetuating the cycle of toxicity. This

and cultivate a sense of independence.

is especially true if you had patterned behavior in your last rela-

6. Mindfulness Matters: Incorporate mindfulness practices

tionship you don’t like! Things like co-dependency, enabling,

into your daily routine, such as meditation and mindfulness,

people-pleasing, fear of abandonment, etc.

which help in staying present, managing stress, and foster-

It takes your focus away from what needs your attention. The idea

ing emotional well-being. Move your body, nourish yourself

that the past relationship was tough and you might just want to

with good food, and get plenty of de-stressing rest! And the

enjoy the fun chemicals of attraction, doesn’t help you deal with

final hack:

the issues or the chaos in your life. Think of the past relationship

7. Be Realistic: When you do decide to date again, be realistic and

like scorched earth, and to be able to rebuild you must clear off

patient. Healing is a process, and building a healthy relation-

the brush and ashes to start anew.

ship takes time. Set realistic expectations for yourself and your

It’s a band-aid that might lead to burnout: Dating, especially if

potential partner.

it’s being used as a distraction might provide temporary relief,

You’ve got this!

but it can lead to emotional burnout. Unprocessed emotions from

Stop sabotaging your own happiness! Download this checklist and

the toxic relationship may resurface, causing strain on the new

look at the most common 8 ways it happens:


Expectations you may not even realize you have might show up: upset at the little things, seeing flags or not seeing the red flags,

Connect with Theresa:




Best Holistic Life April 2024


Embarking on the journey of longevity alongside my 17-year-

itizing quality sleep, regular exercise, and maintaining a posi-

old son, I find immense inspiration in the prospect of unravel-

tive mindset.

ing the secrets to a prolonged and vibrant life. This expedition

To enhance longevity through nutrition, reduce sugar intake and

is more than a mere exploration; it's a shared commitment to

include plenty of vegetables, nuts, and olive oil in your diet. In

understanding the fundamental principles that foster well-be-

Okinawa, I learned the importance of eating 80 percent full to

ing and resilience across diverse cultures.

avoid obesity.

We engage in discussions with some of the most remarkable

For optimal sleep, aim for 7-9 hours nightly, avoid alcohol or THC

scientists and advocates globally, immersing ourselves in the core

three hours before bedtime, refrain from exercise in the three

of their research. Engaging in a comprehensive exploration, we

hours leading up to sleep, reduce exposure to overhead light, and

are experimenting with a spectrum of practices, ranging from

limit screen time before bed.

mindfulness and adhering to Blue-Zone diets to incorporating

Longevity entails a daily minimum of 30 minutes of exercise, and

cutting-edge technological advancements.

the predominant challenge lies in convenience-driven choices,

“Live your best life using all Longevity / Biohacking tools today

but with the right mindset, one can overcome this challenge.

that you can ... until scientists unlock Radical Life Extension &

To maintain long-lasting well-being, cultivate a positive mind-

Longevity Escape Velocity.”

set through retreats, breathwork, and mindfulness. Avoid discon-

Armed with curiosity and a deep yearning for understanding, I

tentment and focus on self-love. Stay curious, watch documen-

have constructed a "Longevity Map '' that crossed international

taries, and read scientific advancements to stay motivated and


healthy for years to come.

Going through different branches of the longevity tree.

Level 2: Biohacking Upgrades

Level 1: The Basics of Longevity

“Biohacking means influencing our biological software to extend

Incorporating specific practices into your life could potentially

our healthspan and lifespan, in order to make it long enough —

extend your lifespan by 5-10 years. While this may seem modest,

so that in the meantime scientists discover, test and implement

numerous scientists posit that adopting these habits is crucial

solutions that will allow for Radical Life Extension.”

to ensuring one's vitality and well-being until more radical life

After building on the basics, you use the advanced tools and inter-

extension measures become available.

ventions available today or on the horizon.

A health-conscious lifestyle encompasses mindful eating, prior-

Wearable technology has swiftly evolved, becoming an essential

Fo l l owin g a Lon g e v ity M a p : A Father - S on Q u est f or Lon g e v ity A ro u nd the W or l d



Best Holistic Life April 2024

tool for health-conscious individuals. It enables the tracking of various

In the near future, we anticipate 3D bioprinting to provide us with

health metrics like sleep quality, blood sugar levels, heart rate vari-

personalized spare parts for our bodies. This will add decades to our

ability, oxygen saturation, and stress levels.

lives while eliminating the need for cloning.

Longevity supplements and medications, including NAD, berberine,

Genetic therapy and klotho therapy are promising treatments for

and resveratrol, are being increasingly used to promote a healthier

aging, muscle loss, and memory loss, while CRISPR-9 gene editing

lifestyle alongside vitamins D3, K2, and magnesium.

and nanobiotechnology aim to introduce nanorobots for cellular-level

“We need NAD, but it decreases as we get older. NMN can help instantly


to replenish it.” - David A. Sinclair, Co-Director of the Paul F. Glenn

RLE is not science fiction — it’s science fact. It is fueled by the expo-

Center for Biology of Aging Research at Harvard Medical School.

nential growth of technology, biotech, and medicine - supported by

Health practices that are available to everyone today, like sauna

AI tools and brilliant minds of the LGVT industry. So, the rejuvenation

sessions, cold plunges, and red light therapy, are helping to promote

technology will appear sooner than we think.

physical rejuvenation and overall well-being.

Helicopter view of Longevity Field

Psychedelic substances like psilocybin and MDMA-induced therapy

Let this be a resounding reminder that Longevity is no longer confined

have shown promise in treating conditions such as depression, anxi-

to the realm of science fiction—it is a tangible reality within our grasp.

ety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Remember, your mindset is

Contrary to popular belief, it's not an exclusive privilege for billion-

the foundation of everything, so prioritize its care and don't hesitate

aires; it is a path open to everyone. The time to embark on this jour-

to seek healing for depression or trauma.

ney is not in some distant future but NOW.

Radical Life Extension

As we stand at the cusp of technological breakthroughs, Radical

The tools for radical life extension (RLE) delve into cutting-edge tech-

Life Extension is not a distant dream; it's a horizon we are rapidly

nologies with the potential to revolutionize the field of longevity. This

approaching. So, let us collectively take charge of our well-being,

encompasses genetic therapies, 3D bioprinting, advanced stem cell

embrace the possibilities, and stride into a future where longevity is a

treatments, CRISPR-9, nanobiotechnology, and other innovative tech-

shared and achievable aspiration for all.


So stay hopeful - and in the meantime do everything you can from this

Liz Parrish, CEO and Founder at Bioviva, Genetic Therapies: “We right

Longevity Map - to stay as healthy as possible for another 20-30 years.

now have the technology that I think could help everyone live long enough to see the technology that will make it so you can live almost indefinitely.”

Connect with Marek:


THE AFTERLIFE FREQUENCY World-renowned 4th generation psychic medium, near-death experiencer, and Oxford-educated attorney Mark Anthony, JD, The Psychic Explorer® bridges the divide between faith and science in this fascinating afterlife exploration, taking you around the globe, from the cosmic to the subatomic, and into the human soul itself. Combining physics, neuroscience, and riveting true stories, this book explains the scientific basis for Consciousness, Near-Death Experiences, Shared Death Experiences, and all forms of After Death Communication. For more information on The Afterlife Frequency, Mark’s webpage and YouTube channel go to:



Best Holistic Life April 2024

L i f e ’ s U n s e e n J o u r n e y: A ta l e o f 1 0 Y e a r s


Seatbelts everyone…

be caught dead sharing the majority of what I am about to

It would have been nice if life had given a safety warning

share on their instagram feed.

prior to taking off; You know, much like you receive once

Most of it isn’t pretty.

you are securely strapped in on a roller coaster.

All of it requires humility.

Although, instead of the warning being “keep your arms and

And, it certainly, retrospectively, puts everything perfectly

legs inside the ride at all times” it would sound more like

in its place when it comes to understanding my experiences

“Keep your head up, heart open, and remember, you only get

in life…

one shot at this.. and.. you agreed to all of it… even the hard

Without further adieu, my last 10 years…

stuff. Enjoy the ride and see you on the other side”

As an aside, I am going to ask you, the reader, to think about

While I understand many parts of this now on the other side

what your version of this looks like.

of the 10 years I have just been through, as I was navigating


those 10 years, I felt anything but seen, supported, and I

• Became a SINGLE mom

would have likely thrown a punch your way if you told me I

• Delivered a premature baby via emergency c-section

had chosen all of it.

• Went back to work at 8 weeks postpartum after an

I get it now.

unpaid leave

And can see how I indeed chose all of it… even that hard parts.

• Experienced postpartum psychosis at 9 months

What could those last 10 years have possibly entailed for me

• Moved back in with my parents

to start off the article in such a way?!

• Got a new job… + then another new job

Well, you are in luck, I am going to run you through the

• Broke my hand

highlight reel of the last 10 years…

• One of my dogs died

I say "highlight" loosely knowing how it’s applied in the age

• Worked 50+ hours a week + was on call

of social media we live in; If anything, most people wouldn’t

• Evicted my tenants not paying rent



Best Holistic Life April 2024

• Oversaw $42,000 renovations (of which I didn't have)


due to damage by my previous tenants to make my house

• We moved AGAIN

livable again

• Navigated the immigration process, PTSD, little medical

• Discovered I was experiencing Lyme AND mycoxotoc-

support, + figuring out what life looked like as a family

ity symptoms …Still working 50+ hours a week….and still

• another move

on call…

• The business had grown at a rapid pace

• Planned a wedding

• I had a podcast, a team, + multiple communities

• Sold my house

• We held our first retreat

• Quit my job

• My son started a new school + ended up with persistent

• Moved (again)

health issues that carried on for months without resolve

• Started school

• Held another retreat while my marriage, my mental,

• Moved (again) to another country…was left homeless by the military for 6 weeks • Started my practice + was still in school • My husband was sent away to training for his role within the military

emotional, + physical capacity hit a breaking point as did many of my relationships both personally and professionally When you look at it laid out.. The breakdown all of bodies of health makes complete sense.

• I was alone in a new country with a new business still

I am going to take it a step further and say it makes sense as

in school while running a house hold as a single parent

to why this year, 2023, was the first year where the particles

2019-2023: • My husband experienced a devastating injury that left

in suspension came crashing down and the real healing began. • A complete clear out of the old

him incapable of sitting or standing for long periods

• A complete stripping down of what was

of time; unable to work he began the process of medi-

• A complete creating space for what we are bringing in

cal retirement • Began the green card process

So, with that being said, I am going to ask you…

• Moved (again) + was separated from my husband for

What about yours?

months • 2020 happened

👉 virtual learning for a 5 year old 👉m y husband barely made it across the boarder on the

Does your story, when seen in reflection, paint a clearer picture as to what has been and perhaps why? Wishing you all the spaciousness in this new year. Big love, T

day it closed

👉 I was running my business from my parents guest

Connect with Taylor:

L i f e ’ s U n s e e n J o u r n e y: A ta l e o f 1 0 Y e a r s



Best Holistic Life April 2024

THE PRACTICE OF SOUL GAZING: HOW TO DEEPEN AN Y RE LAT IONSHIP BY D I PA L S H A H In the modern era maintaining a deep and meaningful bond with others is a

tions of the outside world fade away, allowing for a more genuine exchange.


Lastly, soul gazing serves as a remarkable tool for reigniting romance within

A few years ago, I embarked on a journey that would forever change the way

a relationship. By guiding partners back to the essence of their connection

I viewed connection in relationships. It wasn't a grand gesture or an extrav-

through intense eye contact, this practice has the potential to rekindle passion

agant adventure; instead, it was a practice rooted in ancient wisdom called

and remind couples of the profound love that initially brought them together.

Soul Gazing. This simple yet profound experience transcended the limita-

To incorporate soul gazing into your relationship, consider

tions of verbal communication, offering me a unique avenue to explore the

the following step-by-step guide:

depths of connection between people. Little did I know that this ancient art

Set the Mood: Choose a quiet and comfortable environment conducive to inti-

would unfold into an experience that would leave an indelible mark with a

macy. Dim the lights, light candles, or create an ambiance that fosters a sense

person I didn’t even know.

of serenity.

Soul gazing is more than a simple exchange of glances; it's a deliberate and

Comfortable Seating Arrangement: Position yourselves facing each other in

intentional act that involves looking into the eyes of your partner for an

a comfortable seating arrangement. The goal is to maintain eye level, whether

extended period. This practice is rooted in the belief that the eyes are windows

sitting cross-legged on the floor, on a bed, or in chairs.

to the soul, and by engaging in this intimate gaze, you and the other person

Establish Eye Contact: Begin the practice by gently locking eyes with your

can establish a connection that goes beyond the surface. In the silent exchange

partner. Initially, there might be a sense of awkwardness, but allow yourself

of gazes we had unearthed a soul level experience beyond the constraints of

to relax into the gaze.

time. The tears were a testament to the depth of our connection, revealing the

Release Expectations: Let go of preconceived notions and expectations.

pain and joy that our spirit had experienced in this lifetime. During the few

Embrace the silence and allow the connection to unfold naturally, without

minutes of soul gazing, it felt as though we had known each other for an eter-

the need for verbal communication.

nity, a timeless connection forged through the unspoken language of the soul.

Embrace Vulnerability: As the gaze continues, open yourself to vulnerabil-

Soul Gazing is something everyone should experience, it is the only way you

ity. Share your emotions through your eyes, and be receptive to the emotions

really get to know and understand someone beyond this reality. You can soul

your partner expresses.

gaze with anyone whether it is your partner, friend, relative or even some-

Gradual Progression: Start with shorter sessions, gradually increasing the

one you don’t know.

duration as you become more comfortable with the practice. Soul gazing is a

Engaging in the practice of Soul Gazing holds transformative potential for

skill that can be developed over time.

various facets of a relationship:

Reflect and Share: After the session, take a moment to reflect individually

Firstly, as you lock eyes, the barriers of everyday life begin to dissolve, paving

on the experience. Share your thoughts and feelings with your partner, deep-

the way for a profound exchange of emotions and vulnerabilities. This deep

ening the understanding between you and reinforcing the connection forged

emotional connection forms the basis of a more authentic and intimate bond.

during soul gazing.

Secondly, the act of soul gazing fosters trust by providing a space where indi-

Soul gazing is a powerful and transformative practice that can bring profound

viduals can embrace authenticity and vulnerability without the shadow of

benefits. is a transformative journey into the depths of human connection.

judgment. The silent communication through the eyes weaves a foundation

The echoes of shared moments of silence reverberate long after the gaze is

of trust that extends beyond the limitations of verbal expression.

broken, leaving an indelible mark on the way we communicate, understand,

Thirdly, soul gazing becomes a powerful enhancer of communication by

and love. Soul Gazing is an invitation to embark on an intimate exploration,

promoting a non-verbal understanding between partners. The heightened

an art that, when practiced with intention, can illuminate the path to endur-

awareness cultivated during this practice allows for a more profound connec-

ing connection and the timeless beauty of love.

tion, facilitating a better understanding of each other's needs and desires.

To enjoy soul gazing practices on an intuitive level, take the 8 Ultimate Senses

Additionally, soul gazing encourages mindfulness, urging both individuals to

Intuitive Quiz and find out what your 2 strongest Intuitive abilities are.

be fully present in the moment. This shared presence not only strengthens the connection between partners but also creates a sacred space where the distrac-

Connect with Dipal:

Th e p r a c t i c e o f S o u l G az i n g : H o w t o D e e p e n A n y R e l a t i o n s h i p



B e s t H o l i s t i c L i f e A p r i l 2 0 2 4 > CO V ER STOR Y




Cha r t i n g t h e C o u r s e o f S p i r i t ua l A c t i va t i o n



Best Holistic Life April 2024

Unlocking Your Energetic Potential


Can you share the inspiration behind writing "The Spiritual Activator" and creating the 5-step energy detox program? The inspiration came from my own journey through life's challenges. I wanted to share my experiences and the steps I took to overcome them, helping others find joy, love, happiness, and a clear sense of purpose. In your book, you mention that energetic blocks can manifest as negative beliefs and emotions. Can you explain how these blocks affect our physical and emotional well-being? Energetic blocks, often manifesting as negative beliefs and emotions, have profound effects on our physical and emotional well-being. They're like barriers preventing us from experiencing life fully, sometimes causing physical conditions and negative emotions. Clearing these blocks is crucial for overall wellness.



Best Holistic Life April 2024

Could you provide an overview of the 5-step energy reset process and how it helps remove these blocks? The 5-step process involves protective, cleansing, and elevating energy techniques, combined with exploring personal gifts and purpose. It's designed to clear the system of negative energies, paving the way for a life aligned with one's true purpose.

Can you share a success story or testimonial from one of your clients who experienced significant transforma-

You've mentioned that traumas, ancestral roots, and

tion after using your healing techniques?

environmental factors can contribute to energetic

One remarkable transformation involved a client with

blocks. How do you help people identify and address

severe social anxiety, preventing her from visiting grocery

these root causes?

stores for 15 years. After learning energy protection tech-

By exploring personal histories, including traumas and

niques from me, she managed a full grocery shopping trip

ancestral roots, and understanding environmental

alone, feeling calm throughout. This breakthrough drasti-

impacts, we work towards identifying the core of these

cally shifted her life perspective, inspiring her to fearlessly

energetic blocks to effectively address and heal them.

chase her dreams.

Unlocking Your Energetic Potential

You've worked with a wide range of clients, including celebrities like Demi Moore and Tony Robbins. What are some common challenges they face, and how does your approach help them? Celebrities often face intense pressure and scrutiny, which can create unique energetic blocks. My approach helps them find balance and alignment, leading to greater peace and fulfillment. How did you become interested in energy healing, and what led you to create Geo Love Healing? My journey into energy healing was largely self-taught, driven by a deep desire to understand and channel divine wisdom and healing powers for the benefit of others. In your opinion, what sets your healing methodology apart from other energy healing approaches available today? What sets my methodology apart is its simplicity, holistic approach, and the rapid effectiveness it offers in aligning one's energy with the universe's purpose.



Best Holistic Life April 2024

Unlocking Your Energetic Potential

Your healing often takes effect after just one session.

How do you help individuals tap into a higher power

Can you explain how this rapid transformation is

and discover their purpose through energy healing?


Through energy healing, we clear blocks that hinder our

The rapid transformation is possible due to the intense

connection to a higher power, allowing us to discover

focus on unblocking and realigning energy, which often

and pursue our true purpose with clarity and conviction.

creates immediate and profound changes in one's state of being.

Can you share any personal anecdotes or experiences that have deepened your understanding of energy

Many people are unfamiliar with the concept of acti-

healing and spiritual activation?

vating and mastering their spiritual gifts. Could you

My personal experiences, including profound moments

elaborate on what this means and how it benefits

of spiritual awakening and healing, have deepened my


understanding and ability to guide others in their spiri-

Activating and mastering spiritual gifts involves under-

tual journey.

standing and harnessing one's innate abilities for greater purpose and fulfillment, leading to a life that is more in

You've trained people from more than 60 countries.

tune with the universe.

What challenges or opportunities do you see in working with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds?

What advice do you have for someone new to energy

Working with diverse cultures has been enriching, high-

healing and wanting to start their journey towards

lighting the universal nature of energy and spiritual connec-

well-being and spiritual growth?

tion, transcending cultural barriers.

Start with an open heart and mind. Embrace practices like meditation and self-reflection, and be patient with

Your book emphasizes the importance of returning to

yourself as you embark on this journey of self-discov-

our natural state of clear, energetic well-being. What

ery and healing.

steps can readers take to maintain this state in their daily lives?

Your work encompasses various aspects of the ener-

To maintain this state, practice regular energy cleansing

getic system, from auras to DNA. Could you describe

rituals, stay grounded in your purpose, and continually

how these different elements play a role in our over-

nurture your spiritual and emotional health.

all health and happiness? Elements like auras and DNA are integral to our over-

Are there any specific meditation or energy-clear-

all health and happiness. They are part of our ener-

ing practices that you recommend to enhance one's

getic blueprint and play a crucial role in how we inter-

well-being and connection to higher power?

act with the world and manifest our desires.

I recommend daily meditation, engaging in practices that ground and align your energy, and regularly connecting with your inner self for guidance and clarity.



Best Holistic Life April 2024

How do you envision the future of energy healing and spiritual activation? What trends or developments do you anticipate in this field? The future holds an expanded awareness and acceptance of these practices, with more people embracing energy healing as a path to holistic well-being. Can you provide some insights into your daily routine and self-care practices that help you maintain your own energy balance and vitality? My routine includes meditation, spending time in nature, and engaging in activities that keep my energy balanced and my spirit aligned with my purpose. Finally, what message or words of encouragement would you like to share with our readers who are seeking greater abundance, purpose, and happiness in their lives? Stay true to your path, trust in your abilities, and remain open to the universe's guidance. Abundance and happiness are within your reach when you align with your true self and purpose.

Meet Oliver Nino Unlock Your Hidden Healing AbilitiesFree Webinar on the 8 'Psychic Senses' You Might Possess and Their Powerful Functions

Unlocking Your Energetic Potential



Best Holistic Life April 2024

FINDING HEALING BEYOND THE BODY AND MIND BY D R . TA R A S A L AY PT, D PT, RY T- 5 0 0 When we contemplate the concept of healing, our thoughts often gravitate

While my current role involves assisting people in improving flexibility,

towards the physical body. This is understandably so, as many of us who grew

strengthening muscles, and helping them with calming their minds, these

up in the West are taught this concept from a young age: the health of our

endeavors are approached in a manner that acknowledges the importance

body directly dictates our health. While the health of the physical body does

of the soul. When my clients are ready, we open the doorway to spiritual

indeed have an impact on our overall health, experiencing true health goes


much deeper than this.

And please remember that spiritual healing does not mean that you should

The Mind Body Connection

ignore modern medicine, modern medicine is a gift that should be utilized in

Being a physical therapist, my own focus was initially centered on healing the

addition to spiritual healing.

physical body. However, throughout my career I started to see and understand

What can you do to work on your spiritual health?

the intricate connection between the body and the mind. The state of one

In terms of what you can do to care for your spiritual health, there really isn’t

profoundly influences the other; the body affects the mind, just as the mind

one set path to take for a spiritual journey. While I could tell you a specific

affects the body. If you woke up in the morning with back pain, would you be in

stretch to do to stretch your hamstrings or a specific breathwork practice to

a good mood that morning? Probably not. Similarly if you had a very stressful

calm your nervous system, I can’t tell you specific spiritual practice that will

day at work, would your physical body feel its best? Probably not, you probably

be right for you.

do things to make your body feel good such as going to the gym etc.

While I do believe that many spiritual journeys lead us to the same conclusion,

After obtaining this realization and knowledge, my approach to healing

the path to get there is unique to each individual. While I offer guidance to

evolved, encompassing both the physical body and the mind.

my clients, it is really up to them to determine what resonates with them on

The Mind Body Soul Connection

a soul level.

It wasn’t until I started my own spiritual journey that I began to shift my

What awakens your spiritual side?

perspective again to understand that true healing comes from nurturing and

What calls to you?

awakening the soul. The inseparable connection between the body, mind,

The best advice I can give you is to be open to the beautiful exploration of

and soul became glaringly evident. The well-being of the body and mind is

spirituality. It’s an exploration and reawakening that holds the potential for

intrinsically linked to the vitality of the soul.

profound transformation. Taking the time to care for your spiritual health is

Throughout our human experience, there are inevitably periods when our

an important part of living holistically.

physical bodies do not meet our desired standard, or periods when our minds

Holistic Healing

struggle with stress that being human can bring. By nurturing our spiritual

The word holistic is used so often nowadays but what does it really mean?

health, we gain the capacity to confront these challenges on a deeper level

In terms of holistic healing, it means nurturing and caring for all aspects of

and create an environment for profound healing even when challenges arise.

one's being - body, mind, and soul. It entails a profound acknowledgment that

This does not imply neglecting the health of the body and mind while solely

an individual is more than just the physical body and the mind. True holistic

focusing on the soul/spirit. It is crucial to remember the interconnectedness

healing involves recognizing the inherent importance of every facet of our

of the three. Ignoring the health of the physical body or the mind is not in

being along our healing journey.

alignment with caring for the well-being of the spirit. In this life, your body

The interconnectedness of these three elements, body, mind, and soul, is the

and mind serve as vessels for your soul, and they too deserve attention and

foundation for a holistic approach to well-being. Each of the three parts play


a vital role in our human experience and all parts work together in synergy.

The crux of the matter is that, more often than not, we only prioritize the

Holistic healing, at its core, invites individuals to embrace the entirety of their

body and mind, neglecting our soul and spirit. Spiritual health is sometimes

existence on their healing journeys.

dismissed as "woo-woo" etc. However, connecting with your spirit brings about a sense of wholeness and creates an environment for deep healing to occur.

Connect with Dr. Salay:

F i n d i n g H e a l i n g B e y o n d Th e B o dy a n d M i n d



Best Holistic Life April 2024

Th e S o u r c e o f W e a l t h



Our thoughts, bodies,minds, sensations, emotions, energy is the source for all

seems to be one foot in the old and one foot in the new we are often slowing

of our wealth and prosperity.

down. Using times like this and creating times throughout the year for these

I have worked with thousands of women over the years who are yearning to

periods of slowing down allows what has been suppressed or what wants to

generate more money in their soul led business.

download and come though to come up. We can practice being a channel and

Your body is the answer to all of your money manifestations. The source of

watching with curiosity how our mind might do jumping jacks to avoid rest

wealth is YOU.

and how pulled we are to our addiction of working, fixing and doing. Use this

This is a year of prosperity and abundance and in order to create the freedom

time to observe and support yourself ( I use tons of yoga props from Hugger

and flow you want its time to slow down to speed up.

Mugger!) to support me as learn to wire myself for deepened states of rest,

This doesn’t mean we do nothing. Quite the contrary.

receiving and allowing instead of busying myself with more doing.

We deepen our medicine, we tap into our fire and we fiercely take aligned action

2. Tap into sensation in your body. Your body has a language and that

toward our visionary dreams.

language is sensation. Learning the language of your body is a rich way to

We make ideas come to life in the physical world and we honor ourselves every

integrate and learn true embodiment without the separation we often expe-

step of the way.

rience in our lives. We are a compilation of thoughts,feelings, sensations. We

When you shift your subconscious thoughts and sensations from fear, worry

are compiled and connected with divine intelligence as well as cellular intel-

and doubt you become unattached to the result and you focus on opening your

ligence and we carry with us memory and knowing that is stored within every

heart and falling in love with your wealth process which makes up your life!

part of our being. Often we think mindset is our money maker when strategy

Prosperity and Wealth is not a matter of education, training, working harder,

isn’t working but it is our embodied practice to be whole that is the source of

saving, investing, struggling or denying yourself.

our own wealth codes.

Prosperity lies in the power to possess and to mold our thoughts, feelings and

3. Understand the secret language of your body. That language could mean

actions turning your vast knowledge into dollars!

understanding your sensations or where your thoughts originate from or even

Did you know that this divine energy intellectually thinks through our brains,

getting clarity on your reactions and responses to situations/people/experi-

materializes through our words, feels through our emotions, speaks through

ences/certain environments that make you feel triggered but also give you

our sensations and repairs our depleted worn out tissues of our bodies?

glimmers of excitement, hope and abundance. It may also mean understand-

You no longer need to self abandon or self sacrifice or choose between your-

ing the emotional debt you carry. We don’t need to fix anything to heal. We

self or another or between yourself and success.

need to BE WITH ourselves and all of our parts and allow the nourishment and

Sacred success is calling you because its meant for you and its a whole new and

nurturing to naturally expand into our sacred success. No forcing, pushing or

refreshing way to create more money, wealth and prosperity.

persuading required!

So how do we create Sacred Success in a way that feels deeply embodied in

As you take these aligned actions you will tap into the fire that sparks your

honoring our own path of prosperity without the old way of pushing, selling

life force and activates a fresh perspective, prosperity and potency in your

and cajoling more urgency out of the very people who we are here to support

own unique life’s work. This will ignite a willingness to share that will bene-

and guide?

fit others but also create a wholeness that honors our sacredness as party of

Here are the top 3 ways to attune to your own source of

the tapestry that we are here to weave together. We are here to do our part and


when we are busy with all the things that we think will “get us there” sacred

1. Create a space for deep rest. This might sound luxurious or resistance

success becomes an illusion instead of an ignition. Time to deepen the well to

may come up at the thought of trying to create this type of time for a busy bee

attune to wealth inside of yourself so you may be your own source - now thats

like yourself but I promise what you discover will be gold. During the holiday

power and freedom!

season that lineman space between Christmas and New Years where everyone

Connect with Danielle:


Best Holistic Life April 2024


Lemongrass oil comes with a variety of properties such as analgesic, antibacterial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, insect repellant, revitalize, sedative, tonic, and vasodilator.

Eye Health Support Lemongrass helps promote awareness and release mental fatigue. It has been shown to aid in improved vision, reduce muscular dystrophy, and retina strengthening, reduce sprains or strains while repairing tissue and wounds, and improve ligament strength. Lemongrass helps get the oxygen flowing, which is essential for eye health support

Vasodilator When it comes to supporting your health, circulation is key to improving eye health. Lemongrass is a natural diuretic that helps eliminate edema and fluid retention. It is a natural anti-inflammatory, revitalization, sedative, and vasodilator. Lemongrass' ability to strengthen vascular walls allows for the strengthening of blood flow and circulation to vital areas such as eye health.

Air Purifier Unlike other organs, our eyes are constantly exposed to the elements. Regrettably, our air and environment are not always the best. Luckily, lemongrass is a natural antibacterial, antiseptic, and insect repellent. Its natural ability to remove air pollution and eliminate airborne bacteria makes it necessary to | anastasianio

support eye and respiratory health.

H ow m u ch do yo u l o v e Lemon g rass ?


Lemongrass Revitalizing Body Lotion


1/2 cup unscented lotion or carrier oil (such as coconut oil or sweet almond oil) 10-15 drops Lemongrass essential oil

Directions: Choose Base: Begin with an unscented lotion or carrier oil as your base. This will provide hydration and serve as a carrier for the essential oil. Mix Essential Oil: In a small bowl, add 10-15 drops of Lemongrass essential oil to the lotion or carrier oil. Lemongrass oil is known for its invigorating and refreshing properties. Blend Well: Stir the mixture thoroughly to ensure the essential oil is evenly distributed. Transfer: If using a carrier oil, you can transfer the Lemongrass Revitalizing Body Lotion to a small, clean container with a lid. Application: After a shower or whenever your skin needs a boost, apply a small amount of the lotion to your body. Focus on areas where you'd like to improve circulation or simply want to enjoy the uplifting scent of Lemongrass. Massage: Gently massage the lotion into your skin using circular motions. This promotes circulation and relaxation. Breathe Deeply: As you apply the lotion, take a few deep breaths to inhale the rejuvenating aroma of Lemongrass. This can help improve respiration and provide a refreshing sensation.

Repairing Mouthwash


10 mL rollerball bottle Fractionated Coconut oil 6-8 drops Lemongrass essential oil

Directions: Fill the rollerball bottle about 3/4 of the way with your chosen carrier oil. This will serve as the base for your rollerball blend. Add 6-8 drops of Lemongrass essential oil to the rollerball bottle. Lemongrass oil is known for its invigorating prop-

ration. Carefully insert the rollerball top into the bottle and secure it tightly. Gently roll the bottle between your palms to mix the essential oil with the carrier oil. Roll the blend onto pulse points such as wrists, temples, and the back of the neck. You can also apply it to your chest for the invigorating aroma to help with respiration. After applying the rollerball, take a moment to inhale the refreshing scent of Lemongrass deeply. This can help uplift your mood and improve your focus. | LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS

erties that can help increase circulation and improve respi-


Best Holistic Life April 2024



Have you ever wished you could go back in your life and have a

know that beneath the surface, deep-seated issues were quietly

do-over? Wash your slate clean and start from scratch making all


the changes that you now wish you would have? How would your

The facade of normalcy shattered during my pharmacy school

life be different? Your health? Your relationships?

years. The relentless demands pushed me to my limits, stripping

If you’re like most women, you have some regrets, and a few things

away the veneer of composure. One day, in a moment of sheer

you wish you could make disappear without a trace.

exhaustion and overwhelm, I collapsed, sobbing uncontrollably.

“How did I let myself get here?”

The reality was stark — I was everything but fine.

“If only I could get rid of my belly and that flab under my arms.”

The journey to heal and find my footing became a seven-year

“Why did I marry him or squander my life savings?”

transformative odyssey. Therapy, research, and self-help books

“Why did I allow my career to rule my life?”

became my companions as I delved into the intricate layers of

“I wish I would have spent more time with my husband or chil-

self-discovery. Just as the light at the end of the tunnel seemed

dren while I had the chance.”

within reach, life threw another curveball.

“Why was I too afraid to let myself reach my true potential?”

A mere nine months after beginning my dream job as a pharma-

And the list goes on…

cist at the prestigious Mayo Clinic, debilitating pain consumed me.

Let me take you back to a time when life seemed promising, but the

Fatigue and weakness confined me to a bed that became both my

cracks were beginning to show. A time when I, too, found myself

sanctuary and my prison. Seeking answers, I faced the grim reality

standing at the crossroads of regret and the burning desire for a

— my life and career were about to take a drastic turn.

new beginning.

Months turned into years as I lay in bed, wrestling not only with

As a teenager, I faced a devastating blow that shattered the foun-

physical agony but with a profound revelation. A revelation drawn

dation of my world — my parents' divorce. The upheaval left me

from over 1,500 peer-reviewed research studies — the undeniable

grappling with broken relationships and overwhelming emotions

impact of mental and emotional health on our physical well-being.

that, unbeknownst to me, would leave an indelible mark on my

Questions haunted me: “What if I had lived differently then? How

life's trajectory. In the aftermath of the divorce, I sought solace in

would my life be different now?” These questions etched them-

the pursuit of my dream — becoming a pharmacist. The constant

selves into my consciousness, serving as a poignant reminder that

striving and achievement became my coping mechanism, a way

the true value of life often remains hidden until it's threatened.

to bury the pain and convince myself that I was fine. Little did I

The months of solitude laid the groundwork for a profound

A C l e a n S l a t e : Em p o w e r i n g W o m e n t o R e w r i t e Th e i r L i f e S t o r i e s



Best Holistic Life April 2024

realization — the pain could only serve a purpose if it transformed

Through my struggle, I worked tirelessly to create a transforma-

into something meaningful. And so, the embryonic idea of our

tive process that goes beyond the surface, beyond the temporary

Whole Health Transformation Program took root. As I delved into

fixes, beyond the promises that sound good but never deliver. No

research, study, and an immersive understanding of the intricate

more yo-yo dieting. No more starving, restricting, beating your-

connection between mind, body, and soul, the program evolved

self up, or using weight loss medications. It’s time we roll up our

beyond my personal healing journey.

sleeves and do the real work for real change.

Our Whole Health Transformation Program is not just a compilation

Our Whole Health Transformation Program is your gateway to a

of health strategies; it's a beacon for countless women ensnared in

vibrant, regret-free life. It's more than a program; it's your chance

a perpetual cycle of weight issues, low self-esteem, and an over-

for renewal. Break free from the grip of past decisions and step

arching sense of unfulfillment. It’s a testament that our physical

into a future of energy and joy. This journey is your time to put

health is not merely a reflection of our diet or exercise routine; it's

yourself first, cast off the weights, and emerge as the empow-

an outward expression of conflicts and unaddressed traumas within

ered woman you've always envisioned. The life you've dreamed

us. Real transformation, the kind that lasts, requires the courage

of awaits—ready to claim it?

to face the shadows that hold us back, to ask the harder questions, and to uncover the root causes of our challenges.

Click here to learn more and book a free call with our team! https://

The journey to healing demands more than surface-level changes

— it requires a willingness to delve into the depths of our being. It mandates the unraveling of the narratives that bind us, emerging

Many people believe that in order to lose weight you have to give up

not as victims of circumstance but as empowered, radiant beings

foods you love, starve yourself, and spend hours at the gym. None

meant for more.

of these things are true. Check out our latest free training: "The

Now, let me ask you — do you wish for a new beginning? A chance

Secret Behind Sustained Weight Loss Without the Cliches!" Here's

to live your life lighter, energetic, and stress-free?

the link:

A C l e a n S l a t e : Em p o w e r i n g W o m e n t o R e w r i t e Th e i r L i f e S t o r i e s



Best Holistic Life April 2024

W hy A c c e p t i n g S t r e s s M i gh t B e Y o u r K e y t o H e a lt h : 4 T i p s t o R e gu l at e Y o u r S t r e s s R e s p o n s e t o G e t Ca l m N o w



For years, I’ve heard the same thing. “You need to lower your

It’s time for us to build a new relationship with stress. Instead

stress levels.” My reaction is usually somewhere between

of condemning stress, we can find ways to make it work for

laughing out loud and rolling my eyes. Lower my stress? Ha!

us instead of against us. It’s important to recognize that

Easier said than done. I began to see stress as the enemy, to

stress can be harmful to our health. In a 2023 article from the

the point where feeling stress caused more stress, creating

American Psychological Association (APA), stress is linked

a vicious cycle too many of us know well.

to migraines, chronic pain, reduced oxygen levels, poor

Have you noticed that when you try to avoid something, it

circulation, weakened immune response, digestive issues,

often gets worse? “What you resist not only persists but will

hampered libido, and more. Let’s examine the stress response

grow in size,” as famed Swiss psychologist Carl Jung said.

to understand how we can manage it better.

What if we’re chasing shadows when we try to avoid stress?


Is there a path that helps us to manage stress instead of

I’m sure you’ve heard of “fight-or-flight,” which is the term

trying to shut it out?

used to describe a worry-based stress response. In fight-or-


flight, adrenaline pumps to power us through the immediate

Stress has become unavoidable in our fast-paced, hyper-

danger around us. The problem comes when we perceive

connected world. With unprecedented access to information,

danger in everyday circumstances.

communication, and creativity through technology, the

Running late for an important meeting? Adrenaline is activating

excitement of our brave new world has also brought chronic

because you believe there’s danger in arriving late. Feeling

stress as we manage our multi-faceted digital lives. Adrenaline

behind in work? Fight-or-flight kicks you into high gear to

is the fuel keeping us going, and stress is the engine.

catch up because you perceive a real threat of falling behind.



Best Holistic Life April 2024

Adrenaline has an acid-like corrosive effect on the body when

to help train your nervous system away from stress. Tapping

it is chronic, and according to the Cleveland Clinic, it can

recognizes the causes of stress and permits our bodies to

impact blood sugar levels, cause nervous system symptoms,

release the chronic effects. Learn more by searching “The

contribute to anxiety, and more. Unfortunately, fight-or-flight

Tapping Solution” online.

has become the daily baseline of how many of us function.

Reframe your stress triggers.

There are simple solutions that can stop constant adrenaline

I have used all of these tips (if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t share

from surging through your bloodstream. Let’s get to the top

them with you), but this one was the key to unlocking greater

stress management tips I’ve used to lower my chronic stress

health. Next time you notice your body going into stress, take

and regain my health.

a moment to reflect. Why are you stressed? Is it based on an


unchangeable reality (for example, you or someone you love


are in actual danger)? Or is your perceived stress not a real

Eat to Adapt.

threat (for example, you’re approaching a work deadline and

Nature has designed certain plants to be adaptogenic, which

have to get a lot done quickly)? Reframing triggers trains our

means they help our bodies to adapt to all circumstances and

mind to discern between justified stress and unnecessary

maintain balance. Bringing in powerful adaptogens on a daily

stress. Fewer triggers mean less stress. Over time, learning

basis can build the physical resilience you need. Some of my

to mentally diffuse stress triggers can transform your

favorite adaptogenic foods include wild blueberries, all other

relationship with yourself, the people around you, your work,

wild berries, sprouts, micro greens, parsley, Atlantic dulse,

and life as you know it.

aloe vera, raw honey, pitaya, turmeric, and cinnamon, and


top adaptogenic herbs include licorice root, ashwagandha,

These tips will help you navigate a stress-filled world but

raspberry leaf, nettle leaf, gynostemma (known as the “tea

don’t forget the key to managing stress: redefining your

of immortality” and one of my all-time favorites), lemon

relationship with it.

balm, cat’s claw, and rosemary.

To thrive during this highly stressful time in human history,

Just breathe.

we’ve got to see stress as a natural part of life. When we stop

Our breath can be a powerful tool to boost our health if we know

resisting or fearing stress and instead accept it as normal, we

how to use it. With stress, our breath typically becomes faster

disarm the threat that comes when we hear the word “stress.”

and more shallow. When we step away from stress triggers

My longest-lasting health struggles were linked to chronic

and take a moment to slow and deepen our breath consciously,

stress. Redefining my relationship with stress has allowed

it tells our nervous system that we are safe and that fight-

me to continue participating in the breakneck speed of life

or-flight is not necessary. With practice, you’ll be awed by

on Earth in the 21st century. Without accepting and learning

this simple but highly effective way to pause and reset your

from my stress, I would be burned out and unable to function.

stress response. Use it at the office, in the car, on the subway,

Teachers from the Buddhist tradition and modern leaders

at home, or any time you need to create a moment of calm.

like Eckhart Tolle teach that acceptance is a fundamental

Nervous system reset tools.

step on the spiritual path. Instead of resisting the stressful

Did you know that the nervous system responds directly to

nature of our lives, we can accept what is and adapt despite

physical stimuli? Acupuncture/acupressure practitioners have

our challenges.

used this knowledge for centuries to help release stored stress

Feeling stressed? That’s normal. Accept it, adapt, and thrive

and trauma from the body. Bring in tools like the popular


Emotional Freedom Technique (also known as “tapping”)

Connect with Nathan:


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Best Holistic Life April 2024

Th e A r t o f P e r f e c t T i m i n g : H a r n e s s i n g t h e S p e l l b i n d i n g Cha r m s o f M ag i c H o u r


H A R N E S S I N G T H E S P E L L B I N D I N G C H A R M S O F M AG I C H O U R BY VIRGINIA OMAN, LCMHC There’s an astounding secret out there every day that I wasn’t aware of

times, but it explains a bit about the specific angle of the sun during those

until recently and boy do I wish I had known about it years, even decades

times (and that’s what makes the earth glow.)

ago! That’s why I used the term “secret” because most people are unaware

In my 70 plus years of being on this earth, it has become very clear to me

of it. I think it’s so wonderful, I want to make sure it’s not a secret to you

that it is the little special moments in life that are the most important,

and that you can experience it for yourself.

even more so than the big events. The experience of magic hour is one

The secret is called “the magic hour”. Some folks have now heard about it

of these special moments that make life exceptional and we get the

and how amazing it is but fail to make sure they experience it and utilize

opportunity to experience it daily as long as it's not too cloudy out.

its power. I feel it to be a sacred gift given to us and that turning our back

The Gift of Magic Hour

on it is a dismissal of this gift.

I have always loved the early morning and I find that doing my walk/hike

The Magic Hour

early in the morning is invigorating. I especially love it in the winter when

What the heck is “the magic hour”? It is the hour right before sunrise

the sky is still partially dark, the air is crisp and it is quiet outside because

and the hour right before sunset when the sky starts to paint the most

no one is out yet. You have the earth and the horizon to yourself. You may

beautiful colors. Sometimes the colors are bold and intense, other times

even see the moon that is still out. I have seen the geese flying in formation

very soft and subtle but every time, magical. I’ve also seen some of the

under the moon during the magic hour in the early morning which literally

most beautiful cloud formations during this time.

made my heart sing so much that I called up to them in the sky! I have

My journey to discover this was destined to happen because as a licensed

seen amazing colors fill up the sky between the rows of trees. It used to

mental health therapist, life coach and wellness master, I know about

be that I didn’t appreciate trees in the winter as they no longer had leaves

the amazing effects that cardio movement has on us to create a happy

and seemed so bare. Now, thanks to magic hour, I get to see the amazing

and content state of mind. I became addicted to that state decades ago

array of colors of the sky behind the tall trees, framing them in splendor

and wouldn’t miss a day without it. For me, having a state of mind that is

and highlighting their majestic power. I have all appreciation for them

energized, clear and peaceful every day adds up to making my life one of

now even in the winter.

joy and fulfillment. And who doesn’t want that?

This time has become a ritual for me. I start each day with greeting the

The World Seems To Glow

morning and loving the physical movement in this period because of the

On some of my morning or evening walks, I would just happen to go out

extra beauty all around me. And then at the end of the day, I go out to say

during this time period without knowing anything about it and I was

my thanks for the day and absorb lovely colors before I turn in for the

ALWAYS stuck by the specialness of it. The world seems to GLOW. It felt

night. It is like a pair of “bookends” for my day. Doing this starts the day

to me like that time was somehow sacred and I always was thankful to the

beautifully and ends it beautifully. It is impossible not to be grateful when

sky for gracing me with that unique beauty. I had no idea that every day

you add this into your daily activities. Besides benefiting your physical

we are given the gift of this at these very specific times and all I had to do

health, it greatly adds to your emotional and psychological health. I also

was make sure I timed my walk just right. But how? THEN I heard of the

find the time to be quite a spiritual experience. All of this, in one simple

iPhone app called “Magic Hour”. The title intrigued me because I thought

60 minute period. It is hallowed time.

maybe that app would contain information related to this phenomenon.

This is the gift that is waiting for you outside your front door…every day.

Fortunately, I was right! It was exactly what I had hoped it would be and

Don’t miss it!.

now, I check the app every day to know exactly when magic hour will occur so I can do my walk during that time. The app not only tells you the exact

Connect with Virginia:



Best Holistic Life April 2024


Many executives think they are too busy to spend all day

When I was actively practicing law, raising a family, self-care and trying to

meditating or thinking positive thoughts. Things need to

contribute my time and efforts to my community, it was difficult to find enough

be done, strategies need to be planned, networking and

hours to meditate, much less 30 minutes. I have been studying meditation and

dealing with staff, employees, clients, and customers

how to streamline the process and still be effective intensely for 20 years and have

don’t happen when one is in meditation.

become a certified meditation coach. I have since discovered a quick meditation

That said, the psychological and physical benefits of

that executives can do quickly and easily in five minutes (or less) with all the

meditation are profound and undeniable. I have been

benefits of longer meditations.

meditating for over 50 years, since 1971 when I learned

Most people can do this in the shower, on the toilet, walking to or from the car,

Transcendental Meditation (TM) which was brought

between telephone calls or any spare moment. It only requires practice and

to the United States by Paramahansa Yogananda. The

consistency. If you like, you can record it on your telephone and listen to it when

problem I found is that I was taught that ideally you

you want to meditate. That way you can be sure to limit it to five minutes. If you

must meditate for at least 30 minutes or more every

want to meditate longer, just keep meditating after the meditation ends. Otherwise,

day to get any real benefit from the practice. In fact,

just listen to your voice.

the longer the meditation, the better. Unfortunately,

1. Begin by taking four deep breaths

the pressures of work and life distracted me from my

Breathe as deeply as is comfortable, but try to inhale, hold, exhale and hold. Each

meditation practice, and I burned out.

time try to inhale, hold, exhale, hold a little longer until you feel you have reached

Scientific studies have shown that consistent meditation

your limit. Focus on the breath, feel your lungs expand, your diaphragm extends,

reduces stress, controls anxiety, promotes emotional

and the air go in and out of your body.

health, decreases depression, lengthens attention span,

As you inhale, notice that you can’t focus on your breath and think about work at

increases awareness, reduces age-related memory loss,

the same time. Your mind stops thinking as you focus on the breath. At the end

improves sleep, decreases blood pressure and heart rate,

of the fourth breath, keep breathing and focus on the quiet. You will notice that

increases sense of calm and inner peace.

thoughts will intrude like a bad habit. When that happens, bring your attention back to the space between thoughts.

A Q u ic k and S im p l e M editation f or B u sy E xec u ti v es



Best Holistic Life April 2024

2. Expand the length/time of the space between thoughts As you continue to breathe, notice that there is a brief space between thoughts. It is like the mind takes a breath after each thought. Focus on that space for as long as possible. As you focus on the space, imagine that space getting longer and longer. Imagine that space getting longer and longer. It may be one second to start, then two seconds, then five seconds. However long your mind will stay still is perfect to start. Perhaps your goal could be ten seconds, twenty seconds, or even a minute (for more advanced practitioners). You will notice that in the space you will feel like you are floating or getting lighter and lighter. This is how it feels when your brain stops the hamster wheel of thoughts, even if it is just for a second.

3. Notice how much better you feel. Notice how good that it feels to be in that space with no thought. Then smile. Smile a big smile, like a mule eating briars. Notice that you are calmer, at peace, more energetic and your mind is clear. Open your eyes and go about your day with a new attitude, a new perspective. You don’t have to do anything other than notice what is different about your day when you open your eyes. You certainly can keep going, for as long as you have time. The more you practice this, the more you will integrate the feelings of peace in your consciousness and awareness. By taking these five minutes, you will notice that your world has changed in subtle or substantial ways. It will be the best five minutes you will spend during your day. Connect with James Gray Robinson:

A Q u ic k and S im p l e M editation f or B u sy E xec u ti v es



Best Holistic Life April 2024

Healthy Food to put a Spring in your Step!




H e a l t hy F o o d t o p u t a S p r i n g i n y o u r S t e p !



Best Holistic Life April 2024

TART CHERRY PIE Serves 1 2 For the pie filling:

zest, and almond extract. Mix until the cherries are well coated. Set aside.

4 cups frozen tart cherries, pitted

For the pie crust, in a food processor or mixing bowl, combine the gluten-free

1/2 cup coconut sugar

flour, cold coconut oil or dairy-free margarine, cold water, maple syrup, and

2 tablespoons arrowroot powder

a pinch of salt. Pulse or mix until the dough starts to come together. Roll out

1 tablespoon lemon juice

half of the pie dough on a floured surface to about 1/8 inch thick. Use a star-

Zest of 1 lemon

shaped cookie cutter to cut out stars from the rolled dough. Set aside the stars

1/4 teaspoon almond extract

on a plate. Line a 9-inch pie dish with the remaining dough, pressing it gently

For the pie crust:

into the bottom and up the sides. Pour the cherry filling into the prepared pie

2 cups gluten-free all-purpose flour

crust. Place the cut-out star-shaped dough pieces over the cherry filling in a

1/2 cup cold coconut oil

decorative pattern.

1/4 cup cold water

Optionally, brush the stars and pie crust edges with a little dairy-free milk

2 tablespoons maple syrup

for a golden finish. Cover the edges of the pie crust with foil to prevent burn-

Pinch of salt

ing and place the pie on a baking sheet. Bake in the preheated oven for 45-50 minutes or until the crust is golden brown, and the filling is bubbly. Remove the


pie from the oven and let it cool on a wire rack for at least 30 minutes before

Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). In a large mixing bowl, combine the

slicing. Serve the Tart Cherry Pie warm or at room temperature. Optionally,

frozen tart cherries, coconut sugar, arrowroot powder, lemon juice, lemon

top with dairy-free whipped cream or vanilla coconut yogurt.

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APEROL SPRITZ Ser ves 2 1 cup sparkling water 1/4 cup orange juice 2 tablespoons elderflower syrup 2 tablespoons pomegranate juice Ice cubes Orange slices or twists, for garnish Fresh mint leaves, for garnish

Directions: Fill two glasses with ice cubes. In a small pitcher or mixing glass, combine the sparkling water, orange juice, elderflower syrup, and pomegranate juice. Stir well to combine. Divide the mixture evenly between the prepared glasses filled with ice. If desired, garnish each glass with an orange slice or twist and a few fresh mint leaves for added flavor and presentation.

VEGETABLE PIZZA Ser ve s 6 1 gluten-free pizza crust 1/2 cup tomato sauce 1 cup vegan mozzarella cheese 1 cup mixed vegetables 1 handful fresh basil leaves 1 tablespoon olive oil Salt and pepper to taste

Directions: Preheat the oven to the temperature recommended for the pizza crust. If using a homemade crust, roll out the dough onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. If using a store-bought crust, follow the package instructions. Spread the tomato sauce evenly over the pizza crust, leaving a small border around the edges. Sprinkle the vegan mozzarella cheese over the sauce. Arrange the mixed vegetables on top of the cheese. Drizzle a little olive oil over the vegetables and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Bake the pizza in the preheated oven according to the crust's instructions or until the crust is golden and the toppings are cooked. Remove the pizza from the oven, sprinkle with fresh basil leaves, slice, and serve.


Best Holistic Life April 2024

VEGGIE BURGERS TWO-WAYS Se rves 6 Beet Veggie Burgers:

Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers:

quinoa or oats, chopped onion, minced garlic, chopped parsley or cilantro,

2 cups grated beets

2 cups mashed sweet potatoes

ground cumin, salt, and pepper to the bowl. Mix until well combined and the

15 oz can black beans, drained, rinsed 15 oz can chickpeas, drained, rinsed

mixture sticks together. Divide the mixture into 6 portions and shape them

1/2 cup cooked quinoa

1/2 cup almond flour

into burger patties. Place them on the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 25-30

1/4 cup chopped red onion

1/4 cup finely chopped bell pepper

minutes, flipping the burgers halfway through, until they are firm and lightly

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

browned on the edges. Serve the beet veggie burgers on buns or lettuce wraps

2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

1 teaspoon smoked paprika

with your favorite toppings.

1 teaspoon ground cumin

Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Salt and pepper to taste

Burger buns or lettuce wraps

In a mixing bowl, combine mashed sweet potatoes, chickpeas, almond flour or

Burger buns or lettuce wraps

Toppings of your choice

breadcrumbs, chopped red bell pepper, chopped parsley or cilantro, smoked

Toppings of your choice

paprika, salt, and pepper. Mix until well combined. Divide the mixture into 6 portions and shape them into burger patties. Place them on the prepared


baking sheet. Bake for 20-25 minutes, flipping the burgers halfway through,

Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

until they are slightly crispy on the outside. Serve the sweet potato veggie

In a food processor, pulse the black beans until they are slightly mashed but still

burgers on buns or lettuce wraps with your desired toppings.

have some texture. Transfer to a large mixing bowl. Add grated beets, cooked

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1/4 teaspoon salt

sugar, applesauce, dairy-free yogurt, melted coconut oil, strawberry puree,

2 cups gluten-free flour blend

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

and vanilla extract. Mix until well combined. Gradually add the dry ingredients

1 cup granulated sugar

For the Frosting:

to the wet ingredients, mixing until a smooth batter forms. Divide the batter

1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce

1 1/2 cups dairy-free butter

evenly among the prepared cake pans. Smooth out the tops with a spatula.

1 cup dairy-free yogurt

3 cups powdered sugar

Bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted

1/2 cup coconut oil

1/4 cup strawberry puree

into the center comes out clean. Remove the cakes from the oven and let them

1 cup strawberry puree

2 tablespoons pink champagne

cool completely on a wire rack.

1 teaspoon baking powder

Fresh strawberries for decoration

While the cakes are cooling, prepare the frosting. In a mixing bowl, beat the

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

dairy-free butter until creamy. Gradually add the powdered sugar, strawberry puree, and pink champagne. Beat until smooth and creamy. Once the cakes are


completely cooled, assemble the cake by spreading frosting between the layers

Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease and line three 8-inch round cake

and over the top and sides of the cake. Decorate the cake with fresh straw-

pans with parchment paper. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the gluten-

berries if desired. Refrigerate the cake for about 30 minutes before serving

free flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In another bowl, combine the

to allow the frosting to set.


Best Holistic Life April 2024


2 cups raw cashews soaked

nut oil, zest, lemon juice, and maple syrup. Mix until well combined. Press the

1 1/2 cups gluten-free graham cracker 1 cup coconut cream chilled

mixture into the bottom of the prepared pan evenly to form the crust. Place

1/4 cup coconut oil melted

1/2 cup coconut oil melted

it in the refrigerator while preparing the filling. In a blender or food proces-

2 tablespoons maple syrup

1/2 cup maple syrup

sor, combine the soaked cashews, chilled coconut cream, melted coconut oil,

1 lemon zested

1/4 cup lemon juice

maple syrup, lemon juice, and vanilla extract. Blend until smooth and creamy.

1/2 tablespoon lemon juice

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

In a small saucepan over low heat, melt the dairy-free white chocolate chips

For the raspberry chia jam:

1/2 cup frozen raspberries

until smooth. Pour the raspberry chia jam over the chilled crust and spread it

2 cups fresh raspberries

1/2 cup dairy-free white chocolate

evenly to form a layer.

2 tablespoons maple syrup


Divide the cashew mixture into two equal parts. Add the melted white choc-

2 tablespoons chia seeds

Fresh raspberries for garnish

olate to one part and blend again until well combined. Pour the white choco-

For the filling:

late cheesecake mixture onto the raspberry chia layer in the pan and spread it evenly. Add the frozen raspberries to the remaining plain cashew mixture in


the blender. Blend until the raspberries are fully incorporated and the mixture

Grease a 9-inch springform pan and line the bottom with parchment paper.

turns pink. Pour the raspberry cashew mixture over the white chocolate layer

Prepare the raspberry chia jam by combining the fresh raspberries and maple

in the pan. Use a spatula to spread it evenly. Tap the pan gently on the counter-

syrup in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook until the raspberries break down

top to remove any air bubbles. Swirl a knife through the layers for a marbled

and become syrupy, about 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally. Mash the rasp-

effect. Cover the cheesecake with plastic wrap and place it in the freezer to

berries with a fork or potato masher. Add chia seeds and continue to cook for

set for at least 4-6 hours or until firm. Before serving, remove the cheesecake

another 5 minutes until the mixture thickens. Remove from heat and let it

from the freezer and let it sit at room temperature for about 10-15 minutes

cool. In a bowl, combine the gluten-free graham cracker crumbs, melted coco-

to soften slightly. Garnish with fresh raspberries if desired.

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CHICKEN BURRITO BOWL Ser ves 4 For the Chicken: 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, diced 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon chili powder Salt and pepper to taste

For the Bowl: 2 cups cooked brown rice or quinoa 1 can (15 oz) black beans, drained 1 cup corn kernels 1 avocado, sliced 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved 1/4 cup chopped cilantro Lime wedges for serving Sliced jalapeños Dairy-free sour cream or salsa

Directions: In a bowl, mix the diced chicken with olive oil, cumin, chili powder, salt, and pepper until well coated. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat, add the seasoned chicken, and cook for 6-8 minutes until cooked through and slightly browned. Set aside. Divide the cooked rice or quinoa among 4 bowls. Arrange the cooked chicken, black beans, corn, avocado slices, cherry tomatoes, and chopped cilantro over the rice in each bowl. Optionally, add sliced jalapeños for some heat. Serve the bowls with lime wedges for squeezing over the bowl. Add dairy-free sour cream or salsa if desired. Mix all the ingredients together before eating, squeeze fresh lime juice, and enjoy this flavorful and healthy chicken burrito bowl.


Best Holistic Life April 2024

CHOCOLATE CHIP STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM SANDWICHES Se rves 1 2 For the chocolate chip cookies:

1/2 cup dairy-free chocolate chips

into a disc shape. Bake the cookies in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes

2 cups almond flour

For the strawberry ice cream:

or until the edges are lightly golden. Remove from the oven and let them cool

1/4 cup coconut oil melted

2 cups frozen strawberries

completely on a wire rack.

1/4 cup maple syrup

1 can full-fat coconut milk chilled

While the cookies are cooling, prepare the strawberry ice cream. In a blender

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 cup maple syrup

or food processor, combine the frozen strawberries, chilled coconut milk

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

(scoop out the solid part of the coconut cream), maple syrup, and vanilla

1/4 teaspoon salt

extract. Blend until smooth and creamy. Transfer the strawberry ice cream mixture to a shallow, freezer-safe container. Freeze for at least 3-4 hours until


firm. Once the cookies are completely cooled and the ice cream is set, assem-

Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

ble the ice cream sandwiches. Take one cookie and place a scoop of strawberry

In a mixing bowl, combine the almond flour, melted coconut oil, maple syrup,

ice cream on the flat side. Top it with another cookie, flat side down, to create a

vanilla extract, baking soda, and salt. Mix until a cookie dough forms. Fold in

sandwich. If desired, roll the edges of the ice cream sandwiches in extra dairy-

the dairy-free chocolate chips. Take about 1 tablespoon of dough and roll it

free chocolate chips or chopped nuts for added flavor and texture. Place the

into a ball. Place it on the prepared baking sheet. Repeat with the remain-

assembled ice cream sandwiches in the freezer for at least 30 minutes to firm

ing dough, leaving space between each cookie. Use the palm of your hand or

up before serving.

a flat-bottomed glass to gently press down on each cookie ball to flatten it

H e a l t hy F o o d t o p u t a S p r i n g i n y o u r S t e p !

SPRING FRUIT SALAD Serve s 4 For the Salad:

1/4 cup fresh mint leaves, torn

6 cups mixed salad greens

For the Dressing:

1 cup sliced strawberries

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1/2 cup sliced cherries

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1 cup blueberries

1 tablespoon agave nectar

1 cup raspberries and blackberries

Juice of 1/2 lemon

1/2 cup sliced almonds

Salt and pepper to taste

1 avocado, diced

Directions: In a large mixing bowl, combine the mixed greens, sliced strawberries, blueberries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries, sliced almonds, diced avocado, and torn mint leaves. In a separate small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, agave nectar, lemon juice, salt, and pepper to create the dressing. Drizzle the dressing over the salad ingredients. Gently toss the salad to ensure all the ingredients are evenly coated with the dressing. Serve the Spring Fresh Fruit Green Salad immediately as a vibrant and refreshing addition to your meal.

SPRING PEA MINT SOUP Serve s 6 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced 4 cups vegetable broth 4 cups fresh or frozen peas 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves Salt and pepper to taste Juice of 1 lemon

Directions: Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add chopped onion and sauté for 3-4 minutes until softened. Add minced garlic and cook for another minute. Pour in the vegetable broth and bring it to a simmer. Add the peas to the pot. If using frozen peas, they will cook quickly. Simmer for 3-4 minutes until the peas are tender. If using fresh peas, cook for a few minutes longer until they soften. Stir in the fresh mint leaves and let them cook for an additional 1-2 minutes. Remove the pot from heat. Using an immersion blender or regular blender, carefully blend the soup until smooth and creamy. Season with salt and pepper to taste. If desired, add a squeeze of lemon juice for extra freshness. Return the soup to low heat to warm through if needed. Serve the spring pea mint soup hot, garnished with a sprig of mint or a swirl of coconut cream if desired.



Best Holistic Life April 2024

CAPRASE CHICKEN SALAD Gluten- Fre e , Dair y - Free, Ser ves 4 For the Salad:

Salt and pepper to taste

shallow dish or resealable plastic bag. Pour the marinade over the chicken,

2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

For the Chicken Marinade:

making sure it's evenly coated. Allow it to marinate for at least 20 minutes or

4 cups mixed salad greens

2 tablespoons olive oil

longer in the refrigerator. Preheat a grill or grill pan over medium-high heat.

1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

2 cloves garlic, minced

Grill the marinated chicken breasts for about 6-8 minutes per side or until

1 avocado, sliced

Juice of 1 lemon

fully cooked through. Ensure the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C).

Fresh basil leaves, torn

1 teaspoon dried Italian herbs

Once cooked, set the chicken aside to rest for a few minutes before slicing.

Balsamic glaze

Salt and pepper to taste

Assemble the salad: Arrange the mixed greens on a serving platter or individual plates. Top with sliced grilled chicken, cherry tomatoes, avocado slices, and


torn basil leaves. Drizzle balsamic glaze over the salad for added flavor. Season

In a bowl, combine the olive oil, minced garlic, lemon juice, dried herbs, salt,

with salt and pepper to taste.

and pepper. Mix well to create the marinade. Place the chicken breasts in a

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SHRIMP STREET TACOS Se rve s 4 For the Shrimp:

For the Tacos:


1 pound medium-sized shrimp, 8 corn tortillas

In a bowl, combine the peeled and deveined shrimp with olive oil, minced

peeled and deveined

1 cup shredded cabbage

garlic, chili powder, paprika, salt, pepper, and lime juice. Toss to coat the

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 avocado, sliced

shrimp evenly. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat. Add the seasoned

2 cloves garlic, minced

Fresh cilantro leaves

shrimp and cook for 2-3 minutes per side until they turn pink and opaque.

1 teaspoon chili powder

Lime wedges for serving

Remove from heat. In the same skillet or a separate pan, warm the corn torti-

1/2 teaspoon paprika

Optional toppings: Salsa, dairy-free

llas for about 30 seconds per side until they are pliable and heated through.

Salt and pepper to taste

sour cream, hot sauce

Keep them warm by wrapping in a clean kitchen towel. Take each warmed

Juice of 1 lime

tortilla and add a portion of cooked shrimp. Top with shredded cabbage or coleslaw mix, avocado slices, and fresh cilantro leaves. Squeeze fresh lime juice over the tacos and add optional toppings such as salsa, dairy-free sour cream, or hot sauce.


Best Holistic Life April 2024

H e a l t hy F o o d t o p u t a S p r i n g i n y o u r S t e p !


BLACK FOREST PANCAKES Ser ves 6 1 1/2 cups gluten-free flour blend 1/4 cup cocoa powder 2 tablespoons coconut sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 1/4 cups coconut milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup dairy-free dark chocolate chips 1 cup pitted and chopped cherries Coconut oil Optional toppings: coconut whipped cream, additional cherries, chocolate shavings

Directions: In a mixing bowl, whisk together the gluten-free flour, cocoa powder, coconut sugar, baking powder, and salt. In another bowl, mix the dairy-free milk, vanilla extract, and apple cider vinegar. Let it sit for 5 minutes to curdle slightly. Then, pour the wet mixture into the dry ingredients and mix until just combined. Fold in the dark chocolate chips and chopped cherries gently. Heat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat and lightly grease it with coconut oil or dairyfree butter. Pour about 1/4 cup of batter onto the skillet for each pancake. Cook until bubbles form on the surface, then flip and cook until the pancakes are cooked through and lightly browned. Stack the cooked pancakes on a plate, layering them with chopped cherries between each pancake. Top with dairyfree whipped cream, extra cherries, and chocolate shavings if desired.


Best Holistic Life April 2024

CREAMY ZUCCHINI SOUP Ser ves 6 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 onion, chopped 3-4 cloves garlic, minced 4 medium zucchinis, chopped 1 medium potato, peeled and diced 4 cups vegetable broth 1/2 cup coconut milk Salt and pepper to taste Fresh basil or thyme for garnish

Directions: In a large pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and sauté for 3-4 minutes until translucent. Add the minced garlic and sauté for another minute until fragrant. Add the chopped zucchinis and diced potato to the pot. Sauté for 5-6 minutes until the vegetables start to soften. Pour in the vegetable broth, cover the pot, and bring it to a gentle boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 15-20 minutes or until the zucchini and potato are completely tender. Using an immersion blender or regular blender, carefully blend the soup until smooth and creamy. Stir in the coconut milk to add creaminess to the soup. Season with salt and pepper to taste. If the soup is too thick, you can add a bit more vegetable broth or water to reach your desired consistency. Reheat the soup gently if needed before serving.

STRAWBERRY BASIL MARGARITA Se rves 4 2 cups fresh strawberries, halved 1/4 cup fresh lime juice 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, torn 2 tablespoons agave syrup 2 cups sparkling water Ice cubes Lime slices and basil leaves for garnish

Directions: In a blender, combine the fresh strawberries, lime juice, torn basil leaves, and agave syrup. Blend until smooth. If desired, strain the strawberry mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any pulp and seeds, although leaving it as is will maintain more fiber. Fill each serving glass with ice cubes. Pour the strawberry-lime-basil mixture equally among the glasses. Top off each glass with sparkling water or soda water. Stir gently to combine. Optionally, garnish the rim of each glass with a lime slice or wedge and a small basil leaf for a decorative touch.

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LEMON MUFFINS Ser ves 1 2 2 cups gluten-free all-purpose flour 1/2 cup almond flour 1/2 cup coconut sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt Zest of 2 lemons 1/4 cup lemon juice 1 cup coconut yogurt 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce 1/4 cup melted coconut oil 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Directions: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Line a muffin tin with paper liners or lightly grease the muffin cups. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the gluten-free all-purpose flour, almond flour, coconut sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and lemon zest. In another bowl, mix the lemon juice, coconut yogurt, applesauce, melted coconut oil, and vanilla extract until well combined. Pour the wet ingredients into the bowl with the dry ingredients. Stir until just combined. Do not overmix; a few lumps are okay. Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin cups, filling them about 2/3 to 3/4 full. Place the muffin tin in the preheated oven and bake for 18-22 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean.


Best Holistic Life April 2024

Harmony with Life’s Resources: Releasing Your Financial Intelligence



Money is like fire. It carries the potential for both peril

Here’s what that looks like:

and prosperity. It can deplete resources or ignite oppor-

PE = mgh

tunities, sometimes in tandem.

= (40 kg) (9.8 m/s2) (3.0 m)

In my work, I’ve been exploring the wisdom of financial

≈ 1,200 J

intelligence and its interconnectedness with emotional

I’m just kidding. I’m not Sheldon!

and physical wellness. April is Autism Awareness

If financial intelligence was actually about numbers,

Month (I self-identify as part of this spectrum), and

it would be easy to calculate and budget out the exact

I’m honored to integrate their unique wisdom into the

trajectory of your fiscal intentions. It would be like

insights I share with you. Their focus on routine and

counting the stars without appreciating the constella-

attention to detail can teach us valuable lessons about

tions that intricately connect them, completely missing

gracefully adapting to life’s uncertainties by creating

the profound beauty and purpose of it all.

pockets of safety and reassurance in the things we can

Numbers store potential energy. Your body stores poten-


tial wisdom. Your healthy mind is the force that has the

Financial intelligence is created when potential wisdom

power to transform these potential energies into true

is released. Potential wisdom is an inherent property that

and lasting financial intelligence. Thoughts have enor-

lies ready within all of us until a force of energy trans-

mous power. It is vitally important to use your thoughts

forms it.

intentionally to approach money with a mindset of gratitude and abundance.



Best Holistic Life April 2024

Let’s explore a few ways to nourish your emotional and phys-

ple, some people with autism have sensory processing differ-

ical wellness with financial intelligence:

ences. What is experienced as the light touch of a feather for


most people can feel like being hit with a rock for a person

Design a money plan that not only considers bills and

with autism.

expenses but also allocates resources for experiences that

What is experienced as an imperceptible hum from the refrig-

nourish your soul. Instead of chasing transient material

erator for most people can sound like a heavy metal concert

possessions that provide short-term dopamine hits, allocate

for a person with autism. In a world abundant with money

time and money for activities that contribute to your holis-

wellness resources, seek out those that align with your indi-

tic well-being. Let’s recognize the superpower that individ-

vidual needs for assimilating information. What’s the most

uals on the autism spectrum bring to the table here. Attaining

important thing in your life right now? What actions will you

goals within a well-structured routine releases dopamine in a

take to unlock the door to a life where your finances contrib-

healthy way that doesn’t compromise your holistic well-be-

ute to the richness of your existence? As your dedicated guide

ing. Following a money plan is a healthy and more nourishing

on the path to financial well-being, I extend a warm invi-

way to satisfy your brain’s pursuit of dopamine.

tation to explore a selection of my personally designed and


collaborative programs.

Recognize the opportunities that life presents. Every financial

Let go of pressure with Ingomu, a comprehensive personal

decision is a choice, and once you execute it, the opportunity

wellness app, because money doesn’t just live in your wallet.

for other choices with that resource is gone. Before making

It lives in your health, your relationships, your career and

a purchase, pause and reflect on whether it aligns with your

your spirituality.

values and long-term goals. Every dollar spent is an invest-

Release your financial intelligence through the richness of

ment in the life you desire. Make investments in your present

financial wellness resources on my website. You’ll discover

needs, but also in partnership with your future self.

insightful books, life-changing courses and innovative


programs designed for a diverse audience, including those

When you think about money, what does your body do? If it

with disabilities.

clenches or invokes negative feelings, you may be approach-

Just like a tiny seed that grows into a mighty tree, each small

ing your resources with scarcity and fear. Do some deep work

action you take towards financial intelligence increases

to understand the stories you tell yourself about money and

your potential energy. Our time on this Earth is a finite and

rewrite them if necessary. Replace them with empower-

precious resource. Every minute that passes is an invest-

ing thoughts of abundance and gratitude. Use mantras and

ment in the story of the rest of our lives. 106 people die every

positive affirmations until the new beliefs become part of

minute, and in this very moment, you are not one of them.

your new identity. Let’s again consider individuals on the

You have been given the gift of another opportunity.

autism spectrum. Their authenticity and unfiltered view of

Make worthy investments of your time and money. Value the

the world can inspire us to approach our financial narratives

unique wisdoms of every individual. Nurture the harmonious

with honesty and vulnerability.

relationship with the resources that flow through your life.

#4 SEEK GUIDANCE: Even though the universal laws are static, how they’re pack-

Connect with Ingomu:

aged and presented to you has an enormous impact on how

Get your 7-Day FREE Trial of the Ingomu app today!

they are felt in your body and soul. As a very literal exam-

Harmony with Life’s Resources: Releasing Your Financial Intelligence



Best Holistic Life April 2024


Imagine fifty people all standing in a room together. Ask

maybe their surviving spouse or partner, their friends, or

each one how they feel about Mother’s Day and Father’s

your siblings. Sharing stories is a great way to keep their

Day and you’re likely to get roughly fifty different

memory alive and continue to celebrate them for years

answers. Some (honestly, probably the minority) have

to come.

strong, healthy, loving relationships with the people

If you don’t have a relationship with them. Though

who brought them into this world. Others have more

you might not have a relationship with your biological

complicated stories. Perhaps their parents are no longer

parent, it’s possible you have someone in your life that

together and there is some tension. Maybe a parent has

you consider to have that role. Ask whether they would

passed away, or they don’t have a relationship with one

be able to spend part of the day with you, or give them a

or both of their biological parents but consider someone

phone call or write a letter to let them know how special

else to fulfill that role in their life. See what I mean? It’s

they are to you.

not straightforward.

If you are a parent. Who says you have to wait around

If you’re someone for whom Mother’s Day and Father’s

for your child (especially if they’re young) to take the

Day typically provoke a stirring of emotion (or even just

initiative to celebrate you? Take Mother’s Day or Father’s

stress about what gift to buy), here are seven ideas for how

Day as an opportunity to reflect on what being a parent

you can celebrate these days, your way:

means to you and do something nice for yourself. Maybe

If you live close to them. Do you remember what you got

that means going out on a date night with your partner

your parent for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day last year?

(or just yourself!) on Saturday night. Perhaps it’s setting

My guess is that you probably don’t (you might remember

aside an hour with your journal and a favorite beverage

the mad scramble to find something before the weekend,

to reflect on your journey of parenthood.

but that doesn’t count). Unless you have an idea for a

If you have a parent-like relationship with someone.

meaningful physical gift, skip the present this year and

Maybe you couldn’t or chose not to have children

instead schedule a special activity that you’ll be able to

yourself but are a (biological or honorary) aunt, uncle,

look back on fondly for years to come. This doesn’t have to

or godparent to someone. These holidays can be a great

be something particularly grand; take them out for coffee

nudge to spend time with those kids and let them know

at their favorite café, make a meal together, or go see a

their importance in your life.

local concert or theater performance.

If you know someone whose children can’t be there.

If you don’t live close to them. Do the same thing as above,

Mother’s Day or Father’s Day can be a great prompt to

but on FaceTime! Ask if they can set aside 30 minutes

spend time with the people in your life whose children

to have a virtual coffee or tea with you. Rather than

might not live nearby or who are no longer part of their

catching up on the goings on of life as you might usually

lives for various reasons. If you don’t know anyone

do, ask them questions about their own childhood or the

personally but want to make a difference, take the

experience of becoming a parent. You might be surprised

opportunity to volunteer for a local organization or

about what you learn.

nursing facility that serves the community.

If they are no longer with you. It can be difficult to see

However you choose to recognize the important people

people posting photos of their loved ones on social media

in your life, challenge yourself to make this Mother’s Day

if yours has passed away. Though the day might always

and Father’s Day one to remember.

sting a bit, see how it feels to lean into your emotion and spend time with the people who knew your parent well:

Connect with Jenn:

7 W ays to C e l ebrate M oms ( and D ads ) T his Y ear



Best Holistic Life April 2024

From Peo p l e P l easin g & S e l f S acri f ice T o A u thenticity : R e - orientin g Y o u r E motiona l A rchitect u re



RE-ORIENTING YOUR EMOTIONAL ARCHITECTURE B Y A Z LY N N B E R R Y Embracing Accountability And Liberation; Loves Evolution From Dependency

capability. Think of it like a college entrance exam not everyone is going to

To Empowerment The pictures and movements that cross my mind in what

pass and not all who apply will get in. This will allow you to maintain vulner-

I just experienced have yet to catch up. Maybe, I am trying to outrun my own

ability and an open heart.

habitual self sacrifice. The martyrdom that lets me be justified in being angry,

Pay attention to the desire to give, spoil, or celebrate others and ask yourself

resentful and on repeat with the same mistakes and same type of partners.

these questions. What motivates your love languages into action? Is it a sense

This feels like accountability but I am energized. Seeing myself clearly in my

of external value and wanting to be loved in return? Is it a desire to celebrate

mistakes is freeing, the less attached I am to a partner's perception of what

the brilliance you see in someone else and do you desire to be celebrated that

they believe I should be in love, the more room I have to be me.

way in return? Is it a social or familial norm that you love and want to share as

Finally enjoying myself in love and giving myself to another. This feels safe,

it always makes you feel amazing and you want those you love to have it too?

holding my value within me, creating a haven to be loved in return by those

Be upfront about these habits, what they mean to you and start paying atten-

capable of not just entertaining my energy but fully matching it. Oh God,……..

tion to how and who reciprocates. Allow others to meet your capacity while

I really like who I am, I love them but I know if they walk away, my value is not

holding the bar at your own level.

going to lower or diminish. I can and will continue to not only be the beautiful

Step 2: Be honest with yourself. When we are trying to save the feelings of

person that I am but evolve and get to know who I am on a deeper level align-

others we are wasting their most precious resource (time). In return we end up

ing with and sharing myself again.

spending hours in places we don't want to be. This is actually very dishonest

Balancing Acts, Caught Between Love Languages, People

especially in matters of the heart. The people that love you want to know you

Pleasing & Chronic Pain

fully. That includes the parts of you that are not perfect. This means embrac-

Love is confusing enough when your empathy sits on the edge of pleasing

ing the parts of you that are uncomfortable, and possibly even rude.

people. Even more so when your love language is mixed with qualities like acts

To start to overcome this, pay close attention to the pressure it causes in the

of service, quality time, or giving gifts. It can feel as if you are dying a thou-

body. This is your intuition silently speaking up. What does it feel like? Where

sand little deaths opening the door to be loved. Creating a balance between

is it? Pay attention to this before listening to the mind. The mind is negotiating

giving and receiving can be easily overextended, leaving you struggling to

your value, let this go and listen to the discomfort the body feels. Your intu-

have your needs met. There is a deep imbalance in showing up fully for your-

ition is asking you to take a different action and express yourself.

self that needs to find a home inside of the giver itself.

Step 3: Respect your needs. Highly loving and compassionate people tend to

Alignment & Embodiment: A Guide To Authentic Expression

feel that how thoughtful they are is one of their best qualities, making people

As an Alignment and Embodiment guide I see the world of pain through a lens

pleasing behaviors even harder to identify. However taking care of others while

of emotional integration to create alignment with our action values in how

suppressing our own needs, creates unhealthy and unexpressed expectations.

we interact with our physical bodies and world. I have been studying long

That only perpetuates a self-fulfilling cycle of disappointment leaving you

term chronic pain patterns for almost 20 years. I began as a Neuromuscular

without the love and acceptance you truly desire.

retrainer working in Rehabilitative medicine which gave me the foundation to

Start prioritizing your needs and desires, this can look like indulging in self

see just how much pain the body holds when our emotions and actions don't

care routines or that desire that has been on hold. Choose one thing daily that

align. People Pleasing behavior is suppression of the true self.

you really secretly want and start doing it. Set just 5 mins aside a day to prior-

Here a few tips to begin re-orienting your internal compass to create safety

itize this activity, slowly allowing it to grow into routine.

while embracing your authentic expression. Following these tips will allow

Invitation To Transformation

you to get a taste of what it's like to be in one of my programs. These steps are

There are many other ways to tap into and recalibrate the subconscious actions

designed to begin to allow the subconscious actions that are causing conflict

allowing for massive shifts in mind, body, and environment through your

to come to the surface so that they can no longer hold you back. The work you

Emotional Architecture. If you’re ready to explore these steps further or seek

are about to do is not easy but the reward is worth the effort.

personalized guidance, I invite you to join me in an Open Elevation Session

Practical Steps To Re-orienting Your Internal Compass

as an interactive gift from me to you. Scan the QR code or follow the link to

Step 1: Setting boundaries with yourself. This has everything to do with how,

embark on a session that could redefine your journey. Let’s navigate the path

who, and when you let others drink from your cup. This isn't selfish even

to authenticity together.

though it may feel that way. It's raising the standards to meet the level of your

Connect with AzLynn:


Best Holistic Life April 2024


Have you ever considered that the key to your health

Soil - The Real Healer

might be right under your feet? While we often hear

The health of the soil where our food grows directly

"food is medicine," it's time to shift our perspective

influences its nutritional value. Rich, biodiverse soil

and recognize that soil is our most profound healer.

yields produce that is more nutrient-dense and more

It's time to reconnect with our roots – both literally

beneficial for our gut microbiome. Unfortunately, this

and figuratively.

vital connection is often overlooked in discussions about diet and wellness.

The Gut Microbiome Our Inner Ecosystem Our gut microbiome, a complex

The Dark Side of Conventional Farming

community of microorganisms in our digestive tracts,

Conventional farming practices, driven by large-

plays a vital role in our overall health. It aids digestion,

scale production demands, have severely impacted

supports our immune system, and even impacts our

soil health. The excessive use of chemical fertilizers

mood. However, the modern lifestyle, laden with

and pesticides, coupled with monoculture farming,

processed foods and environmental toxins, has left

has stripped the soil of its natural biodiversity. This

many of us with compromised gut health.

degradation directly affects the quality of our food and, consequently, our health.

H e a l t h e P l a n e t, H e a l Y o u r H e a lt h



Best Holistic Life April 2024

Embracing Local and Seasonal Eating One of the most effective ways to combat this is by supporting local farms. Local farmers often employ more sustainable practices that preserve soil health. Moreover, eating seasonally ensures that we consume foods when they are at their nutritional peak, grown in harmony with the natural environment.

Questions for Our Farmers We must engage with our food producers. Ask your local farmers about their farming practices. Do they use pesticides? How do they nurture their soil? Understanding these practices can guide us in making healthier food choices.

The Vicious Cycle Our planet's health is a mirror of our own. The same practices that degrade our soil also contribute to environmental issues like climate change. This cycle of destruction affects the planet's ability to nourish us, creating a vicious cycle where both the Earth and its inhabitants suffer.

Every small choice we make in what we eat and how we live can contribute to a healthier planet and, in turn, a healthier us. By understanding and respecting the deep connection between the soil and our health, we can heal ourselves and the Earth. Happy Earth

Connect with Andrea:

Get Andrea’s Free Offer: This E-Book outlines a simple and effective program to help you improve your health in just five days.


Oh ,my HEALTH...


There is


Just listened to the episode on medical gaslighting and could totally relate to Ashe‘s story. I have my own experience of doctors not listening and being treated for the wrong thing for 3 years. This is such a must listen episode!

Lyn Thomson, 05/19/2022


Jana and her guests uplift and inspire in every episode! A must listen for anyone looking to level up in business, mindset, and life—highly recommend!

maddie@podcastingyou, 02/14/2022



on Itunes 1.9k Ratings



Best Holistic Life April 2024



Popping a gummy in your mouth before bed has been

Receptors in the Endocannabinoid System:

the new craze and has only escalated in the past year. It

• CB1 Receptors: Found primarily in the central nervous

is suspected to blow up in popularity as the future night

system, including the brain, CB1 receptors are involved

regime for most. As it grows increasingly popular, it has

in various functions, including mood, memory, and

researchers more intrigued on more cross sectional studies for further data supporting claims, as it has shown to have

sleep. • CB2 Receptors: Predominantly located in the periph-

a long list of potential health benefits.

eral nervous system, immune cells, and other organs,

In recent years, CBD (cannabidiol) has emerged as a popular

CB2 receptors are associated with immune system

natural remedy for a variety of ailments, and one area where it's gaining considerable attention is sleep. With an increas-



ing number of individuals seeking alternatives to traditional

• The body produces its own cannabinoids, known as

sleep aids, CBD gummies have become a sweet and acces-

endocannabinoids. Two primary endocannabinoids

sible option. CBD gummies are now becoming a staple for

are anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG).

sleep, as findings show these delicious treats contribute to

• CBD's Interaction:

pain management, anxiety and stress.

• CBD, as a phytocannabinoid derived from the cannabis

CBD is a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis

plant, interacts with the ECS but does not directly bind

plant. Unlike its counterpart THC (tetrahydrocannabinol),

to CB1 or CB2 receptors in the same way that THC does.

CBD does not induce a "high." Instead, it interacts with the

• Instead, CBD influences the ECS by inhibiting the

endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the body, which plays a

enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), respon-

crucial role in regulating various physiological processes,

sible for breaking down anandamide. This inhibition

including sleep. The ECS consists of endocannabinoids,

leads to increased levels of anandamide in the body,

receptors, and enzymes that work together to maintain

contributing to its various effects, including potential

balance, or homeostasis, within the body.

sleep benefits.

U n w r a p p i n g t h e Sw e e t D r e am s : C B D G umm i e s a n d Th e i r R o l e i n Im p r o v i n g S l e e p



Best Holistic Life April 2024

U n w r a p p i n g t h e Sw e e t D r e am s : C B D G umm i e s a n d Th e i r R o l e i n Im p r o v i n g S l e e p

Sleep and Anxiety:

and a good dosage to start is around 25 milligrams.

• CBD's anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) properties are

However, there always seems to be some type of warn-

well-documented. Anxiety and stress are common

ing, and although considered an alternative to a phar-

contributors to sleep disturbances. By interacting

maceutical, the more natural options can have side

with receptors in the brain's limbic system, CBD

effects too. CBD gummies have been known in some

may reduce anxiety and create a more relaxed state

cases to cause dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite,

conducive to sleep.

drowsiness and fatigue, so take with caution.

Pain Management:

If you plan on trying CBD or want to start including it

• Chronic pain is another factor that can disrupt

in your night time regime for better sleep, I suggest

sleep. CBD has been studied for its potential anal-

you purchase it from a dispensary, which is an estab-

gesic (pain-relieving) properties, which may indi-

lishment legally licensed to sell marijuana. Dispensa-

rectly contribute to improved sleep for individuals

ries must follow certain standards and label their items

experiencing pain-related sleep issues.

and include if there's any THC in the product and how

Regulating Sleep-Wake Cycle: • The ECS is involved in the regulation of the sleep-

much. Small amounts of THC usually aren't problematic, but larger amounts could cause a “high”.

wake cycle. CBD may influence this cycle by modu-

To conclude, CBD gummies offer a flavorful and enjoy-

lating factors that impact sleep, such as cortisol

able way to explore the potential benefits of CBD for

levels and circadian rhythms.

sleep. While research on CBD and sleep is still in its

It's important to note that the optimal CBD dosage

early stages, many users report positive experiences.

for sleep can vary from person to person. Factors such

Again, as with any supplement, it's advisable to consult

as body weight, individual tolerance, and the sever-

with a healthcare professional before incorporating

ity of sleep issues all play a role. Starting with a low

CBD into your routine, especially if you have pre-exist-

dose and gradually increasing it allows users to gauge

ing health conditions or are taking other medications.

their body's response and find the ideal amount for

CBD gummies appeal to a broader demographic,

their needs.

including individuals who might be hesitant to try

When considering CBD gummies for sleep, it's crucial

other forms of CBD. The familiar and enjoyable format

to select high-quality products from reputable brands.

of gummies makes them more approachable, even

Look for gummies made with organic hemp, as this

for those who are new to CBD products. Many CBD

ensures the CBD is free from pesticides and contami-

gummies are vegan, gluten-free, and free of artifi-

nants. Additionally, third-party lab testing can provide

cial additives, making them suitable for individuals

transparency about the product's CBD content and

with dietary restrictions or specific preferences. Sweet


dreams may just be a gummy away, as individuals

Taking CBD gummies can last anywhere from 4 to

continue to unlock the potential of CBD in their quest

6 hours depending on your weight, age and overall

for a good night's sleep.

health; but some individuals have reported to have longer lasting effects. Taking a gummy 1 to 2 hours

Connect with Dr. Tawnie:

before bed will allow it to absorb into your system,



Best Holistic Life April 2024


Have you ever heard the expression, “youth is wasted on the young”? This is an expression that crosses cultural boundaries and resonates in a humorous way with people across the globe because it’s true in many ways. While there are great and not so great elements to every stage of life, the fast metabolisms, boundless energy and bouncy skin that come with our teens and twenties are something that many of us become wistful for as we enter our forties and beyond. We feel that it’s a shame that we can’t enjoy those things more in our later years when we’re happier, more stable, more secure and therefore supposedly more able to appreciate and enjoy them. But thanks to incredible leaps in medicine over the last few decades, getting older is not what it used to be. Not my a mile. We know so much more about nutrition, fitness, orthopedic medicine, hormone replacement and mental health than we ever have before. We have access to things like lasers and Botox that can dramatically improve our skin’s ability to age gracefully and beautifully. And as more and more of the general public becomes aware of how corrupt much of big pharma is and how much fake, processed food many of us are consuming on a daily basis, there’s a

Fitness and Wellness After Age Forty

mass return to natural and homeopathic medicine that is

5,000 IUs of vitamin D3 with K2 every single day (10,000

revolutionizing everything we know about wellness and

IUs is even better!), and should also be supplementing with

internal health.

calcium and getting regular bone density screenings. Your

Still, there are some specific basics that everyone should

risk of bone density problems goes up if osteoporosis runs

be mindful of when they’re looking to start or optimize a

in your family, so it’s never too early to begin a daily regi-

fitness and wellness journey after the age of forty. Many

ment of vitamin D.

people just don’t know what the specifics are, so they often

3.) Maintaining muscle mass.

spin their wheels needlessly in many different directions

The best thing that you can do for your body composition

trying to figure out why they still don’t look or feel their

as you get older is focus on maintaining muscle mass. This


becomes more and more difficult the older we get, but it’s

There are four major components to optimal wellness in

always possible with regular weight training and protein

this stage of life:

intake. Strive for two upper body and two lower body days

1.) Navigating hormonal changes and meno-

per week, and aim for 25-40 grams of protein at each meal


in order to optimize building and maintaining lean muscle.

Hormone disruption often happens for both men AND

4.) Managing stress and time constraints.

women in middle age and beyond, and this is one of the main

We all know that life gets really busy as an adult. Between

reasons why people’s metabolisms slow down and it feels

kids, work, bills and the general stressors of daily life, it can

more difficult to lose weight.

feel extremely challenging to find the motivation, time or

It is CRUCIAL to have regular lab work done to make sure

consistent discipline to eat and work out the way we know

that your hormones are at normal, balanced levels, and it’s

that we should.

equally crucial that you maintain a hormone replacement

But like most things, fitness and general wellness all come

regimen prescribed by a doctor if one is needed. Fortunately,

down to how badly you want them and how far you’re will-

there are lots of great companies now offering remote

ing to go to keep the promises that you make to yourself.

consultation over the phone and easy, cheap lab appoint-

Even small daily changes can add up big over time.

ments wherever you live, whether you have insurance or not.

Park in the back at the grocery store and walk. Take the

As I mentioned before, we are incredibly fortunate to be

stairs instead of the elevator. Make your workouts a non

living in a time when we have something this crucial and

negotiable appointment that you actually schedule into

revolutionary available to us.

your calendar.

2.) Addressing bone health concerns.

Long term consistency is what wins this game in the end,

Just like hormones tend to deplete and become disrupted

and figuring out how to make this a permanent part of your

as we get older, our bones can start to break down around

lifestyle is one of the most rewarding things you will ever

this time too unless we are taking active, daily measures to


prevent this from happening.

Readers of Holistic Life magazine get 20% off any program

Women over 40 in particular should be taking at LEAST

that I offer with code EM20!



Best Holistic Life April 2024

Pu t M o r e S p r i n g i n Y o u r S t e p w i t h 3 S i m p l e T i p s

PUT MORE SPRING IN YOUR STEP WITH 3 SIMPLE TIPS BY JULIE MICHELSON Vitality is the essence of a lively, energetic life. Too often, our energy levels could be more optimal in our busy world. Increase your physical,

• Involve friends or family in your outdoor activities. This will make it even more fun and build in some accountability.

spiritual, and emotional energy by incorporating three transformative

The activity you choose must bring you joy. If you love it, you will

lifestyle choices: enriching your diet with seasonal vegetables,

stick with it.

embracing outdoor activities, and optimizing your sleep. These are

Reset Your Sleep Schedule

just habits; they are pathways to a more vibrant you.

Sleep is the cornerstone of health and energy. A well-rested body

Increase Seasonal Vegetable Intake

is an energized body. When we sleep, we not only recharge, but we

Vegetables aren’t just about health; they’re about energy. Packed

repair, detox, and balance hormones. Did you know that good sleep

with essential nutrients, they are the unsung heroes in our quest for

promotes weight optimization? Quality sleep also boosts brain


function, enhancing memory, cognition, and focus.

Rich in Nutrients:

Implementation Ideas

Vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These compounds combat fatigue, boost your immune system, and help ward off chronic illnesses. Implementation Ideas • Head to your local farmer’s market to find nutrient-dense veggies in season.

• Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Most adults need between 7-9 hours for optimal health. • Implement a consistent sleep schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day consistently strengthens your body’s sleep-wake cycle. • Create a pre-sleep routine, ideally avoiding blue light for two

• Eat the rainbow – include a variety of colorful veggies every day.

hours before bedtime. Incorporate something relaxing to help

• Include an abundance of vegetables at every meal.

you unwind (ie, reading, meditation, warm bath).

• Try an unfamiliar vegetable each week in your meal plan. Start from where you are and build from there. Consider adding one

• Optimize your sleep environment to ensure it is dark, cool, and comfortable.

extra vegetable to each meal to make it simple.

Focusing on sleep quality and sufficient quantity will noticeably

Move it Outdoors

enhance your vitality.

Nature recharges us. Outdoor activities combine the benefits of

Slow and steady for the win! It is always best to take small, manageable

physical exercise with the rejuvenating power of being in nature.

steps when creating new habits. Choose one area to begin with.

Whatever your optimal activity level, move it outdoors for enhanced

Consider which area needs the most up-level or what might be the


easiest to implement successfully. Once you have incorporated one

The benefits of outdoor activity include improved physical and mental

new habit into your routine, add another.

health. It also supports your immune system by exposure to sunlight.

Time and motivation can be significant hurdles. Just remember, small

Not only can that help with your sleep cycle, but it supports Vitamin

steps lead to big changes. Prep your veggies in advance, schedule your

D levels, which is essential for your immune system.

hikes on the calendar, and prioritize your bedtime routine.

Implementation Ideas

These are more than just health tips. They are transformative practices

• Move your current exercise outdoors. Trade the treadmill for a

that can significantly enhance your vitality and overall well-being.

walk outside, take your yoga mat out, cycle the neighborhood, etc.

Embrace these changes and step into a life brimming with energy

• Add in a daily walk to boost energy and improve mood.

and health.

• Plan a weekly activity such as hiking or cycling to add adventure.

Connect with Julie:



Best Holistic Life April 2024


Welcome back to my year-long article series at BHL Magazine as we jour-

down the volume on the emotional intensity of the memory, empowering

ney together through the transformative 12-step program I use to assist my

yourself to move forward.

ex-military clients, law enforcement officers, and first responders. I have kept

2. Submodalities: Rewiring Your Emotional Responses

these articles clear and straightforward to follow. I hope they are helpful. In my

Submodalities refer to the finer details of our sensory experiences. This NLP

previous articles, we delved into the power of neuro-linguistic programming

technique focuses on the specific attributes of your mental images, sounds,

(NLP) in the first three steps: setting clear goals, redefining self-identity, and

and feelings to create positive changes in emotional responses.

mastering communication and emotional intelligence. In Step 4, we explore "Emotional Regulation and Overcoming Trauma," employing NLP techniques to help you build resilience and navigate life's challenges. Refrain from underestimating your inner strength; you are stronger than you think. We all face challenges that can teach us to change our mindsets and make us stronger than we ever imagined. Resilience is a crucial trait I recognize among my clients and their families, especially for those who have served

• Identify Negative Submodalities: Pinpoint the specific aspects of a negative memory or emotion, such as its color, brightness, or distance. • Alter the Submodalities: Change the negative attributes to positive ones. For example, if the negative memory is in black and white, visualize it in vivid colors. If it's distant, bring it closer. • Reframe the Experience: Reimagine the memory with the altered submodalities. Notice how this changes your emotional response.

in demanding roles. In this step, let's focus on three distinct NLP techniques

By manipulating the submodalities of your mental representations, you can

to empower you to manage emotions and overcome past traumas, laying the

reshape how you perceive and react to past events, promoting you on your

foundation for a more resilient and empowered future. We're getting into feel-

journey of emotional healing and resilience.

ings here; it can get intense. Keep reminding yourself, "I am stronger than I

3. Future Pacing: Building Positive Expectations


Future Pacing is an NLP technique that mentally rehearses positive outcomes

1. The Visual-Kinesthetic Dissociation Technique: Over-

to create a sense of excitement and confidence in facing future challenges.

coming Trauma

You see this constantly with Olympic athletes before their turn to compete.

This NLP technique is particularly powerful for individuals who have experi-

They close their eyes and imagine themselves making the perfect attempt

enced traumatic events. The Visual-Kinesthetic Dissociation Technique helps

and performance.

you detach from traumatic memories, making them less emotionally charged. Like turning down the volume button on your television. • Identify the Traumatic Memory: Choose a specific memory that triggers negative emotions or anxiety. • Create a Mental Image: Visualize the memory as if it's on a screen in front of you. Make it black and white, blurry, and smaller in size. • Introduce Positive Elements: Add positive elements to the mental image, such as a comforting figure or a soothing environment.

• Identify a Future Challenge: Choose a situation you anticipate might be challenging or triggering. • Visualize Success: Imagine yourself navigating the situation with ease and success. Picture positive reactions and emotions. • Step into the Future Image: Mentally step into the future image, experiencing the success and positive emotions you associate with it. By regularly practicing the Future Pacing technique, you program your mind to anticipate success and positivity, fostering a proactive and resilient mind-

• Step into the Positive Image: Imagine stepping into the new positive

set. You know how to do this; we do this naturally as children. We hit the

image, letting yourself experience the new feelings associated with it,

game-winning home run, scored an overtime goal in the Stanley Cup Finals,

and be entirely in the new moment.

and accepted the Nobel prize. It's not just pretending; it's our little minds'

By dissociating from the negative emotions linked to the traumatic memory

Future Pacing the life we want. We get excited and joyous with the emotions

and associating with positive elements, you can gradually reduce, turning

as we celebrate. Do you remember that?

R esi l ience Un l eashed : S te p 4 o f the N LP - Powered T rans f ormation I ntrod u ction

Conclusion and Invitation to Step 5

strengthen mental and emotional resilience, equipping you with

With practice, Step 4: "Emotional Regulation and Overcoming

the tools to face life's challenges with unwavering strength.

Trauma," empowers you to build resilience and reclaim control

Are you ready to continue the journey of self-discovery and

over your emotional responses. The NLP techniques—Visu-

empowerment? Great! I'll see you here next month as we delve

al-Kinesthetic Dissociation, Submodalities, and Future Pacing—

into the profound impact of resilience-building with Neuro-Lin-

provide powerful tools to manage trauma and foster emotional

guistic Programming. Your resilience is your strength, and I'm


here to guide you toward a more resilient and empowered future.

As I conclude this article, I invite you to join me next month for

If you are ready for more, join me at, and

Step 5: "Building Resilience with Neuro-Linguistic Program-

together, we can build the life you want.

ming." In this step, we will explore advanced NLP techniques to

Connect with Scott:


1 41

Best Holistic Life April 2024

Spring Cleaning Your Life: A Comprehensive Guide to Refreshing Seven Crucial Areas


As the vibrant colors of spring start to bloom and the days grow

essential oils and forgo those toxic air fresheners. Get your leather or

longer, it's the perfect time to embark on a transformative journey

upholstery cleaned. A clean car provides a more pleasant driving expe-

of renewal – not just for your home, but for your entire life. Just as

rience, fostering a positive and focused mindset.

you declutter your living spaces, it's essential to declutter your mind

5. Laundry

and lifestyle. Let's dive into seven key areas – Kitchen, Office, Closet,

Tackling the laundry room is an often-overlooked aspect of spring

Car, Laundry, Bathroom, and Bedroom – and explore how a thorough

cleaning. Clean lint traps (fire hazard), organize cleaning supplies,

spring cleaning can bring clarity, organization, and a fresh perspec-

and discard expired products. Check and replace hoses and filters in

tive to your life. Remove the overwhelm by doing one area per week

your washing machine, ensuring it runs efficiently. A well-maintained

in 17 minute increments. Hey, if the clean buzz gets you going, you

laundry area not only enhances the functionality of your appliances

may decide to forgo the timer idea — but the best way to start is small,

but also contributes to a more organized home. Did you know there

just like any new habit.

is a collection trap at the bottom or your washing machine — it’s a

1. Kitchen

stink hole. Clean it out!

Begin your life-refreshing journey in the heart of your home – the

6. Bathroom

kitchen. Empty out cluttered cabinets of food that doesn’t serve your

The bathroom is a sanctuary for relaxation and self-care. Consider

goals, dispose of expired items, and organize your pantry. Consider

investing in storage solutions to maximize space. A clean and orga-

donating unused kitchenware or gadgets. Streamline your cooking

nized bathroom fosters a sense of tranquility and contributes to your

utensils and create a functional layout. A clean and organized kitchen

overall well-beingDispose of expired toiletries, declutter counter-

promotes a healthier lifestyle, making meal preparation more enjoy-

tops, and organize your medicine cabinet. If you want to learn holis-


tic health tips, contact me, I’d love to show you how I cleared life-

2. Office

long asthmatic bronchitis, pain from skeletal degenerative pain and

Your workspace significantly influences your productivity and mind-

gut issues.

set. Sort through paperwork, file important documents, and clear out

7. Bedroom

unnecessary clutter. Evaluate your digital space as well – organize

Your bedroom is your retreat, and its atmosphere directly impacts

emails, delete unused files, and update software. A tidy office fosters

your quality of sleep. This sanctuary should not have cluttered

a more focused and efficient work environment, paving the way for

surfaces. Rotate your mattress, and invest in quality bedding. I love

enhanced creativity and success.

my Wynn down pillows and comforter. They make for a great cozy

3. Closet

night’s sleep. Donate or discard items that no longer serve a purpose

The state of your closet reflects your personal style and mindset.

in your haven. A clean and serene bedroom promotes restful sleep

Donate clothes you no longer wear, discard damaged items, and orga-

and a rejuvenated mind.

nize your wardrobe by season. An organizer once helped me create a

Spring cleaning is not just about tidying up physical spaces; it's about

capsule wardrobe (a collection of clothing and accessories that can

rejuvenating your life in its entirety. As you embark on this journey

all mix and match to make several different outfits) to simplify my

through your kitchen, office, closet, car, laundry, bathroom, and

choices and reduce decision fatigue. A well-organized closet not only

bedroom, you're not just creating a cleaner environment – you're

streamlines your morning routine but also promotes a sense of clar-

creating a foundation for a refreshed and more intentional life.

ity and confidence in your personal style.

Embrace the process, and let the energy of spring propel you towards

4. Car

a brighter, more organized future.

Your vehicle is an extension of your personal space, and a cluttered car

Don't forget to grab your Spring Cleaning Your Life: A Comprehen-

can contribute to stress. Empty out unnecessary items, vacuum the

sive Guide to Refreshing Seven Crucial Areas.

interior, and clean the windows. Address any lingering odors by using



Best Holistic Life April 2024


We all love our routines, and the unknown tends to scare us.

by the way, he still doesn’t speak any other languages than

Most times, we'd rather stick to what we know than take a

English, but we travel a lot and he likes it! And the food? Well

risk. But here's the thing: Taking a risk can totally change

at home it’s still wings, pizza, pasta, steak, and French fries,

your life. So, why are we so hesitant to say yes to new oppor-

but when we go out, he’ll at least try new food. The most

tunities? Let me ask you a question: Have you ever said yes

important part, I wake up every day with a smile even if he

to something you weren't sure about and ended up pleas-

doesn’t check all the boxes. I could've stuck to my comfort

antly surprised?

zone, said no, and missed out on what turned out to be the

I have! And something unexpected hit me. I had a very specific

best decision of my life. What was the worst that could've

list for the ideal boyfriend: He should be European like me so

happened? A short drink and going home? Not that bad.

we have more things in common. If he is American, then he

I know that taking the plunge takes courage and exposes

must at least speak three languages. He must be well-trav-

us to challenges, but it also helps with personal growth and

eled like me and have the time and means to do so. Oh, and he

development. Overcoming fears and uncertainties associated

has to love fine food because I am a foodie and not into that

with these chances not only builds resilience but also boosts

processed stuff. I knew that if I met someone who had the

self-confidence which leads to a more positive outlook on life.

qualities from this list, I would hit the jackpot.

Think about it next time you are facing a situation where you

I am sure you have some kind of list as well. Maybe your list

think it won’t work… and try to go for it. I am not telling you

isn’t about the perfect boyfriend but about your dream job

to say yes to big decisions right away; you can start small. Say

or a life-changing move. How many times have you said no

yes to a movie, say yes to a new restaurant, say yes to a job

because it didn’t fit the profile and you wanted to prevent a

interview, or say yes to a date…

negative outcome? Rejecting opportunities that don't meet

Investing in you and new opportunities by saying YES is one

your checklist might mean missing out on a transformative

of the essential ingredients in my Happiness Cocktail. Every

experience. I get it—I spent too much time dating "my type"

month I reveal another ingredient from my delicious elixir

until I took a chance.

so if you missed any of the previous cocktail components, be

I said yes to a date with an American man who speaks only

sure to catch up on the previous articles and stay tuned for

English with a Brooklyn accent and eats mostly wings and

future insights. If you need personalized guidance, scan the

pizza. Nothing from my list… Before our first date, I knew

QR code below to set up your FREE Happiness Breakthrough

this was going to be a short date, and I would be home in an

Session. I'm here to help you kickstart your path to happiness.

hour at the most. What could be talked about, we didn’t have

Remember: when you say YES, it opens the door to excit-

much in common…

ing possibilities and enriching encounters that can trans-

Oh well, I was wrong, the first date lasted six hours and we

form your life.

never left each other again…

Connect with Nathalie:

It's been nearly four years since we have been together, and

W ha t I f Y o u Say Y e s t o n e w P o s s i b i l i t i e s A n d B e H a p p y



Best Holistic Life April 2024



The first time I heard about Artificial Intelligence (AI), I

3. AI for Content Generation and SEO

couldn't help but think of E.T., the friendly extraterrestrial

AI algorithms can read and understand online content

from Steven Spielberg's cinematic masterpiece. Just as E.T

akin to human behavior, leading to more accurate Search

began to feel like a realistic part of the family instead of

Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies. Furthermore, they

an alien, AI too, despite initially seeming futuristic and

can generate straightforward content like articles, blogs,

unfamiliar, has woven itself seamlessly into our lives.

financial summaries or simple news reports, keeping your

E.T. brilliantly encapsulated the notion of viewing an alien

content fresh and SEO-friendly.

entity, initially with apprehension and misunderstanding,

4. Generative AI for Enhanced Branding

but eventually accepting and embracing it as a vital member

Harness the power of Generative Adversarial Networks

of the household.

(GANs) to create unique visual content, such as logos,

Similarly, AI may seem like a complex, intimidating concept,

images, and animations. By leveraging generative AI, you

especially when it comes to how it can be exploited in the

can enhance your brand identity and ensure consistency

business landscape. However, instead of perceiving AI as an

across all platforms, both online and offline.

extraterrestrial stranger, it's time we acknowledged it as

5. AI-Assisted Pricing Optimization

an essential tool in our entrepreneurial arsenal, especially

AI algorithms can analyze pricing history, competitors'

in the world of marketing, where AI has emerged as a

pricing, market trends, and other factors to determine

competitive gamechanger.

the optimal pricing strategy for your products or services.

Let's delve into eleven ways in which entrepreneurs can

This ensures that your pricing remains competitive while

harness AI to power up their marketing strategies and

also maximizing profit margins.

catapult their businesses to greater heights.

6. AI-Driven Email Marketing Automation

1. Personalizing Customer

With AI, you can automate and optimize email marketing

Experience with AI AI's ability to parse vast amounts of

campaigns. AI-driven email marketing tools segment

data enables it to offer hyper-personalized consumer

your customer base, analyze customer behavior, and

experiences, catering to individual expectations like

personalize content, ensuring that your messages reach

never before. From product recommendations to content

the right audience at the right time, leading to higher

personalization, AI provides custom solutions that foster

conversion rates.

customer loyalty and boost revenue.

7. Social Media Analytics & Insights

2. Streamlining Operations with AI

AI can monitor social media channels and analyze consumer

Whether it's automating repetitive tasks or fine-tuning

interactions to provide valuable insights into audience

logistics, AI can streamline operations and save resources.

preferences, behavior, and sentiment. These findings can

For instance, AI can automate monotonous parts of

be utilized to make data-driven decisions, create social

customer service, freeing your team to focus on tasks

media strategies, and fine-tune marketing campaigns to

requiring a more personalized touch.

drive better engagement.

1 1 Sma r t W ay s t o U s e A I t o P o w e r U p Y o u r M a r k e t i n g S t r a t e g i e s a n d G r o w Y o u r B u s i n e s s

8. Better Targeted and Automated Ads AI has revolutionized advertising. It analyzes consumer behaviors and demographics, delivering individually targeted ads that speak directly to potential customers' needs and interests. Suddenly, the scattergun approach to advertising seems archaic and wasteful.

9. Data Analysis – Optimizing Marketing Campaigns Data is the lifeblood of modern marketing, and AI excels in analyzing enormous datasets swiftly and accurately. It uncovers patterns and insights far beyond human capabilities, which marketers can use to tailor, refine, and optimize their campaigns, driving conversion rates upward.

10. Engaging Customers with AI Chatbots AI-powered chatbots are evolving customer interactions, offering instant, round-the-clock interaction that helps nurture leads and close sales. By being available 24/7, businesses can improve customer satisfaction and capture potential leads anytime, anywhere.

11. Smart Virtual Assistants for Multitasking AI-powered virtual assistants, such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, enable entrepreneurs to multitask effectively. These intelligent assistants can carry out an array of tasks hands-free, such as managing schedules, conducting research, and tracking sales, allowing business owners to focus on other essential aspects of their enterprise. AI has transitioned from being a mere sci-fi concept to an instrumental force that's systematically reshaping the business world as we know it. Disruption and accelerated growth are being witnessed across sectors, undeniably propelled by AI. Like E.T., the unfamiliar has now become an imperative part of our intellectual family. Forward-thinking entrepreneurs, equipped with AI-driven strategies, not only harness the future but markedly fuel their business growth, optimize efficiency, and strengthen customer relations, thereby gaining a competitive edge in today's dynamic market. So, wherever your business stands in its AI journey, remember: The future is not only here, but it's also resoundingly intelligent.

Connect with L.Y.:



Best Holistic Life April 2024

MONTHLY ENERGY UPDATE BY LAETITIA ANDRAC Welcome to this space of the magazine. The one you connect with each month. The moon, the sun. Your spiritual being This is an invitation for you to set intentions and reflect throughout the month of April at key moments that punctuate the solar and lunar cycles – a form of soul nourishment. Have courage, dear heart... This is a month for the Sun and the Moon. Grab a cup of tea (or coffee), your journal and an open mind.

Let us get started.

S U N IN A RIES A N D T A U R U S March 22 - April 20:

Aries: the energy of courage. To embrace your true self. To be free.


It is about the principle of activity.

Create a ritual to connect with the moon. Let me share more about

Aries is about this force and this drive. The Warrior or Warrioress.

the moon phases and how to honor these.

To embrace change and take risks. It is the first sign of the zodiac. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of leadership.

L A S T Q U A R T E R M O O N : R E - E V A LU A T E .

Aries always push forward to new territories and lead.

Last Quarter Moon at 17° in Capricorn (Monday 1.04 at 11.05 PM CDT

The shadows of Aries are impatience, being very impatient and

and Tuesday 2.04 at 5.05 AM BST and 3.05 PM AEST).

impulsive. Not going through with the ideas.

The time to surrender.

Pisces Intention + Capricorn Moon = Water + Earth element connection.

JOURNAL PROMPTS: What will I put all my fiery energy into this month? What current change do I need to

Capricorn is a yin sign, it is cardinal and aligns with the element of


Earth. Capricorn is the sea goat and all about the aspect of blending our spiritual self (we are spiritual creators) and having an earthly

April 21 - May 20:


Taurus:the sign of being abundant. Productivity and creation by hand and body. Being resourceful and persistent. Very slow and steady.

JOURNAL PROMPTS: How can I connect to the earth at this time? How can I bring balance in my life right now?

Taurus is ruled by Venus and Venus is sensual, all about love, beauty and money. Taurus is the most sensual sign.


The shadow of Taurus is being stubborn and scattered. Taurus is

ew Moon at 19° in Aries + Solar Eclipse (Monday 8.04 at 1.21 PM CDT,

often looking for external validation.

7.21 PM BST and Tuesday 9.04 at 4.21 AM AEST). Connect with the seeds to be planted.

JOURNAL PROMPTS:What makes me feel abundant right now? What abundance do I already have? Create a list.

Aries Intention + Aries Moon = Fire + Fire element connection. Aries is a yang sign, filled with fire and is cardinal.

M o n t h l y E n e r gy U p da t e


We act with courage under the New Moon in Aries. We also act with force. Force


is positive, it doesn’t have to be negative. So is conscious activism, this is very positive. The Warrior, also positive if we

Full Moon at 4° in Scorpio (Tuesday 23.04 at 6.49 PM CDT and Wednesday

evaluate the risk, consciously.

23.04 at 12.49 AM BST and 9.49 AM AEST). Expression of the need to embody

Aries is about caring and daring greatly. With this brings self-awareness,

passion. Under the Full Moon, all is illuminated. The seeds and intentions

confidence and looking after each other..

planted in the February New Moon are revealed.

Aries Intention + Scorpio Moon = Fire + Water element connection. JOURNAL PROMPTS: What is igniting under this New Moon in Aries? If I were stepping into sovereign energy, what would I do?

Scorpio is a ying sign, it is fixed and aligns with the element of water. Scorpio is about the principle of death and rebirth. The intention of facing our fears and knowing and stepping into our own power. The scorpion has this ability to really cause death.

FIRST Q U A RTER M OON : CO M M IT M ENT . FQ Moon at 22° in Cancer (Tuesday 15.04 at 2.13 AM, 8.13 AM BST and 5.13 PM

Death to us means clarifying our values and being deeply aligned to our vision. It is time to work on bringing your vision to life.

AEST). This is the time to take action. The time to grow. In the first Quarter Moon, you take inspired action towards the plans you have created.

Aries Intention + Cancer Moon = Water + Air element connection. Cancer is all about yin, it is cardinal and is a water sign. Yin is all about divine feminine and water is about embracing our emotions. The sign of cancer

JOURNAL PROMPTS: What is illuminated in this Full Moon with my New Moon intention? What do I need to let go of in order to birth something new?

represents nourishment, feeling safe, it is a nurturer. I encourage you to double down on the Cancer need for emotional nourishment.

What’s next?

Giving and feeling the emotional support.

Let's drop into meditation in order to access more clarity. Choose your favorite

Cancer is all about the softness and feminine parts of the body, so look after

type or if you need, head to Insight Timer and search ‘Laetitia Andrac’ for

those parts. This is a time for nourishment. What self care rituals can you

some guided meditations!

embrace at this time?

Let's feel the ocean of possibility… and allow life to pleasantly surprise us as Source co-creates our dreams with us

JOURNAL PROMPTS: How can I mother myself more at this time? What activity nourishes me the most?

To stay connected always with the moon. Download my free Moon Calendar from my article link. Let’s stay connected always. Until next time. With love. Laetitia. Connect with Laetitia:

Free Moon Calendar


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